Bikini Bowl-O-Rama (2023) Movie Script

[dramatic intense music]
[logo popping]
[skittles clattering]
[bluesy rock music]
[skittles clattering]
[bluesy rock music]
[skittles clattering]
[bluesy rock music]
[bowling ball thuds]
[skittles clattering]
[bluesy rock music]
[bowling ball rattling]
[skittles clattering]
[bluesy rock music]
[skittles clattering]
[bluesy rock music]
- Yes.
- Great work, Jenn.
- Thanks.
- Getting better all the time.
- Yeah, it's kind of
embarrassing, you know,
working in a bowling alley,
not really being able
to bowl. [chuckles]
- You're doing fine.
And besides, you work in
the cafe, speaking of which.
- Ah, yes, ma'am. Break's over.
[bluesy rock music]
[skittles clattering]
- Yes.
[gentle rock music]
[heels clacking]
- Hey, Candy.
- Hey, Matt.
You're looking pretty
good out there.
- Thanks, well, when you've
been bowling as long as I have,
it's sort of become
second nature.
- You're forgetting that
I grew up in this alley.
My pop owned it before I did it.
I'm still not as
good as you are.
- Ah, you're plenty good, okay?
You hold back to make sure
the regular paying
customers don't feel bad.
- You're a regular
paying customer,
and I don't have
to worry about you.
- But I'm the
exception, you know,
speaking of regular customers,
isn't Lucy in here
normally about this time?
- Jenn said she
had a date tonight.
- Really? With who?
- I don't know. It
was a blind date.
Someone she met on the internet.
- Well.
[skittles clattering]
[sultry saxophone music]
[both giggling]
- And Travis, I had such
a great time tonight.
- Yeah, it was fantastic.
- The dinner, the dancing.
- The dessert.
- It's hard to believe
we only met a week ago.
And that was online.
Do you go on a lot
of blind dates?
- No, I mean, I
mean, maybe a few,
but nothing as good as tonight.
[lips smacking]
- I couldn't agree more.
I've had so much fun.
[both giggling]
- Baby, the fun
is just beginning.
[sultry piano music]
Ah, well, now, listen, babe.
That was great,
but I gots to go.
- Oh, okay.
- Well, you know, I got work
and stuff, and you know?
- Right, I understand.
- Okay. But I'll call you, okay?
- You will?
- Yeah, of course, baby.
That was great.
- Bye, Travis.
- Goodnight, Lori.
[door thuds]
- It's Lucy.
[slow blues music]
- So how'd you do today?
- Well, I'm never gonna get
rich working in this place,
but it's enough to
keep the doors open.
- You ever think about
just getting out of here
and selling this place,
leaving this one-horse town?
- Excuse me, I live in
this one-horse town.
- So do I, but if I had the
chance, I'd leave in a snap.
- Nah, I could never leave.
My pop built this place
with his bare hands.
It was nothing when he
started, but it was his dream.
- But is it yours?
- It is now. And that's enough.
[gentle blues music]
[shoes clacking]
- Oh, hey, Luce.
How'd the date go?
- It was awful.
- Oh, no.
- Yeah, just like the last
47 internet dates I've had.
I mean, if you can't find a
decent guy in the internet,
where can you find one?
- That's a good question.
- Oh, Luce, honey.
It's okay. Who needs a
stinky old man anyway?
- I do.
- Yeah, me too.
- And me.
- Good evening, Candy.
- Mr. Grabowski.
- And what are you kids
up to this evening?
- Oh, we're just cleaning up.
You know, Jenn.
And these are my two
friends, Lucy and Matt.
This is Mr. Grabowski.
He's my landlord.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I hate to be the
bearer of bad news.
Well, technically
it's not bad news.
Well, at least good news for me.
It may be bad news for
you, but you never know.
Could be good news
for everybody.
Is it?
- Is it what?
- Bad news or good news.
- I don't know.
You haven't told me
what the news is yet.
- Oh, oh, I haven't
told you yet, okay.
Well, it seems there's a
hotshot real estate developer
in town and he wants
to buy this property.
- What?
- Are you serious?
- Serious? Well, yes.
About that, yes. I'm
perfectly serious.
- What do you mean
buy the property?
- What's gonna
happen to the alley?
