Cast a Dark Shadow (1955) Movie Script

Have another go, sir?
No, thanks.
Oh, I enjoyed it.
Oh, Teddy, let's
go through again.
No, no, no, no.
You'll make yourself ill.
Besides, you've been
around three times already.
We'll have our teas now.
The usual place, dear?
The usual place.
You still set on
going home tomorrow?
Yes, Teddy, we must.
Well, it's a pity.
That go of flu pulled
you down a lot, you know.
Yes, dear, but it's
done me good being here.
It's a set tea today.
Now, then, who's
going to be mother?
You, Teddy.
Well, that'll be a surprise.
Now, then, what do nice
people have at tea time?
And what do sensible
people put in it?
Oh, Teddy, you spoil me.
You're worth spoiling.
Here we are.
Ah, spoon, Teddy.
Oh, sorry.
It's all right, dear.
It takes a big man to let an old
woman teach him good manners.
Who are you calling "old?"
I wouldn't change you
for 50 younger ones.
It's been such a wonderful year.
And coming back here again
has reminded me of so much.
We've got a lot of
memories here, haven't we?
It's been our second
honeymoon, Teddy Bare.
Our second honeymoon.
Well, here we are,
safe and sound.
That's Phillip's car, isn't it?
Uh, yes, dear.
What does he want here?
Hello, Emmie.
Looking fetching,
ma'am, aren't you?
Just a little tired.
Tired after the journey, Emmie.
I shall take her indoors
and look after her.
I'll put the car away, Moni.
Oh, yes.
Thank you, dear.
Good afternoon, Mrs. Bare.
Ah, Phillip.
And that's your chair
waiting for you, ma'am.
So just you sit back
and rest yourself,
and I'll bring you
a nice cup of tea.
All right.
Dawdle, Emmie.
It's good to be home again.
Well, Philip, you got my letter?
Yes, I did.
I-- with all respect, Mrs. Bare,
I don't feel happy about it.
When I instruct my
lawyer, Phillip,
it's because I want him
to carry out my wishes.
Why must you make another will?
The one you made just
after your marriage
seems more than fair to me.
Your husband gets this house,
and your money goes back where
it belongs, back to the family.
Back to my sister, you mean.
Who else?
She's your only relative.
I haven't seen
Dora for 20 years.
She's a wealthy woman now.
Her husband left her
an enormous fortune.
No, this little go of
influenza worried me.
If anything happened-- and I'm
a good bit older than Teddy--
I must know that he
gets all my money.
He's entitled to it.
I feel bound to remind you,
Mrs. Bare, that your money
came from a family business.
Don't you think it should
stay in the family?
Ted is my family.
All the family I've got.
Mrs. Bare, has Edward been
pressing you to make this will?
Indeed, he hasn't.
Teddy doesn't even know
about the first will.
I never told him.
You were always very
unfair to Teddy, Phillip.
Well, I always thought
your marriage to Edward
was a mistake.
Hello, Phillip.
Good afternoon, Edward.
Look, got a surprise for you.
Oh, pieces for my patchwork
quilt. You clever boy.
I bought you something else too.
How are you, Moni,
now you're home?
Yes, but still very
languid, Teddy dear.
No energy.
Influenza pulls down
the constitution.
Makes you feel very depressed.
I know how to kill my
wife's depression, Phillip.
Ah, princess of the teacups.
Where shall I put it, sir?
Put it there, Emmie.
Are you staying to tea?
Thank you, but if you'll
excuse me, I must be on my way.
Now, don't forget, Phillip, I
want it here tomorrow morning,
ready to sign.
Yes, Mrs. Bare.
I can see you've
made your mind up.
I'll be up in the morning.
Don't bother to
show me out, Edward.
I can see you're tired.
What's the matter with him?
You ought to get up,
dear, when visitors go.
Well, I can't stick him.
Dear, it's just
as rude to notice.
Uh, what brought Philip here anyway, hm?
Nosy parkering, was he?
That's a good match, Teddy.
You have an eye for
colour, haven't you, dear?
Hm, why did he come?
I asked him to call, dear.
I must make a will, Teddy.
A will, Moni?
I'm so pleased with my pieces.
Clever, Teddy Bare, always
thinking of little ways
to make me happy,
aren't you, dear?
Nothing's ever too much trouble.
Well, I look after
Moni today, and Moni
looks after me tomorrow.
Isn't it nice to
have them home again?
The house did seem so empty
without Mr. and Mrs. Bare.
There you are, Simon.
Go along.
Drink it up.
I won't have you
making a will, Moni.
I told you when we got
married there was no need.
If you outlive me, you'll
have what I've got.
If I outlive you, I'll
have what you've got.
That's the law.
It's Dora.
She's no right to anything.
She's a rich,
interfering busybody.
I told Phillip how
I felt about Dora.
Listen, Moni, next of kin.
That's what you've got to be.
It's simple.
Leave it like that, next of kin.
"Got to take care of Dora,"
"keep the money in the family."
Said it over and over again.
Anyway, my ticker's wonky.
I've told you before.
You'll be here alone
after I'm dead and gone.
Then you can leave
it to a cat's hole.
I got my way, Teddy-
I made Phillip see
I meant what I said.
Must make a will.
It-- it's essential.
Listen, Moni, promise me
you won't make a will.
I-- I'll phone young Phillip
and tell him it's off, eh?
Too late.
I can't tell him.
It's done.
I must look after my
family, Teddy Bare.
All the family I've got.
He's bringing it for
me to sign tomorrow.
I'm sorry about that, Moni.
I'm sorry you did it.
Really, I am.
Coffee's in the
drawing room, ma'am.
Coffee, Teddy.
That's right, dear.
I do like good manners, and
you never forget yours, do you?
Well, I've got a good teacher.
Don't forget yourself, dear.
Keep up with Moni.
I'll watch it.
Teddy, get out the magic carpet.
Let's go for a ride.
Keep Moni awake.
All right, Moni.
Where do you want to
go to tonight then, eh?
Page 16.
Japan for the blossoms, eh?
Lovely blossoms in Japan.
Lovely blossoms.
Would you like to marry
a geisha girl, Teddy?
I'm satisfied.
Moni, I'll tell you
where we'll go tonight.
Look, there.
Come on, Moni.
Drink up.
Don't disappoint the boy.
Finished your
library book, Moni?
Library book.
Didn't like it.
But you'll need another
one tonight, won't you?
Don't let's leave Bermuda.
It's sunny there.
We can go to Bermuda
another night, Moni.
Don't want to drag you up
and down that hill again.
