Bystanders (2024) Movie Script
(sinister laughter)
(woman screaming)
Go! Go! Keep on running!
[Men chanting]
[Scared woman]
Help! Please. Stop!
[Woman whimpers in fear]
Please, please, please help me.
(phone alarm)
I love your sister.
Truly I do.
But, uhm...
next time that she does
decide to marry,
can we just,
like I tell her to elope?
She wants me to speak at both
the wedding and
the rehearsal dinner.
So I kind of have to agree
with you there.
Are you feeling any better?
Yeah, it was just something I
ate at work.
All right, so,
that's why I didn't give you
food poisoning, right?
- No.
You are exonerated there.
Do you, uhm...
Do you still feel good enough
to go to the rehearsal dinner?
I have to.
I can't let Ellie down.
Just try not to throw from
the nerves, okay?
Don't put that evil on me Gray.
No, I'm just saying
I got to go through two full,
painful days of awkward
conversations with your dad.
Hey, I'm not
looking forward to having to
witness it, either.
Is it that bad?
You look like you'd
rather eat glass.
You mean that's an option?
Oh, my God,
I'm going to take that.
- Are you going to take
a shower before?
- Are you?
- Definitely.
I feel gross.
You didn't have to do all that.
Shut up. Let me fuss over you.
Come on.
Yogurt and a banana would
have been fine.
Oh, I know, but, you gotta
get ready for bridesmaids duty.
[Clare sighs]
[Clare] Hey, what's that look?
- Oh.
(upbeat music)
(music muffles in
the background)
I am no good at this.
You get the hang of it.
Do you mean to try?
No no no no no no.
I have to get good at
this sometime.
Besides, I won't always
have you around to do my makeup.
Oh, God.
Don't depress me with this.
Senior year,
going away to different colleges
bullshit. Already?
(heavy sigh)
Fine. Sorry.
When's Jade getting here?
Uh...She should be here soon.
I don't know if I believe her
Cut her some slack Brie.
She's been going through it.
We told her not to date him.
Yeah, well,
when has Jade listened
to anything you've ever said?
You dirty bitches.
[Brie] You're gonna make Abby
fuck up her eyeliner,
you whore.
- Seriously?
You love me?
[Brie] Don't take advantage
of that either.
(Brie laughs happily)
Just let Brie do it.
We don't have all evening.
Parties going to be over by
the time you get done.
Ha! It's funny. It's very funny.
Where do you get your lame
jokes from?
By the way, you're dad?
No. I get them from yours.
Ha, ha, ha.
Besides don't you want to
look good for Cody?
Hush for a second.
She's nervous.
Of course she's nervous,
she's Abby.
Hey, wait.
La, la, la, la. Ha ha ha.
- Huh?
- You did it!
Thank you!
Hmm, do the other one
then I'll be impressed.
God, you're such a bitch Jade.
(Brie laughs)
I'm just saying...
Did you get it?
Yeah, I got it.
Sure... I wasn't drinking that
or anything.
The others coming?
Why don't you call them? Tell
them to fucking get here okay?
I'm tired of doing all
the hard work.
Would you chill out?
I haven't even gotten started
with the Jungle Juice
yet. God...
Jeff just texted me.
He's not gonna make it tonight.
Typical pussy. Jeff.
Why do you even invite
these anymore?
You know, dude,
I've told you this before,
our dad's are golf buddies.
Arlight? Come on, buddy.
You know this.
- You dad's fucking lame
for that?
- Yeah.
You're telling me, man.
Hurry up.
What are you doing? Come on.
We don't have all night.
what the fuck's up his ass?
(dance music playing in
the house)
Not to be a bitch,
but, Abby, I'm not letting you
be a wallflower tonight.
Oh, you never
hate to be a bitch.
Very true. But still.
I was messaging Cody,
and I may or may have not let it
slip that a certain
goody two shoes sweetie pie has
a bit of a thing for him.
Stop fucking with me, Jade.
You didn't?
- You know I did.
What? You said you look sweet.
- No...
I told him give you a few years
and you would be hotter than
all of us.
He's gonna get you out of
your little shell!
He's going to think I'm a dork.
No he's not, your a catch Abs.
My brother said so.
Your brother is nine
and is convinced we're
getting married after he
graduates from high school.
He has good taste.
You're never too young to have
good taste. [Abby groans]
Besides, Jade's a way better
wing woman than I am.
It's true.
I am kind of a master.
I hooked my mom up
with her CPA last year.
Sure, the relationship fizzled
out, but it was very rewarding
for her.
All right, are we ready?
Let's go. Come on. We're ready.
- No, no.
- Come on let's go!
- Ugh, okay!
I don't know.
- Shut up!
(girls all laugh together)
We're going! Boys!
We have a treat for you.
(Abby groans in embarrasment)
Hey ladies.
- Thank you.
[Frat Boy]
Is this place sick or what?
[Jade] Yeah it is sick.
You text us there'd
be more people coming.
They're coming later.
Don't worry about that.
But in the meantime,
y'all should try the Jungle is to die for.
[Abby] Jungle Juice?
[Jade] Oh!
- Yeah, I'll take you up
on that. Okay.
- Oh, shit. Oh, my boy's here.
Oh, hi.
- Hey. You good?
Oh, hell yeah, dude.
Oh. Thanks, man.
Hey. Is blondie still coming?
No, but I'm calling dibs on her.
(girls whispering to each other)
(Guys laugh)
She'll be easy.
Are you still working on that
girly girl over there?
- Oh, her?
- Yeah, yeah.
I mean, that Jade girl, said
she has a thing for me.
So it's going to be like,
shooting fish in a barrel.
Right, yeah dude.
What's that mean?
I don't know, dude.
Just fucking Google it.
You're being weird.
Yeah. Okay.
Wait, you guys.
- Ooh, goodbye, goodbye.
(Abby chuckles in surprise)
- Oh, for me?
- Yeah, yeah. For you.
Oh my God...
Oh, thanks.
That's really sweet.
Thank you it's the least I can
do for a pretty girl like you.
Oh yeah this place is sweet.
Thanks for inviting me to
the party.
Yeah, yeah. Sorry a other
people didn't come,
I guess they got lost
on the way.
That's okay.
- Yeah... I'm sorry.
I've been drinking a lot,
so it's like,
I don't know what's going on.
Oh, well, okay.
I guess I'll have some
for the both of us.
Is it good?
- It's good yeah...strong.
Strong. Yeah, yeah...
- A little bit.
Brad, he made it.
He goes a little overboard,
to be honest.
He's a little weird, but...
- He really is.
- It's okay.
- I don't really like him
to be honest.
Why do you hang out with him?
he just keeps me entertained.
Yeah, he's kind of,
you know, he's that friend.
You know we all have that friend
that just kind of,
- Yeah of course.
Yeah, I really llike your hair.
I was gonna say,
I like your necklace.
- You have really good curls.
You have really good curls.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
You like my necklace?
- You have to show me
the product you use.
(intense music)
Wake up.
Not so sweet anymore are you?
Dude they're still too out of it
to cut'em loose.
[Brad] Well, let's see if we can
get more fun out of them.
Hey, Sh, sh, sh, shhh.
Those other bitches
waking up yet?
[Frat boy] I think I can get
another one out of her.
Plus, it'll give Jeff some more
time to get here too.
Fucking Jeff.
I can't believe he ditched this
party for a fucking baptism.
(Abby hyperventilating)
- How's girly girl?
- Dude tight as fuck.
Not anymore.
Let's fucking go!
She better than Chloe?
Oh, dude so much better.
(ominous tense music)
Well, it's been fun, girls.
But the fun must come to an end.
You're acting like this isn't
the fun part.
(Guys laugh menacingly)
Hey, don't worry, sweet girl,
this'll all be over soon, okay?
Don't worry.
Should I, uh
tell these girls what we
have in store for them?
(Abby struggling)
You see,
fucking you and
letting you go on your way.
Gets messy.
There's always some high school
aged whore out there that just
wants to scream rape
all for a little bit
of attention.
(Abby sobbing in fear)
Isn't that right, Jake?
I told you,
stop bringing that up.
Oh, your dad took care of it,
didn't he?
I'm not the one being
called a murderer,
all because some little girl,
decides to down a bottle
of vodka?
Well she shouldn't have been
such a cock tease, then.
(Guys laugh)
We're gonna let you go, we are.
And then...
We're going to have ourselves
a good old fashioned whore hunt.
(Abby crying)
He came up with the name.
Clever, right?
- I'm a fucking genius when
I want to be.
Gonna carve.
You pretty little things up
just right.
You know and I
I won't hurt you too bad, okay?
But there's just
something about,
the screams these sluts give
when the knives go in.
That gives me goosebumps.
(Abby gasps)
Hey. Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
It's okay.
Got something special for you.
It's so sweet.
You'll love it, okay.
(Abby groans)
(Abby sobs)
We're gonna cut you loose.
I'm going to give you about a 60
second head start all right.
Sounds good?
Come on, get up.
Better run whore!
Run! Go go go go go!
- Go on get!
Move! Move!
Whore hunt, whore hunt.
Whore hunt, whore hunt.
I have something I need
to tell you.
Oh, yeah what?
My period is late.
Oh, uh... How late?
Like eight weeks late.
(girls wheezing)
We can't be far from the road.
Who the fuck will be out
at this time of night?
(Jade screaming)
Go, go, go!
- Oh shit.
Get up!
Come on.
I don't know if I can.
(pained yell)
You have to leave me,
You have to leave me, Abby.
Oh, God. I'm not leaving you.
I'm not letting you die
saving me.
I love you too fucking much to
die because of me.
Listen. Hey, hey.
I can do this, okay?
I can get us out of here.
Come on, I can.
(Jade screams in pain)
(Cody hollers victoriously) Stop
being a fucking optimist
for once!
(Guys laugh in the distance
It's okay, it's gonna be okay.
- No...
(Jade screaming in the distance)
- You have to go.
You have to go now! Go!
(Abby whimpers)
(Brad laughs close by)
You couldn't run fast enough.
Aww. I'm sorry.
(Brie screams in fear)
You can do it. Come on.
Run run run run run! Go go go!
We're having a fucking baby.
I mean, if that's what you want.
I will live in
sin with our bastard child,
if that's what you want,
either or, pick.
Also, you know, we could,
take it to the next step
We could get married,
make one, two more children.
Who knows?
Do that, like shitty, idealized
suburban household thing.
[Guys] Whore hunt! Whore hunt!
