Blades in the Darkness (2022) Movie Script
Ah! What a great view!
Better or worse than the last time, Nua?
The cemetery or Albania?
Of course, Albania.
Worse, always worse.
C'mon don't judge, it's a
country in progress, right?
People here are looking
forward to something.
Who, the Albanians? It's already
sold to the Italians, Chinese, Turkish,
here everything's on sale.
Who the fuck cares, better for us!
Better for us! Give them
the money, let them build,
anyway, they had nothing before.
I tell you, Tirana will
be the new Hong Kong!
Do you know what I mean?
Sounds great, let's open
a Chinese restaurant!
In the end, it's very cheap
and it will be a success!
Give me a break, we
came here to bring luxury,
what the fuck have we been
doing the last ten years in London?
I came here to be the boss, not a loser.
In the end, we came here
to find the right path for us.
Adrian, I don't think Ilir is the right
person to trust with the restaurant.
Not him, but his friends, his contacts.
Hey, there's tension
in the air, guys, right?
No, you're wrong, Nua is a bit tense.
In the end, we're all tense but
you stay calm, and everyone chill.
Ilir's contacts will
turn out to be very useful.
Yes, for now, but then
we'll go forward by ourselves.
No, my friend.
Never alone, we stick together.
Remember, Tirana is a complicated city.
"Cousin, I'm almost there."
I've missed this fucking traffic of Tirana.
Guys, are we sure it's not a
mistake bringing all this cash with us?
Relax. Everything will be fine.
Please, don't bring us bad luck.
What?! I saw you in a
cold sweat at customs!
Come on, what do you want from me?
Basically, you paid off 30.000 lek to
the customs officer with no problem.
Yes, 30.000 lek that you didn't have,
and I had to take out of my pocket.
That's enough guys, the worst part is over.
If you're so concerned, Giulia,
wait to see my cousin, he's a beast.
Everyone respects him, with him
on our side there'll be no problems.
Guys, with all these money
I feel like a real gangster.
Remember, my friend, without
cash, you're no one in this city.
Cash and gangsters are always trendy here.
The bunkers as well.
In Albania we say: "Two, out of three
girls, lose their virginity in a bunker."
Thank God, that's not me!
Excuse me?
The old story of Albanian
girls and their virginity,
you've told us this a million times.
Come on guys, I want you charged up, maybe
the bunker might wake
up some hidden desires.
Ok, that's good. Then give
me back my 30.000 lek, now!
They didn't need weapons
to violate our country!
We couldn't leave you in their hands.
Every single trace of
that world is corruptive.
Without our leader, the
decadency of the western capitalism
has imploded the roots of our nation!
We represented: order, loyalty, security!
Their symbols are wicked.
They brainwash you.
The strength of our nation was born
to be pure, straightforward, socialist.
This! This is what they
want to inject in you!
To make you weak, corrupted, submissive!
I will save you! I will
destroy all this rubbish!
And you! Yes, you, will be thankful.
It's for your own good.
Tears and blood will
strengthen your integrity,
and your character.
We'll show you, here in the
darkness where they have confined us,
we'll show how to survive.
We'll heal your wounds,
and your corrupted mind.
What a long trip...
It's nice and spacious, and
you said it's not so great.
The "London boy" is used to this.
Oh, yes, "the London boy is falling down".
Hey, you never put this bag down.
You're right. Where should I put it?
Downstairs, in the closet.
Where? In your room?
Why? Don't you trust me?
He's right, and I'm still
waiting for my money.
Hey guys, cut the bullshit,
and just keep trusting me!
Come on, just take it.
When are we going to meet your cousin?
Tomorrow night, we'll have
dinner at his restaurant.
Make sure not to fall in love
with him, and you as well, Nua.
Shall we have a drink?
Guys, the glasses are in
the cabinet on the left side.
When are we
supposed to check out the place?
Chill out, we have all
the time in the world.
Let's drink, first.
Come on, "ci vuole calma
e sangue freddo... calma..."
..I'll take to the south
of Albania, it's worth it.
