California (1947) Movie Script

Yes, sir, that's where
the sun takes his shoes off,
puts his feet up on the high Sierras,
and says, "Here's where I set down:"
When the lord
finished this job,
he took a long look
and quit creatin':
Said, "From now on,
I'd just be repeatin' myself: "
them trees is so big,
you can carve yourself a Presbyterian
church out of any one of them:
Yeah, with enough wood left over for
a synagogue and a Baptist mission:
The soil is so rich,
one night a padre left his
spade standing up in the ground,
the next morning, there was
growing from the handle, apricots!
Takes two men and a boy to see
clear to the top of them hills:
A lady eagle
once tried to fly over:
She got her tail caught and
couldn't lay an egg for a week:
This place has got
everything but population:
Sister, pack up
your washboard:
That's mine.
Come on now,
throw her out of here!
We don't want
the likes of her with us.
Here's your belongings!
Keep going.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Get going.
Come on, Lil.
I'll give you a hand.
Get her out of here!
Let's get over to the stage. It's
heading east in about ten minutes.
That's where I came from!
We don't care where you came
from or where you go, just get!
Come on, Lil.
Go on, keep going!
Who's the boss of
this wagon train?
I am.
How about a lift
to California?
Not a chance.
Ah, Mr. Trumbo, if there's room for all
of us, there's room for one more of us.
If this girl wants to go to California,
she can ride in my wagon, and welcome.
Then you'll be traveling with
wickedness and mortal sin, mister.
I'm warning you, cards ain't
the only thing she cheats at.
That's right.
I'm glad indeed to see
that you good women
are dead set against
wickedness and mortal sin.
Now, if she was at all pretty,
there'd be something to worry about,
but she doesn't
look pretty to me.
Fabian, I think I've got something to
say about that, and I say she doesn't go.
She can pay her way, if
that's what you're a-thinkin'.
That isn't what
I'm thinking.
Then what are
you thinking?
For $1000 cash on delivery,
I've guaranteed to lay this outfit
down in California, all of a piece.
There'll be troubles enough.
Who are you afraid of?
Me or yourself?
I don't care what kind of
baggage we carry,
only I don't want the boys
fighting over it.
You say there's trouble
ahead of us, Mr. Trumbo.
Now, these good women know
it's help from divine providence
we'll be needing there.
And by doing
one good deed now,
we'll have providence
on our side.
We should give help where help is needed.
Isn't that what the good book says?
I'm with you, Mr. Fabian. A small
investment in the almighty now
is liable to pay off big
later on, when we need it.
Then it's all settled and she
comes with us, Mr. Trumbo.
It's your outfit, Fabian.
I just work here.
Hey you, missy. Don't get no ideas you're
a-comin' 'cause we want you. We don't.
You're only comin' because
Mr. Fabian says so, see?
Come on, child.
My turn, Mr. Trumbo!
No, it's mine, isn't it?
Yeah, it's your turn with
the saddle, Johnny.
Thanks, Mr. Trumbo.
Joe, you take care of his
feed, huh? What about me?
It'll be your turn tomorrow night,
and maybe I'll even let you ride him.
Thanks, Mr. Trumbo!
Hey, Reb.
Better check this rim,
or you'll be on three wheels.
Sure will, Johnny.
Why, hello, Elwyn. That's an
awful lot of gun you've got there.
This is Indian
country, isn't it?
Yeah, well don't plug me!
Aw, it isn't even
loaded yet. Look.
Whoa! Pick yourself up.
Doggone your hide, Elwyn! Now
you've been and woke the baby.
Aw, don't be too hard on him, Mrs.
Brown. We need a lot of men like him.
Oh, come on, get your gun.
You sent for us, Johnny?
Oh, yes, Abe.
You and Whitey better get
around to your sections
and warn 'em to
go easy on the water.
The next two days
is a long dry haul.
Right away, Johnny.
What do you think you're
doing? That's water.
I thought it was molasses.
And where do you think
we get it, whistle for it?
That's two days rations there,
and you're washing your hair in it.
I ought to make you drink it.
How am I supposed to keep clean?
Stay dirty,
like the rest of us.
How're your grapes, Grandpa?
Are your cuttings dry?
Yeah, dry,
they're pitifully dry.
Mr. Trumbo, I heard you
talking to Miss Lily.
Am I right in thinking you
were a little harsh with her?
I'm harsh with everybody, I've got to be.
The soft ones don't make it to California.
Maybe you think it's easy hauling
you farmers over the trail.
I'd rather ride herd
on some buffalo.
Then why did you hire
yourself out as a guide?
I often wondered that about
you. You're not the type.
Maybe I like to keep moving.
You know
Missouri at all?
Yeah, I've been
through it.
I had a vineyard there once.
It's good earth.
Great earth, fine earth.
If you like it so well,
why'd you leave it?
Because I want the sun, the sun of
California. Not for meself, for me grapes.
They catch the sun and save it,
and then they let loose the warmth
in the heart of man when
he drinks the wine they make.
Don't look much like grapes to me.
They look like a bunch of dead sticks.
From those dead sticks
I've seen many a miracle rise.
Every spring in my vineyard, I've seen
them bursting out into glorious life,
and I'll see it again,
please God, in California.
You're not in California yet.
Well, with God's help and
yours, we'll be there one day.
From these dead sticks there'll be
thousands of acres of grape vines,
covering the hills like
a great green blessing.
Well, well. Slick and shiny
as a new saddle.
Where are you going,
Pennock, to a dance?
At our present rate of travel,
I'd say nobody was going anywhere.
Look, for the past 17 days, we've been
crawling across this empty desolation.
How much longer
is it going to take?
Well, I figure it's now about
7:00. With good luck, no bad storms,
no Indian attacks,
no sick folks or sick stock,
well, I should think we'd be
in California before snow flies.
I'm serious.
So am I.
We're all in a hurry to
get where we're going.
Mr. Pennock as well as the rest of us.
Though perhaps his reasons are different.
You don't look like a farming
man, Mr. Pennock.
Sometimes I wonder
why you're here at all.
I'm here on business.
Business? Well, that
covers a lot of ground.
I suppose there'll be more of your kind
following the farmers to California.
It'll be the next state
in the Union, God willing.
In these dangerous times,
Mr. Fabian,
I wouldn't be so sure there'll be
a Union left for California to join.
We don't need that kind of talk,
Mr. Pennock. Not on this train.
Only a fool would say these
are not dangerous times.
A little grease on
your tongue, Pennock.
Keep out of this, mule skinner.
What do you know about politics?
Why, nothing, Pennock.
Nothing at all.
