Beauty and the Beast (2017) Movie Script

Once upon a time,
in the hidden heart of France...
a handsome young prince...
lived in a beautiful castle.
Poof! Poof!
Although he had
everything his heart desired...
the prince was
selfish and unkind.
Master, it's time.
He taxed the village...
to fill his castle with
the most beautiful objects.
And his parties with
the most beautiful people.
Oh, how divine
Glamour, music and magic combine
See the maidens
so anxious to shine
Look for a sign
that enhances chances
She'll be his special one
What a display
What a breathtaking,
thrilling array
Ev'ry prince
Ev'ry dog has his day
Let us sing with passion,
gusto, fit to bust, oh
Not a care in the world
Then one night...
an unexpected intruder arrived
at the castle...
seeking shelter
from the bitter storm.
As a gift, she offered
the prince, a single rose.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance...
the prince
turned the woman away.
But she warned him not to be
deceived by appearances.
For beauty is found within.
When he dismissed her again...
the old woman's outward
appearance melted away.
To reveal...
a beautiful enchantress.
The prince begged
for forgiveness,
but it was too late.
For she had seen that
there was no love in his heart.
Chip! Chip! Oh, my!
As punishment...
she transformed him
into a hideous beast.
And placed a powerful spell
on the castle...
and all who lived there.
As days bled into years...
the prince and his servants
were forgotten by the world.
For the enchantress had erased
all memory of them...
from the minds
of the people they loved.
But the rose she had offered
was truly an enchanted rose.
If he could
learn to love another...
and earn their love in return
by the time the last petal fell...
the spell would be broken.
If not, he would be doomed to
remain a beast for all time.
As the years passed...
he fell into despair
and lost all hope.
For who could ever
learn to love a beast?
Little town
It's a quiet village
Ev'ry day like the one before
Little town
Full of little people
Waking up to say
- Bonjour!
- Bonjour!
There goes the baker
with his tray like always
The same old bread
and rolls to sell
Every morning just the same
Since the morning
that we came
To this poor provincial town
Good morning, Belle!
Good morning, Monsieur Jean!
Have you lost something again?
Well, I believe I have.
The problem is,
I can't remember what!
Oh, well.
I'm sure it will come to me.
Where are you off to?
To return this book
to Pre Robert.
It's about two lovers
in fair Verona.
Sounds boring.
Look there she goes
That girl is strange,
no question
Dazed and distracted
Can't you tell?
Never part of any crowd
'Cause her head's
up on some cloud
No denying
she's a funny girl that Belle
Bonjour, good day,
how is your family?
Bonjour, good day,
how is your wife?
I need six eggs
That's too expensive
There must be more
than this provincial life
Ah, if it isn't
the only bookworm in town.
So, where did you run off to
this week?
Two cities in Northern Italy.
I didn't want to come back!
Have you got
any new places to go?
I'm afraid not.
But you may reread any of
the old ones that you'd like.
Thank you.
Your library makes
our small corner of the world feel big.
Look, there she goes
The girl is so peculiar
I wonder
if she's feeling well
With a dreamy far off look
And her nose stuck in a book
What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle
Oh! Isn't this amazing
It's my favorite part
because you'll see
Here's where
she meets Prince Charming
But she won't discover
that it's him
'Til chapter three
Now it's no wonder
That her name means "beauty"
Her looks have
got no parallel
But behind that fair faade
I'm afraid she's rather odd
Very different
from the rest of us
She's nothing
like the rest of us
Yes, different
from the rest of us
Is Belle
Look at her, LeFou.
My future wife.
Belle is the most
beautiful girl in the village.
That makes her the best.
But she's so well-read.
And you're so...
- athletically inclined.
- I know.
Belle can be as argumentative
as she is beautiful.
Exactly! Who needs her
when you've got us!
But ever since the war,
I've felt like
I've been missing something.
And she's the only girl
that gives me that sense of...
I don't know what that means.
Right from the moment
When I met her, saw her
I said she's gorgeous
and I fell
Here in town there's only she
Who is beautiful as me
So I'm making plans
to woo and marry Belle
Look there he goes
Isn't he dreamy
Monsieur Gaston,
oh, he's so cute
Be still, my heart
I'm hardly breathing
He's such a tall, dark
Strong and handsome brute
It's never gonna happen,
- Bonjour
- Pardon
- Good day
- Mais, oui
- You call this bacon
- What lovely flowers
- Some cheese
- Ten yards
- One pound
- 'Scuse me
- I'll get the knife
- Please let me through
- This bread
- Those fish
- It's stale
- They smell
- Madame's mistaken
- Well, maybe so
There must be more
than this provincial life
Good morning
Just watch I'm going
to make Belle my wife
Oh! Good morning
Look there she goes
A girl who's strange but special
A most peculiar mademoiselle
It's a pity and a sin
She doesn't quite fit in
But she really is a funny girl
A beauty but a funny girl
She really is a funny girl
That Belle
Good morning, Belle!
Wonderful book you have there.
Have you read it?
Well, not that one.
But, you know, books...
For your dinner table.
Shall I join you this evening?
Sorry, not this evening.
So, moving on?
No, LeFou.
It's the ones
who play hard to get
that are always
the sweetest prey.
That's what makes Belle
so appealing.
She hasn't made
a fool of herself
just to gain my favor.
What would you call that?
It's outrageously attractive,
isn't it?
