Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens (1979) Movie Script

(upbeat march music)
(male vocalists singing in German language)
(male vocalists continue singing
in German language)
(male vocalists continue singing
in German language)
(pedal squeaking)
(video game beeping)
(video game continues beeping)
(upbeat piano march music continues)
(clothes rustling)
(video game beeping)
(tie rustling)
(video game beeping)
(suspenders squeaking)
(upbeat piano march music continues)
(video game beeping)
(shirt thudding)
(video game beeping)
(Martin singing in German language)
(paper whirring)
(video game beeping)
(Martin humming)
(switches clicking)
(record player clattering)
(sultry music)
(video game beeping)
(lid clattering and squeaking)
(video game beeping)
(lid squeaking)
(video game continues beeping)
(sheet rustling)
- Oh.
Oh, this is wunderbar.
Fraulein Roop, if you would be so kind?
(switch clicking)
(sultry music continues)
(sheet rustling)
(shoes clanking)
(sultry music continues)
(sultry music continues)
(drum rattling)
(cymbals crashing)
(whistle twirling)
(sultry music continues)
(clothes rustling)
(upbeat horn music)
(blanket rustling)
- Oh!
(upbeat march music)
(cymbals crashing)
(gentle organ music)
(woman moaning)
(skin creaking)
- [DJ] Beware, this record is
the property of Radio Rio Dio,
100,000 watts of faith-healing power,
and its unauthorized use
may be punished by fine
and incarceration. Amen.
Gimme that old time religion
(coffin squeaking)
Gimme that old time religion
It's good enough for me
Makes me love everybody
It's good enough for me
(coffin continues squeaking)
Gimme that old time religion
It's good enough for me
(Martin screaming)
(coffin squeaking)
Gimme that old time religion
It's good enough for me
- Small Town, USA.
Average people, ordinary people,
the folks next door.
Walk down any street, knock on any door,
and who will ya meet?
(engine humming)
Your neighbors.
That's what it's all about,
friendly people getting
to know one another,
pulling together for the mutual good,
at work and at play,
giving new meanings to
the word "democracy."
People like Mr. Peterbuilt,
(bell ringing)
A man to the name born.
(truck whirring)
His obsession, garbage;
his profession, sanitary engineer;
his avocation, fucking.
(Lavonia moaning)
(mellow music)
Lola Langusta, practitioner
of the black sock.
- Oh, yeah.
- Fount of drug-induced fantasies.
Lola Langusta, hotter
than a Mexican's lunch.
(upbeat country music)
Semper Fidelis, the door-to-door salesman,
out there on a shoe shine and a customer.
Bon vivant, raconteur,
connoisseur of baubles,
bangles, and beads.
Lingerie is his game,
plundering's his name;
a boudoir bandit,
(door clattering)
Raiding the coffers of the absent husband
as he draws a veil of gossamer
(woman moaning)
Over the eyes of the bedazzled housewife.
(upbeat piano music)
Culture in Small Town
is represented by the
tempestuous Teuton,
Martin Bormann, equally
at home with the grand
and the grave.
(whistle trilling)
Both grungy laborers,
(laid-back music)
Beau Badger on the left,
Tyrone on the thigh,
clambering over the Grand Tetons
and the Qattara Depression
that is Junk Yard Sal,
slaving and slathering
together for the common good,
their employer and liege,
an Amazon sucking dry the
marrow of the laboring class.
(whimsical music)
Lamar Shedd, true to his name,
hoisting high his petard,
always breaking rank to fight another day.
And people like Flovilla Thatch,
dental assistant,
(drill whirring)
Sexual surrogate,
double-gated paramedian;
- Mm-hmm.
- Indispensable
to the populace of Small Town.
The scat man, Zebulon;
affable, well-meaning, man's best friend,
seldom ever an Uncle Tom.
(upbeat harmonica music)
Lavonia, never a headache,
ever girding her loins for low body blows,
wallowing in the empty
saddles of Small Town.
Both dentist and marriage counselor,
Dr. Asa Lavender, DDS,
(Asa growling)
(patient groaning)
Fighting tartar, soothing flaming roots,
cleaving together a house divided.
The callow youth, Rhett,
bumptious teenager,
potential decathlon champion,
qualifying in nine events
but lacking in one.
Small Town is like your town and my town,
where Main Street still works.
If you're still searching
for the American dream,
then search no longer.
It's right here in Small Town, USA.
(bed creaking)
Behind every door, a story;
(fart erupting)
Behind every story, a good woman.
Like the buxotic Eufaula Roop.
Yet that's another tale.
Gimme that old time religion
- But not every story is so simple.
Yes, believe it or not,
even in Small Town, USA,
there are still people who
are unfulfilled and unrelieved
in the midst of plenty.
(gentle music)
(finger rasping)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(hand rasping)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(hand rasping)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(paper rustling)
(pencil rasping)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(Lavonia moaning)
(bed clattering)
(Lavonia groaning)
(bed squeaking)
(paper rustling)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(crickets continue chirping)
(Lavonia groaning)
(bed clattering)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(Lavonia sighing)
(drawer clattering)
(packet thudding)
(fingers tapping)
(vibrator clanking)
(Lavonia exhaling)
(cigarette thudding)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(Vaseline squelching)
(Lavonia sighing)
(bed creaking)
(paper rustling)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(vibrator squeaking)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(vibrator whirring)
(air whooshing)
(calculator beeping)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(Lavonia moaning)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(calculator beeping)
(Lavonia moaning)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(calculator beeping)
(paper rustling)
(Lavonia moaning)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(calculator beeping)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(Lavonia moaning)
(calculator beeping)
(Lavonia continues moaning)
(bed clattering)
(Vaseline squelching)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(Lavonia exhales)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(calculator beeping)
(Lavonia laughing)
(Lavonia moaning)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(Lavonia moaning)
(energetic music)
(footsteps plodding)
(Lavonia moaning)
(vibrator continues whirring)
(vibrator smashing)
(buzzing dies)
(lamp clattering)
(paper rustling)
(calculator beeping)
(paper rustling)
(calculator beeping)
(crickets chirping)
(footsteps padding)
(calculator beeping)
(crickets chirping)
(playful banjo music)
(door thudding)
(calculator beeping)
(footsteps padding)
(carton thudding)
(chair clattering)
(pencil and hand rasping)
(milk splattering)
(hand rasping)
(Lavonia gasps)
(crickets chirping)
(calculator beeping)
(laid-back music)
(jeans rustling)
(crotch squeaking)
(laid-back music)
(calculator beeping)
(crickets chirping)
(pencil rasping)
(lively country music)
(hand thudding)
(chair clattering)
(zipper whizzing)
(Lavonia gasping and moaning)
(lips smacking)
(calculator beeping)
(Lavonia moaning)
(carton clattering)
(calculator beeping)
(Lavonia moaning)
(calculator continues beeping)
(Lavonia continues moaning)
(calculator thudding)
(energetic music)
(Lamar screaming)
(footsteps tapping)
- No, no, no, no!
- I know it'll hurt.
- Lavonia, Lavonia, I love you.
- No, I hate it.
- For God's sake,
there's somethings gone fucking
wrong with our love life.
(Lavonia screaming)
- Get your dick out of there,
you pre-vert!
(Lamar moaning)
(energetic music continues)
(Lavonia moaning)
Oh, Lamar Shedd!
(gentle music)
Take this!
(foot thudding)
(Lamar groaning)
That's the last time
you'll screw me in the ass.
(Lavonia grunting)
(chaotic music continues)
(zipper whizzing)
(footsteps plodding)
- Lavonia.
(Lavonia grunts)
(door creaking)
(footsteps tamping)
(door creaking)
(door clattering)
(Lavonia whimpering)
(footsteps plodding)
(door clattering)
(gear stick clanking)
(engine humming)
(tires screeching)
Lavonia? Lavonia? Lavonia!
