Bombardier (1943) Movie Script

I want you to know about
a new kind of American soldier,
the most important
of all our fighting men today.
He is most important
because upon him,
finally depends the success of any
mission in which he participates.
The greatest bombing plane
in the world, with its combat crew,
takes him into battle,
through weather,
through enemy opposition, just so he
may have 30 seconds over the target.
In those 30 seconds,
he must vindicate
the greatest responsibility
ever placed upon an individual
soldier in line of duty.
I want you to know about him,
and about those who had the faith
and vision and foresight to bring
him into being,
to fit him for his task,
long months before our war began.
"Who is he? This soldier who rides
alone, who must think alone,
"and who must act alone in a war
which can be won or lost by the..."
That's the way the German
dive bombers do it.
I think you'll all admit they're
good at it, and if events should
lead us into this war
I don't think anyone who will deny
the fact that we have got
to be better.
If events should force us into this
war, there's only one thing to do -
train pilots by the thousands -
hundreds of thousands.
Sacrifice everything else.
Well, gentlemen, you've just
seen one side of the subject
under discussion. Any comments?
I'll argue with anyone who doesn't
realise that someday
Bombardiers will be recognised
as the spearhead of our force.
Plane crews, ground crews,
the supply lines behind them,
the factories here at home,
all working on one thing -
to provide a Bombardier with
30 seconds to hit a target.
I don't want to seem opinionated,
but after one year as observer
with the Royal Air Force,
my unqualified opinion is
that Bombardiers should be trained
by their own pilots and squadron.
That's the system the English and
Germans use and I've seen it work.
Yeah, I know - you've seen a lot,
but perhaps there's something
that you have never seen work.
And what might that be, Major Davis?
Our bombsight, affectionately
known as the Golden Goose.
The Golden Goose, huh? I hope I don't
end up talking nursery rhymes.
Put it on the table, men.
All right, we'll have a look at it.
Captain Oliver...
meet the Golden Goose.
Where do I put my penny to
see the goose lay an egg?
Right in there, and you get it
back if it doesn't lay the bomb
right on the top of a barrel at
24,000ft or dot an "i" at 18,000ft.
You're looking at a bombsight to
put anything in Europe out of date.
I'm still against the idea.
The way to hit is to have pilots
who'll bring a ship
so close to the target that a bomb
can't miss, and I say train them.
Forget about everything else.
Captain Oliver, you'll see the day
when a pilot will be nothing more
than a taxi driver
to drive a Bombardier to his target.
Not from where I'm sitting, Major.
you're my witnesses.
I'm challenging Captain Oliver
to a bombing duel.
Dive-bombing versus high-altitude
precision bombing.
This is something new.
The Military Affairs Committee
should have front-row seats.
What do you say, Buck -
is it a deal?
It's a deal, Chick.
Captain Oliver to Operations.
292 observation post,
ready for my attack release.
This is your last chance, Captain.
Yes, sir - I've just been warming up.
This is it.
What a little anti-aircraft
couldn't do to that baby.
All right, Major - you're up.
All right, gentlemen.
I'll be right up there, 20,000ft.
You won't be able to see me -
just keep your eye on the target.
Where is he?
I can't see anything.
We were under the impression
this was a bombing demonstration -
not an altitude test.
This is a precision bombing
mission at 20,000ft.
And we're lucky that Major Davis
is up there instead of down here,
talking your arm off about it.
Navigator, what do you
think of precision bombing?
I don't know, sir.
Don't know, huh?
Bombardier to pilot,
Bombardier to pilot.
Altitude 20,130ft.
Let's fly a 90-degree heading.
Ready to open bomb bay doors.
"All right, sir.
"On course and level, your ship."
Bombs away.
You don't know, huh?
Well, he showed me.
That's remarkable.
Impressive, General. Thank you.
Lucky stiff.
Read that back.
Burton Hughes, Hughes Field,
Almansor, New Mexico.
Dear Burt, when the securing of
property for the new training centre
first received approval,
I immediately tossed your name
in the hat. That's right.
All I had to do really was...
to remind them that Hughes Field
belonged to General Hughes, your dad,
the greatest man
ever to climb into a cockpit.
So you can blame me for turning
your highly respectable
civilian flying school
into a Bombardiers' training post.
It all started as a crazy experiment
perpetrated by an old friend of mine,
Major Chick Davis.
Personally, I'm afraid he's due
for a nosedive.
Whoever heard of building a vault
to keep at trick glass eye in?
They'll probably use it for
a mausoleum one of these days,
to bury poor old Chick and his dream.
I suppose Chick's assistants
have already got the first classes
of cadets under way
and almost any day now Major Davis
will be arriving to take charge.
How do you like it here, Sergeant?
Very well, sir.
We'll change that - from now
on it's the Bombardier School.
Hello, Major. Hello, Chaplain.
Long time no see.
Yes, it's been too long.
How's it going, Lieutenant? At ease.
Pretty good I think, sir.
The first class graduates three weeks
from today. Morale seems good.
Good, good, good,
but why all the women?
We find them more efficient
in this type of work.
Maybe, but it'll be tough getting
used to it. I never soldiered
with women.
Where do I park? Or do I work here
for morale? Right in here, Major.
That's it, gentlemen,
I'll see you on the line.
You're kidding, aren't you?
Don't blame me, sir.
Oh, my. Do you think
the Major would like some tea?
Do you think you'd like a chew
of my tobacco? Don't be silly.
It's just as unlogical.
Well, hello.
Who hired you? What's your name?
My name is Burton Hughes.
After her grandfather, General
Burton Hughes. So you're the fella
that owns the place?
I did, but I've turned it over
to my brother Tom.
That their father
in that picture over there.
General Tom Hughes,
standing right by me.
All right, Sergeant,
leave a couple of desks in here,
but get some hard chairs,
after all this is the Army -
not a sorority house.
And take Grandfather's picture down.
He said the Wright Brothers
couldn't fly them. Yes.
Leave that one up - he flew
and bombed them. Yes, sir.
Leave the filing cabinets here.
I'll be working 25 hours a day.
Leave a mirror to shave.
And, Sergeant,
get everything else out of here!
And I mean everything.