- What are we gonna do?
- Guys, please, Mr. Grabowski,
can you please explain?
- Well, certainly I can.
Well, as I said, there's a big
real estate developer in town
and he wants to
buy this property.
And let me tell you, he's
offered a tidy little sum,
if I may say so.
- Candy, we have to close?
- Yes, I'm afraid
you'll have to close.
They wanna build a
stands club shopping here
or something like that.
- Mr. Grabowski, I have a lease.
- Oh, yeah. Yes,
you have a lease.
That, that's a fact.
And I looked into that also.
Now it seems like your
lease is ironclad.
As long as I own this property,
if I were to sell it,
which I fully intend to do,
then your lease
becomes null and void.
My lawyer could probably
explain it better to you.
- Oh no, Candy.
- When is this happening?
- It'll happen on the 31st.
Yes, you'll have to be out
by the end of the month.
- There's gotta be something
that can be done, Mr. Grabowski.
- To be done, well, yes,
everything is being done.
The papers are being drawn
up as we speak, so it seems.
Well, you kids have
fun. See you later.
[gentle blues music]
- Candy, what are you gonna do?
I gotta call Frank.
- Your boyfriend?
- He's going to law school.
Maybe there's something
he can do to help.
Jenn, can you close up for me?
- Sure, of course.
[gentle romantic music]
- [Candy] Frank?
Frank, are you home?
- I'm in the bedroom, Candy.
- Frank. [sighs]
- Calm down, what's the matter?
- Grabowski came
to see me tonight.
He's selling the property and
they wanna tear down the alley
and turn it in one into
those really big box stores.
- Like a stands club?
I've been waiting
for one of those.
- Come on, can you be serious?
I'm gonna lose the alley.
- Don't worry, we'll
figure something out.
- Here's the lease. I have
another two years on this.
It's still good. He can't
do anything, can he?
- Well, let me take a look.
- I don't know what I'd
do if I lose pop's alley.
- You know I'm not
gonna let that happen.
- Frank, I always
can count on you.
- And I will always
be here for you.
- I'm just really glad
that you work pro bono.
- Yeah.
[lips smacking]
[gentle jazzy music]
- What if she bought
the place to herself?
- Well, that's a great
idea. But with what?
I mean, she barely
makes enough money
to operate the place as it is.
- Oh, what if she
sold some stuff?
- Like what?
- What about the bowling
balls and the pins?
I mean, all the equipment
here must be worth a lot.
- And then how does
she operate the place
after she sold everything?
It's not a bad idea though.
We just gotta come up with a
great idea for a fundraiser.
- I'm great at that.
- You are?
- Yep, nobody raises
fund quicker than me.
Just ask any of the guys
I've dated. [giggles]
- Fundraiser, fund.
- Oh, okay.
- What are people willing
to donate money for?
- What about one of those
crowdsourcing sites?
You know where people
donate money to a cause.
I heard about some actor
who got people to
donate a million bucks.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And that was just to
pay for a vacation.
- Hmm.
Yeah, but who's gonna
wanna donate money
just to save an
old bowling alley?
And we only have until
the end of the month.
[Lucy sighs]
[gentle blues music]
- Yeah, you're
right. It's hopeless.
- No, no, it's not.
I think I got it.
- What?
- Why not have a
bowling competition?
We could charge an admission fee
and then people can bet on
their favorite
bowler for a prize.
- You think people will
pay money for that?
- Yes, because there'll be a
bikini bowling competition.
Hot chicks and bikinis,
bowling. [chuckles]
It's a natural.
- You know what?
That just might work.
- Oh, of course, it will.
I mean, we'll get
Candy, you, me,
maybe some of the other girls.
Ah, we'll make a mint.
- It'll be like a
bikini car wash,
but with balls. [giggles]
- Oh, that's why I love you,
the way your mind works.
- Yay!
[both giggling]
- Jenn?
- Shut up.
[gentle jazzy music]
Oh, you know what?
We should text Candy and
let her know about our idea.
Oh, I hope she likes it.
- How could she
not? It's brilliant.
[traffic whooshing]
- I'm sorry, Candy,
but Grabowski's right.
The lease is only enforced as
long as he owns the property.
He can sell it any time
and your lease
becomes null and void.
- Null and void?
That's what he said.
