Call Northside 777 (1948) Movie Script

[ Man Narrating ] In the year 1871...
- [ Alarms Blaring ]...
...the great fire nearly destroyed Chicago.
But out of the ashes of that catastrophe
rose a new Chicago...
...a city ofbrick and brawn,
concrete and guts...
...with a short history of violence
beating in its pulse.
That history is on record, and the record
is kept by the newspapermen...
...who have made Chicago's papers great.
No period in Chicago's history
was more violent...
...than the years of Prohibition.
The rise and fall
of the bootlegging empires...
...was written in blood and bullets.
In 1932, there were 365 murders
committed in Chicago--... for each day of the year.
Eight policemen were shot down
in the line of duty.
One of the most ruthless
of these murders...
...occurred on December 9, 1932,
on South Ashland Avenue... a place operated
by a woman named Wanda Skutnik.
Wanda Skutnik's store
in the Polish district...
...was the front for a speakeasy.
[ Wind Whistling ]...
You got change for 20?
- That's all right. Pay me next time.
[ Bell Dinging ]
Wanda, you're lookin' at a guy
that's comin' down with a cold.
Sit down.
- Oh, thanks.
- Hi.
[ Sighs ]...
For a cold, this is good.
- Thanks, Wanda.
[ Door Chimes Chiming ]...
...[ Engine Starts ]...
...[ Speaking In Polish ]
- The police, Wanda. Get the police. Quick.
Hello. Hello, Central.
Get me the police.
Yeah. Quick, please.
[ Narrator ] This cornered,
frightened bootlegger...
...gave information that pointed suspicion
towards a man named Tomek Zaleska.
Tomek Zaleska couldn't be found.
But two weeks later,
a tip from another source...
...revealed that Zaleska
had spent the night of the murder...
...with his friend Frank Wiecek.
The police closed in on the home
of Helen and Frank Wiecek.
Helen and Frank were taken
into custody for questioning.
Frank Wiecek admitted
that Tomek Zaleska...
...had spent the night
of the murder at his home...
...but insisted he knew
nothing about the crime.
Why did Tomek want
to sleep at your house?
Well, he was having trouble with
his old man. He was afraid to go home.
When did you last report
to your probation officer?
Last Friday.
- You're sure it wasn't Thursday?
No, I know it was Friday,
because that was the day... wife told me
she was gonna have a baby.
You went to the probation officer
on Thursday, not Friday.
There's your report card.
- You're confused, son.
Try to be a little more accurate.
Where were you at 3:30 on December 9?
I was-- I was with my wife.
I remember because I was helping her
shell walnuts for a cake she was making.
You were wrong about the day
you saw the probation officer.
Maybe you're wrong about being home...
...shelling walnuts for
your wife on December 9.
l-- I know I made a mistake
about the probation officer...
...but I know I'm right about the other thing.
This statement was signed
by your wife an hour ago.
'My husband was home with me
on the ninth of December.
I remember because he was helping me
pit dates for a cake.'
You sure it was walnuts?
I don't know.
I'm sure she must be mistaken.
[ Narrator ] His wife, Helen,
was released.
But because of Frank's confused testimony
on insignificant points...
...and his minor police record...
...he was held as a suspect.
Eventually, after hiding out for six weeks...
Tomek Zaleska, protesting his innocence,
surrendered to the police.
You knew we were lookin' for you.
You knew we'd picked up your good friends
Helen and Frank Wiecek.
Then why didn't you give yourself up
if you were innocent as you claimed?
I was- I was scared.
Sometimes I used to hang around
Wanda's place.
When I heard they were
picking up everybody she knew...
...well, I figured nobody would miss me,
so I just beat it.
I know now I made a mistake.
But I came in on my own hook, didn't I?
When you went
to Wiecek's house that night...
...what reason did you give
for wanting to sleep there?
l-I didn't give any reason.
I used to spend the night
there once in a while.
[ Cop ] You didn't give them any reason?
[ Zaleska ] No, I just asked them to let
me stay there and they did.
And you're sure you gave them no reason?
[ Narrator ] After identification
by an eyewitness...
Frank Wiecek and Tomek Zaleska...
...were indicted for the murder
of Officer Bundy...
...and swiftly brought to trial.
I will ask you, Mrs. Skutnik,
if you see in this courtroom...
...the two men that murdered
Policeman John Bundy.
Yes, sir.
Him... and him.
[ Prosecutor ] Had you ever seen either
of these men prior to the time of shooting?
Oh, sure. Tomek used to come around
my place all the time.
The other fella,
I never saw before.
And the first time you saw Frank Wiecek...
...was on the day of the murder?
- Yes, sir.
And the next time you saw him was the day
you picked him out of the police lineup.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Your Honor.
The People rest.
[ Narrator ] Both men received
a sentence of 99 years... be served in Stateville Penitentiary.
This happened in November 1933.
Frank and Tomek went to prison.
The case was forgotten for 11 years.
Forgotten until October 10, 1944...
...when a small advertisement appeared in
the classified section of the Chicago Times.
Yes, sir?
- Get me the file on John W. Bundy...
...cop killed in '32.
- All right.
And get at McNeal.
- Yes, sir.
Kelly wants you.
[ Typewriters Clacking ]
Check this.
What do you make of it?
Well, I want to know why
it's worth 5,000 bucks... someone to find out
who killed a cop 11 years ago.
Well, 1932 was open season for cops.
Over on the Northside, they were
shootin' 'em in pairs, like a brace of ducks.
This is all I could find on that cop
killed in 1932-- that Bundy guy, Mr. Kelly.
Now, you see what I mean?
He didn't rate much.
- It wouldn't hurt to check it.
You might get your name in the paper.
This is sucker bait.
Every grifter and mooch
in town'll be after that five grand.
They'll frame their brothers to get it.
Maybe this is a frame.
There's a lot of angles in this city.
You see what I mean?
Just takes you longer to catch on, that's all.
I was just thinkin' about it.
I'm lookin' for Tillie Wiecek.
Uh, what you want?
- I called Northside 777...
...and they said I'd find her here.
- I'm Tillie.
You run this ad?
Yes. That's for me.
You know something?
- No. No, no.
No, I'm a reporter for the Chicago Times.
We'd like to know why you're so interested
in finding the killers of this cop.
Frank Wiecek is my son.
I his mother.
My son's in prison for killing him.
He didn't do it.
My friends, they tell me
if I offer big money...
...maybe somebody will tell
who killed the policeman.
Now, you mean, your son's in prison
for killin' the cop, that right?
Yes. But he don't do it.
My Frank's a good boy.
He don't do this thing.
l-- About this $5,000...
...where'd you get it?
Is that important?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's very important.
Where he got it, where you got it,
might have a lot to do with the case.
He might have had it
hidden away someplace.
Maybe you got it from some mob
that's tryin' to spring him.
No. No.
I work. I scrub floors.
Eleven years,
I never miss a day's work.
I earned it, every penny.
Eleven years? That's a long time.
Yes. You just say it.
My boy, he lived it.
Believe me, mister.
You don't know my Frank.
But me, I his mother.
- You mean, you got some new evidence...
...something that wasn't
brought up at the trial?
Uh, no. That's why I try to buy
new evidence.
Oh, now, you're just-- You're just wasting
your money. You'll get cheated out of it.
No. Not me.
- Look. Look, lady.
He's in for 99 years.
Now, if you want to make
good use of that money...
...send him lots of cigarettes and candy,
try and keep him happy.
You very kind.
But I not use my money
for candy or cigarettes.
If you not able to help...
I get my Frank out someday, somehow.
