Buccaneer's Girl (1950) Movie Script

Is everything to your liking, ma'am?
It's an unusually cheerful
spectacle, Captain Martos.
When we're becalmed like this,
we might as well enjoy ourselves.
When I arrive in New Orleans I shall
enjoy myself, but not until then.
That pirate, Baptiste,
is an obsession with her.
Every strange sail we sight calls
for a fresh bottle of smelling salts.
Why, ma'am, you couldn't be safer
if you were in your own drawing room.
In a calm like this, no
pirate could ever get to us.
Not even Baptiste.
Fetch me that fiddler, Tom.
He's better than the one we got.
Aye, aye, sir.
Four bells and all's well!
Pirates! Pirates!
Mr. Roberts, you guard the ladies.
You men, arm yourselves and get on deck!
Well, thank you, son.
Thank you, son.
Don't let them forget
that China silk, Tom.
And did you fetch along the fiddler?
He went with the spice bales.
What do you intend
to do with us, pirate?
Set you adrift in the small
boats, along with the passengers.
Unless there's any amongst
you who would volunteer?
Think you any of my men
would serve with you?
Well, not a lad amongst us hasn't
served on a vessel of Alexander Narbonne.
Tell that to your master, if your small
boat's lucky enough to be picked up.
At the same time I'll request
the privilege of being present
when Narbonne has you
hanged from your own yardarm.
Why bother Narbonne?
I'll invite you myself.
Now, how many men would
rather transfer registry
than hit the small boats?
Small boats always make me crazy.
I'll take the skull and bones.
So will I.
Wise lads, Captain.
Here be one we missed.
Better drag him in.
Easy with them powder casks.
Aye, aye, sir!
Strip her rigging clean. Aye, aye, sir!
Seems like we're all through.
Scuttler, weigh below and
make sure she settles fast.
Here's something we found.
Well, a cabin boy, eh?
Well, son, would you like to
sign on with Frederic Baptiste?
Speak up, can't you...
Well, lower me jib a bustle.
Very nice to meet you.
Is this new gear on
all the Narbonne craft?
How did you get aboard?
It was easy.
But if I'd known you were
going to get your moldy old ship
captured by a gang of cutthroats,
I'd have stayed in Boston.
Stowaway, eh? Put her in the
boat with the other women.
Pulled away.
Then she'll have to go
in the longboat with them.
And get going before I change my mind
and make you swim back to New Orleans.
Come on, you... Wait a minute.
I've got two dresses in that boat
and I'm not leaving without them.
You know, he's making a big mistake
putting one woman in with all those men.
You wouldn't be thinking...
That she'd be safer with us?
Oh, no, you don't.
It's all for your safety...
No, you don't.
Let me down, you big ape!
You near scratched my ear off. Good.
You just don't know
how to handle a lady.
See what I mean?
If you don't put me down...
Imagine all those poor defenseless
men alone in a small boat
with a dangerous female like this?
Here, take her.
When I get down in the
boat, hand her to me.
You just don't know
how to handle a lady.
Ouch! Quiet.
Help me, Kryl. Help
me. Keep her quiet now.
You near bit me ear off!
Take her, Kryl! Take her!
You little devil, you...
You think my hand's a
blooming sea biscuit?
Touch me again and
I'll bite your arm off.
We gotta get her below decks
before the other boats get back.
You and your wonderful idea. We
should've dumped her overboard.
Ow! Ow!
Quiet! Whatever you have up
there, bring it down here.
What goes on out there?
Let me down. Let me down.
By the Dog Star! A female.
I've been kidnapped!
And I demand that you
do something about it.
She was stowed away aboard
the Gulf Queen, sir.
But somehow she got
herself in our boat, sir.
I'll discuss that with you later.
Meanwhile, leave her here.
Aye, aye, sir. With the
greatest of pleasure.
Turn around.
Who are you?
The captain of this vessel.
But I thought...
Then who was the other?
Jared? My mate.
Fortunately, many people
make the same mistake.
Then you must be...
Frederic Baptiste, the
bloodthirsty pirate,
the scourge of the Mexican government,
that fiend in human shape.
At your service,
mademoiselle. Up to a point.
Somebody's been exaggerating.
Or maybe they haven't.
Look what your men have done to me.
You'll find ointment
in that chest, Miss...
Deborah McCoy.
Debbie, they call me.
Where were you headed, Debbie?
Oh, New Orleans, Rio. I wasn't sure.
To visit?
They say that they're good places
for a girl to earn her living.
And this living, how did
you propose to make it?
I'm an entertainer. I sing a
little and I dance a little.
You know, you combine all the
elements of a first-class problem.
All you have to do is
put me ashore somewhere.
And stretch my neck by doing it?
I know how to keep a tight mouth.
After all, they say you only attack
the ships of Alexander Narbonne.
I don't even know who he is.
The richest man in New
Orleans. Or used to be.
He'd be a good one to know, wouldn't he?
That depends on one's point of view.
Why do you give his ships
your special attention?
That's my point of view.
Tell me, how long have you been
making your own way, Debbie?
Too long.
No one to help you?
Too many.
I still can't decide
what to do about you.
The sailors were given a
chance to sign on with you.
I believe I have a more
practical solution than that.
I knew you'd think of something.
We'll maroon you on a sand spit.
I'm sure you can think of
something better than that.
Why, no. It's a perfect
way to handle the situation.
We'll pick a sand spit on the
sea lanes to South America.
If you're picked up, you'll get to Rio.
And if not, you'll be on a clean
white beach protected by palm trees.
You'll soon grow to love it.
Finished, captain.
