Balloon Farm (1999) Movie Script

Okay, Willow. If the trees are
pleasing purple, what
color would the fields be?
The fields are bloomin' blue
and the sky is yellin' yellow.
And what about rip two-shot
red? That's my favorite.
The rivers are rip two-shot red.
The flowers are orange-ray sun?
The mountains are jellybean black.
And the people? Grassy green.
I think you're talking
about wheezle Mayfield.
Green people aren't farmers.
They're different than US.
-Yeah? They rich, then?
I'm gonna go find Marcy and Charles.
What do you think? Two, maybe three weeks.
It don't rain by then, the
seeds are not gonna grow.
I'm afraid you're right, wheezle.
It is worse than we thought.
Last pot, okay? Who
wants coffee? None for me, Maggie.
Give it to the mayor. Thanks.
Miss Maggie, that'll be
an I.O.U. On the p-i-e.
Why don't I just put it on your t-a-b?
What is deputy boy up to now?
I sure do miss his dad.
I got a 10-95 and a 6-5-4.
What's goin' on? Shh.
The sheriff caught a crook.
-License and registration, please, sir.
-Bet he forgot his ticket book.
I'll be right back.
Told ya.
Willow, where're you going?
I'm gonna get a better look.
Well, Mr. Uh-- I'm Harvey.
Harvey h. Potter.
Mr. Harvey h. Potter.
You can't be drivin' around these parts
with no license in an unregistered vehicle.
I'm gonna have to give you a few of
these citations and impound your vehicle.
-You like pecan pie?
-Uh, what's that?
I make the best pecan pie
that ever warmed your gizzards.
I pick the pecans myself.
Sometimes it takes... only one. That's right.
But I still gotta make
that pie. I can't give up.
No, I gotta have Patience.
I gotta cook that pecan just right.
And if I do, that pecan's got
so much flavor, it just spreads.
And pretty soon you got
yourself a whole pecan pie.
Oh, I can... Taste it.
-What's he doin', Willow?
Aw, there's nothing better.
There's nothing better than that pecan pie.
Mr., uh, Harvey h. Potter.
Thank you.
What's that smell?
That's my pie.
And it's for you.
Here you go. Ahh! Ooh!
Careful, it's hot.
Mr. Potter, being that you're new here in
town, I'm not gonna impound your vehicle.
You have a nice pie.
Day. Day.
Bye, bye. Thanks.
Ahh! Tickets!
Boy, if I knew a pie could
get me out of trouble like that,
I'd be bakin' every day.
A truck full of pies seems pretty weird.
Shh. That farmer had a pie tin
on his seat. He put one pecan in it,
and the whole pecan pie is there--
A whole, steaming, hot pecan pie!
Nobody makes a pie out of thin air.
Unless... He's not one of US.
I saw this show on TV last night...
Where they said they found a real alien...
After its ship crashed back in 1950.
It was some old film someone
had been hiding for years.
They had these experts
from Hollywood watch the film.
They even said the alien was real.
Hey, you! Might as well
go back in the direction you came.
Nothin's gonna grow here.
Had no rain in over a year.
-Good morning.
Ya deaf? I said pack up.
You're wasting your time here.
My name's Harvey Potter.
I don't care what they call ya,
and I don't wanna know ya, either.
-Just load up and start driving.
-What do you mean, driving?
Ever since the drought started,
wheezle's been gettin' on everyone.
Why don't you get on him?
Go on. I dare you.
Yeah, Willow, do it! Go. Come on.
And another thing--
-Nice shot.
-Hey, you kids! I seen ya!
- Wasting water again.
I'll be calling your
parents. -
And you! I don't know what you're
doing here, but it better not involve water.
Got my bad eye on you, Potter.
Hey, mama! What's that? A centennial banner.
Our farm's gonna be a hundred years old
in September. We're gonna have a big party.
That's great. But you know the
new farmer that just moved in?
He made a whole pecan
pie out of just one little pecan!
Really? Maybe he'll swap recipes.
I'm serious, mama. So am I!
Yes, I know, Mr. Mayfield. I'm very
sorry. I'm sure it won't happen again.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay.
Bye. Why are you throwing water
balloons at wheezle Mayfield?
I don't need to be getting
those kinds of phone calls.
I'm sorry, daddy. But he was
being a jerk to the new farmer.
That doesn't excuse what you did.
Listen, you know our situation.
So next time, put something
besides water in those balloons.
And if you're gonna throw 'em at wheezle
Mayfield, make sure you hit him, okay?
Help you with something?
Yeah. That oughta do the trick. Good.
So, digging up a few weeds today?
No, but I got a lot of plowing to do.
Plowin'? You may want a bigger tool.
Oh, there goes the new farmer.
He must have a brain the size
of a corn kernel to have moved in.
More like the size of a sesame seed.
He was just in my store and bought a hand
hoe. Said he was gonna plow his field with it.
That sure ain't a sane man talking.
Maybe he's got some new
way of irrigating without water.
Irrigate without water? That'd
be what, "air-igation"?
Another slice, please.
All right. Now, crystal,
I thought you was on a diet. Hmm.
