An Awful Thing Has Gone and Happened (2022) Movie Script

[ominous music]
[bright, upbeat music]
- [Broadcaster]
Good morning to you.
This is 103.3 FM, WKYZ.
It's an early dark
morning, and it looks like
we might still have a little
gloomy weather on the way.
But enough about the weather.
Let's get to Swap 'N
Shop with me, Edie Jean.
Looks like the phones
are already blowing up,
so we better get to it.
[gun cocks]
You're on the air
with Edie Jean on
Swap 'N Shop Radio.
What's your name,
where are you from?
- [Caller] I'm Leanna.
I'm wanting to sell a Japanese--
- Oh, I got this for you.
- [Leanna] It's really
in a good condition.
You can even see the
Japanese writing on it.
- [Edie] You said you were
looking to trade this sword.
What were you looking for?
- [Leanna] Possibly a goat.
- [Caller] Chicken, guns.
- [Edie] If you need taxidermy.
- [Caller] Oh, hire your own.
- [Edie] So, you
heard her folks.
she's looking for a farm animal
that produces milk, maybe.
- [Caller] Extra dog food that
I'm not gonna need anymore,
and I just need
to get rid of it,
I just wanna get rid of it.
- Oh, I'm ready now.
- [Caller] So, if anybody
needs it, you know,
it's the good stuff.
- [Edie] Thanks for
tuning in, folks.
This is Edie Jean on 103.3 WKYZ.
Always remember, if you
want cash in your stash,
you gotta get rid of
the junk in your truck.
Bye now.
[crickets chirp]
[soft, suspenseful music]
[soil crunches]
[soil rustles]
[tape rips]
- [Person With
Flashlight] Augustus.
What the shit have you
got yourself into now?
- [Augustus] Dad?
- [Dad] Get out of the hole.
- What are you doing here?
[engine revs]
[lamp clicks]
[soft, suspenseful music]
[gun cocks]
- Fuck.
- Who is it?
- [Augustus] It's
fucking Ramsey.
- [Dad] Who's Ramsey?
- [Augustus] Get
down and shut up.
- Seems like we had a
breakdown in communication.
You see, as I
recall, the plan was
that you leave the money
with the man in town.
And for some reason,
that plan has changed.
I don't particularly like
it when things change.
Here we are, fuckin'
around in all this dark.
And you're trying to
take what is mine.
But I'm gonna give
you an opportunity
to do the right thing and
bring to me what is mine.
[soft, tense music]
- Oh, shit.
- [Ramsey] Now, goddammit.
- We gotta go.
- [Ramsey] Gotcha.
[suspenseful music]
[gunshot blasts]
[gunshot blasts]
[bodies thud]
[combatants grunt]
[officer retches]
- Oh, God.
Yes, Sheriff, coming.
- Well, this is fucked.
- Yep.
I can't even make out
who he is for sure.
He's probably been
up there sometime.
- Mm.
I'm not so sure about that.
I think some of the woodland
creatures been workin' on him.
[birds caw]
[officer retches]
[soft, ominous music]
- There are three live shotgun
rounds by the passenger side of
the truck.
Now, why would you dig a
grave and not put a man in it?
- Oh, I don't think that
hole was made for putting in.
I think it's for taking out now.
Hey, you ever have any dealings
with this guy, Augustus Lane?
- Yeah, yeah, that's
Jonathan Lane's boy.
Why, you think that's
him hanging up there?
- Maybe, I don't know.
It sure is looking that way.
Now, hold him steady.
It's slipping.
- Hold, hold, hold.
[officer retches]
- Hey, come here.
Come here.
- Oh, God.
- Right here.
Goddamn, you show that
man some fucking respect.
I told you to hold.
- I was trying.
- Well, you need to try harder.
Now, come on, let's get
this body back to town.
We're gonna be
breaking some hearts.
[telephone rings]
- Hello?
- Oh, good, you're at your desk.
Hey, Birdie.
Did you get my last minute
note on the Jameson layout?
- Oh, no, what do you need?
- Oh, well, I gave a note
to Jen to pass along.
I guess she didn't.
It's a small thing,
I just think we need
to tighten up a bit
on the spring rushes.
Just a lot of fluff
in that section.
- Okay.
[cellphone rings]
- Look, if you need to
get that, I can come back.
- I'll just tell them
I'll call them back.
One sec.
- [Caller] Yes, hello.
Is this Miss Birdie Lane?
- Yes.
- [Caller] Is your
brother Augustus?
- Yes.
Can I call you--
- [Caller] I'm Tucker Riddles,
the coroner for Unicoi County,
and well, an awful thing
has gone and happened.
I'm afraid to say your
brother, well, he was killed.
Your brother, Augustus.
- Killed?
- [Tucker] That
seems to be the case.
- What happened?
- [Tucker] I'm sorry, Ms. Lane,
but as I'm sure
you've seen on TV,
I can't exactly go and
talk about an open case.
- Case?
- [Tucker] Yes, ma'am.
I'm sorry, but,
well, I had to go
and declare your
brother's death a homicide
on account of,
well, the evidence.
But I really can't say anymore.
- Have you talked to my father?
- [Tucker] No.
Now, it's the funniest thing.
I've tried calling
him and calling him,
but for the life of me, I
never did get ahold of him.
Ms. Lane, I hate to ask this,
but because I can't
find your father,
would you be able to
come down here tomorrow
and claim your brother's body?
- I don't know.
I can try.
- [Tucker] Okay, honey,
we'll see you tomorrow, then.
Bye bye now.
[phone clicks]
[soft music]
- Hey, Birdie.
So, like we were
talking about before.
What the hell happened?
- [Birdie] My brother died.
- Oh, Birdie, I'm so sorry.
Don't worry about the
Jameson thing, okay?
Take some time.
I'm sure Jen is ready to step up
and take the lead
on this anyway, so.
I mean, the client loves you.
[manager laughs]
But we'll make it work, so.
- I wasn't close to him, but
it's still shocking, you know?