We've got people with this outfit from
Ohio and Kentucky, Wisconsin and Georgia,
and from states
both North and South.
And they're getting
along fine, understand?
So if you have any more of
that talk in you,
you'd better
say it to yourself.
When we get to California, you can all
tear your hearts out, for all I care.
Me, I'll be having
a long drink.
But until then, I'm telling you, keep
your mouth shut and your nose clean.
Oh, I should have stood
in Massachusetts
Massachusetts, Massachusetts
M, A, Massachusetts
Roll along and roll along
and roll and go
Oh, away out West
Away out West
Beyond the great unknowns
The buzzards crave my liver
The coyotes are
out for my bones
If it hadn't been
for the bloomin' law
and a wench with
a delicate ear
I wouldn't have had
to leave the States
to be a pioneer:::
You better take care
of your eyes.
You'll go blind trying to
read in that light.
Aw, no.
You want to listen to this for a bit
and forget about those women out there?
"A land of wheat
and barley and vineyards,
"wherein fig trees and
pomegranates and olive yards grow.
"A land of oil and honey,
"where without any want, thou shall eat thy
bread and enjoy abundance of all things. "
Somebody else going
to California?
No, this was
thousands of years ago.
They were
the children of Israel,
and God was leading them over the
River Jordan to the Promised Land.
They're mighty pretty words.
Pretty words, pretty names.
I know lots of names.
Natchez, Memphis, Savannah, Biloxi,
New Orleans. They're pretty names.
But they're places that
can break your heart, too.
None of them had room
for Lily Bishop.
California will
have room for you.
I'll find a place somewhere.
And nobody can throw me out.
I'm grateful to you for taking
me along to the Promised Land.
What did you call it?
The book calls it Canaan,
but we call it California.
Now mind what I say,
don't let them hurt you.
Now go to sleep,
child, go to sleep.
Yeah, sure.
They didn't hurt.
They can't.
Goodnight, child.
It's good to see the
soldiers out here. Sure is.
Lily, Abe baked some cornbread last night,
I'll bet they'd sure like some of it.
I'll ask 'em.
Where's your guide?
He went ahead to
scout around a bit.
Trumbo back yet? Ain't
seen him, Michael.
Well, maybe you can tell me.
How's the water hole at Salt Lick?
A horse could be up to his knees in
it when we left, it was that deep.
Good. Trumbo you say
his name was? Trumbo.
That's an unusual name. He
wouldn't have a brother, would he?
Never spoke to me
of any brother.
I knew a lieutenant by that name once.
Campaigned with him. Good soldier, too.
Not the kind you'd expect to become
a deserter. Well, keep to the trail.
Still taking nourishment, huh?
There's no hardship can
kill the life that's in them.
I feel I ought to
take off me hat
to these little dead sticks,
as you once called them.
Yeah, they still look
like it to me.
Johnny, we never
mentioned such things,
but have you any
brothers at all?
And if it isn't too nosy on my
part, were you ever in the army?
What makes you ask that?
Just an old man maundering about the
things that are none of his business.
Look, you hired me to take you
to California, didn't you?
I did.
I'll take you there.
But if you've got any
questions to ask,
you should've asked them
before you hired me.
No questions, Johnny.
No questions.
Should have stood in Michigan.
Me, too.
I pass.
See you, Lil.
Three jacks.
That wins.
Fellas, I'm blue.
Still got your pants,
haven't you?
Yes, but I'd hate to go home
to the missus without 'em.
Want to take
his place, Trumbo?
Not me.
Saving your money, huh?
Johnny ain't saving his money,
he ain't got it yet.
Come on, Johnny.
Maybe you can break her luck.
Maybe he can, maybe he can't.
Perhaps Mr. Trumbo prefers
some simpler pastime.
You can tame her, Johnny.
What'll it be this time, boys?
Half a dollar too steep?
Abe, looks like
it might get excitin'.
Too excitin' for me, Pokey.
Pass blind.
I'll bet a dollar.
I pass.
Got a dollar, Trumbo?
Raise it a dollar.
I'll play out.
Well, it's just you and me.
Your dollar and three more.
That's enough for me.
You're expensive company, Lil.
Too hot for me.
Still want to climb those
golden stairs, Trumbo?
Looks like he's
fallin' down 'em!
I'll raise you five.
I'll call you.
Full house.
That does it.
They're not marked, if that's what
you're thinking. But look at them anyway.
A little something you learned
at your mother's knee, huh?
No, my father's.
He was a gambler, played
the Mississippi riverboats.
He always used to say, "It's your cheat
who's most afraid of being cheated. "
Better stay on your horse
after this, Trumbo.
It makes you look a lot more
important than you really are.
Another thing my
father told me.
Always leave a man
burying money. Here.
What do you want?
Came to give you back
your burying money.
I need any favors from you,
I'll ask for them.
Aren't you afraid that people
will see you? Come in.
Sit down.
Took you a long time to
make up your mind, didn't it?
What do you mean,
make up my mind?
Why don't you admit that
back in Pawnee Flat
there was something
else you were afraid of?
You know, for a woman,
you're pretty smart.
I am smart. Too smart.
I know too much. A woman
gets tired knowing too much.
Sometimes she likes
to be surprised.
Like this, maybe?
That was what you wanted,
wasn't it?
Well, that's exactly what
you're not going to get.
Oh, so now you're
paying me off, huh?
You sat like judgment
on your horse.
What did you think when I was
on my hands in the dust?
I can tell you what you
thought. I know what you thought.
You didn't wait
for any proof.
No, no, you knew. You
knew just by looking at me.
But you're not a
hard man to figure.
All these weeks when you were trying
to shame me, trying to break my heart,
that was your way
of making love to me.
Then you come in here and
expect me to fall in your arms
and be thankful for
the favor you're doing me.
You may think you're pretty high and
mighty, Trumbo, but let me tell you this.
If I live long enough,
and I will,
I'm going to pull you down off
that fancy horse of yours
and shove your face
in the muck.
So help me.
Trumbo, Trumbo!
Where is Trumbo?
You better go, Trumbo.
Here he comes now.
What's all
the hollering about?
They've struck it rich
in California. Gold!
These men just
brought the news.
That's right, gold.
Where? Somewhere's out of Sacramento.
Place called Sutter's Mill.
They're always finding gold in
California, but nobody ever saw it.
Well, it's straight this time.
Well, we're headed for California. If
you like, you can string along with us.
No thanks, mister.
We'll take a bed for the night and
something to eat, and thank you for it.
But we ain't waitin'
for no wagon wheels.
We aim to get to California
while there's still standing room.
As you like.
