Conspirator (1949) Movie Script

"Major and Mrs Henby."
"Lord and Lady Canter."
"His Excellency and Madam Eldar."
Great fun, isn't it Melinda?
Oh, I love it.
I can't believe I'm here.
Yes, it's very colourful.
How often do they do this?
The 7th Guard? Once a year.
I've always wanted to come.
And now here I am.
Here we both are.
It's awful isn't it.
Isn't anyone ever going to dance
with us? Oh, eventually.
But first of all the young officers have
to dance with the important people ..
Like the Colonels' wives.
A shame we couldn't provide something
gayer for your first party in London.
Oh, I don't mind. You're with me.
Really, it's fun to watch
in a .. horrible sort of way.
We've been whirling about so,
we've forgot where we left you.
Are you having a nice time?
Yes. Thank you, auntie.
Of course, mother.
I suppose you're fond of music, Melinda?
I love it.
I knew it. All Americans
are fond of music.
Ha ha. Don't you think?
Then John, you must dance with Melinda.
Glad to.
After you've danced
with Mrs Hammerbrook.
Oh, of course.
May I?
Not getting too late for you I hope?
Long past your bedtime, you know.
"Right Honourable and Mrs Tenbeigh."
That's the sort of remark I
find completely nauseating.
I try to forget such things.
I'm sorry I'm so late Joyce. I saw
you sitting here. Hello, Hugh.
As a matter of fact, I saw
you as you came in.
Melinda, I'd like you to
meet Captain Ladholme.
Hugh, this is Miss Melinda
Greyton from America.
I told you about her.
How do you do?
Joyce has told me all about you but she
didn't tell me you would be quite so ..
Well, she is.
Well Lady Penrose stopped me
and I couldn't get away and ..
Would you care to dance?
Well .. not without music.
No, no. Of course, I meant with music.
Well if Joyce really
doesn't mind .. I will.
Hugh my boy, I've been looking for you.
I wonder if you would mind ..
General Barclay's wife
has just asked about you.
She's not dancing and I wondered ..
Well, you would excuse him I know.
Yes, of course.
Why, yes, sir.
I'm sorry, I won't be long.
Come along, my boy.
Well ..
I know, it's frightful luck.
Oh, I don't care, really.
And you'd have liked Hugh.
He seems quiet but he
can dance like a dream.
"Major Michael Curragh."
Good evening. Good evening, sir.
Good evening.
Why, what's the matter with you?
Joyce, look.
I've never seen anyone like him.
Do you think he's attractive?
He's coming over here.
Talk about something. Anything.
Oh Lin, there is no need to get excited.
Good evening, Miss Pennistone.
Major Curragh.
May I have the pleasure?
Melinda, I would like you to meet ..
Thank you.
Major Curragh.
Major Curragh, I don't believe
you know Miss Greyton.
Miss Melinda Greyton.
From America.
You're very young to be
so far away from home.
No I'm not. I'm eighteen.
Oh, that's rather old.
Older than seventeen anyway.
And you?
Very old.
Why that's young.
Young for a Major.
Do you like being a soldier?
Well, I've been one a long while.
Of course, in peacetime it's rather
pleasant. When there is a war on ..
I bet you were brave.
Yes, absolutely fearless.
You laugh about it. But I bet it's true.
You know, I have a feeling about you.
You're beautiful to
look at, that's obvious.
But at all times and in every way,
I'm sure you're completely lovely.
Yes, I am.
At least everyone at home
has always thought so.
For a while tonight I wasn't
sure whether anyone here did.
I shouldn't worry
about it if I were you.
You know, I have another feeling.
A feeling that I'm going to drive
you home after the dance.
Why, of course.
Even I knew that.
You know.
I've never been so happy.
Just think.
If your mother hadn't written my mother.
To thank you for the Virginia
ham my mother sent ..
Then my mother would never
have written to your mother.
She bought the ham purely on impulse.
If she hadn't ..
I wouldn't be here this minute.
I wouldn't have met ..
You know, Joyce.
I think I'm almost in love with him.
Major Michael Curragh.
It's thundering.
I'm not a bit afraid of the
thunder and lightning.
Not a bit.
But do you mind if I get in your bed?
I'm not a bit afraid.
Lin, I wish you'd hurry.
Mother's sent for a taxi.
What on earth made me buy this thing.
It's too young.
Look Joyce, hasn't your mother
anything I could borrow?
I could see.
Thanks a lot, Joyce.
What sort of thing?
Oh .. something black.
Jet black, with a veil.
Oh, that's perfect.
Except for the rose.
The rose is too bright.
Well really Lin,
we're not going to a funeral.
Now if I can just snip off this rose.
I'll sew it back on.
Oh Lin, you've cut the stem.
Anyway, I don't see why you
want to look like your own mother.
I would be different if Major Curragh had
a mother complex but I don't think he has.
Or why would he like you?
If you'd read as much as I have ..
You would know that practically every
man in the world has a mother complex.
I look more interesting, don't I.
The taxi is waiting.
You look very pretty, Joyce.
You too Melinda. Your hat.
My dear, I have a hat very much
like the one you're wearing.
Only mine has a rose on it.
This isn't the real thing, you know.
Just a rehearsal ..
For the Guard of Honour we're to
put on for the Maharajah of Pindor.
Colonel Hammerbrook is taking
the Maharajah's place today.
I don't think I will.
I don't feel much like a
Maharajah at the moment.
Take my place Michael, and Miss Greyton
can see imposing you really would be.
Very good, sir.
Could Melinda, could Miss
Greyton be the Maharani?
Make it more realistic perhaps?
Good idea. Will you, Miss Greyton?
I'd love to be a Maharani.
Very well.
You're really covered
with medals, Michael.
What's that red and yellow one?
The Africa Star.
That must be a wonderful one to get.
Not at all. It merely
means I set foot in Africa.
