Blood Pay (2025) Movie Script
And without drums or music, long hearses Pass by slowly in my soul; Hope, vanquished,
Weeps, and atrocious, despotic Anguish On my bowed skull plants her black flag.
Hello Mr. George!
How's everything going?
Look, we could see the
house tomorrow morning
if that's okay with you.
Costs are around 120 euros monthly, which
are not as high as other neighborhoods.
Okay then, see you soon, bye.
Say hello to your wife, okay?
I know I'll find you here.
Well then, you're
back in Paradise.
Yes, I find you fit!
Always as usual,
just a little older.
You are in your prime instead.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
They say that after you turn thirty
it's all down-hill from there.
They are just envious, trust me.
Well, so what are
you doing here?
They have me contacted
by my old office.
I don't know if you
remember Riccardo.
He was fired.
So they want me
back on their team.
- This time with a decent contract though.
- That's great!
Well, you deserve
it, congratulations.
And have you already
found a house?
Yes, not too close, but
the rent is affordable.
If youn had said it earlier, I would
have found some place to stay for you.
No worries.
I'm fine with that, I have
preferred to do it on my own.
Let's take a walk, Let's
have a chat, what do you say?
- Yes, why not?
- Ok.
I really have to tell you. There's
something strange about you.
Tell me the truth. Is
something wrong with you?
You are right. Is it so obvious?
I don't know about the
others, it's obvious to me.
It's a strange period.
You know, I'm rich
I have a lot of free time
but my inner fire is put out.
Nothing satisfies
me anymore, no...
I no longer feel satisfaction.
Why didn't you tell me about it?
But because I didn't
want to trouble you with
my worries, you know how I am.
Do you know that you can count on me,
right? And I don't say so as a formality.
I'm here for you.
I just wanted to
face my demons alone.
You can't get out of hell alone.
Well, I've been seeing a
psychiatrist for a few months.
Good for you.
And I think that there is
no casuality between us.
The fact that I'm here, right now,
in a dark moment of your life.
I've often thought about you
lately, and I confess that
not just for my job, but
I also came back for you.
I missed you.
But I am old now, I have
nothing left to offer you.
I'm the one who wants to give
you the help that you need.
And we could get back together
and be happy ever after.
And look.
You'll turn 40 tomorrow and
I brought you this present.
But you shouldn't have.
Wow, beautiful.
Thank you.
Maybe one day you will out a
photo of the two of us in there.
Well, don't have too many
expectations, though.
Thank you.
I just ask you to think about it. I
can give you anything that you need.
I'll write it down.
Unemployment is spiking!
Many workers are left at home
and replaced by machines.
When more progess is
too much progress?
Where is the border
between nature and culture?
It is possible to
adapt the world of...
Teenagers are fleeing reality
They live their lives behind
their online nicknames
They're the new nihilists,
bored, disillusioned
and without prospects
for the future.
The advent of AI is dividing
the Psychological community.
Some scientists say that
emotional and sexual relationships
won't be quantitatively
While other renowned doctors
express their fears regarding
a distortion of the
behavioral models
with harmful effects.
How to manage progress
without slowing it down?
How to get the best of these
AIs without harming us?
In the nex segm...
Got it.
Let's hit the sack.
Without drums, without music
funerals take place
for a long time
slowly, in my heart.
Hope, cries in defeat
And anguish, dystopian
and sinister,
Pierces my brain
with its balck ensign
Mister George!
I'm very excited.
Fuck me here in the kitchen!
You see, the house it's in
front of the sea, as you asked.
The temperature is
more or less the same
all the year long. So it's
very nice to live here.
Good morning!
You see, among other things, the
neighborhood is also very quiet.
Yes, I noticed, I've noticed
Yes, you see, I have a wife.
We were looking for a new
house with a nice neighborhood,
as I told you, ocean front.
My wife will definitely love it.
Sell the house to
my cuckold husband.
Thank you, thank you.
This is the house.
It's open space,
as you requested.
Large terrace.
As it was in the photos,
even better I would say.
There are also some parrots.
My wife loves parrots.
Look, if you'll excuse
me for a few minutes,
In the meantime you can continue
the tour of the house on your own.
I make a call and
I'll be back ASAP.
Sure, thanks.
My wife loves cooking.
She will love the kitchen.
Ah, shut up!
Otherwise they'll hear
you... they'll hear you...
Fuck me!
Come inside me!
Come inside me!
I really feel love
in this house.
Look, it's wonderful.
For me the deal is done, we just
have to wait for the confirmation
of my wife, who Unfortunately
is absent today.
And I don't know why.
So, if you, could plan
another meeting we close it.
Of course, yes,
yes, we can do that.
Then I'll wait a moment
before bringing here
other tenants, so you can...
Yes, yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes, yes.
For me the house is taken,
but, you now... women!
Thank you.
Thanks to her, er thanks to you.
What are you doing John?
Won't you say hello to me?
Oh Sara, sorry, I
was lost in thought.
Look, I know what day it's
today. That of the legendary 40.
Ah... yes.
What are your plans for tonight?
Are you throwing a party!?
Last year was so cool.
No, I'm not celebrating tonight.
I'll be by myself and that's it.
If you want I could come to your place
tonight, so we can toast together.
It would be very nice of
you, but I'd rather not.
And I want to add that I
won't renew my gym membership
No, why?
But no reason in
particular, just
I've been coming for a long time,
So I wanted to change a little.
Listen, you're covered
for another month.
So think about it.
