An Electric Sleep (2023) Movie Script
(Wallace hears baby crying.)
Uh - oh.
What's wrong?
It's like that, Amber?
Look, I got it.
I got it.
What's wrong? Hmm?
Lets see.
Lets see.
Let me check.
Nothing there.
I know.
I know.
I know.
There you go.
By the way, I haven't found anything
on the Rockwell's.
I mean, these people could be either dead
or out of the country.
Listen, this girl...
She's sick and she's scared.
I'm not hiding or withholding information.
I'm just making sure I'm
doing whatever I can to help her.
That's all.
That's not our concern.
We need to know what she knows
and everything you've learned.
Look, you're going to get your files.
I just want to make sure she's safe.
I only need about an hour.
You know, as far as anyone else
knows, I'm just helping some homeless kid
with a rash.
No one else is involved.
You have 30.
Oh, yeah.
we tested
the samples that we took from you
the last time. I tested them for contagions
and cellular count.
And look... its spreading
around your body.
What are you talking about?
This is just a rash.
I don't think it is.
At least not anymore.
I mean... how many...
How many treatments have we tried?
What's worked?
Okay, so you think I should go to someone
who could actually help me?
I did find something else.
Let's start with you've been lying to me.
What are you talking about?
I've done some digging
around, looking for family,
family history, parents, adoption... you.
I know your name's not Gaby,
Why wouldn't you tell me?
My name is Gaby... Stop!
But what's weird
is that's all I could find.
No last name.
Which means your birth certificate
is probably fake.
Okay, well.
You know what to do with this stuff.
Figure it out. Give me something.
I cant just...
You should have told me. Why?
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Target's on the move.
Stay on the target.
Hey babe.
So. What are you thinking?
What are you feeling for tonight?
Preferably food.
You know, it'd
be nice for once if you
would cook something.
I'm just leaving the office now.
You know, the usual, long days.
Oh, no.
I'll go ahead and put the girls down.
Yeah. Love you, too.
Ill give you a call back... Margot?
Is that a knife?
Just give me the info you got.
What are you talking about?
The info that you showed me.
Let me get it now!
Just calm down...
You know, for once, it would be nice
if you would cook something.
You specifically said
you'd only marry me if I never cook again.
I can't change my mind. Hmm.
Is this going to be a thing?
Im trying to do something here.
No, I'm just saying.
Grilled cheese.
Make something with potatoes.
Yeah. Sure babe.
Just go.
Even with two doctorates, how
do you not know how to make sandwiches?
Hmm? Alright, alright.
I got you.
No. She's not dumb.
What happened back there Gaby?
Or Margot?
Whichever one you prefer.
Oh. Would you mind picking that up for me?
Don't worry.
I would have shot me too.
What is this about?
You don't recognize these?
Your friend had these.
You spent a long time there.
Where are you lying,
This is really disappointing,
Who are they?
A loose end.
Does anybody know about this?
Or you.
I don't even know about me.
What's wrong with me?
Help me.
I am.
Do you remember
when we were at those labs?
It was like about a year in.
Yeah, It was our first job together.
Mm hmm.
And do you remember they had that strict
no food in the lab rule?
You actually noticed that?
I would have never guessed.
Well, when I was sneaking in cake for
your birthday, you didn't seem to care.
Yeah, you almost got fired, too.
You don't fire
someone with two doctorates, Wally.
And... I think...
I remember you eating that cake.
Oh, okay. Mmm.
I hate you for that.
How did I end up with such a square?
Because you don't know how to cook.
Alright. I'll make you a grilled cheese
if you agree to some
nasty, dirty sex for dessert.
You make me a souffle,
and I'll eat my own ass.
Say it.
Say what?
Say it.
I love you.
No, no.
Come on.
Oh my g...
Hey., hey...
It's alright.
We'll figure this out.
Yeah, that's easy for you...
Well figure it out...
It's easy for you to say.
You just got to be patient.
Look, I'm sorry,
but this...
It's not just a regular virus
that we can just attack with antibodies.
Well, just look at it as a rule.
You'll break it eventually.
Yes, sir.
Yes. Theyre taken care of.
She took food and grabbed the gun.
They'll find both bodies
and connect the dots... easy clean up.
No, she didnt seem to
recognize either of them.
Well, once he was eliminated,
his wife left the company.
We haven't seen anything to
suggest that she's involved.
She's been holed up in
the middle of nowhere.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
Is the girl going to be an issue?
The food was laced.
She's not making it through the night.
Have you ever seen this work in action?
No, I haven't.
Its a thing of beauty.
Perfectly engineered.
One drop is a death sentence.
You did good today.
Tell your team to take the night off.
You pay us not to.
So professional.
Come here.
Ill show you how it works.
the virus isn't contracted airborne.
Only topically.
Even then, after a few hours,
they're not contagious.
So you can't get it
just by touching the rash.
No. It's made to be specifically targeted
and discreet.
You should read more about it
just in case.
Why wasnt I told this sooner?
No, no.
I'll come to you on. Security
found my badge in a trash
can near archives.
Dinner is served.
Uhh, yeah.
Just one second...
You know,
I don't want to start another fight, but...
The one that sounds like
the start of another fight, babe.
You know you already solved this.
Oh, no.
you just take a second to think about it?
No. No.
What do you mean, no?
I don't want to get into this.
This is a great idea.
You may have discovered something
that could solve this before it advances.
And I left because I'm not interested
in pursuing consciousness work.
