Book Club: The Next Chapter (2023) Movie Script

("American Girl" by Tom Petty
& the Heartbreakers playing)
Well, she was
an American girl
Raised on promises
She couldn't help
thinking that there
Was a little more to life
Somewhere else
After all,
it was a great big world
With lots of places
to run to
And if she had to die
trying, she
Had one little promise
she was gonna keep
Oh, yeah
All right
Take it easy, baby
-Make it last all night
-Make it last all night
She was an American girl...
How does a woman in her 70s
end up getting married?
It all started
when the world shut down.
(song fades)
Okay. All I see here is me.
This is not what I want
to be looking at.
Diane, you're muted.
Seriously, how do I just not see
my own face this big, huh?
You're muted.
Diane, you're muted.
Alexa, join my meeting.
VIVIAN (over speaker):
Hello, ladies.
-SHARON: Hello.
Viv, have you been at
Arthur's condo this whole time?
Nine days.
It's a world record.
Are you drinking at work?
Well, technically,
the courts are closed,
so it's just me
and Judge Walker.
My restaurant's closed, too.
They said it might be
two whole weeks.
Okay, I figured it out.
Why am I a potato?
Ay, ay, ay.
Shall we talk about
Normal People?
Something we have
very little experience with.
How do I stop being a potato?
One thing's for sure:
It went on longer
than anyone imagined.
Ah. Untamed.
The harrowing true story
of Viv's nether region
if the waxing salon
doesn't reopen soon.
All that's been lasered away
years ago.
Yeah. (chuckles)
Excuse me, um, it's 7:00 p.m.
-(clattering, metallic banging)
-Oh, my...
Thank you, health-care workers!
-VIVIAN: Thank you!
No one's enjoying their
quarantine more than you, Viv.
We stayed connected
and were there for each other
through personal hardships.
Look who's home
from the hospital.
Bruce, you look great.
A minor heart attack.
I'm doing fine.
We're just taking it easy.
-No more cheeseburgers.
-Oh, yeah, but look.
-(Diane laughs)
Got these special cookies.
They're shaped like an aorta.
-(Diane chuckles)
(cookie clatters)
DIANE: And through
professional milestones.
For she's a jolly
good fellow
Which nobody can deny.
I've already been asked
to perform three weddings.
Once you take senior status,
that's all you're good for.
-That's so sweet.
-SHARON: It's degrading.
I didn't go to law school
so I could tell
the children of my colleagues
they could kiss.
And like so many people,
the time apart gave us the
opportunity to try new things.
(playing discordantly)
That was a little dark, but...
I'm pickling my own cucumbers.
Oh! Oh!
I have adopted a rescue parrot.
His name is Sylvester.
-Are you a good boy?
Sylvester's been rehomed.
DIANE: And forced us
to deal with things
-we'd been putting off.
-(Diane screams, others gasp)
This is all I'm keeping.
Well, good you're hanging on
to that coffee can, though.
This is Harry.
Well, yeah, the ashes.
The-the ashes of Harry. See?
Was his dying wish
to be a latte?
You-you can't just
leave him there.
Wait a minute.
Do you think he's better off
on the mantel
in Mitchell's bedroom?
VIVIAN: Probably not
what your late husband imagined
as his eternal resting place.
Back in the box you go.
There you go.
No, go spread them somewhere.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
I mean, I'm just supposed to go
dump him in the fields?
-He's allergic to horses.
-(Vivian chuckles)
For a while, it felt like
it was never going to end.
I liked this,
but if I wanted to read a story
of a woman trapped at home,
slowly going crazy,
I would've read my own diaries.
DIANE: But everything
comes to an end at some point.
We had a great run, didn't we?
It was the best restaurant
in Brentwood.
It was the best
restaurant in Los Angeles.
-Yeah, definitely.
-That's true.
You guys are nice.
Well, I was gonna retire
someday anyway.
Come join me on the other side.
It's boring, but it's boring.
DIANE: Well, it had been
quite an experience,
but our time apart
was finally coming to an end,
and a new journey together
was about to begin.

