Avengers Grimm (2015) Movie Script

Snow: There is another world.
Snow: I've seen it...
in the magic mirror.
Snow: An inverse of our
Snow: A dark place...
where greed
and corruption thrive...
Snow: It must be kept
If the wrong forces discover
it would mean war.
[Angry Crowd Roaring]
Mirror. Mirror.
Where is the king?
Snow: Is he leading the
defense of the castle?
Snow: Oh Lord! They are
through the gate!
Why has our army
turned against us!
#Who is leading the rebellion?
Man: Oh Snow!
I should have know it was you
who brought this darkness
upon us.
Rumpelstiltskin: I won't move if
I were you.
Snow: How dare you corrupt
members of my royal guard with
your black arts.
Snow: you realize you've
angered all of the kingdoms
of this land with your
pointless war.
Even as we speak the others are
-The Princesses?
Snow: Even if you managed to
kill me, they will stop you.
Kill you?
#I need you.
I'm here with a deal.
Where is the King?
I will leave this squalid little
pile of cobblestones you call
a kingdom if you do
something for me...
Where. Is.
The King?
This mirror can be used as a
gateway to another world,
a world without magic,
a place where I could live like
a god.
Send me there and I will take my
men and leave.
What do you say?
Where is my husband?!
Snow White.
Fairest in all the land.
Rumpelstiltskin: All that power,
and what do you do with it?
I protect it.
Not very well...
Y-You killed him!
I had to. I knew you wouldn't
listen unless I stack the deck
in my favor.
There's power
in the King's death.
As it happens,
enough to make your army
mine in a single stroke.
Of all the times
we've done this...
your choice has never
been easier.
Open the portal and you'll never
see me or my army again.
Refuse and you'll die.
You'll never get a better deal
than that.
An entire world with no magic.
We have a deal!
If you kill me, The Wolf will
kill you.
No life is worth a kingdom.
[Chaos/Angry crowed]
Are we too late?
#This way, come on.
There's nobody here.
Rapunzel: Oh no, look,
It's the King!
Sleeping Beauty: Oh, dear Lord.
The magic mirror.
If the Queen has gone through
then our only choice is to
follow her.
Red: You missed one.
Cinderella: I could have
cured him.
Red: Or he could have
killed you.
The wolf is here. Trust me, you
let your guard down like that
again and he'll kill all of you,
Princess powers are not--
Rapunzel: It's such a beautiful
Red, wait-wait.
We can help each other.
This affects all of us.
I'm here for one reason,
to kill The Wolf.
I got you this far. Your little
mission is just that.
Time moves swiftly on the other
side. The longer we linger the
more time has gone by.
Well then, we should hurry.
You think your home was the only
thing destroyed by this war?
We've lost Kingdoms.
I was busy fighting thralls
while you were marrying into the
life of luxury.
Don't lecture me about war.
Don't you understand, if we kill
Rumpelstiltskin, all his thralls
will be released.
But The Wolf will go free.
You brought this on yourselves.
Sleeping Beauty: How do we find
the queen?
Cinderella: Ask the mirror!
Mirror mirror on the wall...
Show us Snow White.
What now?
Dead or alive we find the Queen,
wherever she is and we follow-
rescue her if we have to...
And then we kill Rumpelstiltskin
and we end this mess.
We have to be prepared
for anything.
Brave little piggies.
Cinderella: Red!
Step away from the mirror
or she dies.
#He'll kill her either way!
Oh, Jesus.
Look, I don't want any problems.
Ok guys?
Listen, officers--
Ernst: What do you think,
You think anyone'd miss old Jack
here if we...
signed him up for the Mayor's
new softball team?
That's not funny, Ernst ok?
Remember I helped you
with that thing!
-I got kids!
- Relax!
I'm messing with ya.
I'm not gonna send ya into the
Mayor's good squad. But uh...
His honor will be none too happy
if he finds out you've been
talking to her again.