They need my help
identifying him.
I can still handle the--
[cellphone rings]
- One second.
Well, they're late.
Yeah, well we're gonna have
to rush the prints to
get it done on time.
I don't give a shit,
make it happen.
Anyways, okay, so are you sure
you still wanna stay on this?
Because I'd feel way more
comfortable if you were.
When can you be
back in the office?
- I don't really know.
I'm not real sure what's--
[cellphone beeps]
- Shit.
Okay, look, I gotta put
out another fire, okay?
I'm trusting you to make this
Jameson deal happen, okay?
All right, you're my girl.
[tongue clicks]
All right.
Oh, legal left a
memo with a change.
Can you give that to Jen for me?
- No problem.
- All right, thanks.
[tongue clicks]
[soft, somber music]
- Dad. I just left the airport.
I'm about 30 minutes away.
Please call me back, please.
[phone rings]
- [Jen] Hello, this is Jen.
- Hey, it's Birdie.
Did you file those
C-56 reports yet?
- [Jen] I haven't yet, do
you need me to do that now?
- No, no, that's actually good.
There's a change.
So, on page 78, legal wants us,
[distortion blares]
[phone beeps]
[Birdie sighs]
[door knocks]
Dad, please open up.
It's Birdie.
Come on, open the door.
[door knocks]
[footsteps clop]
[window rattles]
[Birdie sighs]
[lamp clicks]
[suitcase clicks]
[lamp clicks]
[Birdie sighs]
[lamp clicks]
[Birdie sighs]
[phone rings]
- [Jen] Hi, it's
Jennifer, leave a message.
- Hey, it's Birdie.
Sorry it's late, I'm in the
mountains without service.
I'm gonna be out of the
office for a few days,
but I wanted to get
you that change on 78.
Legal wants us to say,
"in perpetuity throughout
the known universe."
Okay, let me know if you have--
- [Automated Voice] You've
reached the end of your message.
To save, press one.
To re-record, press two.
[phone beeps]
[paper rustles]
- [Tucker] Hey, folks.
It's that time of year again.
Make sure you come
on out and vote
for Tucker Riddles
for County Coroner.
That's Tucker Riddles of
Riddles & Son Funeral Home.
We've been serving
you and your family
for the last 50 years,
and it would be my honor
to serve you as
your county coroner.
Go on now, get out
there and vote for me,
Tucker Riddles for
Unicoi County Coroner.
[soft, ominous music]
[bicycle rattles]
I want my phone call
My phone call
My mother fucking phone call
My phone call
My phone call
I want my phone call
- Now, look here,
partner, that's enough.
Can I help you?
- Yeah.
- I said, can I help you?
- Yeah.
My brother died, and
someone told me to come in.
- Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
Why don't you grab a seat,
and the sheriff will
be right with you.
- Brooks?
Brooks, it's me, Birdie.
Augustus' sister.
- Yeah.
It's been a long time, Birdie.
- It has.
Did you hear about Augustus?
- [Brooks] Yeah.
Sorry about all that.
- Thanks.
- Where you been hiding?
- Nashville.
- Ooh, big time, little sis.
- I don't know about all that.
You still out doing stupid shit?
[handcuffs rattle]
- What it look like?
- Honey, you just say the word,
and I will gladly let
you use this nightstick.
- Oh no, that's okay.
Do you know anyone who
could have done this to him?
- I don't know.
- Bullshit.
You know everybody here.
- Bullshit, really?
Has anyone ever told you
how forced it sounds
when you cuss, Birdie?
It's not natural.
- You're avoiding
the fucking question.
[Brooks sighs]
- He got into some
really dumb shit,
and I didn't really run
with him that much anymore.
- Okay, well then who
was he running with?
[soft, tense music]
- Let's just say
I don't know them,
I don't want them to know me,
and you sure as fuck don't
want them to know you.
- Can you at least
tell me their names?
Maybe I could tell the sheriff.
- Oh, excuse me, Sheriff?
- Uh-huh?
- She's that boy's sister.
The one from the mountain.
- Do what you know is right.
- Sheriff's waiting on you.
[soft, percussive music]
[Sheriff sighs]
- First of all, Ms. Lane,
I want to apologize to you
for Tucker Riddle's
calling before we spoke.
That's not how I do things.
Now, I'm sorry
about your brother.
- Thank you.
- I'd like to ask you a few
questions, if you're up for it.
When was the last time
you spoke with Augustus?
- It's been some time.
He started to get
into some trouble.
I just didn't really
feel comfortable
being around him much anymore.
- Well, what about your
mother and your father?
- Mom died when we were kids.
- [Sheriff] I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
It was a long time ago.
Have you talked to my father?
- I was just about to
ask you the same thing.
- I tried calling
him, and I went
to his house last night,
and he wasn't there.
- Well, I've seen this before.
I wouldn't worry too much,
your dad will show up
Now, did your brother and
your father ever fight
or get physical
with one another?
- Wait, are you
suggesting that my father
could have killed my brother?
- I'm not trying
to upset you here.
- Well, then what
are you trying to do?
- I'm trying to un-muddy
some water, sweetheart, okay?
I know this isn't pleasant,
but I've gotta ask you
these kinds of questions--
- Well, the answer is no.
My father would never
hurt my brother.
Or anyone.
- Okay.
I do need you to
identify some items
found with your brother,
in case anything
means something to
you that can help us.
- Do I have to look at his body?
- [Sheriff] No.
- Okay.
[soft, percussive music]
- Oh, you must be Ms. Lane.
Tucker Riddles, we spoke
on the phone the other day.
- Goddammit, Tucker.
The boy's hand is
hanging out to go fix it.
[Tucker speaks in
a foreign language]
[soft, playful music]
[Tucker pants]
[Tucker laughs]
Sorry about that.
Now, I have a few items
we found on your brother,
if you wouldn't mind
taking a look at 'em.
Now, these are all the items
we found on your brother.
No sticky fingers
are out here, now.
[Tucker chuckles]
You may even count the money
in his wallet, if
you would like.