I am.
All right.
Last pot of coffee. Who
wants a cup? That's me.
I tell you, Maggie. Limiting
bathing is one thing,
but limiting coffee!
Danged arthritis. You'd think it was
gonna rain by how much it's actin' up.
Wheezle and I were at
the reservoir yesterday.
We don't have more than two or
three months of drinking water left.
You heard what he said, everybody.
We've got to tighten our belts
even more. No extra water use...
Whatsoever. Uh, yeah.
Ahh! This arthritis hurts.
Telling me I can't make iced tea. Hmph!
Like this little bit of water's
gonna make a difference.
Whoa! Woo, woo, woo!
Oh, that's better.
What's he doing? Shh.
Plantin' them pods.
Potter! If you're diggin' for water, you
might as well go on through to China.
I'm not digging, I'm plowing.
With a hoe? A whole field?
You ain't been here but a day, you're
already startin' to get me bothered.
I've got a notion to put up a
fence. Keep you off my back.
A fence? Right.
Forget it!
I have no idea how we're gonna pay these.
Plus the mortgage is due.
Can we get it extended?
You know what I could
do? I could talk to the bank...
And see if they could work
out some kind of deal. Deal?
You're not talkin' about selling, are
you? We've been through droughts before.
Casey, if we get foreclosed
on, we have nothing.
If I can get them to buy the land for half
of what it's worth, we can start over again.
What kind of example are we
gonna set if we just throw in the towel?
We've got to stick together. We
have to get everybody's spirits up.
That's great, but I'm trying to be realistic.
This farm has been in my family
for 99 years, 8 months and 12 days.
I know. Okay. I'm not gonna give it up.
So, we-- so-- work it out.
All right. This can wait. Right.
This cannot. Maybe ten percent to them.
Look at this fence. He's
building a fortress. He's hiding something.
I like the way he made the top look.
I don't like this one bit!
Here she goes again.
He's being all secretive
'cause of those pods he planted.
Pretty soon, they'll hatch
and start eatin' our brains up,
scooping them out like
they were mashed potatoes.
Before you know it, the whole town's
gonna be walking around like zombies.
What in the corn nibblets you think...
You're doing?
It's a fence.
I know it's a fence.
Why're you putting it up?
'Cause you asked me to.
-Who says I told you?
Looks like he's
gonna grow something.
How'd he plow the field so fast?
I said I wanted a fence.
Look over there. Is there
a fence around there? No.
You know why? 'Cause I like my views.
I'm entitled to my view of your field.
Absolutely right. No fence because
I'm entitled to a view of your field.
Hey, now. Why do you
want a view of my fields?
All I need is some nosey
farmer staring at my field all day.
You start hammering
that fence in right now...
Or I'm gonna get steamed.
And you don't wanna see
wheezle Mayfield get steamed.
Potter? Potter?
Oh, shoot!
Good morning, Earl. Hello again.
How you doing? Can I help you with something?
Maybe so. I wanna take
a look at your corn seed.
Well, there it is.
Are you sure you don't need no help?
No, sir.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
I'll take this one.
You wanna buy just one seed? Nope.
What's goin' on?
That one?
Hold still! I can't.
Shh. He's getting
ready to start plantin'.
Hey, where's she going?
Willow, what's he doing?
Is he planting 'em?
He's finished.
Is he an alien? Yep.
The drought that's
been plaguing the waterston tri-county area...
For the last year, looks
like it's here for the long haul.
No rain in sight. On a
brighter note, it's my birthday!
Would somebody please
mind explainin' to me...
What all of this "seed"
business was yesterday?
He's a lunatic is what it's all about.
Fool thinks he's gonna grow something.
Not without water, he's not.
Somebody better tell him the deal here.
All we need is for some
new farmer to prance in here,
start watering his field
and drain the reservoir.
-Dang! Maggie!
These are my favorite trousers. Hi.
Hi. I'd like a coffee, black.
With no sugar. To go.
T-to go?
Oh, um--
W-we don't have no, uh, "to go" cups.
But, um, if you promise to bring it back,
-I'll give it to you in a regular cup.
-I promise.
All right, then.
So, uh--
I'm Harvey.
-Harvey. I'm Tom Williams.
-Hi, Tom.
-What are your plans here in waterston?
-Gonna farm.
That's gonna be pretty hard. I mean,
we're going through a darned tough drought.
I know all about that.
We've got some mighty tight water
restrictions here too, Mr. Uh... Harvey.
I won't be doing any watering.
Okay. One coffee to go. Oops.
How much do I owe you? This is on the house.
Welcome to waterston.
Thank you very much.
You're so welcome.
Bye, now.
Shh. I like him.
Child, coffee... To go!
Two coffees.
Two coffees and a doughnut.
two coffees, two doughnuts
and a hard-boiled egg to go.
-To go!
-To go!
We'd have seen pods yesterday if
Mr. Weakling here hadn't dropped US.
Maybe I tried to drop you. Hey, you two.
I'm still trying to figure out
how he planted those seeds so fast.
Who says he even planted them?
All you saw was an empty seed bag.
He could've dumped them on the ground.