It's only half past 7:00 now.
The library doesn't
close till 8:00.
That's a quarter
of an hour there,
ten minutes to choose your book,
and a quarter of an hour home.
Home, dear.
Oh, Emmie, Mrs. Bare is going
to have a nice, little snooze.
Ah, that's good, sir.
That's what she needs.
Yes, if Mrs. Bare wants
you, she'll ring her bell,
so don't you disturb her
or I'll cut your tail off.
Oh, I won't disturb her, sir.
I shall be upstairs,
finishing the linen cupboard.
I'm just going down
to the library, Emmie.
I shan't be above an hour.
Mrs. Bare all right?
Yes, sir.
I won't go in unless
I hear her bell.
Moni, are you cold, dear?
Yes, I'm cold, Teddy.
Teddy Bare.
Yes, and you're tired
too, I'm sure, hm?
Tired and cold.
Let's put on the fire, eh?
Come on.
Have a nice, little warm.
So you were the
first to find her.
What did you see, Miss Evans?
Madame lying on the
floor where she'd fallen.
She'd managed to turn on
the fire, but it wasn't lit.
We found the matches spilt all
over the fireplace, didn't we, sir?
Thank you, Miss Evans.
Now, you've heard
Dr. Walker's evidence
and also his suggestion that
the reason why Mrs. Bare fell--
Because she was drunk, sir.
Well, she wasn't.
She may have liked her glass,
but no more than that, sir.
I was the last to
see her alive, sir.
She sat so peaceful,
nodding in her chair.
Do you know of any
reason why
Mrs. Bare should take her own life?
No, sir.
Madame was younger than me.
She wouldn't have
wanted to die, sir.
She was always so happy since
she married Mr. Bare, sir.
Thank you, Miss Evans.
Come on, Emmie.
Come on.
I'm sure that all of us
here are of the opinion
that Mr. Bare has nothing with
which to reproach himself.
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury,
you have heard the
evidence given by
Dr. Walker and also Miss Evans.
You spoke very well, Emmie.
Remembered everything.
Oh, yes.
Mr. Bare went through it with
me first, didn't you, sir?
He didn't want me to be
nervous, and I wasn't.
Everybody was so kind.
Come along, Emmie, into the car.
What do you intend
to do now, Edward?
I thought of going abroad.
Rome, Paris, or Nice.
Interesting to see the world.
I expect you think it's
ended very satisfactorily?
Highly satisfactorily.
Very fair verdict,
accidental death.
Of course, you know,
Edward, it's a curious thing
about a coroner's verdict.
Well, it-- it isn't final.
What does that mean?
Well, if further
information comes to light,
the case can be reopened.
Hello, Phillip.
I didn't expect to see you again.
I was rather worried
about our talk
this morning, so I thought I'd
better clarify the position.
Oh, well, you mustn't worry.
We all have our little quarrels.
But any time I need a
lawyer, I'll remember you.
Oh, thank you, Edward.
But it's your own
position I mean.
I think I ought to
warn you that if you
start travelling seriously, you
may find funds a bit tight.
What do you mean?
Well, you see, it isn't as if
you can touch the money-- yet.
Toddle, Emmie, toddle.
Don't go, Emmie.
You're mentioned
in the will too.
Moni didn't make a will.
Sit down, Emmie.
Oh, go on, sit down.
You heard what he said.
It's perfectly simple, really.
Mrs. Bare left this
house to Edward,
but all her money
is left in trust
to her sister, Mrs. Macintosh.
You will get it when she dies.
And there's 200
pounds for you, Emmie.
200 pounds.
When was it dated?
Mrs. Bare made it
just after you were
married, before you fuddled
her mind with too much drink.
You'll get yourself had up
for defamation of character
if you're not careful,
accusing me without proof.
Of course, there's the bungalow.
We put that in your
name, didn't we?
A bungalow?
A wooden shack.
Go on, toddle, Emmie, toddle.
Go and think about
your good news.
It isn't every day
you become an heiress.
Moni wanted to put
me right, didn't she?
She wanted to scratch that
will and make a new one.
That's right, Edward.
I'm sorry, Moni.
You poor old girl.
You make me sick.
I'll see you out, Phillip.
Don't bother.
Must get up when
the visitors go.
Uh, that sister Dora, where
exactly does she live?
Kingston, Jamaica.
Too far, Edward.
Well, Emmie, now you
got your 200 pounds.
Where you gonna go?
"Go," sir?
When I let the
house and move out.
Move out, sir?
What's gonna happen to me?
Oh, I don't know, Emmie.
See, I can't afford
to go on living here.
Mrs. Bare left me
very badly off.
Oh, sir.
You can stay here till
you get another job.
Another job, sir?
Oh, dear, I couldn't
look for another place.
Not now, sir.
I'm too old.
Yeah, well, who'd
have you, Emmie?
You're getting very slow.
Still, I get through the
work just the same, sir.
Yeah, but I'm a poor man, Emmie.
You'll have to go home.
Home-- this is my home, sir.
But I can't afford servants.
But you could afford me, sir.
I don't want any wages.
Hey, wait a minute.
I wonder if Mrs. Bare meant
that 200 pounds for wages?
Oh, yes, perhaps she did, sir.
She may have thought
it'd be easier
than you paying me every week.
Emmie, I believe you've hit it.
Of course, if I thought she
meant that, you could stay.
Did she ever mention it to you?
Well, I don't really
remember, sir.
Perhaps she did.
She did?
Well, I'll take your
word for it, Emmie.
You can stay.
Oh, thank you, sir.
It's not for me to
say, sir, but why
don't you go away for a bit?
Well, I'm not gonna find
what I'm looking for here.
That's a dead cert.
All right, Polly.
You know what that
means, don't you?
Yes, sir.
"Polly, put the kettle on."
And you shall have a
cup of tea the minute
I can get it to boil, sir.
Well, I slipped up
that time, Moni.
You wanted to look after me.
I shall have to think again.
One thing's certain, though.
Somebody's got to
pay my passage.
Check, sir?
Uh, not just now.
I'm waiting.
Have you ordered?
Just tea, please.
Seem to have the place
to ourselves today.
Seem to.
I had to come in out of the sun.
My skin's sensitive.
Yeah, me too.
Gives me a headache.
Pigmentation, my doctor
says it's due to.
Seen you here before,
but today I thought
you'd be swimming or something.
Not likely.
Salt water doesn't
agree with my skin.
As a matter of fact, I
don't know why I came here.
I hate the sea side.
But I was bored and couldn't
think of anything else to do.
That brought me here too.