- Thank you, Tucker.
I can take it from here.
- Oh yeah, absolutely,
you do your thing.
I'll just be right over here.
Yep, either of you two
need me for anything.
I'll just be right here
finishing my lunch.
- Do you recognize this vehicle?
- Yes.
It's my brother's.
- Is there anything
else on the table
that stands out to you?
- This was my grandfather's.
I think my father
gave it to him.
I remember when
my father got it,
when we were cleaning out
my grandfather's house.
He showed us how the blade
had aged over the years,
but how he kept it razor sharp.
- I really appreciate
you doing this.
Now, is there anything else?
- No.
- Sheriff, Sheriff.
I have some paperwork and
a little bit of business
to attend to with Ms.
Lane, if you don't mind.
It won't take very long.
- All right.
When you're finished
up over here,
just come across the
street to my office.
Tucker, a word.
- [Tucker] Absolutely, Sheriff.
- Did you get those fingerprints
and DNA off to the TBI?
- I got 'em addressed,
stamped, and everything.
- Good, I want those
in the mail today.
Is that clear?
And one more thing, Tucker.
- What's that, Sheriff?
- Don't ever call a
family member again, okay?
- I am so sorry, Sheriff,
I was just trying to help.
- That's my job.
You do your job,
and I do my job.
This is where you say, "I
understand you, Sheriff."
- I understand you, Sheriff.
- Good.
As for those
fingerprints and DNA,
I don't wanna repeat
of the bank robbery.
- Now, that was not
my fault, Sheriff.
- Oh, Tucker, we
both know it was.
[soft, percussive music]
- You have a good day, Sheriff.
Ms. Lane, Ms. Lane,
right this way, Ms. Lane.
[soft, somber organ music]
[door creaks]
[Tucker sighs]
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Gotta be willing to change
hats in this economy.
[Tucker sighs]
It's been a busy day.
We had a bus come in from
Gallatin the other day
with the track team on
it, the girls track team.
Bam, head on with a drunk
driver, lost three of 'em.
Sad, sad, sad.
Your brother's gonna have some
company downstairs tonight.
It's too bad it couldn't
been four of 'em.
The drunk driver, dear.
I meant that drunk bastard
survived, unfortunately.
You know, I've always been told
that if you're the drunk
driver, your body goes limp
like jello, so there's a
better chance of survival.
[Tucker sighs]
Such a shame.
But enough about that business.
I'm real sorry to hear
about you, brother.
I didn't know him personally,
but here's what
I've been thinking.
- I would really prefer
if my father be here.
- Nobody's been able to
find him since, you know.
I'm sure he's fine.
Man who loses a child like that?
Probably just wants to be
alone for a little while.
- I don't know if I--
- I understand,
but on the other hand,
time waits for no one.
It's already been a while,
and if we don't
do something soon,
we're gonna have a
situation on our hands
that really stinks, if
you know what I mean?
Someone's got to step
up, is that gonna be you?
I don't think you want
the county to do it.
- It seems that way.
- Good, now, was your
brother into sports?
I got some real nice
sports-themed coffins here.
Young man like that
had to be into sports.
- [Birdie] I don't know, really.
- Okay, okay.
Well, what about this one here?
That's real mahogany, nothing
like going out in style.
Plus, this one also has the
ultra protection package.
No water's gonna
be seeping in there
'til Jesus Christ himself
pulls him outta the ground.
Now, would you look at that?
All those flowers arranged
with the bright colors,
contrasting with the dark wood?
What a great combination.
If money is a problem, I got
a real nice payment plan.
0% down at 8%, that's not bad.
- This all just seems a little--
- If you just gimme
your credit card,
I can set it up as an
easy recurring payment.
- No.
- [Tucker] What's that sweetie?
- I said, no.
- We can't just leave
'em in the basement.
Something's gotta be done.
[Tucker sighs]
Okay, okay, let's look at
a few other budget options.
Have we thought about cremation?
I got some real nice urns.
- Fine.
- Great, now we're
cooking with gas.
Now, number 38 here,
that's real nice.
That's inlaid with pewter.
- Okay.
- A very lovely decision.
Any family coming into town?
- My father and I will be there.
- [Tucker] What about friends?
- [Birdie] I don't know, really.
- At least everybody's
got one friend.
- I'm sure he has friends,
I just don't know them.
- Well, we could do a
visitation of friends
between 6:00 PM and 7:00
PM two days from today.
- Okay.
- Okay then, we are agreed.
Now, will that be
cash or credit?
We don't accept
out-of-state checks,
and there's a 3%
charge on credit cards.
[purse rustles]
[door creaks]
Cheryl, would you be a dear
and run this for me please?
Thank you.
[Cheryl coughs]
Cheryl is the last
living of her family.
I'm sure I'm gonna be
doing her funeral next.
That family has been
good business for me.
Her father went hosing
down the ticket-taker
over at the Palace Theater.
I could never
understand those two.
He had to be 25
years her senior.
But when we pulled
that sheet back
from that man's naked body,
there was an audible gasp.
[Tucker chuckles]
Her brother, on the other
hand, ought to be up
for a Dumbass of the Year
in the Tri-State Area award.
He and his buddy were
working on a car.
They had the bright idea of
attaching Duane underneath
so he could see what was
clanking back and forth.
[Tucker sighs]
He was a little touch, that one.
Had to use a shovel, there.
[door creaks]
Thank you, Cheryl.
[door creaks]
Now, all that's left
is your John Hancock
on the line right there.
[pen scribbles]
I promise you, we're
gonna take real good care
of your brother, and I hope
this isn't being too forward,
but whatever unfortunate
your brother was into, I
wouldn't go looking for 'em.
We'll see you in
a couple of days.
- Okay.
[soft, tense music]
- Hey there, sweetheart.
You miss me?
- I thought you were--
- Just hibernating.
Now, where's my fucking money?
- Money?
The driver.
The driver never
brought it to me.
I swear I didn't touch it.
