Blue Period (2024) Movie Script

We are about to arrive at Shibuya.
The last stop.
Transfer here for the JR Line,
Tokyu Line, and subway lines.
We'll miss the game.
Where are you?
Near the escalator.
He's here?
For real?
There! There!
Yatora! Yatora!
Hey, hurry!
You're late! Run!
- We'll be late!
- 'Cause of Yatora!
Move! Move!
Cut it out.
I can't eat it.
You're going to school?
I need to up my attendance.
You're tireless.
I admire you, man.
Ramen's best to finish off the night.
So true.
He's eating it.
See ya.
Thank you!
Next. Equation 2.
When descent is constant,
what is V as velocity?
Terminal velocity?
"Student report card:
4th out of 183"
That's your rank?
Some friend you are.
You have time to study?!
A lock for Keio and Waseda.
Nah, no private university for me.
What about you, Koi?
No plans at all. You?
I'll... go to
whatever school accepts me.
Smooch smooch!
Knock it off.
Getting good grades
is just like hanging with friends.
I do what I have to do.
I do that,
and get results.
But why does it feel so unsatisfying?
Off to Shibuya again?
Another all-nighter.
Ramen, then home.
Not home. No way.
Come on...
Not home.
Lay off!
Ayukawa, stop!
Enough of that.
Look at yourself!
Obey school rules!
I obey my own rules.
Teacher's room. Come later.
You never stop, dude.
You never stop...
...trying to please everybody.
You okay?
Yeah. I'm okay.
Ryuji, a skirt today?
You look so cute!
I know.
Why "Yuka"?
Last name's A-yuka-wa.
He been that way long?
Beats me.
He's weird.
He sure is.
Stayed at a friend's again?
Your father and I have to work,
so stay home.
Here. Take care.
Thanks. I'm off.
Take care.
Night shift again?
He says it pays better.
I keep telling him,
"Cleaning work's fine, but switch jobs
before it ruins you."
After all,
he used to run a company.
Having fun's fine,
but we can only afford
a public university.
Trust me already.
Don't worry.
I'm on it.
"My favorite sights"
"My favorite sights"?
What are we, little kids?
Students who take elective art
are slackers or nerds.
So true.
Well, Saeki gives good grades.
Yatora! Gimme a cig!
My favorite sight's
my girl's tits on my face!
If you paint that,
Saeki'll die of shock!
What a great idea.
Does your girlfriend
have a large chest?
and softness would be
wonderful to depict.
It sure would.
Holy shit!
Saeki sure is out of her mind.
Sure is.
Damn, I need a smoke.
Let's go smoke.
"Japanese-style painting"
Mind not touching it?
Want to join art club?
Didn't think so.
Is this...
...what you came for?
You only smoke because
your friends do.
It's crumpled,
but still full.
Stop trying to be like them.
Watching you is upsetting.
Watching you is upsetting.
That getup.
Anyway, why "Yuka"?
Your name's Ryuji.
Scared that I know you so well?
Club's about to start.
Get out.
Club, huh.
Who's that?
What is it?
You want to go to art college?
A pointless waste of time?
How dare you.
- Look here...
- Now now.
Yatora, you're very knowledgeable.
Even so,
art college is pointless?
Is that...
...your own opinion?
Or perhaps...
...someone else's opinion?
Rather than what most people think,
I want to know what you think
is worthwhile.
Art is fascinating.
Being true to yourself
makes it all the more powerful.
A non-verbal language.
Hey, about your assignment.
"My favorite sights."
You haven't started yet.
Show me the sights
that move you, Yatora.
What a load of bull.
What I think is worthwhile?
What moves me?
Is this...
...what moves me?
Oh crap! Oh crap!
Water, water!
This painting...
Yeah, I'm still working on it.
It's for my art college exam.
Gotta finish it by autumn.
You're a senior?
I am.
You were with Ryuji, so...
We're both in art club.
When I look at this,
it kinda puts me at ease.
Oh. Glad to hear it.
Know how art began?
One of many theories says
it was a prayer.
What I think is,
I want people who see my artworks
to be happy,
so I pray as I make them.
You're really something.
I envy your talent.
I've got no talent.
I just think more about art
than others do.