Why not come over
and be sociable?
We can hate it together.
All right.
After all, we almost know
each other already, don't we?
See you every
morning at breakfast.
I've noticed you too.
Funny we haven't
got talking before.
I generally make
friends pretty easy.
Well, I didn't like
to intrude, you know.
And I noticed your wedding ring.
Oh, that.
One of the spoils
of war, my lad.
You don't want to take
any notice of that.
As a matter of
fact, I'm a widow.
Oh, really?
Poor Albert.
Buried him six months ago.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What was the matter with him?
He was dead!
Never mind me.
I'm always very humorous.
No, it wasn't that.
It's just that I had a
recent bereavement myself.
Oh, really?
My wife.
Very sudden.
Oh, well, never mind.
Best not to think about it.
Uh, would you care to dance?
Oh, all right.
How long are you
staying down here, Mr--
Oh, Bare.
Edward Bare.
I don't really know.
I can please myself.
Oh, nice.
Well, I can do the
same, come to that.
They knew you quite well at
that little place, didn't they?
Yeah, it's possible.
A few days.
Oh, my fingers itch sometimes
when I'm sitting in that bar.
Have you been in
that bar yourself?
Started off as working barmaid,
ended up marrying the governor
and damn well running the place.
Of course, I'm in
private life now.
Why'd you give it up?
Well, it was a big
place, and you need
a man in a house that size.
For the look of the
thing, you know?
Anyway, I'd had enough.
I bet you got quite a good
price for a business like that.
Not bad.
No need to go on working.
Why should I spoil my hands if
I can keep them lily white, eh?
I know a better place
than this for dancing,
but a lady can't very
well go by herself.
You fond of dancing?
Depends who I'm dancing with.
All right, we'll
find a better place.
I promise you.
You know, I've enjoyed
the last few days.
Have you?
I'm not looking forward to
next week, all on me own soon.
Aren't you going to Paris, then?
Oh, I don't know.
Can't seem to make up me mind.
I wish I could find
somewhere to settle down.
I'm sick of living in hotels.
Say, do you mind if we sit down?
My feet are killing me.
Of course, I'm at a bit
of a loose end myself.
My late wife was a
great loss to me.
Well, I can't say the
same for my poor Albert.
Still, mustn't grumble.
He cut up pretty nicely.
Leave me alone.
You mustn't touch.
Leave me alone.
I know too much.
While you stay around, I'll
just play around with love.
Leave me alone.
I won't be true.
You should have known
I'm not for you.
Though I'm your heart's
desire, haven't you learned?
Children who play with
fire always get burned?
Find someone--
Oh, I never offered
you a cigarette.
I don't smoke.
I've got good, white teeth.
I want to keep them that way.
And whatever
you do, leave me alone.
Yes, whatever you
do, leave me alone.
Shall we dance?
All right.
Mrs. Jeffries, you're
a woman of the world.
I've got a problem on my mind.
I'd like to ask your advice.
What's her name?
There's no "her"
in this problem.
Uh, let's go out and talk.
Well, what is it?
Well, it's like
this, Mrs. Jeffries.
I've got enough money to
live on, more than enough,
but I'm bored and I'm lonely.
Well, I could give
you some advice,
but you might not like it.
If the truth hurts,
I can take it.
Look around.
Trundle up the aisle again.
Get married?
You're a fine one to give
advice, Mrs. Jeffries.
Why don't you take a leaf
out of your own book?
Well, to be perfectly
honest, there
have been several occasions
when I very nearly have.
And then I found it was the
money bags they were after
and not the old bag herself.
No, I wouldn't entertain
matrimony again.
Not unless I could find someone
to put down pound for pound.
Of course, I had thought
of letting my place
and going abroad.
That's a good idea.
Let it furnished.
Then you can do what you like.
Ah, it's easier said
than done, though.
You see, I wouldn't
like a, well,
a stranger going over my
late wife's belongings.
Not unless I like the
look of her, of course.
Do you like the look of me?
You might make a
very good tenant.
Of course, I'd have to look
the property over first,
see if I liked it.
Oh, of course.
Get to know the place.
That could be arranged.
I never commit myself, Mr. Bare.
Not until both parties have
signed on the dotted line.
Find someone new.
Make her your own.
But whatever you
do, leave me alone.
Yes, whatever you
do, leave me alone.
Here we are.
Welcome to Stoneley.
Ah, you've done quite well
for yourself, Mr. Bare.
Yeah, I mustn't grumble.
Still, it could do with
a lick of paint.
Well, it keeps the rain out.
Oh, no, Mr. Bare.
I didn't expect you
back till tomorrow.
All right, don't fuss, Emmie.
Don't fuss.
This is the Emmie
I've told you about.
Hello, Emmie.
It's big.
How many bedrooms you got?
Uh, six and then a couple
of attics where she roosts.
I brought this lady
to see the house.
Can we have a cup of tea?
Oh, yes, yes, sir.
Well, then go on, go on.
Show the lady where
to put her coat.
Yes, this way, lady.
See you later.
What are you doing?
I came to see Emmie, Edward.
I wanted to talk to her.
While I'm away?
What about, Phillip?
Well, it takes a long time to
clear up an estate, Edward.
There are still
outstanding problems.
I think the answers
to some of them
are to be found in this house.
And what's Emmie
gotta do with it?
Well, Emmie's a
very simple soul.
She's easily imposed upon.
But someday, she's going
to say something, something
that will lead to the truth.
The truth?
What are you trying
to prove, Phillip?
Yes, you're flushed
with success now.
You're full of confidence.
But remember, Edward, I'm
watching you all the time.
The jury said it was
accidental death.
Ah, you seem to know
what I'm talking about.
Ah, this is my
lawyer, Mr. Mortimer.
Mrs. Jeffries.
How do you do?
Oh, how do you
do, Mrs. Jeffries?
Mrs. Jeffries and I were
guests in the same hotel.
I just brought her up here to
have a look around the house.
Oh, you've decided
to let it, then?
Well, I may do.
Well, Phil, you'll be wanting
to get back to the office,
won't you?
So we won't hold you any longer.
I forgot to tell you, sir.
Mr. Mortimer's here.
Yes, well, I'm
just going, Emmie.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Oh, by the way, Emmie, I hear
you opened a bank account
and that you're
withdrawing checks.
Oh, yes, sir.
Mr. Bare showed me how to do it.
What are you expecting
her to do with her money?
Keep it in a stocking
under her bed?
But Mrs. Bare meant that money
for your rainy day, Emmie.
When Emmie needs an
umbrella, she's got me.
Very nice too.