It's very nice.
My cousin's here.
Hey cousin, how's it going?
Thank God you're here.
- Listen, is everything alright?
- Everything's cool, he's waiting for us.
Come, meet my friends!
Guys, this is my awesome cousin Ilir.
- Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Giulia. - Hi!
- Hi! I'm Davide. - Hi.
- And you "already" know Nua. - Hi! Nua.
Hi, Ilir, everyone was waiting for...
So, show us the delicious food you brought.
Here some Albanian delicacies,
to make your Tirana experience complete.
Don't worry, they'll eat everything!
It's so generous of you to
bring all this food at this hour.
No problem at all.
Congratulations Ilir,
you cooked all of this?!
- Some of it. Like this, for example.
- Fergesa!
Come, sit.
Here you go, you can go and sit
- Cheers! - Cheers!
To us!
This wine is awful.
We've had worse.
Guys, I'm going to bed. I
can't stay awake any longer.
- Good night, Ilir. - Good night, Nua.
- Good night. - Good night, Nua.
Guys, we're going to bed too, as long
as I can pull this fatty one downstairs.
Hey, what are you talking
about! I'm not fatty!
Right, Ilir?
Ilir to Nua
You're still beautiful.
Your cousin is handsome.
Yes, the ladies find him very sexy.
Yes, I've noticed.
Are you sure it's not
the Tirana wine talking?!
- I don't get it, what do you mean by that?
- Guys...
- It's time to go to bed, that's enough.
- Wait a minute.
Ok, now we're done, come on let's go.
- Good night, guys. - Night.
Adrian, is that you?
No, it's a Tirana's burglar.
Oh, very funny, just don't make a mess.
I'm quickly going to Ilir's
restaurant, I won't be late.
What? At this hour?
It won't take long.
Ilir, thanks for your help in
making Sophianne trust me.
If it wasn't for you bro...
You'd be dead by now.
The London deal was a
complete bust, maybe it
wasn't your fault, but
someone had to pay for it.
But I already told you it was not my fault.
Sure, I know your version
of the story, and the rest too.
Really? Look, the London deal
was a big misunderstanding,
the cocaine was supposed to
be transported by someone else...
I don't give a shit, we
need to figure this out.
And what about the money from
your friends? Is it just a down payment?
Do they know this? I bet not!
I will figure this out,
in one way or another.
Cousin, you're driving
yourself to the edge.
Trust me, I will fix this as well.
Listen, Nua knows about this?
Nua? What's with you?
Why do you always involve
her? If you still like
her, you can have her!
Cut the bullshit!
I hope Sophianne is in a good
mood, because I can't stand him.
He's the one who can't stand you. Remember
I've done the impossible to help you out.
I simply want him to take his fucking
money and I will take care of the rest.
Guys, I'm glad you're here.
Sophianne, thank you for...
You know why I'm glad? Because I
don't have to deal with this shit anymore.
From now on, you two take care of
it. I will be having fun with these two.
I completely agree. I'm sure
you are going to have a lot of fun.
This is how it's going to be done,
you must return the cocaine to London.
I don't want any problems, you understand?
Sure, but I can't do it this quickly. I
need time to organize everything...
Organize and get it done! The
gorgeous Ilir, here, gave us his word.
And you're lucky we didn't cut your
balls off back in London. Right, Ilir?
Don't be silly, my
cousin will fix everything.
He brought the money. There's no problem.
But there's no way I'll put
this fucking cocaine in my car.
- What's your problem?
- There's no problem.
Here's the money. The cocaine remains here.
There must be a place here
where we can hide this shit.
Show me the money.
- What guarantee do you give me?
- Fuck the guarantee, and get out of here!
Sophianne is the guarantee. From
tomorrow the game starts. Leave now!
Ok, Sophianne, good night. Let's go, Ilir.
Minush, they brought the money. I
will take care of the cocaine, now.
Sophianne, should we stay here?
Come on, let's go in a
nice club and have a drink.
Let's get out of this shitty place!