It's the same answer back then,
and it's still the same answer now.
We left.
Yes, we left.
And we will find the right way to do it.
I'm not trying to talk about this
right now.
I'm trying to talk about a cure,
something that we can develop together
based on your research.
And just because
we can't go back to our old life
doesn't mean that we can't just live.
Wally. You know what? No. Im not...
I'm not going to do this with you.
This is...
This is the shit that stresses me out!
Its just,
probably, some animal or something
outside just causing a proximity alert.
I don't...
Go upstairs with Hailey.
I just need to go outside
to go to refreh the outdoor cams...
I probably just need o replace the...
Wait, Wally...
Can I help you?
Why don't you go check on the baby?
I'll be done in a minute.
You know what babe?
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I just want to say I'm sorry...
I know I'm kind of an asshole.
This is true.
Speaking of assholes. Okay. Okay.
Let's eat.
You know, I won that fight, right?
Allah help her.
Oh, come on. Don't bring him into this.
Woman, I swear, you just really...
Mm hmm.
Come on, baby.
Get mad for me.
I don't feel comfortable.
Oh, it gets comfortable.
And, you know, I need an adult.
You know, I like it when you're mad.
Can I just eat my food without you trying
to... (Wallace hears the baby crying.) Now?
Amber! Amber. Amber.
Hey, baby.
Baby talk to me.
Stay with me.
Amber, stay with me.
Stay with me.
Let me go.
Let me go.
Who are you?
Get out of our house.
Stop talking.
You'll be fine
if you do what I tell you to do.
That girl.
She must have followed us here.
No department has reported anything
R&D, Weapons, lab,
nothing yet.
Then why is she here? What does she want?
A cure?
There is no cure.
Not for that.
Maybe we should do a sweep? Ill
see who talks then shut them up.
No, no, no.
Someone's been here.
The folders.
The vial. Shit!
She knows.
We need to accelerate
getting a team ready.
There is no operation.
Wqcompromised Anubis won't even
touch the lab.
You lost your coms
tell them to get a new one synced.
Say nothing.
Where is Amber and Hailey?
My wife.
My daughter.
What have you done?
Your wife or your daughter are safe.
I'm just surprised you are, actually.
What do you mean?
Youre just a kid....
Why would they send you?
These are old prototypes...
Man, no one sent me.
Then why are you here? Who are you?
Alright, look,
I need you to listen carefully.
I'm uploading and recording everything.
If I die, everything gets released.
I know you don't want that.
You can't. Look, don't do this.
Just. Just.
Just tell me what you
want, and then you can leave.
I will.
After I get what I need.
How did you get that?
That's not your problem.
We don't have a cure.
You're wasting your time!
Right. I'll talk to your wife.
Maybe she can help me. Please.
Oh, please.
My family.
This is my family. Just leave us alone.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wait,
wait, wait. Come back.
No, no, no, no, no.
Come back. Oh!
Oh, no.
Is it supposed to do that?
It's a memory recognition prototype.
This machine stitches
every bit of your memory together.
And it shows what you're thinking,
too, right?
If you want to take it, just take it.
Were nobodies.
So modest.
For the recording, state
your name and your wife's name and shit.
Just tell me what you.
What do you want? What do you want?
Okay. Okay.
I am Doctor
Wallace Rockwell, and my partner and wife
is Doctor
Amber Jones-Rockwell.
We worked together for years.
Mostly theoretical work and experiments
exploring new concepts.
Biomechanics was our passion.
Synthetic prosthetics
or realistic robotic limbs.
We used science to improve lives.
And. How long have you been doing that?
Since graduate school.
I focused on prosthetics
and 3D bio printers,
and she specialized in human genome
Excuse me.
You're lying. What? What?
I've read the articles.
Building prosthetics for people?
That's not all you were doing.
All we wanted.
To do was to improve prosthetics.
We built synthetic limbs, integrating
the patient's DNA, using bio printers.
They were incredible.
Of course, the agency wanted more.
Organs, fully synthetic androids.
Our nanotech prosthetics was our passion.
The rest was just work.
And this brain
TV thing was just for kicks.
It wasn't
supposed to be much of anything.
It was a personal project,
and I wanted to just keep it private.
Well, your secrets out now, right?
I don't need to hide it.
I'm more interested in my family
not making headlines.
You get to work on your dream project
with your dream girl,
and you just leave.
my family is what I am most proud of.
Where is your daughter, anyway?
Wha - what?
Your wife and your daughter.
This family youre mentioning.
Where are they?
Unless, you know, daughter's some creepy
nickname you have for some robot
that's lying around.
Wait, you said...
You said that she was upstairs
with my wife.
Look, since you and I have some problem
with trust
today, let me take the first step.
I haven't heard a baby in this house
all day.
Hailey! Hailey!
You're going to get everything.
Just promise me when you do,
you leave my family and the girl alone.
By the way, I haven't found anything
on the Rockwell's.
I mean, these people could be either dead
or out the country.
Listen, this girl,
she's sick and she's scared,
that's all.
Theres no way she can find...
You got what you need.
Now leave us alone, please.
If our friendship meant anything to you,
just let me go
Where are you hiding?
Where are you hiding?
What else did you guys work on?
God damn it, Wallace,
I swear...
I don't understand, I wouldn't.
I don't think I would even...
Doctor Rockwell
the disease you and your wife made!
My work is to help.
Why would you make something like this?
I've tried everything.