I wish I had a brollie
to keep the wet off me.
All right, Emmie, Mr. Mortimer's
read his little sermon.
Go on, toddle.
Quite the old fashioned
git, isn't she?
If you do decide
to take this house,
Mrs. Jeffries, make Edward
get rid of that gas fire.
I haven't been here since the
day of the funeral, Edward.
Every time I look
at that mat, I seem
to see Mrs. Bare lying there.
What, here?
You mustn't get morbid, Phillip.
I'm the one that's got to
live here with these ghosts.
What was she doing here?
She had an accident
with the gas fire.
I thought you said it was flu.
I said nothing of the sort.
I said she had flu just before.
Oh, was that it?
So we're sitting in
the morgue, really.
Oh, excuse my joke.
I always see the funny side.
I hope I haven't said anything
to upset you, Mrs. Jeffries.
Oh, no, no.
My Albert dropped dead in
the saloon bar one night.
I was drawing beer the next.
Business has to go on, you know.
Well, I'm glad I haven't put you
against the house, Mrs. Jeffries.
I wouldn't like to
say anything to spoil
any plans Edward has made.
Phillip's a great
one for bringing
the truth out into the air.
He's trying to warn
you that I'm the town's
biggest fortune-hunter.
Is he?
Why is he doing that?
I suppose it's about time
you knew, Mrs. Jeffries.
I married a rich woman
older than myself.
And what's more, we
managed to confound
all the local sceptics by
being very happy and contented.
Very nice too.
Never mind, Phillip.
I can always trust you to
keep an eye on my affairs.
You're so straightforward.
Yes, I'm always looking
out for you, Edward.
You'll see I don't trip up.
That's what I pay you for.
Oh, goodbye, Mrs. Jeffries.
I'm in the telephone book,
if you should ever need me.
Ta, I'll remember that.
Oh, Phil, by the way, I've
got-- got some news for you.
You're not my lawyer any longer.
No, but I'm still Moni's.
Poor old Phil.
He's got to work for
every bob he's got.
I expect he finds
it demoralizing.
Oh, allow me.
Tea, lady?
Oh, good.
Emmie, where's the
little girl's room?
Beg pardon?
Left along the first
landing, second door.
Simple, isn't she?
Well, Emmie, you know,
that lady being here today
has brought a lot back to me.
I expect it has, sir.
Were you surprised
when you saw her?
Well, sitting in madame's chair?
I was, sir.
Mrs. Jeffries is a widow, Emmie.
Such a sad life she's
had with her husband too.
She thinks every
man's a monster.
She ought to have seen
you and the mistress, sir.
Ah, that was the
perfect union, Emmie.
I wish Mrs. Jeffries
could know about that.
It might help her.
Well, I think I'll go
and pick her a rose.
A rose?
Ah, that's nice, sir.
You keep the place
very well, Emmie.
Even the rooms not in use.
Thank you, ma'am.
Tell me, why is one
of the doors locked?
Oh, that was their room, ma'am.
Mr. Bare locked it up, and
it's never been used since.
Oh, I see.
This place is too
big for one man.
I expect it was different
when Mrs. Bare was alive.
More lively.
Oh, yes.
He did everything for her.
No woman ever had
a better husband,
and she was always
the first to say so.
Didn't matter how much he spent.
Lucky to have the
money to spend.
Oh, the money all
came from the shop.
Tell me about the shop, Emmie.
Well, it had been in
the family, you see.
And it grew and grew.
And then Mr. Bare sold it for
her after they got married.
But it was such a lot of money.
Oh, they did have
an evening.
Ever so cheerful.
I had a glass of port.
How much do they have to
be cheerful about, Emmie?
Thousands and thousands of pounds.
Quite a little gold
mine they called it.
Well, Emmie, I see
you've able to let
your tongue run away with you.
And I'll bet you forgot to tell
Mrs. Jeffries where I've been.
You'll lose your head
one of these days.
You really will.
Go on, Emmie.
Toddle, toddle.
She's been saying some very
nice things about you, Mr. Bare.
Oh, well, she's--
she's very loyal.
I picked you a rose.
Will you be mother?
All right.
Now then, sugar?
No, thanks.
I'm on a diet.
Oh, really?
Why don't you stay at the ball
down in the town for a bit?
Oh, thanks.
After all, your time's
your own, isn't it?
Hm, that's true.
And then if you like the
place, you could move up here.
On what terms, Mr. Bare?
Any terms you like.
Pound for pound, Mr. Bare?
Pound for pound, Mrs. Jeffries.
All right.
Oh, I've got something
to put in this tea.
What's the matter?
Oh, I felt suddenly cold.
Somebody walking over
me grave perhaps.
You needn't worry about
that, Mrs. Jeffries.
They won't be burying
you for a long time yet.
Not if you're a good girl.
You know my wife, don't you?
And of course you met--
What about a toast, Charlie?
Come on, Charlie boy.
Come on, Charlie.
You're his best man.
Silence for Charlie man.
Ladies and gentlemen, I
didn't come here to talk,
as Antony said to Cleopatra
when he went into her tent.
All right, all right,
I'll cut it short.
All of us here today are
friends of Teddy Bare.
And we all shared in
his sorrow on the night
Mrs. Bare so suddenly
and so sadly passed on.
And so it's a real pleasure
to see him here amongst us,
a happy man once more, and by
his side that charming lady
he's introduced into
our company and whom
we welcome as his wife.
So friends, it's a
real pleasure to give
you Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bare.
Long may they
thrive and prosper!
Mr. and Mrs. Bare!
Very nice, Charlie.
This really is champagne.
Who paid for it, Eddie?
Not you, I suppose.
Well, no.
I think I'm right
in saying that the--
The bride or the bride's
parents paid for the wedding.
Pound for pound, Mr. Bare.
"Pound for pound."
I believe you've met
your match, Teddy.
This stuff always makes me sick.
Can I have a beer?
Come on here.
I'll get you one.
You certainly know how
to land 'em, Teddy.
What bait do you use?
Charm, Charlie.
Just charm.
Your charm and my money.
Don't forget it was me that
financed that little trip
of yours to the seaside.
Don't worry.
You'll get your money back.
I mean to.
You've landed your
fish now, Teddy.
But don't forget it
was your Uncle Charlie
that supplied the chips.
Well, I'm glad to see you
made friends with the vacuum.
It didn't blow up after all, eh?
No, ma'am.
By the way, Emmie,
isn't it about time
I paid you some wages?
I've been here a month now.
Oh, no.
I've got my money in the bank.
Madam left me 200 pounds.