DIANE (singsongy):
Knock, knock!
(both laugh)
Oh, my God.
This still feels illegal.
Oh, no.
-Yeah. -I refuse to outlaw
the hug. (chuckles)
What's going on here, huh?
Have we officially hit the stage
where we cover
our furniture in plastic?
No, this is what happens
when you have
-too much time on your hands.
-Yeah. (chuckles)
I actually tried
to retile the bathroom, too.
-That did not go well.
-It's terrible.
-Yoo-hoo. (chuckles)
-Oh, please.
I'm retired,
so no need for formalities.
-"Your Honor" is fine.
I never thought I'd be
this happy to hug you. Oh.
Yeah. I get that a lot.
-Oh! Hello.
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, I'm so happy to see you.
-Oh, my God. Oh, hi.
Hi, sweetheart.
-And my pal.
-Hey, Slim.
Oh, this is so great.
-How are you, Slim?
-I'm so excited.
Viv, uh, just one question.
What's going on with the gloves?
-Are you planning
a jewelry heist? -(laughs)
Or maybe becoming
an amateur mime?
Or even a professional mime,
-if you put your mind to it.
Now, that would be
an exciting change.
Well, actually, there has been
an exciting change.
-(others gasping)
-SHARON: Oh, my.
What's going... What?
Oh, my God.
-You're engaged?
-Oh, it's gorgeous.
-Can you believe it?
-No, I can't.
-Oh, I have so many questions.
-When did this happen?
Wait, wait, wait.
Come sit down and tell us
-every single thing.
-We need details.
-Yeah, okay.
Oh, my God, Viv,
this is amazing.
-Oh, no.
Oh, my God. Well, uh, it was
actually... it was last night.
I can't believe
that it was last night.
We were walking back
to the apartment,
and he made some comment
about proposing,
and I made a comment,
"Well, if not now, when?"
Because in another 50 years,
I may not find him
as attractive as I do now.
And right then, we were
in front of a jewelry store.
And before I know it,
we're in the store,
saying, "Should we do this?
I mean, should we get married?"
-And we are!
-(others exclaiming, laughing)
-Oh, my God. Oh!
-We are.
To Viv and Arthur.
Oh, thank you.
-Oh, beautiful.
Thank you, my pals.
So, do you have a date yet?
Oh, I think I'll go with Arthur.
As my date.
Do we have to laugh
at her bad jokes
-since she's the bride?
-No, well, I think we do.
-I think that's the rule.
Sharon is correct.
Look at you.
-Is this new?
-Well, it is to me.
I assume the man who owns it
purchased it years ago.
Oh, well, I'm glad your vagina
hasn't claimed senior status.
-Who's the lucky sailor?
-Not a clue.
I found it in the back seat
of my car. Finders keepers.
-Oh, my God.
I really don't understand
how you make that work.
Well, now you know why she keeps
having to get her hip replaced.
People with mechanical knees
should not throw stones.
-Oh. Oh, my God, you guys.
-What? What?
I have to show you what I found
when I was cleaning up.
Cleaning up?
What did it look like before?
Look. I think it's an omen.
An omen?
This is from the trip
that never was.
Remember, we were all
gonna go to Italy.
Oh, Italy.
-CAROL: Right?
-SHARON: Oh, my God.
Our dream vacation,
before, of course,
I got pregnant
and ruined everything.
-Pan Am?
Can you believe
that one of these
used to get us on a plane?
I can't even look at those.
"Surprise Gianni.
Taste his magical
meatballs again."
-"Do not live in fear."
-Oh, God.
Okay, that's not...
-"Taste his magical meatballs"?
"Do not live in fear"?
How big are they?
-Oh, Gianni.
Who is Gianni?
Okay, he was the Italian hottie
from my cooking school
a million trillion years ago.
Probably fat and bald now.
-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
-Don't ruin my memories.
-Anyway, that's not the point.
-The point is I found this.
The travel ban is lifted,
and I think
we should all go to Italy.
Italy? Whoa.
I mean, I barely made it here.
Yeah, I-I-I can't go
anywhere, right?
I'm a newly engaged woman,
Oh, that-that's it.
We'll make it
Viv's bachelorette.
Oh, I literally
just got chill bumps.
It's perfect.
You want us to run around Italy
like a bunch of teenagers?
The book says ignoring the signs
is what ruins a life.
-We can't reject our destiny.
I love the idea
of drinking Italian wine
and celebrating Vivian,
but can't we just do that
from here?
I'm with Shar.
You know, it-it doesn't feel
right leaving Arthur right now.
And my little Ginsburger
has not been feeling well.
-I don't feel good about
leaving her, either. -Mm.
You know that we might never
have a chance
to do something like this again.
Such is fate.
A bachelorette?
And you said you didn't
want to go because of me?
No. Well, I mean, yeah,
that's what I said,
but not because of you.
Because of us.
-You know, our relationship.
Well, that's not right.
Not because of
"our relationship."
Because of our engagement.
I mean, my point was
we're engaged,
so if I'm gonna run off
to Italy,
-it should be with you.
Well, I'd love that,
but just 'cause we're engaged
doesn't mean you can't go on
a trip with your best friends.
Viv, Jesus Christ.
Actually, that is
Saint Christopher.
Oh, God.
He's the patron saint of travel.
So, if you're planning a trip,
well, this is
the right place to start.
-How about that for a sign?
-(phone ringing)
-Oh, boy.
Hello. You've reached the home
of the retired and gifted.
we need to go to Italy.
Why are you saying that?
I already told you I can't go.
I wanted to score a few points
by telling Arthur
that I wasn't gonna go
because I'm being sensitive
to his feelings
now that we're "en-fianced."
That's not a word.
"En-fianced," "a-fianced."
-I-I don't know.
-(church organ playing)
Where are you?
I'm in a church.
You're in a church?
We're looking for a venue
for the wedding.
You're going to get married
in a church?
Hope they don't run
a background check.
I'm shocked you didn't
burst into flames
as you crossed the threshold.
The point is, Sharon,
now if we don't go,
he'll think I think
he was testing me
and that I don't think
he actually thinks we should go.
I-I think
you're overthinking this.
I don't think so.
-I think we need to go.
-SHARON: Ginsie.
-Honey, it's Sharon. Say hi.
Oh, hey. Hi, Sharon.
I'm excited about
your trip to Italy.
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
Oh, Sh-Sharon,
y-you're on speaker in a church.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Uh, I'll call you back.
It's another omen.
DIANE (over phone):
I don't understand.
Dead like dead-dead?
Yes. What other kind
of dead is there?
Don't cats have nine lives?
Ho-Hold on. Sharon's coming.
They think it was just old age.
It's unnatural for your child
to go before you.
Aw, honey.
-Honey, I'm so sorry.
Well, I'm-I'm just on
with Diane.
I'll put her on speaker.
Oh, no, no, no,
wait, wait, wait, no, no.
I would just say
the wrong thing.
Hi, Di.
No, even my name is wrong
at a time like this.
I think this might be an omen.
Yes, the universe is conspiring.
I mean, is... Oh, God.
Is it? Is it really?
And even if it's not,
I say we discuss it in Italy.
Are you serious?
I'm retired. My cat is dead.
We're talking about
going to the top
wine-producing country
in the world.
Yes, I'm serious.
Let's do this.
I'm looping in Viv.
We have to go to Italy.
You're in, too?
Didn't Sharon tell you
what happened?
-About her cat?
-No. Arthur.
Oh, God. Did he die, too?
I was worried there was a theme.
He thinks it would be wrong
for us not to go.
I mean, is that sweet or what?
You should marry that guy.
And I will.
But first, Italy.
-MITCHELL: Can you believe it?
You're on your way to Tuscany.
Ugh. God.
-Ugh, I know.
You're the first person
in the world to "ugh" Tuscany.
I wasn't "ugh-ing" Tuscany.
Ah, nice try.
There's just an absurdity
to the whole thing.
A bachelorette trip?
What are we doing?
Well, Vivian's getting married.
Which is, you know,
a little bit nuts.
I think it's very romantic.
But it's also nuts.
You got to admit that.
Well, you're the one
who's been married before.
You tell me.
No, no. I was pregnant.
It's different.
Oh, that's so romantic.
Not as romantic as
never getting married at all.
One little goodbye kiss, maybe?
-A little goodbye...
-Maybe one.
Oh, excited.
Oh. Mm.
-Get out of here.
-Uh-huh. Okay.
Love you.
Now it's hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Go, go, Joe
You mixed-up siciliano
All you calabrese
Do the mambo like-al and
Hey, goombah
I love-a how you dance rumba
But take-a some advice,
Learn how to mambo
If you're gonna be a square
You're never gonna
go nowhere
Hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Hey, mambo
Hey, mambo italiano
Go, go, Joe,
shake-a like a Giovanno
Hello, che si dice?
Get-a happy in the feets-a
When you mambo italiano
Hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Hey, mambo...
Look at this place.
I can't believe
we're actually here.
I love this city.
-Rome. Roma.
-(bell tolling)
And not just because I had
due proseccos at lunch.
-Yeah, sure.
Me, too. I love anything that's
falling apart more than I am.
-You know,
it's amazing, though, isn't it,
how many tourists there are
in the world?
Well, wait a minute.
We're tourists.
-Yes, but we're different.
-We're not so obvious.
No, no, no. Judge's fanny pack
screams, "I'm a local."
-It's called a waist wallet.
-Oh, well, that changes
everything. -(laughs)
Yeah, and it's not just fashion.
-It's also functional.
-No. Ah...
Hey, is it time?
-Oh, yeah. No, no.
-It is time.
-Oh, yes.
-Let's do it.
-Oh, my God, you...
-Yes, yes!
Oh, I can't believe you guys.
Well, believe it, because
this is your bachelorette.
-Oh, my God.
And we're not gonna
let you forget it, okay?
-Oh, and there's a veil.
-Oh. Oh, yeah.
Oh, my Lord.
-Congratulations to the bride!
-There you go.
Oh, thank you.
-Thank you, thank you.
-Thank you.
Oh, God, you look so great.
-You look perfect.
-(squeals, laughs)
VIVIAN: I look like
a crossing guard in this.
No, crossing guards
wear vests now.
-(speaking Italian)
-("Sono Bugiarda" playing)
What did he say?
I'm-I'm trying...
I'm trying to translate here.
Oh, okay, "vecchie."
It means "old."
-He called us old?
He basically called us
an old fruit.
-Oh, my...
I'm gonna cause
an international incident.
-Wait. "Dolce" means "sweet."
-Yeah. What?
Okay. "The older the vines,
the sweeter the fruit."
-(laughter, muttering)
-Yes, we've still got it.
-Look at us.
Yeah, we got it.
The question is:
What are we gonna do with it?
Well, this is
a bachelorette party,
-so you know what that means.
It means that we go
see naked men.
("Sono Bugiarda
(I'm a Believer)" continues)
What's the protocol here?
Where do I stuff
the dollar bills?
I-I think some of these guys
are the same dancers
-from my bachelorette party.
Look at those nail beds.
(Sharon sighs)
I really need a pedicure.
"I lost my hand!"
Nic Cage, Moonstruck.
Oh, wow.
She's almost 2,000 years old.
She's definitely had work done.
I got the same perm
back in 1982.
In his defense,
it is a little chilly in here.
Give him some credit.
I mean,
he's a thousand years old
and still hard as a rock.
Oh, my God.
What is Bruce doing?
Wait a minute.
Are you spying on him?
No, no, I got an alert.
There was movement
in the kitchen.
Oh, God. He can't...
What, is he insane?
-Oh, uno momen...
(yells, whimpers)
Carol, you scared
the hell out of me.
Bruce, you know you're not
allowed to eat bacon.
No, no, it's not
what it looks like.
It looks like you're hiding
bacon behind your back.
No bacon.
I see you, Bruce.
(song fades)
-Oh, oh.
-Oh... Oh, whoa.
I've never seen
anything like it.
I'm so glad we did this.
-DIANE: Me, too.
-CAROL (chuckles): Me, too.
Oh, look. Here we go.
This is Via dei Coronari.
-What's Via dei Coronari?
-This road.
So it's-it's beautiful
and we're taking it.
Wha... I don't think
there's an ugly street
-in this entire city, is there?
-No. Right.
-I don't think so.
-Ah, and-and look.
Is it a sign?
Oh, I think it is.
I think it is definitely a sign.
(doorbell buzzing)
That is a sign, literally.
"Chiuso." Closed.
-Oh, shucks. (laughs)
(speaking Italian)
And you must be the bride.
-Well, how did you know?
What did you gals do?
DONATO: Welcome to
my humble little factory.
-VIVIAN (chuckling): Wow.
-DONATO: Grazie.
-Oh. Whoa.
Oh, my gosh.
So, describe to me the dress.
Tell me anything
that comes to your mind.
Sexy but traditional.
Sexy. Naturalmente, of course.
-No, and timeless.
-SHARON: That's a good call.
The last thing you want
when you look back
at your photos 50 years from now
is to wonder,
"What the hell was I thinking?"
-(laughing): Right.
Ciao. Can I interest anyone
in a prosecco?
-Yes, you bet.
Me, and you should be
interested, too.
Oh, yeah.
Well, uh, let's have
some fun, girls, huh?
To fun.
("Ciao Ciao" by La
Rappresentante di Lista plays)
-Oh, gorgeous. Oh.
-(laughter, gasping)
(Donato speaks Italian)
Is this it?
Whoa. Whoa, whoa.
You don't pick the first one.
You're not getting off
that easily.
-It's too bridal.
You look like Hugh Hefner.
It's not bridal enough.
I think you should change.
Thank you so much.
God, I'd like to serve you
for Christmas dinner.
Oh, my God.
-Okay. Less bird. Next.
Someone else next.
Fine. When in Rome.
I'm not putting on
one other thing
until you're all in couture.
You're not getting out of this.
I'm not getting into this.
(speaking Italian)
-You know...
-S. I know just the one.
Oh, my... Oh.
I feel like I just escaped
from the trunk of a Cadillac.
(others gasping)
-CAROL: Judge, looking good.
Yeah, if I were at
a Renaissance fair.
-Oh, Diane, look.
I literally thought
that was you.
-I love that.
-It's... (groans)
So, what do you think?
-That I don't like you.
-(Donato chuckles)
-CAROL: Holy moly.
-Oh, Diane.
-You look more like you
than you ever have. -(chuckles)
We are sending
-a picture of this to Mitchell.
-(camera clicks)
No, no, no, no.
Wait a minute. Are you nuts?
-Too late.
-Please don't send it.
Sharon, un-send it.
Just because I know
how to not make myself a potato
doesn't mean I'm Steve Jobs.
-(speaking Italian)
-I mean...
Another one for the bride-to-be.
Okay, I need more drink.
-Oh, my God.
(gasps) Whoa.
-SHARON: Whoa.
-DIANE: Oh, no way.
Slim, yowza.
Oh, my God, I'd marry you.
Oh, my gosh, Viv, it's stunning.
Is it how you always
imagined yourself as a bride?
-I never imagined myself
as a bride. -(chuckles)
Which is funny because
we always hosted weddings
at the Quinn-Henry,
but I never imagined my own.
How does it feel?
Mm, I love the fabric.
I know. (speaks Italian)
It's the finest, but...
how do you feel?
Is this the right one?
What do you think?
It's perfect.
-Truly, truly stunning.
We'll take it.
(chuckles) Yes.
-DIANE: Hey! Yeah.
-SHARON: Here they are.
Oh, what'd you get?
VIVIAN: Do you know
that Mitchell's real name
is Michelangelo?
-VIVIAN: And...
Arturo. It's a much sexier name
than Arthur, right?
Everything is sexier in Italy.
Well, I know I am.
-Right, Giuseppe?
-Of course.
-(cell phone dinging)
Oh, God.
Because you sent him
that picture.
-What? Let...
-DIANE: What?
"A true work of art.
And the dress
ain't bad, either."
-Oh, great line.
This guy. Oh, God.
-Hey, cheers.
-Hey, cheers is right.
-Cheers. -Cheers.
-Here we go.
Rome is a great walking city,
but it's an even better
sit-down-and-drink-wine city.
So true.
I think you say that
about every city.
What? No, e-every city
is not good for walking.
The best walking city
is Venezia.
(gasps) Oh, I love Venice.
Sh... Should we go?
-To Venice?
-(speaks Italian) Of course.
Going to Venezia is never
the wrong decision.
I-I have a friend
with a great hotel there.
Where do you not have
a friend with a hotel?
-Well, not many places.
Well, I-I think we should
just stay the course
and go to Tuscany.
Venice is the most special city
in the world.
The treasure of Italy.
-"The treasure of Italy."
-DIANE: Uh...
Wasn't the guy in The Alchemist
searching for treasure?
This is the universe
telling us we should go.
Or is it a street artist
telling us to go?
I mean, no offense, obviously.
I say it's a sign.
And it's my bachelorette,
Judge, do you maybe want
to overrule this?
I'm the one wearing the sash,
so what I say goes.
New plan: Andiamo a Venezia.
Is there room in this new plan
for sleeping?
Is 6:00 p.m. an appropriate
bachelorette bedtime?
-Very standard, actually.
Tomorrow, we leave
early in the morning.
For the beautiful woman.
-(women gasping)
-CAROL: Oh, wow.
You really are sexier in Italy.
It-it's like looking
in a mirror.
Thank you.

