Bloody Axe Wound (2024) Movie Script


[ He Is Legend's "Burn All
Your Rock Records" plays ]
-Help me!
-[ Screams ]
-No. [ Screaming ]
[ Sizzling ]
-[ Screaming ]
-[ Screaming, sobbing ]
[ Bell dings ]
-Order's up.
-He couldn't keep
his fat mouth shut
Only when he had his foot
in there
-Couldn't show us
any tenderness
-So we're gonna
Have to take his head
-[ Grunting ]
-Say to myself,
this motherfucker
Carrying on like he ain't
got a care in the world
-But who knows
Maybe he don't
-[ Sobbing ]

No. Please.
[ Screaming ]
-[ Grunts ]
-[ Groaning ]
[ Coughs ]
-[ Breathing heavily ]
Murder is money.
And that guy right there,
Butch Slater...
-[ Groaning ]
-...dude is living the dream.
-Reporting live from the scene
of the 11th victim this month.
-A string of unsolved murders
going back decades.
-You see,
in my town of Clover Falls,
real-life massacres
have been put on tape
and packaged for decades.
And while some dads fix toilets
or drill holes
in people's teeth, my dad...
-[ Screaming ]
-...terminates teens.
Roger Bladecut.
Maybe you've heard of him.
He's a legend in the biz.
At least he was.
Sales are down.
And the old man
isn't getting any younger.
I'm ready to step in
and shake things up,
let the old man finally retire.
But Dad won't have it.
So I'm stuck here
working the store by day
and sneaking away at night
to hone my skills.
-She says
I'm just a headcase
[ Bell jingles ]
-Well, well, look what
the jizz mop dragged in.
Your dad's in the back.
-Yeah, he wants to see you.
-He does?
-From the twisted mind
of Butch Slater...
-[ Screaming ]
[ Bell dings ]
-Order's up.
[ Knock on door ]
-Hey, Pops.
You wanted to see me?
Have a seat, kiddo.
[ Video pauses ]
Have you, uh, checked out
the new "Hot Grease Massacre"?
-No. Any good?
-I haven't had a chance
to watch the whole thing yet.
It's this -- this first scene
I can't get past.
Surprise cameo that Mackenzie
brought to my attention.
-Fudge bucket.
-What's that?
-Uh, you said a cameo?
-That's right.
Would you like to see it?
[ Video resumes ]
-[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Sobbing ]
No. Please.
-Look familiar?
-Yeah, totally.
Slater butchers dozens of dumb,
defenseless chicks
in every installment.
-How right you are, my daughter.
But it's not the choice
of victim that I find strange.
It's this...
-No. Please.
-...this little wolf.
-Oh, geez.
I totally missed her -- him --
the person in the wolf mask.
Whomever that might be.
-I don't want to see
that little wolf,
whomever it might be,
in any more films.
Got it?
-Got it.
[ Remote thuds ]
[ Sighs ]
This just came in?

At the high school again?
Such an inspired choice.
Take these next door.
-Somebody got in trouble.
Somebody got in trouble.
Abbie done got in trouble.
[ Body thuds ]
[ Opera music playing ]

-No, no, no.
No can do, lady.
The last time I took
your dad's clothes,
I found a big toe
in one of the machines.
-Please, Glenn.
Pretty please?
I made sure to empty
the pockets this time.
-It's unsanitary.
-I'll even see if I can get you
some screen time
in the next release.
-One scene, probably background.
Come on.
There are no small parts.
[ Door opens, bell jingles ]
-You're lucky I don't hit girls.
-Right. You just want to hack
them to pieces with a big knife.
-New "coming soon" poster.
Makes sure to hang it up front.
[ Birds squawk ]
"Son of Bladecut"?
Are you serious?
"Part-time Employee of Bladecut"
just didn't have
the same ring to it.
-I still can't wrap my mind
around why you chose Mackenzie.
The guy is such a butt crumpet.
-Whoa, Abbie.
-Sorry, Grandma.
-Look, series needs new legs.
Rentals are down.
We're barely staying afloat
month to month.
With that title alone, we can
move at least 100 copies
in pre-sales.
-Why Mackenzie?
Why not me?
It's because I'm adopted,
isn't it?
-Because you're adopted?
No, sweetheart.
Of course, not.
It's because you're a girl.
-Sorry. Woman.
Ma, I mean no disrespect,
but she's got to hear this.
-That's a crock of crud.
We both know I can hack it
better than any dingdong
out there.
I'm a Bladecut.
-[ Grunts ]
Abigail, there is a way that
things are done around here.
We can't have some woman
who weighs about 100 pounds
soaking wet
instilling fear
into the hearts of horny teens.
It just doesn't work.
It's impossible.
-I would --
[ Clock chiming ]
-Duty calls.