Hey, you kids!
Off of my field!
Hello, neighbor!
All right, partner. I know she's here. Huh?
Don't play dumb with me! Oh, the little girl.
Stop fooling around and get her.
She's already skedaddled.
She ran right through here and
up over the other side of my fence.
She's long gone by now.
But you're welcome. You can come in
and keep me company. Wanna do that?
Not in this lifetime, Potter. Willow Johnson!
Where are you?
Oh, wow!
Bloomin' blue. Rip
two-shot red. Grassy green.
Hi. My name's Willow.
Hi. I'm Harvey.
Is that a real plant?
Yeah, but this one needs a little extra care.
-A balloon that grew on a stalk?
A cornstalk?
A balloon stalk.
A balloon stalk.
I'm gonna replant it. You wanna help?
Okay, sure.
I have to say, by far, this is the
strangest thing I've ever seen.
This puts wheezle Mayfield's
200 pound watermelon to shame.
Ah, that's a big watermelon.
Yeah, but that was a long time ago.
Wheezle and his wife grew it.
But she's dead, and nothing
ever grows around here anymore.
Till now, of course.
I gotta ask you something kinda odd.
Sure, go ahead.
Are you an alien? No.
Marcy said you probably
came down here to start breedin'.
After a while, the whole town's
gonna be walking around like zombies...
After you scoop our brains out
and eat them like mashed potatoes.
Mashed potatoes? No!
Mashed potatoes are for gravy.
You magic then? I'm just a farmer.
Well, if you're not an alien and
you ain't magic, how'd you grow 'em?
Sometimes you just have to use what you have.
You didn't water them, but
you used regular corn seeds?
Everything starts as a seed.
That tree.
Grass, flowers, cows.
Me, you.
We all start out as a seed.
Huh. Hadn't thought of
myself as a seed before.
Unless you count the time when I was six,
and I got stuck up to my
neck in mud by the reservoir.
-I sure felt like a seed then.
-I bet you've grown since then.
You know, I have.
Bye, Harvey. Bye, Willow.
Hey, wait. What you gonna
do with all them balloons?
Oh, great!
Seven, eight, nine, ten.
I saw 'em. I saw all the
colors of the rainbow!
Colors? You hit your head or somethin'?
Earl, you be nice. Go on,
honey, tell US what you saw.
They're at the new farmer's
place. He grew a whole field of them.
I don't know how he did it,
being that he didn't use no water.
But they grew on a
regular stalk just like corn.
Only it wasn't corn. I'd
know corn if I saw corn,
and it was definitely not corn.
So, Willow, you sayin' that this new farmer,
overnight, grew a crop...
With no water. Yes.
And what exactly did he grow?
Well, balloons.
That's a good one, Willow.
That's the
"air-igation" I was talking about.
-Balloons? -Right
there on stalks. Big
round ones everywhere.
I hope they've got my favorite color.
Yeah. I saw a ton of rip two-shot red ones.
Why don't you have your
friend bring his magic wand here?
Because if he can grow balloons,
I'm sure he'll have no trouble
with our plain ol' corn crop.
-Jake. -It's no joke,
daddy. But you don't
have to believe me.
You can see for yourself
tomorrow at his sale.
Oh, please! A balloon sale?
I know you don't believe me, but that's okay.
'Cause you're all just gonna miss out!
-Uh, I'll take this later.
-Hey, crystal.
What's your hurry? Uh,
I just gotta do my hair.
-Put that on my tab.
-But you didn't even drink any.
-Gotta go.
Wait up! This requires the
attention of a police escort.
Thank you. Sue! Wait up!
Wait for me!
Hi, Harvey. Hello, Willow.
Can we come in? Sure.
Hey, everyone, come on!
We got a good crop! Come on in.
It's like the county fair in there.
Let's just keep an open mind.
Okay? Oh, yeah.
Look, mom!
See? I told you there were
balloons, daddy. You told me all right.
Come on, mommy. You
need to touch 'em. Hi, sue.
Well, this is better than
the annual pumpkin throw.
Yeah, yeah. I'd about say it is.
He could've spent all night tying these
balloons to stalks. Balloons don't grow.
Maybe these aren't balloons
at all. Maybe they're pods.
And this here? This is their larvae stage.
Orange-ray sun. My favorite color!
What do you make of this?
Feels like rubber.
And the stalk--
Leaves look like corn, but it
turns into what seems to be...
A string. Come on, tell US already!
What can I say? They're,
uh-- they're the real deal.
They're... balloons.
They're balloons.
It's an amazing thing
here. Thank you, Maggie.
Mr. Potter, excuse me.
If I had known this is what you were
doing here, sir, I never would've stopped ya.
But now that I have you here, I
was wondering if I could trouble you...
For another one of those... pies.
Y-You see, my, uh... W-Wife--
My wife, she really liked that pie.
If I could bring one home,
boy, I'd score some major points.
I mean, I liked--
She... liked it.
Of course. The wife. The wife.
Hey, Mr. Potter.
Hey, Tom. Just call me
Harvey. Thank you, Harvey.
This, uh-- this is pretty amazing.