It was designed to be
resilient against everything.
Antibodies, vaccines.
We tested it
against everything that we had.
I know that nothing works.
Trust me.
I know.
Trust you?!
You made this!
So, whats the cure Doc, huh?
I mean, you took it your immune or...
Stop it Wally,
she doesn't need to see anything else.
Take it off now.
Wally, are you okay?
Are you alright?
Yes, baby. I'm okay.
Hey. Hey.
Amber, sweetheart,
Amber, she's scared.
I need your help over here.
Are you okay?
Im okay baby.
I don't want to use this.
And neither does she.
Thoughts don't lie.
You've seen this
Is Hailey okay?
She didn't find her did she?
She's fine. Who is she?
I don't.
I don't know.
I don't know.
She just knocked me out,
and she just tied me up.
What's your name?
Margo. Look...
Shut up.
Stop talking until we tell you to. Look,
everything's fine. It's okay.
We'll get Hailey and well go.
Wait, hold up.
Man, I told you, I didn't hear a baby.
Shut up.
You know...
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Im fine.
(Wallace hears the baby crying, but
distorted.) Do you guys hear that?
Hear why?
The crying? But.
But wait, wait, wait, wait.
But it sounds different.
Amber, you hear it, don't you?
Wally, I don't hear anything.
How can you not hear anything?
How can you not hear that?
What did you do?
Wait, wait, wait. What's happening?
What's happening to Hailey?
What did you do? What did you do?
What did you do to her?
You said you didn't do anything.
Trust me, I wouldn't hurt a baby.
I wouldn't do that.
Then why?
Then why does she sound like that? Like
Shes in my head.
Theres no baby.
After we got infected...
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait.
What are you talking about?
I just.
I just
tucked her in about a few hours ago.
What do you mean?
After we got infected?
I put her up for adoption
while you were sick.
I was scared for her.
I didn't want her
to have to deal with this.
You were... you were different.
You were different.
After the accident,
you started having psychotic breaks.
You were seeing her and you were
talking to her and you were hearing her.
And I didn't know what to do.
Am I crazy?
I kept.
I kept trying to tell you
that she wasn't there.
But you insisted that you saw her.
And eventually I just.
I stopped
correcting you.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This doesn't make any sense.
I would have known if this wasn't real.
Maybe we can go back to the lab to try...
No! it's not going to help.
It's okay, because you're you.
You're you.
I'm not going anywhere.
How could any of this be okay, Amber?
First she shows up with the same thing
that you have.
And now you're telling me
that I don't even have a daughter.
Where is she?
I don't know. I.
I didn't want to risk your mental state
getting any worse.
I'm sorry.
You're special Wally.
This is what happens.
You start to go crazy.
Is that what the disease does?
Not now. Not now.
Am I going to go crazy?
He's not crazy.
I don't understand.
Why does she have the same virus?
Why did you say we were infected?
I don't think right
now is the time to...
Tell me,
Tell me.
You owe me that.
This virus.
This disease is what got you sick.
But how.
Are hallucinations
one of the symptoms? Do you have them too?
How long have I been infected?
It's not like that.
So you do have a cure?
She must be testing it on you.
The serum has to be working.
Where did you get this?
From the lab and the machine.
When did you synthesize this?
He synthesized it, before it tied him up.
Wally, it works!
Can I have some more, please?
Hey. Hey, Amber, look at me.
Look at me.
It's the least we can do.
It's meant to treat symptoms,
but it's not a cure.
How did you get it?
I don't know.
We think that I was exposed
at the lab somehow, but
it must have been tiny because it hasn't
really been affecting me.
It doesnt seem like it.
You both need to sit. Sit.
So hallucinations is not a symptom?
Not really.
But I've never heard of them happening
after a heart attack.
I must have had a brain seizure
or something
when I was in a coma.
Were you testing the serum out of me?
No one else was supposed to be infected.
It was just... Yes or no?
I knew it.
After I got sick, I went into rehab
and we moved the family out here.
You made me think
that we were getting away from the company
and we were going to focus on us.
You invented the virus.
You disappeared,
but got infected anyway.
Please stop.
I think you know more about this virus
than you are letting on.
You're letting a
stranger come into our home
and cause trouble.
We can talk about this,
but only after she's out of here.
How can I trust you?
The baby?
You made me think
that there was actually a baby.
For how many years?
Tell me.
Ten years.
Ten years?
Who are you?
Don't do that.
Don't. What would you have done?
I would not have let my spouse live a lie.
You were in a loop.
I tried to tell you,
but you wouldn't believe me.
I love you.
I'll do anything I have
to to take care of you.
And you.
It's time for you to come clean.
How did you find us?
I know that we were off the grid.
Put this on.
Put it on., now!
We have to try to help her.
We can't help me,
so we can't help her.
What was your plan?
What plan?
Your plan!
What was your plan here!?
To fix me!
That's the plan! To cure me!
You see,
she brought that here.
They've improved my design.
Did you use this in this house?
I just looped
the cameras, will show you.
What was that?
Let me triangulate it.
Wherever it is,
it's blocking all incoming location pings.
Trace the coordinates in the last
few hours.
your trail.
The girl is heading to Doctor
Amber Rockwell's house,
most likely looking for a cure.
Which means Amber knows
we're using the nano virus.
We can't risk her telling anyone.
Get my research and leave
nothing that comes back to us.
Let's move.
You know what?
Let's go.
We'll figure this out once we're safe.