I'll lend you a blanket, partner.
Just tell me some more about that gold.
Gold in California.
Oh, Johnny, that's news
I don't like to hear.
But it's big news,
Gold, I hate the word.
It'll bring us nothing
but murder and greed.
They steal it out of the ground,
they steal it from one another.
It's a curse on us that
those men brought us the news.
Look what it's done already. Look
at their faces, look at their eyes.
This is your big chance, Paddy,
but it won't do you no good
if everybody gets
there before you:
The whole world is gonna
be knowin' about this soon:
That's too many
people to suit me:
Jessie, use your brains
and stay with the train!
Get away from here, Trumbo.
All right, have it your way!
Better another month on the
trail than leave that here, Slim.
You'll need that plow.
I'll buy me a new one in
California. Gold plated, too.
You leaving Fabian's wagon?
I am. Nobody's going to
get to California ahead of me.
Lil, I suppose you've got
plenty of reasons to hate me,
but I don't want to see
anything happen to you.
And this wagon train breaking
up, it's liable to be dangerous.
I'll take my chances.
Before you go, there's
something I'd like to say.
About last night, I mean, I...
Speak up, Trumbo. I might begin to
think you're not sure of yourself.
Well, about hitting you,
I'm sorry.
I'm trying to apologize.
We're ready to go, Lil.
Is that all you've got?
You going with him?
Yeah, is there anything
to say about it?
Except I almost
made a mistake.
Whoa! Whoa!
Just a minute, Pennock...
Ah, the murdering gold. Look around
you, look at all they've thrown away.
Plows, books,
furniture of all kinds.
Stoves, spinning wheels, and all the
tools they need to build a home. Huh.
Galloping after gold,
they are. What good is it?
Ah, the lasting thing is planting
the ground, making things grow
generation after generation. That's
lasting, and there's contentment in it.
Easy, rest easy, now. It's that
little bone in there, I think.
It'll not be better tomorrow or the
day after. That'll take time to mend.
Seven hundred miles of God's empty
wilderness between us and California,
and this had to happen.
I'm sorry, Gramps, looks like
I'll be holding you back.
I'm in no hurry.
The earth and the sun
and the soil
will still be there
when we get there, Johnny.
Yeah, but not the gold,
Grandpa, not the gold.
And what about my $1000? Who's going
to pay that? What am I gonna do?
You take it easy till we're
ready to hit the trail again.
I'm in charge now,
and those are my orders.
Well, Johnny,
we're on our way. Hup, hup!
Now, Johnny, you can get a bath and
a drink. I'll look after your horse.
I'll help you unhitch, Grandpa,
and you better come with me.
No, no, there's a little
friend here I have to consult.
Thought you didn't
like liquor.
This isn't liquor,
this is brandy.
Made from the grapes
themselves. Here, try it.
The golden elixir,
the life for all men.
That's a mortal enemy.
I forgot you were
only a growing boy.
Johnny, if you come back and find me
talking, I'll be talking to meself.
Just put me
to bed peacefully.
Go on and enjoy yourself.
Go on!
So, you made it, Trumbo.
Where's Lily?
Haven't you seen her?
You will, Trumbo.
You will.
I'm asking you,
where is she?
You can't get her off
your mind, can you?
There's a lot of things
I can't get off my mind,
but I'm taking 'em
one at a time.
You know, Trumbo, if ever you grow up, you'll
learn that a woman is like a poker game.
What you take in one hand,
you drop in the next.
You were never in this game.
I thought I was, for a while,
but I lost to a heavier bid.
What do you mean by that?
If you want a drink,
you better order it now.
Our entertainer doesn't like
drinks served while she's singing.
Same for me.
Who runs the cleanest
gambling house?
Too-rye, too-rye,
Who runs the cleanest
gambling house?
Who runs the cleanest
gambling house?
Come in like a lion
Leave clean as a mouse
Lily-I, Lily-I-Oh
The mining man,
he digs for gold
Too-rye, too-rye,
The mining man,
he digs for gold
The mining man,
he digs for gold
But it winds up here
in my billfold
Lily-I, Lily-I-Oh, oh,
oh, Lily-I, Lily-I-Oh
A lumberjack,
he cuts the pine
Too-rye, too-rye,
The lumberjack,
he cuts the pine tree
The lumberjack,
he cuts the pine
The lumber's his,
but the jack is mine
Lily-I, Lily-I-Oh, oh,
oh, Lily-I, Lily-I-Oh
A respectable girl,
she marries soon
Too-rye, too-rye,
A respectable girl,
she marries soon:
A respectable girl,
she marries soon
But the groom comes here
for his honeymoon
Lily-I, Lily-I-Oh, oh,
oh, Lily-I, Lily-I-Oh
Wonderful, Lily.
Wonderful as usual.
Singin' pretty, ain't she?
That she is.
Sit down, Pike.
Mr. Pike, Mr. Trumbo.
Sailor, huh?
Ain't no stinkin'
scurvy landlubber.
Pike, one of these days, someone's just
naturally going to spit in your eye.
Doggone my britches,
Johnny Trumbo!
Whitey! So you
made it, huh?
Yeah, but a lot
of 'em didn't.
You strike it rich yet?
Strike it rich?
Ask that thievin' gouger. He
can tell you better than me.
Go ahead and ask them, Johnny.
Him and his Captain Coffin!
Watch your lip, farmer.
Not no more, I won't.
Likely, I'll get my teeth bashed
in, but not afore I spoke my piece.
Come on, Whitey.
I ain't makin' out
good at all, Johnny.
I come out west expecting
to find a free country,
and instead I find
a shark named Coffin,
squeezin' the lifeblood
out of the place.
To work my claim,
I gotta buy water from Coffin.
I thought water belonged to God almighty,
but no, you gotta pay for every drop.
I gotta buy Coffin's vittles at Coffin's
prices. I gotta buy my tools off him.
$100 for one little shovel.
Shut up.
Because I got a wife and kids
back east, I do all this.
I go into debt up to my ears to Coffin,
let him take the shirt off of my back!
Shut up.
He's talking to me.
Day before yesterday, my claim
starts to pay out. Pay out good.
Right then, Coffin and his gang jumps
it, says they're foreclosing for debt.
Drive me off of the place
with pick handles!
What's the damage this time?
Just a chair and a table.
Sorry, Miss Lily. I'm beginning to think
you're too expensive to have around.
It takes a long time
to get furniture out here.
Lily, an old acquaintance,
slightly in need of repair.
Shall I throw him out?
No. Bring him back here.
I'm glad to see
you're still living.
Well, I suppose I should thank
you for taking care of me.
