Barroz: Guardian of Treasures (2024) Movie Script

This Movie Ripped By Hunter
In refrain, your glories..
Generations will remember
Elder Barroz
Your deeds, your memories
When the Da Gammas set sail
You hid their treasure
and swore to defend it
Without reward or praise
So that one day you'd hand it over
to your lord's heirs
You were a man of your word,
you were a protective shield
Standing watch over the waves,
you proved your worth
This is a legend that speaks
Of loyalty and love
You gave your life
and the lives of your men
Who in the bottom
of the sea with longing
Who in the bottom
of the sea with longing
Their spirits will share with you
A sea full of freedom!
Elder Barroz
Let his spirit
become a faithful ghost, Barroz
Barroz, that's me
Barroz, the trusted guardian of
Lord da Gama's treasure
A great salute from the Voodoo tradition
that has existed beyond the horizon...
...across the Arabian Sea, in the African
forests, then, now, and forever
What kind of being are you?
I know that you have no clue about
who you are or who I am
But thats okay; let me explain
As I mentioned before, I am the final link
in the African ritual tradition
You can call me Voodoo
Hmm..! Voo.. doo
Listen, this is the tome of the
treasures law..
According to this it is clear you
are not of the native folk here
Migrant..! You were the youngest slave
brought from Malabar by the Portuguese
Through your loyalty and honesty,
you became Lord da Gama's most trusted
Barroz, the guardian of
Lord da Gama's treasure
Yes, thats who you are- Barroz
The most loyal Barroz..
Another salute to that loyalty..
But forget not..
You may be mighty in appearance..
But I, along with this tome,
will guide you. That is the law !
It seems like a bad omen
This day marks the final
phase of the lunar eclipse
The tome warns the treasure may be
in peril before the eclipse ends
Whats all this commotion?
- Barroz, pick up your weapon
Pick up the weapon, Barroz..
Oh, not again! That cursed drinking habit!
Just so you know, when you drink; it's
your job to guard the treasure, not mine
Please come down, Barroz..
What kind of drinking is this?
Get your feet steady, Barroz.
Youve given your word to Lord da Gama.
Remember that and act right
Go hide some where
Are you trailing me?
Madam Teresa's pickle jars...
Wine bottles..
Isnt this the palace cellar?
Who are these guys to break in?
Lord da beloved Lord ..
The treasure chests he entrusted to me..
Barroz, what are you doing here?
Who are these people, Barroz?
What a smell..!
Oh, Barroz, youre at it again
What a foul smell !
Oh..jewels !
Ew..would you please stop this?
Isabella's earrings
- Mendossa.?
- Massavana?
They have come here to steal
Go after themdon't just stand here, go
- Spider
Who's that ?
Let me take a closer look..
Mendossa! Whats wrong?
What devil is this ?
Oh.. close shave !
Its all because of that
Masikaro witchcraft
Hey, Barroz.. muah..
Stay there..
Barroz, don't kill,
Just scare them off
Escape.. run..! What the hell?
Scaring me..
What is this? A specter horse?
Mendossa.. What is this?
Come on..escape..
The ghost is set free...
It's Borroz, the ghost...
Barroz.. Run.... Run..
Mahagaga.. it's a miracle
The page of the tome
has turned again
Look, your shackle has tightened again
This means the tome doesnt
allow the treasure- guard to leave
It's good you let those thieves
flee with their lives
They'll go out, spread word about you,
and scare the townsfolk
People will be scared,
according to the tome
Why did they flee so readily?
Huh, dont you get it?
Its the fear of the ghost
Heh.. which ghost?
- That's the secret you do not know
Come on..
Come, have a look..
Hurry up..
Now have a look
You can't see anything, right?
Betraying the demons, become a
treasure-guarding ghost !
The most trusted Barroz..
- Park the car and wait for me ..
- OK, ma'am
Here today in Goa, a few hours
from now opens the global investor's meet
Let's listen to to
Cheng Ho of Maccau holdings
I think, the proposed Casino has all the
potential to make Goa the Vegas of India
Welcome. Good morning, Madam
This is for you.. thank you..
- Please
Susan Mathew, 58, retired diplomat
currently settled in Goa
Security, clear ..please come
- Thank you Subbu..
- Hey look..
Look, Im not on any official trip
A family friend is coming
- I am here to receive him, that's it
Thank you..
But securitys still my responsibility
Total headache
A small mistake could ruin it..
Sorry, ma'am. Sneezing is
nature's call too, right?
It's alright..Don't you know him, Subbu?
He is Mr. Mendossa
He's the curator of the da Gama mansion
I know even his great great
grand father Mendossa
He was the store- keeper of da Gama
- Exactly, in 1633
But he was caught red-handed
stealing an earring from the treasure trove
He must be part of the
succeeding generations
Which means the thief
has been made the keeper
Be careful with this guy..
- What is this, Subbu?
The first casino in India is
about to materialize here
It should be owned by an Indian company,
not any foreign business groups
That is the sun shines dreams and goals..
