Black Santa (2023) Movie Script

(upbeat music)
Yeah, yeah, I mean, shit.
Dude, you ain't gotta do this shit, man.
We was kids, man!
We was... (groaning) (foot thuds)
Shit, no. No, no. (groaning)
(ominous music)
(victim coughing)
No, man, no. No, no.
Don't. Come on, dude.
Man, fuck you, man.
Come on. We was kids, man.
No, no.
No! No.
Come on. Stop.
Ow, shit.
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(captives grunting and sobbing)
(ominous music continues)
No (groaning)
No, no.
(captives screaming)
(ominous music)
I'm sorry.
(captive sobbing)
I'm sorry.
(captives sobbing)
I was a kid.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
(ominous music continues)
(captives sobbing)
No. (groaning) (captives screaming)
[Captive] No! No! (sobbing)
How does that feel, Bert?
(Bert groaning)
Better yet, how do you think
that made my brother feel?
No, not my daughter. Not my daughter.
Please, please not her.
She ain't had nothing to do with this.
Do you think I give a
fuck about your daughter?
Come on, man.
You didn't give a shit
about me and my brother.
(captives screaming) (Bert groaning)
I'll do anything. I'll
do any, I'll do anything.
(Santa chuckles)
- Please.
- It's funny
how now
you are the one begging me.
Help me!
Help me!
Come on.
(ominous music continues)
Laeve me alone. Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
(dramatic music)
- Hey, stop.
(fists thudding)
(fists thudding)
(fists thudding)
(fists thudding)
I've waited 25 years.
(Bert grunting) (woman sobbing)
For this revenge.
(tense music)
Please, Santa, please. (sobbing)
You're Santa. You're supposed to be nice.
(tense music continues)
The only way Santa is nice
is if you're good all year around.
(tense music continues)
And your daddy
has been a very bad boy.
(tense music continues)
Please, Santa.
Please. (sobbing)
Love you, Daddy.
(Bert panting and spitting)
I love you too, baby. (sobbing)
I'm sorry.
Please, Stephon, come on, man. (sobbing)
Stephon, please.
Leave her out of this, man.
She had nothing to do with this.
(tense music continues)
(music box playing festive music)
(captives sobbing)
This was my favorite holiday
until you all fucked that up for me.
(tense music continues)
(Stephon sniffing)
This one is for you, Blake.
(captives screaming)
(captives groaning and sobbing)
(bat thudding)
(Stephon panting)
(tense music continues)
(captives sobbing)
Now you can be by your daughter.
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(captives sobbing and screaming)
(ominous music)
(captives sobbing and screaming)
(ominous music continues)
(captives sobbing and screaming)
Now, who's
next? (eerie music continues)
(captive sobbing and panting)
Son, why are you doing... Son?
(tense music)
Don't you ever call me that again.
You don't deserve to be a mother
because you love something
more than you loved us.
(tense music continues)
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
I, I know I messed up, but
I've been clean for years.
Don't mess your life up from my mistakes.
(Stephon clapping)
Wow. (chuckles)
So now you get your life together.
(tense music continues)
Blake is dead. Don't you understand that?
All I wanted was my family.
And now I'm about to give
you exactly what you wanted.
I, I understand.
I hurt
you and your brother.
It was just all too much
- for me.
- It was too much for you?
(tense music continues)
My daddy left us money
yet we had no clothes,
no food, or no water except
from that fucking faucet.
I, I messed up.
I I got cleaned and, and
I came looking for you
and your brother and I didn't,
I didn't know where you ended up.
I didn't, I didn't, I
didn't know that Blake died-
- S-Stop it! (thud booming)
I want to hear your fucking excuses.
(tense music continues)
You, unless you want a
bullet in your fucking head,
I don't want to hear anything
from your fucking mouth.
(tense music continues)
(tense music)
Dr. Morrison,
I've been waiting a long time for this day.
You greedy, mother fucker.
(tense music continues)
Listen, I had no idea what
was happening with you guys.
