Attack on Darfur (2009) Movie Script

Not a perfect mood,
I don't know if it's-
We're fucked up. But this is
how you deal with tragedy.
You fucking hide it.
You bury it.
Where's the fucking bottle?
He's a great guy.
He's a great guy.
Why? Idiot.
Because we didn't die?
Exactly. That's all
I have to say about that.
Fuck it.
Ah, man.
Fuck it.
We feel fucked up
about what just happened.
You know what I'm saying?
That we're talking about
our friend
as a result of our condition.
It is so removed.
Why am I shit?
Oh, shit.
That's all I want to do,
is go home and be alive.
Fuck it. Sorry.
How am I going to
go back to my wife...
and tell them
that he's gone?
We might not even go.
It don't have any sense,
doing this today.
This is what
we're going to do.
It's irritating as hell.
If that's their aim,
they've achieved that.
I'll tell you.
A free loan to al-Bashir
for his palace, right.
Did you know that?
You didn't know that?
The Chinese gave an
interest-free loan to al-Bashir
for his palace.
How fucked up is that?
Bashir's cocktail party,
I'd love to see you there.
If they offered it,
they could use some training
from the Chinese too.
At least they might be
on fucking time.
Surprise, surprise.
Better late than never.
If you all gather around,
I'll give our itinerary.
Now we are here.
Hey, guys.
We will be going
pay attention.
I will cancel the mission if
I don't get complete attention
and complete cooperation
from all of you.
Do you understand?
This can be a dangerous area.
It's going to take us
three hours to get there.
We will be there
for approximately
an hour
or an hour and a half.
An hour and a half?
How long have been here?
I don't want any discussion.
That's it.
I need everybody
to sign their release forms.
Once they are done,
we can make a move, okay?
Turn the radio back on.
Sun block 312.
An hour and a half.
We have to spend the next
six hours with this guy.
What's the agenda?
Can we load up?
Can we put this stuff
in the back of the car?
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go.
Bring your sun block.
Here we go.
Decapitated by a tent.
Hey. Hey.
Smile for the camera.
There we go.
That's the game face.
Oh man, that's hot.
Africa hot.
That's what they say, right?
Yeah, Africa hot.
Sun block?
You want some sun block?
No. No thanks.
I'm sure
I've met you somewhere before.
We haven't worked together,
have we?
I'll figure it out.
You had
some big article though.
Yeah, I've been lucky.
It's funny because
everything looks the same.
Everything is so flat, and
they have these cliffs up here
that blocks your perspective
of where you are.
What's that dust storm
up there?
Would you mind
if I took your picture?
My daughter wants me
to document everything.
It's just a disposable.
Just a quickie.
Thank you.
It's a twister.
You've been here before?
I've been here before.
That's cool.
This is my first time.
You guys,
it's really hot in here.
Could you
put on the air conditioner?
Man, could you slow down
a minute?
No. Keep going.
We have two hours to get there.
We keeping going now-
I understand that,
but if you look to your left-
We keep going.
We have two hours to go.
At ten o'clock there's a cut
on the left, I want you to-
Head straight. We are
going through the village.
We are supposed to
go through the village.
We are here
with Captain Tobamke.
We are not on a holiday. We are
going through the village.
This is why you-
They are African monitors here
to collect evidence of genocide
and ceasefire infractions.
Captain, would you say
that to our left is something
that you would determine
as telltale signs of genocide,
of a mass grave?
Any comments, please?
Stop the car.
Go ahead.
Stop over there.
What's going on?
Let's go and see,
shall we?
Let's have look-see.
The UN deliberates over whether
genocide is being perpetrated
in the Darfur region.
This happened because when
the sanctions were issued
against the government,
the Janjaweed come to end.
This is
the consequence of that.
I see full-grown skulls
and children.
The whole village.
They would have burned
the whole village.
You didn't know anything
about this, captain?
All I can say is that this is
a result of the West sanction.
