Cash for Gold (2024) Movie Script

[man 1] On behalf of the
President of the United States,
the United States Army,
-and a grateful nation...
-["Taps" playing]
...please accept this flag as
a symbol of our appreciation
for your loved one's
honorable and faithful service.
-[gun cocking]
-[man 2] Ready... aim... fire!
-[gun cocking]
-[man 2] Ready... aim... fire!
-[gun cocking]
-[man 2] Ready... aim... fire!
-[loud gunshot]
[panting heavily]
[sighs, sniffles]
[sniffs, exhales]
[stove burner clicking]
["Silent Night"
playing on radio]
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin
Mother and Child
Holy Infant
So tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
[liquid pouring]
-[kettle whistling]
-[music stops]
[whistling continues]
-Hey. Uh, it's Grace.
-[woman on phone]
Oh, hey, honey.
I--No, I hope I'm not
calling too early.
Listen... [clears throat]
...I know I owe you a call.
I just don't have
any shifts for you right now.
Um... just, like,
keep me off payroll.
-I--I can work for tips.
-You know I can't do that.
[sighs] But...
-Come on.
-I'm sorry, Grace.
Off-season's always slow.
Off-season and my tits aren't
as big as Ashley's, right?
-Still not about
your tits, Grace.
-Yeah, okay. Thanks anyway.
Hey, how are you two doing?
Oh, we're good.
We're great, thanks.
Oh, my God.
[laughing] Oh, my God,
I'm such an idiot.
-Mama, what happened?
-Hey, Bean.
Don't talk bad about yourself.
We will get you another one.
-Is it my birthday?
-Still a few weeks.
Will Papa know?
-How will he know?
I'm stuck.
[Grace] Hey. Just--look,
you just fix this part.
The rest is easy.
Okay. Come here.
-Blow out.
-[Noah exhaling]
-[Noah inhaling]
Good job. Good boy.
I wanna make a snow angel!
Bean, no time.
Go. Give me your backpack.
Thank you. Climb up.
[car horn honks]
Casey, hey!
Gotta take it, Grace. Keys.
If I can't get to work,
I lose my house.
Yeah, if I show up
without this vehicle,
I'm gonna lose my job, so.
You want me to call Jim? I--
Noah needed new meds and...
Casey! Mama got
this book at the library.
It's the whole world!
You sure are a smart one, Bean.
Damn it.
One week.
From today.
And that's it, Grace.
-Thank you! Thank you so much!
-[Casey mumbles]
One week.
[car door slams]
[car departing]
[melancholy music]
Come on. Go, go, go.
Go, go, go. Steps.
We were wondering
if you were coming!
How is the Bean this morning?
-Hi, Gammy Boots.
-[chuckles] Ooh!
[Noah] Gampy Shelley, it's me.
-It's Noah.
-[Shelley] Noah.
-[Noah] Want to see Antarctica?
-Listen, um...
Is there any way you can
pick Noah up earlier today?
Shelley's feeling poorly again,
and it's tough on his bad days.
I work until four o'clock.
I don't--I don't really see
-how I get here before 4:30.
-[Boots] Where are you at today?
[sighs] Tommy's. I still can't
get any shifts at Dublin's.
[sighs] It seems like walking a
minefield, your working in bars.
Come say goodbye, I gotta go!
Hey, Shelley!
If I could get another job
that paid anything close,
I would do it.
I'm fine.
Listen to me.
You gotta give Gampy Shelley
some breaks when he's tired.
-Deal. Love you, Mama.
Loved you first. Come here.
Mwah. Take Kitty. Go, go.
Guard this with your life.
He gets his second dose at--
Three o'clock, I know.
My cell is busted,
so if you need me, call work.
He might ask to see
the Christmas video.
He was just really scared that
with my phone not working.
Thank you, Boots.
[door closes]
[buzzer blares]
-[clerk] Hello, miss.
Welcome to Cash for Gold USA,
where we're guaranteed
to give you top dollar
for your possession.
How may I be of service
to you today?
Um... well, I really need cash,
and, um, I've got some gold.
You've come to the right place.
I'm confident I can make
for you what you'll believe
to be a fair trade.
Yeah, okay. Um, well...
[exhales shakily]
I've got this.
How much is this worth?
May I see?
Well, uh, it's impossible
to say without weighing it.
It's only ten karats?
Uh, however this works.
The scale's in the back.
One moment, please, okay?
I think it's... [speaking Farsi]
If you take a look, the gold
is ten karats, and, uh...
[speaking Farsi]
What do you think?
[man speaking Farsi]
[man] I appreciate your heart,
my son,
but we are running a business,
and not very well, at my best.
-It is probably for drug money.
-[clerk] Well,
how do you know that?
[man speaking Farsi]
Hey, miss, uh...
$60 for you, miss.
-[clerk] Sixty, yes.
That's actually,
though, an antique.
My grandma gave it to me,
so I'm pretty sure it's worth
a lot more than that.
I'm sorry, miss. Gold doesn't
always mean valuable.
-Are you sure?
-I'm sorry.
Now, would you like to sell your
jewelry to Cash for Gold USA?
Is that something you want?
[sighs] I just really
thought it would be worth
a lot more than that.
-Okay. I guess it is what it is.
I just think it sucks.
