Blonde Fever (1944) Movie Script

Goodnight madam.
Goodnight, sir.
- Goodnight, Donay.
You've got the best restaurant
west of the Hudson.
This place means more to Reno
than the courthouse itself.
Thank you, madam.
- Goodnight.
Freddie. This is the last
time I'm going to tell you ..
Not to bring this confounded
thing up the driveway.
This isn't a hamburger drive-in.
- Mr Donay.
Your girl won't be ready
to go home for hours.
I've not come to get Sally, Mr Donay.
This lady wants to have some dinner.
I'm sorry. There are no tables left.
Why, Peter.
Of all people, Mrs Talford.
I'm so sorry.
Gone today and back tomorrow.
Well one could hardly expect you to
arrive on a motorcycle. What happened?
It couldn't be more gruesome.
My car had two flat tires at once.
This charming boy from the
filling station saved my life.
He brought me all the way
here on this dashing steed.
I think he liked it himself.
How's Delilah?
Just fine. She will be
delighted to see you.
Mr Donay.
- Excuse me a moment.
Of course.
Now Freddie. It is 'Freddie', isn't it?
When the car is fixed, bring it here.
But I couldn't take this much.
- Don't be ridiculous, child.
I'm a wealthy old woman.
- But fixing a flat is only a buck.
You want to win that lottery don't you?
Sure. If I do, then I could get married.
Keep it. Buy yourself some more tickets.
And a softer back seat for this thing.
Jeepers, thanks a lot, Mrs Talford.
You'll see Sally inside.
You can't miss her.
That is, if she hasn't quit already.
This is her last night.
Boy, she's really something.
I'm sure she is.
I'll get your car to
you as soon as I can.
There's something about that
boy and that motorcycle.
I think they're both rather sweet.
Rather sweet?
Oh yes. Yes.
Through these portals pass the richest,
saddest, silliest people in the world.
Goodnight, Peter.
- Goodnight.
The flamb was divine.
We are so pleased.
- We?
My wife and I.
- Oh.
I couldn't go in there,
Peter. Not like this.
Delilah is in the den.
Maybe you'd like to eat in there?
I'd love to.
- Yes.
Mr Donay, may I speak
to you for a moment?
Later. I'm busy now, Sally.
Delilah. Look who's here.
He refused to let me in.
Mrs Talford. Darling.
How did you get here?
She fell into the hand of that wretched
Freddie and his motorcycle.
Would you like to eat?
White bait, grouse? Anything you say.
- Nothing that complicated.
I leave the whole affair in your hands,
Peter. All I ask is that you hurry.
My dear, you are looking
lovelier than ever.
And madly prosperous.
Well you know, I suppose this is the
most successful place we've ever had.
Of course it's the identical
crowd, no matter where.
We seem to travel across
the world together.
Tell me, does Peter
gamble as much as ever?
Reformed. Isn't it marvellous?
- Since when?
About a year and a half.
And no more Italian Countesses
brandishing pearl-handled pistols about?
That was in Monte Carlo
before we were married.
Mr Donay told me you were here, madame.
I remembered your Martini.
Not too dry, not too sweet.
You don't look a bit different.
Not a day older.
I doubt he knows how old he is.
- Not the only thing he doesn't know.
Or an ignorant bartender like me.
Ladies, what can you mean?
- Johnny, you know perfectly well.
Your ears can hear gossip
that isn't even audible to dogs.
Thank you, that's all.
Why Peter, what service.
Just the soup, madame.
Thank you, Sally.
What an exquisite little creature.
That must be my Freddie's girlfriend.
Yes. Decorative, isn't she.
No wonder he's a little
hysterical on the subject.
Are you here on pleasure madam or
will you stay a little longer this time?
The usual six weeks.
And it's a pleasure.
I'm so sorry.
Don't worry, Peter. I'm going to settle
down and become a sensible old woman.
I have passed the dangerous age.
I'll be lonely, perhaps.
I suppose I deserve it for not
working at my first marriage.
When that breaks, you
go from bad to worse.
To spend the rest of your life searching
for the happiness you had to start with.
If only you had the
wisdom to sacrifice for it.
You're so right. A year and a half ago
Delilah packed up. Bag and bag.
She was really going to leave me.
She had threatened to before.
She couldn't stand my gambling.
- That was how I broke him of it.
I had to decide once and for
all what matters most to me.
It wasn't hard, darling.
You people fascinate me.
Just a stone's throw from Reno,
the capital of empty hearts.
Serving divine meals to miserable people
nightly and quite untouched yourselves.
Come here.
Excuse me, Mr Donay.
Mr Brillon wants to see you.
Thank you, Sally.
Will you excuse me. My .. my chef.
[ Italian language ]
Stop it!
The boss. Shush.
You sent for me, Brillon?
- Yes, sir. I mean, no sir.
But Sally just told me ..
- Mr Donay.
I had to see you for a moment
and I thought that maybe ..
The heat in here is unbearable.
I will see you outside Sally.
Brillon, send in
Mrs Talford's dinner, will you.
Very good, sir.
Now then.
What did you want to tell me?
Gee, Mr Donay.
When you come so close to me
like that, it's hard for me to tell you.
To tell you what I've got to tell you.
Your eyes tell me
everything I want to know.
I don't know what you mean, Mr Donay.
- Of course you don't.
Men spend their whole lives being
destroyed by inferior creatures ..
Who can't understand plain English.
But you don't speak
plain English, Mr Donay.
And I never meant to destroy anybody.
I just try to go my own way, minding
my own business, doing the best I ..
I can.
- Like a Panzer division.
Mr Donay.
I never said a word to you until
you started talking to me and ..
And .. you see ..
That's why I have to quit.
- It's Freddie.
He says .. well, it's not decent for a
young girl with high class morals ..
To be working in a place
like this, Mr Donay.
He says it's full of people getting
divorces and getting married again ..
And divorced again.
It might give me ideas.
Freddie is a criminal.
Oh no he's not. He's my fiance.
And who but a criminal would
ask such a lovely creature ..
To share his poverty and boredom.
These lovely hands. These twin sonnets.
Are growing red and ugly from dishwater.
It's not a crime.
- Oh, look.
I've been washing
dishes all my life and ..
And I want a husband and a
bungalow and some babies.
We're going to have four
children. Two boys and ..
Two girls.