It destroys the people
that are meant to be helped.
You're saying the sanctions
are futile?
The sanctions,
have done nothing.
Bashir promises
one thing to the west
and he does something
entirely different.
So they're counter productive.
So, what about
your inadequate security
on the aid convoys?
Because they're
consistently attacked
by government militia,
And rebels, because of your
Come. Let's go.
We are done here.
Come. Let's go.
Let's go.
You don't want to
answer me, captain?
It's a simple question.
We have to get to the village.
Let's go. Let's go.
What's the AU doing
to protect the Sudanese
against these attacks
by its own government, captain?
Everybody, let's go.
Back to the village.
Come. Come.
Gather round, please.
Gather round, please.
This is Solaiman,
who is the head of the village.
They say you are welcome, that
you can walk around the village,
see what you want,
take pictures.
Now, we are going to be here for
about an hour, hour and a half.
There one or two people that may
speak a little bit of English,
but we have somebody
to interpret for them.
So you guys are not interpreter.
Also, they brought gifts for you
and the villagers.
They are special
from this lady.
Okay. Okay.
He say, "Welcome,
the village is open for you."
Just follow these guys.
This is the-
Yes, you can go.
If you need any-
Please, follow them.
Yeah, thanks.
Can you kindly ask the chief
if he has seen any evidence
of Janjaweed and government
forces working together
at any other raids
or interaction whatsoever?
We don't have proof
about that that is clear.
The people have an idea...
As-Salamu Alaykum.
Do you speak English?
Delicious. Nutritious.
Excuse me, miss.
Do you mind
looking at the camera for me?
Thank you.
This number, they escape
and no one know where they are.
Have the Janjaweed
been through this village
or in the area at all?
They never enter
in this village,
but they destroyed
all the village surround us
and all the people,
some of them killed,
some of them go to the camp,
and a lot of people,
he doesn't know where.
He asks you,
why the army of AU,
you never protect us?
Why do you come after all of
the villages are destroyed,
and after that you come to us
and ask what's going on?
You see, the only thing
I can say is that
we've been given a very limited
mandate where Bashir,
your president,
has allowed us into your country
for only humanitarian reasons,
so we have not
been given a mandate
to engage or attack.
All we can do is oversee.
We can give food and shelter.
And that is the extent.
It is
a very good question.
He say, always many people
from AU come in to ask
what's going on
and what time that,
but no anything
happened to us
to protect or save our life.
I will try and see whether
we can bring more troops here,
whether or not we can agree that
there should be more protection.
But as I said,
it is a very slow process.
We are dealing
with politicians.
I am just an army man
and I have my orders,
but, please,
tell him that we are doing
everything in our power
to make sure
that the people are protected
and that the villages is safe.
From the village?
But still you rebuild.
You're rebuilding now.
You're building.
You keep building though.
But why do you stay?
Why do you stay?
So how long have you,
your family...
How long have
you been living here?
Of course.
That would be great.
That would be good.
This is your kids?
What is your name?
My name
is Hadeeja Ibrahim.
Hadeeja Ibrahim.
Nice to meet you.
Have you suffered
sexual abuse?
How old are you?
Do you ever remember in your
life having any kind of peace?
That's so sad.
We're going to get help
for your country.
It's okay.
You're very brave
to talk to me.
I can understand how hard
this must be for you.
Thank you.
If you could have
one positive wish
for your country,
what would it be?
We will make sure
that your story gets told
and that people help you
and your country.
The people, they-
They people,
they raped me.
It's the Janjaweed.
They go around
and rape the women.
Do you know if they are infected
with the AIDS virus?
Do you have AIDS?
I don't know
if I have AIDS.
Maybe I don't.
Maybe I do.
If I get sick,
then I'll know.
If I die,
then I'll know.
Do they make a point
of telling the women,
the women perhaps,
letting them think they are
infected when they rape them?