I want you to know that.
Here's, uh, 20, 40, 60.
And thank you.
-Have a nice day.
-Thank you.
it's worth a lot more than $60.
I might be in a bind,
but I'm not stupid, so please
don't try to jerk me around.
-I'll take it to the back
and weigh it.
-No, please. We--
-Please just tell me how much
it's worth yourself.
If you go back there, that man,
he's gonna yell at you
to keep the price low.
My father doesn't yell at me.
I make my own valuations.
I heard him yelling at you.
You're mistaken.
[speaking Farsi]
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm sorry. Just...
I don't wanna sell this.
My husband gave it to me when
we were 18, and it's all I--
it's all I have left of him.
Will you please just
tell me what it's worth?
It's worth nothing, miss.
-What? It's--
-I'm sorry, miss.
It's worth nothing.
Please go.
I'm sorry.
Miss, miss. Uh, your keys.
Thank you.
-What's this?
No, absolutely not, baba.
Should we continue to eat?
I understand, my son,
that you have utterly given up.
But I,
I would like to continue to eat.
Baba, we don't need anyone--
It's done.
-Walk that pittance to the bank.
Tea when you return.
[radio reporter]
...balmy three degrees.
Next, Hannah Ayers reports on
a string of local deaths
caused by heroin
laced with fentanyl,
part of an alarming trend
seen across the country,
and one that's hit
this county especially hard.
-[radio stops]
-You're late.
I'm so sorry.
I had to get Noah--
Don't you blame
that little angel.
'Tis the season.
[bells jingling]
Oh. Neither. Thank you.
-[clearing throat]
-Come on!
You were 26 minutes late.
I could just fire you.
That's a fine choice, Clarice.
-Rudolph's cute girlfriend.
This is the worst part
of Christmas. [grumbles]
Okay, you're, like,
some kind of wizard.
-Yeah. I'm very valuable.
You should put me on full time.
[laughs] Well, and I only have
so many shifts per week,
no matter how many times
you bust my ass about it.
See what other magic
you can make with this mess.
Gracie Dee! Aren't you
a sight for sore eyes?
-Get over here.
-Hey, stranger!
Hey, guys.
-[Joe] Hey, G.
-What up, Joey?
[Joe] Same old crap.
-How's my best girl?
Yeah? How's the little Bean?
He's good.
He's with Billy's folks.
Mmm. You getting along
with Boots?
We're making it work.
[woman] Mikey,
what do you wanna hear?
That's good.
Well, you tell him that
his godfather misses him a lot.
His birthday's coming up.
Why don't you come
and tell him yourself?
How are things?
Uh, yeah, you know.
Work's a slog,
but what are you gonna do?
Deer season was fantastic,
though, so I am golden.
That is not what I meant.
[woman] Mikey!
You don't wanna know what I got?
-What'd you get?
-I got an eight-point.
180-pounder big boy.
You let me know if you want
some tenderloin, okay?
[woman shouting] Mikey!
Metallica, Aerosmith, what?
What? What do I look like, huh?
The Grand Chancellor of Music?
Huh? Play whatever!
We're not gonna stay long.
What, Robby? Take a picture,
it'll last you longer.
[music starts playing
on jukebox]
I'll be down in the office
if you need me.
[sighs] Anyway.
[Joe] Hey, Gracie.
Can we get a couple cases to go?
Yep. You can grab 'em from
the walk-in on your way out.
Oh, and hey, uh,
it's not too much trouble,
I'd like to get a Jack,
if you have it.
-It's not even 10:00.
-Damn, girl.
Jeez, you are no fun since
you decided to stop drinking.
I gotta take a piss. Keep it.
Well, I still think you're fun,
Didn't you wear those at the
seventh grade Christmas dance?
I most definitely did not.
Is he drinking a lot?
Define "a lot."
He doesn't come by
the house anymore.
It's tough. It's really
tough for him, Gracie.
[door creaking]
[Mikey] So--so, yeah,
you should come tonight.
It's gonna be a lot of fun.
For the billionth time, Mikey.
I'm not partying.
And for the billionth time,
you are not an alcoholic.
[scoffs] Come on, it'll be fun.
Anyway, I gotta get Noah.
Can we go already?
[sighs] See you, sunshine.
Hey, look,
why don't you bring Noah?
He can sleep in my bed.
We'll be going late.
Think about it.
Be there or be square.
[door closes]
Don't get sucked back in there.
[Grace on video] Happy holidays.
[Billy on video] Happy holidays.
This is an extra special
holiday for us,
because what do we call him?
-[Grace] The Bean?
-[Billy laughs] I have purchased
and am about to deliver
the very first Christmas
for the little Bean.
-[Noah giggles]
-[Grace gasps] Oh, Billy! Oh--
[Grace laughing]
He's so cute. It's an--
[laughs] Oh, my gosh.
Yeah, no. Yep. I understand.
Okay. Thanks anyway.
[rock music playing
over speakers]
Please, I'll be quick.
[buzzer blares]
Be adorable.
In you go.
-Hello, sir.
We're closed. Please go.
That was so nice of you today,
but I don't take charity.
Fine, give me my money back.
I would like to
make a deal with you.
Who are these people, and why
are they standing at the door?
Come in, come in.
All right.
You were here this morning, yes?