But that has nothing to
do with me or Mr. Bare.
That's separate.
Oh, no.
Mr. Bare explained.
Madame left me my
wages in a lump sum.
Oh, Emmie.
There's one born every minute!
Never mind.
I'll see you're not the loser.
Come on, I want you
to open up this door.
Oh, Mr. Bare'd go raving mad.
It's only opened up once
a week for me to dust.
From now on, Emmie, it isn't
only what Mr. Bare wants.
Come on, open up.
I say--
Well, anyone'd think it
was Bluebeard's chamber.
Blimey, it is.
It hasn't been used
since Madame passed on.
Mr. Bare liked it
kept locked up.
All the same, it's silly
to keep it shut up.
Mr. Bare won't like it, ma'am.
That's Madame the day
she married Mr. Bare.
Oh, she had a kind face.
Tell me, Emmie, how did
she come to marry Mr. Bare?
Oh, well, you see,
Mr. Bare was a clerk
in Mr. Mann's estate agency.
He come up here
when Madame thought
of selling the business.
Took to him at once, Madame did.
Oh, he can certainly turn on
the charm when he wants to.
What's in here?
Oh, well, we'll have
to get rid of this lot.
No sense in giving
the moths a feast.
What are you doing in here?
Get out.
Get out, both of you!
This is Moni's room.
I told you never to unlock
this door, didn't I?
I told you.
Stop it, Ed.
It wasn't Emmie's
fault. It was mine.
Anyway, why shouldn't
the room be unlocked?
Get out.
Get out, I said!
This is Moni's room.
I don't want anyone in here.
What a carry-on.
All right, Ed.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know it meant
that much to you.
Go on, get out.
Never let me see you
in that room again.
I told you.
You know, if he'd
had any more wives,
I'd have had to sleep
in the bathroom.
Well, I didn't
expect to see you.
Well, I was passing.
I thought I'd wait for you.
What have they
done to you today?
Oh, the usual.
I was going blonde,
and then I thought
it might make me look common.
Here, shove over.
I wanna drive.
I'm sorry I blew up this
morning in Moni's room,
but I haven't been
sleeping well lately.
I get a sort of shut-in feeling.
It makes me irritable.
What are you getting at, Ed?
Well, I don't want
to disturb you again,
so I think I'll move
into Moni's room,
stay there for a night or two.
Now, listen, Ed,
I don't know what
your arrangements
were with Moni,
but I didn't marry
you for companionship.
OK, Mrs. Bare.
Bought you a present.
Oh, crystallized fruits.
I seem to remember you
saying you like them.
Got all the tricks,
haven't you, Ed?
Still, they're nice tricks.
I can't be cross
with you for long.
Well, I'm glad you came around.
Don't like the sulks.
You know, it is a
lovely view, Ed.
Mrs. Bare, I'm gonna pick you a
little nosegay, keep you happy.
Ah, thank you kindly, sir.
Come on, come give us a hand.
Is it safe?
Of course, it's safe.
Charlie Mann's onto
a good thing, Freda.
Who for, Charlie Mann?
Oh, funny.
No, a piece of land
behind the cathedral.
Chap'll let it go for 3,000,
but I can get it for two.
Be worth twice that
amount in three years.
Gonna build a cinema on it.
Who said?
Charlie's got a cousin in
the surveyor's department.
Well, you know your
own business best, Ed,
but I'd say your money
was safer in the bank.
We could do it in your
name, if you like.
Thought you'd like
to hold the counters.
What sort of a fool do
you take me for, Ed?
A very wise woman,
Mrs. Bare, who knows
when she's on to a good thing.
You're right there.
I back my horses when
they're past the post.
This one's better.
It's back home in
the stable now.
Not till that cinema's
built it isn't.
And if you're so sure, why don't
you write out your own check?
Anyway, I've asked Charlie Mann
to come up and see you tonight.
I hope you're not gonna
make a fool of me.
Well, then you
better put him off.
I'm not gonna put
him off, Mrs. Bare.
And I'm not gonna play, Ed.
You'll do as I say, Mrs. Bare.
You hit me, Ed, and
I'll hit you back.
Tit for tat, pound
for pound, remember?
I'm not making a present
of 2,000 quid to you
or Charlie Mann or anybody else.
My money's my own.
It stays that way.
Get that into your
head, once and for all.
Oh, Ed.
If you could only see your face!
Can we help?
That's very kind of you.
Ed, see what you can do.
All right.
My engine's stalled and I
can't get it started again.
That's all right.
My name's Bare.
That's my wife.
We live just there.
I'm Charlotte Young.
Feel such a nuisance.
Not at all.
I like tinkering
about with cars.
You hop in the car.
I'll take you up to the
house while he's fixing it.
Oh, thank you.
And they're making you quite
comfortable at The Crown, Miss Young?
Yes, very, so far.
Beds clean?
Quite, thank you.
Hot water hot?
I think so.
Looks a good house, The Crown.
You can always tell,
you know, by the grass
outside and the curtains.
Oh, sounds as if Ed's
got your car going.
Car's perfect.
Carburettor got choked up.
That's all.
Oh, was that it?
It's always something small.
Don't go, don't go.
Sit down.
Have a drink.
Uh, sherry?
Oh, thank you.
Uh, Miss Young's looking
for a house around here, Ed.
I told her you used to be
in the estate business.
Oh, yes.
Yes, that's right.
I'd say she dropped
into the right place.
Got some addresses,
at Mannamead.
Oh, Mannamead.
That's a very posh district.
Um, what sort of price
are you thinking of?
12,000, something like that.
Of course, they're--
they're converting a lot
of these big houses into flats.
Oh, I don't want it for flats.
Oh, you're going to live in it?
Yes, I'm going to start a
school, an equestrian school.
I know a bit about horses.
Yes, quite the little
jockey, aren't we, Ed?
I ran a riding school
for some years,
but I wasn't my own boss then.
When my father died, I found
myself well independent.
Very nice.
So I gave in my notice
and went around the world.
Very nice too.
That's what I'd like to do.
I really think I'm taking
a liberty, Miss Young,
but what agent did you go to?
Russell and Portland.
Oh, they're dead from
the neck up, aren't they?
That's right, very
old fashioned.
You ought to see my friend
Charlie Mann, Miss Young.
Oh, should I?
Why don't you let Ed take you
in to see Charlie, Miss Young?
Oh, I couldn't bother.
Oh, it's no bother.
Me time's me own.
I'm retired.
Made his pile young.
Be doing him a kindness, really.
Are you sure?
Miss Young's staying
at The Crown, Ed.