Also, I appreciate your praise,
but art requires study too,
so talent's not everything.
You're right.
Sorry. I got worked up.
Nah, nah. Why's this angel
on the left green?
You're perceptive.
A classical technique,
using "green earth" paint,
with vermillion red
and silver-white on top,
which make beautiful-looking skin.
You wouldn't get it.
Early morning Shibuya streets...
and blue.
Forget it.
That sounded weird.
You must love that blue world.
Ms. Saeki said this to me once.
"If it looks blue to you,
apples and rabbits can be blue too."
I gotta paint something.
For the assignment.
Then let's paint together.
How can I paint that...
The air seemingly sleepy...
The light somewhat bright...
Yet peaceful...
Unlike the real Shibuya...
Like the beginning of a new day...
Like the beginning of a new dream...
A world of blue.
Yatora, yours is so blue.
So blue.
What is it? Ice?
Not the sky?
Oh, ice?
This is pretty.
Yeah, it is.
Not just blue,
other colors too.
Whose is it?
Wish I hadn't praised it.
Yatora! You got praised!
That's so cool!
Could that painting be of Shibuya?
The morning!
After an all-nighter!
That's how it looks to you, Yatora?
It's so cool!
This part here.
Shibuya buildings.
Really pretty.
I know that. The new...
The new building!
Totally different colors.
Each one.
So cool...
Hey Yatora.
What's with that look?
What?! Are you crying?!
Right then,
for the first time ever,
I felt like I was communicating.
Marking the direction of gravity
on this chart
will show you that
the direction of force is different.
You see, don't you?
You follow me?
So, Exercise 1.
Shirai, try to solve it.
What've you been doing in class?
I saw you scribbling something.
Oh, well...
I like... drawing...
No slacking till exams are over.
Drawing should stay a hobby.
He's right.
It should stay a hobby.
It'd be different if I had talent.
But if art really isn't
only about talent...
"art college fees expensive"
"6-8 million yen for 4 years,
more than regular colleges"
Ms. Saeki.
If art might not pay the bills,
what's good about art college?
It's true that art
rarely pays your bills.
But at art college, your work will
have more chances to be seen,
and you'll see the
work and creative processes
of people your own age.
There are plenty of resources
and equipment there,
and many techniques to learn.
But, I could always study art
as a hobby...
"Keep what you love as a hobby."
It's an adult way of looking at it.
If you love something,
you give it the most priority
in your life.
Wouldn't you say that makes sense?
Should what you love,
or enjoy,
be your life's focus?
my family can't afford art college...
There are public art colleges too.
Tokyo University of the Arts.
TUA's yearly fees
are the same as
other public universities.
TUA's painting department
is the hardest one to get into
in Japan.
200 times more applicants than places.
Only five get in per year.
Many try three or four times.
In a way,
it's more elite than Tokyo University.
I guess that's right.
Do you think...'s still not too late?
I don't know.
Then again,
of all the students I've seen,
those who couldn't stick it out
didn't love doing it.
In other words,
hard workers who love what they do...
...have the best chance.
Until now,
I'd never felt truly alive.
Until that blue painting.
My heart... finally beating.
Days until TUA entrance exam: 620
Form. Space.
Texture. Grasp it all.
Sensing the direction of light,
and adding shadow.
Summer assignment's taking forever.
Our art club's so hardcore.
What a shock...
He's for real.
"Yatora Yaguchi"
Yatora, hurry!
Yatora, doughnuts!
Oh wow! Which one?
Here goes.
First is rock!
Rock paper scissors!
One more round!
One more round!
I win!
I got in.
Way to go!
Days until TUA entrance exam: 320
"Tokyo Art Prep School guide"
Hey Dad.
Hey, you're early.
Can we have a talk?
Don't let Mom know though.
Sure, okay.
I came for my things.
You're graduating.
You'll be missed.
Still, I'm a little excited.
When I'm a university student,
I'll only have to think about art.
You'll go to Musabi?
That's really impressive.
Hey Yatora.
I'd like to ask a favor.
This is so nice.
A cute junior's graduation gift.
Don't pressure me.
I really liked...
...your painting.
Well, I probably wouldn't have
done it without you.