We stripped her clean.
Cargo aboard and stowed.
Not a bad haul for a ship her size.
Oh. These must be worth a fortune.
I thought I ordered you set adrift.
Oh, you did, but somehow
the orders got mixed up.
You'd better find a
cabin for our passenger.
A cabin? Anything will do.
She'll only be with us until
we sight a suitable sand spit.
But I thought... Good night, Debbie.
Sleep as well as you can.
Away with you.
Another four days and that girl will
have them wearing lace on their drawers.
Yeah, that's a fair shame, sir.
It's always been me pride
we had the roughest and dirtiest
crew in the Mexican gulf.
I can't stand to look at it anymore.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Where did you get that dress?
Oh, this?
It's just a little old thing
Jared rummaged for me in a chest.
Jared, eh?
So he rummaged it for
you in a chest, did he?
Well, take it off.
Oh, were you taking it to someone?
How awful of Jared not to tell me.
But, after all, she
won't know, will she?
I will.
But you'll forget.
You'll forget about me and the dress,
these last few days, everything.
At least I'll try.
While I sit on my
sand spit and remember.
I told you to take that dress off.
All right. You needn't shout.
Not here.
Now look what you've done to the hem.
Afternoon, Miss Debbie.
Good afternoon, Bertram.
He's been telling me about his sister.
I remind him of her.
He never had a sister.
Oh, the poor fellow.
He's had such a sad life.
He's had the kind of life he wants.
So have I. Up to now.
Now, you mustn't be angry with Jared.
Miss McCoy, you've teased and
wheedled everybody aboard this ship.
You've shot all discipline to shreds
and now you tell me how to treat my crew.
It's time I put a stop to it.
You'd be wanting to see me, sir?
Cram on full sail. I mean to be in
and out of New Orleans before dawn.
Aye, aye, sir.
Oh, I hate to think of
your running such a risk
just to take me where I want to go.
You're not going ashore. I am.
And the moment I get back
we head for the Tortugas,
where you'll stay and
no doubt do very well.
Now, go to your cabin and stay there.
And take off that dress!
Keep her steady.
More gray hairs for Narbonne.
It's a pity you won't be there
in the morning to see them sprout.
He'll be bald before I'm through.
Jared, if there's any trouble with
that girl, I'll hold you responsible.
Oh, you needn't fret about her, sir.
She's locked in the cabin. I have
the key right here in my pocket.
Well, I'd better put it in my pocket.
Then I know she won't cause any trouble.
Aye, aye, sir.
Cast off.
Good morning, Mama. It's a
beautiful morning, isn't it?
So it's a beautiful
morning. What about it?
You look tired, Mama.
Go inside and rest.
We have no time to rest. The
customers are already in the market.
We gotta put the rest
of the vegetables on...
No, no, no, Mama. Later.
Out of my way. I was wondering when I...
Sorry, but you should have let me out.
So this is where you keep her.
Mama, I swear, I never saw her before.
After 20 years, you keep a
woman in the vegetable box.
It isn't true! After 20 years, I didn't!
I never saw your husband
before in my life.
I slept in there last night
because I had no place else to go.
Liar. Mama.
Hag. No, no, no, please.
Mama... Police! Police!
Please, Mama, don't.
Joseph, hadn't you better go?
If Madame Brizar will pardon me.
Of course.
Police! Police! Police!
Please, Mama!
I wouldn't have your husband
on a salad with mayonnaise!
He's good enough for me, but
he's not good enough for you?
Police! Mama!
You know what? If he's
so good you can have him.
Please stop screaming for me. I'm here.
Now what is the cause
for this disturbance?
He hid her in our vegetable closet.
I never saw her before.
He lies. With my own eyes I saw her.
For 20 years, she accuses me
of flirting with every woman
who comes to buy vegetables!
Because it took me
20 years to catch him!
Believe me, Mr. Policeman.
I didn't do anything.
I open the closet door and there she is!
Silence! I can't hear
you for the shouting.
Go inside. The rest of you, disperse.
Madame Brizar's compliments,
mademoiselle. She wants to see you.
Look, I'm in a hurry,
and I'm in trouble enough.
Then you should want to
see Madame Brizar.
This way, please.
Madame Brizar.
Did you want to see me? Yes.
You could be very attractive,
my girl. What's your name?
Deborah McCoy.
Stand back a little, so
that I can see you better.
Not too bad. Not too bad.
There she is! By the carriage!
Get in, Deborah. Why?
Because that policeman
is looking for you.
Now drive on.
Do you mind if I ask a question?
By all means.
Where are we going?
Come, come, child. In we go.
You may put the carriage away.
Yes, madame.
Come, Deborah.
Good morning, Toussaint.
Good morning, ma'am.
Monsieur Narbonne and
Monsieur Patout are waiting.
Oh. At this early hour?
Well, don't stand there and gawk. Come
in, darling. Sit down, child, sit down.
Monsieur Narbonne.
Such an honor.
Good morning, madame.
I'm giving a soire for the
Governor and his wife tonight,
and Patout has just reminded
me that we have no entertainers.
You remember my secretary?
Certainly I remember
Monsieur Patout.
He always brings the check.
No doubt.
There was a light-haired girl last time
who was unusually
pretty, if a bit gauche.
What was her name, Patout? Cleo, sir.
Ah, yes, one of my loveliest girls.
Very lovely, despite her
unfortunate habit of singing off-key.
Oh, that has been overcome,
Monsieur Narbonne.
She no longer sings. She dances.
Splendid. Then send
her along, by all means.
Well, and who is this?
Somebody who should not be here.