I told you once before
how I felt about you.
Nothing's happened
to make any difference.
Or have you forgotten?
No, I haven't forgotten, Lil.
But I'm just beginning
to understand something.
No woman can go around hating a
man the way you say you hate me.
Not unless there's
something else on her mind.
Babble on, Mr. Trumbo.
But this I'll tell you.
If you ever so much as
set foot in here again,
I'll have a better man
than Pike throw you out.
You talk awful big,
like maybe you own the place.
I do.
Maybe I shouldn't ask
how you got it.
How do you think I got it?
What I'm thinkin'
you wouldn't like.
Yeah, nothing too good for
our Lil. Straight out of China.
He must be quite a man to
stake you to a layout like this.
Ah, a brig.
Nice shear.
For a mule skinner, you seem
to know a lot about ships.
My father was first mate on
a whaler. Yeah, she's pretty.
Congo Queen,
Pharaoh Coffin, Master.
Coffin, now there's a name I
keep hearing. Whitey, he said it.
Pharaoh Coffin. There's an
echo in my mind some place.
Congo Queen?
I've got it!
Sure, she's pretty, pretty as a
picture. Fast, too. She had to be.
Now I understand everything.
Something amuse
you, friend?
No, don't tell me.
I've never laid eyes on you
before, nor you on me.
But I'll bet you a dollar to one of
your brass buttons that you're Coffin.
Captain Pharaoh Coffin.
And I lay a dollar to what's left of your
manners that you're Mr. Jonathan Trumbo.
Ah, Pike told you.
No, Pennock.
Well, you're a long ways from
Africa, Captain, and the slave trade.
Only fools stayed in
the African trade.
Why should I crowd my ship
with live cargo
when I can get more for a
shovel than I can for a Black?
Or by running helpless little men
off their claims with pick handles.
These are fast-moving times, friend.
Helpless little men have no place in them.
This is an odd place, though, to find
a man who remembers the old Congo Queen.
Fine ship. Fine name.
I remember her. Not for her name,
though, but for the blood on her decks
and the smell of the slaves
rotting in the hold.
She was a floating graveyard,
and when you walked along the streets,
people crossed to the other side.
They said you had
the stink of death about you.
Well, you might have washed
it out of your clothes,
but it'll take more than soap and
water to wash it out of your mind.
Your tongue's outrunning
your safety, friend.
No court would try you, Captain, because
no one would hold that a Black was a man.
He was an animal,
which you beat and chained,
and all he had to offer up
against you was a prayer.
Bilge, Mr. Trumbo. Bilge.
Most men love
the chains they wear.
They need a master the way
they need their mothers.
I've heard such talk
from pulpits.
"The meek shall
inherit the earth. "
No, Mr. Trumbo. The earth belongs
to the men who make the law.
And the law belongs to
the men who can lay it down.
You know, Coffin, for all your ways, I've
heard it said that you're a scared man.
Scared that one day a bolt would
break or a chain would give,
and the Blacks would come
swarming up over your quarterdeck.
They said you kept the keys
to the hatches in your pocket.
But have you kept the key
to hold over your mind?
What do you dream about
at night, Captain?
Maybe you still hear the drag
of the chains below decks,
the chanting of the slaves
over their dead.
That's the truth of it,
isn't it, Captain?
In Pharaoh City, the truth
has a price on its head.
You don't speak it
unless you're armed,
nor intrude into another man's dreams unless
you're prepared to pay for the intrusion.
Save your advice for those who'll
take it at the end of pick handles!
And I had you wrong, Lily. You don't
care about anybody but Lily Bishop.
I had you right the first time
I saw you up in Pawnee Flat,
when you were lying in the dirt and I
took you for what they said you were.
Who said the wages
of sin are death?
Looks like in Pharaoh City
they come pretty high.
Why did you do that?
Better leave, Mr. Trumbo.
Why did you do it?
Why did you do it?
Because I knew you'd
cry over him afterwards.
Looks like she's
petering out, Whitey.
Yeah. Maybe if we staked
a new claim.
All we've got here
is Coffin's leavings.
There must be easier ways of making
a living without dying of pneumonia.
What's that?
Somebody fellin' a tree.
Coffin's at it again,
damming up the creek!
You got no right to
dam up this creek.
Now, ain't no use
gettin' ornery, boys.
Water is water, and mighty
precious it is, too.
And this here stream, above,
below, and in the middle
happens to be the sole and
peculiar property of Captain Coffin.
Now, it ain't the Captain's
practice to give water away.
But like always, he's willing to share
it with them that is willing to pay.
Now, I ask you, what could
be fairer than that?
I thought this was
God's country.
Not no more, it ain't.
What's Coffin aimin' to do, grab
up the whole country of California?
Maybe you're righter
than you know, brother.
You let 'em get by with this, in a month
you'll be crawling to Coffin for a handout.
That's just what I was
thinking. Look out, boys!
Not now, Johnny. Better
let 'em take this trick.
All right, who's next?
Come on, Johnny.
Let's get out of here.
That's right, come on.
Keep it in a safe place, partner.
I'll be around to buy it back.
Well, Clem, I see your
claim's paying off.
Right off the river bottom.
Fourteen ounces.
Eleven ounces.
The game is open,
place your bets.
What's the limit?
Five is soda.
Copper that ten,
will you?
Just a minute. I thought I
told you to stay out of here.
This is business. I don't
want any business from you.
What's the matter,
you scared?
What have you got that
I should be scared of?
Wouldn't be my luck,
would it?
Get up, Mike. I'll take it.
All right, boys.
Place your bets.
This time, Trumbo, there won't
be any burying money.
You win again.
Let it ride.
The limit.
The limit's raised.
What has she got left?
Four stacks.
All right,
four stacks it is.
On the lady.
That all right with you?
Anything you say.
Four, three, ten.
Queen wins.
That's luck for you!
Pay him off, Mike.
The game's closed.
You busted, Lil?
Looks like it.
Just a minute, Lil. I got an
idea, a sporting proposition.
I'll cut you.
This against the whole place.
Everything or nothing, high
card wins. What do you say?
Better not do it, Lil.
He's lucky tonight.
Once you said you weren't
afraid of anything I've got.
Well, I've got this, and it
says you've lost your nerve.
Pack of cards, Mike.
Shuffle them.
Always want to check them,
don't you?
You cut.
Four of diamonds.
You got a chance, Lil.
Go ahead.
Two of spades.
Well, looks like I'm
the new proprietor.
Eddie, turn everything over to
him. It's all in order, isn't it?
Yes, Miss Lily, except for tonight.
Some sharper slipped this over on us.