Those are two words that I hate.
- I'm sorry, I wish there
was more I could do.
[cellphone dings]
- Oh, my gosh,
this is brilliant.
- What?
- Candy, I have a great
idea to save the alley.
A bikini bowling competition.
Charge admission plus bets
on your favorite players.
- Girls in bikini
bowling? I'm totally in.
- We need flyers and
whatnot for advertising.
- Ah, but no gambling.
That would be illegal.
- So then what do we do?
- Well, you could
raffle off stuff,
like the winning bowling ball
or a date with your
favorite bowler.
You know, stuff like that.
- Like bikinis that the
bowlers are wearing?
- Really? Do you think
people will be into that?
- Oh, you'd be surprised.
- I can see it now. The
"Great Bikini Bowling Bash."
[upbeat country music]
[group cheering]
[skittles clattering]
[upbeat country music]
- Yeah!
- Woo!
[both clap]
[upbeat country music]
[bowling ball clattering]
[upbeat country music]
[group cheering]
[upbeat country music]
[group cheering]
[upbeat country music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering and clapping]
[upbeat country music]
[skittles clattering]
[group chattering]
[upbeat country music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering]
[upbeat jaunty music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering and clapping]
[upbeat jaunty music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering]
[skittles clattering]
- [Both] Yeah!
[upbeat jaunty music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering and clapping]
[group chattering]
[upbeat jaunty music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering and clapping]
[upbeat jaunty music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering and clapping]
[group chattering]
[upbeat jaunty music]
[skittles clattering]
[group cheering and clapping]
- 20, 40, 60.
[upbeat jaunty music]
- How much? How much?
- Calm down, Lucy.
Give him a chance.
- Oh, the suspense.
I can't take it.
- 70, 80, 100.
Okay, I've got the total.
- Here we go, kids.
- From "The Great
Bikini Bowling Bash,"
drum roll, please.
[table tapping]
The total is $5,485.
[everyone sighs]
- $5,000. That's it?
- What, I thought
that was pretty good.
- How much do we need?
[Grabowski laughs]
- $5,000?
That's quite a tiny little sum.
Why you all should
be able to afford
a nice little vacation with
that kind of money, huh?
[Grabowski laughs]
But as for buying this property,
well, it's not nearly enough.
No, not nearly enough.
- But how much is the real
estate developer offering you?
- In American dollars?
- Yes, in American dollars.
- Ah, well, let me see.
4 times 72,
carry the 6 and then you,
about $3 million.
- $3 million?
- Approximately.
- Gosh!
- We'll never be able
to come up with
that kind of money.
[Grabowski laughs]
- No, no, no. I
suppose you won't.
Well, I've gotta be
going. You kids have fun.
Oh, I believe I won your bikini.
- I'll mail it to ya.
- Oh, that's fine.
Thank you very much. Goodbye.
- $3 million?
- Oh, my God!
- I just can't get over this.
- Guys, look, okay?
Just calm down, okay?
We'll figure something
out, all right?
- Oh, really smart
guy? You got any ideas?
[gentle saxophone music]
- As a matter of fact, I do.
[paper rustling]
- What, you think
you're gonna find
a job in there that
pays $3 million?
- No, this.
[gentle piano music]
- Troy Smith. So what?
- I keep forgetting, you
didn't grow up around here.
- But Troy Smith did.
- Troy Smith? Gold
medal bowling team.
Top professional
bowler in the world.
He grew up here?
- Yep.
- Matt, I think I see
where you're going.
- I don't.
- Because my dear Lucy,
Gold Medal Olympic bowling team,
top bowler in the world,
multi, multimillionaire,
Troy Smith,
learned how to bowl right
here in this very alley.
- You serious?
- Absolutely.
- I can remember when
I was a little girl
and my pop put the very first
bowling ball in Troy's hands.
- You think he'd help us out?
- To save the alley that
he learned how to bowl in?
$3 million is like
cab fair to this guy.
- You know, according to the
paper, Troy Smith is over
in Central City
doing a talk show.
He should be there right now.
- Central City? That's
15 minutes from here.
- Let's go!
- No, no. Hold on, hold on.
Do you really think
it's a good idea
for the five of us to just
go on down to the TV station
and ask this guy for money?
