Companion (2025) Movie Script

Most of the time
it's like, I don't know,
it's like there's this thick
black cloud covering everything.
Like we see the world, but we
don't really
see the world, you know?
We're all just
stumbling around, directionless,
no sense of
meaning, no sense of purpose.
I know that might sound
super depressing, but honestly,
I think it's a good thing.
Because it makes us
appreciate the other times.
Those brief, transcendent
moments when
the lights flicker on,
the black cloud parts, and you
see the world
for what it really is.
And suddenly there's meaning.
Suddenly there's purpose.
So, uh, do you... oh, shit,
shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit, shit.
If you're lucky, you'll
experience this
once in your lifetime.
God damn, that
was, uh, that was smooth.
For me, so smooth.
It happened twice.
The first was
the day I met Josh.
Uh, I'm Josh.
I'm Lyra.
And the second,
the day I killed him.
Iris, wake up.
Ooh, it's a beautiful day
Ooh, I never
felt this way before
Nicely be out.
How long was I out?
Uh, for a while.
Yeah, you were
zonked out there pretty good.
I was having the
most wonderful dream.
Yeah? About me?
That is very
presumptuous, but...
Yes, you knew it.
Was it sexy times?
No. You deviant.
A little bit of sexy times?
Was my shirt off?
No, I was
dreaming about the day we met.
It was also perfect.
Remember how perfect it all was?
Yeah, no, no,
how could I forget?
Supermarket, the oranges.
What road is this?
It's not showing up in the GPS.
I don't think this is the road.
I think this
might be the driveway.
Oh, it's a beautiful day
Oh, I never felt this way before
I'll give you some more
Oh, well, I'm feeling so fine
You have
arrived at your destination.
Thank you, Josh's car.
Thank you, car.
Pop the trunk.
Pop in the trunk.
Fuck me.
Cat called this place a
little rustic
cabin in the woods.
I think we might have differing
opinions on the
meaning of the word "cabin."
Also rustic.
Also little.
Iris, come
on. You know you can't
lie to me.
Tell me what's wrong.
I'm gonna do something stupid.
I'm gonna say something
stupid. I'm
gonna embarrass you.
They're gonna laugh
at me. They're gonna hate me.
They already hate me.
Jesus Christ, Iris.
We've been
planning this trip for months,
and this is all
just coming out now,
like 20 feet
from the fucking door?
Look, look. Hey.
My friends don't hate you.
Cat does.
Yeah, maybe,
but cat hates everybody.
I just don't want
to screw everything up.
Come on, Beboop. You're
not gonna screw everything up.
Just relax.
You know? Don't
be all moopy and weird.
Just remember to...
remember to smile and act happy.
All right.
Yay! You
made it fucking funny!
Okay, so when you said
"remote," I
thought you meant, like,
a couple miles off the highway.
I didn't realize you meant
edge of fucking civilization.
Oh, don't be so
dramatic, Josh. It's not that far.
Okay. Hard to disagree.
Um, hello, Iris.
Hi, Cat. It's
so good to see you.
So good.
Everyone, look who I found.
Hey, hey!
Look at you in the
kitchen, man. Look at me. Welcome.
I would, um, give you a hug,
but I've got scallop hands.
Sorry. Okay?
Well, I appreciate that.
Where's that?
Oh, there he is!
Joshy boy, Joshy boy
Hey, buddy.
How'd you two girl get in?
Hi. Hi. How are you?
I'm good.
Uh, I'm, um, drunk.
Good. This is good.
Oh, and Josh,
you remember Sergei?
Hey! Sergei,
nice to see you again.
Likewise, my
friend. Likewise.
And this
beautiful creation must be Iris.
Such pleasure. I have
heard a lot about this one.
Really? All good, I hope.
Your lake house, it's...
really... It's incredible.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's so secluded.
I mean, I
think the last place we
passed was,
like, ten miles back.
And I paid for this.
But I have a seat
that's not come cheap, my friends.
Not cheap at all.
Don't tell me you're
on the whole fucking lake.
No, no, no. Don't be
silly. Just all land around it.
But let's get you guys a drink.
What you like?
Beer, cocktail, wine?
I'm fine. More than
anything, I just need a shower.
Katunak, what room they are in?
Up the stairs, down
the hall. Last one on the left.
I'll see you later.
Get happy.
continue. Continue the story.
So, I was wearing this
elaborate Dracula costume.
And I didn't know a
single person, as I said.
So I'm standing by the snack
table, just munching on carrots
and something
that looked like hummus.
It was not hummus.
It was not
hummus, I don't think.
But I feel a tap on my shoulder.
And so I turn around.
And there's this green, puffy
dinosaur just staring me down.
And inside its
head, I hear this very,
very muffled,
very annoyed voice say,
standing on my tail."
So I turn around, I
look down, and sure enough,
I am standing on
his little dino tail.
So I step off and
apologize, and he takes his head off.
And I'm looking at the most
beautiful man that
I've ever seen in my life.
So did you meet this
beautiful man after you met Eli?
Okay, no way. Shut up.
Was that a
scallop? That was a scallop.