We were wondering just how-- he's
trying to ask you how the heck you did it.
Hey, Harvey. Hello, Willow.
-How much for this one?
-Let's see here.
Okay, folks. All balloons are $10.
Ten? What? Ten?
Ten dollars? For a balloon?
Dad, can I have this balloon? I don't know,
sweetheart. That's a pretty pricey balloon.
-But, dad, it's a balloon
that grew on a stalk. -Even
if it grows on a stalk.
I'll take one.
I know money is tight, and we're
all not doing so good right now.
But take a look around. We are
standing next to a field of balloons!
Balloons that grew out
of this dry-as-death soil.
Maybe I'm crazy, but this field
is by far the most amazing thing...
That I have ever seen before in my life.
I don't know why it's here
or how it's here, but it's here.
And for $10 and the chance for some of this
magic or whatever it is might rub off on US,
I think it's a pretty good
deal. Bless your heart.
Thank you. I'll take one.
Thank you, Maggie. All right, who's next?
-I'll take this nice red one.
-Okay. Thanks, crystal.
We'll take this blue one. I hope that
covers inflation. Thank you. Who's next?
I'll take three. Hey, the
mayor's taking three!
And it's my money. It's
not out of the town budget.
Get your favorite-- hello, Earl.
You got me, Mr. Potter.
Okay, get your favorite color.
Mr. Potter, I'll have six. Get your
favorite color. They're goin' fast.
I'll make a half a dozen for 50 bucks.
But I only have six. Well, that's different.
All right. Thank you very much. All right.
You got it here. Thank you, sir.
What the heck?
People, people! What are you doin'?
We got a drought here, remember?
You can't go throwing your money away!
We're farmers! We grow corn
and vegetables. Not balloons!
Gimme that balloon.
Could be a poisonous plant.
Fine! You all wanna go broke, go ahead.
This is wrong, Potter. Dead bug wrong.
You're darn tootin' it's wrong.
You owe me $10, Mr. Mayfield.
Sue me, Potter.
Excuse me.
Hello. Can I have everybody's
attention for a minute?
I just got a phone call from a firm...
Up in buxton.
And, well, they're gonna send a man...
Down here tomorrow to speak
with US regarding the drought.
So why don't we all meet
tomorrow at the church at noon?
All right, muffin. It's time
for you to go to sleep.
Daddy, why do you think
balloons grew in waterston?
I don't know, sweetheart.
You have sweet dreams.
What do you think, mama?
I think it means that waterston
is a very special place.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Doesn't make me feel
special. Makes me suspicious.
Growing things without
water, let alone balloons!
You saw exactly what I saw.
You touched 'em too. Yeah, I know.
It's not every day that balloons grow!
Casey, balloons don't grow.
Hey, what's going on?
What are you doing here?
Did you just fly over here?
You did, didn't you?
Must be cold in that corner.
You can stay here if you like.
You can understand me?
We can't tell nobody about this. No way.
We gotta keep it our secret. Come on.
Who does he think he is?
Mr. Fancy-shmancy farmer.
Gettin' people all stirred
up, actin' like fools.
Federal bureau of investigation.
I'd like you to send some people down here...
To investigate some strange happenings.
Hey, it's him again.
Yes, Mr. Mayfield. How can I help you, sir?
We got a new farmer here,
and he's growing... things.
Ah, well, yes, sir. That is quite
odd, a farmer growing things.
Dang right, it's odd, with no
water, in the middle of a drought.
Uh-huh? And could you
describe these things for me, sir?
He's growing balloons.
Good-bye, Mr. Mayfield.
Okay. Uh, okay, everybody.
Let's give a warm waterston
welcome to our visitor from buxton,
Mr. Keiner. Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
Thank you. Thank you.
I represent a firm...
That is interested in purchasing your land.
I can offer you all very competitive prices,
close to your original purchase value.
But I do need your decisions this week.
I'm leaving my business card here...
So that anyone interested
can contact me immediately.
Thank you.
My goodness. What does everybody think?
I'd like to know what they want our land for.
I think we're pretty lucky to get any
kind of offer. That don't seem lucky to me.
We either sell to him, or we
get foreclosed on by the banks.
Think about it. Balloons don't just grow.
We ain't forgot about 'em. It's just we
got a guillotine hanging over US right now.
But they grew here in waterston.
So, what are you saying, Casey?
I think... That it's a sign.
Casey, don't do this.
-A sign?
-Like we've been chosen?
We are in the midst of the worst drought in 50
years, and some strange man comes into town...
And starts growing balloons.
Don't you think that seems a little timely?
What if these balloons really do mean
something? What if they are a sign...
That things are about to change?
Most of US have lived here our entire lives.
Don't we owe it to ourselves and our
families to at least see this thing through...
And find out what it all means?
-Maybe it is a sign
that things are gonna
get better. -Yeah.
If those balloons ain't a
sign, well, then, I ain't a libra.
So, how do you know?
Well, you can just feel it.
How about this one?
Out of the way. Let me through.
I want to see what's going on.
That's a good one.
People, come on.
We're farmers. We don't pick
seeds like this. Open your eyes.
Get out of the way, you crazy old coot.