I dream of this day.
$5,000 is a lot for a dream.
Yes. Eleven years.
I dream and I work.
First, I try $3,000.
Nothing. Now I try $5,000.
Suppose nothing happens?
- Then I work 11 more years.
I get $10,000.
But my boy, someday he get out.
Well, I got to hand it to ya, Mrs. Wiecek.
You got a lot of courage.
You help me?
[ Chuckles ] No, I'm afraid I couldn't do that.
I'm only a reporter.
I just write the story.
Well, good luck to you.
[ Typewriters Clacking ]...
Great job, Mac.
- Thanks, Johnny.
Hey, this story on the scrub woman--
pretty good.
How'd you like to follow it up
by goin' out to Stateville...
...and interviewin' her son?
- Well, now, wait a minute.
I didn't write this story
to glorify the son. He's a cop-killer.
Well, you got any proof he's a cop-killer?
Well, they didn't give him
He had a record.
He was on probation when he shot the cop.
Yeah, I know.
I read the record too.
He's Public Enemy Number One.
He and a couple of other kids
broke into a grocery store.
He got two bucks and a record.
But in this case,
an eyewitness...
...identified him as one of the killers.
The Supreme Court reviewed the trial.
The conviction was upheld.
Well, so what? It wouldn't hurt anything to
hear what the guy has to say, would it?
Well, why-- If you go out there--
- Well, look, Mac.
Let's put it this way...
...maybe I'm interested
for personal reasons.
Maybe I'm interested
'cause my mother did the same thing.
She scrubbed floors on
her hands and knees for...
...more than 11 years to
send me through school.
Okay, I'll go out to the pen
tomorrow and see him.
How about expenses?
[ Machine Clicks ]
- Here's a voucher. Take it to the cashier.
- Hmm?
I happen to know
your mother had a small annuity.
She never scrubbed a floor in her life.
You never got past the fifth grade.
But I figure if you pull such a corny gag
as this, you must want me to go pretty bad.
So I'm going.
But l-- I want you to know that
you didn't get away with it.
- Yeah..
You're early tonight.
What happened?
Oh, I got to get up 8:30 in the morning,
go out to Stateville...
...and see that scrub woman's boy.
Got something to eat for me?
- Mm-hmm, it's all ready.
- Hi.
Hey. Got a new one, huh?
Isn't a beauty?
Five hundred pieces.
Say, I can't see how a smart girl like you...
...can spend so much time on these things.
Oh, I noticed you worked on the last one.
- Mmm.
You know, that was a marvelous yarn
you wrote about that Polish woman.
Had a lot of feeling.
What a magnificent thing that old lady did.
Yeah. Everybody's touched.
Especially Kelly.
I was too. Makes you feel warm.
Well, I hit it pretty hard.
But don't start believin' it.
I read the files on the case.
That kid killed the cop.
He got what was comin' to him.
Now, I need a branch of a tree
right in there.
See one around?
No, that's sky. That's sky.
l-I wasn't thinking about the boy.
I was thinking about his mother.
I hammer out a sob story,
and everybody's blubberin' all over me.
You know what it is?
It catches your imagination.
Nobody knows whether she's right
or not, but...
...she's worked so hard--
she's had such faith-- that...
...[ Chuckles ] well, I want her to be right.
Honey, I love ya.
Wouldn't you scrub floors for me
if I shot old Kelly in the head?
Oh, I don't know.
- You don't know. You don't--...
- Oh, here's one. Here's one looks like it.
- Jim.
Look, I'm goin' out to see him tomorrow.
Why you-- You women are suckers
for sentimentality, aren't ya?
I guess that's how I got you.
All I had to do was
dangle an orange blossom in front of you.
Oh, it took a little more
than that, Mr. McNeal.
It did, huh? Mm-hmm.
- Hmm.
[ Locks Rattling ]...
What kind of a guy is he, Warden?
- I like him.
Frank, this is McNeal of the Chicago Times.
He wants to interview you.
[ Warden ] Now, you don't have to consent
to this interview...
...or answer any questions
if you don't want to.
[ Wiecek ] But I do want to....
Sure, I want to.
- Okay.
That's fine. He's yours.
Sit down, Frank.
The Times has
taken an interest in your case.
I came out to ask you some questions.
- Yes, sir.
I'd like more of your story,
your side of it.
I need an angle, something
to hit the public with. You understand?
Yes, sir.
- Now, you knew about the ad...
...your mother ran in the papers...
...and the $5,000 reward?
- Yeah.
Did ya know she was scrubbin' floors
to earn that money?
Yes, I did.
All she lives for is to get me out.
I guess that's all I've got to live for too.
Well, that's a very good angle to play up--...
...your faith in your mother,
her faith in you.
You know, if you're guilty...'re just letting her
slave her life away for nothing.
you're just letting her
slave her life away for nothing.
She knows I'm not guilty.
- Uh-huh.
I read the news clips...
...the transcript of the trial.
They don't whitewash you,
the way I see it.
But you only read what convicted me.
All the true facts didn't come out.
Even Judge Moulton said I was innocent.
The judge that gave you 99 years?
Well, the jury
said we were guilty. He had to.
But in his chambers,
he said he knew we were innocent.
When was that?
- Well, after he sentenced us--
Oh, after. Well, maybe
we'd better duck that.
What else?
My lawyer was a drunk.
He wouldn't even let me take the stand.
He was afraid I'd get the chair.
Uh-huh. Go on.
Well, when they question you
hour after hour...'re bound to get mixed up
on a lot of little things the way I did.
That's another good angle--
railroaded, huh?
Then they took me
from one police station to another...
...every few hours--...
...taking me 'around the
horn,' they call it--... my lawyer couldn't get me out.
And this Wanda Skutnik--...
...the first two times she saw me,
she said I wasn't the man.
Then, all of a sudden, she said I was.
- Finger woman, huh?
All right.
We'll play that up too.
I was home with my wife
the night the policeman was killed.
Does your wife visit you regularly?
My wife? Yeah.
We're divorced.
Well, we... better duck that angle too.
You duck so many things.
You don't believe me, do you?
I talked to your mother.
She's a very fine old woman.
She believes you. I need proof.
I got no proof.
- Yeah. Yeah, I know.
All right. Now, what we'll
do with this thing is this.
We'll play up this mother angle
and the finger woman...
...and maybe a little police
and political corruption too.
I didn't say that.
Well, what difference
does that make? It's a good angle.
Probably true anyway.
See, you don't want a wishy-washy story.
This thing's
got to have sock-- mass appeal.
It's the only way we'll
be able to help you--...
...get sympathy, public support.
You leave it to me.
Okay, Warden.
Thank you.
That's all, Frank.
Are there any guilty men out here?
Not if you hear them tell it.
They sure make a hard pitch, don't they?
Ninety-nine years is a long time.
Maybe he'd been better off
if he got the chair.
Mr. McNeal is busy. But I'll tell him
you liked the story. You're welcome.
Yes, the Times is going to continue
with the Wiecek case. You're welcome.
[ Typewriter Clacking ]
Yes. Well, thank you very much for calling.
That's right, lady. I guess the Times
is gonna follow up the case.
Yes. Good-bye.
Say, what are you gonna
use for a follow-up?
What follow-up?
Well, the thing is snowballing.
I want more of it.
Well, do you wanna
give me a raise, or do I just get...
...the 5,000 from Wiecek's mother?
Look, Mac. My job's to print the news
that's fit to print.
Did it ever occur to you that we might be
sellin' this dead cop short?
Maybe he had a mother
that scrubbed floors too.
[ Ringing ]...
