Bedelia (1946) Movie Script

"This was Bedelia.
Beautiful and charming."
"She radiated a curious innocence."
"Eager to fascinate
those she attracted."
"Like a poisonous flower."
"I first met her in Monte Carlo."
"That is where the strange
story of Bedelia begins."
"Monte Carlo. In the autumn of 1938."
Mr Chaney, Mr Martin is in his office.
- Thank you.
Monsieur Chaney.
Bonjour, Mr Martin. How are you?
Excellent, thank you.
Will you not sit down?
I see that you have found a friend.
What a lovely creature.
- Yes. Isn't she.
My poor innocent young friend.
I fear for you.
There is not a woman in Monte Carlo
that will not be attracted by that dog.
You are just in time.
The lady should be here any moment now.
Will you introduce me?
- Yes. Of course.
If she is interested in your offer.
Even if she's not I would
still like to meet her.
Your letter of introduction only says
that you are a buyer of pearls.
Now please, mon ami. Attendez.
Is it the pearl you're
after or the lady?
We all have our secrets, Mr Martin.
Of course. As you wish. But I warn you.
That if it is a lady then
you are wasting your time.
There is no chance for you.
- You don't know me, Mr Martin.
No. But I know my customer.
She's here on honeymoon and
it seems unhappily for you ..
To be a very happy one.
You told me she was married before.
The first honeymoon is one thing.
The second can be very different.
Madame Carrington, you understand,
Her first husband, who died, was rich.
Oh, very, very rich.
But her new husband ..
She loves.
Too bad.
The lady and the pearl are both here.
She brought me the black pearl.
One of the most perfect I've ever seen.
And asked me to design a setting.
Just one moment.
I will see what I can do for you.
Bonjour, madame. Are you satisfied?
More than satisfied. I am delighted.
I've never seen such
a beautiful setting.
Worthy of such a pearl.
And the hand that will wear it.
It's lovely.
- One moment.
It is without a flaw.
Should you ever wish to sell it?
- I shan't .. ever.
But if you should, madame,
you will give me a chance?
My offer would be generous.
How much?
One hundred thousand francs.
One hundred thousand francs.
No, Mr Martin. I am sorry.
This pearl is not for sale.
You send my bill to the Imperial Hotel?
- Of course, madame.
I hope madame is enjoying
her stay in Monte Carlo.
Very much, thank you. Goodbye.
- Au revoir, madame.
Au revoir.
Madame Carrington, Excuse me.
Mr Carrington left a message.
He is in the salon de lecture.
Thank you.
- Madame.
Hello darling.
Had a nice afternoon?
What have you been doing?
Nothing. With a bit of
window-gazing thrown in.
I brought this.
What a lovely toy. Who for?
For me.
I love dolls.
You're a child still, aren't you Biddy.
I love it when you call me Biddy.
What have you been doing?
Not writing letters all afternoon.
What's that?
My camera.
Ellen sent it.
Thoughtful of her, wasn't it.
Oh yes, your secretary.
- No, darling. Not my secretary.
I told you. My junior partner.
Well, she's something to do
with your stuffy old business.
Steady. Hold it.
Charlie. Don't.
What is it? What's the matter?
I don't like having my photograph taken.
Don't? Why ever not?
I'm not photogenic.
Who told you that?
Several cameras.
Not this one. This camera can't lie.
No, I say.
Darling, don't be absurd.
Something happens to me
when I look into a camera.
I'd sooner face a dentist
than a photographer.
I haven't got a single picture of you.
Well, haven't you something better?
You've got me.
Let's go out.
- Can I bring my camera?
If you promise to confine yourself
to picture-postcard views.
Is my bill ready, madame?
- Yes, Monsieur.
Here it is.
We are sorry you are leaving us.
Have we not made you comfortable?
- Very comfortable, madame.
Then I hope we shall see you again.
- I hope so too.
I'm just leaving for business reasons.
- Merci, Monsieur.
What about your letters?
- Send them to the Hotel Imperial.
Most certainly.
You'll ruin yourself there.
- I think it will pay me in the end.
Merci, madame. Au revoir.
- Bon chance, Monsieur.
I'll get the letters.
Order some drinks, darling.
What for you?
That's a very serious question.
- I know.
Whiskey soda.
That is a new idea.
I married an original woman.
I shan't be long.
[ French language ]
Where did you come from?
[ French language ]
I speak English too.
That is really very good.
She is attractive, isn't she.
You are wasting your time.
She is on her honeymoon.
Oh, is she?
Just the same.
I'll ask her to have a drink with me.
You wish to hire a dog?
- What?
I have it on the very best authority.
That there is crudeness, no vulgarity.
When a small dog introduces
a gentleman to a strange lady.
May I offer you William?
Thanks, but I'll risk it alone.
- Mind if I come along?
To observe your method. If you
don't pull it off I stand you a drink.
By the way, my name's Chaney.
Ben Chaney.
Mine is Carrington.
Have I met you somewhere before, madame?
- No.
No. I don't think so.
- Wasn't it in Paris?
Yes. Of course.
I'm told you're here on honeymoon.
I hope you will be very happy.
- I'm sure I shall.
I am married to the most
wonderful man in the world.
Let's drink to the
wonderful man's health.
May I present Mr Chaney.
Mrs Carrington.
I see. Now I know why
you didn't need a dog.
How are you?
- What will you have?
A whiskey.
- Another whiskey.
Mr Chaney is an artist, darling.
He made an awfully clever sketch of you.
I see.
Mrs Carrington doesn't
share your enthusiasm.
It's not your fault, Mr Chaney.
I'm very hard to draw.
You think so?
She has some sort of obsession.
Thinks she's not photogenic. Absurd.
I say, what is this?
I've had it for ages.
- I've never seen it before.
A cheap little thing
I picked up in Paris.
It cost about 40 francs.
I don't like to see it on you, darling.
- Why ever not?
I don't like artificial jewellery.
Everybody wears it nowadays.
It's very chic.
Sorry. I might be old-fashioned but I
don't like my wife wearing imitations.
I'm sorry you disapprove of my taste.
Mrs Carrington is quite right.
She's not an easy subject.
There, You see, Charlie?
It's not just an obsession.
But she is a very interesting one.
Am I?
- To a painter.
Your colour is magnificent.
Your lines are tempting.
I'm speaking as an artist now.
I would like to paint you.
Would you sit for me?
She'd be delighted. Won't you, Biddy?
I am flattered.
But I shall have to think about it.
I must go and change.
It was nice meeting you, Mr Chaney.
Would you dine with me?
I'm staying here.
- Good. So are we.
Come to my room first for a drink.
I can show you some of my work.
We have a date for tonight.
Thanks all the same.
Some other time, Chaney.
Have you ever seen anything
so blue as her eyes?
She squints.