Thank you. Grazie. Thank you.
-Let's see. Where is Venice?
-Oh, I don't...
-We're going...
-Oh, wow.
-(man speaks Italian)
-Oh, hi.
-Prima classe?
-Yeah, for sure.
Yeah, first class.
Where you going?
-Ah, Venezia.
(speaking Italian)
We'll help you with the luggage.
Allow us, please.
-We'll help you.
-Thank you.
Venezia. Uh, plenty of time.
Well, that's very kind.
Thank you.
This is for both of you.
Thank you so much.

-Where's Venezia?
-See it?
-You see Venice?
-I can't read any of that.
There's Venezia.

(snoring softly)
(speaking Italian)
Benvenute a Venezia.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-(Vivian groans)
-Come on, everybody.
-Okay. Yeah.
-All right.
Diane, can you hand me my purse?
Oh, wait a minute.
Um, no.
Oh, my God, I don't see...
It's-it's not up here.
Well, where is it?
-DIANE: Um... Oh.
-(speaks Italian)
Everything okay?
I can't find my purse.
I've got mine.
But now is not
the time to gloat.
Do you think it was stolen?
I didn't see anyone
come through.
Yeah, Carol, are you sure
you put it up here?
-I-I... I thought I did.
Oh, God.
Ah. Aha. Aha.
Wait. Wait.
Thank you. Thank you.
I was so nervous
that we'd been robbed.
Uh, sir, where can we find
our checked bags?
What do you mean,
"checked bags"?
Oh, the ones that we gave
to the porters in Rome.
I'm sorry,
but we don't have any porters.
Wh-When did you get rid
of the porters?
(announcement in Italian)
No wonder the porters
were so surprised
when I gave them a tip.
Well, it's probably
not every day
that someone gives them cash
to steal their luggage.
Yeah, I just can't believe this.
I can't lose that bag.
Well, I know
it's annoying, honey,
but it's not the end
of the world.
You don't understand.
It might be good to get you
some fresh clothes.
Everything is replaceable.
No, not everything is. No.
Okay, Diane, I think you're
blowing this out of proportion.
Harry's ashes are in the bag.
-What?! Oh, God.
-DIANE: Yeah.
You brought Harry's ashes
to a bachelorette party?
-Are you nuts?
-DIANE: You're the one
that said I shouldn't
leave him in the closet.
So you brought him to Italy?
In a checked bag?
-Like a serial killer.
-Is that even legal?
You're asking me?
-Oh, buongiorno.
-Oh, yes.
-CAROL: Oh, buongiorno.
-VIVIAN: Yeah.
So, we have made the report.
Okay, and, uh...
If, uh, anything turns up,
we will let you know.
That's it? Because we've been
sitting here for two hours,
and that's all we're gonna get?
No, that is not all.
I feel very bad for you.
Oh, you feel bad for us?
We don't need a man
to take pity on us.
No, your lazy police work
is more than sufficient.
I'm just curious.
if you do find the bags,
will you be going through them?
I don't typically
make it a habit...
Oh. go through
a lady's belongings.
Oh, that's great. Okay, good.
All right.
And thanks again. Thank you.
Wait, signora.
Your dress.
Oh. Oh, God. Shoot. Yes.
That's my dress.
Thank you so much.
Are you here for a wedding?
No, it-it's a bachelorette trip,
but my friends took me
dress shopping in Rome.
-Such nice friends you have.
-(chuckling): Yes.
Even the critical one.
Yeah, well...
Signora, per favore.
Before you go.
Take this.
So we don't have to see
each other again.
Well, thanks.
This is tremendously helpful
at this point.
Well, it's definitely not legal.
-That's for sure.
-What were you thinking?
I was just trying to do
a nice thing.
I mean, he always wanted
to visit Italy.
-It's a sweet idea.
-Also crazy.
Yeah, I can see that now.
On the bright side,
it's much easier walking
without dragging your luggage.
Speak for yourself.
This is like a...
a full upper-body routine
carrying this thing.
CAROL: So, remember
that part in The Alchemist
where the guy gets robbed
and loses everything?
I have no empathy for him
at this point.
Yeah, neither do I.
Well, he said he had
a choice to make.
He could either see himself
as a victim of a thief...
Or see himself as an adventurer
in search of a treasure.
Yeah, but we are victims
of a thief.
But we are also adventurers.