Shouldn't we make more medicine?
We have the formula.
We can make it somewhere else.
Are you sure?
Yours seems a lot more serious.
Do you know how serious it is?
I figured if we all caught the infection,
we'd have no choice but to find a cure.
I didn't know you already had it.
That wasn't a sedative.
You fed us the virus.
Why would you do that?
Does this mean.
Do you know what you've done?
I didnt know it would work this fast,
Ive had mine for years.
Yes, Because whatever you had
was just a small dosage.
And then what?
You're just going to lock us here until
we figured out a cure? You fucking idiot.
You wouldn't even leave this place anyway.
You made it.
You don't know anything about me.
I've tried for years.
We left when they tried to weaponize it.
You're the only one here
who's hurting somebody.
Stop trying to blame us.
Wait? What about me?
I'm not sick.
You must have had a different strain
that's... that's stopping the virus.
Its just stopping it now.
we can call some of our old partners.
They might still be at Anubis
they might be able to help us
with the new strain.
Somebody there might
still have a sample of my blood.
We can at least try and do something.
I've been following the research.
It's even more lethal now.
Everyone that we've worked with has gone.
No, no, no.
It's no more an hour
hike, 30 minute oration, an hour back.
But if it takes
any longer, call for backup.
Are you bringing anybody back with you?
It's not likely so dont give away my seat.
So there really is nothing we can do.
Wait. What was that?
Oh my god, Wally. Are you her?
I was so angry.
I didn't know.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Yeah. We need to go.
All of us.
Something's not right.
Wally, everything is right.
Look. You can barely stand up.
It's fine, the medicine will hold
until we find something stronger.
Then why am I still standing up?
Yeah You're right.
I put it on both,
of your plates.
Your antibodies must
have created something.
This is a good thing.
No, no, no, no, no.
You said the antibodies won't work.
Give my wife the device.
We dont have time.
We have to go, now...
Amber, put it on. Now.
I want to see it.
Show me Amber.
Wally, please.
I want to see what happened
with my heart attack.
Show me
show me!
No! I dont want to!
This is
my death.
I don't know how to tell you
or if you should know, even...
I'm not human.
Wally you're still you.
What am I?
Are you a clone?
Is that what I just saw?
It's an intense prosthetics treatment.
Clones are
grown and raised.
Synthetic androids are built.
You built me
with my own research.
How could you do this to me?
After my husband dies
from a virus that we made together.
Do I have to bring him back
or to just let him go?
Do I keep my baby and risk her as well?
Or do I give her a chance at life?
Buy time and
solve the cure for a disease
that was tearing my life apart.
What would you have me do?
I'm not me!
I'm not your husband.
So an android body
replacement is the cure?
No. To all of this.
No baby, no love.
No to ever playing God.
I've lived with you.
I've loved you.
And you, you have loved me.
You're still the man
that I met in that lab.
So help me, Wally.
Help me, baby.
I dont think I can last like this.
So you got a second chance at life
by the person you love, and you,
you what?
You don't take it?
You don't know what this is.
I know that you're alive.
I don't even know.
I know.
This is.
Look, I know that you're alive.
That's what matters.
You cared for, baby, that you didn't have.
You loved Amber. That's what I want.
Just forget everything
else. We'll figure it out later.
You were patient zero, Wally.
It was made to work,
and it worked.
You caught it trying to save him.
I will do anything to save your life.
I'm going to save hers, too.
How did you do it?
Putting someone else's
consciousness into something else
is not possible.
You need something that can
interpret the brain as data
Wally, give her the helmet.
I can't.
I can't be a part of this.
We don't need him.
How does it work?
Are our minds
who we are?
It's just a
collection of memories.
Like how we lived and who we
and who we love.
It's the choices that we make.
And I.
I worked on the device once
I saw what it could do. I made it able to
store your consciousness, then upload it.
And the
bio printer at Anubis the rest.
Ellis Williamson.
You're on perimeter.
Victor, You're on me.
You already know.
Lightt him up.
Why would you do this and not tell me.
I didnt want to hurt you.
Youre too kind for that.
Yeah, but we...
we could have figured this out.
You did. All you need to
know is that I love you.
Is she gone?
What are you...
Are you...
Are you going to do it?
If I can save her life. Yes.
The codes that she was talking about,
she would have stored in subroutines
where I wouldn't have looked.
Ah. I got it.
What are those?
Its the proximity alarms.
Craig's men are here.
They're surrounding the house.
How far away were those guys?
Is there anything we can do?
Where am I?
I can hear you.
What happened?
You alive?
Let me see you.
How do I see you?
Try to use the security cameras
as your eyes and.
You should be able to see anything
that's on a network.
I see. Outside,
there are soldiers.
Where's Margot?
Holy shit.
This worked.
Hey, baby.
She can see me.
Is it?
Is that you?
It's me.
It works.
We don't have much time.
You need to hurry.
There'll be more men coming soon.
You sure you're ready for this?
Mm hmm.
It's moving faster.
Oh, she's
Hey, Wally.
Now it's your turn.
All those years
we have missed so much.
Let's make it up to her.
And there.
Does that feel better?
Got a little.
Wiggle your fingers for me.
Oh, that's good. That's good.
And how to nanites holding up, Doctor?
They've stabilized completely.
We're good.
And we do have.
A little nervous, you know?
Sorry to interrupt, heres your chart.
Thank you. Yeah.
I'll get some water
Its confirmed.
Theyre here.