- She doesn't. She's perfect.
Aren't you, beautiful?
I wish I could take her back with me.
- You can't, you know.
What about the quarantine regulations?
- We'll get round those.
It's not as easy as all that.
Besides, she doesn't even belong to you.
Notice anything?
- I notice a very lovely hand.
That silly old ring.
I'm never going to wear it again.
Because I criticised it?
Did that worry you so much, darling?
You married a bit of a prig, you know.
- You were quite right.
Your taste is much better than mine.
My sweet.
[ Door knocks ]
[ French language ]
No use trying to buy it, Biddy.
You can't take that cat into England.
It is easy.
I'll hide her in my knitting bag and
flirt with the customs inspector.
No you won't. Not when you're with me.
All women smuggle a bit.
Didn't you know?
Here you are, Nanette.
Merci, Monsieur.
- Thank you.
Bonsoir Monsieur.
- Bonsoir.
I shall miss Topaz.
I think you are horrid.
Darling. You don't really
mean that, do you?
Even when I tease you I love you.
You know I do.
Bonjour, Monsieur.
She brought you luck?
- She did indeed.
I know. I know. We have had thousands
of lonely ladies and gentlemen.
Why, last year one
couple even got married.
But you have had her for
a long time. Five days.
I remember.
And very pleasant days they've been.
How much do I owe you?
Five days. Fifty francs.
Your deposit was a hundred.
How is the painting getting on?
I have changed my style.
Would you like to see?
Yes please.
Not bad.
You have excellent taste.
Her name is Bedelia.
What a lovely face.
What a lovely lady.
Thank you, Monsieur.
Just a moment, Monsieur.
My business card.
Your friends also may
appreciate our services.
You never know.
- Bonjour.
Bonjour, Monsieur.
Another bottle please.
To round off the celebrations, Biddy.
- Celebrations?
Our second wedding anniversary.
Two months today.
Well, well. And still happily married.
Looking at you two.
Even a hardened bachelor
like me has his regrets.
When I started my holiday I
didn't think I'd end up married.
You'll fall for it too.
- Then you see how much you've missed.
Marriage is like a religion.
No-one is as zealous as a new convert.
Don't you agree?
I am the only convert.
My wife was married before.
I'm so sorry, Mrs Carrington.
I had no idea.
Don't worry, Mr Chaney.
How were you to know?
I think it's silly to be
embarrassed about the past.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Would I make things worse to say I hope
the past was as happy as the present is?
Most of it was. Very happy.
Charlie's helps me forget
the part that wasn't.
The husband was an artist in Paris.
- We had very little money.
It made things a bit difficult at times.
- I know what that can be like.
By the way, I wonder if I know
your first husband's work?
I doubt it.
He'd have been a great
painter had he lived.
He'd just begun to sell.
- His name was Burgess.
Raoul Burgess.
No. I don't think I've ever
run across anything of his.
If you ever do, can you get it for me?
My wife hasn't one of his paintings.
- Of course I will.
To your anniversary.
To our guest.
To Bedelia. And her portrait.
By the way, how's it going?
- Slowly.
Rather slowly.
Excuse me, will you.
Mr Chaney.
I'd rather you didn't
go on with my portrait.
Why not?
I don't like to sit.
It makes me nervous.
You won't deprive posterity
of my masterpiece.
Posterity isn't worth my getting
a headache every day.
But your husband is so keen on it.
We want to please him, don't we?
They were playing this
when we first met.
Shall we dance?
Is anything wrong?
He'll charge you an enormous
fee for painting my portrait.
What makes you think that?
- I know artists.
They'll only stay in hotels like this if
there's a chance to paint rich ladies.
I am not a rich man.
- He probably thinks you are.
This is a very expensive hotel and
we're spending as if we had millions.
Well, you only go on your
honeymoon once in your life.
Sorry, darling.
It is very nice having money to spend.
But I would love you just
as much if you hadn't any.
All the same, I shan't let him
charge you an outrageous fee.
Raoul Burgess.
Headache again?
Just five minutes more.
No-one sitting for a portrait has any
right to look as enchanting as you do.
Why not?
It's very disturbing.
If you weren't happily married.
I should say more than I am going to.
Sometimes I paint what I
think as well as what I see.
I find it fascinating to try to catch ..
Not just the face or
figure of my subject.
But to portray the soul of my model
with all its hidden secrets.
To the artist you are
a puzzling subject.
How puzzling?
You ought to have red hair.
Nature got her colours mixed
when she was making you up.
What's the matter, darling?
- How quick can you pack?
What happened?
- We go home.
Sorry to drag you away
from this but I can't help it.
Did the directors like your plan?
- They will.
I must be at the next meeting.
It means a lot to you, doesn't it.
I'll pay more income tax.
You're not deserting me?
What about the portrait?
Posterity will have to do without it.
- And so unfortunately will I.
I must get to Yorkshire
sometime and finish it.
A great idea. The dales are a
painter's paradise anyway.
He must come, mustn't he.
- Yes.
Do come.
That's not possible.
- Why? We've plenty of room.
Ever had an artist stay with you?
It's not like having the vicar to tea.
- He's right, darling.
Artists want a lot of space
to mess about in.
Take that up to my room.
Nice of you but it won't work.
I'm afraid I should need a studio.
We'll find you a place in no time.
Ellen knows every house in the district.
I'm afraid you've made a mistake.
Pardon. Are you not Madame
Dulac from Bordeaux?
No, no. This is my wife.
Pardon. I am sorry.
We'll see you before we go.
- Sure.
I was certain she was Madame Dulac.
- Don't worry. We all make mistakes.
I know. I know.
But I worry very much, Monsieur.
Me. I never forget a face.
To make such a blunder.
- You seem disappointed.
Do you know Madame Dulac well?
Her late husband was
my very good friend.
He left for paradise.
His widow left no address.
You mean she disappeared?
- Completely.
It seems to have upset you.
Was it very important?
- In itself no.
But in my business
we like to be correct.
And exact.
Forgive me, Monsieur.
What is your business?
- Assurance-vie.
Pardon. Life insurance.
Hello. I thought you were packing.
When are you off?
- First thing tomorrow.
I came down to talk to you.
- I'm honoured. Have a drink.
No thank you.
Shall we go out on the terrace?
Did you mean it about
coming to Yorkshire?
Yes. I did.
I wish you wouldn't.
So that's why you came down.
What about the portrait?
The portrait is only an excuse.
An excuse for what?
I want you to stay away
from me altogether.
Do you? Why?
I am happily married.
I intend to remain so.
But your husband wants your portrait.
That's not what you want.
What do you think I want?
Charlie likes you.
He thinks you are his friend.
I am glad to know that.
- He trusts people.
He's not like most men.
If you're as sincere as him it never
occurs to you others can be deceitful.