Now, make your curtsy, child,
and run along. Go on, run along.
So you're Monsieur Narbonne?
Well, hello. Hello.
I've heard a lot about
you from mutual friends.
Really? How nice.
Come, Patout. 9:00 this
evening, Madame Brizar.
You can leave everything
to me, as usual.
I'll send you a shower
of talent and beauty.
"Hello," she says.
"Hello," she says. Haven't you
even the slightest training?
So far I've always done all right.
I've never been so mortified.
Perhaps I've made a serious mistake.
Perhaps you have.
And then again, maybe I'm the
one who's made the mistake.
"Hello," she says.
Oh, Toussaint. Yes, ma'am.
Will you tell Delphine and
Cleo that I wish to see them?
Yes, ma'am. I'll tell them.
And don't stoop. Your
posture's most unbecoming.
What's the matter with my posture?
Oh, it fails utterly to suggest
the languid grace of the swan,
or the more piquant movements
of the male partridge.
Good morning, madame.
You wanted to see us?
Another affair at
Monsieur Narbonne's.
Delphine, you will wear the white lace.
But it makes me look so young.
Well, that's what we
have in mind, darling.
And, Cleo, you will wear the black
dress and look your best tonight.
Monsieur Narbonne
expressed some interest in you.
It worked.
I told you, if I sang
off-key, he'd notice me.
Is he really the richest
man in New Orleans?
He's not only very
rich, he's very single.
Oh, Delphine, Cleo. This is
Deborah McCoy, who may stay with us.
Now, after I've had my coffee,
we'll discuss your qualifications,
and then I'll decide.
Oh, Toussaint? Toussaint, my
coffee in the study, please.
She can take her time over that
coffee. I've decided for her.
What a lot of time I've
wasted living in Boston.
Higher, higher, much higher.
Higher all around.
Much higher.
This is for the Seamen's Fund brawl
next Tuesday night at the Catfish.
Will Monsieur Narbonne be there?
Monsieur never goes to brawls.
When do I get to go where he goes?
Well, after you've had the
rough edges knocked off.
Another month and you might be
ready for a gentleman's party.
A man is no different
because of his clothes.
Gentlemen prefer another type of girl.
A slouchier, more indifferent type.
Practice looking
slouchy and indifferent.
After your song, there
will of course be applause,
and then, no doubt,
you will be summoned to the table
of your host, Captain Kingston.
Now, I will be Captain Kingston.
Good evening, Captain. How
about buying me a drink?
No. No. No. No. The
approach is much too abrupt.
Well, it always worked before.
Well, maybe, in your prosaic Boston,
but here in New Orleans, the gentlemen
prefer a more roundabout course.
Especially Captain Kingston.
He's a great favorite
with our first families.
That guarantees he'll
be a first-class bore.
Debbie, Captain Kingston,
as head of the Seamen's Fund,
gives these parties to
entertain his seafaring friends,
not to entertain you.
Now, you are Captain
Kingston. Observe me.
Ah, Captain.
The city has been desolate
while you were away.
Fetch me a beer, wench.
The Captain only drinks champagne.
And remember, we get
an extra five percent
from the management of the Catfish.
I still think you're making a
mistake sending me to a fish fry.
My talents belong in the drawing room.
Ridiculous, child. You can't
fly until you've walked.
Tonight, you will attend the party
at the Catfish with the other girls.
Now, once more.
Captain Kingston.
And did you have an interesting trip?
Interesting enough. Except for
a brush with the pirate Baptiste.
No, no. You must never
mention anything unpleasant.
The very name of that
monster must be avoided
when talking with seafaring
men, especially Captain Kingston.
He is a privateer
commissioned to catch pirates.
Confine your conversation to
subjects that are soothing.
I wonder why I am so sure I am
going to dislike Captain Kingston.
No, don't start that again.
Besides, you've got to rehearse
your song again. Come along.
Back to work. Back to the piano.
Now, from the beginning. Are you ready?
One, two, three.
You near bit me ear off. I only
wanted you to share a bottle with me.
Here. Now you have one all to yourself.
Stop that. Stop that.
Tonight everybody in my place
is supposed to be friendly.
That's just it. He's too friendly.
I may even report this
to Madame Brizar.
Oh, so you're the singer?
I was. In this air, I don't know.
Well, you'll get used to
it. Besides, you're late.
Why didn't you come
with the other girls?
No doubt she had something better to do.
Good evening.
What are you doing here?
That's a fine question,
hey, Captain Kingston?
Asking the host what he's
doing in his own party.
Captain Kingston?
At your service, mademoiselle.
Up to a point.
So now you're here in New
Orleans to entertain us?
Yes. Oh, it's such an
honor you have conferred.
I am so gratified to be
at your party, pirate.
The city has been absolutely
desolate while you were away.
Debbie, will you
please remember my neck?
Oh, I shall remember it.
Every moment while I'm singing.
You won't go away, will you?
We have so much in common.
So many things to discuss,
uh, Captain Kingston.
Gentlemen, attention, please.
We're about to be entertained
by a charming young lady,
who I'm sure will capture
you, as she has captured me.
It gives me great pleasure to
introduce to you Mademoiselle...
I do not believe I know your
name, mademoiselle.
Take a chance. The
first name you think of.
Ah, yes, my friends,
Mademoiselle Deborah McCoy.