How does a moment
last forever
How can a story never die
It is love we must hold on to
Never easy but we try
Sometimes our happiness
is captured
Somehow a time and place stand still
Love lives on
inside our hearts
And always will
Could you...
Hand me a...
Thank you.
And I also need...
No. No. No.
yes, that's exactly
what I need. Thank you.
- Papa, do you think I'm odd?
- Odd?
My daughter? Odd?
Where did you get an idea like that?
I don't know. People talk.
This is a small village,
you know.
Small minded as well.
But small also means safe.
Even back in Paris,
I knew a girl like you,
who was so...
ahead of her time.
So different.
People mocked her.
Until the day they all found
themselves imitating her.
Please, just tell me
one more thing about her.
Your mother was...
what can I bring you
from the market?
A rose.
Like the one in the painting.
You ask for that every year!
And every year you bring it.
Then I shall
bring you another.
You have my word.
- Goodbye, Papa.
- Goodbye, Belle.
Come on, Philippe.
You know the way.
I'll see you tomorrow!
Tomorrow, with the rose.
Stay safe.
What are you doing?
The laundry.
Come! Come!
"The blue bird..."
"That flies...
"over the dark...
That was amazing!
What on earth are you doing?
Teaching another girl to read?
Isn't one enough?
We have to do something.
You are the wildest...
most gorgeous thing
I have ever seen.
Nobody deserves you.
But at least I know
our children will be beautiful.
Am I catching you
at a bad time?
- What is it, LeFou?
- A certain damsel is in distress.
Ah. It's hero time.
I'm not done with you yet.
Me, neither.
Belle! I heard you had trouble
with the Headmaster.
He never liked me either.
Can I give you a little advice
about the villagers though?
They're never going to trust
the kind of change you're trying to bring.
All I wanted was to teach
a child to read.
The only children you should
concern yourself with...
are your own.
not ready to have children.
Maybe you haven't
met the right man.
It's a small village, Gaston.
I've met them all.
Well, maybe
you should take another look.
Some of us have changed.
we could never
make each other happy.
No one can change that much.
Oh, Belle.
Do you know what happens
to spinsters in this village
after their fathers die?
Coins? Got any spare coins?
They beg for scraps,
like poor Agathe.
This is our world, Belle.
For simple folk like us,
it doesn't get any better.
I might be a farm girl.
But, I'm not simple...
and I'm never going to
marry you, Gaston.
I'm sorry!
Can you imagine?
Me? The wife
of that boorish...
Madame Gaston,
can't you just see it
Madame Gaston,
his little wife
No, sir, not me,
I guarantee it
I want much more
than this provincial life
I want adventure
in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more
Than they've got planned
The woods are lovely.
I only wish I recognized them.
Do you know where we are,
Philippe? Because I don't.
It's all right.
It's all right, Philippe.
Yes, we can go this way.
Go on. To the right.
That's it. Steady!
Walk on!
One path closes...
another one opens.
It's all right, boy.
It's just a bit of snow.
In June.
Mind your step.
It's slippery.
Go! Go, Philippe!
Come on! Come on!
Come on!
Go! Philippe, go! Go, go!
Good boy.
Go, boy. Go!
Oh, Philippe,
you saved my life.
Well done. Yes.
They'll have to get
their dinner somewhere else,
won't they?
There's hay.
And water.
You're all set, my old friend.
I'll go pay my respects
to our unwitting host.
Whoever that may be.
Thank you.
Sorry to intrude.
I'm just a traveler...
seeking shelter
from the storm.
Sorry to disturb you.
Anyone home?
Anyone awake?
He must have
lost his way in the woods.
Shut up, you idiot!
Excuse me?
A man of taste.
He was talking about me.
Well, wherever you are...
I'm just going to warm myself
by the fire.
That's better.
Oh, much better.
Thank you.
Mum said I wasn't supposed to move
because it might be scary.
It's all right.
I, uh...
I cannot...
thank you enough
for your hospitality.
bid you adieu...
and good night.
Come on, Philippe! Go! Go!
No, wait, wait, wait!
Roses. I nearly forgot.
We're safe here.
I promised Belle a rose.
What happened?
Where's Papa?
Take me to him!
Look, Cogsworth.
A beautiful girl!
Yes! I can see it's a girl.
I lost my hands, not my eyes.
But what if she is the one?
The one
who'll break the spell?
Who said that?
Who's there?
Papa, is that you?
How did you find me?
Your hands are ice.
We need to get you home.
Belle, you must leave here
at once!
This castle is alive!
Now go, before he finds you!
Who's there?
Who are you?
Who are you?
I've come for my father.
Your father is a thief.
He stole a rose.
I asked for the rose.
Punish me, not him.
He means forever.
Apparently, that's what
happens around here
when you pick a flower.
A life sentence for a rose?
I received
eternal damnation for one.
I'm merely locking him away.
Now, do you still wish
to take your father's place?
Come into the light.
Belle, I won't
let you do this.
I lost your mother.
I won't lose you, too.
Now, go.
All right, Papa. I'll leave.
I need a minute alone with him.
Are you so cold-hearted...
you won't allow a daughter
to kiss her father goodbye?
Forever can spare a minute.
When this door closes,
it will not open again.
I should have been with you.
Oh, no, no.
Belle, listen to me.
It's all right.
Now go.
Live your life.
And forget me.
Forget you?
Everything I am
is because of you.