But you have never deceived
your husband, Bedelia.
Just a minute.
Where is that ring?
That little 40-franc trinket worth
one hundred thousand francs.
It's not true.
Monsieur Martin the jeweller
is a friend of mine.
He's also an expert on black pearls.
Here we are, darling. Home.
Hello Mary.
We didn't expect you soon, Mr Charles.
This is Mary. She knows more about
the Carringtons than any of us.
I hope you don't scare me
with any family skeletons.
The Carringtons have no scandals, madam.
Be on your best behaviour, Bedelia.
You've a tradition to uphold.
There's never been a Mrs Carrington
yet who didn't do that, Mr Charles.
And there won't be now.
- Thank you, Mary.
Welcome home, master Charles.
Well, Hannah. How are you?
This is Mary's little sister. She comes
in to help us when we need her.
How do you do, Hannah.
Well, darling.
It's good to be home again.
Here it is.
What do you think of it?
Charlie, it's perfect.
That's where you burnt your initials.
Yes. And got a jolly
good walloping for it.
You must have been a little horror.
And there is the old clock.
Why, it is going.
You told me it had stopped.
Charlie, I love it all.
- Do you?
I'm glad you didn't see it in
all its Victorian grandeur.
It was a museum of horrors.
It's a blessing your mother can't
hear you say that, Mr Charles.
She liked things plain and solid.
Proper Yorkshire, eh Mary?
She ought to have been with
ten generations behind her.
More credit to her.
I'm afraid your taste runs to red
plush and stuffy ancestors.
Why, Ellen dear.
You're looking well.
Marriage is a great tonic, Ellen.
Here she is, Bedelia.
- Hello.
I've heard so much about you.
I do hope you will be very
happy here, Mrs Carrington.
I'm sure I shall be.
What a lovely Siamese. May I?
Yes. It's for you. From Charles.
Charlie. Thank you.
Thanks, Ellen. I never thought
you'd find one in Yorkshire.
It was a bit of a problem I admit.
They don't seem to go in
for Siamese around here.
Her name is Araminta.
I shall call you Topaz.
You've done a grand job on the house.
Do you like it?
- Looks as if it's had a facelift.
I don't know what I'd
do without you, Ellen.
What do you think of the fireplace?
I took down the overmantle.
I wasn't sure about it.
It's a great improvement.
It was like a caricature
of the Albert Memorial.
It's a blessing your poor mother
can't hear you now, Mr Charles.
That overmantle was one of the
old museum pieces, darling.
My grandfather brought it from Italy.
What other surprise have you got for us?
The dining room windows.
Do you notice the difference?
I like it.
Now you can really see the rose garden.
Come and have a look at it.
That is our show piece, isn't it Ellen.
You're not being fair to the garden.
November is the worst month to see it.
When the roses are in bloom it's divine.
I am sure it must be.
Good afternoon, Mrs Carrington.
- Hello, Miss Jenkins. How are you?
Can't complain, thank you.
Mr Carrington is not in.
- Where is he?
Down at the new Mill site.
Is Miss Walker here?
- No. She's with Mr Carrington.
They should be back any minute now.
- I'll wait.
Hello, darling. This is a surprise.
I've been shopping.
You are going to drive me home.
- Of course.
You sit down quietly. I have a few
things I want to clear up with Ellen.
Bring her back with us.
You can work in the study and
she can stay on for supper.
Well, we have quite a lot to do.
- Please darling.
Miss Jenkins. What are the
arrangements for tomorrow?
A board meeting at 10:30 and at 12
Mr Johnson about your insurance.
That is for you.
- For me?
I'm increasing my life insurance.
- Darling.
Anything else?
You saw the personal letter from Paris?
No. Where is it?
- I put it on your desk.
Well, I can't see it.
Here it is.
Thanks, Miss Jenkins.
Hello Bedelia.
Here's the contract, Charlie.
- You're coming home with us.
Am I?
- Do come.
You can finish your
work and then we eat.
I shouldn't really. The Bennetts
expect me for bridge on Mondays.
Tell them you have a headache.
She will get one if she plays
bridge with the Bennetts.
It should be a good supper. It's Mary's
night out and I'm making fish casserole.
You're in for a treat.
Casserole a la Bedelia. Come on.
These are good. First rate.
Do you mean it?
I wouldn't say so if I didn't.
It's only roughed out so far.
I know.
They have the Carrington touch already.
That is good. I'm glad you like them.
It was your verdict I wanted.
- Ready for a drink?
Yes thanks, darling.
Aren't you having one with us?
I felt I was interrupting your work.
- No. Of course not.
You're sure?
- Quite sure.
Good work, Ellen.
We got a lot done and
we deserve our drink.
You know, you are very lucky.
Me, lucky?
There is so much of his life
you share that I don't.
I had forgotten about this.
Ah Chaney.
Well, cheers.
- Great news.
Ellen, do you know of
a studio in this area?
A studio?
- For a painter friend.
A chap we met in Monte Carlo.
He's doing a portrait of Bedelia.
How exciting.
Aren't you thrilled, Bedelia?
A studio around here? That's even
harder to find than the Siamese cat.
Ben says he's never forgot what I said
about the dales. A painter's paradise.
He can be with us for Christmas.
That will be fun.
He sends his love to you, dear.
- Does he?
He wants a cottage or a barn
that he can use as a studio.
You know. Big windows, northern light.
All that.
[ Telephone ]
Will you answer that, Hannah, please.
Yes, sir.
Hello, hello.
That's me. Hannah.
I like it here.
And he likes me too.
He would have a rare job of it keeping
the place tidy with his brushes and ..
Paints and canvases and all.
Yes. I expect I can manage that.
Well, I can ask him.
Mr Chaney.
Mrs Carrington asks if you can spare me
to go and help with the Christmas party.
Certainly, Hannah.
Perhaps I can come with you in the car?
With pleasure.
Hello, hello.
It's alright. I can come.
Goodbye, Mary.
Don't bother to help me, dear.
I'll be perfectly alright.
Here is the house or are you
trying to save some petrol?
Now I know how Eliza
felt crossing the ice.
Ah, darling. What heavenly singers.
Aren't they wonderful?
- Yes.
Give them something, Alec.
- There you are.
Don't hurt yourself.
I can't wait to see Bedelia's face when
she sees both of us come in together.
Merry Christmas to you.
The same to you, Mrs Johnstone.
- Merry Christmas to you, Mary.
Can I take your coat?
- If you don't mind.
Thank you, my darling.
Are we the first arrivals?
- Yes, sir.
Mr and Mrs Carrington
will be down in a minute.
Don't you worry about us, Mary.
We're alright looking after ourselves.
Charlie. Sylvia Johnson
is back from London.
No mistaking that voice.
- Yes. But we've nothing for her.
Is that so tragic?