I was. And your son was very--
I actually came
to apply for the job.
Thank you, but we're not hiring.
There's a sign in the window.
We are looking for a handyman.
I can do that.
My dad was a handyman.
I grew up fixing things.
I mean, pardon me, but I was
just noticing this morning,
you know,
things like this, this shelf?
That should be bolted to
the wall, so it's safe.
And this fixture right here,
that could be really cute.
It just needs to be cleaned up
a little, and, you know,
we'll paint the trim,
and clean up these floors, and--
And, also, no offense,
but it looks like you could use
a little help organizing things.
You've got, you know,
toys with the...
whatever that is.
Any four-year-old
would love this.
I love it!
we can't buy it right now, Bean.
All I'm saying is you've got
a lot of great stuff in here
that people might miss.
I like your store.
Can Mama work here?
[singing] Mama got a job!
[Noah] You're going to
work there?
I am! Did you like it there?
[grunts, laughs]
Good job, Bean. Good job.
This morning,
she was a drug addict.
[speaking Farsi]
she is a mother in need...
who brings her own tools.
[speaking Farsi]
[indistinct chatter
on police scanner]
[Mohammad sighs]
[sighs] Anything interesting
in the scanners tonight?
Nothing interesting
happens here.
I wonder what they say
when they sneeze.
[Mohammad laughing]
[Archie Bunker]
Who's that, Edie?
[Edith Bunker] The Chinese!
I mean, do they say
"God bless you"
or "Buddha bless you?"
[Mohammad laughing]
We can find someone better
than her, you know.
[scoffs] What do you
have against her?
There is something about her
I am liking.
And it would be nice to have
a woman around the place again.
Farah would hate to see
the store as it is.
You know she would.
[audience laughter on TV]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[dog whimpering]
[woman] Hasan. Hello!
[Hasan] Good evening, Evelyn.
Hello there, good Sophie.
How are you doing?
[Evelyn] She's good.
Getting old, just like
the rest of us. [chuckles]
So how's Mohammad doing?
Getting old,
like the rest of us.
[chuckles] Well,
you send him my best.
-Of course.
-[Evelyn] Say,
you should join me
at another Chamber meeting
one of these days.
It's good for networking,
you know?
I don't think
it was for me. I...
Just you and me, then?
Grab a coffee sometime?
Things are really busy
at the store, and, uh--
-[Evelyn] Oh. Okay, sure.
-It's just hard for me
to get away.
No need. I understand.
-Good evening, Evelyn.
-[Sophie barks]
[Evelyn] Good evening, Hasan.
[Mohammad snoring]
[ All in the Family
playing on TV]
[TV turns off]
[Mohammad grunts]
[Mohammad grunts]
[starter grinding]
[starter grinding]
-[starter grinding]
-Come on!
[exhales] Okay.
[exclaims] Oh, God!
-It's okay.
Just looked like
you could use a jump.
You got cables?
If I was you,
I'd drive her a good 20 minutes
and build up the charge.
You guys here from Florida?
Why would anyone do that?
[chuckles] For a job. I thought.
[Grace] That sucks.
-[woman shouting] Eric!
I need you to watch them
while I get in the shower.
I've been meaning to bring you
a casserole or something,
you know, welcome you
to the neighborhood.
-It's just been nuts lately.
-No worries.
Well, thanks. I owe you one.
Address, please?
-Echo Road.
-Echo Road.
Please fill this out.
-[Mohammad] Hasan!
-[Hasan speaking Farsi]
-Excuse me.
-Um, would you actually be able
to pay me cash under the table?
So it's under the table.
That's illegal.
No, right. Yeah.
[door closes]
[door opens]
Sorry I wasn't here
to greet you.
I had to take my medicine.
[grunts, sighs]
Don't ever get older.
[Grace chuckles]
Hasan, uh, acquaint our
new employee with the store.
Well, I don't know
where to start.
I do.
-You did this?
-[Grace] Mm-hmm.
Last night?
Where are the cleaning supplies?
What do you need?
[laughs] Everything.
Supply closet's in the back.
Okay. I'll find it.
You can read your book.
I do more than just read a book.
Let me know when you're done
with the task so I can check it.
[uplifting music]
-Um, this is a bigger job
than I thought.
-Well, if you're not up for it--
No, I'm just--I'm going to
the hardware store.
I'll be back in a minute.
[recites prayer]
I'll see you tomorrow.
Can you buzz me out?
[buzzer blares]
[classic rock music
playing over speakers]
Out like a light.
I'm sorry about the doubles.
It won't be forever.
[sighs] You look tired.
I'm okay.
[Graces grunts]
Okay, Bean.
Thank you, Boots.
[birds chirping]
[wind gusting softly]
Um, I left my...
Oh, thank you.
-You didn't look in it, did you?
Well, I really hope not,
'cause it's private.
Oh. Time for morning tea.
Oh, no worries.
I'm just gonna get started.
-Well, that's what they call--
Ah, ah!
Oh. No, thank you.
["The Echo & The Shadow"
by The Well Pennies playing]
Love, please
Bring your heartbeat
Bring your silent song
To life
Bury every worry
Every burden on your mind
May your heart keep close
May your heart hold high
And louder
Louder than the echo
And brighter
Brighter than the shadow
Oh, you are
Oh, you are, ooh
[Grace laughs]
Going to your other job?