Oh Sally. The whole universe is
undreamed of in your philosophy.
Your hair is so soft.
Mr Donay, you're a married man.
I doubt I should even be talking to you.
Didn't you know it's naive to mention a
man is married if he makes love to you?
- Why?
I cannot explain it
but it's just not done.
There are two kinds of women, Mr Donay.
Nice girls and the other kind.
Mr Donay, I certainly hope you
don't think I'm the .. other kind.
I think you're lovely, Sally. Too lovely
to end your life before it begins.
I think you are born to make wise
men foolish and sad men gay.
And for you to lose the world
before you have found it ..
Would be the greatest crime of all.
- But I'm engaged, Mr Donay.
And I want to marry Freddie.
At least I did until ..
Oh, I'd better quit.
I don't want to but ..
You get me all kind
of mixed up, Mr Donay.
Look here, Sally. I couldn't stand it.
Every night I'm counting
the hours until I see you again.
My throat pounds so,
I can hardly breathe.
But that sounds like heartburn.
My father is about your age and
he has trouble sleeping too.
[ Motorbike noise ]
Sally, you can't quit.
I won't let you. Promise me you won't.
- I don't know. Freddie said ..
I'll think about it.
There you are Mr Donay.
Hello Sally.
I thought you'd be busy.
- What do you want?
I just came to tell you
about Mrs Talford's car.
Otto will bring it up in about an hour.
- Is that all?
No. I'm going to take Sally home.
- Sally isn't ready to go home yet.
Then I'll wait.
That will not be necessary.
I'll drive Sally home myself.
I said I'm going to wait.
Maybe it's best, Mr Donay.
I had a date with Freddie and
he doesn't mind waiting and ..
And I wouldn't want to
put you out, Mr Donay.
I should hate to interfere in any way
with your social life, Miss Murfin.
You may go now if you wish.
- But I haven't a social life, Mr Donay.
I will see you in the morning.
What do you mean?
What do you mean
'being so fresh to Mr Donay'?
You want me to get fired?
- Fired?
I thought you were quitting.
- Because it's no good ..
It's not good to have that old
goat run after you all the time.
He doesn't.
He does. You lead him on like you
did with boys in High School.
Why don't you call up Suzie Lawrence?
She doesn't lead people on.
Pretty little minnows.
Are safer in shallow waters.
What did he mean? I'd like to know.
He means you'll be in a jam
someday, Sally. That guy is married.
Don't be naive.
Mrs Donay is a nice lady.
It's a shame. Someone ought
to tell her what an old ..
'Chaser' she's married to.
A nice thing for you to do.
Go breaking up a happy marriage.
Me break?
What are you talking about, Sally?
I don't know about you lately, Freddie.
You've changed.
You try to make me end
my life before it begins.
You just want to marry me so there's
someone to wash your dishes.
Holy crow, Sally.
- Well?
Perhaps we'd better call everything
off it that's the way you feel.
I guess we'd better.
Okay. Goodbye.
Oh Sally .. I'm sorry.
Like you always are?
Every time this happens I always
swear I won't get sore again, but ..
Honey, sometimes it looks like you
try to get me mad on purpose.
There's no use making up, Freddie.
We'll only fight all over again.
Might as well get it over
with now instead of later.
Four children to think about.
- Oh, Sally.
Don't try to get around me
that way, Freddie Bilson.
After all the nasty, cruel
things you just said.
A girl could only stand
only just so much.
I'm heartbroken.
I think you'd better take me home.
Who wouldn't be jealous of that
old .. chaser hanging around.
Listen, I ..
- Spying ..
You know I won't do that.
- Saying I'm all the time ..
Flirting with people. Why, that
means I'm not a very nice girl.
And I can't think of anything worse for
a girl than marrying a fellow who ..
Doesn't trust her.
I trust you alright. It's just the ideas
you give the other guys that bothers me.
Is it my fault if men
have to be so silly?
Now look Sally, I only said those
things because I got mad and ..
I only got mad because
I'm so crazy about you.
Ah ..
A girl doesn't stand a
chance with you, Freddie.
Hey, let's ride down to the lake, huh?
- Okay.
I'm most awfully sorry Mrs Parsons,
but we don't serve luncheon.
No. Only dinner.
That's quite alright.
We will pension you off.
Anything to get rid of you.
But you don't understand.
What are you trying to do?
Ruin me with your extravagance?
No domestic beer is worth half of
what you have agreed to pay.
Why, in Monte Carlo we bought
genuine pilsner cheaper than this.
What is the matter, Peter?
- Everything is the matter.
I have never had such
a week in all my life.
Nothing is done right.
This fabulous idiot pays
too much for beer.
The new waiter just quit.
- I shouldn't wonder.
I don't know what's going to happen.
I can't keep my eye on
everybody around here.
No, sir. Not everybody.
Peter, come on the terrace. I must talk.
- What about?
The world is so full
of a number of things.
What is it?
I've been watching you lately, Peter.
You've been upset for days.
The smallest problem
sends you into a rage.
You love Johnny. You've never
talked to him like that before.
Well, he ..
He is exasperating.
- Yes, but he's not extravagant.
He's more careful with our
money than he is with his own.
It's you. You don't eat anything.
You've started drinking in the daytime.
You don't sleep at night.
You've aged ten years
in the last three weeks.
That's a lie.
Really, Peter.
You've got to have a change.
Get away. Go somewhere.
Get away?
I don't know.
Deep sea fishing?
Mexico maybe, for a few weeks.
Have a fling, we can afford it.
- I don't want a fling.
I've never fished in all my life.
All I want is .. is to be left alone.
Very well, darling.
Why should you want me to leave?
Probably because you are
a shade unbearable, Peter.
But Delilah, listen.
Never mind.
Why do you put up with me?
Perhaps because I love you so much.
What we have between us is for all time.
Can't you just once more be clever.
Try to understand that ..
Understand what?
That .. that these things happen.
These moods come over a man sometimes.
It's horrible. There's no explaining
them, no changing them.
All we can do is ..
Wait until they blow over.
You are an angel.
- Scarcely that.
Oh yes you are.
You're a patient angel with enormous
charm and profound intellect.
You know.
I don't even deserve your little finger.
I'm not a wise man. Not even a good one.
Too right, darling.
I knew you'd see it my way.
What did you say?
I said that's right, darling.
You aren't a wise man or a good one.
