Anand Sreebala (2024) Movie Script

'May 26, 2023
'May 26, 2023
- What's it?
- My daughter is missing.
- Missing?
- Yes.
She's a student at Law College.
She's usually back at the hostel
before 7 pm.
But today she's not yet back.
We've already checked at
all the places she could be at.
She hasn't been to any of them.
Where's your hostel?
What's the problem?
Their daughter's missing, Madam.
It's under North station.
Then go to North station.
Give a missing complaint.
They'll take care of the rest.
We'll give them a call as well.
Did you think we wouldn't know
you drove drunk?
If you go and crash somewhere,
we'll only have to stand guard for you.
For your post-mortem and in the mortuary.
Get it?!
- Did you get their documents?
- Yes, sir.
- What's it?
- They sent us from the Women's station.
My daughter is--
Prasad, did you get a call from WS?
Yes, they mentioned an elopement case.
She didn't elope, sir.
She's missing.
They'll say this first
and it always ends up as an elopement.
Sir, can we leave?
Of course!
That's why we brought you here, no?
- Come.
- His useless hat and beard!
- Is your daughter studying?
- Yes, sir. At Law College.
- Who are you?
- Hostel warden.
Merin is usually back at the hostel
before 7 pm.
She would call and let us know
if she's late.
Today she didn't call
and her mobile is switched off.
Does this girl have any love affairs
or the like?
Sir, these are her parents.
They're scared as it is.
If you speak like this in front of them--
Dear sister, I didn't ask you this to get
some twisted satisfaction or anything.
We need to find her, right?
Can't you find her using
her mobile tower location?
Aha! Then take some kids from the hostel
and go search.
We can squat mosquitoes here.
Sir, please...
Please help us...
- Where's your hostel?
- North.
- Where in North?
- Kacheripady.
You brought this case from Kacheripady?
You need to go to Central Station.
Sir, a girl has been missing for 3 hours.
We don't know where she is
or what she did.
And we've been going
from station to station at night.
Sister, if you just want a
written complaint I can do it right away.
But we need to find her, right?
We've to search for her.
For that you have to go where you need to.
Show me her picture once again.
Here, take a printout of this.
Keep a copy in the file
and send it to all stations.
Do it quickly.
You can leave now.
Don't worry.
Maybe her phone ran out of charge.
She'll be at some friend's house.
We'll find her. Okay?
we will find my daughter, right?
Don't worry, okay?
You may go.
Give all her details to the control.
Okay, sir.
- Sethu.
- Sir?
Check with all hospitals in the city
if any accident cases have been reported.
Alright, sir.
It's a normal procedure.
Don't worry.
'Control, Central PS calling.'
'Control answering.'
'Urgent information about a missing case.'
'Carry on.'
'For the attention of
all stations and mobile CRVs.'
'A 20-year-old girl named Merin Joy from'
'Central Station area has been
reported missing.'
'She is approximately 5 feet 4 inches tall
with a fair complexion.'
'Missing person was last seen
wearing a maroon salwar.'
'The photo and other details
of the missing girl...'
'have been sent to Police WhatsApp groups.'
'Since she is a Law College student,'
'all mobiles and patrol teams in that area,
please be vigilant.'
'If this message is unclear to
any mobile or station, please notify.'
Tell me, Sethu.
Good morning, sir.
Just got a message from Island Police.
Theyve found a body entangled in moss
in the lake.
'There's a doubt if it matches
yesterday's missing case.'
Did you inform her parents?
No, sir. They're...
still here.
They didn't go home yesterday.
Can you come here, sir?
- Okay.
'- Okay, sir.'
Sir, did you get any information about her?
Joy, we need to go somewhere.
Nothing to worry.
Madam, you be here.
- Sangeeta...
- Yes, sir.
- Buy her something to eat.
- Yes, sir.
Did anything happen to her, sir?
Nothing. Come.
'P2 mobile Alpha 1'
'P2 mobile answering, sir.'
'Are you at the spot
where they body was found?'
'Yes, sir.'
'Make sure people don't gather there.'
'Immediately start the inquest procedure.'
'Is that clear?'
'Did the forensic team reach?'
'Not yet, sir.'
'Yeah, okay.'
My dear...
Your dad is here...
Look at me.
My dear...
"Did you leave without a final goodbye?"
"Did you drift to sleep
beneath a veil of flowered silk?"
"Is your sweet smile slowly fading away?"
"Tomorrow, you'll stand before me,
In my grieving memories."
'One arrested in
Ernakulam law student's death.'
'Law student, Merin Joy's friend Rony has
been arrested in connection with her death.'
Rony John, Merin's friend,
has been arrested on suspicion
of inciting suicide
in connection with Merin's case.
We've retrieved their phone conversations.
We will provide you with further details
in due course.
She said she would call me
after church in the evening.
We heard that there were issues
between you two?
We only had the typical issues
that happen in any relationship.
"The dreams that blossomed in your eyes"
"Did the desert's scorching wind
blow them away?"
"Though my lips hold no
lullabies to sing"
"Did you fall silently asleep,
Listening to some distant song?"
"Tomorrow, will you stand before me
In my grieving memories?"
'Did the police fail to act promptly
in your daughter's case?'
Is the complaint to the ADGP
against the investigation team?
The night my daughter went missing
we went to each police station
and begged them.
At that time...
my daughter was...
We want to know
what happened to our daughter.
'Merin Joy case has been
handed over to the Crime Branch.'
'The DGP has ordered to hand over the'
'controversial Merin Joy case
to the Crime Branch.'
"Did the tears that fell from your eyes
sear the earth?"
"Did you stand afar, like a distant star
and weep?"
"Is your sweet smile slowly fading away?"
"Tomorrow, will you stand before me
In my grieving memories?"
Tell me, Alby.
Where are you, Sree?
I'll be there soon.
Just getting into the car.
Since morning that TRP witch
has been asking about the story.
What should I say?
Tell her I'm coming with the story.
'Come soon or I'll be screwed.'
- 4256
- Okay.
The OTP is wrong.
The OTP is correct.
Is the booking under the name Priya?
It's okay.
Boss is very angry.
What do I do if she says that?
- Good morning, Alby.
- Good morning.
What about the story?
I've uploaded one on Instagram.
Take it and give it.
Was that a joke?
Good morning.
Doesn't your phone have
incoming call facility?
I called you so many times.
You called to ask about the
next episode of Crime Files, right?
I knew it, that's why I didn't answer.
Oh, you knew it.
So, tell me. What's your next plan?
Next plan...
In the last one year,
14 female students have
committed suicide in Kochi.
Around 54 such cases
in the whole of Kerala.
Six months ago,
the police discovered the body
of a Law student at Kochi Wharf.
Her name was Merin Joy.
Back then the local police
lodged an FIR with evidence
saying that she had committed suicide
by jumping off the Goshree bridge.
The case was then transferred
to the Crime Branch.
I remember this case.
Some issue with her boyfriend.
- Suicide, right?
- That's the police theory.
The police arrested that boy back then.
He was remanded for a while.
I guess no one hired him after that,
he's driving a taxi now.
This case was investigated and closed.
Where's the news value?
The Abhaya case,
initially closed as a suicide,
was reopened and cleared after 30 years
due to its news value.
The media was behind that case.
For some time now, the parents of this girl
have been persistently going to court,
insisting that her death
was not a suicide but a murder,
and demanding a CBI investigation.
That's usual, right.
There are many things
that are not usual in this case, ma'am.
Things that even a layman would understand.
The police weren't ready to
provide an answer back then
and they still aren't now.
That's our catch.
There's a lot of public interest
in this case.
We'll trigger them also.
What are you on to, Sree?
This is a case
which the police investigated
and closed with evidence of suicide.
Now you're gonna say it's murder?
Will you get it investigated
by some private detective?
Private detective, right?
I can get one.
I've been behind this for 4 months, sir.
I'm fed up.
I haven't slept in days.
Your job is in the Police, Pradeep.
This is normal.