Whore hunt! Whore hunt!
Do you know I would love this
whole suburban picket fence
thing with you.
What if it's like a tumor?
What if it's my parasitic twin?
I will, I'll love you in your
parasitic little tumor baby all
the same.
Oh God.
I love you.
I love you too.
(car brakes screeching)
Please stop!
Jesus. You okay?
I'm fine.
(Abby sobbing)
Yes. Please
Wait, stop. Please,
You have to help me.
I. I need...I need help.
What's wrong?
What? Hey! Hey.
Take a breath. I need you to
take a breath. Okay?
Gray, call somebody.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(Abby sobbing)
Honey, honey, what's your name?
What's your name?
My name is Abby.
Abby. Abby.
What happened? What happened?
My...My friends and I were at a
party, and these older guys gave
Gave them drinks, and then
the last thing I remember is him
taking my skirt off and...
(Abby starts crying)
Buddy, come on, come on,
come on.
[Clare] I have you, I have you,
I have you.
You are okay.
You're gonna be okay.
You're going to be okay.
[Abby] They were right
behind me.
- I swear, I swear to God
- They'll kill you too!
I will protect you,
you will be okay.
Babe I'm not really getting
reception here.
That's fine. We can take you to
the hospital. It's like...
It's like ten minutes south.
- Okay.
- Can we go now, please?
Yeah we can go now, that's fine.
- Right now.
- No.
- Gray.
Well, isn't this sweet boys.
- Sure is.
That cunt thinks she can
protect that little slut,
like she's some big,
bad mama bear.
Yeah, she's feisty looking,
ain't she.
You'll have some fun with her
won't you, Jake?
So what,
brings you two Samaritans
to these parts anyways? Huh?
Ahem, we were just coming
from a wedding.
That explains why you're all
so dressed up.
So... I bet you that one's
You know, we could ask you guys
to let girly back there go and
let you two fine folks be on
your way.
But I have a feeling you two
aren't going to give her up
now, are you?
So, you know, I could just
let Jake over here have his fun
with a little handsome man
over there.
You'd like that,
wouldn't you, Jake?
Just having fucking destroy you.
And I know, Brad,
you got first dibs on the bitch
back there. Yeah!
And, Travis, I'd even give you
a turn with girly back there.
- Really?
- You'd like that wouldn't you?
Yeah, well,
I'd been wanting to fuck her.
But honestly, you know,
I'm a good guy.
A really good guy.
I don't I don't want to do
things the easy way.
Okay, guys, like, can we just
be reasonable...
Take a beat, take a breath.
Let us just take her.
We'll say that we found her.
And, we'll drop her off at
the hospital.
You guys won't be implicated.
And, you know, no harm, no foul.
You really think we're
that stupid?
We're not gonna let you
go that easy.
Okay, listen, guys,
please don't, like,
just do this.
I really don't want anyone
to get hurt.
And, especially
because my my girlfriend's
pregnant, so we should be all
peace and love.
We just.
We just want to go. So...
No one gives a shit!
That's not going to stop this
nasty motherfucker from fucking.
What makes you say-
- Stop.
I think we got a
smart mouth one, Cody.
Might as well give up.
There's four of us,
and we're all armed.
You've got,
let's see a little sniveling
bitch back there.
Some knocked up cunt.
And oh yeah,
some fucking fairy that
thinks he can protect them all.
Let me guess what, you guys,
date rape women throw them
into the woods,
kill them,
and then you get bored,
you might switch-
- Shut up!
You're a self-righteous little
prick ain't you?
You can't tell me
that you haven't met just
one little slut that's
begging for it.
No, I really can't say
that I have.
I mean, your bitch.
- Oooh, no.
You gotta be careful what you
say around her.
Why, you pussy whipped or
No, I think he has this thing
called love.
Makes me sick to my
fucking stomach.
Hey, look at me when
I'm talking.
All these soy boys are the same.
You know, it's really hard to
believe a pussy like this
knocked up some loud mouth
cunt like that.
Shit, shit.
Fuck you.
- Travis, what the fuck?
Guess my bitch is smarter
than you think.
- You motherfucker!
Well, you know,
if you guys want to start
fighting, we should probably
start soon, because
I'm really getting tired
of talking.
You're fucking lucky.
You find those two,
you bring them back to me.
You understand?
It's your time to shine.
It's your fucking time
to shine, okay?
- Yeah.
Okay then you fucking go.
You go, and bring me back
my dad's gun, motherfucker.
Hey, make sure that you can hit
a moving target.
Shut the fuck up.
What are you doing?
We can't keep running.
Oh, no, no.
Listen, you don't know
what they can do.
Honey, I appreciate your
concern, I really do.
I don't know what they can do,
but they don't know what I can
do either.
But what about your boyfriend?
Gray will be okay.
He likes to fight. He's...
meaner than he looks.
- Meaner than he looks?
You'll see.
Here we go.
Now, I made you a promise
to protect you.
And I will deliver on
that promise.
I need you to trust me.
Can you do that?
(shivering and groaning)
Okay, I can.
- Okay.
Okay I can.
Where are you?
You fucking bitches.
Fucking whores,
fucking with me. I am
supposed to bring you back
alive to Cody.
He's gonna want you
fucking alive.
Fucking rape you, cunts.
Here cunty cunty cunty.
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
(angry sighs)
You bitches.
(Travis scoffs)
And there's Cody's bitch.
Where's your cunt friend?
(hard gut punch)
(in pain) Bitch!
Shut the fuck up. Brad,
take care of this motherfucker.
Come here you fucker.
Fuck you! Bitch!
No, no, no!
Oh, God. Oh!
(splatting noises)
(bones crunching)
Who's the bitch now?
[Cody] Brad,
take care of this fucking guy.
Come here. Fucker!
(Brad laughs)
See that, it's your blood.
There you go.
There you go.
- Bitch.
Yeah, you're about to find
out why they called me
Brad the Bruiser in high school,
motherfucker. You ready?
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh! Brad fuck. Come on Brad.
Come on Brad.
(Gray chuckles)
- Fucking God damn it.
(Brad choking) Cody!
Hey, let him go! Let him go!
Right. Fucking now.
Let him go!
I'll fucking kill you!
Come on, come on.
(Brad coughing in pain)
[Cody] It's me and you buddy.
Let's see how you sweat with
a knife. All right.
Come on, let's go Ethan Hawke.
(gun cocking)
Oh, fuck.
Fucking pick me up,
motherfucker oh God, fuck!
Oh, fuck.
Ah... You know,
it's kind of difficult
to hit a small target,
and I was aiming for your dick.
What kind of fucking
monsters are you?
Where's Travis?
Travis is in the woods with his
head bashed in.
Hey, you in the back.
Why the sad face?
Are you done playing?
I'm not done playing.
Usually we have to hunt down
boys like you.
But you fell into our lap.
Yeah, you did.
Babe can you get the flashlight
behind you?
- Thank you.
Uh.(Gray mumbles to himself)
I'm gonna give you guys
five whole minutes.
Five minutes? That's enough
time. Five minutes.
Pick it up, Brad. Pick it up.
You're gonna run into the woods,
and then we're gonna find you.
Good with that?
(pained) Ah, you motherfuckers
ain't gonna do shit.
(Brad screams)
Hey! I don't think that
you heard me.
Listen, with your fucking ears.
Shut up Cody!
Five minutes, starting
in five seconds.
Are you ready?
One second. Hold on, hold on,
here's this...
You take the knife.
Here you go.
- Brad, give me
the fucking knife!
- You fucking get it.
Damn it!
It's right there behind your
fucking ass!
Grab the fucking knife!
- Five.
- My feet hurt.
Three. Two. One. Go! Go! Go!
Fuck this!
(guys whimpering)
[Cody] Motherfuckers are gonna
fucking die!
My dad's gonna fucking kill you!
Aw, I got fucking shit
on my shoe.
(Abby whimpering)
Hey, you okay?
Do you need something?
No! Fuck.
I'm not, I'm not okay.
Abby, we are on your side,
I promise you.
But... I mean... I...
I don't know how.
I'm supposed to believe you.
I just watched you kill
a bunch of people.
Like, like, easily.
Like it was nothing.
Oh, yeah. We kill people.
Bad people, you know?
So you do this often?
Kill people?
I well, this instance,
I wouldn't say it was actually
So you plan it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
We know what we're doing.
I can promise you that.
How am I supposed to trust you?
You know it doesn't matter
if you trust me or not.
I'm going to take
care of you,
and that's the end of that.
Let's get you a
change of clothes.
(suitcase being opened)
Thank you.
Where did I put that
spare scrunchie?
You said the other bag.
The two of them?
- I don't fucking know.
Oh. Shit. Here it is.
Thank you.
Hey, and
we are good people.
I just want to let you know,
obviously probably does not
come across like that.
- Yeah.
- Well, we are.
It's, I'm sorry if I seemed
ungrateful, really...
- I just in the wrong...
- No.
It's a lot to process.
I know.
You get changed.
I want to check on that one
over there.
- What the fuck did they do
to you?
- I'm fine.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. I'm fine.
Are you up to this, though?
I have to be up to this.
I know it's just,
I'm worried about you and
the baby you know.
The baby and I are fine
I promise.
I promise you that we are fine.
Okay. Yeah. I trust you, okay.
You're getting started on that
dad shit, pretty early,
and it's kind of hot.
Stop it, stop it.
- You stop it.
You're gonna boost my ego.
(Clare laughs)
- Thanks, I feel a lot better.
It's no problem. No problem.
Let me just throw these in
the back here,
Let's see what we got here.
Alright, you're fine.
You get the rope-
nah, we don't need the rope.
(gun being loaded)
Alright let's go hunt.
Time is... Five, four,
(rapidly) 3, 2, 1!
Time's up!
You can, you can stay with us,
or we can just, you can stay
with the car,
we can leave you the keys.
Listen to the radio or
I will do whatever you guys say,
just please don't leave me
here alone.
Please. I don't want to.
You stay with me, or Gray
at all times
and I'll take care of you.
Yeah you can trust her.
Let's get hunting.
- Okay.
- No time like the present,
Yep. Here we go.
(Cody whimpering in pain)
Oh! Oh, shit.
The place where the boys
had the party, is it far?
- No, it's not far.
I think it's just...
It's a cabin in the woods
on a farm.
I think it's Cody's
parents place.
Like a... like a summer home
or something.
Hmmm. Rich boys?
Can I ask you guys a question?