I love you, Belle.
Don't be afraid.
I love you too, Papa.
I'm not afraid.
And I will escape. I promise.
You took his place.
He's my father.
He's a fool.
And so are you.
Don't hurt him!
- Papa!
- No!
I'll come back!
I promise!
Forgive my intrusion,
but I have come to escort you
to your room.
My room?
- But I thought...
- Oh, what?
That "Once this door closes
it will not open again"?
I know.
He gets so dramatic.
Oh, you are very strong.
This is a great quality.
What are you?
I am Lumire!
And you can talk?
Well, of course he can talk.
It's all he ever does.
Now, Lumire,
as head of the household...
I demand that you put her
back in her cell at once.
What do you want to be
for the rest of your life, Cogsworth?
A man, or a mantle clock?
Ready, miss?
- Trust me.
- Oh...
You must forgive
first impressions.
I hope you are
not too startled.
Why would I be startled?
I'm talking to a candle.
Candelabra, please.
Enormous difference.
But consider me at your service.
The castle is your home now...
so feel free to go
anywhere you like.
Except the west wing.
Which we do not have.
Why? What's in the west wing?
- Oh, nothing.
- Nothing.
- Storage space.
- Storage space.
- That's it.
- That's it.
Yes, that's it.
This way, please.
To the east wing.
Or as I like to call it,
the only wing.
Watch your step,
s'il vous plat!
Welcome to your new home.
It's modest, but comfortable.
It's beautiful.
But of course!
Master wanted you to have
the finest room in the castle.
Oh, dear.
We were not expecting guests.
Enchante, mademoiselle.
Don't worry.
I'll have this place spotless
in no time.
This plan of yours
is dangerous.
I would risk anything
to kiss you again, Plumette.
No, my love. I've been
burned by you before.
We must be strong.
How can I be strong
when you make me so weak?
Is everything here alive?
Hello. What's your name?
That is a hairbrush.
Do not be alarmed.
This is just your wardrobe.
Meet Madame De Garderobe.
A great singer.
When she can stay awake.
Cogsworth! A diva needs
her beauty rest.
Stay with us, Madame.
We have someone
for you to dress!
a woman.
Pretty eyes.
Proud face.
Perfect canvas. Yes!
I will find you something
worthy of a princess.
Oh, I'm not a princess.
Now, let's see
what I've got in my drawers.
How embarrassing.
Froufrou, come help Mama.
Subtle. Understated.
I love it!
Froufrou, send my love
to the maestro.
Picture it, LeFou.
A rustic cabin...
my latest kill
roasting on the fire...
adorable children running
around us as my love...
rubs my tired feet.
But what does Belle say?
"I will never marry you,
You know,
there are other girls.
A great hunter doesn't
waste his time on rabbits.
Gosh it disturbs me
to see you, Gaston
Looking so down in the dumps
Every guy here'd
love to be you, Gaston
Even when taking your lumps
There's no man in town
as admired as you
You're everyone's favorite guy
Everyone's awed
and inspired by you
And it's not very hard
to see why
No one's slick as Gaston
No one's quick as Gaston
No one's neck's as
incredibly thick as Gaston
For there's no man in town
half as manly
Perfect, a pure paragon
You can ask
any Tom, Dick, or Stanley
And they'll tell you
whose team they prefer to be on
Who plays
Darts like Gaston?
- Who breaks
- Hearts like Gaston?
Who's much more than the sum
of his parts like Gaston?
As a specimen,
yes, I'm intimidating
My, what a guy,
that Gaston
I needed encouragement
Thank you, LeFou
Well, there's no one
As easy to bolster as you
Too much?
No one fights like Gaston
Douses lights like Gaston
In a wrestling match
Nobody bites like Gaston
When I hunt,
I sneak up with my quiver
And beasts of the field
say a prayer
First I carefully aim for the liver
Then I shoot from behind
Is that fair?
I don't care
No one hits like Gaston
Matches wits like Gaston
In a spitting match
nobody spits like Gaston
I'm especially good
at expectorating
Ten points for Gaston!
Thank you. Thank you.
When I was a lad
I ate four dozen eggs
Every morning
to help me get large
And now that I'm grown
I eat five dozen eggs
So I'm roughly
the size of a barge
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Who has brains
Like Gaston
- Entertains
- Like Gaston
Who can make up
these endless refrains like Gaston
I use antlers
in all of my decorating
Say it again
Who's a man among men?
Who's a super success?
Don't you know?
Can't you guess?
Ask his fans
and his five hangers-on
There's just one guy in town
Who's got all of it down
And his name's, G-A-S- I believe there's another 'T'
It just occurred to me
that I'm illiterate
And I've never actually had
to spell it out loud before
Oh, LeFou, you're the best.
How is it no girl
has snatched you up yet?
I've been told I'm clingy,
but I really don't get it.
Please, please.
Someone, someone.
- You, help...
- Whoa, whoa.
You must help me.
It's Belle!
He's got, he's got Belle.
She's locked in a dungeon.
Who's got her?
A beast!
A huge, horrid,
monstrous beast!
My daughter's life
is in danger.
Why do you laugh?
It's not a joke.
His castle is hidden
in the woods.
It's already winter there.
Winter in June?
Crazy old Maurice!
Listen to me!
The beast is real.
Do you understand?
Will no one help me?
I'll help, Maurice.
You will?
stop making fun of this man at once.