You stop worrying.
We can refer similar case files
and analyse this case once again.
There's a lot of pressure, sir.
Moreover, if we
cannot prove this,
the case will go to the CBI.
What's happening?
Sir, from 1997 to 2023,
in Ernakulam jurisdiction itself,
there are a total of
21 hit and run cases of LLR holders.
Out of those, 11 are not hit and run,
just hit.
3 out of the remaining 7 are
well- planned murders.
All the details of those 3 cases
are in these files, sir.
If you've a valid licence, an insured car
and a driver
who hasn't been drinking for 24 hours,
anyone can kill just anyone, sir.
Section 304A.
Causing death by negligence.
I suspect the same in this case, sir.
Sir, who's this?
Anand Sreebala.
Do you recognise him, Pradeep?
He's the son of Head Constable Sreebala.
Oh, writer Sreebala.
Sreebala's FIRs are still used as
study material by the police.
- Is Anand with the police too?
- Not with...police...
Not quite if you ask so.
But he will be soon. Am I right?
He often comes here to bother me.
He takes old case files to read.
When he returns them,
he brings back points that none of us
in the police had noticed.
Those have helped the department
a great deal.
He seems good, sir.
Sir, I'm leaving.
- Today's the interview with that company.
- Oh, okay.
But you said
he was gonna join the police?
So, what's with this company interview?
Need to survive until I join the police.
- Alright, sir.
- Go on, then.
Let's go to the next topic,
'political correctness'.
Priya, let's talk about
political correctness in movies.
The misogynistic and
toxic masculine approach of film-makers
influences the budding generation
in a bad way.
being politically correct
depends on the given situation.
What's correct for you
may not be correct for me.
So, I strongly disagree
on generalising political correctness.
Topic number 4,
'Artificial Intelligence.'
AI can be used for policy analysis
and public services.
AI will definitely improve governance.
Topic number 5,
Jijo, talk about your mother.
My mother is my world, sir.
Sir, may I speak in Malayalam?
Sure, go ahead.
My mother means everything to me, sir.
She's my first friend,
my teacher,
and the balance of my life.
I can't imagine a world without her.
Very good.
Anand Sreebala!
Your name is very interesting.
Is Sreebala your mother?
Using your mother's name as your surname
is very inspiring.
Tell us about your mother.
Don't worry about it.
What does your mother do?
are you okay?
I can't do this anymore, Mom.
Achu, why are you panicking?
Just answer their questions.
Come on.
Tell them confidently
that your mother was a cop.
I will, Mom.
Sir, Sreebala is my mother.
She was a police officer.
She passed away 15 years ago.
Let it go.
Anyway, youre not cut out for IT jobs,
you belong in police work.
Everything was going perfectly, sir.
But in the end,
they asked about my mother.
First, follow your doctor's advice,
and all these unwanted feelings
will vanish.
Sir, how can my mother
be an unwanted feeling for me?
I wouldn't trade her memory for any job.
Don't be upset, man.
Just wait until
the SI test results come out.
What makes you so sure
that I will pass the SI test?
It doesn't matter, even if you won't.
My father has promised me
that he will arrange our wedding
even if you've no job.
Isn't that enough for you?
is marrying her my only goal in life?
I have been living on my own
since I was 12.
Although you can't see her,
I can still see my mother.
It's my only source of happiness.
And you call it insanity.
Anyway, nobody understands any of this.
Sir, he proposed to me
only because my name is Sreebala.
Was I an idiot for saying yes
even after knowing that?
I fell for him despite all his issues,
and still, he says nobody understands him.
Come on!
You got me booze, right?
Now, let me drink it in peace!
What is your actual problem?
I can't live depending on others.
I want to stand on my own two feet.
Haven't you seen my struggle
to stand on my two feet?!
What you need is a job.
I've arranged one for you
with a boss who understands
that your quirks aren't really crazy
and a job you'll love.
It comes with a decent salary, too.
And that's guaranteed.
Aha! That's cool!
Who's the super crazy boss
who gets that his quirks aren't really crazy?
That's me!
Ah! Come to the point!
What will his job be like?
The same work he does for you...
I'm appointing him as my creative support
starting from the next episode.
Ah! Not bad!
And what exactly
is the 'decent salary' you mentioned?
That's the only slight confusion.
See! See! She is showing
a journalist's true colours now!
- Shut up.
- Don't get mad, man.
Will fix it all!
When you say creative support,
what exactly will he have to do?
So, this is what she meant
by 'creative support!'
We are exploring
the day- to- day details of Merin Joy case
which was widely talked about
across Kerala.
Today, we have two people
still fighting for justice for Merin
even after the initial public interest
and outrage have faded.
Merin's parents, Mr. Joy and Mrs. Mary.
Sir, do you believe
your daughter committed suicide?
It's not about what we believe,
it's the truth.
She will never kill herself.
Can you tell us about the last conversation
you had with your daughter?
- Dear.
- Mom.
- Where's Dad?
- Dad...
He's outside at the farm.
What are you doing, Mom?
I was making
tapioca and beef curry in the kitchen.
Tell Dad that my results are out
and I got a distinction.
And then both of you pack that tapioca
and beef curry and come over.
Why? Aren't you coming home?
No, Mom.
I need to submit a project on Monday.
'So, you come here. Let's hang out here.'
My phone's almost out of charge.
I'll call you later.
When you last spoke to your daughter,
did she seem sad or upset?
She wasn't sad at all.
She was very happy.
She passed the exams with flying colours.
So how can we believe that
she killed herself by jumping into the lake
that very evening?
'The police arrested a suspect
in Merin's death'
'on charges of abetment to suicide,'
'Rony John.'
' Did you know about him before?'
'I called her that evening,'
around 5.30,
but her phone was switched off.
I tried calling her again at 6.30 pm.
I was worried when her phone was still off.
So, we called her hostel warden.
The warden said--
Did Merin know how to swim?
No, she had been scared of water
since she was a kid.
Was Merin an asthma patient?
She's had shortness of breath
since she was eight.
Do you have a copy of
Merin's post-mortem report or FIR?
Can I have a look?
I will get it.
Creative support!
Why do you look so confused?
Look at it from a policeman's perspective,
not just a layman's.
Connect the dots between
the FIR and the post-mortem report.
This is not a suicide.
This is not a suicide!
This is not a suicide, but murder.
Merin was murdered.
Why did he have to go over the top with it?
The moment Merin's mom started crying
I realised it had gotten out of hand!
Don't just blame him.
You should have been more careful
taking him along.
Didn't she take you along
just to help with the camera and stand?
Focus on the work you were paid for?
Why are you adding
unsolicited sincerity to it?
What findings did you discover
to conclude that it was a murder?
Findings, my foot!
Have your tea.
- What's that? An ant?
- No, it's okay.
If this ant is autopsied now,
what would the result show?
Did it die from drowning in tea
or from burns after falling
into the boiling hot tea?
will IPC Section 302 apply
for killing the ant by immersing it in tea?
Sorry, I've never attended
a similar case before.
I am not kidding, sir.
Sir, we can confirm Merin's death
as murder in two ways,
evidentially and psychologically.
According to the police report,
Merin's body was recovered
from the Kochi Wharf
12 hours after she jumped into the lake.
Her body didn't even show the basic changes
typical for a corpse
left in Kochi Lake for that long.
Additionally, only 150 ml of water
was found in her stomach.
And what's psychological?
A girl who is afraid of water
and has been using an inhaler regularly
for asthma since she was eight,
saying she boarded a vehicle
from Edappally Church
crossed Goshree Bridge 1
went to the highest point of Bridge 2,
looked at the lake, then jumped into it
and committed suicide...
it just doesn't sound logical.
Yeah, because
people planning to commit suicide
are always very logical, right?
Carry on.
Have you seen anyone
who has attempted suicide and survived?
I have talked to such people.
Most people who attempt suicide
make the decision
in a highly conscious mental state.
They do it because they lack hope,
not because they lack intelligence.