Her? Her who? I--
- Her who? Snow White!
Red! Wait!
Laguardia: This is car 2-7! We
got a possible 213 at First
and Fremont.
Requesting backup.
They came out of nowhere!
Ladies! Get down on the ground.
He's wearing a shield
as a sigil.
Perhaps they're knights?
- I don 't think so.
- I'll talk to the peasant-folk.
Maybe you can help us.
Officer: I'm not gonna
ask you again.
Get down on the ground with your
hands behind your head. Now!
[Scoffs] Oh my, no.
We're looking for our Queen.
Snow White.
#That's it! [Magical Chime]
For me?
You shouldn't have.
#That was dreadful.
Hey Ladies! Thanks um,
or... whatever.
But you got to get out of here.
[Distant Sirens]
See, in this town, that sound
means trouble.
Do you know where we can find
Snow White?
She finds you.
#[Engine Revving]
Get in.
[Screeching Tires]
What took you so long?
Thralls still hold the castle.
They've infiltrated every inch
of the Kingdom and beyond.
The mirror's broken.
#But, a piece of it did come through with us.
Where is it?
#Red Riding Hood has it.
-[Scoffs] Commoner.
The Wolf came through as well.
She's after him now.
All she cares about is killing
the wolf, nothing more.
She can't be trusted.
We have to find Red and the
mirror before the wolf leads her
to Rumpelstiltskin.
If that bastard gets his hands
on it, he'll open the portal
again and bring
his army through.
Red wouldn't let that happen,
your Highness.
I'm not queen
of anything anymore.
How long has it been?
Too long.
[Revving Engine]
[Footsteps Running]
[Crowd Screaming]
[Wolf Growling]
Tucker: What the hell is all
that racket?
Ho-ly Sh--
You got a death wish?
Who you working for little girl.
Where's mommy and daddy?
I didn't do this.
Well then, you won't mind
waiting around to explain it
to Iron John.
He keeps the order around here.
Something tells me, I don't
think he's going to kindly to
you messing with the boys.
Tearing up his favorite
Is this everyone?
It's plenty.
#All the better.
Somebody call John!
Snow: That's City Hall.
Snow: He wanted to invade and
live like a king.
Snow: But without his army, he
was forced to worm his way into
the local power structure.
Snow: Here he's Mayor.
He's corrupted this city at
every level- bankrupted it
building his secure penthouse
on the top floor.
Snow: He keeps the building
staffed with security.
He even has his own
private SWAT team.
He rarely leaves the penthouse.
If there's a way up, I haven't
found it yet.
[Phone ringing]
Man: Mayor wanted to see us...
Just a moment.
Your Honor, officers Ernst and
Laguardia are here for you.
[Phones Ringing]
Right away.
[Phones Ringing]
Right this way officers.
Mayor Heart will see you now.
Receptionist: Officers Ernst and
Laguardia are here for you, Sir.
Rumpelstiltskin: Of course!
Boys! Come in. Come in.
Rumpelstiltskin: Thank you,
Why don't you head home
for the evening?
Forget what you saw here.
You boys are supposed to be out
rounding up new recruits.
What happened?
- Well your Honor--
- They said they were looking
for Snow White.
Who said they were looking
for Snow White?
There were 3 of them, female,
talked kinda funny.
Where are they?
Escaped... Your Honor.
It was like they were magic.
[Imitates Laguardia]
It's like they were magic.
You a family man, Ernst?
Wife, sir.
Tell you what...
I'm gonna make you a deal.
Find the princesses.
Find Snow White.
And bring them back here so that
they don't ruin my plans for
this city.
Do that...
and I won't send you home to
your wife... like that.
Now go do your job!
Put 'im with the others.
#Go! Now!
Snow: [Sigh] By the time I
knew what he was doing,
it was too late.
Snow: He controls everything.
Snow: Police.
Snow: Emergency systems.
#Snow: Press.