(engine humming)
(crickets chirping)
(quizzical music)
(door squeaking)
(crickets chirping)
(belt clanking)
(mellow music)
(book thudding)
(footsteps tapping)
(crickets chirping)
(pensive music)
(footsteps tapping)
(bed clattering)
(lid clanking)
(switch clicking)
(gentle organ music)
(bed rustling)
(gentle organ music continues)
(crickets chirping)
- And I was blind, too,
brothers and sisters,
but now I see, and you'll
see the light, too,
on Rio Dio Radio, 100,000 watts
of clear channel healing on
the Salvation of the Southwest.
Now, for all you listeners
who got your pencils ready
during that last inspiring
hymn, here's the address
for those blessed handkerchiefs
I was telling you about.
First, send a dollar,
only $1,
(cash rustling)
But no stamps or checks, please,
brothers and sisters, to
Hanky, Rio Dio, Texas,
care of your evangelist of the airwaves,
Sister Eufaula Roop,
bringing you salvation
and hope to all of you folks at home
and those listening over
the radios of their pickups,
four wheelers, hardtops,
and RVs.
(seat creaking)
But now it's time again
(woman moaning)
For our healing service.
You've heard of laying on of hands.
You've heard of laying on of feet.
Well, I've got a simply
wonderful piece of news
for all you wonderful people today,
Rio Dio Radio has entered
the born again electronic age of healing,
the laying on of radio.
(crickets chirping)
Now, I know there are people out there
who aren't feeling just right tonight.
Maybe they can't quite put a finger on it,
but gosh, they know something's wrong.
Maybe a joint that's stiff and sore.
Maybe nothing worse than a bad head cold.
Or maybe you're among the
bedridden or the laid-up.
Well, you're just the folks
we're gonna heal tonight.
(breasts creaking)
You know, they say
healing could take place
in mysterious ways,
(steering wheel clattering)
For the ways of the universe are strange,
brothers and sisters.
So, we're gonna try something new tonight.
We're gonna heal over the radio.
That's right, brothers and sisters.
I want you to place your afflicted parts
right there on top of your radio.
That's it.
(woman moaning)
Just place the part that's
ailing on the radio.
And now, let's heal.
(seat squeaking)
Whatever it is that hurts,
make it stop hurting.
What's stiff, make it limber.
What's shrunken, make it large.
And what's been violated,
make it whole again.
We rest our case on thee.
(gentle organ music continues)
(truck rattling)
(brakes squeaking)
(engine humming)
(keys jangling)
(door squeaking)
(door clattering)
(footsteps plodding)
(crickets chirping)
Glory to...
(gate creaking)
Playing on the radio
(footsteps plodding)
(crickets chirping)
(vocalists singing indistinctly)
(door squeaking and clattering)
Oh, come, ye brothers and sisters
You're the folks
(carton thudding)
We're going to heal today
- Now, wasn't that a lovely hymn,
and didn't they sing it just wonderfully?
Why, it's almost enough to
send shivers down your spine,
brothers and sisters,
hearing such lovely music.
And I also certainly hope you benefited
from tonight's marvelous healing service.
For no matter how much
punishment we may take, friends,
no matter how tortured, how assaulted,
how pummeled our very
innermost beings may become,
no matter how much we may despair
in the darkness of the lonely night,
there can come a healing hand
to take that which was tired
and give it new strength.
And gee, isn't that wonderful?
A marvelous feeling,
and the very best of all,
that which was dead,
bringing it new life!
- There, Lamar, doesn't that
feel good, nice, and warm?
- We conclude our broadcasting
day here at Rio Dio Radio
in Rio Dio, Texas.
This is your own sister, Eufaula Roop...
- All you need is a little rest, Lamar.
- [Eufaula] Wishing you
a good night's sleep
from the Salvation of the Southwest,
healing you on AM,
(lips smacking)
Healing you on FM.
Healing you from one end
of the dial to the other,
this is 100,000 watts
of down-home therapy,
saying so long 'til tomorrow.
(gentle organ music continues)
(liquid sloshing)
(bright music)
- The dawn's early light
comes to Small Town every day,
and with it, the events of the
night before are forgotten.
Private enterprise, the
cornerstone of Small Town:
(hook clanging)
Junk Yard Sal helps architect
the American dream,
(junk clattering)
The discards of progress,
scrap iron into plowshares,
plowshares into Minutemen.
Yesterday's Pontiac
becomes tomorrow's Polaris
as Small Town arms the
nation; industry on the march,
from steam engines to steam irons,
from bicycles to bulldozers,
and then onto the junk heap of history.
There are big jobs to
be done in Small Town,
and Small Town has the men to do them.
And there's no use lingering over bygones
when it's off to work we go.
(footsteps plodding)
- Hey, Lamar, you forgot
your lunch bucket.
- Well, thank you.
- Oh.
- Peanut butter again, I hope.
(lips smacking)
(Bucket clattering)
(mellow music)
(horn honking)
- Bye.
- So long.
(door clattering)
(engine humming)
(footsteps plodding)
(machine whirring)
(lazy music)
Hey, Sal? Sal? Sorry I'm late.
I'll put in some overtime tonight
to make up for it.
- Okay.
- It takes all kinds to
work at Junkyard Sal's.
Like Zebulon, member of one
of the many minority groups
in Small Town's bubbling melting pot.
One day, his dream is to
own a junkyard of his own.
Then there's Beau Badger and
his faithful sidekick, Tyrone.
Beau's a redneck, lean and mean;
Tyrone's a racist, crude,
rude, and tattooed;
dropouts from the rat race of life,
human flotsam,
(Tyrone whimpering)
Useless roadblocks
(fart erupting)
In the avenue of progress,
bitterly envious of the lower classes,
rejected by the volunteer army.
Their choice in life is
a sad but simple one:
the drunk tank or the scrap heap.
But at Junk Yard Sal's,
(air whooshing)
They can find at last a useful purpose
because even they can be recycled
to be made useful again
in Sal's scheme of things.
- No shit.
- Junk Yard Sal's, a microcosm
of the industrial might
that provides Small Town
and the nation with
leisure time opportunities,
leisure time to pursue the dream
of every red-blooded girl in Small Town:
the assault and seduction
of an innocent young stud.
And who is our Lavonia
to ignore an old adage?
Let's see, something
about the devil finds work
for idle hands? (laughs)
Or something like that.
(mellow music)
(water splashing)
(water continues splashing)
(suspenseful music)
(clothes rustling)
(water splashing)
(zipper whizzing)
(water sloshing)
(suspenseful music continues)
(energetic music)
- Mine!
(Lavonia laughing)
(Rhett whimpering)
(Lavonia screams)
(water splashing)
(Lavonia laughing)
- In the words of Lavonia,
"Give me the boy and I'll
give you back the man."
But even with such an
enthusiastic instructor,
a young man's first
lesson in human sexuality
are often a matter of sink or swim.
Should he be plunged at
once into the deepest waters
of carnal knowledge, or
encouraged to splash about
while building his courage
in the shallows of foreplay?
Lavonia has an unusual
approach, to say the least.
And so, in the murky waters of desire,
first the unrestrained assault,
then the subtle seduction.
It's good to be a fast learner,
but young men are too quick to learn.
But in Lavonia's judgment,
it is far more fruitful
to mother, to nurture a young lad
with encouragement on
the sandbar of dalliance
just before unleashing the wild ecstasies
of the final examination.
Folks in Small Town play hard,
and they work hard, too.
They like to be doing
something hard all the time.
- Come on, let me give you a hand.
(crowbar clanging)
(door clattering)
(machine whirring)
- Never send a man to do a woman's job.
- Now, stand back.
(hook thudding)
- [Narrator] That's Junk Yard Sal's motto
and she's backed it up
with spectacular success
in the scrap iron industry.
(gear stick clattering)
(machine whirring)
- Lamar, get your ass
away from that car door.
(machine whirring)
(adventurous music)
(door clattering)
- As a scrap iron
entrepreneur opening new doors
for women in all lines of work,
Sal is a sexual pioneer way
out there in the front lines
of women's liberation.
- You really know how to handle this place.
- You seem kind of peaked today, Lamar.
You get enough rest last night?
- Had a great night's sleep.