...[ Ringing Continues ]
And another thing,
remember what Wiecek said...
...about that judge that
promised him a new trial?
Well, the judge died
three weeks after the case was closed.
He's been dead for 11 years.
That Wiecek's a pretty
smart cookie, you know.
He gives me a lead
and knows I can't check up on it.
Well, why don't you take a different lead?
Look, Mac. You know we're
getting more than...
...20 phone calls per hour from our readers.
Yeah, and every time that phone rings,
you see those great big juicy headlines.
I know, 'Chicago Times
Clears Innocent Man.'
Well, why not?
- Well, why not? It's impossible, Kelly.
You can't do a thing like that.
- Listen, Mac.
If you don't like the story,
if you think he's guilty, end it.
Write a finish piece, and kill it.
- I'll take that deal.
I'll interview his wife. She believed in him
so much, she divorced him.
That ought to kill it for good.
[ Children Shouting ]...
...[ Train Whistle Blaring ]...
...[ Knocking ]...
I'm looking for Helen Rayska.
- Yes.
I'm McNeal of the Times.
I'm doing a series on the Wiecek case.
Oh, yes. I read them.
Please come in.
This way, please.
Oh, excuse me. Just a minute.
I got your address from
your former mother-in-law, Tillie Wiecek.
I haven't seen her since the divorce.
I guess she doesn't feel
very kindly towards me.
- Will you sit down, please?
Do you think there is a chance that
Frank will get free?
Do you want him to?
- Sure, I want him to.
Would you be waiting for him?
No. No, I wouldn't.
I married again.
- Oh.
But I'd be glad for Frank...
...because he's a fine man.
And because he's innocent.
He was at home with me
when the policeman was killed.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
You were bakin' a cake.
Uh-- You loved him-- then, I mean.
I did... very much.
But the lonely nights
were too much for you.
You couldn't go on that way. Was that it?
- Oh, no, no.
No, that's what Tillie might think.
I loved him.
I would have stuck to him.
But Frank wanted me to get the divorce.
Hmm. Did he pick out
your new husband for you too?
It's the truth.
Did you contribute to the reward money,
or did Tillie earn all that by herself?
No, I couldn't help.
I haven't anything.
My husband, Mr. Rayska...
...takes care of me and
my boy-- Frank's boy.
I can't ask more than that.
He is a good man, and he loves me
and he loves the boy.
We're lucky.
Yeah. You seemed to have
got out of it all right.
Mr. McNeal, I told you the truth about
the divorce. Frank wanted it.
Well, it's going to very hard
to make people believe it.
Frank's wife says he's innocent and shows
her faith by divorcing him, you know.
But that's just the way it was.
[ Helen ] I went up to see him that day...
...wanting him to keep up hope,
wanting to cheer him up.
He looked depressed, the way you do
when you're terribly worried.
How have you been?
- Fine.
How have you been?
- Fine.
How's Ma?
- Fine.
And the boy-- How's the boy?
Oh, he is fine.
Always fine.
Everything's fine.
We have nothing to say anymore.
Oh, Frank, darling, please.
- I know. I know.
So many things you don't say.
You don't want to talk
about the outside, because I'm in here.
You don't want to remind me.
But I remind myself.
I think of lots of things.
Helen, tell me, how--
how's the boy doing in school?
He's doing very well, Frank.
But what about the other boys?
Kids can hurt him bad.
They're only kids, Frank.
- Yeah.
They do not know what they are saying.
- They know--...
...son of a jailbird,
cop-killer's son.
Oh, it's nothing, Frank.
I was thinking about moving
to a new neighborhood anyway.
He'll go to a new school.
- No, it's no good.
A new school is no good, Helen.
A new name, that would be good.
- I'm--I'm just like dead, Helen.
In 30 years, maybe I can get a parole
if I'm lucky.
Thirty years.
Helen, you've--
You've got to divorce me, Helen.
You can't mean that, Frank.
- Yes.
Love's not for us anymore, Helen.
It's finished.
Now we must think of the boy...
...only the boy.
My boy must live for me.
But I couldn't do it, Frank.
I just couldn't.
And for over a year,
I wouldn't do it, Mr. McNeal.
[ Sniffles ] But Frank kept begging me
and begging me.
Then I met Mr. Rayska.
He loved me, and he was fond
of little Frank.
He understood everything about us.
Well, what about the boy?
Does he know?
Yes. He knows.
But now, everyone calls
his father Uncle Frank.
We've made a point of that.
- [ Door Slams ]...
...[ Boy ] Mom..
- [ Running Footsteps ]
Look, Mom. Brand-new--
He lost the other one.
This is Mr. McNeal of the newspaper.
And that's my husband,
Mr. Rayska.
- And that's my boy, Frank.
- How are you? Say, I'd like to get...
...a couple of shots of you and the boy.
- That's all right.
Come on, son. Sit right there.
- Come over here, Frank.
Here you are.
- [ Train Whistle Blowing In Distance ]
Hey, Pete.
Mr. Rayska, you mind if I ask you
a couple of questions?
Certainly not.
Were you in Chicago in December of 1932?
Yes, why?
- Did you know Helen then?
What do you mean,
asking such a question?
Any objections to answering?
- No. No objections.
He's got to ask
everything, dear. I know that.
I didn't meet Helen
till after she was divorced.
This can be proved by our friends.
- I see. I see.
You understand
I have to ask a lot of questions.
l-- Sorry.
What's he askin' all the
questions for anyway?
What's the big idea?
It's about your Uncle Frank.
- He's not my uncle. He's my father.
Well, thank you, folks.
[ Groans ]
Darling, wake up.
What's the matter?
- Hungry?
Want a nice sandwich?
- No, no, no, no, no--
You've been gnashing
your teeth and making an awful noise.
I've never known you to be like this, Jim.
Well, maybe it's something I ate.
I ate the same things.
Well, maybe it's something I wrote then.
[ Sighs ]
Hey, you look nice.
Will you marry me?
I did.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right.
- You're welcome.
Just remember, I'm here.
Well, come on over here.
Maybe we can work this out together.
What's the matter?
Won't the pieces fit together?
Some of'em, but they make
the wrong picture.
Pieces never make the wrong picture.
Maybe you're looking at them
from the wrong angle.
Sometimes it's mighty hard to figure.
Why don't you let go?
You want him to be innocent.
You want him to be free.
Admit it.
- Well, maybe you're right.
Maybe I do want him to be free, but that
doesn't make me believe he's innocent.
If you want to believe,
that's enough.
Believe it.
Will you marry me?
Oh, that's right. You did.
Will you fix me that sandwich then?
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
Hey, Kelly? Have you seen this item
on the warehouse fire?
Might be a firebug, arson ring.
You think there's anything to it?
- There might be.
Well, follow it up.
Is that an assignment?
- Sure.
Oh, Mac. I know there's nothing more
to the Wiecek case.
It's all washed up, but before you tackle
this warehouse yarn--
The warden called me this morning.
Wiecek wants to see you again.
Well, for what?
- I don't know. Maybe he wants to confess.
Well, I was just up there.
Don't I get time off for good behavior?
Wiecek's been up there for 11 years, Mac.
That cop's been buried longer than that.
Hello, Wiecek.
Mr. McNeal.
I sent for you to tell you that...
I don't want you to write anymore...
...about me or my family.
I've read what you've written.
I've seen the pictures of my mother... wife and my boy.
We've poured our hearts out to you...
- Well, you wanted help, didn't ya?
That's the only way you can get people
interested in the case.
Nobody's gonna read a little two-line ad
like your mother ran in the paper.