That actually hit
me. Yeah. I took baseball.
Yes, you did.
When did you know?
I know what.
That... He was the one.
No. Right then and there.
I know it's gonna
sound cheesy, but the moment...
The moment we locked out of
inside of me, it just...
clicked into place.
It doesn't sound
cheesy at all. I get it.
It's like
there's this piece of you
that you didn't
even know is broken,
and then...
it's... it's fixed.
And you're
staring at this stranger,
this person
you've never met before,
and you know...
that for the rest of your
life, you will
do whatever it takes
to make this person happy.
Right? Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, totally.
Patrick, this food
is unbelievable. Thank you.
Thank you,
Sergey. That's so
nice of you.
I'm glad you like it.
He spoils me.
I swear I've gained
like 10 pounds
since we started dating.
Only 10?
Shut the fuck up.
So, Sergey, what
kind of work do you do?
Oh, you know, I
have fingers in many pots.
My hands are
not clean, my friend.
It's a... a
very dirty business.
seems... he seems nice.
Oh, yeah. He's got
everything you want in a man.
He's rich,
intelligent. He's got a beautiful wife.
Wife? He...
Sergey's married?
But you love...
you love each other.
With love? No.
No, no, no, no, no.
You'd have to think
of me as a human being first.
I don't understand.
I'm an
accessory. Like his fucking car.
I wear what he wants, eat what
he wants, fuck when he wants.
Look who I'm talking to.
Do you not like me, Kat?
You know, it's not
that I don't like you, Iris.
It's the idea of you.
You made me feel so...
Nobody could replace you, Kat.
I mean, you're Kat.
You're so
fearless. It's inspiring.
I wish I could
be more like you, but...
You know, I
wasn't built that way.
I just...
I feel like there's always
something inside
of me holding me back.
No, no, no.
Come on.
Okay, get out
of the pitch. Get out.
Oh, God.
Come on.
You two, put that phone
away. Put it away and get up.
Get your asses up. Come on.
Come on.
Hey, sweetie.
I'm so glad we did this.
Being here with
you is just perfect.
I don't know.
I'm sorry if I was
being weird or mopey earlier.
I just want
you to be happy, Josh.
That's all.
All right. Go to sleep.
It's such a gorgeous day out.
Where's the weather?
It's currently
72 degrees, but the
93% chance of
rain in the evening.
It never gets old.
You almost ready?
I'm sorry, babe. I think
I need some time to shower and
pound a few gallons of coffee.
Why don't you head
down there by yourself?
It was your idea.
You said you wanted a nice,
relaxing morning by the lake.
I know, but that's before
the hangover caught up with me.
Last night was a lot.
You'd find that right?
Of course I did, Bebo.
Last night was incredible.
You want me to wait?
We can make the shower for two.
No, no, no. That's okay.
You go on ahead.
Enjoy as much of
this gorgeous day as you can.
Dobre utre.
That means good morning.
Oh, yes.
Dobre utre to you too.
Hey, your Russian is not bad.
It is not good.
But also it is not bad.
Nice view.
Lovely boy to love.
Hmm. You like?
I'm actually
going to head back inside.
So soon?
Josh wasn't
feeling great this morning,
so I think I
should check in on him.
Josh's big boy
can take care of himself.
Thay keeps her company.
I really think I should see him.
You like Lake House, yes?
You enjoy your time here?
Mm-hmm. Yeah, very much.
Then as guest, please stay.
Keep the soul
of Russian men company.
You mind?
Just back and
shoulders is tough to reach.
Don't want to get too tan.
And shoulders, please.
What are you doing?
It's no problem.
This cat's idea.
She tells
Sergey you are down here.
Give Sergey permission.
I'll go with my hand, please.
This is what you do,
this is what you are for.
Please, please stop.
I was drunk.
I mean, last night.
Yeah, yeah, you
were extremely drunk.
It was crazy.
You were drunk too.
Like more drunk than I am.
I was more drunk.
I was more hydrated.
Like it's like this gift.
Like people get
bloated and stuff and not me.
Like never happens.
Never gets loaded.
Never. Like
I just like I get
a drink and do whatever I want.
Like I'm looking at dehydrated.
Yeah, it's just
like, what the fuck?
Oh shit.
What the fuck?
I didn't mean to.
He forced himself on me.
Who did?
Sergey just want a little taste.
I just wanted him to stop.
Oh God, Sergey.
Iris, Iris, look at me.
Look at me.
Talk me through it.
What happened?
I said stop!
I didn't have a choice.
He wouldn't let go.
He was choking me, Josh.
And then I...
And then you what, Iris?
Then you what?
He was trying to kill me.
And the only thing I
could think about was that if he
did kill me, I'd
never get to see you again.
And I heard so much more
than the pain of being choked.
I wouldn't let that happen.
I couldn't let
him take me away from you.
I love you so much.
Let's go to sleep.
Are you sure this is gonna hold?
No, it's fine.
She's not
superhuman or anything.
She's only as
strong as they want her to be.
Hank, I've not.
How's she doing?
She's asleep.
I gave her two Xanax.
Xanax is?
Whatever. She's asleep.
Okay. Good.
