Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe (2011) Movie Script

So February 1, 2005, 0800 hours...
...this begins the inquiry into the mission...
...herein referred to as
Operation Provide Support.
Commander Axe, do you have
anything to say before we begin?
Well, sir, it's actually
more of a question than a statement.
Can I have a beer?
You may not have a beer. But you may
stand up and raise your right hand.
Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth...
- so help you God?
- Yeah.
Sir, am I on trial here?
I got the word about wearing the dress whites,
and now we're doing the whole oath thing--
For now this is not
an official legal proceeding.
Think of it as an informal conversation...
...to sort out exactly what happened here.
We got over a dozen casualties...
...some structures destroyed,
a few vehicles destroyed.
This little disaster is gonna
take some serious sorting out.
That's why I suggested the beer.
I'll ask you not to waste my time,
Commander Axe.
- Now can we begin?
- You're the boss, sir.
Let's start with how you first became
involved in this operation.
Uh, that kind of depends.
There's kind of the official beginning
and then the unofficial beginning.
You know what I mean?
Right. Well, uh, okay...
this whole thing began... in bed.
A couple of weeks back, I just started
seeing a lady by the name of Donna.
You're not so tough.
I bet I could beat you.
Oh, yeah? How's that?
Well, first, I make you weak.
- Aw.
- Tire you out.
And then when you least expect it...
I attack.
Pretty good.
You should come by and
teach the teams a few moves.
You should teach my
husband a few moves.
Wait a second.
Your husband? You're married?
Oh, don't be that way. It's fine.
Uh, well, no. Actually, uh, it's not fine.
- I kind of have a thing about that.
- He barely looks at me now.
It's like he's not even my husband anymore.
He's just--
Oh, my God. He's here.
I don't understand.
He should still be in D.C.
That's your husband?
You're married to Admiral Maitland?
Just-Just go, okay?
No, no. Not that way. He'll see you.
No. Bathroom.
Well, it's been great.
As a SEAL,
I've been involved in evasive maneuvers...
...but this... was an unusual
tactical situation.
Hey, Donna!
What's the matter with Buster?
He's going crazy out here.
I don't know. He's been like that all day.
Still, same principles apply
in any hostile encounter...
...when you need to get out clean
without engaging the enemy--
...identify an escape route
and blend seamlessly into the surroundings.
Wait. Wait. And how exactly does this
relate to the mission in question?
I'm getting there, sir.
This is important, I promise.
I just don't wanna hear any more of your
romantic escapades. Is there a point?
Okay, so that night, I headed out.
Now, with this type of problem, some men will
duck and cover. Others will turn to booze.
Me? Let's just say
I have my own secret weapon.
I swear, every time I see you,
you look different.
It comes with the job, Sam.
Hey, nice tan, Mikey. Where you been?
- Someplace sunny.
- Well, it agrees with you.
I remember how pasty you got
when we were stuck back in Poland in '92.
- How long are you in town?
- A few days of debriefing, at least. We'll see.
Not to impose, but you feel like advising
an old buddy with a sticky situation?
How sticky?
Sticky like let's get a table
and a few more rounds.
An admiral?
It had to be an admiral's wife?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So look,
what do you think I should do here?
Go to Maitland and explain.
Tell him you didn't know who she was...
...until things had already
gotten out of hand.
- in fact, call him right now.
- Mike, that's not what I'm-
I was more looking for that super-spy
advice on how to keep this quiet.
You remember that thing
in Kiev with Misha...
when he sold out the wetwork team
on their way to Paris?
- Oh, yeah. What about it?
- That's the kind of secret that stays secret...
...because if it comes out,
people get sent to Siberia.
This will come out as soon as Maitland
looks sideways at his wife.
Seriously, Mike, you know,
I know you're a smart guy...
...but you've dated one lady,
and she was a frickin' psycho.
I'm just saying you may not be the expert
on this whole boy-girl thing.
My job is to know what people
are gonna do before they do it...
...which is how I know you're not
gonna take my advice...
...and this is gonna
blow up in your face, Sam.
I don't know.
I mean, how smart can spies be, right?
You're always fighting
on the side with no guns.
There are certain rewards
to fighting on the side with no guns.
Tell you what. One day, you're gonna
give me some spy lessons. Deal?
Mm. I gotta go.
- You're gonna be all right?
- Yeah, I'll be fine.
Thanks for the beer. Oh. And, Sam...
be careful.
So I have
a few more drinks and head home...
...figuring that maybe it's best
not to get relationship advice from a spy.
The thing Is,
It turned out the spy was right.
Commander Axe,
you need to come with us.
Says who?
You were in my house, in bed with my wife.
And don't even try to deny it,
'cause I found your belt.
This look familiar?
I talked to Donna
and she told me everything.
Admiral, I was unaware, sir,
that she was your significant other.
You were unaware? You're a Navy SEAL.
You're trained in battlefield awareness...
...and you didn't see
my name on the mailbox?
Well, sir, I wasn't exactly
in that frame of mind, sir.
As you can imagine,
I was otherwise occupied, sir.
I'll stop talking now, sir.
So I checked my docket
for an assignment...
that would get you out of my sight
for the foreseeable future...
and I think I found just the thing.
Not Siberia. Please, not Siberia.
You're going to Colombia.
Sir, with all due respect,
I need to pack, sir, and, well, uh--
- Are you refusing orders?
- No, sir. Of course not.
It's just that I-
Well, it's been a while, sir, and-
For a mission in South America,
I should really brush up on my Spanish.
Well, you got a 12-hour plane ride, so...
...brush up, amigo.
Amigo. That's "friend," right, sir?
Get the hell out of my office!
So, like a good soldier,
the next morning I was up bright and early...
...enjoying a first-class
plane ride down to Colombia.
# I said I mean what I said
I said baby #
# You try to protect me
Oh #
- Hey!
- # And I know that you won't dare to forget me ##
- What the hell are you wearing, brother?
- I got issued these.
You do know
most of Colombia's green, right?
I don't think the guy who issued them
wanted me to blend in.
Can you turn that crap off?
I was supposed to be taking some Green
Beret named Donohue down on this mission.
Heard he got drunk and set a tank on fire.
- Guess you screwed up even worse, huh?
- Yeah, it would seem so.
What did you do?
Must've been something crazy, man.
- I don't wanna get into it, okay?
- Suit yourself.
- Good luck, big guy.
- Yeah, thanks.
I read over the mission.
Essentially, I was going down to check
on reports of unrest in the region.
Basically, a local Colombian official
with connections in the States...
called in a few favors.
He needed someone
to observe and report on a situation...
...so he could scare up
some U.S. military aid.
And I was the lucky guy who got to do
the observing and reporting.
Sir, I read the file, but I was hoping you
could fill me in on the basics of the situation.
I was dropped into this a little suddenly.
This group,
the so-called Espada Ardiente...
...has been staging serious attacks
all over this countryside.
And the situation is getting only worse
and worse. We need help.
Espada Ardiente. Is that some kind
of homegrown insurgent group?
Yes. Actually,
we don't know much about them.
There's someone I would like you to meet.
Will you follow me, please?
Comandante Veracruz,
let me introduce Commander Axe.
It is a pleasure, Commander Axe.
Comandante Veracruz has worked before
with American soldiers.
- He's at your disposal.
- I believe we have mutual acquaintances.
I trained
at the School of the Americas in '92.
Well, hell, if you trained there in '92...
I knew every last son of a bitch
that made you do push-ups in the mud.
- Vic Rayburn.