That's so nice.
You know,
I can only paint what I want to,
so for my exam,
I brought in a painting.
In other words,
I doubted I'd get in
via a regular exam.
But you,
you work unbelievably hard, so...
You might have a chance.
I'll do my best.
To get in.
Wanna go?
Oh, Sumida.
I bought that game.
For real? That game?
- My place then?
- Yeah!
- Coming?
- Yeah.
Koi, he bought it!
Cool, huh?
Let's all play it.
Going alone would be lonely.
Japanese painting starts?
Look. How's my outfit?
You made it?
Oh, Sasaki...
You're going for it.
So you do have passion.
2nd floor for me. Bye!
"Tokyo Art Prep School"
Oil painting course
Over here.
This seat's free.
You weren't at the winter session.
Hey there!
I'm in charge of night classes
in oil painting.
I'm your teacher, Ooba.
Nice to meet ya.
This is a place to
really hone your abilities.
Let's think about
necessary technical skills and talent,
and the kind of artworks
art colleges rate highly.
Okay, let me see what you can do.
Try sketching a plaster bust.
Assessment's on Thursday.
Any questions?
Ask away.
So I should sketch what I see?
That's right.
From my high school.
Top class results
in his academic year,
but aims for art college
without knowing sketching?
Hey, feel free to use this.
Who the hell are you?
Let's see...
If you need tools,
use the loaner ones.
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
I couldn't capture the form well.
That one's damn good.
The younger Kuwana sister?
Her older sister was TUA's
top entrant last year.
It's so good...
Accurate form and shadow.
No further comment necessary.
Sketched many plaster busts?
It's my first time.
First time? Whoa...
He deserves to be called a genius.
I... thought I'd gotten pretty good,
but I'm just mediocre.
No comparison to him.
Humans don't compare themselves
to unreachable gods, do they?
From your perspective,
Mori is
a goddess, isn't she?
So, you only think of praising her.
On the other hand,
when it comes to Takahashi...
If you feel inferior,
you can keep fighting.
He's probably a genius.
I'm definitely a mediocrity.
Genius is beyond me.
I only improve through work.
So I need to work
till I'm genius level.
As you are now,
no TUA for you.
Your art is,
put harshly, only depicting
what's in front of you.
TUA values vision,
individuality, and outlook
more than any other college.
You won't get in on skill alone.
The most important attribute is
creating your own art.
Find your own answer.
Seeing many paintings might help.
"Keeping the human eye's
unstable physicality in mind,
I used oils to depict
unstable scenery."
My own art...
My own answer...
You only skimmed the surface.
Inspired by Tamana Moteki's work?
You imitated it superficially.
You're blind to its essence.
that's kinda uncalled for.
I'm doing my best here.
Days until TUA entrance exam: 290
- Hey, wait.
- Leave me.
- Why're you mad?
- Leave me.
Just go away!
It's you who's abnormal.
I hate you!
See ya.
I wish it had rained today.
Breaking up on a sunny day
is more painful than anything.
Nothing's going right.
Am I so abnormal?
If I want to be...
...cute, and pretty, and...
If I...
...have feelings for a man...
...what's abnormal about that?
If I have to conform to
what's "normal,"
I'd rather die.
Only what I love...
...will protect me, won't it?
For what it's worth...
...I really admire you.
I don't even know what I love, at all.
Man, it's so hot!
AC temperature okay?
During summer break,
you'll do various assignments.
Hand these out.
Your final freeform artworks
will be ranked.
"Theme: connections"
A conceptual theme.
Well, that's art college for you.
We base it on our imagination?
I've only ever depicted
what I can see.
Okay, next is Yatora's painting.
Connections equal threads.
A little clichd.
In your mind, are connections
really shaped like threads?
Okay, next is Ando's painting.
"Oil Painting Department"
That class is for repeat students?
It's pretty extreme.
Slashing canvases? That's nuts.
More than I imagined.
Still, that's a
kind of innovation, no?
Paints and oils aren't everything.
You're blind to its essence.
Hey, Yatora.
All you do is work on art lately,
but are you studying?
I'll be fine.
Having a hobby's good, but...
How about after your exams?
Thanks. I'm going.
