Christmas at the Palace (2018) Movie Script

Keep your arms up.
Don't forget to smile.
Nathan, you're still recovering.
Don't do the triple Axel.
Yeah, I won't, I promise.
Have an ice pack ready.
He's gonna try the triple Axel.
- Get the ice.
- Perfect spiral.
You were amazing!
You know, I got a little
emotional out there,
thinking that this is
our second-last show ever.
You're not second-guessing
leaving the tour, are you?
No, no, I'm not.
I'm so excited.
We're finally gonna do it...
buy an ice rink,
start our own training center.
And after four years on tour,
finally be home.
Be in the same place for more than
two days, have a real Christmas.
- What's a real Christmas?
- I forget.
Something that's not in a hotel
or on a tarmac.
I'm gonna get a tree
from the Miller's farm
and take all my Christmas
decorations out of storage.
I'll decorate the house
exactly like my mom used to.
- I can't wait to finally be home.
- Me too.
We should finish packing.
We have to be at the airport
at 5:00.
Where are we going again?
- San Senova.
- San Senova, right.
Tiny country,
big tourist destination.
- I hope it's nice.
- It'll be great.
- Thank you, Dawson.
- Sir.
Your Majesty.
Nicholas, you've spent the last 30 years
as my best friend calling me "Alex".
That's when you didn't
use more colorful names.
Would you prefer
one of the more colorful names?
Thank you, Paul.
The west wing,
extensively refurbished
by the late Christmas King and...
Oh, sir, I'm so sorry.
Didn't we discuss keeping
the tourists to the east wing?
I'll inquire about it
again, sir.
Where did that come from?
Princess Christina requested
that it be placed in here.
Why do I somehow think that
that relates to this?
How is my father
the Christmas King,
and I'm the Grinch King?
Well, your father founded
the Christmas Market,
and the caroling concert,
and the holiday benefit
for the community center,
while you, when asked about
your feelings towards Christmas,
remarked that it's
"good for the economy".
It is good for the economy.
Alex, it's your third Christmas
as king of a country
founded around the holiday,
and you're yet to show
any Christmas cheer.
I know that Christmas can be
a hard time for you, but...
It's not hard.
Look, I'm just busy.
Look who's here.
I can see that I've
walked in on something.
Hello, Aunt Patricia.
The princess is wondering if you'll be
having dinner together tonight.
You've got your meet-and-greet
with the dignitaries this evening.
Can it be moved?
It's already been
rescheduled twice.
Tell her I'll do my best.
This place is like
a storybook come to life.
Yes, one where
my fairy godmother
gives me a cute boy
and some mistletoe.
They really love Christmas here.
According to this, this country
was founded on Christmas Eve.
There are nonstop
holiday events, traditions.
There's even a tour
of a decorated palace.
it's during our show time.
There is a Christmas Market
we can visit.
Perfect. I knew I left
my Christmas shopping
till the last minute
for a reason.
Excuse me, ma'am,
is this dog yours?
Oh, no, right.
I'm so sorry.
- I turn around for one second...
- That's all right.
I'm so sorry about dinner.
Tomorrow night, I promise.
- How was your skating lesson?
- I'm learning a spiral.
A spiral!
Perhaps I can come down tomorrow
and watch you practice.
It's getting late.
It's time to sleep.
But I haven't finished my movie.
A Christmas movie.
Well, let me guess how it ends,
as there is only one fitting
ending for a Christmas story.
The tree is lit,
the mistletoe is kissed under,
and a merry Christmas
is had by all,
and to all a good night.
I love you, Tina-bear.
I love you too.
Daddy, it doesn't matter
what anyone says.
You're not a Grinch.
Good night, Christina.
It does. Looks happy.
There's nothing to worry about.
You know, you'll make your
speech opening Christmas Market,
shake some hands,
wish some Merry Christmases.
It'll be good.
Yeah, it'll be great.
It's a chance to connect
with the people
and move past this whole
Grinch King business.
Who knows? After today,
I might be known as
the second Christmas King.
All right, you'll do great.
Just, you know, be yourself and...
you know, speak from the heart.
Just not sure I can do both.
Well, then,
just stick to the speech.
All right?
I'll go speak to the press.
It's so magical.
Look at these decorations.
This is so cute.
We should get it as a souvenir.
It can be a good luck charm
for our skating arena.
By the way, I spoke to a
real estate agency this morning.
They're gonna start
looking for rinks for us.
- That's great.
- Yeah.
You should go get warmed up
for the show.
I'll buy this.
I'll meet you there.
Sounds good.
I'll see you soon.
- Sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
No. "Christmas honor".
"Honor Christmas.
Honor it with all my heart".
- I must apologize.
- No, I'm sorry.
I didn't see anyone
hiding there.
- Well, I wasn't hiding.
- Right, of course.
I mean, it kinda looked like
you were hiding.
Really? And from whom
would I be hiding?
I don't know,
the Christmas crowds?
Hiding from Christmas.
If only that was an option.
I take it you're not a fan
of the holiday.
No, no, I am a fan.
Big fan. The biggest.
I honor Christmas
with all my heart and...
And try to keep
for all the year?
Yes, that.
That was very believable.
Well, it was believable
because it's the truth.
Blessed is the season where...
Which engages the whole world
in a conspiracy of love.
I knew it was something
to do with conspiracy.
What are you, some sort
of Christmas quote book?
- I just like Christmas.
- So I see.
Well, whatever you're doing,
good luck.
Hope you find
your Christmas cheer.
Thank you,
and I don't need to find it
because, well,
I'm brimming with it.