- No, no, no. You mean the Terror.
- That's the guy.
- Of course.
So what's the plan?
We have intelligence
that Espada Ardiente...
...is planning to attack
an international clinic...
...run by a group called Doctors for All.
- A hospital? Seriously?
- Unfortunately, yes.
Until now they have stayed clear
of civilian targets.
The clinic sits in a strategic pass
in the mountains.
We believe the terrorists want to use it
to take control of that region.
The plan is for you
and Comandante Veracruz...
to get there before that can happen.
- I trust we are in good hands?
- Of course. Thank you, sir.
- Let's meet the guys.
- Fantastic. Please.
- Hola, seor.
- Abajo.
So it was the standard drill.
I met Veracruz's team...
and we headed out up the mountains
toward the territory...
that this Espada Ardlente group
was occupying.
Spent a couple days driving up and down
mountains and getting carsick.
Not much to report,
at least until we got further north...
and started seeing some of the places
these guys had attacked.
It was mostly little stuff-
blown-up vehicles, some burnt campsites.
But it was enough to make me think
we had to get to this clinic ASAP...
make sure nothing happened.
The clinic was conveniently located
in the middle of nowhere.
After our long trek there, I figured
they'd offer us a beer for our trouble...
but they weren't exactly happy to see us.
Okay, this is just crazy.
Why would anyone attack the clinic?
I'm sorry, Doctor, but our intelligence
indicates there may be an attack.
And so what are we supposed to do, hmm?
That would be best.
We can give you until tomorrow to-
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Tomor- Listen,
I got people in there too sick to move.
- How am I supposed to evacuate-
- Let me handle this.
American to American.
I'm Canadian.
Uh, North American to North American?
We're not trying
to bust your chops here...
but you're not gonna help your patients
if you guys get shot.
Listen, sir, we don't have any problems
with the Espada Ardiente, okay?
Un segundo.
Un segundo, okay? Please.
So just tell me how am I supposed
to evacuate my clinic by tomorrow?
Hi, Ben. Hi.
Why don't you go
and take care of the patient.
And I've got this.
Yeah? This way, soldier.
It's, uh, Commander actually.
Sorry about that.
- Yeah, what's his problem?
- He's a doctor.
It's his job to cure people.
You're a soldier. It's your job to kill them.
Take a wild guess
what his problem might be, bright eyes.
- And you are?
- Amanda Maples.
I'm with the local food relief program.
We work out of the clinic.
- Nice threads, by the way. Really subtle.
- Yeah. It's a long story.
You wanna talk to your buddy in there?
You guys could be in danger.
Yeah. I'll do my best. For now though...
we'd all really appreciate it
if you'd get lost.
'Cause if we weren't a target before...
we definitely will be
if you guys don't leave.
As a soldier, I can't just leave.
Sure you can.
You just-
You get in the truck and you turn the key.
You put your foot on the pedal-
it's on the floor-
and you go.
What's going on? Who's the kid?
She may be with one of the terrorists.
We caught her sneaking
into one of the trucks.
Hey, hey.
Everybody just calm down here.
Geez. Okay.
So, kid-
Okay, guys, come on.
She's just looking for something to eat.
Let's not go crazy. It's not our mission
to rough up hungry teenagers.
- Right?
- Of course.
Here you go, kid.
So, look, I talked to the doctor
and a lady from the food aid program...
but they don't know anything
about an attack.
All I got out of 'em
was a polite invitation to screw off.
We will make camp nearby.
If there is an attack, we will be ready.
Veracruz's camp was pretty remote.
But let me tell you,
his guys were seriously well-armed.
I didn't know exactly
who we were up against yet...
- but they had enough firepower to wipe 'em off the map.
- Hola, Commander Axe.
So I decided I'd just
keep my head down, do my job...
and make my reports to H. Q.
like a good boy.
Admiral Maitland's office.
- Commander Axe for Admiral Maitland, please.
- One moment, Commander.
- Axe.
- Yes, sir.
Uh, no contact
with any terrorists yet, sir.
- We're a couple miles from the clinic.
- Good.
Carry on as long as it takes.
Sir, what exactly does
"as long as it takes" mean?
It means next time...
stay away from the wives
of ranking officers.
- See you in a few months.
- Roger that.
- Hey. Just calling to command, letting them know what's up.
- Fantastic.
Perhaps you would like to relax,
eat some supper.
My men and I are going to scout the area.
- I'll go with you. My gear's right in there.
- Actually, seor...
- it is better if you stay here.
- Oh, stay here.
I can't exactly observe and report
from the inside of my tent, can I?
- I can handle a little night scouting.
- I'm sure you can, Commander Axe...
but I'm responsible for your safety.
If we make contact with the terrorists,
we will come for you immediately.
This is where things
kind of started to go sideways.
You might wanna mark that down
in your notes. "Things went sideways. "
- So, what did you do?
- I guess you could say I modified my orders.
Oh, seor-
Buenas noches.
So I decided to conduct a scout of my own.
I did a basic perimeter check, searched
for tire tracks, signs of actively.
The only hostile forces I found
was a nest of spiders as big as quarters.
- And in the middle of fighting
those little bastards off...
I hear voices.
I go in, check it out, thinking maybe
It was the Espada Ardlente guys.
But what do I find instead? Veracruz...
...unloading a bunch of weapons
from a hidey-hole in the mountain.
I listen in on their conversation,
and guess what I hear.
They're planning on attacking
the clinic themselves...
...and making it look
like the rebels did it.
And after I make my report-
We destroy the clinic
and I shoot the American in the head.
Son of a bitch.
I've had lots of stuff go bad
in operations...
but finding out
I was supposed to get killed...
...as part of a plot to get U.S. military aid,
that was a new one.
So I just stayed calm...
and made my way back to camp
as efficiently as possible.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Let's go back here. I'm confused.
You're saying you did not make contact
with Espada Ardiente at this point?
Because our reports indicate-
Well, where did you get the reports?
From Veracruz's paramilitaries?
You think they were gonna announce...
that they were officially planning on
putting two in the back of my head?
What I really wanna hear about is how
you were kidnapped by terrorist forces.
Oh, yeah.
Well, that's not entirely accurate.
See, I couldn't let Veracruz know
that I was onto him...
so I put together a little
kidnapping scene for them to find...
and double-timed it back to the clinic.
What the hell are you doing out here, man?
It's 5:00 a. m.
You and me need to talk. Now.
Okay, so I-I-I'm confused here.
- Why would anybody wanna attack us?
- Because it's a ploy.
If they can make this terrorist group look like
they massacred a clinic and killed yours truly...
Veracruz can do anything he wants down
here and get a blank check to do it.
Right. But here's the thing.
We're not political.
Okay? I've never even heard
of the Es- What is it?
- Espada Ardiente.
- Yeah.
It happens all the time.
I saw it when I worked in Africa.
Some military group needs aid...
so they do something really terrible
and blame it on their enemies.
The point is,
you guys gotta move fast, okay?
in the meantime, I need your sat phone.
- Okay. Um, good luck there.
- Okay.
When we need to make a call,
we have to go all the way to Santa Marta.
Seriously, you got nothing?
Hey, we're not the Mayo Clinic.
And quick question. How do you
propose that we get out of here?
On our medevac helicopter
or our fleet of ambulances?
We are a tiny clinic in the mountains.
I'm not the one you're fighting here.
I'm just trying to lay it out for you.
And we appreciate it.
But this Veracruz of yours
is looking for you...
and we can't have him
finding you here, so-
Just go. We can take care of ourselves.