A half a million people
have been followin' this story.
Now somebody might know
the killers and get in touch with us.
I don't want that kind of help.
I'll stay here a thousand years.
But you must not write anymore...
...about my wife and
my mother and my boy.
My mother is doing this for me,
not to sell your papers.
Oh, now, wait a minute. Wiecek.
- I made my wife divorce me... my boy has a new name.
Now you put his picture in the paper,
spoiled everything for him.
I don't know.
I thought I was doin' a good job.
No. This is writing without heart...
...without truth.
Before, I thought maybe
some crook lawyer...
...would try to get the
$5,000 from my mother.
But this, I never figured.
Yes, I say it.
I'll stay here. I'll stay here a thousand years.
But never write anymore about my family.
Leave them alone.
Leave alone my wife and my boy.
What do you make of that?
Well, I guess he figured
you pitched him some pretty low curves.
Why, it was a story.
I wrote what I saw.
You know, up here
every man claims to be innocent.
But the prisoners
are the harshest judges of themselves.
And they believe we have only two men
who don't belong here--
Tomek Zaleska and Frank Wiecek.
All right, Warden. Say, l-I wonder if you'll
let me try something else?
I'd like to talk to Tomek Zaleska.
[ Warden ] I'd like to talk to Zaleska.
- [ Man ] Yes, sir.
[ Lock Rattling ]
Tomek, this is McNeal of the Times.
He'd like to talk to you.
- [ Zaleska ] Yes?
Warden, would it be stretchin'
the rules too much...
...if I talk to him alone?
Well, no. Oh, go right ahead.
- Thank you.
Are you familiar with the work
the Times is doin' for Wiecek?
Yes, sir.
Now, look, Tomek. We want to clear up
this Bundy case one way or the other.
We don't think Frank was in it with ya.
Now, if you confess and
name the man that was...
...really with you that night...
...the Times will do
everything in its power... get ya a parole
for turning state's evidence.
The chances are
you'll be outta this place in a few years.
Now, wh-what have you got to lose?
You're in for life now.
Come on. Tell us the truth.
Sure. I could say I did it.
Then maybe have a chance
of getting out like you say.
But if I confessed...
...who would I name
as my partner? Joe Doakes?
I couldn't make it stick for one minute.
That's the trouble with being innocent.
You don't know what really happened.
I didn't do it.
Me and Frank had nothin' to do with it.
Okay, Tomek.
[ Cell Door Clatters ]
You must run a nice jail.
This guy doesn't want to get out either.
I'm gonna get this outta
my system if I never write another line.
Warden, do you think
Wiecek'd talk to me again?
Yeah. Yeah,
I imagine he would.
I'll take you over to the hospital.
He works there.
Frank, Mr. McNeal would like to talk
to you again if it's all right with you.
Look, Frank. I've decided
to go on with this case.
I'll slant the story your way.
I also want you to know
I'm still not convinced you're innocent.
But I'm willin' to dig-- get the facts.
But remember this.
If I ever catch ya lyin'...
I'll blast you so hard, you won't even
get a parole when your 33 years are up.
Is it a deal?
I've nothing to be afraid of. It's a deal.
Okay, Frank.
I want you to give me some information.
This, uh-- This judge you told me about.
You know, the one that died?
Were there any witnesses when he told you
he'd try to get you a new trial?
Yeah, there was a bailiff.
- Uh-huh.
What was his name?
- I don't know.
Well, I'll find out. What was the name
of your lawyer?
His name was Underwood.
- Underwood.
Where does he practice?
- He's disbarred now.
That's great-- a disbarred
lawyer and a dead judge.
All right. What else?
- There's Wanda Skutnik.
It was she alone who put me where I am.
She identified me.
But the other two witnesses--
Gruska and the mailman-- said no.
Then there was the police captain.
He was the one who got
Skutnik to say I was the man.
He stood right alongside
of her when she picked me out.
She was afraid of him.
- What was his name?
I never found out.
He wasn't at the trial.
Well, where can I find this Skutnik dame?
- l-I don't know.
That's nice material.
- That's all I got, but it's the truth.
Would you be willing
to take a lie-detector test?
Mr. McNeal, for 11 years...
I've been waiting for a chance
to get at that box.
You know what you're up against?
If it turns out bad,
you're cooked.
If it turns out good, it's only
Leonarde Keeler's professional opinion.
Doesn't count legally.
- I'll take the test.
Okay, I'll fix it up for ya.
Listen, kid. Take it from me.
Keep away from Keeler
and that lie detector.
Oh, I'm not afraid of it.
- That's what I said.
Why, I had the cops, the state's attorney,
even my own lawyer believin' in me.
I was a cinch. Then they talked me into
going up against that box.
Well, what happened?
- What do you mean, what happened?
I'm doin' life, ain't I?
Well, the only thing the machine is for... to record the emotional
reactions of an individual.
Uh, we place a blood pressure
cuff about the upper arm of the subject.
And then, through the impulses
to the timer system...
...record the variations
in blood pressure and pulse on this stylus.
Then the pneumograph
is fastened about the subject's chest...
...and we record the changes
in the respiration.
And the electrodes fasten on the palm
and the back of the hand... record the changes
in the electrical conductivity of the skin.
It's a very sensitive criteria
for emotional reaction, emotionality.
Mr. Keeler's all ready for you, Frank.
Sit down, Frank.
[ Keeler ] Just take it easy and relax.
[ Wiecek ] I'll do the best I can, Mr. Keeler.
[ Footsteps ]
Hello, Mac.
What are you doin' here?
What are you doin' here?
I was drivin' out to Decatur
to see my brother and... thought I'd stop by.
I've never seen a lie test before.
Decatur's out the other way.
Yeah, well, l-I took the detour,
the long way around.
Yeah. Yeah.
These are a pair of electrodes.
I've clipped them to the palm
and the back of your hand... pick up the electrical changes
in the nervous system.
I'm gonna try an experimental test now.
I want you to take
one of these cards, look at it...
...remember the card that you chose,
and then place it back in the group.
I'm going to ask you one card at a time...
...and I want you to say 'no'
to each card that I ask...
...including the chosen card.
Do you understand?
- Yes, sir.
Now, just face forward.
Don't watch the machine...
...and sit quietly as you can.
- [ Clears Throat ]
Hey, what's he doin' that for?
Oh, he's forcing him to lie
so it'll show on the graph.
Gives a good basis
for judging Wiecek's reactions.
Did you choose the seven of clubs?
- No.
Did you take the three of spades?
Did you take the queen of hearts?
Did you take the ace ofhearts?
- No.
Did you take the five of diamonds?
Did you take the six of clubs?
- No.
You took the five of diamonds, Frank.
Did you?
- Yes, sir.
Now, I have a prepared list
of questions... I'll ask you.
And I want you to answer
all these questions now by 'yes' or 'no.'
And if you have anything to explain,
do that after I ask you all the questions.
Just turn around and face forward.
Sit as quietly as you can
all the way through the test.
Now, don't forget, just 'yes' or 'no'
all the way through.
- Is your name Frank Wiecek?
Did you have breakfast this morning?
- Yes.
Do you know Tomek Zaleska?
- Yes.
You're 6 feet tall. aren't you?
- I'm 5 foot 9.
Just a minute now, Frank.
Just 'yes' or 'no' all the way through.
I'm-- I'm sorry, sir.
- And sit quietly.
Yes, sir.
- I'll have to begin again now...
...and just ask you some
of these questions.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Is your name Frank Wiecek?
- Yes.
Were you in Wanda Skutnik's
store on December 9?