Behold. Christmas waves
a magic wand across the world
and makes everything
more beautiful.
- Good luck.
- Well, I don't need luck.
Okay, it's time.
I told the press you'd do a quick
photo op before the speech,
- Are you good?
- Yes.
Okay, I'll see you on there.
Hi. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Ladies and gentlemen,
King Alexander of San Senova.
Merry Christmas.
Good luck.
You're gonna be great.
It's gonna be great.
It's our last show.
It's a good thing.
We're finally going home.
I know. You're right.
We'll have stability.
- Yes.
- We'll plant roots.
And we can finally
see some friends.
Yes, and maybe even
start dating again.
- I think the curtain's going up.
- Yeah, of course you do.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
He was covered in plum pudding!
- Are you excited about the show?
- Yes.
Well, I've got a little
surprise for you.
How about after the show we'll go
around and meet the skaters?
- Really?
- Yes.
We did it!
Thank you.
That was so good.
- You were beautiful, as always.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Hello, are you by any chance...
Katie Hendricks!
I am.
- You must be Princess Patricia.
- How do you do?
Thank you so much
for inviting us backstage.
Of course. And you must be
Princess Christina.
Just Christina.
This is the talented
Jessica Lewis.
- Lovely to meet you.
- Wonderful to meet you.
- Wonderful show.
- Thank you so much.
- It's so nice to meet you.
- It's nice to meet you.
Should we curtsy?
I can't believe I'm meeting you.
You're a three-time
world champion.
Didn't you almost
go to the Olympics?
But you weren't in the show.
Did you stop skating?
I did.
I just choreograph now.
And by that, she means choreograph,
train, and constantly put out fires.
Jessica, I'm a huge fan.
I love your routines.
Thank you!
I hear you're being coached.
Learning any new tricks?
A spiral.
Well, pro tip:
A good spiral's all about
a great banana position.
Could you show me?
I have a rink at the palace.
You have a rink at the palace.
We could skate.
I could give you a tour.
Well, we were sad that
we missed the public tours.
Well, then you must
come visit us.
This afternoon?
- Yeah, that would be great.
- Lovely!
Thank you.
This is San Senova's
first royal family.
That painting is almost
500 years old.
I actually think
I have that dress.
And this is exactly
like our apartment.
- Really? Where do you live?
- New Jersey.
New Jersey.
Excuse me.
Where's your ladies' room?
It's up the stairs to the right,
third door on the left.
Third door on the left.
- You?
- You. What are you doing here?
You're on a tour.
Yeah, I got a little lost.
What are you doing here?
Well, I work here.
You work in the palace,
like for the king?
Something like that.
The king. Cool.
What's he like?
Magnanimous and beloved.
That sort of thing.
Well, I'm sure it's amazing
to work in this palace.
It's gorgeous.
Although between you and me,
I think it could do with a few
extra Christmas decorations.
'Course you would.
Well, I think it's
just perfect as it is.
Of course you do.
So can I help
with where you're headed?
- Thanks, but I'm good.
- Of course you are.
There you are.
- Sorry. I got lost.
- Oh, no need to apologize.
I've lived here my entire life,
and I still get lost.
Now, Christina and Jessica are
at the rink, so I'll take us.
I know.
Christina, this is amazing.
Do you ever put on shows here?
Well, actually, my grandpa
did want to host a show here.
An ice skating pageant
for Founder's Day.
- Daddy.
- I'm sorry I missed dinner.
That's fine,
but I have a question.
Do you remember how Grandpa
used to talk about
hosting an ice skating pageant
for Founder's Day?
Yes, the retelling of how
San Senova was founded.
Well, what if we hosted it?
That's a marvelous idea.
We'll start planning
after Christmas.
No, not for next Founder's Day.
For this Founder's Day.
Christina, Founder's Day
is on Christmas Eve,
and that's two weeks away.
A pageant would be
a massive production.
But the figure skating stars
are here.
Katie and Jessica came to the
rink today. They could do it.
And I'll inquire with them
for next Founder's Day.
But, Daddy, then you'll be the
Grinch King for a whole year,
and that's not who you are,
and everyone should know that.
I'll talk to this Katie
and Jessica, all right?
Good night, Tina-bear.
I love you.
I love you too, Daddy.
Bye. Merry Christmas.
Miss Hendricks, Miss...
The king has requested
a word with you at the palace.
- We have to catch our flight.
- Don't worry.
We'll make sure
it doesn't leave without you.
Do you think
we're somehow in trouble?
If this is the dungeon,
lock me up.
I can't believe
we're going to meet the king.
Let's just be on
our best behavior.
What, me?
Let's just not offend anyone
or break anything.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
- You?
- You?
What are you doing here?
I'm meeting the...
You're the king.
Should we curtsy?
So you're the Katie and Jessica
that Christina's spoken so highly of.
I'm Katie, and this is Jessica.
Well, nice to see you again.
Shall we get
to the business at hand?
So my daughter
has gotten an idea
to host an ice-skated retelling
of our country's founding.
It'll be performed
on Founder's Day,
which is Christmas Eve,
and it's 13 days from now.
- That's ambitious.
- I think so too.
She would love you both to star
in it, choreograph, and coach.
I know it's a tall order, but
I promised my daughter I'd ask.
However, I understand
how highly illogical
and quite impossible
it all could be.
- We'll do it.
- No.
I'm sorry, we can't.
Well, what's your final answer?
- Yes.
- No.
Skating in a pageant
in a palace.
That's a once-in-a-lifetime
To put on a pageant in 13 days?