Uh, no.
I get to spend with my boy.
You must be tired.
-Thanks for lunch.
Oh, goodnight, Mohammad!
Oh, goodnight, my dear.
[Grace] Wait, wait, wait!
I have my payment!
[Grace & Noah singing]
Then I'd be happy
All my life
If she would marry me
Buffalo gal
Won't you come out tonight?
["O Little Town of Bethlehem"
by Jessica Toltzis
playing on radio]
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy
Dark streets shineth
The everlasting light
The hopes and fears
Of all the years are met in
-[answering machine beeps]
-[woman] Hello, Mrs. Sanders.
This is Donna Olson
with First National calling
about your delinquent mortgage.
If you could please
-give me a call, I would--
-[Boots] Listen, I think
everything's gonna be all right
but, um, I had to
bring Shelley to the ER.
[Grace on phone] What am I
supposed to do with Noah?
It's not my fault you don't
pick up your messages.
How about asking after
your father-in-law?
I know how he is, Boots.
Heart disease
doesn't get better.
They're gonna tell you the
same crap they always tell you,
and then they're
gonna send him home.
You're a real piece of work,
you know that, Grace?
I'm sorry, but I'm--Ugh!
[child] Oh, it's snowing!
[laughter, screeching]
[Eric] Climb up--Whoa!
Oh, it's slippery!
I don't want you to think that
you're my go-to for emergencies,
but my in-laws watch him,
and his granddad is sick today--
Hey, he can stay here.
-Yeah. When we can find work,
it might be a different story,
but for now,
Carly and me are here.
What's one more?
Uh, hi. What's happening?
Um, hi.
I'm--I'm Grace, next door.
She's in a bind. I told her that
Noah could stay with us today.
Come on. Let's go inside.
It's cold.
She's--she's gonna be fine.
Don't worry about it.
Okay. Um...
Do you guys smoke inside?
-No judgment. He has asthma.
-Nope. Nope.
Okay. This is his inhaler, and
I can show you how to use it.
Actually, Carly's niece
uses one. We're pros.
[Grace] Amazing!
He gets a dose at 3:00,
and my work number is
in there if you need anything.
[Noah] I would prefer to go
to Gampy Boots, please.
I told you,
Gampy's not feeling well today.
You could stay and play with...
Uh, Cassidy and Cody.
Cassidy and Cody!
Please, Bean?
Can we play in the trailer?
No. Uh, no, you can't
play in the trailer,
but we got way too many toys
inside, though. Okay, buddy?
Okay. I owe you one.
[chuckles] All right.
Come on. There you go.
Thanks. Call you later, Bean.
Bye. Thank you.
[setar strumming gently]
That's really pretty.
You're early.
Well, don't stop because of me.
Time to get to work.
It was, though. Really pretty.
-[Hasan] Can I help you?
-No, no. I got it.
Please, let me, let me.
Do, seh.
[Grace] Okay.
[Hasan] All right. Right here.
-All right.
-Thank you.
What does your ring mean?
Um, it--it's a--
it's called a fede ring.
You wanna see? I can show you.
So the hands mean, like,
loyalty or fidelity.
And then... there's a heart.
And that's for love.
-[Hasan] Hmm.
That's what that means.
[door creaking]
[bluegrass music
playing over speakers]
Grace around?
You see her?
Can I get a Jack, please?
You're not the only
person I can ask.
It's a small town, you know.
So, ask somebody else.
[Mikey] Make sure she gets that.
It's the venison I promised her.
Just leave her alone, would you?
I know she's trying really hard
to sort her shit out.
Just make sure she gets that.
[door opens and closes]
[gentle music]
It's been here forever. Take it.
Oh. Um, maybe next week.
Just take it. Something from us
for your son's Christmas.
That's really nice of you.
But when I can pay for it.
Window looks very nice.
Should there be a tree?
You know, we don't--we don't
really celebrate Christmas.
Oh, right. Yeah, sure.
It's just good business,
you know?
[Grace] Right.
[Hasan] Do you have
a big one at home?
A tree?
Uh, no.
You don't like Christmas?
Uh, you have a phone call
in the office.
A woman named Carly.
Hi, Carly. Is everything okay?
I'm, uh, just cooking dinner,
and Noah asked if he could stay.
I guess it's going well?
[chuckles] My kids
are learning new words.
well, does he wanna talk to me?
[shouting] Noah!
You wanna talk to your mom?
[Noah] No, thank you!
-[Cassidy] I'm hungry.
-[Carly] Okay. Downstairs.
at least he used his manners.
He can stay as long as you need.
maybe he'll rub off on my kids.
Yeah. No, yeah. That's great.
Okay. Thank you.
-[door opens]
-Your son is okay?
Oh. Yeah, yeah.
He's a cute kid.
Is it okay if I keep at it
for a few more hours?
-I'm not at my other job
tonight, and--
The workday is done.
Are you hungry?
You could've consulted with me.
That's all I'm saying.
[speaking Farsi]
I think we should use
the good dishes. Yes?
[car lock chirps]
Hello, Grace!
The door is downstairs.
Hasan, our guest is here.
Please go fetch her.
-Gotta close this.