He must have been kidnapped.
- Did you hear anything else?
- No, nothing.
- Sorry, Commander.
- It's okay.
You still have an important role
to this mission, Seor Garcia.
When I tell the Americans what happened...
I will say you bravely
tried to fight off the Espada Ardiente.
But, sadly...
you were killed.
Throw his body in the ravine
and take pictures for the report.
- And the clinic?
- With the American gone, there's no use waiting.
We will destroy the clinic ourselves
and make the report.
The bad news was,
Veracruz was making his move early...
a fact I learned when I ran into
a familiar face on the road.
Oh, Jesus! Wha-
You're the kid from earlier, right? The food thief.
What the hell are you doing back here?
- I'm trying to get people out of the clinic.
- Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Slow down a second.
Since when do you speak English?
I used to watch Full House.
Veracruz is coming. We have to go.
- Veracruz? How do you know he's coming?
- I was watching his camp.
- You were spying on his camp.
- I wasn't spying.
I was trying to steal food,
and they caught me, then I try again.
What do you care? Veracruz shot
one of his men for letting you escape.
He's on his way here now.
He's on his way here now!
Hey. Whoa. Oh!
- No, no. Not you again.
- I thought I told you to go-
Yeah, yeah, I remember. I got a new plan.
We're gonna get everybody out of here now.
Is this the clinic?
It was.
I've had some conflicting reports
about how this happened.
I've heard it was the Espada Ardiente.
I've heard it was the paramilitary.
I'd like to hear your version.
Well, it's, um- I think the point
is the clinic is gone, right?
It doesn't really matter how it happened.
I get to decide what matters
and what doesn't matter, Commander.
Why are you so hung up
about the clinic, sir?
I thought we were talking about
a rogue paramilitary operation here.
The reason why I'm so hung up...
is because remote mountain clinics don't
usually blow up suddenly by themselves.
- Now, perhaps you're protecting someone.
- I'm not the bad guy here.
Well, then prove that,
because someone's going down for this.
And who that someone is depends
on what you say right now.
Okay, fine. Very good.
You sit there nice and relaxed...
and I'm gonna go start
court-martial proceedings.
All right, fine! I did it. Okay?
I blew the damn thing up myself!
We were in a desperate situation, sir.
There was one road out of there. We had a bunch
of sick people, and we were running out of time.
This is not the time to slow down. Veracruz
and his men are on their way right now.
With these roads, we got about 30 minutes.
Can you be a sweetheart?
Grab these oxygen tanks.
I thought you said that Veracruz
wasn't coming until later.
He changed his mind.
Funny how that happens.
What are y'all doing with my stuff?
Do you have a secret cache of weapons
around here that I don't know about?
- No, I don't have a secret cache-
- Right. I didn't think so.
Here you go, kiddo.
So between these tanks
and the fuel out back...
we should have just enough
to blow the place.
- What? No! No, no.
- Whoa!
You're not going to destroy the clinic.
Isn't Veracruz coming to do
the exact same thing?
No, Veracruz wants to destroy the clinic
with the people inside.
I wanna destroy the clinic to create
a distraction to save the people.
- A little bit of a difference.
- This is insane.
- You can't do that.
- Look, guys, you can't really believe...
that Veracruz and his guys are not
gonna see everybody leaving.
- We gotta cover our tracks.
- He's right, guys. It's the best way.
See? The teenage thief girl
agrees with me.
Now, boys and girls, this is happening.
You stay here, you die. You come with me-
We live?
Well, the odds are a little better.
Look, let's do this.
Get the patients outside.
Load 'em in the trucks and let me know
if you see any bad guys.
I can't believe we're doing this.
What about me?
- You and me are gonna build a bomb.
- Oh. We're gonna build a bomb.
Okay, we got diesel, oxygen,
propane out back...
- the whatchamacallit.
- That's my defibrillator.
Right. You wouldn't happen to have
any nitrous oxide, would you?
No. We are a bush hospital.
We're not a suburban dentist's office.
- You keep saying that. Hold on.
- What am I supposed to be doing?
Okay, great. Take that.
- This is your detonator. Yeah.
- Okay.
Tape that right on top of that valve.
Okay. Real quick.
The warning label says "keep away"-
Yeah. That's right. We're building a bomb.
So you do the opposite
of what the warning label says.
- Hey, how we doing out here?
- My God, she ran off and she won't stop crying.
Hey, hey, sister. Easy now.
I'm not an expert here, but I don't think
that's how you get a kid to stop crying.
Rpldo, por favor.
Easy peasy.
Let's get the hell out of here.
- You set up everything like I told you?
- Yes, yes. Yes, I did.
I set my tank by the support beam
at the front just like you said.
You sure you got it right?
We can only push this button once.
No, I'm not sure. How am I supposed
to know if I got it right?
Okay, people,
the second I hit this, that thing goes.
We gotta be on the move. It's the smoke
and the fire that's gonna cover our escape.
Okay. Here goes nothing.
I didn't mean it that way. New plan.
- A new plan?
- I gotta trigger it manually.
No, no, no, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
- Stay in the truck!
- No. Maybe I can fix it.
Maybe I can-
I guess you fixed it.
- What the hell did you do?
- I maximized the pressure.
- Because you told me to maximize the pressure.
- Yeah, I know.
I just didn't know you were gonna
do it so well. You got talent.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
We're safe then.
Oh, no. We're a long way from safe.
Sorry to keep you guys waiting.
Sir, do you know that they locked me
in my room last night?
So I gotta say this is starting to feel less
and less like an informal conversation.
Still just an inquiry, Commander.
Although after yesterday's testimony,
I wouldn't make any travel plans.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Now, amidst all the tales
of your heroics...
we seem to have lost sight
of your initial mission...
which is gathering intel on a terrorist
organization known as Espada Ardiente.
I was just getting to that actually.
So after the unfortunate
sacrifice of the clinic...
we all regrouped a few miles up the road.
Well, they're not after us just yet.
I'm guessing that by the time
they sort things out...
we're gonna have about an hour head start.
An hour?
All of that back there bought us an hour?
- Is that supposed to be good news?
- I don't know what to tell you.
It's better than a minute,
worse than a day.
So in the meantime, we gotta get
these folks someplace we can hide.
Closest town is Santa Rosa.
Yes. Yes.
Santa Rosa. There's a clinic there.
Yeah, unfortunately, we can't go
to the nearest town that has a clinic.
It's the first place they're gonna be looking
for a bunch of sick people.
But they need medical attention.
Why don't we just drop 'em off?
Well, you might as well hand 'em over
to Veracruz and save on gas.
- Where else can we go?
- No place else.
All the other so-called villages are
just a bunch of houses and a church.
I know a place.
A camp, nearby.
A camp. Whose camp?
Espada Ardiente.
Oh. Okay.
Do you remember back
when you were just a hungry teenager...
who couldn't speak English?
You said you never even heard
of the Espada Ardiente.
I lied.
They can help us.
They can hide the sick ones.
You know what?
I don't think we have any other choice.
Looks like we're going
with Little Miss Terrorist here.
Just to clarify, Commander,
you decided to join the group...
that you were sent
to Colombia to investigate?
Well, "joining" is kind
of a strong word, sir.
I mean, we were in trouble...
and there were not
a lot of options in the area.
All right. And this Beatriz you mention,
I have no record of her.
Well, that's not surprising.
She's a kid.
She's a kid who led you
to a suspected terrorist camp.
What do you want me to say?