- You know, it's funny,
it seems with time,
people forget loyalty and fear.
But I'm here to
assure you and them
that fear is never really gone.
Believe me.
Now, are you loyal,
or are you afraid?
- Yes.
- Oh, so we're in agreement.
So, where is my money?
- That's lunchtime.
I'm going down to Jackie's,
you want anything?
- Yeah.
I'll take the lunch special.
Thanks, Cheryl.
[Cheryl coughs]
- Did she just turn
the lights off on us?
[door clangs]
- Seems that way.
- You know I'm gonna
have to kill you
if you don't get
me my money, right?
- Yeah, I thought that
might be the case.
- All right, then.
[soft, percussive music]
- Excuse me.
[Birdie sighs]
- Excuse me, sir.
Do you know why
they're taking him?
- He's being processed
for county jail.
I'd stay away from
that boy, hun.
You don't want to get
mixed up with that.
- Does he know something
about my brother?
- I'm not sure yet.
Did you get everything
wrapped up with Tucker?
- I don't know yet.
- [Sheriff] Do you
need a ride home?
- I've got my bike.
- I'll take you.
I was hoping to catch up with
your father there, anyway.
- Me too.
- Birdie, do you mind if I take
a look around your dad's house?
- I don't know, I'd rather
wait till dad comes home.
- Yeah, see, I don't know
when your dad's gonna be back.
- It's his house.
- Yeah, I don't know
when he is gonna be back,
and I need to find out what
happened to your brother.
Something in the house might
lead me in the right direction.
- [Birdie] Dad.
- Birdie, stop.
[ominous, suspenseful music]
Birdie, go to my
car, wait there.
Go, now.
I thought I told you
to stay at the car.
Well, you can come in
now, it's clear now.
- This is about my
brother, isn't it?
- I think you're probably
right about that.
Somebody spent some time here,
and whatever they were looking
for, they really want it.
Now, you let me know if
you see anything missing.
One little thing can
lead to a big thing.
I'm gonna go call it in.
[soft, suspenseful music]
- Don't look up.
I don't want to hurt you.
But if you move, I will.
Now, I'm just gonna
step down here,
and if you're a good girl,
I won't shoot you, okay?
Do we have a deal?
I think might be
taking you with me
'til we sort this all out.
- [Sheriff] Did you find
anything missing back there?
- Is that the good
Sheriff Mayfield herself?
You don't want a
third eye, do you?
- You okay?
- You tell her you're in the
bathroom taking the shit.
Do it now.
- I'm okay.
I'm in the bathroom.
It might be a minute.
- Very nice.
You conveniently
left out that part
where you were taking a
shit, but I believed you.
[Ramsey softly chuckles]
- Get out of my father's house.
- No shit.
This is interesting.
You're the old man's daughter?
Now, I'm intrigued.
You wouldn't happen
to know where
your dip-shit brother
is, would you?
- At the county morgue.
- Don't gimme that
bullshit, where is he?
- I'm not bullshitting you.
They found him dead
in the mountains.
- Well, ain't this
some confusing shit?
Okay, since you left
out that specific detail
that you're taking a huge
shit in that bathroom,
the sheriff out there, she's
gonna start getting suspicious.
What you're gonna do next
is walk over to the bed
and take off that pillowcase.
Get to it, princess.
Get going, I won't think twice
about spitting your
wig, I promise you.
Hey, you know better
than to turn around.
We've been over this.
Back straight up to me.
Nice and slow.
That's it, good girl.
Come on, baby, come to daddy.
Come on.
There ya go, good, good.
[Birdie pants]
[knife clicks]
[soft, percussive music]
Sheriff Mayfield.
Go ahead and take your hand
away from that man-killer.
- Deputies are on their way,
you need to put your gun down.
- No.
- No?
- That's right, no.
You wouldn't be the first I
sent to the great darkness.
But I got better things to do.
And the best option is
for you to put your gun
right there in front of
that sandwich on the table.
That way, we can all
see the sunset tonight.
Wouldn't that be nice,
Sheriff Mayfield?
Hold on there.
Nice and slow.
There you go, I appreciate
your cooperation.
Alright, princess, go
ahead and take a seat
right there next to the sheriff.
That's a good girl.
Alright, both of you, please,
put your hands
palms-up on the table.
All right.
Everything's good, as long
as all of us get along.
Right, Sheriff?
[Ramsey chuckles]
Shit, princess,
your daddy must buy
the damn cheapest bread in
town, that's dry as fuck.
Go over to your
daddy fridge there
and see if there's any
milk that's worth a damn.
Come on.
[soft, percussive music]
What a time to be alive.
What did we do without
ultra-pasteurized milk?
And this son of a
bitch still got what?
Two more weeks left, yeah.
[glass clinks]
[milk gurgles]
[glass clinks]
Excuse my manners.
[milk gurgles]
[Ramsey sighs]
Good stuff.
Wow, Sheriff, I bet this
thing's a real tack driver, huh?
Sheriff Mayfield,
am I holding the gun
that killed those two men in
that robbery a while back?
[telephone rings]
[Ramsey laughs]
This is history I'm
holding in my hand, huh?
That was like some
OK Corral shit, huh?
Can I call you Wyatt?
Oh, excuse me, Mrs. Earp.
[answering machine beeps]
- Hey, Birdie.
- The fuck?
- I wanted to let you know
the timeline is shifting
again on Jameson.
- Hello?
- [Supervisor]
Hello, who's this?
I need to talk to Birdie.
- Oh, she's sitting right
here, what can I do you for?
- [Supervisor]
Well, it's urgent.
There have been some changes.
Can you just put it
on the phone, please?
- Oh, okay, well hang on.
Just calm down, hang on.
There's been some changes.
You know about some changes?
Well, she told me to tell
you to go fuck yourself.
- [Supervisor] What, what?
- I'm sorry, she's
just shaking her head,
telling me to tell you
to go fuck yourself.
- [Supervisor] Okay this
is important, asshole.
- I'm sure it is.