I'm cold, and I need to pee.
There's enough space
here, you can pee anywhere.
You got plenty space, come on, pee.
Are you kidding me?
Someone's there!
- You drank too much.
- I saw an eye behind the wall!
- Don't you hear the music? - Music?
These fucking communists
can't even build a wall!
Pass me the bag!
Sophianne, I'm scared.
I can't believe it!
- Someone lives here! - And that music...
Stay back...
Help... help me, please.
I'm hurt, please help me.
Help me, I beg you!
Where have you been?
Taking care of the deal...
- Alone...
- With Ilir, you know, don't complain!
It's not me who's
complaining, your friends will!
It's easy for you to get their money, and
use them how the fuck you want, Adrian!
- Trust me Nua, I'm here to sort this out.
- You've tricked them! Don't you get it?
- You will never change!
- Nua... sweetheart.
I beg you, we don't need to
talk about this all the time.
It's with a heavy heart that I
speak to you. You already know this.
You have my heart on your sleeve...
What you have done this
time, is a huge mistake.
Nobody will notice that the money is
missing, I will fix it somehow, no worries.
No worries...
- How can you be so sure?
- I will pay my debt.
Come on, I need you beside
me, sweetheart, please...
- You think I can still trust you?!
- Why?! You want me to disappear forever?!
You know, it's just a
matter of time, Adrian.
Think whatever you like!
Hey, guys!
We heard you talking
about our money, right?
Everyone is up early today, uh?
Listen Adrian, when I gave you the money...
You did the right thing!
You wanted to start
a new life in a foreign
country? Then you must
follow the rules... my rules.
I don't need to justify
myself all the time,
you knew I had to be quick and improvise.
It's my father's money, and you
know him well... try to be reasonable!
Yeah, you're right, it
was late I had to react
fast, I'm going to fix
everything, you'll see.
I also found the place.
So fast?
- When can we check it out? - Later.
You will love it, but now I
really need a good sleep,
it's been a tough day.
So, we must wait until you wake up...
Come on Davide, give me a
break, no sad faces, trust me!
I promise you'll get to know some
people who'll help us find great food,
'cause our restaurant must offer
quality and not that shit we ate downtown.
You liked what Ilir
brought us last night, uh?
Yes, Adrian, we liked it but...
So, tonight, I'll take
you to his restaurant.
Then, I'll introduce you to someone, and
after that I'll show you the bunker, ok?
And where is this place?
In a great location, please
trust me, good night now!
Hey guys, welcome!
- All good? - Your place is really cool.
Thank you very much.
Check whether the cutlery is clean,
before you go on with compliments.
You've just earned the "specialty
of the day" for your friends.
And I'll bring you the
golden cutlery, if you like.
Let him be, he has been telling
us only good things about you.
Anyways, guys, I'm so hungry
that I'll start eating with my hands!
- I'll bring you some drinks. - Thank you.
What, did he get offended?
Who, Ilir? We always play like
that with each other, don't worry!
That's right, because you're always
a jerk, and he's always a sourpuss.
- Here you go. - Thanks.
After such a good dinner, I
can't wait to visit our location,
and for sure we'll be Ilir's competitors.
- Because now you have promised, right?
- Are you really sure, guys?
We could go tomorrow with the daylight?!
Where are you going at
this hour? You're drunk!
No, he already promised.
Okay, okay.
Enough with breaking my balls!
I'll take you to this fucking bunker, so
you can see the "magic
atmosphere" at night.
I don't want to hear any complains if your
shoes get dirty, that
place is a mess. Cheers!
Cheers... cheers...
There it is.
It's horrible!
It's scary.
With a little imagination
it looks like a sci-fi movie.
You haven't seen
anything yet, now we leave,
tomorrow we'll come to see it in daylight.
What the fuck?!
Is someone else here?
Maybe there are couples...
I'm not going in. I
don't want to get killed!
Come on, Nua! You're being paranoid!
It's the usual story of "sex in the
bunker". Let's get out and surprise them!