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
Were you home at the time of the robbery?
That's all I'm going to ask you.
Just sit quietly now for a few moments...
...and I'll take it off.
- Yes, sir.
Well, we're all through, Frank.
Good-bye, and I'll probably see you later.
See you later, Frank.
What's the verdict?
- Well, there's the record.
What was that?
What's that jump there?
[ Keeler ]
Well, he reacted in all three curves...
...uh, very specifically.
He lied to that question.
Is that where you asked
him if he killed Bundy?
'Are you married?'
Well, he-- But he-he didn't lie.
He-He isn't married. He's divorced.
- Yes, but he's-he's a Catholic.
And he still thinks he's married.
And he feels within himself
that he's married.
And so, he reacted in deception.
But do you think he lied
about anything else?
Well, we've run so many records today--
four or five of them--...
...and I'd like to take a little
time to go over them...
...and compare one record
with another and the reactions.
And, well, I'll call you
later on this afternoon...
...and let you know.
- All right.
Hiya, McNeal.
What can I do for you?
Say, Larson, I'd like to check
on the date of arrest...
...of a fellow by the name of Frank Wiecek.
You mean, the cop-killer?
- I'm just trying to do a job.
I'm afraid I can't help you, McNeal.
Our arrest books for 1932
are in the warehouse.
They're not available.
What do you want me to do,
go to the commissioner?
You know where you can go,
as far as I'm concerned.
Here it is.
'Booked for murder December 23.'
[ Shutter Clicks ]
- That make ya happy?
One of the things I was lookin' for.
He was booked on the 23rd.
Now, if I could just find out
if he was arrested before then.
What difference would that make?
Well, if he was arrested before the 23rd...'d prove that this Skutnik dame
could've seen him a couple of times...
...before she identified him.
Captain Norris of the New City Precinct
handled the Skutnik identification.
He never operated that way.
Captain Norris, huh?
Say, let me see the arrest books for
December 1932, will ya?
I can't help you on that.
- Look, all I'm trying to do is to find out...
...whether this fellow Wiecek
is a cop-killer or not.
Back during Prohibition,
the police department... tough when a cop got killed.
Now you're talkin' like the guy in the street.
Always thinks we're runnin' around with
rubber hoses beatin' up innocent people.
Look. You seem to think
the cops framed Wiecek.
You're the one that's doing the framing.
You're framing
the best police department in the country.
Bundy was a good cop and a good man.
Why don't you write
about his wife and son?
And about the other 357 cops
killed in the last 20 years?
Back in 1932,
they did a lot of things.
Maybe they did, but they
weren't always wrong.
How do you know?
Were you in the division at the time?
No. All I can say is...'s awful hard for a man like me
to be fair to a cop-killer.
And supposing he isn't a cop-killer?
Maybe I ought to help ya,
but I just can't.
You've helped me plenty.
Don't worry.
Captain Norris, huh?
Had charge of the Skutnik
identification, huh?
Well, it looks like
he's sort of mixed up in this himself.
Maybe I'd better go over and talk to him.
You'd better take a shovel with ya.
You'll have to dig him up.
He died in '38.
[ All Chattering ]...
- Hi, Mac. Off your beat, ain't ya?
Yeah, yeah, sort of.
I need some help.
Nah. Lay off of me, Mac.
The word's gone out to
keep away from you.
I've done you a lot of favors, Matt.
Is there anyplace I can find some records...
...of people that come in here
and look at the police show-ups?
Material witnesses.
Somebody might have been subpoenaed... come in here and identify Wiecek.
If we kept that kind of stuff,
the books would fill Soldier's Field.
Would there be any photographs,
anything like that?
We don't take no pictures in station houses.
Press boys might get
a shot of the witnesses on the steps...
...but never inside.
Now, look, Mac,
if I'm seen talking to you...
I'm gonna be back walking my old beat.
Why not be a good guy
and don't be here when I get back.
Can I use your phone?
- Yeah. Use that line. Don't touch those.
Uh, this is McNeal.
Give me Kelly.
Say, check through our files
and see if any of our boys took pictures... the Wiecek arrest in 1932.
Get someone to check the Tribune
and the rest of the papers. And listen, Kelly.
A photographer takes
maybe 10 shots, prints one of them.
I want to see the other nine.
And listen.
The Herald Examiner--
They were still
in business then, weren't they?
This is just their kind of picture.
I'll check on that myself.
- [ Buzzing ]
Hey, uh, I just thought of something.
See ya later.
[ Buzzing ]
- New City Precinct.
This is McNeal over at headquarters.
You got the book
in the Wiecek arrest, 1932?
Yeah. But we've been told
to pull it out of the files.
I'll drop over and see it.
Okay, be right over.
Yeah, I'm McNeal.
I just phoned you from headquarters.
You got that book on the Wiecek arrest?
Come in.
Thank you.
What did you find?
Wiecek was arrested
in the morning of the 22nd.
But he wasn't booked
until the afternoon of the 23rd.
Norris took his time, didn't he?
- What did you say your name was?
- What division?
I'm McNeal of the Chicago Times.
This is confidential information.
This is public information,
and I'm entitled to use it.
We've got our orders. You got a beef,
you talk to the state's attorney's office.
That's a good idea.
I think I will. In the meantime...
I wouldn't let anything
happen to that book if I were you.
[ Keyboard Clacking ]
Mac. Hey, Mac.
Hey, this is hitting him pretty hard, isn't it?
I haven't even started on him yet.
I think this whole thing stinks.
- [ Buzzing ]
Kelly speaking.
Yeah. Yes, sir.
Right away.
That's the boss.
He wants us both.
Let's go. Let's go.
Go right in, Mr. Kelly.
Mr. Palmer's waiting.
Mr. Kelly, Mr. McNeal,
I believe you know the commissioner.
How do you do, sir?
Mr. Faxon, from the state's attorney's office.
And this is Robert Winston,
representing the governor.
How do you do, sir?
Of course, you know Mr. Burns.
Mr. Kelly,
these gentlemen object... our handling of the Wiecek story.
Mr. Kelly, we feel that the Times,
through you and Mr. McNeal... slinging mud on one of the finest
police departments in the United States.
And specifically,
we object to your efforts... arouse sympathy
for a man who killed a police officer.
We'd just like to point out, gentlemen...
...that Frank Wiecek
was convicted by a jury.
His case was reviewed
by the Supreme Court...
...and the conviction was upheld.
All these legal authorities believed
in Frank Wiecek's guilt.
Well, a long time ago,
a lot of people believed the world was flat.
Well, at this late date,
do you wish to impugn...
...the integrity of the jury and the court?
If they were wrong, yes.
Back in 1932...
...a steady stream
of convictions made good publicity.
Frank Wiecek was found guilty,
and he belongs where he is.
Were you in the state's attorney's
office in 1932?
Why, uh, yes, I was, but I didn't have
anything to do with the Wiecek case.
I have no ax to grind, Mr. McNeal.
But I believe you're unnecessarily
discrediting this regime.
Furthermore, your stories...
...may be holding out
false hope of a pardon... both Frank Wiecek and his mother.
I'm not so sure it's false.
- We are.
Look, up until now, what
we've printed was based...
...on interview and investigation.
We've invented nothing,
and we don't intend to.
A great deal of emotion
and color can be lent to simple facts.
The governor feels this entire matter is
undermining law and order.
But Wiecek is innocent.
It'd be criminal for us to stop now.
Well, you must remember,
Mr. McNeal...
...that another political party
was in power at that time.
We're not to blame,
but the public tars us with your brush.