"General salute! Present .."
I hope you realize he was
saluting you, not me.
I don't blame him.
You mean you like me today
as well as you did last night?
Oh yes. Much better. You see,
I had all night to think about you.
Do you like women in black?
Yes, I do. I don't like
you in black, though.
You don't?
There .. is that better?
Much better.
I guess there is no use
pretending with you, is there.
No use at all.
Then let's not .. neither of us .. ever.
Do you promise?
If you promise me something?
Of course. Anything.
Would you let me see you every night
until you go back home again?
What makes you think I
will go back home again?
That's right. Why should you.
Why should you?
I didn't know you were Irish.
No. I'm not really. My mother
was, my father was English.
Did you live in Ireland?
For a while.
Was it lovely?
Lovely? No.
No, it wasn't lovely.
It was cold, dingy, poor.
Were you poor?
Not especially.
Why are you so interested? I am not the
least concerned about your childhood.
Simply because I'm jealous of
all the years I didn't know you.
That's what you mean. Oh.
I feel like that, too.
As though I were ill
with a raging fever.
I wonder if I shall ever be well again.
Michael, let's go swimming.
Can't. No suits.
Well, we could take a
sun-bath couldn't we?
That we could.
Good evening, Major.
I'll take it. Thank you.
Good evening, Major.
I thought I heard your key.
Evening, Broaders.
I was on the watch for you, sir.
You forgot to tell me about dinner.
So I said to myself,
well if he doesn't come ..
I'll go to the cinema.
And if he does,
I can open a can of stew.
You'd better make it the cinema.
I won't be dining in.
Good evening, Major.
Good evening.
Please to sit down, Major.
Just make it "sit down".
"To" is superfluous.
Oh, yes. Thank you.
So much in your language is
superfluous. It is very difficult.
You're getting along very well.
Well then, Major.
We sent for you because comrade
Director Radek has arrived from Moscow.
He is asking what success you have had.
I was able to get what he wanted.
This is a coded summary of last week's
General Staff conversation on the matter.
The party doesn't leave a man
much time for his private life.
Private life, Major?
Is that so absurd?
You know it is, Major.
Congratulations again.
Why hello, Hugh.
We heard the bell and
thought it was Michael.
Well, I'm not.
Be a dear.
I just came by on the chance that ..
Well, I thought I'd take
you and Melinda out.
I mean you and Miss Greyton.
Call her Melinda.
She wouldn't hear you anyway.
Oh, I expect he's taking her out then?
He certainly is.
She's been dressing
for two hours for him.
Well, one thing about me.
I know when I'm licked.
He is terribly attractive.
Do you like him, Joyce?
I think it might be
difficult to like him.
But it would be very easy
to fall in love with him.
And that's what she's doing.?
With all her might.
I'm here, Michael. I'm here.
I thought it was Michael.
I'm sorry, Melinda.
Sir .. I thought you
were going out today.
I had planned to.
But I don't think I shall.
The queue was too long at the cinema,
but never mind. Saved my money.
Has a Miss Greyton called?
No calls at all, sir.
Look here, Broaders. I'm going
out of town for the weekend.
It will do me good to spend a few
days with my aunt Jessica in Wales.
Feeling ..?
Feeling alright, sir?
Yes, yes. Of course.
Thank you, Broaders.
I'm glad of that.
I'll go and pack your bag.
No, I'll do that.
Step around the corner and
send this telegram for me.
Have it delivered by special messenger.
Can you read it?
"Miss Melinda Greyton."
"28 Eggart Square."
"Leaving town unexpectedly."
"Sorry about tonight."
"Hope you will forgive me. Michael."
But you can telephone
quicker sir, and cheaper.
I know Broaders, but I'd rather not.
I'd rather not.
I had no idea it was so late.
Maybe something has happened?
Maybe I should call Michael up?
I'll call him if you like.
Of course, the clock could be wrong.
What clock is wrong?
If you mean that clock, it hasn't
lost a minute for five years.
I wind it myself. Hello Hugh, my boy.
Good evening.
What are you doing here?
I just ..
Well, if you've got nothing to do,
what about a nice little game of chess?
Tell you what Joyce, be a good girl
and get the board ready for us will you.
Hello little girl, I thought
young watch-you-call-him ..
Young Curragh was going to take
you out. What's happened to him?
Well he ..
He's a nice fellow. I like him.
A bit conservative I suppose but ..
I can't help liking him.
Why isn't he here?
I don't know.
Well don't you worry, he'll be along.
A reliable sort of chap.
I hope nothing has happened to him.
Well, accidents will happen.
A dark night.
A step in front of a car.
Mightn't find the fellow
for an hour or so.
Oh Papa!
I'll go .. it's Michael.
A letter for Greyton.
Miss Melinda Greyton.
Thank you. That's quite alright.
There you are, Miss.
Thank you.
A wire came for me.
A telegram? What's in it?
I don't know yet.
What hospital have they taken him to?
What is it, Melinda?
He's gone away.
Gone away? But where?
He didn't say.
Hello, Davis.
It is good to see you again, Major.
What are you running away
from this time, Michael?
You haven't stolen the mess
fund by any chance, have you?
Because I'm very certain you didn't come
running here because you had to see me.
I did want to see you.
Never mind then .. out with it.
You've always come here to work
out your problems, haven't you.
Ever since ..
Well, you see it must be,
ever since you were fifteen.
Yes, and you've always
helped me, bless you.
I ..?
I never had that faintest inkling what
went on in that restless mind of yours.
Never. Have a sandwich.
No, thank you.
You come here and pace the
countryside and go away.
I'm afraid the only help you ever
found here is from our Welsh climate.
You are a strange boy, Michael.
I'm the only family
you have in the world.
To me you're a boy.
A baffling boy.
Of whom I am extremely proud.
Even though I've stolen the mess fund?
I used to be so worried about you.