Dirt and lead instead of gold.
Well, that's a fool trick
for anyone to do.
A man can get
shot for that.
Not if he gets
away with it, Lil.
Well, drinks on the house,
Come on, Clem!
Mr. Trumbo, this is Mr. Gunce.
Says he can paint.
Yeah, what does he paint?
Names on shaving mugs.
In a town full of beards?
Mugs is only a sideline.
I'm the undertaker.
Well, could you paint
a sign for out front?
Yep. Plain or fancy?
Just big.
"The Admission Day Saloon. "
Admission Day? Me paint a thing
like that? I don't know, Mr. Trumbo.
California joining the Union's getting
to be fighting words around here.
Some mighty important
people against it.
I'm a business man, I got
my customers to consider.
Why should you worry?
They're all dead, aren't they?
Hmm. Yeah, I never
thought of that.
You know, I never
looked at it that way.
Come on, Gunce, I'll show
you what the boss wants.
Mr. Trumbo.
What's this?
A quit claim deed.
Eddie will show you the books.
You don't have to leave.
You can work here, you know.
Don't do me
any favors.
I'm not.
I need a singer.
Maybe you can get a big piece
of Coffin's money back.
It wasn't Coffin's money.
Then, whose was it?
I bought this place from Coffin with
what it took me five years to save.
But that's my
business, not yours.
All right, Lil, if that's
the way you feel.
That's exactly the way I feel.
Mike, wrap up a thousand, chase
after Lil, and see that she gets it.
Burying money.
Won't need no burying money
where she's going.
Why not?
Coffin's place.
Hey, you.
Captain's compliments. If you ain't too
busy with these here newly acquired premises,
he'd take it kindly if you'd
step down to the hacienda:
He'd like to have a bit
of a word with you.
He would, would he?
Want a drink?
Make it rum.
On the house, Pike.
Why would you be
giving me a drink?
You got a nice,
kind face.
You had a jug in your hand. Why didn't
you smack me over the head with it?
You ever hear of
bullfrogs in a pond?
Well, some sing big, some sing
small. You, I can't even hear you.
Go on, run along to your
Captain. Tell him I'll be there.
Come in, Trumbo. Come in.
The Captain's ready
to see you.
Oh, of course,
you two know each other.
Let that bird alone, Pennock.
Let him alone.
Pleasure to see you're prompt,
Mr. Trumbo.
For fun or for fight, I always
like to get there early.
Which do you
expect this time?
You tell me.
When I invited you here, I must admit,
I didn't expect you'd do me the honor.
I appreciate it.
It's just curiosity, Captain.
I'd heard about this place,
but I never would've
believed it.
I hear you took over
the Golden Lily last night.
I like a man who takes what he
wants, doesn't ask too many questions.
I like to see
him get ahead.
Yeah, but not too
far ahead, huh?
I have a good piece of
this country in my hands.
You'd be very foolish
to think that I'd let it go.
What's on your
mind, Coffin?
I'll put it two
ways, friend.
I'll buy the Golden Lily at a
fair price, and you can leave town.
Or you can stay here and go along
with me. Know what that means?
I'm doing all right alone.
Saloon keeper?
Any fool can line his pockets
with silver dollars.
Lift your eyes above
your whiskey bottles.
I could possess this country,
this California and all
the power that goes with it,
if I had a handful
of men like you.
No deal. You may not
know it, Mr. Trumbo,
but you've just made
a very dangerous decision.
You may not know it, Captain, but from this
minute on, I'm going to start crowding you.
I'm going to keep on crowding you till
I've pushed you right into the Pacific.
Keep on playing, Lily.
Keep on playing.
Blast you, Pennock,
leave that bird alone!
What was that?
The clock, Captain.
Just the clock.
I never found another island like
that in all the southern seas.
Such tranquility,
such a paradise.
Yes, a man could well
forget himself there.
Why didn't you stay?
That horizon's
too narrow for me.
No, the only reason I'd ever go there
again would be to take you with me.
Did you hear what I said, Lily?
I'd like to take you there someday.
I've been everywhere
else, why not?
No, no.
I mean as my wife.
You really mean
that, don't you?
Ever since I first saw you.
Does that seem strange to you?
All my life, I've wanted
to be just that.
A wife.
Does that seem
strange to you?
No. I have no illusions
that you love me.
I believe we can be
happy together.
Let's put the past behind us.
I know what they say about me,
slaver, all the rest of it.
Everything I did, I did because
I had to. Nobody ever helped me.
Son of a drunken sail-rigger.
I took more beatings before I was
12 than any felon does in a lifetime.
Ran away, slept under walls
like a rat, till one day
I saw a Captain step from
his ship to the shore.
Bright buttons
gleaming in the sun.
Giving orders like a giant,
like a king.
And I became
the master of a ship.
Now I'm master of a town,
dirty, stinking place that it is.
And tomorrow I'll be master of a
country, yes, even all California.
When that happens,
I want you...
Well, you're not even
listening to what I'm saying.
You've other thoughts
in your eyes. You...
You're thinking of
somebody else.
Yes, I am.
A little boy.
I was trying to picture
you like you said.
I'm beginning to
understand you.
Goodnight Mike.
Goodnight, Mr. Trumbo.
All right, Trumbo, don't
bother to put those away.
This is your last night in
Pharaoh City. Come over here.
You heard what
the Captain said.
Here's a quit claim deed
for the Golden Lily.
There's a pen. Sign it.
Stop it, get away.
It's regrettable that a man
has to be taught these lessons,
but sometimes it's necessary.
He's tied good
and fast, Captain.
Hammerin', hammerin'. Sure a lot
of buildin' going on around here.
Church, new houses, a school. I tell
you, Whitey, it's getting so civilized
they'll soon tell you
where to spit.
Yes, sir, Pokey, never thought I'd see
a church being put up in Pharaoh City.
Here comes the stage.
Warren, you see that everything gets
off all right. I'll find out where we go.
Howdy, Joe.
You there, we're looking for
Captain Coffin's hacienda:
Mister, you're the seventeenth
party to ask me that today.
What's going on there,
a barbecue or something?
Come, come, man, pull
yourself together. Where is it?
Well, if you point that there
belly of yours south-by-southeast
and keeps a-followin' it and
don't fall down no gopher holes,
I reckon you'll get there. Mighty
fancy looking man, ain't he, Whitey?
Always thought there was nothing
but grizzlies and Indians out here,
but I swear I've never seen so many
beautiful women. Where do they all come from?
This is a big country, Creel. It's
taken some of them days to get here.
Captain, I haven't seen
Tomlin yet.