That's why you should go fishing.
I will not go fishing.
In Mexico nor anywhere else.
I'm staying right here. Is that clear?
What do you think I ought to do, Johnny?
I knew you were listening.
What do you think I ought to do?
That is hard to say.
It's so kind of degrading to
spy on anyone you love, but ..
There's one thing I must know.
Does she encourage him?
She's in love with
Freddie I suppose, but ..
She's a child and her
heart is still hard.
Like a green apple.
Poor Peter.
He intrigues her.
You can't blame her.
She's never seen a man like him before.
And he's very attractive.
When he wants to be.
Now. She's having a game. That's all.
Playing one against the other.
I happen to overhear her talking on
the porch to both of them last night.
Oh, Johnny.
If you'll excuse it from
the bartender, sweet lady.
You are all I love in this bad world.
I would follow you or
anyone you want followed ..
To the ends of the earth.
- If only Sally and Freddie got married.
He hasn't a penny.
He makes next to nothing. I doubt
he could eat if you didn't feed him.
Money means so much to young girls.
Much too much.
I suppose to Sally, Peter
does seem a rich man.
He behaves like one.
She should look at our bank statements
some time. And then the mortgage.
Oh, Johnny.
- Now, now.
I had so hoped that his
adventures were over.
Don't fret so.
Matters aren't so very serious yet.
He is still begging her for a kiss.
Proving what?
Well .. that she is still
refusing to kiss him.
Now, doesn't that make you feel better?
How can you be so stupid, Johnny.
It makes me feel a great deal worse.
- Why?
That's exactly how I
got him to marry me.
Mr Brillon. It's real artistic.
Toujours l'amour.
What's it mean?
- Everything. Anything.
How could it?
- 'Always love'.
'Love always'.
'Long live love'.
It ..
It means that you are very young.
And very lovely.
Outside it is spring.
And life is calling.
What is it about me that makes everybody
all the time tell me 'life is calling'?
Excuse me.
- Yes, madam.
I want to speak to about
something confidentially.
Don't go, Sally.
This concerns all of us.
I don't want to alarm you but we
must cut down on overheads.
You see. We're having quite a struggle.
Really, madame?
You've noticed Mr Donay
hasn't been himself, lately.
I think it only fair to tell you he's
terribly worried about finances.
Well, I thought ..
You mean he's going to go broke?
- No, no.
I simply want you to understand that
if Mr Donay behaves peculiarly.
There's a reason, but never mention it.
For a minute, I was scared you
were getting ready to fire me.
No, no. Indeed we'll manage.
We must just be cheerful
and patient for a while.
And pull together so that we can
keep our heads above water.
Before we go under, may I ask what
obscure form of sabotage this is?
Oh, Peter.
This house is about as wholesome
as the palace of the Borgias.
My wife drinking in the kitchen.
And Johnny no doubt hidden in that cake.
No I'm not, Mr Donay.
I'm over here peeling potatoes.
Delilah, I'm a simple
man with a logical mind.
And you deliberately made me appear ..
A blundering, ineffectual
weak-minded failure.
Now, please why?
You don't need to worry about us
knowing you're worried, Mr Donay.
I'm not worried. I was never
so happy in all my life.
We are a brilliant success.
We are making money hand over fist.
We plan even to increase the
staff and give everybody a bonus.
I wasn't aware of this
staggering prosperity, Peter.
Then why did you come to me an hour ago
and beg me to take an extravagant fling?
I give up, Delilah.
I smell liver and bacon. Hmm.
Pardon me.
- Don't ask me the impossible.
I came early so as not
to miss the broadcast.
What broadcast?
- The lottery.
You've not forgot the lottery, have you?
- Freddie, don't.
Hey, what's the matter?
You hadn't ought to do things
like that in front of people.
Why not? You're engaged, aren't you.
You bet we're engaged. We'll be married
tomorrow if these are the right tickets.
I bought two more with the
tip Mrs Talford gave me.
Which one of you babies is going
to end our troubles? Come on.
Come on.
- Wait a minute.
I think we can solve their problem
in a much simpler way, Peter.
Would you like to work here, Freddie?
- What?
Mr Donay just this second said
he plans to take on new waiters.
You mean it?
If a better job is all that
holds up your wedding ..
Delilah, I have borne
enough for one morning.
Isn't there enough confusion here?
- He can learn. Sally can coach him.
Well .. well, I could try.
I've already told him of the universes
undreamed of in his philosophy.
She say ..?
- Well, well.
If he learns as fast as Sally,
you'll have nothing to complain of.
He'll start by washing dishes. When he
gets the knack of it he can be a waiter.
Why don't you try him out, Mr Donay?
- Yes, he's got to start sometime.
You must have been young once, Mr Donay.
Give the guy a break.
You know, I often thought of fixing
up that room over the garage.
It has a lovely view. You couldn't
find a cuter honeymoon house.
Over the garage? Here?
Hey, hey.
They're broadcasting the lottery,
Can we listen in the den, Mr Donay?
Certainly, we all will.
- But Mrs Donay, what about the job?
Run along, Freddie. It's all settled.
Oh boy.
Come, Peter.
[ Radio: ]
"The biggest charity lottery
in the history of the west."
"Rich and poor."
"Butcher, baker, candle-stick maker."
"John Q. Public."
"Two hundred thousand strong
certainly turned out for this one."
"Only one can win."
Good luck, Freddie.
"Here we go."
"Here we go, here we go."
Get it over with.
"Now, two of the most beautiful
girls in the world .."
"Bring the lottery box
up to the microphone."
"They turn the handle."
"I wish you could feel the
tension here in this studio."
"You could hear a pin drop as the ladies
are ready to draw the winning ticket."
"Everybody hold tight now."
"Just a minute."
"Here it is."
- What is it?
"The winner."
"For the grand prize of
forty thousand dollars."
"The winning ticket is .."
"7 dash 2."
"3 dash 3."
"O X 9."
"Signed, Lucky Louis."
Not a chance.
I couldn't even win a packet of gum.
I wish I could see
the fascination in it.
Look at those disappointed people.
And there are two hundred
thousand more just like them.
With the exception of
somebody called 'Lucky Louis'.
What's the matter, Mr Donay?
Lucky Louis.
Why, Mr Donay.
You are a millionaire.
- Well ..
Willy, bring the station
wagon to the front please.
Yes, Mrs Donay.
