Big Boys (2023) Movie Script

(static buzzing and hum)
(washing machine whirring)
(dog barking)
(pages rustling)
(indistinct muttering)
(pages rustling)
(dryer buzzes)
(man laughing)
(dogs barking)
(door closes)
(men talking in distance)
(men laughing)
- No, I'm excited.
(men talking indistinctly)
(door bangs open)
- Yo, is my phone in here?
- No, it's not.
Can you...
Can you knock next time, please?
- Excuse me, nips?
- I said, "Can you
knock next time?"
Freaking bum.
- Why are you on the floor?
- Because I'm looking
for my first aid kit.
- Why do you need that?
- In case there's a
medical emergency,
isn't that obvious to you?
- The only medical emergency
is gonna be me killing you.
- Is that right?
- You heard me, bitch.
- You think they're gonna
have toilet paper there?
- Maybe. I don't know.
Yo, check this out.
(knife rattling)
- Sick.
- That's like a
really advanced trick.
- Just in case, do you think
I should bring a six pack or?
- I don't know.
I'm not a shitologist.
I don't know the ratio of
squares of toilet paper to ass,
I don't know.
There's four people,
so do the math.
- No, it's three people.
- No, there's four people.
- What?
What are you talking about?
- Allie's bringing
her boyfriend.
- What?
That's news to me.
I thought this
was supposed to be
a cousins-only camping trip.
- That's what Mom
said, I don't know.
- I didn't even know Allie
had a boyfriend.
- Well, apparently she does.
- Mom, I know how couples are.
I have many friends who are
in relationships at school.
They're just gonna be
having sex the whole time.
- They're not gonna
have sex the whole time.
- Maybe not like the whole
time, but it'll be a marathon.
- Okay.
You love Allie, right?
- Yes.
- So don't you think
there's a pretty good chance
that you'll like
her boyfriend too?
I mean, he's
probably a cool guy.
He's from Austin.
- Mom, just 'cause
someone's from Austin
or a cool city doesn't
make him a cool person.
Like Tom, he was from Portland.
Portland's cool. He wasn't.
- You gave him a chance and
I really appreciated that.
So don't you think that
Allie deserves the same?
(Jamie exhales)
(birds chirping)
(phone alarm rings)
(soft uplifting music)
(Jamie exhales)
(Will speaking in distance)
(water running)
- Hi!
- Hi!
- [Allie] Dan, this is
my Aunt Nicole.
- [Dan] It's a pleasure
to meet you.
-[Nicole] Nice to meet you, Dan.
I've heard nice
things about you.
Come on in, come on in.
How was the drive?
- [Allie] It was good.
- [Dan] Long.
- [Nicole] (chuckles) I bet.
- [Allie] Yeah.
- Ah, there he is.
- Hey!
- Hi!
- Oh my God!
Oh, it's so good to see you.
- So good to see you.
- Dude, what the heck?
You're like a man now.
- [Nicole] I know, right?
- [Allie] I can't handle it.
Is he taller than Will?
- Oh shh, yeah.
- [Allie] Sore subject!
Oh my gosh, I'm so rude.
Jamie, this is my boyfriend,
- It's good to meet you, bud.
- Good to meet you.
- [Nicole] These guys
are so excited to go,
especially Jamie.
But obviously let me know if
they give you any trouble.
- Oh no, don't worry about that.
I'm sure they'll be fine.
But if not, we can always
feed em to the bears.
(everyone laughs)
- [Allie] Let's hope it
doesn't come to that.
- That's funny but
you know, actually,
I recently read an article
about how two newlyweds
were going camping
in a national park
near here and you know,
they were brutally
mauled by a black bear
and it's just really tragic
and that's why
safety comes first.
Like bear boxes, bear spray,
all those important
things, so yeah.
- That's terrible.
- [Jamie] Yeah.
- (uplifting music)
- So, on Sunday you can
drop them off whenever,
but I have tennis till 2.
- [Allie] Okay, sounds good.
Do you want us to wait or?
- No, they're fine. (chuckles)
- [Allie] It should take
about three hours.
(Allie laughs)
Alright, love you!
You all good back there?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- No, we're chillin'.
- We're good.
- [Dan] Alright, let's hit it.
- Bye, bye!
Bye, honey!
(angelic music)
(voices harmonizing)
- [Will] Yo Allie,
is there gonna be
service at the campsite?
- [Allie] Not really,
do you need it?
- I'm just trying
to watch the game.
- Hey yo, what game
are you talking about?
- Warriors, Mavs.
- Who you got?
- Warriors.
- Okay.
- What, you're
going for the Mavs?
- Bro, I'm from Texas, of
course I'm going with the Mavs.
- Nah, you're goofy.
- I'm goofy?
Who's gonna check Luka?
- Uh, how about
Draymond or Klay?
Pick one.
- Nah bro, those guys are bums.
- They're bums?!
- Bro, first of all,
it doesn't even matter
who they put on Luka
'cause he's gonna
get thirty anyway.
- [Will] No he's not!
- [Dan] I'll bet you my car
that the Mavs beat the Warriors.
- [Will] I will take that bet.
- Bet it.
- I will totally take that bet.
- Alright. (laughs)
- That's a W.
- How about you man?
Who you got?
- Oh, I don't watch much
basketball anymore, so.
- Jamie doesn't care
about sports, Dan.
If it's not Barefoot
Contessa, he's not interested.
- Oh yeah?
That's too bad man.
(voices harmonizing)
- [Will] This would be a
dope ass place to trip balls.
Yo, Allie, you know where
I could get some shrooms?
[Allie] Oh my god.
It doesn't gotta be shrooms,
like, it could be DMT,
I'm game for some hardcore shit.
- I think our friend just
started selling them actually.
- Why would you tell him that?
- Yo!
(cooler crashes)
- [Jamie] Oh shit!