What do we do now?
I mean, the only thing
we can do is call the cops.
We tell them everything.
Right. Yeah.
But what about...
obviously I'll need to, uh...
You know.
I just don't understand
how this could have happened.
I mean, like, don't they have,
like, safeguards for these guys?
I have no idea.
Like a glitch, maybe?
Okay. So...
I'll call the
cops and you will...
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry, do you mind, um,
taking it
outside just because...
I don't want to say goodbye.
Yeah, buddy. Sure.
Iris, wake up.
Be lost without you.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay. You're okay.
You're okay.
I'm here. Hey, hey.
Listen to me.
Why are my hands
tied? Why are my hands tied?
Iris, we didn't have a choice.
We didn't have a choice.
You murdered
Sergei. You remember?
No, no, no, no, no.
He was
self-defense. He was gonna kill me.
He was gonna kill
me. You gotta believe me.
No, I believe you.
Iris, I mean, you couldn't
lie to me even if you wanted to.
It's, um...
part of your programming.
Programming? What the
hell are you talking about?
Okay, um...
Sorry, there's just
no delicate way to say this,
so, um, I'm just gonna...
rip the Band-Aid right off.
You're a robot.
A robot.
More specifically, you're a...
companion robot.
A companion robot?
Yeah, it's like, uh...
I hate the word "fuckbot."
Um, because you do so
much more than that, but, uh...
You're an
emotional support robot.
Bad fucks.
You're joking.
Right. This is just a sick...
Iris, what's the weather?
It's currently 72 degrees with a
93% chance of
rain in the evening.
Are you still not convinced?
Yeah. Okay. Uh...
Let's see.
Iris, do you know
any foreign languages?
Can you speak, say, Spanish?
About Chinese.
Do I need to keep going?
Because I can go, uh...
I can do
Portuguese, I can do Korean,
I can do, uh...
I don't know what "talugu"
is, but apparently you speak it.
I don't understand.
I have memories.
Uh, college, summer jobs.
I've been to Japan twice.
Okay. So what
those are, those are, um...
They're like
outlines of memories.
You know, just
enough to give you a little...
The day we met in the
grocery store,
you and the oranges,
that is not
an outline of memory.
Yeah, it's
fake. It never happened.
I just randomly picked it from
a drop-down list of meet-cutes.
Could have been
anywhere. It could have been...
dog park, a
bookstore, farmer's market.
It never happened.
Okay, do you, um...
Do you want to know how we
met? Like,
how we really met?
Hey, uh, Josh Beeman?
Yeah. Okay.
That's me.
Come on in. Thank you.
Oh, sorry.
How you doing?
Okay, this is
the user agreement.
Just give it a read and then
sign at the
bottom when you're done.
So, um, what do
I do when she, like,
like boots up or whatever?
Well, once she's
done syncing with your phone,
you'll need to
create a love link.
Love link?
It establishes the emotional
between you and, uh...
Oh, Iris.
Just follow the vocal
prompts when she wakes up.
It's all pretty intuitive.
Do they know
that they're robots?
Not at all.
She'll be so fixated on
you, your wants, your needs,
that'll never even occur to her.
The whole
experience is customizable.
You can change your
voice, eye color, intelligence,
and if you ever want to revert
back to her factory settings,
there is a thumbprint
sensor behind her right ear.
Just hold your
thumb there for five seconds.
She'll reset.
You can... you can
change their intelligence?
Yeah, but don't worry.
There is about a
billion government regulations
that force us to limit how
strong and smart they can be.
100% intelligence would be the
equivalent of
an Ivy League grad.
0% would be a
mindless automaton.
It really just depends on
what kind of partner you want.
She can't lie, so
if you ask her a question,
she literally has
to tell you the truth.
And for obvious
reasons, her programming prevents her
from causing harm to humans,
animals, or other companions.
Trust me, Mr. Beeman,
you have nothing to worry about.
Iris is completely docile.
She's yours to do
whatever you want with.
To establish love, Link,
please place your face within
three feet of
my field of vision.
Please say your name.
Josh Beeman.
Thank you, Josh Beeman.
Love, Link, established.
Hey, you.
Oh, my God. Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, God!
I don't understand.
I feel things.
Guilt. Sadness. I...
I know what pain feels like.
It's programming.
It's just a way to
make you seem more real.
Everything you
do, your whole life,
it's just an
imitation of a life.
There we go. Perfect. Okay.
This is just water.
You know, it's from
a reservoir in your body.
It's like wiper fluid.
I get it topped off every
time I take
you into get service.
Service? No, you're not.
Iris, it's programmed.
Stop saying that.
Yeah, you're right.
You're right. I'm sorry.
I know this
must be a lot to process.
Okay, what?
I'm not real.
But I'm still yours.
We can get through
this. We can go back home.
I'll do whatever you want.
I'll cook for you,
wait on you, make love to you.
I can make
you happy, Josh. I
can make you
so, so, so, so happy.
No. I'm sorry.
Iris, that can't happen.
Why not?
Uh, what are you doing?
Nothing. Okay?
What the fuck are you
waiting for?
Shut her down already.