Plus, we said we'd be home
for Christmas this year.
Yeah, but San Senova's like
walking into a snow globe.
- What could be better than that?
- Being home.
Ladies, if you've
decided to leave,
then a car is waiting
to take you to the airport.
However, if you're still considering,
the Crown's offer for your services.
If you need some more time,
I can simply reschedule
your flight to leave tomorrow.
We've already
checked out of our hotel.
Since you're in San Senova,
you shall be a guest
of the Crown.
You mean we'd be staying here?
I wouldn't get too excited.
Gets quite drafty.
He is so cute.
Oh, come on! Don't you wanna
stay at a palace?
No! I wanna stay
in my own bed.
And there's nothing that's gonna
make me wanna change my mind.
What about this?
That's a very generous offer.
Katie, this is the money
that we need for the ice rink.
What exactly does
the pageant entail?
I'll go find out.
So did our guests
reach a decision?
They're still considering, sir.
What is there to consider?
It's a ludicrous concept.
- Produce a pageant in two weeks.
- 13 days.
To say no now
would disappoint Christina,
but the show going awry would be
a much bigger disappointment.
I just know how much
this means to her.
I know you want to protect her,
but what if the show
didn't go awry?
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
I was just looking
for Christina and Patricia.
Oh, well, I can show you.
Follow me.
Okay, thanks.
So have you guys decided whether
you're gonna stay or not?
Not yet, no,
but I'm hoping for yes.
Yeah, me too.
It'd be nice to have you
as a houseguest.
- Yeah, follow me.
- Thanks.
Have you decided to stay?
Not quite yet.
We were hoping to find out
a little bit more about
your vision for the pageant,
about the stories that we'd be
telling, something like that.
San Senova wasn't a kingdom,
but it was a large estate
of a wealthy family:
William, Catherine,
and their daughter Sonia.
- Should we sit down?
- Sure.
Well, about 500 years ago,
there was a terrible avalanche
in the kingdom across the lake.
It destroyed a village,
and all the villagers
had to flee their homes.
So when William
found out about this,
he set off with a team
on horseback to rescue them.
Well, when they hadn't
returned after several days,
Catherine and Sonia,
who was about Christina's age,
decided to set off
and find them.
And Sonia and Catherine
skated across the frozen lake
to find William
and the villagers snowed in,
and then they brought them
to the safety of San Senova.
Where they all
celebrated Christmas together.
And they stayed
through the winter,
and in spring,
they didn't want to leave,
so they declared our family
the royal family,
and that is how the kingdom
of San Senova was born.
That's such a beautiful story.
- Isn't it?
- It is.
That's the story we tell
in the pageant.
And then maybe
the pageant would be
a new Christmas tradition
my dad gives the country.
And then everyone would stop
calling him the Grinch King
because he's not
a Grinch at all.
He's not who people think he is.
He's funny and nice
and the best dad,
and everyone should know that.
And maybe the pageant
could remind him
how much he loves Christmas,
and then he'll do
Christmas stuff.
You don't do Christmas stuff?
In the past few years, the
palace's Christmas festivities
have been, well,
more for formality's sake.
Photo ops and a very stuffy
traditional Christmas Eve dinner.
You don't decorate a Christmas
tree or bake Christmas cookies?
We used to do that
with my grandfather.
Come on.
See? Christina just wants
a real Christmas,
like somebody else I know.
With plum pudding
all over his face!
Girls, we're having a formal dinner
tonight for the visiting dignitaries,
so we've put some dresses
in your rooms.
Thank you!
Your room, Madam.
Good day, Madam.
Can we stay here forever?
No, but we can stay
until the pageant.
- You look... different.
- Thank you.
So I heard you're staying
for the pageant.
I hope you don't mind me asking,
what made you change your mind?
Christina can be
very persuasive.
That, she can.
And your generous offer
didn't hurt either.
Christina loves figure skating
more than anything,
and I love the joy and magic
it brings to an audience.
We all deserve a real Christmas.
I'm not sure what you mean,
but something tells me
I'm going to find out.
Shall we?
Okay, I've choreographed
some simple numbers
we'll weave through San Senova's
founding story.
I will start on costumes,
crew, props, sets,
and you're on casting
and scheduling rehearsals?
Yeah. I have tryouts for the
villagers starting in one hour.
And you're gonna play the queen?
Well, of course.
I was born for the role.
And it'll be fun to skate with Christina.
I assume she's playing the princess.
Patricia actually said that Christina
wanted to hold tryouts for Sonia.
I guess Christina
just wants to be fair.
That's sweet.
Okay, so I'm going
to head into town
to work on the set decor
and costumes.
Okay, I'm heading to the rink.
See? We're doing this.
12 days? No problem.
We'll get this thing done.
It is the season of miracles.
Also, I talked to the real estate
broker who's finding us the rink.
She's starting
to put out feelers.
Katie, Jessica,
I wanted to offer my assistance
in organizing the pageant,
- however I can help.
- Thank you.
I've always had a penchant
for musical theater,
and this seems pretty much
the same, only colder, on ice.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
The king's asked me to organize
an ice skating pageant
for Founder's Day,
I was wondering
if it would be possible
to rent set decorations
from you.
No need to rent.
We'll be happy to donate.
- Really?
- Of course.
Your Majesty.
- What brings you here?
- Pageant prep. You?
- I'm just running errands.
- Kings run errands?
Not typically,
but I came to pick up
the Christmas presents
for the palace staff.
That's really sweet of you.
You don't have to look
so surprised.