- To market.
More catalogues?
Yes, ever since the lottery I seem
to be on every sucker list in America.
I haven't bought anything yet.
The check is still in the safe upstairs.
Quite untouched.
It's your money, darling.
You need not account for it to me.
Hmm .. sables.
They are magnificent.
- Help yourself.
Under twenty-one.
My, my.
I must get to the village now
or there won't be a thing left.
Want anything besides toothpaste?
- Yes.
You can get me more
hair tonic if you want to.
I can't see that you've lost one
single hair since the day we met.
Of course, a few have turned grey.
The tolerant lovelorn eyes of memory.
Do those eyes bore you?
On the contrary.
I'm grateful for them.
You hold us together in a safe
indestructible understanding.
It's very reassuring in
the cold face of youth.
Darling, you talk as though we
were Mr and Mrs Methuselah.
I won't be long.
Order me something
fabulous while I'm gone.
Would you .. would you
really like that cape?
Is the car there, Willy?
- Yes, Mrs Donay.
Hey Willy. Lend me this
a minute, will you?
Excuse me, Mr Donay.
I didn't know you were in here.
What could I do for you?
Oh, nothing.
I was just going to dust.
I can come back later.
Maybe I had better come back.
But dusting doesn't make any noise.
Maybe if I was extra quiet
I wouldn't bother you.
Sally, if you became a rubber mouse.
You'd still be a most disturbing
element in this changing world.
Mr Donay, I sure get a kick out of
hearing you juggle words so fancy.
I'm a very witty man.
Mr Donay, your desk is a fright.
Would you like me to tidy it up for you?
- No.
Oh ..
What's those?
Those are the insidious
trappings of wealth.
Which shouldn't interest a girl
who's about to become a matre.
Mr Donay.
Are you mad at me?
- No.
Ever since Freddie came to work, you've
been acting so kind of funny that I ..
I haven't meant to.
Freddie has worked out remarkably well.
I think of it as an ideal arrangement.
We shall all live very
happily ever after.
Well then, I wish you wouldn't
be so cross, Mr Donay.
I may not show it but
I'm awful fond of you.
And those things hurt a girl's feelings.
I am very flattered.
- What's that?
That's the Junkers' diamond.
- Are you going to buy it?
No. Not today.
Where's Freddie?
- Fixing up the room over the garage.
What are you looking at it for
if you aren't going to buy it?
You'd like the Junkers'
diamond, wouldn't you?
I don't know what I'd wear it with.
Well perhaps with one of these.
It's pretty.
A silver fox.
- It's too common.
For sport.
Oh, gee.
A full-length cape of
superbly matched ermine.
Soft and pale as frost.
Pale as frost.
With a spray of orchids for the young.
Well of course, Sally.
You wouldn't look quite so young.
You mean if I put my hair up?
Oh Sally, Sally.
What's the matter, Mr Donay?
What are you thinking about, Mr Donay?
The cruelty of children.
I know, I know you don't
understand, but ..
But Sally, it would be so nice if
you did understand me just once.
Sally, why did you come in here?
I'll go out again if you want me to.
Is it the money?
Mr Donay.
You're going to marry Freddie.
Right now, At once.
What about those twin sonnets, Mr Donay?
Only a couple of nights ago you said ..
Just forget what I said a couple of
nights ago. Listen to me now, Sally.
Those sables, those diamonds,
those cars. They're no good.
They won't bring you any happiness.
And the Waldorf Astoria. Here, look.
That is a great mountain
of brick and steel.
You'd get dizzy, Sally.
Looking out over the city
from the 50th floor and ..
And billions of lights
will twinkle and ..
Just two people left alone in the world.
50th floor.
How wonderful.
Freddie is a very nice young man.
A little bit callow of course, but ..
That's a mistake that time will cure.
That's a funny word.
Furthermore, I'm ..
I'm years older than you.
Sally. Years older.
This .. this isn't very
good for us, Mr Donay.
Perhaps I'd better go and help Freddie.
Too late.
- Mr Donay.
Look .. I did my best
but it wasn't any good.
You aren't going to marry Freddie.
- But he'll be awful unhappy.
That I could never stand.
But he's terribly in love
with me, Mr Donay.
Are you terribly in love with me?
I ..
Couldn't answer that, Sally.
You aren't old, Mr Donay.
But you are married.
[ Singing: ]
"Right in the corner, where you are."
What kind of song is that?
If you weren't such an
old silly, you'd know.
"Someone far from harbor
you may guide across floor."
What's she been up to?
"Right in the corner, where you are."
"Right in the corner .."
Toujours, l'amour.
Comme ci.
Comme a.
Comme a.
Hey, Sally.
Sally, Sally!
Just a minute, sugar. What do you want?
I got something to show you.
- I've been up there twice already.
What have you done to yourself?
- Put my hair up.
Well put it down again. It looks awful.
Oh, fiddle-de-dee.
Well .. notice anything?
Why, you ..
You got rid of that old
wasp's nest didn't you.
I worked my hands to the bone.
Look, I washed the window.
You couldn't even see out of it before.
- You did, didn't you.
Why, a view like that would cost you
twenty bucks a day in a big hotel.
From the 50th floor?
Whoever heard of hotels with 50 floors?
They have them.
Who says so?
Freddie, are you sure those
bats won't come back?
Nah. Who's afraid of an old bat
as long as we're together.
Well I am, no matter who I'm with.
Well just let one come. I'll fix him.
Anyway, Mrs Donay said we
could have new screens.
From now on.
I'm going to protect you
in sickness and in health.
For richer or for poorer
or for better or for worse.
Right here in this room.
- Freddie, you're all of a pain.
You make a guy wish he was dead.
- I can't figure you out.
Sometimes you aren't here even if
you stand right in front of me. You ..
Aren't here.
Golly sakes, if a guy is
i love with a girl, he ..
Wants her to be with him and
care a lot what happens.
Even a dumb guy knows if a girl just ..
Isn't here.
What would you want?
What makes you like this?
We're young, Freddie.
Why are you in such
a hurry to get married?
You said as soon as I made steady money.
Mrs Donay gave me a job to wait tables
which means a raise and all the tips ..
Well then, let's wait
until you get a chance.
Life has got an awful lot of things in
it we couldn't even dream about.
Because nobody told us about them.
Who told you about them now?
That's what I want to know.