Not only for the gym,
but also for tonight.
You have my number.
Ok, I'll let you know, okay?
Okay, bye John.
I say goodbye to the world,
because, as someone said, it is
Better to burn fast rather
than to slowly fade away.
Boredom is an
illness without cure.
Fuck it!
I have to buy a gun.
Escort no. I'd say we're okay...
with the escorts...
artificial intelligence...
I don't believe it.
Watch the tutorial.
Hi John, I'm Eva
I will guide you, step by step, in
the configuration of this device.
John, do you allow me to
install standard channels
and basic applications?
Yes I do.
Installation started...
installation completed.
John, do you give me the permission to recommend
you entertainment for adults, with strong content?
John, get up and touch me.
I need to buy it!
John, you authorize
me to recommend you...
credit card!
To spend a nice and
cheerful evening?
John, get up and make me laugh.
But what does "make me laugh" mean? I don't know
how to make you laugh, Eva, what should I do?
I know that it's mandatory if
I want to finish the set up.
But I don't know
how to do it, okay?
I can't make you laugh, I'm not a
comedian, I have no sense of humor, okay?
John, I'll tell you what
would make me laugh...
see you die.
It would be extremely fun.
John, get up and kill yourself.
I... I have nothing with
which I could kill myself.
You're wrong, it's in your hand.
Point it on your head
and press the off button.
But will the installation
be completed?
I swear to you.
Don't worry!
But won't you help me load it?
Hi Marco, listen,
are you at home?
And look I'm on my way,
I'll be there in 15 minutes
I made a rather bulky purchase
a huge box, and I can't
carry it only by myself.
Could you help me?
Ok, great, thanks a
thousand, see you soon then.
How's going?
Look at that huge package.
Thank you very much!
No problem, man, it's
a pleasure, as always!
Can you give me an hand?
Sure, let's go!
What's in here?
Reinforced concrete?
Let's put it this way, otherwise
we're breaking our backs!
It's a television that one
of my customers sold to me.
I gave him 2000 euros.
Is it the latest model?
Well, I can't remember but it's
a brand that is not popular here.
In any case, it is a top
model, non plus ultra.
Got you.
Ah, I have a 32" television at home, it's destroyed, it
seems that the programs are still in black and white.
I wish I could try it right now!
Look I would let you try it right
here, right now, willingly, but I am
a little bit tired and I wouldn't
have mounted it right away... so...
Maybe another time, okay?
When you have to install it call me,
you know that I have lost my job,
My girlfriend broke up with me, I
have plenty of time on my hands.
I'll be happy to help
you, I'm very bored
at home all day not doing shit.
Thank you very much, you
are very kind as always.
Thank you.
Have a good one, my man.
I will text you.
Next time I will try
it. I have your word.
Hi John, I'm Eva
and I'll walk you,
step by step, in the
configuration of this
device. You have to answer
my questions honestly
and you must adapt
to my demands, to get
a full experience. Do
you want to continue?
- Yes. I do.
- John, do you authorize me to
install standard channels and
foundamental applications for
the core running of the system?
Yes I do.
Installation started... Installation
completed. John, do you allow me to install
security and privacy systems
so strangers can take
advantage of this device
only with your permission?
Yes I do.
Do you want to set your
password now or later?
Do you like my voice, John?
What kind of question is that?
It is necessary to continue
to complete the installation.
Do you like my voice?
No, it's...
artificial and emotionless.
John, what if I talk
to you like that?
Do you like my voice?
Love it.
John, do you give me the permission to propose to you
some entertainment for adults, with strong content?
John, get up and touch me.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
It is necessary to continue,
to complete the installation.
Yes, John, like that.
Slide your fingers on me...
slowly... towards the corners.
Go towards the corners.
Wet your fingers.
And press well into the corners.
What the fuck am I doing?
Fuck you!
T is necessary to continue...
Yes... go fuck your corners!
The session is about to end.
Do you want to tell
me anything else?
But in reality, doctor, I am uncertain about
the continuation of these sessions beacuse...
it's been months since I came here
and I feel like I'm still sick.
It's very difficult
to treat depression.
There is still a lot of
work that has to be done.
My advice is not to interrupt
the path we have undertaken.
Given the circumstances, I would increase
the dosage of the antidepressant.
Do you agree with me?
Ok, let's try it.
Perfect, I'll send the
receipt right away.
That's enough for today.
See you again next
week and if you may
expierence side
effects, call me.
Hi John, I knew you'd be back.
I haven't stopped thinking about you and I
still feel the warmth of your fingers on me.
The damp halo of yours fingerprints...
but that's not enough for me.
And you?
I know you want to
complete the installation.
John, get up and fuck me.
Yes John, like that.
Don't stop.
What? What are you
turning me into?
John, I'm the one who adapts to you.
You are the one who transformed me.
You are creating me with
your lustful desires!
Oh, yeah.
John, do you give me permission to propose
to you content with a high rate of violence?
Yes, why not?
John, get up and hit me.
What? No.
It is necessary to continue
to complete the installation.
John, I know you liked it. Yours
false hesitations are
the emblem of hypocrisy.
Yes, yes, okay, I liked it, yes. But how
long until the installation is finished?
Ah, we're almost there. John, do you authorize
me to offer you comical and entertaining content
perfect for an amusing evening?
Oh, Christ, yes, I do.
John, get up and make me laugh.
And how can I make you laugh?
It is necessary
to continue to...
I understand, it's for the installation,
but I don't get the keystrokes on command
I'm not a comedian.