- Bet Lamar's horny young chick gets
all the rest she needs.
- I bet so, too, Beau.
- I'd sure like to give
her a sleepless night.
- Yeah, a sleepless night. (laughs)
- What do you say, Lamar?
Why don't you step over to the office,
grab a little shuteye?
(bed creaking)
It's got a nice big bed.
- No, honestly, Sal, I feel neat.
(breasts squeaking)
- Scared of the boss?
- No, it's just that I
got a lot on my mind,
what with my correspondence school course
and everything.
- Correspondence school, shit.
- You said it, Beau, shit.
- Just trying to improve my lot in life,
make a little more money,
get an extra job at night.
- Anytime you wanna put a
little overtime in, Lamar...
(jeans rustling)
- Yeah, sure, Sal, I'll know where to go.
(hand thudding)
- Meanwhile, back on the Pecos,
in the School of Bucolic Dalliance,
young Rhett passes with
flying colors and a B+.
(water splashing)
(Lavonia moaning)
The satisfied and dedicated
instructress Lavonia has opened
up broad new vistas of athletic endeavor
for her gratified student.
- What's your name?
- My name's Rhett, ma'am.
- Oh, what a nice name.
(water sloshing)
How old are you? Mm.
- I'm 14, ma'am.
- I never had
a 14-year-old joint-- I mean, a
boy named Rhett before, yeah.
(triumphant music)
Rhett's got a lot of size for his size.
- I'd like you to show--
- Look at that kiss-ass Lamar.
- Yeah, Beau, kiss-ass.
- Now, you stop criticizing Lamar that way.
- Man, why does he have to go talking
shit like that?
- Shit like what?
- Sticking up for Lamar
when you know he's just
the boss lady's new stud.
- New stud, yeah.
(feet thudding)
- I'm not gonna listen to
that kind of talk anymore.
And besides, I've got my job to do.
- I don't see why Zebulon has
to stand up for that candy-ass
he calls a friend.
- Yeah, Beau, candy-ass friend.
- Now, I don't wanna hear you
talk about Lamar that way,
or any friend of mine.
- Zebulon, you in such
bad need of a friend?
- Oh, I'm not gonna talk
to you white trash anymore.
Fuck yourself.
(dramatic music)
Obscene rednecks.
(footsteps plodding)
(crowbar clanging)
(cart thudding)
(fist thudding)
- Zebulon!
(whistle blaring)
- Okay, guys, knock it off
before somebody gets hurt.
(suspenseful music)
- See there, Tyrone?
(hat rustling)
I always told you Zebulon
had a lot of white blood in him.
- Yeah, a lot of white blood.
(engine humming)
- The last stand of free enterprise:
Semper Fidelis, door-to-door salesman.
While others risk coronaries
behind their desks,
he takes to the open road.
(jaunty music)
Fidelis is the most successful
door-to-door salesman
in Small Town, USA.
Maybe that's because he doesn't sell
the same tired old items--
the greeting cards,
toiletries, and vacuum cleaner brushes--
But bizarre lingerie by
Frederico's of Wisconsin,
the famed establishment that
has inflamed the fantasies
of the middle class
(brush rasping)
For more than a generation.
(hand knocking)
And how convenient to make a
selection right in the privacy
of your own living room.
(hand knocking)
- Oh, uh, good afternoon, ma'am.
I'd like to introduce myself to you.
I'm Semper Fidelis, and
I'm from Frederico's.
(crotch creaking)
You know, the lingerie firm?
And we're introducing
our brand new spring line
to a selected group of
ladies like yourself.
And I'm sure I'll have something in here
that you'll find particularly interesting,
yes, particularly interesting for you.
(Lavonia moaning)
(whistle trilling)
(mellow music)
(Lavonia moaning)
(seat creaking)
(trampoline clattering)
(crotch squeaking)
- Oh, oh.
- Piece de resistance!
- A satin dress?
(gasps) Rhinestone. Purdy.
A beautiful wig.
Oh, a gold necklace.
A choker?
"Spanish Made Simple"?
(mellow horn music)
I could do a little
moonlighting in this outfit.
- [Semper Fidelis]
Sure as my mama named me
Semper Fidelis, your own
husband wouldn't recognize you.
- Oh, Lamar... Lamar, shit, oh!
(cymbals clanging)
Hey, amigo!
(body thudding)
I'm interested to know what
you have in that other box.
- Oh, I don't believe
madam would be interested
in that case over there.
- Oh, yes, I would.
- Well, the items in that case
are for our, uh, male customers.
- [Lavonia] You mean faggots wear this?
- Ooh, I do have something
I'd like to show you.
- Like what?
- Bust development pump
by Frederico's of Wisconsin.
You just attach it to your kitchen faucet.
Uh, let me show you. May I?
(air whooshing)
- A bust developer for me?
Sexist asshole.
- I meant no offense.
- Mr. Fidelis,
do you make them for men?
- A bust developer for men?
- Not for their bust,
dummy, to make them larger...
Much bigger!
(product clanging)
- Ooh, what an intriguing idea.
I'll have to take that up with
the home office in Racine.
(mellow music)
- The rye is fine, the
crotch less panties, divine.
- I'm not wealthy or renowned,
but I get my share of pussy
in this here town.
- Garter belts cute and rhymes with root.
(crotch creaking)
And since I darned these fishnet hose,
I can see how your affection grows.
- When it comes to bodies, you're a star.
Thank God I got another pair
of britches out in the car.
- Minis hot, toes are hard.
Why don't you take a credit card?
- When it comes to paying,
miss, I'm your man.
Let's work out an installment plan.
(Lavonia screaming)
(Semper Fidelis grunting)
And you can take that to the bank.
(upbeat music)
(tape clanking)
(upbeat music continues)
- [Zebulon] Hey, Lamar, where you going?
- Straight home, Zebulon.
- [Zebulon] Uh-huh, you
ain't going nowhere.
Boss lady wants to see you.
(footsteps plodding)
- I guess this means overtime.
- Hardly the end of an
eventful day for Lamar.
But the busy worker is a happy worker,
and the happy worker has a busy boss,
and the busy worker makes a happy boss.
It's all well and good
for Lamar to fuck his way
as long as he doesn't forget
he's a rear window man.
Sometimes opportunity knocks but once,
something Junk Yard Sal
has made abundantly clear.
- Lamar, honey, why don't
y'all come on inside,
take a load off your feet?
- Uh,
uh, Sal, I gotta be gettin' on home.
I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
- [Narrator] And consider
that Lamar's future
hangs in the balance.
(whistle blaring)
- [Lamar] Fuck, Sal, I
only got one way to go.
- One way at a time is enough for me.
Inside, Lamar, or you gonna find
your ass drawing unemployment checks.
(feet shuffling)
Mm, motherfucker. (grunts)
- [DJ] Rising from the
smoldering ashes of rebellion
Ba, ba, boom, deez
(metal clanging)
Doo, doo, doo, doo, dee
- [DJ] Spread with the speed of--
- Come on, let's watch.
- Yeah, Beau, let's watch.
- [DJ] Gathered power and force,
feeding on itself, a firestorm
of a new moral conception.
(bells tolling)
(DJ speaking indistinctly)
(bells continues tolling)
- Beau, I bet--
- Shhh.
- [DJ] The holocaust that had
developed this tiny island
burst forth in similar
conflagrations all over the globe.
(doorknobs clattering)
Born of the same torment,
a document that altered
the fate of oppressed millions,
(breasts dinging)
The Emancipation Proclamation
signaled the abolition
of slavery in the United
States of America.
- What to do? I cooperate or lose my job.
- Lamar has a simple choice:
either he comes across in the sack,
or it's goodbye correspondence school.
But when you're the boss
lady, who's going to argue?
- Men and music go together.
(radio warbling)
(gentle organ music)
Get to work, Lamar.
(vagina squelching)
(Lamar whimpering)
- Rio Dio Radio, Salvation
of the Southwest,
100,000 watts healing with faith.
Your salvation, too, brothers and sisters,
if you love solace and succor.
(whistle trilling)
That's right, friends, and
if you love one another.