-[Grace] Okay. Oh!
[elevator whirring softly]
[door opening]
Welcome, my dear, welcome.
Step inside, please.
Step inside.
Would you like to pray?
Oh, I don't really...
Uh--Oh, let's eat, huh?
May I have your plate?
[faint police scanner chatter]
So, your son, you named him
after the man with the big boat?
No. It's just a name we liked.
He could never get all
those animals on that boat.
I don't care
what the Quran says.
[scoffs] Hasan!
The what?
The Quran. Our holy text.
No, I know what it is, I just...
Noah and the Ark are in there?
Of course.
Would you like
some more of this?
-[Grace] Uh,
you are a really good cook.
Is this the, um--
What is this one called again?
Khoresh ghormeh sabzi.
This is the one with the, um...
-the limes that I like?
-Yeah, that's it, actually.
Yeah, yeah.
It has that in there.
-[indistinct] both of them.
-[all laughing]
You remember
what this one's called?
Mm-hmm. Um...
-Wait. Ba--ba...
[Hasan speaking Farsi]
Baba--ba-- bademjan. Bademjan!
-Oh, yes!
[all laughing]
I never thought that I would
like eggplant, but this?
-This is delicious.
-[Hasan] Thank you.
So, what is with
the police scanners?
I think the last time I saw
one of those, I was, like,
12 in my granddad's cellar.
Ah, it's Farah's fault.
-[chair scrapes]
Uh... I'm done, I'm--
-Can I--
-No, no, no, please.
You're the guest.
[chatter stops]
Did I say something?
[softly] No.
No, it's--it's me. Uh...
Farah was his world. His wife.
They met as children, and when
we left Iran, she came with us.
Um, five years ago,
there was a terrible accident.
He hasn't driven since.
You would have liked her.
Smart. Like you.
A safety officer in
our country before we left.
The scanners felt to her like a
connection to the life she left.
I guess it's just
a part of the, uh--
uh, what would you say?
The part of the, uh--
the atmosphere now.
Do you miss Iran?
Oh. Yes.
I miss the nights in Tehran.
I--I miss Jordan,
where I was born.
My extended family.
I love that whole part
of the world.
I feel like I belong to it.
So! [sighs]
[forced chuckle]
how do you know
how to do all these things?
-All what?
-All these things you do.
Building and organizing
and repairing.
You are very good
at these things.
My dad, um, and I
restored our house.
Here in town?
Well, it's way out on Echo Road.
Oh. And you did this
by yourself?
[Grace] With my husband.
You are married?
I'm widowed.
Ah. I'm sorry.
-What happened?
No, it's--it's okay.
Uh, he served in Afghanistan.
This has been so nice,
but I should let you get back
to your evening.
Oh, no, no, no, no, please.
The night is young
and so are you.
Oh, I don't know about that.
[chuckles] Um, I would be
forever indebted to you
if you did this favor for me.
Get this one out of the house.
Celebrate being
vital and healthy.
-Oh, I mean, I don't know.
-Well, I don't--
Go out where?
That you would have to
ask an old man this
is very sad to me.
You couldn't say no
to him either!
Can you at least tell me
where we're going?
Kidnapping's a crime, you know.
Follow me.
[pop music playing
over speakers]
-This is your place?
[overlapping chatter]
To what do we owe this honor?
[Grace] Just showing
Hasan around.
This is Robby.
He is the owner and chief
pain in the butt of the place.
You're the other boss.
I've heard a lot about you.
No, he has not.
-[chuckles] Welcome to my joint.
-Thank you.
-[Mel] Yeah?
Set Grace and
her new friend Hasan up
with a round on the house.
What'll you two have?
I--I don't drink, so I don't...
It's not mandatory.
I don't either. How about a pop?
Yeah, sure. Pop's great.
Make it two.
This is where you work
when work is done?
Uh, when I can get a shift, yep.
You're ambitious.
-No. Just poor.
-[Hasan chuckles]
So, where are you from, Hasan?
No, I mean from-from.
Ah, Tehran.
-Don't they hate--
Sorry. So, have you
always owned pawn shops?
Uh, my father was
a physician in Tehran,
and I was studying to do
the same before we came.
-You were?
-That's a big change.
-Yeah, it is.
[Hasan chuckles]
So, dinner was good.
Thank you.
[pool balls clacking]
Do you play?
Oh. I used to, a long time ago.
-Grab your drink.
-[Hasan] Oh, no, no.
-Grab your drink.
-No, Grace, I--
Hey, Joey.
You got room for a new guy?
Yeah. Should we, uh,
put some money on it,
make it interesting?
-Lag for the break?
-After you.
[Joe] Solid effort, man.
Rack 'em up.
My turn?
[Joe] It's your show, bud.
You got an easier shot there,
[Joe] Are you sure
you wanna take that?
-[onlookers exclaim]
-I'm sure.
[intense music]
He's sinking them in order!
[Joe] Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.
[laughing] What?
-[Grace] Oh...
-[Robby] Nice.
Joey... [laughs]
No way you're making that, man.
-Side pocket.
-[Grace] Shh!
[Grace squeals]
[laughs] What the hell?
"I used to play a little"?
Like riding a bike.
-Come on. How?
-Oh, another life.
Oh. Okay, a man of mystery.