No! Let's no take the
chance, you've seen it now.
What the fuck! I haven't seen anything yet!
Now I want to get out, see the bunker
and surprise some couples having sex!
Honestly, I don't have
the keys of the bunker.
Are you kidding me?
You didn't bring the keys?
That's it? You brought us to
see the bunker from the outside?!
Okay, but first let me check it out!
No wait, are you hiding something?
We're going in circles. Don't forget
we gave you 25.000 euros in cash!
The least you can do is breakdown
the door and let us go in! Understand?
No... what the fuck...
Maybe we should have
come in daylight... shit!
Is someone there?
- What the fuck are they doing in there?
- Adrian! It's the result of your lie!
- Fuck you! You're drunk!
- Don't break my balls!
- What the hell?! - What's going on here!
Someone was killed here. What is this?
- Adrian!
- What are you doing, you'll get hurt!
What the fuck happened here?
Is this drug?
And this is blood!
- Guys, we better leave!
- I knew you were lying, let's go!
- Let's get out!
- What the fuck is going on?
I need answers! Where is our money?
- You haven't bought cocaine, have you?
- Fuck, no!
We're leaving now! I'll
explain everything in the car!
- No, I... - Let's go!
I'm surprised to see you here.
Where's Ilir?
He's not with you?
It's only me and my
friends. They know nothing.
Let us go home, and we'll talk tomorrow.
You're not behaving well with me.
I gave you many chances
and yet you still fucked it up!
I beg you, let me take my friends
home. They've nothing to do with this shit.
I smell a rat, Sophianne
disappeared and so did my money.
I don't know. Sophianne's car is here.
I gave him the money yesterday,
and where is he now, I have no clue.
Then what the fuck are you doing here?
There's blood here!
What's going on?
I beg you, I want to go home.
Adrian, what's happening here?
- Let us go home, we've done nothing wrong.
- I want the truth.
Idriz, take care of him!
Artoran, that's enough!
Find Sophianne and the money.
Take his phone!
Why is this light here?
- Sophianne! - Shhh, keep quiet!
What the fuck have you done, dickheads?
You killed Sophianne to steal
my money and the cocaine?
Who are you working with?!
It doesn't make sense man. I gave
Sophianne the money yesterday.
You think I would kill him with my
friends here? It doesn't make sense, man.
What's in your hand?
Bring them inside!
Let me go!
Why is there light? Do you
know if anyone else is here?
Believe me, I don't know.
Take him with us! Leave the other behind.
- What for? I know nothing. - Come on!
Take us to your accomplice!
Boys, find a place over there, so
we can keep them under control.
The person you call may have their
phone turned off, please call back later.
Where are you going? Come back to bed.
I was dreaming...
No! You son of a bitch! No!
- Open the door! - No!
Come on, guys! We're here!
Where are you guys?
Down the tunnel! Come here!
Why are you doing this to us?
What's going on?
What's going on here?
What the fuck is going on?!
I don't know...
I think it's a trap!
Let's go and see!
Come on!
Stop yelling!
Don't be scared!
Get out of my way! I want to kill him!
Come here, you piece of shit!
Kill him!
- They will kill us all.
- Keep calm and let's think...
What the fuck are you
saying, we are already dead!
It's all your fault.
I thought you were my friend. You're fake!
You made us trust that
piece of shit of your boyfriend!
How can you say this? Stop it!
What the fuck are you saying?
Are you defending him now?
He fucked us all!
I knew nothing! Fuck this! I knew nothing!
I just want to go home...
Let's run!
- Davide is dead!
- Let's get out of this place!
Where's Adrian and the others?
Kill him!
Ilir, this way!
Quick, give me the keys!
Hold on!!
Just a little longer...
How did all of this happen?
What the hell?!
My God, you're covered in blood!
And what was all that blood in the bunker?!
Please, hold tight!
I don't understand why!
Why did this happen to us?
A bit more! We're almost at the hospital!
Stay with me!
- Nua! - A bit more!
If I don't tell you now, I'll
never be able to tell you...