Thanks, Earl. Bye, Earl.
How ya doin'? Hey. Hey.
Here you go. One cup of
coffee, to go, on the house.
Oh! Thank you.
Bye, Harvey. Bye, Harvey.
Bye, Harvey.
Good-bye. Bye.
Bye. Bye, bye.
So, what do you want me to do?
Well, it's gettin' late.
You better get on home.
I thought you wanted me
to help? You already did.
I don't see why you won't let
me watch you plant them seeds.
I'll see ya tomorrow.
It isn't always what you
see. It's what you believe.
Harvey kicked me off his farm today.
He did? Why was that?
So she couldn't see how
he's pullin' that trick on US.
It ain't a trick, daddy.
What do you think it is then? Magic?
You think it's a sign like your
mother says? I don't think so.
I've really had it with
this Potter guy. I have!
I wish he would take his stupid
balloons and go away already.
I'll go talk to her.
Sweetheart, I am sorry.
Your balloon is not stupid, it's
your daddy that's stupid. Forgive me?
Daddy, if I tell you something,
will you promise to keep it a secret?
Sure... as long as I can
tell somebody.
What is it? Well, my orange balloon--
Mm-hmm. It's alive.
Oh, really?
Yeah. It can fly around by
itself, and it sleeps in my bed.
It even understands me when I talk to it.
You do believe me, don't you?
Sure, I believe you.
Between you and Potter, I don't
know who's worse. Now what's wrong?
He's telling Willow that her
balloon is alive. You believe that?
It's about time I had a little
talk with Mr. Balloon farmer.
No, you don't. That's all I need
is for you to go stirrin' stuff up.
Mr. Potter. Call me Harvey.
You wanna come in? It
seems we have a problem.
Me and my husband Jake are
concerned that you might be telling Willow...
Something about her balloon being alive.
I don't know anything about
that-- you like lemonade?
Uh, but-- what's that?
Lemonade. You like lemonade? Oh. Well, sure.
Would you like a glass?
Like I was saying-- uh--
It's the sweetest, most tangy
lemonade you'll ever taste.
The secret's in the lemon. I pick
it myself. You gotta make it pure.
If you're patient, if you use it right,
you got yourself a whole pitcher.
You wanna have a little taste? Uh, well, um--
That is some good lemonade. Thank you.
I wanted to thank you for all
you've done to lift our spirits.
We're all not doin' so good right now.
But you and your balloons being
here have really picked US up.
Given US hope. Hope's good.
Next time, why don't you bring
that old boy, Mr. Johnson, over?
Oh, Jake. Well, Jake ain't much for lemonade.
He's a coffee man. Coffee.
Lemonade? Yeah.
But it was really good.
We'll see about that.
Whoa! Hey, Jake. How ya doin'?
Mr. Potter.
Call me Harvey. Yeah, Harvey.
What I wanted to talk to you about is--
Casey? We had lemonade.
Yes, I know. Listen, Mr. Potter.
I'm not quite sure what you're up to here,
but I cannot have you telling
Willow that balloons are alive.
I would appreciate it--
What is that smell?
All it takes is one good bean.
That has got to be the best
cup of coffee I ever did have.
Casey said, "my Jake's
a coffee man."
Earl, don't even think about it.
But I sure could use a hot bath.
Ahh. Oh, my!

Oh, hey, balloon, balloon! Hey!
I'm trying to
turn the faucet on. Hey!
Get out of the way! Out! Out!
You silly balloon!
Hey! Hey! Come back here.
Come back, you silly thing! Come back!
How many times do you think
I can run around this house?
Come here! You bad thing!
Hey, honey. You fixed
your truck. I didn't fix it.
It's not making that noise
anymore. I know. I didn't touch it.
Hey, you wanna wash it?
Federal bureau of investigation.
He's at it again.
You know, Mr. Mayfield, the f.B.I. Is
no longer handling balloon farm cases.
I suggest you take this up with the c.I.A.
I called the c.I.A., the p.T.A.,
the n.B.A. And the Y.M.C.A.
Good-bye, Mr. Mayfield.
All right! I'll handle it
Ohh! Now--
What's going on here? Get away from me!
Get away!
What the--
Last pot of the day.
And startin' tomorrow, I'm gonna
have to limit everyone to two cups.
That hurts, Maggie.
Um, has anybody thought about...
Those investors' offer?
We've only got a few days
left to think about it. Tom?
Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. Uh--
Well, no. I--
I don't know, Jake. It's just that--
No, please don't say what I
think you're gonna say. What?
Well, if he don't wanna say it, I will.
There's somethin' goin'
on with those balloons!
I'm at home yesterday, and
my balloon just floats over...
And rubs against my knuckles.
I tell ya, my arthritis ain't
been this good in 15 years.
Well, I lost five pounds in two days.
And I must say that I think my
balloon has been a big part of it.
-That's great, crystal.
You know that noise my
truck's made the last couple years?
It wasn't all that bad.
Well, my daughter's balloon landed
on the hood, and...
Thing's runnin' slicker than slick.
Now that you mention it, ever
since I got my balloon, I don't know.