(indistinct chatter)
Ciao, Sofia.
Ciao. Ciao.
Welcome back.
Ladies, let me assure you,
you're in good hands now.
There is nothing my uncle
wouldn't do for this woman.
-Oh, that's very sweet.
-Well, it's true.
And you're in luck
because the wedding
we were supposed to throw
this weekend canceled,
so our best rooms are available.
The wedding was canceled?
Yeah. It was very dramatic.
Screaming and crying,
and the dress on fire.
But this is our boutique.
I've let them know
to expect you.
I've got the same thing in blue.
Here are your keys.
I'm sure you're exhausted.
Thank you.
When you see your uncle,
please give him my very best.
Of course.
And please, if there is
anything else you need,
-don't hesitate to ask.
-DIANE: Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you so much.
Nothing her uncle
wouldn't do for you, huh?
Well, there was a time
15 years ago
when there was nothing
I wouldn't have done for him...
Well, thank you for clarifying.
Well, if you must know,
he's why I got my knee replaced.
-Oh, boy.
-Such commitment.
Such sacrifice.
Mm, she's a modern-day
Mother Teresa.
That's the part
of Mother Teresa's story
they don't tell you about.
She wasn't just
on her knees praying.
("Tango Italiano"
by Cocki Mazzetti playing)
To help you forget
about your troubles.
It won't hurt.
Forgive me,
I-I couldn't help but overhear.
What sort of troubles
have you got yourself into?
Oh. (scoffs)
A little snafu
at the train station.
My friends and I
had our luggage stolen.
Well, that sounds like
more than a little snafu.
All your luggage?
Wallets? Passport?
Oh, please.
What kind of fool
do you take me for?
No one could get this off me.
No one.
It would require
very nimble fingers,
I imagine.
Well, since we're playing
"you show me yours,
I'll show you mine."
(Sharon gasps)
Be still my heart.
No, I'm just saying you need
to keep stress to a minimum.
I'm at a driving range.
That's just a bit more strenuous
than taking a nap.
Sweetheart, listen, are you sure
that I shouldn't come over
and meet up with you?
We discussed this, Bruce.
It's-it's not safe.
Yeah, I know. I was just
thinking that, you know...
So, tomorrow,
we're going to La Toscana.
La Toscana?
-That's how you say Tuscany.
-Oh, oh.
I thought you were talking
about the restaurant
on San Vicente.
Why would I be talking about
a restaurant on San Vicente
when I'm in Italy?
The restaurant in Century City.
I'm just making restaurant jokes
because, uh, I'm on
such a strict diet, honey.
Okay. Okay, I get it now.
Yeah, well, if I got to explain
the jokes, Carol,
it's just not as funny.
How about we just cool it with
the jokes about restaurants?
You don't hear me making jokes
about angioplasty.
Oh, gosh, I wish you would.
-A bachelorette trip?
I don't think
I know anyone who's done
anything like that for 20 years.
And why not, right? (chuckles)
Honestly, this is
how I want to live my life.
On a bachelorette trip?
-Of course.
And guided by
the daily practice of "why not?"
For a second,
I thought you said,
"Guided by
the daily practice of wine,"
and I thought, "Okay."
Well, it's not
a bad combination.
"Wine and 'Why Not?'"
That's gonna be
the title of my autobiography.
Well, I promise that
I shall buy a first edition.
You're on.
Oh, my God. Look at her.
We can't leave her alone
for a second.
Yeah, they're like
moths to a flame.
Oh. Ciao, guys.
-CAROL: Oh, hi.
-(Diane chuckles)
-Hey. -Hi.
-(light laughter)
This is Ousmane.
It's really very nice
to meet you.
Which one of you
is the bride-to-be?
-Oh, definitely not me.
-Oh, no.
She'll be down in just a minute.
It must be very exciting
for all of you.
And I'm delighted that
you'll be joining us tonight.
-Uh, yes.
I-I made dinner plans
for us tonight.
It's going to be...
Wh-What did you call it?
"An authentic
Italian experience"?
Wait a minute. Are we going
to the Olive Garden?
-Oh, I'm sorry.
I promise you it'll be worth it.
It's great food, great people.
-And there's no problem if
four random women show up? -Mm.
This is Italy.
There's always room
for random beautiful women.
-Oh. -(laughs)
-He's good.
("Nel blu, dipinto di blu
(Volare)" playing on piano)
(song continues
with woman singing in Italian)
(song continues
with full band joining in)
(continues singing in Italian)
-Look at this!
-(excited chatter, laughter)
-Oh, my God.
You pulled together
this bachelorette dinner
in-in-in record time.
It was easier than you think.
And we even got you a band.
Hope you like Italian music.
VIVIAN: So we decided to go
into the jewelry store,
and before we knew it,
we were engaged.
Well, I think that's
incredibly romantic.
Well, thank you.
-Are you married?
-I-I've traveled that road.
Not a pleasant journey?
Well, it was a bit
of a carjacking, really.
Well, um, it wasn't all bad.
Uh, are you all married?
Not married but not single.
-Ah. Dating.
Serious boyfriend.
Yeah, I mean...
I don't know,
"boyfriend and girlfriend"
just sounds so silly, you know?
Like we're in high school
or something.
I'm too old to be
somebody's girlfriend.
Are you kidding?
Oh, being a girlfriend is
the greatest thing in the world.
-That's not true.
-Oh, it is.
Being a girlfriend is sexy.
It's exciting.
You know, it means
you love somebody
and you're committed to them,
but you still have
your own life.
You haven't given yourself up
to society's conventions.
It's all about choice.
You choose to be there,
but you can leave
any time you damn well please.
And you're the bride-to-be?
And what about you?
Oh, she's the single one.
Oh, well, every group needs one.
And I'm the one who has to run
to the ladies' room,
if you'll excuse me.
what do you do in Italy?
No, I-I was
a professor of philosophy.
Happily now retired.
Which is why I have
so much time to spend here.
-Ciao, chef.
(speaking Italian)
...Sharon, Diane e Vivian.
You're so kind to include us.
It is my sincerest joy.
So, let us proceed
with un po' di prosecco.
It, uh, prepares the palate.
Oh, thank you.
What brings you to Venice?
Oh, uh, a series of, well,
unanticipated events, so...
-Ah. The spice of life.
-Oh. Thanks.
I got a little lost.
That's quite a situation
in the bosom area.
-Oh! Scusi.
-Oh. I overdid it, didn't I?
-DIANE: Oh, no, that's okay.
No, absolutely not.
(speaks Italian) Carolina.
-Gianni, is that you?
-S, si.
This is crazy.
What are you doing here?
Me? Well, I live here.
This is my cooking school.
Oh. Wait, wait.
You mean Gi-Gianni?
Gi-Gianni, Gianni?
It's the Gianni.
Not fat or bald.
-This is crazy. -I've heard
about your meatballs.
(chuckles) I-I can't believe.
I mean, look at you, huh?
Yeah, I mean,
this is a new dress,
and it's a little... probably
a little much for tonight,
but I just wanted
to have a little fun.
You look beautiful.
-Thank you.
-GIANNI: My goodness.
Thank you. This is incredible.
-CAROL: Wow.
Yes. Oh, grazie.
Uh, and here to start,
an amuse-bouche.
-VIVIAN: I think somebody's
bouche is already quite amused.
Enjoy, please. I need to, uh...
My head is spinning.
There's so many things
I want to put in your mouth.
-I can't wait.
And I mustn't overheat
your cacciucco. Uh, e-excuse me.
-May be a little late for that.
-(Diane laughs)
Even my cacciucco is overheated.
-(Diane laughs)
-So is mine.
-Oh, that was the best meal.
-So delicious.
No, no. Uh...
I can't even believe it.
What are the chances?
If I were writing a book,
I'd have you sleep with him
just to get the recipe
for this sauce.
-Oh, my God.
I think I've had enough.
Oh, come on.
This is your bachelorette,
and things are about to get
even more fun.
-(light laughter)
-VIVIAN: Goodness.
-Oh, fun.
-Very Christian Grey.
(playing "Gloria")
(whooping, laughing)
(laughter, whooping)
(continues singing in Italian)
Can you believe this?
CAROL: I told you
we should come to Italy.
(continues singing in Italian)
(continues singing in Italian)
-CROWD: Gloria
-(continues in Italian)
(shouting excitedly)
(Ousmane continues singing
in Italian)
(accordion joining in)
Oh, my God.
You go!
(Ousmane continues singing
in Italian)
(song ends)
-(quiet chatter)
-(gentle piano music playing)
(Sharon chuckling)
Oh, well, that was a first.
I was thinking of taking
a little stroll
down by the docks,
if you're interested.
It-it might be getting
very near my bedtime.
(Ousmane laughs)
You seem a little too old
to have a bedtime.
Well, let's just agree
that that was a compliment.
That would be helpful.
Thank you.
Shall we?
And there goes Sharon.
Scusi, signora.
Chef Gianni says,
if you would like,
you should see his cucina.
I'm sorry, see his cucina?
Yeah. It means kitchen.
I bet it's big, isn't it?
-I mean, it's a cooking school.
Bene. Uh, please, he says
you come whenever you'd like.
Oh, that's so sweet.
You tell Chef Gianni
she'd be excited to come.
Preferably more than once.
Oh, good God.
DIANE: You know what,
are you... (laughs)
I do want to see his cucina.
Well, just go.
-Yes. -But don't do anything
I would do.
I think that's actually
really good advice.
It's just a kitchen.
-Yeah, sure.
And then there were two.
Agatha Christie.
Oh. Indeed.
(Diane chuckles)
-DIANE: Oh, whoa.
-VIVIAN: Oh, boy.
What a day we've had, huh?
-I mean, this...
-I know.
The lost luggage.
Who loses a person's ashes?
I don't know,
I guess some skeletons
are best left
in the closet, right?
-God, I don't know.
-And you?
Married. "Marriaged."
Yeah. (sighs)
My solo act is finally
coming to a close.
It's crazy.
-Especially for me.
I mean, I know it is.
-No, come on. Who am I to judge?
Uh, but, yeah,
I thought so at first.
But, you know,
I think what you're doing
is freaking incredible.
And I'm genuinely excited
for you.
You're drunk.
No. No, I'm being serious.
Well, I'm... Okay,
so maybe a little. I mean...
But I'm still serious.
I don't know how you do it.
You tore up
the instruction manual,
and you just
never even looked back.
I mean, you're
the bravest person I know.
And I'm so happy
that you're my friend.
(crying): Oh, God.
You're definitely drunk.
(crying): You can't even take
a compliment, can you?
But it's true.
I'd never have the guts
to do what you're doing.
Well, I appreciate it.
-I do. I appreciate it.
-You do.
Thank you.
Hey, we're having
a fun trip, aren't we?
Oh. If you hadn't
gotten engaged,
I'm not sure I would have
ever experienced Italy.
What do you think?
Oh. Oh, I can't believe...
I can't believe
what I almost missed.
But the only question is:
How will we mess this all up?
(both chuckle)
I don't know,
but if we mess it up
the way we've messed up
the trip so far,
I can't wait to find out.
Yeah, but first...
Yeah. Yeah.
-I do need my beauty sleep.
You know, this doesn't
just happen on its own.
I imagine it's the work
of many skilled artisans.
(laughing): Yeah,
they're practically unionized.
"Of all the gin joints
in all the towns
in all the world,
she walks into mine."
I remember.
You know, my first time
was with you.
What? It was?
The... No, I...
I mean the movie.
-Seeing the movie.
I'm not sure we ever
actually made it to the end.
My favorite part. I mean...
Not-not the end.
The not making it to...
I-I knew what you meant
that time.
Okay, you're going to have
to explain something to me.
-You live in a place
where there are no roads,
but you have a van
in your kitchen?
Uh, s.
Makes no sense.
That's what makes it so special.
I thought it would make me
want to go somewhere.
But no,
only made me happy to stay.
-I get it.
(sighs) This place is
absolutely beautiful.
You must, too,
still be a chef, s?
I can tell.
-Oh, yeah? You can?
Assolutamente, s. Your aura.
In the cucina,
everything is now.
Present time.
I see you understand this.
Not worrying about, uh,
It's about living well
for today.
(Carol sighs)
-A tavola non si invecchia.
It means, "At the table, one..."
"One does not grow old."
You know this saying?
I actually had that
on the wall of my restaurant.
Oh. Really?
It's a sign.
(Gianni chuckles)
(Carol sighs)
No one smiles like you.
I always remembered this.
(sets glass down)
Uh, per favore, will you, uh...
-Oh, s... s, si.
-...take a picture?
(Gianni chuckles)
Quanto sei bella.
You don't look so bad
yourself, Gianni.
(camera clicks)
So, how long you are
in Venezia, Carolina?
Sadly, we are leaving tomorrow.
So, uh, we better take
advantage of tonight, really.
(Carol grunting)