So, how do you plan
to take this forward now?
The plan is very simple.
Three days and two nights,
that too in Pattaya!
It's a complete romantic couple's package.
I got it through a friend of mine.
As a small commission for boosting
his travel company's ad on our channel.
It's a completely free trip.
If I say yes,
our tickets will be booked immediately.
Can I?
Only 150 ml of water in a corpse
that was in the water for 12 hours!
How can that be possible?
Did you hear anything I told you?
- Yes, I did.
- What did I say?
A friend of yours...
going on a Pattaya trip, right?
At what star-crossed moment
did I fall for this idiot?
This Merin case is just another episode
to boost the channel's ratings.
That's it!
That should be it!
Neither you nor I should be involved
in this case any more than that.
Got it?
- Good night.
- Good night.
If there are mysteries
surrounding that girl's death,
and if you are destined to clear the smoke
and bring her justice,
even if you don't do anything about it,
it will come looking for you.
For now, just do what Sreebala tells you.
"In some distant hour"
"In moments unforeseen"
"Like the scent of a flower"
"You gently embraced my soul"
I stirred from my slumber, my love"
"You fill my heart, my dear"
"With the sweetness, that is love"
"Silently within"
"My heart flutters like a butterfly"
Right now, we're beneath Goshree Bridge 2.
As per the FIR by the police,
it was first mentioned that
she jumped off Bridge 1.
"To stay unwithered"
"I fall like the purest dew"
"Quenching petals
scorched by summer's heat"
"Seeking solace
in the valley of memories"
Now you'll easily pass
the physical and medical tests.
From today, you're a police officer.
"Where you linger as a gentle sorrow"
"You brought a soothing calm
like ripples in a stream"
"As you draw near
A whisper of breeze in the dark"
"I bloom beside a window"
"Drenched in love,
I drift into this dream"
"Swirling as a white cloud"
"You fill my heart, my dear"
"With the sweetness, that is love"
"Silently within"
"My heart flutters like a butterfly"
"In some distant hour"
"In moments unforeseen"
"Like the scent of a flower"
"You gently embraced my soul"
I stirred from my slumber, my love"
Merin was a God-fearing child.
She would come to the church
whenever she came home.
She was very active
in the church choir group.
It's hard to believe she would
kill herself.
I know that you cannot reveal
confession secrets.
But I'm still gonna try,
did Merin tell you anything
that might help us with this case, Father?
- Hey!
- Ya?
- Where's Anand?
- Over there.
Over there?
Merin had told me about that boy
the police arrested.
Father Alex, you'll have to speak to
my dad and mom, okay?
Not right now.
After my course is over
and I start practising.
By then, Rony will find a job.
I'll speak to them.
For the time being,
don't tell your family about it.
Let me meet Rony.
Alright, Father.
Did Merin come with him to see you?
She left us before that.
But that boy often comes to church.
He lights a candle at her tomb
and leaves.
There are things surrounding her death
that we don't know.
She's not the kind to end her life
for the reasons the police provided.
GPay, okay?
I tried calling you a few times.
Anand. Anand Sreebala.
I told you already,
I cannot come stand in front of a camera.
As it is, the media bled me dry.
We won't shoot.
I just want to talk to you for 2 minutes.
I have nothing to say.
Everyone says she died because of me.
Let it stay so.
You think she jumped because they fought,
as the police said?
I don't think so.
She gives more importance to Pulwama Day
than to Valentine's Day on February 14th.
That too a law student.
With such a personality,
Merin is not the kind to suicide
over a fight with her boyfriend.
There's more to it than what meets the eye.
She has dated 3-4 people at the same time.
She's not that kind person.
We were very good friends.
I've heard her moral side wasn't so good.
She was unusually very happy that day.
Also, we got our results that day.
During the break, she was looking up
our results on her phone.
But she didn't come back to class
after midday.
He came here once to see her.
They had a fight that day too.
It's suicide. For sure it is.
This is where she stayed, no?
You said you only wanted to meet and talk.
You didn't mention about taking a video?
Ma'am, it will be better with video.
Better for whom?
For your channel, right?
I don't think Merin's family
will benefit out of this in any way.
I know that boy's family.
He's like a rebel type.
Maybe he took that behaviour
out on her too.
Sir, in the inquest report
by the Island police,
it says that she jumped off
Goshree 1 bridge.
Later in the report submitted to court,
it says that she jumped off
Goshree 2 bridge.
That happened due to a confusion.
We got a witness who said
he saw her jump off the bridge.
But when we questioned him further,
he said he saw her walk over Bridge 1.
The body was found at the wharf.
That's why we wrote on the FIR
that she jumped off Bridge 1.
But the local police and fishermen said
if the body was recovered from the wharf,
she'd have jumped off Bridge 2.
Not only that, beneath Bridge 1
there's almost 5 feet of mud.
If you fall, the body won't come up.
So, realising that the theory was correct,
we wrote Bridge 2 on the charge sheet.
That's true, sir.
Before killing herself,
Merin was aware that
there was 5 feet of mud beneath Bridge 1.
Well, we didn't get enough time
to investigate all that.
By then they had handed over
the case to the Crime Branch.
Sir, there's a wireless message.
Go on.
Alright then.
Also, don't put all this on the TV channel.
As it is I only have enemies
in the department.
Give my regards to Issac sir, okay?
'There are still many
unanswered questions in Merin's case.'
'Here's to hoping that Merin, the young
law student who dreamt of a bigger world,'
'and her parents are given due justice
by the law and police of this country.'
'Until we meet again with
another episode of Crime Files,'
'it's me, your very own Sreebala,
signing off.'
It's good.
It's got this fire.
But do you feel like
the ending lacks a punch?
If the final statement
triggers the audience,
it will deliver a punch.
End punch, right?
I'll fix it.
It's the wrong one, huh?
- Listen...
- Yeah.
That day you were technically explaining
your findings to Issac uncle, no?
How about we say that as
the conclusion for the video?
Say it.
I'm asking you to say it.
No way, I won't.
I can write it for you.
You say it.
If I say it, it won't look good.
If you say it,
it'll have a detective style.
First of all, I'm scared of cameras.
Not only that,
when those camera lights hit me,
my eyes keep blinking.
Are you okay, Anand?
- Mm.
- Sree, shall I roll?
- Camera.
- Rolling.
'Law student Merin Joy's case
is the latest example'
'of how a case can be erased and forgotten.'
'On the night she went missing,'
'it was after going in and out
of three police stations,'
'that the police were ready
to file a missing case.'
'Due to the flagrant indifference
and arrogance of the police'
'justice to Merin was denied.'
'However, one thing is certain,'
'the case of Merin, a law student,'
'points to the ugly face of
hypocritical power-law politics.'
'The police had arrested
a suspect in Merin's death'
'on the charge of abetment to suicide.'
'Rony John. Did you know about him?'
'No. We came to know of him
when the police told us.'
'Right now, we're beneath Goshree Bridge 2.'
'As per the FIR by the police,'
'it was first mentioned that
she jumped off Bridge 1.'
'It was then corrected to Bridge 2.'
'It is said that after
six o'clock in the evening,'
'she jumped from the top of this bridge
into the lake after a fight with her lover.'
'As per the CCTV visuals from the church
and High Court junction,'
'on the day of her death
Merin was carrying a bag,'
'wearing a gold chain, ring,
sandals, shawl, mobile phone etc.'
'None of these were retrieved
as per the police charge sheet.'
'The police aren't even willing to explain
where these items have gone missing.'
'There are still many
unanswered questions in Merin's case.'
'Here's to hoping that Merin, the young
law student who dreamt of a bigger world,'
'and her parents are given due justice
by the law and police of this country.'
'Until we meet again with
another episode of Crime Files,'
'it's me, your very own Sreebala,
signing off.'
'Merin Joy case sparks new discussion.'
'The law college student's case is
back in the spotlight'
'following a recent exclusive on Reporter.'
'The demand for re-investigation in law
student Merin Joy case is getting stronger.'