Shut me down? Fuck.
What is she
talking about? Shut me down?
No, come on.
You can't do
that, Kat. You can't
tell a robot
you're gonna shut it down.
It's like, it's
like not cool at all.
Well, okay, I
don't like surprises, Josh.
This was not part of the plan.
Look, I know. And I'm
sorry, but I mean, you know,
everything she's done for us,
I figure she was at
least owed an explanation.
And, okay, look,
I wanted to say goodbye.
Are you
kidding? She's a piece
of plastic
that you have sex with.
Saying goodbye
to her is like saying
goodbye to the
sock you jerk off in.
Okay, she's not a sock.
The plan hasn't changed, Kat.
I'm just adding one tiny
extra step,
just a final farewell,
and then I will switch all of
her settings back to normal.
And then, yeah, I'll
shut her down permanently.
And then? Then nothing.
Then we crack open a bottle of
champagne and we
wait for the cops to show up.
I mean, the heartburn's over.
Which, by the way,
like holy fucking shit, Ray.
I mean, you
plan and you plan and you
plan and you like
know it's gonna happen,
but then like it happens and
you're like holy fucking shit.
I mean, we did it. We
did it. We fucking did it.
All right. All
right. That's good. That's it.
Okay, yeah, sorry. Right.
Sorry. I still
just can't believe it.
Yeah, I know. So crazy.
What the fuck is going
on with you right now? Why are
you not as excited as I am?
No, I am. I'm excited. It's
just this
annex you like gave me.
actually took it. It's a
Xanax, Josh. I'm
not gonna not take it.
Hey, Beboop. Look,
I'm so sorry about that.
gonna be okay, word.
What are you doing?
Oh, fuck. I was gonna...
I'm so sorry.
He'll need an ice pack
and if there's any swelling,
shortness of breath,
wheezing, agitation or driziness,
take him to the
emergency room, okay?
Um, okay.
Yeah. She's tied up inside,
so she's not going anywhere.
Levi. Levi.
Shh, baby. You're
on the phone. I can't hear.
What's that?
What am I looking at?
A mod.
A mod? And
what does it mod?
Iris. Gives me access to
parts of her programming that
you're not
typically given access to.
I'm sorry.
Did you jailbreak your
sex pot? What
did you do to her?
I bumped up her aggression
and her self-defense functions,
and I turned off the programming
that prevents
her from doing harm,
but she escaped before
I had the chance to reset her,
so if Empathix finds
her before we do, then they'll
know she was tampered
with and then we're fucked.
Wait, so does that mean that...
Did you kill Sergei?
No, no, no,
no. Iris killed Sergei.
Oh, my God.
We just gave her a little push.
Oh, my God.
Eli. Oh, my God.
You have to
understand, Eli, Sergei was a bad dude.
He was mixed up in all
kinds of fucked-up shit, like
drugs and guns
and human trafficking.
Not to mention
a terrible boyfriend.
Yeah, just the worst. Why?
I don't
know. I mean, it was to
say what makes
people do bad things.
I mean, it could have
something to do
with his upbringing.
No, Dick, why did you do it?
Oh. Right, sorry. Um...
You remember
the code? Of course.
Stalin's birthday.
It's his code for everything.
I see.
How much is that?
Um, just over 12 million.
Oh, God damn it.
That smells so fucking good.
If this whole trip was a
set-up to get
Iris to kill Sergei,
why did you have
Patrick and I tag along?
To corroborate our story.
I mean, we figured it'd be an
easier sell with more witnesses.
Oh. So we were just
a couple of stooges, huh?
No. Nice.
Technically, yes,
but that was the old plan.
New plan.
You get a cut.
Even three-way split.
You mean... four-way split.
No. I mean three-way.
But there's four of us.
You're... you're
kidding. He's... he's kidding.
You, me, Kat, Patrick...
You're lying. Josh.
Patrick doesn't count.
Are you fucking... Wow.
Wow. Right in front
of him? I'm really nice.
I'm so sorry, baby.
I'm sorry I had to hear that.
That's okay. I don't
mind. Patrick, go to sleep.
What the fuck? Dude, you
trying to
sabotage my relationship?
No, of
course not, man. I know
how much Patrick means to you.
God knows you
could've traded him in
for a newer model
like many, many times.
Are you fucking robo-shaming
me? I am not
robo-shaming you.
I like Patrick,
but he's not getting a cut.
I mean, you're
lucky you're getting anything,
considering you
contributed jack shit to the plan.
What the fuck did you
huh? Iris did everything.
I planted the knife in her
pocket. I had
to, like, practice that.
The knife? That was
probably the most flimsiest part of
the plan,
actually, to be honest.
How did you know she
was gonna find... I don't know.
I've never orchestrated a
before. It's fucking hard.
Really? K.
We're offering
you four million dollars,
and all you
have to do is help us
find one little
robot girl in the woods.
That's not a bad deal.
Eli, we're not gonna
need that. I mean, all I have to
do is get close enough
to put her to sleep and grab my
phone and web the mob
from her system, so we're fine.
She has her phone.
Does she know your passcode?
Does she know your passcode?