Take care!
Musabi is further than I thought.
Why ask me to join you?
The other day,
Mori came to the club
with flyers for her exhibition.
You haven't shown up
at the club at all lately.
She was disappointed
you weren't there.
Her exhibition,
it's in building 4,
classroom 203.
Go by yourself.
You're not coming?
I just didn't want to stay at home.
I fought with my parents.
What'd they say?
Never mind.
Go on.
It's not an angel.
Even so,
I know for sure it's Mori's.
What I think is,
I want people who see my artworks
to be happy,
so I pray as I make them.
This is another of Mori's prayers.
With a different touch,
but still a prayer.
Its essence hasn't changed at all.
"As always,
I love your art. Yatora"
What if I reconsidered...
...the essence of "connections"?
In your mind, are connections
really shaped like threads?
In my mind, connections
take many forms.
Some are delicate like threads...
...and some can cut me like blades.
Different connections...
...bring change to my form.
Strengthening me with each blow.
In my mind, connections...
...might be something akin to metal.
Yatora got... fifth place!
You're higher than me.
Sakuraba, you?
Wow! This is so cool!
And in first place...
This is your score.
Low, but your technique's improving,
it's creative, and most of all,
Thank you.
Seems you found your answer.
Yotasuke is 19th?
His work's so unique,
it must've been hard to grade.
You're leaving?
I'll... never come here again.
All these stupid assignments...
Wait up! Wait!
Let go of me!
You're only good at adapting.
Energy and strategy, huh?!
You're good at quantity,
not quality.
I can't stand you, Yatora.
There's nothing you need here.
You didn't have to choose art.
What the hell?
I didn't have to choose art?
I'm risking everything!
It's all I've got!
My art'll blow everybody else away.
I'll get into college.
For damn sure I will!
Will I really get in?
"Admission application"
"Painting department,
oil painting major"
Days until TUA entrance exam: 183
I'm coming in.
What are you doing?
Applying to art college?
It's public, so fees are...
Why do you want to go?
And will you get in?
You'd have to give up on
other public universities.
What about your future?
You won't make a living.
Please, Yatora.
I want you to
go somewhere more useful.
So you won't face hardship.
I just...
wanted to fill in the form.
I'll apply somewhere useful.
Come hang with me.
Sorry, not today...
Yeah you can. Come on.
Here it is.
Your tropical fruit tart.
Your seasonal fruit tart.
The tarts here are great.
Sorry I'm too busy lately.
Studying art must be tough.
Well, kinda.
Maybe art college isn't for me.
Don't laugh.
When you laugh like that,
it's like building a wall,
to block me out.
You work so hard
out of lack of confidence?
You see right through me.
I want to do what I love,
so I chose art college.
I wonder, am I up to it?
So, when my mom said no,
I said nothing.
...go to a school for pastry chefs.
Me making desserts.
Funny, right?
But hey,
because you...
...chose what you want to do,
it made me want to do the same.
You always partied till morning,
and I thought you'd keep cruising
just above average.
When you chose to pursue art,
I got chills.
You chose out of determination.
I want to see your art again.
It's damn good!
Damn good.
You came home.
Is that me?
Your hands.
Chapped from washing dishes.
Maybe carrying heavy groceries
made your arms so wiry.
Your clothes.
You've been wearing them for years.
They're so frayed.
My art made me realize that.
Sorry I'm not your ideal son.
But I still want to go to TUA.
Maybe I'm talentless.
Even so, I... making art.
I can lose myself in it.
I want to get so much better.
I want to see so much more.
So I really need to go to TUA.
Thanks for this.
Have your dinner.
Days until TUA entrance exam: 52
Sorry I'm late!
Hey, Yatora.
What's that?!
Stuff I painted.
All of it, over the break?
So much?
You really mean business.
How'd you create that rough texture?
Mom's dressmaker's pencils.
New materials broaden expression.
I was limiting my own art myself.
Only prolific artists figure that out.
A month and a half.
For better or worse, this all ends.
Make the most of it.
I will.
It burns! It burns!
It burns?
The primary entrance exam takes a day.
Secondary exam, three days.
Build your stamina,
or you won't last.
Better rough sketches
make better oil paintings, okay?