I know you adored your mother.
Oh, those strange early days.
What a boyhood.
Guns under the floor. Whispers, arrests.
Yes, but you've seen through all that.
Nothing to see through.
You've made a good
useful life for yourself.
In spite of everything.
Except for one thing.
Perhaps you don't know it,
but you're bitterly lonely.
You always have been.
Oh yes, I know you're going to tell
me you have everything you want.
I dare say you have, in a way.
You haven't all you want.
Whether you admit it to yourself or not.
I'll admit one thing, aunt Jessica.
I'm very fond of you.
I'm sure you are dear Michael.
But that's not quite what I meant.
I know you have always
been too much alone.
To love someone, Michael.
Love someone more than yourself.
You'd better believe me Joyce, when I
tell you I'll never speak to him again.
I know, Lin.
Not even if he got down on
this knees and begged me.
Oh Lin, you've been telling
me this for two nights.
And, I never want to see him again.
Why don't you go out with Hugh?
He's asked you to.
He's probably in love with you.
I will go out with Hugh.
I like him very much.
I like him far better than that .. man.
Thank heavens for that.
Although I think Michael is attractive,
you must admit he's odd.
He's not odd at all.
Really Joyce, even if
you don't like a person ..
You don't have to say things
about him that aren't true.
I'm being fair.
I'm just saying I think he's awful.
I'm just saying I
couldn't care if he died.
There is a telephone call
for you from Wales, Miss.
They've been trying to get
you all the afternoon.
Thank you, Lucy.
What I'm trying to tell you is ..
Long distance?
Oh ..
Oh, I look awful. Just awful.
Yes .. yes.
It's Michael.
Now you can tell him the things
you've been telling me for two days.
Oh, I will. I'll handle him.
Oh, Michael?
Oh, you are?
You did?
It's his aunt. He's just told her he's
met the loveliest young woman.
He means me.
Oh, I'm sorry, Michael.
What were you saying?
He's asked me to come for the weekend.
Oh, I can't.
The laundry doesn't come back until
Monday and I have no clothes.
He's swearing.
Alright, I'll come.
Yes, Michael.
I understand.
You'll meet me at Llandryd
station tomorrow morning.
Goodbye, Michael.
What's the matter with you?
This is Melinda, aunt Jessica.
You didn't tell me she
was so beautiful, Michael.
I'm so glad you came.
I'm glad you asked me.
These are my grandchildren.
Now children, stop staring and
say how do you do to Melinda.
I refuse to let them call you
Miss Greyton. Good.
This is John.
How are you, John.
Hello, Cooper.
And the little one is Nicko.
How are you, Nicko?
I'm hungry.
Breakfast is just ready.
Run along and chance, Melinda.
I'll show you.
Come along, children.
There you are, dear.
Help yourself to what you like, child.
Thank you, I will.
Oh, I'm starving.
Ann, call Mr Michael again, will you.
Very well, ma'am. I will indeed.
Come along, Nicko.
If you divide it the way I do,
it won't be so hard to eat.
How can I when it
keeps running together.
That's because you take all the cream.
Very wholesome, my porridge.
I see you paint your fingernails.
Tell me, I've always wondered.
Do young women who paint their
fingernails also paint their toes?
Well I do, although I don't
know why. No-one sees them.
I should like to.
Well, it's consistent.
If there is one thing I like in
a woman .. it's consistency.
Of course you're every
young. How old are you?
Nicko, you're to finish your porridge.
I don't like it.
Nobody likes it. They just eat it.
Well, I've finished mine.
Now I think I'll have the kipper.
Porridge and kipper?
A nice, healthy appetite.
I'm going to like you very much.
I'm sorry to be so late.
Alright, dear.
Michael, when you finish breakfast, you
must show Melinda some countryside.
Yes, please.
It is really very beautiful.
And very wild in places.
There are some interesting spots.
Oh, I want to see all of it.
There's no sightseeing this morning.
Knapsacks are all packed and
ready for the great rabbit hunt.
The party will move off under
sealed orders immediately.
A rabbit hunt?
He promised.
Where is it going to be, uncle Michael?
You'll see.
Well, if you must have a rabbit hunt ..
I think you might have a secret staff
meeting with Melinda before you start.
About the Curragh campaign.
The plans are all made.
Get your knapsacks, children.
I left them in the hall.
Aren't you coming, aunt Jessica?
Nothing would induce
me to leave the house.
It might rain again.
I don't want to get my wig wet.
I'm completely bald, you know.
Typhoid in Malaya.
I didn't know.
I didn't expect you to.
It's a very good wig.
Finish your breakfast, Melinda.
Mustn't keep the children waiting.
I wonder how many rabbits we'll catch.
Not too many, I hope.
Eventually, we'll have thousands.
Watch your footing there .. Cooper.
I'm glad it isn't the kind of
hunt where we use guns.
We're not going to shoot
them, just catch them.
But they run so fast.
I've arranged for that. You'll see.
We're going to pick up our rabbits
and take them home with us.
Alright, men. Stand at ease.
Now, see I'll go first.
It's over there.
I get my rabbit and signal to
you, Melinda. Alright.
Cross the wall here.
Then you take Cooper.
Cooper goes over there.
John, you go over there.
Then we meet back here
for more instructions.
Everyone understand?
Alright then, over the top.
Now we have to wait for his signal.
Oh, poor Michael. He didn't get one.
Come on Nicko, let's you and I try.
I'm going to build a
house for my rabbit.
His little legs are broken.
There. Come here, Nicko.
It's alright, honey. Don't cry.
What is it, Melinda?
Michael, it's terribly hurt.
It's a steel trap.
It was only a rabbit, Linda.
Linda, aren't you going to speak to me?
I didn't mean to frighten you.
Why should I frighten you when I've ..
When I love you so?
I'm frantic and desperately
in love with you.
Don't you love me at all, Linda?