- We've presents for everyone else.
We'll think of something.
Come on, darling. Let's get down.
Merry Christmas.
It's wonderful to see you
two adorable people again.
Aren't you amazed to see us back?
- We hoped you'd be here for our party.
And you're the very first to know.
We're not divorcing after all.
Alec makes far too much money.
- I knew she'd finish up here.
Honeychild. I've a wee
little present for you.
Thank you.
You must open it immediately.
We're dying to see how you like it.
She got it in London.
Do please open it.
- Not now.
We're going to open
all our presents later.
Are we all having presents?
But how nice.
- Do come and sit by the fire.
Excuse me. I'll get the drinks.
Did you have a very gay time in London?
- Gay? In London?
It was dull, dreary drab,
cold and foggy.
It was awful.
Merry Christmas everybody.
We very nearly didn't get here.
One of our patients has a little
Christmas surprise on the way.
I hope it's not born before that
Christmas tree is unloaded.
Nice of you to come, Mr Winton.
- I couldn't miss coming.
To wish you every happiness
on your first Christmas here.
Hello, Vicar. Glad you could come.
Merry Christmas.
- Come and sit down.
I've an inspiration
for Sylvia's present.
Tell you later.
Here we are.
- Happy Christmas, Mrs Bennett.
I had no idea it was to
be such a grand party.
With us, Christmas is just a
simple family celebration.
Happy Christmas.
Happy Christmas.
- Edward.
A little remembrance for you, dear.
- Thank you. How sweet of you.
Christmas comes but once a year.
My dear Mrs Bennett.
What a heavenly gown.
That is really something
out of another world.
Wherever did you get it?
Surely not in Leasford.
What's the great inspiration
for Sylvia's present?
The pearl ring.
That imitation pearl.
That one you had in Monte Carlo.
We can't give her that.
- Why not?
You say it looks cheap.
It did on you, my dear.
But it won't on Sylvia.
We can give her something else.
I don't see why you make such a fuss
about a little ring you never even wear.
We can't give Sylvia that ring
because I haven't got it anymore.
What has happened to it?
- I've given it away.
Why didn't you tell me
that in the first place?
You didn't give me a chance.
I am sorry.
- No.
No, darling. It was my fault.
I should have told you sooner.
We'll join the others.
You hand out the cocktails.
I'll see what I can find for Sylvia.
Merry Christmas, Ellen.
- The same to you, Ben.
Darling, wonderful to see you again.
- Hello, Sylvia.
May I introduce Mr Chaney?
Mrs Johnstone.
How do you do.
- Hello.
Excuse me a minute while
I get rid of this thing.
Who is that gorgeous hunk of man?
Tell me about him. Is he married?
I haven't heard that he has a wife.
- Is he wealthy?
Has he got any money?
- Sylvia, really.
Ellen darling. Don't be so naive.
When a handsome man comes to town it's
a girl's duty to know all the facts.
I'm afraid I know nothing about him.
You mean to say he's never dated you?
- Yes. I have dined with him.
Then you must know something about him.
He doesn't talk much about himself.
How strange for a man.
Happy Christmas, Bedelia.
Happy Christmas, Ben.
Mr Chaney. Some of your favourites.
Smoked salmon. Thank you, Hannah.
You spoil me.
Charlie. Everybody.
Come and get your presents.
With our very best wishes.
Bedelia, thank you.
And you, darling.
What on earth are you doing?
We are rehearsing.
- What are you rehearsing?
See, whenever my wife Sylvia receives
a present I have to say: tch, tch.
Isn't that wonderful?
Isn't that wonderful. Bedelia, darling.
Thanks a million. And you Charlie.
She didn't know what to get
you but bath salts are so useful.
You are opening my present too.
I am dying to see how you both like it.
I say. Look.
You shouldn't have bought us this.
So extravagant.
Why not? We both simply
adore Charlie and you.
Yes, dear. But we can't deserve this.
That must have cost the
Johnstones a pretty penny.
It's none of our business.
What's got into Johnstone?
Why spend all that money on
a present to the Carringtons?
To tell the truth, it shows my gratitude
for the extra business he's given me.
I couldn't afford to increase my
insurance with business as it is.
You would if you'd married Bedelia.
He's just taken out a new
policy in her favour.
A wise man.
Life insurance is the
best investment of all.
What say you, vicar?
You must have seen many a man
die leaving his widow with ..
I say.
She's very sensitive I think.
Eh, doctor?
Yes. I think she is.
Sylvia would only ask 'how much'?
The party is going very well, isn't it.
- Yes.
I wonder who this is from.
Oh. Ben.
Mr Chaney. I'm simply dying
to ask you a question. May I?
Yes. I don't want a body on my hands.
Why ever did you come to Leasford?
Any special reason I
shouldn't have come?
No. But I can't imagine anyone
coming for no reason at all.
You're here, aren't you?
- Mr Chaney. I had no idea you cared.
I say, Biddy. Look.
It's beautiful.
Do tell me. Why are you here?
You would be surprised. Excuse me.
Almost anybody can cut me out.
It's a good thing I'm my own type.
You like it?
Thank you, Ben.
- One of yours?
Don't you recognise it?
'Raoul Burgess'.
That's only a year ago.
- It was one of his last.
Painted about a month before he died.
Yes. Yes, of course.
Where did you find it?
- In Paris. When I left Monte Carlo.
You asked me to look out for a Burgess.
- Yes.
A bit of luck.
I told Mr Pichard I had met you.
He sent his regards.
Thank you.
- Pichard? Who's he?
The man who bought Burgess's pictures.
Excuse me.
I'll do that, Hannah. You help Mary.
I simply must look at the picture.
Mind you.
I don't understand art.
But I know what I like.
What is wrong, Bedelia?
You seem nervous.
This is our first party.
I want it to be a success.
I'm sorry if I brought
back unhappy memories.
I didn't mean to.
Am I forgiven for choosing
that particular present?
I am extremely grateful.
Charlie seems to like it.
That must make you very happy.
I agree with you about Charlie. He's so
honest himself one hates to deceive him.
If you don't mind.
I've never seen you look
so lovely, Bedelia.
Even lovelier than that
last night at Monte Carlo.
Charlie wondered if
it was time for dinner.
I just finished lighting the candles.
Don't they look nice?
Would you mind opening the doors?
Doesn't that look stunning, Bedelia.
Come on in everybody. Dinner.
Biddy, you're a wonderful hostess.
I can't recall a gayer
party in this house.
We must have another one soon.
What's the matter?
I wish I could go away.
I thought you were happy here.
Aren't you?
Charlie, don't ever stop loving me.
- My darling, whatever ..
What's wrong?
You're not ill, are you?
- No, no. I'm alright.
You're ill. You're as white as a sheet.
No. It's nothing.
Something I've eaten maybe.