'Merin's parents and classmates
are protesting at Vanchi Square.'
We've been asking this question
for the past 6 months.
What really happened to our child?
We cannot believe the false story that
our daughter jumped into a lake
and killed herself for no reason.
We do not trust the police.
They are trying to protect certain people.
The CBI must take over this case.
Our child should get justice.
Most TV channels here discussed
evidence that proves this was a murder.
But neither the police
nor the government paid any heed to it.
A poor father and mother
are not getting justice
because of the negligence
of these policemen and the court
'A suicide report that doesn't match
the psychological intentions of the victim'
'and a post-mortem report that
has been fabricated quite a bit.'
'Thus closing all loopholes,'
'the charge sheet was submitted
with these two reports.'
'I don't believe that
an efficient force like'
'Kerala Police lacks
the credibility to do so.'
'This case suggests
someone is concealing the truth.'
'If the best police force in India
has made a mistake,'
'every policeman in that force has
the responsibility to correct that mistake.'
'Hoping that the Kerala police
will correct their mistake'
'and deliver justice to Merin.
'Anand Sreebala.'
Sit down, Shankar.
Sorry for calling you back from your leave.
That's okay, sir.
That Merin Joy case has become a headache.
The media is against us.
That's nothing new.
No matter which case it is,
the media here wants to blame the police.
Kids these days create trolls
against the police
and tag us too!
It's because we don't react
that these guys dance on our heads!
Or we need to learn
how to enjoy these trolls.
You think we can do that?
Shankar, I called you for something else.
The court order has been issued
for the petition filed by the parents.
Not because we're scared of the media.
But we respect the court order.
That case must be reopened.
SP suggested your name as the
investigation officer.
- Yeah.
- Why?
Do you've any problem?
No, madam.
When the crime branch
took over this case from
the local police,
Shivaraman sir was leading it.
Ajith sir knows.
He's retired.
I was not part of that investigation team.
But I was very close to Shivaraman sir.
So, we had discussed this case.
It's a clear case of suicide.
So be it, Shankar.
But we can be cent percent sure.
You'll submit the report in 14 days.
Take anyone you want in the team.
Okay, ma'am.
I'll set it up. You go.
- Just leave it on.
- Oh, you reached.
Oh, you're here, uncle.
Why can't you just sit in office
with that leg trouble?
Why be out in the sun for sports day?
I'm running the 100 metres relay.
- Issac sir.
- Hi Surendran.
- Are you good?
- Yes, yes.
I saw your crime story, madam.
I'm the SI from the Kasaba station
that was mentioned in it.
My name is Surendran.
You said that none of us helped them.
Let it go, Surendran.
They're just doing their job.
Weren't you the one who
spoke against the police in that programme?
- Yes, sir.
- Do you really wanna know about the police?
He knows it well. You go now, Surendran.
I have to speak up, sir.
Let it go.
'Government Medical College, Ernakulam
Department Of Forensic medicine, Mortuary'
Been a while now.
Do one thing Tessa. Wait for a bit
and when the surgeon is free
cross-check Merin's report once again.
Yes, sir.
It's not the same person who
attended the case back then.
- It's a new surgeon.
- Okay, sir.
Rojin, go to law college and see the
students who we took statements from.
- Verify everything once again.
- Sure, sir.
Yes, what's up?
It'll take 30 minutes more.
Also, there's one more thing.
What's that?
- I hope I wasn't interrupting.
- No.
- Anand, right?
- Yes.
I'm DySP Shankar Das.
I'm the new investigating officer
in Merin's case.
I had come to see the surgeon
regarding our case,
that's when I heard
your medical is happening here.
I had seen your show.
- Sir...
- Your findings are good.
But the investigation team back then
had already cross-checked.
It was a suicide.
All evidence supported suicide.
What about the medical?
All okay, sir.
So then, welcome to Kerala Police.
Where's your hometown?
In Kochi itself.
What about your parents?
Dad passed away when I was
one and a half years old.
- And mom?
- Sir...
Anand's mother was in service.
Which station?
Which station was your mom at?
What's your mom's name?
Why are you scared, son?
Be brave and answer sir's question.
You've to work with them tomorrow, right?
You're a policeman now.
My son should answer them confidently.
Sorry, Mom.
I'll answer confidently.
Mom, don't leave, okay?
My mom was with the police, sir.
She died 15 years back.
Her name was Head Constable Sreebala.
Sir, you may go in now.
Hi Issac sir.
Come on in. What's happening?
Going on, sir.
We feel jealous when we see you, Issac sir.
With no headaches about case investigations
you can sit and relax at the DCRB, right?
I came to discuss
something important with you.
Yes, tell me.
By the way, tea or coffee for you, sir?
No need, sir.
Sir...About Anand...
- Anand?
- Anand Sreebala.
Oh, our channel police.
Sit down.
Tell me, sir.
I spoke with the recruitment board.
They said that you reported with proof that
Anand has been under
psychiatric treatment for
the past four years and
that he took medicines.
I was just showing my responsibility
to the department.
And in any case, sir,
think how it would be if guys
who are not normal become police?
Sir, he saw his mother's death in front of
his own eyes when he was 12 years old.
He's still not over that shock.
That's why he always feels
his mom is with him.
But he doesn't have any of the problems
mentioned in your report, sir.
Don't say that, sir.
Tomorrow if he joins the department,
and if any woman of his mom's age
begs him for help,
he will break into a nervous sweat.
He won't do his duty as a police officer.
Sir, this has been his dream for years
and it is now ruined because of your ego.
This isn't my ego, sir.
I was just paying him back for what
he did to us and the whole department.
You may have sentiments for him.
I don't. If there's nothing else...
I've a meeting at the SP Office.
- Sir...
- We've no issues with him.
Tell him to finish his treatment
and appear for the exam next year.
Or make him understand.
That police job isn't for people
with mental issues.
How many normal police officers
do we have in our department, sir?
I'll show you officers who regularly
take medicine for depression.
As a police officer,
shouldn't you show some ethics, sir?
The reason, I'm calling you, 'sir'
is not because you outrank me,
but because you have more service than me.
Show the department at least half the love
you show your adopted son.
The only reason I'm calling you 'sir'
is because you outrank me.
It's my dedication to the department
that cost me a leg ten years ago.
I respect you for that.
But tell your son,
we are going to close Merin case.
We'll submit a new report in 14 days.
And the conclusion will be suicide.
You were here?
Why didn't you come inside?
This job is my dream, sir.
Somehow help me, please.
I'm not angry at you at all, son.
You finish your treatment and come.
Then you can wear the khaki. Okay?
- Sir...
- Just unlock your phone and give.
There's something.
This is my number. Save it.
If you need anything at all,
call me.
Not for a job in the police.
If you need any psychiatrist's or
hospital's number, I can give you.
Okay. Alright, then.
Give your mother my regards.
I've failed, Mom.
I cannot...
become a police officer anymore.
Don't cry, son.
Is it because I'm with you...
that you...
are scared in front of everyone?
Shall I go away...
from you?
Mom...please don't go...
I can't do without you.
I am...
scared of everything, Mom...
You shouldn't cry anymore, son.
Don't cry for anything.
You should win against those people
who threw you out.
You're Sreebala's son.
I'm with you.
It's me, Anand, sir.
Anand Sreebala.
'Oh, you...'
'Tell me, son. What's up?'
The report that you and your department
are going to submit in two weeks,
I'll prove that it is false, sir.
And I will submit a report
in front of the public
That report will say how a murder
became suicide
and who the killer is.
'Fine, go ahead and prove it.'
'We'll see...'
'whether Anand Sreebala'
'or Kerala Police will win.'
I will prove it, sir.
I swear on my mother.
I will bring out the truth in Merin case.
- So, Shankar.
- Yes, Madam.
How's the progress?
We are almost there, Madam.
Everything matches Shivaraman sir's
earlier case report.
It's a suicide.
About 90% sure.
And the remaining 10%?