You can't destroy the
confidence we've built up... this regime just to sell newspapers.
It may have started like that,
but it isn't that way anymore.
Now, look, gentlemen,
believe me, this man is not guilty.
I don't know if he's guilty or not...
...but we don't want this police force
persecuted anymore.
What's the difference--
- Just a minute, gentlemen. The...
...governor wants this cleared up.
We're not asking you
to forget the man if he's innocent...
...but we don't want this dragged on and on
just to promote circulation.
We have a proposition
to offer you to settle this once and for all.
I can suggest to the governor...
...that he set up a hearing
in the Pardon Board.
If Wiecek is exonerated,
he'll get a pardon.
But if you can't clear him,
you're to drop this matter once and for all.
Is that a deal?
What do you say, Mac?
It's a deal if Mr. Palmer says so.
It's a deal.
I'll ask the governor
to set up a special hearing next week.
Are you ready to accept that?
- Yes, I am.
There's just one thing,
Mr. McNeal.
If you go before a pardon board
and they turn him down...'ll go on Wiecek's record.
Then when he's eligible for parole...
...that record may hurt his chances.
Now, mind you,
there's no regulation...
...there's no law...
...but the very fact that he was investigated
by the Pardon Board...
...and turned down...
...may have a prejudicial
effect upon his application.
What you're doing is gambling
with Wiecek's parole.
Well, that's a chance we'll have to take.
Well, gentlemen,
that's settled, then. We're agreed.
Thank you very much, gentlemen.
We'll live up to our end of the bargain.
Good-bye. Good-bye.
- Good-bye, sir.
Well, you two seem to be satisfied,
but Mr. Burns doesn't seem to be.
I'm not.
As your attorney,
I think you've made a bad deal.
While I have read
the transcript of this case...
...and am familiar with some of the things
Mr. McNeal found...
I am not at all certain that we have
sufficient evidence to obtain a pardon.
But you haven't seen
all of the evidence yet, Mr. Burns.
What, for instance?
- Well, in the first place...
I've talked to the bailiff of the court.
He corroborated Frank's statement
that the judge promised him a new trial.
What basis did the judge have
for making that promise?
I don't know.
If he made it.
- He made it, all right. Here's... affidavit from the bailiff.
That's not proof.
It's inconclusive.
All right. All right.
Forget about that.
I have a lie-detector test and Keeler's
sworn statement that the fellow is innocent.
Gruska and Decker,
the other two witnesses in the crime...
...maintain that Wiecek is not the man.
And they also testified
that this Wanda Skutnik...
...couldn't possible have
recognized anybody.
Well, have you found her?
What does she say?
Gruska and Decker contradict it.
But it's inconclusive evidence.
Now, what new admissible
evidence have you?
Well, there's a whole lot of new stuff..
The state's attorney's office
tried to keep me out of the record books.
That's the reason they had
that fellow Faxon up here.
And another thing-- Why is this
Wanda Skutnik dame keeping undercover?
A couple of mobsters
might have killed that cop...
...and threatened her for not playing ball...
...or maybe she's trying
to keep in good with the law, I don't know.
She ran a speakeasy.
- Now, look here, McNeal. I'm an attorney.
I know what it is to go...
...up before the Pardon
Board. They go on facts.
Facts? Okay. I'll give you
something better than facts.
I'll give you a picture.
Take a look at that.
Now, Wanda Skutnik
testified that she didn't...
...see Wiecek from the time of the murder...
...until the time she identified him
on the 23rd of December.
Now, Frank maintains that she did see him
several times on the 22nd of December...
...when the cops were taking him around
from station to station.
All right. That-That bears out
Frank's story right there.
There's a picture of Frank
and Wanda going in to one of the stations.
Where'd you get this, Mac?
I got it out of the files
of the old Herald Examiner.
Kinda figured they'd go
for a picture like that.
When was this taken?
Well, obviously on the 22nd.
- Oh, now look here, McNeal... can't just say that
obviously it was taken then.
You have to prove it.
- Well, I have the photograph--
When you go before the Pardon Board,
the burden of proof is with you.
But the picture--
- After all, it could have been...
...taken after she identified him.
McNeal, you've done a wonderful job... assembling all this evidence.
But the law of the State of Illinois
requires only one eyewitness...
...for an identification and conviction.
So far, that witness
has not altered her statement...
...and that fact still stands.
Mr. Palmer, in view of this,
I'm afraid I must recommend...
...that you permit me to get in touch
with those gentlemen...
...who were just here,
and ask for more time...
...or until I've had
an opportunity to go over the case.
Then your advice is to
call the whole thing off.
That's right.
- Then your advice is to call the whole thing off.
- That's right.
Oh, now, Mr. Palmer,
I realize that Mr. Burns....
knows more about the law
than I do.
But I want to tell you
some things about this case you don't know.
I went into this thing
believing nothing. I was skeptical.
I'd figured Wiecek is using
his mother to spring him.
But I've changed my mind.
This man is innocent, Mr. Palmer.
I know that without any doubt.
Now, it's true I haven't found Wanda Skutnik,
but I want a chance to find her.
I want a chance
to get this guy out of jail.
Now, if you call off this hearing,
I'll never get that chance again.
The bargain stands.
Thank you, sir.
Just a minute, McNeal.
Let me give you
one last piece of advice.
Even if you do find
this Wanda Skutnik...
I don't believe
she'll ever change her testimony.
There's only one thing for you to do--
discredit her, prove she's a liar.
Otherwise, you're wasting your time.
Just great. Great speech, Mac.
Now you've really got to
find Wanda Skutnik.
Now, listen, Kelly.
I haven't been wasting my time.
I know a lot
about Wanda Skutnik.
She used to run a speakeasy.
She's probably still in the liquor business.
She's Polish, and she
used to run around...
with a guy that works
in the stockyards.
Don't let your enthusiasm
get you into trouble.
- The stockyard's a tough neighborhood.
- Don't scare me, Kelly.
- Can you speak Polish?
- No, I can't speak Polish.
But if I have to learn to speak Polish
to find her, I'm starting right now.
- ##[ Orchestra.:Lively ]
- [ Bell Clanging ]
##[ Woman Singing
In Foreign Language ]
What'll you have?
Say, did you ever
see that woman before?
Her name's Wanda Skutnik.
- You a copper?
- No, no. No, no.
Her uncle died
and left her a little money.
I hear she's remarried.
I'm having a hard time finding her.
Money, huh?
I don't know. I'll see if the boys
in the back room know about her.
[ Chattering ]
[ Speaking Polish ]
Wanda Skutnik?
[ Polish ]
Much obliged.
No problem.
[ Narrator ] McNeal divided
the district back of the yards...
into blocks and sections...
and for days and nights, systematically
combed every beer parlor and saloon.
- [ Polish ]
- ##[ Lively ]
- ##[ Piano ]
- [ Man Speaking Polish ]
[ People Laughing, Chattering ]
##[ Orchestra ]
- Give me a bourbon.
- Yes, sir.
[ Keyboard Clacking ]
- What'll ya have?
- Give me some rye, will you?
Say, did you ever see
that woman around here?
No, I don't think I have.
Her name's Skutnik--
Wanda Skutnik.
A lot of women come in here,
but I don't know 'em by name.
- Your name McNeal?
- Yeah. Why?
I've been wondering when
you'd hit this neighborhood.
I've been reading
your stories in the paper.
- About Wanda Skutnik?
- Yeah.
- You know her?
- Used to.
- Used to be good friends.
- You know where I could find her now?
- I might.
- Where?
- What's in it for me?
- What do you want?
I owe him a buck, seventy-five.