Just a minute, Major. If you'll
examine the lease, you'll find
that I still hold a job here.
All right, so you
still hold a job here...
..but straighten your stocking.
The right one.
Sergeant, I suggest you get
the Major an officer's guide -
there's a chapter on good manners.
He's just like your father.
Don't you remember...?
I wouldn't remember -
not caring much for Army life,
I never knew him well.
Well, I did -
I used to be his orderly.
I was with him the day
your brother turned down his bid
to West Point.
Tom's not the type. No, he's more
the type to own a flying school.
It's a nice business too,
especially if you want to
keep him out of the draft.
I'll get a couple of guys
and get this place cleaned up.
There's a new class, sir.
Don't tell me that's Captain Oliver.
Yes, sir,
that's Captain Oliver.
Burt! Oh, Buck!
What goes on here?
Don't blame me, sir.
Will you marry me? I can't hear you.
Will you marry me?!
What's the answer, Burt?
The answer is still maybe.
I'm sure HE'D be for it. Who?
The guy whose sister's got me in a
slow roll, your brother. Hiya, Sis!
Hold it, I'll model it for you.
Tom Hughes, you'll be arrested
for impersonating a soldier.
That's not what the
recruiting sergeant told me.
Did you talk him into this?
Me talk anybody
into joining the Bombardiers?
I tried to sell him on pilot
training. He didn't talk me into it.
Come on, I want you
to meet the fella who did.
Hey, Jim,
slip on something and come out here.
Burt, I want you to meet Jim Carter,
All-American halfback when I was
All-American. Hey, water boy, quiet.
What I want to tell you,
if bombardiering is his dish,
that's for me.
You seem to have
a way with you, Mr Carter.
Well, let's hope so, Miss Hughes.
Hello, Buck! Greetings, my lad!
I see you had a very happy landing.
You picked a nice resort to
the winter - you overlooked one
thing, though. What was that?
You're going to have me for your
commanding officer. Well, well,
well! I'll try to be helpful.
There's your newest brood of little
chicks. Look 'em over and see
what you've got,
wash-outs who couldn't qualify for
pilot training, failures who wouldn't
stay grounded. Still in a rut?
I'm going to prove something to
you - there are such things as boys
who don't want to be pilots
but who want to be bombardiers.
..Do further swear
to protect the secrecy...
ALL: ..Do further swear
to protect the secrecy...
..of the American bombsight...
..of the American bombsight...
..if need be with
my life itself, so help me God.
..if need be
with my life itself, so help me God.
All right, men, at ease.
At ease. Give me
that personnel list, Sergeant.
Rafferty. Here I am, sir.
Rafferty, are you sure?
Oh, I'm sure, my mother she said,
my father he said, Rafferty.
What nationality are you?
American, sir. My grandfather
was congressman from Arizona.
Your grandfather Rafferty?
No, sir, my grandfather Jose Maria
Garcia. Hmm.
Rafferty, why did you
decide to become a Bombardier?
Lots of times I go hunting
on my father's ranch -
coyotes, jackrabbits, I never
miss with the little bullets.
Maybe also I can shoot
straight with the big ones.
Connors? Here.
What your story, Connors? I haven't
got a story, I'm just starting.
Jordan? Jordan, wake up!
Did you ever think
you'd want to be a pilot?
I never thought...
Harris? Here, sir.
Harris, why did you
choose the Bombardiers?
Because I heard it would
be interesting, adventurous,
and requires a certain
amount of intelligence.
Hughes, I don't have to ask you,
your father was one of the
first Bombardiers. Yes, sir.
Isn't there anyone here
who would prefer to be a pilot?
Carter? No, sir!
Thank you, men.
Thank you. Your hearts
are in the right place,
but don't forget this, men - you're
going to be driven and driven hard.
There'll be the times
when you hate me. I expect
that'll be most of the time.
But those of you who pull through,
you will have learned a great creed.
The three greatest things
in a Bombardier's existence
are hit the target, hit the target,
hit the target,
and all day and all night, this
creed will be hammered into you.
Weeks before you ever get off
the ground, you'll be learning
the theory of bombing,
observation, meteorology,
and you'll
study and study
and study.
When your head aches, we'll dust
the cobwebs off your brain,
and then you'll study some more.
How's it going, Hughes, pretty
tough? Yes, sir, but I'll be
all right, sir.
I'm sure you will. Keep punching.
Hey, Rafferty,
what's been distracting you?
Well, for years on the ranch,
I see nothing but cow guys.
I ride 20 miles horseback to play
with the neighbour kids,
all guy kids.
Sometimes I'm sent away to school -
the school is absolutely for guys.
Then finally here I am
with nothing but guys.
I'm getting to be a guy hater.
Well, if it's a girl, forget it.
There is no girl,
and I can't forget it.
Harris? Yes, sir?
You know... know something? What, sir?
You've made me madder
than I've been all day...
I can't find a thing
wrong with that.
Now, look, fella -
you couldn't be born that dumb.
After all, you were all right last
week. What's the matter with you?
Why don't you drop in the
office and we'll talk it over?
There's not much
wrong with any of you a
little hard work can't cure.
And whenever you get that feeling
that you're chained to the ground,
whenever you wonder if you'll
ever get up there, just remember
boys in advanced flight training
have their troubles too.
Pilot to Bombardier.
Go ahead, sir.
Open the bomb bay doors -
we're just about at our altitude.
Stand by for orders.
Buck, you don't give orders
to the Bombardier, ask him
when he's ready to bomb -
he'll tell you air speed,
altitude and heading to fly.
Instructor to Bombardier.
Instructor to Bombardier.
Yes, sir. Listen, Sylvie,
when you're on a bombing mission,
you're in charge of the ship -
make your calculations and give
the necessary orders to the pilot.
Yes, sir. In my book, the ship has
only one skipper, and he's the pilot.
The bombsight's flying this plane -
any orders you take from that boy
is only what the bombsight's
telling him. Very well.
Any time you can sell the idea to the
pilots of the Army, you're a genius.
Taking orders from enlisted men
who will still be nothing more
than non-commissioned officers
after they finish their training.
That situation will be
corrected. Until then...
Bombardier to pilot.
Bombardier to pilot.