Is the reputation of the Kerala Police
to be sacrificed for the remaining 10%?
And that guy...he's brave.
Madam, he might be brave.
But he is a psychiatric patient.
Just because he blabbered some nonsense
on the TV channel
doesn't mean it's the truth.
Then prove it.
I heard his points too.
They are interesting.
They didn't sound like
a crazy guy's ramblings to me.
Let go of your ego, Shankar.
There are only 12 days left.
Try to solve the case somehow.
- Madam, there's no ego--
- See you soon.
This is what you want, right?
I'll get a printout for you.
- Sir.
- Issac sir...
Who's paying your salary,
the police department or the TV channel?
They're just paying me a visit.
Hey son,
if you need any details, just ask me.
I can give them to you.
Do one thing,
send a letter to the RTI Commission
on a white paper.
They will provide the details for you.
There are only ten more days left
to submit the report.
Don't forget it.
- Sir...
- Sir.
If you're interested in helping the police,
please come with me.
- I need two files.
- Sir.
It's easy to claim
you lack faith in the police
and demand the CBI to step in.
But they aren't magicians
to find a suspect who doesn't exist.
Do you suspect anyone
in your daughter's death?
Two days ago,
officials from the crime branch
came to investigate the same case.
I know, Father.
This isn't part of
any police investigation.
Anand is doing a program for the channel.
What do you want to know?
Did you see Merin
when she came to the church that day?
I came to light a candle for the Lord
as I passed the exam with distinction.
Oh, bribing the Lord
for helping you ace the exams, huh?
Okay, Father.
I am off.
My parents are coming tomorrow.
- I'll bring them to the church.
- Okay.
Okay then. Let me go and light the candle.
- Alright.
- Okay.
As per CCTV footage,
Merin left the church
at 5:32 in the evening.
The CCTV footage
at High Court Junction shows
Merin walking away at 5:55 pm.
Merin was seen on the bridge
between 6.00 and 6.10 pm.
Is it possible to get
from Edappally to Goshree Bridge
in such a short time
during evening peak traffic?
Is it possible for her to get there
in such a short time?
It's possible, sir.
The police only state
that the girl reached there
but don't explain how she got there.
Stop, stop!
After leaving the church,
Merin turns left.
She goes back after 5 minutes, sir.
Pause it, please.
Merin was closing her bag
while walking back.
Hari, show Merin's photo
at all the shops near the church
and see if anyone has information.
Has this girl been to your shop?
Isn't this the girl
who jumped off the bridge?
No. She has never come here.
Brother, have you seen this girl?
- No.
- Sure?
Have you seen this girl anywhere?
No, I haven't.
- No, brother.
- Sure?
Hey, let me ask you something.
Sure, tell me, sir.
Has this girl come here?
No, sir.
Take another look.
I don't remember seeing her, sir.
Another cop had inquired
about this the other day, sir.
I told him that
I didn't know her.
Brother, what do you want?
I don't want to buy anything.
Do you know this girl?
This is Merin, right?
I've known Merin for a while.
She used to visit me here.
She used to buy photos for her home
from here,
ordering them in advance.
And she would pay in instalments.
That day...She had
come here that day too
I couldn't reach you on the phone.
My phone is switched off.
Is it packed?
No, I thought I'd show it to you
before packing it.
This seems to be a special gift.
Who's it for?
It's a birthday gift.
What wish should be written on it?
No need to write anything.
It's all in it.
- Okay, then I will gift wrap this.
- No need, this is fine.
This is a customised model,
ordered as per her request.
When another member from his team
had come the other day,
I said I didn't know the girl.
You don't know her anyway.
'- Hello?
- Hello.'
- Is this Sheethal?
- 'Yes.'
My name is Anand Sreebala.
- Hello, Arjun.
- 'Yes.'
- You are Merin's friend, right?
- 'Yes.'
I wanted to know something from you.
Hello, is this Merin's classmate, Rizwan?
When was the last time you spoke to Merin?
Okay, sir.
I will call you if I need something.
Okay, sir.
Listen, no one in
Merin's immediate contacts
has a birthday on that day.
Also, she has posted many photos
with a girl on Instagram and Facebook.
But that girl is not on our list.
What's her name?
Hana Paul.
You were Merin's best friend, right, Hana?
I saw many photos of you together
on Facebook and Instagram.
Did she have any serious problems
that might have led to her suicide?
I mean, did she mention anything to you?
Don't be scared.
This isn't...
an interrogation or a statement recording.
Shouldn't we find out
what happened to Merin?
That's why I'm asking you
all these questions.
she had called me before she died.
I need to talk to you.
Just a minute.
She is a bit upset.
Merin's suicide happened
when Hana was still recovering from
the loss of her brother in an accident.
I can understand.
Merin had called Hana before she died.
She called her to ask about a drug.
What drug?
Sir, this is a bit confidential.
Please don't record this information.
Eight months ago,
Hana was hospitalised
after overdosing
on depression medication.
It was Merin who helped her recover.
It was during counselling
that we found out it was a suicide attempt.
Merin called Hana
to ask about the same drug.
She wanted to know
if it was available to everyone
and whether it required a prescription.
We gave it much thought only after
we learned about Merin's suicide
the next day.
please don't drag my daughter
to the court or police station over this.
No, no.
Don't worry, sir.
Thank you, sir.
I think we can wind up the case now.
That girl's case is clearly a suicide.
She tried many ways to die
and finally chose Goshree Bridge.
- Hello.
- 'Hello.'
- 'Isn't this Hana's father?'
- Yes.
Sir, this is Anand Sreebala.
I pulled up your number
from the law college.
What's the matter?
Merin was Hana's friend, right?
I'm calling to know
a few things about Merin's--
It's a clear case of drowning.
All its impacts were visible on the corpse.
Nothing unusual.
The case was attended by Sharif sir.
His autopsy reports are 100% accurate.
What about the time of death?
We can't determine
the exact time of death in every case.
It's mostly an approximation.
Digestion, body temperature.
We estimate an approximate time of death
with all these.
Actually, you attendants do
all the procedures right?
Of course!
But the surgeon should also be present.
Removing the clothes from the corpse,
cutting it open,
and later stitching it back together,
we do all that.
Did you handle this girl's case?
'Did you have any doubts in this case?'
If you ask me so,
I had a few reasons to doubt it back then.
But what's the point in voicing my doubts?
She's from an ordinary household,
not someone of significant influence.
Such cases will likely
just go down the drain.
I have been watching this spectacle
for almost 35 years.
not to prove anyone right or wrong,
but if you have any doubts,
please tell us.
First, the body had only been in the water
for 4-5 hours.
The body wasn't swollen, bloated,
or bitten by fish.
Back then, it was the season
of bioluminescent algae in Kochi.
But even that was not present in the body.
Any other marks of...?
I understood what you meant.
But there was no rape attempt.
There were marks on her hand
and the back of her neck
that looked as if
someone tried to grab her forcefully.
The earring in her left ear
was half broken.
There was also an abrasion
on the ring finger of her left hand.
I revealed all this
only because Issac sir asked me to.
Please don't share this with anyone else.
See, I don't mind sharing the information,
but it's preferable if you don't.
I was talking about the body
I saw on the autopsy table.
If you want to know about the body
when it was found,
you'll need to ask Thondikuttan.
I arrived at the Wharf
as the police summoned.
When I got there,
the body was entangled in moss
about 50 metres away.
What do you think?
Did the girl jump off the bridge
and float over there?
It was low tide, after all.
If someone jumps in,
the current would drag them out to sea.
The bay is deep enough to launch a ship.
Come here.
Oh, wonder what now!
Was the girl wearing any gold ornaments?
I mean, like a chain, ring,
or anything else?, nothing, sir.
the girl wore a ring and a necklace
until she jumped into the lake.
The corpse I brought to shore
had no jewellery, sir.
Hey, Thondikuttan...
There was indeed no jewellery
on the corpse brought to shore
but what about
when it was still in the water?