There is Mrs Donay back already
and I haven't even set the table.
What have you been doing all morning?
- Minding my own business.
I know. Mr Donay.
- Freddie.
You talked to him. I bet he
got you to put your hair up.
Oh, let me alone.
I don't want to fight with you.
You just don't want to
answer my questions.
Sally, I swear it. Sometimes,
I come close to hating you.
Freddie. Lunch, children.
I gave up a job I liked
to wash dishes, didn't I?
And who made you give it up?
- What's changed your mind so sudden?
That lottery ticket?
- Freddie, you're vile.
I'll go there and ring
the old gander's neck.
A sure way to get to be a waiter.
- Well ..
I must keep my self-respect.
- And keep promises.
I thought you'd never get jealous
and nasty and lose your temper again.
Well, who wouldn't go nuts working for
a guy who tries to steal his girl and ..
Cooperating all the time.
Freddie, don't be ..
So callow.
And what does that mean?
Sally. Freddie.
It means you'd better
start behaving yourself.
How goes the homemaking?
- I'm all over painting.
I'm sorry I didn't set
the table, Mrs Donay.
Freddie called me.
- That's alright.
Brides-to-be have a lot to think about.
Yeah, they sure have.
What does 'callow' mean?
- Oh?
Do you know?
- Well ..
Not exactly.
If I were you, young lady, I'd not use
words if I don't know what they mean.
Where did you learn those words anyway?
- Callow?
Callow I think means
literally .. unfledged.
Having no feathers.
Most of the time it's used if describing
somebody very young and inexperienced.
Having no feathers, huh?
Couldn't it mean an old guy
who's getting grey just as well?
Eat your lunch Freddie.
It's getting cold.
Well I ..
I got an awful lot done while
you were in town, Mrs Donay.
It looks wonderful, Freddie. Wonderful.
Mr Donay's shoulders
are bigger than mine.
You sure it's okay if I wear his suit?
- It's not his best one, Freddie.
There. You're more than a waiter.
You're a matinee idol.
What if I spill soup on it?
- You're not going to spill a thing.
Say I drop a hunk of roast
beef on one of the ladies?
We don't serve big hunks of roast beef.
I never worn one of these,
let alone carried dishes.
What if I dropped a big ..
- Freddie, you're making me nervous.
I can't do it.
- Now look.
I pay two waiters to stay home and play
sick on the busiest night of the week.
Just to give you the chance of a better
job. Are you going to let me down?
Maybe I should try it another night?
- You want to get married or not?
Why sure, but ..
- Then get in there and fight.
I've got a stake in this too, Freddie.
Where's that waiter?
Where's that blasted waiter I've
been calling on? Where is he?
Now follow him in and
keep a stiff upper lip.
I'm stiff all over.
I can't do it, Mrs Donay.
I've lost my voice.
Well you're not going to sing Tosca.
All you have to do is to
give them this menu.
Write down what they ask for on the
pad and bring it back to Mr Brillon.
Whom shall we notify
in case of accident?
Hate to complain Peter, but Mr Alexander
and I have been here forty minutes.
I'm sorry.
You know Mr Alexander, my new lawyer?
- Of course.
We are kind of shorthanded.
May I take your order myself?
- Thank you, Peter.
At last we seem to have a waiter.
Hi, Mrs Talford.
My dear young man, I didn't recognise
you without your motor bouncer.
What are you doing here?
Well, Mrs Donay ..
- Peter, I'm hungry.
Take the order.
Holy mackerel.
What's the matter?
The prices.
Get out of here.
- I'm only trying to help.
Don't argue. Do you hear me?
- I heard. I don't like you either.
Get back to the kitchen
where you belong.
If I catch you once again
in this room I will ..
I will break your neck.
See if you want to finish this right
out on the backyard, Mr Donay.
It's finished as of now. You are fired.
What's the matter?
We get out of here right now.
- Are you crazy?
Move aside. I'm in a hurry.
Freddie, I'm in a rush.
- Come on, out of my way.
So am I.
Freddie, what happened to you?
- I'm fired and glad of it.
Now I'll beat up that guy like I
wanted to for the last few months.
Freddie, are you crazy?
He can't talk to me like that.
Nobody can. I'll fix him.
Are you coming with me or not?
- How can I? Where do we go?
The time has come to
choose between me or him.
Freddie, don't be an idiot.
Make up your mind. I'm not fooling
around, I'm ready to mop up this joint.
Why, you talk awful big.
- You want me or that old blow-beard?
Freddie. Listen Freddie,
I'll go with you.
Let me tend to something and I'll meet
you in the driveway in five minutes.
You will?
- Well ..
You're my fiance aren't you.
Now, be a good boy.
I say you did do it. I saw
you do it. You always do it.
It's disgusting.
I want to speak to you for a moment.
Look there. You did it again.
Johnny, where's Mr Donay?
- What?
Mr Donay. Where is he? I must find him.
- What for?
Never mind. Do you know
where Mr Donay is or not?
He is in the wine cellar to get
the Chardonnay for Miss Talford.
Here Johnny, hold this.
What's going on?
Mr Donay.
Mr Donay, where are you?
In here?
Well, what is it?
Mr Donay. I don't know.
- But I do.
You came here to plead for
your dashing masterful ..
Hot-tempered, fire-eating
renegade lover.
Are you talking about Freddie?
- I'm not going to hire him back.
Please listen, Mr Donay.
- Look, you marry him if you want to.
You'll not spend your
honeymoon in my garage.
Mr Donay, I ..
- Now look, Sally.
I tried.
No-one ever struggled harder
for the decent thing, but ..
I'm only human.
I fired him not for what he did but ..
Because he drives me insane.
I'm jealous of him.
I don't want you to marry him because ..
Because I want you myself and ..
And my conscience is ..
Is in pieces.
You knew what you did when you came
in with that feather duster, didn't you.
Don't scold me anymore.
Oh yes, you did.
You're old enough to
take the consequences.
I can't help it if I ..
I'm infatuated with you.
Miss recalls ..
Sally, is it possible you ..?
You .. you are crying.
I came to say .. goodbye.
I'll never forget you, Mr Donay.
- For the simple reason, I ..
I won't let you out of my sight.
You're a married man, Mr Donay.
If you'll pardon me for being so naive.
But Sally.
And Freddie is out there,
madder than a hornet.
Waiting for me in the driveway.