One good look
and you can tell
That I was brought
up very well
An education gives
a girl a certain air
As the French would
say, savoir-faire
You want a song
I have the words for it
Something light
and gay, monsieur
You want a dance I
have the steps for it
Anything you say, monsieur
I've even learned
how to say "no, no"
As every lady should
Yes, everything
I've learned to do
Oui, oui, I've
learned to do good
You want my heart
You're just the man for it
I'm the girl for
you, I'm sure
If you want my song
If you want my dance
If you want my heart
You will have the chance
Monsieur, monsieur
Oh, you have
but to say the word
You want a kiss
I have the lips for it If
you'd care to try, monsieur
You want my love
I have the arms for it
That's the reason
why, monsieur
Since I was young
I was always taught
A lady must obey
So everything
I'm told to do, I do
Oui, oui, s'il vous plat
You have a ring I've
got the place for it
And you know the
place, I'm sure
If you want my lips
If you want my arms
I will take the ring
You can have my charms
Monsieur, monsieur
You have but to say the word
Charming. You would've
been wasted in the Tortugas.
You're very kind, sir,
but it's no thanks to you
that I'm not there now.
Just to satisfy my curiosity,
how did you get here?
There are a few questions I'd like to ask
you, Captain, just to satisfy my curiosity.
Then I'll strike a bargain with you.
You ignore my questions
and I'll ignore yours.
If these people only knew
that the great Captain
Kingston was really a...
I think it unlikely they will
ever know, unless you tell them.
But the danger, especially
with a price on your head...
Exists only if, by an odd coincidence,
somebody who'd been aboard my
ship should turn up in New Orleans.
And in that event?
I would use every
means to protect myself.
As you all know, our Seamen's
Fund came into being some years ago
when shipping in New
Orleans was at a standstill
and our seamen were hungry and jobless.
Virtually every New
Orleans shipowner was ruined
by the barbarous acts of piracy
of that infamous cutthroat, Baptiste!
Any ship not destroyed by Baptiste
was bought by Alexander Narbonne,
who soon controlled all the
shipping in these Gulf waters.
Unfortunately for us,
Monsieur Narbonne chose to man
his fleet with crews from other ports.
At this time, when our
situation seemed hopeless,
a friend and benefactor came
to our aid, Captain Kingston.
Close your mouth, Debbie.
Ye be a friend of the
Captain's, be n't ye?
I be.
Then why sit alone? Come on and
join some more of his friends.
My friends, you're all familiar
with the terms of my father's will,
directing that certain
investments be made
for the benefit of the Seamen's Fund.
Once more I bring you good news.
During the past six months these
investments have shown substantial profits.
Tonight the Seamen's Fund is in a
position to outfit three more ships,
for captains whose vessels were
destroyed by the pirate Baptiste.
The gold for this purpose
will be turned over to the
Seamen's Fund tomorrow morning.
To your health, Captain. Thank you.
And now you are to entertain me.
Very well. Do we sing, dance or fight?
We decide on the way home.
I be just telling the
little lady all about ye.
Yes. He was telling me that if anyone
could catch Baptiste, you could.
Heaven knows, I try hard enough,
but he constantly seems to elude me.
Why don't you try standing still
for a while? You might catch him.
He's on his way out. Be ready.
Whip up, Orlande.
No, you don't!
Not a sound out of
you. Hurry up with it!
Run for it!
Are you all right?
Thanks to your teeth. I seem
to recall they're very sharp.
Who were those men?
I don't know.
But I know what they were
after. My ring, and they got it.
But I doubt if it'll make the new
owner very happy when he gets it.
Well, you're hurt. You'd
better get to a doctor at once.
Oh, it's nothing serious.
Debbie, you're out very late,
and apparently in very bad company.
Good work, Orlande. And now
to Madame Brizar's.
Yes, sir. Giddap.
Easy there.
Those are the first words you've
said all evening that make any sense.
Why, Debbie, I thought I'd
made everything very clear.
You certainly did. As
Baptiste you sink ships.
Then as Kingston you turn the
proceeds into a fund to outfit ships
for people whose ships
have been sunk by Baptiste.
Very clear.
It does sounds a little complicated.
Suppose we put it this way. Some
people need help, so I help them.
And in doing it, I
right some old wrongs.
But what if they should catch you?
Then I should be very sorry.
New Orleans is such a lovely place,
and the ladies in it even lovelier.
By the way, Debbie, if you were
a man wanted by the authorities,
and the secret of your identity
rested with a certain girl,
would you continue to worry about it?
I'd say the girl was
the least of my worries.
The others I'm sure I can handle.
Good night, Debbie.
Well? There's no doubt about it.
It's the ring you gave Baptiste.
Your initials are on the inside.
So now we've finished guessing.
The real Baptiste is dead.
And Kingston must have killed him.
What a pity.
And more the pity he didn't
die quickly before talking.
Without the ring,
Kingston can prove nothing.
I wish I could be sure of that.
He flaunted this ring
before me in my own house.
Whether to inform me
that he had more evidence,
or merely to worry me that
he might have, I don't know.
If he had more evidence, he's had ample
time to present it to the Governor.
Unfortunately, he's
much cleverer than you.
I used the real Baptiste to eliminate
the competition of Kingston's father
and the other shipowners.
So now Kingston turns pirate,
calls himself Baptiste,
and employs the same method against me.
Eight of my ships sunk,
and eight others outfitted.
It's no wonder he prefers
the present situation.
If it continues much longer, he
will have destroyed you completely.
Unless we destroy him first, at
sea where he should be destroyed.
You know, Patout, I
rather fancy being a hero,
ridding the seas of this new Baptiste.
Well? Do you approve?
Not bad. Not bad.
A few minor corrections,
and not bad at all.
A little too much rouge, perhaps.
Monsieur Narbonne
prefers a pale appearance.