Oh, sir, as you know,
if I pull a body out of the water,
I hardly get one thousand bucks.
Some even snatch a share of those peanuts!
My only income comes from the corpses
that won't protest or say a word.
- What did you earn from that corpse?
- A ring.
- Where is it?
- I sold it.
Please don't ask me to buy it back sir.
But I have no clue about the necklace.
- You!
- Brother...
You don't need to return the ring.
Didn't you take her ring off in the water?
The ring came off smoothly, didn't it?
How will you cast away
the curses from these corpses?
What's on your mind?
The mortuary attendant was right.
Merin had died only three or four hours
before being brought to shore.
That's why he could remove the ring
so effortlessly.
If the death had occurred
at six the day before,
the ring wouldn't have come off
the bloated corpse.
That's true, sir.
Is it really that hard
to trace a mobile phone
with today's advanced technology?
But the police say they've retrieved
all the data from Merin's phone.
Yeah, they've retrieved the data,
but where's the phone?
Why didn't the police track it down?
Ah! Here...
Looks like you're off the traffic fine.
No more traffic tickets.
Thank you, brother.
From now on call me right away
whenever you are caught on camera
Three thousand.
- Eh?!
- My fee, 3000 rupees.
- I'll Google Pay it.
- Okay.
Bro! Tell me.
Lalu, where are you?
Where else will I be! I'm here itself.
I need to find a phone's details.
'as part of a case.'
Oh! So you've joined the force finally!
It's not for the police,
but for a TV channel.
'The phone of a girl
who died six months ago is missing.'
'The police have retrieved all the data
from that phone.'
But the phone is still missing.
It has been switched off for six months.
The service provider
can pull up the details.
'But since there's an ongoing case,
they might not provide it.'
Still, we can handle it.
If you want the phone, get its IMEI number.
'You can get it from the box
or invoice of the missing phone.'
If we get that number we can give it a try.
I'll call you.
It was Joy on the phone.
They couldn't find the mobile's box
or invoice at home.
We have to find the IMEI number.
Yes, tell me.
Lalu, we couldn't find the box
or invoice for the mobile.
Is there any other way to find out
the IMEI number?
It's because the police are involved
in this case.
Or we could easily get it
from the service provider.
Is there any other way?
Another way...
If the person who used the mobile,
had logged into any Government site
'or an app,'
we can try finding it
using the date and time.
On May 26th between 1 and 2
in the afternoon, Merin had
'logged into the University website
and checked results.'
- Which University?
- MG University.
Aha! Gandhi!
I'll get it! Wait!
Yes, Lalu, tell me.
The mobile you are talking about
got switched off on May 26th at 2:15 pm.
'It remained switched off
for the last 5 months.'
But just this last month,
it was switched on near Nagercoil
in Tamil Nadu.
'Yes, I'll send you the exact location.'
Someone is using that mobile
with a new SIM now.
'I'll get the details'
and call you.
What do you think you're up to?
Yes, I did support you.
But going to Tamil Nadu,
a place we don't know
and nabbing someone
is not an easy thing to do.
Sir, I need to go.
Please don't ask me to give up halfway.
It isn't safe, that's why.
It's risky.
Sir, you've always said that
policemen shouldn't be afraid of anything.
Even for our family's sake.
But you're not a policeman.
Are you?
Just that you're not on station duty.
But you also wear the same uniform.
You must show some courage.
It's because I showed more courage
and enthusiasm than you
that I'm in this...
I'm a policeman just for namesake.
I said it because I don't want anyone else
to be in this condition.
That's not what I meant.
I need to know what happened to Merin.
Have to find the mobile.
We must go to Nagercoil, sir.
- Yes, Issac sir.
- Sir, I wanted to tell you...
something very important.
Tell me, sir.
Sir, Anand is saying that Merin's mobile
phone is with someone in Nagercoil.
He's going in search of it, sir.
It's risky, sir.
As it is, he's not normal.
What happened to you, sir?
To go in search of a mobile
when technology has advanced so much.
Sir, our Cyber Cell has already retrieved
all data from that mobile.
Now it doesn't matter
if we get the mobile or not.
Sir, is there any way you can
call Tamil Nadu police
and ask them to help out in some way?
Sir, do you've anything else to say?
I'm a bit busy.
If his fate is to get beaten up
in another State.
Let it be.
'Alright, sir.'
What's wrong with this Issac sir?
His goddam parallel investigation!
Sir, what you did to that boy
was a bit too much.
After all, he is Sreebala madam's son.
So what about his rants
against the department on that channel?
But that wasn't why...
He's not fit for this job.
He's lost completely.
Our department is the reason
he became like that, sir.
There was a case that happened
in Panangad about 15 years back.
A girl was raped on Christmas night.
The body of the friend
who was with that girl
was found from Fort Kochi backwaters.
At that time,
the girl was still in a coma stage.
The police correctly
arrested all the culprits.
But what was the point?
They easily got a bail from court
and got out.
Because they were all kids of big shots.
And it was people in our department
who helped them out.
Despite all that,
there was one policewoman in khaki
who wanted to give justice to that girl.
She took the copy of the original FIR
she had prepared to court.
Her name was Sreebala.
Anand's mother.
The day before
she was to testify in court...
'You remember of my hand's heat, right?'
'You are showing
your minister attitude all the while'
Eat and then watch TV.
It's raining heavily.
- Switch it off.
- It's okay.
"In the Mandara blossoms"
"Weaving threads of gold"
"You, my little one, are a tender bud"
Leave my mother!
- My son...
- Mom...
- Achu...
- You dare testify, huh?
"Enduring the pain of endless days"
"You light up this night, O, moonlight"
"Dreamily, softly humming"
"A heartfelt melody"
"Finds its home within you, my son"
"As the sky wraps in a shroud of clouds"
"Losing its smile"
"A shore of love"
"Stands serene and still"
"Did the waves cradle it
in a gentle embrace?"
It's been 3-4 bars already.
And we are going to Nagercoil
of all places.
You get it in every other corner.
Issac sir couldn't have chosen
a better person for our protection.
Let him sleep.
- Will wake him up when we reach Nagercoil.
- Did we cross Amaravila?
There are around 18 bars
between Amaravila and Nagercoil.
I'll tell you where to stop.
For the time being, pull over the car.
Let me empty out everything I drank.
Why don't you just not drink instead?
Which station are you at, sir?
Police station.
Did you get suspended for getting drunk?
I've never touched alcohol
while wearing khaki.
Once I remove the khaki,
what I drink or eat is my business.
You check and tell me. Okay.
What's up?
That mobile is switched off right now.
He's searching for the last location.
What's wrong with you?
Going after some dead girl's case.
Can't believe Issac sir supports you.
I need to find out
what happened to that girl, sir.
You are doing this for one Merin.
There are thousands of girls like Merin
in police records.
Will you give all of them justice?
You're just taking out your revenge
on the DySP, right?
It was so in the beginning, sir.
But now I have nothing against anyone.
If you don't get a job in Kerala Police,
tell them to get lost!
A job just to get shouted
at by higher officers!
I'm telling you from
10-15 years of experience.
Go on. Do something else.
Exactly 43 kilometres from your location.
I'll send you the coordinates.
You follow it.
Okay, okay.
Sir, we got the location.
Give me the key.
- If you drive, it'll be drunk and drive.
- That's okay.
We've crossed Amaravila.
Now it's not our police.
[In Tamil]
Tamil Nadu police are our friends.
'- Yes, bro. Tell me.'
- This is a market.
Let me check once again.
That phone is now active within
a radius of 50 meters
from where you are standing.
There are a lot of people here.
How do we find that person from among them?
Hey, hang up.
Hang up.
- I'll call you back.
- Ok.
- You've that number, right?
- Yeah.
Call that number.
Just move that sack.
- Thanks, brother.
- Okay.
- What do you want, sir?
- Bro, I wanted to sell a mobile.
- Mobile? Sale?
- Ya.
Which brand?
- Murugan.
- Yes, bro.
Just check this phone.