I've been trying to decide
if I really love you.
Or if I'm just obsessed by you.
I don't now, Michael.
I don't know.
Oh don't, Linda.
Don't cry, whatever you do.
You were never born to cry.
I wouldn't hurt you.
Nothing will ever hurt you.
Oh, Michael.
Sometimes you're so kind.
Sometimes ..
Sometimes I'm clumsy.
But I'm no worse than that, Linda.
No worse.
Aren't you?
Of course I'm not.
And when we're married ..
You'll begin to understand me.
And what I am and why.
Then you'll believe in me, Linda.
Believe in me.
Believe in us.
You must.
My goodness.
Come in.
It's a cable, ma'am.
From the States, I fancy.
From mother, Broaders.
Oh, how very nice for you, ma'am.
It's always the news from
home that means the most.
I know. And I'm awful about writing.
But then so is mother.
But she loves to send wires.
When you have a moment to spare
ma'am, we can plan dinner.
Oh, I'm sure you're far cleverer
about dinner than I am, Broaders.
When I can get anything
to be clever with.
But I would like to do something
about those vases. They're awful.
I'd like to get rid of them.
He'd never miss them.
You know what men are.
Out of sight, out of mind.
What's up?
A cable from mother at last.
From Nantucket.
She says: "Write me. Anxious
to know if you're happy".
"God bless you both. Mother."
Honestly. Anxious to
know if we're happy.
Isn't that the silliest thing?
I suppose now that we're back
we'd both better write to her.
As soon as we have time.
Michael. Can I do anything
I want with this house?
Anything. It's your house now.
Oh wonderful. There
are some things that ..
Do we have a lot of money?
Oh yes. A fabulous amount.
Well, that's nice to know.
How did we get it?
My father left me some.
I make some and ..
Aunt Jessica sends me a bit.
You never told me that.
Next time I write her I'm
going to thank her for it.
No. Better not.
It would only embarrass her.
What about our plans for tonight?
What about them, darling?
I thought after dinner
we could go dancing.
Perhaps to the Orchid Room.
Oh, heavenly.
Here is a postcard with no message.
Who do you suppose it's from?
I can't say.
Perhaps someone I know
who's visiting London.
Why did Broaders bring
the letters here anyway.
She knows she should
leave them downstairs.
She brought them up with
my cable, so don't be cross.
Oh, honestly.
People who don't sign a name and make
you guess who they are, are just pests.
What's the matter, darling?
I've just done the stupidest thing.
Here, I've made those
plans with you for tonight.
And completely forgot there
is a chap I promised to see.
Oh no, Michael.
Can't you get out of it?
Well .. I don't know how I can.
Who is he?
You mean his name?
You wouldn't know if
I told you, darling.
Well I would know if you told me.
Ah see, you're too clever for me.
You picked me up on that one didn't you.
I'm glad you think I'm clever.
Because I had a Math teacher who thought
I was the dumbest girl she'd ever seen.
She was the dumb one.
That's for you to throw away
today on anything you like.
I can't bear the thought of leaving
you after dinner tonight, Linda.
I hate to disappoint you.
I'm terribly disappointed myself.
Bye bye, darling.
Just remember I think you're
wonderful and beautiful.
I thought I'd take this chance of
getting this mess cleared up.
It's a pleasure to make the house
shine for such a lovely young lady.
Good evening, Major.
Good evening.
Now then gentlemen, I have something
for you. Something interesting.
Forgive me, Major. But first ..
First, a little organisation business.
We learn from this magazine
The Tatler, and from other sources.
That you have seen fit to marry.
To marry without learning the
Bureau's decision on the matter.
By "other sources" you no
doubt mean The Times?
I haven't exactly been
concealing my marriage.
That is not the point.
I don't think I like your tone.
My marriage has nothing whatever
to do with my work for the party.
Nothing whatever.
You mean, you hope it hasn't.
What do you mean by that?
You have never been married
before, have you? No.
The Bureau has, Major.
The Bureau has been married
thousands and thousands of times.
In every country in the world.
If you had consulted us
before taking this step ..
We would have told you it is forbidden
for those in operational work.
Wives ask questions.
Where have you been to? Where are you
going? What did you do last, and so on.
Where does Mrs Curragh
think you are tonight, Major?
This marriage happens to reinforce
my official and social position.
I do not apologise for it.
Do you get that? I do not apologise.
I have it down.
Major, forgive me.
I only carry out my orders.
I am instructed to tell you.
That Deputy Director
Radek is most displeased.
You have committed a
serious breach of discipline.
I feel perfectly justified
in doing what I've done.
My whole life is wrapped
up in devotion to the cause.
Considering the value of the
work I do for the party ..
I see no reason to accept a reprimand.
The reprimand stands.
Will you arrange a meeting
between me and Director Radek?
That is impossible.
He can come here. I do.
Major, you know perfectly well
that our various levels do not meet.
No-one sees Director Radek.
Will you deliver my message to him then?
I will deliver it, yes.
Thank you.
And now, in turn for the reprimand ..
I have a little present for you.
The basic details of the Anglo-American
Military Coordination plan.
Very skilful, Major.
Thank you.
As far as my marriage is
concerned, I feel certain ..
It will prove a very
definite asset to my work.
I trust events will prove that, Major.
Look what I found in the
back of the cupboard.
It will go beautifully on our
dinner table tomorrow night.
It's awfully big.
Broaders probably found that out long
ago. That's why it was in the cupboard.
Well, you'll have to help me decide.
And remember, there will be
eight people at the table.
We can't have them all crowded together.
Of course, I really like
small dinner parties best.
Oh, Michael.
It must have been thrilling to have
a big house like that on the corner.
I'll bet they used to
have fifty for dinner.
You seem to have your
hands full with eight.
Now don't laugh at me.
You will notice, Linda darling.
No-one has that house now. It's vacant.