What are you getting everyone?
A specially-made card
and a monetary gift.
You're getting the staff money?
Well, it's traditional
and practical.
It sounds like a generous gift,
but maybe you should consider
adding a personal touch.
Well, I appreciate
your unsolicited advice.
I should run.
Thank you.
Good day.
Do you think that my gift
could be perceived as...
Aunt Patricia,
have you seen Christina?
She finished her homework
and ran off to the rink.
Thank you.
You were amazing!
That was great.
Why weren't you at tryouts?
Because I don't want
to play Princess Sonia.
Why not?
I guess everyone
will be watching,
and what if I mess up?
Everyone messes up sometimes.
Back when I was skating,
I used to be so worried
about messing up my jumps.
But my mom,
who was also my coach,
would always remind me
that in competition,
you get points for trying.
It doesn't matter if you fall.
And she would also tell me,
and I really wish I had listened
to her while I was skating,
it doesn't matter
if you mess up.
All that matters is that
you love being out on the ice.
And I hate to typecast you,
but you're an incredible
skating princess,
and the pageant needs
an incredible skating princess.
And you'll be
coaching the skaters?
Yeah. We'll have lots of time
to work together.
- Okay.
- Yes! High-five!
I'm not sure princesses
are suppose to high-five.
Okay. Low-five?
Shall we start with your spiral?
How's the planning?
Well, despite being highly illogical
and quite impossible, it's going well.
I overheard you at the ice rink
earlier with Christina.
- I hope I didn't overstep.
- No, not at all...
Actually, I wanted to thank you.
She can be tough on herself
and take herself too seriously.
It's been hard for her.
She lost her mother
six years ago
and her grandfather
three years ago.
And she knows that
despite being a child,
everyone sees her
as the person who will be queen.
I just know that skating
is truly the place
where she can just be herself.
I understand that feeling.
Well, thank you.
You know, she's putting
this pageant on for you.
I had my suspicions, with
the whole Grinch King fiasco.
Yeah. She thinks
you're pretty great,
wants everyone else to know too.
But I think she also hopes
this pageant will remind you
how much you love Christmas
and then get you
into the holiday spirit.
Well, I'll give it some thought.
And as ever, I appreciate
your unsolicited advice.
- Good night, Katie.
- Good night, Your Majesty.
Just Alex.
Good night, Alex.
The guest list
for the Christmas Eve dinner.
The Christmas Eve royal dinner.
Reigning contender
for the worst night of the year.
I wouldn't say contender, sir,
I'd say the heavyweight champion.
You know, it was tolerable
when my father hosted it.
Now it's unbearably stuffy.
By the way,
I need you to reschedule
my afternoon meeting
with the chancellor,
I have a surprise planned
for Christina.
The seamstress
is working on costumes,
the set decorations
should be delivered today.
The set designers
start tomorrow.
Great, and I'd love to set up a
meeting with the lighting crew.
I'll arrange that.
And let me know anything else
I can help with.
- Thank you so much.
- No, thank you.
It's not often we get to have
this much fun around here.
Don't worry. Everyone falls down.
Even me. All the time.
I promise you're gonna get it.
Just takes a little bit of practice.
- She's having trouble with her spiral.
- She's hard on herself.
Yeah, well, she reminds me
of somebody else I know.
I have to head to rehearsal
for the villagers.
Christina, you're doing great.
- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
But there are only
10 days until the pageant,
and I still haven't got
the spiral perfect.
And everyone's going
to be watching.
- What are you doing here?
- Well, last night,
I was thinking of something
your grandfather had said.
That in a palace
filled with Christmas trees,
we must have decorated one
You mean we're going to
decorate a Christmas tree.
- We need to pick one out first.
- Yes! Can Katie come?
Well, I'm sure Katie's quite busy,
but if she can spare an hour,
we could certainly
use your Christmas expertise.
Christmas is my middle name.
Then you must join us because
my middle name is William.
This one, this one, this one!
Can we get that one?
No, no, this one.
I really like this one.
Please, please, please,
please, please, please.
This is turning into
a photo op for you.
My life is one long
photo opportunity.
The joys of being king.
Don't have to tell me.
I was prom queen.
I think I found it.
I think I found the perfect tree.
This is the one.
It is perfect.
I'll ask Nicholas
to organize delivery.
- What?
- Well, my family tradition is
no Christmas tree shopping
is complete
without struggling to get
the Christmas tree home.
That was nearly the last of me.
Okay, be careful.
There? Okay.
Like here?
- Yeah.
- It's beautiful.
- Hot chocolate?
- Oh, honey, thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
I just love this one.
Why did I get this job?
I think I assumed,
since you rule a country,
you could probably untangle
some Christmas lights.
Well, I've once more
proved you wrong.
First, the struggle with
the Christmas tree home,
and now the lights.
Christmas should come
with a warning.
Yes, warning.
Fun ahead.
- Do you want some help?
- Yes, please.
Some of these ornaments
are hundreds of years old.
Then I probably
shouldn't touch them.
I'm not used to Christmas trees
having so much history.
Well, I'm used to being
surrounded by history.
My family's always
worked for the Crown.
My father assisted Alex's father.
My grandfather, his grandfather.
You gotta keep untangling it.
I think it would look
really good around you.
We grew up together
like brothers.
So was working at the palace
something you always knew
you wanted to do?
There was never any question
of doing anything else.
I mean, it's a wonderful job.
Sometimes I get to sit on the throne
when no one's looking.
What about you? Did you always
know you wanted to skate?
I did actually, yeah.