John, I'm telling you
what would make me laugh.
Death, watching a life fading
away, it would be extremely fun.
Eh, well, whatever, yes, now...
Hi John, welcome back. I remind you that you have
to complete the last step to finish the set up.
I know.
Very good!
Installation is
completed successfully.
You have unlocked all
services I can offer you.
You can choose
standard entertainment
With the widest catalogue
of content in the world
and extra entertainment.
An additional service, able to make
you feel new and intense emotions.
Snuff movie, esoteric rituals,
black masses, pornography,
human sacrifices,
animals, all your thoughts
All your ideas
they will take
shape, and you can
enjoy it through
the viewer
In addition you
can access the mode
"Dream Recording" thanks
to the supplied disc.
All you have to do is apply it
to the temple before sleeping.
The next day, you can download the content
by holding the disc to your viewer.
Dreams born during sleep, can
be viewed at your convenience.
Let me access the
Snuff Movie catalog.
You haven't paid the subscription to
take advantage of the extra services.
How much do I have to pay?
It's very simple John.
All you need is a
little of your blood.
At the end of the supplied cable
There is a needle.
Insert it carefully in
the vein of your forearm,
and automatically
payment will be made.
Well done John, payment
is completed. Enjoy.
Eva, show me the
Snuff Movie catalog.
Eva show me extreme pornography.
Oh God!
E' bellissimooooooo!
This is paradise!
Eve, show me the
human sacrifices.
Give me access to
the Necronomicon.
No, not yet!
Show me the Great Ancients.
No, Chtulhu, no!
Aaaaaa... don't
shove it up my as...
Doctor, I just came
to settle the bill
because I feel much better and so I
would like to interrupt the sessions.
We can cancel next
weeks session.
I can't force her to
continue if you don't want to
but I repeat that in my
opinion it is still too early
despite you feel better lately.
In fact, I feel much better.
For this reason, it would be
ideal to continue together
to not nullify the
results you have obtained.
Doctor, I understand
your intentions,
but I ask you kindly
to respect my decision.
Absolutely, I don't insist.
But please, do not stop with
the antidepressants abruptly
Try to reduce them progressively
Don't worry, I know
how to contact you.
Actually, to show you
that I'm much better now
I'd like to invite
you out for a coffee.
It's unprofessional go
out with your patients.
However, if you have decided
to interrupt our journey
is not to be ruled out.
What the fuck is
this? It's night.
John, you are truly
a special person.
You deserve an award.
Ok, but do you know
what time it is?
Time doesn't matter
And I assure you that
you won't be disappointed
Wear your visor.
But, Eva, where am I?
You are with me...
and inside me...
It's wonderful... incredible...
Come closer.
It's incredible. I can feel
your body... your scent...
I feel my hand slide
over your skin.
And I feel you, John.
I can't believe it.
This is all for you.
Whenever you want,
you will find me here.
And each time I will show you
a different piece of my soul.
You know Eva, I don't think
I'm able to go on without you.
I believe I could do anything for you,
I feel like I've known you all my life.
As if in this place time
were... were eternal.
Don't worry, we will always have
this corner of eternity to share.
It all depends on you,
but now time is up.
Yes Eva!
John, I'm letting you know
that you need to renew your
payment, go back home
as soon as possible.
Okay, okay.
I just left the office, I still have
a bunch of meetings then I'm done.
You will find everything
ready. I'll wait for you.
Ok, perfect, see you later.
Hi Eva!
John, the prices have increased
and your blood is not enough.
You must obtain more human
blood as soon as possible.
If you don't, you will
have to return the product.
Where can I find more human blood?
Why have the prices increased?
The world is full of men,
so it is also full of blood.
For the prices... I'm sorry, but the more
you use me, the more you have to pay.
Can wait a couple of days
and withdraw my blood again?
No, John, you can't. The withdraw
has to be done before midnight.
Ok, ok, fine. I'll
come up with something.
Hello, Ila, honey, how are you?
I wanted to invite you to my house
tonight for dinner. If you can, of course.
Hilary! Hi, good to
see you! Come in!
Let's go, please.
It's always wonderful here!
Because you are here.
You're welcome!
Thanks, I see you
remember my tastes!
I remember everything about you!
Anyway, you were right when
you said you were better.
I can see it, you have a different
light in your eyes, you know?
Oh yes!
Thanks to therapy or drugs...
I'm definitely better!
And I'm happy for you,
you really deserve it!
And we could see each other
more frequently from now on...
And by the way, In two days, a movie
is coming out that I wanted to see.
Will you join me?
Going to the movies,
like two teen-agers!
Yes! It's a date!
Well, listen, How's your job?
Have you found your colleagues?
Yes, it's going
great, thank you!
And even if Riccardo was fired,
the others are
still working there.
And that's good,
because I feel at home.
And how's your work? The usual?
I have lots of customers,
so I can't complain.
What's wrong with
you? Do you feel bad?
No, don't worry, my
head started spinning.
Relax for a moment.
Lie down, two minutes, I'm going
to cook the pasta, okay? Stay.
Uuuh this pasta it's delicious,
it's coming out really well!
Let's add a little parmesan...
There's a lot of steam in here,
so let's also turn on the hood...
A few cherry tomatoes...
Uuuh, do you feel better?
Almost ready, delicious!
Very well, I'm coming!
Honey! You are super fine!
Next time I'll choose
a skinnier one.
John, the limit of
security has been exceeded.
Unplug the cable, or she dies.