I was doing a routine
checkup, but as far as-
- Don't you say his fucking name.
My brother didn't deserve
what y'all did to him.
(soft music) (Blake crying)
It's okay, Blake. Just calm down.
(Blake crying)
(soft music continues)
See, what I'm talking about down here?
He just keeps crying.
I mean, can we give him
something to shut his ass up?
I have just the thing.
(Blake crying)
Hey, little man, what's wrong?
(Blake crying)
Here, lemme give you
something to calm you down.
You'll feel (Blake crying)
just a little pinch.
- No, no. Stop.
- Hey, hey.
Boy, get back.
(soft music continues)
Yeah, that should do it right there.
Alright. (both laughing)
(soft music continues)
Blake, Blake. Blake, wake up.
(dramatic music) Blake. Wake up.
Blake, wake up please!
Someone help, someone help, please!
Someone just come.
He had a seizure. I didn't kill him!
Why did he have the seizure,
Dr. Morrison?
What did you inject into him?
Listen, what will it take
to make this all go away?
(Stephon laughing)
There goes that greedy mother
fucker I've been waiting on.
(dramatic music)
Do you think you can buy
your way out of killing my brother?
Money talks, man. Just gimme a number.
(dramatic music continues)
- How about 20?
- Okay!
20,000. I can get you 20,000.
It takes 20 seconds
for hemlock to get
through your whole system.
(dramatic music continues)
And from the looks of it, doc, (laughing)
you actually paid attention
in medical school.
You know, just a little dosage.
(Morrison sobbing)
Please, Stephon, I'm sorry!
No, no, no, no.
[Stephon] What happened when
you came back into the room?
What's going on here? What's happening?
Oh lord. Oh my God.
What happened to him? - he
just started shaking and-
- Oh, oh.
- I don't know,
- just get some help.
- Okay. Oh Lord.
Dr. Morrison, come quick.
Oh God. What, what, what
happened to him?
- Is my brother dead?
- No. No, he ain't dead.
Just be quiet and let me think.
So, so what's going on?
Is he, he gonna be all right? Oh Lord.
- Is he dead?
- Hold on,
just let me think, okay?
Hey, call 911, tell them
that he had a seizure
and I'm trying to revive him, okay?
- All right.
- Let's get these kids
unchained and get 'em upstairs.
Yes. I need an ambulance.
I need an ambulance at 633 Hopkins Street.
Yeah, I got a boy that's unresponsive.
Just please just send somebody quick.
Okay?.Thank you.
Okay. They on their way.
We gotta get these chains out the way.
Move, boy.
Stephon, lemme tell you something.
You better not say one word
when them ambulance get here.
I promise you, you gonna regret
it if you open your mouth.
- Do you hear me?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Come on, man. Come on.
- Okay. Get these chains off.
He had a seizure. I didn't kill him!
(soft music)
(Morrison screaming)
(Morrison sobbing)
You are a murderer
and a liar.
And I've been waiting a
long time to hear you cry,
just like my brother did.
(Stephon laughing)
No, no, no. (groaning)
(tense music)
(Morrison groaning)
(tense music continues)
Hey, Siri, call Stephon.
Mary had a little lamb.
(woman grunting)
His fleece
was white
as snow.
(woman sobbing)
Sorry. No, Stephon.
No, Stephon, don't.
Shut up.
All those long nights you had
us chained up in that room
is not gonna compare to
what I have planned for you.
Oh, no. (phone ringing)
No! No! (phone ringing)
Shut up.
(phone ringing)
If I hear one word from you,
I'm gonna cut your fucking tongue out.
(phone ringing) (woman sobbing)
(woman sobbing)
Hey, what you up to?
I'm on my way over. We need to talk.
Talk? Um.
I, I don't think this is a good time.
I'm in the middle of something.
Well, I really need
to talk to you tonight.
It's important. I'll be
there in about 30 minutes.
(dramatic music)
All right. I'll see you soon.