Sally .. now listen to me.
Do you love me?
You see, that's all that
matters. Doesn't it?
You mean it?
Such a fling we'll have.
We'll live dangerously
and follow the sun.
Three steps ahead of tomorrow.
- Mr Donay.
You make me feel kind of out of breath.
I am a man of the world, Sally.
I can show you all of it:
New York, Palm Beach, Mexico.
Would we be married there or on the way?
Goodbye, Mr Donay.
It was nice to have known you.
Will you marry me?
Don't ..
Don't speak, darling.
Don't say a word.
Hello Freddie. It's good you are here.
We have a good deal to talk over.
This is a moment of great
importance in our lives, so ..
Nobody must get excited.
We must deal with sanely,
quietly and calmly.
Who's excited?
- Freddie.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
The situation is this, my boy.
I don't need it explained to me.
What do people say to
people at times like this?
Not much if I were you.
Sneaking around following people.
I didn't follow you.
I waited where you said.
You didn't come.
So I asked Johnny where
you were and he told me.
And then I went and
got my .. got my gun.
You did what?
- Yeah, see. This is it.
What are you supposed to do with it?
- I'm going to shoot you.
But why?
Because it ought to have
been done a long time ago.
Mr Donay, you're a stinker.
Freddie, please. Aim that gun
away from my champagne.
I'll stand over there if you want me to.
For cracks like that I'll
shoot you, Mr Donay.
And jealousy has nothing to do with it?
Sure it has. I'm not
a liar like you are.
What? A liar?
Any low down, slimy son-of-a-gun ..
That's married to a nice woman and goes
round dating girls at the same time ..
A liar and a deceiver.
The crazy, rotten rat ought to be put
out of it before he does more damage.
Hasn't it every occurred to you
that you're disgusting, Mr Donay?
Freddie, where did you get that suit?
You won't need it much longer, Mr Donay.
- Freddie, put the gun down now.
I put it down when I'm through with it.
- Freddie.
He's going to shoot you.
- No, he's not.
Because it wouldn't do anybody any good.
Mrs Donay would be very unhappy.
You would always hate him and he
would be sent to the gas chamber.
No, I'm sure you think
it's worth it, but it isn't.
Let a gesture suffice.
Well-meaning and understandable.
If rather callow.
Look out!
Freddie, Freddie.
I'm not what you think I am.
Even if it seems so, but ..
Sally and I are in love and
we're going to be married.
Stranger things than that have happened.
Not much stranger.
What about your wife?
- Well ..
Tonight I'll explain and I'm
sure she will understand.
Sally, I feel like I was having
a bad dream or something.
Why, you love me.
You always have. You're ..
You're my girl.
I won't hold any grudges.
I'll forgive you.
For what?
Sally, you can't do it. You can't be so
cheap to trade me and you for $40,000.
And that's what you're
doing, isn't it? Admit it.
Make him go away, Mr Donay.
Now look. Look here, Freddie.
Sally doesn't want to hurt you any
more than I want to hurt Mrs Donay.
Now if you really do love Sally.
You want her to be happy, don't you?
You want her to have the
man she wants most?
Don't you?
Don't you?
For a moment, I thought he had a gun.
You were right.
Voil, Madame. Chteaueuf 29.
This leaves me with only two bottles.
Yes, Peter?
You know. The only two
bottles left in America.
Peter, if I didn't know you so well ..
You look for all the world like a man
who's come from a desperate rendezvous.
No better place than in the wine cellar.
Excuse me, Mrs Talford.
I can't bear floor shows.
Still awake?
Tired, but not sleepy it seems.
Only two? I thought it
was at least four-thirty.
Freddie left us tonight.
So I gathered.
And Sally had no way of getting home
so I told her to take the station wagon.
She'll bring it back in the morning.
What's that?
No results whatever.
Delilah, I ..
I think I'll have .. one more.
A nightcap?
- Yes, that might be a good idea.
Tonight was the best business in ..
In the last three months.
If it keeps up you'll have
to close in the terrace.
Nice .. drinking in a bedroom.
It gives one sense of gentle decadence.
Let's face the facts, Peter.
I'm going to divorce you.
Why do you say that?
The first duty of a good wife it to
anticipate her husband's wishes.
Are you very unhappy about it?
Darling, I ..
- After all ..
One has one's pride, even after
ten years of marriage to you.
I can't go on like this.
I'll file suit tomorrow.
You'll be free before the week is out.
This is completely unreal.
You being someone else's husband.
I wonder if you'll be
any better behaved.
For the love of heaven.
For the 'love of heaven' what?
Do we have to be so
coldblooded about this?
Well I think it's foolish and
dishonest and very unlike you.
What can you mean?
Well I mean, you are
not a cold callous woman.
You are warm and sensitive.
Your emotions are full and real.
Why thank you. That's very nice of you.
Where's the toothpaste?
In the medicine chest
where it's always been.
I'm looking in the medicine
chest now and it isn't there.
It must be. I put it in there
just a little while ago.
Delilah, I resent this attitude.
You're suffering as much as I am and ..
Your flippancy is rather cheap.
Cheer up, darling. I was sobbing
my heart out before you came up.
Does that make you feel any better?
The emotion was very full
and real I assure you.
Delilah, really.
Peter, I'm simply trying to find
a solution for our problem.
Yes. That's what you've always done.
To solve all the problems,
even before I knew about them.
That is why it's so difficult
to come to you and say ..
Look darling, I'm awfully sorry but I
have fallen in love with somebody else.
Au revoir.
I'd much prefer it quick and simple.
You see, I've contrived to give myself
sort of mental shot of Novocaine.
To say all there is to
say before it wears off.
I love you, Delilah.
You believe that?
- I always will.
You are something in my life that
nothing and no-one can replace.
I'm not replacing it really.
You think it's my money
she wants, don't you?
Oh, my darling.
Yes, you do.
What really matters is
what you think, Peter.
Oh .. I hate money.
Yes. How good and simple and
honest the world would be ..
If there never had been any. Ever.
Who steals my purse, steals trash.
What's that?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Isn't it silly what irrelevant things
pop into one's head in a crisis.
It suddenly occurred to me that
I'm behaving like a storybook wife.
No reproaches. No regrets.
No alimony.
Well of course you are
going to have alimony.
I intend to provide for you as
long as we both .. shall live.
I won't take alimony.