It's not rouge, and I don't intend
to stick my face in a flour barrel
just to please Monsieur Narbonne.
Debbie, please remember,
when I found you,
you had your face in a vegetable bin.
Ever since you've been
here I've heard nothing but
"When do I entertain at
Monsieur Narbonne's?"
Now the time is here,
Monsieur Patout has made a
point of asking for your presence,
you're suddenly very nonchalant
about the most eligible
bachelor in New Orleans.
Oh, not at all. I couldn't
be more interested.
Then you might show it. Oh,
to me, of course, not to him.
Any more instructions? Yes.
Stay away from the ladies, sing your
song, retire to your dressing room...
And be particularly pleasant to that
little worm, Monsieur Patout.
By all means. He's very close
to Monsieur Narbonne.
And he can stay there. I intend
to stay close to Captain Kingston.
Good evening.
Good evening. I'm from
Madame Brizar's.
Oh. This way please.
This should convince you of
what you're missing, Captain.
There's nothing like it at sea.
Fortunately for my crew.
You can't be that thirsty, Captain.
Debbie, what a pleasant surprise.
That makes us even. I was surprised
when I heard you were going to be here.
Why, I wouldn't miss one of Narbonne's
soires for all his ships at sea.
Darling, you'd better come
here and defend yourself.
Patout's complaining to Uncle again.
Pardon me, Debbie. A summons
from His Excellency, the Governor.
We will all be looking
forward to hearing you sing.
Mademoiselle, the
entertainers wait in another room.
I meant no offense, Captain.
It's just that I'm so concerned
about Monsieur Narbonne
and the losses he has suffered.
A familiar complaint, Robert.
Why haven't you hung Baptiste?
Ah, Your Excellency, the ocean
is vast, the sea lanes many.
Where he is, I am not.
Where I am, he is not.
But someday we shall meet.
In the meantime, Patout here is worried.
It seems that one of Narbonne's
ships is leaving Spain next week
with a very rich cargo, and he fears...
Forgive me, your Excellency,
but I meant that information
to be kept in confidence.
If word should get out...
Well, Baptiste's ear seems to
be in as many places as his ship.
Of course, Patout, I understand.
Rest assured, it will go no further.
Not a soul will hear it from my lips.
Enough of Baptiste. Let's
speak of something pleasant.
I'll arrange for the
entertainment to begin.
I noticed you recognized our singer.
Ah, yes. And I can
recommend her very highly.
Oh, so that's who the young lady was.
For a moment I was almost jealous.
Delightful evening,
Monsieur Narbonne.
It's always a pleasure
to see you, madame.
It worked like a charm,
even better than we'd hoped.
The Governor himself told
him about our ship from Spain
and I pretended that the Governor
had breached a confidence.
Splendid. Splendid. In that case,
Patout, I think we can feel secure
that our three ships from Paris
will arrive safely in New Orleans.
Has our entertainer arrived yet?
Yes, and Captain Kingston
seemed quite pleased to see her,
which Mademoiselle
Villon noticed.
Good. Perhaps tonight we will
kill one bird with two stones.
Fetch the singer.
Good evening.
Good evening, monsieur.
Ah, Mademoiselle Villon.
We see far too little of
you when the Captain is away.
And the Captain is away far too often.
I'll take that as a compliment, Arlene.
Or is it a warning, Kingston?
Remember, a fiance is not yet a wife.
How very discerning, monsieur.
And, Robert, how very true.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is
Monsieur Narbonne's pleasure
to present a singer who
comes highly recommended.
Mademoiselle McCoy.
I trust this girl can carry an air.
Robert assures me she's quite good.
There's a song in the air
And you know why it's there
Because you're in love
You're in love
And that's how you know it
For you took the
world for granted
Now you know that
the world's enchanted
And life was...
What did you do then?
I sent him home, of course.
There's a cloud in the sky
But it's passing you by
And the sky looks blue
Dreams come true
Just because he's in love
With you
So there I was,
without a servant in the
house and the General calling.
Such a predicament. Yes, Robert?
Because you're in love
What happened then?
You're in love
For you took the world...
We have so much to
discuss, madame.
Shall we retire until this
silly entertainment's over?
A splendid idea.
And life was
never like this before
Good evening, monsieur.
And how is Madame Latour?
Very well, thank you. Come, my dear.
And remind me to tell you of the
time Marshal La Fouche came to dinner.
He arrived even later than
usual, full of excuses.
Dreams come true
Will those two ladies please get out
of here and stop disturbing my song?
Can that creature be shouting at us?
I can, and I am!
Since no one is interested in my
song, I'm sure you'll excuse me.
Never in all my experience
have I seen anything like this.
Well, what can you expect? She's
from Madame Brizar's.
But surely, she didn't
expect us to listen to her.
Why did you ruin my song?
Your manners, my girl, need correction.
Is it manners to talk while
you're being entertained
and to walk out in the middle of a song?
I am not accustomed to such
impudence. Kindly leave the room.
And I'm not accustomed to the rude
behavior of an ill-mannered snob.
Get out of here, you
dressed-up scullery maid.
Oh! So we're going to
talk about clothes, are we?
Then let's start with that dress.
How dare you?
Why not? I wore it before you did.
This dress came from Paris.
So Captain Kingston told me.
But I didn't like it. Much too gauche.
I seem to remember having put
my foot through the inner hem.
But you'll find it quite neatly mended.
Oh! Please stop. No. This is terrible!
You must stop it! Please!
Good evening, Monsieur Narbonne.
It's been such a pleasant party.
Debbie... Excuse me!