When my husband and I were part of the
Indian diplomatic mission in London..
Ron came to England for his studies,
and we were his local guardians
Oh.. I see
So, we made it in time...
We'll leave in five days, OK?
OK, Sir..
- Yeah
- Hey..
- Hey Ron
Hi, Susan auntie..
- I'm so happy, you are smiling
That means my attempt to smile
paid off
Ron... This is S P. Subrahmanyam, CSO
- Hi, how are you doing?
All is well - Ron Madhav
- Nice to meet you
Where is Isa?
- Oh.. Isa ? Hey Isa ...
The gang wont be the same without you
When are you back?
Let us know the date
I don't want to hear anything
If you act like you regret it, then your
dad and the Principal might fall for it...
Please come back..
Hear Mr. Ron Madhav..
This is to put on record that
your daughter Isa Ron...
- Isa, come on..
- Isa..
Isa Ron is hereby suspended pending
From Darjeeling International School
Enclosed here with the fact sheet
detailing our decision
But I don't blame you, Mr. Ron
She needs a mother
Oh.. my head shaft is turning..
Heri bibilava has started turning
The snakes of Heri Bibilava
have begun to move
The heir to the treasure has arrived
If thats the case, then...
Three- Eight- Eight
No.. sorry, Nine
It's Three- Eight- Nine
This day marks the full moon
in its lunar course
For you and me, the time has
come to begin our quest
Light... blue light...
the glow of tears
shed through Barroz's endless wait...
.. this light will now guide
the way for the heir
Say NO to the casino
What's the problem ?
Ron, Its been ongoing for months, relax
As you can see,
a large crowd has gathered here
They have one demand, that
the casino project be stopped
What do you thinkwill there be a
solution or not? There has to be one...
Dont they see the job opportunities
a casino would bring?
These damn anti socials won't see that
They are residents of the nearby slums
With development, people will need to
make some sacrifices
"NO casino, NO"
Get out of
"No casino, No"
Hello, open the window, sister
- OK
Isa, do not open the window
- Isa
- Please take this notice, sister
Didn't I say not to open the window?
You dont obey, do you?
What are you doing here?
Sister, youre Malayalees, right?
- Isa, No - Please read it.., leave.. run..
Smart boy..
Have fun..
Say no to casino !
Look, appreciation for talk-back
You know, this is how she is
Yes ..
Be careful..
Welcome ma'am
- Not me, they're the guests
Thank you..
- Thank you..
Come on, ma'am
- Thank you
- Aha, wow..!
Oh.. you're here ? '
- It's our job, no?
Please meet Ron; This's D' Couza
- Hi.. Nice to meet you
He's from intelligence.. and
this is Isa, his daughter
They have come for the auction, so..
See you..
All the best, OK..
- Good to meet you- Thank you..
Say cheese !
The story dates back to the period
when the Portuguese Empire in India
.. was at the height of its glory
In its capital, Goa, they built
magnificent forts, cathedrals and..
Keep it down..
.. with Bougainvillea-strewn
.. gardens with cashew trees
and rice fields
Many Portuguese nobles settled in Goa..
.. and their lavish households had
Africans and Indians as servants
The city was called Goa Dorado
meaning, golden Goa
No wonder, the city attracted the envy
of the newly arrived Dutch
.. the powerful Marathas, and other
neighboring kingdoms as well
This mansion, called da Gama Mansion, was
built by Cristovao da Gama, viceroy of Goa
.. in the 17th century.
It was during his reign that a powerful
southern chieftain..
I am so bored..
- I am also
When Sivappa Nayak raided Goa,
da Gama left Goa and never returned
The mansion was renovated in the
nineteen sixties...
Hey..say cheese..
Years passed, da Gama Mansion is
now on another historical moment
It's for this mansionthe da Gama mansion
for whom the bell tolls
It's been decided that it will be
torn down and turned into a casino
Please come..
I learned all the languages by speaking
to the visitors like you who come here
Sorry, now I am speaking their regional
language called Malayalam...
OK..Please come
This way..take the left..yea !
Come..come..come along
Stay here and look up..
Here, let me point out something that
visitors often miss
This is an astronomical clock that
stopped in 1633 - a kind of chronometer
Behind this chandelier, there it is
Theres also a story about it
In 1633, Sivappa Nayaks army from
Karnataka tried to conquer Goa
Cristovao da Gama was the
Viceroy of Goa at that time
Hey..hey.. - Where are you going,
come back here
Come here, that's a restricted area
So, please follow me.
Let's move to the next hall
From there, Ill share more stories
about Cristovo da Gama
One day has passed since the full moon
There are now four days left
Within that period, it will happen
The heir to the treasure
will learn its direction
Barroz, the moonlight will guide
the heir along the path
The cellar will welcome the heir on its own
Dear ghost, do not become entangled
in the past or your duty to the master
Hey ghost, find joy at least now
Theres a story that da Gama
hid the treasure in a cellar here
Folklore also says that he entrusted
a ghost to guard the treasure
The myth of the ghost has been
popular in the Portuguese colonies
On the day da Gama fled from Nayak's
army, Heri Bibilavathe chronometerceased
Actually this mysterious palace is rich in
history, myths, and intertwined legends
See, this earring is a striking example
of Mughal Jewel-craft
This piece is believed to be the earring
that Lord da Gama gifted to his daughter
Got it? But the thing is that..