-Are you having fun?
-Come on! That was fun!
-Okay, okay, I'm having fun,
I'm having fun.
-[Grace laughs]
-That was impressive.
-Thank you. Thank you.
-Your turn.
-Oh, no, I don't play.
You work here,
you don't play pool?
-No, no, no.
I'll teach you. Come on.
-Come on, Grace. You're being
offered lessons by a master.
Okay. I'll be terrible,
but okay. Okay.
[country music playing]
Uh, Jack and a beer back,
You see Grace?
[Robby] Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
Shut it. Shut it.
-Robby, shut up!
-[Robby laughing]
-Okay, I got it.
-Now, listen carefully.
-Now, line your body
with the cue ball, okay?
-[Grace] Okay.
-[Hasan] Then go right there,
right there.
-Cue ball!
[all exclaiming]
-[Robby] Almost.
-Hey, Grace.
Hey. Mikey.
Who's your friend?
This is Hasan. He's my boss
from the--the other job.
Hey, man. Nice to meet you.
-[Robby] Come on, Mikey,
don't be an ass.
-[Grace] Mikey. Come on.
We should probably go.
-Hey, where the hell
do you think you're going?
-Mikey, come on.
[screaming] Mikey!
-[Robby] Okay!
-[Grace] Are you okay?
-[Robby] All right,
that's enough!
-Are you all right? Okay?
-I'm okay.
-Is he okay?
-What is the matter with you?
What's wrong with you,
huh, Grace?
Is this who you're with now?
-Come on!
-Is this him?
Billy would lose his damn mind.
-Do not say his name to me!
-Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey!
-You know it's true!
-Grace, get the hell
out of here!
-We didn't do anything!
-I don't give a shit!
-Leave. I'll take care
of this knucklehead.
-[Grace] Damn it, Mikey!
Take that towelhead with you!
[Robby] Knock it off!
I'll finish him myself.
[both breathing heavily]
[Grace] I'm so sorry.
I--I don't know
what else to say.
[Hasan] Pull over right here,
-[Grace] Here?
-[Hasan] Just pull over.
[Hasan panting]
Pull over.
[breathing heavily]
What are you doing?
Like a lion. Roar. Roar!
-[Hasan] Yeah.
No. No, no. Like a lion. [roars]
-[intensely] Roar!
-More! Like a lion! Do it!
-[Hasan roars] Yeah. Yeah.
[both laughing]
[both roaring]
-[Hasan] Roar! Roar, roar, roar.
[both roaring]
[Hasan laughs]
[both roaring]
[Hasan] Oh, sh--[laughs]
[both laughing]
-Come on.
-[Grace exclaims]
[both laughing]
[heartfelt music]
-Are you okay?
-[both laughing]
[Hasan exhales]
Thank you, Grace.
Thank you.
[Mohammad snoring]
[Hasan speaking Farsi]
-Ah. You had fun tonight?
-I did.
-[Mohammad] What did you do?
-I got into a bar fight.
[chuckles] Sure you did.
Sure you did.
[Mohammad groans]
A bar fight?
[both chuckling]
[tender music]
[soft sobbing]
[spray can hissing]
[glass shattering]
What? [speaking Farsi]
[both chuckling]
[Mohammad] Is something wrong
with the heat again?
-What's this?
-[Hasan speaking Farsi]
[Mohammad gasps]
What about footage from
the security cameras?
We've been meaning
to get those fixed.
Hey, Grace.
Hey, Pauly.
What happened?
Somebody put a brick through
the window last night,
painted obscenities
on the building.
-You work here?
-She does.
[Pauly] Any idea
who'd wanna do this?
[Pauly] And what about you?
I'll file a report,
check with the neighbors.
Call us if
you think of anything.
And I'd get those cameras
fixed if I were you.
Mohammad, are you okay?
[speaking Farsi]
You can go.
[Grace] What?
You can go.
You don't know who did this?
We don't have any proof.
You don't know who did this?
You broke his heart!
For the work you've done,
get out.
-[Grace sobs]
You look like death warmed over.
Come on in.
Who you got watching Noah?
Uh, next-door neighbors.
I thought that place was vacant.
[Grace] Yeah. They're new.
What do you know about 'em?
They're nice.
Noah has fun there.
I'm not swimming in options.
You're making me nervous. Sit.
How's Shelley doing?
You said it. What he's got
doesn't get better.
Anyway, I got to
get over there soon.
He gets cranky
if I'm away too long.
-Will you give him my love?
-Of course.
What do you want, Grace?
I know you didn't
stop by here for coffee talk.
I messed up.
I'm aware that I'm not your
favorite person these days, but
I didn't know where else to go.
Don't lay that crap at my feet.
What crap?
I'm sitting here
having coffee with you
a picture of my dead son,
despite everything
that's happened,
and you're gonna talk to me
about how I don't like you?
You know who doesn't like you?
And until you
get right with that,
nothing's gonna change.
I wish I could help you, Gracie.
I really do.
But whatever you're
bringing here today,
whatever mess
you've made this time,
it's not gonna get better
until you face your part in it.
We all have to do that
for ourselves.
There is forgiveness in this
world, but you gotta ask for it,
and you can't ask it
from anybody else until
you can give it to yourself.
[Grace exhales]
Seriously, girl.