Go ahead. Our headings are 25
and 315 degrees...
How do you like that?
That guy burns me up.
Don't get excited,
Sergeant, you'll start a war.
No, he'll start it,
and the Bombardiers will finish it.
German moth.
You're quite an entomologist.
No, but I know all about bugs.
Where's Major Davis?
A cadet dropped by
with something on his mind.
The major took him out to dinner.
He should have been back by now.
Oh, must be that Joe Connors.
I'll be in here for a while.
I don't want to be disturbed.
Yes, sir.
In here, fella.
# Then she held my hands... #
Hello. Looks like I'll be able
to keep that dinner date.
That's why I'm here.
Mind waiting a little while?
No, I'm getting used to it.
Is this Headquarters?
Headquarters? Who are you calling
at Headquarters?
Your snooty sister. I've been
trying to get her for a
date ever since we arrived. Hey!
This is Headquarters. What do
you want? I wish to speak to
Miss Hughes, please.
Miss Hughes, eh? And who shall I tell
her is calling? You may say that the
name is Captain Oliver.
Who? She'll talk to me
this time all right.
You will be punished snafu if
Captain Oliver ever hears about
this. He won't.
Would you mind repeating that name
again? Captain Oliver.
Just tell her it's Buck.
I'm very sorry, Captain Oliver,
but Miss Hughes can't come
to the phone just now,
but I have a suggestion.
Why don't you come over here?
That's Buck. That's Buck!
Hello, Operator.
'I'm ringing back, sir,
but there's no answer.'
Who's been ringing you
giving out with that stuff that he's
Buck Oliver? Fresh guy, I'll...
Calling me on
the phone using your name?
Yeah. You must be hearing things.
No, I am not hearing things - he just
talked... Maybe Major Davis was right
when he said you needed a rest.
What's that?
Buck, you're to be grounded
by the flight surgeon for ten days.
Chick arranged it, because
we had a run-in over Bombardiers'
orders. Where is he?
In there, trying to straighten
out one of those kids you said
would never make a Bombardier.
That's a waste of time.
You do a lot of thinking,
don't you, Joe?
Yes, sir.
Well, it's not so good. A guy
shouldn't think alone too much.
Well, that's the way I
figured it, Chick...I mean, sir.
No, that's all right, forget it.
Go ahead, forget that "sir". You
do a little thinking out loud.
Well, I'd seen
a few Army camps before,
but you know one thing struck
me out here, the bombsight.
They build a big vault
out of concrete and iron,
and I see a guys with Tommy
guns hanging around there,
looking pretty important
about what they
got locked up inside,
a bunch of other guys carry it in
and out and they've got side-arms
strapped on them.
So that's what I keep thinking,
that Little Miss Big Eyes
they got wrapped up so tight
is a pretty important gimmick.
Mm-hm. It's like money in the bank.
Give me a cigarette,
will you? I guess that
gadget's worth a lot of money.
It's worth more than money.
What else impressed you around here?
Well, there were a lot of other
things all sort of mixed up... that oath we swore
to the day we landed?
Bet you don't even remember it.
I didn't think much about it.
It seemed kind of...
cooked up, sort of corny.
How was it that thing went?
I do solemnly swear and affirm
that I will accept the trust
placed in me by my commanding...
Sacred trust placed in me
by my commander-in-chief. Yeah.
Solemnly swear
that I will keep inviolate the
secrecy of any and all confidential
information revealed to me,
and in the full knowledge that I...
that I... Am a guardian.
..that I am a guardian
of one of my country's most
priceless military assets...
I remember it now.
..I do further swear
that I will protect the secrecy
of the American bombsight,
if need be with my life itself.
That's great, Joe -
you remember swell.
I've been trying to remember...
..ever since that bird who wants
to get his hooks on the bombsight
started talking to me.
Yeah? Yeah.
He wants me to meet him tonight,
north end of the post ten o'clock.
Shall we meet him?
Yes, sir!
See you later.
Here, thanks for the smoke.
Thanks for the dinner.
Burt, we've got a lot
of unfinished business.
The way he's piled the work on
you, I've got to look
quick to even see your shadow.
It's probably his way of getting
even. He didn't want me here.
Now he can't run the office
without you. Let's leave him flat -
what do you say?
Buck, you get the car, and I'll shoo
him out. He never knows when
to go home.
OK, I'll keep. "Oily Oliver" they
call me. I'll be waiting for you
out front.
Did we get a report
from the parachute supplier?
That's been taken care of, Major.
We were supposed to get a new
shipment of bombsights.
They've arrived.
Ordnance call about those flares?
No, sir, I called Ordnance.
They'll be ready tomorrow night.
Mm-hm. Where's that communication
from the War Department?
Fine Bombardier you'd make!
Can't even see the end of your nose.
I can see where I'm aiming, though.
Well, Miss Hughes...
..I've felt for some time
that I owe you an apology
because of my...
well, my abruptness. Rudeness is the
word. Apology accepted. I suppose
you want this done tonight?
Yes, you'd better write it -
anything I'd say might want
to melt your typewriter.
I want those kids to get commissions
on their graduation. They certainly
deserve equal rank to the pilots.
Washington can't make up its mind.
Miss Hughes, your efficiency is
gradually driving me a little nuts.
MY efficiency? You're darn near
killing the cadets with efficiency.
Certainly, so they won't
kill themselves in combat.
Together, you and I
will do all right.
What am I doing?
'Are you a flat tyre,
a run-down heel with no appeal?'
Joe? Yeah.
I'm glad you decided
not to be a chump, Joe.
If you're half as smart as I think
you are, you're going to be one of
the richest boys in the country.
Now, here's what I want you
to do for me.
Oh, so that's it, huh?
You whistle swell, Joe.
Now, in this problem, you'll see
that, with a no-wind condition,
air speed 240,
altitude 10,000 feet, and you
have eliminated all personal error
by killing your drift and making all
the necessary arbitrary corrections,
you will hit your target.
This is the bomb release line.
You will notice under these
conditions, the path of the bomb
through the air,
known as the bomb's trajectory,
is directly under the ship, but the
point of impact will be trail
distance behind the ship.
With a crosswind, the ship
would be upwind from the target.
This distance upwind
is known as cross trail.