He never had this much
power before.
People here are helpless
against him.
[Snow V.O.]
He started with the police.
Turned them into his own
private task force.
They're even more criminal
than cop.
or... they conveniently
Sorry buddy.
[Snow V.O.]
They're taking people
one by one,
turning them into
thralls for a new army.
-Sshh. Be quiet. Be quiet. Sshh.
[Snow V.O.]
Those who oppose him risk more
than simple servitude.
[Snow V.O.]
The mirror complicates things.
[Snow V.O]
Hopefully your friend Red
understands what she has...
[Snow V.O.]
If Rumpelstiltskin gets to it
before we do, there's nothing
to stop him from attacking the
city with the entire royal army.
Iron John: Find whoever did
this! Find her and bring her to
me, now!
You heard John! You don't come
back with the girl, you don't
come back!
Ernst: I've got another one
for ya...
... your Honor.
[Snow V.O.]
He's hiding in plain sight
for now.
[Snow V.O.]
Storing his new army in
pockets all over the city.
[Snow V.O.]
When he's ready...
he'll attack.
If that happens, we'll never be
able to get close to him.
If the mirror fragment can
re-open the portal,
that means we can go back home,
We can worry about getting home
after we take care of
We need to find Red
before he does.
He said, he said tell her
I'm waiting.
Off to grandma's house.
[Sword out of sheath]
[Echoes] Red: Here boy!
Red: Here boy!
Wolf: You have something I want.
Red: Come and get it.
Wolf: You reek of fear. Give me
the mirror fragment.
I promise I'll kill you quickly.
Like you killed my family?
If I let you go, their deaths
are meaningless.
All death is meaningless.
#Red: Not yours!
[Gun Click]
There she is.
What are you doing down here
all by yourself?
You like jewelry?
Put 'em on or we shoot,
right now.
Iron John wants to talk to you.
Snow: Ok, first up...
you need to blend in.
The last thing we want is to
draw attention.
If they find us, it's over.
Can you manage that?
No problem.
Find the Jack. Find the Jack.
Come on, sir.
You can find the Jack.
Where is he? You ready?
This one? Are you sure? This is
the one you want? The center
one? Alright, here we go.
Awe that's the queen, that's not
it. That's not the one.
-My mom's gonna kill me.
-This is the poor man's Vegas.
But you can get rich playing
the poor man's Vegas. It's a
magical moment. I can feel it. I
can feel it in the air--
Ah come one Snow-
-Hi Jack.
- I don't want any trouble,
I told you last time, Snow.
#I don't want any problems with the Mayor.
Just want to know what you've
been hearing, Jack.
That's what you said before.
I don't know, ok?
Look, maybe...
Maybe I heard about a bar...
Got tore up last night, ok?
#See how easy.
You didn't hear that from me,
Why would she come here?
-[Scoff] You're surprised?
-Hey, pay attention.
Snow: Hey.
I heard you got a story to tell.
Last I heard,
Iron John's got her.
But she-she didn't
kill those men.
No. It was him. It was him. It
was him. It was him. It was
him. It was him.
The guy who cut my neck.
Scariest damn thing
ever happen to me.
Thanks for sharing.
Snow: Could I get you
anything else?
How about a kiss?
If Iron John's got her, I know
where she is.
Maybe we're not too late.
Hey John!
A present for ya.
Well it's about time.
Who did that to you?
#My boys?
It's called an arrow.
This, was sticking out of the
back of my favorite bar.
#I missed.
Missed who?
#The guy who really killed your men.
I'm a man who appreciates order.
You upset that order, we got
cops sniffing around here.
That would be bad.
You say you didn't do it,
prove it, who did?
It's a monster in the skin of a
man. And the longer you keep
me here, the more of your
men he will kill.
[Everyone Laughing]
Anything else?
I'm going to kill him.
How are you going to do that?
Like this.
Open fire!
Where is she?