Arlene... Excuse me!
Captain Duval?
There is something I want
you to do for me, Captain,
in your official capacity
as Chief of Police.
Mademoiselle has but to command.
Permit me to offer you my
apologies, mademoiselle.
The apology, monsieur,
is owed to me by someone else.
But first, Robert, you and
I are going to discuss gowns,
specifically this gown.
I assure you, it was
all perfectly innocent.
I can't believe that anything associated
with that creature was innocent.
And now, Captain Duval, I would
like to resume our conversation
without interruptions.
My sympathies, Captain.
I'm afraid it has been an
unfortunate evening for you.
So that's what happened.
I disgraced you thoroughly.
Well, go on, say it. The best
client you ever had, and I...
Did just what I always wanted to do.
Why, madame.
How often, when I was a young
singer, did I feel just the same way?
But slapping the face of
the Governor's niece...
Oh, no.
Oh, yes.
Well, I don't care if she's
his mother, she deserved it.
Of course, her being engaged to Captain
Kingston had nothing to do with it?
That woman, engaged
to... I don't believe it.
Well, for two years,
everybody else has believed it.
Two years?
Well, he can't love her very much.
For all our sakes, forget
about Captain Kingston.
And leave him at the mercy of that
ill-tempered witch? I couldn't.
He doesn't know what
he's getting himself into.
Doesn't that apply to most husbands?
Who can that be at this hour?
Open, in the name of the law!
I'll take care of it, Toussaint.
Open, I say!
Have pity on my door.
What do you want?
We have a warrant for the
arrest of Deborah McCoy.
Mercy. What has she done?
She is charged with assault on the person
of Mademoiselle Arlene Villon.
Well, she's not here.
Keep them out as long
as you can, Toussaint.
Run, get out of here. Where will I go?
What's the difference?
Just make sure that they don't
find you. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Open, I say.
Here, you've no time
to get dressed. Wait.
Here, put this on,
and out of the window.
Halt! Come back here.
Sorry, I have a previous engagement.
Ahoy, there! Ahoy!
Who be you, and what do you want?
Good evening, Jared.
Oh, no. Not you again.
I knew you'd be glad to see me.
You can't come aboard in that
fashion. Do you want to start a riot?
I just did. Is the Captain aboard?
No, and if he was, he'd probably
toss you back into the sea.
I doubt it. You see, Captain Kingston
and I know too much about each other.
When he comes aboard, tell him
I'll be waiting in his cabin.
I warn you, the master won't like it.
He'll like it.
I wasn't expecting you
before daylight, sir.
What do you think it is now?
Make ready to sail! A
Narbonne ship is due!
Aye, sir.
Only there is a lady...
If you're interested in a lady,
you can see her when we return.
It isn't me, sir. It's the lady...
Stop chattering about ladies. I've had
enough of them tonight to last me a lifetime.
Weigh anchor before we miss the tide.
Aye, sir.
Hands, raise up the
sails! Away, you lubbers!
Aye, sir. Take the helm.
Forward, main braces! Away, you lubbers!
Good morning.
Oh, no.
I hope you enjoyed yourself
at Monsieur Narbonne's.
For hours I've wanted
to get my hands on you.
Why, Frederic! To choke you.
Why, I've never known
you to be so violent.
Why in the name of seven red devils
did you have to mention that dress?
I'll answer that
when you tell me why your
charming fiance broke up my song.
We are not talking about her.
I am.
And in the days to come, I'll
tell you many things of her,
each one worse than the last.
And what makes you think I'm
going to let you stay here?
I'm afraid you're going
to have to, Frederic.
You see, the police are after me.
And you, of all people, wouldn't
want me in the hands of the police.
So now it's blackmail?
Oh, no, Frederic. Devotion.
I'll have a cabin prepared for you.
My usual one, if you don't mind.
Quartermaster, watch
your helm. Aye, aye, sir.
Bring her to until she's trim.
Luff a quarter point.
Luff a quarter point.
When you raid the ship, Jared, don't
forget to select a dress for me.
Maybe you'd like to board
her with us for a fitting?
If this wind holds, we'll be
off the Floridas in the morning.
We'll lay to and wait.
Are you planning to vote the
Governor a share of the haul, Captain,
for giving you the information?
What information?
That's none of your affair.
When we sight the ship, you'll
go to your cabin and stay there.
All right, you don't have to
tell me. I know all about it.
With my very own ears I heard
Monsieur Narbonne tell Patout
that he was expecting
three ships from Paris.
You heard him say what?
That he was expecting
three ships from Paris.
What a fool I've been,
Jared! What a fool!
They set a trap for me and
used the Governor to spring it.
Then there's no ship from Spain?
Of course there's a ship from Spain.
Probably a converted
man-of-war, armed to the gallows
and ready to blast us
to the bottom of the sea.
Alter course, Jared.
Narbonne can have his ship from Spain.
And we'll have his ships from Paris
and hoist him by his own petard!
Helm, hard a-larboard!
Hard a-larboard, sir!
Away there! Braces,
topsails and courses!
Watch your wind!
Debbie, remind me to
buy you some earrings
for those sharp little ears of yours.
I will.
Sail ho!
Where away?
Two points off the larboard bow, sir!
Make it so.
Prepare for action, Jared.
She's flying the Narbonne flag.
Aye, sir. Fore and
main braces, slack all!
Fore and main braces, slack all!
Helm a-lee! Bring her to.
Main braces, let go all.
Show them who we are,
Jared. I'm going below.
Debbie, go to your cabin.
And miss all the excitement? Not me.
You heard the captain's orders.