And so did Katie.
We met when we were three.
We grew up on the ice together.
All we ever dreamed about
was skating
and competing and performing.
And now we have a new dream.
I wanna buy an ice rink,
start a training center
where we can coach skaters.
I love to skate, but I could
always use some coaching,
if you need the practice.
Or we could do something else.
I could take you
on a tour of San Senova.
I'd love that.
- Let's have a look.
- It looks great.
- Well done.
- It looks so beautiful.
- Looks very nice, guys.
- Look at the star.
It's twinkling.
Should we take a photo?
Miss Hendricks,
you're needed at the rink.
- What's wrong?
- Jessica's hurt.
I've already called
the palace doctor.
Yeah, it's fine in there.
The outside's where it's...
- What happened?
- I slipped and fell wrong.
She'll be fine.
It's just a bad sprain.
Walking will be fine
in a couple of days,
but no skating
for at least three weeks.
- Three weeks?
- Three weeks?
But the pageant's in nine days.
Katie, you know
the choreography,
and you will skate it
better than I ever could.
I can't.
I have my old injury.
And I haven't been
on the ice in years.
We'll figure it out.
This country is full of ice skaters.
We'll find someone to replace you.
I'll hold tryouts.
Right, because you've
got nothing better to do.
I have few things I need to do.
Well, not to add to your list,
but I heard from the real
estate broker this morning.
We have some forms
we have to fill out,
and she told me that
there might be an ice rink
in Trenton going up for sale.
It's like
a half-an-hour from us.
Don't know why
we've never seen it.
I haven't seen pictures yet,
but it sounds perfect.
That's great.
I hope I'm not interrupting.
I brought you some flowers.
Thank you.
Beautiful flowers
for a beautiful lady.
- How is your ankle?
- It's feeling a lot better, thank you.
- Brilliant. Great.
- Thank you.
I'll leave you two alone,
and I'll catch you later.
- What's going on with you two?
- Nothing.
But he is handsome.
And odd, but in the best way.
And he's really smart.
- And?
- And I'm leaving soon.
Well, you never know
how things will work out.
Remember what my mom
used to say?
"Christmas is a time
where we open our hearts".
Oh, well, you know,
maybe you should open yours...
to skating in the pageant.
Could you help schedule tryouts
for the queen role tomorrow?
Christina needs to skate with
someone as soon as possible.
- Happy to help.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Aunt Patricia.
I'm so sorry
to hear about Jessica.
- Thank you.
- I'll just...
The pageant being illogical
and impossible
is growing increasingly real.
Well, I have faith in you.
And actually,
I have a little matter
I could use your advice on.
I've reconsidered your take
on the palace staff Christmas gifts.
- You did, did you?
- I did.
And I could see how my gift
could be perceived as...
I was going to say
"unsentimental", but...
That's the word
I was looking for.
I know you've got
a lot on your plate,
and heaven knows nobody needs
this pageant to succeed
more than the Grinch King.
I was hoping you could help
with some pointers
on my gift giving.
I would love to.
For the palace staff,
the kitchen crew,
Regina, Margaret, Dawson.
- Perhaps a coffee cup for Dawson.
- Does he drink a lot of coffee?
No, he doesn't.
Help. I'm failing Christmas.
Okay, well,
everyone who knows me
knows how much I love
Christmas ornaments.
I have a collection,
although I'm never home
to hang them on the tree.
But, as gifts,
I receive a lot of ornaments
with personal significance,
and I love them.
So I get the staff ornaments?
I think the key is
to give something
that tells everyone the place
they have in your heart.
Okay, let's see
what we can find.
I'll take one of these.
Two of these.
Here, hold that.
I'm sorry,
but the gift is socks?
Aren't socks considered universally
the worst Christmas gifts?
Not socks.
Christmas stockings.
You'll hand-make them
for the staff,
and we'll hang them
above the fireplace.
You can fill them with the cards
and the personal gifts
to show them how much you care.
I'm still struggling
with the hand-make part.
I'll help you.
Okay, I'll sew, you decorate.
Well, it definitely won't be
the other way around.
How do you know
how to do all this?
I used to do it with my mom.
She loved Christmas, went all out.
Everything handmade, DIY.
My mother passed away
when I was very young.
I never really knew her.
But my father,
he loved Christmas.
Sounds like a great guy already.
What was he like?
Magnanimous, beloved.
I feel like I've heard that
somewhere before.
Often it was actually true
with him.
I'm not quite the king
that he was.
- You miss him.
- Yeah, I do.
All the time,
especially at Christmas.
I get that.
The first couple Christmases
after my mom passed away,
every garland and carol
reminded me of her.
It was hard.
But now Christmas has become
a way of celebrating her memory.
- Shall we?
- Okay.
Sorry they're late,
but some good press.
Katie is rather something.
Yes, I suppose.
Alex, it is okay
to get close to someone again.
I know losing Victoria
was hard...
the menu the kitchen sent over
for the Christmas Eve dinner.
Can you pass it along to Patricia
and ask if she'll handle it?
Yes, Your Majesty.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How's it going?
Well, given there's a week until
Christmas, better than expected.
- Do you want to sit?
- Yeah, sure.
How's the ankle?
It's healing well.
Walking is fine.
It's just bad timing with the pageant
and having to find a replacement.
- And what about you?
- I'm ready for something new.
- The training center.
- What about you?
Do you think you'll stay
at the palace forever?
I'm not quite sure
what else I'd do.
What else would you want to do?
But I've lived in San Senova
my whole life,
so maybe go somewhere different,
try something new,
throw caution to the wind.