Doctor Wallace too.
(Wallace hears baby crying.)
Uh - oh.
What's wrong?
It's like that, Amber?
Look, I got it.
I got it.
What's wrong? Hmm?
Lets see.
Lets see.
Let me check.
Nothing there.
I know.
I know.
I know.
There you go.
By the way, I haven't found anything
on the Rockwell's.
I mean, these people could be either dead
or out of the country.
Listen, this girl...
She's sick and she's scared.
I'm not hiding or withholding information.
I'm just making sure I'm
doing whatever I can to help her.
That's all.
That's not our concern.
We need to know what she knows
and everything you've learned.
Look, you're going to get your files.
I just want to make sure she's safe.
I only need about an hour.
You know, as far as anyone else
knows, I'm just helping some homeless kid
with a rash.
No one else is involved.
You have 30.
Oh, yeah.
we tested
the samples that we took from you
the last time. I tested them for contagions
and cellular count.
And look... its spreading
around your body.
What are you talking about?
This is just a rash.
I don't think it is.
At least not anymore.
I mean... how many...
How many treatments have we tried?
What's worked?
Okay, so you think I should go to someone
who could actually help me?
I did find something else.
Let's start with you've been lying to me.
What are you talking about?
I've done some digging
around, looking for family,
family history, parents, adoption... you.
I know your name's not Gaby,
Why wouldn't you tell me?
My name is Gaby... Stop!
But what's weird
is that's all I could find.
No last name.
Which means your birth certificate
is probably fake.
Okay, well.
You know what to do with this stuff.
Figure it out. Give me something.
I cant just...
You should have told me. Why?
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Target's on the move.
Stay on the target.
Hey babe.
So. What are you thinking?
What are you feeling for tonight?
Preferably food.
You know, it'd
be nice for once if you
would cook something.
I'm just leaving the office now.
You know, the usual, long days.
Oh, no.
I'll go ahead and put the girls down.
Yeah. Love you, too.
Ill give you a call back... Margot?
Is that a knife?
Just give me the info you got.
What are you talking about?
The info that you showed me.
Let me get it now!
Just calm down...
You know, for once, it would be nice
if you would cook something.
You specifically said
you'd only marry me if I never cook again.
I can't change my mind. Hmm.
Is this going to be a thing?
Im trying to do something here.
No, I'm just saying.
Grilled cheese.
Make something with potatoes.
Yeah. Sure babe.
Just go.
Even with two doctorates, how
do you not know how to make sandwiches?
Hmm? Alright, alright.
I got you.
No. She's not dumb.
What happened back there Gaby?
Or Margot?
Whichever one you prefer.
Oh. Would you mind picking that up for me?
Don't worry.
I would have shot me too.
What is this about?
You don't recognize these?
Your friend had these.
You spent a long time there.
Where are you lying,
This is really disappointing,
Who are they?
A loose end.
Does anybody know about this?
Or you.
I don't even know about me.
What's wrong with me?
Help me.
I am.
Do you remember
when we were at those labs?
It was like about a year in.
Yeah, It was our first job together.
Mm hmm.
And do you remember they had that strict
no food in the lab rule?
You actually noticed that?
I would have never guessed.
Well, when I was sneaking in cake for
your birthday, you didn't seem to care.
Yeah, you almost got fired, too.
You don't fire
someone with two doctorates, Wally.
And... I think...
I remember you eating that cake.
Oh, okay. Mmm.
I hate you for that.
How did I end up with such a square?
Because you don't know how to cook.
Alright. I'll make you a grilled cheese
if you agree to some
nasty, dirty sex for dessert.
You make me a souffle,
and I'll eat my own ass.
Say it.
Say what?
Say it.
I love you.
No, no.
Come on.
Oh my g...
Hey., hey...
It's alright.
We'll figure this out.
Yeah, that's easy for you...
Well figure it out...
It's easy for you to say.
You just got to be patient.
Look, I'm sorry,
but this...
It's not just a regular virus
that we can just attack with antibodies.
Well, just look at it as a rule.
You'll break it eventually.
Yes, sir.
Yes. Theyre taken care of.
She took food and grabbed the gun.
They'll find both bodies
and connect the dots... easy clean up.
No, she didnt seem to
recognize either of them.
Well, once he was eliminated,
his wife left the company.
We haven't seen anything to
suggest that she's involved.
She's been holed up in
the middle of nowhere.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
Is the girl going to be an issue?
The food was laced.
She's not making it through the night.
Have you ever seen this work in action?
No, I haven't.
Its a thing of beauty.
Perfectly engineered.
One drop is a death sentence.
You did good today.
Tell your team to take the night off.
You pay us not to.
So professional.
Come here.
Ill show you how it works.
the virus isn't contracted airborne.
Only topically.
Even then, after a few hours,
they're not contagious.
So you can't get it
just by touching the rash.
No. It's made to be specifically targeted
and discreet.
You should read more about it
just in case.
Why wasnt I told this sooner?
No, no.
I'll come to you on. Security
found my badge in a trash
can near archives.
Dinner is served.
Uhh, yeah.
Just one second...
You know,
I don't want to start another fight, but...
The one that sounds like
the start of another fight, babe.
You know you already solved this.
Oh, no.
you just take a second to think about it?
No. No.
What do you mean, no?
I don't want to get into this.
This is a great idea.
You may have discovered something
that could solve this before it advances.
And I left because I'm not interested
in pursuing consciousness work.