We only have one earring from
the original pair on display here
Many valuables here were acquired by
them through wars with native kingdoms
Have you read the notice? - Yea
- Very good
Aunt Maria sent this
- you may go
And if I don't ? Eh..
Dont mess with me, or Ill spill it all
- Out - my foot
Hes too extra; I'll deal with him later
- Did you hear me?
- Didn't I ask you to leave?
- I'm sorry..
- It's OK
This is da Gama's family portrait done by
famous painter Michiel Sweerts, here in Goa
You can see some glimpses of da Gama's
immense wealth in this portrait also
Take a good look at this painting
Look, da Gama's daughter Isabella wears
earrings in both ears...
There's something here,
as I mentioned earlier in the story
You seem to be a revolutionary, are you?
- Eh..?
- Oh..
I have done many such things
- Aha..!
I'm Isa - I'm Chota
- Nice
You dont need to go to school?
- What about you, then?
I am under suspension
- too
Oh.. Aha..
- Who needs it?
How about a short trip?
- Why not?
So, you and your dad are here
to build the casino, right?
No way thats going to happen
Police and military might come after us,
but no one can touch our shacks
The ghost wont allow it to happen
- What ghost?
There is a bad ass ghost
in the da Gama palace
So, dad and daughter have come here
without even knowing this?
You are up against a ghost
- Come on, Chota.. Have you seen it?
I went to see it, but just missed it.
- Heh..!
It's a treasure-guarding ghost;
you know nothing, sister
He wont allow anyone to bring down
the palace, let alone build a casino
What if we tried to?
Then you and your dad will end up
on his menu for a whole day
By the way, what did you
give that man at the museum?
It's actually a secret...
It shouldnt be shared with anyone
But Im sharing it with you since
weve become friends, OK?
You know what? It was actually
some spells and witchcraft stuff
Aunt Maria gave it to me
She's a sorceress
We are descendants of the Masikoros
who came from Africa
Oh my goodness!
It's working
From what you've told me, your aunt
sounds like a fairytale character
I'll show her to you, and maybe
you'll see the ghost too
- But you need to give her something first
Thats my aunts palace. Come if youve
got the guts; otherwise, leave it
See that orange chapel? - Hmm
She should be there now
Hey, Chotu, aren't you coming?
- I'll meet you there.
They are going for the protest
- Aha..
Take a turn here..
Oh, theyve started the
dance practice early!
This is my sorceress aunt,
What's she doing?
Youve come, havent you?
She's not in a good mood.. Isa, leave!
I brought you here !
In the name of the father, the son..
- Hurry up, Isa.. let's leave
Lousy old man
Behave, Chota!
I have a doubt
It's her only
I brought her here
I saw her..
Perhaps because of her arrival,
Heri Bibilava started to turn again
I felt so..
It's not just a feeling; its the truth.
She should not go into the cellar
Before that, we should use her
to draw the ghost out
Is it possible?
He only has his powers inside the cellar
If we can draw the ghost out
before the lunar glow fades
We can bind him with the
magical power of my people
Yes, wasn't it your Masikaro people
that helped bind the ghost in the cellar?
So, my clan has a claim to the treasure,
and so do I
For me, too. Ive been waiting to avenge
those who branded my ancestors as thieves
Yes, we will do itfor ourselves
and for our ancestors
In three days..
Why have I traveled so far
and participated in this auction?
These are my investments
for Isa, aren't they?
And look at what she's doing?
Celebrating with the protestors
Just..what's her problem? You know..
I just can't figure out
Aunt Susane ..
Will Chota and his people lose
their homes when the casino opens?
Is it true?
It's not like that, dear..
- That's none of your business, Isa
You get me?
Johnson, get the funds in place,
Thank you
See, this is her attitude
She has been like this since Teresa left
Offending me over anything and everything
Is it so, Ron?
Your coffee
- Thank you
It might be that youre missing her side
due to your corporate distractions
This is her attitude
do you think its good?
Hey the cup might have accidentally fallen
Come on, Ron. There should be
a mother inside every father
Especially when raising
a child without a mother
Look, she cares about
the people in that slum
How can that be seen as wrong?
None of us felt such empathy, did we?
Barroz, firstly, the lights in
the cellar will be turned on
The doors will open on their own
The ghosts shackles will be broken
Then, our long wait will finally be over
Are you getting what Im saying, Barroz?
Barroz pappae ..
Welcome back, Lord da Gama..
People's clamour !
Their jubilant clamour upon seeing
the Lord's ships on the horizon
Welcome back, Lord da Gama..
I must receive my Lord in person and
carry dear Isabelle in my arms Lord kept his word..
He is back after exactly one month
Poor fellow, he lost track of time
due to his loyalty to his master
Welcome back, Lord da Gama..
