Annie (1982) Movie Script

ANNIE: The sun'll come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow
There'll be sun
Just thinkin' about tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs And the sorrow
Till there's none
When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray and lonely
I just stick out my chin
And grin
And say
The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on Till tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day away
Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day
ANNIE: Maybe far away
Or maybe real nearby
He may be pouring her coffee
She may be Straightenin' his tie
Maybe in a house
All hidden by a hill
She's sittin' playin' piano
He's sittin' payin' a bill
Betcha they're young
Betcha they're smart
Bet they collect things
Like ashtrays and art
Betcha they're good
Why shouldn't they be?
Their one mistake
Was giving up me
So maybe now it's time
And maybe when I wake
They'll be there Calling me, "Baby"
Annie. Annie!
Shh. It's okay.
Everything's gonna be all right.
There, there.
It was only a dream, Molly. It's all right.
How am I supposed to get any sleep around here?
It was only a dream. Everything's alright.
Molly shouldn't be in this room.
-She's a baby. -Ow!
-She cries all the time. -Ow!
-She wets the bed. -I do not!
You're the one who shouldn't be in here!
Brat! Stop!
-We're going to get in trouble. -Go, Duffy! Go!
Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!
-[GIRLS SCREAMING] -Cut it out!
I mean it!
Do you want Miss Hannigan to come in here?
Go back to bed!
Now. Or you'll have me to deal with.
Aw, blow it out your old wazoo.
Close your eyes. Think about your folks.
You're the only one who really has folks.
Mine are dead.
Think about the folks who want to adopt you
because they want a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes.
Betcha he reads
Betcha she sews
Maybe she's made me
A closet of clothes
Maybe they're strict
As straight as a line
Don't really care
As long as they're mine
Oh, my goodness.
So maybe now this prayer's
The last one of its kind
Won't you please Come get your baby...
Did I hear singing in here?
Alright. Fine.
Since we're all so wide awake!
-[GIRLS MUMBLING] -Get up! Get out of bed!
Clean up this mess! Get dressed!
And this room had better be regulation before breakfast,
my little pig droppings, or kill, kill, kill!
But it's in the middle of the night.
"But it's in the middle of the night."
And if this floor don't shine
like the top of the Chrysler Building,
your backsides will, you understand?
[ALL IN UNISON] Yes, Miss Hannigan.
-What do we say, Annie? -I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Why any kid would want to be an orphan is beyond me.
It's the hard-knock life For us
It's the hard-knock life For us
Instead of treated
We get tricked
Instead of kisses
We get kicked
It's the hard-knock life
Got no folks to speak of so
It's a hard-knock row we ho
Cotton blankets
Instead of wool
Empty bellies
Instead of full
It's the hard-knock life
Don't it feel like The wind is always howling?
Don't it seem like There's never any light?
Once a day don't you want to Throw the towel in?
It's easier than Puttin' up a fight
No one's there when your Dreams at night get creepy
No one cares if you Grow or if you shrink
No one dries when Your eyes get red and weepy
From the crying you would Think this place would sink
Empty-belly life
Rotten, smelly life
Full-of-sorrow life
No-tomorrow life
Santa Claus we never see
Santa Claus, What's that?
Who's he?
No one cares For you a smidge
When you're in an orphanage
It's the hard-knock life
[IMITATING MISS HANNIGAN] You'll stay up till this dump
shines like the top of the Chrysler Building!
Kill, kill!
Yank the whiskers From her chin
Little pig droppings.
Jab her with a safety pin
Rotten orphans.
Make her drink a Mickey Finn
Nobody loves you.
ALL: I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Get to work!
Strip that bed! Scrub that floor!
Polish my shoes!
-And I mean, -[WHISTLING]
-Start now! -[GIRLS STOMPING]
It's the hard-knock life For us
It's the hard-knock life For us
No one cares for you A smidge
When you're In an orphanage
It's the hard-knock life
It's the hard-knock life
It's the hard-knock life
The hard-knock
Get out of here.
We better get out of here or we're gonna get killed.
Cover me up good.
DUFFY: All you ever do is run away.
[MOLLY CRYING] Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!
She'll put you in the cellar with the ghosts.
You'll just get whipped again.
You're gonna get us in trouble.
-ANNIE: Molly, shut up! -I'm gonna tell.
ANNIE: And I'm gonna rearrange your teeth!
-[WHISTLE BLOWING] -ANNIE: Stomp on her foot.
What are you all just standing around here for?
You're supposed to clean the bathroom
and the kitchen before lunch,
my little pig droppings.
And if you skip the corners, there will be no lunch.
And we're not having hot mush today.
-We're having cold mush. -[ALL GROANING DISGUSTEDLY]
[ALL IN UNISON] We love you, Miss Hannigan.
-Where's Annie? -She had to go bathroom.
[IN SQUEAKY VOICE] "She had to go bathroom."
BUNDLES: Miss Hannigan!
Oh. Mr. Bundles.
GIRLS: Mr. Bundles.
BUNDLES: Miss Hannigan! MAN: Raspberries, oranges...
Miss Hannigan!
-Yoo-hoo. -Yoo-hoo.
It's time for a tumble with a Bundle.
Not today, Miss Hannigan. I'm behind, I...
-Ooh! My schedule, I mean. -Schedules.
What are schedules in the storms of passion,
Mr. Bundles? Just so much flotsam and jetsam.
-Mr. Bundles. -What are you doing out here?
Helping you. It's heavy today.
Yeah, it's a lot heavier than usual...
Shh! Annie.
It shouldn't be. What's in there?
-Miss Hannigan. -Mr. Bundles.
-Miss Hannigan? -Oh, yes?
You're my kind of woman, Miss Hannigan.
-Oh, yes. Yes. -Till next month, Miss Hannigan.
I'll be right here.
ANNIE: Mr. Bundles, I'm in here.
-Thank you, Mr. Bundles. -Good luck.
WOMAN: I'm going to miss you as well.
CHILDREN: Row boat, row boat.
-[DOG WHINING] -BOY 1: Get his tail!
Poor dog. Leave him alone!
-What's he ever done to you? -Amscray!
-BOY 2: Come on. -Alright, who's next?
-BOY 3: Quick as lightning! -Anybody else?
BOY 3: Scram, man! BOY 2: Let's go!
Then get lost!
-BOY 1: Get a move on! -BOY 4: Let's hotfoot it!
BOY 3: That's your mom calling you.
Shake a leg! Come on!
Let's go! Come on!
Hey, you're all right.
I didn't do nothing
any decent person wouldn't have done.
Dumb dog.
Dumb dog
Why are you following me?
I ain't got a crumb, dog
How about lettin' me be?
I ain't gonna feed you
Ain't got a scrap for you
Need you
Don't give a rap for you, Dumb dog
Dumber than they come, dog
You're The most presumin' dog
That a human could know
-Hey, mister. That's my dog. -Oh, yeah?
Where's his license? Where's his leash?