Where is she?
- I ought to have one to talk on.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey. Couple of drinks here, huh?
What happens to Wanda
if you find her?
Oh, not a thing.
I'm just gonna ask her some questions.
- There ain't no warrant out
after her or nothin' like that?
- No, nothing like that.
Leave the bottle
here, too, will ya?
She hadn't ought to have
thrown them bricks at me.
- You know Honore Street?
- Yeah, yeah. Sure.
You go down there.
- 725.
- 725.
- What's her name now?
- Siskovich.
Wanda Siskovich.
But don't tell her I said so.
She's got a bad temper.
I don't want her throwin'
no more bricks at me.
Won't tell her a word.
There you are. Thanks.
[ Train Whistle Blowing ]
[ Train Whistle Blowing ]
[ Train Whistle Blowing ]
[ Clattering ]
[ Knocking ]
[ Woman ]
Come in.
- Who are you?
- I'm from the Times.
- Get out of here!
- So you're Wanda Skutnik.
I've been wonderin'
when you'd show up.
Now, look, lady, l-I'm not gonna
give you any trouble.
I'd just like to ask you
a few questions.
You want to cry
in my beer?
All I want to know is this:
Is there any possibility
that you might have been mistaken...
when you identified Wiecek?
Well, if you're so positive, we can prove it.
Will you take a lie test?
A lie test? You think I'm crazy?
Look, will you give me
a sworn statement?
I did my swearin' in court.
How many times did you see Frank
before you identified him?
- Never.
- You didn't see him
before the police show up?
No. Only when he killed the cop.
Look, I said all I got to say.
That's all there is, see?
What do you mean, "That's all there is"?
There's a lot more than that.
This kid's been up
in the pen for 11 years.
Now, look. I got to go before
the Pardon Board day after tomorrow.
Frank's got a good chance
to get off if you help him.
I got no reason
to help Wiecek...
and I got no reason
to help you, neither.
You're the one that wrote them lies about me.
I've been thinking of suing for libel!
That's the reason I wrote 'em.
I called you a liar...
and a bootlegger
and a finger woman.
I insulted you every way
I could think of.
And I'm gonna keep on
doin' it, see?
Go ahead and sue us for libel.
I'd just like to get you
up on a witness stand under oath--
Yeah, and you still
wouldn't get nothin' out of me!
[ Train Whistle Blowing ]
Why you bother her?
Put that down!
You want to go tojail?
Now, you get out of here!
Now, listen, maybe there's
something you didn't think of.
- There's a $5,000 reward, you know.
- Five thousand dollars!
And what's more, you don't
have to do anything about it.
Just tell me enough to clear things up,
get Wiecek out, and you get the 5,000.
- So what do I gotta do?
-Just tell the truth.
Who got you to identify him?
Who are you afraid of?
Nobody. Nothin'. Nobody.
I ain't afraid of nobody,
and I ain't got nothin' to say.
Wanda, it's $5,000.
Shut up!
Now, you get out of here!
You ain't gonna get
I identified him.
I told the truth. It's him!
I ain't never gonna change my mind.
It's him! Now, get out of here!
- Boris!
- [ Train Whistle Blowing ]
[ Keyboard Clacking ]
[ Keyboard Clacking ]
Well, Mr. Burns has given us
a clear picture of the situation.
If Wanda Skutnik can defy
the Pardon Board...
if the board has no authority
to subpoena her...
the power to make her talk,
then we're helpless.
What do we do now?
The thing for us to do now
is for me to appear...
before the Pardon Board
of Springfield this afternoon...
present our apologies,
and ask that the case be withdrawn.
Will that appear
on Frank's record?
Will it spoil his chances
when he becomes eligible for a parole?
No. His name simply
will not come before the board.
All right. That's it, then.
I'm sorry, Mr. Palmer.
I want to apologize
to you, too, Mr. Burns.
I thought if I found this woman, I could
make her talk, but I missed it. I'm sorry.
Okay, Mac. Kelly,
write a finish story...
on this Wanda Skutnik
and end the whole thing.
Get the paper off the hook.
I can get a train for Springfield
in about a half-hour.
Big day for the Wieceks.
"Write a finish story."
"Get the paper off the hook."
How do you end it?
First, you better go out
and see Wiecek's mother.
I couldn't do that.
I just couldn't do that, Kelly.
What do you want her to do,
read it in the paper?
[ Elevator Door Opens ]
- [ Children Chattering ]
- [ Train Whistle Blowing ]
[ Knocking ]
- Mr. McNeal! Come in.
- Thank you.
Oh! [ Chuckles ]
I've got to excuse myself.
I was not expecting company.
Oh, you mustn't regard me
as company, Tillie.
I was baking a pie for Frank.
Please sit down.
I get you some coffee.
l-I really can't stay, Tillie.
I just came out to talk
to you about something.
About the Pardon Board, yes?
Oh, I pray for this day!
I want to tell you about it.
Come over here and sit down.
And now--
now it has come! It is here!
- Tillie, I must tell you this.
- Yeah?
We're going to
call off the hearings.
We don't have a chance in the world
of getting Frank his pardon.
- No chance?
- No.
But you work so hard.
You do everything.
Everything I could.
You got lawyers.
He tell Pardon Board.
We have the best.
But don't you see, Tillie?
If we go before
the Pardon Board now...
it'll just be hurting Frank's chances
for a parole later on.
We can't get a thing
out of Wanda Skutnik...
and without her,
we have nothing.
I saw her at the trial.
She will never tell.
Like a rock.
She will never tell.
But she knows.
Yes, she's afraid.
She will not talk. Never.
And without her,
we have no evidence.
They got no evidence
when they sent my Frank to prison...
for 99 years.
I got no evidence
when I scrub floors every night.
Go without supper.
Walk to work...
so I save a nickel for Frank.
What is this "evidence"?
I can't tell you
how sorry I am, Tillie.
You try to help.
You're a good man.
But if this thing happen...
then we fight some more.
We fight more and more. Yes?
No, Tillie.
We're calling off the hearing.
The Times is dropping the case.
But if you go,
I got no friend left.
[ Weeping ]
No friends left.
No friends no more.
Big fool, me.
Sure I got a friend.
- [ Children Shouting ]
- [ Horn Honking ]
Where to?
Ah, the Chicago Times.
You're the fellow
that's writing those stories, ain't you?
- [ Mouths Word ]
- Seen the paper?
[ Bell Ringing ]
Hey, change that, will ya? Get me down
to police headquarters fast as you can!
Right away!
McNeal of the Chicago Times.
First door on your left,
Mr. McNeal.
Say, uh, did you make the enlargement of
the photograph of this forged check here?
Yes. Why?
I got a picture here.
I just wondered...
could you blow that section
of the picture up right there?
- Sure.
- Would all the details come out on it?
- That depends. You got the negative?
- No, that's all I got.
- Well, then, I'd have to make a dupe.
- How long would that take?
- Oh, couple of hours.
- What do you think?
Could you get started
on it right away?
But you're McNeal
at the Times, aren't ya?
- Been working on that Wiecek case.
- That's right. I'm McNeal.
At first, I thought
this guy was guilty.
Now I don't know.
Let me take a look at it.
- Hey, could I use your phone?
- Sure. Right over there.
I want to put in a person-to-person call
to Mr. Martin J. Burns.
He's up at the state capitol
in Springfield, Illinois.
That's right. Yeah.
Sorry, gentlemen.
The Pardon Board
is in special session.
The case of Frank Wiecek.
Gentlemen, I feel
somewhat at a loss...
because I came here to ask that
the petition of Frank Wiecek be withdrawn.