It's the same answer back then,
and it's still the same answer now.
We left.
Yes, we left.
And we will find the right way to do it.
I'm not trying to talk about this
right now.
I'm trying to talk about a cure,
something that we can develop together
based on your research.
And just because
we can't go back to our old life
doesn't mean that we can't just live.
Wally. You know what? No. Im not...
I'm not going to do this with you.
This is...
This is the shit that stresses me out!
Its just,
probably, some animal or something
outside just causing a proximity alert.
I don't...
Go upstairs with Hailey.
I just need to go outside
to go to refreh the outdoor cams...
I probably just need o replace the...
Wait, Wally...
Can I help you?
Why don't you go check on the baby?
I'll be done in a minute.
You know what babe?
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I just want to say I'm sorry...
I know I'm kind of an asshole.
This is true.
Speaking of assholes. Okay. Okay.
Let's eat.
You know, I won that fight, right?
Allah help her.
Oh, come on. Don't bring him into this.
Woman, I swear, you just really...
Mm hmm.
Come on, baby.
Get mad for me.
I don't feel comfortable.
Oh, it gets comfortable.
And, you know, I need an adult.
You know, I like it when you're mad.
Can I just eat my food without you trying
to... (Wallace hears the baby crying.) Now?
Amber! Amber. Amber.
Hey, baby.
Baby talk to me.
Stay with me.
Amber, stay with me.
Stay with me.
Let me go.
Let me go.
Who are you?
Get out of our house.
Stop talking.
You'll be fine
if you do what I tell you to do.
That girl.
She must have followed us here.
No department has reported anything
R&D, Weapons, lab,
nothing yet.
Then why is she here? What does she want?
A cure?
There is no cure.
Not for that.
Maybe we should do a sweep? Ill
see who talks then shut them up.
No, no, no.
Someone's been here.
The folders.
The vial. Shit!
She knows.
We need to accelerate
getting a team ready.
There is no operation.
Wqcompromised Anubis won't even
touch the lab.
You lost your coms
tell them to get a new one synced.
Say nothing.
Where is Amber and Hailey?
My wife.
My daughter.
What have you done?
Your wife or your daughter are safe.
I'm just surprised you are, actually.
What do you mean?
Youre just a kid....
Why would they send you?
These are old prototypes...
Man, no one sent me.
Then why are you here? Who are you?
Alright, look,
I need you to listen carefully.
I'm uploading and recording everything.
If I die, everything gets released.
I know you don't want that.
You can't. Look, don't do this.
Just. Just.
Just tell me what you
want, and then you can leave.
I will.
After I get what I need.
How did you get that?
That's not your problem.
We don't have a cure.
You're wasting your time!
Right. I'll talk to your wife.
Maybe she can help me. Please.
Oh, please.
My family.
This is my family. Just leave us alone.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wait,
wait, wait. Come back.
No, no, no, no, no.
Come back. Oh!
Oh, no.
Is it supposed to do that?
It's a memory recognition prototype.
This machine stitches
every bit of your memory together.
And it shows what you're thinking,
too, right?
If you want to take it, just take it.
Were nobodies.
So modest.
For the recording, state
your name and your wife's name and shit.
Just tell me what you.
What do you want? What do you want?
Okay. Okay.
I am Doctor
Wallace Rockwell, and my partner and wife
is Doctor
Amber Jones-Rockwell.
We worked together for years.
Mostly theoretical work and experiments
exploring new concepts.
Biomechanics was our passion.
Synthetic prosthetics
or realistic robotic limbs.
We used science to improve lives.
And. How long have you been doing that?
Since graduate school.
I focused on prosthetics
and 3D bio printers,
and she specialized in human genome
Excuse me.
You're lying. What? What?
I've read the articles.
Building prosthetics for people?
That's not all you were doing.
All we wanted.
To do was to improve prosthetics.
We built synthetic limbs, integrating
the patient's DNA, using bio printers.
They were incredible.
Of course, the agency wanted more.
Organs, fully synthetic androids.
Our nanotech prosthetics was our passion.
The rest was just work.
And this brain
TV thing was just for kicks.
It wasn't
supposed to be much of anything.
It was a personal project,
and I wanted to just keep it private.
Well, your secrets out now, right?
I don't need to hide it.
I'm more interested in my family
not making headlines.
You get to work on your dream project
with your dream girl,
and you just leave.
my family is what I am most proud of.
Where is your daughter, anyway?
Wha - what?
Your wife and your daughter.
This family youre mentioning.
Where are they?
Unless, you know, daughter's some creepy
nickname you have for some robot
that's lying around.
Wait, you said...
You said that she was upstairs
with my wife.
Look, since you and I have some problem
with trust
today, let me take the first step.
I haven't heard a baby in this house
all day.
Hailey! Hailey!
You're going to get everything.
Just promise me when you do,
you leave my family and the girl alone.
By the way, I haven't found anything
on the Rockwell's.
I mean, these people could be either dead
or out the country.
Listen, this girl,
she's sick and she's scared,
that's all.
Theres no way she can find...
You got what you need.
Now leave us alone, please.
If our friendship meant anything to you,
just let me go
Where are you hiding?
Where are you hiding?
What else did you guys work on?
God damn it, Wallace,
I swear...
I don't understand, I wouldn't.
I don't think I would even...
Doctor Rockwell
the disease you and your wife made!
My work is to help.
Why would you make something like this?
I've tried everything.
It was designed to be
resilient against everything.