He's no more your dog than I am your father.
I left his license at home by mistake.
Please don't take him to the pound, please.
My father's blind. This dog leads him to work.
If he can't get to work, we're gonna all of us
starve, sir.
-And what's his name? -My father's name?
-The dog's name. -Oh, the dog's name.
Uh, his name's Sandy.
-Right! That's it! Sandy. -Call him.
-Call him? -Go over there and call him.
-You mean, by his name? -By his name.
The dog's name.
Sandy. Come here, Sandy.
Sandy! Come here, Sandy!
-Come here, boy. -MAN: Here Rover, come here boy.
-MAN: Hey, Rin Tin Tin. -WOMAN: Louder.
Come here. Come to Daddy.
-ANNIE: Sandy! Come here, Sandy! -Rin Tin Tin, come here.
Come here, Sandy. Come here, Sandy.
Come here!
Good old Sandy!
You got yourself a dog, kid.
Now go home and get him a collar and leash.
Yes, sir.
Hey, you kids, get out of there!
Miss Hannigan! Miss Hannigan!
Look what I found under a paving stone, Miss Hannigan.
Oh, Annie!
Annie, my little peach fuzz, are you alright?
I was worried sick.
I knew you would be. A big-hearted woman like you.
How can I ever thank you enough?
I'm sure we could think of something if we could,
get our heads together.
-Kissy, kissy, kissy. -Kill... Kill!
ALL: We love you, Miss Hannigan.
-[CLUNK] -Oh, my goodness!
GIRL: Annie, where'd you get him?
-He smells. -What's his name, Annie?
Guess? Uh, Fifi?
-That ain't a name for dis mutt. -[ALL LAUGHING]
So how about Champion?
Champion You're anything but?
We could call him Tiger
But there's no bite in him
Kittens would frighten him
Rover when you think it over
Rover is the perfect name For this dumb-looking dog
GIRLS: Come here, Rover.
Come on, doggie.
Sandy, Sandy's his name if you please
If you don't believe me
Ask any one of the fleas
Residing on Sandy
True, he ain't pedigreed
Sandy, There ain't no better breed
And he really comes in handy
Especially when You're all alone in the night
And you're small And terribly frightened
It's Sandy
Sandy, who'll always be
She's coming. She's coming.
GIRL: Hide him. Use that material.
Come on. Hurry!
Hide him quick! Oh, my goodness!
-Hurry! Hurry! -[CURTAIN SLIDING]
I love you, Miss Hannigan.
And you will love the paddle closet, Annie.
And this, will love the sausage factory.
-GIRLS: No, Miss... -What?
ALL: We love you, Miss Hannigan.
Shut up!
MAN: Apples, a nickel. Apples here.
Yes, ma'am. Here you go.
Thank you very much. God bless you.
Apples here.
Big, delicious apples.
BOY: My daddy's gonna buy one of those.
-WOMAN 1: What's she wearing? -[PEOPLE EXCLAIMING]
-WOMAN 2: Wow, beautiful! -[CROWD CHATTERING]
MISS HANNIGAN: Alright! Alright!
Miss Hannigan, I'm Grace Farrell.
The New York Board of Orphans sent me.
Well, my goodness, won't you come in?
-Thank you. -Right this way.
Well... welcome! Welcome to our happy home.
GIRL 1: Get off my foot, Molly!
-Thank you. -Ladies.
GIRL 2: Smell that perfume.
What did you say your name was?
-Uh, Grace Farrell. -GIRL 3: I bet she wants...
-Grace. Aptly named. -...a girl to clean her house.
I bet it's gonna be me.
I'm here to inquire about an orphan?
Wait, Grace, I can explain the whole thing.
You see, what happened was,
the child actually bribed Mr. Bundles
to smuggle her out of here in a laundry basket.
I know I should've called Mr. Donatelli,
but the plain truth of the matter is I just saw red,
so I called the cops instead.
Anyway, she's back. Everything's fine.
All's well that ends well, don't you know?
No harm, no foul, huh, my little scissors legs?
Miss Hannigan, what are you talking about?
Hold it sister! Are you peddling beauty products?
Because I don't need no beauty products.
If that's what you're doing, you can just peddle yourself
right on out of here, sweetie.
Miss Hannigan,
I am the private secretary to Oliver Warbucks.
The Oliver Warbucks?
Oliver Warbucks, the millionaire?
No. Oliver Warbucks, the billionaire.
-[CHAIR THUDS] -Holy Mary, Mother of God.
Mr. Warbucks would like to invite an orphan
to spend a week with him in his home.
-[DOOR CREAKS OPEN] -I'm here to select one.
-Well, that's just wonderful. -[PAPER FLUTTERING]
What kind of an orphan did he have in mind?
Oh well, um...
Friendly. Intelligent.
M, I, double S, I, double S, I,
double P, I.
How old?
[AHEM] Well, age doesn't really matter.
-Seven? -Seven.
-GRACE: Eight? -Eight.
-Nine? -Nine.
Yes, ten's fine. Ten's just fine.
Ten? Ten.
GRACE: Oh, I'm so sorry. I almost forgot.
Mr. Warbucks prefers redheaded children.
-Ten year-old redhead, huh? -GRACE: Yes.
-Nope. Sorry. Ain't got it. -Well, what about this child?
-Annie? -Yes.
You wouldn't... you don't want Annie.
Well, why not?
She's, uh... She's a drunk.
Oh, fiddle-faddle, Miss Hannigan.
Annie, how would you like to spend a week
with Mr. Warbucks at his house?
Oh, boy! I would love to.
-I would really, really love to! -Hey, wait a minute.
Just slow down, hold on there.
You can have any orphan in the whole orphanage
-except Annie. -Well, why?
Because she's got it coming to her
and I don't mean a week in the lap of luxury.
This brat's got to learn to know her place.
-Her place? -Annie's entirely too cheeky.
Well, Mr. Warbucks likes cheeky orphans.
I assume that your resistance has something to do
with Mr. Donatelli and the Board of New York Orphans.
Don't assume nothing, sweetheart.
Well, Mr. Warbucks and Mr. Donatelli are like that.
-Is that a fact? -Yes, that's a fact.
And it's also a fact that he was out at the house
just the other day and he was saying
how many people he had lined up for your job.
-Is that a fact? -That's a fact.
It's an awful time to be out of work,
isn't it, Miss Hannigan?
-Just terrible. -Leaping lizards!
-"Leaping lizards!" -Come along, Annie.
Mr. Warbucks' limousine is waiting.
-My dog. -What?
Here, Sandy. Come here.
He's really nice. Really, really good.
-He never jumps up on people. -Oh, no! Oh!
Annie, hes a very, very sweet dog, but really,
I don't think it'll work. Mr. Warbucks...
-Then I'm not coming. -What?
She's going to send him to the sausage factory.
-She said so herself. -I'm not zoned for dogs.
-We'll take the dog. -Oh, boy.
Oh, boy.
Bye, Annie! Bye, Annie!