You look like you've been
chewed up and spit out.
I don't like it.
Mary Clarke's been asking
about you over at the meetings.
There's one this morning.
I'd be there myself if I didn't
need to go see Shelley.
I strongly suggest you get
your skinny ass over there.
Welcome to grief group.
Okay, everybody, circle up.
[man] Our Lisa.
Heart of an angel.
Graduated from nursing school.
Boy, oh boy,
she loved to help people.
By the time we understood
what was happening with her,
she was a full-blown addict.
Overdosed three times.
-That we know of.
-Oh, yeah.
That we know of, right.
[woman] Was in and out of rehab.
[sighs heavily]
You know, she was doing
real good after this last one.
Clean for five months.
Then they found her under
the Clarksboro Bridge.
She'd been dead a whole day.
I just keep playing it
over in my mind.
Where we went wrong.
Hold tight.
Hey, Grace, whoa.
Uh, are you okay?
Yeah. I just--I remembered
why I stopped coming here.
I don't think this is helpful.
I don't--It's like--[scoffs]
Move on, you know?
Move on.
How's that working for you?
We're together, so we can share.
I know it's hard,
but it's part of the--
The healing process. Yep. Yeah.
How long's that gonna take?
It's different for everyone,
but probably a very long time.
I wish I had better news
for you, sweetie,
but it's a process.
I wish you had better news, too.
How's your sobriety?
Uh, it's good.
No, it's great.
[speaking Farsi]
["I Remember You" by
Ellen Jewell playing on radio]
I remember you
You were full
Of broken bones
I tried to
Bring you cigarettes
You said
"Just leave me alone"
-[engine revs]
-I remember you
You were locked
In a padded room
Tried to teach
you solitaire
You just hollered
At the moon
I remember you
[Mohammad] She gave you
a real gift last night.
Perhaps we were too hard on her.
[car door beeping]
[Grace] That was my job, Mikey.
I lost my job.
Sounds like I did you a favor.
You shouldn't be working for
those guys in the first place.
What are you doing?
Put that down.
Give me that.
Do you know
what it's been like for me?
No, you wouldn't,
because you haven't been around.
Do you know when I see you?
When you come in the bar
to stock up and try to
bully me into partying
even though you know I am
trying to keep things right.
how's that working out for you?
Isn't this how you like me?
Isn't this how you
always liked Billy?
Loaded? Fun?
What time is it?
I bet you're a six pack in
and about to chew on the Jack.
Seems like you're a step ahead
of me, though, doesn't it?
I should cover you with this
and then tell the cops
where to find you.
-[Mikey] You're not
gonna do that, Grace.
Put it down. Put--
Grace, I'll help you
find another job, okay?
You don't need anything
from that guy.
What do you know about him?
I know that Billy
gave everything
fighting those fuckers.
-You don't know shit.
-Hasan was my friend.
-[Grace] You can't hate
your way out of being sad.
Hasan had nothing to do with
that damn war Billy fought.
He's not even from the same
country! Get out a map!
He had nothing to do
with Billy's death,
which is not something
you and I can say!
You take that back!
You take that back, you bitch.
Right now.
-What are we, 12?
-You coming at me
about Billy's death?
You weren't even there, Grace.
Hey, you can't drive like this.
Come on. I'll take you home.
-[Grace] Get away!
-Come on--
[car engine starts]
Fine. Have it your way.
[birds chirping]
[somber music]
I asked her if she'd be my
Be my wife, be my wife
Then I'd be happy all my life

[music fades]
[breathing shakily]
-[glass shatters]
What are you looking at?
[door opens]
[sighs] We were getting worried.
[laughs] Sorry.
Aw, look how sweet he looks.
You sure you don't wanna
take the night off,
just let him sleep here?
No! I want him home.
-[door closes]
[faint sirens approaching]
[flames crackling]
[sirens blaring]
[overlapping chatter]
[vehicle doors slamming]
[dispatch radio chatter]
[dispatcher on scanner]
1080 in progress.
A freestanding structure
engulfed on 300 block
of Echo Road.
We have a residence threatened.
Repeat, 300 block Echo Road.
Vehicles are on the scene.
Backup requested.
-Noah! No, no--
-Ma'am, stop!
My son is in the house!
There are kids in that house!
-How many? How many?
-Um, three kids and two adults.
My son is in that house!
-Looking for a kid.
[low, tense music]
[car engine starts]
-[Carly screaming] Eric!
-[officer] Ma'am.
-Carly, where is Noah?
You have to go get my husband,
he's in there!
[screams] Eric!
Don't let him--
-Help! Eric!
No! Eric! Eric!
-No! My son is in that house!
-[Carly] Eric! Eric!
-Noah! No!
-[Carly] Eric!
My son is in that house! No!
There's another little boy
in there, please!
-Noah! Noah?
-[Noah] Mama!
[Grace] Noah!
-Oh, my God.
-[Noah] Mama!
Okay, I'm so sorry
I wasn't there. Okay.
Okay. You're okay.
Okay, I'm sorry I wasn't there.
I know, I'm so sorry.
-[police chatter]
-[door slams]
-[door opens]
[Grace] Hey.
Are you okay?
He's okay.
He's okay.
May I?
How did you know to come?
The scanner.