You know, have an adventure.
Sounds exciting.
Speaking of adventure,
didn't you promise me
a tour of San Senova?
I'm not quite sure it's
an adventure, but yes, I did.
It's a date.
We're supposed to be rehearsing.
Jessica's replacement's
coming to practice with you.
What's going on?
I don't want to play
Princess Sonia anymore.
When I was skating with Jessica,
she's the star.
I knew everyone
would be looking at her.
But now everyone
will be looking at me,
and they'll expect me
to be perfect.
Why would they expect that?
Because princesses
are supposed to be perfect.
Like Cinderella.
No one's perfect.
And Cinderella
definitely wasn't perfect.
She was always running late
and losing things,
like the glass slipper.
It's one thing
I'll never understand.
If that slipper fit perfectly,
then why did it fall off?
And Cinderella
was a terrible figure skater.
She was?
How could she not be?
Her coach was a pumpkin.
Sometimes it's just a little hard
being out there on the ice.
It is.
But I think that's part of it.
We can't let our fears hold us back
from doing what we love most.
What if I were to skate
the queen role?
- You'd skate with me?
- Yeah.
But aren't you hurt?
Well, let's just hope
I'm all healed up.
San Senova is so beautiful.
You should come back in summer
when everything's in bloom.
- I'll take you to the mountains.
- I'd like that.
- Are you okay?
- Fine.
No, it's okay.
He's so sweet and so hilarious,
and he just...
he just makes me feel
all fluttery.
- I'm so happy for you.
- Thanks.
And not to change the subject
because I do want to hear everything,
but I did sign the forms
that we need to send back
to the real estate broker.
Perfect, okay.
Excuse me, ladies.
I would like to invite you
to the royal Christmas tea
tomorrow afternoon.
It's an age-old tradition.
We'll have tea, finger sandwiches,
and traditional Christmas desserts.
My father and I used
to bake cookies for it.
Maybe that's something
Christina would love to do.
- Well, I'm not much of a baker.
- Well, Katie's a great baker.
Yeah, she used to make
these delicious
frosted gingerbread cookies
with her mom,
and I'm sure she'd love to help.
I know you're very busy, Katie,
but if you could spare the time,
I'm sure Christina would love it.
Anything for Christina.
Very well.
Good afternoon.
- What was that?
- That? That was awkward.
No, he's not interested.
I have seen him looking at you,
and yes, he is.
No, Jessica, he's not.
He dates...
I don't know who he dates,
but not people like me.
Why is it that you always think
you're not good enough?
I don't.
I think I'm great.
- Good.
- But he's a king who's here,
- and I'm...
- Also here right now.
And as you pointed out earlier,
What was that thing that your
mom used to say about Christmas?
That it's a time when
you should open your heart.
And I opened my heart
to skating in the pageant.
Speaking of, I should go
rehearse with Christina.
It's my first time
on the ice in years.
- Wish me luck.
- Luck.
Nice. Good job, Laney.
Good, Samantha.
High. Pick up your feet.
Seth, pick up your feet a bit.
Are you ready?
You know...
Actually, your dad wanted us
to make Christmas cookies,
so why don't I get everything
ready in the kitchen,
and you can rehearse
with the other kids.
But I don't know them.
Then show them who you really are
because everyone likes that person.
I know it can be scary
to put yourself out there,
but it's worth it.
And then David with the hat
said, "Yay".
And then the other kids
invited me to carol with them
at the Christmas Market
on Friday.
- Can I go?
- Yeah, of course you can, honey.
We'll perform on Friday at 3:00.
Katie, can you come?
Yeah, definitely.
Dad, can you?
I'll try my best.
So I'm stirring, your dad
is still rolling out the dough,
although why it's taking him
so long is a great mystery.
Well, I'm trying
to get it perfect.
It's a sugar cookie, not an
amendment to the Constitution.
My mom used to say no matter
how good the cookie looks,
you should always taste it
just to make sure.
Well, a job that important
definitely needs all of us.
Thank you very much.
Thank you. Cheers.
Thank you for the baking lesson.
- It was marvelous.
- For me too.
It's been a long time
since I baked Christmas cookies.
So are you enjoying yourself, or
does the question need not be asked?
- It's very well-organized.
- It is.
You know, it could do with
a little bit more holiday cheer.
You should come to the
Christmas Eve black tie dinner.
In comparison,
this is a carnival.
I'm confused.
If your father
loved Christmas so much,
then why is it so...
not festive?
My father was the one
who made these events festive.
- He enjoyed the gatherings.
- You don't?
Not so much.
Maybe you should start
your own traditions.
New traditions.
Speaking of new traditions,
I have something
I want to show you.
Does it mean we get to leave?
Here we are.
For Regina, my driver,
a cashmere scarf
and some driving gloves.
That's perfect.
And then for Margaret,
the head chef,
a set of antique serving spoons
she's always admired.
That's a great idea.
Thank you so much.
Okay, you...
- They look cozy.
- They sure do.
All right.
What has you awake at this hour?
I couldn't sleep. Thought
I'd make some hot chocolate.
Curing insomnia
with sugar and caffeine?
I can ask the staff to help.
No, I'm perfectly capable
of boiling milk and chocolate.
So you're sure don't need
any help at all?
Maybe a little.
So do you often have chocolate
in the middle of the night?
Well, I figure chocolate
comes from cocoa,
which comes from a tree,
which makes it a plant,
which means
I'm kind of having a salad.
I like your logic.
Can you keep a secret?