I'm informed that Mr. Tomlin
met with an unfortunate accident
on his way from Santa Barbara. Bandits?
No Senator, he talked
too loud and too long.
Excuse me.
Don Luis.
I'd like a word with you, at
your convenience, of course.
At the conclusion
of this dance, sir.
Thank you.
Music won't help
you now, me boy.
Johnny. Johnny, come
in! It's good to see you.
How are you, Grandpa? Bring
him some coffee. Sit down.
We were wondering
what happened to you.
It wasn't like you to sell out
and run off without tellin' nobody.
I didn't sell out,
I was run out.
Captain Coffin. Did a pretty
good job, too. Almost perfect.
You've been gone
six weeks now.
Well, I wasn't in the best
of health when I left here.
If it hadn't been for a couple
of Mexicans, I'd have cashed in.
They packed me 100 miles
to a mission,
hoping the padres
could cheat the devil.
Well, they did.
Whitey, where's your gun?
What do you
want it for?
Don't do it,
It'll do you no good
to kill Coffin.
Men like Coffin are like
weeds in the fields,
you have to dig 'em up by the
roots. Can't do that with a gun.
There'll be law and order
around here soon.
There's talk already of
a convention in Monterey
to make California another
state in the Union.
When that happens, the law will
take care of men like Coffin.
Sorry, Grandpa.
I can't wait that long.
This proclamation, gentlemen,
I'm sure you've all seen.
It's been posted
all over California.
General Riley, Washington's
latest gift to California,
has designated September 1st for a convention
to be held at Colton Hall, Monterey.
In the hands of the delegates of
this convention will rest the decision
as to whether or not
California is to become a state.
As you all know, I intend to
be a delegate myself.
Even so, the convention
may go against us,
and it is to consider this possibility
that we're meeting here tonight.
Immediate preparation
for the armed seizure
of the centers of power
in California.
Isn't that rushing things
a little too fast, Captain?
Too fast, Mr. Barrett? Nothing
can be further from the fact.
The whole country is rushing
toward armed conflict.
And when that time comes, my friends,
a strong and independent California
may effect decisively
the outcome of that conflict.
Sir, I, too, would like
California to be
a great and glorious
independent country.
And yet, if the people
should be against it, I...
I would be a fool
to fight them.
Much blood has already been spilled
on this beautiful ground. Too much.
The Senator, it seems, is asking a great
deal of us. What can we expect from him?
Yes, if we are going to take the country
by force, what do we do about weapons?
Powder and shot
don't grow on trees.
No, Mr. Willoughby,
they do not.
Before we adjourn tonight, I think
I can promise you ample evidence
of Senator Creel's good faith.
Who are you?
Well, I suppose
you could call me a guest.
Please do not
tell the Captain.
Tell him what?
I am not supposed to be here.
He keeps the chapel locked.
That must be him now!
Follow me, gentlemen.
Perhaps you'll find
these precincts overly pious,
but I assure you,
they're practical.
Well, there you are,
Guns and ammunition galore.
Fancy place
for an armory, Coffin.
Even Mr. Willoughby could
hardly wish for more.
Good heavens, no.
Enough to equip a regiment.
And we ran 'em in, every one
of them, didn't we, Pennock?
Right under
Colonel Stuart's nose.
Is he back in California?
He's encamped
not far from here.
You don't suppose
he's got wind of this?
If I know Stuart, he's too busy
with his own political career.
These are really very good
guns. Indeed, they are.
Seems to me, Coffin, you've
got all your eggs in one basket.
Why not pass them around, get them
out of here? We will, in due time.
Come on, gentlemen. I think we've had
enough proof of Senator Creel's good faith.
Why does he have
these guns here?
but no good can come of it.
What do you think
he is thinking
that his house should be made
into a hiding place for rifles?
I take it you don't like
Coffin, either. Why?
Is it right that a woman should
have to steal a key to pray?
No, it isn't right.
And maybe that's all
going to be changed.
You are only one man
against many.
You just forget
you ever saw me.
Look away, look away
Said I to my heart, said I
Never trust yourself
with a summer sky
A rambling arm,
a roving eye
Every summer kiss
brings an autumn sigh
Said I to my heart, said I
Look away, there's trouble
A stranger has come to town
Look away, big trouble
His eyes are too soft
and brown, brown, brown
Oh, does he think to win you
with song and sigh?
With rambling arm,
and roving eye?
Does he think you'll smile
and away you'll fly?
Said I to my heart,
Said I
Goodbye, said my heart
What are you doing here?
Thought I'd like to see
one of Coffin's fiestas:
You know this isn't
a safe place for you.
Since when have you cared?
I don't.
Then why warn me?
I haven't changed.
Why should you?
Perhaps it's because
I'm not afraid anymore.
Of you, of anything.
Perhaps it's because
for the first time in my life
I've got something
I've always wanted.
What would that be?
I'm going to marry
Pharaoh Coffin.
You don't love him.
He knows it.
You wouldn't understand,
would you?
That a woman can sometimes
manage without love.
Providing the price
is all right.
A month ago I would have
hated you for that.
Now it doesn't matter.
I could even tell you
I could have liked you.
The way you were
with the kids on the trail,
the way you are
with Fabian.
You talk hard,
but underneath you're human
like everybody else.
Why didn't you ever show that side to
me instead of always trying to hurt me?
Why do you tell me now?
Because it's too late.
Too late, Trumbo.
Please go.
You were right about me
trying to hurt you.
I wanted to, I guess.
Don't ask my why.
Maybe I wanted to even up
with a lot of other women.
Please go before you're seen.
And I'm gonna hurt you again,
worse than ever.
And I'm gonna be sorry for it.
You can't hurt me.
That's one thing
I've promised myself.
You can't hurt me ever again.
I came here tonight
to kill Pharaoh Coffin,
but I'm not going to,
not tonight.
I found out enough
about your Captain
to make me want to
find out a little more.
But I'll come back, Lil,
and when I do,
nothing's gonna save him.
No, you mustn't.
Even if I loved you,
you couldn't stop me now.
Afterwards, you can
go on hating me again.
Lily, it's you.
I'm glad you came.
My guests kept me so busy.
But I missed you.
I need you.
You must never leave me
for so long again.
I won't leave you, Pharaoh.
What's the matter?
You seem unhappy.
No, I'm not.
But just now, when you were
dancing, your eyes were smiling.
But now...
They will be again.
In all my life, I never want
to cause you a moment's sadness.
If only I could...
What was that?
Only the wind stirring
the branches, Pharaoh.
Just the wind.
You know, for a moment
it sounded
just like naked feet
shuffling across the deck.
Well, who are you?