She's a mystery to me too.
This kid-
Well, sir,
you would understand if you met her.
Okay, so, um...
why am I the only one wearing a blindfold?
'Cause I don't trust you.
You're a soldier.
Oh, that's why.
Do your parents know that you hang out
with the Espada Ardiente?
- Don't talk about my parents.
- Okay. Hey.
What I'm trying to say is this.
Most girls your age are into, you know,
makeup and stuff, malls.
Do you see any shopping malls around here?
No. You blindfolded me, remember?
There are none. So no more questions.
Okay, look, I'm not trying to pry.
I'm just curious
how you hooked up with these guys.
They're my friends.
Okay. So, how much longer
till we get to your friends?
I gotta get my hands on their
communications equipment and call in.
Uncover your eyes. We're here.
You gotta be kidding me.
This? This is the Espada Ardiente?
- Yes. Is there a problem?
- What? This is, like, 12 guys.
I was hoping for some kind of army or
something to keep us from getting massacred.
- Espada Ardiente- - What does that mean
anyway? "Flaming something" or other?
"Sword. " You don't understand.
Ardlente means "fearless," "passionate. "
- We burn to defeat our enemies.
- Okay, I got it. A flaming sword.
So what if we're small?
We can fight just as hard as anyone.
I hate to cut your speech short,
But you know what?
The size of your army matters.
Okay? It matters a lot.
You're not gonna win a war
with a flock of sheep.
It's all about firepower.
Do these guys have any equipment?
Most of our men have hunting rifles.
Ammunition is low, but-
You're not making me
feel any better here, kid.
- What about experience?
- Some of them were in the army.
- And our best fighter is Luis.
- Oh, the big guy there?
No, the one next to him.
These guys took out a truck full of
paramilitary troops? How do you figure that?
Luis shot the tires out of the truck
and it went down the hill.
- They killed his goats.
- His-
His goats? You're serious?
Your best fighter's a goatherder?
Goatherders? Really?
Oh, no.
Is her cough back? Let me see.
Okay, so, I did a little recon...
gathered a little intel.
First thing, you really shouldn't
call them filthy goatherders.
I didn't call 'em filthy.
And the only reason
I called the one guy goatherder...
is 'cause he has goats and he herds them.
Yeah. They're farmers.
Anyway, it seems their land is valuable as
some sort of drug transport to the coast.
So someone paid off Veracruz
to force them out.
They fought back,
got lucky a few times and-
- Veracruz thought they were bigger than they actually were.
- Pretty much.
Okay, listen. Guys, she's got malaria.
Okay? And without the right medicine,
she could die soon.
Look, I'm tap-dancing
as fast as I can here.
- I'm just trying to keep everybody breathing.
- Me too, man.
Me too.
The men want to know
why your pants are blue.
The jungle is green.
Please tell the men
that I don't wanna talk about it.
And what's with Beatriz?
She seems to have, uh, anger issues.
It's kind of par for the course when you
see your father shot in front of you.
She wandered into
the Espada Ardiente camp the next day...
and they took her in.
So she's, what, the mascot?
Yeah. Something like that.
Oh, uh, one more thing.
You have a new name in camp-
la barbilla.
Barbilla. What's that again?
Um, "barbarian" or something?
No. "The chin. "
The chin.
Doesn't make any sense.
They train every morning.
It's the same thing they do in the army.
I'm pretty sure in the army
they fire their guns.
Do you think that's funny?
Are you laughing at them?
No, I don't think it's funny, kid.
I think it's anything but.
But this is not an army.
They got no training. Luis there's about 100.
Don't even get me started
on the big guy there.
They need weapons,
and I know you can help them.
- I saw you back at the clinic and you made those explosives.
- They need more than weapons.
Trust me. in a real fight,
these chumps would get slaughtered.
Just having a conversation here.
Nothing to look at.
Everything's cool.
Look, I'm sorry about your dad, okay?
And I'm sure that your Flaming Sword
buddies are very brave.
But believe me, brave guys bleed
just like everybody else.
What do you think?
Uh, the truth?
They need more help than we do.
What does that mean? Are we stuck here?
No. I gotta figure out a way to call back
to my C.O., get him to shut Veracruz down.
We've been over this.
There isn't a phone for 200 miles from here.
Veracruz has a sat phone.
You can't go back to Veracruz.
Well, why not? Right now he thinks
I've been kidnapped by our new friends.
- I'll just go back and tell him I escaped.
- Oh, yeah.
And he's gonna be like,
"Oh, my God. It's so good to see you"...
...and hug you and shoot you in the head.
No, I doubt it. He needs me to help him
sell the story about the Flaming Sword.
Should be enough to call out.
- What if you're wrong?
- Well, then I get shot...
...and you try your luck
with the goatherders.
Try it!
Okay, I better get going.
I wanna get to Veracruz
before he makes camp.
Before you go, I wanna ask you something.
You really gonna do this?
You really gonna go for help?
Yeah. It's like I told you.
- I'm gonna go back, make a call-
- People say a lot of things.
I just got everybody
out of the clinic safe, didn't I?
What does a guy have to do
to get some credibility around here?
I've been in hot spots all over the globe.
And when things first get rough,
everyone's a hero.
And then reality sets in
and promises are broken.
And if you let these people down...
I want you to know that I will personally
find you and kick your teeth in.
Amanda, I'm not gonna let anybody down.
I may get my ass shot off,
but... my teeth are safe.
Before we move on,
Espada Ardiente's leadership...
consisted of this man, Luis Mendez...
...of the Colombian Armed Forces.
His name was Luis.
And, yeah, that looks like him-
about a hundred years ago.
He looks good in uniform.
Did you gather any more intel
on their command structure?
They were farmers. They didn't have
command structures. They had sheep.
Why do you think I was going
to get some help?
Okay, fine.
We'll come back to that.
What happened after you left?
Well, I drove back toward Veracruz.
I knew his team's drill well enough
to find a scout or two.
Once I got to the neighborhood,
I ditched the truck...
...put on a little kidnapping makeup...
...and hoofed it until I ran into
a couple of Veracruz's scouts.
Agua. Agua.
- Vamos a Veracruz.
- Vamos. Vamos.
Oh, man.
It was horrible. They were working me
over, asking all kinds of things.
How did you escape?
I was lucky.
They only sent a couple of guys with me
to el bao and I managed to run off.
We searched for you everywhere.
When the terrorists blew up the clinic,
we feared the worst.
It wasn't the worst,
but it was still pretty damn bad.
They were setting up to give me
the car-battery treatment.
These guys are frickin' monsters.
Yes, they are. Now you see why we need
your help fighting this menace.
Hundred percent.
I say we track 'em down
and light these bastards up.
Good to have you back, Commander Axe.
S, seor.
We need help, okay? ASAP.
Okay, Commander, I understand.
But let me ask you this.
How the hell did this happen?
You're supposed to be there observing and
reporting, not starting some guerrilla war.
Well, I observed the sons of bitches
trying to kill me and massacre a hospital...
- and I'm reporting it.
- Look, I'll make some calls.
But, Axe, if this is some cheap ploy
to get yourself pulled out of there-
It's not about me.
You help these people,
I will gladly let you kick my butt...
...at a time and place of your choosing,
but please, for the love of God--
I gotta go.
The men are ready.
We should start looking for the terrorists
before they have time to move.
Yes, we should.
Time for a little payback, am I right?
At this point,
I was just trying to run out the clock.
I had to give the guys
from the Flaming Sword enough time...
to get their truck off the road
and back to their camp.