Hey Barroz, dont go outside
Many are lurking outside,
to steal the treasure
Barroz, stop..don't go..
Oh, has he left?
What's this?
Huh.. what?
What..oh, no !
Oh.. ! the head shaft has stopped
Barroz, you know the significance
of this Coat of Arms?
Yes, its presented by the emperor for
conquering this fort with just three ships
It was a recognition for establishing
Portuguese authority in Goa
We know that, Lord..
But Im leaving Goa. Either to
Cochin or Diu, the enemy is at our gates
Oh Lord..
Ships Santa Catarina and Albuquerque
prepare them for boarding
The moment the fort falls, we set sail
I shall be back. one month at the most.
I shall return with firepower to
conquer the entire Karnataka
Barroz, it's a promise..
We shall return in one month.
This is the viceregal staff;
you should keep it safe
Hey Barroz.. Barroz..
Have you understood, at least now?
It's been ages, Barroz.. You have been
guarding the treasure for four centuries
It's the twenty-first century;
you need to come to terms with it
You are trying to forget what happened
because of your loyalty to Lord da Gama
Unbelievable !
Isabella... Isabella...
You are the golden treasure of my heart
Like a shadow, I linger close,
guarding your realm
In this sweet paradise
where ships kiss the land
You are the royal princess,
daughter of the hero lord
Charming doll,
a gem that gleams so bright,
The song of Barroz is
for you alone, my dear
Isabella... Isabella...
You are the golden treasure of my heart
Like a shadow, I linger
close, guarding your realm
Stars rose to catch a glimpse of her
Nightingales longed to
place a tender kiss upon her
The moon and butterflies longed
for her grace
I softly vowed, this treasure
I will not forsake
A divine spirit,
a tender bloom, my very soul
Sweet blossom, dear,
if the day comes when you bloom
When you fly seeking the skys edge
Tears may fall, but
with a smile, I shall watch
Ill wait through the ages for your
arrival,standing whole with a mind alight
Pouring my love as oil to fuel the
flame, a lamp that forever shines
Isabella... Isabella...
You are the golden treasure of my heart.
Like a shadow, I linger close,
guarding your realm
Night has settled, moonlight spreads,
fireflies dance in the glow
Sleep, with your silver eyes closing,
with dreams aplenty
Tender bud, child of Lord da Gama;
dawn awaits you, gentle bloom
Isabella... Isabella...
You are the golden treasure of my heart
Like a shadow, I linger close,
guarding your realm
Night has settled, moonlight spreads,
fireflies come dancing
Sleep, with your silver eyes closing,
with dreams aplenty
Isabella... Isabella...
You are the golden treasure of my heart
Like a shadow, I linger close,
guarding your realm
Barroz, please listen to me
Do not recall those sorrows
that should be forgotten
No one will come back
No one will come back
Isabella, my dear Isabella..
My Lord..
Madam Teresa.. no one..
How can I make him understand?
For them, I have bided my time
four four hundred years
Let me put it frankly:
now you have no right to lament
You are just the duty
As Lord da Gama ordered, keep his treasure
Hand over the key bunch
when his heir arrives
You have nothing else to do;
you must realize that fact
Yet you came out of the cellar and
put on a showwhat did it get you?
Yesterday was the last full moon of the
fourth century since you became a ghost
The pages of the tome never err
Someone from the da Gama lineage
was in the cellar yesterday
That's for sure, look at this..
389 + 1 = 390, which means,
thirty times thirteen
According to the tome, it's a 13- year old
girl of his thirteenth generation
Barroz, the lunar glow will fade
within the next three days
You should hand over the treasure
to the heir within this period
If not, we shall be doomed wander
here futilely until the apocalypse
But its not as easy as it sounds
There would be many sinister forces
who want to snatch the treasure
They would employ all forms
of sorcery for that
For instance, what caused the girl to
retreat from the cellar entrance ?
You know, it's because of evil spirits of
sorcery; the tome suggests as much
I will find my Lord's heir and
bring them to the cellar
You broke your duty, and as a result,
the Heri Bibilava ceased to turn again
The heir who ran away
will not return either
What a quagmire it has been !
It is my word to my Lord that the treasure
will be returned when he comes back
By finding the heir and delivering the
treasure, Barroz will prove that loyalty
Or else, why have I waited all these ages?
My word is my life
Only the heir can see the ghost;
no one else can
If that is so, there is a
way out of this quagmire
'No casino, no'
'No casino, no'
Say no to the casino ..
Why are you pulling my hair?
Who pulled your hair?
- This is human right violation
Stop babbling nonsense, you brat
Who's this, sir?
Dont let anyone in, keep them out
A ghost has no forgetting
I am the keeper of memories
spanning many centuries
Into this realm of memories, Isabella steps
I may have to pass this treasure
of memories to your heir, my Lord...
I will always protect your
honour without blemish
Alert..alert.. Minister is inside..
Someone with explosives
might have entered the premises
Is this her?