Listen, I haven't
promised Mackenzie
anything long-term yet, so
why don't you tag along tonight?
Help your old man out.
See how it goes, huh?

-What'd these two nitwits do?
-You got to trust
the process, kid.
Those circles have kept food on
our family's table for decades.
-Alright, it's time for you
to listen and learn.
-You ready to take the plunge?
-Rule 1...
-Hell no. fast, get out.
-Alright, suit yourself.
I'm going in.
-Rule 2,
never let them see your face.
-Shit. I'm going to go
check it out.
How convenient.
-Within our hands,
we both pray
[ Knocking ]
-And rule 3,
give the people a show.
-Who's there?
-Hearts are shriveled up
-[ Grunts ]
-[ Screaming ]
-Took you long enough.
Stop screwing around.
If you didn't want to get
your hair wet, just say so.

[ Screaming ]
[ Blade plunges ]
-[ Grunts ]

[ Groaning ]

"Resurrection of Bladecut"
did huge numbers
and made it clear
that my dad really is a badass.
He comes back.
[ Thunder crashes ]
Every time.

[ Chuckles ]
[ Thunder crashes ]
-[ Muffled grunting ]
[ Thunder crashes ]
Oh, God. Uh...
How we doing?
-I've always been able to pull
myself out of the grave.
-Oh, Dad.
Come on.
-[ Sighs ]
I just never thought
I'd feel this -- this old.
I don't know what happened.
I don't -- I don't know
what's happening to me.
-Don't talk like that.
It was just an off night.
You'll be back on your feet
in no time.
-Yeah, I'm not so sure.
-What are you doing, Dad?
-Just shut up and look.
-What am I looking at?
-Some doped-up blood bag
cracked me last October.
Hasn't fully healed yet.
-I need you to help
Mackenzie tomorrow night.
He can't do it alone.
-Can't we postpone
the release date?
-The store won't survive
another setback.
Please, kiddo.
Do it for me.
-Do you want to
go over the plan?
-No, I'm ready.
-Are you?
-"Are you?"
-Dude, cut the crap.
Let's at least get you
to study the floor plans
or practice some moves
with the knife.
[ Telephone ringing ]
-Bezzleman residence.
Oh, hello, Mother.
Four rings?
I guess I couldn't hear you
over the absolute rager
currently taking place
at our home.
Can't you hear the drunken,
destructive masses?
Well, I learned from the best.
I will also have you know that
your dearest and only child
has upheld her oath to have
absolutely no fun this weekend.
Yes, of course.
Well, anyway, got to run.
There's a documentary about rock
tumbling that's about to start.
Night night.
[ Receiver clicks ]
[ Laughs ]

-Good luck in there, killer.

[ Door rattling ]
[ Sighs ]
Back door, buddy.
It's the back door
they keep unlocked.
[ Rock music playing ]

[ Cellphone rings ]
-She's already
out of the shower.
-Is there any way
to get her dirty again?
I really wanted my first kill
to be in the shower.
-Where's the dude?
-Where she should be --
washing up.
-Well, there you go.
You'll get your shower kill
after all.
-Eww. No, I don't want to see
some guy's gross dick.
[ Groans ]
-[ Screams ]
-Babe? Babe!
-I got a sneaking suspicion
it might be something in you
So you wouldn't leave me here
and I find my own
-Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
-[ Grunts ]
-[ Screams ]
-What is going on?
-[ Screams ]
-Knock it off.
Hold on.
I'm coming in.
-[ Screaming ]

[ Dialing ]
-Phone's dead.
-Wait, I need to go back
and grab my clothes.
-No, babe.
It's not safe in there.
-[ Gasps ]

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.