It said Echo Road.
But how?
I drove.
[dramatic music]
Thank you.
Hello, Noah.
Do you remember me?
You work at the store
-with the fire truck.
Your mom is sleeping.
My name is Hasan.
Then why are you here?
Well, I'm here to make
sure you're safe.
Cassie and Goldie's
house burned.
I think everybody's okay,
Why do you talk funny?
Have you heard of Iran?
Do you know how to make cereal?
[TV reporter] Authorities have
reported one fatality.
An adult male whose identity
has not yet been released.
All signs point to a meth
operation on the property.
[indistinct] little Bean
in my mommy's belly.
[Hasan] Oh, I see.
Good morning.
Did you know Hasan is from
Iran and that rhymes?
Can we go there for my birthday?
To Iran?
Um, we'll see, Bean.
If you're done,
you wanna go play in your room
with your toys?
Airplane, please.
[speaking Farsi]
[Noah] Woohoo!
I am so sorry that
I let you and Mohammad down.
I will tell the police
everything that I know.
That's not important right now.
[dog barking]
Um... can you just
give me a minute?
-Where is he?
-[Grace] He's okay.
Are those the nice neighbors
you left him with?
Noah was home.
He was safe.
I know what you're thinking.
That I should sue you
for custody of my grandson?
Because you are
a disaster waiting to happen.
That is what
I am thinking, Grace.
You are one godforsaken
disaster after another.
Everyone okay?
Not her.
That one is not okay.
-[car door closes]
-[car drives off]
You should go.
-Are you okay?
I really appreciate
you coming to check on us,
but, um...
You should go. You don't wanna
get involved here.
I will go if
that's what you want.
But don't assume
to know what I want.
I left him there, okay?
Last night.
They were watching Noah
and I left him there.
I was hammered.
Noah was asleep on their couch.
I know I walked into
this house alone.
I left him there.
I did that.
Please go.
You think you're the only person
who's ever made a mistake?
I am so sorry
about you and Farah. I am.
But you and I,
we are not the same.
Five years ago,
I stopped living because that's
what I thought I deserved.
The other night, you showed me
it's time to come back.
-You did that.
-Please, just go.
My father, he's excited
to go to work for
the first time in years.
His store is alive again.
And that incredible
kid in there,
he didn't get that way
by himself.
You did that.
Noah doesn't have
a father because of me.
The war was not your fault.
Billy didn't die in the war.
As soon as he got off
that plane, I knew.
It was like there was
another man in his body.
And he'd already become
addicted to painkillers.
When he lost his job and heroin
was easier to score...
I should have known.
But I was drinking again.
The night Mikey called me at
the bar, he was crying so hard
I could barely understand.
But he had found Billy in bed.
Noah was reading
next to his dad.
He thought his father
was asleep.
And when I walked in this house,
my mother-in-law was
comforting Noah.
And her son was dead.
And I was so loaded.
I could barely see straight.
That is who I am.
Will you please just go? Go.
[Hasan] No.
Please just go.
Breathe. Breathe.
Breathe with me.
[Grace sobbing]
Breathe, breathe.
Slow it down.
All right, come here,
buffalo gal.
Say, happy holidays.
-Happy Holidays.
-Happy Holidays.
This is an extra special
holiday for us because--
what are we calling him?
-[Grace] The Bean.
-The Bean.
I have purchased
and I'm about to deliver
the very first Christmas
present for the little Bean.
-There you go.
-Oh, Billy. Oh.
He's so cute.
Oh, my gosh.
You're gonna be a good dad.
-I love you.
-I loved you first.
He's my family.
-Merry Christmas, everyone.
-[Grace] Merry Christmas.
Forgiveness is never easy,
especially when the person
you have to forgive is yourself.
Hi, I'm Grace.
This is
my first time speaking.
[hopeful instrumental]
[no audio]
["A Land Called Paradise"
by Kareem Salama playing]
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
I wanna go to
The valley of the King
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
Wanna see the birds fly
And I wanna hear the angels
Sing the praises of my Lord
So far above
As I move poetically with
The struggle, I fall in love
I look to the left, I look to
The right, and all
I gaze upon
Reveals the source of flowers
Rainbows, and the dew at dawn
Some see before and
Some see in and some
see after
I let my sight pierce
The chains and see the master
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
I wanna go to
The valley of the King
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
Wanna see the birds fly and
I wanna hear the angels sing
So many times in my life
I ask myself the question
What got me, brought me into
All this mess I'm swimming in
But pain is not and neither
Harm in the pool of bliss
So slap me with your hand or
kiss me with your
softest kiss
Tell me that you love me
Or that you don't like me now
Tell me you invite me or
That you don't want me around
I won't cry over a world
That can't change my life
I'll put my money on
What lies ahead in Paradise
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
I wanna go to
The valley of the King
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
Wanna see the birds fly and
I wanna hear the angels sing
I try to do right
And love my wife
And trade and pray and talk
I can be anywhere,
do anything
And I'm mindful of God
I'm pleased in good and happy
In harm and now I realize
That I already live in
A land called Paradise
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
I wanna go to
The valley of the King
I wanna live in
a land called Paradise
Wanna see the birds fly
And I wanna hear the angels
I wanna live in
A land called Paradise
I wanna go to [fades out]