(Carol and Gianni grunting)
Let me know when you get tired.
Oh, I can do this all night.
Mamma mia.
Don't move.
What are you doing?
That would be me.
Ah, Signora Bridesmaid.
Oh, shit.
You're in the middle
of the canal.
Look at us.
For the record,
that thing I said earlier
about your being lazy,
I'd like to take it back.
You called him lazy?
Wh-Why would you do that?
Believe it or not,
I didn't anticipate
running into him again.
Um, perhaps we could
trouble you for a tow.
Perhaps the signora
can swim you back to shore.
See how lazy he is?
I heard you.

Good night?
Don't ask.
(exhales slowly)
(elevator bell dings,
doors slide open)
We made pasta.
In a van.
I made pasta in a boat.
Last night was really fun,
wasn't it?
I need a minute.
Well, there you go.
Look who's awake.
Good morning.
What happened?
Oh, boy.
Sharon's probably
even worse off.
(others stammering, chuckling)
Ooh. Biscotti.
Oh, well, look who's
very chipper this morning.
Well, my Halo says
my sleep score was 96.
CAROL: Everyone needs
to stop screaming.
Hey, what about
if we shift our plans
and-and stayed
another night here?
Whoa. All right. Wow.
Time to get to Tuscany, huh?
So we... Do we just get back
on the train?
Oh, forget the train.
We got robbed on the train.
Technically, we got robbed
in the train station.
we gave our things away
-in the train station.
-Caff, signore?
-DIANE: Oh, yes. -Me.
Thank you.
("You Make My Dreams Come True
(Italian version)" playing)
(song continues
with lyrics in Italian)