-Never let them see your face.
-[ Breathing heavily ]
Please. Please.
Please. Please.
Please don't kill me.
[ Grunts ]
[ Rock music plays ]

[ Muffled music on headphones ]

[ Glass shatters in distance ]

-[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Music stops ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Coughing ]
-Hello? Please help.
I'm at 75 Cardinal Drive.
There's been a --

-[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Groans ]
[ Knock on door ]
-"May your slashes be swift
and sure.
May your success
know no bounds. Dad.
P.S., follow the rules."

[ Bell jingles ]

-Before one slices their way
to stardom,
they must first
stalk their prey.
I've heard high school
is a target-rich environment.
And though the hallowed halls
of Clover High are alien to me,
I kind of look the part.
Oh, screw that.
I am the part.
Or at least I hope I'm the part.
[ Sighs ]
I wonder if I'll get shoved
in a locker.
Come on, Ab.
Power of positive thinking.
Glenn, it's Abbie.
I'm calling to offer you
the role of a lifetime.
[ Bell jingles, door closes ]
What the freak?
-Big day.
You ready?
-Explain this to me.
-It's my undercover alias,
a former power metal singer
whose tragic fall from stardom
landed him
in the custodial arts.
-You need to work the front
of the store today.
No, I've done so much
to prepare for this part.
I'm talking full method.
I exfoliate
with urinal cakes now.
You promised I could be
in this movie.
-And you will be.
My sweet Sergio.
Just not today.
[ "Popular" plays ]
[ School bell rings ]
[ Whistle blows ]

-I'm head of the class
I'm popular
I'm a quarterback
I'm popular
My mom says I'm catch
I'm popular
I'm never last picked
I'm a cheerleader chick
I'm the party star
I'm popular
I've got my own car
I'm popular
I'll never get caught
I'm popular
I'm the teacher's pet
I make football bets
-What the fuck are you doing?
-I, uh, saw the smoke
and got worried.
-Are you a narc?
No. I no narc.
I mean I'm not a narc.
I wouldn't narc.
On what?
On what would I narc?
[ Door bangs ]
-Prove it.
Prove you're not a narc, narc.
-Oh, well, thanks for the offer,
but I have a, uh, quiz --
quiz next period.
And, uh --
-Smoke it or I'll smoke you.
-[ Coughs ]
Thank you.
Good stuff.
-[ Clearing throat ]
[ Whistle blows ]
-Sorry I got you in trouble.
I just saw you watching me
in gym like a fucking cop.
-Uh, well, I'm new here,
so I can understand
the, uh, misunderstanding.
Didn't mean to stare.
-Don't sweat it.
Literally, stop sweating.
Haven't you ever
been suspended before?
-No, I-I can't be here.
-The first time always seems
scarier than it really is.
You're fine.
Just chill.
-You don't understand.
My dad is going to kill me
when he finds out.
I got you.
[ Click ]
-What are you doing?
-Shh. Trust me.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Ma'am, my friend just had her
[Clears throat] period.
And I was wondering if
I could escort her to my locker
where I keep
my feminine products.
Would that be okay?
-[ Gasps ]
[ Both laughing ]
-I miss your laugh
The touch of your hands
-Mm. Oh.
-How I long
-Take a sip of that bad boy.
-For you to understand
[ Laughs ]
-[ Chuckles ]
-Are you a little nervous
about our jailbreak earlier?
Were you one of those goody-
goodies at your old school?
-Not exactly, no.
I was, uh...
before coming here.
-That makes so much sense.
[ Laughs ] Kidding.
Kind of.
-[ Chuckles ]
So is this like where you cool
kids hang out after school?
-Used to be. But screw
that after-school shit.
My girlfriend and I
would cut class to come here.
Her name was Nancy,
but she's dead now.
Murdered last year.
-My, uh, condolences.
-She was a total knockout.
Voted best all around
by her class.
She had the warmest smile,
infectious laugh.
Pierced clit.
-[ Gags, coughing ]
Oh, wow.
She sounds -- sounded lovely.
-Yeah. But...
in this town,
that's a death sentence.
Help your old man out.
Kill her.
[ Glass shatters ]