Captain, thank you.
Don't thank me, Maurice.
Lead us to the beast.
Mama! There's a girl in the castle!
Yes, Chip, we know!
What kind of tea
does she like?
Herbal, oolong...
I'm too excited!
Slow down before
you break your handle.
- Heads up, Mrs. Potts.
- Oh.
- Oh!
- Be calm. Let me do the talking.
You're making her dinner!
Well, we thought you might
appreciate the company.
Master, I just want
to assure you...
that I had no part
in this hopeless plan.
Preparing a dinner, designing
a gown for her, giving her...
a suite in the east wing!
You gave her a bedroom?
No, no, no.
He gave her a bedroom.
This is true.
But if this girl is the one
who can break the spell...
then maybe you could start
by using dinner to charm her.
- Good thinking, Cogsworth.
- What?
That's the most
ridiculous idea...
I've ever heard.
Charm the prisoner!
But you must try, Master.
With every passing day...
we become less human.
She's the daughter
of a common thief.
What kind of person do you
think that makes her?
Oh, you can't judge people...
by who their father is,
now can you?
You'll join me for dinner.
That's not a request.
Gently, Master.
The girl lost her father...
and her freedom in one day.
Yes, the poor thing is probably in there,
scared to death.
Just a minute.
You see? There she is.
Now, remember, be gentle.
- Kind!
- Charming!
And when she opens the door,
give her a dashing,
debonair smile.
Come, come. Show me the smile.
- Oh, mon dieu!
- Oh, no.
Will you join me for dinner?
You've taken me
as your prisoner
and now you want
to have dinner with me?
Are you insane?
Uh-oh. He's losing it.
Oh, dear!
I told you
to join me for dinner.
And I told you no.
Ooh! What time is it?
What's happening?
I'd starve before
I ever ate with you.
Well, be my guest.
Go ahead and starve.
If she doesn't eat with me...
then she doesn't eat at all.
You can't talk to us
like that. I forbid it.
Uh... Oh. Am I too late?
Shame, I was really going to
tell him off this time.
Oh, Master, you've returned.
- Oh, very funny.
- I got you there.
Show me the girl.
Another petal fell.
I grew three more feathers.
And I just plucked yesterday.
I know, darling.
I'm getting more
metallic every day.
Oh, no. It's happening again.
Pardon me.
Oh, everyone, calm yourselves.
- We still have time.
- Mama...
am I ever going
to be a boy again?
Oh, yes, Chip.
You'll have your days...
in the sun again.
You just leave it to me.
I told you to go away.
Don't worry, dear.
It's only Mrs. Potts.
Oh, aren't you a vision!
How lovely...
to make your acquaintance.
It's a very long journey.
Let me fix you up...
before you go.
I have found...
that most troubles
seem less troubling...
after a bracing cup of tea.
Slowly now, Chip.
Pleased to meet you.
Wanna see me do a trick?
That was a very brave thing
you did for your father, dearie.
We all think so.
I'm worried about him.
He's never been on his own.
Cheer up, my poppet.
Things will turn out
in the end.
You'll feel a lot better...
after dinner.
But he said,
"If she doesn't eat with me,
then she doesn't eat at all."
Mmm, people say
a lot of things in anger.
It is our choice
whether or not to listen.
You coming, poppet?
They are coming. Final checks,
everyone! Tout de suite!
No, you don't!
If the master finds out
you violated his orders
and fed her he will blame me!
Yes, I will make sure of it.
But did you see her
stand up to him?
I am telling you,
this girl is the one.
They must fall in love
if we are to be human again...
and how can they fall in love
if she stays in her room?
Hey, Chapeau,
you missed a spot.
You know
she'll never love him.
A broken clock is right
two times a day, mon ami...
but this is not one of those times.
Stand up straight!
It's time to sparkle!
Mmm! I have no taste buds,
but I can tell this is exquisite.
Off! Off me while I work!
Pepper, get cracking!
Salt, shake a leg!
Not so loud! Keep it down.
Of course, of course!
But what is dinner...
without a little music?
Maestro Cadenza,
are you ready?
It has been so long
since I have performed.
I can barely even
remember how.
- Ah!
- Ooh!
Another cavity.
your wife is upstairs...
finding it harder and harder
to stay awake.
She's counting on you
to help us break this curse.
Then I shall
play through the dental pain.
Maestro, play quietly, please.
Oh, quietly.
Sotto voce! Of course!
Are there any other
tasteless demands...
you wish to make upon
my artistry?
No, that's it.
There you are, dear.
Ma chre mademoiselle.
It is with deepest pride
and greatest pleasure...
that we welcome you tonight.
Here! And now...
we invite you to relax.
Let us pull up a chair...
as the dining room
proudly presents...
Your dinner!
Be our guest, be our guest
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin
'round your neck, chrie
And we'll provide the rest
Soup du jour,
hot hors d'oeuvres
Why we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff,
it's delicious
Don't believe me?
Ask the dishes
They can sing,
they can dance
After all, miss,
this is France
And a dinner here
is never second best
Go on unfold your menu
Take a glance
and then you'll
Be our guest,
oui, our guest
Be our guest
Beef ragout
Cheese souffl
Pie and pudding en flamb
We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret
You're alone
and you're scared
But the banquet's
all prepared
No one's gloomy
or complaining
While the flatware's
We tell jokes, I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks
And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet
Come on and
lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be our guest
If you're stressed
It's fine dining we suggest
Be our guest
Be our guest,
be our guest
Life is so unnerving
For a servant
who's not serving
He's not whole
Without a soul to wait upon
Ah, those good old days
when we were useful
Eh, Cogsworth?