- I guess not.
- Candy, you should go.
You actually know the guy.
- I haven't seen him since
we were seven years old.
I doubt he even
remembers who I am.
- I'll go.
- You will?
- Yeah, I mean, I
think he's cute.
And besides, if I
can't persuade a man
to give up a few million
dollars, [laughs]
then who can, right?
- She's got a point.
Ow, what?
[shoes clacking]
Just saying.
[quirky blues music]
[TV chattering]
[quirky music]
[door knocking]
[door latch clicks]
[bouncy piano music]
- Hello?
Hmm, where could he be?
- [Agent] It'll be about
20 minutes, Mr. Smith.
[feet thudding]
[bouncy piano music]
- And make sure
no one disturbs me
until you're really ready.
- Yes, sir.
- Amateurs.
[bouncy piano music]
What the!
- Oh, Mr. Smith.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
- All right, kid, I don't
know how you got in here,
but I don't give
autographs, all right?
- I don't want your autograph.
- Good, 'cause, wait, why not?
- Mr. Smith, I need your help.
- Here we go.
- I work at the Regal Lanes.
- Regal Lanes, wow!
That brings back memories.
What a shit hole.
- Well, it's in trouble.
It could really use your help.
- Trouble?
- Yeah.
They're trying to sell it
out from underneath Candy.
You remember her, don't you?
Her father ran the place
when you bowled there.
- Ah, yeah, Candy.
Little scrawny
tomboy as I recall.
- Well, she grew up a bit.
Anyway, she's trying
to raise money
so that she can buy the
place to keep it open.
- All right, just for giggles,
how much does she need?
- $3 million.
[water spitting]
- $3 million?
You're kidding, right?
- I wish I were.
They wanna turn the bowling
alley into a stands club.
- A what?
- A stands club.
You know, one of
those big buck stores?
- Never heard of 'em.
- I guess you wouldn't.
- Well, listen, sweet pea,
I'd really like to help you.
I really would.
But $3 million
doesn't grow on trees.
[bouncy piano music]
- Isn't there anything,
anything at all
that I could do to
change your mind?
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
You're not gonna try to
tempt me with sex, are you?
I mean, you weren't
gonna just come in here,
take your clothes
off and have your way
with me right here in the
dressing room, were you?
- Well...
- 'Cause that
would totally work.
[Jenn breathes deeply]
[rhythmic sultry music]
[door latch clicks]
[shoes clacking]
[traffic whooshing]
- We're back.
- Wow, it hasn't changed a bit.
Still a dump.
- Hey, Troy, it's me, Candy.
Do you remember me?
- Candy, of course
I remember you.
Wow, you've certainly grown up.
- These are my
friends, Matt and Lucy.
And you already know Jenn.
- Oh, indeed I do.
Well, hello, pretty lady.
- Hello.
- Hi, Troy, nice to meet you.
- Yeah, yeah, whatever.
- So I'm sure that Jenn
told you about our problem.
- Yeah, she did actually.
And as I understand it,
you need $3 million to
save this bowling alley.
- Right.
- Sorry, folks, can't help you.
- What?
But what about, you
know, the dressing room?
- You'll always have
the memories, babe.
Those are priceless.
- Please, Troy.
- Well, for you, Lucy?
No, but we could discuss
it in my dressing room.
I might change my mind.
- There's no way in hell
that's happening, okay?
You're not good enough for her.
- All right everybody, thanks
for the trip down memory lane.
See ya, never.
- Wait, I got a
proposition for you.
- Let's hear it.
- A bowl off, you and
me in two weeks time.
And if I win, you give
me all the money I need
to buy back this alley.
- And if I win, as if there's
any doubt, what do I get?
- Me.
- What?
- Candy, no, it's not worth it.
- It's interesting.
It's interesting.
But stakes aren't high enough.
I mean, we're talking
about $3 million here.
That's a lot of jack.
- So what exactly
do you have in mind?
- I'll compete in
your little bowl off,
but not just against you,
against all three of you girls.
One game, you'll all alternate
while I'll bowl every frame.
- And if you win?
- I get all three of you
girls at the same time.
- Deal, but on one condition.
- What's that?
- You gotta bowl left-handed.
[Troy laughs]
- Piece of cake.