- move
They could have infiltrated inside
So be alert, check every where
Shes seen nowhere here
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed
bidders of the heritage casino Project
I am delighted to be here with you today
at this historic mansion in Goa
This property is not just a
symbol of our rich cultural heritage
But also a beacon of
progress and development.
I am a firm believer that development is
the key to the prosperity of our nation
And this project is a testament to
our commitment to that cause
The casino project will not only preserve
the historical significance of this mansion
.. but also pave the way for a new era of
Barroz, have the devil spirits
begun their work?
Hello, mister..
- Greetings
This is the handiwork of a group
of people who want the slum dwellers ...
Please sit down..
- No I don't want to..
I am well aware of the challenges
faced by the slum dwellers..
This project is not just
about economic growth
Sir, everything OK?
- Yeah.. all is good..
Nothing.. look..everything is fine
.. ensuring their well-being
and prosperity
I am well aware of the challenges
faced by the slum dwellers..
But we cannot let the past hold
us back from a brighter future
The casino project will create jobs,
boost the local economy, and put Goa..
.. on the map as a world-class tourist
destination like Dubai or even Las Vegas.
Barroz, stop looking at the roof.
Go find the girl
I urge all of you to look beyond the
short-term implications of this project..
.. and focus on the long-term benefits
it will bring to the people of Goa
We have a duty to ensure that our
state thrives and prospers..
.. and this project is a step in the
right direction
We are not forgetting the fact that ...
Thats not her. Dont reach out
..whether it is a road, a big factory,
a nuclear plant or tourism project..
Yes, it is true that to build this casino
.. it is not just the da Gama palace but
the neighbouring slums..
How is this?
- Behave yourself , Isa.. give me that
..but these are not in
themselves bad things
.. let me say, something that bothers..
something that's never been around
.. things that you, my people, have to feel
..shaky, confused, fun, remorse
or sadness about
In rebuilding the country the government is
also involving those who live in the slums
In rebuilding the country,
sacrifices are needed..
.. and these are but temporary sacrifices.
Now to end on a lighter note..
I have heard that the vested interests
that are misleading these protests..
.. are even spreading superstitions that
there is a ghost in the cellar..
.. guarding a treasure
Yes, there is a treasure..
Barroz, look..
That second one in the first row,
see the one who is looking at you
Where are you looking at?
Jai Hind
There..look straight
The first one from the left
the one in the middle.
Barroz..there.. there..
That's her..
Hey.. I saw him pulling the chair..
Come fast..
Hes the one who pulled the chair
Security.. Subbu.. don't move..
-Sir, it's him..
That bearded man with the shaved head
Madam, you see..I'm the security officer
- Hes standing therecant you see?
Don't make any nuisance, sit down
- You haven't seen him !
Wheres the bearded, shaved-head guy?
I dont see him
Behind those officers..
Sir, look there..
- Get me your glasses
Sir..sir - Why ?
- You just run, man
He ran outside.. Didn't you guys see?
I clearly saw him..
Hee..hey, where did she go?
Hes going that waycome on, hurry!
- Where?
Over there..
Yes, he's there..
Nothing is there..
-Sir, please. He is there
Show me then.
- He's there
There he is.
- There? What do you mean, "there"?
- Sir.. !
- Officer, where are you?
Errhh.. yes, coming..!
Sir, here..
There..there.. there..!
- Sir..
Ron.. there she is , Isa..
-Isa, stop
Sir, Isa is there
Come on.. Isa..
Isa.. hey Isa..
Stop it
isa, stop there..
She's there..there
You idiot.. you brought down the minister
I saw you pulling the chair
It's her, no doubt
..and you took off when
the police showed up
Ive seen it all, even if they havent
-Isa, what happened to you
Isa..what did you do?
- It was him, I saw him doing it
Auntie, look, the guy over there
spoiled everything
Where? - There..
- Nobody is there..
- I can't see anything
But I can see, look up..
Auntie, thereon top of it.
- Come here
He's there..
- I think you're dreaming
Go look there, sir..
-Come on, Isa - No..
Auntie, over there..
- Auntie, he's over there
Auntie, look..he's following us
He is behind us..
Look there.. he's still coming
She must be dreaming
Don't look back, walk Isa..
Just trust me.
Keep walking and look ahead
Why aren't you believing me?
I am not joking, Auntie
Auntie..he's there
This is so embarrassing
Please try to believe me
You.. you buffoon !
I'll not spare you
She's just a girl from the
13th generation of the da Gama lineage
The one and only heir of the treasure
Gotcha !
He's come out..
He needs to be restrained
within the next two days
Do whatever it takes
to make that happen
I wont be able to enter the mansion
once the auction is finished either
True that..
This is a book written in 1633,
in your language. Please go through it
Loyaltythe unwavering loyalty
towards his master
That be the strength of the ghost,
says this document
He should be restrained with
that very same loyalty
The words in this document say as much
We can do it..
Where is that man you say has
knocked the minister off his chair?
The police have thoroughly
examined all the CCTV footage
But he couldnt be seen
anywhere. Where is he?