You'd better go straight to bed.
I'll bring you a powder.
One of those bubbly things of yours?
- They helped you before, didn't they?
Come along.
I will ..
I'll just see to the fire.
You're sure you'll be alright?
- Yes, dear. Quite sure.
Mr Chaney.
You haven't eaten your porridge.
That comes from all the smoked salmon
you had at the party last night.
I like smoked salmon, Hannah.
And I don't like porridge.
When you've been here a bit you'll eat
your porridge in the morning like we do.
[ Telephone ]
Hello, hello. Who is it?
Oh. It's you, Mary.
Mr Carrington?
That is bad.
Food poisoning.
Is there anything we can do?
Would you like me to
come over and help you?
Mary? Hello?
Mr Chaney, whatever do you think
has happened to Mr Carrington?
Mr Chaney.
- Good morning, Mary.
Hannah gave me the news.
How is Mr Carrington?
He has been poorly all night.
- Did you get the doctor?
He was with the Mason's baby.
But he's here now.
What does he say?
- It's them fancy foods last night.
That's what I say.
- Mrs Carrington must be very worried.
How did she take it?
- I wish you'd seen her, sir.
If it wasn't for her he'd
have been laid out by now.
What exactly did she do?
Whatever she did was right.
I'm sure of that.
Can you wait in the hall?
Mrs Carrington will be down in a minute.
Thank you, Mary.
Goodbye, Charlie.
We'll have you up and about in no time.
Tell me, Dr McAfee. Please.
How bad is he?
- I'll be honest. I don't know yet.
It's no use you worrying until I do.
- Something you're afraid to tell me?
When he's better I'll
give him an overhaul.
You should have seen him last night.
- It was probably something he ate.
Morning, Bedelia.
Sorry to hear about Charlie.
Anything I can do?
No thank you.
- You must have had a bad night.
May I?
- Thanks.
How is the patient, doctor?
- Getting along pretty well.
Thanks to this little lady's good sense.
You must get some rest, my dear.
Aren't you having a nurse?
- I don't need one.
Do you think it's a good idea, doctor?
- There's not much to do.
Bedelia has proved she's very capable.
- But she looks worn out.
I prefer to tend to my husband myself.
- Then you shall.
- Bye, and thanks for everything.
Take care of yourself.
I'll look in again tonight.
Goodbye, Mr Chaney.
- Doctor.
May I have a word?
- I've a very busy morning.
If you are driving into town can I come?
- Alright.
Goodbye, Bedelia.
But I fail to understand your
interest in this case, Mr Chaney.
Charlie is a friend of
mine and I think ..
That's no reason why you should
tell me how to diagnose a case.
Don't misunderstand me, doctor.
I am not criticising.
But there's something you should know.
There's nothing about Charlie
Carrington that I don't know.
I pulled that boy through
diphtheria and measles.
The day he was born I held him by the
heels and slapped the breath into him.
What are you trying to
tell me, Mr Chaney?
What is this? Investigator?
A detective?
Look here. What is this all about?
I made this for you, darling.
Please try and drink it.
I can't understand why
Ellen hasn't phoned.
Don't worry about the office.
This is serious.
A load of timber from Scotland.
That again?
It means a lot of money.
Why has she not phoned?
I told her you weren't to be disturbed.
Now drink your barley water.
It'll do you good.
I'm not as ill as all that.
You were last night.
You frightened me, Charlie.
Alright, Biddy.
I'll drink your barley water.
If it's Ellen I won't let her worry you.
Don't be so jumpy, darling.
You need rest more than I do.
Come in.
Dr McAfee, madam.
What does he want?
He didn't say, madam.
- Hello.
I've a call up the road. I've popped
in to see how you're getting on.
You weren't coming until this evening.
I changed my mind about the treatment.
In fact, I've engaged a nurse.
She's in her way.
Don't you think I'm the
best nurse for my husband?
You said before that ..
- Take it easy, darling.
Sit down.
What's the idea?
Am I as ill as all that?
Better safe than sorry.
The after effects of food poisoning need
watching more carefully than you expect.
It's for Bedelia's sake too, Charlie.
She needs rest.
- That is what I said.
How long have you had this trouble?
- A few weeks. A month perhaps.
It doesn't bother me.
Bedelia gives me something.
What does she give you?
- A sedative. I take it myself.
It works.
Jolly good stuff.
Made up in Paris.
A prescription my doctor gave me.
- May I?
I'd like to find out about
one of these miracle cures.
Now try and get to sleep, Charlie.
You too, Bedelia.
The nurse will be here at six.
And she will be in complete charge.
You understand?
Good evening.
- Evening.
I'm Miss Walker of Carrington & Company.
I telephoned you several times today.
Yes, Miss?
Any news of that load of timber from
Inverness? I have the despatch note.
I talked to the Stationmaster, Miss.
- Yes?
He'd like to see the despatch note.
- Here you are.
And this is nurse Harris.
How do you do.
Mrs Carrington quite understands, nurse.
That you are in complete
charge of the patient.
Mary, what are you doing?
- Making the bed up in here, ma'am.
But the nurse can sleep there.
I am to make up the guest room for you.
- For me?
Doctor's orders, Mrs Carrington.
The chemist's boy just
brought this, madam.
Anything that comes for Mr Carrington
should be given to me.
Excuse me. Is that for Mr Carrington?
Yes. I thought he may
like some gruel today.
The doctor told me exactly what
to give him, Mrs Carrington.
I am going to get your
milk, Mr Carrington.
How long is this going on?
- I don't know.
Why don't you get rid of her?
You are so much better.
Yes. I'll have a talk to Dr McAfee.
Here it is.
Drink it now please. It's your bedtime.
Yes. I suppose so.
- Goodnight, darling.
Sleep well.
Goodnight, nurse.
- Goodnight.
Then what did I discover? They'd made
a mistake and sent the stuff to Leith.
When are we getting it?
Every minute means money down the drain.
We've a claim against
them for what it's worth.
But as usual the railway will be right.
I am afraid so.
Come in.
Mr Chaney, madam.
- Ask him to come up.
Not necessary. May I join the party?
Of course, Ben. Come in.
- Hello Bedelia.
Hello Charlie. How are you?
- I'm fine. Won't you sit down?
You look better than I expected.
- So I ought to.
Three devoted women
looking after me night and day.
I was so worried when I heard
you'd engaged a nurse.
I thought you must be ..
- At death's door, eh?
Or a Yorkshireman would
not coddle himself.
I wouldn't have agreed if
my wife hadn't forced me.
Now, darling.
How is the portrait coming along?
- It isn't.
My model has been on holiday.
When will you sit again, Bedelia?
How about tomorrow?
It will be a change for you, darling.
This is our nurse.
Nurse Harris - Miss Walker.
How do you do.