Prom queen, pulverized.
Star quarterback, slain.
More like Vale-no-morian.
And I can't even begin
to describe the horrors
that befell the bowling team.
Largest mass disemboweling
on record.
And that was just last year.

[ Birds chirping ]
[ Footsteps approach ]
-I'm in here.
-Um, hi.
What are you doing?
You shouldn't be up.
-I'm not on my deathbed, kiddo.
Look, time flies, huh?
Oh, I, uh, found
your first knife, too.
[ Grunts ]
-Hmm, cute.
Anyway, got to run.
Those pesky teens aren't
going to stalk themselves.
-Um, you need --
you need a lift or...
Or I-I could come along.
Maybe wait in the car
in case you need me.
-Nah, I got it covered.
Get some rest.
[ Door closes ]
[ Rock music plays ]
-They said I got
the best of 'em
But I live too fast
to slow down
Guess I was born
to die young
So smoke 'em if you got 'em
This can't be
how they tell ya
If it is, I don't wanna know
This can't be how I find out

[ Clock chiming ]
[ Flute playing ]

You got a light?
-A woodwind requires
maximum lung capacity,
which would be compromised
by just a single puff
of that cigarette.
Not to mention, the chemicals
found in tobacco products
have long been known
to cause cancer, diabetes,
heart disease, stroke,
and a host of chronic
obstructive pulmonary diseases.
-You have got to go.
-Hey, there, stranger.
Are you picking
on our dear Patty Cake?
-You know I hate that name.
-Uh, I, um...
-Yo, check it out.
Hot off the stolen presses.
-Oh, hell yes.
Love it.
Dynamo work, my friend.
Tonight's the night.
Come on out.
-On a school night?
I can't.
-Oh, come on, Patty.
I heard they don't even card.
Drinks on me.
-You coming?
[ Pom Pom Squad's
"Shame Reactions" plays ]
Hey, show tonight.
Dude, show tonight.
Ladies, you coming
to the show tonight?
Tell your friends, okay?
Yeah. You take one, too.
Hey, killer show tonight.
You got to be there.
-Oh, no
[ School bell rings ]
I wanna know
who's in control
Yeah, who's in control
-See you tonight?
-Is there a way for me to kill
the girl I wish I were?
Won't let me be because
I'll never be enough for her
Animal part of me, she
never stays too far from me
-Study hall?
-She tastes like meat
She tastes like blood,
she tastes so sweet
-Uh, uh...
-I just wanted to apologize.
I think we got started
on the wrong foot.
I usually practice
under the bleachers
so the other kids
won't mess with me, so...
So you're new here.
-That's fun.
Or maybe it's not.
I'm sorry.
I didn't -- I didn't mean
to, like, speak for you.
[ Laughs ]
Anyway, if you ever need someone
to show you around town,
let me know.
Not that I get out much, but --
Well, no. I mean,
I leave my house
to go places like -- like --
like school and --
But yeah.
-[ Chuckles ]
Of course.
That's Izzy.
We don't have
a dance squad here.
But if we did,
Izzy would surely be captain.
She won second place
at the talent show last year.
Mr. Ferguson won't let her
get up from her desk,
but she still finds a way
to practice her righteous moves.
[ Both laugh ]
-What's up?
[ Laughter ]