I'll be back. I'll bring everybody presents.
GIRLS: Bye! Bye! Bye, Annie! Bye, Annie! So long!
Bye! Bye, Annie! Bye!
Bye, Molly! See you soon.
Bye, Pepper! Bye, Duffy!
Is this a train station? Are we going on a train?
No, dear, this is Mr. Warbucks' house.
Leaping lizards!
Annie, this is Punjab.
Punjab and the Asp are Mr. Warbucks' bodyguards.
Come along, dear. Let's get you settled.
-What? -[BOOK THUDS]
-[SNEEZES] -Been to the zoo, Miss Farrell?
Not recently, Drake.
-Has the organ been tuned? -Yes, miss.
-Pool heated? -Yes, miss.
-Tennis court net up? -Uh, yes, Miss Farrell.
-French doors fixed? -Yes, Miss Farrell.
-GRACE: Elevator oiled? -MAN: Yes, ma'am.
-Typewriter repaired? -Yes.
-Second teletype installed? -Yes.
-[SNEEZES] -Are you allergic to dogs Drake?
No, filth.
Is dinner under way, Mrs. Pugh?
Yes, miss. I'm preparing his favorite.
Texas grapefruit, Virginia ham,
Idaho potatoes, Wisconsin cheese,
Washington apples and baked Alaska.
I have an announcement to make, everybody.
I have an announcement.
This is Annie.
And she'll be staying with us for a week.
STAFF: Hello miss. GRACE: And this's her dog Sandy.
ANNIE: Who'll be staying with me.
-[STAFF CHUCKLING] -May I take your sweater, miss?
-Will I get it back? -Of course, miss.
Now, Annie. What would you like to do first?
The windows. Then the floors.
That way if I drip...
-[ALL LAUGHING] -No, no, Annie.
You don't understand.
You don't have to do any cleaning
while you're here with us.
I won't? How am I gonna earn my keep?
Why, you're our guest, Annie.
Cecile will pick out All your clothes
Blue is her best color
No, red, I think
Your bath is drawn by Mrs. Greer
Soap. No, bubbles, I think.
Annette comes In to make your bed
The silk? No, the satin sheets, I think.
I think I'm gonna like it here
-[GRUNTS] -Oh!
The swimming pool Is down the stairs
Inside the house? Oh, boy!
The tennis court Is in the rear
-I never picked up a racket. -What?
Have an instructor Here at noon
Oh, and get that Don Budge fellow,
if he's available.
I think I'm gonna like it here
When you wake
Ring for Drake
Drake will bring your tray
When you're through
Mrs. Pugh Comes to take it away
GRACE: Annie!
Come on, Annie. Come on, Annie.
No need to pick up any toys
That's okay. I haven't got any anyway.
No finger will you lift
My dear
We have but one request
Please put us to the test
I know I'm gonna like it here
Here we are.
There we are!
Used to room
In a tomb
Where I'd sit and freeze
Get me now
Holy cow!
Could someone pinch me, please?
-[DRAKE MUTTERING] -Hold still! You mutt!
Hey, Annie! Got something for you.
Here you are, Annie.
We've never had a little girl
We've never had a little girl
We've never had a little girl
I'm very, very, very Glad to volunteer
I'm glad She's glad to volunteer
We hope you understand
Your wish is our command
-I know I'm gonna like it -We know you're gonna like it
GRACE: It's Mr. Warbucks. Don't worry, now.
GRACE: Welcome home, sir.
WARBUCKS: Did the painting arrive?
Yes, they're just uncrating it, sir.
I don't like it. Send it back. Any messages?
Yes, President Roosevelt called three times, sir.
This morning. He said it was very urgent.
Everything's urgent to a Democrat. What else?
Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Vanderbilt,
Mr. Du Pont, Mr. Carnegie...
Wait! There's something interesting
in that woman's smile.
I might learn to like her. Hang her in my bathroom.
-Mr. Warbucks, I'd like you... -No time for dinner tonight.
So tell Mrs. Pugh to send
up an American cheese sandwich at midnight.
Come along, Miss Farrell, let's get started.
-Oh, no! No! -What the devil's going on here?
Oh, Mr. Warbucks, this is the press representative!
Your image!
-Oh! -Uh-huh.
-Oh, yes. -[BOTH LAUGH]
Pick him up, Punjab. Get him another camera.
Why do I smell wet dog?
-Because we gave Sandy a bath. -What's this?
This is Annie, sir. This is the orphan
who will be staying with us for a week.
Orphan? What are you talking about?
Well, they wanted to take photographs of you sharing
your home, sir, with an orphan.
Don't you remember, sir? It's only for a week.
This doesn't look like a boy. Orphans are boys.
Oh, you didn't say you wanted a boy, sir.
You just said an orphan, so I got a girl.
I want a boy!
I've got an interesting smile too, sir.
Don't you think maybe
you could learn to like me, too, sir?
Hang me in the bathroom?
Take them back now.
Oh, oh, sir, she just got here.
That's okay, Miss Farrell. We'll be okay.
It was really nice meeting you, anyhow.
I sure do like your place.
-Thank you, Annette. -Annie.
I've really had a swell time already.
The Asp drove us here
in a car the size of a train, Mr. Warbucks.
And Punjab put a spell on Sandy. And we made Drake sneeze.
And I played your pipe organ. And Sandy got a bubble bath.
And, well, I've had enough fun to last me for years.
It's a really swell idea
to have an orphan for a week, Mr. Warbucks.
A really terrific idea.
Even if it's only for your image,
even if I'm not the orphan, I'm glad you're doing it.
I'm glad you approve.
Let's get to work!
Are you sure you need a boy, sir?
It's only for a week. Couldn't she stay?
WARBUCKS: Whatever! But just for the week!
-[MAN ON RADIO] Know what? -What?
-I love you. -I know.
-Kiss me as only you can. -Oh, you devil.
Oh, get away!
Little girls, little girls
Everywhere I turn
I can see them
Little girls, little girls
Night and day I eat, Sleep and breathe them
I'm an ordinary woman With feelings
I'd like a man To nibble on my ear
But I'll admit No man has bit
So how come I'm the mother of the year?
How I hate little shoes And little socks
And each little...
I'd have cracked years ago
If it weren't For my sense of humor
Some women are drippin' With diamonds
Some women are drippin' With pearls
Lucky me, lucky me
Look at what I'm drippin' with
Little girls
Little cheeks, little teeth
Everything around me is
If I wring little necks Surely I would get
An acquittal
Someday I'll step on their freckles
Some night I'll straighten their curls
Send a flood Send the flu
Anything that you can do Too little, little, little
Little, little Little, little
Little girls
Someday I'll land In the nuthouse
With all the nuts And the squirrels
There I'll stay tucked away
Till the prohibition of
-Rooster. -Sis.
-You're supposed to be in jail. -They let me out early.
On account of his good behavior.
I want you to meet a little friend of mine.
Lily St. Regis.