- Can you put her
on the phone, please?
[phone thuds]
- Sounds like you might
be looking for a new job.
- [Supervisor] Put
her on the phone.
Grab her right now.
- Sheriff.
- I heard you laid
those boys down center mass,
yeah, and a headshot bonus.
Come on, Sheriff.
After you pulled that
trigger on the first one,
I bet it was like
satisfying an itch
you could finally
reach on your back.
Don't lie.
I mean, hey, it's
all right if it was.
We all get a little excited
when we take a life.
[Ramsey chuckles]
You open that hand.
Open it.
[tense music]
You see, as the hero,
Sheriff Mayfield knows,
there's nothing like
sending a man off
into the great darkness.
Uh-huh, especially
when they deserve it.
You know, sometimes, I imagine
I'm sending those ahead of me
to make a place for
me in all that dark.
Now, Sheriff, if
I'm not mistaken,
there were three bad
guys in that bank.
So, let's do the math.
You got two of them, so
one of them got away.
Didn't they?
Didn't he do a deputy in?
Price of being an American hero.
- His name is Anthony.
- Well, here's to Anthony.
Wrong place, wrong time, my boy.
[guns clink]
I finished my lunch.
This has been a
wonderful conversation,
and I really do appreciate
your cooperation, Sheriff.
Now, I'm sorry,
but I'm gonna have
to take this piece
of history with me,
because I don't want
to end up history.
Sheriff Mayfield, go ahead,
pull out those handcuffs
you got there and
place 'em on the table.
[handcuffs jangle]
Go ahead and take them cuffs
and run 'em through that
refrigerator handle.
[gun clicks]
That's it, cuff yourself.
[handcuffs click]
Well, princess and I best
be going now, Sheriff.
Good luck and good help to you.
Get up.
Oh, and Sheriff Mayfield,
I hope you and I never
meet with guns drawn.
I know you shoot to kill.
[Ramsey chuckles]
Oh, hey, one more thing.
Do you think you'll
ever catch him?
- Who?
- The third man from the bank.
You know, the one that
put, what was his name?
Anthony, yeah,
Anthony, six feet down.
- One way, or another.
- I thought you might say that.
[gunshots blast]
- Birdie?
Birdie, Birdie?
Birdie, come on, I need
you to get these keys.
Birdie, come on, baby.
- Do you still think my
dad's involved in all this?
[soft, percussive music]
- Okay, I'm gonna leave a deputy
out front in case
you need anything.
- Thank you, Sheriff.
- Are you sure you
wanna stay here?
- I wanna be here
when my dad gets home.
[soft, somber music]
[phone clicks]
[phone dials]
- [Supervisor] Hello?
- Hey, it's Birdie.
I wanted to apologize
for earlier.
What he said was
completely inappropriate.
- [Supervisor] That's a
bit of an understatement.
- He was just trying to get me
in trouble by pissing you off.
- [Supervisor] It worked.
Birdie, I have to know I can get
a hold of you when
I need to, okay?
And count on you to
be a professional.
- You can, of course.
- [Supervisor] Well, if I'm
being honest, it doesn't seem
that way.
You've still got loose ends
to tie up on the Jameson doc
before we pitch it at
the end of the week.
So, how are you gonna
do that from there?
- I know, I'm working on it.
There's just a
lot going on here.
[Supervisor sighs]
- I'm gonna have Jen head up
the project on this round.
It sounds like you
need more time.
- Sure.
[phone clicks]
- [Automated Voice] You
have one saved message.
[answering machine clicks]
- [Brooks] Mr. Lane,
it's Brooks,
Please call me back as
soon as you get this.
[soft, suspenseful music]
- [Automated Voice] You
have one saved message.
[answering machine clicks]
- [Brooks] Mr. Lane,
it's Brooks.
Please call me back as
soon as you get this.
- That lying asshole.
[cell clangs]
- What are you doing here?
- Bailed you out.
- That was mighty nice of you.
You have a good day.
- Wait, stop.
I said stop.
- I need your help.
My dad still hasn't come home.
- I can't help you.
- Oh, fuck you, Brooks.
I know you lied.
You called my father, I heard
you on the answering machine.
- Okay, yeah, I called your dad.
But look, he didn't
answer, okay?
I heard Augustus got
into some trouble,
and I wanted to
see if he was okay.
Augustus was my brother, too.
- If he was your brother,
then help find your father.
- Let's get one thing straight.
If I take you to these bad men
you so desperately want to meet,
then will you be satisfied?
All right.
But to be clear, you won't
see me standing next to you
when you're around
them, you understand?
- Yeah, I understand.
- Got any money?
[money rustles]
- Uh-uh.
We're gonna have
to go find an ATM,
because this ain't enough money.
Where's your car?
[telephone rings]
- [Davis] You got Davis.
- Hey, Davis.
This is Sheriff Mayfield.
- [Davis] Hey, Sheriff.
What can I help you with?
- We just had a
homicide the other day,
and the coroner's
supposed to send
the fingerprints and
DNA into your office.
I wanna make sure you let
me know when they get there.
- [Davis] Turn around
for processing,
it's gonna take some time.
- Yeah, that's all right.
Just let me know if they make
it there or if they don't.
We know who we're
dealing with, right?
- [Davis] Okay.
I'll give you a call
and let you know.
- I appreciate it.
[cellphone beeps]
- Shit.
- Shit, shit.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[bicycle clangs]
Ow, damn it.
- What the hell is
going on out here?
- [Brooks] Hey man, it's E.
- I know who the fuck you are.
Now, who's that?
I don't know her, and
I don't like people
I don't know coming
around messing
with my shit!
- She's cool she's cool.
We're just trying to get
her a burner, you know?
Something a little
small she can carry.
- A gun?
- I'm sitting down to eat
my dinner, I'm closed.
- [Brooks] Look, I'm just trying
to help a friend out here.
- Well, fuck you
and your friend.
I got a steak getting cold.
- Hold on, hold on.
Hold on.