Yeah, what's up?
How did you guys meet?
I killed a kid when I was
fourteen, yeah.
Is that really the best way to
introduce her to our love story?
Mutual friends, Rachel and Leo.
It was a party.
They decided to play
murderer matchmaker.
- Yeah.
- What the fuck?
Nothing will really sober you
up like that.
No not about the you two meeting
part, about the murder aspect.
That's what I was gonna say.
I think I hear something.
Fuck. My leg.
(footsteps approaching)
Awww, did your friends
leave you?
They're coming back for me.
(pained mumbling)
Abby was he
the one that gave you the drink?
Yeah, it was him.
Hold this.
- Come on,
come on, we didn't mean to.
I'm sure my stepdad didn't
mean to do it,
but he still did.
Oh, my dad's a lawyer.
Yeah, he'll take care of you
(Clare scoffing) put you guys in
prison for life, yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- How do you like that?
[Gray] You just don't know when
to be quiet do you?
(Clare screams in pain)
Oh, fuck.
(labored breathing from Cody)
I want you alive.
And I need you as immobilized
as possible.
You know,
my story... is really kind
of a cliche.
Dad wasn't too great.
He left my mom for a woman he
worked with.
But when I was
13, and my sister Ellie was 11.
My mom got remarried,
and we thought we'd have
a fun step dad.
We were really about it,
you know?
That was until he got
a little too physical
to be fun anymore.
It started with my sister Ellie,
and then
it trickled to me!
(Cody screaming in pain)
Oh fuck!
- Bitch.
- I tried to tell my friend's
mom about what was
happening to us.
you know what she said to me?
I didn't need to make up stories
if I wanted attention!
(knife cutting)
(Cody screaming)
Oh fuck! Ah!
(Cody gasping)
You think you know fear?
you don't yet.
(gun cocking)
(Cody screaming in pain)
I decided
that there would be
no more him touching us.
And no more
him making us touch him.
I decided
there would be no more
lying under him,
waiting for him to finish.
While I recited
the Lord's Prayer
over and over and over.
No, no.Please, no!
Shirt please.
- As you wish.
(shirt tearing)
is a tourniquet.
It's to keep you from
bleeding out.
I'm not done with you yet.
So what are we going to
do about you?
Well, I figured you'd
puzzle out that one.
I am going to get some rope.
Do something with that.
Get to it.
So what are we going to
do with him
besides this?
I'm still figuring that out.
Clare's really the more
creative one.
I am kind of old fashioned,
you know, guns,
guts and fists is what they say,
you know, kind of a basic man.
- Mhmm.
So what is Clare like?
Knives... mostly.
- Suffering.
- Isn't that a little messy.
- A little.
Does anybody else think it's,
like, a little odd
that we haven't seen
anyone else yet?
Or, it's just me?
They could have tucked tail
and ran like rabbits.
I think I hear something.
You sure it wasn't me
dragging this fuck.
- No, it wasn't.
Just come on. Oh!
You motherfucker!
Get off me!
Get off me!
(Clare grumbling)
(Clare gasps)
Well how do you like that?
Loverboy is pretty fucking
I guess love makes you that way.
Can't control yourself
when it comes to her, can you?
Well, I can't say I blame you.
Somehow girls like her
make me hard!
Let her go.
How about I don't do that?
In fact,
I'm probably going to fuck her
and make you watch.
And then when you're begging me
to stop, oh...
I'll stop!
I'll kill her and make you
watch that too.
Don't even think about
reaching for the gun.
I'll slit her fucking throat.
And then I'll fuck her
bleeding, useless corpse.
You're gonna fucking help me?
(crying) I don't think I want to
do this anymore.
This isn't fun!
Brad! You fucking pussy!
- Great friend, you have there.
- Shut up.
Holy shit.
You really are scared
for her aren't you?
That's cute, man.
Anyone ever tell you
not to get too attached to them?
You just fuck them and
leave them.
So what you did to them? Huh?
How many of them have you raped?
You don't know what it's like
to truly feel.
I've killed people,
killed people in ways
that you can't imagine.
And I loved every second of it.
But I also have the capability,
you know, feel real emotions,
the capability to feel
genuine, unconditional love
the capability to feel
utter disgust,
and also the capability to feel
warranted rage!
So who's the fucked up one now?
You fucking cunt.
(Jacob screams in pain)
(Clare yells in his face)
Oh. Take it!
Can you?
Oh. Good morning.
How you doing?
Yep. There we go.
So, doesn't feel too nice to
lose control your body, now,
does it?
Except this might be a little
more permanent than a roofie.
(Brad whimpers)
Yeah, Clare is pretty
efficient that way.
She, took a little nerve
in your neck,
right here while you were out,
nicked it.
Man were you out, I mean,
you didn't move one
inch that entire time.
And, I mean, it's gone wrong
a few times, but,
I mean, you know,
can't win'em all.
(Jacob whimpers in pain)
Why are you doing this to us?
All for some girl you just
fucking met!
I guess you could call it, oh
bystander intervention.
But I could also ask you
the same question about what you
did to those girls.
And, she doesn't take too
kindly to that.
And, surprisingly, neither do I.
So, as you have seen
and, as your dead friends did
see, and, your other friends
will soon to as well.
I love my girlfriend.
She has requested that we do
a fun little event for you.
So are you ready?
Take that as a yes.
One day, this kid at school that
bullied me decided
to push me down.
I was tired,
tired of my bullies,
tired of my dad, you know,
using me as a punching bag.
And, I even told a teacher.
You know what that teacher said?
Same thing that my dad said.
Toughen up, Gray.
Just toughen up.
You know,
in the end,
I also did toughen up.
(bones crunching)
(Jacob screaming)
(bones crunching)
Now know what I did?
I accidentally killed the kid.
people, tried to pull him off
and revive him.
But, you know,
he was gone, gone forever.
(bones crunching)
(Jacob screaming)
(Gray yelling)
(bones breaking)
(Jacob screaming)
Now, I, probably would regret it
and feel bad, but, you know,
I know he would end up just
like you.
Some entitled prick.
What do you think of that
little appetizer there?
I kind of like the sound
when the bones crunch
You're a couple of sick fucks
is what I think.
Oh, well, she dissuaded me from
stomping in your head, so, like
Thank you. Maybe?
I said that was a bit too
quick and eas-
Fuck you bitch!
Keep running your mouth and I'll
cut your lousy little dick off.
I really would listen to her.
I've seen her do similar
and worse.
I really can't believe you
actually all do this for some
girl you just met.
She means nothing to you.
She means nothing.
That girl has a name.
You know her name?
Her name is Abby.
Say her fucking name!
Did you know it before now?
Did you?
fucking name!
My turn.
Hello there.
We meet again.
(ominous tense music)
I find it kind of funny,
that you, drug,
and discard these girls
like they're nothing.
Like they're not even human.
I want you,
to say her name.
Or I use the knife.
It's that simple.
What's her name?
Her name is Abby.
Oh, I didn't hear that
clear enough.
What's her name?
- Abby.
Abby. Abby!
(Jacob screaming)
(Jacob gasping)
You know what?
You did talk an awful lot
about slitting girls' throats.
(knife cutting)
(Jacob grunting)
You know,
I never get tired of watching
you do that.
Yeah, well, it's an art.
Just fucking let me go,
[Gray] Dude, we are not letting
you go till you go to God.
Look at you getting all
Old Testament.
Don't you get all
judgmental on me.
You are the most philosophical
serial killer that I know.
I'm the only serial
killer you know.
(under his breath)
[Abby] So what are we going to
do about the other one?
You know, Chad.
Well, we have to go find him.
Give them what they got coming.
So, uhm...
Did you guys see
what direction he went in?
Well I...
I think he went
in the direction of the cabin.
It shouldn't be far.
I think I remember passing
through here when I was
running, but I.
I can't be sure.
- Okay, no worries.
We'll get him.
It'll be fun.
All right.
Get up.
They've got Travis,
they've got Jake.
Who knows where the fuck Cody is
That fucking cunt!
Alright, think, think,
think, think.
What can I do?
Okay, there's got to be
weapons somewhere.
There's gotta be a weapon.
Remind me, okay.
Cody you motherfucker!
No time for that.
I gotta get a weapon.
(drawers opening)
(silverware falling to
the ground)
Come on, you little cunt.
Come on!
Right between your fucking
eyes you little bitch!
Come get me, motherfuckers!
(locking door)
S.O.S. are
you fucking kidding me?!
(phone ringing)
Come on mom, come on.
(call drops out)
(phone ringing)
Come on mom.
Mom pick-up.
Pick up. Pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone, come on.
Pick up the phone mom.
Mom, you, goddamn bitch!
(ringing stops)
Gonna leave me here all alone.
(Gray grunting)
Is this the place?
Please tell me.
Oh thank God.
(Gray grunting)
I'll see what the degenerate
is doing.
Yeah, do.
Okay, I'll be right back.
(Gray laughs)
Come here, come here,
Look at him.
(Abby laughs)
He's really funny.
- Element of surprise?
(gun cocking)
Element of surprise.
Okay, I got this.
No please! Please!
Come on,
you gotta let me go. No!
Please, please,
you don't have to do this.
It was only five minutes.
- Just five minutes.
- Well, five minutes
is too long for me.
Who the fuck do you
think you are?
Fucking Dexter or some shit?!
I'm better.
(Brad gurgling under water)
I don't want to die.
(Brad sobbing)
You don't have to do this.
It's okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Listen.
It's okay.
You're just gonna die.
- No, no.
No, no, NO!
(Brad drowning)
(Gray sighing)
(intense ominous music)
Cock it back.
(gun cocking)
Nothing in the chamber.
(Cody breathing heavily)
Morning, sunshine.
What'd you do to my friends?
That is a great question.
Well, uhm.
Well, paralyzed one of them,
and then I,
I smashed his hands in with my
feet, and, let's see...
She ended it by slitting his
throat. And I stabbed him in
the dick
twice before I slit his throat.
You did, I'm so sorry,
But Abby helped out
with that one.
And then, let's see what did we
do with the other one?
Oh, yeah.
I shot him a lot, and then I,
you know,
took a little dip in the tub.
You're fucking crazy.
You're goddamn right.
Yeah, probably.
But, I don't think I was
always like that.
My memory kind of gets fuzzy.
I don't really know that much,
when I was a kid.
Mine gets a little fuzzy, too.
Yeah, I call it trauma brain.
Fucking cuck.
What did you say?