All right, 10:30
tomorrow morning,
take you up to Charlie
Mann to pick up the lists.
Oh, thank you very much,
and for the drink too.
Sorry I have to go so soon.
I brought your
car onto the side.
It's easier for you.
You must come again,
now you know your way.
After you, Miss Young.
Oh, my bag.
Oh, Miss Young's bag, Ed.
Oh, right.
There you are.
There's your bag, Miss Young.
Oh, thank you.
All right.
Well, goodbye, Mrs. Bare.
Not for long, I hope.
Nice woman.
Pity she came too late.
You heard.
You gonna see Charlie
this afternoon, Mrs. Bare,
about that piece of land?
I wouldn't entertain it.
Look here, Freda.
That was just--
Listen, Ed!
A clever bird doesn't
foul its own nest.
I don't mind helping you pluck
the one that's just fallen
into your lap, but my
feathers are in tight,
and if anybody
pulls them, I yell.
You wouldn't have
liked this one, Moni.
She's crude.
It's a lovely house, but
it's hopelessly wrong for me.
Yes, it's too big
for you, Charlotte.
What's the matter with
you today, Edward?
Something wrong?
Well, I'm afraid we've looked
at our last house together.
Oh, Edward, why?
It's Mrs. Bare.
She's beginning to get
jealous of you, Charlotte.
Well, I haven't noticed
any change in her manner.
No, no, you wouldn't.
But she's a very neurotic
woman altogether.
She-- she keeps on
threatening to commit suicide.
I have to be very careful.
But she seems such
a practical person.
Oh, I know you'd think so,
but she's talked about it
so many times, and
sometimes I wish
she would jump out a window.
Oh, Edward.
Oh, I didn't mean
that of course,
but I've gotta talk to someone.
I mean, you can see my position.
My first wife dies in
a fearful accident,
and my second commits suicide.
What a dreadful situation
for both of you.
Yes, I know.
I can't leave her
on her own, now
that I know what's on her mind.
I'm the only one there
to keep an eye on her.
I'm sorry she feels
this way about me.
Oh, it needn't worry
you, Charlotte.
Well, I was just going
to ask her if she'd
put me up for a few days.
Stay with us, you mean?
Yes, the hotel can't
keep my room next week,
but, oh, it doesn't matter now.
There you are, safe and sound.
Thank you, Edward.
You're been most kind.
All right.
You know, I've been thinking.
I don't see why you
shouldn't come stay with us.
I'm mean, after all,
the house is big enough.
It'd be a good thing
for Mrs. Bare, really.
Let her see there's nothing
in her little fantasies.
Oh, do you really think so?
Well, we could ask her.
No, Edward, I'd rather not.
Now, look here, Charlotte,
I'm still boss in me own home.
Mrs. Bare back from
the dressmaker's yet?
No, sir.
She did say you were
picking her up, sir.
I never said any such thing.
All right, Emmie.
You see what I mean?
Every time I take you out,
she thinks of a new story.
Charlotte, every time
you come into this room,
you go to the fireplace and
you look straight at the fire.
Oh, I'm sure I don't.
Every blessed time.
Look at you now.
Because someone's
told you about Moni?
Well, I won't pretend I haven't
heard gossip up at the hotel.
Very dangerous, gossip.
What exactly have
you been hearing?
They say you taught
her to drink.
So she could turn
on the gas, collapse
before she could light it?
Very clever crime, that.
Have to have brains
to think that one out.
The way you say it,
Edward, you would.
No one could ever
prove that you did it.
You know, if it
wasn't disgusting,
it would be laughable.
I'm surprised at you, Charlotte,
listening to things like that.
Well, people know I come here.
We've been seen together.
Edward, they even ask
me about the gas fire
and whether it's still here.
Freda got rid of that.
I suppose it fascinates
them, the fire,
the room, and everything.
Why exactly are they interested?
Well, I imagine it's
the idea of your going
on living here in this room,
where your first wife died.
And my second pours the tea.
They don't understand
me, Charlotte.
But you do.
Moni's dead, I know.
But I've got a lot of very
happy memories of her.
This is Moni's chair.
That one wanted to chuck
it out, but I said no.
I come down in the
dark sometimes,
watch it, imagine her
sitting there, talking to me.
Is she cross with you, Edward?
No, no.
She thinks I ought to
have waited a bit longer,
mourned her a bit.
But Moni understood me.
She knew I was born to
have colour in my life.
Thi-- this is my magic carpet.
Picture postcards.
Been all around the
world on these postcards,
Moni and I. It wasn't
her wish that I'd
get stuck with an album.
You'd do anything to get
on that magic carpet,
wouldn't you, Edward?
Would I, Charlotte?
It's a wonderful thing, fly away
and leave everything behind.
There's room for a
passenger on this carpet.
I thought of that.
Ed, Ed!
Where have you been?
There I've been, standing
for hours on the corner
in the heat and the dust.
My feet are killing me.
Well, I don't have to ask
what you've been doing,
and I know who you've been with.
Morning, Miss Young.
Found your stable yet?
We did see a place, but Edward
said it was too expensive.
Well, I'm glad he's being
careful with somebody's money.
Charlotte was
saying she's getting
fed up, staying at hotels,
being on her own all the time.
Yes, I wish I could find
rooms with a family,
just until I get settled
on a house, you know.
It's a good idea, Freda.
Here, Ed.
Take this fish to Emmie.
It's for lunch.
I was going to suggest--
You were saying, Miss Young?
That if I could find rooms in
a house with some nice people,
I'd pay very well.
I'm sure you would.
There must be some
houses in the town
with very nice people in them.
Oh, I'd be very little trouble.
You see, I've been so lonely
since I went out of harness.
Well, Miss Young,
you'd better decide
on one of your fancy houses
and get your harness on again.
Your friend's just going, Ed.
Oh, not staying to lunch?
There's plenty of halibut.
And she tells me in future,
Charlie Mann's gonna show
her the properties himself.
Oh, well, I know where
to find you, Charlotte,
if I feel like morning coffee.
They lunch early at
The Crown, Miss Young.
I know you won't
want to miss yours.
Your bag.
This way, Miss Young.
Look, Mrs. Bare, I would--
It's been nice knowing
you, Miss Young,
but even the best of
friends must part.
Good morning.
How did Mr. Bare tell
you to cook that fish?
He said "grill it".
Fry it.
Now then, young Ed.
All right, don't blame me.
I didn't ask her to fancy me.
Well, if she does, she
wants her brains examined.
Drop her, Ed.
You've been talked about
enough in this town.