Tucker: There she is! Go! Get
her! Go, go, go!
You're under arrest! All of you!
She's no princess, but she might
be useful as a bargaining chip.
Yeah. Alright.
Keep her there, till I arrive.
#[Gasp] Oh sir...
Stay back.
Sh-Sh-Should I call security, sir?
No, wouldn't matter if you did.
It's good to see you my friend.
#Wolf: I didn't come alone.
Rumpelstiltskin: Believe me, I
know. I was just on my way to
question the Red One.
Wolf: She's got a piece of the
mirror fragment.
You don't say?
[Cocks gun]
Your timing couldn't be better.
Public office can be so...
Jenkins: Your honor... please...
Rumpelstiltskin: I'm not one for
subtly. I prefer a...
a grand gesture.
will arrange for a car to take
you to the den. You can do
whatever you
want with your little
Red plaything.
Bring me the mirror.
My army awaits.
This isn't right.
#Rapunzel: Look.
[Scoffs] Cops never bother Iron
John... Something must be
going on.
It's Red.
#We don't know that...
We have to be sure.
They look weak; let's take them.
#You heard the woman.
The place creeps me out man.
-Come on.
What do you think they're going
to do with Iron John
and his boys?
Who cares.
[Flicking Lighter]
It's cold all of a sudden.
Nighty night.
What were they guarding?
[Crowd Roaring]
Snow: Hold them back!
On it!
#[Crowd Roaring]
This is bad.
He's mobilizing his army.
We have to assume he has the
fragment and he's preparing
an attack.
He probably has stockpiles
like this set up all over
this city.
We're gonna have to give up
searching for Red. Time's up.
If Rumpelstiltskin has
the mirror, why hasn't he
attacked yet?
Because he doesn't have it.
Red does.
Her again.
You may not think she's worth
anything, but I am not giving up
on her yet.
No life is worth a kingdom.
And he has the mirror, what is
her life worth then?
We don't actually know that she
has it.
I saw it.
We still don't even know where
she is.
Let's ask him.
Really messed up, John.
You're making a lot of noise,
you and your men.
The Mayor is a little upset
you've been squatting on
city property without
coming to pay tribute.
#Tribute for what?
My men were working on
that site until the mayor
shut us down.
They lost their livelihood!
All I've done to
keep them together.
Someone's gotta keep that order.
#It's too late now.
And you, Little Red Bitch...
I got some questions for you.
You and me are going down the
hall to the den.
Boys down there are asking hard.
I didn't kill your men,
and I didn't kill you
when I had the chance.
[Drops Key]
Iron John: You bitch!
Come back, you bitch!
Come back, you bitch!
You bitch!
[Female Voice Echoes]
He's waking up.
#Is he back to normal?
[Voice Echoes]
Man: Where am I?
What's going on?!
#We need to have a little talk.
Or you can go back
in there with them.
[Man Cries]: No please.
- Where's Red Riding Hood?
Man: Who?
Look, I'm just a rookie.
Sleeping Beauty: He doesn't
know anything.
Well he better know something.
Look, it was join or die, They
put me with Ernst so he could
keep an eye on me...
I didn't know what he
was planning, and
then it was too late.
He's taking people...
Vagrants. Runaways. I couldn't
figure out what he was doing
with them...
Now I know.
#He's not who you think he is. -No kidding.
We've already watched him ruin
one world.
We need to find someone before
the Mayor does.
We've tracked her this far,
we've hit a dead end.
Police have her.
#There's only one place she'll be.
The den.
[Electric current]
[Magical chime sound]
-What the--
-Where is Red Riding Hood?
-I don't know.
What the hell is all that noise?
Shut the hell up!
No. No, no, no, no!
Where is she?
Where the hell is she?!
Everybody to the den!
[On the radio]
Get SWAT there! Now, now!
- We got to go, now!
[Iron John Laughing]
What's happening?
We've got a prisoner on the
loose in the den. Fan out.