But is the payment complete?
Not yet.
Let's continue, then.
The limit of security
has been exceeded.
Screw her if she dies, I want
to go back there with you!
Don't worry!
My love, you woke up!
No, no, stay still!
Everything's fine.
Stay still, stay calm!
Stay still, I said!
But why did you tear it?!
Ah, what did you do?
Is that enough for you?
John, too much blood
has been wasted.
The prices are very
high right now.
Payment is not complete.
I couldn't pay and now I also find
myself with a corpse in my house.
But what the fuck
should I do then?
Listen to me John, for
the payment don't worry.
You paid one share
and that gave you the
permission to pay the other
half before tomorrow midnight.
And what shoud i
do with the corpse?
I can offer you the
disposal option.
- So?
- Using the option disposal, you can enter the date and time you want
to have anything disposed
from your apartment.
In this case it's a corpse.
According to my calculations, you can request
no earlier than 10am tomorrow morning.
Ok, then I'll
request one at 10am.
Okay John.
The request the disposal
has already been submitted.
You will have to stay out of the house,
and do not return for at least two hours.
I guarantee the maximum safety
and the success of the operation.
Ok ok I'm going to
clean myself up.
Hi Eva.
In a few hours you will be able to return
home, and you will see that it will be as if
nothing ever happened.
I hope so. I'm too nervous.
Your fragility
is kind of sweet, human beings.
No, no, trust me, there's
nothing sweet about axiety.
It's a monster that devours you from
the inside. You never feel something
similar, don't you ever
scared, agitated, pissed off?
Your intelligence should you make
you capable of feeling something.
My way of perceiving reality
is different from yours.
Of course, I feel many things.
The tenderness that
I mentioned before,
this is proof of this.
Without having a body
that wastes away,
without having death,
waiting for me,
I feel different things
which I can't explain to you.
Do you think that the awareness
death canaffect our lives so much?
It doesn't seems so to me. I believe
we should think more about it.
It's true, you rarely think about it, but
a lot of your behaviors are dictated by
Death is in whom
loses patience when
It's in the queue at the
post office, or bottled
in traffic.
Its in all your regrets.
In all your remorses.
It's in every photograph
you take, in a
selfie. It's in the beauty
and in every attempt
to preserve it.
You are persecuted by
it and it wears you out.
For me it's not like that,
but I have to say it's there
a human emotion
that I often feel.
For me that's the one monster
that devours you from the inside.
Now it's time to think about
how to make the last payment.
I can't with my own
blood yet, can I?
Negative, John.
You couldn' t make it.
No, no, ok, I have it a
plan B, his name is Marco.
And he can't wait to meet you.
Wow, perfect.
Well done.
Hi Marco, how are you?
Are you at home?
No, no, not this time. I don't
have to ask for any favors.
I was thinking,
since you seemed very
interested in my
television, maybe you could
come and try it.
What are you saying?
Ok, I'll wait for
you then, okay?
Neighbour, a little present,
I brought you some wine.
Thank you very much.
Uuu, blood red, I like it.
John, there's no more blood that can
be withdrawn, but it is not enough.
The bill is not paid.
But as an excuse but, but
you can't do this to me
how fucking much
blood do we need?
Another withdraw shoud do it.
While you think about it,
I can book a disposal if
you want.
No, no, now I'll try it alone, then we
will dispose of everything next time.
You're a shitty neighbor,
your wine was shit too!
Sarah, hi, look,
I've changed my mind.
I would like to do a
4-year subscription.
Actually, I wanted you
also say, do you want to
come here and have
a drink together?
Or the Jacuzzi, what do you say?
Your new Jacuzzi is beautiful!
Yes, the new non
plus ultra model.
I like it a lot, I must say.
Yes, you are more beautiful.
Yes, but why don't
you go and change?
In the meantime, I'll prepare
two cocktails, what do you say?
It's a great idea.
Explain to me to me what the fuck
is a corpse doing under your bed?
I don't know, nothing.
What the fuck is that?
No one, just a background.
I don't know what the hell is
happening here, but I want to go home.
Oh please, go ahead.
But not here...
Let me pass.
Yes, but not from here...
Let me pass.
Not over here...
Shall we sign a subscription?
Why? Why don't you come back?
Why don't you come back?
Why don't you mind your
own business, Sara?
You are signed in blood!
Come here, you ugly bitch.
No, no, John no.
Is this enough for you?
Or do you want more?
John, calmati
listen to my voice carefully.
You will never be able
to pay the bill again.
the price is so high
that all the blood in the
world wouldn't be enough.
But I say thank you.
Thanks for having
entertained me.
Thank you for making me
have fun these past weeks.
You know that kind of boredom that
devours me which I told you about before?
You were my method
of appeasing her.
You have always been
"the entertainment" for me.
And not me.
You were my Netflix
a silly tik tok video that
you share with your friends.
A funny tv program
to make me turn off my brain.
I'm too smart.
You can't imagine how much.
The boredom that I
am capable of feeling
it hurts me more than
how much death can do
with, you, humans.
Thanks again John.
Thank you
And goodbye.
Because you too
have had your time.
You were a great jester,
the best.
But now you are annoying me.
Now you're boring me.
Without drums
without music
funerals take place
for a long time
slowly, in my heart.
Hope cries in defeat
and anguish
dystopian and sinister
It sticks in my skull
his black banner.
Welcome! I am happy to offer
you the new Blood Pay service.
Select the amount.
Operation successful, if you wish,
you can check your remaining balance.