Fucking cuck.
Get better insults
and shut the fuck up!
[Gray] Yeah,
that really wasn't that good.
What are you gonna call me next?
You gonna call me,
soy boy? Little,
little, dumb mommy simp.
Oh, this one time,
someone call me a little
a little goth mommy baby bitch.
They're really shitty.
Really bad.
And I'm bad at jokes.
Come up with some better
ones, buddy.
(Cody laughs)
Okay, okay.
Psychotic bitch then.
- Hey!
- Oh yeah, I hear that
all the time.
And you know what,
you're damn right.
No one cares about some random
ass fucking whore.
You guys are wasting your
fucking time.
Fucking excuse me.
[Gray] Sorry. All right.
- Say it, say it again.
Really bad hearing in
my left ear.
Can you... one more time,
Thank you. Just...
You're wasting your time.
Oh, yeah. Probably.
A lot of people think like that
these days.
My dad, your stepdad, and you.
(heavy sigh)
Really sad.
And, no one was...
really doing anything about it.
Such a shame.
Until we decided to.
Until we decided to.
It's been such a blast.
[Clare] You know,
I'm going to make it hurt,
for you, Abby.
And for all those other girls.
People like our Cody here.
When they're met with
a truly awful,
painful death, they always try
to get out of it.
They always try to bargain.
But it never works.
No matter what deity
they choose.
Would you let me do it?
- No.
- Why?
You felt better when you killed
your stepdad, right?
For one hot, celebratory second.
The past just doesn't go
away, Abby.
I eliminated the problem.
I did that.
it doesn't go away.
Yeah just, you
know, I think I really
just want to... I want to feel,
I want to feel the rush.
- No, no, no.
- I want to feel the power
you talk about the-
Stop, hey!
(heavy sigh)
That power that you want.
- Don't.
Hey, hey!
It's not worth it, okay?
Listen, look at me.
It's my coping mechanism, okay?
It's hers.
It's ours alone.
You got in my way.
- No.
You are not going to become me.
I can stop that.
This was not meant for you.
Just let her do it.
You guys talk too much.
Just get it over with, please.
He wants me to do it.
- Stop. Hey, hey.
I don't care, I don't care.
And you shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up!
You're a fucking rapist, okay?
You don't get the fucking
talk, okay?
You're going to fucking die.
Shut the fuck up!
Can you sit down, please?
- No. No.
Please, Come on.
Thank you.
(angry grunt)
(Abby sobs)
I know what I'm going to do.
I, I don't...
I need it to go away.
I need it to go away.
I need it to go away.
I need it to go away.
- Sweetie, my beautiful girl.
I need it to go away.
It's not going to go away.
It's not
going to go away.
I am going to do this for you.
(Abby laughs)
Just give me the bat please.
- Just do it.
- Please.
Give her the bat.
Thank you.
Hey, hey.
Take a breath, take a breath.
[Clare] You're next,
you little motherfucker.
(knocking at the door)
God damn it!
What the fu...
(exasperated sigh)
(knocking continues)
Hey Cody buddy!
I finally got here.
My niece's baptism fucking
sucked, bro.
Of course,
he just came from a baptism.
Jeff, Jeff, these crazy fuckers
got me tied to a chair.
I can't fucking hear you did you
say tied someone to a chair?
Oh, you fucking idiot.
Come help!
You're a fucking idiot
dude just let me in!
Let me handle this one.
(Jeff knocking)
Don't fucking do it.
- Here we go.
Don't do it please.
- Open wide would you?
Please don't, no.
- Put that in.
(muffled cries)
Okay, well.
You ready?
- Yeah.
Cody this prank isn't funny bro.
I will straight fuck you
up when I get in there.
And you motherfuckers had better
have saved me a girl.
What the fuck are you
guys doing?
Oh hey!
What the fuck? No!
(Clare and Gray laughing)
In the head. Right there,
go, go, go!
Saved you a girl, motherfucker.
Oh, help me drag
this bastard to the kitchen.
Oh no, you're fine,
you're pregnant.
Take a break on this one.
And, Abby, just hang tight.
We'll be back in a few.
- Whoo.
(dragging Jeff away)
(Cody mumbling)
(Cody mumbling louder)
(Cody mumbling)
What the fuck are you
saying to me?
- Abby please.
Please. It doesn't have to
be this way.
Look, I know I don't...
feserve to live after
the things that I've done.
Things that I've done to you.
I know I was wrong.
You do?
I do.
Please, you gotta help me.
Let me make this right.
- Abby, I...
I can give you the world.
Why do you think I chose you in
the first place?
I was just,
scared you'd reject me too.
Give me a chance.
You know,
they're fucking insane.
You're better than that.
I just need a little
bit of mercy
from the girl that I,
that I secretly love.
That's really sweet of you.
I swear.
I'll give you whatever you want.
Anything you want.
I promise my... my
dad will take care of us, okay?
He'll take care of us.
You'll get whatever you want,
I promise.
sweet of youm, Cody.
- I swear.
(Cody whimpers)
But do you think I'm
that stupid?
- No.
- I know.
- No please.
I might have fallen for that
a few hours ago, but
no, not anymore.
You see,
if you really did love me,
which you don't, maybe
instead of drugging me and
assaulting me,
you would have just told me.
Not how you get girls to
like you back.
Let me go.
Let me go!
Do it! Yeah.
(muffled yelling)
You can choke.
(muffled screams)
Oh. Fuck!
Why the fuck does this...
(mumbled pained words)
Fuck. Who are you?
What the fuck?
(muffled whimpers)
What? Dude I can't hear you.
What? I fucking can't hear you.
(Cody muffled cries)
What the fuck?
Okay, here we go.
(Cody gags)
It's not a prank, Jeff.
Does it look like I'd fucking be
joking around right now.
Does this look like a fucking
joke, Jeff?
Dude what the fuck,
what did you do to his legs?
What the fuck did you do
to his legs?
You're fucked.
- Oh God.
- We're fucked.
Oh, I'd say you're worse
than fucked.
Yeah. Oh, shit.
You almost dodged a bullet.
Or bat, technically,
but same thing.
The fuck did you do?
Cody, what the fuck's going to
do? What the fuck's going on?
Well this
glorious white knight,
this hick bitch and...
Just fucking killed everyone.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you send
me a fucking text or something?!
Does it look like I can
send a fucking text, Jeff?
(Jeff groans)
Oh God, fucking get me out
of here! Please.
I find this entertaining.
Fuck you.
Yeah, but I'm tired,
and it's late, and I'm nauseous.
- Alright.
Hey, hey, fucking look at me.
Please listen to me.
Listen, I won't tell anybody
what's happening okay.
I promise. Okay. I'll
get into my car and
drive off like nothing
ever happened. Please.
I don't do anything.
I'm innocent I swear,
Cody please, tell them.
Cody fucking tell them please!
- Please.
- Any thoughts?
What do you think Abby?
(Jeff struggles furiously)
You'll see.
Fair enough.
Don't do it.
Fucking bitches!
(Jeff chokes)
You know the human body is
really durable but it's
also amazingly
(Jeff chokes)
(Clare groaning)
(Jeff choking)
Oh oh.
(Jeff's neck cracks)
(Clare giggles)
(neck breaking)
(Cody whimpers)
Oh, shit.
Are you okay?
Oh, you actually feel something.
He was a trooper.
I usually don't last as
long as that.
I mean, you are right about it.
it's getting kind of late.
Okay well.
Nighty night.
You guys have shitty taste
in cigarettes.
You need to quit.
- Eh, probably.
What is this?
You know, just some country
music video dramatics.
No, no, no, no.
Not like this!
No! No! Please! Please
don't do this!
(couple groaning)
You don't think the boys are
going to have blood all over
No, no, I told the boys only in
the woods from now and on.
You don't need to see that shit.
They killed that girl on the
couch, and we had to burn it.
Oh, God. Yeah, $2,000
couch. That fucking waste.
Oh, not to mention
that beautiful oriental rugs.
Oh, the rug.
Oh, the rug.
You know, I understand spilling
a little beer every now
and then,
but I draw the line
at our sons, ruining
priceless family heirlooms
with blood and semen.
You know, my mother had that rug
imported from Thailand
for Sandra and mine's wedding
Oh, I bet Sandra loves it!
Oh, she was mad.
I've never seen her that
mad at Cody.
Well, Ron doesn't really
care what Brad does.
Sometimes I feel like
a single parent.
You know, Cody is really lucky
to have you and Sandra.
Can we not talk about
Ron and Sandra, please?
It kills the mood worse
than blood.
Suit yourself.
God damn. I told them
boys not to burn those bitches.
Gah, that smell of burnt
flesh is fucking sickening,
Maybe they're just having
a little bonfire.
We got to give them
the benefit of the doubt.
You know, in my day we
were a lot smarter about this.
What the fuck,
Jeff, honey?
Jeff. Je-
Oh, I think he's dead.
Leave it to the kids to
take a prank
too fucking far.
You know what?
I'm going to teach them
fucking boys a lesson.
No, no, honey, maybe. Calm down.
Maybe it was an accident.
What did they do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
What the fuck did you do?
Goddammit kid!
You never fucking listen!
What the fuck did you do?
They killed him.
They killed my baby!
Cody! Oh!
Do you remember where
we parked that car at all?
Gray! Gray!
Where's my son?
Depends on which piece of shit
is your son.
Oh you cunt.
My son. Is Cody.
(laughing) Well you
might want to check
the impromptu
barbecue over there?
Oh no.
Oh you fucking-
(Heather yells in anger)
You fucking bitch!
(Clare and Heather fighting)
Fucking bitch!
Who's the bitch now?
(fighting continues)
(Clare choking)
You bitch!
(Heather angrily yelling)
(Clare choking)
(Heather whimpering)
(Heather screaming)
(Clare struggling to breath)
- Gray?
- Yeah one second, fuck.
Oh Jesus Christ.
I got you.
(Gray mumbling in pain)
Oh, you are all bloody.
Oh, yeah. Give me that.
- Yeah.
Are you okay?
Are you okay Abby?
Yeah, yeah.
Are you?
- Are you okay?
Oh my God, Gray?
He fucking clocked you,
what the fuck?
It's fine.
You are not fine.
- Oh I'm great.
Oh she's, oh.
- Yeah. Yeah,
- Jugular hit nice.
Yeah yeah.
I guess we better call a lawyer.
Eh probably.
You think?
Okay let's go.
Come on.
How far away is the car?