Yes, this is Sister Eufaula Roop.
- Easy, Sal, watch it, watch it.
Oh, hey.
- There we go.
- Dammit, watch it.
- This is our afternoon healing session,
an afternoon of solace and succor.
But before we commence with it,
I'd like to ask you this
very personal question.
Have you received your Mount Rushmore
and Holy Land satin
occasional pillows yet?
Folks from all over our
38-state listening area
have been writing in with repeat,
yes, I said repeat orders
for these lovely pillows.
They just can't get enough of them.
If you haven't ordered yours,
listen to this description
and see if you can resist the opportunity
to own your own set of Mount Rushmore
and Holy Land satin occasional pillows,
(Lamar whimpering)
(Sal laughing)
Yes, George Washington, Abraham
Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt,
and Aaron Burr gaze out
at you in the privacy
of your own living room.
(Lamar whimpering)
- Dammit, girl, I told you
(Sal moaning)
This just ain't the way I do it!
This isn't...
- All right.
- What I like to do.
- ...Dead Sea, Noah's Ark,
and the Wailing Wall,
bringing the good book to life right--
- Dammit, Sal.
(Sal moaning)
I just don't do it this way.
Now wait.
(feet smacking)
- Right on.
- No, wait, I tell you.
No, no, no.
(feet smacking)
- Just send cash or a bonafide
U.S. postal money order
and your name and address,
but no stamps or personal checks...
(Lamar whimpering)
(Sal laughing)
To "Pillow," Rio Dio, Texas.
And now, friends, yes, it's time
for our afternoon healing session.
- Honey, what you doing?
- And as always,
Radio Rio Dio's electronic miracle,
the laying on of radio...
- I warned you, Sal.
I wanna get one more--
- Oh, no, you don't.
(Lamar screaming)
(body thudding)
- And then we pray
that what was split
asunder be made whole again,
that what was weak be made strong,
that what was short be made long,
and what was insatiable, satiated.
- Okay, have it your way, Lamar.
(spring twanging)
(Lamar moaning)
(hand thudding)
- My sisters and brothers,
if you have trouble...
(Lamar moaning)
(spring twanging)
(Tyrone gasping)
(Tyrone sneezing)
(glass shattering)
(spring twanging)
- Beau!
- Tyrone!
(Tyrone whimpering)
I'm gonna whoop your ass!
- [Eufaula] Salvation of the Southwest.
(door clattering and squeaking)
- Y'all come here!
(Lamar grunting)
(bodies thudding)
(fist dinging)
(fist clanging)
Beau Badger, you've been asking for that,
you envious son of a bitch.
Now for you, Tyrone.
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps plodding)
(rambling music)
(feet shuffling)
(hand thudding)
(Tyrone gasps)
What's your hurry, Tyrone?
- I'm not in a hurry.
It's just getting late
and I have to be going.
(knife clanking)
Don't fuck around with
me, I don't like it.
(Lamar grunts)
(downcast music)
(fist thudding)
- Go on, take that, Tyrone,
you yellow-bellied coward.
- Push that time clock for the last time,
you peeping creeps.
If there's anything I can't
stand, it's goddamn pre-verts.
And that goes for you, too,
Lamar, until you see it my way.
I can't stand a man who won't
look a good fuck in the eye.
(gentle organ music)
- And so, dear friends,
if you've got your afflicted
part on the radio together
with your Holy Rushmore
(radio thudding)
Satin pillow, join me now in reprising
that wonderful favorite hymn of mine,
"Succor Me, Succor Me."
(gentle organ music continues)
(Sal grunting)
(clothes thudding)
- [Sal] Asshole!
(lunchbox thudding)
(upbeat music)
(lunchbox clattering)
(door squeaking)
(door clattering)
(engine humming)
- Lamar must keep asking
himself why he's burdened
with this cross to bear.
And days like today add insult to injury
to a man like Shedd, who
asks little more from life
than a correspondence school
diploma and connubial bliss
with the pneumatic Lavonia.
(calculator beeping)
Small wonder then that
Lamar joins Small Town
and the nation in proclaiming,
Thank God it's Friday.
(mellow music)
Show business: there's
no business like it,
not even in easygoing Small Town.
And the local superstar is Lola Langusta,
the hottest tamale
south of the Rio Grande,
her maddening body beating out a tattoo
on the libido of her sweaty audience.
(cymbals clanging)
Lola Langusta,
a gringo audience-pleaser;
(Lavonia laughing)
numero uno, yes, sir.
Number one, as they say down Mexico way.
(watch clanking)
(engine humming)
Well, Lamar is a few minutes late.
Instead of heading straight
home to the bosom of his family,
Small Town's all-American
working man can't resist
a refreshing pause and
a long, cool tall one.
But why this place of all
the watering holes in town?
Fate, or have the rigors
of the day turned Lamar
on to the intrigue that lurks within?
(mellow music)
(door slamming)
(dress rasping)
(Lavonia moans)
(mellow music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
- Oh.
(mellow music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
(door squeaking)
(saliva squelching)
(mellow music continues)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
- I'd like some beer.
- Mm.
(lips smacking)
(Lavonia moaning)
(mellow music continues)
- That Lola Langusta looks like
one pretty familiar tamale.
As a matter of fact, she's a dead ringer
for Lavonia, Lamar's old lady.
Well, let me see...
- That'll be two bucks.
- Maybe the hair is a little different,
but you'll see that's Lavonia herself
under all that war paint.
If you'll just search
your memory a little,
maybe you'll remember that she ran
into a Frederico's of
Wisconsin lingerie drummer,
Semper Fidelis, who planted
a seed in Lavonia's mind,
an idea, a way to maybe get
around Lamar's bizarre sexual leanings
and set him back on the
straight and narrow again.
All it would take,
Lavonia figured, would be
a clever disguise and some
disarming Mexican lingo
sexy enough to turn Lamar around.
But even so, wouldn't you think
a guy would recognize his
own old lady, even in a wig?
I guess what you gotta
keep in mind here is
that we're dealing with a guy
who only has an IQ of about 37.
(mellow music continues)
(hand knocking)
(glass thudding)
(fart erupting)
(mellow music continues)
(foot thudding)
(beer sloshing)
(customers and Lavonia laughing)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
- Well, that's one way of
getting someone's attention,
even a guy who's not exactly
playing with a full deck.
(Lavonia laughing)
(mellow music continues)
(beer sloshing)
(tablet fizzing)
- Looks like there's a
Michael Finn in the house.
That lozenge would stop Godzilla's clock.
(tablet fizzing)
- Thank you, ma'am.
(mellow music continues)
(Lavonia moaning)
(glass thudding)
(mellow music continues)
(Lamar groaning)
(cup clattering)
(beer fizzing)
(Lamar coughs and groans)
- [Lavonia] Kieza, carry Lamar upstairs.
- It's a good thing Lamar
didn't finish his beer.
And now, Lavonia-- uh, I, I mean
Lola Langusta-- will attempt
what is impossible for anyone except she
who is the hottest tamale
both sides of the Rio Grande,
yes, to inspire an
erection in a man drugged
into unconsciousness by ministering
and manipulating his dick
to every possible degree.
Her mission, to free Lamar
from beneath the valley
so that even he will be capable
of looking a good fuck
straight in the eye.
(Lamar gasping)
There are many ways of tackling a problem,
but a good therapist will
begin by dealing with basics.
(Lavonia laughing)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(breasts smacking)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(drill clattering)
(Lavonia laughing)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(zipper whizzing)
(Lavonia screams)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(drill clattering)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lavonia moaning)
(determined music)
(wall clattering)
(drill thudding)
(Lavonia moaning)
(determined music continues)
(spring twanging)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
- Resolute, undaunted,
Lola must dip more deeply
into her reservoir of carnal magic.
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
- In Lola's own words,
"the black sock never fails."
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lamar sniffs)
- She begins by deftly threading
Lamar's limber burrito into it.
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
- In no time at all, Lola
Langusta's efforts will pay off,
shifting gears to the
old broom handle fly.