Suddenly those good old days are gone
Too long we've been rusting
Needing so much more than dusting
Needing exercise,
a chance to use our skills
Most days we just lay
around the castle
Flabby, fat and lazy
You walked in
and whoops-a-daisy
It's a guest,
it's a guest
Sakes alive,
well, I'll be blessed
Wine's been poured
and thank the Lord
I've had the napkins freshly pressed
With dessert,
she'll want tea
And my dear,
that's fine with me
While the cups
do their soft-shoeing
I'll be bubbling,
I'll be brewing
I'll get warm, piping hot
Heaven's sakes,
is that a spot?
Clean it up, we want
the company impressed
We've got a lot to do
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest
She's our guest
Be our guest, be our guest
Our command
is your request
It's been years
since we've had anybody
Here and we're obsessed
With your meal
With your ease
Yes indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's
still glowing
Let us help you,
we'll keep going
Course by
One by one
'Til you shout,
"Enough, I'm done!"
Then we'll sing you off to sleep
As you digest
Tonight you'll prop your feet up
But for now let's eat up
Be our guest
Be our guest
Please be our guest
I don't understand why
you're all being so kind to me.
Surely, you're as trapped
here as I am.
Don't you ever want to escape?
The master's not
as terrible as he appears.
Somewhere deep in his soul,
there's a prince...
of a fellow who just waiting
to be set free.
Lumire mentioned something
about the west wing.
Never you mind about that.
Off to bed with you, poppet.
- Good night.
- Nighty-night.
Straight to bed.
What are you doing here?
What did you do to it?
Do you realize
what you could have done?
You could have damned us all!
Get out of here!
Checkmate. Again.
Wait! No! You cheated again.
what are you doing?
Getting out of here.
Go! Go! Froufrou!
Yes, Froufrou. Stop her.
Don't let her leave!
Stop her!
No! No! Froufrou!
No, it's not play time!
Not now, silly boy.
Bad dog. Bad dog!
No! No! No!
Please don't go!
It's dangerous!
Oh, my!
You have to help me.
You have to stand.
I'm sure this is the way.
Do you hear those wolves?
That means we're getting
very close to the castle.
Look, enough is enough.
We have to turn back.
That's it! There it is!
That's the tree!
I'm sure of it.
It was downed
by lightning at the time.
But now...
it's resumed
an upright position...
through some sort of...
magic or other.
You really wanna marry
into this family?
So, that means...
that the castle is that...
No, it's...
That way.
Definitely, that way.
I am done playing
this game of yours.
Where is Belle?
The beast took her and she...
There are no such things
as beasts.
Or talking teacups.
Or magic!
But there are wolves,
frostbite, and starvation.
Deep breaths, Gaston.
Deep breaths.
So, why don't we just turn around?
Go back to Villeneuve.
I'm sure Belle is at home,
cooking up a lovely dinner.
If you think
I've made all this up...
then why did you offer to help?
Because I want to marry
your daughter!
Now, let's go home.
Belle is not at home.
She is with the...
You say beast one more time...
I will feed you to the wolves!
Gaston! Stop it! Breathe!
Think happy thoughts.
Go back to the war.
Explosions. Countless widows.
- Widows.
- Yes. Yes.
That's it.
That's it.
Please, forgive me, old bean.
That's no way to talk
to my future father-in-law...
now is it?
Future father-in-law?
You will never marry
my daughter.
I saw that coming.
If Maurice won't
give me his blessing...
then he is in my way.
Once the wolves
are finished with him...
Belle will have no one
to take care of her but me.
For the sake of exhausting
all of our options...
do we maybe wanna consider
a slightly less...
gruesome alternative?
Are you coming?
That hurts!
If you held still,
it wouldn't hurt as much.
Well, if you hadn't run away,
none of this would have happened.
Well, if you hadn't frightened me,
I wouldn't have run away.
Well, you shouldn't have been
in the west wing.
Well, you should learn
to control your temper!
Try to get some rest.
Thank you, miss.
We are eternally grateful.
Why do you care
about him so much?
We've looked after him all his life.
But he's cursed you somehow. Why?
You did nothing!
You're quite right there, dear.
You see, when the master
lost his mother...
and his cruel father
took that sweet, innocent lad...
and twisted him up
to be just like him...
we did nothing.
Let him sleep.
Days in the sun
When my life
has barely begun
Not until
my whole life is done
Will I ever leave you
Will I tremble again
To my dear one's
gorgeous refrain
Will you now
forever remain
Out of reach of my arms
Oh, those days in the sun
What I'd give
to relive just one
'Night, Mama.
Undo what's done
And bring back the light
Oh, I could sing
Of the pain
these dark days bring
The spell we're under
Still it's the wonder of us
I sing of tonight
How in the midst
of all this sorrow
Can so much
hope and love endure
I was innocent and certain
Now I'm wiser but unsure
Days in the past
I can't go back
into my childhood
Oh, those precious days couldn't last
One that my father
made secure
I can feel a change in me
Oh, hold me closer
I'm stronger now
but still not free
Days in the sun
Will return
we must believe
As lovers do
That days in the sun
Will come shining through
What happens
when the last petal falls?