Antibodies, vaccines.
We tested it
against everything that we had.
I know that nothing works.
Trust me.
I know.
Trust you?!
You made this!
So, whats the cure Doc, huh?
I mean, you took it your immune or...
Stop it Wally,
she doesn't need to see anything else.
Take it off now.
Wally, are you okay?
Are you alright?
Yes, baby. I'm okay.
Hey. Hey.
Amber, sweetheart,
Amber, she's scared.
I need your help over here.
Are you okay?
Im okay baby.
I don't want to use this.
And neither does she.
Thoughts don't lie.
You've seen this
Is Hailey okay?
She didn't find her did she?
She's fine. Who is she?
I don't.
I don't know.
I don't know.
She just knocked me out,
and she just tied me up.
What's your name?
Margo. Look...
Shut up.
Stop talking until we tell you to. Look,
everything's fine. It's okay.
We'll get Hailey and well go.
Wait, hold up.
Man, I told you, I didn't hear a baby.
Shut up.
You know...
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Im fine.
(Wallace hears the baby crying, but
distorted.) Do you guys hear that?
Hear why?
The crying? But.
But wait, wait, wait, wait.
But it sounds different.
Amber, you hear it, don't you?
Wally, I don't hear anything.
How can you not hear anything?
How can you not hear that?
What did you do?
Wait, wait, wait. What's happening?
What's happening to Hailey?
What did you do? What did you do?
What did you do to her?
You said you didn't do anything.
Trust me, I wouldn't hurt a baby.
I wouldn't do that.
Then why?
Then why does she sound like that? Like
Shes in my head.
Theres no baby.
After we got infected...
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait.
What are you talking about?
I just.
I just
tucked her in about a few hours ago.
What do you mean?
After we got infected?
I put her up for adoption
while you were sick.
I was scared for her.
I didn't want her
to have to deal with this.
You were... you were different.
You were different.
After the accident,
you started having psychotic breaks.
You were seeing her and you were
talking to her and you were hearing her.
And I didn't know what to do.
Am I crazy?
I kept.
I kept trying to tell you
that she wasn't there.
But you insisted that you saw her.
And eventually I just.
I stopped
correcting you.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This doesn't make any sense.
I would have known if this wasn't real.
Maybe we can go back to the lab to try...
No! it's not going to help.
It's okay, because you're you.
You're you.
I'm not going anywhere.
How could any of this be okay, Amber?
First she shows up with the same thing
that you have.
And now you're telling me
that I don't even have a daughter.
Where is she?
I don't know. I.
I didn't want to risk your mental state
getting any worse.
I'm sorry.
You're special Wally.
This is what happens.
You start to go crazy.
Is that what the disease does?
Not now. Not now.
Am I going to go crazy?
He's not crazy.
I don't understand.
Why does she have the same virus?
Why did you say we were infected?
I don't think right
now is the time to...
Tell me,
Tell me.
You owe me that.
This virus.
This disease is what got you sick.
But how.
Are hallucinations
one of the symptoms? Do you have them too?
How long have I been infected?
It's not like that.
So you do have a cure?
She must be testing it on you.
The serum has to be working.
Where did you get this?
From the lab and the machine.
When did you synthesize this?
He synthesized it, before it tied him up.
Wally, it works!
Can I have some more, please?
Hey. Hey, Amber, look at me.
Look at me.
It's the least we can do.
It's meant to treat symptoms,
but it's not a cure.
How did you get it?
I don't know.
We think that I was exposed
at the lab somehow, but
it must have been tiny because it hasn't
really been affecting me.
It doesnt seem like it.
You both need to sit. Sit.
So hallucinations is not a symptom?
Not really.
But I've never heard of them happening
after a heart attack.
I must have had a brain seizure
or something
when I was in a coma.
Were you testing the serum out of me?
No one else was supposed to be infected.
It was just... Yes or no?
I knew it.
After I got sick, I went into rehab
and we moved the family out here.
You made me think
that we were getting away from the company
and we were going to focus on us.
You invented the virus.
You disappeared,
but got infected anyway.
Please stop.
I think you know more about this virus
than you are letting on.
You're letting a
stranger come into our home
and cause trouble.
We can talk about this,
but only after she's out of here.
How can I trust you?
The baby?
You made me think
that there was actually a baby.
For how many years?
Tell me.
Ten years.
Ten years?
Who are you?
Don't do that.
Don't. What would you have done?
I would not have let my spouse live a lie.
You were in a loop.
I tried to tell you,
but you wouldn't believe me.
I love you.
I'll do anything I have
to to take care of you.
And you.
It's time for you to come clean.
How did you find us?
I know that we were off the grid.
Put this on.
Put it on., now!
We have to try to help her.
We can't help me,
so we can't help her.
What was your plan?
What plan?
Your plan!
What was your plan here!?
To fix me!
That's the plan! To cure me!
You see,
she brought that here.
They've improved my design.
Did you use this in this house?
I just looped
the cameras, will show you.
What was that?
Let me triangulate it.
Wherever it is,
it's blocking all incoming location pings.
Trace the coordinates in the last
few hours.
your trail.
The girl is heading to Doctor
Amber Rockwell's house,
most likely looking for a cure.
Which means Amber knows
we're using the nano virus.
We can't risk her telling anyone.
Get my research and leave
nothing that comes back to us.
Let's move.
You know what?
Let's go.
We'll figure this out once we're safe.
Shouldn't we make more medicine?