And Mr Chaney.
- How do you do.
Time for your medicine, Mr Carrington.
Nurse Harrison looks very efficient,
Bedelia, Where did you find her?
If I'm ever, ill I'll ask you
to get one like her for me.
Dr McAfee recommended her.
Good afternoon, Miss.
- Hello Hannah.
Is Mr Chaney at home?
- Aye. He is about.
Would you like to go in?
- Thank you.
Hello Ellen.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
- Not at all.
Glad of the excuse.
The light has gone anyway.
Let me take your coat.
- No thank you.
Won't you sit down?
Ben, I've come to ask you something.
It is rather important.
- Won't it be easier sitting down?
Have a cigarette.
This is rather difficult for me.
I don't like interfering in
other people's affairs but ..
This time one of my best
friends is involved.
Involved in what?
I don't know.
That's why I have come to see you.
There is something odd going on.
In Leasford? Never.
- Please don't be flippant.
You know perfectly well what I mean.
There's some sort of intrigue
and that woman is in it.
What woman?
- The nurse.
An intrigue with nurse Harris?
Why should you think that?
Because at the station you
obviously knew her well.
But at Charlie's house you pretended
you'd never met her before.
Dr McAfee engaged nurse Harris.
Your imagination is
running away with you.
You can't put me off like that.
Why did you deceive Charlie?
Bedelia was there too, wasn't she?
What do you want to do, warn Charlie?
Better be careful.
You can't do that without
bringing Bedelia into it.
I know what I am doing.
- Do you?
It could look like
jealousy, couldn't it?
I shall risk that.
Alright. You're going over
to tell him right away?
I will come with you.
It should be an interesting party.
Everything looks so lovely
covered with snow.
I was brought up in Cornwall.
We don't see much of it there.
Are we in for a blizzard?
- It looks much like it.
How long will it last?
Two days. Maybe three.
- Do the roads get blocked?
If it's a bad one.
Let's have a look at the forecast.
I hope the trains don't get held up.
I've a friend coming
down from Edinburgh.
More tea, Ellen?
- Yes, please. Just half.
Heavy snow. I doubt if
your friend will make it.
I expected him just after Christmas
but he got held up by storms at sea.
A ship's captain.
Interesting chap you should meet.
By all means. Bring him round.
- I think you'll find him amusing.
His name is Captain McKelvie.
Mrs Carrington. The tea.
How silly of me.
I must be getting along.
Thank you for the tea, Bedelia.
When can you sit for your portrait
again? I hate leaving things unfinished.
I will let you know.
Ben. Are you going into town?
Sorry. Afraid not, Ellen.
I am going straight home.
I have to put through
a call to Edinburgh.
We'll come and dig you
out in the morning.
Goodbye, Charlie.
- Goodbye.
Will you excuse me.
Are you alright, darling?
I have a slight headache.
It's nothing. I'll lay down a while.
Goodbye, Ellen. Come again soon.
Do you mind switching
on the light, nurse?
Don't go. It's early yet.
What is it? Something wrong?
No. It is nothing.
I must go. It's getting dark.
Have you noticed anything
peculiar about Bedelia lately?
- She's so nervous.
Not like herself at all.
It could be the shock
of my illness but ..
She seems to be getting
worse instead of better.
I wonder if you could talk to her.
Women talk more easily
about these things.
Try to distract her.
Get her out of the house.
Perhaps she ought to start
sitting for Ben again.
You will have a word
with her, won't you?
Of course I will if you want me to.
I knew you would help me.
Are you coming to the office tomorrow?
- No. The Doc says I must take it easy.
You come here. Please do.
Whenever you need me.
I will be there.
I never heard you talk like that before.
I must go.
What time do the trains
leave for London?
8:45 and 11:30.
[ Door knocks ]
You rang, madam?
- Yes, Mary.
Can we have an early dinner?
You can wash up before you go to town.
But it isn't my evening off, madam.
- Isn't it?
Take it anyway. Didn't you say
you wanted to see your cousin?
Yes, madam.
You've not had any time off since
Mr Carrington has been ill.
Very kind of you, madam, but really ..
- What's for dinner, Mary?
You ordered beef for us but I don't
know what she plans for Mr Carrington.
Mr Carrington will have beef as well.
What will she say with her duties and
responsibilities and doctor's orders?
I thought we would have
an early dinner, Mary.
40 years I've lived here. The only lady
I took orders from was the mistress.
And I gave you my orders.
What is that?
- An omelette for Mr Carrington.
But that is absurd.
Mr Carrington isn't ill any longer.
Dish up the beef, Mary.
- I will that.
I'm sorry, Mrs Carrington.
As long as I'm on this
case I am responsible.
You're not responsible
for running this house.
I'm tired of your interference.
I won't stand it any longer.
I'm not trying to run this house
and I'm not interfering.
What's all the fuss about?
I'm sorry, darling. I lost my temper.
But this can't go on.
- Mr Carrington.
It is my duty to ..
Mr Carrington, it's clear to
me as a trained nurse ..
Send her away.
- We can do nothing tonight.
Yes we can. There's a train at 8:45.
Mary, ring for a taxi.
If nurse hurries she
can just catch the 8:45.
Am I being dismissed?
We're grateful for all you've done but
don't require your services any longer.
I am responsible only to Dr McAfee.
- I'll settle with the doctor.
Will you please go and pack.
- Mr Carrington, I ..
More coffee?
- No thank you, darling.
You can take it away, Mary.
Where are you going, Mary?
Mrs Carrington said I can
go to see my cousin.
A taxi is here. I'll go with the nurse.
- But the weather?
She can spend the night with her
cousin and come back in the morning.
Very well.
Listen, Biddy.
Every time I hear this tune I think
of the first time I saw you.
And that enormous black hat you had on.
You did look sweet, you now.
- Charlie, let's go away.
Go away?
- Please take me away tonight.
You can't be serious.
Charlie, please take me away.
Biddy, what has come over you?
I don't like it here.
But this afternoon you were
in love with the place.
You're not afraid of the storm, are you?
Don't you love me anymore?
- Of course I love you.
But what has that to do with it?
- We could go to the continent.
France, Charlie. The south of France.
Darling, I'm not made of money.
- Or America.
The Queen Mary sails on Monday.
We could stay in London until then.
- You've gone quite mad.
You don't love me anymore.
- This is utterly absurd.
I never heard anything so ridiculous.
Biddy, if you tell me what's the
matter I'll try to help you.
I can't go on holiday
at this time of year.
I have work to do.
- Charlie.
Charlie, don't ever believe
anything Ben tells you.
Ben? What has he to do with it?
- He wants to hurt me.
He'll ruin our lives.
Can you explain this without becoming
hysterical. Please be reasonable.
I don't want to stay here any longer.
We can so easily go tonight.