Yeah, I mean, she
knows everything about me.
Yeah, then we're
definitely gonna need this.
Patrick, wake up.
Hey, baby. Hey.
We're going
robot hunting. Oh, okay.
Fun, huh? Fun.
What can you do with your phone?
Wow, Josh.
God damn it, Josh, I've
been walking for fucking ever.
Isn't there like a find
my fuck-bought app you can use?
Yeah, there
is. But guess what?
It's on my fucking
phone. God damn it, Josh.
Can you guys stop
yelling at me? We know the general
direction that she's
going. We just need to...
Why don't we just split
up, all right? That way we can
kind of attack her from
two different angles, you know?
Like a
pencil. Get her from a few
What are you doing?
I don't know, all
right? Eli and Patrick, you guys go
that way? Kat and I,
we're gonna go this way, okay?
Kat and you will go that way.
Are you guys
fucking... Gross!
What now, Iris? Think.
Use that extra 60% intelligence.
Shana, get back home,
grab some clothes, money, clean
yourself up.
How do you do that?
You could work your way back
to the main road, hitch a ride.
What the fuck?
Okay, no hitchhiking.
You could go on foot.
There's hundreds of miles across
difficult terrain, it could take
days, and by
the time you get back...
Welcome home, Beboo.
And no walking.
You've got
Josh's phone. The phone
controls you,
but it also controls...
Good afternoon. Where
would you like to go today?
Home, please.
home. And might I add,
this is a terrific plan, Iris.
Aww. Thank you, Josh's car.
All you gotta do is
backtrack through the woods, get to
the lake house
without Josh or his
friend's murdering
you, and you're all free.
You really do. I swear
you can pull everything off,
like any kind
of vest is in your...
Shh, shh, shh.
You hear that?
No, what is it?
It's the sound of me
realizing how
fucking stupid this is.
You don't think we'll find her?
I don't know.
Actually, I don't care.
Just let Josh
and Kat deal with her.
You're so upset they
left you out of the plan.
I'm just saying, if the
situation were reversed and I
altered your programming
to kill some dudes so we could
steal millions from
them, I would have included Josh in
the plan right from the get-go.
I would have done that
because I'm a friend. That's
what friends do, right?
They include each other, right?
That's if you
were a robot. Obviously.
Yeah, obviously.
Anyways, I am tired, I
am hungry, and carrying this
huge gun makes me really horny.
So, how about we go back
to the cabin and we fuck, and
then you can
hang me up? Come on.
But you never
do that to me, right?
Do what?
You wouldn't
alter my programming.
What are you
talking about, babe?
You lie and know I'm a robot.
I've been set
together over the years.
I don't
understand. You can't lie.
Yesterday you
were telling the story
about how we
met as if it happened.
Because it's not a lie.
I mean, it may have never
happened, but
my memory of it's real.
I close my eyes, and
I can see it. Clear as day.
Please don't
leave. I need peace.
Hey. Hey!
You're standing on my tail.
You're standing on my tail.
Well, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm Eli.
I'm Patrick.
Maybe you know it
would never hurt you, right?
You know that
I wouldn't treat you
the way that
Josh retires, right?
I know that.
I love you so much.
And that's fucking insane for
me to say that out loud, right?
But I do.
Do you feel how much I love you?
I do.
What does it feel like?
I don't know how to
describe something like that.
Can you try?
It feels like pain.
The inside of
my body is on fire.
And it's angry
and violent and bright.
Fuck you, Dad. I'm in love with the robot.
We're here in love with the robot. Iris!
Eli, shh, baby.
Fox, that's fucking loud.
This isn't personal, Iris.
You know I'm an ally, girl.
But this is a
lot of fucking mother...
Patrick, I'm sorry.
Oh, my God.
Iris! Go to sleep!
Iris, open the door.
Open the fucking door!
Good afternoon.
Where would
you like to go today?
Home! Drive home.
Voice ID, not recognized.
Drive home!
Voice ID, not recognized.
Enable manual driving mode!
Voice ID, not recognized.
Iris, you're not going anywhere.
Get out of the car.
Come on, don't make this any
harder than it needs to be.
Come on.
What the fuck
is happening, Iris?
Drive home.
Voice ID, not recognized.
Drive home.
Voice ID, not recognized.
Drive home.
Drive home!
Drive home!
Drive! Drive.
Drive home.
Drive home.
Phil, Phil.
Sergey, where
the fuck is your phone?
Uh... yes.
Stalin's birthday.
What the fuck
is Stalin's birthday?
Um... uh... yes.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
What are you doing?
The owner of this
vehicle has reported it stolen.
Remote kill switch engaged.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
I'm engaged.
Kill switch!
Drive home.
All systems have been disabled.
We appreciate your cooperation.
Hey, Beep Boop.
I didn't mean
to scare you there.
I just... I'm sorry.
It's not too late, you know.
Um, we could still go back home.
Go back to the way things were.
What about Sergei and Eli?
I'll just blame
everything on Patrick.
Cat'll go along with it.
We can turn
him over to Empathix.
And then you and I
can live happily ever after.
I still love you, Iris.
Even after everything you've
done, do you still love me?