Lethal force is authorized. It's
your lucky day boys.
I'm gonna kill me a princess.
Hold up.
[Magical chime]
[Thud] -What the?
-Awe sh--
Snow: She's not here!
We have to go!
[Arrow Wisp]
Looks like you found
your queen.
We cannot let him get this.
#Why don't we use it to go home?
We can bring back
Let me be very clear about this;
we're not going anywhere until
we kill him.
What if it only works one way?
If we leave now and we can't get
back... this would all have been
for nothing.
My father has a whole
army back home.
Maybe if we open the portal,
he can send them through.
If he has an army, why the hell
doesn't he use it?
Because he's employing strategy,
unlike some.
If we attack him with an army it
might trigger his invasion.
It's probably best to destroy
the fragment.
Are you kidding?
[All the girls speaking at once]
Well if he wants it so badly,
why don't you use it to lure him
out, and then kill him?
See, even she doesn't want to
break it.
We can't risk it falling into
his hands. We have to keep it
from him at all costs.
After he's dead, we'll see if it
can get us back.
But I would expect any one of
you to break it before it gets
into his hands.
Is that understood?
I got 'em!
Good. Stay with them.
I'm sending... someone.
Let's go make a deal.
Rumpelstiltskin: Hello John.
#Where are my men?
They're here, and what happens
to them...
that all depends on you.
I think, we have
a similar problem.
Snow White.
You know her?
She's my problem.
You seem like a man who
appreciates order.
People look up to you. They
respect you. Myself included.
She disrupts that order and her
little red hooded friend.
Yeah, she's your problem,
isn't she?
So your men...
Agree to help me out with my
problem, and I'll let them go.
All of them.
#What do I have to do?
Just shake my hand and say we
have a deal.
There is... one... thing...
I like to seal this kind of pact
with something, something a
little more concrete.
What's that name they call you?
I'm Iron John.
Iron John.
I like that.
I can work with that.
Iron John...
Do we have a deal?
[Jail Doors shutting/Creaking]
John, what's going on? Talk to be John!
[Screams from John]
- John!
Who is he to you?
When the war broke out there
were only a couple of us in my
village who could fight.
Most of my family were farmers
and hunters.
Obviously we weren't getting
help from the royals.
When the Wolf came,
he killed everyone.
Everyone but me.
It was like...
It was like he wanted me to
watch it--
- That was his mistake.
But you have to realize you
are better off with us than
on your own.
I'm not going to wait
around for you and the
queen to play heroes.
None of us are playing
at anything.
Rumpelstiltskin locked Rapunzel
in a tower and burnt her
kingdom to the ground.
Prior's kingdom has been under
siege since this war began.
No one has been in or out.
I can't even imagine what it's
like in there.
You know what he did to
Snow White's husband.
And my husband, he still lives
but he's one of his thralls.
You think royalty is a luxury?
It's not.
It makes you a target.
We are not heroes.
We're avengers.
Man: John?
#How're we s'posed to get in?
[Robotic Voice]
Why don't you knock?
They're here.
Quick, get the mirror
to the roof!
[Door Breaks]
Round them up!
[Cocks Gun]
Not so fast!
[Magical chime sound]
[Metal Thud]
Looks like somebody made a deal.
Take her down!
Come on Red, we've got to get
this out of here.
- [Growl]
Go! Get the mirror to safety!
I'll hold them off.
[Cocks Gun]
We gotta go now!
What about Rapunzel?
I said move!
[Metal Clinks]
[Metal Clinks]
What are you shooting at?
I don't know.
-Let's go.
What about the rest of them?
- They're gone.
Get her out of here.
[Wolf Growling]
Where's Rapunzel?
#Where's the mirror?
Want it boy?
Is this what you want?
#Red! Throw it!
Yeah? Fetch!
Red, wait!
#Leave her. Come on.
[Door Shuts]
[Distant Growl]
Ssshh! Shut up.