I know other women,
they say-
When they come to them
they say,
"Yeah, we're going to
give you AIDS today.
You're going to die today."
The rapists and ethnic cleansers
of Darfur continue to operate
despite the ceasefire agreement
and three UN resolutions.
The world's biggest humanitarian
crisis is worsening.
I'm really...
I'm really sorry
and grateful you could
tell us your story.
On the way here today
from the African Union,
their base-
On the way here
we saw bones,
human bones,
a mass grave,
and it's not so far from here.
Are you not afraid,
knowing what the Janjaweed have
been doing to the villagers?
Are you not afraid for
your wife, for your children?
You were together.
So you know them.
They are Arab
and you are black.
Is there a difference now
than there was before,
because you both
lived in relative peace?
What is this?
This is the history of
your people, of the village?
These are very precious?
So it's not Muslim
against Muslim.
It's more than that.
It's Arab against African.
It's a racial war.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Great stuff, man. We got
some beautiful stuff there.
Hundreds of years
this shit's been going on,
killing each other.
They seem
almost proud of it.
I know you're right.
I'm trying
not to think about it.
As-Salamu Alaykum.
We have to go.
We have to leave now.
We have to get back
before it gets dark.
We are going.
Look, down here.
Stop here.
It's not an AU convoy,
is it?
No. The Janjaweed
are approaching.
How far?
About 30 minutes away.
They're heading
to that village?
I don't know.
I can't be sure of that.
Is there anything
we can do?
I say we go back.
We head back.
If we don't,
they're going to
kill these people.
If we're there,
they're not going to touch them
with western media on site.
You're looking at me
like I'm crazy. What'd I say?
No. I want to go back.
I think that's nuts.
I think you're crazy
to think that.
I think it's a good idea.
They're not going to do anything
we're fucking Americans.
We're here
to make a difference.
We could save these people.
You may be right.
If the press are there,
it's quite possible
they won't touch the villagers.
You know that's not
necessarily the case, captain.
We don't know anything.
Yeah, you do.
We don't know anything,
so the decision is yours.
I say we go back.
Are you guys fucking heroes?
We're here to report.
What are you talking
What are we doing here if we're
not doing something positive?
I think
it's a terrible idea.
These people are dangerous.
When we have been there before
the Janjaweed come past,
and we have managed
to protect it.
Now, we are not certain
they are going to the village.
You can tell me for sure
that we'll be okay.
We can't guarantee
your safety.
They're not going to touch them
if we're there.
Well, it won't be
all over the press
if we don't make it back home.
We can't do nothing,
and consciously know
that they're getting
We have to
make a decision.
If you want to go back,
you can go back.
If you want to go home,
you can go home.
We have to
make a decision now.
You understand? We have to
make a decision now.
I want to go back.
No, no, no, no.
This is a mistake,
you guys.
I don't want to
go fucking back.
Okay, let's go.
This is fucking great.
I hope you know
what you're doing, captain.
I don't think
it's a good idea, man.
You're pretty handsome
in a Dennis Hopper kind of way.
This is such a bad idea.
This isn't safe at all.
No. We're going back.
We can save these people.
We can
make a difference here.
That's why
we're here, right?
That's why
I'm here anyway.
Come on, William,
let's go.
stay in the car.
Don't move.
Stay in the car.
I need you
to gather everybody here
as soon as possible,
Gather everybody here
as soon as possible, please.
Come quick.
Come. Come.
Gather everybody.
Everybody, here.
Everyone come now.
Quick, quick.
Everybody, the Janjaweed
are approaching the village.
We are not mandated
to engage them in any way.
There are not enough
of us here to give them a fight,
so what we want to do is, with
the help of these journalists,
and hopefully these journalist''
presence and our presence,
we will be able to persuade them
to move on through the village.
Everybody down!
The Janjaweed are coming!
Take cover!
Okay, everyone,
back to the vehicles!
Back to the vehicles!
Stay together!
I need everybody!
Stay together.