..I love you.
Ah! What a great view!
Better or worse than the last time, Nua?
The cemetery or Albania?
Of course, Albania.
Worse, always worse.
C'mon don't judge, it's a
country in progress, right?
People here are looking
forward to something.
Who, the Albanians? It's already
sold to the Italians, Chinese, Turkish,
here everything's on sale.
Who the fuck cares, better for us!
Better for us! Give them
the money, let them build,
anyway, they had nothing before.
I tell you, Tirana will
be the new Hong Kong!
Do you know what I mean?
Sounds great, let's open
a Chinese restaurant!
In the end, it's very cheap
and it will be a success!
Give me a break, we
came here to bring luxury,
what the fuck have we been
doing the last ten years in London?
I came here to be the boss, not a loser.
In the end, we came here
to find the right path for us.
Adrian, I don't think Ilir is the right
person to trust with the restaurant.
Not him, but his friends, his contacts.
Hey, there's tension
in the air, guys, right?
No, you're wrong, Nua is a bit tense.
In the end, we're all tense but
you stay calm, and everyone chill.
Ilir's contacts will
turn out to be very useful.
Yes, for now, but then
we'll go forward by ourselves.
No, my friend.
Never alone, we stick together.
Remember, Tirana is a complicated city.
"Cousin, I'm almost there."
I've missed this fucking traffic of Tirana.
Guys, are we sure it's not a
mistake bringing all this cash with us?
Relax. Everything will be fine.
Please, don't bring us bad luck.
What?! I saw you in a
cold sweat at customs!
Come on, what do you want from me?
Basically, you paid off 30.000 lek to
the customs officer with no problem.
Yes, 30.000 lek that you didn't have,
and I had to take out of my pocket.
That's enough guys, the worst part is over.
If you're so concerned, Giulia,
wait to see my cousin, he's a beast.
Everyone respects him, with him
on our side there'll be no problems.
Guys, with all these money
I feel like a real gangster.
Remember, my friend, without
cash, you're no one in this city.
Cash and gangsters are always trendy here.
The bunkers as well.
In Albania we say: "Two, out of three
girls, lose their virginity in a bunker."
Thank God, that's not me!
Excuse me?
The old story of Albanian
girls and their virginity,
you've told us this a million times.
Come on guys, I want you charged up, maybe
the bunker might wake
up some hidden desires.
Ok, that's good. Then give
me back my 30.000 lek, now!
They didn't need weapons
to violate our country!
We couldn't leave you in their hands.
Every single trace of
that world is corruptive.
Without our leader, the
decadency of the western capitalism
has imploded the roots of our nation!
We represented: order, loyalty, security!
Their symbols are wicked.
They brainwash you.
The strength of our nation was born
to be pure, straightforward, socialist.
This! This is what they
want to inject in you!
To make you weak, corrupted, submissive!
I will save you! I will
destroy all this rubbish!
And you! Yes, you, will be thankful.
It's for your own good.
Tears and blood will
strengthen your integrity,
and your character.
We'll show you, here in the
darkness where they have confined us,
we'll show how to survive.
We'll heal your wounds,
and your corrupted mind.
What a long trip...
It's nice and spacious, and
you said it's not so great.
The "London boy" is used to this.
Oh, yes, "the London boy is falling down".
Hey, you never put this bag down.
You're right. Where should I put it?
Downstairs, in the closet.
Where? In your room?
Why? Don't you trust me?
He's right, and I'm still
waiting for my money.
Hey guys, cut the bullshit,
and just keep trusting me!
Come on, just take it.
When are we going to meet your cousin?
Tomorrow night, we'll have
dinner at his restaurant.
Make sure not to fall in love
with him, and you as well, Nua.
Shall we have a drink?
Guys, the glasses are in
the cabinet on the left side.
When are we
supposed to check out the place?
Chill out, we have all
the time in the world.
Let's drink, first.
Come on, "ci vuole calma
e sangue freddo... calma..."
..I'll take to the south
of Albania, it's worth it.