Maybe we can negotiate a
dinner interrupters fee.
- You too get your
asses in here.
But I'm not making a deal
until I'm done with my dinner.
Next time you see somebody
come up here you don't know,
pick up that son of a
bitch and point it at 'em.
[soft, percussive music]
- So yeah man, I
appreciate you doing this.
Hey man, where's your dog?
- Had to put a
bullet in its head.
Couldn't get up to take a piss.
- [Brooks] Sorry
to hear about that.
Must be tough.
[Samuel sobs]
[gun clicks]
Oh, come on.
Come on, man.
You know me.
You know me, come on.
- Did you know that dog
saved my fucking life?
One evening, he kept
pawning at my leg,
Rubbed my groin to
the point there was
a large bruise on that
shit the next day.
He wouldn't leave it alone.
So, I went to the doc,
had him checked that out.
He said, that dog
saved my fucking life,
that I had a blood clot.
And that son of a bitch
would've let loose,
I'd have had a
pulmonary embolism.
He was a good boy.
Good boy.
[soft, percussive music]
Now, who are you?
- Man, I told you.
- You shut the fuck up.
Whoever has the gun in
this room gets to speak,
and everybody else listens.
And right now, I'm the
motherfucker with the gun.
You look familiar.
That makes me nervous.
Kind of makes me
think about putting
a bullet in your fucking
head and burying you
out next to the good boy.
- I'm no one to you.
I'm just a person who
wants to buy a gun
and get the hell outta here.
- I got it.
I know who you are.
Your brother's Augustus.
He got himself into some
shit and got himself killed.
- [Brooks] Can I ask you
something? - What?
- Are you high?
- I'm not high.
Johnny on the spot on the porch
out there is fucking high.
And I am.
[Samuel chuckles]
What are y'all waiting on?
Come back here
and get you a gun.
[soft, percussive music]
Welcome to the showroom.
So, these are the
four I'd recommend.
Just a few moving
pieces, easy to handle.
Just what a lady needs.
You know, not a bunch of recoil.
Just in case you do
have to shoot twice,
you can get back
on Target quickly.
- How much for this one?
- $350, and that's my
acquaintance price.
Y'all ain't my friends, so you
don't get my friend's price.
- What the heck?
Shit, I think I'm the one
that sold you the gun.
You gave me $75 for it.
- You interrupted
my dinner, and now,
you want to gimme
about the price?
- I'll give you $250.
- What?
- I can make that work.
- But I want some
bullets for it, too.
- Oh, I got you, I got you.
These sons of bitches right
here, punch through a car door.
[money rustles]
You bet.
Now y'all don't mind, why
don't y'all get the fuck out?
[soft, ominous music]
- Okay, what's next?
- Okay, so I'm gonna
go talk to some guys
and see what I can figure out.
- I'm coming with you.
- Did you nod off
while we were in there?
Did you not see how he
reacted about not knowing you?
That's gonna happen
10 fucking times,
and then one of them
is gonna kill you,
all because they don't know you.
And then, one of them
is gonna kill me.
So, I'm gonna need
the rest of the money.
- No, I'm not gonna let you
just take my money and run off.
- You're just gonna
have to trust me.
- Okay.
- Okay, what?
- I trust you, but you've
gotten to the funeral
to bring me something or
I'm going to the bondsman,
and I'm pulling
that bail deposit.
- Okay, fine.
Now, can you take me
to my car, please?
[soft, ominous music]
- Birdie's in town, and she's
asking a lot of questions.
She's becoming a problem.
- I'll get rid of her.
[suspenseful music]
[soft, tense music]
[gun clicks]
- There ya go.
Hey, buddy.
[hands clap]
[gun clicks]
[shells clink]
[gun clanks]
- Come on, Ramsey.
You know I never do
something stupid like that.
- Where's Augustus?
- Augustus is dead,
they found him up on--
- Don't gimme none that, I
know you know where he is.
- He's dead. Ramsey.
- You don't get to decide that.
- I don't know, maybe check
the goddamn funeral home.
[table clanks]
[Samuel groans]
Oh fuck, fuck.
You're crushing my balls.
- Where is he?
- I don't know how else to say
it, man, the son of a bitch is
[table clanks]
[Samuel groans]
Look, I don't know what
you're talking about,
but I know his buddy, E.
- E?
what's his Christian name?
- You know, it's craziest thing.
I've known the dude five
years now I don't have a clue.
- Okay, where can I find this E?
- I don't know.
He was just in here with Gus'
sister a couple hours ago.
- Ooh.
What'd they come all
the way out here for?
Were they looking for me?
- No, no, I sold her a gun.
- [Ramsey] You sold
her a fucking gun?
- Well, yeah, I'm a gun runner.
I saw guns, sir.
- Right, you buy
guns that meth heads
lift off their parents.
You're not the former
Soviet Union running RPGs.
[Ramsey chuckles]
[steam whistles]
- You know, I always thought you
and I could be friends, but fuck
Oh, shit.
[water splashes]
Shit, shit.
- Dumbass, you're a dumbass.
[Ramsey grunts]
[soft, somber organ music]
I'm sorry I abandoned you.
I never should have left.
- [Tucker] We'll be
starting soon, my dear.
- Go ahead without me.
- But darling, you're his
only next of kin here.
Don't you think
you should be here
for his--
- My father and I
will send him off together.
- We gather here today
to remember our friend,
Augustus Beauregard Lane.
Sometimes Gus, sometimes Bo,
but we all knew
him has our friend.
The good Lord giveth,
and the good Lord,
[cellphone rings]
We are all but stardust.
- Hello?
- [Davis] Hey Sheriff, this is
Davis. - Hey. - You called?
- Did you get that package?
- [Davis] Yeah, we
got it, Sheriff,
- Great.
- How quickly do you think you--
- [Davis] Now, hold on.
- What?
- [Davis] Well, we got the
envelope, but there's nothing in
- What do you mean
there's nothing in it?
- [Davis] Well, it was all
sealed up, and then we opened
and there was nothing
inside, just empty.