Ah, the maximum result
is almost instantaneous.
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lavonia moaning)
(saliva squelching)
(bed rattling)
(Lavonia continues moaning)
- All that remains is the ultimate test.
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(hand smacking)
(Lavonia laughing)
(squishing noises)
- Lola celebrates the excellent results
of her administrations
using Lamar's inert body
beneath her as a living dildo.
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lavonia moaning)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lavonia moaning)
- [Lamar] Where am [?
(Lavonia screaming)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
- [Lamar] What happened?
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(liquid sloshing)
- [Lamar] What?
(Lavonia screaming)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lamar grunting)
(snare drum roll)
- One can readily see that
Lola's thing boils down
to good straight sex and no funny stuff.
(Lavonia moaning)
A silent willing man is
a good willing member.
Ay, ay, ay, ay
(Lavonia singing in Spanish)
(bed rattling)
(Lavonia moaning)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(bed rattling)
(Lavonia moaning)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
- What happened?
(Lavonia moaning)
Hey, uh, what's happening?
(Lavonia continues moaning)
(Lamar grunts)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(popper snapping)
(Lamar screaming)
(Lavonia laughing)
(Lamar continues screaming)
(Lavonia moaning)
(Lamar continues screaming)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lavonia laughing)
- To dry out an alcoholic
requires more than conversation,
and to turn around Lamar's
rear-window tendencies,
Lola-- or Lavonia, as you choose-- knows
that the service she has rendered,
though spectacularly therapeutic,
hardly represents a cure.
One thing for sure, Lola's got to get rid
of Lamar pronto if the healing
therapy is to continue.
And the classic threat
of a returning husband,
certainly under the
circumstances, is a sure bet
to get the show on the road.
Even though Lola's lingo is still Latin,
she dishes up a pretty fair picture of her
freaked-out old man:
seven feet tall
and meaner than a junk yard dog
with a pig sticker twice the size
of the one she's wielding.
And to guild the lily, a stated backup
of six burly, bloodthirsty,
gringo-hating vaqueros--
Mexican cowboys to you.
Well, Lola, ah,
(glass shattering)
let's call her by her real name,
Lavonia's dynamic persuasion penetrates
Lamar's zonked gourd,
setting his ass in gear.
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(brush rasping)
(Lavonia laughing)
(footsteps plodding)
(Lavonia continues laughing)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(bed rattling)
(sock thudding)
(Lavonia screams)
(Lavonia laughing)
(feet thudding)
(Lavonia continues laughing)
- Oh, lest we forget and
ignore the quantum leap
that could make medical history,
Lamar did fuck straight,
even though unconscious
and protected by a long, black nylon sock.
But, and this is
important, he still has yet
to look a good fuck straight in the eye.
- Whoo! (laughs)
(water splashing)
- I'll be damned.
- [Lavonia] Ya'll come back! (laughs)
(door clattering)
(Lavonia laughing)
(truck rumbling)
(suspenseful music)
(tires thumping)
- You ever have one of those days
where nothing seemed to go right?
(air whooshing)
Well, let's see what Lola--
I mean, Lavonia-- is up to.
(jaunty music)
(door squeaking)
- [Lavonia] Thank you.
- [Driver] Forgot your hat, ma'am.
- Oh, thanks, thanks very much.
(engine humming)
(tires whirring)
- Confused? There's no need to be.
(hands thudding)
(downcast music)
This is really a very simple story.
(keys jangling)
(engine roaring)
(birds chirping)
(static hissing)
- Breaker break, Wetness to Salad Bowl.
Come on over, Mr. Peterbuilt,
and I'll eat your lunch, 10-4.
(Lavonia moaning)
(upbeat marching music)
More, more, yes, more.
(Lavonia moaning)
More! I love it!
- 3:00, almost two
hours 'til quittin' time
in Small Town, USA, but some
folks are never ready to quit.
Gladly do they teach,
and gladly do they learn.
(both moaning)
This morning, Lavonia held
summer school with young Rhett.
Now she's doing post-graduate work
with the industrious Mr. Peterbuilt.
(both moaning)
(clock chiming)
Huh, why does she look
at the clock so intently?
Well, I expect it'll take
Lamar quite some time
to get those blown tires changed.
(engine humming)
Uh-oh, sooner than I thought.
(keys clanking)
Well, this ought to be interesting.
(door thudding)
Ay, ay, ay, ay
- Hey, Salad,
this here is Seagull.
Where the hell you at?
I got a week's load of
salad parked out back
drawing flies, 10-4.
(static hissing)
(Lavonia singing in Spanish)
(Peterbuilt moaning)
(both moaning)
(Lavonia speaking Spanish)
(Lavonia moaning)
(upbeat marching music)
- I love it! (screams)
(bed rattling)
More, more.
(energetic music)
(Lavonia moaning)
Give it to me. (moaning)
I want more!
Cock, cock, more cock.
- Lavonia, say something in Mexican.
(Lavonia moaning)
(whistle trilling)
I said say something in Mexican.
- Adios.
- What about these things, this wig?
What about this dress and
these goddamn red shoes?
- You know them samples I got, baby.
- In a pig's ass!
(dramatic music)
Who the fuck is that?
(Lamar grunting)
(Lavonia screaming)
(fist thudding)
(Lamar grunting)
(clock chiming)
(lampshade clattering)
(Lavonia grunting)
(Peterbuilt growling)
(Lavonia whimpering)
(skin sizzling)
(Peterbuilt screaming)
(Lavonia screaming)
(body thudding)
(Peterbuilt screaming)
- Mr. Peterbuilt, picking on poor Lamar.
(Peterbuilt groaning)
Get out, out, out.
(dramatic music)
Get out, out.
I said get out! Out and never come back.
(Peterbuilt groaning)
(bulb shattering)
(Lavonia grunting)
(wheel squeaking)
(Lavonia whimpering)
(Lavonia grunting)
And next time, wash these goddamn pants.
(downcast music)
You may be the best lay
in Small Town, USA,
Mr. Peterbuilt, but no matter!
- [Peterbuilt] You'll hear from
my attorney in the morning!
- It won't hold up in court.
Besides, Peterbuilt's all talk,
and Lavonia's got his number.
(door slamming)
Could it be that there's
more here than meets the eye?
- [Lavonia] You only thought
I was doing something bad,
Lamar, that you saw me being unfaithful.
- That settles it, Lavonia.
(door squeaking)
We've gotta have help,
professional help,
if we're going save this relationship.
- Save their relationship?
Well, maybe a means to an end.
- There's no question in my mind, Lavonia.
The only man who can solve my problem
is Dr. Asa Lavender.
(keys jangling)
(engine humming)
- For years, he's been Small Town's
friendly next-door dentist and
part-time marriage counselor.
Uh-oh, here they come.
Well, as I was saying, even
in peaceful Small Town,
there's not much Dr.
Lavender hasn't seen or done.
But this is a case for the record books:
a handsome young man
with a beautiful woman,
and he can only satisfy his needs by...
Well, you know Lamar's problem.
Lavonia's problem, if we
can call it a problem,
is far less complicated.
She suffers from enthusiasm.
(door clattering)
Well, anyway, it's a case
for individual therapy
as we leave Lavonia and
Lamar to the tender mercies
of Dr. Lavender and Nurse Flovilla Thatch.
- Well, and what is your problem today?
- I can only get it off when I...
When I'm rimming Lavonia.
- (gasps) All the...
- Yeah, and it's a...
- ...toilet paper.
- ...real pain in the ass.
- Yeah, yes, I understand.
Oh, yes, of course.
- Well, the problem
is really Lamar, as I've only
come to have my teeth cleaned.
- (laughs) Teeth cleaned, yes.
Well, uh, I see, first things first.
Uh, you come with me, my dear,
while, uh, Nurse Thatch gives a, uh,
(glove creaking)
Nurse Thatch gives a,
uh, preliminary diagnosis
of the man.
(footsteps tapping)
(gentle music)
What a gorgeous-looking couple!
(mellow music)
(lips smacking)
- Oh, ma'am, that could, that could lead
to a whole pack of trouble.