It's very nice.
My cousin's here.
Hey cousin, how's it going?
Thank God you're here.
- Listen, is everything alright?
- Everything's cool, he's waiting for us.
Come, meet my friends!
Guys, this is my awesome cousin Ilir.
- Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Giulia. - Hi!
- Hi! I'm Davide. - Hi.
- And you "already" know Nua. - Hi! Nua.
Hi, Ilir, everyone was waiting for...
So, show us the delicious food you brought.
Here some Albanian delicacies,
to make your Tirana experience complete.
Don't worry, they'll eat everything!
It's so generous of you to
bring all this food at this hour.
No problem at all.
Congratulations Ilir,
you cooked all of this?!
- Some of it. Like this, for example.
- Fergesa!
Come, sit.
Here you go, you can go and sit
- Cheers! - Cheers!
To us!
This wine is awful.
We've had worse.
Guys, I'm going to bed. I
can't stay awake any longer.
- Good night, Ilir. - Good night, Nua.
- Good night. - Good night, Nua.
Guys, we're going to bed too, as long
as I can pull this fatty one downstairs.
Hey, what are you talking
about! I'm not fatty!
Right, Ilir?
Ilir to Nua
You're still beautiful.
Your cousin is handsome.
Yes, the ladies find him very sexy.
Yes, I've noticed.
Are you sure it's not
the Tirana wine talking?!
- I don't get it, what do you mean by that?
- Guys...
- It's time to go to bed, that's enough.
- Wait a minute.
Ok, now we're done, come on let's go.
- Good night, guys. - Night.
Adrian, is that you?
No, it's a Tirana's burglar.
Oh, very funny, just don't make a mess.
I'm quickly going to Ilir's
restaurant, I won't be late.
What? At this hour?
It won't take long.
Ilir, thanks for your help in
making Sophianne trust me.
If it wasn't for you bro...
You'd be dead by now.
The London deal was a
complete bust, maybe it
wasn't your fault, but
someone had to pay for it.
But I already told you it was not my fault.
Sure, I know your version
of the story, and the rest too.
Really? Look, the London deal
was a big misunderstanding,
the cocaine was supposed to
be transported by someone else...
I don't give a shit, we
need to figure this out.
And what about the money from
your friends? Is it just a down payment?
Do they know this? I bet not!
I will figure this out,
in one way or another.
Cousin, you're driving
yourself to the edge.
Trust me, I will fix this as well.
Listen, Nua knows about this?
Nua? What's with you?
Why do you always involve
her? If you still like
her, you can have her!
Cut the bullshit!
I hope Sophianne is in a good
mood, because I can't stand him.
He's the one who can't stand you. Remember
I've done the impossible to help you out.
I simply want him to take his fucking
money and I will take care of the rest.
Guys, I'm glad you're here.
Sophianne, thank you for...
You know why I'm glad? Because I
don't have to deal with this shit anymore.
From now on, you two take care of
it. I will be having fun with these two.
I completely agree. I'm sure
you are going to have a lot of fun.
This is how it's going to be done,
you must return the cocaine to London.
I don't want any problems, you understand?
Sure, but I can't do it this quickly. I
need time to organize everything...
Organize and get it done! The
gorgeous Ilir, here, gave us his word.
And you're lucky we didn't cut your
balls off back in London. Right, Ilir?
Don't be silly, my
cousin will fix everything.
He brought the money. There's no problem.
But there's no way I'll put
this fucking cocaine in my car.
- What's your problem?
- There's no problem.
Here's the money. The cocaine remains here.
There must be a place here
where we can hide this shit.
Show me the money.
- What guarantee do you give me?
- Fuck the guarantee, and get out of here!
Sophianne is the guarantee. From
tomorrow the game starts. Leave now!
Ok, Sophianne, good night. Let's go, Ilir.
Minush, they brought the money. I
will take care of the cocaine, now.
Sophianne, should we stay here?
Come on, let's go in a
nice club and have a drink.
Let's get out of this shitty place!
I'm cold, and I need to pee.