We have the formula.
We can make it somewhere else.
Are you sure?
Yours seems a lot more serious.
Do you know how serious it is?
I figured if we all caught the infection,
we'd have no choice but to find a cure.
I didn't know you already had it.
That wasn't a sedative.
You fed us the virus.
Why would you do that?
Does this mean.
Do you know what you've done?
I didnt know it would work this fast,
Ive had mine for years.
Yes, Because whatever you had
was just a small dosage.
And then what?
You're just going to lock us here until
we figured out a cure? You fucking idiot.
You wouldn't even leave this place anyway.
You made it.
You don't know anything about me.
I've tried for years.
We left when they tried to weaponize it.
You're the only one here
who's hurting somebody.
Stop trying to blame us.
Wait? What about me?
I'm not sick.
You must have had a different strain
that's... that's stopping the virus.
Its just stopping it now.
we can call some of our old partners.
They might still be at Anubis
they might be able to help us
with the new strain.
Somebody there might
still have a sample of my blood.
We can at least try and do something.
I've been following the research.
It's even more lethal now.
Everyone that we've worked with has gone.
No, no, no.
It's no more an hour
hike, 30 minute oration, an hour back.
But if it takes
any longer, call for backup.
Are you bringing anybody back with you?
It's not likely so dont give away my seat.
So there really is nothing we can do.
Wait. What was that?
Oh my god, Wally. Are you her?
I was so angry.
I didn't know.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Yeah. We need to go.
All of us.
Something's not right.
Wally, everything is right.
Look. You can barely stand up.
It's fine, the medicine will hold
until we find something stronger.
Then why am I still standing up?
Yeah You're right.
I put it on both,
of your plates.
Your antibodies must
have created something.
This is a good thing.
No, no, no, no, no.
You said the antibodies won't work.
Give my wife the device.
We dont have time.
We have to go, now...
Amber, put it on. Now.
I want to see it.
Show me Amber.
Wally, please.
I want to see what happened
with my heart attack.
Show me
show me!
No! I dont want to!
This is
my death.
I don't know how to tell you
or if you should know, even...
I'm not human.
Wally you're still you.
What am I?
Are you a clone?
Is that what I just saw?
It's an intense prosthetics treatment.
Clones are
grown and raised.
Synthetic androids are built.
You built me
with my own research.
How could you do this to me?
After my husband dies
from a virus that we made together.
Do I have to bring him back
or to just let him go?
Do I keep my baby and risk her as well?
Or do I give her a chance at life?
Buy time and
solve the cure for a disease
that was tearing my life apart.
What would you have me do?
I'm not me!
I'm not your husband.
So an android body
replacement is the cure?
No. To all of this.
No baby, no love.
No to ever playing God.
I've lived with you.
I've loved you.
And you, you have loved me.
You're still the man
that I met in that lab.
So help me, Wally.
Help me, baby.
I dont think I can last like this.
So you got a second chance at life
by the person you love, and you,
you what?
You don't take it?
You don't know what this is.
I know that you're alive.
I don't even know.
I know.
This is.
Look, I know that you're alive.
That's what matters.
You cared for, baby, that you didn't have.
You loved Amber. That's what I want.
Just forget everything
else. We'll figure it out later.
You were patient zero, Wally.
It was made to work,
and it worked.
You caught it trying to save him.
I will do anything to save your life.
I'm going to save hers, too.
How did you do it?
Putting someone else's
consciousness into something else
is not possible.
You need something that can
interpret the brain as data
Wally, give her the helmet.
I can't.
I can't be a part of this.
We don't need him.
How does it work?
Are our minds
who we are?
It's just a
collection of memories.
Like how we lived and who we
and who we love.
It's the choices that we make.
And I.
I worked on the device once
I saw what it could do. I made it able to
store your consciousness, then upload it.
And the
bio printer at Anubis the rest.
Ellis Williamson.
You're on perimeter.
Victor, You're on me.
You already know.
Lightt him up.
Why would you do this and not tell me.
I didnt want to hurt you.
Youre too kind for that.
Yeah, but we...
we could have figured this out.
You did. All you need to
know is that I love you.
Is she gone?
What are you...
Are you...
Are you going to do it?
If I can save her life. Yes.
The codes that she was talking about,
she would have stored in subroutines
where I wouldn't have looked.
Ah. I got it.
What are those?
Its the proximity alarms.
Craig's men are here.
They're surrounding the house.
How far away were those guys?
Is there anything we can do?
Where am I?
I can hear you.
What happened?
You alive?
Let me see you.
How do I see you?
Try to use the security cameras
as your eyes and.
You should be able to see anything
that's on a network.
I see. Outside,
there are soldiers.
Where's Margot?
Holy shit.
This worked.
Hey, baby.
She can see me.
Is it?
Is that you?
It's me.
It works.
We don't have much time.
You need to hurry.
There'll be more men coming soon.
You sure you're ready for this?
Mm hmm.
It's moving faster.
Oh, she's
Hey, Wally.
Now it's your turn.
All those years
we have missed so much.
Let's make it up to her.
And there.
Does that feel better?
Got a little.
Wiggle your fingers for me.
Oh, that's good. That's good.
And how to nanites holding up, Doctor?
They've stabilized completely.
We're good.
And we do have.
A little nervous, you know?
Sorry to interrupt, heres your chart.
Thank you. Yeah.
I'll get some water
Its confirmed.
Theyre here.
Doctor Wallace too.