But you all saw me chasing him
when he tried to escape, right?
Yes, we did. But none of us
saw anyone like that
Are you kidding me? This is not a
big joke. I'm not crazy
Alright..I saw nothing.. problem solved?
So ignorant. get lost
- You get lost
Subbu, this child, she lives
in her imagination
OK..OK..but where is he?
Why isnt anyone believing me?
He was right in front of my eyes
I am not gonna spare him
Hello Is this some kind of game?
Are you guysyou, SP, Aunt Susane,
and my dadmessing with me?
Yes.. the whistling has
done the trick
I wont tolerate this. Ill show you
Say something and bring her over
Wow !
We dont have time to mess around
Hey..she is looking at you
Then come here.
I have a lot to tell you, too
Are you trying to fool me again?
- Hey, no!
Who are you?
Ghost !
Keep quiet
Tell her that you are the ghost,
Tell me, who are you ?
Take your hand
off, I cant breathe
Thats why I asked you to come over
Ill tell you everything
He doesn't know me
Hey, who do you think I am ?
Here she comes!
What language is this?
Youre laughing as if you understand it
You think I am lying ! You just wait
I'll show you what I am capable of
Hey kid, Im tired of this bragging
How dare you talk to me like this,
you old fool
Say as much as you can
and see if it works
You crazy buffoon,
you're crossing the limits
Be careful from now on..
Its deep down there
Such a feisty little girl !
Who are you?
Im asking you, who are you?
If you drop this temper and
your inborn mischief, Ill tell you
I'm Barroz
The centuries-old Barroz awaiting Lord
Da Gama's heir to bestow the treasure
The treasure guarding ghost..!
Dont narrate the whole story,
cut to the chase, Barroz
Thats why, as the 13th generation of that
lineage, you can see me while others cant
Treasure? da Gama? Your invisible crap
get lost, you lousy oldie!
Is this how you address elders?
Yes, I talk to everyone like this,
including my dad
Hala..Baloo Hala Hala Hala Baloo
Bamboosia Bam Bam Bamboosia
Who are you, adrift on the waves?
The moonlight of boundless depth?
Who could you be?
Hala Baloo..Bamboosia who's she?
- Who is she ?
With hair like the oceans tide,
And eyes where calm shores hide
Lips like the crimson dusk,
And a nose like a coral lotus in bloom
Who are you?
Who could you be?
Hala Baloo..Bamboosia
Who are you?
She is Isabella..
Yes, she's Isabella
Youre Isabella
Our Isabelle, our cherished bella
Isabella ...
No, no, Im not your Isabelle!
Ba..Ba... Barroz...
Is it right?
Gho..ghost... ghostly Barroz...
Long, long ago, in the distant past
A world was fashioned with gold adornments
In that world, the people trusted the ghost
And they entrusted the gold to the ghost
And they entrusted the gold to the ghost
Why why
Why why
The treasure he guarded,
is yours to hold
Its not mine no, not mine,
I need it not..
Yes, yes, you need those
-your golden treasure
Hala..Baloo.. Bamboosia
Ghostly Barroz, Poor Barroz,
Hala..Baloo.. Bamboosia
Beyond these waves, beyond the sea,
theres a realm that beckons me
Where all treasure- guarding
ghosts must one day return
But only if you claim this treasure,
can I go there
My salvation lies in
your tender hands, Isabella
Its time, for my journey of no return
I understand there are 11 bidders
Really? All present
Hey..Isa.. what're you up to?
Aunt Susane..
Come on..
Isa..what is this Isa..?
-Yes, ma'am
You deserved it. Thats what happens
when you mess with elders
My God..
Is that your mom?
Where is your mom?
She's gone..
He's just as good as gone
Isabella..Isabella ...
You are the golden treasure of my heart
Do you sing, dear?
Do you sing well?
Even dogs dodge my ditties!
Not this Barroz dog..
I want to hear your songs
Please sing a song..
about your mom, dad, you, or even me..
My mind... the sky,
My mind... the sky,
My mind... the sky,
My mind... the sky,
Shine bright, silver star
Shine bright, silver star
My mind... the sky,
Shine bright, silver star
In compassion's tender hold,
I yearn to awaken,
Like a stream at last, embracing
the sea, ready to dissolve,
Like a stream at last, embracing
the sea, ready to dissolve,
The treasure I kept through
endless days, faded as you neared,
The treasure I kept through
endless days, faded as you neared,
Isa, well done
I never knew my daughter could
sing and dance like that
That was special
And I'm a proud father tonight..yeah..
OK..Thank you all
Remembering a baptism that took place
in the River Jordan long ago
May your mind be purified by grasping
the subtle essence of that knowledge
Men, go to the
(fortress) walls!
My Lord..
My God..!
Mendossa.... Here, water...
Relax my lady..
He's bleeding... he will die...
- Everything will be alright, madam
My God....
My child... Isabella
- Isabella.. heh..
They need to be taken
to the galleons, now..
Where? where? I need to see them
for one last time. I need to see...