-Named from the hotel. -Room service.
Sis, this very afternoon I put me ten on the nose
of a beautiful horse eight to one.
Sure enough, the scum-bum took off and whipped the pack.
No kidding.
-Thing is, I got delayed. -Huh huh.
And the joint was closed before I could cash in.
80 bucks, sis, first thing in the morning, guaranteed.
All I need is a finnif to tide me over.
Not even a nickel for the subway.
Oh, come on, sis.
I'll betcha Miss Sticky-fingers here
can loan you a lousy five bucks.
I beg your pardon, I'm sure, but I don't stoop
to what you're incinerating.
Give me back my goods, toots.
Okay, Rooster.
If I loan you five bucks,
will you take this dumb hotel
and just get the heck out of here?
I'm sorry, sis. Lily.
Not even a nickel for the subway.
You and her have the same mother?
Bet you he reads
Bet you she sews
Maybe she's made me
A closet of clothes
Maybe they're strict
As straight as a line
Don't really care
As long as they're mine
So maybe now this prayer's
The last one of its kind
Won't you please come get your baby?
This room's bigger than Grant's tomb.
-[VASE SHATTERS] -Come on, Sandy! Come on!
WARBUCKS: In conclusion,
because your country has raised its voice
loud and clear for freedom and democracy,
I will extend to you a credit line
for the acquisition of 35 of my new fighter-bombers.
That will come complete
with a year supply of spare parts,
ammunition and advisors. What's this?
Sandy's not used to sleeping in a room all by himself.
-He gets lonesome. -Oh. Where were we?
-[STUTTERING] -"Ammunition and advisors," sir.
Are you getting a lot done?
I'd get a lot more done if certain people...
If Franklin Delano Roosevelt would leave me alone.
-Six calls since I got home. -What's he want?
WARBUCKS: He wants my support for the New Deal.
-It's laughable. -He is our president, sir.
Hmm. Punjab!
Remove this animal and its young mistress along with it.
This letter will serve as confirmation
of all the correspondence concerning the details
of your extended deferment.
-The entire account... -[DYNAMITE BLASTING]
...on or before September the 1st.
If you cannot meet that deadline,
you'll have to be charged the current rate of interest.
That is, 6%.
Cordially, et cetera.
I've just remembered, one of my companies
is developing a bomb-proof glass
which may be of interest to your shipping line
if the present international situation should deteriorate.
MAN: Rise up, ye victims of...
-What was that all about? -Well done, Sandy.
Was that man trying to kill you? That will be all, Miss Farrell.
Yes, sir. Come along, dear.
Who would want to kill Mr. Warbucks?
The Bolsheviks, dear.
He's living proof that the American system really works
and the Bolsheviks don't want anybody
to know about that.
The Bolsheviks? Leaping lizards!
Get your blasted dog out of my pool!
He thought you were drowning, Mr. Warbucks.
He was trying to save your life.
-Come on, Sandy, come on. -Go on you mutt get out of here!
Come on, Sandy. Yeah!
Come on!
-Like my suit? -What? Oh, yes.
Miss Farrell picked it out.
I never thought I'd get used to a girl.
Girls are easier to get used to than boys.
Look how used to Miss Farrell you are.
She does all the work around here,
and you don't even know her first name.
I do. It's Grace.
She thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread.
-I beg your pardon? -I know it's none of my business
but you never notice anything.
Sliced bread.
-[PHONE RINGING] -WARBUCKS: Wilhelm, how are you?
Please offer your son my congratulations
on his engagement. Hold on, Wilhelm...
Buy copper! Buy copper! Yes.
And tell the crown prince that my yacht in Monte Carlo
is entirely at his disposal for the honeymoon.
Hold on, Wilhelm...
More copper! More copper!
Don't encourage her, Punjab!
I'm sorry, sir. Maybe I should take her out.
Good idea. Where do you want to go?
To Washington, to meet President Roosevelt.
-How about a movie? -Pepper went to a movie once,
before she came to the orphanage and she said it was swell.
And Miss Hannigan goes all the time.
Splendid! Take her to the Radio City Music Hall.
-Aren't you gonna take me? -Me? Huh,
Annie, you may think that Miss Farrell does
all the work around here, but it's not entirely true.
I'm a busy man. A very busy man.
I know. I didn't mean to get in the way, Mr. Warbucks.
Nobody has to take me anywhere. I'll go practice my backhand.
Pepper lies a lot.
She probably hasn't been to a movie, either.
Actually, I think it's better
when you don't know what you're missing.
Punjab, buy out the eight 'o clock show.
Let's all go to the movies.
You know you should leave your hair down.
It looks so pretty.
Oh, no, no, Annie. I couldn't. I just couldn't.
Miss Hannigan says a man don't look at your brains.
Oh, really? My goodness! Come on, Annie.
-Let's go to the movies. -Let's go see the stars.
Cowboy heroes Cops and robbers
Glamour and strife
Bigger than life
Sitting in the darkness
What a world to see
Let's go to the movies
Annie, wait and see
Bette Davis Is probably lying
And Greta Garbo Is probably crying
While Robert Taylor is Locked in her dying embrace
Chico & Groucho and Chaplin & Lloyd are all super
Sweet Mickey Mouse, Shirley Temple
And dear Jackie Cooper
Let's go to the movies
Let's go see the stars
Fred and Ginger Spinning madly
Anything you can imagine
Songs and romance
Life is a dance
Sitting in the darkness
Popcorn on your knee
Give the maid the night off
Turn the kitchen light off!
Let's go to the movies Annie
You and me
Welcome to the movies
Welcome to the stars
Welcome to this Grand illusion
All of it's yours
Right through these doors
Every plot's a dilly
This we guarantee
Welcome to the movies
Wait and see
Let's go to the movies
Let's go see the stars
Headlines holler
Big Depression
What do we care?
Movies are there
-Only happy endings -Boy gets girl
That's our recipe
Welcome to our lovely
We love to go to RKO
Columbia, Universal
Jack Warner and Sam Goldwyn
And MGM and Zanuck
Here's to
Dreams of glory
Casts of thousands
Bigger than life
Bigger than life
Only happy endings
That's our recipe
So welcome to the movies
For the Lady of the Camellias.
And they're almost twice as large as usual.
I shall have twice as many as usual tomorrow.
Twice as ma... Oh, don't listen to her, Barjon.
I know what those things cost.
Aren't you willing to listen to her
when she orders her caps and dresses from you?
They're an investment. You won't be young forever.
It's high time you settle something about your future.
And I know the very man for you.
MARGUERITE: Really? WOMAN: Yes, really.
No one has ever loved you as I love you.
Well, it might be true. But what can I do about it?
You should go away and not see me anymore.
But don't go in anger.
Now, why don't you laugh at yourself a little,
as I laugh at myself, and come talk to me once in a while
in friendly way.
ARMAND: That's too much and not enough.
Believe in love, Marguerite.
So you do love him?
Dare to tell me that you love him,
and you're free of me forever.