Shading skills can be learned,
but your lines are your emotions.
Don't try to come in first.
Try to make the best art you can!
In these few months,
you've confronted
your own strengths and weaknesses,
and continued to create.
I guarantee you'll benefit from that.
Tomorrow, enjoy the hell out of it!
Here. A good luck charm.
I've been thinking.
I don't know how hard it is
to make art,
but I'm sure today will be tough.
This might annoy you, but...
Have fun!
"Tokyo University of the Arts"
Long time no see.
Long time.
So many people.
Thinking about the pass rate
drives me crazy.
I'm going to pass.
Oil painting major: primary exam
Okay. TUA oil painting major
this is the theme for
your primary exam.
The allowed time is five hours.
Starting at 9 a.m.,
ending at 3 p.m.
Lunch break from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Japanese painting major: primary exam
Now, please begin.
"Theme: self-portrait"
A simple theme,
making it all the more difficult.
Got to stand out to survive.
So I need a strategy.
Myself inside the mirror,
and myself outside it.
Right now,
there are two sides to me.
A delinquent and a whiz kid.
An achiever and a coward.
A romanticist and a realist.
To convey that duality...
Crappy idea.
Too played out.
I'm sorry!
No way...
I'll bring another one.
Careful. Don't touch it.
You can go back.
I'm sorry...
Not duality...
Depicting multiple sides of me.
But how can I?
He passed! He passed!
Congratulations, Yatora!
I won't take the exam again.
Thank you so much for everything.
Thank you.
Wow. That's a great idea.
Front to back,
you've used exaggerated depth.
The simple composition
emphasizes that.
Only us three passed the primary exam.
Oh, I hear Yotasuke passed too.
Why that look?
I mean,
I'm impressed, but...
By the way,
what about your friend?
Japanese painting.
Oh, Ryuji?
When the exam began,
he drew a cross and left.
"Yatora Yaguchi"
"Yatora Yaguchi"
What? Why keep calling?
Ryuji. Where are you now?
Gee, where could I be?
I heard about you.
What about me?
Your TUA primary exam.
I won't go to art college.
If that's all,
I'll hang up.
Remember you took me
to Mori's college?
For my sake.
I didn't do it for you.
Can I help somehow?
Can you come now?
To the seaside in Odawara.
My secondary exam's in two days.
Of course it is.
If you
saw someone drowning,
you might bring rescue gear,
but you'd never jump in yourself.
You're cool-headed, you are.
You're always right.
Even so...
If you always have to be right,
we've got
nothing more to talk about.
You'll drown.
No I won't.
I won't. I'll swim.
You'll even draw here?
I'll get anxious if I don't.
You get undressed too.
Your good-boy clothes
seem thick and heavy though.
Have you ever...
...pictured yourself naked,
and drawn it?
Secondary exam: day 1
Yatora, you smell like the sea.
I went... with a friend...
How could you before the exam?
I totally agree.
Hey, what's wrong?
You okay?
Let's all go up.
Give me that.
See a nurse if you gotta.
Sorry. Thanks.
"Oil painting
Yatora Yaguchi"
TUA oil painting major applicants,
this is your secondary exam.
Please begin.
"Theme: freely depict
the atelier and model together."
"Nakedness ="
Hey Ryuji.
Won't you tell me what happened?
Everything in my room
was thrown out by my father.
My clothes.
My accessories.
My makeup tools.
All of my favorite things.
He can never accept me.
Someone like me who doesn't fit in.
Ultimately, the things I love
couldn't protect me.
I don't even know what I love.
I lose track sometimes.
But you love to make art.
Then try for TUA again...
A place like TUA
is only for people
determined to give their all,
like you.
I figured that out too late.
Pathetic, isn't it?
I'm pathetic too.
All I do is compare myself to others.
No confidence,
so the smallest things hurt me.
When my artworks
are criticized,
I totally lose my footing.
My nakedness... flimsy and pathetic.
Just like me.
But nakedness,
and the freedom of people
to decorate their nakedness,
and their ugliness,
all deserve to be loved.
"Nakedness = truth"
At the seaside,
Ryuji taught me.
I'm flimsy,
and pathetic.