Back to the vehicles!
Back to the vehicles!
Stay together.
Try to stay calm.
Try to stay calm, everybody.
I don't want to
fucking be here anymore.
Fuck you!
Are you crazy?!
Let's go. Let's get in
the fucking vehicle!
I need you
to stay back here.
Let's get the fuck
out of here!
I will deal with this.
I will deal with this.
Back to the vehicles,
AK-47 assault rifles.
I see them fucking coming!
nothing's going to happen.
Salaam Alaykum.
Alaykum Salaam.
Captain Tobamke.
Why are they here?
We are from the AU.
We are an on observing mission
from the AU.
I brought some journalists
to observe,
to look at the village,
to bring supplies.
I can't.
I can't.
We are just here to observe,
to see about the welfare
of the villagers.
You know you're not
supposed to be here, right?
I understand.
You or the journalists.
I understand.
So why are you here?
We are allowed to observe.
Is that what they teach you
at the African Union?
We have been given a mandate
to observe, sir,
and we are observing.
We are making sure
that the villagers
and their health is okay.
We are here on a-
You are not allowed
to do anything.
We are allowed to observe.
There is no observation,
This is not your district.
You are not supposed to
be here.
These journalists
are not supposed to be here.
You are not supposed to be
feeding anybody.
Food does not help the dead.
You know that.
These are international
I don't care. I don't care
about international anything.
So please take your people
and leave
if you want to protect them.
I've been
very patient with you.
Turn around, tell these people
to pack their stuff and go.
I will request
that you take your men
and move through the village.
Let us do our work here.
You think so?
let us do our work.
You think you're going to
tell me what to do?
I'm not telling you what to do.
I'm suggesting.
That's what it sounds like.
I'm just asking that maybe
you guys can move on through.
We'll be here for another five,
ten minutes. The journalists-
Captain, I'm going to
give them five minutes.
If they do not leave,
I'm going to consider them
a part of this village.
If you want to protect your
people go tell them right now.
Now, captain!
You don't believe me?
Thank you. Thank you.
He's given us five minutes
to leave the village.
Now, I suggest
we get in the cars
because we are totally
outmanned and outnumbered.
I don't want to
inflame the situation.
So everybody in the cars.
Hello. May I?
What do you think
you're doing?
My name is Bob Jones.
I don't care who you are.
I'm with
the international press.
I'd like to know
if you have the opportunity
to grant us an interview
to the international media
whereby you agree-
You take out this village
while we're here-
Get this woman
out of my face.
Somebody has to teach you not
to speak when men are talking.
You too.
I apologize for her.
I don't want to see you.
I said you have five minutes.
Now you don't. You need to
get into your cars and leave.
Is there nothing you want to say
to the international community?
Musa! Sadiq!
Hey, hey, hey!
I can do that.
All right, how much?
We give you-
In the car! Everybody
in the car now, please!
back in the vehicle now.
I am responsible
for your welfare.
In the car.
Back in the vehicle.
We don't want to
inflame the situation.
Adrian, come on, man.
In the car.
Let's go. Let's go.
What the fuck is that?
Let's go. Let's go.
You can't have
this baby here.
It's not safe.
he's right there.
Make him
stop crying, quick.
Get back in
so that we can pull out.
It is an AU vehicle.
Come, come, come, come.
Come on.
Just don't hurt it.
We made a mistake,
all right.
In the car. In the car.
In the car.
Stop the car.
Stop the car.
Stop the car.
What's going on?
I'm going back.
No, you can't.
Get back in the car.
At least
give me a weapon.
I can't.
I have orders.
Get in the car.
Give me a weapon.
A weapon?
I have orders.
I don't care.
I have to go back.
What are you
talking about, man?
Come on.
Give me your weapon.
Give me a weapon.
Slow down, man.
What's going on?
I can't.
In the car.
What are you doing?
Come on.
What's happening here?
You know what?
I'll use my own weapon.