I love him.
Come in. Come in here, all of you.
See this woman. You know her? Then listen
-to what I'm going to say. -Armand. Shh.
I accepted her favors
because I thought she loved me.
I let her make sacrifices for me
when there were others who had more to give.
But bear witness, I owe her nothing.
Take it. Go on! Take it!
Buy camellias. Buy diamonds, horses and carriages.
Buy moonlight. Buy a grave!
MAN: I congratulate you, monsieur.
You know how to treat a woman as she deserves.
Like the cheat this one is.
-Armand -Marguerite!
Oh, it's you.
ARMAND: I've been down in the street half the night,
walking back and forth under your window,
just as I did when I first knew you,
wanting to come up, but not daring to.
I felt so guilty.
Don't think such things, Marguerite.
Even if we can't go to the country today,
think of how happy we were once,
and how happy we shall be again.
Think of the day you found the four-leaf clover,
and of all the good luck it's going to bring us.
Think of the vows we heard Nichette and Gustave make.
And that we're going to make, to each other.
This is for life, Marguerite.
No, don't leave me! Marguerite, come back.
Could you get her nightgown? It's behind the bathroom door.
Certainly. Certainly.
Miss Farrell...
No, no, no. It's all right.
How did you learn that?
-Learn what? -That.
-What? -You put her to bed.
Well, you put her to bed, too.
-I did? -Yes, you did.
-Good heavens! -[GRACE CHUCKLES]
That was a wonderful evening
you gave her last night, sir. Just wonderful.
I'm gonna have to close a factory
in Pittsburgh, Miss Farrell.
-About Annie... -What about Annie?
Could we keep her?
You haven't seen that horrible orphanage.
I can't bear to send her back there. I can't.
Get a hold of yourself, Miss Farrell.
What's come over you?
She wouldn't be a bother. I'd take care of her.
You have plenty of room here. The staff adores her.
We could take her on as your ward, couldn't we?
Absolutely not. I'm a businessman.
I love money. I love power. I love capitalism.
I do not, now and never will, love children.
Watching you with her last night, I thought maybe...
-Grace. -Yes?
-I just noticed something. -Yes?
You're awfully pretty when you argue with me.
-Thank you, sir but... -Oliver.
Do you really just love money and power and capitalism?
You know they're never going to love you back.
-Your teeth are crooked. -I'll have them fixed.
I like them crooked.
-I'll leave them. -Thank you.
I could have the papers signed this morning.
-Grace. -Oliver.
It means a great deal to you, doesn't it?
Yes, it means a great deal to me.
I'll do it myself.
Oh, I could just kiss you!
-Grace. -Yes?
-Get her a little gift. -That's a good idea.
Something from Tiffany's. A new locket.
Oh, and you, you be careful when you go to that orphanage.
That woman's got claws and fangs.
We got Annie
We've got Annie Yeah
She's like a shine On your shoes
Or hearing the blues That's great
Makes you relax
Like a big tax rebate
We got Annie
STAFF: We got Annie
And Benny Goodman's got swing
Bing is the king, by far
Mutt has got Jeff
And Eleanor, FDR
We got Annie We got Annie
We've got Annie
We got Annie
We got Annie
[GIRLS CHANTING IN UNISON] It's a hard-knock life, for us.
It's a hard-knock life for us.
No one cares for you, a smidge
when you're in an orphanage.
What are you doing?
Why aren't you marching in line with the rest of them?
Duffy, come here.
Come on.
You're hiding something from Miss Hannigan
behind your back, aren't you, Duffy?
-No. -Let me have it.
-Get inside! -[GIRLS SCREAMING]
WOMAN: I think I seen his picture in the paper
with President Roosevelt.
-Hannigan, I presume? -Yes.
I want to talk to you about Annie.
You want to return her and forget it,
or trade up?
I want to adopt her.
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Would you care to step into my office?
Well, thank you.
Hi, sweetie.
What's she... Ow!
Ah, you little cutie.
Up, up, up, up, up.
-Welcome. -[THUD]
Miss Hannigan...
Mr. Warbucks, do you know something?
For a Republican, you are sinfully handsome.
Thank you.
Why, I just go absolutely weak in the knees over men like you.
-My God! Is that thing real? -Just sign the papers.
Wouldn't you like to see the bedroom,
my little billiard ball?
I make a very dry martini
Right here.
I make a very wet souffle
Just your name.
Don't be so mean, You mean old meanie
Come, my dear.
Let's you and me make
Why shouldn't we make hay?
-I have an appointment at one. -This way.
You ever been To Buenos Aires?
I hunger for the Argentine
Let's me and you Fill up our diaries
What? Stop!
Buy me a ruby
Why shouldn't you be mine?
-Come -I got your number
-Close -You like to rumba
Madam, while
-We pry -My hot tamale
-Through this -And now I got ya
-File from -My cucaracha
My private eye
[EXCLAIMING] aye yai yai
You spend your evenings In the shanties
You had me followed?
Imbibing quarts Of bathtub gin
And here you're dancing In your scanties
Great gams.
With some old geezer Called Little Caesar
He's an uncle.
You lock the orphans In the closet
They love it.
You hock their Christmas souvenirs
You steal the funds You should deposit
It's fresh.
You make them grovel
While you buy lavalieres
-You'll -Must you upset me?
-Sit out -Why don't you pet me?
-This century -It's you I crave now
Let's misbehave now
-In some deep -You wanna smoochie
-Dark -My little poochie
-Jail? -Sign!
I guess I'll never know The feeling
You'll rot in jail
Of running fingers Through your hair
In Sing-Sing
I guess this means No Buenos Aires
Will you sign?
-Well, I don't need you -That's fine
-So just forget me -The dotted line
-Forget my sweetness -Don't whine
-Forget you met me -You can't decline
-Today is sorta -Just sign
My bread-and-Waterloo
Well, why didn't you say so in the first place,
Women! Does it take this long to get to Tiffany's and back?
-Where is she? -I hear the car, sahib.
It's probably not the right car.
It's the Duesenberg.
Miss Farrell took the Duesenberg.
What took you so long?
What's happening around here? Where's Annie?
She's taking her karate lesson with the Asp.
GRACE: Oh, Oliver, don't be nervous.
Nervous? I'm not nervous.
No, you give it to her.
No, no, Oliver, it was your idea.
She likes you better than she likes me.
Oliver, will you pull yourself together.
Oh, Mr. Warbucks, want to see what the Asp taught me today?
To the couch, Punjab, if you please.
Oh, gee, I didn't think it would work.
Well, now you know it does, ha.
-Should I call a doctor? -Oh, it'll be fine.
-Thank you. -[SIGHS]
We'll leave you two alone.
Annie, I wanna talk to you about something very serious.
You don't want me anymore, right?
On the contrary, I do.
Good Lord!
Annie, can we have a man-to-man talk?
What I'm proposing would involve a long-term,
uh, well, agreement.