What do you want?
Could I speak to you
alone, sir? No, you may not.
Speak your piece
and get out.
Oh, it's you.
Captain Odlum, Sergeant,
close the door.
All right, Trumbo.
I don't know what
brought you here,
but you know how the army
treats desertion.
I know, sir.
Consider yourself
under close arrest.
I didn't wake you up
in the middle of the night
to put myself
in the guardhouse.
What else do you expect?
I'd like to make a deal.
A deal? You've got
nothing to trade.
Ever hear of
Captain Pharaoh Coffin?
The man who is running for
the Monterey convention?
That's not all
he's running for.
What if I said he's setting himself up
for taking over the whole of California?
I'd say either he was crazy
or you were.
Not if you saw the rifles he's been
running in, enough to start a small war.
Can't hang a man for having
a few rifles.
Is that all the evidence
you got?
That, and some rumors
and a hunch.
If I wrote down every rumor
a fella gets around here,
I'd need half
the United States Army.
You make a deal with me and you
won't need the United States Army.
Confound it, Trumbo! The United States
Army doesn't make deals with deserters.
You come in here with
some cock-and-bull story...
I beg your pardon, sir,
it's not
a cock-and-bull story.
You help me wipe out
my court martial,
and I'll take Coffin
off your hands.
How? Kill him?
Something like that.
That way of settling disputes
is over, Trumbo.
This is the day of potbellies, frock
coats, politicians, conventions.
If you want to kill this man,
kill him politically.
Run somebody against him and
break his back at the polls.
Now, do you know anybody
that's really respected?
Integrity? Honesty?
Yes, I know somebody
like that.
Michael Fabian, a farmer.
But what if it doesn't break
Coffin's back?
Tell you what I'll do, Trumbo.
I'll take responsibility
for you myself.
I'll give you your freedom
for 90 days.
That's till after
the Monterey convention.
Then you report back here
and you face court martial.
If you don't, you won't get
two years, you'll get 20.
Yes, sir.
Uh, Trumbo, one thing
always interested me.
That woman at
Fort Marcy,
just who was chasing who?
It's your guess, sir.
Hardly worth
deserting for.
It's either that
or shoot the husband.
Anything else, sir?
You have 90 days.
Thank you, sir.
Do you think
he's gonna do it?
He's got to.
Well, Michael,
what's the word?
By the way,
whose idea was this?
Oh, it was, huh?
If we let Coffin get to Monterey without
putting up a man to run against him,
we deserve everything
he hands us.
You've been yelling
for a school,
you even got 'em
building a courthouse.
What are you going to do,
let Coffin sit in it?
I don't know, boys.
I'm not one for being
a politician.
I'm just an ordinary man
with dirt on me hands.
Well, maybe it's about time some
ordinary folks took a hold around here.
And what about me vines?
I've got things growing here.
Who'll take care of them? They
need care. Who will give it to them?
Don't worry about
your grapes, Michael.
They'll be worked.
Well, boys, you've run me
clean out of argument.
I can see meself
making speeches.
But I tell you, I'm not going
round kissing any babies.
Don't worry about
kissing no babies.
You just stand for office.
We'll see that you get elected.
You lost, Captain.
- How bad?
You're scuppered,
Thanks to your friend,
So Fabian goes
to Monterey.
That's bad for you,
isn't it, Pharaoh?
Troublesome, perhaps.
Even more so for Mr. Fabian.
Why don't you continue
playing, Lily?
P- E-N-sylvania
Roll on and roll on
and roll and go:
Fabian for Monterey!
We better let him
get some sleep
or he'll never get
to Monterey.
Good night, fellas.
Thanks for everything.
Congratulations again!
Good night! So long!
Get some sleep.
Lily, what are you doing here?
I'm asking you not to
go to Monterey. Why not?
I'm afraid for you.
Don't you see? This whole
thing is Trumbo's idea.
He's using you
to pay off a grudge.
What are you talking about?
You don't know how to fight
the way they fight.
There's no telling what might
happen when the cards are down.
The cards are down.
I know.
That's why I'm asking you
not to go.
A man can't keep out of danger
by hiding under the bed.
Sit down, child.
This is a big new country,
and the people came here
to get gold, most of them.
But now they've started
farming and raising families,
and you can no more keep them
from making California a state
than you can keep
the sun from shining.
Because they're ordinary folk,
and ordinary folk are kind of
stubborn about important questions.
Don't be afraid for me.
I wish you wouldn't
go, Michael.
I've been elected to go to
Monterey, and to Monterey I'll go.
Well, Michael, you sure got
Coffin a-sweating.
We're not out
of the woods yet.
We'll see tomorrow.
Yeah, your speech will have
to be a powerful heap of words.
Here you are.
Thanks, Abe.
See you later, Creel.
Sorry to be so late.
Things going badly,
I'll know better
after tomorrow.
Your friend, Fabian,
is going to speak.
I'd like to be there.
You know, Lily, sometimes I
wonder whose side you're really on.
What have you got
in the box?
My wedding dress.
Yeah. Who are you?
It is of no consequence.
You're a friend of
What about it?
As you may have observed,
I'm a little drunk.
It's not a habit,
I assure you.
Sometimes a man has thoughts.
I'm Don Luis
Rivera y Hernandez.
In California,
that is an honorable name.
With honor,
a man should be more careful.
Do you agree?
I wouldn't know.
Your friend Fabian
speaks tomorrow.
You got any objections?
Don't let him.
If you have any influence
with your friend,
take him away from Monterey
I do not like to see a man
killed in cold blood.
Pour one for me, too,
Don Luis.
I'm going to drink
to your health.
Better be hurrying over
to the hall, Johnny.
You're not going to the hall,
you're going home.
I got something to tell you.
You're in trouble.
I've been in trouble ever
since I became a politician.
They're gonna try
and kill you, Grandpa.
Who told you that?
A drunk.
And you'd be worrying about
the word of a drunk.
Yes, well, he's dead
for telling me.
And there's something else
you better know.
It is I who got
you into this.
I didn't give a bent nickel
for what you were fighting for.
I wanted to fix Coffin, and
this was one way of doing it.
That's why I got you
to run against him.
Sure. I knew that the day you
brought the boys to see me.
All the same,
I'm glad you told me.
You still going?
Yeah, I'm going.
It's that important to you?
Not just to me, Johnny.
You forget the folks
who voted for me.
They want a decent government,
and they kind of thought that
I'd help them to get it.
They had faith in me. I've
got to keep faith with them.
You should understand that,
I think I do.
Well, if it's
that important to you,
it ought to be
that important to me.
Let's go.