I feel like a new woman and I wanna party!
All right, girl!
See? Casey was right.
Those balloons are bringing US luck.
Yeah, that's just great.
But we got bigger problems here.
We got a drought chokin' US
to death. Or did you forget...
Now that Potter's got you all brainwashed?
A little word of advice. You might oughta
stop swattin' those mosquitos with a hammer.
Very funny. I was attacked.
-By what?
-The balloons!
-Wait a second. You say he grew more?
-That's exactly what I'm saying.
Hey! We'll take my truck. Come on.
Wait for me. I can't run in these shoes!
Those people are dumber than a bucket of mud.
Yeah, you got it here.
All right, thank you, sir. Thank you
very much. Take the one you want.
I'm gonna buy two dozen!
Thank you, now. Thank you, ma'am.
Pick your favorite color. They're
goin' fast. Thank you very much.
Pick the one you want!
Let's go. Get the color
you want before it's gone.
Thank you very much. Your favorite color.
Hurry up. They're going fast.
Can I have your attention, please?
For the light
which you've brought US...
In such dark times,
and for the happiness
that you've "cremated" --
It's an honor for me to present you...
With this key to our town.
Well, really, it's, it's not a key.
It's a corncob. Thank you very much.
Thank you, Harvey. Yeah!
Pretty soon we'll be
celebratin' for you, Casey.
Your farm centennial's
coming up. Yep, it sure is.
Bye. See you later. Be good.
You know what I think? All that
talk between you and Willow...
About the green people and the bloomin'
blue grass and all, that's gone to your head.
You can't deny it's very timely,
and could quite possibly be true.
I know what you're trying to
do, Casey, and it's not right.
You shouldn't be puttin' your silly
thoughts into other people's heads...
Just so you can reach your centennial.
It's selfish. I'm not the selfish one.
Yes, maybe it is a little crazy,
but isn't that what hope is?
Ah, Jacob Johnson, you are losing your mind.
Buxton savings bank. Harvey Potter.
Yes, it's me again.
I'm calling to see whether you're
going forward with the foreclosures.
Yeah? Well, that's great.
The town?
Nah, they have no idea. All right.
Yes, thank you.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams,
I can assure you this is a very fair offer.
I know you'll feel better when this is--
When it's all settled. Bye.
What do you think? By the
end of the week, they'll all sell.
I hope so, because those waste
companies aren't gonna wait forever.
Hey, can you imagine the
look on those farmers' faces...
When they find out their land is
gonna be used as a garbage dump?
There are no faces here.
Just names on a line.
What is with the balloons in this town?
What happened?
There! Now you look happy.
Come on, orange! Orange! Got one!
Yes! That one isn't orange.
Got two, three, jackpot! Yeah, all right.
There it is. Take a good look.
I got the seed off the Potter himself.
Planted it a few days ago, and here it is.
No balloon stalks, no nothin'.
Just what is it you're trying to say?
That Potter is a fake!
Don't go spreadin' your nasty
rumors in here, wheezle Mayfield.
Take a look at what's happenin', people.
We're down on our luck. We got a
drought here choking US to foreclosure.
And Mr. Balloon farmer dang well knows it.
But we think of it as a sign
things are gonna change.
No! We touched them.
We felt them. We've seen
them. It's not just some trick.
And Dorothy saw the wizard with her own eyes.
But was he real? Has anything changed really?
Are we any better off? No! We've
been conned, people. Conned!
-Oh, no!
-What's wrong, Willow?
-I heard something bad the other day.
-Tell US. We won't tell.
Heard Harvey on the
phone with the bank up in buxton.
-He said something about a foreclosure.
-See? I knew it!
Willow Johnson said she heard
Potter talkin' on the phone with the bank.
Yeah? And? Was that
true? Did you really hear him?
Well, yeah, but--
It's not his--
-I don't know.
-This is terrible, people. Just terrible!
I don't believe this! Well, I do.
He's right! We've been had!
Don't you think we're jumping to conclusions?
Heck no. Your own daughter just confirmed
everything. What more do you need?
Some real proof! Not some runaway gossip.
There's gotta be an explanation
for it. And I just heard it.
It all makes perfect sense now, Casey.
We are about to lose our farm. I'm
sorry. You made US believe once.
But not again.
And nothing... Has really changed!
It's all my fault. No,
it's not your fault, honey.
Get off, you dang balloons.
Go on, git!
I'm gonna pop all my
balloons. How 'bout yours, Willow?
Not mine! Willow!
Hello, folks!
I'm fresh out of balloons, but
you're all welcome to come in.
Don't "hello" US. We want our money back.
You want your money back?
Yeah. Why?
'Cause you robbed US blind.
We know all about your plan, you--
We don't want any trouble. And you
can forget about your coffees to go.
So just give US back our money, and
we'll be on our way. Of course, crystal.
You'll all get a full refund.
That's more like it. Well, that's better.
Just bring my balloons back.
Um, we ain't exactly got the balloons.
No balloon, no refund. Sorry, folks.
Oh, now, now, now,
now! I'll take care of this.
It was just a balloon, Jake.
You didn't need to get rid of it.