I don't know.
(sinister laughter)
(woman screaming)
Go! Go! Keep on running!
[Men chanting]
[Scared woman]
Help! Please. Stop!
[Woman whimpers in fear]
Please, please, please help me.
(phone alarm)
I love your sister.
Truly I do.
But, uhm...
next time that she does
decide to marry,
can we just,
like I tell her to elope?
She wants me to speak at both
the wedding and
the rehearsal dinner.
So I kind of have to agree
with you there.
Are you feeling any better?
Yeah, it was just something I
ate at work.
All right, so,
that's why I didn't give you
food poisoning, right?
- No.
You are exonerated there.
Do you, uhm...
Do you still feel good enough
to go to the rehearsal dinner?
I have to.
I can't let Ellie down.
Just try not to throw from
the nerves, okay?
Don't put that evil on me Gray.
No, I'm just saying
I got to go through two full,
painful days of awkward
conversations with your dad.
Hey, I'm not
looking forward to having to
witness it, either.
Is it that bad?
You look like you'd
rather eat glass.
You mean that's an option?
Oh, my God,
I'm going to take that.
- Are you going to take
a shower before?
- Are you?
- Definitely.
I feel gross.
You didn't have to do all that.
Shut up. Let me fuss over you.
Come on.
Yogurt and a banana would
have been fine.
Oh, I know, but, you gotta
get ready for bridesmaids duty.
[Clare sighs]
[Clare] Hey, what's that look?
- Oh.
(upbeat music)
(music muffles in
the background)
I am no good at this.
You get the hang of it.
Do you mean to try?
No no no no no no.
I have to get good at
this sometime.
Besides, I won't always
have you around to do my makeup.
Oh, God.
Don't depress me with this.
Senior year,
going away to different colleges
bullshit. Already?
(heavy sigh)
Fine. Sorry.
When's Jade getting here?
Uh...She should be here soon.
I don't know if I believe her
Cut her some slack Brie.
She's been going through it.
We told her not to date him.
Yeah, well,
when has Jade listened
to anything you've ever said?
You dirty bitches.
[Brie] You're gonna make Abby
fuck up her eyeliner,
you whore.
- Seriously?
You love me?
[Brie] Don't take advantage
of that either.
(Brie laughs happily)
Just let Brie do it.
We don't have all evening.
Parties going to be over by
the time you get done.
Ha! It's funny. It's very funny.
Where do you get your lame
jokes from?
By the way, you're dad?
No. I get them from yours.
Ha, ha, ha.
Besides don't you want to
look good for Cody?
Hush for a second.
She's nervous.
Of course she's nervous,
she's Abby.
Hey, wait.
La, la, la, la. Ha ha ha.
- Huh?
- You did it!
Thank you!
Hmm, do the other one
then I'll be impressed.
God, you're such a bitch Jade.
(Brie laughs)
I'm just saying...
Did you get it?
Yeah, I got it.
Sure... I wasn't drinking that
or anything.
The others coming?
Why don't you call them? Tell
them to fucking get here okay?
I'm tired of doing all
the hard work.
Would you chill out?
I haven't even gotten started
with the Jungle Juice
yet. God...
Jeff just texted me.
He's not gonna make it tonight.
Typical pussy. Jeff.
Why do you even invite
these anymore?
You know, dude,
I've told you this before,
our dad's are golf buddies.
Arlight? Come on, buddy.
You know this.
- You dad's fucking lame
for that?
- Yeah.
You're telling me, man.
Hurry up.
What are you doing? Come on.
We don't have all night.
what the fuck's up his ass?
(dance music playing in
the house)
Not to be a bitch,
but, Abby, I'm not letting you
be a wallflower tonight.
Oh, you never
hate to be a bitch.
Very true. But still.
I was messaging Cody,
and I may or may have not let it
slip that a certain
goody two shoes sweetie pie has
a bit of a thing for him.
Stop fucking with me, Jade.
You didn't?
- You know I did.
What? You said you look sweet.
- No...
I told him give you a few years
and you would be hotter than
all of us.
He's gonna get you out of
your little shell!
He's going to think I'm a dork.
No he's not, your a catch Abs.
My brother said so.
Your brother is nine
and is convinced we're
getting married after he
graduates from high school.
He has good taste.
You're never too young to have
good taste. [Abby groans]
Besides, Jade's a way better
wing woman than I am.
It's true.
I am kind of a master.
I hooked my mom up
with her CPA last year.
Sure, the relationship fizzled
out, but it was very rewarding
for her.
All right, are we ready?
Let's go. Come on. We're ready.
- No, no.
- Come on let's go!
- Ugh, okay!
I don't know.
- Shut up!
(girls all laugh together)
We're going! Boys!
We have a treat for you.
(Abby groans in embarrasment)
Hey ladies.
- Thank you.
[Frat Boy]
Is this place sick or what?
[Jade] Yeah it is sick.
You text us there'd
be more people coming.
They're coming later.
Don't worry about that.
But in the meantime,
y'all should try the Jungle is to die for.
[Abby] Jungle Juice?
[Jade] Oh!
- Yeah, I'll take you up
on that. Okay.
- Oh, shit. Oh, my boy's here.
Oh, hi.
- Hey. You good?
Oh, hell yeah, dude.
Oh. Thanks, man.
Hey. Is blondie still coming?
No, but I'm calling dibs on her.
(girls whispering to each other)
(Guys laugh)
She'll be easy.
Are you still working on that
girly girl over there?
- Oh, her?
- Yeah, yeah.
I mean, that Jade girl, said
she has a thing for me.
So it's going to be like,
shooting fish in a barrel.
Right, yeah dude.
What's that mean?
I don't know, dude.
Just fucking Google it.
You're being weird.
Yeah. Okay.
Wait, you guys.
- Ooh, goodbye, goodbye.
(Abby chuckles in surprise)
- Oh, for me?
- Yeah, yeah. For you.
Oh my God...
Oh, thanks.
That's really sweet.
Thank you it's the least I can
do for a pretty girl like you.
Oh yeah this place is sweet.
Thanks for inviting me to
the party.
Yeah, yeah. Sorry a other
people didn't come,
I guess they got lost
on the way.
That's okay.
- Yeah... I'm sorry.
I've been drinking a lot,
so it's like,
I don't know what's going on.
Oh, well, okay.
I guess I'll have some
for the both of us.
Is it good?
- It's good yeah...strong.
Strong. Yeah, yeah...
- A little bit.
Brad, he made it.
He goes a little overboard,
to be honest.
He's a little weird, but...
- He really is.
- It's okay.
- I don't really like him
to be honest.
Why do you hang out with him?
he just keeps me entertained.
Yeah, he's kind of,
you know, he's that friend.
You know we all have that friend
that just kind of,
- Yeah of course.
Yeah, I really llike your hair.
I was gonna say,
I like your necklace.
- You have really good curls.
You have really good curls.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
You like my necklace?
- You have to show me
the product you use.
(intense music)
Wake up.
Not so sweet anymore are you?
Dude they're still too out of it
to cut'em loose.
[Brad] Well, let's see if we can
get more fun out of them.
Hey, Sh, sh, sh, shhh.
Those other bitches
waking up yet?
[Frat boy] I think I can get
another one out of her.
Plus, it'll give Jeff some more
time to get here too.
Fucking Jeff.
I can't believe he ditched this
party for a fucking baptism.
(Abby hyperventilating)
- How's girly girl?
- Dude tight as fuck.
Not anymore.
Let's fucking go!
She better than Chloe?
Oh, dude so much better.
(ominous tense music)
Well, it's been fun, girls.
But the fun must come to an end.
You're acting like this isn't
the fun part.
(Guys laugh menacingly)
Hey, don't worry, sweet girl,
this'll all be over soon, okay?
Don't worry.
Should I, uh
tell these girls what we
have in store for them?
(Abby struggling)
You see,
fucking you and
letting you go on your way.
Gets messy.
There's always some high school
aged whore out there that just
wants to scream rape
all for a little bit
of attention.
(Abby sobbing in fear)
Isn't that right, Jake?
I told you,
stop bringing that up.
Oh, your dad took care of it,
didn't he?
I'm not the one being
called a murderer,
all because some little girl,
decides to down a bottle
of vodka?
Well she shouldn't have been
such a cock tease, then.
(Guys laugh)
We're gonna let you go, we are.
And then...
We're going to have ourselves
a good old fashioned whore hunt.
(Abby crying)
He came up with the name.
Clever, right?
- I'm a fucking genius when
I want to be.
Gonna carve.
You pretty little things up
just right.
You know and I
I won't hurt you too bad, okay?
But there's just
something about,
the screams these sluts give
when the knives go in.
That gives me goosebumps.
(Abby gasps)
Hey. Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
It's okay.
Got something special for you.
It's so sweet.
You'll love it, okay.
(Abby groans)
(Abby sobs)
We're gonna cut you loose.
I'm going to give you about a 60
second head start all right.
Sounds good?
Come on, get up.
Better run whore!
Run! Go go go go go!
- Go on get!
Move! Move!
Whore hunt, whore hunt.
Whore hunt, whore hunt.
I have something I need
to tell you.
Oh, yeah what?
My period is late.
Oh, uh... How late?
Like eight weeks late.
(girls wheezing)
We can't be far from the road.
Who the fuck will be out
at this time of night?
(Jade screaming)
Go, go, go!
- Oh shit.
Get up!
Come on.
I don't know if I can.
(pained yell)
You have to leave me,
You have to leave me, Abby.
Oh, God. I'm not leaving you.
I'm not letting you die
saving me.
I love you too fucking much to
die because of me.
Listen. Hey, hey.
I can do this, okay?
I can get us out of here.
Come on, I can.
(Jade screams in pain)
(Cody hollers victoriously) Stop
being a fucking optimist
for once!
(Guys laugh in the distance
It's okay, it's gonna be okay.
- No...
(Jade screaming in the distance)
- You have to go.
You have to go now! Go!
(Abby whimpers)
(Brad laughs close by)
You couldn't run fast enough.
Aww. I'm sorry.
(Brie screams in fear)
You can do it. Come on.
Run run run run run! Go go go!
We're having a fucking baby.
I mean, if that's what you want.
I will live in
sin with our bastard child,
if that's what you want,
either or, pick.
Also, you know, we could,
take it to the next step
We could get married,
make one, two more children.
Who knows?
Do that, like shitty, idealized
suburban household thing.
[Guys] Whore hunt! Whore hunt!