-So, I'd love to hear how
everything's coming together.
-Well, I was wondering
if you could provide
some insight on procedure.
-Happy to.
How would one reverse
the circle?
Is there an appeal process
of some kind?
-What's to appeal?
You see the circle.
You kill the kid.
Pretty straightforward.
Why are you asking?
-I don't know.
Offing Sam Crane
just doesn't feel right.
-Sam Crane.
The girl who nearly killed you.
-Exactly. She didn't run.
She fought me.
She set a trap.
-She's promiscuous.
She's crass.
She -- She abuses drugs.
-Abuses drugs?
Like -- Like what, weed?
-[ Mockingly ] Like weed?
I can't believe what
I'm hearing here.
-What's wrong
with a little change?
They're not all that bad.
Take, um, Izzy, for instance.
[ Up-tempo music plays ]
Check out this dance routine
she did.
She's actually pretty cool.

Let me stop you there.
You can't let your emotions
cloud your judgment.
-This isn't up for debate.
Sam dies.
The dancing queen dies.
The rest of that
misfit group -- D-E-A-D.
[ Clock chiming ]
-[ Singing in French ]

-I want those nachos hot.
Extra sour cream.
-[ Speaking indistinctly ]

-[ Singing in French ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Singing in French ]

-[ Gasps ]

[ Glass shatters ]
-[ Screaming ]
[ Wolf howling ]
-Don't tell me you guys
already played.
-Yeah, you missed it, dude.
Like our best show ever.
The crowd went the fuck off.
-Damn, really?
-No, there were
like six people there.
And Billy got so drunk, he
pissed his pants three songs in.
-I'm so sorry.
Uh, are you heading out
now or --
-Uh, well, I am.
Not sure about Prince of Puke
over there, but...
You wanted to join me
for some beer murdering?
The promoter refused to pay us,
so I stole this parting gift
of cheap swill.
-So, where will we take
these innocent beers to die?
-To the folly of youth.
-God, I'm not going to miss
this place.
-What are your plans
after graduation?
-To get as far away from here
as I possibly can.
-[ Laughs ]
Smart move.
-It's just been... much death at this school.
And the town just carries on
without missing a beat.
I can't tell you how many
funerals I've been to
since freshman year.
-That's fucked up.
-Just another day
in the neighborhood, I guess.
But, uh...'re cool.
This is cool.
Oh, uh...
[ Can thuds ]
I made you this.
-Um...can we...listen to it?
-Right now?
That won't be weird?
-Thank you.
-Squirming out of my skin
I'm in love with you
Keep a picture of me
in a heart around your neck
My worst decisions are
the ones I like the best
Took me under the bleachers
like we were 17
My feelings always make
a fucking fool of me
A fool of me
I'm squirming
out of my skin
Is this really
happening to me?
I'm learning
how to be someone
I could put my faith in
If it really came down to me
Just 'cause you know
what you want
Doesn't mean
you get to choose
Squirming out of my skin
I'm in love with you
-Oh! Oh.
Uh, I'm -- Sorry.
I, uh, should probably go
run and grab...that.
-Abbie, hang on.
[ Laughs ]
-I'm in love with you
In love with you
-Where have you been?
-Until 3:00 in the morning?
Not like I have a curfew.
-Because I called Glenn.
He said the last he heard
from you is a little after 9:00.
-So why are you out so late?
Have you been drinking?
-[ Scoffs ] Please.
Knock it off with the
after-school-special bullshit.
-The more you get to know them,
the closer you get...
...the harder it will be
to do your job.
-Thanks for the advice, old man.
-She's not your friend, Abigail.
None of this is real.

-So tragic,
what happened to Izzy.
All it takes is for
one good dance move to go bad.
Just one.
-It's me.
-Do you know that kid?
-Your dad's here.
-I don't even want to ask about
the getup today.
-Do you think this
will make the cut?
-Don't care.
Who's working the store?
-How's it going?
[ Clock chimes ]
-What's going on?
-Get in the car.
[ Engine starts ]
Those two, coming out the door
right now.
[ Siren wailing in distance ]
-Finish the job. Tonight.