This is our phone, brother.
We sold it last month.
Do you know who sold it to you?
Bro, a lot of people come here to
buy and sell mobiles.
I don't know.
Then how did this guy correctly figure out
that this mobile was sold a month back?
Who sold this mobile here?
- Antony, sir.
- Who's this Antony?
- He is...
- Don't be scared, say it.
He's from your State.
He comes here with such things
from time to time.
He does many jobs.
Admissions, finance etc.
Just last month he brought this phone here.
- What's your name?
- Murugan, sir.
- Murugan sir.
- Ya.
Where's this Antony now?
Sir, the admission is confirmed.
If the cash is ready,
you've to immediately pay up.
Because a lot of people are waiting
for this seat.
- Cash is ready.
- Also, don't forget my commission.
- All that's okay.
- Alright.
Dear, make sure to study well, okay?
- Yes.
- Alright, then.
- Okay.
- See you then.
Alright, bye.
Yes. What's up?
Wanted to check about an admission.
- Can we talk?
- Which course?
There are 3 colleges here for LLB.
But the price is high.
- For whom is it?
- My sister.
This is her.
She's from Kochi. Her name is Merin.
I don't take up LLB.
Don't just leave, Antony.
Give us the admission.
After all, we came all this way
looking for you.
You failed only medical, right?
Didn't you pass the physical?
Go and catch him!
Are you tired from running, Antony?
Come, get in the car.
Let's go to Kerala for a trip.
- Hey...
- Yes, sir.
You also get in, Anand.
You guys can follow our car.
I'm a DySP.
You can salute...
No need, sir.
I'm under suspension.
How old were you
when Sreebala madam died?
I was 12, sir.
We often feel jealous when others
have the happiness we lack in life.
You believe your mother is with you.
But my mother was someone...
I've never even met in my life.
People back home say kids inherit
their father's brains.
But you've got your mother's brains.
Can't be bothered to beat you, Antony.
Just tell me the truth.
Where did you get the phone from?
I found it accidentally.
Is it wrong to sell a lost phone I found?
Not wrong at all.
But to kill a girl,
dump her in the water...
- Sir.
- Thank you.
And then taking her phone is wrong.
Isn't it, Antony?
Don't say such ungodly things, sir.
I got to know that girl died
only after two days.
You seem like an influential person.
Six criminal cases,
four months in jail...
Yet, you were issued a passport
one and a half months back.
How did you arrange that?
I applied for a passport, sir.
And I got it.
Check which station and duty officer
undertook his passport verification.
- Right away.
- Sure, sir.
It was a mistake, sir.
I killed that girl.
There's a fad among college kids
these days, sir.
They'll irritate older people like us.
She tempted me a lot.
And then she fooled me.
So, I took my revenge on her, sir.
It's a small wound.
What are you looking at?
I'm planning my next cover story.
Care to give some creative support?
- Hello?
- 'Hello Anand.'
- Ya.
- 'Congrats.'
'Your theory is correct.'
'Antony confessed.'
- Really?
- 'Yes, yes.'
'He killed Merin.'
'They were in love, it seems.'
'He did that because
of some issue between them.'
After completing all formalities,
the accused will be produced
before the court today itself.
We've not informed the media yet.
thank you.
This is a proud moment for Kerala Police.
'I'll call you. Okay.'
Okay, sir.
What's it? Who called?
Shankar sir.
Antony confessed.
He's saying he killed Merin.
Huh! That's awesome!
You proved it.
Let me inform the channel right away.
It's an exclusive.
Tell your Shankar sir
not to tell any other media.
just wait.
What's it?
None of Merin's friends or her parents
know of Antony.
But he's saying that Merin and him
were in love.
'The number you are calling is
currently switched off.'
Do you know where Rony's house is?
'Obituary, Grace John (65)'
[Kunnel House]
[Funeral prayers]
'As for man, his days are like grass.'
'You, who raise the dead to life,
we praise Your Name.'
'Pray then like this.'
Our Father in Heaven,
hallowed be Your name.
Let your Kingdom come.
Let Your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also forgive our debtors.
Bring us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Brother...where's Rony?
Rony is in his mom's room.
- That room?
- Go this way.
Merin left...
and now my mom has left me, too.
I am literally all alone now.
When I was 12,
I, too, have faced a similar situation.
I came here for something.
Do you know a guy called Antony?
Come outside. The priest is here.
This is a customised model,
ordered as per her request.
'BORN 26-05-1958
DIED 27-01-2024'
The day Merin went missing
was your mom's birthday, right?
Did she come here that day?
We had a small fight the day before.
She didn't come to the birthday
because she was mad at me.
"In the dark"
"I stumbled on"
"A trembling hand"
"Followed by the light"
"I saw the sight"
"Oh, that was me"
"Time haunting me"
"The curtains fall"
"I'm back again"
"With you"
"The shadow's gone"
"I cant help it"
"It grows"
- Hello Lalu...
- 'Tell me.'
- I'll send you a number now.
- 'Okay.'
Could you quickly check
for any calls or messages
from that number
to Merin's phone on May 26th?
'Will tell you in a moment.'
'I pulled up the call records
for this number.'
'Merin did not receive
any calls from it on that day.'
This number contacted four people that day.
One, Rony John,
George Kunnel,
Jancy George,
'and a call to Hana Paul
after 6 in the evening.'
Can you send me
Hana's number immediately?
- Hello.
- Hana...
I'm Anand, Anand Sreebala.
I have tried to contact you before.
Do not disconnect the call.
'I need to know something from you.'
Did Merin call you in the evening
before she went missing?
Brother...that day...
She called me that day.
What's that medicine's name?
Okay, Hana.
Ah, you are here!
We are about to take the convict
to the court.
- Can you please hold it for now?
- Why?
Before reporting
what Antony said to the court,
can you arrange for an autopsy order?
Autopsy? You mean Merin's autopsy?
Not Merin's, sir.
"In the dark"
"I stumbled on"
"A trembling hand"
"Followed by the light"
'We don't think he's living
up to the family's standards.'
'He's quite a peculiar character,'
and we have the same doubts you raised.
Since release from jail,
he's been on his own, driving an Uber
and saying he doesn't want anyone's help.
What is he trying to prove?!
When my brother John brought him home,
he was only fourteen.
We don't know his real parents,
or what they were like.
Greed knows no bounds!
He can very well do that, sir.
Sir, Prakash here.
We got the consent.
Okay, sir.
"Today, I close my eyes"
"I see the stars"
"Surrounded by the wounds"
"They must lie"
"Today I'm gone and now"
"I'm the star"
The last kiss can wait, Rony.
'Soft emotions with strong actions'
Hello, sir, it's positive.
Great. Proceed.
Sure, sir. Sure.
Rony's car should be checked, too.
I saw the strip of medicine
in its dashboard.
We know where to check!
Got me?
Anand, come.
Rojin, we found it.
We already have a confession
in Merin's case.
Should we bother ourselves
with going after this boy now?
Bothering ourselves
is part of our job, Prakash.
- Let's give it a shot. Come.
- Sir.
Or...leave it.
Anand, come with me.
But sir...
Yeah, you!
Be seated.
Make yourself comfortable.
Did you eat anything?
Hey, don't get scared.
We brought you here
just to ask a few questions.
If you give accurate answers,
we'll both attend
your mom's funeral together.
What did I do, sir?
You didn't even let me
bury my mother's body!
Why have you brought me here?
We will bury your mom's body.
Just tell me,
why did you commit this crime?
Brother, what did I do wrong?
Take a seat.
Come on, sit!
Ask him.
Both Merin and mom left you.
You are all alone now.
I just need to know one thing.
Did you murder Merin
and your mom all by yourself?
What is this, sir?
You said you didn't see Merin
the day she died.
I've already said this!
I neither called nor saw her that day.
But Mother Mary betrayed you, Rony!
Merin went straight to your home
from the church...
with a birthday gift for your mom.
Your foster mother Grace John's birthday
is on May 26th,
the same date Merin went missing.