Whore hunt! Whore hunt!
Do you know I would love this
whole suburban picket fence
thing with you.
What if it's like a tumor?
What if it's my parasitic twin?
I will, I'll love you in your
parasitic little tumor baby all
the same.
Oh God.
I love you.
I love you too.
(car brakes screeching)
Please stop!
Jesus. You okay?
I'm fine.
(Abby sobbing)
Yes. Please
Wait, stop. Please,
You have to help me.
I. I need...I need help.
What's wrong?
What? Hey! Hey.
Take a breath. I need you to
take a breath. Okay?
Gray, call somebody.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(Abby sobbing)
Honey, honey, what's your name?
What's your name?
My name is Abby.
Abby. Abby.
What happened? What happened?
My...My friends and I were at a
party, and these older guys gave
Gave them drinks, and then
the last thing I remember is him
taking my skirt off and...
(Abby starts crying)
Buddy, come on, come on,
come on.
[Clare] I have you, I have you,
I have you.
You are okay.
You're gonna be okay.
You're going to be okay.
[Abby] They were right
behind me.
- I swear, I swear to God
- They'll kill you too!
I will protect you,
you will be okay.
Babe I'm not really getting
reception here.
That's fine. We can take you to
the hospital. It's like...
It's like ten minutes south.
- Okay.
- Can we go now, please?
Yeah we can go now, that's fine.
- Right now.
- No.
- Gray.
Well, isn't this sweet boys.
- Sure is.
That cunt thinks she can
protect that little slut,
like she's some big,
bad mama bear.
Yeah, she's feisty looking,
ain't she.
You'll have some fun with her
won't you, Jake?
So what,
brings you two Samaritans
to these parts anyways? Huh?
Ahem, we were just coming
from a wedding.
That explains why you're all
so dressed up.
So... I bet you that one's
You know, we could ask you guys
to let girly back there go and
let you two fine folks be on
your way.
But I have a feeling you two
aren't going to give her up
now, are you?
So, you know, I could just
let Jake over here have his fun
with a little handsome man
over there.
You'd like that,
wouldn't you, Jake?
Just having fucking destroy you.
And I know, Brad,
you got first dibs on the bitch
back there. Yeah!
And, Travis, I'd even give you
a turn with girly back there.
- Really?
- You'd like that wouldn't you?
Yeah, well,
I'd been wanting to fuck her.
But honestly, you know,
I'm a good guy.
A really good guy.
I don't I don't want to do
things the easy way.
Okay, guys, like, can we just
be reasonable...
Take a beat, take a breath.
Let us just take her.
We'll say that we found her.
And, we'll drop her off at
the hospital.
You guys won't be implicated.
And, you know, no harm, no foul.
You really think we're
that stupid?
We're not gonna let you
go that easy.
Okay, listen, guys,
please don't, like,
just do this.
I really don't want anyone
to get hurt.
And, especially
because my my girlfriend's
pregnant, so we should be all
peace and love.
We just.
We just want to go. So...
No one gives a shit!
That's not going to stop this
nasty motherfucker from fucking.
What makes you say-
- Stop.
I think we got a
smart mouth one, Cody.
Might as well give up.
There's four of us,
and we're all armed.
You've got,
let's see a little sniveling
bitch back there.
Some knocked up cunt.
And oh yeah,
some fucking fairy that
thinks he can protect them all.
Let me guess what, you guys,
date rape women throw them
into the woods,
kill them,
and then you get bored,
you might switch-
- Shut up!
You're a self-righteous little
prick ain't you?
You can't tell me
that you haven't met just
one little slut that's
begging for it.
No, I really can't say
that I have.
I mean, your bitch.
- Oooh, no.
You gotta be careful what you
say around her.
Why, you pussy whipped or
No, I think he has this thing
called love.
Makes me sick to my
fucking stomach.
Hey, look at me when
I'm talking.
All these soy boys are the same.
You know, it's really hard to
believe a pussy like this
knocked up some loud mouth
cunt like that.
Shit, shit.
Fuck you.
- Travis, what the fuck?
Guess my bitch is smarter
than you think.
- You motherfucker!
Well, you know,
if you guys want to start
fighting, we should probably
start soon, because
I'm really getting tired
of talking.
You're fucking lucky.
You find those two,
you bring them back to me.
You understand?
It's your time to shine.
It's your fucking time
to shine, okay?
- Yeah.
Okay then you fucking go.
You go, and bring me back
my dad's gun, motherfucker.
Hey, make sure that you can hit
a moving target.
Shut the fuck up.
What are you doing?
We can't keep running.
Oh, no, no.
Listen, you don't know
what they can do.
Honey, I appreciate your
concern, I really do.
I don't know what they can do,
but they don't know what I can
do either.
But what about your boyfriend?
Gray will be okay.
He likes to fight. He's...
meaner than he looks.
- Meaner than he looks?
You'll see.
Here we go.
Now, I made you a promise
to protect you.
And I will deliver on
that promise.
I need you to trust me.
Can you do that?
(shivering and groaning)
Okay, I can.
- Okay.
Okay I can.
Where are you?
You fucking bitches.
Fucking whores,
fucking with me. I am
supposed to bring you back
alive to Cody.
He's gonna want you
fucking alive.
Fucking rape you, cunts.
Here cunty cunty cunty.
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
(angry sighs)
You bitches.
(Travis scoffs)
And there's Cody's bitch.
Where's your cunt friend?
(hard gut punch)
(in pain) Bitch!
Shut the fuck up. Brad,
take care of this motherfucker.
Come here you fucker.
Fuck you! Bitch!
No, no, no!
Oh, God. Oh!
(splatting noises)
(bones crunching)
Who's the bitch now?
[Cody] Brad,
take care of this fucking guy.
Come here. Fucker!
(Brad laughs)
See that, it's your blood.
There you go.
There you go.
- Bitch.
Yeah, you're about to find
out why they called me
Brad the Bruiser in high school,
motherfucker. You ready?
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh! Brad fuck. Come on Brad.
Come on Brad.
(Gray chuckles)
- Fucking God damn it.
(Brad choking) Cody!
Hey, let him go! Let him go!
Right. Fucking now.
Let him go!
I'll fucking kill you!
Come on, come on.
(Brad coughing in pain)
[Cody] It's me and you buddy.
Let's see how you sweat with
a knife. All right.
Come on, let's go Ethan Hawke.
(gun cocking)
Oh, fuck.
Fucking pick me up,
motherfucker oh God, fuck!
Oh, fuck.
Ah... You know,
it's kind of difficult
to hit a small target,
and I was aiming for your dick.
What kind of fucking
monsters are you?
Where's Travis?
Travis is in the woods with his
head bashed in.
Hey, you in the back.
Why the sad face?
Are you done playing?
I'm not done playing.
Usually we have to hunt down
boys like you.
But you fell into our lap.
Yeah, you did.
Babe can you get the flashlight
behind you?
- Thank you.
Uh.(Gray mumbles to himself)
I'm gonna give you guys
five whole minutes.
Five minutes? That's enough
time. Five minutes.
Pick it up, Brad. Pick it up.
You're gonna run into the woods,
and then we're gonna find you.
Good with that?
(pained) Ah, you motherfuckers
ain't gonna do shit.
(Brad screams)
Hey! I don't think that
you heard me.
Listen, with your fucking ears.
Shut up Cody!
Five minutes, starting
in five seconds.
Are you ready?
One second. Hold on, hold on,
here's this...
You take the knife.
Here you go.
- Brad, give me
the fucking knife!
- You fucking get it.
Damn it!
It's right there behind your
fucking ass!
Grab the fucking knife!
- Five.
- My feet hurt.
Three. Two. One. Go! Go! Go!
Fuck this!
(guys whimpering)
[Cody] Motherfuckers are gonna
fucking die!
My dad's gonna fucking kill you!
Aw, I got fucking shit
on my shoe.
(Abby whimpering)
Hey, you okay?
Do you need something?
No! Fuck.
I'm not, I'm not okay.
Abby, we are on your side,
I promise you.
But... I mean... I...
I don't know how.
I'm supposed to believe you.
I just watched you kill
a bunch of people.
Like, like, easily.
Like it was nothing.
Oh, yeah. We kill people.
Bad people, you know?
So you do this often?
Kill people?
I well, this instance,
I wouldn't say it was actually
So you plan it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
We know what we're doing.
I can promise you that.
How am I supposed to trust you?
You know it doesn't matter
if you trust me or not.
I'm going to take
care of you,
and that's the end of that.
Let's get you a
change of clothes.
(suitcase being opened)
Thank you.
Where did I put that
spare scrunchie?
You said the other bag.
The two of them?
- I don't fucking know.
Oh. Shit. Here it is.
Thank you.
Hey, and
we are good people.
I just want to let you know,
obviously probably does not
come across like that.
- Yeah.
- Well, we are.
It's, I'm sorry if I seemed
ungrateful, really...
- I just in the wrong...
- No.
It's a lot to process.
I know.
You get changed.
I want to check on that one
over there.
- What the fuck did they do
to you?
- I'm fine.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. I'm fine.
Are you up to this, though?
I have to be up to this.
I know it's just,
I'm worried about you and
the baby you know.
The baby and I are fine
I promise.
I promise you that we are fine.
Okay. Yeah. I trust you, okay.
You're getting started on that
dad shit, pretty early,
and it's kind of hot.
Stop it, stop it.
- You stop it.
You're gonna boost my ego.
(Clare laughs)
- Thanks, I feel a lot better.
It's no problem. No problem.
Let me just throw these in
the back here,
Let's see what we got here.
Alright, you're fine.
You get the rope-
nah, we don't need the rope.
(gun being loaded)
Alright let's go hunt.
Time is... Five, four,
(rapidly) 3, 2, 1!
Time's up!
You can, you can stay with us,
or we can just, you can stay
with the car,
we can leave you the keys.
Listen to the radio or
I will do whatever you guys say,
just please don't leave me
here alone.
Please. I don't want to.
You stay with me, or Gray
at all times
and I'll take care of you.
Yeah you can trust her.
Let's get hunting.
- Okay.
- No time like the present,
Yep. Here we go.
(Cody whimpering in pain)
Oh! Oh, shit.
The place where the boys
had the party, is it far?
- No, it's not far.
I think it's just...
It's a cabin in the woods
on a farm.
I think it's Cody's
parents place.
Like a... like a summer home
or something.
Hmmm. Rich boys?
Can I ask you guys a question?
Yeah, what's up?
How did you guys meet?
I killed a kid when I was
fourteen, yeah.
Is that really the best way to
introduce her to our love story?
Mutual friends, Rachel and Leo.
It was a party.
They decided to play
murderer matchmaker.
- Yeah.
- What the fuck?
Nothing will really sober you
up like that.
No not about the you two meeting
part, about the murder aspect.
That's what I was gonna say.
I think I hear something.
Fuck. My leg.
(footsteps approaching)
Awww, did your friends
leave you?
They're coming back for me.
(pained mumbling)
Abby was he
the one that gave you the drink?
Yeah, it was him.
Hold this.
- Come on,
come on, we didn't mean to.
I'm sure my stepdad didn't
mean to do it,
but he still did.
Oh, my dad's a lawyer.
Yeah, he'll take care of you
(Clare scoffing) put you guys in
prison for life, yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- How do you like that?
[Gray] You just don't know when
to be quiet do you?
(Clare screams in pain)
Oh, fuck.
(labored breathing from Cody)
I want you alive.
And I need you as immobilized
as possible.
You know,
my story... is really kind
of a cliche.
Dad wasn't too great.
He left my mom for a woman he
worked with.
But when I was
13, and my sister Ellie was 11.
My mom got remarried,
and we thought we'd have
a fun step dad.
We were really about it,
you know?
That was until he got
a little too physical
to be fun anymore.
It started with my sister Ellie,
and then
it trickled to me!
(Cody screaming in pain)
Oh fuck!
- Bitch.
- I tried to tell my friend's
mom about what was
happening to us.
you know what she said to me?
I didn't need to make up stories
if I wanted attention!
(knife cutting)
(Cody screaming)
Oh fuck! Ah!
(Cody gasping)
You think you know fear?
you don't yet.
(gun cocking)
(Cody screaming in pain)
I decided
that there would be
no more him touching us.
And no more
him making us touch him.
I decided
there would be no more
lying under him,
waiting for him to finish.
While I recited
the Lord's Prayer
over and over and over.
No, no.Please, no!
Shirt please.
- As you wish.
(shirt tearing)
is a tourniquet.
It's to keep you from
bleeding out.
I'm not done with you yet.
So what are we going to
do about you?
Well, I figured you'd
puzzle out that one.
I am going to get some rope.
Do something with that.
Get to it.
So what are we going to
do with him
besides this?
I'm still figuring that out.
Clare's really the more
creative one.
I am kind of old fashioned,
you know, guns,
guts and fists is what they say,
you know, kind of a basic man.
- Mhmm.
So what is Clare like?
Knives... mostly.
- Suffering.
- Isn't that a little messy.
- A little.
Does anybody else think it's,
like, a little odd
that we haven't seen
anyone else yet?
Or, it's just me?
They could have tucked tail
and ran like rabbits.
I think I hear something.
You sure it wasn't me
dragging this fuck.
- No, it wasn't.
Just come on. Oh!
You motherfucker!
Get off me!
Get off me!
(Clare grumbling)
(Clare gasps)
Well how do you like that?
Loverboy is pretty fucking
I guess love makes you that way.
Can't control yourself
when it comes to her, can you?
Well, I can't say I blame you.
Somehow girls like her
make me hard!
Let her go.
How about I don't do that?
In fact,
I'm probably going to fuck her
and make you watch.
And then when you're begging me
to stop, oh...
I'll stop!
I'll kill her and make you
watch that too.
Don't even think about
reaching for the gun.
I'll slit her fucking throat.
And then I'll fuck her
bleeding, useless corpse.
You're gonna fucking help me?
(crying) I don't think I want to
do this anymore.
This isn't fun!
Brad! You fucking pussy!
- Great friend, you have there.
- Shut up.
Holy shit.
You really are scared
for her aren't you?
That's cute, man.
Anyone ever tell you
not to get too attached to them?
You just fuck them and
leave them.
So what you did to them? Huh?
How many of them have you raped?
You don't know what it's like
to truly feel.
I've killed people,
killed people in ways
that you can't imagine.
And I loved every second of it.
But I also have the capability,
you know, feel real emotions,
the capability to feel
genuine, unconditional love
the capability to feel
utter disgust,
and also the capability to feel
warranted rage!
So who's the fucked up one now?
You fucking cunt.
(Jacob screams in pain)
(Clare yells in his face)
Oh. Take it!
Can you?
Oh. Good morning.
How you doing?
Yep. There we go.
So, doesn't feel too nice to
lose control your body, now,
does it?
Except this might be a little
more permanent than a roofie.
(Brad whimpers)
Yeah, Clare is pretty
efficient that way.
She, took a little nerve
in your neck,
right here while you were out,
nicked it.
Man were you out, I mean,
you didn't move one
inch that entire time.
And, I mean, it's gone wrong
a few times, but,
I mean, you know,
can't win'em all.
(Jacob whimpers in pain)
Why are you doing this to us?
All for some girl you just
fucking met!
I guess you could call it, oh
bystander intervention.
But I could also ask you
the same question about what you
did to those girls.
And, she doesn't take too
kindly to that.
And, surprisingly, neither do I.
So, as you have seen
and, as your dead friends did
see, and, your other friends
will soon to as well.
I love my girlfriend.
She has requested that we do
a fun little event for you.
So are you ready?
Take that as a yes.
One day, this kid at school that
bullied me decided
to push me down.
I was tired,
tired of my bullies,
tired of my dad, you know,
using me as a punching bag.
And, I even told a teacher.
You know what that teacher said?
Same thing that my dad said.
Toughen up, Gray.
Just toughen up.
You know,
in the end,
I also did toughen up.
(bones crunching)
(Jacob screaming)
(bones crunching)
Now know what I did?
I accidentally killed the kid.
people, tried to pull him off
and revive him.
But, you know,
he was gone, gone forever.
(bones crunching)
(Jacob screaming)
(Gray yelling)
(bones breaking)
(Jacob screaming)
Now, I, probably would regret it
and feel bad, but, you know,
I know he would end up just
like you.
Some entitled prick.
What do you think of that
little appetizer there?
I kind of like the sound
when the bones crunch
You're a couple of sick fucks
is what I think.
Oh, well, she dissuaded me from
stomping in your head, so, like
Thank you. Maybe?
I said that was a bit too
quick and eas-
Fuck you bitch!
Keep running your mouth and I'll
cut your lousy little dick off.
I really would listen to her.
I've seen her do similar
and worse.
I really can't believe you
actually all do this for some
girl you just met.
She means nothing to you.
She means nothing.
That girl has a name.
You know her name?
Her name is Abby.
Say her fucking name!
Did you know it before now?
Did you?
fucking name!
My turn.
Hello there.
We meet again.
(ominous tense music)
I find it kind of funny,
that you, drug,
and discard these girls
like they're nothing.
Like they're not even human.
I want you,
to say her name.
Or I use the knife.
It's that simple.
What's her name?
Her name is Abby.
Oh, I didn't hear that
clear enough.
What's her name?
- Abby.
Abby. Abby!
(Jacob screaming)
(Jacob gasping)
You know what?
You did talk an awful lot
about slitting girls' throats.
(knife cutting)
(Jacob grunting)
You know,
I never get tired of watching
you do that.
Yeah, well, it's an art.
Just fucking let me go,
[Gray] Dude, we are not letting
you go till you go to God.
Look at you getting all
Old Testament.
Don't you get all
judgmental on me.
You are the most philosophical
serial killer that I know.
I'm the only serial
killer you know.
(under his breath)
[Abby] So what are we going to
do about the other one?
You know, Chad.
Well, we have to go find him.
Give them what they got coming.
So, uhm...
Did you guys see
what direction he went in?
Well I...
I think he went
in the direction of the cabin.
It shouldn't be far.
I think I remember passing
through here when I was
running, but I.
I can't be sure.
- Okay, no worries.
We'll get him.
It'll be fun.
All right.
Get up.
They've got Travis,
they've got Jake.
Who knows where the fuck Cody is
That fucking cunt!
Alright, think, think,
think, think.
What can I do?
Okay, there's got to be
weapons somewhere.
There's gotta be a weapon.
Remind me, okay.
Cody you motherfucker!
No time for that.
I gotta get a weapon.
(drawers opening)
(silverware falling to
the ground)
Come on, you little cunt.
Come on!
Right between your fucking
eyes you little bitch!
Come get me, motherfuckers!
(locking door)
S.O.S. are
you fucking kidding me?!
(phone ringing)
Come on mom, come on.
(call drops out)
(phone ringing)
Come on mom.
Mom pick-up.
Pick up. Pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone, come on.
Pick up the phone mom.
Mom, you, goddamn bitch!
(ringing stops)
Gonna leave me here all alone.
(Gray grunting)
Is this the place?
Please tell me.
Oh thank God.
(Gray grunting)
I'll see what the degenerate
is doing.
Yeah, do.
Okay, I'll be right back.
(Gray laughs)
Come here, come here,
Look at him.
(Abby laughs)
He's really funny.
- Element of surprise?
(gun cocking)
Element of surprise.
Okay, I got this.
No please! Please!
Come on,
you gotta let me go. No!
Please, please,
you don't have to do this.
It was only five minutes.
- Just five minutes.
- Well, five minutes
is too long for me.
Who the fuck do you
think you are?
Fucking Dexter or some shit?!
I'm better.
(Brad gurgling under water)
I don't want to die.
(Brad sobbing)
You don't have to do this.
It's okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Listen.
It's okay.
You're just gonna die.
- No, no.
No, no, NO!
(Brad drowning)
(Gray sighing)
(intense ominous music)
Cock it back.
(gun cocking)
Nothing in the chamber.
(Cody breathing heavily)
Morning, sunshine.
What'd you do to my friends?
That is a great question.
Well, uhm.
Well, paralyzed one of them,
and then I,
I smashed his hands in with my
feet, and, let's see...
She ended it by slitting his
throat. And I stabbed him in
the dick
twice before I slit his throat.
You did, I'm so sorry,
But Abby helped out
with that one.
And then, let's see what did we
do with the other one?
Oh, yeah.
I shot him a lot, and then I,
you know,
took a little dip in the tub.
You're fucking crazy.
You're goddamn right.
Yeah, probably.
But, I don't think I was
always like that.
My memory kind of gets fuzzy.
I don't really know that much,
when I was a kid.
Mine gets a little fuzzy, too.
Yeah, I call it trauma brain.
Fucking cuck.
What did you say?
Fucking cuck.
Get better insults
and shut the fuck up!
[Gray] Yeah,
that really wasn't that good.
What are you gonna call me next?
You gonna call me,
soy boy? Little,
little, dumb mommy simp.
Oh, this one time,
someone call me a little
a little goth mommy baby bitch.
They're really shitty.
Really bad.
And I'm bad at jokes.
Come up with some better
ones, buddy.
(Cody laughs)
Okay, okay.
Psychotic bitch then.
- Hey!
- Oh yeah, I hear that
all the time.
And you know what,
you're damn right.
No one cares about some random
ass fucking whore.
You guys are wasting your
fucking time.
Fucking excuse me.
[Gray] Sorry. All right.
- Say it, say it again.
Really bad hearing in
my left ear.
Can you... one more time,
Thank you. Just...
You're wasting your time.
Oh, yeah. Probably.
A lot of people think like that
these days.
My dad, your stepdad, and you.
(heavy sigh)
Really sad.
And, no one was...
really doing anything about it.
Such a shame.
Until we decided to.
Until we decided to.
It's been such a blast.
[Clare] You know,
I'm going to make it hurt,
for you, Abby.
And for all those other girls.
People like our Cody here.
When they're met with
a truly awful,
painful death, they always try
to get out of it.
They always try to bargain.
But it never works.
No matter what deity
they choose.
Would you let me do it?
- No.
- Why?
You felt better when you killed
your stepdad, right?
For one hot, celebratory second.
The past just doesn't go
away, Abby.
I eliminated the problem.
I did that.
it doesn't go away.
Yeah just, you
know, I think I really
just want to... I want to feel,
I want to feel the rush.
- No, no, no.
- I want to feel the power
you talk about the-
Stop, hey!
(heavy sigh)
That power that you want.
- Don't.
Hey, hey!
It's not worth it, okay?
Listen, look at me.
It's my coping mechanism, okay?
It's hers.
It's ours alone.
You got in my way.
- No.
You are not going to become me.
I can stop that.
This was not meant for you.
Just let her do it.
You guys talk too much.
Just get it over with, please.
He wants me to do it.
- Stop. Hey, hey.
I don't care, I don't care.
And you shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up!
You're a fucking rapist, okay?
You don't get the fucking
talk, okay?
You're going to fucking die.
Shut the fuck up!
Can you sit down, please?
- No. No.
Please, Come on.
Thank you.
(angry grunt)
(Abby sobs)
I know what I'm going to do.
I, I don't...
I need it to go away.
I need it to go away.
I need it to go away.
I need it to go away.
- Sweetie, my beautiful girl.
I need it to go away.
It's not going to go away.
It's not
going to go away.
I am going to do this for you.
(Abby laughs)
Just give me the bat please.
- Just do it.
- Please.
Give her the bat.
Thank you.
Hey, hey.
Take a breath, take a breath.
[Clare] You're next,
you little motherfucker.
(knocking at the door)
God damn it!
What the fu...
(exasperated sigh)
(knocking continues)
Hey Cody buddy!
I finally got here.
My niece's baptism fucking
sucked, bro.
Of course,
he just came from a baptism.
Jeff, Jeff, these crazy fuckers
got me tied to a chair.
I can't fucking hear you did you
say tied someone to a chair?
Oh, you fucking idiot.
Come help!
You're a fucking idiot
dude just let me in!
Let me handle this one.
(Jeff knocking)
Don't fucking do it.
- Here we go.
Don't do it please.
- Open wide would you?
Please don't, no.
- Put that in.
(muffled cries)
Okay, well.
You ready?
- Yeah.
Cody this prank isn't funny bro.
I will straight fuck you
up when I get in there.
And you motherfuckers had better
have saved me a girl.
What the fuck are you
guys doing?
Oh hey!
What the fuck? No!
(Clare and Gray laughing)
In the head. Right there,
go, go, go!
Saved you a girl, motherfucker.
Oh, help me drag
this bastard to the kitchen.
Oh no, you're fine,
you're pregnant.
Take a break on this one.
And, Abby, just hang tight.
We'll be back in a few.
- Whoo.
(dragging Jeff away)
(Cody mumbling)
(Cody mumbling louder)
(Cody mumbling)
What the fuck are you
saying to me?
- Abby please.
Please. It doesn't have to
be this way.
Look, I know I don't...
feserve to live after
the things that I've done.
Things that I've done to you.
I know I was wrong.
You do?
I do.
Please, you gotta help me.
Let me make this right.
- Abby, I...
I can give you the world.
Why do you think I chose you in
the first place?
I was just,
scared you'd reject me too.
Give me a chance.
You know,
they're fucking insane.
You're better than that.
I just need a little
bit of mercy
from the girl that I,
that I secretly love.
That's really sweet of you.
I swear.
I'll give you whatever you want.
Anything you want.
I promise my... my
dad will take care of us, okay?
He'll take care of us.
You'll get whatever you want,
I promise.
sweet of youm, Cody.
- I swear.
(Cody whimpers)
But do you think I'm
that stupid?
- No.
- I know.
- No please.
I might have fallen for that
a few hours ago, but
no, not anymore.
You see,
if you really did love me,
which you don't, maybe
instead of drugging me and
assaulting me,
you would have just told me.
Not how you get girls to
like you back.
Let me go.
Let me go!
Do it! Yeah.
(muffled yelling)
You can choke.
(muffled screams)
Oh. Fuck!
Why the fuck does this...
(mumbled pained words)
Fuck. Who are you?
What the fuck?
(muffled whimpers)
What? Dude I can't hear you.
What? I fucking can't hear you.
(Cody muffled cries)
What the fuck?
Okay, here we go.
(Cody gags)
It's not a prank, Jeff.
Does it look like I'd fucking be
joking around right now.
Does this look like a fucking
joke, Jeff?
Dude what the fuck,
what did you do to his legs?
What the fuck did you do
to his legs?
You're fucked.
- Oh God.
- We're fucked.
Oh, I'd say you're worse
than fucked.
Yeah. Oh, shit.
You almost dodged a bullet.
Or bat, technically,
but same thing.
The fuck did you do?
Cody, what the fuck's going to
do? What the fuck's going on?
Well this
glorious white knight,
this hick bitch and...
Just fucking killed everyone.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you send
me a fucking text or something?!
Does it look like I can
send a fucking text, Jeff?
(Jeff groans)
Oh God, fucking get me out
of here! Please.
I find this entertaining.
Fuck you.
Yeah, but I'm tired,
and it's late, and I'm nauseous.
- Alright.
Hey, hey, fucking look at me.
Please listen to me.
Listen, I won't tell anybody
what's happening okay.
I promise. Okay. I'll
get into my car and
drive off like nothing
ever happened. Please.
I don't do anything.
I'm innocent I swear,
Cody please, tell them.
Cody fucking tell them please!
- Please.
- Any thoughts?
What do you think Abby?
(Jeff struggles furiously)
You'll see.
Fair enough.
Don't do it.
Fucking bitches!
(Jeff chokes)
You know the human body is
really durable but it's
also amazingly
(Jeff chokes)
(Clare groaning)
(Jeff choking)
Oh oh.
(Jeff's neck cracks)
(Clare giggles)
(neck breaking)
(Cody whimpers)
Oh, shit.
Are you okay?
Oh, you actually feel something.
He was a trooper.
I usually don't last as
long as that.
I mean, you are right about it.
it's getting kind of late.
Okay well.
Nighty night.
You guys have shitty taste
in cigarettes.
You need to quit.
- Eh, probably.
What is this?
You know, just some country
music video dramatics.
No, no, no, no.
Not like this!
No! No! Please! Please
don't do this!
(couple groaning)
You don't think the boys are
going to have blood all over
No, no, I told the boys only in
the woods from now and on.
You don't need to see that shit.
They killed that girl on the
couch, and we had to burn it.
Oh, God. Yeah, $2,000
couch. That fucking waste.
Oh, not to mention
that beautiful oriental rugs.
Oh, the rug.
Oh, the rug.
You know, I understand spilling
a little beer every now
and then,
but I draw the line
at our sons, ruining
priceless family heirlooms
with blood and semen.
You know, my mother had that rug
imported from Thailand
for Sandra and mine's wedding
Oh, I bet Sandra loves it!
Oh, she was mad.
I've never seen her that
mad at Cody.
Well, Ron doesn't really
care what Brad does.
Sometimes I feel like
a single parent.
You know, Cody is really lucky
to have you and Sandra.
Can we not talk about
Ron and Sandra, please?
It kills the mood worse
than blood.
Suit yourself.
God damn. I told them
boys not to burn those bitches.
Gah, that smell of burnt
flesh is fucking sickening,
Maybe they're just having
a little bonfire.
We got to give them
the benefit of the doubt.
You know, in my day we
were a lot smarter about this.
What the fuck,
Jeff, honey?
Jeff. Je-
Oh, I think he's dead.
Leave it to the kids to
take a prank
too fucking far.
You know what?
I'm going to teach them
fucking boys a lesson.
No, no, honey, maybe. Calm down.
Maybe it was an accident.
What did they do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
What the fuck did you do?
Goddammit kid!
You never fucking listen!
What the fuck did you do?
They killed him.
They killed my baby!
Cody! Oh!
Do you remember where
we parked that car at all?
Gray! Gray!
Where's my son?
Depends on which piece of shit
is your son.
Oh you cunt.
My son. Is Cody.
(laughing) Well you
might want to check
the impromptu
barbecue over there?
Oh no.
Oh you fucking-
(Heather yells in anger)
You fucking bitch!
(Clare and Heather fighting)
Fucking bitch!
Who's the bitch now?
(fighting continues)
(Clare choking)
You bitch!
(Heather angrily yelling)
(Clare choking)
(Heather whimpering)
(Heather screaming)
(Clare struggling to breath)
- Gray?
- Yeah one second, fuck.
Oh Jesus Christ.
I got you.
(Gray mumbling in pain)
Oh, you are all bloody.
Oh, yeah. Give me that.
- Yeah.
Are you okay?
Are you okay Abby?
Yeah, yeah.
Are you?
- Are you okay?
Oh my God, Gray?
He fucking clocked you,
what the fuck?
It's fine.
You are not fine.
- Oh I'm great.
Oh she's, oh.
- Yeah. Yeah,
- Jugular hit nice.
Yeah yeah.
I guess we better call a lawyer.
Eh probably.
You think?
Okay let's go.
Come on.
How far away is the car?
I don't know.