No, my lord, everything is fine
Nothing shall happen to your child.
No.. I need to see my treasures
Take me there , now..
No, Cristovao, no..
Come, come fast...
Don't panick, isabella, I am with you
Aren't you coming. Barroz Papa ?
Stay here; Ill go get the lord,
got me?
Aren't you coming, Barroz Papae?
- Sure will
My earrings, doll, cradle..
Barroz Papae
Our Massikaro
occult practices still work to this day
Not even a grain of your gold would
you lose by the gods of my ancestors
Until the master or heir returns, someone
must guard the treasure as a ghost
For that a loyal servant must
willingly be sacrificed
He should drink this potion
Massavana, who is that chosen one?
Massavana, you know
the tradition, right?
Do you volunteer?
Barroz... my daughter Isabella...
The boat stands ready for you,
my Lord and Lady
Youre disturbing me
Stop your nonsense, you crone!
Barroz, stop...
A ritual is about to take place here
Mendossa... please save me
from this situation
Lord, here is the perfect man
to guard your treasures
Faithful among the faithful,
the keeper of the palace key
Yes.. Barroz..
Here, ever-faithful Barroz, wear my armor,
which bears my coat of arms
It bears my blood, shed to acquire these
riches. Wear this and guard my treasure
My Lord..
- This is my order
Cristavao.... no....
Barroz should come wirh us
That was a promise made by Isabella
This is a grievous wrong
This is utterly against
the will of the gods
My Lord..
I am duty bound to obey any
and every command you give
No matter what it is
Come on, lets go quickly
Cristavio, this is a grave sin
Bring it..
Barroz Papae ..
My Lord..
Barroz Papae had promised to come.
Where is he?
Isabella, come..
Mom, Dad..where is Barroz Papae?
He promised to me
Isabella, my daughter, come..
- Where is he..?
Where is Barroz Papae ?
Become a demon.. a treasure guarding ghost
Voodoo, you are now the witness
From this moment on, you are his keeper
From this moment on, you are his keeper..
Let's start..
Barroz Papae..
Barroz Papae..
Barroz Papae..
Did you get scared?, dear?
Barroz Papae, why did you do this?
Why did you allow all these?
That was my duty
That is what Barroz is for, dear
It's so sad; it was a great injustice
I beg your pardon, for those
who have done this to you
For da Gama, my ancestor
I have no regrets about that, dear
Moreover, you also called me
Barroz Papae
Just as my Isabella baby
used to call me
I am glad..
Now I understand, what Isabella
meant to Barroz Papae
..and to her as well
This has caused immense sorrow and pain
to many people, including Barroz Papae
Compared to that, my problems are nothing
Let me give this to someone, okay?
To Chota and his people, who are
being displaced from the slum?
My responsibility is to
hand this over to you
Then its up to you to
decide what to do with it
Dont take it. The sacred powder
to destroy evil spirits is kept inside
What? To destroy evil spirits?
Look, this could get out of hand
Tell that brat to put it back
- What?
- Nothing..
Are you teasing me?
Barroz Papae.. I heard
what he said about me
Brat.. right?
You are not that great, either-
you, strip- tot !
This's a designer outfit..
Now you look like, America's
next top model!
How's it ? Isn't he cute now?
Now tell me. what shall I do?
Barroz Papae, what should I
do for you?
389 Years ! .. I have been..
No, you can tell me anything else,
just not this
Then, you should go back and apologise
Shes the heir, or else
Id have given her a kick
Who wants her shabby rag !
What's this, man?
Laugh, laugh I havent seen your
laugh in 389 years and 389 days
You keep on laughing.. Everything is
gonna be upside down here..
Hiya.. tada..
Barroz, remember that she returned
without accepting the key
Now you have only one day left
to return the key to her
If Isa turns out like my baby Isabella,
all the closed doors will open
You keep on imagining..
All of us Isa, her dad, you, me
everyone will be free
Your drunken rants might
be music to my ears...
.. but the tome says some thing else never
Something you and your tome don't say
is becoming clearer in my mind
Let it be clearer..
.. and the relocation of the slum dwellers
.. however, i would like to inform you
that the government has made a decision..
.. to move forward with the
bidding process at any cost,
.. even if it involves the use of force.
We cannot bow down to anti socials and
anti nationals
.. who are sabotaging the
development process
The auction will take place, there is no
question of going back on this, no doubt..
- the auction will take place
Tell me..
I am sorry..
I a sorry, too..
This is an email from your principal
that I received earlier
Read it..
They have revoked your suspension
I spoke to them
The school forgives not only you, but your
entire gang for your mischief this time
I know..
- Barroz Papae did it ..
- What ?
You won't believe it
And.. do you have a minute?
Papa, look doesnt she look like my Mama?
Did you see that?
Yea.. yes..
She looks like my Teresa..
but I havent noticed it before
Isabella's earring..
There is another one like
this in the cellar..
Barroz Papae showed it to me
You could have bought it
by hand, then..
I am serious..this is a treasure
and we have to preserve it
We have to..