The master remains
a beast forever.
And we become...
- Antiques.
- Knick-knacks.
Lightly-used houseware.
We become rubbish.
I want to help you.
There must be some way
to break the curse.
Well, there is one.
It's not for you
to worry about, lamb.
We've made our bed
and we must lie in it.
Thank you, Agathe.
"Love can transpose
to form and dignity.
"Love looks not with the eyes
"but with the mind
and therefore..."
"And therefore is winged Cupid
painted blind."
You know Shakespeare?
I had an expensive education.
Actually, Romeo and Juliet's
my favorite play.
Why is that not a surprise?
I'm sorry?
Well, all that heartache
and pining and...
So many better things to read.
Like what?
Well, there are a couple of...
things in here
you could start with.
Are you all right?
It's wonderful!
Yes. I suppose it is.
Well, if you like it so much,
then it's yours.
Have you really read every one
of these books?
Well, not all of them.
Some of them are in Greek.
Was that a joke?
Are you making jokes now?
"The air is blue
and keen and cold...
"and in a frozen sheath,
"Each branch, each twig...
"each blade of grass seems
clad miraculously with...
I feel as if I'm
seeing it for the first time.
Is there any more?
"But in that solemn silence
is heard the whisper...
"of every sleeping thing.
"Look. Look at me.
"Come wake me up.
"For still here I be."
There's something sweet
and almost kind
But he was mean
and he was coarse and unrefined
And now he's dear
and so unsure
I wonder why
I didn't see it there before
She glanced this way
I thought I saw
And when we touched
She didn't shudder at my paw
No, it can't be
I'll just ignore
But then
she's never looked at me
That way before
New, and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought
that this could be
True that
he's no Prince Charming
But there's something in him
That I simply didn't see
Well, who'd have thought?
Well, bless my soul!
- Well, who'd have known?
- Well, who indeed?
And who'd have guessed
They'd come together on their own
It's so peculiar
Wait and see
We'll wait and see
A few days more
There may be something there
That wasn't there before
And here's a thought...
Perhaps there's something there
That wasn't there before
What, Mama?
There may be something there
That wasn't there before
What is it? What's there?
I'll tell you
when you're older.
Okay, I'm older!
You are a one.
What are you reading?
Guinevere and Lancelot.
Well, actually...
King Arthur
and the Round Table.
Knights and men
and swords and things.
it's a romance.
All right.
I never thanked you
for saving my life.
Well, I never thanked you...
for not leaving me
to be eaten by wolves.
They know
how to have a good time.
Yes. But when I enter the room,
laughter dies.
Me too.
The villagers say that
I'm a funny girl...
but I'm not sure they mean it
as a compliment.
I'm sorry.
Your village sounds terrible.
Almost as lonely
as your castle.
What do you say we run away?
Another little gift
from the enchantress.
A book that truly allows you
to escape.
How amazing!
It was her cruelest trick of all.
It was just another curse.
The outside world has no place
for a creature like me...
but it can for you.
Think of the one place
you've always wanted to see.
Now find it in your mind's eye.
Then feel it in your heart.
Where did you take us?
Oh, I love Paris.
What would you like to see first?
Notre Dame...
The Champs-lyses...
Too touristy?
It's so much smaller
than I imagined.
This is the Paris of my childhood
These were
the borders of my life
In this crumbling, dusty attic
Where an artist loved his wife
Easy to remember
Harder to move on
Knowing the Paris of my childhood
Is gone
What happened to your mother?
It was the one story
Papa could never bring himself to tell.
I knew better than to ask.
Oh. A doctor's mask.
You must leave now.
before it takes her too.
I'm sorry I ever
called your father a thief.
Let's go home.
This is some storm, huh?
At least
we're not tied to a tree
in the middle of nowhere...
surrounded by bloodthirsty wolves.
You know it's not too late.
We could always turn back...
It's just...
every time I close my eyes...
I picture Maurice stranded alone.
And then when I open them...
did you try to kill Maurice?
Thank heavens!
I've spent the last five days...
- trying to find you.
- You tried to kill me.
You left me to the wolves.
It's one thing to rave
about your delusions.
It's another to accuse me
of attempted murder.
do you have any proof
of what you're saying?
Ask Agathe. She rescued me.
You'd hang your accusations
on the testimony...
of a filthy hag?
No offense, Agathe.
Monsieur LeFou.
He was there. He saw it all.
You're right.
Don't take my word for it.
my dearest companion...
did I...
your oldest friend
and most loyal compatriot...
try to kill the father
of the only woman I've ever loved?
Well, it's a complicated question
on a number of accounts...
But no.
No, he did not.
it pains me to say this,
but you've become a danger
to yourself and others.
No wonder Belle ran away.
You need help, sir.
A place to heal
your troubled mind.
Everything's going to be fine.
Just fine.
Well, I saw her
in the ballroom...
and said, "You're making
everything look so beautiful.
"We should have
a dance tonight."
I never imagined
she'd actually say yes.
What was I thinking?
No, Master.
It's perfect.
The rose has only four petals left
which means tonight...
you can tell her how you feel.
I feel like a fool.
She will never love me.
Do not be discouraged.
She is the one.
I wish you'd stop saying that!
There is no "one."
You care for her, don't you?
Well, then,
woo her with beautiful music
and romantic candlelight.
Yes, and when
the moment's just right...
Well, how will I know?