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
You make my dreams come true
-You, you, you, you, you
-Oh, yeah
(song continues in Italian)
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
You make my dreams come true
-You, you, you, you, you
-Oh, yeah
I'm waiting for,
waiting for you, girl
-Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
-Oh, yeah
You make my dreams come true
-You, you, you...
-(Carol screams)
-(others scream, gasp)
-(song stops abruptly)
Gianni texted me.
-Oh, God.
-That bastard.
Thought we hit something.
No, no, no, no,
you don't understand.
He sent a bunch of photos of us
from last night.
Are we talking, like,
the nudie type pictures or...
-Are you nuts? No.
But Bruce is gonna see these.
It goes to my iPad.
(sighs) Oh, God!
He... His crazy broken English.
Gianni wrote...
how nice it was
for me to rub his dough.
Oh, my God.
And-and that it was a very
happy ending to his night.
-Oh, God.
-Oh, that's terrible.
-Oh, man. Shit, shit, shit.
-Oh, my God, I love it. More.
Got to call Bruce.
Why isn't it ringing?
-Still not going through.
It was all innocent, right?
Well, yes.
I mean, we flirted,
but I didn't...
Rub his dough?
-(Diane laughs)
Well, how about his meatballs?
-(groans) I'm serious.
-Oh, no, no, no.
But did you want to?
I just was trying to have
a little fun.
You know, I-I can't have fun
like that with Bruce around.
Obviously not.
No. Not like that.
-Okay, sorry.
-Oh, what... like what, then?
Like where I don't
have to be afraid
that my husband's gonna
drop dead any second.
I-I just... What would it be?
What would my life be then?
It's one thing
to lose that restaurant,
but I just can't lose Bruce.
Okay. Best friends, tough love.
You know you're
the problem, right?
What are you talking about?
You're just so afraid
of Bruce dying
that you're stopping
the two of you from living.
Seriously, he's probably
thrilled you came on this trip.
The prison guard
finally left her post.
(chuckles) He's probably
getting his first taste
-of freedom, huh?
Let the man get
a taste of bacon.
-That's not what's going on.
-Isn't it, though?
That is exactly
what is going on,
and you can't see it.
You want the truth?
"You can't handle the truth!"
Sorry, you set me up.
The truth is, at some point,
Bruce actually
might not be here.
And I don't think
that anyone in this car
wants to see you look back
and realize all the time
you squandered
because you were afraid.
So knock it off.
Whoa, Viv.
-Mic drop.
-It's for your own good.
You've got a wonderful husband
who loves you.
And you're both...
you're alive and you're happy.
Stop trying to control
the uncontrollables.
Life is unpredictable,
and it's the surprises
that make it worth living.
-(loud bang)
-(all screaming)
-Oh, my God!
-(tires squealing)
(screaming, panicked chatter)
-(air hissing)
-SHARON: We're okay.
Everything's fine.
(crickets chirping)
-You know, it's the surprises,
isn't it? -DIANE: Oh, God.
Tell me, what kind of car
doesn't come with a spare?
-That one.
-(laughter, sighing)
You know, I've never actually
hitchhiked before.
Yeah, well,
in my limited experience,
it helps if someone
actually drives by.
-Well, on the bright side...
-Mm-hmm? least it's not raining.
(Diane laughing)
Why do you tempt fate?
Well, th-there's no such thing
as fate, remember?
(crickets chirping)
Is it too soon to talk about
who we're gonna eat first?
I think we all know.
This is really not good.
Yeah, we know.
No, it's really not good.
Thank you for that
brand-new information.
We need to get to Tuscany.
Well, yeah, but we don't need
to get panicky.
You know, w-we're not
under time pressure.
We can just relax. Chill.
I-I am relaxed, but we really
got to start walking now.
-Mm-hmm. Yeah.
To Tuscany?
Well, if we leave now,
we can be there by the morning,
so let's just get it up and go.
-All right, let's not get all...
Let's get!
Because I'm done
with the not getting, okay?
And this happened,
but there's still time.
-We got time.
-Calm down.
No. We have to be in Tuscany.
We're not not getting
to Tuscany, okay?
Diane, seriously, calm down.
I am.
I'm calm, and I'm gonna
be calmer in Tuscany.
What-what... What was this look?
What the hell is going on?
I-I think
we should just tell her.
Tell me what?
I don't think we should.
-Well, we have to now.
-Yeah. Yeah, you do.
You have to. What is going on?
We need to get to Tuscany
because Arthur is there
so that you guys
can get married tomorrow.
-Excuse me?
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
He didn't want the wedding
to be a burden on you,
so when he heard about
the trip, he hatched a plan.
Which was actually
very thoughtful and sweet.
And we're screwing
the whole thing up
by dying by the side
of the road.
W-Wait just a minute.
Arthur is in Tuscany?
CAROL: At the hotel,
and everyone flew in,
and everything is set up.
It's ready to go.
Y-You don't have to do anything.
Except show up,
which was our job.
And we're still gonna make it,
because the wedding is all set
for tomorrow morning.
So, surprise!
She's not saying anything.
Do you think she's mad?
Uh, maybe a little in shock.
-Yeah, just...
Wh-What are you thinking, Slim?
At least she's talking.
-Oh, yikes.
A surprise wedding,
and this happens.
You do not see that as a sign?
I mean, a big sign that
this whole thing is doomed?
No. No, it's not.
-We're still gonna get there.
-And that is right,
because at any minute,
a car's gonna come
right down that road,
and we'll be on our way.
Well... (sighs)
And if it doesn't?
Because it's...
feels like the world
is conspiring against me.
I mean, look, maybe this really
is not meant to be, guys,
and-and I just have to stop
blowing past
all the warning signs.
Wait, wait. Shut up for a sec.
No, she's making a decent point.
Thank you.
Do you hear that?
-I can't... I don't...
-Oh, my God. Look.
-Oh! Look!
-Look. Look, look, look, look.
-(others gasping)
-SHARON: A car!
-CAROL: Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.
Look alive, ladies.
We've got a wedding to get to!
-Don't let him drive past us.
-Oh, please, God, please.
(exclaiming excitedly)
How's that for a sign?
Our luck has turned.
Thank God.
-Buonasera, signore.
-CAROL: Buonasera.
(speaking Italian)
Oh, we-we just...
-Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
-We... Wait. Oh.
-DIANE: Well, I...
-Parlate italiano?
-DIANE and SHARON: Uh, no.
I can't believe you guys.
A buff cop
just happens to drive by.
-Oh, okay.
Let's go. Take your shirt off.
-What? No.
-No. N-No. No, Viv.
-(speaking Italian) -What, you
want to start with the pants?
-DIANE: Uh, no, no.
-CAROL: Oh, oh, oh.
-No, y-you don't understand.
-Oh, I see.
You want me to help you?
-Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
-No! What are you doing?
(speaking Italian)
No, wait. No, wait, wait.
Show us your concealed weapon.
-No, Viv. Viv, stop.
-I-Ignore her.
-He's, um...
-This is not a stripper.
Oh, yeah. Nice try.
-Uh, uh, um...
We're sorry,
but th-that's our car,
and we don't have
a spare tire in it, so we...
we're hitchhiking.
Hitch... Ah, hitchhike.
-Okay. (speaks Italian)

(lock clicks)
It was...
it was an innocent mistake.
You know, and in my defense,
you guys have been
full of surprises.
And come on. You saw the guy.
It's been a while,
but he did have
some exotic-dancer-like
VIVIAN: I do think
he missed his calling.
Well, we-we had a good run,
didn't we?
-DIANE: Hmm.
-I mean, we just pushed past
the point of common sense.
Who do we think we are,
The Rolling Stones?
And we just thought we'd keep
rocking forever? Ugh.
This needed to happen.
It did. It did.
This is the universe
hitting the eject button
on me and Arthur
-once and for all.
-DIANE: Ugh.
Best friends, tough love.
Stop giving the universe
and fate credit for everything.
You're making a choice.
We're on this trip
not because of fate
but because we're best friends
for 50 years.
We show up for each other.
Fate didn't bring us
on this trip.
Our love for each other did.
Love and the wonderful people
at Lufthansa.
It was a nice flight.
You're not marrying Arthur
because of fate.
You're marrying Arthur because
you put in the hard work.
Because you committed to him.
Because you love him.
That's a big deal,
and you should be proud of that.
She makes a really good point.
You should definitely
listen to her.
-Oh. And not you?
I think things are just
a little bit different for me.
-VIVIAN: Oh, God.
Here we go.
Let me get out my tiny violin.
-What? (scoffs)
-Best friends, tough love.
You always play the victim.
What are you talking about?
"I'm pregnant,
so I can't do this."
Or, "I'm married,
so I can't do that."
"I couldn't even try that
because I'm gonna fall flat
on my face."
You do think of excuses
not to do things.
Enough. Enough.
Okay, fine.
Yeah, okay.
Fine. I mean, I get it.
And you're right.
Okay. Good.
(light laughter)
-Do me. Do my...
-DIANE: What?
Do my tough love.
Honestly, I think
you are doing just fine.
Yeah. I mean, I've got nothing.
You've... You made love
in a water taxi in Venice.
-You've had an amazing life.
Just don't get another cat.
-And there you have it.
We'll always have Venice.
Is that the line?
"We'll always have Paris."
It's from Casablanca.
But Venice works, too.
-Oh, my God.
A good night of sleep
will make us all
feel better, I'm sure.
Luckily, that's not an option.
(birds chirping)
Well, well, well.
(all gasping, groaning)
Look who it is.
Signora Troublemaker.
God. You again?
I should say the same thing.
I have some bad news.
The juicer's broken,
so our juice won't be
fresh-squeezed this morning?
Comedy. You don't do comedy?
I think you're growing on him.
(Vivian sighs)
Look what he got
from Trenitalia.
(all gasping)
It was turned in
with your luggage tag.
-Oh, God.
You've got to be kidding me.
The ashes?
So, you're aware it's illegal?
-Oh, we had a feeling.
-VIVIAN: Oh, God.
This wedding is doomed.
This is a bachelorette trip, no?
A surprise wedding.
Her first one.
Oh. I'm sorry.
You don't have to be
a jerk about it.
I'm not. I mean it.
Although, in hindsight, I wish
I missed my first wedding.
Maybe it's a blessing.
No. This one was meant to be.
Well, obviously not.
We're destined to fail.
-I'm not cut out to be married.
I think we can all
agree on that.
Chief, are you happy
you got to be part of the end
of this fairy tale
for this woman?
Does that make you feel good?
No, actually.
But this is life.
It's not fair.
It doesn't always feel good.
But what can I do?
No one ever thinks
they can do anything.
I... I'm so sick of it.
Everyone always just throws up
their hand and says,
"Well, it's not meant to be."
It's pathetic.
Y-You're a police chief.
Don't tell me
you got into this work
without wanting to make
a difference, did you?
Didn't you think,
"I'm the good guy,
I'm the hero"?
Isn't that what you thought?
And-and-and now what?
Nothing? Now "that's life"?
Life is what you make of it.
So do something.
Do something brave.
Do something unexpected.
But do something,
because you have four women
in a jail cell
who are desperately hoping
for a reason to believe
there's still
a reason to believe.
So do something, goddamn it,
because this isn't the end
of the freaking story.
I have an idea.
(women gasping)
-Oh, my God.
-Oh, you're letting us go?
Oh, God.
Tell me that clock is fast.
Nothing in this country is fast.
("Felicit" by Al Bano
and Romina Power playing)
(song continues
with lyrics in Italian)

I've got one passenger
that needs to be dropped off
a little early.
You think you could
make that happen?
That would require a permit.
(chuckling): Or a special...
special police permission.
(Diane sighs)
I know a place.