And I had to keep Veracruz's men busy
long enough for help to arrive.
Yep. Pretty sure we're going this way.
But no. That's not- That's not it.
Perfecto. Exactamente.
Hola, Seor Axe.
What is the delay?
Well, I was just talking
to your boys here.
I was telling them the camp
is pretty much up there.
See the tire tracks here?
This is the same tread
as their vehicles that they used.
Yes, I can see.
You are an excellent tracker.
You are also an excellent liar.
What the hell are you doing?
I just spoke with
Department Governor Perez.
His men intercepted your call an hour ago.
I- I'm hurt you think so little of me.
You honestly thought
I would take no precautions?
Hey. Come on.
- This is just a misunderstanding.
- No.
No, I don't think
it is a misunderstanding.
I think I understand very well.
show me where they are on the map.
Why should I? You're gonna kill me anyway.
I might.
I might not.
The question is whether
you want to die here...
or keep breathing a bit longer
and hope you prove useful enough to save.
Show me where the camp is.
If you are wrong...
I'll put a bullet in your brain...
and maybe that will help you remember.
Ah, well, come to think of it...
that-that mountain range
does look familiar.
So how does it feel to be saved
by filthy goatherders?
Well, I owe you one, kid. Let's go.
No, no, no, no. Not until you promise
not to insult them again.
Say what?
- Promise.
- Oh, for God's sake. Okay, I promise.
They're the greatest
part-time farmer army ever.
Can we go? Jesus.
No. It was everything.
- So Veracruz saw through your plan?
- Oh, and it gets better.
Veracruz is looking around,
and he's close.
He's gonna find us within 24 hours tops.
So what am I supposed to do? Because
I got an old house full of sick people-
There's a C. I.A outpost
about 50 miles away.
- Fifty mi- - The pilot who brought
me down here told me about it.
- I think it's our best bet.
- Fifty miles.
Are you on drugs?
Do they do testing for soldiers?
Because we can't get
all of these people 50 yards-
I understand that.
Kid, can I talk to you for a second?
I wanna ask you something.
How did you end up with these guys...
speaking English like you do?
- What do you care?
- Well, because we're in a tough spot...
and I'd like to know who I'm dealing with.
My father was a journalist...
for El Espectador in Bogot.
He was in this area,
reporting the situation of the farmers.
That's what got him shot?
I knew Luis from the interviews
my father did.
I didn't know where else to go after-
after my father died.
So Luis brought me to the camp
and he let me stay.
I'm glad he did.
I need your help.
I gotta put this little army together.
But there's a problem.
Those guys hate me...
and I speak Spanish like a third grader.
But they like you,
and you speak English like a champ.
So... por favor?
Talk to them.
And if I like what you have to say,
I'll translate.
Esteemed gentlemen
of the Flaming Sword-
It's not Flaming Sword!
Oh, God. Forget it. Just talk. Just talk.
I know we didn't get off to a great start.
I made some mistakes.
You made some mistakes.
Then there was
the whole goatherd business.
It's not like it didn't happen.
But that's behind us.
I'm a soldier.
And I've got all the training
and a fistful of combat ribbons.
- We-
- But today- What?
- We get it.
- Stick with me.
- Okay.
- But today...
I damn near got my brains blown out.
And the only reason
why I'm still breathing is because of you.
And that made me realize something.
If we're gonna save ourselves...
and give Veracruz the ass-whipping
he so richly deserves-
Was that what I said?
The point is that we need
to do it together.
So I'm standing here before you today...
to ask for your help.
Now, I've got a plan...
but it is not gonna fly without you.
So I need to know right now...
are you with me?
Espada Ardiente.
Espada Ardiente!
Okay, now, let's get training,
'cause, man, we gotta get organized.
Walt. Stop.
You're saying that you were training
the terrorist group.
Did you train them? Yes or no.
Did you work with this man, Luis Mendez?
- Yeah, Luis was one of the guys. He was-
- He was their leader.
He was a senior operative
in the Colombian military in the 1980s...
until he disappeared,
presumably to start this group.
And now you're giving this man
military secrets and training.
All I can say, sir,
is the only secrets I gave away...
were the secrets of the Analee High School
J.V. football squad.
Okay, guys, listen up and listen good.
These are the plans for battle.
This first one here
is called the nickel defense.
...nickel defense.
If things get rough...
the scouts fall back.
This next one is called the dime defense.
...dime defense.
- Notice there's only three scouts.
- ... scouts.
We only have three
If things are dangerous.
That way only three scouts
have to fall back.
- Again?
- Yeah.
This last one is called
the prevent defense.
...prevent defense.
- Why is that?
- Por qu?
They've all fallen back.
What the hell's their problem?
All of these plans are for retreating.
- The men want to know what's the plan for attack.
- They don't need to know that.
We're just trying
to keep them in the game. Mondo.
You're killing me.
Okay, I have a plan for attack.
It's called the zone blitz.
...zone blitz.
- Zone blitz.
- And it's all about disguise.
Let me hear you say it.
All together. Zone blitz!
Zone blitz. Zone blitz.
Now let's just hope to God
you never have to say those words again.
Next day we moved out
with the patients in one truck...
and the Flaming Sword guys
packed in the others.
It was only 50 miles,
but when the whole country's a mountain...
miles are kind of like dog years-
every one is more like seven.
And, of course, there's the worst part
of driving to a C.I.A. outpost-
It's not going to be on the map.
Quick update. I didn't run away.
- I went to get help just like I said.
- Yes.
- And you almost got yourself killed.
- That should count double then.
Why would it count double?
It only counts double
if you actually come back with some help.
If you nearly die a senseless death,
that counts as half.
- Okay, half. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
So tell me something.
Do-gooder. Food aid worker.
I mean, why so cynical?
If you're asking that, you probably haven't
spent a whole lot of time around aid workers.
Well, you get into this...
because you wanna make the world
a better place...
and it turns out that there's a lot of people
who wanna make it a worse place...
and we're outnumbered by a lot.
By soldiers, you mean?
Not just soldiers.
But usually when there are
people going hungry...
there's some guy with a gun
making it happen.
Speaking of hunger,
you haven't been eating. Why is that?
These guys need it more than me,
believe me.
I figure it this way-
if we make it, I get a head start
on the 10 pounds I wanna lose...
and if we don't,
well, dead guys don't get hungry.
You're not like the other soldiers
I've met, Commander Axe.
- I'll give you that.
- Call me Sam.
Sam it is.
I know that you want me to kiss you
right now, and I would love to.
- What?
- It's a bad time.
- No, no, no.
- Any other time, I'd be all over it.
- Serious.
- Oh. No comprende.
I was just making conversation here.
That's what that was.
Yeah, just drive.
For the record, she wanted me to kiss her.
So anyway, we keep going.
So as we're getting to the main roads
out of the mountains...
I'm getting an itchy feeling-
an itchy feeling
that just keeps getting worse.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
- Hey.
- Uh, okay, this is not good.
No, no. This is just rain.
It doesn't take much to start a rock slide.
You always see fallen rocks
and trees in the road.
Well, I don't see a lot of trees or rocks.
- Oscar!
I just see this tree here right in the middle
of a hard-to-defend position.
- A hard-to-defend-
- Yeah.
- What do you propose we do?
- Back those trucks up and proceed with caution.
- Oscar can clear it.
- Hold on a second.
I don't think that thing fell by itself.
The sooner we cut the tree,
the sooner we can go.
It's fine. It's fine.