- [Tucker] To
remember our friend.
- All right, appreciate it.
[tape machine clicks]
[soft piano music]
Amazing grace
- I gotta go.
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
- Birdie, what the hell are you
doing? - Tell me what you have,
I know you know more than
you've been telling me.
- Okay, okay.
But just sit down and stay calm.
- This is me calm.
- Look, I've got a
meeting set up tomorrow,
all right?
- Fuck that.
You make it now.
- Now, just calm down now,
Sheriff, just calm down.
- Where in the fuck is it?
- What are you talking
about, Sheriff?
- The fingerprints and DNA.
- I sent 'em to the TBI,
just like you told me to.
- The package was empty.
- Oh, gee, Sheriff.
You know how the post office is,
they got that slow girl
working behind the counter,
you know, misplaces
stuff all the time.
Shit, I hope it didn't fall out.
- You lying son of a bitch.
You just conducted
a funeral ceremony
and don't even really
know who's in that urn.
Goddamn you, Tucker.
Goddamn you.
- I'm sorry, Sheriff
but it's not my fault.
[Tucker sighs]
[soft, ominous music]
- This way.
Coming, or not?
[soft, suspenseful music]
- I heard you had
some information
about my brother and father.
- This is a dangerous game.
It's time to get the
fuck out of town.
- I want to know.
- You have until morning,
or we will kill you.
- This guy seems serious.
I think we should
do when he says.
It's okay, man, just stay calm.
We're leaving, okay?
Let's go.
- No.
I'm not gonna let some in a
mask tell me what to do again.
[gunshot blasts]
[distortion blares]
- If you kill him, he
can't tell you anything.
- Fuck.
[shadowy figure groans]
[Birdie screams]
- Holy shit.
[fist thuds]
- Look at me, you little shit.
[soft, tender piano music]
- Hey, Birdie.
But dad?
- Ramsey killed him.
I couldn't stop him.
I'm sorry.
- You're sorry?
You're fucking sorry?
- Fuck.
- Hey, chill out.
- Fuck off.
- God.
Jesus, Birdie.
- Fuck.
[Birdie grunts]
[Augustus groans]
- Fuck.
- Fucking piece of shit.
- That's enough.
[Augustus groans]
That's enough, goddammit.
I'm the one who
drove your father
up that mountain that night.
I knew Augustus was gonna
take all of Ramsey's money.
I called your father that night.
I thought maybe we can
catch up to Augustus.
I knew your father
was the only one
that could talk him out of it.
Your father wouldn't have been
there if it wasn't for me.
When we got there, I
followed them into the woods.
I found Augustus, but Ramsey
already had your father.
There was nothing we could do.
- There were two of
you and one of him.
There were thousands of options
on the table, and
you chose fear.
You cowards.
Both of you.
You knew my father was dead
and that was alive
this whole time.
- I was trying to protect him.
And you.
- I don't need your protection.
- Ramsey will not show restraint
with your life,
or your brother's.
- And you shouldn't
even be here.
I mean, what were
you fucking think--
- Who shouldn't be here?
[soft, percussive music]
You're supposed to be dead.
We just went to your fucking
funeral, for Christ's sake.
[Birdie pants]
- God, Jesus.
- [Brooks] Birdie, Christ.
- Jesus Christ, Birdie.
Birdie, cut it out.
- Did you see him die?
[soft, somber music]
Why didn't you go
to the Sheriff?
You two motherfuckers have a
chance to do the right thing
for once in your sorry life.
Do you not think that Ramsey
could reach out and
touch us from prison?
You know he's not gonna stop
until he gets his
money, or we're dead.
- Then we'll give him the money.
- What?
- We are gonna
give him the money.
Now, get in the fucking car.
- You're getting
better at cursing.
[soft, tense music]
- Oh my God, I am fucked.
I'm fucked.
- Calm down.
I'll talk first.
Ramsey's on the lake,
hiding out on an island.
- He's on a fucking island?
- Yeah, he feels safe there.
- How did you know about the
money in the first place?
- I heard Ramsey
running in his mouth
about hiding it one night.
- You sure you
weren't at the bank?
You didn't know
anything about it?
- I had nothing to do with that.
- Where's the money now?
- I lost it in the woods.
- Bullshit.
When this is all over, you're
gonna get me that money,
and we're going to put
it back where it belongs.
Nobody is gonna profit
from my deputy's death.
He's your responsibility now.
Apparently, you're the only one
that can get him to do the right
- We'll get the money back.
[soft, somber music]
Dad, I'm so sorry for all this.
- Birdie, I--
- Augustus,
- Birdie.
- Augustus.
- It's all right, don't worry.
It's okay.
It's okay.
- I love you.
- You know I love you, Birdie.
- Where's the money, Augustus?
[Birdie gasps]
You guys are fucking idiots.
- We're looking for a mean
son of a named Ramsey.
Bald, short, plenty
of tattoos, okay?
He has no problem going for you,
so make sure you got
each other's back.
[telephone thuds]
- Call him.
[soft, suspenseful music]
Do it.
[telephone dials]
[telephone rings]
- [Ramsey] Gus.
- [Augustus] Ramsey.
- [Ramsey] Now, this is a
goddamned pleasant surprise.
This is nice.
- We have your money.
[Ramsey chuckles]
- [Ramsey] That's good,
princess, that's real good.
- [Birdie] I'm
not your princess.
- [Ramsey] Now, now, princess.
Are you ready to
make things right?
- [Birdie] I'm ready
for this to be over.
- [Ramsey] Hmm.
You know, I should kill
your brother for this.
In a way, he's a mass murderer.
Look at all the
people that have died
because of his
choices, mm-mm-mm.
- Sheriff, I got eyes on him.
[cop softly whistles]
Sheriff's Department, put
your hands over your head.
Do it slow.
- Can I put my dick away first?
- Well, I ain't touching
it, you son of a bitch.
Go ahead, do it slow.
- Is there any other way, pig?