-POLICE CHIEF: Go for it.
Go for it.
You can do it, Diane.
-(all gasping)
-CAROL: Careful, Diane!
I can't open it.
The top, it's stuck.
I can't... I... What the...
-I can't open it.
-(others gasping, exclaiming)
Oh, my God!
-VIVIAN: Oh, my... Careful!
-CAROL: Oh, careful!
Oh, God.
I did it.

He really was such a good man.
-He really was.
I really did love him.
-He loved you, too.
-(whimpers softly)
-He would've liked this, right?
I mean, well,
minus the skydiving part.
-Thank you.

I knew I liked you
the moment I met you.
(chuckles) For me,
it took a little longer.
How can I repay you?
Save me a dance,
and we call it even.
Bring the handcuffs,
and you've got a deal.
-(song fading)
-(Diane gasps)
The bride is here.
Grazie al Signore.
My name is Pasquale,
and I'm ready to marry you.
Get in line, Pasquale.
She's taken.
I sleep, breathe...
I dream your wedding.
I live to make
this wedding happen.
It is my oxygen.
That's so nice. Thank you.
Yes, but do you think that
maybe we should get going?
S, si, s, si. Andiamo.
Music to my ears. (chuckles)
Oh, my God.
Only a little behind schedule.
No worries.
I will check on the groom
and be back to you
-molto, molto presto.
-Oh, thank you.
(speaking Italian)
Oh. I-I'm gonna go call Bruce.
-I'll catch up.
-Okay. Okay.
-O-Okay, great.
Let-let's meet in Viv's room.
-We made it.
(birds chirping)
(strings playing
elegant classical tune)
(speaking Italian)
Few moment more.
-Per favore. Per favore.
-(music stops)
(continues in Italian)
Ciao, Pasquale.
Signor Arthur!
Signor Arthur.
What's the good word, Pasquale?
I am very happy to say your
bride-to-be is officially here.
Shall I take you to her?
Oh, I believe that
it's bad luck for the groom
to see the bride
before the ceremony, isn't it?
I don't believe in luck.
I believe in love.
Well, that's why we're all here.
But when you've waited
as long as I have,
what's a few more minutes?
It's true.

Oh, my God.
This is the best sight
I've seen in all of Italy.
I missed you so much.
You think this is really
gonna happen?
-I do. I think so.
-Mm. Good.
-I love a wedding.
Such a romantic.
-I better change, though.
-Better not.
-Oh. -I love you
just the way you are.
Oh, come on. Don't burn up
all your romanticism.
I mean, we still got
a long day ahead of us.
You know I don't... (gasps)
Oh, my God.
Oh, Mitchell.
-What did you do?
-I had no choice.
When I saw that picture, I...
I had to make a call.
I can't wear this, can I?
Donato assured me that this
dress was perfetto for today.
So, who am I to argue?
You're real trouble,
you know that?
That's why I'm here.
Yeah. Trouble.
Oh, Viv.
Look at you.
You look truly beautiful.
You think? Yeah?
-Thank you.
Thank you. So do you.
Are we ready for this?
(sighs) Oh, my goodness.
Oh, hi.
That's the dress.
-How did you get it?
-Oh, Mitchell.
-Oh, my God.
This guy pulls things
out of his sleeve.
I know.
Bruce still isn't
answering his phone.
-Oh, my God.
-DIANE: Oh! (laughs)
You all look so beautiful.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Why do I feel so nervous?
No, it's-it's just
wedding day jitters.
It's just totally normal.

(birds chirping)
This is it.
-This is it.
It's gonna be great.
Can I just say
how much I love you all?
And this was
the best bachelorette trip
I could imagine.
-That is so good,
because it's the best one
we could've thrown.
-Yeah. Big-time.
We way over-delivered.
-Yeah, what else is new?
-Okay, I need a hug.
All right.
You're the loves of my life.
-You know that.
Oh, we love you, too.
And I love you all,
but it's time.
Let's get you in that dress.
Oh, here.
-(Sharon chuckles)
-Um, yeah.
-I hope that was mine.
-Oh. -Oh.
-CAROL: Hmm.
Well, one of these
was definitely not mine.
Showtime, people.
(speaks Italian)
For real this time.
(playing elegant classical tune)
(speaking Italian)
Well, here we go.
(sighs heavily) Oh, God.
-I think I'm gonna be sick.
-Oh, no.
Well, you know
what that means, don't you?
No. What?
You're pregnant.
I mean, at least that's
what it meant at my wedding.
(light laughter)
-Seriously, I...
-Huh? Huh?
This is crazy.
I don't know why
I agreed to do this.
I mean, it makes no sense.
Of course not.
But don't you understand?
That's what makes it so amazing.
Loving someone
and having them love you
is reason enough.
Look at you. Look where we are.
Look at what we've been through.
We made it. And you, Viv.
You have never been one
to follow the flock,
because you are
your own drummer boy, okay?
So just trust your heart, Viv.
Trust it. Trust it.
'Cause it always
guides you right.
She's right, Slim.
You deserve
your fairy-tale ending.
Let's go get it.
Yeah, you've earned it.
Think of all we've overcome
to get here.
That's true, and now
all the problems are behind us.
(takes deep breath)
We have a problem.
I knew as soon as I said it.
It's fine. We are going
to make a little pause.
A pause?
Wha... Wh-Why?
The priest is missing.
The priest is missing?
This feels like a bad omen.
Oh, fine.
I'll do it.
I'll perform the ceremony.
(Diane chuckling)
-Yeah. I'll marry you.
-VIVIAN: What?
What good is a judicial title
if you can't degrade yourself
in front of your friends?
-Come on. Let's do it.
-DIANE: Yeah. Yes.
-(speaking Italian)
(strings continue playing)
-The wedding is back on.
-(guests murmuring)
-From the top.
-(music stops)
(music resumes)
Nice save, Your Honor.
You have no idea.
Okay, and now it's time.
Ah. It's time.
-It's time.
-(ringtone playing)
-Oh, oh, that's-that's me.
-What? Oh. (chuckles)
Sorry. Oh, it's Bruce.
-Go. Take it.
-Uh, no.
-I can call him back.
-Take it!
-Bruce? Hi.
-VIVIAN: Un min... momento.
(strings continue playing)
-(music stops)
-Continue, please.
Just one more tiny moment.
-(music resumes)
-Grazie. Grazie, grazie.
I got your message, Carol.
I also got your pictures.
The ones with you and Dough Boy.
It isn't what you think.
What are you trying to do,
give me another heart attack?
-Is that your plan?
-No. No, Bruce.
Don't even joke about that.
Believe me, when I get home,
things are gonna be
so different.
Our adventure isn't over yet.
I never should've told you
not to come. It...
Are you sure?
If I could snap my fingers
and fix it all, I would. I...
Y-You should be here.
It's so beautiful.
You don't think the flowers
are a little bit overdone?
The flowers.
I think there's one too many.
Well, that's better.
-Oh, my God.
-Bruce, you're here.
Oh, God. I can't believe it.
Well, I wasn't gonna miss
the chance to walk
my favorite girl down the aisle.
Come on.
Unless, of course,
you prefer Dough Boy.
I've got his number.
Do you want me to call him?
Shut up and kiss me.
(Bruce chuckles)
-CAROL: Mmm.
-(Pasquale clearing throat)
Oh, this is Bruce. Sorry.
Oh, thank goodness.
Bruce is here.
(strings playing
elegant classical tune)
To make it official.
Nice dress.
-You like it?
-I just found it in the closet.
-DIANE: Mm-hmm.
-MITCHELL: Mm-hmm.
(chuckles softly)
-(music ends)
-(Diane breathes deeply)
(playing Wagner's
"Bridal Chorus")
(guests murmuring)

(music ends)
-(Vivian chuckles) we all are,
which is shocking.
And not just because we spent
last night in a jail cell.
It's shocking because
I've known this woman
since we were 19 years old
and I never thought
there would be a man
she was willing
to walk down the aisle for.
But there is such a man,
and he's well deserved
of that unique achievement.
(Vivian chuckles)
And of my dear friend's hand
in marriage.
-To begin...
-Um, uh, h-hold...
Can I... Can I just say
something quickly?
O-Of course.
This is your big day.
Arthur, is it okay if I talk
to you for just a second
as though I didn't have
this dress on and...
and you didn't have
two rings in your pocket?
The truth is
I never wanted to be a wife.
You know, I always saw
a wedding ring as a chain.
You know, a...
a one-link chain of...
of limitation.
But there is no limit to
the love that I have for you.
You know,
that's what I've realized.
That's why I'm here today.
I love you, Arthur.
I love you. I want to move
to New York with you.
I want to walk
in the streets with you.
I want to make love
in the park with you.
Well, not the dirty part
of the park.
(light laughter)
You know, the-the clean part,
with the trees and the grass
and no syringes.
We've spent a lifetime apart.
Now we have to figure out a way
how to squeeze a lifetime
into the time we have left.
And we can do it.
We can.
I choose you, Arthur Riley.
I choose you today
and every day.
-You may kiss the bride.
-(guests murmuring, chuckling)
Aren't I supposed
to say something?
Oh. Oh, right, sorry.
I-I got swept away.
And-and now,
Arthur with his closing remarks.
Vows, whatever. Go.
You don't want to be
a wife, do you?
You don't want to be married.
That's what you just said,
isn't it?
Yes, I-I guess I did, yeah.
There was a part of me
that believed
that you really wanted
to be married, but...
...who was I kidding?
I knew you'd do this.
I knew it.