I don't wanna talk about balloons.
We got more important things to talk about.
I got the offer from the investors.
We can't afford to wait any longer.
The balloons are not gonna save US.
This right here, that's gonna save US.
We really have no other choice.
We're gonna have to sell, and that's final.
-I think that you're
forgetting that it's my name
on the deed. -Don't do this.
-So I guess that means you
don't have much of a decision.
-I'm not thinking about myself.
I'm thinking about how to
feed my wife and my kid.
You're gonna bust up this family.
I don't think that's what you
want, but that is what you're doing.
Hi, sweetheart.
Listen, I'm sorry about your balloon.
I really didn't have any choice. It
would've been wrong to have kept it.
What Mr. Potter did, it was just wrong.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Daddy? Yeah?
Do you still love mama?
Sure I do.
We just haven't been seeing
things eye-to-eye lately, that's all.
I don't know why. We all start out as seeds.
The trees, the corn, you, mama.
We start out small, and we
just keep growing and growing.
You and mama are just growing.
Well, that's how Harvey would put it.
You have sweet dreams, okay, sweetheart?
What are you doin'?
This here road is closed.
And being that it is closed, I'm
gonna need to see your driver's license.
You know I ain't got one.
Seems like you haven't taken care
of those plates, have you, Mr. Potter?
No, sir. I want you to do me a favor.
You want me to fix you a pie?
It's good, isn't it?
No, I do not
want you to make me a pie, Potter.
I want you to leave. I want you
to go away, far away. I live here.
Nobody wants you around
here, Potter. I'd throw you in jail...
For what you've done to US, but I
can't 'cause you ain't done nothing illegal.
I suggest you go home,
you pack up, and you leave.
Or things could get
sticky around here. Sticky.
Like those pecans in the middle of
those sticky little pecan pies of yours.
Thank you.
You have a nice day now.
Only two days left on that investor's offer.
Maybe we should've been selling balloons.
"No balloons, no refund." He must
think he's some kind of department store.
We should've seen this coming from the start.
How could we have? Jeez, sue,
he was growing balloons, that's how.
-Can I get a refill here?
-Nope. You've already had your two cups today.
-Come on, just one more?
-No! You know the rules.
-Like everybody else, you
gotta cut back on your use
of water. -Like you do?
What's that supposed to mean?
I guess washing your truck
every day doesn't count.
At least I don't make gallons of iced tea.
Hey, that's for my diet. I need my iced tea.
Yeah, to wash down the cake.
Well, excuse me, Mr. Bubbles. How
many gallons do you think that uses up?
What are you talking about?
About those baths you be takin'. Your
skin's pruned to death every time I see you.
Those are just wrinkles. Libra's wrinkle.
That's it! Everybody
stop the fightin' or get out.
How in blazes could he know
about me washing my truck?
Maybe because it's always clean!
Excuse me! Next time you're
in that old, broke-down tub,
why don't you try soakin'
that big ol' head of yours?
What's with everybody? It's
Potter. He's ruined everything.
It's about time we did
something about it. Come on.
Yeah! Do what?
Give me a tomato! Come on!
Throw me one.
Good throw!
It's him!
Grab your tomatoes!
Let's go, let's get his truck!
Here, Willow, throw it.
Yeah, throw it, Willow.
What are you doing, Willow? Throw it!
No, you're wrong. Harvey's balloons are real.
You're on his side!
Well, fine!
Sue, what happened?
-They took everything.
Don't you come near me,
Casey. This is all your fault.
Having US spend our
savings on those balloons!
Because of you, Tom couldn't sell.
He truly believed your nonsense.
- But I just didn't think-- - you
didn't think of anybody but yourself.
But that's okay...
Because you got a centennial to worry about.
You okay?
Jeez! No, I'm fine.
No, I'm not fine. I, I
wanna know why, Harvey.
Why did you do this to US?
I only wanted to help you.
You conned US. You robbed US blind!
You really believe that?
You got what you came for.
And now we have nothing.
No, you just don't realize what you got.
That's great, sweetheart.
I'm glad you came to your senses.
It is the best thing in the long run.
I don't wanna talk about it. Just call
the investors and tell them we'll sell.
You're gonna thank me for
it. It really is the best thing.
Our house, it's like a landmark.
It's nearly 100 years old.
Hey, sweetie. How you doin'?
It's very nice. Now tell
me about this land out here.
My property's from the road
clear on up to the foothills.
Very nice. We'll draw up an offer.
We'll be in touch. Okay,
thanks. We'll see ya.
Mommy, you can't just give up now.
Remember what you told me?
That balloons just don't
grow in any old place.
We're special.
You don't believe that anymore, do ya?
You're back!
I'm so glad you're back. I miss you so much.
We got some big problems here.
The forecast, mostly sunny skies
today with brisk easterly winds.
What would Harvey do?
Harvey would make something
like... lemonade or a pie.
Or he'd grow something.
That's it!
I hope
we're doing the right thing.

It's too heavy. We're never gonna make it.
What are you doin'?
Hurry up. Come on.
Oh, no! We lost all the seeds.