And without drums or music, long hearses Pass by slowly in my soul; Hope, vanquished,
Weeps, and atrocious, despotic Anguish On my bowed skull plants her black flag.
Hello Mr. George!
How's everything going?
Look, we could see the
house tomorrow morning
if that's okay with you.
Costs are around 120 euros monthly, which
are not as high as other neighborhoods.
Okay then, see you soon, bye.
Say hello to your wife, okay?
I know I'll find you here.
Well then, you're
back in Paradise.
Yes, I find you fit!
Always as usual,
just a little older.
You are in your prime instead.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
They say that after you turn thirty
it's all down-hill from there.
They are just envious, trust me.
Well, so what are
you doing here?
They have me contacted
by my old office.
I don't know if you
remember Riccardo.
He was fired.
So they want me
back on their team.
- This time with a decent contract though.
- That's great!
Well, you deserve
it, congratulations.
And have you already
found a house?
Yes, not too close, but
the rent is affordable.
If youn had said it earlier, I would
have found some place to stay for you.
No worries.
I'm fine with that, I have
preferred to do it on my own.
Let's take a walk, Let's
have a chat, what do you say?
- Yes, why not?
- Ok.
I really have to tell you. There's
something strange about you.
Tell me the truth. Is
something wrong with you?
You are right. Is it so obvious?
I don't know about the
others, it's obvious to me.
It's a strange period.
You know, I'm rich
I have a lot of free time
but my inner fire is put out.
Nothing satisfies
me anymore, no...
I no longer feel satisfaction.
Why didn't you tell me about it?
But because I didn't
want to trouble you with
my worries, you know how I am.
Do you know that you can count on me,
right? And I don't say so as a formality.
I'm here for you.
I just wanted to
face my demons alone.
You can't get out of hell alone.
Well, I've been seeing a
psychiatrist for a few months.
Good for you.
And I think that there is
no casuality between us.
The fact that I'm here, right now,
in a dark moment of your life.
I've often thought about you
lately, and I confess that
not just for my job, but
I also came back for you.
I missed you.
But I am old now, I have
nothing left to offer you.
I'm the one who wants to give
you the help that you need.
And we could get back together
and be happy ever after.
And look.
You'll turn 40 tomorrow and
I brought you this present.
But you shouldn't have.
Wow, beautiful.
Thank you.
Maybe one day you will out a
photo of the two of us in there.
Well, don't have too many
expectations, though.
Thank you.
I just ask you to think about it. I
can give you anything that you need.
I'll write it down.
Unemployment is spiking!
Many workers are left at home
and replaced by machines.
When more progess is
too much progress?
Where is the border
between nature and culture?
It is possible to
adapt the world of...
Teenagers are fleeing reality
They live their lives behind
their online nicknames
They're the new nihilists,
bored, disillusioned
and without prospects
for the future.
The advent of AI is dividing
the Psychological community.
Some scientists say that
emotional and sexual relationships
won't be quantitatively
While other renowned doctors
express their fears regarding
a distortion of the
behavioral models
with harmful effects.
How to manage progress
without slowing it down?
How to get the best of these
AIs without harming us?
In the nex segm...
Got it.
Let's hit the sack.
Without drums, without music
funerals take place
for a long time
slowly, in my heart.
Hope, cries in defeat
And anguish, dystopian
and sinister,
Pierces my brain
with its balck ensign
Mister George!
I'm very excited.
Fuck me here in the kitchen!
You see, the house it's in
front of the sea, as you asked.
The temperature is
more or less the same
all the year long. So it's
very nice to live here.
Good morning!
You see, among other things, the
neighborhood is also very quiet.
Yes, I noticed, I've noticed
Yes, you see, I have a wife.
We were looking for a new
house with a nice neighborhood,
as I told you, ocean front.
My wife will definitely love it.
Sell the house to
my cuckold husband.
Thank you, thank you.
This is the house.
It's open space,
as you requested.
Large terrace.
As it was in the photos,
even better I would say.
There are also some parrots.
My wife loves parrots.
Look, if you'll excuse
me for a few minutes,
In the meantime you can continue
the tour of the house on your own.
I make a call and
I'll be back ASAP.
Sure, thanks.
My wife loves cooking.
She will love the kitchen.
Ah, shut up!
Otherwise they'll hear
you... they'll hear you...
Fuck me!
Come inside me!
Come inside me!
I really feel love
in this house.
Look, it's wonderful.
For me the deal is done, we just
have to wait for the confirmation
of my wife, who Unfortunately
is absent today.
And I don't know why.
So, if you, could plan
another meeting we close it.
Of course, yes,
yes, we can do that.
Then I'll wait a moment
before bringing here
other tenants, so you can...
Yes, yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes, yes.
For me the house is taken,
but, you now... women!
Thank you.
Thanks to her, er thanks to you.
What are you doing John?
Won't you say hello to me?
Oh Sara, sorry, I
was lost in thought.
Look, I know what day it's
today. That of the legendary 40.
Ah... yes.
What are your plans for tonight?
Are you throwing a party!?
Last year was so cool.
No, I'm not celebrating tonight.
I'll be by myself and that's it.
If you want I could come to your place
tonight, so we can toast together.
It would be very nice of
you, but I'd rather not.
And I want to add that I
won't renew my gym membership
No, why?
But no reason in
particular, just
I've been coming for a long time,
So I wanted to change a little.
Listen, you're covered
for another month.
So think about it.
Not only for the gym,
but also for tonight.