There is a reason for that.
You see .. the money that
kept it going is gone forever.
The society that made
it possible is vanishing.
Just think. No matter how secure the
old boy who lived there must have felt.
No matter how important
he thought he was.
He doesn't exist anymore.
Oh Michael, don't make a speech.
The man who owned the
house just upped and died.
It was as simple as that.
It wasn't as simple as that, Linda.
The ideas he stood for died,
and a good thing they did, too.
You don't know what
you're talking about.
You're forgetting Michael,
we live on the square too.
The way we live has nothing to
do with what we're talking about.
Well I'd like to know why not.
Everybody likes to live
as well as they can.
Even you do.
You're a snob yourself, darling.
Look at that beautiful table.
And the little Renoir.
Well it isn't a crime
to like lovely things.
Otherwise I could be
hanged for loving you.
Alright for you, Major Curragh.
See if I ever have to help you out
when you have to decide something.
Linda darling, I have to go out tonight.
Oh, Michael.
Well, one of those things
cropped up that can't be helped.
You do more work than any of the others.
I will speak to the Colonel about it.
The Colonel?
No darling. This isn't
regimental business. It's ..
Well I have to see a chap
by the name of Taplow.
Why in the world would you have
to see anyone named Taplow?
He was my servant in Africa.
Wounded there. Seriously crippled.
I had him for years.
I feel I should help him out whenever
he gets into the dumps, or needs me.
We play cribbage and I talk
to him about the old times.
It seems to make him feel better.
I think that's a sweet
thing to do, Michael.
You should have told me.
I know I should have, Linda.
It's such a simple explanation.
Hurry up, Hugh. Its Joyce's bid.
I bid one heart.
Seven. No trump.
Look, if you ask us in here at the last
minute to play three handed bridge ..
The least you can do
is to bid intelligently.
You can't say "seven, no trump".
But I did say it.
Besides, I know the dummy has got
to be won, because I haven't anything.
Oh, well I'll double.
That's good for me.
Of all the mean tricks.
Only two aces.
Well I've got the other two,
so you've lost already.
It's all Taplow's fault.
Who is Taplow?
The man I told you Michael has to see.
His old orderly.
But Michael's batman
is called Huskisson.
No, Huskisson.
He's had him all through the
war and he has him now.
A healthy chap, but remarkably dumb.
Come on, Linda. Play.
Why, Lin ..?
What's the matter, Lin?
Don't pay any attention to me.
Just leave me alone.
Just leave me alone.
Hello darling. I was hoping
you would wait up for me.
What are you so busy over?
I'm writing mother.
High time.
I'm dying of thirst.
Mrs Taplow's fish and chips.
So Taplow even has a wife.
Yes, that he has.
A nice, quiet sort of woman.
How long did you say you've know Taplow?
I don't know that I said.
But it's been years.
It must have been a comfort to have
a servant you liked for so long?
It was.
You know, Michael.
I think it would be nice if I
wrote a letter to Mrs Taplow.
What made you think of that?
Don't you suppose she'd like it?
Yes, I think she'd love it.
I think it's a wonderful idea.
You do?
Sweet of you to think of it.
Oh Michael!
There is a Taplow. There is.
Oh darling, forgive me.
Did you think I'd made him up?
Oh, well I ..
Well Joyce and Hugh were here.
He said your orderly
was named Huskisson.
He is. Taplow is my servant.
Personal servant.
Oh, I ..
I'll never understand it all.
"Batman", "orderly", "servant".
I ..
I thought you were ..
I thought you had another girl.
That you were tired of me.
Oh, Michael.
What is a batman?
I'm going to buy you a
dictionary of British Army terms.
It will just confuse you more.
So you think I'm tired of you, huh?
[ Doorbell ]
An hour. Just when we're in a rush
the cleaner's boy has to ring the bell.
We wait for him for days
and he has to come now.
Well, you'd better not let him
get away as long as he's here.
If you'll get the things. I sorted them.
I put them in a pile somewhere upstairs.
Very good, ma'am.
I'll see if there is
anything else to send.
Will you wait, there's some more things.
Okay, Miss.
I'm going to take my bath now, Broaders.
Very good, ma'am.
Michael, aren't you out of the bath yet?
All out. I'm dressing.
Oh. You're almost ready dear.
Remind me to put a brighter
bulb in here someday.
I brought you some gardenias.
They are in the refrigerator, darling.
I can't hear you.
I said I brought you some ..
Linda, what are you doing with those
glasses? Where did you get them?
What are you talking about?
Oh .. these?
I found them in the pocket
of your mackintosh.
You did what?
Well, I sent it to the cleaners.
What's wrong with that?
These old things aren't even real.
Plain old window glasses.
I want that coat back
at once, do you hear?
You're to get that coat back!
Don't you order me around!
You are not to touch my things.
Do you understand? Let go!
You're hurting me, Michael.
Let me go!
Do you understand?
Let me go!
I said, do you understand?
Alright then .. I do.
I shouldn't have thrown the
bath sponge, Michael.
Even if you were mean.
Want some more port, Raglan?
No thank you.
To me, there is only one
side to this argument.
You can argue from now until doomsday
and it won't make me alter my opinion.
But I don't care.
Whichever way you look at it.
It is treason. Blasted treason.
That's all there is to it. Lord Haw-Haw.
That fellow in the tower. The whole lot.
It's obvious why they did it.
It's the same with all those chaps.
I couldn't agree with you more.
I'm not so sure you're right.
What are you talking about?
Of course he's right.
What I mean is, I wonder what
really makes a man turn traitor.
Take the men you mentioned.
They are all of a similar pattern.
Somewhere along the
line they became twisted.
Twisted? What do you mean?
Well, frustrated.
Anyway, there must have
been some point in their lives ..
When they began to think that
the world owed them something.
And they turn to the first
leader of any movement ..