There's enough space
here, you can pee anywhere.
You got plenty space, come on, pee.
Are you kidding me?
Someone's there!
- You drank too much.
- I saw an eye behind the wall!
- Don't you hear the music? - Music?
These fucking communists
can't even build a wall!
Pass me the bag!
Sophianne, I'm scared.
I can't believe it!
- Someone lives here! - And that music...
Stay back...
Help... help me, please.
I'm hurt, please help me.
Help me, I beg you!
Where have you been?
Taking care of the deal...
- Alone...
- With Ilir, you know, don't complain!
It's not me who's
complaining, your friends will!
It's easy for you to get their money, and
use them how the fuck you want, Adrian!
- Trust me Nua, I'm here to sort this out.
- You've tricked them! Don't you get it?
- You will never change!
- Nua... sweetheart.
I beg you, we don't need to
talk about this all the time.
It's with a heavy heart that I
speak to you. You already know this.
You have my heart on your sleeve...
What you have done this
time, is a huge mistake.
Nobody will notice that the money is
missing, I will fix it somehow, no worries.
No worries...
- How can you be so sure?
- I will pay my debt.
Come on, I need you beside
me, sweetheart, please...
- You think I can still trust you?!
- Why?! You want me to disappear forever?!
You know, it's just a
matter of time, Adrian.
Think whatever you like!
Hey, guys!
We heard you talking
about our money, right?
Everyone is up early today, uh?
Listen Adrian, when I gave you the money...
You did the right thing!
You wanted to start
a new life in a foreign
country? Then you must
follow the rules... my rules.
I don't need to justify
myself all the time,
you knew I had to be quick and improvise.
It's my father's money, and you
know him well... try to be reasonable!
Yeah, you're right, it
was late I had to react
fast, I'm going to fix
everything, you'll see.
I also found the place.
So fast?
- When can we check it out? - Later.
You will love it, but now I
really need a good sleep,
it's been a tough day.
So, we must wait until you wake up...
Come on Davide, give me a
break, no sad faces, trust me!
I promise you'll get to know some
people who'll help us find great food,
'cause our restaurant must offer
quality and not that shit we ate downtown.
You liked what Ilir
brought us last night, uh?
Yes, Adrian, we liked it but...
So, tonight, I'll take
you to his restaurant.
Then, I'll introduce you to someone, and
after that I'll show you the bunker, ok?
And where is this place?
In a great location, please
trust me, good night now!
Hey guys, welcome!
- All good? - Your place is really cool.
Thank you very much.
Check whether the cutlery is clean,
before you go on with compliments.
You've just earned the "specialty
of the day" for your friends.
And I'll bring you the
golden cutlery, if you like.
Let him be, he has been telling
us only good things about you.
Anyways, guys, I'm so hungry
that I'll start eating with my hands!
- I'll bring you some drinks. - Thank you.
What, did he get offended?
Who, Ilir? We always play like
that with each other, don't worry!
That's right, because you're always
a jerk, and he's always a sourpuss.
- Here you go. - Thanks.
After such a good dinner, I
can't wait to visit our location,
and for sure we'll be Ilir's competitors.
- Because now you have promised, right?
- Are you really sure, guys?
We could go tomorrow with the daylight?!
Where are you going at
this hour? You're drunk!
No, he already promised.
Okay, okay.
Enough with breaking my balls!
I'll take you to this fucking bunker, so
you can see the "magic
atmosphere" at night.
I don't want to hear any complains if your
shoes get dirty, that
place is a mess. Cheers!
Cheers... cheers...
There it is.
It's horrible!
It's scary.
With a little imagination
it looks like a sci-fi movie.
You haven't seen
anything yet, now we leave,
tomorrow we'll come to see it in daylight.
What the fuck?!
Is someone else here?
Maybe there are couples...
I'm not going in. I
don't want to get killed!
Come on, Nua! You're being paranoid!
It's the usual story of "sex in the
bunker". Let's get out and surprise them!
No! Let's no take the
chance, you've seen it now.