Even so, that's me.
Tools down please.
Secondary exam: day 2
The time I have left is two days.
Another 12 hours.
How do I depict
my true self?
You okay?
I'm not okay.
I've only done my sketchbook.
You're sick.
Can't help that.
But it's not enough...
You'll never make it.
One day left,
so go all out tomorrow.
Secondary exam: final day
Please begin.
Painting around the silhouette,
to depict the naked truth.
The truth about me is,
I'm pathetic and weak.
This painting, as seen through me,
is my world.
I use the nude model
to depict detail and solidity,
and the wall behind as a flat surface.
But... this right?
"Cood luck"
You used blank canvas for the nude.
Is that to make it seem truly naked?
You used paint to depict the students.
Dammit. While I wasn't around,
you got better.
I thought energy and strategy
wouldn't help you.
Let's go for it.
The secondary exam.
Two hours left.
I've got to finish this.
Till I got into art,
I was always see-through.
Not even pathetically naked.
by creating...
...and creating...
Creating, and creating...
...and creating...
...and creating...
...and creating...
I abandoned my petty pride,
stopped pretending...
...and finally found my true self.
Many are more talented than me.
They can't create what I can.
A world all my own.
Not yet.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'll go home and sleep all I want.
High school party for me.
I'm going to a gig.
Lucky you.
You got in?
I knew I'd get in.
Can't see mine...
It's not there.
Neither is mine.
I got in.
Well done, Yatora.
For believing in me.
You worked so hard.
He did it! He did it!
"All ready"
"#newwork #fashion #designer"
"Yatora Yaguchi: I got in"
It's wonderful.
This painting.
Many are more talented than me.
But right now,
...nobody in the whole world
has higher hopes...
...for my art.
Yatora: Gordon Maeda
Ryuji: Fumiya Takahashi
Yotasuke: Rihito Itagaki
Mori: Hiyori Sakurada
Kuwana: Sena Nakajima
Hashida: Ikuho Akiya
Koigakubo(Koi): Katsumi Hyodo
Yatora's father: Yasu (Zun)
Physics teacher: Masaki Miura
Yatora's mother: Hikari Ishida
Ooba: Noriko Eguchi
Saeki: Hiroko Yakushimaru
Executive Producer:
Daisuke Sekiguchi
Yoko Toyofuku / Tamon Kondo
Takako Oki
Supporting Producer:
Masami Takahashi
Supervising Producer:
Osamu Kubota
Based on the manga series "Blue Period"
by Tsubasa Yamaguchi
Reiko Yoshida
Yuki Kojima "Yaffle"
Cinematography: Hyogo Mitsuoka
Lighting: Tatsuya Hirayama
Sound Recording: Hiroshi Watanabe
Production Design: Yui Miyamori
Set Decoration: Sango Nakamura
Editor: Kenichi Hirai
Script Supervisor: Miyuki Kobo
Costume Supervisor: Remi Takenouchi
Costume Coordinator: Momoka Shoji
Hair & Makeup: Eito Furukubo
Sound Effects:
Akihiko Okase (J.S.A)
Music Producers:
Kazuyoshi Tonami / Chiharu Mikamiyama
VFX Supervisor: Takahiro Ota
VFX Producer: Yusuke Makita
Assistant Director: Hisayoshi Yamashita
Production Manager: Fumiaki Taga
Art Supervisors:
Isao Ebisawa / Ryo Kawada
Cast Art Guidance &
Art Cooperation:
Isao Ebisawa / Ryo Kawada
Tamana Moteki / Marimo Tomori
Shimon Matsumori / Nanami Hamauzu
Hayato Isozaki / Kurumi Hotta
Line Producer: Daisuke Katahira
Associate Producer: Ryutarou Yamaguchi
Assistant Producer:
Yutaro Shigeta
Theme song: "NOISE" Performed by WurtS
(EMI Records / W's Project)
"Blue Period" Film Partners
Warner Bros. Pictures Japan
JR East Marketing & Communications
KDDI / Eternal Moment
C&I Entertainment / UUUM / Lawson Group
Production services provided by:
C&I Entertainment
Distributed by
Warner Bros. Pictures Japan
Directed by Kentaro Hagiwara