I love you.
I love you too.
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(Janine sighing)
Damn it.
Tonight is not the night for this shit.
No, don't, don't do this, Stephon.
Please just let us go.
You don't have to do this.
Shut up.
Shut up! (woman sobbing)
(ominous music continues)
It's okay, little girl.
Don't cry.
I have some milk and cookies.
Would you like some?
Okay, I have to go and take
care of something right fast.
I'll be right back.
(ominous music continues)
None of you should be screaming
'cause it won't work anyway.
This room is soundproof.
They'll never hear you.
(Stephon laughing) (woman sobbing)
(tense music)
Get some rest.
You're gonna need it.
(tense music continues)
(woman sobbing)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(ominous music)
(door clicks)
(ominous music continues) (Stephon panting)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(thud booming)
(ominous music continues)
(person knocking)
(door creaking)
- Hey babe.
- Hey.
(door clicks)
What's so important?
Uh. You should have a seat.
What's going on, Janine?
So I went to the doctor today.
I haven't been feeling well,
and I found out I'm three months pregnant.
Yes. Pregnant.
How did this happen? I,
I thought we were careful.
How can this happen?
You know how it happened? You were there.
This, the time is just off.
I just have so much-
- We grew up in the same foster home.
I thought you would be excited
to show a little one real love.
The way we grew up is
exactly why I don't want kids.
How much is it to take care of this?
Are you talking about an abortion?!
It's just a suggestion.
I, I'm not ready for kids right now.
Fine. I can do this by myself.
(solemn music)
Wait, wait, wait.
I'm, I'm sorry.
You just caught me off guard.
I'm keeping this baby, Stephon.
Let me make you some tea.
(ominous music)
(Janine sighing)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
You missed me, didn't you?
No, I don't.
I know you missed me.
(Janine sighing)
You just make me so mad sometimes.
I'm sorry I upset you.
(soft music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music intensifies)
Who's next to go?
(ominous music)
What is this? What's going on?
(ominous music continues)
Please somebody help us!
Stop screaming.
(ominous music continues)
You shouldn't have come
here like I told you.
This world is not a place for kids.
This is not the way to go about this.
Who are these people?
(ominous music continues)
I'm sure you remember.
(Mary sobbing)
Miss Mary,
our foster mother.
Dr. Morrison.
Say hello, Dr. Morrison.
He can't,
because he's dead.
(captives sobbing)
the CPS worker.
(captives sobbing)
That's Bert's bitch ass.
And let me introduce you to my
crack head mother. (laughing)
(ominous music continues)
What about this little girl?
She wasn't supposed to be here.
Let's just say this.
She was at the wrong
place at the wrong time.
So what are you gonna do, kill me?
Kill your unborn child.
- There is no baby.
- Baby?
Like, are you pregnant?
Stop talking to her!
(ominous music continues)
(Stephon's mother crying)
Seems like you need another fix
since you can't keep
your fucking mouth shut.
Son. (sobbing)
- Please.
- I am not your fucking son!
(ominous music continues)
(captives screaming and crying)
(ominous music continues)
Sorry, baby girl.
Santa forgot your cookies.
I'll go get them.
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music intensifying)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
play my favorite Christmas song.
(upbeat music)
Christmas time was drawing near
I had everything in order
A runway shoveled for the deer
With lights around the border
Cookies laid out and stockings hung
Candy canes and sparkling snow
Children nestled, carols sung
Gingerbread and mistletoe
I hope he shim, shim, shimmies
Down the chim, chim, chimney tonight
Please shim, shim, shimmy
Down the chim, chim, chimney tonight
I've forgotten to
call the chimney sweep
Someone tall and Dick Van Dyke-ish
The fireplace soot was inches deep
Santa surely wouldn't like this
(Stephon snaps)
And now Santa has coal black suit
One, four, eight, one.
One, four, eight, one.
Janine is, is that you?
Yes ma'am. It's me.