I ask you,
why are certain delegates
in this hall
so insistent on rushing
California into statehood?
How can we even discuss it
when there are so many problems
requiring long and careful study?
The boundary question,
for one.
I say this whole measure is
ill-considered and premature.
Statehood now can only make
California a pawn
in the conflict already threatening
to separate the rest of the country.
Order! Order!
If this measure is passed,
it is inevitable that those
favoring an independent empire,
a republic of California,
they must either
separate themselves from it
or contest the decision
by force of arms!
Gentlemen, order!
Mr. Fabian.
Mr. Speaker. Gentlemen.
Talk, talk, talk.
For five weeks now, there's been
nothing but talk in this hall.
Well, I suppose that's what
a convention is for, talk.
But a minute or two ago,
Mr. Willoughby was talking
and he made
a slip of the tongue.
Ah, more than that.
Mr. Willoughby let the cat
out of the bag.
And a clawing, screeching
cat it was,
and a very thin bag he was in.
Independent empire,
said Mr. Willoughby,
and then made off
it was a slip of the tongue.
Ah, it was more than that.
Independent empire.
That's the scheme they have,
the scheme to wreck
this convention
and wreck the future
of California.
Now, I'm a simple farmer.
What I know is the sun, the
soil, how to make grapes grow.
I'm not a politician.
But I know who's in that scheme
for an independent empire.
And if a simple farmer knows, you
all know, every man jack of you knows.
And the men in
that terrible scheme
aren't here to tell you what
the people of California want.
They're here to tell you
what one man wants.
You all know who he is.
Captain Pharaoh Coffin.
That man wants to run
California all for himself,
but it's us who settled it.
And it's a land for the people
like all the United States.
We want to make it a state, not
an empire run by Captain Coffin.
That man's trying to get his
way by bossing this convention.
Next, he'll try it with guns
and wholesale murder.
Now, I say that's
nothing but treason.
Here we are, men from
every state in the Union.
We're farmers and millionaires
and everything else.
What we want California to be
is what she should be,
another state in what I believe
to be the greatest land on earth.
Gentlemen, there'll be
a ten minute recess.
Keep me well covered.
That was real good!
Look out!
He didn't
have a chance.
Pick him up.
He was the finest man
I ever knew.
Nothing but
cold-blooded murder.
You gotta have some law and
order around here, all right.
That was
a bad move, Coffin.
I've nothing left
but powder and shot.
Not for me.
Me either.
Personally, I'm going to be on that
stage when it leaves this afternoon.
Anybody care to join me?
Well, is he here?
he is in the chapel.
Get Miss Lily at once.
Oh, good morning, Padre:
You brought your beads,
your things?
What is it you wish of me?
A wedding.
The young lady
will be here presently.
I want you to marry us.
A wedding?
And those armed men
are the wedding guests?
This is more than
a wedding, little man.
This is a coronation.
I should have got a bishop,
but you'll do. You'll do.
I cannot perform
such a ceremony.
There'll be no ceremony.
you are a man of blood.
You cannot use the holy church
as you would your chapel.
Your church,
you and your mumbling breed.
I'll tear out every root
you have in California.
Your hands cannot
reach deep enough.
I'll be using your missions
for pigsties, I...
Where is Miss Lily?
You heard me, come here.
Where is Miss Lily?
Her bed has not been slept in.
She's gone.
It's a lie.
You knew.
Since last night.
I helped her.
Get out, both of you.
Get out.
Get out!
It's me, Pike, Captain.
I got to have a word with you.
Why haven't you gone?
I gave you my orders.
Supposin' Fabian ain't back
from Monterey, yet.
He'll be back.
If he isn't, there are plenty
of others to dispose of.
he's the most important.
Have done with him.
And I want no blunders.
But, Lily,
I can't run away now.
Michael, you don't seem
to understand.
You don't know what
Pharaoh Coffin is capable of.
If I leave with you
and let him have his way,
I can never come back,
nor can you.
You know that.
I'm not coming back.
Once I thought California
would be big enough for me.
It isn't.
Everything I've touched,
it's as if it had
a curse on it.
Even you.
Oh, Michael, come away
before something happens.
What's this?
Hey! Hey!
I tried to tell him.
He wouldn't listen to me.
I was too late.
We were all too late.
Better lift him to his cabin.
Well, your orders have been
carried out, Captain.
Including Fabian?
We done him in proper.
He'll make no more speeches
where he's at.
You came back, Lily.
Yes, Pharaoh.
I came back.
You blundering swine.
Get out of my sight!
We're going into town.
Get moving.
Close the gate!
Spread out! Spread out!
Tom, see that every man who
has a rifle uses it now.
Pick off anyone that shows
his nose over that wall.
We got to keep it
well covered.
I'll keep them
all shooting.
We'll never make it now.
They got the gate shut.
We've thought of that.
You got it?
I sure have.
Let me have it.
Keep us covered!
Come on, Frank, let's go!
Hey, Frank, Bob!
Come on!
All right,
stick to the walls!
All right! Wheel it in!
They've forced the gates,
We're done for, scuppered.
But I have a pair of horses
by the side patio.
There might still be time
to make a run for it.
More water, Elvira.
We're alone, Pike.
Stark, Barrett, Willoughby walked
out on me, saved their skins.
Come on, come on. We'll ride
out of here, get back to the sea.
Who was it who struck her?
You must hear me, Captain.
It's off now or we're dead, both of us.
It was you who struck her.
You struck her, Pike.
Now get out.
Get out!
Aye, aye, sir.
What do you say, Bosun?
How goes the night?
Where's Pike, eh?
You betrayed me, huh?
Took the keys,
unlocked the chains,
and set those
Black slaves free,
hoping they'd help you.
Help you...
Where is the sun?
Where's the sun?
How can I see a Black
against the dark?
Only hear them.
Hear them.
Pike. Pike! Pike!
Yes, I know you hate me.
I took you out of Africa
and the stinking fever.
I put you in chains, yes.
Yes, but you struck her.
And now you want to kill
the master, eh?
Well, you fool!
What'll you do when the wash
ships over the guns?
What'll you do when the mast
goes by the board?
What'll you do when
the night comes down?
Pike! Pike! Pike!
So it's you.
You are going to die.
I remember these vines when they
were just a bunch of dead sticks.
You know, it's as if I was
seeing them for the first time,
the way Michael
always saw them.
Yes, he saw a lot of
things most folks missed.
Well, this is goodbye, Lily.
Where are you off to, Trumbo?
Got a date with the army,
How long does it mean?
A year.
Two, maybe.
You'll come back, won't you?
Where'll you be?
Right here, waiting.