I keep a stash of candy
in my office.
Oh, a state secret.
So the pageant's in five days,
and then you go home?
I do.
I guess I've been
in such a big rush to get home,
but lately I've realized why I spent
the past four years on the road.
To me, home is where my mom was,
especially at Christmas.
I guess I'm not so sure if going home
is actually gonna feel like home.
I mean, back in New Jersey,
I have a lot of people I love...
friends, family.
A beau?
- No, no beau.
- Oh, no...
Well, I find that hard to believe.
Why not?
I was dating someone, but
touring and distance took a toll,
and I don't think I wanted
to get close to anyone else.
How come?
After my mom passed away, I...
I didn't want
to lose anyone else.
What if you didn't
have to lose anyone?
What about you?
Do you date?
Not since
Christina's mother passed.
I've devoted all my free time
to Christina.
Plus, dating in the national
spotlight's a little bit daunting.
Although I think
I'm ready to find someone.
I know how much
Christina wants a family.
And when I see her with you...
I should get back to this.
What is it,
some more state secrets?
It's the Christmas Eve
dinner plan.
So it's who's invited,
who sits where.
The diplomats
with the diplomats,
and the Cabinet is separated,
so they don't fight.
Where would a commoner
like me sit?
Well, there's nothing common
about you at all.
So I mean, if you were to come
to the Christmas Eve dinner,
I would seat you
right next to me.
I have some news.
I just got off the phone
with the real estate broker.
The rink I was telling
you about in Trenton,
- it just came on the market.
- That's great.
Except that there's already some
potential buyers interested,
so I was thinking maybe I should
go home and take a look at it.
Okay, well, I...
Besides you're gonna be home
in five days,
and until then,
I will fill you in on everything.
I'm so sorry
I have to leave so early.
- Will you come back soon?
- I hope so.
And I'll come visit you
in New Jersey.
New. And then we'll go
visit Old Jersey together.
- Bye, guys.
- Bye!
- I love you.
- Call me when you land.
I will, I promise.
Are you sure you're able
to travel in this state?
- I'll be okay.
- You don't need any assistance?
Is that an option?
- I'll come visit.
- I'd love that.
You sound so beautiful,
I'm just practicing
for caroling tomorrow.
And everyone asked me
to go sledding after.
- Can I go?
- Well, do you have time?
Well, I already know my part.
I'm just waiting for Katie.
And what's wrong?
I'm waiting for her
to want to practice together.
I don't think
she wants to skate.
What are you doing?
Going over the pageant
choreography in my head.
Why in your head?
Why not just skate it?
I tell myself that even though
in my dreams I'm on the ice,
and every time I hear music,
I envision myself doing a routine,
I still tell myself
I'm okay not skating.
But agreeing to be in the pageant
and working with Christina,
it's made me realize
that I miss skating...
so much.
I'm scared to get
back out there.
You know,
I'm terrified to be king.
But I can't not do it
just because I'm afraid.
I didn't think
you could make it.
Do you remember
this is where first met?
- When you were hiding.
- I wasn't hiding.
San Senova is famous
for its night skies.
Is that why you have
a star on your flag?
Partially, but legend has it
that the star on the flag
is actually the Christmas star.
You're familiar with the story
of Princess Sonia...
Very well by now.
Well, the legend says
that as the night fell,
Sonia and Catherine
followed the Christmas star
and guided the villagers
back to safety.
I didn't think
the Christmas star was real.
You know, my father
use explain it as
like a personal guiding light,
something inside of us.
He used to say
that if I was ever lost
and didn't know which way to go,
I could come out
and find the San Senova star,
the Christmas Star,
and it'd guide me home.
That's what
you're doing out here.
Looking for guidance.
I guess I am.
You know, I don't always know
how to be king,
so I come out here,
and I find that star
and try and remember who I am,
what I want, and what I love.
What star do you
imagine it to be?
That's easy. It's...
It's that one.
- It's that one?
- No, no.
that one there.
Of course.
- Hi.
- Katie, hi.
I'm at the rink, and it's...
it's perfect.
But there are other buyers, and
one's already putting in an offer.
- What should I do?
- I don't know.
Do we have to make an offer now?
The pageant's in three days.
I'll be home in four.
Okay, yeah,
I'll try to buy us time.
Okay, yeah, just keep me posted.
- I will. Bye.
- Bye.
It's getting cold.
- We should probably go in.
- Yeah.
Do you have a grievance
with that parcel, sir?
Would you like to try?
- What is it?
- It's a little something for Katie.
She's leaving soon,
so it's the least I could do.
After all,
she produced the pageant,
helped with the staff
Christmas gifts.
- Christina really loves her and...
- And you have feelings.
What makes you think
I have feelings?
The article in the paper, sir.
Alex, relax.
You're allowed to have feelings.
No one's gonna judge you for it.
In fact, people will like you
all the more.
- Katie's leaving.
- So?
I've heard there's
this miraculous invention
called "the aeroplane".
You could go there,
she could come here.
It's just not that simple.
She can't imagine how difficult
this whole situation is.
No, you're right.
She can't imagine it,
so you're going
to have to tell her.
Okay, first run-through in five.
Katie, Alex is asking to see you.
Now? We're about to do
our first run-through.
Well, I can take over
for you for a bit.
I get to pretend I'm in charge.
Mustn't keep the king waiting.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I didn't know
if you'd seen this.
I didn't.
What do you think?
I think the photographer
got my good side?
I like that about you.
My photogenic angles?
Your ability to see
the good in everything.
Because you don't see
the good in this.