Any questions, misters?
All right,
that finishes the classroom work.
For those of you who pass your
examinations tomorrow, there'll
be no more ground school...
for half a day.
Next week,
you'll all start flying...
..but only 12 feet off the ground
on a bomb trainer.
The purpose of the bombing trainer
is to familiarise students
with operations of bombsight,
methods of solving the bombing
problem without going into the air.
The motion of the trainer
across the floor simulates
the airplane in flight.
The four-wheel, electrically driven,
box-like affair on which the
target is placed simulates wind.
The bombsight is mounted
on the trainer, and data is set
by the Bombardier.
The speed of the trainer
to target simulates ground speed.
The bomb used on the trainer is
an electrically operated plumb bomb,
dropped at the proper instant
to hit the moving target.
Bombs away.
How high is
this supposed to be, sir?
8,000 feet.
Bombs away.
9 degrees left drift.
They look fine, Chick.
Hello, Buck.
What are you doing here?
Don't you feel well?
Ground fever, swollen arches,
and general lassitude due to
inactivity and lack of companionship.
You won't be lonesome long.
You'll be doing what everybody
else is doing, working.
Buck, this time no fireworks, behave
yourself. You mean I'll be flying
again? Yep, we need pilots.
You mean you need
good pilots for this outfit.
You've poured ground knowledge into
these boys, but in the air,
parrots aren't eagles.
In the air, you'll follow orders. On
a bombing run, you'll follow the
orders of the Bombardier.
I'll follow them to the letter, sir.
If you don't,
I'll break you down
to what O for Oliver
really stands for - zero.
Student Jordan, Peter.
Fight A, altitude 4,00,
estimated circular air 236 feet.
Nervous, poor coordination,
bad procedure.
Borderline case.
Recommend check for elimination.
Jordan, you've got to think,
concentrate. The bombsight
can't do everything for you.
Pilots to Bombardier. Yes, sir.
You having difficulties, son?
There must be something wrong
with the sight, sir, or me.
I can't get my course set up.
Guess we'd better call it a dry run.
Student Carter, James.
Always calm and relaxed.
Decisive, excellent coordination,
excellent procedure.
Bombardier to pilot, ready to
adjust automatic flight control.
Sure you wouldn't rather be a pilot?
No, thanks.
You've been showing
promise with your flying lessons -
a transfer might be arranged.
Thanks just the same,
I hope to be a Bombardier, sir.
You missed it by 50 feet - it would
have been right down the pickle
barrel if you'd killed your drift.
Would that get a battleship?
Sure, it'd sink one. Well...
Student Harris, Paul. Very timid.
Instructor attributes
poor bombing to fear.
Recommend change of instructor
before checking for elimination.
I think we're far enough upwind.
Release the flare.
Flare away.
Bomb away.
Mister, I often wonder what
you think about when you turn
them loose - you look scared stiff.
The flick of a finger,
100 pounds of dynamite,
500 or a ton if you like,
just by moving a finger.
Yeah, that's the idea.
What's the matter - afraid those
bombs will jump back up and bite you?
No, sir, I'm not afraid,
not in the way people
usually think of being afraid.
We go by the records here, Mr Harris.
Now, you've got three bombs left,
you'd better make them good.
Release another flare.
Flare away.
That flare didn't clear us -
it's caught on our tail.
There's a flare caught on the tail.
Get back there and see what you
can do.
Pilot to crew, pilot to crew -
standby for an emergency.
What is it? It's caught on our tail.
I'll take a chance, sir, if someone
will hold my feet and swing me.
Get a rope. Yes, sir.
Hold my feet.
You'll never guess who did it.
Who? Harris.
Harris? Yep. You know I'll never
savvy that kid - I guess I had
him pegged for the wrong colour.
I appreciate your confidence,
Mr Harris, in showing us these
letters from your mother.
Any man who can do what you did
last night, any man with your
brilliant ground school record...
by theory should become
an excellent Bombardier...
..and yet your bombing average
is one of the lowest in your class.
Yes, sir.
I keep trying, sir,
but when I look at the target,
I see people...women and children.
Those letters...she says
I'm making myself a murderer.
Have you've been reading
the newspapers lately, Paul?
Yes, sir. Well, my philosophy
has always been to turn
the other cheek,
but I'm afraid we've
almost run out of cheeks.
I believe in peace
as much as your mother and
these organisations she belongs to.
Peace isn't as cheap a bargain,
Paul, as the price those people
put on it.
Those people lock themselves up
in a dream world.
You see, there are millions of other
mothers who are looking to you,
boys like you,
to destroy
the very forces of murder that your
mother mistakenly attributes to you.
The enemy's targets are everywhere,
but yours are clear and confined -
not women and children but
their arsenals for spreading death.
That's why the American Bombardiers
are trained to hit the target.
There's a little prayer for that,
Paul -
God give me not the spirit
of fear but of power and of love
for the oppressed,
a sound mind and a clear eye.
God, make me a good Bombardier that
I may destroy the poison in this cup
and quench the violence of fire and
overcome the false gods who make war
with the Lamb,
for He is the Lord of Lord
and King of Kings, and they who are
with him are called and chosen...
..and faithful.
Student Connors, Joseph.
Hospitalised with broken ribs
sustained in line of duty.
Unless released for flying duty
immediately, recommend that
student be set back a class.
What are the rumours about
Joe Connors being washed out?
The man's in the hospital. But I'm
not in the hospital, sir, I'm here.
How did you get out of the
hospital? By doctor's orders, sir.
I told Cadet Connors
he could take a little exercise...
..but I didn't mean
walking down the wall.
Excuse me, please,
I'm looking for Mamie Foster.
Excuse me, please,
I'm looking for Mamie Foster.
Mamie! Mamie!
Hello! How do you do?
I am Chito Rafferty, and from Mamie
Foster, I receive this note tied
to my parachute. Did you write this?
Yes, I wrote that. It's a joke.
It's not a good joke, and from a
nice young girl, it's a terrible
joke. What are you doing tonight?
What? I'll meet you
at the PX at 20 o'clock. What?
Why you say what? Can't you say yes?
Yes. Hasta la vista, 20 o'clock.
Student Rafferty, Ignacius.