What, what, what are those numbers?
That's the code to the door.
I'm, I'm gonna try to get us out of here.
How, how are you gonna get us outta here?
He's, he's lost his mind.
He's gonna torture and kill all of us.
How long have you guys been in here?
All day.
He, he grabbed all of us one by one
and all I remember is
I was at the front door
and he grabbed me from behind
and I just, I just woke up here. (sobbing)
You created a monster.
Do you not remember what you did to him?
The way you treated
those boys was horrible.
Hell, the way you treated
all of us was horrible.
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.
It doesn't matter now.
We need to concentrate
on getting out of here.
you have a plan? (panting)
Not yet.
I'm gonna figure something out.
(upbeat music)
Santa has a coal black suit
At first he wasn't happy
Til I told him he looked snappy
Santa's got a coal black suit
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
He shim, shim, shimmied
Down the chim, chim, chimney tonight
He shim, shim, shimmied
Down the chim, chim, chimney tonight
(ornaments rattling)
Mom, when is Dad gonna get here?
I'm ready to finish the tree.
Me too.
(upbeat festive music)
He'll be here shortly, boys.
Now you know, Christmas is
your dad's favorite holiday.
Look, I made your favorite.
Mm. Thank you, Mom.
- Ho, ho, ho!
- Daddy!
Merry, oh! Blakey, what's up, man?
What's up, Stephon? What y'all doing?
- Good.
- Are y'all ready
- to decorate?
- Yeah.
All right. Come on, let's go.
(upbeat festive music continues)
(lips smack)
(mother sighs)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
(Stephon exhaling) (ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
So you still have a good heart
otherwise you wouldn't have
made her those cookies.
She's innocent in all this.
So is our baby.
There is no baby.
(Janine sobbing)
Stephon, please, just
please just let us go!
Stephon, please. Just let us go, please.
(ominous music continues)
You should be the last
person to ask me that.
Listen, I'm so sorry the way
I did you and your brother.
I'm sorry. (sobbing)
It's a little too late for that.
Oh, no. Oh God. (sobbing)
(ominous music)
Virginia Lawson.
Looks like it's your turn.
Please. (sobbing)
Stephon, please.
I didn't know. I'm sorry.
You were supposed to place
kids in a good and safe home,
but yet you gave us to a monster.
(ominous music continues)
I was just doing my job.
Your job?
You dropped us off like
we was some fucking trash.
I'm begging you, please.
Please, I'm sorry.
And you never came back to check on us.
[Virginia] I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. (sobbing)
That all changed that Christmas day.
(ominous festive music)
(ominous festive music continues)
(ominous festive music continues)
(ominous festive music continues)
(ominous festive music continues)
(solemn music)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(birds chirping)
(door creaking)
Mom, where are you?
- Are you hungry?
- Yes.
Here, go eat at the table.
Hey, my babies.
Mama. Who is this?
And where have you been?
You forgot to go to the
grocery store again.
There's no food in this house.
Look, calm down, boy.
I'm going to the store today.
Look, money is tight and
I'm doing the best I can.
Why? Didn't dad leave us money?
What happened to all that money?
Look, you have no idea what it's like
to raise two kids by yourself.
I'm the adult here so
mind your fucking business
and stay in a child's place.
Wait for me outside.
I'm old enough to know what's going on.
You look high. Are you on something?
(Mom laughing)
Are you doing drugs? Is that your dealer?
I said mind your business.
You're never home
and I always have to take care of Blake.
Calm down.
Look, I'll go to the store today.
Everything's gonna be okay.
No, it's not okay!
Who the fuck are you talking to?
Don't disrespect me in my house.
Dad would be so disappointed in you.
Well, Dad isn't here, is he?
Look after your brother
since you seem so better at it than me.
Mom, please get some help.
You're the only person that
we have left and we need you.
I'm good.
I'll be back with some food.
(door creaking)
(solemn music)
(solemn music continues)
(engine rumbles)
(person knocking)
(door creaking)
Hi, I'm Virginia Lawson with
Child Protective Services.