Actually, maybe you ought to know more about me
before you make up your mind.
-Okay. -Let's, uh, let's go for a walk.
I was born in Liverpool in a railroad switch-house.
My younger brother died of pneumonia
because we didn't have money for medicine.
Well, I decided then and there that one day I would be rich,
-very, very rich. -Good idea.
In those days, America was the land of opportunity.
I signed on a ship as cabin boy when I was 12.
By the time I was 21, I'd made my first million.
In the next 10 years, I turned that into 100 million.
-Wow. -Hmm.
In those days, that was a lot of money.
I was ruthless, hurt a lot of people.
Making money was all I ever gave a damn about, up to now.
-Let's go inside. -Okay.
It's occurred to me that no matter how many houses I have,
how many Rembrandts, how many Duesenbergs,
that unless I have someone to share it with,
well, I might as well be back in Liverpool, broke.
Annie, do you understand what I'm trying to say?
-Sure. -Good.
-Kind of. -Kind of?
-I guess not. -Damn!
Oh, excuse me.
You've given me so much already, Mr. Warbucks.
I got the papers signed today. It's official.
What is?
-It's so pretty, but... -Let me put it on you.
It's a really swell locket, Mr. Warbucks.
But if it's all the same to you, I'll keep my old one.
It isn't all the same to me. Your old one's broken.
This one's engraved. You didn't even look at it.
"To Annie, with love, from Daddy Warbucks."
Mr. Warbucks, when my folks left me at the orphanage
Ten years ago, they left a note
saying that they'd come back to get me as soon as they could.
And they kept the other half of this old locket
so I'd know them when they came.
I'm gonna find them someday, Mr. Warbucks.
I'm gonna have a regular mother and father,
like a regular kid. I am.
I don't mean to hurt your feelings.
You've been nicer to me
than anybody in the whole wide world,
but I've been dreaming of my folks
for as long as I can remember, and I just got to find them.
And I'll help you.
Grace, get me J. Edgar on the phone!
Drake, get me the chief of police!
Asp, get me Walter Winchell!
Get me William Randolph Hearst!
And Saunders,
get me a drink.
Six, seven, eight, you're on.
Hey, hobo man
Hey, dapper Dan
You both got your style
But, brother, You're never fully dressed
Without a smile
Your clothes may be
Beau Brummelly
They stand out a mile
But, brother, You're never fully dressed
Without a smile
Aha, the lovely Boylan sisters
Doot didoot doot doot
Doot didoot Doot doot doot
MAN: Who cares
What they're wearing
On Main Street or Savile Row
It's what you wear From ear to ear
Ear to ear
And not from head to toe
That matters
Doot didoot Doot doot...
Tonight, as a special heart-tugging treat
from that old heart-tugger himself yours truly, Bert Healy,
I'd like to introduce a little orphan.
A little orphan named Annie.
Who's that who just walked into our Red Network studios?
Bert Healy?
Well, Wacky, it's none other than the Wall Street tycoon,
Oliver Warbucks!
"Thank you, Bert Healy. It's swell..."
-Swell? Do I say... -[MIC SQUEAKING]
"Swell to be on the Iodent Hour."
I understand you're conducting a coast-to-coast search
for Annie's parents.
Yeah, I told you that before we went on the air...
Oh, yes! "Bert Healy.
I am now conducting a coast-to-coast
nationwide search for Annie's parents."
Drop page!
"Warbucks continues."
"Furthermore, tonight I am offering a cash reward
"to Annie's parents, $50,000 cash."
-Oh, Mr. Warbucks! -[THUMP]
-Oh, boy. Oh, boy. -[MIC SCREECH]
50,000 smackers!
So Annie's parents, if you're listening,
please contact Oliver Warbucks...
"Warbucks interrupts!"
"At my house, Bert Healy, 987 Fifth Avenue New York City."
"Thank you, Bert Healy,
and thank you, all-new Iodent,
the toothpaste with miracle K-64
to fight hali...
-Hali... -Tosis!
For letting me talk to you this evening.
Good night, Bert Healy,
and good night for the Red Network."
"Drop page!"
Did I just do a commercial? Let's get out of here.
I've never endorsed a product in all my career.
Doot doot Didoot doot doot
Doot didoot doot Doot doot doot doo
So for all of you, our smiles family,
-this is Bert Healy saying... -[GIRLS GIGGLING]
Hey, hobo man
Hey, dapper Dan
You both got your style
But, brother, You're never fully dressed
Without a smile
Your clothes may be
Beau Brummelly
They stand out a mile
But, brother, You're never fully dressed
Without a smile
Who cares
What they're wearing
On Main Street Or Savile Row
It's what you wear From ear to ear
And not from head to toe
That matters
Ah, the lovely Boylan sisters.
I-O-D-E-N-Doot didoot Doot doot
Doot didoot Doot doot doot
So, senator So, janitor
So long for a while
Remember you're Never fully dressed
Without a smile
Oh, you're never fully Dressed without a smile
You're never fully dressed Without a smile
Who cares What they're wearing
On Main Street Or Savile Row
It's what you wear From ear to ear
And not from head to toe
That matters
So, senator So, janitor
So long for a while
Remember you're never Fully dressed
Though you may wear the best
You're never fully dressed
Without a smile
You're never fully dressed
Oh! You're never Fully dressed
Oh! You're never Fully dressed
Oh! You're never Fully dressed
Without a...
Do I hear happiness in here?
-They never miss. -[CROWD YELLING]
MAN: Everybody's going to get their chance here.
Annie! Annie, it's your mama!
Annie, here I come! Annie, darling!
We've got to get her out of here, Mr. Warbucks.
-We can't expose her to this. -Get the autocopter ready.
Annie, guess what?
Mr. Warbucks is gonna take you to Washington
to see the president!
Marvelous! Aren't Republicans ostentatious?
Franklin, behave.
It's astonishing that he's here at all.
What do you call this thing, Oliver? It looks like great fun.
WARBUCKS: An autocopter.
Don't need an airport, just a back yard.
They say it can land on a dime, whatever that may be.
I appreciate you coming down. It means a great deal.
Means nothing.
Means only that Annie wanted to meet you.
It's nice to meet you, Mr. President Roosevelt.
It's my pleasure, Annie.
And thank you for bringing the old goat.
We'll make a new dealer of him yet.
-Inconceivable. -Don't mind him, Oliver.
Come along, Annie.
My uncle Theodore Teddy Roosevelt,
used to teach his children to walk on stilts.
Well, I can't teach you to walk on stilts,
but I can teach you to roll in a chair with wheels.
My own private roller coaster.
The new deal, in my opinion, is badly planned,
badly organized and badly administered.
You don't think your programs through, Franklin.
You don't think what they're gonna do to
the economy in the long run.
People don't eat in the long run.
People can't feed their children.
The lucky ones end up in orphanages.
ELEANOR: The older ones are abandoned
to steal, to starve.
The business of this country is business.
You have to organize...
Take them off the dole and put them to work.