Frequent deficiency ground school,
unable to determine cause.
Recommend change of instructors.
Rafferty, you have very good
coordination between your mind,
your eyes and your hands,
but if you could only get
over this air sickness.
Oh, it isn't air sickness.
I got things on my mind.
Student Hughes, Thomas.
Ground school very satisfactory,
frequent air sickness partially
due to air turbulence,
also have reason to believe air
sickness caused by fear.
Pilot to Bombardier,
on course and level - your ship.
Where does he think he's taking us?
I don't know.
Pilot to Bombardier, where
are you heading, bub?
The target's 30 degrees left.
It's not me, sir -
I haven't touched the control.
Cut off your bombsight.
Not that.
Hey, what's going on here?
Captain Oliver, he's always
kidding...I hope.
8134 to Bombardier radio.
8134 to Bombardier radio.
Mayday, Mayday.
8134, go ahead. Ship out of
control, automatic pilot haywire.
Control's locked, ship in 20-degree
bank, no immediate danger.
Tower to 8134, Roger.
Standby on tower frequency,
we'll contact Major Davis.
Pilot to Bombardier,
release all your bombs in salvo.
Adjust your trim tabs, see if that
won't get us out of this bank.
Sounds like they set off
with the bombs. Oh-oh.
Tower to 8134.
Tower to 8134.
Buck, try everything. If you can't
straighten her out, don't take
any chances, bail out your crew.
With a little time,
I could bring her out of it.
No use risking all those lives
just for one training ship.
Good luck, fella.
I'd like permission then, sir,
to bail out the crew
and bring her in myself.
No, let her crash in the desert.
Now you've got your orders.
Pilot to Bombardier,
have Ellis come up here.
Hey, what's going on?
I didn't know. I guess he
can't get her out of this bank.
Gee, maybe we'll get
a chance to jump.
What is it, sir?
We may have to bail out. A lot
of the man had ever jumped before.
You're pretty handy with that
jump sack,
so take off first and
show them how easy it is.
Very well, sir.
Any of you men
ever make a parachute jump?
No, sir. Why practise something that
has to be perfect the first time?
Well, you'd better make this
perfect, cos we're going for a walk.
Put on your chutes.
Pilot to crew, pilot to crew,
stand by to abandon ship.
What's the matter?
He says abandon ship.
Come on, the chutes are down here -
let's get 'em on.
Hey, Tom!
Pilot to crew, when I give you
two bells, jump and make it fast.
Carter, you and Tom
go out the Bombardier hatch.
Be sure you push yourselves free,
so you won't foul.
Count ten before you pull your
ripcord. Yes, sir.
Good luck.
That's the signal.
Watch the way I go out.
Fall freely and when you can't
hear the roar of the motors,
pull your ripcord.
Here I go.
That swing's snappy.
Well, I ain't tired.
Just one last thing
if I don't get down -
tell that little Mamie
in the parachute department
I've been dying to marry her.
Dying, why do I talk like that?! go first, Jim.
No, you go.
Come on, get your arm in here.
Wait, Jim, don't. Let me help you.
No, no, let me alone, don't!
I'm not going to jump.
What's the matter?
I don't know but I can't.
It's something in my head.
I'd rather go down with the ship.
You'll be killed!
I don't care
but I'm not going to jump.
I'll tell Buck. Buck, I'm not...!
All out down there?
No, sir.
It's me, Carter, I'm just going.
What about Tom Hughes?
He's out, sir.
Good luck.
All clear down there?
What does he think he's doing?
I told him to bail out,
not take any risks.
Tower to 8134,
tower to 8134.
'Major Davis to Buck Oliver.'
Major Davis to Buck Oliver!
'No, sir, Carter, sir.
Captain Oliver's left the ship.'
He thought everybody was out.
Only six men bailed out,
who didn't jump?!
Cadet Hughes, sir.
He stayed to try to make me bail out
but I wouldn't listen to him.
Listen, Carter,
you listen to me - you're not
in college, this is the Army.
I'm ordering you and Hughes
to bail out right now.
I'm sorry, sir,
I'd rather ride her down.
How do you like that?
He'd like to ride her down.
Kill your motors and try it.
Jim? Jim!
It won't work, it's still frozen.
'Try killing them again.'
This time, turn off the main switch.
You know,
behind the cabin bulkhead.
He says turn off the main switch.
It's off.
That's it!
Turn it back on!
It's on.
ENGINES RESTAR That did it, didn't it, Carter?
Yes, sir, the control's free now.
See that this chute gets to training
squad at Number One, will you?
Give me a lift!
Yes, sir, I'm listening.
Don't lower the landing gear, you're
not good enough for a wheel landing.
Come in on your belly.
Yes, sir.
Hold it in the glide.
Keep your air speed
between 85 and 90 per hour.
Yes, sir.
Set her down
at the end of the runway.
Use every yard of space you've got
to slide on, you'll need it.
That's too steep, Carter.
Tap on the fins, straighten her out,
you'll be in the right position.
Yes, sir. Anything else?
Yeah, cut your switches.
And pray.
He will make it, won't see, Chick?
Sure he will.
One of these monkeys
is a darn good pilot.
He'll get a washout for
this disobedience of orders.
Tom, are you all right? I'm OK.
What's the matter
with you men, are you crazy?
No, sir, it's all my fault, sir.
I refused to bail out
and Carter had to bring her in.
All right, Hughes, go with
the flight surgeon and see me later.
All right, Carter, come on out.
Coming, sir, as soon
as I get the bomb sight.
There's a lad that rates a washout,
or a transfer.
Sure, that'd be right up your alley.
Transfer a good cadet
to a pilot school.
Well, Mr Carter, I beg your pardon.
I'm sorry we didn't meet you
with a band. Certainly, sir.
All right, Doc,
here's another one for you.
When he comes to, put him on
the ramp, walking. Yes, sir.
Oh, my poor angel.
Wait a minute, I'll be right down.
See? What did I tell you?
Jim, I'm over here.
Be careful. Oh, gee!
Hey, don't go away,
I'll be right back..
Thanks for standing by Tom.
I'm not so sure it was for Tom.
Be right back.
If you walk your hours off,
you'll still get your leave tonight,
could I see you then?