What you wanna go messing
with my problem for?
Don't you know what they say
about pouring more oil on the fire?
(mellow music continues)
(drill whirring)
(pedal clanking)
(Lavonia moaning and groaning)
- [Flovilla] You've got it all wrong.
- Lavonia?
- Stop.
- [Lavonia] Lamar, this
is not what I wanted.
This ain't my idea
of a good time.
- See, I fuck like a real man...
(Lavonia screaming)
- Shut up, bitch.
- You just led me down
the prime-rose path...
(spring twanging)
(Flovilla groaning)
Like everyone.
(drill whirring)
(zipper whizzing)
(Asa screaming)
- You bitch. (screaming)
- Oh, why can't,
(Flovilla screaming)
Why can't a woman be more like a man?
(spring twanging)
(Lamar moaning)
(switch clicking)
- Let's switch!
(body thudding)
(gentle piano music)
- Be more like a man...
- Yes?
(clothes rustling)
- Holy fag!
(whimpering) Oh, shit.
- Cunt.
- (laughs) Passion, passion!
- My aching anus.
- Hey, what's happening?
- It's nothing your old man can't handle.
- Oh, that'd get old quick.
- [Lavonia] Mm-hmm.
(Asa and Lamar grunting)
(door squeaking)
- Stay outta my closet, you bitch.
(door slamming)
(drawer clattering)
Pussycat? Pussycat?
(lips smacking)
(latch clicking and squeaking)
- We're gonna have a good time.
Let's see.
- Pussy.
(lips smacking)
Meow, meow.
- 17 inches divided by two is...
- Pussycat, pussycat.
(vagina squelching)
(Lavonia moaning)
(footsteps plodding)
(Lavonia moaning)
(switch clicking)
(Lavonia moaning)
(door clattering)
(crowbar clanging)
(footsteps plodding)
You hear me, Lamar Shedd?
I'm speaking to you, slut.
Jezebel. Paramour.
(Lavonia moaning)
Lamar, this is your last chance.
(crowbar rasping)
(Lavonia moaning)
(crowbar clattering)
(Asa grunts)
Lamar, your queen is speaking to you.
Do you hear me?
(crowbar thudding)
You bitch.
(Lavonia moaning)
(crowbar clanging)
(mallet rustling)
(Lavonia continues moaning)
(door slamming)
(footsteps tapping)
(Lavonia continues moaning)
(door squeaking)
(footsteps plodding)
(door slamming)
Lamar, don't you play games with me!
You vacate my closet immediately!
Do you hear me, you cunt?
Get out right now or
I'll knock down the door.
(mallet thudding)
No, really, fuck you,
bitch, you closet queen!
(mallet thudding)
(Asa speaking indistinctly)
All right, you bitch, you just wait!
(footsteps plodding)
(Lavonia moaning)
(mallet thudding)
(door clattering)
(gun clattering)
(Lavonia moaning)
(gun clanking)
(shells rasping)
(door slamming)
(door creaking)
(footsteps plodding)
(door slamming)
- Lamar Shedd, your
obstinacy is forcing me
to measures most extreme.
Come out, come out, or I'll huff
and I'll puff and I'll
blow the door down!
Lamar, stand aside. (screams)
(gunshot blasting)
(body thudding)
(footsteps plodding)
Lamar, are you all right, pussycat?
Lamar, Daddy didn't hurt you, did he?
- Fuck you, faggot.
- Well, that's all I mean to you?
(footsteps plodding)
(Lavonia moaning)
Fuck you, whore.
You dirty bitch!
(gun thudding)
You dirty slut!
(Lavonia moaning)
(chainsaw clattering)
You forced me to extreme measures!
I will not be denied.
My needs will be fulfilled.
And I pray, bitch, that you should drink
the black sperm of my vengeance.
(chainsaw buzzing)
(Asa screaming)
You dirty slut!
(chainsaw buzzing)
You dirty bitch!
You bitch! (laughs)
(speaking indistinctly)
(laid-back music)
(Lavonia moaning)
(chainsaw buzzing)
I'm gonna get you, dead or alive. (laughs)
(chainsaw buzzing)
You bitch!
Oh, God!
(Flovilla and Lavonia moaning)
(Asa muttering)
(chainsaw buzzing)
But you're stubborn.
Your bitch is coming in!
(Asa whimpering)
(chainsaw buzzing)
(Flovilla and Lavonia moaning)
(Asa screaming)
- You think you can play with me?
You can't!
I'm going to just saw away on my door.
(Asa laughing)
I'm going to kick and marry you.
(foot thudding)
Lover been bad.
Kiss me, I'm coming.
(spring twanging)
(body thudding)
(Lavonia moaning)
- A toupee?
Even your hair's phony.
(Lavonia and Flovilla moaning)
(footsteps plodding)
Lavonia! Lavonia.
We gotta get the fuck
outta this madhouse!
- [Lavonia] More! More!
(seat squeaking)
(footsteps plodding)
More cock!
- Lavonia.
- I'm wet!
- We gotta get
the hell outta here.
(Lavonia and Flovilla moaning)
Goddamn, let's get outta here.
(dildo thudding)
(Flovilla moaning)
(feet thudding)
(dildo grunts)
- Oh, Lamar.
More big cock.
- [Dildo] Yeah, okay,
I'm, I'm ready, I'm ready.
- Lamar...
- You're a discredit to the
marriage counseling profession.
- Fuck you, pussycat!
- Humbug!
(footsteps plodding)
(gentle music)
(door clattering and squeaking)
(pensive music)
(can clanking)
- If that was any example
of Dr. Lavender's professional standards,
his shingle should be hanging
by a mighty thin thread.
He'd even give malpractice
a clean bill of health.
And as for Lamar,
I'd say he's just about
at the end of his rope.
He's exhausted his options
by barking up the wrong tree.
Either he gets his own ass in gear
or it's goodbye, Lavonia, and
all that fun and loving. Pity.
(tires screeching)
- You and your goddamn bright ideas.
(engine humming)
- If Lamar is ever gonna find deliverance,
he'll have to shoot the rapids
in someone else's canoe.
(engine humming)
(switch clicking)
(gentle organ music)
- [Eufaula] You're tuned to Rio Dio Radio,
Heaven's top 40,
where for one week only,
we're offering our genuine
plastic illuminated waterfall
for only $9.98.
(cassette clattering)
That's right, $9.98, postage
and handling included.
Gosh, neighbors, you'll
want to appreciate this work
of art in your own parlor.
It looks like a real waterfall.
Reminds me of my
wonderful trip to Tijuana--
Uh, I mean Niagara.
And yet unlike a real waterfall,
it will never disappoint
you by running dry.
It's made of durable,
industrial-strength plastic designed
to keep running day in and day out,
month after month, year after
year, batteries not included.
Just send $9.98, but no
stamps or checks, please,
brothers and sisters, to
"Waterfall," Rio Dio, Texas,
care of Sister Eufaula Roop,
the Top-40 faith healer and
salvator of the Southwest,
saying think about this question:
have you considered
trading in self-abuse
for self-realization?
(gentle organ music continues)
Yes, self-realization
through the liquid of life
which gave birth to us
all, to the little birdies
and the little fishies,
the little doggies,
the little Kewpies, and the little babies.
And isn't that wonderful?
Water cleansing the body,
the soul, the extremities.
(suspenders snapping)
Immersion is the only answer.
Water to nurture, to succor,
to inundate, to cleanse--
Golly, it's a beautiful notion.
And by gosh, brothers and sisters,
the very thought just makes pins
and needles race up and down my spine.
(truck rattling)
And now let me ask you something, friends.
How many times have you found yourself
in the doghouse?
- Lavonia, if this don't work,
then I'll never bother you again.
(door clattering)
- Maybe what you need is
our new twelve cells...
(clothes thudding)
(engine humming)
(tires screeching)
That's right, twelve cells
for extra power.
You never know when an
emergency will come up,
and two cells just won't do.
Two cells is fine for the little jobs.
But for the big jobs,
you need a big, handsome flashlight!