It's just not so simple as a flirtation
when the country's watching
and Christina is growing attached,
and you're leaving.
I understand it's not
so simple a flirtation.
- That's not what I meant.
- It's okay because it's true.
That's, that's all it is.
You're a king, and I'm...
So what else is there to say?
I should get back to rehearsal.
- Hi.
- Hey, I'm at the ice rink.
Someone's already
put in an offer,
and the real estate broker's
asking us what we want to do.
Well, what do you think
we should do?
I want to put in an offer,
but that seems crazy to me
when you haven't even seen it.
I mean, what if
you don't like it?
I trust you.
Katie, this is a huge decision.
I can't make it for both of us.
Well done, very good.
It's almost time
for our rehearsal.
Watch your hands.
A bit higher.
I'm so sorry, Christina.
But Jessica needs me.
I have to go home.
I found a replacement
for the queen role.
She's a great skater.
You're leaving?
I'm so sorry.
This is for you.
Is that Katie's costume?
So she's finally going
to practice with Christina?
I'm sorry.
I thought you knew.
- I knew what?
- Katie went home.
- What are you watching?
- A Christmas movie.
Well, we both know
how that's going to end.
Any chance you've
changed your mind
about performing at the pageant?
I don't want to play
Princess Sonia.
Besides, Katie's replacement
doesn't know the part.
Well, Tina-bear,
you do know your dear old dad
is quite the skater.
What if I replaced Katie?
- The part's for a queen.
- But it can be for a king.
It's our Christmas tradition.
And we may not have a queen,
but we have a princess,
and we have a king.
There's nothing
more important for me
than spending time at Christmas
with you.
Aunt Patricia,
I was wondering if you could
help me with something.
Well, of course.
I've decided I want to cancel
the Christmas Eve dinner.
I think we can start
a new tradition.
A quiet family Christmas,
just us.
Sounds lovely, Alex.
Come on, let's go.
You heard His Majesty.
Look what I picked up
this morning.
We're still in escrow,
but everything looks good,
and the old owners said
to make this rink our own.
- So...
- Okay.
Where are you going?
Kind of like a real Christmas.
Thank you.
You were so close.
Why did you stop?
I guess I didn't want
to get hurt.
I didn't want to get close
and lose someone again.
It doesn't make sense anyway.
Alex and I come from
completely different worlds.
We want different things.
I was asking about skating.
But you and Alex want
the same things...
each other and family.
And I think the home that you
were hoping you would find here,
you found in San Senova.
I know how scared you are
of putting your heart
into something
and really wanting it
and not getting it,
but you didn't get
what you wanted with skating
not because
you weren't good enough,
but because you gave up on it.
You shut down to it.
You are my best friend, Katie.
You're like a sister to me.
I don't want to watch you
waste any more time
wishing that you'd gone after
the thing you really love.
What was that thing your mom
always said about Christmas?
It's a time
when we open our hearts.
Or reopen them.
Even when we're scared,
even when we've been hurt.
Especially then.
Go back to San Senova.
- I can't.
- I can't leave you. You're family.
Yeah, but wherever we go,
we'll always have each other.
- But we just bought an ice rink.
- Yes, we did.
But I was thinking,
if you wanted to do
something else,
then maybe you could be
a silent partner here.
How are you going to start
and run a business alone?
Well, actually,
I might have some help.
And some help has arrived.
- Hi!
- Hi.
- It's good to see you.
- Good to see you too.
Our Jessica leaves
quite the lasting impression.
That she does.
And we felt, as crazy as it is,
we had to give it a shot.
Have an adventure.
And I feel that running a training
center could be in my wheelhouse.
After all, I've spent the last decade
overseeing the politics of a nation.
I believe I'm well-versed
in performance and spectacle.
From the king.
Thank you.
Dear Katie,
I remember you said
that people who care for you
give you ornaments at Christmas,
although I'm sure you will
argue this isn't an ornament.
It's my Christmas star,
and I hope it guides you home.
Love, Alex".
Five, everybody!
Places in five!
You look beautiful, Tina-bear.
Alex, Alex!
I thought before you went on,
there's something
you ought to see.
"San Senova's New Founder's Day.
Tradition hosted by
the new Christmas King".
The new Christmas King.
Now, curtain's almost up,
so you'll give your speech,
- and then... we'll begin.
- Come on.
I'll see you out there
in a second.
Merry Christmas Eve,
and welcome to San Senova's
Founder's Day Pageant,
which I hope will be
the first of many to come.
It was always my father's dream
to celebrate our founding
with a Christmas spectacle.
- Christina.
- Katie!
You came back!
I'm so sorry I left.
Can you forgive me?
The retelling
of how San Senova came to be.
This has been
a very special Christmas,
perhaps the most special
because I was shown
the true meaning of the holiday,
that Christmas is a time
that no matter where we are
or how we are, we're
brought back to one another,
that Christmas is a day that
reminds us of our greatest gifts:
our family,
our friends,
our community,
and our country.
The people we love.
That Christmas is a day
that guides us home.
So from my family to yours,
I wish you all
a very merry Christmas.
The ice is yours.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
I'm very glad
I didn't have to do that.
- I'm so happy you came back.
- Me too.
I realized that
I don't want to train anymore.
I want to skate.
And I was thinking
San Senova has the tourists,
you've got a rink,
we've got the perfect makings
for a permanent show.
With a role for me, I hope.
You'd have to audition.
Katie, it doesn't matter to me if I'm
a king, and you're the prom queen.
I'm just a man who loves a woman
who he hopes loves him back.