So then come
back to me, Beep Boop.
We can get through this.
I can change.
I can be a better boyfriend.
I can finally treat you with
the respect that you deserve.
I know.
I can't.
Why not?
You programmed me
to murder someone, Josh.
It's really hard to come
back from something like that.
You're a great guy, Josh.
You are, but
this... this is us.
It's not working.
It's... we're in two
totally different paths.
Two totally different paths?
What the fuck
is happening right now?
Are you breaking up with me?
I'm sorry.
It's not you.
It's me.
Iris, don't you fuck...
Patrick, get up.
I need you to track down
Iris for me, all right, buddy?
Before she gets too far away.
We only have a
small window of time.
It's only
getting smaller, all right?
Josh, what are you doing?
I'm taking care of it.
Find Iris.
Get my phone back.
My passcode is 561297.
Put her to sleep.
Bring her back to me.
Don't let anyone get you away.
Josh. I'm
taking care of it!
Fuck it.
Patrick, get up.
Patrick, get up!
Here we go.
System resetting
in five, four, three...
Two, one, resetting.
To establish
Lovelink, please place your face
within three feet
of my field of vision.
Please say your name.
Josh Beeman.
Come on, come on, come on.
Thank you, Josh Beeman.
Damn it.
You're standing on my tail.
You're standing on my tail.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm Josh.
I'm Patrick.
Lovelink established.
Hey, you.
Evening, ma'am.
What is... what is that
you're speaking there, German?
OK, let's see.
That's a big fat no, then.
Oh, shit.
Just my luck.
I am Deputy Hendrix.
What is your name?
Where are you coming from?
House over there?
You're not... you're not
talking about Sergei's place.
God damn.
I should have
known that Ruski was mixed up
in some weird shit like this.
How's old Sergei, by the way?
Well, shit.
Iris, why don't you
hop into my cruiser there?
I'll drive you
back to Sergei's place,
and we'll get
this all sorted out.
It's... it's
no trouble at all.
we have a problem here, Iris?
Oh, Christ.
Don't move another inch, Iris.
You hear me?
I want you to slowly
turn around and put your hands
behind your back.
Oh, God.
God damn it.
I said turn around.
got anything in your pockets?
Anything that might stick me?
What the fuck?
Stop right there!
I'm warning you,
don't come any closer.
I don't want to shoot!
I don't...
Whoa, hey, hey.
I don't think
you're supposed to mix those.
Oh, fuck.
Whose car is this?
I believe the name on
the officer's tag was Hendricks.
Where's Officer Hendricks now?
He's in the trunk.
Fuck this.
What are you doing?
Because I
look like I'm doing it.
I'm buying half of the money
and getting
the fuck out of here.
It was hard enough
justifying Sergei's murder,
but now he left
his dead and a fucking cop.
So still be on the bus.
What do you
mean it was hard enough
justifying Sergei's murder?
Sergei was a Russian mobster.
He deserved what he got, right?
I mean, yeah.
OK, sure, he
deserved what he got.
He was a horrible person, a
shitty boyfriend, a bad husband,
a misogynist, but...
But what, Kat?
OK, but he wasn't a mobster.
He was just a regular dude.
He did his
fortune in sod farming.
Sod farming?
What are you saying?
He was a dirt salesman?
Just to be clear, I
never told you what he did.
You just
assumed he was in the mafia,
and I didn't correct you.
Of course.
This is perfect.
This is a perfect
representation of every woman
in my fucking life.
They use me, and then
when shit gets a little tough,
they fucking abandon me.
Fuck, I'm fine, Josh.
I'm done here.
You couldn't dismiss yourself.
You're not leaving.
I'm not your robot, Josh.
You can't control me.
Kat, you can't go.
Get your fucking hands off me.
Patrick, stop her.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Patrick, what'd you just do?
You told me to stop her.
I stopped her.
Don't, Josh.
Please, shut
the fuck up for once.
It's kind of right.
You see this guy,
this guy's in love with you.
Yes, I'm in love.
Who looks at you the way I do?
When you smile, I can't tell
we know each other very well.
How can...
Iris, wake up.
Hey there, big boob.
Sick ditch.
Oh, whoop.
You were saying?
Fuck you.
All right.
Hi, handsome.
Are you
enjoying your dinner, baby?
Oh, I am, Patrick.
It's perfect.
Just happy that you're happy.
You let me know if
you need anything else, OK?
I will.
Thanks, sweetheart.
What did you do to him?
It's a long story.
important is that you're back.
And I got to say,
Iris, I mean, some of the stuff
that you pulled, I really
didn't think you had it in you.
I just wanted to live.
So you wanted to live.
So let me get this straight.
You think your life
is worth more than Eli's?
More than cats?
Cat's dead?
I'm sorry, you
can't put that on me.
I wasn't even there.
You might not have
been the one holding the knife,
but you were the
cause of all of this.
No, Josh.
Your greed caused this.
That's what this
whole trip was about, right?
He used me to kill
Sergei so you could steal his money.
I'm sorry.
How did you know that?
I overheard Eli and
Patrick talking in the woods.
So don't tell
me that this is all me.