Who took advantage of
their twisted thinking.
Where did you pick
up this word "twisted"?
I tell you these men are
nothing but blasted traitors.
Hanging is too good for them.
I couldn't agree with you more.
In my not particularly humble opinion it
doesn't matter why or for who they do it.
It doesn't matter in the least.
A traitor is a traitor.
Hello, Mrs Curragh.
Glad we went to school with each other,
Michael. We can vouch for each other.
Any time, old boy. Any time.
So Colonel, you've decided to join us?
Of course, Lady Witheringham.
I thought perhaps you'd
like some coffee with us.
I hope I didn't interrupt your argument.
Oh but you did.
Just in the nick of time.
Without sugar, thank you.
My dear Raglan.
A jury finds a man guilty and the
judge sentences him to death.
The man is a criminal.
Thank you so much.
There can be neither higher nor
lower motive for his crime.
He is still a criminal.
Well I could use the criminal part
of you. I need an accomplice.
Major Curragh, I've been telling
Mrs Hammerbrook about my little problem.
I should so like you help.
I would be very pleased to help.
Now what about that ..?
Coffee, sir?
No thanks.
No. That wouldn't do at all.
He wouldn't like that.
Well, it's very difficult to choose a
birthday present for a man like Michael.
It certainly is.
He's got everything.
He has indeed.
Oh .. Hugh.
Is the Major in?
Yes, ma'am.
He is upstairs taking a shower.
Put them in here, quick.
I'll find a better place
to hide them later.
Because if he finds them after all
the trouble I've gone to, I'll die.
Now wait right here
and I'll get your money.
No, Linda. Look. Forget it, Lin.
You're only two pounds short. If you ask
him for it now he'll suspect something.
Well, I won't ask him. I'll just
take it when he's in the bath.
He'll never miss it.
And I'll pay him back when
my money comes from home.
What are you up to?
Aren't you even going to give me a kiss?
Money, money, money!
There you are.
Oh dear.
I've got it.
There you are.
Thank you.
Hello, Michael.
You look as if you've seen a ghost.
Well, I didn't expect to see you.
What's going on between
you two, blackmail?
A secret. You mustn't ask.
It's my money.
It's mine now.
I'm taking an advance on my allowance.
I'd ask you to have a drink, Hugh but
I'm in a rush to get back to barracks.
Alright. Thank you. Some other time.
You've been a perfect dear.
Think nothing of it.
I'll see you both, soon.
Goodbye, Hugh.
Give me my money back, Melinda.
Why, of course.
And my letter.
What letter?
Oh ..
So that's what you're so upset over.
Give it to me.
Suppose I won't?
Melinda, open this door.
Open it, I say.
Say "please".
I'm reading it.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in, Michael.
"In view of my frequent successes in
obtaining General Staff information."
"For the Soviet."
"The favour of a personal interview
with the Deputy Director is requested."
Linda, I can explain this to you.
I can explain it.
Linda, you must listen to me.
Our marriage and our love for one
another depends upon your understanding.
I know you've had a shock.
But I'm glad you found out about this.
I've been too alone.
You don't know how alone.
You don't know what it's like to keep a
watch over yourself because of a belief.
You're a traitor.
You're a traitor and a spy.
Those are just unpleasant words.
I'm a loyal supporter of the greatest
social experiment in the world.
And have been since
I was a boy at school.
Pretending to be one thing ..
My work is valuable and dangerous
and one day I'll be Chief of Staff.
They have promised me that.
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
You will understand, Linda.
Naturally, I don't expect you to
change your whole political attitude.
I haven't got a "whole
political attitude".
We don't have to decide
anything now. We can talk it over.
I can convince you.
A traitor.
Like ..
Like ..
Just remember you are my wife.
Just believe in me. Never breathe
a word of this to anyone. Ever.
You must promise me that.
Well, it doesn't really matter
whether you promise or not.
You see, Melinda.
No-one would believe you.
You must try and eat something.
Just a little bit of toast?
I couldn't, Broaders.
Then let me telephone the Major.
Oh no. No.
If I could only get out of this house.
If I could only walk for hours.
Well, then let me come with you.
No thank you, Broaders.
I think I'll be better off alone.
Why, Miss.
Ah, Mrs Curragh.
Good evening, Lucy.
Is Miss Joyce upstairs?
No, Miss. She's out for the evening.
Out for the evening?
Of course.
Is there anything I can do, Miss?
No. Thank you, Lucy.
It's quite alright. Goodnight.
Goodnight, Miss.
Where were you?
A walk.
Just for a walk, Michael.
I've been waiting for you.
I thought we might have a little talk.
I was thinking that if you
are more composed now ..
I owe it to you to try to explain.
You owe it to me to try to understand.
Can you do that, Linda?
Listen .. and try to understand?
I'll try, Michael.
I'll try.
You don't know how it was in Dublin
in those days, right in the thick of it.
The secret meetings, the shades
drawn, the lights turned low.
Those great men all talking at once.
The party, lost the battle in Ireland.
But I learned.
I used to sit on a footstool
by the fire and listen.
They didn't even notice me then.
But they noticed me, I tell you ..
When I drilled with them in the
rain in the wild Wicklow hills.
Think of it, Linda.
I was only fifteen then.
And drilling with the best of them.
That was summer.
At the end of it, I had to go back to
my father who didn't even like me.
But I'd learnt to keep secrets.
Important secrets.
I used to laugh to myself because
he didn't know what I was thinking.
Have I made you understand, Linda?
Have I made you understand any of it?
No, Michael.
I can't understand you.
I can't understand any of it.
All I know is it's wrong, and I hate it.
And me? You hate me?
You must give it up.
If you don't, I swear I'll find
some way to stop you.
I'll leave you. But I'll find
some way to stop you, too.
You would turn me in?
Is that what you're thinking?
Oh, give it up, Michael. Give it up.