I don't want to drop her till
she's bought that piece of land
by the cathedral.
Well, what's in it for
you if she does, Ed?
Charlie'll look after me.
Well, I'll tell
you what we'll do.
We split the spending money.
You put down your check,
I'll put mine beside it.
I wouldn't mind putting
down my check in the least,
long as it wasn't presented.
Do you mind explaining
that remark, Ed?
I couldn't write a check for 10
pounds, let alone a thousand.
What do you mean?
You slipped up, Mrs. Bare.
You should have checked up at
Somerset House, like I did.
Your Albert did everything
nice and simple.
I shan't cut up
so well when I go.
Come on, out with it.
What did Moni leave you?
Not a sausage.
It all went to that sister
Dora in Kingston, Jamaica.
All I got was this house
and that shack on the beach,
Lovely on a warm day.
Of course, Moni gave me
a check occasionally,
but I spent my
stocking catching you.
Well, Mrs. Bare, I must say,
you certainly can take it.
Well, it's either
laugh or cry, Ed.
I was never one for tears.
I know why you've been
making after Charlotte Young.
She's a plumper bird than I am.
But I'm not having it, Ed.
You may not be much of a catch,
but so help me, I love you.
We didn't expect that, did we?
You're not seeing
that woman again.
Oh, don't be silly, Freda.
I'm bound to see her again
in a place this size.
Well, there's the bungalow.
We can go there,
give her a chance
to vamoose out of the place.
And leave Emmie?
We'll take Emmie with us.
You have the car
around here by 5:00.
I'll get her to pack.
I can't be ready by 5:00.
No arguments, Ed.
We're doing as I say, and we're
staying away until she's gone.
And don't go phoning her, Ed.
Make it a clean break.
This one's dead easy, Moni.
Oh, Emmie, for goodness
sake, stop snivelling.
I will not be cross
to your coming,
and that's all there is to it.
Freda, Freda!
Shut up, Emmie.
Just going out to get a paper.
All right, well, don't be long.
Now, buck up, Emmie.
You ought to be
pleased, going away
for a nice holiday like this.
I can't sleep in a strange bed.
Well, how do you know if
you've never been in one?
I don't like the sea.
Well, you don't
have to drink it.
It's not safe to
leave the house.
Now, look, Mr. Bare
will ring the police
and tell them we're going away.
They'll put a policeman outside.
Now, nobody can get
past a policeman.
Hello, Wood Hill 72?
Yes, that's right.
Mr. Edward Bare there?
Speak up, please.
I can't hear you very well.
Mr. Edward Bare.
It's Mr. Mortimer's office.
Oh, he's not here.
He just went out for a minute.
Oh, well, will you
tell him to phone
as soon as he comes in, please?
All right, goodbye.
Now, then, Emmie,
let's get a move on.
When Madame took
me to Canterbury,
I was sick all over the car.
Well, you're older
and wiser now,
and your stomach's
a lot stronger.
It's all such a rush.
I've made up me
mind, Emmie, so it's
no use, you going on nattering.
Car's at the door.
What's the matter with Emmie?
Oh, she's got some silly
idea she doesn't wanna come.
Well, poor girl.
If she doesn't wanna
come, let her stay.
She's coming.
You are pig-headed, Freda.
I always knew that about you.
Now, ready, Emmie?
You haven't given
Mr. Bare his message.
Oh, no, I forgot.
Mr. Mortimer phoned.
He wants to see you.
What about?
Oh, I don't know.
Some mumbling clerk
with a cold got through.
I said you'd ring
him back later.
Oh, forget it.
No, no, no, no.
You'd better do it.
It might be important.
Now, Emmie, stop
looking like a wet wig.
Pick up your bag, and come on.
Birds'll fret their
poor little hearts out.
Wood Hill 68.
Mr. Mortimer there?
Mr. Bare.
Well, will you tell him
it's very inconvenient,
but I'll be there?
Yes, without fail.
Oh, she says a stubborn--
Here, what are you taking
your coat off for?
We're not going.
I've got to see
Phillip Mortimer.
Tonight, 9:00.
Well what does he
want all of a sudden?
I don't know.
He said it urgent.
He said he'd had a letter
from a Mrs. Macintosh.
That's Moni's sister, Dora.
I shall have to wait and see.
You'd better get
Emmie out of the car.
"Get Emmie out of the car"?
If you knew what I went
through, getting her into it.
Well, she can't sit out
there till after 9:00.
That's a cert.
Well, who's sitting
anywhere till after 9:00?
We're off!
What, without me?
You catch the 10:05.
I'll meet you at the station.
Look, I'll tell you what.
I'll phone Phillip
and put him off.
No, Ed.
Better wait here and get it
cleared up, whatever it is.
I don't want you running
backwards and forwards
holding Miss Young's hand.
That's why we're going
away, to stop all that.
All right, I won't
argue, Mrs. Bare.
I'll see you tonight.
Oh, what about the shrouds?
Oh, leave 'em.
They suit the place.
Mind how you go, Mrs. Bare.
Gently does it.
Mind how you go, Mrs. Bare.
Gently does it.
The rest's easy.
It's a push-over, Moni.
Mrs. Bare?
Mrs. Bare?
You left your bag
in the car again.
Where's Mrs. Bare?
She's all right now.
Come in here first.
Where is she?
Well, we had a terrible row just
after you left this morning.
Well, what happened?
You sounded desperate
on the telephone.
She's hysterical,
blind hysterical.
It's good to have a friend
to call on, Charlotte.
I've got such a lot on my mind.
Do sit down.
I've had Moni on
my mind lately too.
Do-- do sit down.
I've got to unload to someone.
Been feeling
apprehensive all day.
How, Edward?
Had a sort of premonition.
Of what?
Someone's gonna die.
Where's Mrs. Bare?
Oh, she's all right.
I'm the one you've
gotta worry about.
Do sit down.
So I've-- I've gotta
talk to someone or bust.
Someone who won't talk
about it afterwards.
Surely you can trust me, Edward.
Well, where shall I begin?
It's always best to
start at the beginning.
Yes, well, it was the first
time I ever came to this house.
It wasn't long before I
moved in for good, though.
Still, I gave her
value for money.
I made her laugh, taught her
to appreciate fine old brandy,
gave her something to live for--
Me and the drink.
Still, it caught up
with her in the end.
If Moni hadn't got
drunk and misled me, I--
When did she mislead you?
It was that last day.
She kept talking
about a will and Dora.
I thought was gonna bring her
sister back into the picture,
but instead she was gonna
cut her out altogether.