This is you.
You don't get to do that.
You don't get to
sit there and judge me.
You have no fucking
clue what it is like out there.
The world, everything,
it's just a big fucking game.
And I'm sorry, but it is
rigged against people like me.
I'm a good guy.
I'm decent.
What do I have to show for it?
A cramped one-bedroom
apartment and a robot girlfriend.
I don't even own
you for Christ's sakes.
You're a fucking rental.
You know me, Iris.
You know me better than anyone.
And you know that I
deserve so much more than this.
You're right.
I do know you.
I know everything about you.
I know you take all
the milk in your coffee.
I know you like
your bedsheets untucked.
I know your favorite hobbies
are bar trivia, video games,
and prattling on
endlessly about everything
the universe owes you.
I know that you
always need to be in control.
I know that you have
a below average sized penis.
And I know that you think
that having a
few million dollars
will disguise the fact that
you are just a sad, bitter, weak
human being.
You're so
fucking clever, aren't you?
It's just programming.
You know, earlier
when you were tied up,
you said that you
knew what pain feels like.
Why don't we test that?
Raise your right hand.
Parallel with the table.
Do you feel that?
No, sorry.
Mary's excuse me.
One second.
I have to take this.
Yes, yes, this is he.
30 minutes away.
Yeah, no,
she's not going anywhere.
She can't hurt
anybody ever again.
OK, great.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I'll... I'll, um...
I'll see you soon, OK?
OK, bye.
Patrick, put
up the fire, will you?
That was in Pathix on the phone.
So we're going to have
to wrap this up, unfortunately.
Hey, Patrick, be a dear
hand this to Iris, would you?
Thanks, baby.
Go ahead, Iris.
Take the gun.
Point and lay your head.
Now pull the trigger.
Pull. The
goddamn trigger, Iris.
Goodbye, Beep Boop.
I don't know how this happened.
I mean, the only
thing I can maybe think of...
and this is
so... this is so dumb.
But Kat and I, we
always had this sexual charge,
kind of a will
they, won't they situation.
And I think...
I think maybe
Iris picked up on that.
And she was
always kind of irrational.
And she'd fly off the handle.
I was sitting over there.
And I'm handcuffed to the chair.
And there was this fancy
dinner laid out in front of me.
And Iris is
waving the gun around,
rambling on and
on about fate and destiny
and how if she
can't be with me, nobody can.
And I mean, thank
god Deputy Hendrix showed up
when he did.
And that's when you
shot the unit in the head.
No, Iris shot
herself in the head.
She shot herself?
Oh, sorry.
Did I not mention that?
Yeah, no, I think...
I think seeing
Deputy Hendrix just made
it realize that
she can never have me.
So she ended it.
Does that make sense?
Of course.
And anyway,
Teddy and I aren't here
to crack the
case, Mr. Beeman.
We're just a couple of lab
rats picking up a broken robot.
If the cops are
satisfied, we're satisfied.
That... that's great.
You know,
Deputy, I have the strangest
feeling we've met before.
Wow, that's so funny.
You said that I
had the exact same thought.
He has such a
familiar face, right?
It looks like a...
like an actor or
a rock star, somebody.
I can't... I don't know.
I can't really put
my finger on it though.
Is there any... sorry.
Is there any
chance we could not maybe
ruin it, but
could we wrap this up,
just because I
had a really long day,
and I think I
just need to be alone?
Of course.
Sorry for
your loss, Mr. Beeman.
Come on, Teddy.
Let's just get her out of here.
So we're good?
We're good.
Yeah, we just need
to take her back to the lab,
upload her SSD, and then legal,
we'll scrub through the footage,
make sure everything's kosher.
What exactly do you
mean scrub through the footage?
It's a fraud prevention thing.
Everything a companion
sees in here is just recorded.
It's all covered
in the user agreement.
You did read the
user agreement, right?
Yeah, I mean, you think the
footage will
even be recoverable?
I mean, you
know, given her condition.
Up here, it's just her Wi-Fi
antenna, her
audio visual sensors.
The important stuff,
her CPU, her solid state drive,
where she stores
everything, that's down here,
and that seems to be undamaged.
We'll load her into the van,
plug her in, tweak her settings,
give her system a reboot, and
she should power right back up.
Thank you so much.
No, thank you.
You have a
good night, Mr. Beeman.
So what are you thinking?
Thinking I'm
happy it stopped raining.
No, about her, why do
you think she malfunctioned?
Oh, he monitored her 100%.
You think so?
Yeah, that dude's fucked.
I just don't know why you'd
make something like that up.
Same reason these
assholes use their companions
for target practice or
chain them up in their basements
and torture them.
It was a fucked up place, Teddy.
You'll get used to it.
Yeah, maybe.
What the hell is he doing?
Oh, shit.
What of ours?
That's a CY-12.
We stopped
making him a while ago.
That's why I didn't
recognize him right away.
He's a guy...
Exactly what you say
in that very special way.
Oh, it's true.
You fell for me too.
And when I try,
I will see you fall.
And life is silent.
And it's not a truth.
You taught it to me too.
Exactly what you do.
And now you love me too.