Red: I'm here to help you.
Stop. Sshh. Sshh. Sshh.
Shut up.
What is this place?
#This was my first home on Earth.
#It's nicer than where I grew up.
Not surprised.
So, what do we do now?
You're staying here to keep the
fragment safe.
Here? Alone?
-Someone has to stay behind.
What are we doing
about Rapunzel?
Rapunzel did what she did so we
could escape with the mirror.
And what if she tells 'em where
we are? How to find this place?
#She won't.
And what if he makes her?
He can't. His powers don't work
on us. You know that.
She will die before
she tells him.
No life is worth a kingdom.
Is that it?
That's it.
#We were 5 a day ago, and now we're 3.
Your friend Red ran off again,
clearly we can't count on her.
Rapunzel, she could be dead for
all we know. But thanks to her
we have the mirror.
-That's not good enough!
-You don't get to decide!
I've been here too damn long to
waste it on a rescue mission
when we don't even
know where she is.
Time is running out
for all of us.
If we don't kill him now before
he attacks the city, it's over.
If you think he's hard to get to
now, wait until the streets are
swarming with thralls.
Look, I promise you we'll do
what we can for Rapunzel.
But our first priority, is
killing Rumpelstiltskin!
Nothing else matters.
Then where are we going?
We're going to find a way into
city hall.
Get the mayor, now!
You can help a lot of people
right now if you just let me
kill him.
Uh Mr. Mayor...
#Or you can kill' 'em.
Kill the Mayor?
#Iron John is here for you.
That's how he wins.
Idiots like you.
What did he offer you that you'd
let him turn you into this?
#And you're the biggest idiot of them all.
All he ever brings is chaos.
Mr. Mayor. Your honor, sir. I
called you-- [Panicked]
John's our friend, remember?
#That's right.
Why don't you take the rest of
the day off?
Hello Rapunzel.
Where's the rest of them?
#They left.
She stayed.
1... out of 5.
Where are they?
#Where's the mirror fragment?
You know this could be so much
easier if I could just, turn you
into one of my thralls.
Wouldn't it?
You think your fair queen, would
give up her piece of the mirror,
in exchange for you?
She would never.
No life is worth a kingdom.
I guess... not even yours.
Now what?
Stay here with her,
until I get back.
I need that for work.
#What's wrong with her?
This is what he does to people.
She's not a thrall but she under
his spell.
Ok, I got what I wanted.
Come on.
I should be going- the mayor
doesn't like when--
-Jessica, shh.
-The mayor would not be happy--
Jessica, shh. Maybe
I can cure her?
#We don't have time.
Thank you. No thank you.
Jessica. Jessica.
I'm trying to help you.
And maybe she can help us.
Oh no. no. Oh no no. His honor
would not be happy if--
-Come on!
No no no!
You're Snow White.
You're looking for your friend?
[Magical chime sound]
Radio: Sir, what are we
looking for?
The mayor had us install motion
sensors down here.
Can't tell you how many times
we lost that icy bitch
in these tunnels.
Radio: South quarter
looks clear.
Figured she had to have a
rat hole here somewhere.
Keep looking.
Copy that. Doubling back.
Radio: Sir, what do we do if we
find someone?
I'm not taking any chances here.
You see one of those princesses,
you shoot to kill.
Still in one piece.
#I knew you'd want to wait.
Good boy.
Quite the troublemaker,
aren't you?
Just like those royal types to
throw us commoners out to the
wolves, huh?
Where... are they?
She won't tell you.
She won't have to.
[Footsteps Running]
[Heavy Footsteps]
[Crash/Shatter Glass]
Ernst: I'll be there in a
minute. I've got one more place
to check.
You hear that Snow?
If you're down here,
you're dead.
[Radio Beeps]
I've got dispatch
on the line here, over.
#What is it?!
Radio: City hall is under
attack! All units back to base!
I repeat...