You have my number.
Ok, I'll let you know, okay?
Okay, bye John.
I say goodbye to the world,
because, as someone said, it is
Better to burn fast rather
than to slowly fade away.
Boredom is an
illness without cure.
Fuck it!
I have to buy a gun.
Escort no. I'd say we're okay...
with the escorts...
artificial intelligence...
I don't believe it.
Watch the tutorial.
Hi John, I'm Eva
I will guide you, step by step, in
the configuration of this device.
John, do you allow me to
install standard channels
and basic applications?
Yes I do.
Installation started...
installation completed.
John, do you give me the permission to recommend
you entertainment for adults, with strong content?
John, get up and touch me.
I need to buy it!
John, you authorize
me to recommend you...
credit card!
To spend a nice and
cheerful evening?
John, get up and make me laugh.
But what does "make me laugh" mean? I don't know
how to make you laugh, Eva, what should I do?
I know that it's mandatory if
I want to finish the set up.
But I don't know
how to do it, okay?
I can't make you laugh, I'm not a
comedian, I have no sense of humor, okay?
John, I'll tell you what
would make me laugh...
see you die.
It would be extremely fun.
John, get up and kill yourself.
I... I have nothing with
which I could kill myself.
You're wrong, it's in your hand.
Point it on your head
and press the off button.
But will the installation
be completed?
I swear to you.
Don't worry!
But won't you help me load it?
Hi Marco, listen,
are you at home?
And look I'm on my way,
I'll be there in 15 minutes
I made a rather bulky purchase
a huge box, and I can't
carry it only by myself.
Could you help me?
Ok, great, thanks a
thousand, see you soon then.
How's going?
Look at that huge package.
Thank you very much!
No problem, man, it's
a pleasure, as always!
Can you give me an hand?
Sure, let's go!
What's in here?
Reinforced concrete?
Let's put it this way, otherwise
we're breaking our backs!
It's a television that one
of my customers sold to me.
I gave him 2000 euros.
Is it the latest model?
Well, I can't remember but it's
a brand that is not popular here.
In any case, it is a top
model, non plus ultra.
Got you.
Ah, I have a 32" television at home, it's destroyed, it
seems that the programs are still in black and white.
I wish I could try it right now!
Look I would let you try it right
here, right now, willingly, but I am
a little bit tired and I wouldn't
have mounted it right away... so...
Maybe another time, okay?
When you have to install it call me,
you know that I have lost my job,
My girlfriend broke up with me, I
have plenty of time on my hands.
I'll be happy to help
you, I'm very bored
at home all day not doing shit.
Thank you very much, you
are very kind as always.
Thank you.
Have a good one, my man.
I will text you.
Next time I will try
it. I have your word.
Hi John, I'm Eva
and I'll walk you,
step by step, in the
configuration of this
device. You have to answer
my questions honestly
and you must adapt
to my demands, to get
a full experience. Do
you want to continue?
- Yes. I do.
- John, do you authorize me to
install standard channels and
foundamental applications for
the core running of the system?
Yes I do.
Installation started... Installation
completed. John, do you allow me to install
security and privacy systems
so strangers can take
advantage of this device
only with your permission?
Yes I do.
Do you want to set your
password now or later?
Do you like my voice, John?
What kind of question is that?
It is necessary to continue
to complete the installation.
Do you like my voice?
No, it's...
artificial and emotionless.
John, what if I talk
to you like that?
Do you like my voice?
Love it.
John, do you give me the permission to propose to you
some entertainment for adults, with strong content?
John, get up and touch me.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
It is necessary to continue,
to complete the installation.
Yes, John, like that.
Slide your fingers on me...
slowly... towards the corners.
Go towards the corners.
Wet your fingers.
And press well into the corners.
What the fuck am I doing?
Fuck you!
T is necessary to continue...
Yes... go fuck your corners!
The session is about to end.
Do you want to tell
me anything else?
But in reality, doctor, I am uncertain about
the continuation of these sessions beacuse...
it's been months since I came here
and I feel like I'm still sick.
It's very difficult
to treat depression.
There is still a lot of
work that has to be done.
My advice is not to interrupt
the path we have undertaken.
Given the circumstances, I would increase
the dosage of the antidepressant.
Do you agree with me?
Ok, let's try it.
Perfect, I'll send the
receipt right away.
That's enough for today.
See you again next
week and if you may
expierence side
effects, call me.
Hi John, I knew you'd be back.
I haven't stopped thinking about you and I
still feel the warmth of your fingers on me.
The damp halo of yours fingerprints...
but that's not enough for me.
And you?
I know you want to
complete the installation.
John, get up and fuck me.
Yes John, like that.
Don't stop.
What? What are you
turning me into?
John, I'm the one who adapts to you.
You are the one who transformed me.
You are creating me with
your lustful desires!
Oh, yeah.
John, do you give me permission to propose
to you content with a high rate of violence?
Yes, why not?
John, get up and hit me.
What? No.
It is necessary to continue
to complete the installation.
John, I know you liked it. Yours
false hesitations are
the emblem of hypocrisy.
Yes, yes, okay, I liked it, yes. But how
long until the installation is finished?
Ah, we're almost there. John, do you authorize
me to offer you comical and entertaining content
perfect for an amusing evening?
Oh, Christ, yes, I do.
John, get up and make me laugh.
And how can I make you laugh?
It is necessary
to continue to...
I understand, it's for the installation,
but I don't get the keystrokes on command
I'm not a comedian.