Sorry, but I have to do this.
What's going on?
I'll use my own weapon.
Will you just slow down
for a minute?
Freddie, you don't have to
do this.
That's my camera.
what are you doing, man?
That's my fucking camera.
Come on.
You're not going to help them
by getting yourself killed.
Freddie, I've got
It's not fucking insured.
Sorry about this.
Sorry. Listen.
Hold on, would ya?
Take it easy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Fuck off!
Get the fuck away from me,
Are you going to do that?
Are you going to do that to me?
Captain, please,
just take it easy.
You going to
let that happen down there?
What happens
if that was you?
What happens if it was
your wife and your kids?!
I have orders.
You have orders?!
If that was
your wife and kids,
you're going to
let them be-
Shoot me!
Shoot me!
We shouldn't have gone back.
I'm sorry, man.
Now let's just
get back in the car.
You want to go back,
go back.
Go back.
What the fuck
are you doing?
What are you doing?
You give him a weapon?
That is a fucking-
Get in the car!
Do you have any idea
what you've just done?
Everybody else in the car.
Just make sure
this story gets told.
You tell this story.
Where's he going?
Don't be a fucking idiot.
It's suicide!
Back in the cars now.
Freddie, get back here,
you fucking idiot!
Back in the vehicles.
Come, come.
You stubborn fucking moron.
You gave an untrained man
a weapon.
Get back here,
you fucking idiots.
What are you doing?
You gave him a weapon.
Take the others back.
Where's he going?
Get in the fucking car.
Where are you going?
This is it.
I hope
god is watching over us.
Okay. Come.
Cover me.
You ever
killed anybody?
Didn't think so.
You may have to.
All right.
Cover me.
You come here
in your AU uniform
thinking you can
save those people.
You must think this badge
on your arm means something.
It means nothing.
No one will save those people,
because just like you,
they are black African monkeys
and no one cares for them.
Oh, no. Tobamke.
Watch out!
Go. Come on.
Let's go.
Go, go, go. Run.
Go now.
Go now. Go, go.
Freddie, wait.
Get off her,
you fucker!
You okay?
It's all right.
It's okay.
Let's go.
Come on.
We've gotta go.
Jesus Christ.
We've gotta go.
Can she walk?
Listen to me.
This is it.
There's nothing else
we can do.
We've gotta
get her out of here now.
To the car?
can you walk?
You watch my ass.
I'll take the lead.
All right?
Let's go.
Follow my lead.
Listen to me.
I have to make it
to those huts.
Wait there for me,
all right?
My signal.
Let's go.
Jesus. Jesus.
She's gone.
Come on. Come on.
You got her?
Let's go. Let's go.
We've gotta go now.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Oh, God.
All right.
This is it.
I can see the truck.
We've just
gotta make it there.
Okay. It's clear.
Come on!
Come on!
Freddie, come on.
Freddie, come on.
Come on, get up.
No, no.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Journalist, huh?
Get up! Get up!
You know this entire mess
is because of
you and your kind, huh?
You come here
and tell our people what to do.
You tell the Darfur people
that they have rights,
and their rights
are being violated,
instead of apologizing.
We're supposed to say
we're sorry,
we're sorry we colonized you
for so long.
We're sorry we enslaved
your people for decades.
We're sorry we've given you
all these weapons
to kill each other with.
Huh? Guess who has
the weapons now?
Are you sorry?
Are you fucking sorry?!
I'm going to let you go.
I'm going to send you back
with a message.
No, no.
I want you
to tell the West
that Darfur is now clean
of Africans.
What are you going to say?
What is the message?
What is the message?!
Look up here.
What are you going to say?
What are you going to say?!
You're not going to
say it, huh?
You hide it.
You fucking bury it.
You feel fucked up
about what just happened.
You know what I'm saying?
How am I going to
go back to my wife?
Just go home
and be alive.
Oh, my God.
Oh, god.
Give him some water.