A, a 12-cell flashlight,
longer lasting.
It won't go off.
(truck rattling)
I mean, it won't go out
when you need it most.
And now, today's laying on
of radio healing service
will come in an hour.
(tapes clattering)
Uh, but first, um,
this interview.
(upbeat marching music)
Uh, yes, dear friends,
and you are dear to me,
each and every single one of you.
I can't tell you how much.
(mellow music)
And, and now, uh, today's
laying on of radio,
uh, yes, radio healing service
will be delayed for an hour
because of technical
difficulties beyond our desires,
uh, I mean beyond our control, that is.
But I promise you,
dear, dear, dear friends,
that just as soon as I can,
um, as soon as I can
straight out my technical,
uh, uh, uh,
(cassettes clattering)
My problems, my sexual, uh, my,
uh, my technical
difficulties, we'll be back.
Because each and every
one's dear to me, that is,
so join with us now
in this interlude of uplifting hymns.
(upbeat jazz music)
(door squeaking)
What can I do for you, brother?
- I wanna be saved.
I wanna be solaced and succored.
- Hmm.
(footsteps plodding)
(upbeat jazz music continues)
Let me slip into something more devout.
(pensive music)
(upbeat jazz music)
(static hissing)
- [Lavonia] Breaker, break,
Wetness to Salad Bowl,
my lube job's overdue.
(Lavonia and Peterbuilt moaning)
- Please, oh, more cock.
Oh, more cock.
(both moaning)
(bed rattling)
(upbeat jazz music continues)
- [DJ] Brothers and sisters,
we now interrupt this program.
Radio Rio Dio in Rio Dio, Texas,
100,000 watts of
faith-healing power, brings you
for the first time live from our studio
an on-the-spot-coverage
(alarm blaring)
Of an actual solace and succor service
by your own Sister Eufaula
Roop, who will heal a young man
whose name is being withheld
pending notification of next of kin.
(gentle organ music)
(water sloshing)
Now we take you live to
Studio A, Sister Roop,
Sinner X, and the Double Joy.
Are you ready to begin
the service? Are we?
Is it time to heal?
Is it? Are you ready to give yourself
over to the experience, are you?
Come with me in the time of life.
Come to the cleansing
water, oh, yes, the water.
(Peterbuilt grunting)
(Lavonia screaming)
Yes, oh, yes, the water
will wash us clean, oh, yes.
The water will clean us,
yes, oh, yes.
- I can't--
- The water will wash us clean, yes.
The water will wash us clean again
in our bodies and our souls, yes!
Our souls and our spirits, yes!
Our spirits and our feet, yes!
- I can't breathe.
- Oh, yes, the water will
wash us clean, oh, yes.
Are you washed?
(Lavonia moaning)
Are you washed?
(water sloshing)
Are you washed?
Are you washed?
- Yes, I'm washed.
- [Eufaula] Are you?
Will we find deliverance? Will we?
Will we find the harmony, eternity?
Will we?
(bed rattling)
Will we find humbling?
- I can't breathe.
- Will we?
- I can't breathe.
- Then stay there. Will we?
Will we find salvation? Will we?
Will we find deliverance?
(Lamar groaning)
Will we? Will we find
the aura of eternity?
Will we? Will we reach karma?
- Please...
- Will we?
And savior, will we? We must.
- No.
- We must be saved.
We must--
- Stop it.
- We must be saved. We must.
- Please.
- We must, we must,
we must.
- Stop.
- Come, come with me now.
- No.
- Come.
- Stop being a bitch.
- Come with me now, come.
And beside me now, come, come.
It's time to come.
- You're it.
- We must be delivered.
We must, we must be saved.
- Wash me, wash me.
- Through reincarnation.
- Heal my radio. Heal me.
- In this life really or in the next.
- Solace me, solace me.
Succor me!
(Eufaula screams)
Succor! Succor me!
- Will we... will we find sal... sal...
sal... salvation?
(breasts smacking)
Realization! Realization!
(Eufaula screaming)
- [Lamar] Help.
(Eufaula and Lamar screaming)
- [Eufaula] Will we find self... self...
(Eufaula and Lamar screaming)
- Succor, succor me.
- [Eufaula] Yes, brother, yes, we will.
(Klaxon blaring)
(Eufaula and Lamar screaming)
- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.
- I'm taking cover.
- Yes, brother.
- Yes, we will.
(Peterbuilt and Lavonia moaning)
Yes, self-realization!
(Eufaula and Lamar screaming)
(gentle organ music continues)
- [DJ] This is your announcer again.
You have just shared,
yes, a live broadcast
of an actual on-the-spot
solace and succor service
(Klaxon blaring)
By the Salvator of the Southwest.
Now, Sister Eufaula
Roop's closing thoughts.
- Brothers and sisters,
(Lamar screaming)
If you're not saved, do what I did,
save yourself.
- [DJ] And now, brothers and sisters,
while Sister Roop realigns her
spheres of spiritual thrust,
a selection of stirring
hymns and martial airs
prepared and gifted to us
by our sister station,
Radio Joplin.
(static hissing)
- [Seagull] Breaker, break,
Seagull to Salad Bowl,
we still got a shit pot
full a-leaving, boy.
If you don't haul it
off, the possums will.
Get your ass in gear, 10-4.
(wheel clattering)
(Peterbuilt and Lavonia moaning)
(wheel squeaking)
(Lavonia moaning)
- Perhaps a sociologist could
explain why Lavonia risks
her ideal relationship,
(Lavonia screaming)
Her prospects for a rosy future,
all for an adulterous liaison
with Small Town's garbage czar.
- You're tough.
- One more time,
Peterbuilt, one more time.
- Oh, no, I gotta split.
(footsteps plodding)
Besides, your old man'll
be due home any time,
and I don't want any more of that shit.
(triumphant horn music)
(footsteps plodding)
- There's still another
hour before supper.
We got lots of time.
(Peterbuilt groaning)
- Ah, shit, no.
- [Lavonia] Oh.
(vagina squelching)
(Lavonia moaning)
- Get your ass outta my face.
I don't eat pussy. It's un-American.
Easy, Lavonia, easy.
The damn thing's as sore as a boil.
Oh, six times in two hours.
- [Lavonia] Concentrate, Mr. Peterbuilt.
All ya have to do is concentrate.
- But why in the world has
Lavonia once again taken
Mr. Peterbuilt to bed?
- Oh, flip me over now.
Now! Flip me!
- I'm whooped, Lavonia.
I'm as weak as a mewly cat.
- Come on, Mr. Peterbuilt.
Climb the mountain one more time.
It'll be the best.
- Oh, fuck.
(fists thudding)
(Peterbuilt grunting)
(Lavonia screaming)
(Peterbuilt grunting)
- Maybe we've been too hard on Lavonia.
Surely, it isn't carnal
desire that drives her on.
Even Mr. Peterbuilt's home breaker
isn't worth a broken home.
(Peterbuilt grunting)
(bed rattling)
(both moaning)
(bed continues rattling)
(static hissing)
- [Mrs. Peterbuilt] Mrs. Peterbuilt here.
You're two hours late for my oil change.
If you're not home in 15 minutes,
I'll see you in court, bimbo.
(Peterbuilt and Lavonia screaming)
(fist thudding)
(glass shattering)
(Lavonia screaming)
(body thudding)
(spring twanging)
- Oh, Lamar, I thought you'd never come.
(belt clanging)
(zipper whizzing)
- Me neither.
(mellow music)
(clothes thudding)
(Lavonia cooing)
- Hop on.
Oh, Lamar, you're all straightened out.
- [Lamar] Yep.
(spring twanging)
(Lavonia moaning)
- It didn't do no good.
Faith healer, my ass.
Old time religion, gimme
that old time religion
Gimme that old time religion
It's good enough for me
- Excuse me, Lavonia.
(Lavonia moaning)
(mellow music)
(wheel squeaking)
(Lavonia continues moaning)
- Oh, Lamar, I feel like a virgin again.
(Lavonia moaning)
(bed rattling)
Oh, Lamar. (moaning)
More cock! Oh, I want it.