- How do you expect to exist?
I'll get along.
I think you are deliberately trying to
make me out a swine, my storybook wife.
No reproaches, no regrets.
Wait, Peter. Let me finish.
This is marvellous.
We can both be noble.
The lottery check.
- What?
Don't you see? The check is still in
the safe. You haven't even endorsed it.
You can simply sign it over to me.
All of it?
- Yes.
Well now, look Delilah.
If it were your hard-earned
savings, I wouldn't touch it.
But this is a fluke. Just so
much velvet you didn't expect.
Go and get it.
Let's settle this whole thing
in one fell stroke of the pen.
One fell stroke of the ..?
- Yes.
But now darling, let's not be impulsive.
It was you who insisted.
I am trying to think.
- You want to support me, don't you?
Well of course.
- Then why don't you do it?
Well Sally, she kind of expects ..
But darling, now you can
really be sure of her.
Don't you see?
All I'm thinking of is you.
You are behaving like a cat.
Why you have all the disturbing
earmarks of a four-flusher.
Now look, Delilah.
Peter, this is sordid.
If you'll forgive it from
the bartender, sweet lady.
Your velvet gloves have
worn a little thin.
Why wouldn't they? I had them on for ten
years trying to make life nice for you.
I've solved all the problems
and you've had all the fun.
You've lied and gambled and deceived me.
Once in a while you even bored me.
Then why haven't you
brought it up before?
Because I'm in love with you.
- Delilah.
Be quiet.
I'm sick to death of all this.
You, your gold, your little love.
Your brave generous heart.
Keep all of it.
I don't mind if I do.
Goodnight darling. I've turned
down the bed in the guest room.
[ Buzzer ]
[ Buzzer ]
[ Buzzer ]
Yes, sweet lady. You are fine. How am I?
I don't understand. What ..?
Right now, this minute?
Very well. Very well.
But if you'll excuse this from
the bartender sweet lady.
I think you have gone mad from grief.
I'll do as you say. Alright.
No, sweet lady. It's a pleasure.
A pleasure.
Oh, Brillon.
What's that?
Madame's luggage.
What's that?
Madam's breakfast. Crpes Suzette.
Johnny, what ..?
What's that?
Chardonnay '29.
The next to last bottle in America.
What's going on here, Johnny?
Excuse me, sir.
But I'm only the bartender.
I never poke my nose into
other people's business.
Johnny. Johnny, just sit
down for a moment, will you.
Thank you, sir.
I've had a terrible night.
I didn't get much sleep myself.
Johnny. Pretend for one
moment that you are a woman.
A beautiful woman.
Intelligent, charming, chic.
Have I got glamour?
- You have everything, Johnny.
Now imagine that I'm your husband.
Who loves you.
Who you love with all your heart.
I'm a happy woman.
- No you're not, Johnny.
Hard to please, huh?
Well .. listen here.
Now I, your husband.
Fell in love with another woman, a girl.
At least I thought I fell in love.
And for one foul, foolish moment I ..
I was willing to leave you for this ..
This little silly creature who ..
Got nothing to offer me except ..
Well, nothing to offer me.
And then at dawn, I ..
I came to realize that
I was a fool and ..
That I never would know one
moment's happiness until ..
Until you forgave me and ..
Took me back again.
There are no very great difficulties.
I'm a very forgiving woman.
You just have to come to me
and say you're sorry and ..
We'll live happily ever after.
Wait a moment, Johnny. It is ..
It's not quite that easy.
- Oh.
You know, in the meantime, you ..
My wife .. Johnny ..
Has, shall we say, inherited
forty thousand dollars.
I see what you mean now.
You're after my money.
- No.
Any woman could see that. No, Mr Donay.
Ah, you'll never convince me.
I am a vain woman.
Very vain.
But I'm not that vain.
It can only be my money that you want.
But Johnny, what can I do?
If you'd permit it from the bartender.
I would go and shave.
You look terrible.
- Terrible?
So old.
But Johnny ..
Sally, Sally.
Come here, my dear.
I was hoping I'd catch you.
No, I can't.
I got to get back. You see ..
My mother is expecting me.
Aren't you going to work today?
- No, I ..
Well I .. just wanted to return the car.
You see, Freddie. That is, Mr Donay.
Stay for a minute anyway. Come
up here and have some breakfast.
Thanks anyway, but I'm
afraid I've got to get back.
Sally, I won't let you go.
You're trapped.
Sit down, you pretty little
'Surrey with a fringe on top'.
Sit down.
Would you ..?
- No, I've had breakfast.
Not a breakfast like this one.
It might never happen again.
It's a farewell party.
Peter will be down shortly.
I hope you weren't avoiding me, Sally.
No. I was just ..
- Don't try to explain.
I know all, understand all.
See all, for that matter.
Mr Donay and I had a
long talk last night.
We came to a perfectly
happy understanding.
There's no reason why
we shouldn't, is there?
My dear, why do you look so odd?
Well no offense, Mrs Donay.
I just go a sort of peculiar
feeling that something ..
Kinda peculiar is going on.
You know I felt the same way
for the last two months myself.
I wonder what it can be.
You're smarter than I am, Mrs Donay.
If that's true, my trunks wouldn't
be in the front hall, would they.
You can see for yourself.
You've nothing to fear, Sally.
Hasn't she indeed?
What are you doing here, Sally?
Behold. The bridegroom cometh.
Sally, I asked you what
are you doing here?
Mrs Donay asked me to stay.
I'm sure she did.
You don't look like you
slept very good, Mr Donay.
He should. He has less to worry about.
- Now, Delilah.
What's the matter, Mr Donay?
I want to talk to Sally alone.
You'll have a lifetime alone with her.
Don't be self-conscious, Peter.
Can't we deal with this
thing like civilised people?
In the last twelve hours I've
come to the conclusion that ..
When women get civilised they're really
reverting to the law of the jungle.
Peter, this is all just a
strange sort of accident.
It isn't your fault is it Sally, if
some fatal spark burst into flame ..
The minute you and Mr Donay
set eyes on each other.
Mr Donay said you'd be this way.
He did? What did he say?
All about how wise and tolerant you are.
He is very fond of you,
Mrs Donay. He really is.
I'm so glad.
- And I don't mind a bit.
You are very broadminded
for one of your age.
I was just going to say
the same thing to you.