That is precisely, what I intend to do.
In the National Parks, building camps,
clearing trails,
-fighting fires, planting trees. -Hold it! Hold it!
I want to feed them, and house them,
and pay them. Not much,
but enough to send home to their parents,
so they can hold their heads up again,
-and be proud to be Americans. -That's a swell idea.
It isn't a swell idea, Annie. It's mistaken foolishness!
Big-hearted and empty-headed! Which parks, which children?
What will it cost?
Who's gonna organize it? Who's gonna run it?
I was hoping you would.
-Me? -And Annie.
-Leaping lizards! -Out of the question!
-How could I help? -WARBUCKS: Wait a minute!
You could help us recruit the young people.
Now, hold everything!
Many of them have given up hope, Annie.
They think their government doesn't care
whether they live or die.
With your help, we could convince them that
-with a little extra effort... -I want to say something.
There's this song I used to sing
in the orphanage when I'd get sad.
-It always cheered me up. -Eleanor!
Just thinkin' About tomorrow
Clears away The cobwebs and the sorrow
Till there's none
When I'm stuck With a day that's gray
And lonely
I just stick out my chin
And grin
And say
The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on Till tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day away
Oh, Franklin.
You'll help us too, won't you, Oliver?
Think of the children. Think of Annie.
The sun'll come out tomorrow
Sing, Oliver. That's an order from your commander-in-chief.
There'll be sun
-FRANKLIN: Eleanor. -I can't sing.
Clears away the cobwebs And the sorrow
Till there's none
Solo for the president!
When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray
And lonely
I just stick out my chin
And grin and say
Republicans, too, Oliver. Sing!
The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang On till tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day away
Tomorrow, tomorrow I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day
All right, everybody, come on, step up here!
Bargains, bargains! I got fresh fish here!
-Give me two, right there. -Tuna fish. even cray fish.
Excuse me, are you the lady who runs this establishment?
Ten years ago, we left our little baby girl
on the front steps.
We were starving.
There was a job managing a hotel in Maine,
but only if we had no children.
Wrap it up, I'm listening to Helen Trent.
We never meant to leave our little Annie.
Now, we have a hardware store in New Jersey.
-We could take care of her. -We've always loved her.
You're Annie's parents?
Our place isn't fancy, but it's home.
We live over the store.
There's a yard out back.
-We have chickens. -And a rooster.
My God! I never would've recognized you.
Oh, sis, if we can fool you, we can fool "Big Bucks."
-[LILY CHUCKLING] -50,000 smackers!
You're gonna be the death of me, Rooster.
Oh, come on, sis.
This is gonna be the best bunco job ever.
-All we need is details. -About Annie, specifics.
I see.
-What's in it for me? -Money!
A three-way split of the 50 thou.
I want half.
-Half? -Half.
Alright, half.
Rooster! Alright!
Twenty-five grand for me and Lil,
Twenty-five grand for you.
Hey, Hey!
Why don't we wait and see what she's got, huh?
See if it's worth 25 grand.
-[SCREAMS] -You want details?
I got details.
I got specifics on every kid in this dump.
It's just a question of finding the right box!
Annie wears a locket around her neck.
-[THINGS FLOPPING] -It's a broken locket.
She says her parents saved the other half
to someday come and claim her with.
Well, years ago...
Years and years ago,
her parents were killed in a fire.
And the cops brought me all their junk.
Well, my darling baby brother,
if Annie's parents can claim her with that locket,
so can we!
-LILY: 50,000 smackers! -[CHUCKLES]
ROOSTER: And the kid, we'll drop in the river.
They're gonna do something bad to Annie!
-Pepper! -Have you cleaned the can?
-Listen to me, I mean it! -PEPPER: Clean the can!
Duffy, Tessie, somebody!
-You want a knuckle sandwich? -We got to warn Annie!
It's in an envelope. A sealed envelope.
It ain't fair how we scrounge
For three or four bucks
While she gets Warbucks
The little brat! Look in those.
It ain't fair. This here life is driving me nuts
Make yourself useful.
When we get peanuts
She's living fat
Maybe she holds the key
That little lady
To getting more bucks
Right instead of left.
It'll have her name on it.
Maybe we fix'a the game
With something shady
Where does that put us?
Give you one guess
Open it.
Easy Street
Easy Street
Easy Street
Annie is the key
Yes, sir-ree
Yes, sir-ree
Easy Street
We'll live the plush life
Easy Street
The lazy lush life
Better get there
The gravy's flowing there
We'll soon be going there
Where you sleep till noon
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Move them feet
Move them ever-lovin' feet
Easy Street where living's sweet
That's where we're gonna be
Easy Street
Easy Street
Move them feet
To Easy Street
That's where we're gonna
That's where we're gonna
That's where we're gonna
Hit it, sis.
That's where we're gonna
Easy Street
Now, do the other one.
GIRL 1: You hit that jack. I saw you.
GIRL 2: It's my turn.
Duffy, Tessie, somebody!
They're going to do something bad to Annie.
Who is?
-They are. -TESSIE: Who's they?
-Miss Hannigan. -Oh, my goodness!
-It's beautiful. -[GIRLS WHISPERING]
GIRL: Shh. Be quiet, be quiet.
-Where d'you think you're going? -Go tell Annie!
-Oh, my goodness! -Let's go, you brats!
-Don't! Don't! -Come on!
GIRL: Stop it! LILY: Shut up!
Get in that closet!
Behave yourself!
-Get in there! -[GIRLS SCREAMING]
Go in there!
Whose rotten idea was this?
Are they here? Did they bring me a brother and sister?
Buddha says, man who counts his chickens before they hatch
gets a scrambled egg.
Have my parents come for me?
We haven't found them, Annie.
I interviewed 865 couples.
None of them knew about the locket.
I never realized how many dishonest people
there are in New York.
I guess they're dead.
I guess I've known that deep down for a long time.
I'm not giving up. Don't you give up.
I didn't want to be just another orphan,
Mr. Warbucks.
I wanted to believe I was special.
You are special. Never stop believing that.
We're trapped in here!
Annie's never gonna get saved.
Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Poor Annie.
We'll never get out of here, now.
-I've got an idea. -What?
Great! Good idea!
-GIRL 1: Oh, it's heavy. -GIRL 2: Don't drop it.
Come on. We can do it.
-Alright. Now lean it over. -Shh!
MOLLY: She'll be so mad if she catches us.
GIRL 1: I'm not so sure I want to do this.
GIRL 2: We're going to be in so much trouble anyway.
Duffy, hand me something.
Oh, give her something to hit with.
-[SQUEAKING] -There's a space up here.
TESSIE: Careful.
Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!
Somebody's gonna have to help me get up.
Ow! Get off my hand!
I'm trying not to push!
We're out.
DUFFY: Give me your hand.
-[CAR ACCELERATING] -PEPPER: It's a long way down.
You sure you want to go through with it?
-Wish me luck. -Good luck.