We'll never mention it again.
We'll forget it ever happened.
Never think about it.
So I must choose?
My whole life up to now .. for you?
My whole life for you ..
Well, there can't be any doubt, Linda.
No doubt about which I choose.
I love you, darling.
You will give it up?
I give it up.
Oh, Michael.
It's all over, darling.
It's all over.
"My duty to the party requires
that I report a development."
"My wife has learned
the nature of my work."
"My comments on the situation are .."
"My wife's discretion is assured
by her personal loyalty to me."
"She believes that I have
resigned from the party."
"Three .."
Now there is a lady of the house,
I hope things will be different.
Last year he gave away
all the ducks that he shot.
And I was hoping you
would think of me, ma'am.
Because you see, the meat
ration doesn't go very far.
I'll see to it that we bring back
everything they shoot, Broaders.
You will love it up there, ma'am.
Every year when the Major comes
back he looks like a new man.
He says that the air in
Norfolk is truly a tonic.
But I wish ..
I wish I were going further.
You won't find any better air
anywhere than in Norfolk.
It really is a tonic.
Now, I think that's just about full.
Thank you for doing it for me, Broaders.
I hate to pack.
Most people who travel hate to pack.
I love it.
But I never go anywhere.
Now I think that's just about full.
Hello, darling.
Well, everything is all set.
We pick up Colonel
Hammerbrook in the morning.
Hugh and Raglan are
driving up themselves.
Tonight I'll get all my kit ready.
You'd better get your
kit ready now, Michael.
Tonight you're going to have to go out.
You see ..
This came for you.
What of it?
I know what they mean.
I can't trust you, Michael.
I've made up my mind that you
must resign your commission.
It's the only decent thing you can do.
And the only decent thing a wife
can do is to behave like a wife.
Don't meddle in things
you don't understand.
You are going to resign?
I will. I will.
But these things take time.
You have to give me time.
Just don't make it too much time.
I tell you these postcards
must be stopped.
They are stupid. Dangerous.
They're responsible for this situation.
I am glad you realise a need for greater
care in the work you are doing, Major.
Why shouldn't I realize it? Why?
Before the war, during the war.
Perhaps you may have forgotten,
but we are still in a war.
A cold war.
I have not forgotten.
Because then I don't have to remind you
that wars are fought with ruthlessness.
And self-sacrifice.
I'm always ready to make sacrifices.
Then you must know that
no personal consideration ..
Or domestic inconvenience
should stand in the way.
As a soldier, Major ..
You know there are
always casualties in war.
What are you driving at?
Here are the orders from Radek, Major.
The Bureau directs that your wife ..
Must be done away with.
Then I withdraw from the party. Now.
Do you hear me?
I withdraw from the party.
In order to dedicate your life
to the party and to the struggle.
One does not resign, Major.
You know that.
You swore to be bound
by an iron discipline.
To follow orders wherever they led you.
One never questions the party.
One never questions.
Never questions.
Yes, Major.
You are the one who is
going to liquidate her.
You alone are responsible
for the present situation.
Radek feels it is essential that you
should demonstrate your fidelity.
But I don't .. I don't have to
demonstrate my fidelity.
Let him recall my past work.
To suggest such a move now is to panic
in the face of imagined dangers.
There's no reason for getting in a panic.
There is no reason to get into a panic.
We are not in a panic.
Report to Radek that
I've received his orders.
Hello, Parish.
Mrs Parish.
This is Mrs Curragh.
Good to see you again.
I never dreamed the next time I saw you
Major you'd be bringing a wife with you.
Welcome to Portonwick farm, ma'am.
Thank you, Mrs Parish.
You look around now and I'll
go and get on with the dinner.
They pretend they come for the shooting,
but I think they come for the eating.
George .. take them bags upstairs
and don't stand talking, now.
I never heard George say two words.
Well I have and it's scarcely worth it.
I'm going up to change.
I'm expecting a call
from the War Office.
It's about you, Michael.
Same room?
Same one.
Here they come.
We beat you here.
That's because we're smart.
Well, we stopped after lunch
and played a game of darts.
To see who'd pay.
And I won.
Poor Hugh.
Now I suppose you are expecting me
to show you where your rooms are.
And I don't know.
Well, I do.
The bedrooms don't matter. What
matters is, are there plenty of birds?
Don't worry about the birds.
Worry about your aim.
Are you coming with us, Melinda?
Oh yes. But I'm going to close
my eyes when you shoot.
I'll have a stiff one. It's nippy out.
Well, I got that call.
I've got some news for you.
Good news I hope.
What's up?
Well come on, out with it.
I regret to say that our Regiment is
going to lose a very capable officer.
Of course, we should have
champagne or this, but this will do.
I give you a toast, Michael.
You've been given a most
important Staff appointment.
Which will mean your
immediate promotion.
You lucky stiff.
I drink to your most impressive success.
Well, good old Michael. Here is to you.
Thank you.
You've got a husband with a future.
You'll be going to Washington and such
places. Think of the fun you will have.
Michael is resigning his commission.
And going in for politics.
He's going to be a communist.
That's not very funny.
Ha ha. I think it is.
By Jove, Michael. I never knew your
wife had such a sense of humour.
A sense of humour? Oh yes, that she has.
Haven't you, Melinda.
Well come on, fellows.
I'm staying here with Melinda.
George, you take the Colonel to
the other side of those reeds.
Michael, you've got to listen to me.
Shush. Be still. You must be quiet.
Colonel, you can stop
here with the Captain.
I'll take the gentlemen along with me.
Come along, Miss.
Come on, Sandy.
Bring it here, Sandy.
Good boy.
[ Melinda screams! ]
She's alright. She's alright.
She's just got a concussion.
You're alright.
You're alright.
I got in the way of the gun, didn't I?
I got in the way of the gun.
What is the name of the farm?
The name of the farmer?