Papa.. -
You should win this auction,
but not to turn this into a casino
We should keep this as a monument
Mama would be so proud...
This is the treasure of our family
But.. I can't force you
So, it's up to you, Papa..
Isa, you talks just like your mother,
Good night..
Tell me, Mama.. please
Mama, you left me so unexpectedly
I was left all alone, like I had no one
I dont want Barroz Papae to
leave me like that either
I don't want to lose everyone I love
My Lord ..
Don't.. that's not Lord da Gama
- Then?
An evil spirit Ive created
using Masikoro sorcery
Only Lord da Gamas heir can enter the
cellar where the treasure is kept
But this evil spirit could
help us with that
This should be planted along the same
pathway through which the ghost came out
If the heir steps on it while entering
the cellar, the evil spirit will follow
Then it will restrain the ghost
in the cellar
You will see the sorcery prowess
of the Masikoro clan today
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
We are happy to welcome you for this
special auction of the da Gama mansion
.. and the successful bidder will become
the owner of this lovely mansion
.. to convert it into an unparalleled
luxury casino
The initial price is $25 million, and you
can increase the bid in steps of $5 million
We have international bidders here,
and we expect a thrilling competition
Let's start the bidding
$30 million
So sunshine media has raised it
up to $30 million
Imagine owning this incredible mansion,
rich in history
Do I hear $35 million ?
- $50 million
Thank you- here is Maccau holding,
raising the bid at once to $50 million
That is called taste - $50 million
That is refinement
Thank you Macau Holding for appreciating
the value of da Gama mansion
It is more than just a property
It's a historical landmark
Why are you here?
- I am just looking around, standing here
65 million !
Yes.. now.. Pinknoir has taken it
to 65 million . The race is on..
A mansion where the past and
present will meet for ever
Who will offer 70 Million ?
Fire !
Barroz, fire! Look over there, fire!
It's a bad omen
Fire in the cellar is an omen, Barroz
It wont take long for it to burn me too
Then who will be there to guide you?
You will have to wander alone
in the dark without redemption, forever
The fire in the cellar is
not good for the heir too
Stop it
This is what the tome says
Tell me, whats the remedy for all of this?
The clock, Heri Bibilava, must turn
there is no other option
Just now, Mirage Casino made
this nice bid of $75 million
$85 million
Wonderful.. $85 million
Heri Bibilava must turn, go Barroz..
I am a slave, betrayed and stabbed
in the back by his own master
No need to move even a quarter tick
for the worth of that slave's life..
I now realize it wasnt a temporal
treasure, I guarded, but a little heart
Today, that little heart is
turning into one as clear as crystal
$90 million
- $90 million, Pink noir again
Not for me, but for herjust for her
please open all your chambers
Who is it?
Barroz Papae
Let the duty I accepted, knowingly or
unknowingly, my fealty, be fulfilled
Barroz Papae..
Barroz Papae, where are you?
Da Gama..!
Thank God.. the head shaft
has started turning
Barroz Papae..
Barroz Papae..
Barroz Papae..
Hey, Barroz..
Barroz Papae..
da Gama..
My Lord.. forgive me
Barroz Papae..
Loyalty.. wow !
I am not your da Gama
I am not your da Gama
Before I take your life, you must
witness what I will do to her
Hey, Isa..
Hey, Isa..
Barroz papae
Help..Barroz Papae..
Barroz Papae..
Hey, Isa..
Where is she.
Dont take it. The sacred powder to
destroy evil spirits is kept inside
Barroz Papae..
Dear, don't be sad..
To receive all of this is
the fealty I must endure
It is time to fulfill all my vowed fealties
Barroz Papae..
If I accept this,
then I will have no one left in this world
You will have your father,
the greatest truth of your life
Barroz Papae, Barroz Papae..
Please don't leave me
Barroz Papae is not real
This treasure has so much blood on it
I guarded it painfully -and for that pain to go
youve to use it for a greater good
You can!
Had it been my baby Isabella,
she would have heeded my words
Mahagaga.. Mahagaga..Mahagaga..!
$151 million
Fantastic ..
- Hhh.. aaah..!
- Going once.. twice sold
Hey.. what's that ?
Arrest him..
In fact, you were guiding me,
not the other way around
With your honesty and loyalty, you've
redeemed even the clan that betrayed you
You've already conquered the time..
Goodbye, my friend
Dear, no treasure surpasses the value
of a drop of tear shed for another
You are my real treasure..
Barroz papae..
Simply watching the
ships on the shore..
Barroz took care and guarded..
Yet he cherished and kept
The spring just for her..
Ages down the lane..
As a grandma's story
Elder Barroz and the young girl
Will be cherished in the world's heart
As she grew up, tender, lonely
My Isabella
It is time to render real the
treasure of the fairy tale
It is your duty
to remind her of that.
Thus she became empowered
To receive the treasure
when transferred
When Elder Barroz
handed her the patrimony
He became free from the prison of time
Barroz Papae..
The keys? Then where is he?
Where is he ?
- There..!