All right, so I guess I'll
see you girls on bowling day.
And then I'll be seeing a
lot more of you after that.
- [Jenn] Candy, what
are you thinking?
- I had to do something.
- There's no way
we can beat him,
even with him
bowling left-handed.
- He could bowl with
his feet and still win.
[Matt whistles]
- Don't worry
ladies, you'll win.
- And just how
are we to do that?
- I'll train you.
- You?
[bowling ball thuds]
[bluesy rock music]
[bowling ball thuds]
[skittles clattering]
[bluesy rock music]
- Matt, you've been
holding out on us.
[bluesy rock music]
[bluesy rock music continues]
[lead guitar music]
[bluesy rock music]
- So now that you've got the
control down with your wrist,
you shouldn't have any
problems with your release.
- Matt, I can't
thank you enough.
If you had told me two weeks ago
that I'd have a chance to bowl
against the top
pro in the country
and not make a fool of myself,
well, I would've
said you were crazy.
- Look, you're gonna do fine.
You're bowling third.
That's three balls,
you can bowl three
strikes, I'm sure.
- Well, I've had
a great teacher.
- Thanks.
- Matt, can I ask
you a question?
- Sure.
- When Troy first offered to
help us in exchange for me,
why did you stop him?
- Because it wasn't right, okay?
What he was doing wasn't right.
- But it's more
than that, isn't it?
- Lucy, I've been
in love with you
since the first time
I laid eyes on you.
- But why didn't you
ever say anything?
- I don't know.
Too shy, I guess.
- Matt, you don't have
to be shy with me.
[soft ballad music]
[Jenn sighs]
- Tomorrow's the big day.
Do you think we're ready?
- Ready as we'll ever be.
- Oh, but the pressure!
It's Troy Smith, world's
greatest bowler, oh!
- You mean Troy Smith,
world's greatest asshole?
- I don't know, Candy.
There's something about him.
- Oh, don't tell me that
you're still attracted to him.
- Maybe just a little.
- Seriously, Jenn?
Sometimes I just
don't understand you.
- Sometimes I don't
understand myself, okay?
You'll be fine.
You got Frank.
- Yeah, Frank's been
really good for me.
- What's gonna happen with him?
I mean, what's he gonna do
after he graduates law school?
- What do you mean?
- I mean, is he gonna
stick around this town?
- Every town needs a good lawyer
and I think I've given
him a lot of incentive.
- Yeah, I hope you're right.
- Don't worry, Jenn.
Someday you're gonna
find a really good man
and I guarantee you it's
not gonna be Troy Smith.
- We'll see.
- You got a muscle ache?
- Two weeks of practice,
eight hours a day was
probably a bit much.
- You just need to rub it out.
[melodic music]
- That's so nice.
[melodic music]
- So where's perfect
Frank tonight?
- Oh, he's got a late class.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm, he won't be home for
at least a couple more hours.
- Hmm, too bad.
[gentle piano music]
- Well, ladies, I've arrived.
I see you closed the
alley for the day,
probably for the best.
Don't wanna embarrass
yourself in public.
- No, we just didn't wanna
embarrass the world champ.
That's all.
- Oh ho ho, so cocky. I love it.
Well, should we bolt?
- Ready when you are.
- Well, never let it be said
that I wasn't a gentleman.
Ladies first.
[bright saxophone music]
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
- Right, Candy. Way to go!
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
- Woo!
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy organ music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy organ music]
- All right, yeah!
Told y'all.
- Let's go.
[groovy organ music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy organ music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy drums music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy bass music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy bass music]
- One more strike and
we're on the final frame.
- Two, Candy.
- I know.
[groovy organ music]
[skittles clattering]
[groovy organ music]
- Yeah, way to go, baby.
- So what happens if
the game ends in a tie?
- Well, they agreed that
Troy has to beat them.
So in case of a tie, the
girls are the winner.
That's assuming Troy
bowls out the frame.
[skittles clattering]
- Good assumption.
[groovy organ music]
- Well then Candy has to
bowl three strikes in a row
on the final frame
to force a time.
- [Frank] That should be
no problem for my gal.
- Well, ladies, looks like
we have a perfect score.
You know, I have to
admit, I'm impressed.
But what do you say
we upped the stakes?
- What do you mean?