If Moni had made herself clear,
she'd be alive today.
Edward, do you know
what you're saying?
Of course, I know
what I'm saying.
I'm saying that I killed
your sister, Dora!
This window, see this catch?
Moni had a phobia
about burglars,
had this comic lock fitted.
She told me how to use it,
and I had to teach Freda.
But you picked that
latch up, went straight
through the first time.
"Where do I powder
my nose," you said?
"Second on the right,"
I said, and you turned
to the left, where it is!
You cheapened
yourself by pretending
to fall in love with me.
Well, I know who I appeal
to and who I don't.
Freda because she's
my class and Moni
because she was old and lonely!
What did you come here for?
What good did you
think it would do?
I wasn't satisfied with
the result of the inquest.
I've come here to put you where
you can't harm anyone else.
Who do you think
would believe you?
Anybody'd laugh in your face.
You're not worth
bothering about.
Get back to Jamaica
where you came from!
What are listening for?
Mrs. Bare!
Where is Mrs. Bare?
Have you killed her too?
Find her.
Mrs. Bare!
Search the house,
did up the cellars!
She's gone!
She's left!
You'll never see her again!
Where is she?
What have you done with her?
Get out of my way, or
I'll call the police!
Tell the police.
Tell 'em there's a
Tell 'em to come and get me.
I'll have a drink
while I'm waiting.
Go on!
What are you waiting for?
It's not like you, Edward,
just calmly telling me to go.
There's something else at
the back of that black mind
of yours, and I'm
going to stay here
till I find out what it is.
Get out of this house!
Get out of this house.
No, all the time
I'm here, I'm safe.
You can't afford
another dead body
in your drawing room, Edward.
All right, Dora.
You're asking for the
fireworks, and here they come.
You come step nearer, and
I'll scream this place down.
Yes, but only once.
You should study human nature.
A chap here's a scream, listens,
doesn't hear another one,
he walks on again.
Take care, Edward.
I'm much tougher than I look.
If you're tougher
than you look, why
are you so frightened of me?
It's all right.
I was only gonna
finish my drink.
That's where your sister
sat for the last time.
Go on, I'll give
you one more chance.
Clear out while it's still
your word against mine.
You can't frighten me, Edward.
The game's up.
I phoned Phillip Mortimer!
I could have saved
you the trouble.
He's always in
Canterbury on a Friday.
I expect you left a message.
It'll be a sweet thought
when he finds your body
where I intend to dump it.
It's not normal to have as
much confidence as you have.
I wonder what you'd
be like without it.
Go on, get out, run!
I'm not going to run
because you want me to.
And I'm not going to die
because you want me--
Get out!
I've been to Rumford,
Edward, and Acton.
I met your school master,
the one you hated so.
I talked to him and now I
know what an unbalanced mess
you really are.
Shut up.
At Acton, I talked
to the small boy
who lived next door to you,
the one you tried to kill
and very nearly did.
I didn't try to kill him.
That boy's grown up now, and
I know what really happened.
What a pity this didn't
come out at the inquest.
Shut up!
I won't listen.
Oh, yes,you will.
I'm going to show you to
yourself as you really are,
drag out your rottenness
and make you look at it!
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Look at you!
Even if you escape the
law, which is unlikely,
you can never--
Never escape myself.
I know it all.
There's not a doctor I
can't beat at his own game.
I've had this whole side
routine for years, and years,
and years, and there's
not one official mark
against me, Dora, which is one
reason why I can kill you now.
Well, hit me, Edward, hit me!
Never mind the
fingerprints on the poker,
the blood on the carpet or
how you're going to carry
me out without being seen!
This isn't how you
mean to do it, Edward.
You're bluffing again,
trying to make me run!
Well, I'm not going to run.
I'm staying here where I am!
Get out, get out, get out!
I've come across the world
to see you like this, Edward.
And now I know
you won't go free.
All right, Emmie.
All right, now, you
go on up to bed.
You'll be better in the morning.
I'm ever so sorry, ma'am.
No, it was my fault, Emmie.
Now, go on.
I'll come up and
see you in a minute.
Well, her stomach
isn't any stronger.
We stopped to have tea
to see if it'd go off,
and instead, she
nearly passed out.
You again, Miss Young?
Funny sort of time
to be visiting
my house, while I'm away.
I'm not Charlotte Young.
My name's Dora Macintosh.
Your husband, Edward,
killed my sister.
Well, I've had some pretty
funny welcomes in me time,
but this just about
takes the cake.
It's true.
It's true.
He's a murderer.
Well, he looks very well on it.
Come off it, Miss Young.
I know Ed's a bad boy, but
he isn't as bad as all that.
I must phone the police.
Not from here, you don't.
Oh, please, let me
use the telephone!
I can't leave you with him.
It's not safe.
That's for me to decide.
Now, will you kindly
get out of my house?
Your bag, Miss Young.
Now, then, young Ed,
I want an explanation.
What's the game, Ed?
I've won.
Oh, I shall always laugh
when I think of it.
I couldn't get her to go.
I tried every way.
And then she went
like a lamb, for you.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
She'll go over Sunrise Hill
just knock a bird down,
down, down into the valley.
You don't know
what you're saying.
My god, you never
touched her car!
I touched her car all right.
Hydraulic brakes, snip.
I cut the tube.
The oil'll run out.
She was in a hurry.
She couldn't stop.
Miss Young, Miss Young!
Ed, you don't know
what you've done.
Oh, I know what I've done.
I've got my money.
Any questions, Mrs. Bare?
I don't mind you
knowing everything.
After all, a wife can't be
compelled to give evidence
against her husband, can she?
I don't wanna know any more.
Hm, but I gotta make sure
you don't stick, haven't I?
I don't want you
hanging around my neck
now that I've got Moni's money.
Listen, I killed Moni,
and I killed her sister.
I'm a ruthless, cold-blooded
killer, and I did it for game.
What's the matter, Phillip?
Been an accident?
Something that was thought
to be an accident, Edward,
but it was murder.
I'm going to phone the police.
Freda, you tell-- how long
have they been here, Freda?
Long enough.
Mr. Mortimer stopped
me in the drive.
I'm dreaming.
You'll wake up in
prison, Edward.
Broadmoor, if you're lucky.
Moni, Moni.
Moni, tell me what to do!
I didn't meant it,
Moni, I didn't!
Tell me what to do.
Pull yourself together, Ed!
Mr. Mortimer, get him a drink.
Brain's still working, Freda.
I've done it, Moni.
I've done it!
I'm sorry, Mrs. Bare.
The only time in my life
my heart ruled my head.