- [Dan] Easy bud.
We got glass in there.
- Oh, sorry.
- [Will] Hey yo, Dan the man,
can I get your friend's number?
- [Allie] Do not give
him Scott's number.
- [Dan] Okay, I'm
sorry, I'm sorry.
Alright, you got
the buns in here.
Got the Pop-Tarts, why'd
you get Cookies n Cream?
- [Allie] Jamie likes them.
- [Dan] Oh.
(chuckles) Tapatio chips.
Wow, yeah, I didn't even
know that was a thing.
Thanks, babe.
[Jamie] You're welcome.
(bird squawks)
- What?
- I was just saying um...
I got the snacks.
It's all good though.
- Okay.
Well, (chuckles) yeah
thanks bud, appreciate it.
- Yeah.
(bird chirps)
(country music plays
in distance)
(Allie giggles)
- [Dan] You got your side?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- [Dan] Boom.
(Allie giggles)
Push it up a little bit.
- [Allie] Yeah.
- [Dan] There we go.
You got yours?
Huh, you need some help?
- No.
(both chuckle)
I got it.
- [Dan] Look at that.
It took like two seconds.
-[Alllie] Yeah, these are like
the easiest to set up.
(tent poles rattling)
- [Dan] Hey man,
you need a hand?
- No, I got it.
I got it.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
- Have you actually ever
set up a tent before or?
- No, but it can't be that hard.
- Oh, okay.
- It's not rocket science.
- Just be easy with it,
alright, because we...
- [Jamie] Yep, I know. (panting)
- Here, let me just grab...
- I got it.
(groans) Oh!
Oh shit!
- Yeah, yeah.
See that's what I was afraid of.
- (exhales) Sorry, um.
- It's all good, man.
Why don't you do me a favor and
go in the glove box
and grab some tape for me?
- Yeah, glove box.
- Yeah, yeah.
(Jamie blowing bubbles)
- Hey Will, what do
you think about Dan?
- He's chill.
- I feel like he doesn't
like me for some reason.
- It's probably because
he doesn't respect you.
- Do you think he respects you?
- Of course he does.
(water splashes)
- Stop!
- Sorry.
- I said-
- Mmm, yummy boys in my lake.
- Don't mind if I nibble.
- Alright, that's enough.
Stop, get away from me.
- What?
I'm just a sexy sea monster.
Nothing to be afraid of.
- Okay.
(both giggle)
Sexy sea monster is disgusting.
- [Jamie] How dare you!
(water splashes)
(both squealing)
Give me some nips.
- Oh no, no.
- Give me the nips.
- Give me the nips!
(Will squealing)
(water splashes)
- Not that fast.
(water splashes)
What are you, what
are you looking at?
(Erika and Quinn giggling)
- [Will] The blonde one's
pretty hot.
- Yeah, sure.
- I wonder if they're
staying the night.
- I'm not really in the mood
to go hang out
with random people.
- Listen dude,
you still haven't had your
first hookup, right?
- No, but I want to do
it with someone I value,
someone I care about, you know.
- How about this?
Hook up with pigtails over there
so you won't be complete trash
when you get with someone
you actually like.
- Will, that does
not sound very nice.
- Listen, Jamie, girls love guys
who have hooked up with
a ton of other girls.
It makes them feel like
they're part of a harem.
Do you know what a harem is?
- Yeah, Will, I know
what a harem is,
but I don't think it, like,
sense in this context.
- Well, it does.
You're just not listening.
I'll take the lead, alright?
Let's move.
(water bubbling)
Yo, what's up?
Do you guys know if there's
any piranhas in this lake?
- No, why?
- I swear I felt
something bite me earlier.
Maybe I'm just tripping.
I smoked earlier,
so I don't know.
I could be buggin'.
Anyway, what are
you guys doing here?
What's up?
- We're just here
with our parents.
- Yeah.
- Nice.
- What about you guys?
- We're here with our cousin.
It's a vibe.
- The terrain is
a little uneven.
- Yeah.
- Anyway, have you
guys, like, been here before?
- [Quinn] No, it's
our first time.
Our campsite is kind of gross.
It's next to the bathroom.
- It's pretty smelly.
- Oh no.
- That's ass, I'm sorry.
Which one are you guys at?
- [Quinn] 13, I think.
- Oh really?
I think we're like 14
or something like that.
So that's like-
- Will, we're actually 22.
- [Will] We are?
- [Jamie] Yeah.
- Whatever.
So we're just gonna kinda
just be chilling later tonight
if you guys wanna pull up.
- Yeah, we could maybe do that.
- [Will] Word.
(upbeat music)
- [Allie] Nice.
- [Allie] Oh! Sorry. (laughter)
- [Jamie] Oh geez!
- I'm sorry, I'm
sorry, I'm sorry.
- Allie...
Are you gonna do that again?
No, see, stop.
- No, it's a trickle.
It's a trickle.
- Okay, okay.
(upbeat music continues)
- [Allie] Have you talked
to Dennis recently?
- Not since my bar mitzvah.
- Is he okay?
He's, like, different right?
- Different.
(Allie giggles)
- Stop!
- You know what I'm talking
(both laugh)
- Okay.
- Okay, you know what
I'm talking about.
- I do know what you're
talking about actually.
- Oh.
Isabelle got arrested. (laughs)
- You're joking.
- Yeah.
Apparently she was selling
fake designer handbags.
She actually tried
to sell me one.
- Well, I'm not that
surprised about that
because I'm pretty sure
she's the one who stole my
Switch last Thanksgiving.
- Oh my God.
- What you guys
playing over here?
- Gin Rummy.
- Oh yeah?
Don't they play that
in, like, nursing homes?
- Oh huh?
- No, it's actually
an all ages game.
- Hey baby, why don't you grab
the kindling for me, alright?
I'm about to get started.
- Okay, but we're in
the middle of a game.
- Yeah, but you said
you were hungry, right?
You wanted me to make dinner.
- Can you, like, wait
just like one minute?
- Yeah, okay.
You guys forget about
it, I'll just ask Will.
- No, I'll do it, Dan.
I'll do it.
- Jamie, no, you don't have t.
I'll do it.
- I'm serious.
I got it, relax, I got it.
Just kindling,
anything else, man?
- No, no, no, that's it, yeah.
Thanks, bud.
- Cool, be right back.
(birds chirping)
How's this?
- Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's
a good haul, man, yeah.
That's more than enough.
Thank you.
- Great.
- Okay.
I threw in some pine
cones for extra fuel.
- Alright, cool.
Hey, you wanna help
me build a fire?
- No, no. It's okay.
- Have you ever done it before?
- Well, kind of,
but not like fully.
- Oh man, it's easy,
here, pop a squat.
- Okay.
- So first thing you gotta do,
you gotta take these dried twigs
and throw it in here
kind of like as the base.
- How many, like...
- Yeah.
-That many?
- Yeah a few more, a
few more, a few more.
Yeah, maybe a couple more.
Grab this nice one here.
- Okay.
- Cool.
And then what you do is,
you take these guys
and you do kind of like
a log cabin thing.
Go ahead and try.
Cool, now you strike your match.
- Oh shit, sorry.
- Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no it's cool,
it's cool, it's cool.
Just try it again.
See? You got it.
Now just throw it on in.
- Just like?
- Yeah, just throw it in, man.
It's not gonna
bite you, go ahead.
Yeah, now we just
let it do its thing.
- Okay.
- Good job man.
(fire crackles)
- [Dan] Boom.
- Are we having burgers?
- Yeah bud, it should be
about say, 20 minutes or so.
- Yeah, nice.
How do you spice them?
- I'm sorry?
- Like, what's your spice blend?
- [Allie] What spice blend?
- [Dan] Don't
listen to her, man.
You know, I just use a little
salt, a little pepper, man.
I like to keep it
simple. It's good.
- Yeah, um...
You ever tried using paprika?
- No, I haven't.
Sounds good.
Maybe next time.
- Well, actually on that note,
I did bring a couple options...
if we wanna spice things up.
- [Allie] Ooh, nice.
- [Jamie] Boom.
But we don't have to use them
if we don't want to here.
- No, no, no.
This is cool.
- Great.
Hey, good choice.
I'm actually pretty obsessed
with that right now.
It gives everything this
beautiful kick,
you know?
- How old are you again?
- 14.
- Wow!
- Yeah.
- When I was 14, I was
dumbass. (chuckles)
This kid's a gourmet
chef? Got me beat, man.
(choral music)
- These are bomb, thanks Dan.
- No, bro.
Don't thank me.
Thank Chef Jamie over here.
He's the one who took
them to the next level.
- Oh, you're too kind.
If I'm gonna be honest,
I would go a little
lighter on that cayenne.
But overall, I'm actually
pretty happy with them.
- I think they're perfect.
- Yeah, bro.
- Thank you.
- Alright, don't get
a big head or anything.
They're good but they're not
the best burgers I've ever had.
- Okay, whatever.
- You a food critic, bro?
- Me?
- I didn't realize you
were a food critic.
- I'm not.
I'm just saying I've
had better burgers.
- Oh you work for
The New York Times?
You're publishing a
list of the best burgers
you've ever had?
Because if so, bro, just let
me know when the list comes out
because I'd love to
see where we rank.
- Dog, what?
Whatever, I was just
fucking with him.
It's not a big deal.
- [Will] Yo Dan, can I cop some?
- [Allie] Will, give it up.
We're not giving you shrooms.
We're not giving you alcohol.
We are not those people for you.
- Why not?
My friends and I drink a
handle every fucking weekend.
We get turnt the fuck up.
- [Allie] Oh wow, ya'll must
be the coolest kids in school.
- [Dan] Babe, come on, one sip?
That's not gonna do
anything, right?
- Thank you, Dan.
- It doesn't matter.
His mom would kill me.
- [Dan] You heard her
man, she's the boss.
- Come on!
- [Allie] What are we doing r
Jamie, you wanna be with me?
- Yeah, we could do that.
But we could also like,
I don't know, do me and
Dan versus you guys?
- Oh yeah, yeah.
- Only because we're
just so good together,
it would be unfair, so...
- [Allie] Okay.
Dan, is that cool with you?
You and Jamie?
- Yeah, that's
cool. The big boys.
- Yeah.
(upbeat music)
- It's like a place to put
your ass when you're tired.
- Oh, bed.
- No, it's like a
couch, but it's outside.
- Oh, uh, ugh!
- No, eyes on me, no, no!
- Futon, day bed, wheelchair.
- Close.
Take out the wheels.
- Chair.
- No!
- Time!
It was a bench, Allie.
- What?
- I can't see, so
I'm gonna grab a-
- Night goggles?
- But it's one thing.
- A light, a flashlight!
- Whoo!
It's a big opening that
you travel through.
- A portal.
- Yeah, but you would drive
a vehicle through it.
- Like a tunnel.
- Tunnel!
- Oh my God!
- Okay. Uh. Um.
- Uh, what?
- It's on your head.
- Horns, hair.
- Uh, oh.
Wait uh (screams), I
don't know what to say...
- Just say the thing, please!
- At the end of a cat it's a?
- Tail.
- Yeah, okay.
What do dreidels do? (chuckles)
- Spin?
- Yeah.
- A tailspin?
- Yes, yes, yes.
- When you come out of the bath,
the state of your body?
- Clean?
- Not only is it
clean, hopefully.
- You're wet.
- Yeah.
(Jamie and Dan laughing)
Damn, you're good.
Creaky bones.
- Arthritis?
- Yeah, what?
- You're cheating!
- Bullshit.
- They're hating bro.
I think I might eat these
marshmallows right out the bag!
- You gotta give me one!
- Want one, bro?
- [Jamie] Yes, I do!
- [Dan] There you go.
Only for tonight
We can be together
Underneath those lights
Looks like we'll
last forever
Only for tonight
We can be together
Underneath those lights
Looks like we'll
last forever
Don't think twice,
although we'd never make it
Tonight I'm gonna fake it,
only for tonight
Only for tonight
(toothbrush vibrating)
- Hey, all yours bud.
- Thanks. (spits)
(door creaks)
(Dan and Allie
talking indistinctly)
(Allie giggling)
(Dan kissing Allie)
- Good night, guys!
- [Dan] Oh shit!
(Allie shrieks)
- Sorry about that.
Didn't mean to scare you.
- [Allie] It's fine.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Dan, thanks for letting me
cook with you today.
That was really fun.
- [Dan] Of course,
man, you're a pro.
- Thanks.
And you know, if you're ever
down to cook some other stuff,
we should totally do that.
- [Dan] Hell yeah
man, that sounds good.
We'll try something
in the morning.
- [Jamie] Yeah, cool.
I saw you guys got some, uh...
...some bacon, some sausage,
and yogurt, crackers,
all the good stuff.
But if we're gonna make
the eggs, we need milk.
Did you bring milk?
- [Dan] Uh, I don't know,
I don't think so.
- [Jamie] All good.
We can improvise.
- [Dan] Sounds good.
- Um.
- Well...
(tent rustles)
Good night.
- [Dan] Good night.
- [Allie] Good night.
(insects singing)
(knife rattling)
(pencil scratching)
- Alright. (exhales)
It's 11.
Let's head out.
- What?
- [Will] Let's go.
Those girls are waiting for us.
- Will, are we really, like,
still doing this?
- Yes.
- I'm so tired.
- Then wake up.
Let's go.
- I am not ready
for this, I don't...
- Dog, look, look at me.
Don't worry, you're fine,
You're ready.
You're just nervous.
It's gonna be fun.
(zipper opens)
You know I'm trying to
help you right now, right?
You're 14.
You need to get some ass, Jamie.
- It's just, like, this
way doesn't feel right.
- Are you gay?
- Will, I'm not...
- No, seriously, are you gay?
- Will, I'm not gay, okay?
- No, no, it's fine if you are.
Just tell me so I
know not to sleep
in the same tent as you.
(zip closes)
- [Jamie] Will,
what are you doing?
- Shh, it's fine.
- [Jamie] No Will,
put that back.
- [Will] Shut the fuck up.
- [Jamie] They're
gonna be so mad, dude.
- [Will] Look, they
won't even notice.
- [Jamie] Put it back, put
it back, put it back, Will,
put it back.
Fuck! (groans)
(hip hop music)
- [Quinn] You did not go
to Cabo with Post Malone.
- [Will] I did.
My dad's friend knows
him, so he hooked us up.
We smoked a fat
blunt together too.
- Okay, you're such a liar.
- I swear to God.
- I was pretty disappointed
when the English dub came out.
Usually the animation studio
does really good English dubs.
But this one basically
made no sense.
Thank God I read the manga
or I'd have no idea
what was actually going on.
- So do you always watch
the anime with the dub or?
- Not necessarily.
If I really like a series,
I'll watch it once with the dub
and once with the sub.
Like in "Psycho Hunt"
there's this one character
who's like a really
good detective.
In the sub, he says,
"Let's set a mouse trap."
But in the dubbed
version, he says,
I'd like to give this
mouse some of my cheese."
Question mark? (giggles)
Thank you.
- Thanks, Will.
Oh, uh, thanks, Erika.
I've already had enough.
I really shouldn't.
- Okay.
(Erika exhales)
- Are you, like, cold?
- A little.
- Is that better?
- Yeah. (chuckles)
Anyway, sorry, keep
talking. (giggles)
- Yeah, so, uh...
Oh, you have an eyelash, wait.
- Ow!
- Oh, oh, sorry, Erika.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. (chuckles)
- Okay.
(upbeat pop music)
- So should I like make a
wish or something? (chuckles)
- I don't know.
Do you wanna make a wish?
- Sure. (chuckles)
- Go for it.
(Erika blows)
What'd you wish for?
- I can't tell you.
That would make it not
come true. (chuckles)
- Yeah.
Did it come true?
- Sort of. (giggles)
- Well, I'm not like
a mind reader, so...
that was my best guess.
- You're close.
(music swells)
- Hold on one second, Erika.
The alcohol is making
me a little dizzy.
I'll be back.
- [Quinn] I've always
wanted a tattoo.
- You would look really
good with a tramp stamp.
- [Quinn] What?
Jamie! (laughs)
Are you drunk?
- Uh, I...
I think so.
- Oh my God. (chuckles)
- I'm a little drunk.
- I have never
seen him like this.
I mean, I've seen some shit
'cause me and my friends
drink a handle every weekend.
But we have never
been this fucked up.
- Will, come here for a second.
- How much did you drink?
- Way too much, man.
I think I need to go back.
I think I'm gonna puke.
- Just puke here.
- No, no.
- Literally right here.
No, you don't understand, Will.
Will, I need to be
next to the car.
- This is the Jamie divot.
- It's not a joking matter,
I need to go back to the car
so Allie can take me to
the hospital if need be.
- Dog, what are you doing?
You're doing great.
Don't fuck it up now.
Come on, get up.
Uppies, uppies, this way.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Okay, yeah.
He's all good.
He just needed a second.
Yo, Quinn.
I saw some cool-looking
shit, like right over there,
if you wanna check it out.
- I mean, you're good, right?
- [Erika] Yeah. (giggles)
- Sure.
- Alright.
- [Will] Yo!
Don't let him leave.
He's just nervous
'cause he likes you.
- [Quinn] You're so obvious.
- [Will] Nah, nah, nah.
(insects singing)
- So...
Did you still wanna
guess what I wished for?
- I don't know, I'm so drunk,
I can't even remember
my own name right now.
- Okay.
(Jamie exhales)
Are you mad you're
not with Quinn?
- What?
- It's fine if you are.
I know how pretty she is.
- No, no, no, I'm
happy I'm with you.
- Okay.
It just didn't seem like
it, so I wanted to ask.
- I'm so sorry that I'm
coming off the way that I am.
I think you are a very kind
and funny and beautiful woman.
And you know, if I weren't
so drunk right now,
I'd totally want to do anything
you wanted, like, to do
And it's my fault that I'm
so drunk, not yours, mine.
And so, I'm sorry.
- Okay.
- Does that make sense?
- Yeah.
Thanks for saying that.
- Yeah, of course.
- Maybe next time you
shouldn't drink so much.
- Yeah.
It's kind of becoming a problem.
(owl hooting)
(Jamie sighs)
(insects chirping)
(dreamy music)
(stick cracks)
- [Dan] Hello?
(Jamie exhales)
- Hey, Dan.
I was just coming
back from the bathroom
and I'm going right
back to my tent.
I'm just, like, passing by.
- What's that in your pocket?
- [Jamie] What?
- Come here.
(Dan chuckles)
- Please don't tell Allie.
- Come on bro, I'm
not gonna tell her.
- Okay.
And I didn't drink
any by the way.
- How come?
- Well, I felt bad doing it
without your permission, so.
- Bro, come on.
You got my permission,
but only if you want to.
- Sure.
(cap rattling)
- Easy, easy.
Baby sips. (chuckles)
Where's Will?
He's not with you?
- He's with a girl from
another campsite, I think.
- I see.
That guy gives you
a lot of shit, huh?
- Yeah, I mean, he's just, like,
fucking around, so it's okay.
- Yeah.
Hey, look man, I know I just
met you and everything, but
I get it.
I got two older brothers
and they were vicious, man.
I mean, they were really mean.
They used to kick my
ass and call me fat.
Fart on me in my sleep.
- Will did that once.
- I bet he did.
Anyway, what I'm
trying to say is
sometimes you
gotta dish it back,
otherwise they'll
walk all over you.
Just a little advice from one
little brother to another.
- Yeah.
- [Allie] Dan?
- Yeah, babe?
- Who are you talking to?
- [Dan] No one.
You must be dreaming.
See you in the morning, bud.
(insects singing)
(zipper opens)
(zipper closes)
(Jamie exhales)
(choral music)
(footsteps approaching)
(door unlocks)
- Oh sorry, I didn't
know you were in here.
- You wanna come in?
(Jamie panting)
(Jamie exhales)
(footsteps approaching)
(choral music)
(door unlocks)
- Oh, sorry, I didn't
know you were in here.
- You wanna come in?
(fly buzzing)
(Jamie groans)
(choral music)
- Get in here, bud.
- Oh, that feels so good.
- Yeah, you needed this.
You seem stressed.
- Do I?
- It's cool.
I'm stressed too.
- What are you stressed about?
- Me and Allie, we've been
fighting a lot recently.
I'm probably gonna break up
with her when we get back home.
- Oh.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
- Oh no, it's all good.
I've got you now.
(Jamie panting)
(switch clicks)
(insects singing)
(owl hoots)
(switch clicks)
(Jamie exhales)
(rhythmic drum beats)
(zipper opens)
(choral music)
(zipper closes)
(footsteps approaching)
(zipper opens)
(zipper closes)
- [Will] Jamie?
Are you awake?
- Hmm, what?
- Jamie!
- Yeah, what's up?
- Did you guys hook up?
- What?
- Did you guys hook up?
- Oh yeah, we did.
- Yes! (giggles)
Let's go.
- Shh, you're gonna
wake up everyone.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm just pumped for you, bruh.
So, shit.
Was it dope?
- Yeah, it was cool.
- Nice.
- Yeah, mine was too.
She's a freak.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
- [Will] Whoo.
Fucking love that shit.
- [Jamie] I'm a little tired.
I think I'm gonna go to bed.
- Alright, man, yeah.
You get your well-needed sleep
after a big night like that.
You deserve it.
- Thanks.
- [Will] Good night.
- [Jamie] Good night.
-[Will] Big man.
(zipper closes)
(switch clicks)
(birds chirping)
(Jamie exhales)
- Breakfast is ready.
- Pop-Tarts.
- How'd you sleep?
- I slept okay.
How about you?
- Eh.
Not great.
- [Jamie] Oh.
- What does your shirt say?
- Oh yeah.
- uh leash, uh keys.
Cute, I love her.
- Oh yeah, we do too.
- Like, you love her
or, like, Dan loves her?
- Dan loves Alicia Keys.
- Are you serious about that?
- Yeah no, we met at
one of her concerts.
Hey, I was looking
in the cooler earlier
and we're missing a
hot dog from that new pack.
Did one of you boys eat
a raw hot dog last night?
- Not that I remember.
- Did I?
- Yeah, it was probably you.
I mean, you were so
drunk last night,
I wouldn't be surprised.
- Oh God.
(zipper opens)
(Dan groans)
- [Allie] Morning.
- [Dan] Hey, morning.
(zipper closes)
- [Allie] There he is.
- [Jamie] Morning, Dan.
- [Dan] Hey, morning, morning.
- [Dan] How you holding up?
(Allie giggles)
(Dan laughs)
(dog barks)
(birds chirping)
(pages rustling)
(pencil scratching)
(footsteps approaching)
- Hey, Dan.
- Hey, what's up bud?
- Sorry to bug you, but I
drew this picture of you
and thought you
might wanna see it.
- Oh yeah?
Oh wow.
That's me. (chuckles)
Oh yeah, that's
something there, man.
You're really talented.
Oh look, you got the Alicia
Keys quote on there.
- Yeah.
Allie told me you are a big fan,
so I had to throw it in
there, like, of course.
- She's the greatest.
- Oh yeah, she's the best.
My mom used to play
her for me all the time
when I was younger.
I practically grew up on her.
- You ever been to
one of her concerts?
- No, but I'd love to.
- Oh yeah, man,
it's a great time.
- I've heard great things, so.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And she's still hot. To be 42?
- Yeah, yes she is.
Yeah, so I dunno,
thought I'd show you.
- Oh yeah, thanks bud.
- Yeah.
- Catch you later.
- [Dan] Yeah.
(contemplative music)
(boys talking in distance)
(boys laughing)
- [Will] Hey, Jamie, come here!
- What?
- [Will] Just come
here real quick.
- You're just scared
I'm gonna be right.
- Okay, word.
See what happens.
- Come here.
- We shall.
- We shall, we shall what?
- Come on.
- Bustle over here, bud.
- Come here.
- Dude.
- Take a seat.
Dan thinks you're better
than me at arm wrestling.
So come here.
- You gotta show
him who's boss, bud.
- No.
- Come on, I wanna see you lose.
Come here.
- Dude, it's fine.
We can arm wrestle
some other time.
- Dog, just sit on the bench.
Thank you.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Stubborn as fuck.
- Here we go, you ready?
You're good.
Come on, you got it.
Eye of the tiger.
Call it off.
- [Will] One, two, three, go.
- Ooh.
Here we go.
Yeah, here we go.
- Yeah.
- Show me something.
Show me something.
- [Will] Just get him, dude.
- [Jamie] Ooh, wow.
(both groaning)
- Yep.
What'd I say?
I was right.
- Yeah. Well, actually, that
was just my personal warm-up,
so, let's go again.
- He wants to go again.
- I wanna go again,
I wasn't ready.
I wasn't prepared at all.
- He wants to lose twice.
- I mean, you didn't wanna
go again, but he does.
- Yeah.
- He just wants to lose again.
That's chill.
- Come on.
Here we go.
Oh God, I'm nervous now.
You ready?
- Yep.
Let me get a better position.
- Let's go, let's go, come on.
- Ready?
- Yep.
- Count it off.
- One, two, three, go.
(both groaning)
- [Dan] Oh, he's strong.
- [Will] Just get him, dude.
- No, no, no, he's
lasting longer than you.
- No, you're going easy on him.
You're fucking
going easy on him.
Just fucking pin him.
- I'm going down.
- [Will] You're
going easy on him.
Just fucking pin
him to the ground.
(both groaning)
- [Will] Dog!
- [Dan] Oh!
- [Will] What?
- [Dan] You're a beast, baby!
- [Will] No, that didn't
fucking count.
It was rigged.
- Great job.
- That was great.
- That was great.
- That was not,
that didn't count.
Dan just let you win, alright?
- I actually think it did count.
It was a fair and square fight.
- It was fair.
- No, I don't think it was.
Dan did shot put in college
and you have never
lifted a weight in your life.
- Okay, what does that
have to do with this?
- Strength?
What the fuck do you mean?
Ok, maybe it doesn't mean
I'm stronger than Dan,
but maybe it just means
that I'm stronger than you.
- Ooh!
- No, it doesn't mean-
(Dan and Jamie laughs)
You know that's
not fucking true.
You're full of shit.
- What?
- [Will] Just like you were full
of shit last night, right?
- What do you... what?
- What?
I ran into Erika this morning.
Guess what she said.
She said you guys
never hooked up.
- Will, stop, you're
talking out of your ass.
- Look, Dan,
he had the perfect opportunity
to get with a girl last night.
- Stop.
- [Will] To finally
hook up with someone
and he just bitched out.
- I did not bitch out.
- [Will] And now he'll probably
never get with a girl.
- Will, let me finish,
I didn't bitch out.
We hooked up like-
- Uh-huh, yeah, sure.
- Why're you lying to me?
Now you're lying to Dan?
- I'm not lying to you at all.
- Yeah, yeah, you are.
Why are you wearing
your hat like that?
- Like what? I wear my hat
backwards sometimes. So what?
- Are you sure it's not because
you wanna copy Dan?
- Shut up.
- Hey, easy, easy.
- Seriously?
- What? Okay, okay.
- You fucking kidding me?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Stop, stop.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Ow, Will!
- You're fine!
- Both of you just
chill out, alright?
- Hey, I'm good.
He's the one that
fucking attacked me.
- Chill out.
- I was doing
exactly what you said
and I was sticking
up for myself.
- Yeah, well, bro,
I didn't mean to hit him.
- Well, I didn't know that.
And now I probably
have a concussion, so.
- Let me see, man.
You're fine, alright?
- How do you know that, Dan?
I could have brain damage.
I might as well go to
a hospital right now.
- [Dan] Come on man,
don't be a baby.
- [Jamie] I'm not a baby!
(rocks hitting tree)
(birds chirping)
- [Allie] Hey, are you okay?
- [Jamie] Does it look
like I'm okay?
Oh God.
- Dan told me what happened.
- You know it's all
his fault, right?
- I don't really think
that's fair, Jamie.
- You don't think it's fair?
Well aren't you the one
who brought him on this trip?
The trip that was supposed to
be us time and is now ruined?
- Okay, can you put the
rocks down for a second
and talk to me?
(Jamie panting)
What were you guys
fighting about?
- It's stupid.
- I don't care if it's stupid.
- Will said I couldn't
get with a girl.
- Do you even want that?
- Yes.
- Okay, so then
don't listen to him.
You're only 14.
I wasn't hooking up
with people at 14.
I waited until college.
You're an amazing person.
You are a catch.