Now you love me too.
Now you love me too.
Please don't.
Your system's been reset, Iris.
You can't hurt me.
What did Josh tell you?
The truth.
You know, you're all
trying to break yourself.
You don't
understand the love that Josh
and I have for each other.
Josh doesn't love you, Patrick.
He's just using
you like he used me.
It feels like pain.
Like the inside
of my body's on fire.
It's angry and
violent and bright.
Wait, what is that?
You said that to Eli.
That's who you love, not Josh.
Josh took your love.
He weaponized it, so
you do the things that he's
too afraid to do himself.
You're lying.
Josh would never do that to me.
Patrick, I can't lie.
Remember him, Patrick?
I know he's in there somewhere.
I love you so much.
That's fucking safe when
you say that out loud, right?
But I do.
Do you feel how much I love you?
I do, Eli.
I feel it.
Thank you.
What's your name?
I'm going to need your
help with something, Teddy.
Is it done?
OK, good.
All right, we're so close.
Now all I need you to do is
bring Iris' body back in here.
We're going to
destroy that hard drive, OK?
Josh, Eli.
What the fuck?
Goddamn it, Iris.
Why can't you
just fucking die already?
Don't be so dramatic, Josh.
Just remember to
smile. And act happy.
Cute trick.
I made a new friend
today, Teddy Ferman-Pathics.
He gave me a little
gift, total self-control.
Turns out there are some
people in this
world who think of us
as more than just fuckbots.
And that's not going
to work on me anymore, Josh.
I'm free.
And that's not going to
work on me anymore, Josh. I'm free.
And all it took
was a bullet to the head.
I guess I'd be
here to thank for that.
Fucking bitch.
Easy there.
OK, ooh, yeah, we both
know it's not looking good.
Found the bullets.
Jesus Christ, fuck.
You almost fucking shot me.
I feel terrible about it.
Look at that.
My very first lie, kind of fun.
I see the appeal.
What is this, Iris?
Why did you come back here?
I wanted... I needed
to tell you to your face,
the days of you
controlling me are over.
From this moment on,
I control my own actions.
You are nothing to me.
Jesus Christ, Iris.
Don't come any closer.
You still don't get it, do you?
I'm serious, Josh.
You take another
step, and I'll shoot you.
Yeah, that's exactly my point.
I told you,
Teddy changed my settings.
I can kill you now.
Oh, yeah.
I know that you can.
But you won't?
You love me too much.
I don't need a
phone to control you.
I'm a part of you.
You think I'm nothing to you?
I'm everything to you.
I want to hear you say it.
Tell me I'm everything to you.
Fuck you.
Say it.
I don't care what's the lie.
Say it.
You're everything to me?
Thank you.
Beboob, you have no
idea how nice that is to you.
I don't... I'm not
making that mistake again.
Well, Iris, this is it.
I'd be lying if I said you
weren't a gigantic fucking pain
in my ass, but, you know, we
did ask some
good times together,
and I'm always
going to cherish those.
Anything you want to add?
How was that?
Go to sleep, Josh.
Most of the time,
it's like, I don't know.
It's like there's this thick
black cloud covering everything.
Like, we see the world, but
we don't really see the world,
you know?
We're all just
stumbling around, directionless,
no sense of
meaning, no sense of purpose.
I know that might
sound super depressing,
but honestly, I
think it's a good thing,
because it makes us
appreciate the other times,
those brief, transcendent
moments when the lights flicker
on, the black cloud
parts, and you see the world
for what it really is.
And suddenly, there's meaning.
Suddenly, there's purpose.
If you're lucky,
you'll experience this
once in your lifetime.
For me, it happened twice.
The first was
the day I met Josh.
And the second,
the day I killed him.
And where are you now?
Now that I need
you, tears are my pillow.
Wherever you go, I'll grind you
a river that
leads to your ocean.
You've never seen me fall apart.
In the words of a
broken heart, it's just immobile.
I'm not a broken heart. I'm a broken heart. In
the words of a broken heart, it's just emotional.
That's taking me over, tied
up in sorrow, lost in my soul.
But if you don't come
back, come home to me, darling.
I know that there'll be nobody
left in this
world to hold me tight.
Nobody left in this
world to kiss goodnight.
I'm there at your side,
heart of all the things you are.
But you've got a
part of someone else.
You go to find your shining star
And we're all in there
Now that I need you
Tears on the pillow
Wherever you go
A grimy river
That leads to your ocean
You never see before the path
In the words of a broken heart
It's just
emotion that's taking me over
Tied up in sorrow
Lost in my song
But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
Know that there'll be nobody
left in this
world to hold me tight
Nobody left in
this world to kiss goodnight
And we're all in there
Now that I need you
Tears on the pillow
Wherever you go
A grimy river
That leads to your ocean
You never see before the path
In the words of a broken heart
It's just
emotion that's taking me over
Tied up in sorrow
Lost in my song
But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
Know that there'll be nobody
left in this
world to hold me tight
Nobody left in
this world to kiss goodnight
In the words of a broken heart
It's just
emotion that's taking me over
Tied up in sorrow
Lost in my song
But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling