Cadia: The World Within (2019) Movie Script

(bugs chirping)
(owl hoots)
- [George] Once in a
world much like our own,
there existed a lush, ancient,
and some say enchanted forest.
The forest hid many secrets;
rivers that would sing beautiful
melodies to you, floating lights,
magical stones that could take you
to places you couldn't imagine.
And children that never aged.
In the same forest, though,
lived more sinister beings.
They came from they dark,
uncharted parts of the forest.
They sought to overthrow the
sovereign ruler of their realm.
And together these two forces fought,
and continue to fight, to this day.
- [Matthew] Can't you tell us
something that actually happened?
- [Renee] Matthew, don't interrupt.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- All right kids, it's bedtime.
School's in the morning.
- Yeah, grandpa's tired of his stories.
- [Matthew] Goodnight.
- Goodnight grandpa.
- Love you.
- All right, love you.
Love you, Luke buddy.
Get in there.
- You always bring the best out in them.
I wish I could do that.
- You'll get the hang of it.
Comes with age.
- How are you doing?
I'm more worried about you.
- Don't waste your worry on me.
Between Dr. Andrews and the folks
at church I've got all the prayer,
care and casserole I can handle.
I'll be fine.
You know, when your sister was about
their age, she went through a lot.
She was feisty and she was
quite the fighter to be honest.
But she got through it.
They're gonna be fine.
- Okay dad.
- Goodnight sweetheart.
- Goodnight dad.
Don't forget your meds.
- Ehhh.
- Ehhh.
(phone rings)
- Hello?
- Hi baby.
Is it late?
I mean is it late in Paris?
- Yeah, it's a little after 3 AM.
What's going on, you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine, just
miss hearing your voice.
- I miss you too sweetheart.
How are things holding up?
- This is harder than I expected.
Dad's doing the best he can,
but I'm worried about him too.
I think he's getting worse.
- I know.
I'll be back Monday morning.
Just try to survive the weekend.
I'd love to talk, but my meeting's
in five hours and I gotta get some sleep.
- Sorry for calling so late.
- Hey, don't worry about it.
- I love you Tim.
- I love you too sweetheart.
Sleep well.
- Okay.
(somber piano music)
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- [Shiloh] You know how this ends.
- [Tanion] Let's play
our game then shall we?
- [Shiloh] Renee, I need your help.
- I'm gonna take my walk.
- All right.
You take your meds?
- Yes, yes.
(door slams)
- Three, two, one.
(alarm blares)
- Luke.
Get up!
- I don't wanna get up.
- [David] What's new?
Get up!
- What day is it?
- Get up!
- So how did everyone sleep?
How did everyone sleep, I asked.
- Fine.
- All right.
T-minus 10 minutes before we're
on the road to school okay?
- 'Sup?
- What's up?
- Jade, hi.
- Good morning.
- Do you wanna go have
coffee in the morning?
Maybe to, I don't know,
catch up, a bit of a break?
- Yeah.
The bakery down the
street has a good brew.
- 8:30.
- All right.
- Great.
- Drive safe.
- Thanks
- Bye.
- Have a good day.
- Renee?
You better wake up.
You have that test today.
- Hey guys, break it up.
- [Teacher] That's one of the reasons why
the moon landing is so
important, the Soviets
beat us at absolutely everything else
in space, so the moon landing becomes
the United States' first major success.
Mr. Adams, this is the second time
I've talked to you about your hat.
You can come and get it
from me after school, 2:30.
2:40, I put it online.
- [Teacher] In this
illustration you'll see
where it is upright, it's more dull,
it's not as interesting, and then
in this one it's leaning, it looks
more urgent, you can see where
it's sprinting, the head is down.
- Dropped your books David.
You gonna pick them up?
Or do you want your mom
to get them for you?
- Matthew!
Let him go Matthew.
- He was messing with David!
- Nuh-uh, I didn't do nothing!
- Joe, I saw what happened.
You're both going to
Principal Corey's office now.
Come on.
- I've called your parents.
And we've agreed that neither
of you will get detention.
But this has to stop.
I better not see you back in my
office for the same thing again.
Either of you.
- Matthew!
Hang on.
Returning violence for violence
doesn't solve anything.
- Yeah, I know, I'm sorry.
- If you're having issues like this,
I'm here to help you through them, okay?
- Yeah.
- I know that what you're
going through is hard.
- Miss Carmi, I'd rather
not talk about it.
- I know, but maybe you should.
Losing a parent is one of the
hardest things you can go through.
- I just wish I can escape.
- Sometimes facing reality is the
most courageous thing you can do.
Now get to class.
(somber piano music)
- Another fight Matthew?
- Aunt Alice?
- Mmmhm?
Are you throwing that
ball in the house again?
- No!
That was David!
- Mmmhm, all right.
Put the ball down and back away slowly!
- Do you miss her?
- Every day.
- What was she like when she was my age?
- She was full of love.
I mean I swear it was like
her superpower or something.
You're a lot like her like that.
Smart like David,
adventurous like Matthew.
A lot like her.
I remember a time where
she ran away from home.
Didn't tell us where she
was going, just gone.
We were so worried.
I mean we were worried.
And then the next morning
she just popped back up.
She and Grandpa George had a long
conversation, I mean a long one,
and your Grandma Martha was so mad.
And dad.
He just said let it go.
Just let it go.
So to answer your question.
Do I miss her?
Every day.
(somber piano music)
- Hey.
- I just finished this, I
thought you might like it.
- I don't really have time to
read for fun right now, Luke.
- It's really good, I just thought--
- I have a lot of homework to do, okay?
- I know, I just--
- Just leave me alone.
- Aunt Alice told you
not to throw that inside.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- [Shiloh] You know how this ends.
- [Tanion] Overconfidence has killed gods.
- [Shiloh] No, never a god.
Only those who thought they were.
- Stop it.
- Stop being such a nerd.
Let's go play catch.
- I'm not sure insulting someone
is the best way to preface a request.
- Does that mean no?
- Go ask Luke.
- I don't wanna go ask Luke.
- Fine.
10 minutes.
I've gotta put my books upstairs.
- So why does that kid bully you?
- I don't know.
Hey, don't throw it that hard.
- Learn to catch.
- Thanks for sticking up for me in school.
You know you don't have to do that.
- Hey, you're my brother.
Only I get to bully you.
- Mom would seriously
be so mad if she knew
you were getting into fights at school.
- Yeah, maybe.
- I have to go inside
and finish my homework.
- All right, I didn't get a chance
to cook dinner, so I hope this is okay.
- Are you kidding?
There's food on the table.
We are blessed, thank you Lord.
Can I have the beans?
- I think it's delicious.
- Oh great, thank you.
- So Luke, did you read
that book I gave you?
- [Luke] Yeah, it was really good.
- [David] I got an A
on my math test today.
- [Alice] Oh good, congratulations.
- We had a math test today?
- Yeah, it was when you were
in Principal Cory's office.
- Yeah, great.
- I think I wanna play
basketball next year.
- Yeah right, like you'd make a team.
- Hey.
Your dad says you should always try out.
- I think you should definitely try,
and I'll tell you what, after we're done
eating here I'm gonna take you
outside and show you a few things.
When I was in high school, I'll have you
know I was the high scorer on our team.
- Oh wow.
- Just after basketball was invented.
All right kids, look.
I'm gonna go have coffee with
Ms. Carmi in the morning.
Grandpa George is in charge,
I want you to be good, you hear me?
- So you know what that means.
Fun fun fun!
We'll go to the park
and get some exercise.
Maybe after that we'll
have some ice cream then.
We'll put some candy in it.
- Don't you dare!
- Well don't make fun of me then.
- [Alice] I'm sorry, it slipped.
It was a freudian slip.
- Don't make me sound
like I'm Fred Flintstone.
- [Alice] Okay, well close to it though.
- Oh god, I'm sorry.
- Oh man.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- Mom?
- Hmmm?
- Did you just see that?
- I didn't see anything honey.
No running!
(music intensifies)
(serene atmosphere music)
- Hello?
What is this place?
You found that rock thing too?
- This place seems really old.
- Yeah, it's pretty cool.
- Don't.
Could be dangerous.
(low rumbling)
What is that?
(deep otherworldly screech)
- Go!
(suspenseful atmosphere music)
- Hey!
- No running!
- [Matthew] What was that?
What happened?
Luke get out, we're talking!
- This is my room too.
- Get out!
- That may have been a little harsh.
- What happened to you
when you touched that rock?
- I had some sort of vision, there was--
- What's going on?
What were you guys talking about?
- None of your business!
- She should know.
- [Renee] Should I be nervous?
- Well I'm not really sure this will
make any sense, but we somehow ended up--
- Renee, your journal.
- My journal?
You were reading my journal?
- [David] Focus!
What about the journal?
- My dreams.
I've been having these
weird dreams about a forest.
There are these two men.
One of them was holding a rock.
- Renee...
Was this the rock?
This could be a coincidence.
- Yeah, no.
- There has to be some
logical explanation.
- Hey guys, make sure...
Everything all right?
Oh that's a neat--
- [David] No, it's--
- [Matthew] It's just a rock we found.
- Okay.
Get it done.
- We've gotta go back.
- I think so too.
- You guys aren't thinking this through.
We don't know anything about this place
except that something
there was hunting us.
Sleep on it, we'll decide in the morning.
(somber piano music)
(ominous atmosphere music)
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- Are you looking for the stone?
- [Matthew] No.
- You were gonna take it.
- I was not and it doesn't matter.
It's not there.
- It's not there?
- [Matthew] I wanna know.
- Renee.
- What are you guys doing in here?
- [Matthew] The rock is gone.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- See?
It's nothing.
- Hey David?
- What?
- It wasn't nothing.
- Mom?
- Honey.
(music swells)
David, Matthew.
I cannot stay long.
(low rumbling)
It's not safe here.
You have to stick together.
And trust one another.
I love you all.
Be sure to find--
(suspenseful atmosphere music)
(deep otherworldly screech)
- There's nothing there.
What are we running from?
Very good, nice shot, good form.
Might wanna keep your
wrist straighter though,
it'll give you a bit more power.
So who are you lot then?
- I'm Matthew.
- Wait a minute.
Who are you?
Why should we trust you?
- My name's Elza.
And I'm not asking for your trust,
I'm only asking for your name.
You owe me at least that much with him
trying to punch me in the face.
- He's got a fair point.
I'm Renee.
- David.
- Well the pleasure is mine I am sure.
So tell me, what are we
looking for in this field?
- There was something chasing us.
- Yeah.
It had this hood and was all like.
(loud screech)
- Well if it sounded like that,
it's probably nothing to be afraid of.
Nothing like a good laugh
to start a friendship huh?
Well so you're not Cadia natives then.
You're tourists from Skia.
- What's Skia?
- It's what we call your world here.
Is it Ee-arth?
Earth, that's it, Earth.
Yes, yes, very good.
Well I should probably
take care of you then.
It's a big forest, there's
lots of scary stuff about.
Come along then.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- All right, I'll let you sleep.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How is your dad doing?
- He's fine.
The treatments are getting harder,
but the doctor's saying
he's doing really well.
- Good.
He's a fighter, he'll be okay.
- Yeah, he will, he will.
- And you're fine through all of this?
- Oh yeah, I'm good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Stop it, I am fine.
- Alice, I grew up in a small town.
I never met my dad face to
face, but he would call.
My stepdad raised me with my mom.
Mom was a saint, and my
stepdad really loved me,
but I just didn't get
along with the other kids.
So, when I was ready, I left.
I spent time traveling and learning.
I spent time teaching in the
inner cities, rural areas, everywhere.
What I learned is no matter
where you go, people wear masks.
They act like everything's okay.
Not just the kids.
Adults too.
It only causes more pain for them.
So can you be honest with me?
- Jade, it's so hard.
It's so hard.
I feel like I'm drowning.
There's so many bills and
dad's cancer is getting worse.
Tim can pay for it, but he's never home.
I feel like I need a
miracle to get through this.
- Then call me a miracle
because I want to help you.
I'll be here for you whenever you need me.
(somber piano music)
- This is good coffee.
(George chuckles)
- Solve that, Vanna White.
Here we go, now that goes there,
you go there, and you go...
(owl hoots)
- [Barsa] Our first priority
should be finding Luke.
- [Tangi] Yeah.
- [Barsa] (mumbles) will be
important in the final outcome.
- [Yakun] At this point
everybody's important.
Tanion's army is growing day by day.
We need to make sure--
- [Tangi] (mumbles).
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- [Barsa] Who are you?
- I'm Matthew.
I'm not from here.
- [Barsa] Well where are you from?
- Skia.
Who are you?
- [Barsa] What do we do?
- [Grest] He seems harmless.
- [Tangi] Yeah, but a lot
of things seem harmless.
- [Yakun] We can't fight him.
Look at him, we'd kill him.
- [Aros] He joins us.
But we talk with him in the morning.
- Let him sleep a bit.
- [Grest] Nice.
- David.
- (groans) What?
- Matthew.
- Where'd he go?
- Oh your brother could be anywhere.
We can only hope he's not
caught up in the fighting.
Good and bad.
Always fighting.
- Who's good and who's bad?
- Well that depends on who you is.
Good and bad depend.
- We need to find Matthew.
- Well it's a very big forest.
We could split up and look for him.
- That's the problem.
How will we find each other?
- Don't worry.
I'll find you.
- Wait!
He just left us here?
- We just need to avoid that...
(deep otherworldly screech)
- That, right?
That's the hooded thing?
- Yeah.
(whimsical atmosphere music)
- [Ryloh] Are you awake?
- Yeah.
- Good morrow, Matthew.
I can let you try that
again if you'd like.
- Whatever that thing you did with
your hand last night, not cool.
- You look okay to me.
We're the Castaways.
My name's Barsa.
We're part of the Hodos.
- Right.
I don't know what any of that means.
- Look, I wish I had
more time to teach you,
but things move fast around here.
There's a war going on.
- You're involved in all this?
You're barely older than me.
- Look, I don't know how old I am Matthew,
but I think I came to Cadia
about 2,000 years ago.
Why did you come to Cadia Matthew?
What are you looking for?
- I'm not looking for anything.
I was brought here.
- We're all looking for something Matthew.
Whether we realize it or not.
- Hello Matthew.
Welcome to the Castaways.
Remember our duty.
He must choose.
- Don't listen to them, kid.
- [Barsa] Yakun.
- He's only been here for 35 years, Barsa.
I've been here for over 500
and you don't see an issue
with nothing changing
in that amount of time?
- It is changing.
- Where's the proof?
- Barsa's right, kid.
We're all looking for something,
just don't expect to find it here.
- Tangi, don't do this.
- We have to try.
The old ways don't work anymore.
Come with us, Aros.
At least hear them out.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- Two more gone.
- But we've added Matthew.
- Problem.
- [Barsa] What?
- Bye bye!
- Yessir, yessir, yessir.
Oh yessir, I'll take dogs for 100 Alex.
I was never allowed to sleep in this long.
Don't move.
Renee sweetheart.
Oh no.
The journal's gone.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
He took them.
- Maybe we could swim across.
- I don't wanna risk us getting
further away from Matthew.
We could get separated.
Good thinking though.
- David.
- [David] I wonder where it goes.
- Only one way to find out.
My journal?
(low rumbling)
- Renee?
- Is that--
- Yeah.
(suspenseful atmosphere music)
(deep otherworldly screech)
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- Well crap.
(suspenseful atmosphere music)
(music lulls)
(soft piano notes)
- It's beautiful isn't it?
I mean it's absolutely beautiful.
It's truly a gift to the world.
No no, stay where you are.
I'll come to you.
Please David, take a seat.
You're my guest.
(slow piano melody)
You can play with me, my friend.
I know you're afraid of failure.
Trust me, I understand that completely.
But what you need to
understand is to rise,
first we must learn to fall.
Piano isn't my instrument of choice
I'll admit, but it is pretty.
Come on David, play.
(harmonious piano melody)
I'm so sorry.
I forgot to introduce myself.
My name's Tanion.
- [River] Renee.
(whimsical atmosphere music)
- Renee.
Carefully then.
Step toward me.
- Where did you go?
- Come with me.
She will hurt you Renee, please.
She doesn't want to help
you find your family.
I can take you to David,
I know where he is.
- Then go find him.
Bring him here.
- You don't understand.
She will take you to Shiloh
and he will do nothing to help them.
- Elza has managed to separate
you from your brothers.
He will true to persuade you,
one by one, to turn against one another.
- I have to stop him.
- Take a moment.
Elza wants you to choose him.
- Why?
- Because if he can turn all of you,
it would be a crippling
blow to the side of light.
- [Shiloh] Peace, Renee.
- I know that voice.
- He is the current, future, and past.
- [Shiloh] I am Shiloh.
- Go with him, child.
He will help you.
- I think he went this way!
The footprints end here.
- He must have followed the water.
- So we trust that River will find him.
- Not if Tangi or Yakun does first.
- He's not lost yet.
- Choice.
- Yeah, Ryloh.
- Matthew must choose for himself.
- Yeah, I know.
I know, I just, I wish there was
a way we could protect him.
- Let's keep going.
- Yeah.
- You found me.
- You said you needed my help.
- Yes Renee, in due time.
- But we don't have time!
Apparently there's a war going on
around here and Elza--
- Elza is after David and Matthew.
And more than likely he'll
find one of them, if not both.
Which is entirely out of your control.
- In this war, you're one
of the good guys right?
- (laughs) Well everyone would say
they're good within their own mind.
Of course I would say I was good.
Now if you were going to
ask the question are you
good or evil, that would
be completely different.
You see, I'm incapable of evil.
- My mom said every person is capable
of evil, they just choose against it.
- Your mother is a wise woman.
I'm not a person.
- My friend, if I may ask, what
has become of your siblings?
- I don't know.
Matthew left when we were sleeping.
I guess he didn't think
about taking us with him.
Renee, she disappeared while
we were running from that thing.
- The Tsayid.
A dark and dangerous beast sent by Shiloh
to hunt each and every one of you down.
(deep otherworldly screech)
It's there.
Go David!
Run, run!
Out the door!
- It's locked!
- [Tanion] Stay back!
Go David, I'll meet you in Cadia!
Go, I'll hold them off, run!
(suspenseful atmosphere music)
- Do you think he'll be different?
- Maybe.
When I left Skia, a lot of
people felt the same way.
Is it too much to ask to heal someone?
To protect someone?
Yet he didn't do it.
- I know.
I'm just tired of fighting, Yakun.
I'm tired of thinking I
mean something to him.
If he's as powerful as he
says, why won't he end it?
Why do we even matter?
- Exactly.
But if we can take that power
for ourselves maybe we can end it.
Protect those we love.
Do what we couldn't do on Skia.
- Yakun.
Just promise you won't leave me.
I just left the only home I knew,
just please don't leave me.
- I won't.
(twigs snap)
(tense atmosphere music)
- Where do I go from here?
Any ideas mom?
- Nice, we got him.
- Let's take him to Elza
before Barsa shows up.
(idle chatter)
- And it kinda took off from there,
it just parlayed and it kept parlaying.
- Such a good opportunity.
- I know, I think so too,
I was really excited about that though.
(phone buzzes)
One second.
Hey dad.
- Alice, you need to come home.
(whimsical atmosphere music)
- Don't worry!
I didn't read it.
This belongs to your sister yes?
There's a name in this journal.
Right above Renee's.
And it shows me why I was so
called to bring you to Cadia.
Your mother is Maggie.
- Was.
She was Maggie.
Why do you care?
- I'm so sorry to hear that.
She was an incredible woman.
A lot like her father.
Your grandfather was extremely
important in this war.
Your mother also, but you,
you could be more than both of them.
Take my hand.
- So we're taking him to Elza?
- Yeah, after that we'll get the others.
Did you--
- Matty, good to see you again.
Tangi, Yakun.
How you guys doing?
I wanna get you back to Shiloh.
He'll be waiting.
- No.
- We're taking him to Elza.
- Come on.
- We're not just gonna give him up.
- Don't make us fight you.
- You made me do this.
Remember that.
Grest, release Ryloh.
- Hey.
It's me.
- Ryloh.
- They're fine.
She only put them out for a minute.
(tense atmosphere music)
- You're coming with me.
Or else.
- Okay.
Okay, we'll come with you.
- Shiloh be with us now and always.
Shiloh be with us now and always.
Thanks for trying to negotiate,
but I think we're done here.
- Right you are.
- Welcome to the beginning of time, David.
Now this is the moment
that he decided that he,
and only he, would have
the greatest power of all.
To create.
To begin.
Look now.
Existence starts in just a moment.
Do you know what power feels like, David?
If you touch it, you could achieve
a higher level of being than even Shiloh
because all he did was
speak to it, but if you
touch it, you'd be stronger than Shiloh.
You'd be stronger than me.
- I can't.
- David, we can stop the pain
and suffering of the Earth.
If you did this, if you
accept this responsibility,
we could save your
sister and your brother,
we could save your grandfather,
we could save everyone.
Surely that's what's good.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- I can't.
- Focus David, focus.
Your mother, she didn't want this
responsibility, and your grandfather
felt that he didn't deserve it.
But you, you're smarter than they are.
You're stronger.
Matthew won't need to fight your battles
for you because you won't be able to fail.
We can save worlds.
- Why don't you do it?
You're stronger than I am.
- I've tried, but I'm unable.
You see, Shiloh created me as a messenger.
But you, you he created in his own image.
If you did this, if you touch it,
your powers would be limitless.
You won't be held back by the same
delusions of morality that blind Shiloh.
Now do it David, do it now.
- Where to begin?
(music swells)
- Was that...
- We missed our chance.
We're out of time.
We must leave.
- What?
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm so sorry I've gotta
run out on you like this.
- Just tell me what's going on.
- It's dad.
The kids are missing he said
and I think his treatments are
messing with him, I gotta go.
I love you, thank you so
much for meeting with me.
- I love you too, yes.
Believe him, Alice.
- Okay, all right.
I'll call you later?
- Yes, call me.
- [Alice] Okay.
- Can I take this cup away from you?
- That'd be nice, yes.
Thank you.
(serene atmosphere music)
- Matthew!
- Renee!
- Where have you been?
- I heard a noise during the night,
so I went out to check it out.
That's where I met, let me introduce you.
- Barsa!
You served valiantly at Eleuthopolis.
You humbled yourself as
unchosen, you strive for justice.
You oppose the enemy
wherever you find him.
Yet, yet you were told to secure
these three upon their arrival at Cadia.
And you brought me only one.
Had you given up, all
three might have been lost.
Instead, two are safe.
Well done, Barsa.
- Yay!
- Your locket.
May I?
Your mother was a wonderful woman.
Her love changed so many lives.
- She ran away when she was our age.
Aunt Alice said she had some
crazy story for Grandpa George.
- I thought there was something
familiar about you Matthew.
- Your grandpa, your grandpa was
Barsa's right hand man for a bit.
He stumbled into Cadia one day
and served in our battles here.
Both here and in Skia.
Your family has quite a legacy here.
- Why didn't they tell us?
- Well I seem to recall that you wanted
to know about, how was it you said it,
"something that actually happened?"
But now, I fear David's in trouble.
He's been captured by the enemy.
- I'm sorry I made you mad.
- I'm not mad.
I'm rarely able to revisit that moment.
It happened before my time.
But it wasn't our only
chance to win this war.
- What do I need to do?
- I need you to find somebody for me.
- [David] Who?
- You'll know when you find him.
Go to Qadess.
An enormous, empty city.
I believe you've been there before.
I know you can do it, David.
With you by my side, we can correct
the mistakes of your family and of Shiloh.
With you, we can win this war.
You've made the right
choice, Tangi and Yakun.
I can give you power.
- Just don't hurt the Castaways please.
- I wouldn't dream of it.
They've done nothing to me.
Shiloh's who we're fighting.
- Do you think she'll show up when you do?
- Perhaps, but for that to mean anything,
well they'll have to choose her.
- Prepare the gathering?
- Prepare the gathering.
- Hey!
- David.
- How'd you get here?
- The rock.
I saw you guys in the backyard with it.
I stole it.
During the night, I used it to come here.
I met Elza.
- Elza!
He helped us!
- So did I.
Tanion wants to give us power.
Imagine if we had Shiloh's strength.
Maybe Aunt Maggie would still be here.
He said we would be like brothers.
- I thought we already were.
- You never acted like it.
- David and Luke, my two favorite people.
I am so glad that you found each other.
- Tanion!
The Tsayid's here!
We should go!
- You don't need me to defeat the Tsayid.
You can do it on your own.
Prove you don't need Shiloh.
(deep otherworldly screech)
- David, focus.
The rocks.
(speaking in unknown language)
- Can I ask you something?
- You're wondering why, if I'm so good
and your mother was so loyal to me,
why did she have to die?
Death is the last great enemy, Renee.
Yes, I could have saved her.
But to intervene in the life process,
to use my power to save her,
would've been a violation of my own creed.
Skia's nothing but a beginning.
Your mother made a difference
because she lived her life with love.
You would do well to follow her example.
- What about Tanion?
Could we save him?
- I'm afraid my old
friend is lost forever.
This is my gift to you.
You will know when to use it.
David is in danger.
- Castaways, on me.
- David.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
- Elza, enough.
Do you understand now?
Shiloh doesn't care about you.
I do.
I could've let Elza destroy you.
But I chose not to.
I chose to intervene, I chose to save you.
Shiloh chose to let you die.
Just like he did with your mother, David.
And just like he is with
your grandfather right now.
(heavy breathing)
- No!
- Grandpa George?
- Join me, David.
Together we can end death.
- Let's play a little game shall we?
George Kennedy, you will see Maggie soon,
but it is not yet your time.
- Thank you.
- No!
- It is finished.
- Shiloh be with us, now and aways.
Shiloh be with us.
(suspenseful atmosphere music)
- [Ryloh] Excuse me.
- What?
- Focus.
- What?
- You know, I really
thought that was gonna work.
- When has that ever worked?
- Once.
Like 200 years ago.
(music swells)
- I can't let you go, David.
I need you and the world needs you.
Bye now.
- Well kids, it has
been a blast as always.
I am sorry you had to get her
involved, that is a shame.
Never really know when
she's gonna show up do you?
At least Tanion's consistent.
- [Barsa] Shiloh is--
- Right, right, hey, I don't care.
I'm outnumbered, so...
- [Barsa] After him!
(Ryloh screams)
- Ryloh, slow down!
- [Ares] Grest, come on!
- My bad, guys!
(tense atmosphere music)
- We can take 'em.
- Barsa.
Shiloh be with us now and always.
- Shiloh be with us now and always.
- [Group] Shiloh be
with us now and always.
Shiloh be with us now and always.
(music swells)
- Well that worked.
Nice job.
- Sorry I had to bring them into this.
I can let you try that
again if you'd like.
- Good shot, nice form.
Might wanna keep your
wrist straighter though.
Gives you more power.
(war cries)
(suspenseful action music)
- Don't attack!
Only defend.
This doesn't seem fair.
Come on man, I just wanna
be friends, big guy!
- Get off!
- Don't do this.
- I'm sorry.
- Me too.
It's not too late.
- We don't wanna fight you.
We want to end this war.
- I know.
I won't fight you.
- Look at all this violence!
I can bring peace.
I can give you what Shiloh won't.
I can give you power.
- I'd rather die with
love than live with power.
- That's funny.
Your mother said the exact same
thing right before she died.
- Let them go!
- This tired old trick.
Why do you get to be different?
Why are you worth more to him than me?
- I am him.
- Skia has forgotten you.
You've lost your power.
- No.
Skia has changed, it hasn't forgotten.
Only you have.
- I will win.
- You lost long ago.
Returning violence for violence
doesn't solve anything.
You can't beat him that way.
Only light and love can drive
out darkness and hatred.
(heavenly atmosphere music)
- [Renee] It's not enough.
- [Matthew] We can't hold him back.
- The power that Tanion promises you...
Is not what you need to heal your world.
- You're Shiloh.
You created all of this.
- Not all of it.
I created the light.
Look between it.
The darkness.
The darkness did not come from me.
However, you need it
for the light to exist.
- You allow it.
You allow the darkness to exist.
- I must.
Because without it, the
light wouldn't be seen.
Tanion was once my dear friend.
I created him.
When he chose the darkness,
I didn't interfere.
It wasn't indifference on
my part, but rather love.
You can't force a choice with love.
And I can't do it.
- People are dying, Shiloh.
You could have saved her.
- Yes.
I could've saved her.
And I could've pulled
Tanion from the darkness.
I could force you to
turn from him right now.
That's your choice to make.
I simply wanted to meet
you before you make it.
- Tanion promised me the
power to help people.
- Well of course he did.
But he's the reason they need help.
I promise you the power to love them.
Oh, and keep asking questions.
But then truly take the time to listen.
'Cause that's the only way we learn.
It is the only way we make a difference.
- David, think of the power,
the strength we can have together.
We can change the world.
- I choose the light.
- Renee, I can bring your mother back.
- She's gone now.
And that's okay.
- Luke, they don't even like you.
- Go away!
- Tanion, listen to Luke.
Go away!
(epic atmosphere music)
- No!
- I didn't get to say anything cool.
- Look.
(dramatic atmosphere music)
My time has come again.
I must leave Cadia.
- [Renee] Will we ever see you again?
- Yes Renee, you will.
- Barsa, thanks.
For everything.
- Thank you.
And Matthew, tell them I said hi.
Tangi, Yakun.
Welcome back.
Thank you.
All of you.
Thank you.
Castaways, on me!
- Well done, children.
All of you.
- Are we supposed to use this?
Oh, I bet my mom is freaking--
- Kids!
- Out.
- I don't--
- They're home and they're safe.
- You left the house without telling
Grandpa George where you went?
- How was it?
Are you okay?
- Barsa says hi.
- Dad, who's Barsa?
- I've got a story to tell you.
(music swells)
(dramatic atmosphere music)