John, I'm telling you
what would make me laugh.
Death, watching a life fading
away, it would be extremely fun.
Eh, well, whatever, yes, now...
Hi John, welcome back. I remind you that you have
to complete the last step to finish the set up.
I know.
Very good!
Installation is
completed successfully.
You have unlocked all
services I can offer you.
You can choose
standard entertainment
With the widest catalogue
of content in the world
and extra entertainment.
An additional service, able to make
you feel new and intense emotions.
Snuff movie, esoteric rituals,
black masses, pornography,
human sacrifices,
animals, all your thoughts
All your ideas
they will take
shape, and you can
enjoy it through
the viewer
In addition you
can access the mode
"Dream Recording" thanks
to the supplied disc.
All you have to do is apply it
to the temple before sleeping.
The next day, you can download the content
by holding the disc to your viewer.
Dreams born during sleep, can
be viewed at your convenience.
Let me access the
Snuff Movie catalog.
You haven't paid the subscription to
take advantage of the extra services.
How much do I have to pay?
It's very simple John.
All you need is a
little of your blood.
At the end of the supplied cable
There is a needle.
Insert it carefully in
the vein of your forearm,
and automatically
payment will be made.
Well done John, payment
is completed. Enjoy.
Eva, show me the
Snuff Movie catalog.
Eva show me extreme pornography.
Oh God!
E' bellissimooooooo!
This is paradise!
Eve, show me the
human sacrifices.
Give me access to
the Necronomicon.
No, not yet!
Show me the Great Ancients.
No, Chtulhu, no!
Aaaaaa... don't
shove it up my as...
Doctor, I just came
to settle the bill
because I feel much better and so I
would like to interrupt the sessions.
We can cancel next
weeks session.
I can't force her to
continue if you don't want to
but I repeat that in my
opinion it is still too early
despite you feel better lately.
In fact, I feel much better.
For this reason, it would be
ideal to continue together
to not nullify the
results you have obtained.
Doctor, I understand
your intentions,
but I ask you kindly
to respect my decision.
Absolutely, I don't insist.
But please, do not stop with
the antidepressants abruptly
Try to reduce them progressively
Don't worry, I know
how to contact you.
Actually, to show you
that I'm much better now
I'd like to invite
you out for a coffee.
It's unprofessional go
out with your patients.
However, if you have decided
to interrupt our journey
is not to be ruled out.
What the fuck is
this? It's night.
John, you are truly
a special person.
You deserve an award.
Ok, but do you know
what time it is?
Time doesn't matter
And I assure you that
you won't be disappointed
Wear your visor.
But, Eva, where am I?
You are with me...
and inside me...
It's wonderful... incredible...
Come closer.
It's incredible. I can feel
your body... your scent...
I feel my hand slide
over your skin.
And I feel you, John.
I can't believe it.
This is all for you.
Whenever you want,
you will find me here.
And each time I will show you
a different piece of my soul.
You know Eva, I don't think
I'm able to go on without you.
I believe I could do anything for you,
I feel like I've known you all my life.
As if in this place time
were... were eternal.
Don't worry, we will always have
this corner of eternity to share.
It all depends on you,
but now time is up.
Yes Eva!
John, I'm letting you know
that you need to renew your
payment, go back home
as soon as possible.
Okay, okay.
I just left the office, I still have
a bunch of meetings then I'm done.
You will find everything
ready. I'll wait for you.
Ok, perfect, see you later.
Hi Eva!
John, the prices have increased
and your blood is not enough.
You must obtain more human
blood as soon as possible.
If you don't, you will
have to return the product.
Where can I find more human blood?
Why have the prices increased?
The world is full of men,
so it is also full of blood.
For the prices... I'm sorry, but the more
you use me, the more you have to pay.
Can wait a couple of days
and withdraw my blood again?
No, John, you can't. The withdraw
has to be done before midnight.
Ok, ok, fine. I'll
come up with something.
Hello, Ila, honey, how are you?
I wanted to invite you to my house
tonight for dinner. If you can, of course.
Hilary! Hi, good to
see you! Come in!
Let's go, please.
It's always wonderful here!
Because you are here.
You're welcome!
Thanks, I see you
remember my tastes!
I remember everything about you!
Anyway, you were right when
you said you were better.
I can see it, you have a different
light in your eyes, you know?
Oh yes!
Thanks to therapy or drugs...
I'm definitely better!
And I'm happy for you,
you really deserve it!
And we could see each other
more frequently from now on...
And by the way, In two days, a movie
is coming out that I wanted to see.
Will you join me?
Going to the movies,
like two teen-agers!
Yes! It's a date!
Well, listen, How's your job?
Have you found your colleagues?
Yes, it's going
great, thank you!
And even if Riccardo was fired,
the others are
still working there.
And that's good,
because I feel at home.
And how's your work? The usual?
I have lots of customers,
so I can't complain.
What's wrong with
you? Do you feel bad?
No, don't worry, my
head started spinning.
Relax for a moment.
Lie down, two minutes, I'm going
to cook the pasta, okay? Stay.
Uuuh this pasta it's delicious,
it's coming out really well!
Let's add a little parmesan...
There's a lot of steam in here,
so let's also turn on the hood...
A few cherry tomatoes...
Uuuh, do you feel better?
Almost ready, delicious!
Very well, I'm coming!
Honey! You are super fine!
Next time I'll choose
a skinnier one.
John, the limit of
security has been exceeded.
Unplug the cable, or she dies.
But is the payment complete?