Radio: City hall is under
attack! All units back to base!
You guys hear that?
Something's going on at base,
let's move out of here!
Mirror, mirror, where is
Snow White? Is she ok?
What's going on?
[Alarm Blaring]
[Magical chime sound]
Ok, we're not gonna get a
better chance.
That elevator leads up to his
office. Are you ready for this?
- It's now or never! Let's go!
Hello, Security? Hi, this is
Jessica, is his Honor in?
#Ok. Thank you, Bye bye.
The mayor's not here. In a
minute this place is going to be
swarming with security and you
guys have to get out of here,
You'll have to come back. That
asshole is going to chance the
security codes after this.
But I can get you in.
#I'll shut down security.
If he realizes you're helping
us, he'll kill you.
He won't realize.
You have to go!
They're coming! I'll text you as
soon as he gets back.
Thank you for helping us.
No, thank you. All this time
he's...blinded me.
You guys are heroes.
#Good luck.
Security, they went this way! If
you hurry you can catch them!
Oh, it's you.
[Steam/ Cough]
Where is she?
What happened?
I tried to use the mirror to
find you. I'm sorry.
Now Red has the mirror
and a head start.
#We know where she's going.
City hall.
#This is it.
If we're lucky.
#Today is the day we avenge our kingdoms.
Today is the
day we cure our people.
Today we go home.
Let's just hope Jessica can do
her part.
#Now let's move.
We need to be ready as soon as
we hear from her.
Radio: His honor is on site.
Lock down city hall.
Do you have an appointment?
Well look who's here.
[Iron Jack Laughs]
I'm gonna enjoy this.
Hail, John.
We got a problem?
No, your honor.
I've got a problem.
What is she doing here?
She's delivering this.
See, John, everyone ends up
working for me.
She just tried
to kill your helper.
She just--
tried to kill--
Why'd you do that for?
Don't question me, John.
We have a deal. You want order?
It's my order.
You and your men can work for me
willingly, or you and your men
can die.
Get downstairs.
Guard it at all costs.
Calling all units. This is
officer Laguardia.
Anyone who still cares about
this city. Get to city hall!
Snow: What's going on?
It gets worse from here. I knew
he was crazy but I never seen
anything like this.
Watch out!
#[Gunshots] -Get down!
Put him out!
[Grunts/ Screams]
I got him.
Hit him again!
#Ready for nap time?
Snow: Just do it.
[Magical chime sound]
If we don't act fast,
the city will be crawling
with these things.
This is my fault.
#There's only one person to blame for this.
It's Rumpelstiltskin.
It has started.
She'll be coming,
along with the others.
It won't matter.
All we have to do is... wait.
Hold them off, long enough
for my thralls
to tear apart
this city.
John, you sure about this?
I mean, I've never been called a
saint but this... seems wrong.
[Zombie Growls]
There's an entire police force
and my army of thralls, between
us and them.
They'll send the national guard,
the military.
All to rescue 'Mayor Heart'.
And one by one, I will take
control of them all.
Secure the lobby.
No one gets through.
Why don't you head outside?
And when you see your friends...
kill as many as you can.
[Angry crowed/ Chaos]
It has begun.
[Screaming/ Chaos]
#[Grunts/ Growls]
[Chaos/ Screaming]
Alright, Laguardia and his men
are buying us enough time to get
into the lobby before
they shut it down.
We have to find the elevator
that leads up to the penthouse.
What about the thralls? As long
as the portal remains open,
we'll have an entire army
between us and Rumpelstiltskin.
We can split up. One team to
the portal and see if we can
close it,
the other one cuts a path
to city hall.
Rapunzel, Cinderella, you take
the garage beneath city hall.
That's where they're
coming from.
#We'll take the lobby.
Are you ready for this?
[Magical chime sound]
This bitch.
#I've got her, you guys worry about the lobby.