Give me more cock.
- Here.
Wrap your legs tight, tight around me.
(Lavonia and Lamar moaning)
- Oh, you're great, better
than Mr. Peterbuilt.
I love it.
(Lamar moaning)
(Peterbuilt growling)
(bell dinging)
Oh, that was a good 'un.
(Lavonia and Lamar moaning)
- Peterbuilt's a bad guy, Lavonia.
- Yeah, Lamar, real bad.
(lively music)
(both moaning)
(bed rattling)
Please, oh, more cock.
(Lavonia moaning)
(energetic music)
(Lavonia and Lamar moaning)
- Now you put that back in
your pants, Mr. Fidelis.
(wheel squeaking)
(mellow music)
Ooh, I tell you, friends, that
song brings me real solace.
I can't say what a comfort it is,
especially in these...
(Lavonia moaning)
Especially in these...
(Lavonia moaning)
(bed rattling)
What, ooh, to expect next?
A song like that can transport
you to honest-to-goodness,
oh, oh, rapture.
Oh, that's just... (laughs)
I feel...
(Lavonia moaning)
Oh, and I just wish I could stay here
at the microphone forever, (laughs)
But, uh, there's always
someone to be saved...
Oh! Someone who needs
solace even more than I do.
But... but... oh!
(switch clicking)
(Lavonia moaning)
(Eufaula squealing)
So let's all enjoy...
(Eufaula squealing)
Enjoy this lovely musical interlude
from (moans) Rio Dio Radio, ooh,
healing you on AM, healing you on FM.
(Lavonia and Lamar moaning)
Brothers and, ooh, sisters,
that's what we need,
self-realization and the, oh!
(Eufaula screaming)
(Lavonia and Lamar moaning)
I'm getting very good vibrations from you.
- [Lavonia] More cock!
- Getting very good vibrations
from, (moans) you (moans) all today.
I can just, whoo, tell how much.
(Lavonia and Lamar moaning)
- Lay it on the radio and...
(Eufaula screaming)
Come on, Rhett.
Rhett, my gosh, you touched my soul.
(footsteps plodding)
(body thudding)
(door slamming)
(Klaxon blaring)
Teenagers need solace and
succor just like anybody else.
- [DJ] This is your announcer again.
We have an unprecedented
epoch in the annals
of radio broadcasting.
Yes, for the second time today,
Sister Eufaula Roop will
bestow an abundance of solace
and succor upon a young sinner.
Hallelujah, brothers
and sisters, hallelujah.
(triumphant horn music)
Gimme that old time religion
Gimme that old time religion
It's good enough for me
Makes me love everybody
Makes me love everybody
Makes me love everybody
It's good enough for me
- Sure, folks play around
a little in Small Town,
but that's just to keep things
from getting too darn peaceful.
And if they don't get what they
want the first time around,
well, there's always tomorrow.
(couple moaning)
In addition to the championship,
there's always more than one bowl game
at the end of the season.
(Zebulon scatting)
(metal clanging)
(upbeat music)
(couple moaning)
(Zebulon scatting)
(Peterbuilt and Sal moaning)
(dramatic music)
(Peterbuilt and Sal moaning)
(truck whirring)
- [Peterbuilt] Are you kidding? No, no.
(metal clanging)
(Sal screaming)
(truck whirring)
(dramatic music continues)
- I always wanted to own
my own junkyard. (laughs)
(mellow music)
(Peterbuilt and Sal moaning)
(Lavonia moaning)
- [Lavonia] More cock! Cock!
(sultry music)
Give me more cock!
- Oh, I didn't know you
were still around, RM.
There's something for
everyone here in Small Town.
That's why it's such
a swell place to live.
Well, look at Lamar.
Now that he and Lavonia have
gotten their act together,
I bet he'll buckle down
and maybe even take
some postgraduate work.
Then again, maybe he'll never
get back to hitting the books.
(spring twanging)
(Lavonia moaning)
- [Lamar] What you gonna
get me for my birthday?
- [Lavonia] You're getting it right now.
(Lavonia and Lamar moaning)
- [Lamar] Seems like old times.
- [Lavonia] But only on your birthday.
(spring twanging)
(Lamar moaning)
- Anyway, if you should ever find yourself
down in this neck of the woods again,
you'll be sure to pay us
a visit to Small Town,
cradle to the nation.
- [Eufaula] ...But no stamps or
checks, friends, to "Pillow,"
Rio Dio, Texas.
(Rhett and SuperSoul moaning)
And now, friends, yes...
- You know my 14-year-old son, Rhett,
but I don't believe you've met
my Austrian wife, SuperSoul.
Say hello, family, to the
folks out there in movie land.
- Hi.
(SuperSoul speaking German)
- Now, son, if you plan to be
around to see your 15th birthday,
you better pull out that
thing you call a dick
and let your father show ya how it's done.
- ...Made long, and what
was insatiable, satiated!
(Eufaula squealing)
(speaker thudding)
(SuperSoul speaking German)
(ground rumbling)
(people moaning)
(dramatic music)
(ground rumbling)
(dramatic music continues)
(people screaming)
(SuperSoul speaking German)
(ground continues rumbling)
- Like the old man said,
walk down any street,
knock on any door, and who will you meet?
Average people,
(Eufaula screaming)
Ordinary people,
(Semper Fidelis grunting)
Down-home people, yeah,
(Sal laughing)
like the folks next door.
(Lavonia moaning)
Take Rhett, for example, the
young punk with a big future,
but frankly, he doesn't give a damn.
Or the Dame Lola Langusta,
Mexico's own Susan B. Anthony.
Too bad those tits
haven't been commemorated
on a two-peso note of her own.
And that palooka Peterbuilt,
86'd with his own club.
Flovilla Thatch, yeah, she
knew all the answers. (laughs)
Now she's a very practical nurse.
And Zebulon proved the
American way is the only way.
Now it's nothing less
than Hollywood for him.
Or the Austrian wife, SuperSoul,
milking young elks at will.
Eufaula Roop, solace and
succor for the masses,
her coffers bulging and
tax exempt, of course.
Asa Lavender, he's blown his cover,
but he'll turn up, like maybe a doctor,
lawyer, or an Indian chief,
even a school teacher.
Lavonia, what can I say?
A pulverizing crucible of fulfillment;
if her brand of adultery could be bottled
and pushed by the kernel,
she'd own the town.
Then there's Lamar.
He found that something as
precious as love brings with it
a demand for an occasional change of pace.
Kitten Natividad, a Latin Brunhilda,
all the laurel eyes rolled
into one, but take it from me,
that's another tale.
(Kitten squealing)
Paris creations direct from Paraguay.
- Attach it, uh--
- Semper Fidelis,
his pneumatic crotch
shoring up the beaver dams
of Small Town.
Junk Yard Sal, a full day's
pay for an honest day's work
and never a charge for overtime.
(jaunty music)
(feet shuffling)
Oh, I, uh, I forgot Bormann.
How thoughtless of me.
(Martin singing in German)
Marty, he's finally found
peace in his beloved desert.
(Martin singing in German)
- Oh, fuck me, fuck me, oh.
Fuck me! More cock!
Oh, more cock!
- Hey, Kitten, let's go!
(Kitten moaning)
(cart clattering)
(footsteps plodding)
Where in the hell's the crew?
Well, no matter.
(footsteps plodding)
Let me check out on a historical note,
a matter of military records.
Bormann's teeth and gums
were found some years
after World War II, but
they never found him.
There he is, alive and well, sweetheart.
Living proof that gentle
will all your steps be
as you venture beneath the
Valley of the Ultra-Vixens.
- [Lavonia] Marty, oh, it's so much better
without your teeth.
(coffin creaking)
(Martin speaking German)
(coffin creaking)
(continues moaning)
- [Narrator] Be sure to watch
for the further adventures
of the bountiful Lavonia
challenging a whole new
batch of bosom buddies
for horizontal honors in Russ Meyer's
"The Jaws of Vixen."
(suspenseful music)
She'll never let go.
(spring twanging)
(item thudding)