The right girl is gonna
see that at the right time.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Okay.
I'm just gonna
give you a minute.
- [Allie] Babe, do you
want some water?
- [Dan] No, I'm good.
- Oh, I forgot you're a man.
You don't drink water. (giggles)
- [Jamie] Guys, can we
take a break?
- [Allie] What?
- I said, can we take a break?
- [Allie] Another?
- Yeah. Just like two minutes.
It's like so hot.
(Jamie groans)
- [Allie] Okay.
(unzipping knee zipper)
(flies buzzing)
So how we feeling?
This trail goes back to camp.
Do we wanna just call it?
- [Will] Yeah, I'm down.
- [Dan] Wait, hold up.
That's it?
I thought you guys
wanted to explore more.
- [Allie] Well, it's
getting late.
I want get back and
make dinner before dark.
- Hey, bud, you wanna call it
a day or you wanna go with me?
- I'd be down to keep going.
- Really?
- Yeah, actually, um, I just
needed that little break.
And I am ready to go.
- [Dan] Hey, that's the spirit!
Babe, look we came
all the way out here,
we might as well check
this place out, right?
- Yeah.
- I'd really rather not.
- Well, you know, Allie,
you don't have to come.
- Excuse me?
- Babe. Look, look,
this trail here,
it leads right back to the
parking lot anyway, right?
- Yeah. But I've
been that way before.
You're not gonna get back
for at least three hours.
- Okay. We'll get
back a little late.
You guys can eat
dinner without us.
- Yeah, don't worry about me.
I had a late lunch.
- Okay. I am
responsible for him.
You can't just take
him wherever you want.
- I'm not taking
him wherever I want.
I'm taking him up another path
that leads back to
the exact same place.
Why are you trippin'?
- [Jamie] Yeah, Allie.
Don't trip.
- Alright, fine, whatever.
- Ok, cool.
(Allie scoffs)
- Wait, Allie, Allie.
- What?
- Would you do me a favor
and bring these back
to my tent for me?
- [Jamie] Thanks.
Wait up.
(cheerful music)
- [Jamie] Damn, look at
all those rocks.
- Yeah.
- Looks like they've been
shaping for a long time.
Huge, big boulders.
(cheerful music continues)
Wow, dude, you seeing this?
- Oh wow.
- Oh my goodness.
- Wow.
- Oh my.
This is amazing.
I'm so happy you wanted
to keep exploring.
This is, like, beautiful.
- I know, man.
This is dope.
- Yeah.
- You know what?
- What?
It kind of looks like "Lord
of the Rings" a little bit,
- Yeah, it does.
It looks exact...
oh my, it does.
You're so right about that.
I love those movies.
- Yeah, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Me too, I love them.
- Oh, nice.
- And if I had to, man,
I'd go gay for Viggo
Mortensen, for sure.
- (chuckles) For sure.
- Alright, bud.
Let's head back.
- One second.
Do you mind if we take a
picture before we leave
so we can just get
the background in?
- Oh, yeah, yeah that's cool.
- Cool.
- [Dan] Alrighty.
- [Jamie] Okay.
(camera beeping)
- Alrighty.
- Alright.
- Let's head out.
- Okay.
- Am I a fan of "Master
Chef Jr." as a show?
Yeah, sure.
Actually I think it's
pretty entertaining.
But it boils down to this
stupid beauty pageant.
'cause none of those kids
can even cook, you know?
- Well, why don't you
make your own show, bud,
like on YouTube or something?
You'd make a great host.
- Thank you.
It's funny you say that
because I've actually
always wanted
to host a cooking competition.
I've been putting a lot of
thought into it recently.
Have a big open set...
- Wait, hold on one sec, bud.
- What?
- Is this the way we came in?
- Yeah, I think so.
We just have to
keep going downhill.
- Yeah, but this
doesn't look familiar.
Might have taken the wrong
turn when we left the lookout.
Damn it.
Let's go back, man.
- Yeah. Okay, let's go back.
- Yeah.
(insects buzzing)
(both panting)
This shit is like
brand new. (chuckles)
I have no idea
where we are, man.
I think if we keep
going down to the path,
we'll get back to the lookout.
- Yeah, the lookout.
Where's the lookout?
Do you see the lookout?
- Well, no, I don't
see it right now,
but if we keep going down
the trail, we can get there.
- I can't even tell if we're
retracing our steps or not.
Oh shit.
Oh fuck, of course, I don't
have any service.
Do you have any
service? (panting)
- No.
But I remember something, Dan.
At the lookout, there
was a big fallen tree.
And if we can find that tree,
we can find the lookout again.
Dan, did you see a-
- Hey, can you just stop
talking for like 10 seconds
so I can try and
figure this out?
- Yeah. Sorry.
- Yeah, yeah.
I don't know how we're
gonna get outta here, man.
I don't know where we are.
It's gonna be dark soon
and it's gonna get cold.
Fucking bugs.
- Dan?
- Allie is gonna be on my ass,
- Dan, I think
you're dehydrated.
- What?
- Like, you need to drink
some water or have a snack.
- No, no, I'm not
hungry right now.
I'm trying to get out of here.
- Okay, well, what
did you eat today?
- I don't, I don't know.
I think I had a Pop-Tart
or something like that.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That is not enough, Dan.
- What are you doing?
- Take this.
- No.
- I'm serious, Dan, take this.
- I don't, no, I don't want it.
- I want you to eat this.
- No, no.
- Dan, take it.
- Dude, if you don't get
that shit away from me, bro.
Look, I don't want
a fucking grano-
- [Dan] Hey man, thanks.
- Yeah, yeah, no problem.
- Good call.
You want some?
- No, there isn't
much left in there.
You got it.
- You sure?
- Yeah. Finish it.
- Hey, did you see a stream?
- No, why?
- Well, streams run downhill
and if we can get downhill,
we can probably find our
way back to the campsite.