- Same stakes as before,
only this time if I lose,
I'll buy this place for you,
and I'll kick in an
extra million bucks
for you to fix up the place.
- Oh, Candy!
- What's the catch?
What's in it for you?
- This frame, I
bowl right-handed.
- What do you think?
- Well, the tie
still goes to us,
you'll nail this last frame
and then it doesn't
matter what he does.
- Right.
Okay. It's a deal.
[hands clap]
[merry country music]
- Come on, baby.
You can do this.
You got it.
[merry country music]
[skittles clattering]
[both clapping]
- Yeah!
[merry country music]
[skittles clattering]
- There we go!
- Yeah, woo!
- [Both] Yes!
[both laugh]
[merry country music]
[skittles clattering]
[merry country music]
- Well, as I see it, ladies,
all I have to do is roll three
strikes with my right hand
and you girls will be having
the time of your lives.
I'd say that's a win-win.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay, you know,
you tried your best.
I mean, it's a miracle
we even made this far.
[merry country music]
[skittles clattering]
- That's one, ladies.
Now for numero duo.
- That's numero dos, asswipe.
[merry country music]
[skittles clattering]
[merry country music]
- That's two, now
for my grand finale.
- Wait.
- What she doing?
- I don't know.
[merry country music]
[lip smacking]
- Good luck.
[merry country music]
[suspenseful music]
[bowling ball rattling]
- Oh, my God!
- Come on, give a hug.
[bright music]
[group cheering and laughing]
- Well?
- Well, I guess I just
bought a bowling alley.
[group cheering]
[upbeat blues music]
- Here it is.
A cashier's check
for $4 million.
- Ooh, can I touch it?
- And I just got off
the phone with Grabowski
and he's selling
me the property.
The Regal Lanes is here to stay.
- That's fantastic.
- We're drawing up
the paperwork already.
- Speaking of drawing on papers.
- Yeah, we kind
of gotta go guys.
- Okay. What's going on?
- Well...
- Go ahead tell 'em.
- Matt asked me to marry
him, we're eloping tonight.
- Oh, my God, Lucy,
that's fantastic.
- Yep, I finally found my man.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks. Thanks.
- Yeah, congrats.
Hey, Frank, you
getting any ideas?
- Ah, you know, the...
[Matt laughs]
- On that, I guess
we should be going.
Come on.
All right, bye guys.
[shoes clacking]
- So what did you say
to him, Jenn, to Troy?
- I just said good
luck, and now he's gone.
- All right, listen, Jenn.
I know you think the guy
was attractive and all,
but he's kind of an ass.
- I know. It's okay.
- Listen, we'll
have none of that.
We just got a check
for 4 million bucks
and there will be no pouting.
Besides, I think,
I think maybe I pulled a
muscle in my shoulder again.
- Really?
[gentle blues music]
[Jenn laughs]
- What's going on?
- Trust me, Frank,
you'll like this.
- I think I already do.
[upbeat blues music]
[groovy electronic music]
[traffic whooshing]
- Hey!
- You're still here.
- Yeah.
- Why'd you do it, Troy?
- Do what?
- Why'd you throw the game?
- Who said I threw the game?
- Come on, we both know
you're better than that.
- Hey, it's one thing
I've learned here.
Even the champ can
make a mistake.
- Well, you're not
making a mistake now.
[lips smacking]
[gentle music]
- You know, I've been thinking
about moving back into town.
- Well, don't, 'cause I was
thinking about moving out.
[sad piano music]
- Oh, you'd be surprised.
[groovy music]
Hot chicks and bikinis,
bowling? [laughs]
It's a natural.
[groovy music]
- It'll be like a bikini car
wash, but with balls. [giggles]
[groovy music]
- The total from "The Great
Bikini Bowling Bash" is $5,485.
[groovy music]
- Girls in bikini
bowling? I'm totally in.
[groovy music]
- Regal Lanes.
Wow, that brings back memories.
What a shit hole!
[groovy music]
- Listen, babe, that was
great, but I gots to go.
[groovy music]
- Oh, I believe I
won your bikini.
[groovy music]
[groovy music continues]
[groovy music continues]
[hard rock music]
[hard rock music continues]
[hard rock music continues]
[hard rock music continues]
[hard rock music ends]