- Well, yeah.
Drop that phone.
[phone rattles]
Put your hands behind your back.
[handcuffs rattle]
Sheriff, this ain't him.
- Shit.
- [Birdie] The money for my
brother's life, or I'll burn it.
- [Ramsey] It sounds like
I'm getting a better deal.
I don't think your brother's
life worth that much.
- I want it done today.
Come to my father's house,
and the money is yours.
- Well, I guess it's a
good thing I'm close by.
I'll be right there.
[phone clicks]
[soft, suspenseful music]
- That motherfucker.
We're dead.
- We stick to the plan.
Brooks, take the rifle and
go to the tree line, now.
- Check and see how close he is.
- Augustus.
- Sorry, Birdie.
- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry about this.
[Birdie groans]
[zip tie clicks]
Stay here, Birdie, okay?
Come on, come on.
I'm sorry I got you
mixed up in this shit.
But I'm fixing my mistake.
[doors rattle]
- You can't do this by yourself.
That son of a bitch
will kill you.
[Birdie groans]
- Maybe so.
[soft, somber music]
If I see Dad, I'll
tell me you love him.
I'm sorry, Birdie.
[Birdie groans]
- You stubborn motherfucker.
- You know, you are getting
good at that cursing thing.
[Birdie grunts]
[soft, tense music]
[suitcase clicks]
[phone rings]
[answering machine beeps]
- [Sheriff] Birdie.
Birdie, you lied to me.
Whatever it is
you're doing, stop.
Stop, pick up the phone.
- If you would like
to rerecord your
message, press--
[cellphone beeps]
[Brooks sighs]
- Oh, come on.
[Birdie groans]
- Been a long time, Gus.
How you been keeping?
- It's Augustus.
- I really hoped
this whole thing
would've gone a lot
smoother, you know?
You get your money,
I get my money,
no one tries to fucking
kill the other one.
- Yup.
- Yup, yup.
Fuck your yup.
Have I done something
to upset you?
Well, I guess I did
kill your daddy.
- There was no
reason to kill him.
- Hey, don't put
that shit on me.
I may be the one who
sent him into the dark.
I wasn't the reason he was
on that mountain, was I?
I wasn't the one who tried
to steal from a friend.
That's on you, Gus.
[Birdie pants]
[Birdie chuckles]
[bed rattles]
[Birdie pants]
- I should have never
listened to you.
That plan was fucked
to begin with.
- You fuckin'
didn't listen to me.
If you would've been listening,
you would've just
waited and stayed calm,
and not tried to me
outta my share of money.
Everything would've been fine.
Those boys that
died in the bank?
They knew it could happen, and
that's just part of the deal.
The deputy, his job is
to die for the people.
Protect and serve.
Without us, he had no purpose.
We made him a goddamned hero.
- Well, I guess that makes
us the goddamned villains.
- We're not villains,
we're job security.
Now, gimme my goddamned money.
[gun cocks]
[zip tie clicks]
- Fuck.
[scissors rattle]
[Birdie pants]
[gun clicks]
- Now, I really
do hate to see you
in this type of situation, dear,
but I'm afraid you and I are
just gonna have to sit here
for a moment and see
how all this works out.
Now, why don't you be a deer
and just slowly lower it down.
Be a doll and drag those
two chairs over here.
You and I are gonna have us
a seat and watch the show.
[soft, tense music]
[binoculars rattle]
- Go ahead and pick him up.
Now, look back over
towards your daddy's house.
[soft, suspenseful music]
- I'm gonna kill you.
Well, if you kill
me, he kills her.
It's your basic
lose-lose situation.
What I recommend is,
you put that money
on the ground and
back the fuck up.
You see my hand?
Answer me, do you
see my fuckin' hand?
- Yes.
- Good.
This hand signals life or death.
I keep it low,
your sister lives.
I send it into the
air, your sister dies.
Do you understand that?
- Yes.
- Good, now back
away from my money.
[gun cocks]
- Alright, that's
enough of that, now.
Go ahead and put your gun down.
- Sheriff Mayfield, what's the
kill range on that shotgun?
Is it 40, maybe 50 yards, max?
- You sure you wanna
take that chance?
- All right, Sheriff.
You got me.
- Brooks.
[Tucker sighs]
Well, looks like
it's going poorly.
[Birdie sighs]
- You know what, Sheriff?
I think I will take my chances.
[gunshots blast]
[Birdie pants]
[soft, tense music]
[gunshot blasts]
[Brooks pants]
- Shit.
[gun cocks]
[gunshots blast]
[Birdie pants]
[Ramsey loudly moans]
[gun clicks]
No, no, no.
Fuck, goddamn it.
- No!
[Birdie sobs]
[soft, bright, somber music]
- Hey, princess.
You know it's his fault.
It's all his fucking fault.
That's it, princess,
come on over here.
Come on, it's okay.
Come on over.
That's it.
That's it, princess,
come on over here.
Come on.
- You've taken
everything from me.
- Not yet.
[gunshots blast]
[gun rattles]
[cellphone rings]
- Hello?
- [Supervisor] Hey, Birdie.
Listen, Jen's made a real mess--
- Go fuck yourself.
- [Supervisor] What, what?
- I quit.
[Birdie screams]
[soft, somber music]
[Sheriff sighs]
- Well, that didn't
really go as planned.
[Sheriff grunts]
- Never does.
- [Tucker] It would be my honor
to serve you as
the county coroner.
Go on, now.
Get out there and vote for me.
Tucker Riddles for
Unicoi County Coroner.
Hey folks, it's that
time of year again.
Make sure you come
on out and vote
for Tucker Riddles
for County Coroner.
That's Tucker Riddles of
Riddles & Son Funeral Home.
We've been serving
you and your family
for the last 50 years,
and it would be my honor
to serve you as
your county coroner.
So, go on now, get out
there and vote for me.
Tucker Riddles for you
Unicoi County Coroner.
Hey folks, it's that
time of year again.
[Birdie sighs]
[soft, ominous music]