Is your mother home?
No. She just went to the store.
Okay. Um.
Do you mind if I come in
and ask you a few questions?
She told me to not let
strangers in the house.
Right. Um, well, here's my badge.
Um, I can just come in and
wait till she gets back.
Is that okay?
I guess.
(door creaking)
So tell me your name.
My name is Stephon and this
is my little brother Blake.
Okay, well listen, Stephon,
my department got a call.
Um, they had a concern with you guys,
so I just wanted to come and check on you.
You know, how are you doing?
We're okay.
Well, listen,
I want you to know that you
can tell me anything, okay?
I know you may be scared,
but it's my job to make sure
that you and your brother are safe.
Stephon. Whose car is that
in my fucking driveway/?
Um, are you Mrs. Blanton?
Yes. And who the hell are you?
I'm Virginia Lawson with
Child Protective Services.
Why are you here?
Well, the school called,
they have a concern with the boys.
And so I'm just here to make sure
that everything is in order.
(mother laughing)
In order?
Do you know how difficult
it is being a single mom?
They're stupid drunk ass daddy dies
and leaves me to raise his two boys alone.
Mom, don't say that.
Shut your ass up. You
the reason she's here.
What I told you about
having people at my house
- when I'm not home?
- Mrs. Blanton,
there is no need to
speak to the boys that w-
- Don't tell me how to talk to my kids.
How about I take the boys temporarily
and place them in the home
just so you can get yourself together.
Maybe just for a little while.
Right. Of course.
Um, I can personally make sure
that you get your boys back.
Mom, please don't let her take us.
I need you to be a big boy
and take care of your brother.
You're gonna keep them together, right?
Yes, um, I can find a place
that accommodate them both.
Just let me make a phone call.
(mother sighing)
It's only for a few months. Okay?
It's only for a little while.
Dad would not let this happen.
He'd want our family to stick together.
It's only for a little while. (sighing)
Hello, Ms. Mary?
Yes. It's Virginia Lawson.
Yes, ma'am.
Um, I'm calling to see if
you have space for two boys,
ages five and 10.
You do?
Yes. We'll be there soon.
Thank you so much.
Okay, bye.
Okay. Um.
Boys, you wanna come and get your things
and change your clothes?
Yeah, come on. It's okay.
Come on.
Come on. It's okay.
It's okay. Come on.
(door creaking) (solemn music)
(solemn music continues)
(mother sobbing)
(solemn music continues)
I love you.
(solemn music continues)
(mother sobbing)
(door creaking)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
All right.
And this is where the boys will be bunking
in here with Burt. (laughing)
I hope it's comfortable enough for 'em.
Oh, this is perfect, Miss Mary.
Thank you so much again.
This is my first case and I
already have a lot on my plate.
(Mary laughing)
Well, so who do we have here?
Oh, well this is
Stephon and Blake Blanton.
(thud booming) (ominous music)
- Blanton?
- Yes, ma'am.
Was your father George Blanton?
Yes, ma'am.
(Mary laughing)
Well, uh, I knew your father.
- Oh wow.
- You look just like him.
(Mary laughing)
Well, uh, Bert, go ahead and help the boys
get their stuff unpacked.
- Great.
- Alright.
Let me talk to you in the hallway.
- Sounds good.
- Okay.
(ominous music continues)
(tense music)
Don't you remember that, Heather?
What type of mother just
abandoned her kids? (sobbing)
We waited. We waited.
We waited and we waited.
And every time somebody
knocked on the door,
I thought it was you.
(tense music continues)
You were supposed to come and check on us.
I'm sorry. (sobbing)
Listen, I had no idea that
your boys were in danger.
Yes, you did.
You dropped off multiple
kids at that house.
And I know you heard
about my brother's death
and you, you, you never came back.
I did.
I checked the, the autopsy report said
that he died of a epileptic seizure.
It was a lie.