So did you. Show them who we are.
Hoist the Roger!
Pirates! Man the guns, and
prepare to repel boarders.
Man the guns!
Prepare to repel boarders!
Gun tackles away!
Clear your vents!
Set and ready, sir. Prime guns.
Prime guns!
I thought I told you
to go to your cabin.
Who are you supposed to be?
Baptiste, the cutthroat.
We disguise the ship
when we leave New Orleans.
I don't want to be recognized either.
Then why don't you stay in your cabin?
Because I belong up here, but you don't.
Take her as she comes!
Rake her! Fire!
Look out!
Boarders, stand by!
Make fast those grapnels!
Prepare to board, lads!
Clear the main decks!
Drive them aft!
Boarders away!
Not bad, Captain.
Daring, but late.
And now, Captain, we can
discuss things calmly.
How long before they make land?
A few days, but they're
well provisioned.
That's another secret
you've got to keep, Debbie.
I'd lose my standing as a pirate
if word got around I
spared my victims' lives.
There she be.
That's one for Davy Jones
and two more a-coming.
And this makes two.
And still another to come.
There she be!
Jared, an extra ration
of grog for the men.
Make it three extra
rations. One for each ship.
Oh, I could use a bit of grog myself.
I guess I'm not cut out for
this occupation of pirating.
That part of it's all over.
We sail for Martinique
to sell the cargo,
and then, Debbie, we
go home to New Orleans.
Long life to ye both!
No sleep tonight, Debbie?
If you're worrying
about the police, don't.
I can take care of that ridiculous
charge the moment we land.
What can you do about this
being our last night out?
All voyages must end sometime.
You could just turn this ship
around and keep on sailing.
You forget my friends at the Seamen's
Fund and my business with them.
To say nothing of Mademoiselle
Villon, and your business with her.
That, too, Debbie.
I'd hoped you'd understand.
I don't at all, but I know
what you're going to say.
What you've been leading up
to for the past three days.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but
doesn't it go something like this?
"this is a difficult moment for
both of us, but one we have to face.
"Now, being together
these past few months
"has made us forget
everyone but ourselves,
"and led us to believe
that everything has changed.
"But tomorrow we land in New
Orleans, we meet our old friends,
"and discover that nothing has changed,
"least of all my feeling toward
Mademoiselle Villon."
That doesn't sound very pretty.
Perhaps you could make
it sound more attractive.
No matter what words I use,
the meaning would be the same.
I'm sorry, Debbie. I
hope you'll forgive me.
And I hope that you...
That you'll be very happy.
Four bells and all's well!
That's what you think.
Captain Duval, there's a
Captain Kingston to see you.
Show him right in.
Welcome home, Kingston. I
hadn't heard you were back.
We dropped anchor this morning.
Any sign of Baptiste?
Monsieur Narbonne
was not so fortunate.
He lost three more ships.
Bad business. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Well, what brings you here?
I have a small favor to
ask. It concerns a girl.
But you only anchored this morning.
This occurred before I sailed.
Some trifling charge.
Assault, I believe.
But I feel a certain
responsibility in the matter
and promised to help her.
And her name? Deborah McCoy.
Oh, that one.
Now I understand. Understand what?
Why the charges were made,
and why they were dropped.
Consider the matter closed, Captain.
The complainant
requested the same favor.
She did? Of course,
right after her marriage.
As Madame Narbonne, she recognized
it would be most unseemly for her
to be jealous of anyone but
Monsieur Narbonne.
You are speaking of
Mademoiselle Villon?
Of course.
Forgive me, Captain, I assumed you
would've been the first to have heard.
It appears I've made a dreadful mistake.
Apparently, I have been saved
from making a greater one.
This is a surprise.
It is a day of surprises, madame.
My belated best wishes to you,
and my congratulations to
Monsieur Narbonne.
No anger, Robert? That's
not very flattering.
At the risk of upsetting
you, madame,
I find myself less angry than perplexed.
How well you control
your emotions, Robert.
But you did come to see me.
And I must confess I'm pleased.
A minor confession, madame.
No other is important.
There was always one fault
with being in love with you.
You could do so well without me.
With Alexander, it's different.
He needs me. I have the
position to go with his wealth.
It's a convenient
arrangement for both of us.
And, Robert, it's an arrangement
that needn't too much affect you and me.
When last we met, you were
quite violent about a young lady.
I was just thinking of
the names you called her.
Are you comparing me
to that guttersnipe?
No longer, madame, the
comparison is too unfair to her.
Then I suggest you leave
here and return to her.
No suggestion was ever
more welcome, madame.
I called to offer you my
congratulations. I now extend my sympathy.
Get out.
Your husband will soon
discover you are without honor.
You will soon discover
he is without wealth.
This should be a happy
arrangement for both of you.
You see, it has been a day
of surprises, madame.
Patout, is it true that Alexander
is in financial difficulties?
Captain Kingston tell you this?
Does it make any difference who told me?
A great deal, madame,
since it is my belief he is
responsible for those difficulties.
Or should I say, Baptiste,
since they are one and the same?
You're out of your mind.
Both your husband and I have
every reason to believe this.
Then why haven't you gone to the police?
For one reason, madame.
Because you and your uncle
have always been his protector.
I would like nothing
better than to see him hang.
If madame truly feels that way,
perhaps we can arrange that event.
We have manifests of all the cargos
lost when Baptiste looted our ships.
If any of these cargos are
found aboard Kingston's ship,
we have the proof we need.
I see.
Send Alexander to me
as soon as he returns.
Madame, should the charges
be proffered by the Governor's niece,
Captain Duval would
act even more quickly.