Biddy, I'll not talk to you anymore
until you come to your senses.
"This is the national program."
"Here is the weather forecast
for tonight and tomorrow."
"A deep depression over Iceland spreads
southeast towards the British Isles."
"Winds north to northwest
reaching gale force."
You here?
What's wrong?
I've got the sack.
I thought it safer to
come rather than phone.
In a small town like this you
never know who is whose cousin.
Mrs Carrington thinks
I left on the 8:45.
On my way up here I stopped
to report to Dr McAfee.
- My duty as a nurse.
The analyst's report has come.
- Well?
I heard what he thought
of you, Mr Chaney.
He thinks you imagined the whole thing
and is sorry he ever listened to you.
I didn't imagine Charlie's illness.
What's his final verdict on that?
- Stomach ache.
And in case you ever get it ..
He sends you this.
There are some details I'd like to
get straight. Which of them fired you?
He did. But she put him up to it.
It was her idea to get rid of Mary too.
Get rid of Mary? Where is she?
Staying with her cousin.
Mrs Carrington arranged it.
Why didn't you tell me that at once?
I am so sleepy.
Is that all you have to say?
I was naughty, wasn't I.
Are you angry with me?
- No. I'm not angry.
But I'd like some sort of explanation.
Why did you do it?
You were unkind, Charlie.
You shouted at me.
Biddy, look at me.
I don't understand.
You can't rush off into a blizzard ..
Just because I refuse to listen to
a crazy idea about a holiday.
Charlie, I love you so terribly.
I'm afraid I'm not good enough for you.
- Please be sensible.
I'm not intelligent like you are.
I can't talk about the
things that interest you.
Whenever I see you with Ellen I
realise what you must miss in me.
Biddy. Tell me honestly.
Why did you run off?
Before I married you.
Please don't be angry
with me for saying this.
I was poor and lonely.
You were attractive.
I liked you but I didn't love you.
I can tell you this because now I do.
And when I found I
loved you like that ..
I was frightened.
I promised myself that if you get tired
of me or were sorry you had married me.
I would run away.
That is all.
Bedelia. You wanted me to go with you.
And you wouldn't.
Try and get some sleep now.
What are you doing here?
Are you alright, Charlie?
- I said what are you doing here?
I was passing and I saw your car.
I just wondered if you were alright.
What's happened?
- Why are you so interested?
Now I know you're
alright I'll get along.
No. Stay where you are.
I want to talk to you. Now.
What have you done to my wife?
What do you mean?
- Why is she afraid of you?
Afraid of me?
Tell me, Charlie. What happened?
She tried to run away.
You blame me? What has she told you?
- Don't hedge.
You did something that's terrified
her and you will tell me what it is.
Alright, Charlie. I'll tell you.
But believe me, I didn't want to.
Remember at teatime I mentioned
the name of James McKelvie?
Remember I said he was a sea captain?
- Yes.
His family were chemists in Edinburgh.
James McKelvie ran away to sea.
But Hugh the brother stayed on.
Under his management the firm
grew more and more prosperous.
He was a bachelor until he was 48.
He disliked women.
That was why it was such a
shock when he married.
Aye. And a greater shock
when we saw the bride.
So much younger than him.
And a redhead.
We all wondered why she married him.
If you don't mind my saying so, Captain.
He was set in his ways.
- He was devoted to his work.
Often he would work here
all through the night.
And he'd keep his wife sitting there.
On the very spot where you are now.
This was her room.
It is just as it was.
Nothing has been touched.
I wanted it kept like that.
How she loved her pretty things.
It didn't seem wrong.
She was such a pretty creature herself.
Didn't you think so, Captain?
How old was she?
- I couldn't say. In her twenties.
The only thing I didn't
trust was that red hair.
Did you think it was natural?
- I admired Maureen's hair.
You see, I've always had a
weakness for red-headed women.
You have photos of Mrs McKelvie?
- I've never seen one.
She was not photo ..
What was the word she always said?
- Yes. That was it.
Some people you know, even if
handsome, don't take a good picture.
'I'd sooner fact a dentist than
a photographer' she said.
Did she?
- Yes.
It was a terrible shock for her when
her husband was taken so suddenly.
It was a shock for me too.
He'd never been ill in his life.
I was away in the Caribbean when
I got news of my brother's death.
Food poisoning.
Lucky for Mrs McKelvie the
fish didn't agree with her.
I grilled a chop for her that night.
I remember it as if it was yesterday.
Maybe she'll return someday.
- No she won't.
I feel it here.
The shock of her husband's
death was too much for her.
It wasn't that.
McKelvie was highly insured you see.
He increased his policy
after he married Maureen.
There was another case.
Do you remember the Frenchman we
met in the hotel at Monte Carlo?
The one who thought he recognised
Madame Dulac of Bordeaux.
Why are you telling me these stories?
- Because they're facts.
After you left I went over to Bordeaux.
The case was almost identical.
Madame Dulac's husband died
suddenly one Sunday evening.
Theodore Dulac.
Near Bordeaux.
[ French language ]
Heart failure.
Immediately after the inquest.
The company is always prompt
about such things you know.
We sent the wife a cheque for the
sum Mr Dulac had assigned to her.
But he had another policy. A small one.
Which he had neglected to assign.
Part of it should have gone to the
widow and we needed a signature.
But she had gone away.
- She left no address?
Your lawyers couldn't trace her?
- No relations or friends except ..
Some people her husband
introduced her to.
I often ask myself why
did she marry him.
After his death we couldn't console her.
One could understand her
returning home so quickly.
But we are hurt.
That she did not once
write us a little letter.
I often think of her.
The poor woman.
They needn't have wasted their sympathy.
Her husband was insured for
fifteen thousand pounds.
The most recent case.
The one that led to this investigation.
Concerned Arthur Jacobs.
A Manchester man.
He died in January. Almost a year ago.
Also heavily insured.
- How do you know all this?
The similarity between the
Jacobs case and the others.
Especially McKelvie's.
It was so striking that I was instructed
to conduct a complete investigation.
I see.
So you've lied to me
since the day I met you.
Ben Chaney, the charming artist.
Coming up here as my friend.
Get out.
Arthur Jacobs was a jeweller.
And he died in January.
That's interesting. Very interesting.
Last January a man called Raoul Burgess
and his wife were living in Paris.
There was no Raoul Burgess.
Our agents combed every studio in Paris.
No-one had ever heard of him.
I painted that picture.
And I faked the signature.
I don't believe you.
Mrs Jacobs, like all the other wives
had left all her possessions behind.
Except for one thing.
That was too valuable to leave.
Arthur Jacobs gave her a black pearl.
The ring was worthless.
She gave it away.
Who to?
We traced that pearl to Monte Carlo.
You're wrong, you know.
You've no proof of anything.
We have no proof of crime yet.