So while they're
clearing this tree from the road...
I'm getting a real bad feeling-
one of those too-quiet-I-don't-
like-thls-place-somethlng-welrd- Is-going-on feelings.
You, uh- You might wanna stay here.
I know, of course, that there's a fine line
between caution and paranoia.
People tell you about
gut feelings all the time...
but if you follow every gut feeling,
you never get anything done.
Still, sometimes something
feels funny for a reason.
They know we're here.
- What?
- They know we're here!
Prevent defense!
- Help me with something.
- Where you going?
Those guys are just scouts.
They're trying to keep us here
until reinforcements show up.
So we gotta block that switchback
down there before-
Well, before that.
Here they are right on time. Come on.
Push! Push! Push!
Push! Push!
Push now! Vmonos!
Very groovy. Come on, guys.
Go, go! We gotta go!
Listen, everybody,
we got lucky back there.
Those guys got excited, and they made a lot
of mistakes, but it's not gonna happen again.
So we gotta move and we gotta move fast.
If this map is not garbage,
we are close to a C. I.A. outpost.
We can get there
by nightfall if we hurry.
- Understand, seor?
- Yes, sir.
All right. Let's go.
Can we talk?
Listen, you know, about before-
Oh. You're talking about-
No, I'm not talking about that.
Actually, if you wanna embarrass yourself
with your fantasies, knock yourself out.
What I wanna know is,
once we get there, what happens?
Well, maybe you haven't been paying
attention. We get there, we get help.
Oh, so it's as simple as that?
Who said it was gonna be simple?
So we used what head start we had,
but it was pretty slow going.
in those mountains, the good roads
are bad and the bad roads-
well, they aren't really even roads.
This is ridiculous.
I can't even tell which way north is anymore.
You're sure that it's here?
- It's around here somewhere, yeah.
- Really?
Because there's nothing
on this map that says-
We're looking for a secret
intelligence facility.
They don't put 'em on maps.
That's how you know they're secret.
Right, right, right, right.
But isn't it possible...
that this guy that told you
about it is wrong?
- Because, honestly, I don't-
- Okay, there it is, right there.
You wanna check it out, or should we just
chalk this up to my imagination...
and go home?
What, do we- do we just knock or is-
Now you wanna kiss me.
This isn't some kind of joke, is it?
I don't joke about mass murder.
It's kind of a touchy subject with me.
So, guys,
what can we do here? Got any weapons?
- We got a couple.45s.
- And a box of ammo.
- Other than that, we got a lot of computers.
- Maps.
DVDs. Some good movies.
We're an observation outpost.
- Mostly observing.
- Doing communications support.
- Not wearing night goggles, going on raids.
- No.
We're not a fortress.
What about all the antennas on the roof?
Can you call out?
- Yeah, we can do that.
- Well, get on it. We need help right now.
What you got medicine-wise?
Yeah, we'd call that not much.
Okay, hold on now.
It's better than nothing.
I told you, man, it's just us out here.
It's me, Gabe and the donkey.
- Donkey?
- That burro.
We take her into town for supplies
and water, but the roads around here-
Yeah, tell me about it.
This expired two years ago.
What's up?
I called into the military base
in Santa Marta.
- Are they sending anybody?
- They said they needed to see you in person.
They said the base chief
needs to meet with you.
I guess there's some confusion
about your, uh, situation.
Well, how the hell am I supposed
to get to Santa Marta? The burro?
On the chopper. It's out back.
The chopper? Why didn't you say so?
Okay, now we're getting somewhere.
So you really have to go?
You can't just call them-
No. They got reports that I was kidnapped,
killed, that I've gone rogue.
- So I gotta go out there and drag 'em back myself.
- Who will you bring?
The Colombian military has been working
with the U.S. on some anti-drug runs.
So they got attack copters, troop-
Veracruz will find this place soon.
Probably sooner rather than later.
That's why we gotta hustle.
- Let me come.
- That is out of the question.
We gotta get all this
sensitive computer equipment out of here.
We're overweight as it is. We should go.
Listen, kid. I'm coming back, okay?
I'm not gonna let you guys down.
How well do you know
these Colombian military folks?
I've done some joint operations
with them.
If we can run this up the ladder, it'd be good
to get some embassy involvement...
...maybe arrange visas
for some of these folks.
We can call Washington. There's a refugee
program we might be able to get them into.
Sounds good.
Here we go.
- Hey, guys, how long is this gonna take?
- Hard to say.
As soon as we land,
we'll find the foreign affairs officer...
...get the ball rolling on paperwork.
- Paperwork?
- Yeah, for going back.
You know the drill-- authorization reports.
- Duty orders.
- Debriefing reports.
You guys didn't mention anything about
paperwork when we were down on the ground.
What are you talking about?
It's protocol, man.
C. I.A.'s not gonna send down a military
tactical team without checking it out.
Why the hell didn't you
mention that back there?
And what, cause a riot?
We got rules to follow
like anybody else, pal.
Those rules are also pretty clear.
When a facility's been compromised...
...take the classified
material and bug out...
...without causing an international incident.
Key word there would be "without. "
I thought you were on board
with this, especially with that embassy talk.
Guys, you promised
those people down there.
- I promised those people.
- Grow up, man.
No way we could have ever given them
anything near what you promised them...
...not unless U.S. personnel
were under direct attack.
There's a point in a soldier's life...
...where he's got to decide
whether he's gonna follow the letter...
...or the spirit of his orders.
So you can't do anything unless Americans
are under direct attack, right?
That's right.
What about you guys? Do you count?
Land the chopper. Now.
You held two C. I.A. officers hostage...
...on behalf of a suspected terrorist group?
- That's treason.
- Do you think I wanted to?
Do you think I had a choice?
Sir, we were not gonna get help unless those
guys told the brass they were under attack.
- I did what I had to do.
- I see. You had to kidnap them.
Kidnap? Get out of here.
I was just helping them do the right thing.
Helping them with a.45-caliber pistol.
Well, you know what they say, sir.
Guns don't help people.
People help people.
You are in a world of hurt, soldier.
Commander Axe...
as we reconvene this inquiry...
I'm obliged to ask you if you would like us
to assign you a military lawyer.
- A lawyer?
- I'd advise it.
- I thought I was just making a report here.
- We've gone beyond that.
We've detained and questioned
a few of the people...
that were involved
in your little adventure...
...and there's quite a case
building against you.
- Wait, wait. You're rounding people up?
- Yes.
The farmers, the doctor, Amanda Maples.
Those are my friends, sir.
They didn't do anything wrong.
It's standard operating procedure,
Standard operating procedure.
Why don't you bite me?
You're speaking to a superior officer!
- You're speaking to a superior officer!
- Stand down, Commander!
You've underestimated
the sheer size of this fiasco.
And by all accounts, you're standing
in the middle of it, dead center.
So last chance. Do you wanna exercise
your right to legal counsel?
I'm good.
You know what these proceedings
could result in?
Me getting thrown into a hole
for the rest of my life? Yeah, I got it.
I also know that a lawyer's not gonna
make a damn bit of difference.
Sir, you wanna hang this mess
around my neck, you go for it...
but leave my friends alone.
You're in no position to negotiate,
Commander Axe.
Now I wanna hear about what happened
after you drew your weapon...
on two C. I.A. field agents.
All right, fine.
After my conversation with the C. I.A. boys,
we went back to the outpost.
And let me tell you something, sir.
- Everybody was real glad to see me.
- Change of plans.
- That was quick.
- You do know that the town is the other way?