However, about an hour ago,
I received a telephone call...
from James McNeal
of the Chicago Times...
who informs me he has uncovered
the evidence we have been seeking.
It is conclusive evidence...
that supports the petition
of Frank Wiecek.
You may present
the evidence, Mr. Burns.
Unfortunately, gentlemen...
my telephone conversation with Mr. McNeal
was necessarily brief.
He's flying down to Springfield.
He should be here at any moment.
What evidence does he have?
What evidence does he have?
- I'm afraid I don't know.
- Mr. Chairman.
- Mr. Faxon.
- I object.
The state's attorney's office
has the right to demand...
orthodox conduct of this hearing.
If you have conclusive evidence,
present it.
Otherwise, we ask that the petition be
denied here and now.
Mr. Faxon, we certainly
intend to follow...
orthodox procedure in
this board of pardons.
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
[ Whispering ] Kelly's sending it
over the A.P. wire.
- Have you got anything at all?
- I don't have a thing.
We'll just have to stall them.
- Let me talk to them.
- All right.
Mr. Chairman, gentlemen...
I'd like to ask your permission to have
Mr. McNeal of the Chicago Times...
address the board.
- Granted.
- Thank you, sir.
Mr. Chairman, gentlemen,
I'd like to apologize for being late...
but it was just impossible for me
to get here sooner.
I, uh-- I don't know
how much Mr. Burns has told you.
Strictly from a reporter's
point of view, understand...
I've assembled what I feel
is a very solid case.
And of what does
this case consist?
Well, it consists of such debatable items
as a lie-detector test.
Now, I realize that you're unable
to accept that.
You want evidence.
But sometimes the weight of evidence,
just because it's in the record...
is heavy enough
to crush the truth.
We'll discuss the shortcomings of our
judicial system some other time, Mr. McNeal.
Yes, sir. I'm sorry.
I realize that at the present time
you want facts.
We have a notarized affidavit...
from the bailiff
ofJudge Moulton's court...
that the judge felt that Wiecek
did not receive a fair trial.
We have those documents
before us, Mr. McNeal.
They could hardly
be called conclusive.
Yes, sir. But as you probably know
from those documents...
Gruska and Decker contradicted Wanda Skutnik's
testimony, and those affidavits bear them out.
The board is aware
of that, too, Mr. McNeal.
But Wanda Skutnik has not altered
her testimony, has she?
Wanda Skutnik lied
from beginning to end!
She lied about everything!
You know, it's a very funny thing
about the statue ofjustice up there.
She has a sword in her hand.
It's a double-edged sword.
Cuts both ways.
It keeps cutting the ground out...
from under everything
in favor of Frank Wiecek...
but the other side of it,
that isn't so sharp.
It doesn't cut the ground
out from under Wanda Skutnik...
and she's the only one responsible
for Wiecek's conviction!
Now, I have a police record here
that proves that Wiecek was arrested...
on the 22nd of December.
I have another one here...
that proves he wasn't booked
until the 23rd of December, one day later.
Okay. Wanda Skutnik testified...
that she didn't see him
from the time of the murder...
until the time she identified him
in the police lineup.
Here's a photograph
of Frank Wiecek...
and Wanda Skutnik together...
going into a police station.
Now, take a look at that,
gentlemen. That's new.
And that's the basis
of my conclusive evidence.
The two photostats
of the police records...
merely indicate
that some time elapsed...
between Wiecek's arrest
and the time he was booked.
As a reporter, you know very well that this
is a common occurrence at police stations.
Yes, sir, but what about
that photograph?
It must be perfectly obvious to you,
Mr. McNeal...
that we have no way of knowing
when this picture was taken.
Was it on the 22nd or the 23rd?
Or during or after the trial?
Yes, sir. I know. Gentlemen,
that's what delayed me.
Now, if I do prove that that photograph
was taken on the 22nd of December...
one day before Wanda Skutnik identified
Frank Wiecek in the police lineup--
How about that? What then?
In that event, Mr. McNeal...
we might be obliged
to render a favorable decision.
- But can you prove it?
- Yes, sir. I think I can.
I just need a little time.
Time? Do you mean to say that you
still have no corroborating evidence?
No, I'm not sure.
The police laboratory
down in Chicago is enlarging...
this section of the photograph.
- Now, if the enlarging process--
- Yes, I know.
But how long will this take?
As soon as the enlargement is developed,
they're gonna send it...
over the wire photo system
from the Chicago Times...
to the Illinois StateJournal,
which is just a few blocks down here.
Now, all I ask, gentlemen,
is that you go down there...
- and see that thing with me.
- I object!
The methods of publicity previously used
in behalf of the plaintiff...
indicate that this may
rightly be regarded as an attempt...
to make journalistic capital
of this hearing.
I am authorized by the state's attorney's
office to state categorically...
that in the opinion of our office,
the facts set forth in Wiecek's behalf....
do not indicate that he was a victim of
a miscarriage of justice.
We're here to protect the interests of
the people of this state...
- not to sell newspapers.
- Mr. Chairman...
the governor ordered this hearing
for the purpose...
of arriving at the truth.
If you fail to consider
every item of evidence...
no matter how
improperly presented...
you have defeated
the very purpose of this hearing.
What is your decision,
Mr. Chairman?
Gentlemen, we'll go.
- Are you clear to Springfield?
- Yes, sir. The wire's open.
Well, hold it open.
I'll have the picture in a minute.
- Which one's McNeal?
- Yeah, right here.
Here are a couple of prints that came in
a while ago from Kelly of the Times.
This one's blown up
a hundred times.
This one 140.
- He said you'd understand.
- Okay. Thanks very much.
Excuse me.
Ask them if they're ready.
- Springfield, are you ready for this picture?
- We're ready.
- Okay. Here's the final lineup.
- Okay.
All ready, Mr. McNeal.
Gentlemen, let me explain
to you what's happening here.
As you remember,
this is the picture I showed you before.
And this is the area we're working on
right here-- the newsboy.
All right. Now, this print
is that area...
enlarged a hundred times.
And this print
is that same area...
enlarged 140 times.
Now, the picture
coming in now...
is this area right in here...
blown up as big as possible.
Well, what do you expect
to find in the enlargement?
The date on the newspaper
held in the newsboy's hand.
Is that possible?
Frankly, I don't know, sir.
It depends on
a whole lot of things--
the condition of the dupe negative,
the density of the print, the--
I've been doing
a little praying too.
That's it, Mr. McNeal.
Excuse me, please.
- How long will this take?
- Oh, it's a positive print. Shouldn't take long.
You can come along
with me if you want.
This way, gentlemen.
Remember, this is the area
I showed you.
There. It's beginning
to come through.
Now, what's the date?
What's the date?
There it is.! "December 22. "
Twenty-second of December!
There it is!
- Good-bye, Warden.
- Good luck, Frank.
Thank you.
A new suit and ten bucks.
Almost a dollar a year.
Oh, look, Frank.
It's a big thing
when a sovereign state admits an error.
Remember this-- There aren't many
governments in the world that would do it.
That's my daddy! Daddy!
[ Polish ]
- Helen.
- Frank.
- Frank, this is--
- Yeah, I know.
I want to thank you for everything
you've done for Helen and the boy.
And I want you to know, you can have the boy
with you whenever you want him...
- and for as long as you like.
- Thanks.
It's a good world... outside.
[ Narrator ]
Yes, it's a good world outside.
And Frank Wiecek is free--
free because of
a mother's faith...
the courage of a newspaper...
and one reporter's refusal
to accept defeat.