I have no clue, sir.
She might have come there.
We have evidence to prove that, Rony.
Merin called her friend
from your mother's phone at 6:15 pm.
She called her
to ask about risperidone,
the antipsychotic drug
you overdosed your mother on, to kill her.
Don't worry.
We have evidence to prove that as well!
The autopsy of your mother's body,
which we took from the church,
has been completed.
We got the results as well.
For so many years,
my mother has been toiling in that bed.
I committed this sin...
because I couldn't bear
seeing her like that.
And Merin?
I didn't do anything to Merin.
I didn't even know
she came to my house that day.
There is one more evidence
proving she came there and
that you killed her.
Rojin, we found it.
'The earring in her left ear
was half broken.'
Now, you can't break free
from this, Rony.
- Hello
- 'Hey, this is me, Merin.'
'What are you doing?'
Nothing much.
'Whose number is this?'
Listen, were the pills
you were taking called risperidone?
Yeah, why do you ask?
Just like that.
Do we need a prescription to get it?
Yeah. What's the matter?
I will call you later.
Ah! When did you come?
Is your mom taking this medicine?
You said you won't come
for her birthday.
Rony, what is this medicine for?
This is for her ear balance issues.
I wanna see the doctor who prescribed
high-dose antipsychotic pills
for ear balance issues!
Or leave it. Let's contact the police.
This is fishy.
You come with me.
What's your problem?
Do you know what reaction
a 65-year-old woman would possibly have
if she took this drug?
It could cause cardiac arrest.
Let the old hag die!
For the past four or five months,
I've been feeding her this drug.
She hasn't died yet.
What are you saying, Rony?
I have been hearing it
since I was 14 years old.
Parasite, orphan and so on!
These are the names her family gave me!
You won't understand any of it.
I am doing all this
so that we can live peacefully.
Rony, she is your mother.
She just fostered me.
But that doesn't make her my mother.
Is there any guarantee that she will
transfer all these properties to my name?
If something happens to her,
these relatives will immediately
kick me out of the house.
I have made arrangements
to transfer the property to my name.
Now, I hope the old hag dies soon!
She was too foolish
to raise you as her own son.
I'll report this to the police.
GRACE: 'Rony, did Merin come?'
No, mom.
What about George and Jancy?
Aren't they coming?
'They will be here,
Get ready, mom.'
I've warned you several times
not to meddle in my affairs.
Don't you dare pull the law
and human rights card on me.
If needed, I will kill
both mom and you!
You hear me? Huh?
'Why is it so silent here?'
Where have you gone
keeping the doors wide open?
I was in my room, brother.
Where's sister-in-law?
No birthday celebration or what?
Nothing much.
Mom doesn't like any celebration.
It's not mom,
it's you who don't like celebrations.
You dropped out of your studies, right?
What's your next plan?
Come, be seated, brother.
She suddenly had an asthma attack.
Before I could save her...
What did you do after that?
Late at night...
I took her body and
dumped it in the lake.
I swear, I did it because I was scared.
First, your girlfriend,
then your foster mother...
if we dig a bit further,
we may find your involvement
in your father's death as well.
What a heartless criminal you are!
- Anand...
- Sir.
We can trust Rony's words.
Because we have got
enough evidence for that.
Whom was he trying to protect
by taking all the blame?
Sir, we checked Rony
and Antony's call records.
They haven't contacted
each other even once.
But on the night Merin died,
Rony made an outgoing call to a number,
and later, Antony received
an incoming call from the same number.
Which number is that?
It is a SIM from a phone recovery
in police records.
Which station? Who's the SHO there?
- Benny, be seated.
- Thank you, sir.
You were here, huh?!
We called you here
for an information, Benny.
The investigation into the Merin Joy case
is almost at its final stage.
We have taken the accused into custody.
That same guy is the accused, Rony.
That means it's not a suicide?
A murder that looked like a suicide.
There's one more accused.
Antony, who assisted Rony.
Someone from our department
connected him with Rony.
Our department?
Yes, Benny. Someone among us.
This is a recovery phone
kept in your station's storeroom.
We took it from there.
- Check it.
- Sir.
Calls were made from this phone
to both Rony and Antony.
On the same day Merin went missing.
If someone from our station helped them,
it should be investigated, sir.
But everyone at the station
has access to the storeroom.
Moreover, there are so many staff
coming and going there everyday.
We can try to track it down sir.
- Let me take your leave--
- Hey...
What is the current strength
at the central station?
Around 30 or 35--
Sorry, sir.
Benny sir,
is your phone's hotspot turned on
right now?
Let me check.
Sir, your Wi-Fi hotspot's name is
'Benny's Mob', right?
- Sethu.
- Sir?
Check with all hospitals in the city
if any accident cases have been reported.
Alright, sir.
It's a normal procedure.
Don't worry.
Hello, Benny bro...
I have told you a hundred times
not to call on this number.
I tried the other number.
I couldn't connect.
- There's an issue.
- What?
Can you come here?
I will call you
from the other phone.
Does anyone who came for the birthday
have any suspicions?
Your mom?
She slept.
This girl's parents are at my station
to file a missing person complaint.
What have you done?!
How can I silently watch
when she interferes with my plans?
You loser!
Stop jumping the gun!
I never asked you to
handle things so recklessly.
I arranged the medicine
to kill your mother
and I forged the will for you.
If you get in trouble,
I'll be in trouble, too
It happened by mistake, brother.
Damn your mistake!
Find a way out, please!
Way out, my foot!
This should be reported to the station,
an inquest held and an arrest recorded.
That's the only way.
This will come under section 302.
Hey! She's still alive.
If we throw her in the lake now,
it'll look like a suicide.
Her pulse is feeble.
Come with me.
If your mother dies,
you'll inherit about forty crores,
with my share being 20 percent.
That was our deal, right?
We need to change it.
If you are okay with it
the case will be filed under Section 306
instead of 302 and then closed.
What say?
As you say, brother.
The body will be recovered
from the lake tomorrow.
It's easy for me to handle this
since the missing person case
falls under my station's jurisdiction.
Didn't you say
you regularly had fights with her?
Then, it's easy to build up
a suicide story.
After two days, I'll come
and arrest you for abetment of suicide.
Don't worry.
A good advocate can quickly bail you out.
Just make sure to go low-key for a few days
after your release.
Eventually people will forget it.
- Come.
- Brother...
Who's this guy?
Someone who has done similar works for me.
He will handle it well.
If this gets caught,
he will take the blame.
After all, the girl is at fault.
Her morals are a bit weak.
That is it!
Oh, Jesus! What sins must I commit
to earn some money?
Come, start the car.
More information
is emerging in the Merin case.
It is now known that
there is more than one accused.
The police have released shocking details.
'The law student Merin Joy's death
is not a suicide but a murder.'
Madam, what is the motive of the crime?
Not right now. Thank you.
- Madam, was the suicide theory proven wrong?
- Please, please be patient.
Sir, sir...
The murderer was arrested
for abetment of suicide in the same case.
This scheme was masterminded
by someone within the police department.
CI Benny is a distant relative
of John and Grace, Rony's foster parents.
The confession is over, madam.
We can conclude the case.
Record the arrest
and present them in court.
Sure, madam.
Anyway, congrats, Shankar.
Thank you, madam.
But the credit doesn't go entirely to
the police force.
Anand Sreebala.
Anand helped us in this case.
Good job, Anand.
Your job situation will be reconsidered
since you've helped the department
solve this case.
It's not needed, madam.
I don't have the mental fitness
to join the Kerala Police.
I have to forget my mother
to achieve that fitness.
I can never do that, madam.
You secured justice for our daughter.
Thanks a lot.
This case has another peculiarity.
Merin's case proves
that even an ordinary person
can assist the police in an investigation.
Thank you.
I know, I'm being formal now.
Still, thank you.
Why, sir?
For your support in securing justice
for that girl's family.
Okay, then.
I don't know where your mom is now.
wherever she is...