What the fuck! I haven't seen anything yet!
Now I want to get out, see the bunker
and surprise some couples having sex!
Honestly, I don't have
the keys of the bunker.
Are you kidding me?
You didn't bring the keys?
That's it? You brought us to
see the bunker from the outside?!
Okay, but first let me check it out!
No wait, are you hiding something?
We're going in circles. Don't forget
we gave you 25.000 euros in cash!
The least you can do is breakdown
the door and let us go in! Understand?
No... what the fuck...
Maybe we should have
come in daylight... shit!
Is someone there?
- What the fuck are they doing in there?
- Adrian! It's the result of your lie!
- Fuck you! You're drunk!
- Don't break my balls!
- What the hell?! - What's going on here!
Someone was killed here. What is this?
- Adrian!
- What are you doing, you'll get hurt!
What the fuck happened here?
Is this drug?
And this is blood!
- Guys, we better leave!
- I knew you were lying, let's go!
- Let's get out!
- What the fuck is going on?
I need answers! Where is our money?
- You haven't bought cocaine, have you?
- Fuck, no!
We're leaving now! I'll
explain everything in the car!
- No, I... - Let's go!
I'm surprised to see you here.
Where's Ilir?
He's not with you?
It's only me and my
friends. They know nothing.
Let us go home, and we'll talk tomorrow.
You're not behaving well with me.
I gave you many chances
and yet you still fucked it up!
I beg you, let me take my friends
home. They've nothing to do with this shit.
I smell a rat, Sophianne
disappeared and so did my money.
I don't know. Sophianne's car is here.
I gave him the money yesterday,
and where is he now, I have no clue.
Then what the fuck are you doing here?
There's blood here!
What's going on?
I beg you, I want to go home.
Adrian, what's happening here?
- Let us go home, we've done nothing wrong.
- I want the truth.
Idriz, take care of him!
Artoran, that's enough!
Find Sophianne and the money.
Take his phone!
Why is this light here?
- Sophianne! - Shhh, keep quiet!
What the fuck have you done, dickheads?
You killed Sophianne to steal
my money and the cocaine?
Who are you working with?!
It doesn't make sense man. I gave
Sophianne the money yesterday.
You think I would kill him with my
friends here? It doesn't make sense, man.
What's in your hand?
Bring them inside!
Let me go!
Why is there light? Do you
know if anyone else is here?
Believe me, I don't know.
Take him with us! Leave the other behind.
- What for? I know nothing. - Come on!
Take us to your accomplice!
Boys, find a place over there, so
we can keep them under control.
The person you call may have their
phone turned off, please call back later.
Where are you going? Come back to bed.
I was dreaming...
No! You son of a bitch! No!
- Open the door! - No!
Come on, guys! We're here!
Where are you guys?
Down the tunnel! Come here!
Why are you doing this to us?
What's going on?
What's going on here?
What the fuck is going on?!
I don't know...
I think it's a trap!
Let's go and see!
Come on!
Stop yelling!
Don't be scared!
Get out of my way! I want to kill him!
Come here, you piece of shit!
Kill him!
- They will kill us all.
- Keep calm and let's think...
What the fuck are you
saying, we are already dead!
It's all your fault.
I thought you were my friend. You're fake!
You made us trust that
piece of shit of your boyfriend!
How can you say this? Stop it!
What the fuck are you saying?
Are you defending him now?
He fucked us all!
I knew nothing! Fuck this! I knew nothing!
I just want to go home...
Let's run!
- Davide is dead!
- Let's get out of this place!
Where's Adrian and the others?
Kill him!
Ilir, this way!
Quick, give me the keys!
Hold on!!
Just a little longer...
How did all of this happen?
What the hell?!
My God, you're covered in blood!
And what was all that blood in the bunker?!
Please, hold tight!
I don't understand why!
Why did this happen to us?
A bit more! We're almost at the hospital!
Stay with me!
- Nua! - A bit more!
If I don't tell you now, I'll
never be able to tell you...
..I love you.