- I thought you were going to get help.
- There was a little hitch.
- What kind of a hitch?
- Turns out our C. I.A. buddies were not such good buddies.
They were planning on leaving everybody
to the wolves.
I disagreed with that plan.
- And-And-And they are-
- Tied up in the helicopter.
Oh. That's not good.
Okay, so, um,
now what are we supposed to do?
Aren't you the one who said
that we were going to get slaughtered?
That's not gonna happen.
- So you have a plan?
- Uh, no.
But I know where to start.
- Go get some-
- Help. Oh!
- Make the call.
- I'm not calling in.
- Do it. You'll thank me later.
- Yeah, I'm pretty sure we won't thank you.
Yeah, you will, because Veracruz
is following our trail here.
When he does, he's gonna wipe this place
off the face of the earth...
and you two yahoos with it.
- What do you want?
- I want you to call your C. I.A. buddies.
Tell them to get
the Colombian military out here...
the national police,
the works, everything they got.
- You're gonna burn for this.
- Yeah, but that's not the question.
The question is whether
you're gonna make that call...
or if I'm gonna have
to make you make the call.
Yeah, it's Gabriel Manaro out at station 412.
We got a situation here.
Some kind of rogue military force
is attacking our position.
- Just helping you sell it.
- Yeah, yeah, that's-
We're firing back at them. We need-
- Be more convincing.
- Jesus!
No, I'm not talking to you.
We need help!
- We need support now!
- Send out- Send out support!
- Help us! Outpost station 412!
- Uh-huh! Yeah!
Yeah, just hurry!
They'll have a team here in three hours.
Veracruz is just up the road.
He's gonna be all over us in three hours.
- Well, they're coming from over the mountain.
- That's what it takes, dude!
That's as fast that they can get here.
It's not magic!
What's going on? Who's shooting?
That was me just making a point.
- Okay, what?
- Well, I got good news and bad news.
Good news is help is on the way. Bad news is
we're gonna have to hold out until it gets here.
Okay, seors.
- Look what I made.
- That's a hell of a bomb.
- You got a gift.
- Well, you know, I've been a field medic for a long time.
- You learn to improvise.
- I've known a lot of field medics...
but they don't have
your chops with explosives.
- Good work.
- Thank you.
Where's the kid?
- Can I talk to you for a sec?
- What?
This, um- This fight with Veracruz,
it's gonna be rough.
We got to hold him off for a long time.
So I was thinking it would be a good idea
if you just stayed back here...
and watched the C. I.A. guys.
Stay here? I'm fighting with the others.
Okay, okay. Just... hear me out here.
Now, you're still young,
and you've done more in this fight...
than any kid should ever have to.
Those men killed my father.
I think it's safe to say
if your dad was here...
he wouldn't want you catching a bullet.
Think about it. What would he say?
I don't know.
He's not here.
He would say a kid as tough
and as smart as you...
is gonna have a big future.
He'd want you to grow up and see it,
wouldn't he?
He would want me to stay.
So you'll stay.
But thanks anyways.
You remind me of my father.
And I didn't listen to him either.
Kids these days.
All right, mount up.
We did a little recon when we got out to
the road and we got some more bad news.
Veracruz's buddy, Perez, showed up...
and he brought more guys with him-
a lot more guys- with a lot more guns.
Still, there wasn't much to do
but stick with the plan.
We had our little explosive device...
cobbled together from some C-4 charges
the C.I.A. guys had...
in case they needed to blow up
their computers in a hurry.
The way I figured it,
If we could plant it at the right spot...
we could block the road with a couple
thousand pounds of burning truck wreckage...
then pin Veracruz down for a while.
- You should probably go.
- No. No.
Do it.
That Is, assuming we didn't
blow ourselves up first.
Okay, let's go.
I know we were not expecting
the reinforcements.
And the odds are, um, kind of against us.
But what the hell?
You're the Flaming Sword, right?
Now, look, they gotta come from down there.
When that bomb blows,
it's gonna be our job to slow them down.
'Cause if they get through there-
we are sitting ducks.
- Sitting ducks?
- It's an expression.
It's like, uh, ducks on a pond,
ducks in a row.
It's easy.
Ah. Muerto.
How bad is this?
Well, maybe we had a solid chance
before that troop transport showed up.
And how long do we have to hold them?
- Listos?
- Help is here in about two hours.
Veracruz and his men,
give or take 90 minutes.
I think we got to hold out
for about half an hour.
- Can we do that?
- Well, with the terrain on our side, maybe.
But it's gonna be a long half hour.
But, hey, could be worse, right?
Could be raining.
Let's do this.
At this point,
we didn't have a whole lot going for us.
On our side we had the high ground
and the element of surprise.
On their side they had manpower,
equipment, body armor...
superior weaponry, radio communications
and pretty much everything else.
- Is he on it or not?
- He's not on it. If he was on it, it would-
Luis, now!
- Flaming Sword!
- Damn right.
Flaming Sword, attack!
- Zone blitz!
- Zone blitz!
Good shot, Mondo. Don't get cocky.
Arriba! Arriba!
The men are running out of ammunition.
Tell them to act like they're shooting.
Just keep looking mean.
Pretend like they have ammunition.
- What?
- Just do it.
I pulled out every trick in the book.
But the thing Is, at the end of the day...
there's just
no good substitute for bullets.
Okay, uh, I don't think they're buying it.
All right, game over.
Tell them to fall back to the trucks.
Old man, let's go.
Wait. What is he doing?
He's covering us.
Let's go. Let's go.
Espada Ardien-
- I got to go back.
- Ben.
I got one more charge, just in case.
We got to get him.
Aren't you full of surprises.
He's dead.
- Are you okay?
- No! I'm shot.
That's right. Stupid question, okay?
Let's do it.
Get him inside.
Damn it. Where the hell are they?
Beatriz, they're coming. Let's get inside.
- Get off me!
- Please, kid, I'm begging you.
They killed Luis,
and I'm going to fight them!
Look, I know that he meant
a lot to you, okay?
But he was a soldier.
He was protecting you.
Don't make his death meaningless by
staying out here and getting yourself killed.
Please. If you won't go inside for me,
at least do it for the old goatherder.
Where the hell are they? Call 'em again.
Is that you again, 412?
How much longer?
'Cause we're running out of time up here.
- We're going as fast-
- The situation is getting urgent.
Is this the station chief? I gotta know
how much longer this is gonna take...
...and your numbnuts officer
here can't tell me.
- Who is this?
- Who is this?
- Yeah.
- Who is this?
Deputy Assistant intelligence Director
Chuck Finley. That's who.
I'm down from N.S.A. headquarters here
doing a random SIGINT check...
...and I ran into this
little disaster area of yours.
- Where are these troops?
- They're 10 minutes away, sir.
- Ten minutes?
- Yes, sir.
This thing will be over
in five. Get on it.
- Chuck Finley?
- Yeah.
Made a lot of money
betting on him back in the day.
I'm thinking it's a lucky name.
I guess we'll find out.
Between the flipped truck
and the firefight...
we bought ourselves some time.
But it wasn't too long
before Veracruz was in position...
...and we were about to get creamed.
Keep everybody inside.
When the shooting starts, make sure they're
away from the windows and down low, okay?
I'm going out there.
- You're what?
- I gotta buy us some more time.
Sam, if you go out there,
Veracruz will kill you.
Yeah, maybe.
But if I manage to die slowly...
that'll put you guys just a little closer
to getting out of here.
No, no, no.