Of course, and Captain Kingston
would be even more unhappy.
We've had an anxious day, Captain,
wondering if it would be you or
the police who would call on us.
I haven't even let Debbie unpack.
It is safe for her to do so,
but I'm here to ask her not to.
Why not?
Does my presence in New
Orleans embarrass you?
On the contrary, New Orleans
itself embarrasses me.
Therefore I'm sailing immediately
and want you to go with me.
Won't that be a little awkward? You
and I and Madame Narbonne?
Then you know? Yes.
Madame Brizar was
kind enough to tell me.
At which point I discovered
that even a woman
doesn't understand women.
They're very unpredictable creatures,
as you're about to find out.
Debbie, I don't think you understand.
There's nothing to stop us now.
I'm ready to turn the ship
around and keep on sailing.
So now you're ready? Well, I'm not.
When you thought you could
have Mademoiselle Villon,
you didn't want me.
Well, now that you can't
have her, I don't want you.
I came here, Debbie,
because I discovered that it wasn't
Mademoiselle Villon that I loved, it was you.
And I've discovered that
I want no part of you.
I wasn't good enough for you
and your friends last night.
Well, they're not good
enough for me today.
Debbie, stop acting like a fool.
I wonder what your high and mighty
friends would say if they knew
that the gallant Captain Kingston was
really Frederic Baptiste, a pirate.
Why don't you tell them?
Ahoy, Jared!
Answer him.
Ahoy, Captain!
How fitting that Captain Kingston
should be the first to know
we have captured Baptiste.
She wasted no time in
coming to you, did she?
Did you expect her
to? Secure them below.
A sailor sails the seven seas
And maybe seven more
But when he's got
his money saved
He's better off ashore
A sailor sails the seven
seas And maybe seven more
But keep your women
locked away
The day he comes ashore
I met a man from New Orleans
one bright and sunny day
He said he'd never leave me
Then he up and sailed away
He was gone for 15 years
I thought that he was dead
But he came back
with bags of gold
And here is what he said
A sailor sails the seven
seas And maybe seven more
Looks like we're wasting our time.
There isn't going to
be any trouble here.
It's as peaceful as a clambake.
The Captain pays too much
attention to informers.
My sister married Captain
John A handsome sailor boy
They had a happy family
Till he heard a "ship ahoy"
And then he
got the urge to sail
And so he left them all
Now every time
you pass her house
You'll hear my sister call
A sailor sails the seven
seas And maybe seven more
But when he's got
a wife and child
He'll never come ashore
I've known a lot
of sailor boys
The Captain and the crew
I'll eat with them
and drink with them
And flirt with one or two
But never will I marry one
And here's the reason why
The very day I marry one
He'll up and say goodbye
A sailor sails the seven
seas And maybe seven more
And I'll be true to any man
As long as he's ashore
The town is quiet as can
be But not for very long
The moment that
the ships come in
You'll hear a sailor's song
He's ready for a frolic
So it's up to you and me
To make each sailor wish
that he had never seen the sea
A sailor sails the seven
seas And maybe seven more
And now I go to meet my love
His ship has come ashore
I do not condemn your motive,
my son, only your method.
No other method would've
been as effective.
To live by the sword is
to perish by the sword.
You see where it has brought you?
If you'll permit me, Father, I see more
clearly where a woman has brought me.
I have been to see this
Mademoiselle McCoy.
She denies having betrayed you.
And I believe her.
Father, in your calling,
you're supposed to believe.
Gentlemen, I'm
overwhelmed by this honor.
And well you should be, pirate,
for Monsieur Narbonne
has come to offer you mercy.
Monsieur Narbonne's mercy can
be more dangerous than his threats.
I pray you will be generous, sir.
Monsieur Narbonne
has come as a friend.
And you're badly in need
of friends, Baptiste.
The Governor has refused to see you.
Your execution is scheduled for dawn.
It appears that all is fair in love
and war, and I have lost at both.
Perhaps not.
I have come to make you an offer.
Which you are in no position to refuse.
I am all ears, gentlemen.
In exchange for a simple
statement from you,
I'm convinced I can persuade the
Governor to offer you a pardon,
on the condition that you
leave New Orleans forever.
And what is to be the
nature of this statement?
A simple confession that the money
you turned over to the Seamen's Fund
for the purchase of new ships was really
mine, procured by selling my cargo.
The court will then rule
those transactions illegal.
And compel the owners of these
ships to sign them over to you.
I would like nothing better than to sign
such a statement, but I'm afraid I can't.
Why not?
You can't deny that you raided my ships.
I can deny it. In fact, I will deny it.
Then you'll hang. Too bad.
It seems such a ridiculous way to die.
Come, Patout, we're
just wasting our time.
Open. Monsieur,
my compliments to your wife.
And my apologies for
finding it impossible to
replenish the Narbonne fortune.
She will at least have the
satisfaction of seeing you hang.
As well as the reward
for having exposed you.
Monsieur Patout!
You will never know how
happy you've made me.
Line up, all of you. Line up.
What is all this, Sergeant?
The fight at the Catfish, Captain.
The information you had was correct.
Lock them up.
Merely a routine brawl.
Bring them along. Open up.
Come along.
Hurry up. Move along.
Go on, get in there!
Mademoiselle, the keys.
Come on.
Quick, where is he?
In the next cell. Give me the keys.
Debbie, is it any wonder I love you?
Hurry, they'll have
reinforcements here any moment.
If I hang for it, I'll have a kiss.
There'll be time for
that later. Come on.
Eight bells and all's well.
How right he is.