The more you get to know them,
the closer you get...
...the harder it'll be
to do your job.
We're barely staying afloat
month to month.
The store won't survive
another setback.
None of this is real, Abigail.
She's not your friend.
-You hung over?
-I, uh -- Yeah.
A little bit.
-Last night was fun.
So you want to come over,
listen to records?
-Can't. I got work.
I could pick you up after.
We could grab a bite.
I can show you
my favorite pizza place.
-Not today.

-[ Breathing heavily ]

-What's up?

-I've got questions,
throw it
And I shoot from the hip
I got one in the chamber
and 12 in the clip
[ Muffled music playing ]

[ Tap ]
-Ow! Shit!
Um, I knocked a few times.
The window was open.
-And then you crept,
like a creep.
Sorry I attacked.
First instinct.
You want to fool around?
-[ Coughing ]

-Where's that from?
-It's nothing.
-Sorry, I didn't mean to --
[ Telephone ringing ]
What's wrong?
Oh, my God. Um...
I'm just here with Abbie.
Sure. Uh...
Okay, call me back.
Izzy's dead.
[ Telephone ringing ]
Yeah, I just heard.
Are you kidding me?
Who else?
[ Sirens wailing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
-Officer, what happened?
We, the people of
this community, deserve to know.
-Everyone, please go back
to your homes.
Let us do our job.
-Oh, my God.
What is happening to our town?
What is happening
to our children?
Where have you been?
Did you see me over there?
I was just sort of improvising,
but I really felt
that last moment.
Great scene partner.
Real stuff.
Hello? Abbie!

-They're just like us, Glenn.

I'm going to need your help.
[ Telephone rings ]
-[ Distorted voice ] Sam Crane.
-Who is this?
-Never mind that.
If you and your friends
don't skip town tonight,
you'll all be gutted like the...
Them's at the slaughter.
-Okay. Come on, really.
Who is this?
-Silence, stupid teen.
Now, heed my warning
and get out while you still can.
-Okay, asshole.
How do I know
that you're telling the truth
and this isn't some prank call?
-Prank call?
Your friends and classmates
are dying all around you.
And you think this is a --
[ Normal voice ] Oh, damn it.
[ Sighs ]
-Hello? Are you still there?
-Just get out, you stupid twat.
[ Dial tone, receiver hangs up ]
-What was that about?
-We're next.
-So what do we do?
-Maybe it's time
we get the fuck out of Dodge.
[ Door opens ]
-Great idea.
I'll drive.
[ Rock music plays ]
-They said I got the...
[ Engine starts ]
But I live too fast
to slow down
-[ Coughs ]

-Wow, Billy,
I didn't know you could draw.
-Don't let his prodigious
beer consumption fool you.
Billy's got a full ride to
the Clover Falls Art Academy
next year.
-What's the story?
-Well, there's good news
and there's bad news.
-What's the bad news?
-The bad news is they
don't have the part we need,
so the van won't be fixed
till Monday.
The good news is, if we cut
through those woods over there,
we'll hit Camp Chillgood
in like a mile or so.
-That's the good news?
-It sounds like a good place
to lie low.
-An abandoned campground seems
like a good place to lie low?
-The old dude in there
said it's haunted.
-It was definitely him, Glenn.
I just know it.
Straight out of the "Bladecut 2"
-Abbie, come on.
-Are you ready
for your big break?

-How much farther?
-This feels misguided.

-I'm glad you're here.
-We can still turn around.