But if James McKelvie identifies
her as his brother's widow.
Criminal proceedings will follow.
I've had enough.
Get out.
I found that bag by the car.
I think you had better look inside.
Have you been down here all night?
You poor darling. You must
have fallen asleep in the chair.
Aren't you going to say good morning?
You'll feel better when you've had
your coffee. I'll go and put it on.
Mary didn't get back.
Isn't it quiet after
that dreadful storm.
I was so frightened.
The road has vanished.
There's not a trace of it.
We must be snowed up.
We are cut off and alone.
Now you look much better.
Nice and smooth.
This will do you good.
I know what has upset you.
It's that silly old ring.
That's why you're angry with me.
I was naughty, darling.
I didn't mean to give it away.
But I do love pretty things.
I know how you hate lies.
That's one of the things I admire
so much about you. Your honesty.
But I didn't want Sylvia
to have my ring.
You do understand, don't you?
I wonder how you would
look with red hair.
Would you like me to dye it?
McKelvie's wife had red hair.
Sit down, Bedelia.
Why were you so upset yesterday when
Ben mentioned Captain McKelvie?
Why do you say I was upset?
I had never heard of Captain ..
Whatever his name is.
McKelvie's brother was
your husband, wasn't he?
What a silly question.
You know Raoul Burgess was my
only husband besides you, dear.
Listen, Bedelia. We must talk this out.
I hate that wretched ring.
I wish I had given it to Sylvia.
It's only brought me bad luck.
Arthur Jacobs gave it to you.
It's worthless.
You couldn't get five pounds for it.
So he did give it to you.
You must stop lying to me.
Ben Chaney is a liar. I warned you about
him. He was against me from the start.
What about Jacobs? Why didn't you
tell me you were married to him?
It was so awful, Charlie.
He was mean and cruel.
I had to forget.
- That seems hard to believe.
You married me under a false name.
- Burgess was my maiden name.
Perhaps we're not
legally married at all.
I want to be married to you, Charlie.
- What about the others?
There were no others.
Only Arthur Jacobs and you.
I have such a headache.
What about McKelvie?
What about Dulac?
Were they so mean you don't
want to remember them either?
I'm innocent.
- Innocent of what?
I hate men.
They're rotten beasts. I wish all
the men in the world were dead.
You've had a hard
time of it, haven't you.
I didn't choose them.
They came along after me.
The real story of your life must be
very different to the one you told me.
If I'd had the sort of life she's had
I would be good enough for you?
- Ellen.
You don't know.
You and your world is all
so sweet and lovely, isn't it.
Your world is so nice.
Jam and sweets every day.
Presents at Christmas.
'My grandfather brought
the overmantle from Italy'.
'The garden is divine when
the roses are in bloom'.
- Stop it.
- Quiet.
Say it, Charlie.
Say 'quiet .. darling'.
Quiet .. darling.
Oh, Charlie. You're so good to me.
I never knew a man could be like you.
Why didn't I meet you before?
Don't leave me.
You needn't be afraid.
I would never hurt you.
Don't ever stop loving me.
Good morning, Mr Charles.
Wasn't it a terrible storm?
The buses couldn't get through the snow.
- Thanks, Mr Jones.
You're welcome.
Good morning, madam.
Sorry I was so late.
Happen it was providence.
The grocers wouldn't
have delivered today.
What have you brought, Mary?
It isn't all ours. I phoned Hannah.
I felt it best to see if
they wanted anything.
It's lucky I did as Mr Chaney
has a gentleman for lunch.
That friend of his.
The captain he expected all week.
He came last night
by the 11 o'clock train.
He had to stop at the hotel
because the roads were blocked.
I got them some smoked salmon.
Here, Mary. Let me.
Hannah is sending a boy
for Mr Chaney's basket.
Would you put it on
the table, Mr Charles.
Mrs Carrington looks
poorly this morning.
Yes. She's had rather a
bad headache, Mary.
- Morning.
Need any help?
No thanks. I have someone coming along.
Can you direct us to Bracknell house.
Yes. Half a mile up
the road on the left.
Many thanks.
Lovely morning, isn't it.
- Yes. It is.
Mary, have you seen Mr Carrington?
Yes, madam. He's gone out to the car.
Thank you.
Would you go up and do my room?
- Yes, madam.
I finish the washing up?
It only takes a minute.
No. Leave it. Go and do my room at once.
Yes, madame.
There will be a boy calling to pick
up this basket for Mr Chaney.
Don't worry. I will give it to him.
What are you doing?
I came down to feed Topaz.
We had forgotten about her.
Why didn't you call Mary?
Mary is busy.
We're very late this morning.
I mustn't keep Topaz waiting.
I'll get some sardines.
She seems to be doing
pretty well for herself.
Charlie, stop her.
- Let her have it.
Ben can't eat it now.
- No. Take it away.
Don't let her have it.
- Why?
Charlie, stop her!
- Why?
Charlie, don't.
I think you'd better start packing.
Darling, are we going away?
Better hurry. There won't be much time.
I knew it.
I knew you would change your mind.
I shan't be going with you.
I would die without you.
You wouldn't let me go alone?
You won't be going alone.
You've turned against me too.
But you've made a mistake.
You are wrong about what happened
downstairs. You don't understand.
I'm afraid I do.
The poison was meant for Ben.
Charlie, I made a decision.
I'll give you my money.
Every shilling of it. It's all yours.
- That money?
Forty-five thousand pounds.
Forty-five thousand pounds.
You are mad.
Absolutely mad.
But you'll never stop
loving me, Charlie.
I loved a woman that doesn't exist.
[ Telephone ]
Hello Ben.
Yes. I know he is here.
Any time you like.
Come now.
No. You're not going to
let them take me away.
I couldn't stand it.
They'll hurt me.
I am not strong. I am ..
I am ill.
- Yes. I know.
I never told you. I kept it from
you so that shouldn't worry.
But it's serious.
I am very ill.
[ Door knocks ]
Sorry to disturb you, madam.
You forgot to tell me about lunch.
Yes. Of course.
Mushroom omelette.
- Mr Charles always liked that madam.
And cheese and biscuits.
- Yes, madam.
Anything else?
Yes, Mary. There is something else.
Will you make a phone call for me?
- Of course I will, madam.
Mr Carrington doesn't like eating alone.
Would you ring the office
and ask Miss Ellen to come?
Miss Ellen? Won't you be here, madam?
No, Mary.
You look after them.
"There was no mystery
about her motives."
"She killed for money."
"But there was still an enigma."
"The enigma of the soul of a human
being who could commit murder."
"Bedelia could caress."
"And with those same soft
hands, poison in cold blood."
"In that delicate balance
of good and evil."
"Lies the deepest of human mysteries."
"The problem no detective, physician
or psychologist has ever solved."