You will feel slightly nauseous.
Don't worry, Master.
You'll do fine.
Just stop being so nervous
and tell Belle how you feel.
Because if you don't...
I promise you'll be drinking cold tea
for the rest of your days!
- In the dark.
- Covered in dust.
Dark and very, very dusty.
Start with the hair.
Women love nice hair!
I'll take
the fingers and toes.
Chapeau, brush those teeth.
They need it.
Dip, dip.
Snip, snip.
Polish the nails.
Shine the horns.
Eyes closed. Poof, poof.
And to top it all off...
Okay, I can fix this.
Oh! Beautiful!
But something is missing.
Oh, yes.
The finishing touch.
Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody
bends unexpectedly
Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
I haven't danced in years.
I'd almost forgotten the feeling.
It's foolish, I suppose...
for a creature like me to hope...
that one day he might earn
your affection.
I don't know.
You think
you could be happy here?
Can anybody be happy
if they aren't free?
My father taught me to dance.
I used to step on his toes a lot.
You must miss him.
Very much.
Would you like to see him?
I'd like to see my father.
What are they doing to him?
He's in trouble!
Then you must go to him.
What did you say?
You must go to him.
No time to waste.
you keep it with you.
Then you'll always have a way
to look back on me.
Thank you.
Well, Master,
I have had my doubts,
but everything
is moving like clockwork.
True love really does win the day!
I let her go.
You what?
Master, how could you do that?
I had to.
But why?
Because he loves her.
Then why are we not human?
Because she doesn't love him.
And now, it's too late.
But she might still come back.
I set her free.
I'm sorry I couldn't do
the same for all of you.
Now, go.
Our time is almost past.
Come, my love.
I was the one who had it all
I was the master of my fate
I never needed anybody in my life
I learned the truth too late
I'll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes
but she's still there
I let her steal
into my melancholy heart
It's more than I can bear
Now I know
she 'll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me
Calm me, hurt me
Move me, come what may
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself
she'll walk right in
And be with me for evermore
I rage against the trials of love
I curse the fading of the light
Though she's already flown
So far beyond my reach
She's never out of sight
Now I know
she'll never leave me
Even as she fades from view
She will still inspire me
Be a part of everything I do
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself
she'll walk right in
And as the long, long nights begin
I'll think of all that might have been
Waiting here for evermore
This man is weak.
He needs a hospital...
not an asylum!
Have you ever seen the inside
of a mad house, Maurice?
You wouldn't last a week.
Just give me your daughter's hand,
and I'll set you free.
Take him away!
Oh, Belle.
I thought I'd lost you.
Let him out! He's hurt.
We can't do that, miss.
But we'll take
very good care of him.
My father's not crazy.
Gaston, tell him!
You know how loyal I am
to your family...
but your father's been making
some unbelievable claims.
It's true, Belle.
He's been raving about a beast...
in a castle!
I've just come from the castle
and there is a beast!
You'd say anything to set him free.
Your word is hardly proof.
You want proof?
Show me the Beast!
There's your proof.
This is sorcery!
Look at this beast!
Look at his fangs!
His claws!
No. Don't be afraid.
He's gentle and kind.
The monster has her under his spell.
If I didn't know better,
I'd say she even cared for him!
He's not a monster, Gaston.
You are!
The Beast wouldn't hurt anyone.
I've heard of the effects
of dark magic...
but I've never before seen it
with my own eyes!
This is a threat
to our very existence!
We can't have her
running off to warn the beast.
Lock her up too.
- No!
- Come here!
Shut up!
You won't get away
with this, Gaston!
Oh, Belle!
with all due respect...
Do you want to be next?
Fetch my horse.
Stand guard!
Don't let them escape.
This creature will curse us all
if we don't stop him.
Well, I say,
we kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
We're not safe until he's dead
He'll come stalking us at night
Set to sacrifice our children
To his monstrous appetite
He'll wreak havoc on our village
If we let him wander free
So it's time to take some action, boys
It's time to follow me
Through the mist, through the wood
Through the darkness and the shadows
It's a nightmare
But it's one exciting ride
Say a prayer, then we're there
At the drawbridge of a castle
And there's something
truly terrible inside
It's a beast
He's got fangs, razor sharp ones
Massive paws,
killer claws for the feast
Hear him roar, see him foam
But we're not coming home
'Til he's dead
Good and dead
Kill the beast!
Light your torch,
mount your horse
Screw your courage
to the sticking place
We 're counting
on Gaston to lead the way
Call it war, call it threat
You can bet they all will follow
For in times like this
They'll do just as I say
There's a beast running wild
There's no question
But I fear
the wrong monster's released
Sally forth, tally ho
Grab your sword, grab your bow
Praise the Lord, and here we go
Show me the castle.
At least he has finally
learned to love.
A lot of good that does us
if she doesn't love him in return.
No. This is the first time
I've had any real hope she would.
Did you hear that, Mama?
Is it her? Is she coming back?
Could it be?
I told you!
Sacr bleu!
Well, there you go.
So much for true love.
Man the barricades...
and hold fast!
Move aside!
Hearts ablaze, banners high
We go marching into battle
Unafraid, although
the danger's just increased
Raise the flag, sing the song
Here we come, we're fifty strong
And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong
Let's kill the beast!
We need help.
- I have to warn the Beast.
- Warn him?
How did you get away from him?
He let me go, Papa.