-Careful. Don't slip. -I'm trying.
We were starving, ma'am. We needed the job.
That's why we left our little girl.
Wrapped in a newspaper.
On the steps of the Hudson Street Orphanage.
What's this?
GRACE: Mr. Warbucks, this is Ralph and Shirley Mudge
from Hoboken, New Jersey.
Oh, Ralph, look. She still has the locket.
We finally found you.
I suppose you heard about the reward on the radio?
-Reward? -We don't have a radio.
-In the paper. -Paper?
-What paper? -How did ya know Annie was here?
That kind lady at the orphanage told us.
I have her birth certificate right here.
I've kept it close to my heart all of these years.
"Anne Marie Mudge.
October the 18th, 1922."
I'll go pack.
Want me to help, baby?
No, thanks. Mom.
-We've got to find her. -[CHATTERING]
Aw, come on!
A certified check?
Oh, sir, we're just so thrilled to have found Annie.
-We don't need any money. -I'll take it back.
Of course we are poor people.
It would help us a lot. We could buy her milk,
a warm blanket...
Put it in your pocket. Mrs. Mudge.
Come on, you guys.
Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!
We're never gonna make it.
We found Fifth Avenue!
Number one, Fifth Avenue!
We got to go to 987.
Come on, Molly, get on my back.
Come on, you guys, help!
Do you think the stores would take all this back?
All your new clothes?
Well, I guess so, Annie, but don't you want to keep them?
My new folks, they're poor.
All these clothes are gonna make them feel bad.
Could you maybe take them back to the orphanage
and give them to my friends?
This'll look so cute on Molly.
And this'll look good on Duffy.
Bet you my life is gonna be swell
Looking at them it's easy to tell
And maybe I'll forget
How nice he was to me
And how I was almost his baby
It'll be fine
Nothing to fear
She'll be as happy
As she was here
Things have worked out
Much better than planned
It makes you smile
When fate takes a hand
And I know I'll forget
How much she meant to me
And how she was almost my
Did you get it? Did you get it?
-She has it. -Let me see it.
You know, I think maybe,
I'd better hold it for safekeeping.
Over my dead body.
That's the brightest thing I've ever heard you say.
ROOSTER: Ladies, ladies.
Help! Mr. Warbucks, help!
Get on the road!
GIRL 1: We'll never find the house.
GIRL 2: I wish I'd been outside New York City before.
When I get my half of it...
I say we go back.
We can't!
We've been walking for 100 years!
We're never going to get there.
But we have to.
Let's take a vote.
All in favor of calling it quits.
I'm gonna get me one of those little gold lame numbers.
If they sell them in Atlantic City.
We ain't stopping till we hit Atlantic City!
Help, Mr. Warbucks! It's Miss Hannigan!
Shut up, kid.
Look! There's Sandy!
[MUFFLED] Mr. Warbucks is gonna be furious!
Come here, Sandy!
Come here!
Come on! Let's go!
Come on, you guys! Hurry it up!
Hurry! Hurry!
I can't run anymore.
Alright, now. Quiet down, girls.
You want to see Mr. Warbucks?
All right. Come on. Come on.
GIRLS: Mr. Warbucks!
Oh, my goodness!
[SHOUTING] What now?
I think he's a highness.
Your Highness...
We're friends of Annie's.
-Annie's gone. -PEPPER: Oh, no!
Her parents came and took her away.
But they wasn't her real parents, mister.
They was bad people.
Leaping lizards!
You take the autocopter, I'll take the car.
Edgar, J. Edgar, Warbucks here.
Yeah, orphan Annie has been kidnapped.
I want every G-man east of the Mississippi on this case
in the next 20 minutes.
-[SIRENS BLARING] -MAN: Where's the fire, fellas?
Sahib, sahib.
The truck is on Canal Street, heading east.
East on Canal Street. Well done, Punjab.
Don't lose track of them now.
Excuse me, mister.
Can we stop a second?
I got to go.
I really got to, Miss Hannigan.
I mean it, lady. You're asking for it.
When you got to go, you got to go.
Make it fast.
Rooster, grab her! She got the check!
Cut her off at the bridge!
God damn it!
ROOSTER: Come back here, you goddamn kid!
-Mr Warbucks'll eat your livers! -No!
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you, you little brat! I'll kill you!
Wring her neck, Rooster!
He's really gonna kill her.
Rooster, stop!
Rooster, she's a baby!
ROOSTER: Come back here!
-Rooster! -I'm gonna kill her!
-No, I'm not gonna let you! -[GRUNTS]
She may be a mean, rotten little orphan,
but I'm not gonna let you kill her!
ROOSTER: Let go of me, you old boozer!
Just stop it!
Sahib, sahib.
They're at the B&O bridge.
They're on the bridge. Turn right.
I know. I know.
POLICEMAN 1: Hold it up over here.
POLICEMAN 2: Get in there, let's go.
Help, somebody! Help! Please help!
Help, somebody! Help!
Leave me alone!
Please, help!
Please, help! [GRUNTS]
FIREMAN: Come on! Hurry up! Get the ladders in there!
ANNIE: Somebody help me!
Please help me!
FIREMAN: Come on, over here!
Hurry it up there. Bring it in, guys!
Help! Help!
Have we got two nets? No? Okay, well, we'll make do.
FIREMAN: Hurry up! You're too slow. Let's go.
Punjab! Help me!
Help me, Punjab! Help!
Punjab, help!
To pull you to safety I need both hands.
You must hold on.
I can't.
Buddha says "A child without courage,
is like a night without stars." Come!
FIREMAN: That's it. Back it in here.
Rooster, you reprobate!
Okay, let's clear the area over here!
Alright! Perfect! Perfect! That's it, bring them up here.
Together at last
Together forever
We're tying a knot
They never can sever
I don't need sunshine now To turn my skies to blue
I don't need anything but you
You've wrapped me around
That cute little finger
You've made life a song
You've made me the singer
And what's that bathtub tune
You always ba ba boo
Ba ba ba
Ba ba ba But you
Yesterday was plain awful
You can say that again
Yesterday was plain awful
But that's not now
That's then
I'm poor as a mouse
Ha, ha!
I'm richer than Midas
But nothing on Earth...
Oliver, that's marvelous!
Could ever divide us
And if tomorrow
I'm an apple seller, too
I don't need anything
Anything, anything
I don't need anything but
She's like the fizz in a Coke
A buck when you're broke
And more
When woes and worries take hold
Who gives them The old trap door?
I do not mind repeating
We got Annie
That 4th of July kid!
We got Annie
I wish she were my kid
We've got Annie
And she's got it all
"To Annie, with love."
I love you, Daddy Warbucks.
I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day away
I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day
ANNIE: The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow
There'll be sun
Just thinking about
Clears away the cobwebs And the sorrow
Till there's none
When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray
And lonely
I just stick out my chin
And grin
And say
The sun'll come out
So you gotta hang on Till tomorrow
Come what may
I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day away
I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day