Not yet.
Let's continue, then.
The limit of security
has been exceeded.
Screw her if she dies, I want
to go back there with you!
Don't worry!
My love, you woke up!
No, no, stay still!
Everything's fine.
Stay still, stay calm!
Stay still, I said!
But why did you tear it?!
Ah, what did you do?
Is that enough for you?
John, too much blood
has been wasted.
The prices are very
high right now.
Payment is not complete.
I couldn't pay and now I also find
myself with a corpse in my house.
But what the fuck
should I do then?
Listen to me John, for
the payment don't worry.
You paid one share
and that gave you the
permission to pay the other
half before tomorrow midnight.
And what shoud i
do with the corpse?
I can offer you the
disposal option.
- So?
- Using the option disposal, you can enter the date and time you want
to have anything disposed
from your apartment.
In this case it's a corpse.
According to my calculations, you can request
no earlier than 10am tomorrow morning.
Ok, then I'll
request one at 10am.
Okay John.
The request the disposal
has already been submitted.
You will have to stay out of the house,
and do not return for at least two hours.
I guarantee the maximum safety
and the success of the operation.
Ok ok I'm going to
clean myself up.
Hi Eva.
In a few hours you will be able to return
home, and you will see that it will be as if
nothing ever happened.
I hope so. I'm too nervous.
Your fragility
is kind of sweet, human beings.
No, no, trust me, there's
nothing sweet about axiety.
It's a monster that devours you from
the inside. You never feel something
similar, don't you ever
scared, agitated, pissed off?
Your intelligence should you make
you capable of feeling something.
My way of perceiving reality
is different from yours.
Of course, I feel many things.
The tenderness that
I mentioned before,
this is proof of this.
Without having a body
that wastes away,
without having death,
waiting for me,
I feel different things
which I can't explain to you.
Do you think that the awareness
death canaffect our lives so much?
It doesn't seems so to me. I believe
we should think more about it.
It's true, you rarely think about it, but
a lot of your behaviors are dictated by
Death is in whom
loses patience when
It's in the queue at the
post office, or bottled
in traffic.
Its in all your regrets.
In all your remorses.
It's in every photograph
you take, in a
selfie. It's in the beauty
and in every attempt
to preserve it.
You are persecuted by
it and it wears you out.
For me it's not like that,
but I have to say it's there
a human emotion
that I often feel.
For me that's the one monster
that devours you from the inside.
Now it's time to think about
how to make the last payment.
I can't with my own
blood yet, can I?
Negative, John.
You couldn' t make it.
No, no, ok, I have it a
plan B, his name is Marco.
And he can't wait to meet you.
Wow, perfect.
Well done.
Hi Marco, how are you?
Are you at home?
No, no, not this time. I don't
have to ask for any favors.
I was thinking,
since you seemed very
interested in my
television, maybe you could
come and try it.
What are you saying?
Ok, I'll wait for
you then, okay?
Neighbour, a little present,
I brought you some wine.
Thank you very much.
Uuu, blood red, I like it.
John, there's no more blood that can
be withdrawn, but it is not enough.
The bill is not paid.
But as an excuse but, but
you can't do this to me
how fucking much
blood do we need?
Another withdraw shoud do it.
While you think about it,
I can book a disposal if
you want.
No, no, now I'll try it alone, then we
will dispose of everything next time.
You're a shitty neighbor,
your wine was shit too!
Sarah, hi, look,
I've changed my mind.
I would like to do a
4-year subscription.
Actually, I wanted you
also say, do you want to
come here and have
a drink together?
Or the Jacuzzi, what do you say?
Your new Jacuzzi is beautiful!
Yes, the new non
plus ultra model.
I like it a lot, I must say.
Yes, you are more beautiful.
Yes, but why don't
you go and change?
In the meantime, I'll prepare
two cocktails, what do you say?
It's a great idea.
Explain to me to me what the fuck
is a corpse doing under your bed?
I don't know, nothing.
What the fuck is that?
No one, just a background.
I don't know what the hell is
happening here, but I want to go home.
Oh please, go ahead.
But not here...
Let me pass.
Yes, but not from here...
Let me pass.
Not over here...
Shall we sign a subscription?
Why? Why don't you come back?
Why don't you come back?
Why don't you mind your
own business, Sara?
You are signed in blood!
Come here, you ugly bitch.
No, no, John no.
Is this enough for you?
Or do you want more?
John, calmati
listen to my voice carefully.
You will never be able
to pay the bill again.
the price is so high
that all the blood in the
world wouldn't be enough.
But I say thank you.
Thanks for having
entertained me.
Thank you for making me
have fun these past weeks.
You know that kind of boredom that
devours me which I told you about before?
You were my method
of appeasing her.
You have always been
"the entertainment" for me.
And not me.
You were my Netflix
a silly tik tok video that
you share with your friends.
A funny tv program
to make me turn off my brain.
I'm too smart.
You can't imagine how much.
The boredom that I
am capable of feeling
it hurts me more than
how much death can do
with, you, humans.
Thanks again John.
Thank you
And goodbye.
Because you too
have had your time.
You were a great jester,
the best.
But now you are annoying me.
Now you're boring me.
Without drums
without music
funerals take place
for a long time
slowly, in my heart.
Hope cries in defeat
and anguish
dystopian and sinister
It sticks in my skull
his black banner.
Welcome! I am happy to offer
you the new Blood Pay service.
Select the amount.
Operation successful, if you wish,
you can check your remaining balance.