There's gotta be one in here
somewhere. Please, find one.
What would Harvey do if he only had one seed?
Harvey would use what he had.
I've got it!
Oh, great. It's locked.
What do we do now?
Oh, wow!
It's stuck.
Can you help me?
All right! Yes, it's working!
It's working! Yes, yes!
This better work. We're
gonna be in a lot of trouble.
Oh, no!
W-Wheezle, slow down.

Mama, daddy, it came
back. My balloon came back.
Hi, mama. Daddy.
-Willow, what have you done?
-What do you mean?
I just got a call from the sheriff.
Said somebody drained the reservoir--
Listen, it's not what you
think. Just let me explain.
Hey, come on in.
Hello, Mr. Johnson.
I just tried to-- Mrs. Johnson.
All the paperwork is ready.
All it needs is your name on that line.
I have a pen right here.
Right there. Mm-hmm.
Willow, go to your room.
Sorry about this. You just
stay put. We'll straighten it out.
Willow Johnson! Whoa! She's off to Potter's!
Casey, hop in.
It worked! It really worked!
Harvey! Harvey! They grew!
Harvey, these aren't regular balloons.
Yeah, they sure aren't.
There he is! There's the crook!
All right, Potter, you're under
arrest for illegal use of water.
That's right. You're
done, Potter. You're done.
And you, little missy, have
some serious explaining to do.
Our water.
Harvey didn't do nothing. It
was me. I drained the reservoir.
Man, why'd you do that?
So you leave him outta this. These
balloons that you're so upset about,
they're what we've been
waiting for, they're our sign.
What's goin' on?
F.b.i. We'll take it from here.
Well, it's about time.
You kids go back.
What is it, dad?
What are they doing? What is going on here?
I can't believe we have--
-Willow, come back here!
-Get her!
The balloons! Oh, my gosh!
Ah, Willow, you did good!
Ah, yeah!
Freeze! Do not approach the balloon.
Hand it to me. It belongs to US now.
Hey! Hey, hey!
Yes, it worked! It worked! Yeah!
They weren't pods after all.
No, they were water
balloons. Totally cool, Willow.
Water balloons rule!
Come on, let's go. Here we go.
Ah, sweetheart,
I am so sorry I didn't listen
to you. Jake, I was so worried!
I didn't know if it was Willow or not.
I didn't know what was
gonna happen. You were right.
I told you those balloons were special.
Ah, sweetheart, you sure
did. You made it rain, Willow.
Not so fast, you two. We had a deal,
Mr. Johnson. Your wife signed that contract.
We've changed our minds. The deal was--
Willow, give him the contract.
Let me take a look at that.
Ha! I knew it. He's in cahoots...
With the bank.
This is just a big smudge. I can't
see any name on this contract.
What about you, Jake?
Nothing. Well, I'm sorry.
Sorry, nothing! You can't just back out now.
None of you can! I've got 20 different
waste companies breathing down my neck.
Waste companies? Sounds
like he was gonna use our farms...
For dump sites.
And this waste wouldn't
happen to be toxic now, would it?
Of course not! Garbage man!
I guess you wouldn't mind...
If my boys took a look at your
paperwork on them companies.
But, but-- paperwork?
I think you should come with US.
You're goin' bye, bye, bye with
the f.B.I.! Take him away, men.
Get your hands off me!
What do you think you're doing?
Good job, sheriff.
What? My property's dry as a bone!
They all sure believed him.
Maybe I should have too.
-I'll be leaving now.
-Harvey, no!
Why, Harvey?
Well, it's time to move on.
Please stay, Harvey. We need
you here to grow more balloons.
You don't need my balloons
now. You got your farms back.
You've got each other. So
long, Harvey. Thank you.
That's for being crazy.
I'm countin' on you to
keep things right here.
I'm gonna miss ya, Harvey.
I'm gonna miss you too, Willow.
This is for your friends, the williamses.
You bought their farm back from the bank?
With what? With the balloon money!
He was calling the bank.
Why didn't you just tell US
'cause sometimes, it's not what
you see, it's what you believe.
Make sure you catch them before
they leave in the morning. Okay.
Bye, Harvey.
Bye now. Bye, Harvey.
Bye, Harvey. We'll miss you.
Bye-bye. Thank you, Harvey.
Bye, Harvey.
I'm so glad I caught you.
What do you want, Casey?
Just a little something from everybody.
Harvey brought US this rain.
Welcome back.
How 'bout this?
Doesn't look like it's gonna
let up anytime soon, does it?
No, it sure don't!
Honey, you look beautiful!
Well, everybody's here.
Immediate seating to
your left. I mean, right.
Look, look, crystal. Crystal,
come here. Look at this.
Look at who's dancing. Everybody
over there is having such a good time.
Wow, this is a
great party. Everyone's here.
Willow, now that Harvey's gone, you
gonna tell US how to grow a balloon?
I just use what I have. Hey, you
guys thirsty for some lemonade?
Sure, but it's gonna take more
than one lemon to make lemonade.
Not the way I make it. Come on. Duh!
Hey, guys, she's got a new trick!
Yeah, come on.
Let's see what she's doing.