I don't need
the title of husband,
and I don't need
the institution of marriage
to know that I'm gonna
choose you every day.
I proposed to you
when we were in our 20s
'cause I was so damn in love
with you that I-I knew then
that I wanted to spend
the rest of my life with you.
And as luck would have it,
or some divine masterstroke,
we reconnected.
And I'll be damned
if I don't still feel the same.
But a little differently.
Oh, I don't love you any less.
And I think I may
understand you a little better.
like this ring that I'm holding.
A complete and perfect circle
unto your own.
And if you're not always free
to roll on your own
the way you want,
then you're not you.
And it's you that I love.
You're my perfect circle.
So, if you'll allow me
a do-over,
I'd like to ask
my question again.
-(guests chuckling)
Vivian, I love you
with all my heart.
That has never changed,
and it never will.
But I just got to know...
will you not marry me?
There's nothing I'd love more.
You're supposed to wait
for my cue.
Nobody ever waits for my cue.
May you always love each other
as you do today.
I now pronounce you
not husband and wife.
Oh, my God!
(excited laughter)
-Thanks, man.
-Oh, my God.
BRUCE: Congratulations,
you handsome devil.
He gets it! (laughs)
(strings playing
Mendelssohn's "Wedding March")
Thank you.
We did it.
We made it to the end!
-Wait a second. Come on.
-What? What do you mean?
-Get back up here.
-Wait, what?
-Get back up here.
Can we wait one second, please?
Give me one second.
("Wedding March" continues)
You said some things back there
about marriage
I've never heard you say before.
Uh, can we pause the music
a second, please?
(music stops)
Did you mean what you said--
that love was reason enough--
or were those just words?
Mitchell, is this really
the best time?
I think it is.
Well, fine. Why not?
(chuckling): I guess
it's as good a time as any.
It is.
Maybe a few days ago,
it would've been just words,
but not today.
-It's... it's so easy
to believe in things
when we're young, isn't it?
And we can do whatever we want,
and everything is possible.
And then we get older,
and life starts to silence us.
-But guess what.
-The whisper is still there.
And if you pay
close enough attention,
-you're gonna hear it.
In my case,
it was a trip with my friends.
And I heard it
in the art we saw.
Remember the art?
And the moments
that we shared together.
And the whisper just got
a little bit louder,
and everything started to feel
a little more possible.
And now, here I am standing
in front of the man I love,
surrounded by my best friends
in the world,
and all I can see
is what's in front of me.
-So, you want to know
-what I think, really?
I think love is reason enough
and the rest of our lives
start today,
so what are we waiting for?
-I'm not waiting.
-Oh, you're not?
-(laughing): Okay. Okay.
-MITCHELL: I'm here.
Oh, boy. I'm not sure
how you follow that.
You don't follow that.
You just ride alongside of it.
And you thank your lucky stars
every day that you do.
Diane, I've never...
I've never been married before
because I never found someone
that made me see
the reason why I should.
Don't you dare move.
Oh. What?
MITCHELL: Arthur, the ring.
I need the ring.
I don't...
-CAROL: Uh-huh.
-Thank you.
(gasps) Oh, no.
Oh, no. (crying)
-I can't believe it.
-Okay, yes. Oh, my God.
-(guests laughing)
Yes. Yes.
You're my reason.
Will you marry me?
And I promise I'm not asking
because I'm pregnant.
Hell yes, I'll marry you.
I'll marry you right now.
-Oh, my God.
-CAROL: Bruce.
(laughter, excited chatter)
-Well, this is fun.
-Diane, you crazy person.
Do you take Mitchell to be
your lawfully wedded husband,
to love and cherish you
from this day forward?
You're supposed to say, "I do."
Oh, okay.
I... I say...
-yes, I do.
I'll take it.
DIANE (laughing):
I'm sorry.
And, Mitchell, do you take Diane
and all her delightful insanity
to be your lawfully wedded wife?
-I do, and I can't wait.
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
-Nobody waits for my cue.
(strings playing
uplifting melody)
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Hey, Chief.

How does a woman in her 70s
-end up getting married?
-(horn honks, guests cheer)
In Italy, no less.
She takes control
of her own destiny.
(tires squeal)
-(engine idling)
I love you. Love you.
What's she doing?
-Okay, run.
-(Vivian groans)
No, actually, let's walk fast.
-(Diane chuckles)
-What-what are you...
What are you doing?
So... So, I'm gonna do
this honeymoon thing,
but I just wanted to ask,
well, what are we doing next?
I don't know, but I know
one thing for sure--
we're not gonna
leave it up to fate.

I love you guys!
("Mambo Italiano"
by Bette Midler playing)
Hey, hey
Now it's hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Go, go, Joe
You mixed-up siciliano
All you calabrese
Do the mambo like crazy
And hey, mambo
Don't wanna tarantella
Hey, mambo
No more the mozzarella,
hey, mambo
Hey, mambo italiano,
try an enchilada
With the fish-a baccal and
Hey, goombah
I love-a how you dance rumba
But take-a some advice,
Learn how to mambo
If you're gonna be a square
You're never gonna
go nowhere
Hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Hey, mambo
Hey, mambo italiano
Go, go, Joe
Shake-a like a Giovanno
Hello, che si dice?
Get-a happy in the feets-a
When you mambo italiano
Shake-a, baby, shake-a
'Cause I love-a
when you take-a me and
Hey, jadrool
You don't-a
have to go to school
Just make a little
beef flambino
It's-a like-a vino
Kid, you good-lookin'
But you don't know
what's a-cookin' till you
-Hey, hey
-Hey, hey
-Hey, hey, hey, hey
-Hey, hey, hey, hey
Shake-a, baby, shake-a
'Cause I love-a
when you take-a me
By the pizzeria,
that's-a where I'm gonna be-a
Don't you tell your mama,
mama's gonna tell-a papa
There's-a nothin' to it,
come on, baby, let's-a do it
Hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Hey, mambo
Mambo italiano
Go, go, Joe
You mixed-up siciliano
It's so delish-a,
everybody come
Capisce how to
Mambo italiano...
Hey, mambo
Hey, mambo
Do the mambo.
(song ends)
("Anywhere with You" playing)
Hey, hey, hey
Sign me up
For sunsets on a Roman patio
Hop a train
And say hello
to Michelangelo
Spin the globe,
put your finger down
I'll pick you up, let's go
Hey, hey, hey
I would go anywhere with you
From Tokyo
all the way to Timbuktu
Just let me pack,
I got your back
Through all
the thick and thin
Our dandelion dreams
Are out there
blowing in the wind
My friends,
I would go anywhere
Oh, anywhere with you
Pitch a tent
At Burning Man,
get crazy for a while
Jump a float
At Mardi Gras
just to see you smile
Tell me where you want to go
Train or plane, sun or snow
Life's too short
for saying no
Hey, hey, hey
I would go anywhere with you
From Tokyo
all the way to Timbuktu
Just let me pack,
I got your back
Through all
the thick and thin
Our dandelion dreams
Are out there
blowing in the wind
My friends,
I would go anywhere
Oh, anywhere with you
My friends,
I would go anywhere
Oh, anywhere with you
Aisle or window,
I don't care
How many hours
till we're there
I want a dry martini
in the air
And a seat right next to you
Punch my ticket, count me in
Dance till dawn
with all my friends
Read the book
right to the end
Hey, hey, hey
I would go anywhere with you
From Tokyo
all the way to Timbuktu
Just let me pack,
I got your back
Through all
the thick and thin
Our dandelion dreams
Are out there
blowing in the wind
My friends,
I would go anywhere
Oh, anywhere with you
My friends, go anywhere
Oh, anywhere with you
My friends, go anywhere
Oh, anywhere
With you.
(song ends)

(music ends)