-There it is.
Home, sweet home.
I'm beginning
to have second thoughts.
I don't like the look of --

-This place is cursed.
Leave now while you still can.
-Hey, back off, weirdo.
Leave these woods
or you'll end up
like the rest of them.
-Where did you come from, guy?
-You don't smell
like a dirty-ass drunk.
[ Sniffs ]
Is that cologne?
-[ Laughs ]
Sparkling water?
-Uh, uh...
You -- You must go!
-Wait a minute.
Yeah. I've seen you before.
These woods, it's --
it's not safe here, and --
[ Clears throat ]
Okay, I'm sorry.
I can't continue with --
-That is some
Loch Ness-level shit.
-[ Chuckles ]

They got a fire pit.
Anybody want to roast
some wieners?
[ Flute playing ]

-How about a scary story?
-Anybody got a good one?
-How about a real scary story?
According to that newspaper,
teenage campers have
been butchered year after year
on these grounds.
Just like our high school.
-Did they ever catch the killer?
-No. It's impossible
to catch a ghost.
-[ Gasps ] A ghost?
-Roger Bladecut.
[ Animal howling ]
-Do you think that's
the same guy that's after us?
-Come on. You guys don't really
believe in this crap, do you?
-It's true.
Roger Bladecut is real.
Look, some 60 years ago, Roger
was a little boy, a camper here,
and he died playing in that barn
across the way.

Little Roger wasn't
the most popular of campers.
So when a counselor
forced his bunk-mates
to take him along
for a game of tag,
the group was none too pleased.
Now, Roger,
an uncoordinated and clumsy kid,
couldn't catch
a single soul that day.
He leapt and dove
and he chased the children
for what seemed like hours.
Every inch of the camp
was covered during his pursuit,
which tragically ended here.
The campers were ruthless,
taunting the boy as he lurched
and stumbled
on the rafters above.
[ Children laughing ]
Having grown exhausted,
his eyes blurry from the tears
streaming down his face...
...Roger tripped
on a loose plank.
[ Wood cracking ]
He flew through that opening
where he plummeted 30 feet
to his death.
[ Thud ]
So a little boy is
murdering everyone in the town.
Roger is very much grown now.
And with his machete,
he chops up any teens
foolish enough to visit the camp
where he once died.
-You know, Abbie,
for a recent transplant,
you sure know a lot
about this boogeyman.
-[ Chuckles ]
It was my favorite
bedtime story.
[ Laughs ]
Ahoy down there.
-Are you crazy?
-Just looking for
our little ghost boy.
-You have to get down.
-Ghost boy.
-[ Screaming ]
-Stay down here.

[ Snap ]
[ Gasps, screams ]
[ Grunts ]
Not cool.
-Sam? Abbie?
-Found her.
-We found something, too.
-Holy shit.
-It's too good to be true.

-You're right.
No keys.
-Maybe we could hot-wire it.
They make it look pretty easy
in the movies.
-We need to get inside.
Okay, whatever we do,
we can't fall asleep.
-Don't worry.
I've got us covered.
Uppers to get us
through the night.
[ Your Future Ghost's "Pritty"
plays ]

-No, thanks.
I'm naturally caffeinated.
Okay, just one.
-Crashing in
like a waterfall
I know it's not pretty
when I get like this
I know it's not pretty
when I get like this
I know it's not pretty
when I get like this
But I'm so pretty
-You put up with it
But you're not ready for it
[ Slow music plays ]
I hate this slow shit.
-No, Billy.
Don't change it.
I love this song.
-[ Singing indistinctly ]
-Come on.

-[ Burps ]
-You puke on me
and I will kill you
before Bladecut has a chance.

-Kill me softly
I know you'll
come back to me
And you're everything
that I could need
One day when you
come back again
I guess...
-Are you sure these are uppers?
-[ Chuckles ]
I'm pretty sure.
At least,
that's what the label said.
-Who sold you the bottle?
I found them
in that car parked in the barn.
-Oh, shit.
-[ Snoring ]
-Where's Sam?
Where's Billy?
[ Birds chirping ]

Oh, my God.
-Fuck me.
That's a charred dick.
-Oh, Billy.
-I found the rest of Billy.

Time to go.