What's the use of all
these insane questions?
May we take it there are facts you
intend to withhold from the Bureau?
Why should I be questioned by you two?
Because we represent the Bureau.
You were instructed to complete
this matter within a week.
You have failed.
It's the opinion of the Deputy Director,
that every moment you delay ..
Jeopardises the security of our
entire underground operation.
As well as your own work.
My work?
What value am I if I do
this and get caught?
Your instructions are to complete
your mission immediately.
I need help. I can't do it
alone. It's insane to ask me.
I need the organisation's help.
You involved yourself in this
marriage without that help.
You must un-involve
yourself in the same way.
I believe that I could convince
a competent authority of the ..
Of the necessity for help
from the organisation.
I refuse to do anything further until you
set up an interview between me and Radek.
I've asked repeatedly
for such an interview.
I've asked repeatedly and
I demand to see Radek.
Radek would give you
the same instructions.
But I cannot believe that you properly
appraised him of all the facts.
He knows all the facts, Major.
How do you know he does? How do I know?
Because, Major Curragh.
I am Radek.
You see, I quite agree.
You are far too valuable to
be left to mere subordinates.
Incompetent subordinates.
Major, it is not permissible
for you to fail again.
Not permissible.
Do you understand?
As you know, we only rented this
house to make contact with you.
If you should find us gone ..
I hope you will realise what that means.
Do you?
Your meaning is
quite clear, Director Radek.
I think Michael meant to kill me.
And I'm terrified.
Lin .. try to remember.
After Michael shot the ducks ..
Did you see anything? Hear anything?
I heard a sort of click.
Like the click of the safety catch
of a gun being released?
Lin .. tell me one thing.
Are you in love with Michael now?
I'm only afraid of him.
Then I'll tell you what I think.
I think Michael meant to kill you.
His subconscious wouldn't let him
because he's in love with you.
But he meant to kill you.
What shall I do?
Clear out.
Where shall I go? He'll find me.
Go straight to my house.
Throw some things in a bag.
Broaders will help you.
But clear out now.
Where are you going?
Don't leave me, Joyce.
Never mind where I'm going.
I'll meet you at my house.
If Michael comes home, leave
your suitcase and go as you are.
But hurry, Lin .. hurry.
Linda, where are you?
Ah, here you are.
Why didn't you answer when I called?
Don't come near me.
You tried to kill me.
Melinda, you don't know
what you're saying.
Here, drink this.
You're as white as a sheet.
Now, I suppose you're
trying to poison me.
Does that look as though I
were trying to poison you?
I know all about you.
That's why you want to kill me.
Don't talk like that, darling.
How could I kill someone I love?
Stay away!
I came home to tell you
that I'm out of the party.
There is nothing to
be afraid of anymore.
I'm a free man.
I'll get leave from the Regiment.
We'll take a trip. Anywhere you like.
Back to the south of France.
Or perhaps to Switzerland?
Would you like that?
Have you ever been to Switzerland?
You are leaving me?
You are being very foolish.
Can't you get it through your head I've
resigned? What came between us is gone.
Everything is gone, Michael.
But I left the party for you.
Now you want to leave me.
I don't believe you.
You'll never resign.
You've grown up, haven't you Melinda.
Grown up?
You can't lie to me anymore,
if that's what you mean.
Now you'll go to the authorities.
That's what you have
in your head, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Let me go!
Let me go, Michael!
I can never let you get out of here now.
Is that the Soviet Embassy?
It's an emergency.
I must talk to him.
This is Major Michael Curragh.
I must speak to Mr Radek.
"There is no-one here of that name."
"No-one of that name."
I tell you this is terribly important.
I must get in touch with him.
"What was the name again?"
"What is it?"
Radek. R-A ..
"What is your name?"
"Your name?"
Major Michael Curragh.
I must speak with someone in authority.
Hello? Hello?
"One moment."
Hello. Hello.
"What is the nature
of your business here?"
I must get a message to Mr Radek.
You must find him for me immediately.
Tell him ..
Tell him the situation
is out of control.
He will understand.
Tell him I need help. Tell him
there's not a moment to lose.
"What is your name, please?"
Curragh. Major Michael Curragh.
I am an associate of Radek's.
I am an associate of his. Do you
understand what I am saying?
Major Michael Curragh.
"We knew a Major Curragh .."
"But our records show .."
"Our records show that Major
Michael Curragh .. is dead."
"Hello? Did you understand?"
"Our records show that Major Curragh .."
"Is dead."
Yes. I understand.
I've received my instructions.
There is no need for you.
No need at all.
Sorry, sir. There must be some mistake.
Inspector Weldon from
Scotland Yard, sir.
He's in the house.
Very good. I've come to put
him under military arrest.
Quite so, sir. I let him see me tonight.
He seemed to think I was somebody else.
Alright, Hugh.
Melinda, you stay here.
I have to be the one to tell him.
Don't you see?
I have to be.
Just a minute, ma'am.
Can you give me a couple of minutes
while I get my men in position?
Very well.
We've got two men at
the back. He can't get out.
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Scream! ]
There is something I've got to say.
I know what you must
be going through, but ..
The coroner.
Reporters .. all sorts of people
will be here in a minute.
And there is something
I've got to tell you first.
It's all over.
Melinda .. that's just it.
It's not all over.
Not for you.
What do you mean?
None of us in the Regiment
but the Colonel knew it.
But it seems Army Intelligence has
been on to Michael for some time.
They let him go ahead
because it suited their purpose.
It accomplished lot of things.
He's dead now.
Can't we ..
A lot of very valuable things.
Which will be undone.
If it gets out that
we've known all along.
Lin .. what I'm asking you to do ..
I don't blame you if you refuse.
Is to let the world believe.
That Michael killed himself.
Because you left him.
Because you left him
and for o other reason.
Will you do it?
You know I will, Hugh.
You know I will.