Dr. Morrison falsified those.
(tense music continues)
I'm sorry. Look, I didn't know.
I'm sorry. Please. (sobbing)
I didn't know!
Well, I'm sorry too.
Oh, please. (sobbing)
You placed many kids in that home.
I'm sorry. Look, I didn't know.
I'm sorry. Please. (sobbing)
I didn't know.
I didn't know!
Stephon please! No, please!
No! No!
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(phone ringing)
Bert, do you know what time it is?
Where are y'all?
I've been calling you guys all night long
and I'm getting really worried.
Just, just give me a call back, okay?
I'm about to call the police
if I don't hear from you.
(tense music continues)
Stephon, this needs to stop.
This will bring your father or Blake back.
This may not bring them back,
but revenge feel so good right now.
I've waited a long time for this night.
You're only gonna end
up dead or in prison.
This is not the life you want.
I don't care about no prison.
I've been caged for years.
I have nothing to live for.
Our baby isn't worth fighting for?
You already know the answer to that.
(Janine sobbing)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Oh look, the drug addicted
mother is waking back up.
(Stephon chuckling)
Stephon, Stephon, I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me.
(tense music continues)
I will never forgive you.
Listen. Listen.
Your dad was, was the love of my life.
When he, when he died,
I was in so much pain.
I had no job, no money.
Before you knew it, I had lost everything.
Just, just stop it.
I know Dad left us money enough to be fine,
but you spent it on your fucking drugs.
I, I wish I could change the time
and fix this, but I can't. (sobbing)
(tense music)
I wish you could too.
Forgiveness will will set you free, baby.
Think about it, please.
Think about your unborn child.
Be, be better than I was. Okay?
(tense music continues)
Stop it.
Stop it. You're trying to get into my head.
(tense music continues)
Trying to get into my head.
You're trying to get into my head.
Just stop me. Just shut up.
Everybody, just shut up!
(tense music continues)
Getting in my head, I
won't allow you to do that.
Stop moving.
Stop talking. Everybody,
just shut the fuck up.
(captives sobbing)
(tense music continues)
(Stephon yelling)
(Stephon yelling)
(tense music continues)
(Stephon panting)
One four eight one. One four eight one.
We need to come up with a
plan to get out of here.
How he, how you gonna get us outta here?
He has us tied up.
This knife flew over here.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna try to cut this rope.
I'm scared. I want my mommy.
I know, sweetie.
I promise you we'll get to
see your mom again, okay?
When he comes back in here,
we're just gonna try to reason with him
so you guys can distract
him while I cut the rope.
I don't know if we should.
He, he has nothing else to lose. (panting)
This is not the man I fell in love with.
I thought he was getting better.
I, I never seen this coming.
He was getting help. He
was going to therapy.
His, his Christmas was
ruined the day his father died.
And then Blake died on Christmas as well.
That explains to Santa suit.
I don't know how I miss the signs.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
I don't think there's anything
we could do to save him.
Listen, this emotional bonding
is beautiful, but can we please
focus on how we're gonna
get the hell outta here?
You still haven't learned a thing.
You're still the same evil bitch.
Listen, I am stating facts.
You're the main reason why we're all here.
That's a fact.
Sorry. (sobbing)
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.
I'm sorry. (sobbing)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
Stephon, are you okay?
I'm fine.
We need to talk.
What do we need to talk about?
I want to know why.
What did we do to deserve
this treatment so badly?
I don't want to talk about that.
You have no choice.
Okay. Okay.
I was messed up.
I was messed up pretty bad.
Two years before you boys came,
I lost someone very dear to me
that meant everything to me.
(door creaking)
(phone clicking)
Hey, Mama.
Some of us are going to this restaurant
so you don't have to wait up.
Okay? I will.
I love you.
(phone closes)
(seatbelt clicks)
What in the hell does it have to do
with me and my brother?
She died that day.
She died.
She was killed by a drunk driver.
Again, what does it have to do with us?