Could you see me?
That's what I said.
Why, I've been wanting to make a date
with you ever since I landed here.
Then why didn't you get in
touch with me? I did. Why, I... I...
Go right ahead, son.
Don't be nervous,
say what you want to say.
After all, this is the time.
I can be a Bombardier, sir,
believe me.
I've worked hard,
but I'll work harder.
I've had my heart set
on getting up there.
I know that, Jordan,
there's nothing wrong
with your heart.
However, it's been the decision of
this board that you be eliminated.
Yes, sir.
Make a note to see if we can't find
a place for that youngster
in photographic or armament school.
He's a good boy.
Cadet Thomas Hughes.
All right, have a seat.
Cadet Hughes,
this board is to consider you
for elimination
from Bombardier training.
Later on, you may make a statement
in your own defence.
However, at the conclusion
of these proceedings
it will be impossible to reopen
them. You understand that,
of course? Yes, sir.
Major Morris, please report
Cadet Hughes' physical record.
Cadet Hughes' record is satisfactory
with one exception - he shows
frequent addiction to air sickness.
Major Driscoll, report
Cadet Hughes' military record.
Perfectly satisfactory, sir.
Captain Randall,
report Cadet Hughes' bombing record.
Bombing record - excellent, sir.
On his mission, Cadet Hughes
was given a command to leave
his plane and parachute to safety.
He disobeyed that command,
endangering not only his own life
but that of Cadet Carter, as well.
Cadet Hughes has confessed that his
refusal to jump was caused by fear.
Cadet Hughes, do you want to make
a statement to the board?
Yes, sir.
I'd like to remind them again
of my bombing record, sir,
a composite circular
of only 34 feet.
I admit I was afraid,
afraid to jump out of the plane...
but scared as I was, I could still
bomb the target, and that's
the purpose of my training, sir.
But don't you think you'd find that
anti-aircraft or enemy fighter fire
would be even more nerve-wracking
than the prospect of
a parachute jump? No, sir.
I'd still hit that target.
And someday,
if the board will give me
another chance,
I'm sure I can overcome
this other thing.
Gentlemen, I believe that.
I believe a good Bombardier
is a good Bombardier.
I believe Cadet Hughes was trying.
If he were given a further chance,
he'd justify it.
Somehow or other,
Cadet Hughes has forced himself
to overcome certain deficiencies
to make an enviable bombing record.
I suspect he was trying
to live up to an ideal.
An ideal that was too big, perhaps,
but as I said, gentlemen,
he was trying.
After all, Mr Hughes could have
ridden through the glory
with a secret,
but he chose not to do that,
because he has a certain quality of
courage which is easily overlooked.
Gentlemen, I know of no greater
courage than for a man
to call himself a coward.
Your time's up, Mr Carter,
you're dismissed. Thank you, sir.
What about Tom Hughes, sir?
Decision suspended, Major Davis
got him another chance.
Sorry, sir.
Well, what do you think
of that Washington letter?
I don't know
whether I like it or not.
A new post would
take me away from my school,
go on observation duty.
I always did kind of
want to get over there.
Of course, I would be Colonel Davis.
Colonel Quitter Davis. Hmm?
Colonel Quitter Davis,
that's what I'd call you.
Didn't you read this?
The next class of Bombardiers that
graduate get wings and commissions.
Isn't that something you've wanted,
something you've fought for?
Yes, it is.
And they'll establish Bombardier
schools all over the country.
Who's going to organise them?
You'd better read it again.
You go ahead and write it,
write it like I should write it.
I'd be delighted.
Tell them I don't want to be
Colonel Davis on a foreign mission.
Tell them I'm grateful for all
they've done for my cadets, tell...
That's all.
Major, you deserve a decoration.
And you also need a shave.
Hello. Hello.
"Hello, hello."
Is that all you can say?
Come on, let's get going.
Oh, hey, look! It's Buck.
Buck who?
You'll find out who when you get a
kick in the tail assembly. Get down!
He's still there.
Come on, you mush head,
let's get some Mexican food.
Hello, stranger, what are you
looking for? Never mind.
Hey, where is she?
What's that, what did you say?
You heard me, where is she?
Who? You know who,
you've kept her here all hours.
I've hardly seen her for days.
That ought to make her happy.
Have you been pulling rank
to keep her away from me?
I could take her away from you
if I was a buck private.
Not if you were
a regiment of buck privates.
Remember what General Forrest said
in the Civil War?
Yeah, I know.
Get there first-est
with the most-est.
Ah, what a memory.
You have been changed
into a sleeping statue, Obmadali,
so sleep a deep and pleasant sleep
and float high into the heavens.
Fly with me on the wings
of the angels into a land
where unhappiness is unknown.
Sleep on and float higher
and higher,
and now in the name of the unknown
and all that is mysterious...
Why don't you go up
and get sawed in half?
..Obmadali, to vanish!
Thank you. And now for my final
I would like to offer you
the great Romosoli mystery
and for this illusion
I'll need two bright young men
out of the audience.
Come, come, you need not be afraid.
Go on up.
Go on.
You wouldn't...
I went up on a stage
for a hypnotist once.
He went like that at me
and I took off all my clothes.
Hey, Buck!
Ah, two of the bravest men
in the house.
Just a moment, gentlemen,
I'd like to have you help me,
if you don't mind.
Hello. Hello. Hello.
Hello. Hello. Hello.
Stand over here,
and, you, right over here,
and, by the way,
here's a bouquet for you.
Now, close your eyes
and dream of something beautiful.
That's right, just relax and rest
in the arms of Morpheus.
Now make a wish, and if it's within
the power of the spirits
of the great Obmadali,
your wish will come true.
And you.
And now you close your eyes.
Oh, no hypnotism.
Oh, no, no hypnotism
just close your eyes.
La Belle Circe.
Oh, look. I am looking.
Bombs away.
Step over here.
That's fine, right here.
Will you step in here, gentlemen?
That's right.
La Belle Circe, will you join the
gentlemen in the enchanted cabinet?
Now all join hands.
Join hands, please.
Don't be afraid of her,
gentlemen, she will not harm you.
Now, hold her hands, and,
whatever you do, don't let her go.