You're at least taking your gun.
If he sees that I have a gun,
he's gonna shoot me on sight.
- Don't worry about it. I got an idea.
- No, no. Wait.
I mean- You can't.
If you just-
Stay alive.
I'll do my best.
Still, you know, if we were gonna kiss...
we should probably do it now, just in case.
I don't wanna- Uh, yeah.
That is a lot better
than a kick in the teeth.
Whoa. Whoa.
We need to talk.
What is there to talk about,
Commander Axe?
Oh, we got a lot to talk about.
I'm here to negotiate
the terms of your surrender.
Our surrender?
Is that supposed to be funny?
- How long before they get here?
- I don't know.
Soon. They better get here soon.
Man, you just love doing that, don't you?
How many are there inside?
Believe me,
you don't know what you're up against.
- Yes. Espada Ardiente. We know.
- No, no.
It's the Flaming Sword.
Believe me,
you don't wanna mess with them.
- And why is that?
- 'Cause I've fought all over-
Afghanistan, the Balkans, Southeast Asia.
I've never seen guys like this.
I count a dozen men with old rifles-
farmers, by the looks of them.
Yeah? You think that's all we got?
Then what am I doing here?
I'm a commander in the Navy SEALS.
You think I'm gonna be wasting time
with a bunch of smelly farmers?
Smelly, stinking, unwashed farmers?
No, no.
You boys have made a grave miscalculation.
That's why I'm here with my one-time only,
not-to-be-repeated offer.
Unconditional surrender right now,
and I'll let you walk away.
You're bluffing.
- What is he doing?
- I don't know.
All right. All right.
Because I'm feeling... generous and, uh...
I'm gonna give you one more chance.
Surrender right now.
Okay? I'm serious.
What is he doing?
I'm telling you, guys,
you're just making it worse on yourself.
- We should finish him.
- No, wait!
Let's see this Flaming Sword, shall we?
I'm telling you, guys,
you're gonna regret it.
I've heard the old saying
about soldiers praying in foxholes.
It's a natural response
when your friends are dying...
and everything you care about
Is about to get destroyed.
But I gotta say, in my experience...
prayer is pretty iffy as a battle plan.
But I'll also say this.
When you need a miracle,
there's nothing like it.
Shh, shh, shh.
Hey, guys, say hello to my friends.
I call them the newest members
of the Flaming Sword...
you crooked son of a bitch.
Sam. Sam Axe.
It's the good guys. It's the good guys-
Los buenos. Los buenos.
Los buenos.
So, you guys ready to surrender now?
Man, that felt good.
That's Sam Axe.
Sam! Sam! Sam!
Sam! Sam!
Sam! Sam! Sam!
- So, you gonna make it?
- Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
If you ever reconsider
the whole medical thing...
you'd make a hell of a soldier.
All right, I will- I'll keep that in mind.
Listen, Sam. Thank you.
- Thank you for everything.
- Back at you, Doc.
All right.
Help this man up.
So what happens now?
It's gonna take a while
to sort this all out.
My guess is Veracruz and Perez
are gonna be going off the grid...
...for their foreseeable lifetimes.
No. I mean, what about you?
Oh, I'm probably gonna
spend some quality time...
...at the nearest covert military facility.
Well, uh, good luck.
Thanks. And, uh, thanks for the kiss, huh?
I know you probably only did it
'cause you thought I was gonna die, but--
Oh, my God.
Commander Axe, you need to come with us.
# Hey, Snow White #
# It's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right #
# Hey, Snow White #
# It's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right #
Seor Axe.
# Hey, Snow White #
# It's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right #
# Hey, Snow White #
# It's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right #
# How can you win some? #
# How can you win some? #
# When the company goes public #
# You've got to learn
to love what you are #
# When the company goes public #
# You've got to learn
to love what you are #
And here I am.
- That's quite a story, Commander Axe.
- Thanks.
- How does it end, sir?
- There's only one way it can end--
...a court-martial.
Well, sir, there is actually one more part
of the story that you should probably hear.
I was saving it in case you decided
to be a stand-up guy about all this.
- But I guess that's not gonna happen.
- What are you talking about?
Do you remember the little chat I had
with Beatriz after Luis died?
Well, there's something I left out.
He was protecting you.
Don't make his death meaningless by
staying out here and getting yourself killed.
It's my fault.
It's my fault, all of this.
The first half of the discussion
went just like I told you.
It was in the second half, though,
where things got really interesting.
Kid, don't say that.
This has nothing to do with you.
- The Flaming Sword, they knew what they were getting into.
- There's no Flaming Sword.
What the hell are you talking about?
My father interviewed Luis
for the newspaper...
and I went with him,
so I knew all his story-
that he was in the army
and he went away to be a farmer.
After my father was killed--
I went back to Luis.
I gave him the name Espada Ardiente,
and I convinced him to fight.
Wait a minute. So...
...all of this was your idea?
I should die here.
Now, look, kid, this is not over.
Not by a long shot.
We're gonna get through this.
And I've been around long enough to know, when
this is all over, there's gonna be hell to pay.
You want something to live for?
You wanna help your friends?
'Cause I got a job for you.
You any good with a camera?
So I figured if anybody could get away
clean after that little skirmish, it was a kid.
And a kid with connections at
the largest newspaper in Colombia?
Well, that could be mighty handy.
I had her grab one of the cameras
from the C.I.A. outpost...
...and take pictures- a lot of them--
...of everyone and everything.
Then get herself down to Bogot
and go back to her dad's old newspaper.
# Hey, Snow White #
# It's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right #
# Hey, Snow White #
# It's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right ##
And once she got there
to talk to someone she trusted...
about putting together
a couple of stories.
One of these stories
should be in today's paper.
in fact, sir, isn't there a piece
on the front page today about Luis...
...talking about how he died
under mysterious circumstances?
There was, yes.
Oh, how interesting.
Why don't we all take a break?
Yes, sir.
You don't really think that anyone's
gonna take this girl's word...
...over that of the United States military?
Well, the girl did have extensive access
to a covert C. I.A. outpost, sir.
I mean, imagine what she saw
and took pictures of.
Tell me, what happens when spies
who are under official cover...
...get their pictures in the paper?
- That can't be good, right?
- You wouldn't dare.
This is the sort of thing that you don't want
revealed to the world, Admiral.
And it's gonna be. Things that could
end a guy's military career.
And I'm not talking about mine.
What do you want?
Thanks for asking.
First you let my friends go.
Then you rebuild the clinic.
The Flaming Sword guys
go back to their goats.
I get an honorable discharge.
And we keep our mouths shut
about this forever.
in the words of my buddy Mike Westen--
"This is the kind of secret
that stays a secret. "
That's blackmail.
No, actually, sir,
I believe this form of extortion...
...is known as "graymail. "
It's much nicer than blackmail.
I believe we're done here, sir.
# Shake a leg, shake a leg #
Agreement between Commander Sam Axe
and the United States military court.
Under the terms of this agreement--
Commander Axe hereby agrees
not to discuss, reveal...
...or otherwise disclose his activities...
...between January 22 and
January 31 of the year 2005.
He's to receive the following:
an honorable discharge with full pension,
a change of clothes...
...first-class air transport to the city
of his choosing and one ice-cold beer.
Executed February 20, 2005
by Rear Admiral James G. Lawrence--
United States Navy.
- Welcome to Miami, Mr. Axe.
- Thank you.
# The sun is shining bright #
# Spending my time
going nowhere #
# It's good to be alive ##
English - US - SDH