[ Creaking ]

-I knew it.
Now, hold up.
-You two know each other?
The weird kid and the new girl.
[ Thud ]
Look what I found.
That's how you did it.
The two of you
in cahoots together.
You killed them all.
And now you brought us here
to die.
-I can explain.
-All my friends, dead.
-Please, don't do this.
-You sick motherfuckers.
[ Grunts ]
-[ Gasps ]
-[ Gasps, breathes shakily ]

-[ Whimpers ]
[ Gun thuds ]
-[ Whimpering ]
Now, stay calm.
This is bad.
This is really bad.
But whatever you do, don't --

[ Body thuds ]
-[ Shudders ]
How do you know
he's not the killer?
-I know you are, but what am I?

-Come on!

[ Engine sputtering ]
Come on, Abbie. Come on.
-Go, Abbie.
-Come on.
-Go, go!
[ Engine revs ]
[ Banging ]

Oh, he is so pissed.
[ Tires screeching ]

Abbie, you need to keep going.
-I-I can't.
-What? Why?
Run him the fuck over.
-[ Sobbing ]
-[ Screams ]
-[ Screaming ]

-Dad, stop!
-[ Choking ]
Please, I love her.
-She needs to die.
-[ Grunts ]
-[ Grunting ]
-[ Choking ]

-[ Crying ] Dad.

[ Squish ]
[ Body thuds ]
-[ Breathing heavily ]
-Say something.
Look at me.
-[ Coughs ]
-Sam, I --
-Who are you?
-Please. Please.
-[ Groans ]
-[ Screams ]
[ Body thuds ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Screams ]

End of an era.
[ Knock on door ]

-It hits me,
and it feels like a kiss
-Oh, come on.
You're not
the least bit curious?
-I learn the same thing
over and over again
I can't, I can't
I can't feel anything
I'm crying
I'm crying
I'm crying
I'm crying
Oh, God
What is wrong with me?
[ Thunder rumbling ]
To thinking everyone that
loves me fucking hates me
[ Electricity crackles ]
[ Thunder crashing ]
[ Animal howling ]

[ Rapid footsteps ]
[ Thunder rumbling ]
[ Wind whistling ]
-Guess I was born
to die young
So smoke 'em if you got 'em
[ Pom Pom Squad's
"Shame Reactions" plays ]

-Whiskey a go-go
Head spinning, oh, no
I want to know
who's in control
Yeah, who's in control?
She's calculated
I'm fucking clueless
Chaotic stupid
I'll get used to
feeling useless
Is there a way for me to kill
the girl I wish I were?
Won't let me be because
I'll never be enough for her
Animal part of me, she
never stays too far from me
She tastes like meat,
she tastes like blood
She tastes so sweet

Whiskey a go-go
Head spinning, oh, no
Rereading old texts
Burning holes
right through my conscience
My head is crowded
My thoughts are clouded
Is this my life or just
a fond "fuck you" to a friend?
Is there a way for me to kill
the girl I wish I were?
Won't let me be because
I'll never be enough for her
Animal part of me, she
never stays too far from me
She tastes like meat,
she tastes like blood
She tastes so sweet
[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

-I'm feeling crazy
I'm feeling crazy over you
Look what she made it
Driving down,
you made it, too
Roses and daisies
Never cared for your perfume
I light a cigarette
You smelled the fire
You're telling me
it takes all night
To get things right
It takes all night
To get things right
and off my chest
I guess it's just
another case of loneliness
I'm feeling crazy
I'm feeling crazy over you
Look what she made it
Driving down,
you made it, too
Roses and daisies
Never cared for your perfume
I light a cigarette
You smelled the fire
You tell me
it takes all night
To get things right
It takes all night
To get things right
and off my chest
I guess it's just
another case
It takes all night
-It takes all night
To get things right
-To get things right
-It takes all night
-It takes all night
-To get things right
and off my chest
I guess it's just
another case of loneliness
[ Down-tempo music plays ]

-In my head, I couldn't stop
Piece the past together
Out of sight, out of mind
Something new
I can't remember
I can't remember
I can't remember
Something new and soft
and tender
In my head, I couldn't stop
Piece the past together
Out of sight, out of mind
Something new
I can't remember
I can't remember
I can't remember
I can't remember
Something new and soft
and tender