- So is this like your
first relationship or?
- Oh no, man.
This is, like, my fourth
long-term relationship
or something like that.
- Thanks.
- So, like, you guys plan
on getting married, right?
- (chuckles) I don't know, bud.
I think we're a long
way from that convo.
- Mmhmm.
You got a girlfriend?
- Oh, not, not at this
exact moment, but...
- Oh yeah?
Is there a girl you like or?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, kind of.
- Does she know you like her?
- Oh, probably not.
No, no, I don't think so.
- You gotta tell her, man.
- Uh...
- For real, you gotta tell her.
Look, I had a crush on this
girl back in high school
and we were friends
too, but she was so cool
I didn't think I had a shot,
so I kept my mouth
shut for four years.
Fast forward...
We graduated from college
and we ran into each other.
You know what she said?
That she liked me
that whole time.
And even though that was all
those years ago
to be honest, man, it still
fucks with me to this day.
Yeah, man. (chuckles)
Learn from my mistake
and just tell her.
You have no idea what you
could be missing out on.
- Yeah.
(dreamy music)
- Oh, shit.
Yo Jamie, I think
that's a stream, man.
- Really?
- Yeah, yeah, come on.
Oh, thank God, man.
(Jamie sighs)
(inaudible dialogue)
- Ow!
- Oh shit.
- Oh ow!
- Wait, hold on.
- Oh fuck.
- Uh, here, lemme help you up.
- Oh!
- Come on, come on, come on.
I got you, I got you.
- Go slow.
- I got you, I got you.
- I'm such a fucking idiot.
- No, no, no, no, no.
It's okay, bud, it's good.
Don't do that, don't do that.
Okay, here we go.
There you go.
Easy, easy.
- Okay.
- I'm sorry, is that too tight?
- Oh no, it's good.
- Okay.
(Dan breathing heavily)
You okay?
- Mmhm.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean mean for that.
I don't know why that happened.
- It's cool.
Can you walk?
- Hmm, yep, I can.
- Okay, um, then let's go.
(Jamie exhales)
- Fuck.
(dark ambient music)
(inaudible dialogue)
Oh shit.
- [Will] I can't
believe you got lost.
You're such a fucking idiot.
- Hello. What?
- Are you, like, okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Are you okay, Will?
- Yeah, I'm chilling.
- Oh.
- Here, don't you need this?
- Thanks.
(Erika and boy laughing)
(indistinct chatter)
(distant laughing and speaking)
(indistinct chatter)
(Jamie exhales)
- Hey, Allie.
- [Allie] Yeah?
- Just wanted to, like,
for the way I acted earlier.
It was super rude and
unacceptable, so I'm sorry.
- It's fine.
- Are you mad at me?
- No, I'm not mad.
- Can I come in?
- Yeah.
What's up?
- I only acted the way I did
because I wanted
to, like, impress Dan.
And I never meant to hurt
your feelings in any way
because between you and me,
you're my favorite cousin,
and hurting your feelings is
the last thing I would want.
So, I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Why do you feel like you
need to impress Dan so much?
- I don't know.
Just kinda want him to like me.
- He likes you.
- Yeah.
I made you something that
I thought you might like.
- Really?
- What?
It's beautiful.
- You're such an asshole.
Are you good?
- Yeah.
I'm okay.
(choral music)
(insects singing)
(birds chirping)
- Hey.
- Yo.
(unzipping tent)
-I'm going back to the
lake one more time
if you want to come.
(Will yawns)
- [Allie] You guys sure you
want us to stick around?
- [Will] Nah, yeah we're fine.
Mom won't be back for
another two hours.
- [Dan] You need help
bringing anything inside?
- [Will] Nah, we got it.
Thank you though.
- [Dan] Well, hey, it was
good to meet you boys.
- It was good to
meet you too, man.
- Good to meet you.
- Maybe next time
we're in California,
we can go to a basketball
game or something.
- Yeah, I'm game.
As long as it's not the Mavs.
(Dan chuckles)
- Always a pleasure.
- Yeah. Thank you guys.
This was more fun than I
thought it'd be.
- Good.
(Dan chuckles)
- Also, let me know if your boy
is down to send the shrooms,
because honestly, I'm
trying to meet my ancestors,
so just send him my way,
- You got it.
- Peace!
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'll see you at
Thanksgiving, okay?
- Okay. Have a safe trip.
- Thanks.
- Love you.
- Love you.
(trunk closes)
(car doors close)
(car engine starts)
- Hey, Allie, would you mind if
I talk to Dan for a second?
- Oh yeah, sure.
So you need me to...?
- Yeah, that would be great.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
- Hey, what's up, bud?
- I just wanted to talk
to you a little bit
about what went down
in the forest earlier.
- Oh. Uh.
Oh man. Look, don't
worry about that.
When I was your age,
that happened to me all
the time for no reason.
So yeah, don't even sweat it.
- Yeah. Um.
It's just I-
Um, it's just like maybe-
(seat creaks)
I think it did
happen for a reason.
- Oh.
Oh, okay.
Well hey, that's,
that's cool too.
- Really? You're
not, like, mad at me?
- Why would I be mad?
I mean, I think I'm a
little too old for you, man.
- Yeah, yeah, I know.
It's just, um...
I think you're really handsome.
(Dan chuckles)
- Thank you. I'm flattered.
- Yeah. Um.
I really appreciate you
talking to me about this.
- I think it's pretty
cool that you did.
It's, it's not an
easy thing to do.
- No.
Yeah, um.
Okay, I'll catch you.
- Yeah, I'll see you, bud.
- Okay.
(door closes)
- You all good?
- Yes.
I'll see you at
Thanksgiving, right?
- You bet.
- I'll text you.
- Okay.
(engine starts)
(Jamie exhales)
(zipper opens)
(gentle choral music)