I wanted my daughter to rest peacefully
and know that she has justice,
but instead of prison,
they gave him five years probation.
See, people with money
can get away with just about anything.
Do you think I'm supposed
to shed a tear for you?
That had nothing to do
with my brother and I.
Your mother. She
should know about it all.
What's going on?
She's telling you the truth.
The person that killed my
sweet Lena was your father!
Stop lying, bitch.
Stop lying.
I believe I can
I believe I can touch the sky
Oh shit.
Think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can
See again
Through that open door
I believe I can
Come on, man.
(keys jingling)
(George groaning)
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
Oh, yes I do.
(George sighing)
Come on.
(keys jingling)
(engine sputtering)
(engine starting)
(engine rumbling)
She never came home.
The police came to my door
and told me that she was
killed by a drunk driver.
(Mary sobbing)
So what you did to my brother
was for some type of payback?
After Lena died,
I started the foster home.
I needed something to fulfill my life.
And then you boys came and
you told me who you were
and immediately I thought about your father
and how he killed my daughter!
We were innocent children.
We had nothing to do
with what my father did.
You deserved everything
that was coming to you
you son of a bitch! (panting)
(Mary screaming and choking)
(doorbell ringing)
(ominous music)
Who the fuck is that?
I don't know, Stephon,
but this needs to stop.
You hurt too many people.
Shut the fuck up.
(doorbell ringing)
I'll be right back.
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(door creaking)
Hello. How may I help you?
Hello, Santa.
Sorry, I was painting
for the Christmas parade.
Uh, I'm Lauren Greenwood.
I, I was looking for my husband
Bert and my daughter Winter.
The phone locator on his
phone sent me to this address.
Is he here by chance?
Bert? Uh.
I don't know any Bert.
Uh. Are you sure you're
at the right location?
Yeah. This is 3724 Wells Road, right?
Yes. Correct.
Um, I was out painting all day,
so I didn't get to see anyone.
Uh, that's odd because
it sent me here and he has our daughter.
I'm just really, really worried.
(ominous music)
Uh, so.
I'm sorry I can't be of any help.
I'm sorry to bother you.
You have a good night.
(ominous music continues)
Good night.
(door creaking)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
Oh, come on.
[Operator] 911. What's your emergency?
Okay, I need you guys to please
send the police to 3724 Well Road.
He has-
[Operator] Hello? Hello?
Ma'am, are you there?
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
I gotta finish this.
That bitch called the cops
and the police will be here any second.
(suspenseful music continues)
Stephon, listen to me.
I grew up in the same hellhole as you.
You don't see me trying to
kill everybody. Just go.
You are not me.
And I don't expect you to
understand what we went through.
I do understand.
I cried so many nights.
I was lonely and afraid just like you.
Well, at least you were
treated like a human being
and not some caged animal.
(hammer thuds)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
All this time I blamed
Miss Mary and it was you!
I know. I know.
I know you know.
Just kill me already.
I already failed you as a mother.
I know I failed you and I failed Blake.
Don't say his fucking name.
(hammer thudding) (Stephon grunting)
(Stephon sobbing)
(Stephon grunting)
(Stephon panting)
(hammer clangs)
(ominous music)
- Please!
I'm too young.
I don't wanna die.
(ominous music continues)
Please, please, Santa.
(ominous music continues)
(child coughing choking)
(ominous music continues)
(dramatic music)
(knife clangs)
(cuffs rattling)
(dramatic music continues)
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
(bell jingling)
- Peek-a-boo.
- Aw.
- Oh.
- Peek-a-boo.
Hey Winter, do you wanna take a picture
- in front of the tree?
- Yes ma'am.
Aw, you look so pretty.
Okay, big smile. One more. (baby crying)
Perfect. Oh, I love these.
(ominous music) (baby crying)
I know, Jasmine.
I know, baby girl.
I know.
This is gonna be the best Christmas ever.
Hi, baby.
Hey, baby girl.
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)