You're in the land of enchantment.
# Roll away with the Bombardiers
# Rack up the eggs
Line up the Golden Goose
# Soar away with the Bombardiers
# We're heading for the spot
to turn them loose
# High or low, in rain or snow
Or 'neath the tropical sun
# Off we go, look out below
We've got a job to be done
# With bombs, bombs, bombs
dropped as souvenirs
# From the US bombardiers
# We're ready to make a fight
# The gunner is at his sight
# The bomber is fuelled
and set to go
# The weather is clear tonight
# A typical bomber's moon
# The motors are all in tune
# The pilots are in the cockpit
# So we've got to get going soon
# We're going to make them yell
# We're going to give them hell
# So roll away with the Bombardiers
# Roar up the eggs,
line up the Golden Goose
# Roar away with the Bombardiers
# We're heading for the spot
to turn them loose
# High or low in rain or snow
or 'neath the tropical sun
# Off we go, look out below,
we've got a job to be done
# With bombs, bombs, bombs
dropped as souvenirs
# From the US Bombardiers! #
Pilot to Bombardier.
When are you going to give me
your calibrated altitude?
We're 12,000 now.
We're at about 18,000, sir.
Will you make the first approach
a dry run, please?
All right, mister,
you'll probably need it.
I'd like to drop
some at 30,000 once.
You'll get your chance. Wait till
you get in a Flying Fortress.
Major Davis to Captain Oliver.
Listen, Buck, this is supposed to be
a record bombing mission,
not a demonstration of
your flying ability.
Instructor to pilot,
instructor to pilot.
Instructor to pilot! That's funny.
What's that fool trying to do?
Looks like somebody
hanging out of the escape hatch!
Radio car to Army 102.
Buck! Buck!
Oh, Jim!
Buck Oliver!
'Report to operations.
'Land as soon as possible.'
You've just killed a man.
Who were the cadets on that ship?
Who were the cadets on that ship?!
Cadets Carter and Hughes.
Who was it, Sergeant? Was it Tom?
Sergeant, is Burt inside?
Yes, sir, crying.
Buck, I wouldn't go in there now
if I were you.
But I got to see Burt,
I want to explain what happened.
It's going to be awful hard
to make her understand now.
Why don't you wait for a while?
Chick, I want you to know that
I didn't...
Listen, Buck, I believe you.
But there's going to have to be
an investigation,
and the Board is going to insist on
knowing all the facts.
Captain Oliver.
Captain Oliver, the charges against
you have been duly considered.
This Board of Inquiry
and Major Davis have investigated
the evidence purporting to show
that your oxygen equipment failed.
You have been found not guilty
as charged. Thank you, gentlemen.
The Board is dismissed.
Hey, Chick, I don't suppose
it would mean much to say
I appreciate all you've done for me
in this mess.
Forget it, nobody whitewashed you.
The Board did what was right.
There couldn't be any other verdict.
Perhaps, but it doesn't make it
any different.
Every time I fly over that area,
I think of that...
That kid tumbling through space.
You didn't try to see Burt
before she left? No, I...
What you said that day, Chick,
was very true.
I guess I was a little punch drunk,
wanting to talk to her
right after it happened,
and finally, when my sights cleared,
I couldn't talk, not to anybody.
Except you, maybe.
Funny, I always could talk to you.
When do you expect her back?
I don't know, she's going to be gone
a couple of weeks, I guess.
I'll be gone then.
Your mind's made up?
Yep, definitely. I want to be
transferred away from here.
OK, fella, I'll recommend it to
Washington. I'm going to miss you.
You're a great guy, Chick.
Used to be a great pilot too.
Always kind of hated to see
material like Chick Davis
wasted on an aerial kindergarten.
Maybe someday you'll find
it wasn't wasted. So long, Buck.
Goodbye, Mr Chips.
Oh, Buck, I just heard
the good news. That's swell.
Thanks, Charlie.
Oh, I did what you asked me to do -
I sent her the flowers and wrote
that letter we talked about.
Heard from her?
No. Letters are
funny things, Chaplain.
If you wait for them,
they don't seem to come.
I guess if a letter really wants to
find a guy,
it'll catch up with him, somewhere.
And now, a moment of silent prayer.
The Japs
are attacking Pearl Harbor!
Well, I guess you all heard.
This is it.
We've got a big job to do,
we'll do it.
Gentlemen, there's a date
we'll always remember...
..and they'll never forget.
Bombs away.
Come over in formation, drop the
remainder of the bombs in train.
Chick and Chaplain Craig explained
to me exactly what happened
in the plane that day
and I'm sure you'll never quite
realise how sorry I was
to find you'd gone when I came back.
Is that the letter you've been
threatening to write to Buck?
Could be. Did you tell him
I was a full colonel?
I'm telling him everything.
Here it is. All trained combat crews
are being dispatched
to active duty with Colonel Davis.
Yes, it's Colonel Davis
now in command of the group.
You'd better stop typing.
You may be leaving something out of
there you really ought to tell Buck.
I think I'm covering everything.
Burt, have you ever... Have I ever
called you Burt before?
No, but I like it.
Yeah, I kind of like it too.
Burt, have you ever thought
of getting married?
Oh, yes.
You have? Well, certainly.
So have I.
You know in every fella's life...
er...that is nine out of ten men,
there was always...
Do I sound like I'm proposing?
Yeah, I was afraid of that,
but what I started to say was I...
Those parachute flares arrived yet?
Four weeks ago.
Four weeks ago -
should have known that.
What I was going to say, I might
as well get it off my chest...
Chick, I...
I think you're a wonderful guy.
You're so much like a man
I knew when I was a little girl...
I see what you mean.
You mean your father.
That's right.
That's done it.
I got to see a man
about an aeroplane.
Sarge, did you order
a couple of extra 50s?
Yeah, put them in my ship.
I wonder if I've forgotten anything.
You forgot to salute, didn't you?
Yes, sir.
I made it, sir.
After I was washed out, I got
a transfer. How did that happen?
Oh, I don't know, sir,
I guess brains and hard work,
and what do you think, sir?
I'm going WITH you,
I'm your armament man.
Oh, is that so?
Well, that's amazing.
I'm glad to hear it, Sergeant.