Got it. Let's go. See if
you could close that
[Grunts/ Groans]
[Grunts/ Groans]
What the-- [Thud]
Does this look like order, John?
No choice now!
[Hitting Metal]
[Metal Clinks]
Alright, get ready.
Lock and load boys.
#[Guns cocking]
[Cracking/ Freezing]
They're coming!
#[Door Opens]
Are you sure you're ok?
#Never better.
[Footsteps getting closer]
Stay away from me bitch!
Ernst: Get away from me!
#May I?
Get away from me!
[Ernst Crying]
[Magical chime sound]
You always have a choice.
It's not too late.
#It is for me!
What do you think it's gonna
happen now John, huh?
#Do the right thing.
Help us. re-take this city.
Get your men out of here.
You're not one of his monsters.
Help me close the portal.
[Heavy Breathing]
Go! Get out of here.
Take my men with you.
I'll take care of this.
[Elevator Ding]
[Cracking/Freezing sound]
Careful now.
You really can't stay away,
can you?
[Wolf growling]
#[Crumbling/ Debris] [John Screaming]
Who else is going to
kill the wolf?
[Crumbling/ Debris]
[John Screaming]
Well the portal is closed.
You do realize I can just open
another one, right?
If it gets one degree
colder in here...
You'll just have to, warm things
up ourselves, won't we?
Do you really think it made a
difference having all your
little friends here?
I mean, we could have avoided
all of this.
If you had just...
given me what I wanted.
You realize, I always get
what I want.
Your husband gave me
what I wanted.
Why won't you?
Lucky for you, I'm in the mood
to make a deal.
Here are my terms...
I just open another portal, and
if any of the little princesses
are still alive they can leave.
You can just call them off,
and I'll let them go.
Then your little princesses and
the little men can try to put
your kingdom back
together again.
But you, you stay here.
And become my queen.
Or I could just kill you.
You can try, again.
#[Ice Shatters]
If I was you...
I would take me up on my offer.
It's the best deal your
little princesses are ever
going to get.
[Snow Laughing]
You're afraid they're coming
for you.
I have the leverage.
Hello little piggy.
You're going to die.
-Because I'm a piggy.
[Sleeping Beauty Screams]
[Whistle] [Growl]
Wolf: You have the mirror.
#[Wolf Growls]
Red: All the better
to kill you with.
Down boy.
Portal's closed.
#No more thralls.
For now.
#He has Snow White.
We have to go, now!
You in?
Rumpelstiltskin must die.
[Elevator Ding]
Time's up.
You always said, no life is
worth a kingdom.
What about yours?
I'll make this really easy on
you little girls.
-Kill him!
One more step and she dies!
- What's the play?
I'm gonna offer you the deal
of a lifetime.
Leave! Go now and I will
let her live.
Rumpelstiltskin: Go!
I'll kill her and I'll smash the
mirror and you'll never see your
precious kingdom again!
Take the deal!
Now more deals!
[Glass Clinks]
Is he dead?
Don't let him escape!
- I got 'em.
- Red snap out of it!
We can't let the portal close
with him on the other side!
Keep it open!
-I don't know how!
Last time I couldn't control it!
Red: He's getting away!
#[Shatter] [Explosion]
Hey buddy, you're in the
wrong part of town to be
dressed like that.
[Slams car door]
Hey! Hey you son of a bitch!
Hey, don't walk away from me!
Laguardia, please! Come on.
Let me out of here!
He's dead.
We did it.
The mirror, I'm sorry, I--
- It's alright.
You did the right thing.
#Our people are safe.
We're trapped here.
Looks like whatever you
guys did up here took care
of all those--
Only now there's quite a few of
your people here with...
no idea where here is.
They're going to need help.
#We should go.
I'll take care of her.
#Make sure that you do.
What about the rest of you?
You're just gonna live
happily ever after?
Snow White saw something
in this world, something
worth protecting.
We'll keep looking
for a way home.
Until we find one,
Earth is stuck with us.