He sent me back to you.
I don't understand.
Where did you...
He took me there.
I know what happened to Maman.
Then you know
why I had to leave her there.
I had to protect you.
I've always tried to protect
my little girl.
Probably too much.
I understand.
Will you help me now?
It's dangerous.
Yes, it is.
I could try to pick the lock.
After all...
it's only gears and springs.
But I would need...
something long and sharp.
Like that.
Oh, excuse me, Master.
I'm so sorry to disturb you.
She's not coming back.
They're breaking down the doors!
Doesn't matter now.
Just let them come.
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
This isn't working!
I know what to do.
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Kill the beast!
Are you not
the least bit concerned...
that this castle might be haunted?
Don't lose your nerve, LeFou.
Where are we?
This place seems familiar.
Like I've been here before.
Oh, hello, there.
You must be the talking tea cup.
And you must be...
his grandmother.
Oh, hello!
Sorry, old friend.
It's hero time.
Ooh, ouch!
Oh, uh...
I believe this is yours.
She's very headstrong.
Do you have children?
No one
to protect you now, huh?
One, two, three, four...
five, six, seven, eight...
Good show, Chip, my boy.
The infantry's arrived.
Now, go and teach them a lesson. Go.
Yes, those are called books,
you third rate musketeers.
Oh! I'm off.
Just a clock.
Come here...
little boys.
I spin you this way.
I put it on.
Yes, pretty little boys. Yes!
Go, be free!
Be free. Be free!
How do you like your tea?
Piping hot?
Or boiling?
Mr. Potts!
Thank you!
Take that!
Nicely handled!
Well, I used to be
on Gaston's side...
but we are so
in a bad place right now.
- You're too good for him, anyway.
- Yeah.
Should we get back to it, then?
Such sweet music.
- Stand back.
- Silence that harpsichord!
- What? Uh-oh!
- Maestro!
Darling! At last!
I'm coming, my love.
This is it!
The fat lady is singing.
Watch your toes!
That's it! Go! Go!
Bon voyage.
Safe trip home.
And stay out!
Hello, beast.
I'm Gaston.
Belle sent me.
Are you in love with her?
Did you honestly think
she'd want you?
Where is he?
When we return to the village...
you will marry me.
And that beast's head...
- will hang on our wall.
- Never!
I'm coming for you, beast.
- No!
- Belle?
You came back!
- I tried to stop them!
- Stay there!
I'm coming.
Don't let me go.
I'll do anything.
Don't hurt me, beast.
I am not...
a beast.
Get out!
It's too far!
Come on.
You came back.
Of course I came back.
I'll never leave you again.
I'm afraid
it's my turn to leave.
We're together now.
It's gonna be fine.
At least I got to see you.
One last time.
Please, no.
Come back.
We did it, Plumette!
Victory is ours.
- Oh...
- Plumette?
Oh, my darling, Plumette.
Oh, no.
Maestro, you were so brave.
Goodbye, my love.
No! Don't leave me!
Have you seen Chip?
He ran off.
Where is my little boy?
- Mama!
- Oh, no!
I can't...
It's all right, Cogsworth.
I can't...
my friend.
It was an honor to serve...
with you.
The honor was mine.
Come back.
Please don't leave me.
I love you.
Oh. Maestro!
- Lumire!
- Ah?
Cogsworth, we beat the clock!
Mon ami!
Oh. Mon amour.
Oh. Oh.
Chip! Look at you!
You're a little boy again!
What did I tell you, darling?
You smell so good!
Froufrou, finalmente!
Oh! Mr. Potts!
Beatrice! I remember!
I do!
Oh! Oh, dear.
I've been so lonely.
Turn back into a clock.
Turn back into a clock.
Lumire, look!
Oh, my Prince!
Hello, old friend.
Oh! It's so good to see you.
You saved our lives, mademoiselle.
Belle! It's me!
It's Chip!
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Winter turns to spring
Famine turns to feast
Nature points the way
Nothing left to say
Beauty and the Beast
What? What is it?
How would you feel
about growing a beard?
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold on to
Never easy but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow a time
and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts
And always will
Minutes turn to hours
Days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
Maybe some moments
weren't so perfect
Maybe some memories not so sweet
But we have to know some bad times
Or our lives are incomplete
Then when shadows overtake us
Just when we feel all hope is gone
We'll hear our song
and know once more
Our love lives on
Oh, oh
How does a moment last forever?
How does our happiness endure?
Through the darkest of our troubles
Love is beauty, love is pure
Love pays no mind to desolation
It flows like a river through the soul
Protects, proceeds, and perseveres
And makes us whole
Minutes turn to hours
Days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on
How does a moment last forever
When our song lives on
Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends unexpectedly
Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
And ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Ever just the same
And ever a surprise
Ever as before
And ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Oh, oh, oh
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
I was the one who had it all
I was the master of my fate
I never needed anybody in my life
I learned the truth too late
I'll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes but she's still there
I let her steal into my melancholy heart
It's more than I can bear
Now I know
she 'll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me
Calm me, hurt me
Move me, come what may
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself
she'll walk right in
And be with me for evermore
I rage against the trials of love
I curse the fading of the light
Though she's already flown
So far beyond my reach
She's never out of sight
Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she fades from view
She will still inspire me
Be a part of everything I do
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself she 'll walk right in
And as the long, long nights begin
I'll think of all that might have been
Waiting here for evermore