You know, most people would say I was
just marrying Mr Donay for his money.
Sally, I shouldn't worry too
much about that if I were you.
The last bottle, Johnny.
- Yes.
Any particular request, Mr Donay?
Go away.
- Peter.
I can't bear them standing
there beaming and fiddling.
While you burn?
Now look here, Delilah.
What do you think you are doing?
My Taxi is due now. Don't begrudge
me these last few moments.
Let me have my way.
Listen to the conversation and
play what you think is fitting.
Yes, madam.
A marriage as perfect as ours should
be perfect to the very last minute.
My favorite wine, my favorite food.
My favorite music.
"I wonder what's become of Sally."
Stop it.
You planned this.
You are waiting for something.
What are you building up to?
- Thank you for knowing me so well.
I'm only beginning to know you.
And I'm bitterly disappointed,
my brave little woman.
Not brave at all. I'm beginning
to take to the whole idea.
After all, at a dance one
does change partners.
Life is not a dance.
Life is what we make of it.
'We'? Dark horse, huh?
You know what?
I had a peculiar feeling when I came.
And it's getting
peculiarer and peculiarer.
Can you say that: peculiarer?
I don't think you're
a bit glad and wise ..
And tolerant, Mrs Donay.
I think you're .. burned up.
Sally, please. Now let
me do the talking.
You are way over your head,
because you are a man.
You may be mighty smart and snooty
with your ten-dollar words, Mrs Donay.
But I got mister .. mister Donay.
How do you like that?
- Not very much.
But I congratulate you.
You've drawn the most charming,
generous man in the whole world.
Please, please, Delilah.
- You know what he did last night?
Of course, he's keeping the
restaurant and the mortgage too.
But he signed his lottery
check over to me ..
Oh .. she's kidding.
Is she kidding?
Well Sally, I'll explain it to you.
No wonder you were so bright
and chipper this morning.
No wonder? He did it for you, Sally.
For me?
There wouldn't have
been a divorce otherwise.
I think you ought to sue her.
- For .. for what?
Alienation of affection.
Oh .. poor Mr Donay.
Look what she's done to you.
Look, Sally.
One provides for one's wife.
Can't you see what she's done to you?
- I hope not.
Now you have no money you can't give me
all the lovely things you told me about.
And without those lovely things
you could never ever love me.
Don't be an idiot. I'll adore you.
Not without those ermines and
Junker diamonds and orchids.
Oh, Mr Donay.
I'm so disappointed for you.
- You sound as if I ..
As if I were marrying you for money.
You said we'd live dangerously.
Follow the sun. You were a man of
the world and would show it to me.
You said ..
- I know what I said.
My hands were sonnets.
My, that does take me back.
Hi, Mrs Donay.
I was afraid something had happened.
Johnny found you?
He got me out of bed.
- What does it mean?
That's what I must know. I don't
know what to ask first, Mrs Donay.
I still think I'm dreaming.
This ever happened before
in the whole world.
Yes it has.
Did you ever hear the story
of Samson and Delilah?
What took so long?
- I waited until the bank opened.
Samson and Delilah?
I got fancy new duds. How do I look?
Rich and irresistible.
Doesn't he, Sally?
Freddie Bilson, what
have you been doing?
If this what I think, it can't be true.
That's what I keep saying, but it is.
The lottery.
- Oh.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Taking money from a woman?
Sally, don't be so callow.
Freddie deserves something.
After all, he lost the girl.
What girl?
- Now he goes away to forget.
What's the matter with her?
- Go ahead, forget.
See if I care. Just when I need you.
Men are like that.
- What are you talking about?
You loved me when you were poor.
Now you're rich and I'm all alone
you want to go away and forget me.
What do you mean 'alone'?
- Alone.
And compromised.
I thought you were going
to marry Mr Donay.
That's over. Now he has no
money he doesn't want me.
Now you don't have, you don't either.
- But Sally ..
It's the woman who pays.
Sally, this is the most unparalleled ..
Transparent piece of
gold digging I ever saw.
I'm no gold digger.
I wouldn't marry you if
you'd won ten lotteries.
You, you .. you gold chaser.
I guess I'll just go
out and kill myself.
You wouldn't do a thing like that.
What have I got to live for?
You won't marry me.
Holy crow, Sally.
Last night you said I'm your
girl and you'd forgive me.
And we were going to have
a house and four babies.
Two boys and two girls.
You mean, now you want to marry me, huh?
Just a minute, woman.
If we resume our former relationship
there's got to be a lot of changes made.
Yes, Freddie.
I'm going to be the boss in our house.
Yes, Freddie.
I've got to quit this job right now.
Yes, you will.
And one more thing.
You are going to take that
hair down right this minute.
Mrs Donay, the taxi is out in front.
Shall I load the luggage?
- Yes thank you, Johnny.
Well, goodbye.
I will see you to the taxi.
I'm trying to remember what happened to
Samson after Delilah cut off his locks.
They grew in again.
He got his strength back in time.
Maybe Samson got what he deserved.
It isn't a question of
just desserts, Peter.
To save you from what you were
headed for was worth you hating me.
You believe that?
I do.
There are worse things
than feeling lonely.
I don't agree.
There will be other girls.
Look, Delilah.
Loneliness isn't healed by crowds.
But by just one person.
The right one.
Goodbye, Peter.
- Delilah, listen.
Do you have to go? I mean ..
You gave the check to Freddie.
We are back where we were.
It's not as easy as all that, Peter.
I shall always feel that I've bought
you back for forty thousand dollars.
No, darling. You ransomed me when
I was imprisoned by my own stupidity.
You know Delilah, it is
perhaps a little late but ..
Since last night I've learnt the
difference between loving someone and ..
And wanting them.
Loving is belonging to someone.
In spite of yourself.
Without fever or without effort.
Loving is to come home ..
You talk like a grown up, Peter.
I shan't worry now as
much as I might have.
If you'll excuse it from the bartender.
I didn't quite carry out
your orders, sweet lady.
There's no use paying forty thousand
dollars for what you could buy for less.
You see.
Some people have simple wants.
A new suit of clothes, a new motorcycle.
And a thousand dollars of cash.
Freddie was very, very grateful.
Here .. is your change, madame.
Johnny, will you take the
luggage upstairs please.
Yes, sir.
You were awfully sure
of yourself, weren't you.
No, darling.
But I was .. terribly hopeful.