Thank you, sir.
What are you doing, Sarge,
a little light housekeeping?
Yeah, I think I get me some of
them little bitty chintz curtains.
Why don't you get a canary?
Listen, bub, when I get in there,
there ain't going to be
no room for no canary.
Chito, honey, where are you going?
Please, darling,
where can I write to you?
It is a military secret
especially for women.
Well, baby,
if you just give me a hint.
Col Davis said we're going to Equis.
But where is Equis?
W X Y C, Equis marks the spot.
Oh, X marks the spot.
Chito, you can't take with you.
That's what I keep trying
to tell her.
The base is back that way.
I know, darling, I know.
Sergeant, I want to personally
to give this to Captain Oliver.
What is this? I'll explain later.
Captain Oliver, how do you
know I'm going to see him?
Oh, you know something I don't know,
Well, Colonel, you always
wanted to go to combat,
you must be the happiest man
on earth.
Yes, Burt, I've waited a long time
for this.
Chick, give those Japs hell.
Sometimes I resent
being so broadminded.
Shoving off, Lieutenant.
Jim, we're shoving off!
I don't like to say goodbye.
So long, sir.
Major Oliver, sir,
reporting for duty.
Major, huh, they don't care who
they promote nowadays, do they?
That's what I was thinking, Colonel.
Anyway, thanks for sending for me,
Don't thank me till you find out
what your mission is. When?
Tonight, surprise attack.
Good, you pitch 'em
and I'll catch 'em.
Come on, fella,
I'll get your organised.
Hey, Jordan!
Couldn't be Pete Jordan, could it?
Technical Sgt Pete Jordan, sir,
I keep getting fancier stripes all
the time. I can't figure out who...
Have a talk with me sometime, Pete,
something tells me it's the same
bird who got me the oak leaves.
Quite a mind reader, aren't you?
Sergeant? Yes, sir.
Load Major Oliver's ship
with incendiaries. Yes, sir. Hey,
don't I get to play with these demos?
No demolition bombs for you, Buck.
No, I need you to fly that ship low,
they like those Jap targets.
I remember when you
didn't like fireworks. Pay off for
them over here.
I figure you take off 35 minutes
before the main squadron.
You'll be on your own, of course.
Uh-huh. These targets will be widely
separated. By the time we get
there I want to see plenty of flame.
By the time you get there
it'll look like the Chicago Fire.
Hey, Sarge, when you get cooped up
in that tail gun position,
what are you going to do
about the juice? Swally it.
Go ahead, Buck,
make tomorrow's headlines.
All right, men, Major Oliver
will light them, we'll bomb them.
Of course you've
all played football? Yes, sir.
This is the kick-off.
Flight Commander to crew,
Flight Commander to crew.
I'll circle the field once
as you climb into formation
and hit our heading west.
Navigator to pilot, navigator
to pilot, we're approaching land.
That's Japan. Yeah.
'Attention, crew, approaching land.'
How do you all feel? 'Connors, sir.'
I feel good but I've
got funny bumps all over my arms.
Those are goose pimples.
Could be.
Navigator to pilot, navigator to
pilot, directly over initial point,
heading from here to target
30 degrees.
'Navigator to Flight Commander.'
Navigator to Flight Commander, from
here on we fly a 280 degree heading.
Roger. Flight Commander to group,
Flight Commander to group.
Stand by and keep your eyes peeled,
from here on we can expect anything.
'Pilot to bombardier,'
lock right into your target
and level off at 2,000 feet.
That'll give you 20 seconds to drop
the incendiaries. Yes, sir,
I'm ready.
Hit number four motor.
Other prop!
Start number four extinguisher.
Prepare to abandon ship.
Ah! I didn't even get a shot.
Radio operator,
radio operator,
code distance as it applies
to Colonel Chick Davis.
Listen, forced to bail out
over Nagoya.
Radio operator to Flight Commander.
68 badly shot up over Nagoya,
crew bailed out.
Anything else?
Yes, sir, it's rather difficult to
decode, it says O stands for zero.
Do you understand it, sir?
Yeah, I understand.
Flight Commander to all ships,
Major Oliver shot down over Nagoya,
there'll be no incendiaries
to guide us.
Change attack plans
at final objective, area bombing.
Drop them in train at intervals at
100 feet, I'll signal from my ship.
O for zero.
You stand.
You stand!
Bow head.
Bow head!
Hey, Major, that letter's for you.
Is it from Burt?
I forgot she told me...
Major, where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
Maybe you would rather talk alone.
Come along.
Buck... Buck.
Here they come.
Japs ahead.
On your toes!
Nice shooting!
You are very stubborn, Major.
Nobody talked.
Sergeant, you remain, please.
Japanese do not scream.
Perhaps now you talk.
Navigator to Flight Commander,
target 12 minutes away.
And here's Dutch Harbor,
and this is Midway Island.
You've heard of that.
And here's... Here's the Land
of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Is that clear?
It is very clear, you have
talked but have said nothing.
Stupid Americans, all your planes
have been destroyed.
Your mission is a failure,
there is no longer a reason to keep
your base a secret.
Now I give you ten seconds to talk.
Shoot, shoot!
I see a little fire to the
green side. That's Nagoya.
This is it. Welcome to Nagoya.
Navigator number two to Flight
Commander, fire on green side.
Looks like Nagoya assembly plant.
Oh, nice going, Buck.
Flight Commander to all planes,
Flight Commander to all planes,
resume your original attack plans.
Your target is
on the green side, in flames.
Come on, Chick.
Bring on your bombardiers!
There's your target.
If you don't blow that to something,
you'll have to answer
to Buck and his crew.
Come on, Rafferty, Harris, Carter -
give 'em the works!
Come on, Carter boy.
Drop those blockbusters in there.
But if Buck's down there, sir...
Drop them, I tell you,
or you don't belong in
the same army with him.
God make me a good bombardier.
Put one in the smokestack.
Which one? Centre one. That's easy.
Bombs away. Bombs away. Bombs away.
So sorry.
Goodbye, Mr Chips.
To put out fire with fire - that is
the crusade of the bombardiers,
who are already building
a great American tradition.
And there are others on the way,
a hundred thousand strong.