Craft Me a Romance (2023) Movie Script
[bright music]
[clock ticking]
[alarm clocking ringing]
[music continues]
[shop bells chime]
Your alarm clock again?
Ugh! I don't
know what it is.
It's like the second it
starts cooling off,
my body just wants to oversleep.
I will say though, giving
you a set of keys was
the best thing that I ever did.
Hiring me in the first place
is the best thing you ever did.
You know,
I can't argue with that.
Now we just need a way
to increase business
by, like, tenfold.
Oh! We will.
Don't you worry, and we're
gonna do it our way.
Like my motto says, Serve
local, shop local, sell local"
None of that big business stuff.
I mean, when my parents
started the Crafty Companion,
they wanted this to
be a family business,
and I plan on
keeping it that way.
You are a rebel and I love it.
Well, if I was really a rebel,
I'd go ahead with that coffee
cart idea that I've had.
- That's a great idea.
- I know.
I have to go all
the way across...
[Nicole] Oh!
Hey, Judith, how's our
favorite landlady doing today?
I'm a little
cranky this morning.
Does that answer your question?
Mm! That does not
sound like the Judith
we know and love.
I was supposed
to see my brother this weekend,
but he canceled.
I still to get to babysit
my nephew, but all Lloyd
does is work, work, work.
That sounds sad.
[Judith] Well, I'm used to it.
Anyway, my nephew plays
too many video games
and it souring his
sweet little brain.
I need crayons.
Nothing opens up
your imagination like
a big box of crayons.
Oh! Absolutely.
And this one is on us.
No, no, no.
I insist on paying,
put it on my tab.
And besides, I think I
need a few more things.
Oh, oh.
We have a wonderful
coloring book by local
elementary students and
some cool colored pencils.
[Judith] Fill a bag
for me, please.
I'm on a mission to keep
my nephew
off his video game machine.
He's gonna be creative if
it takes every ounce
of energy I have left.
One day, your nephew
will thank you for it.
Well, my brother has no
appreciation for art.
Oh, he's a financial wiz
but there's more to life
than making money.
- Mm-hm!
- Well, the world
always needs more artists.
And more crafters.
Oh! And I just
realized today's the first
and I don't think the lease
has been renewed yet,
I haven't seen it.
Uh, must have slipped my mind.
I'll get it to you as soon
as I can, but don't worry,
nothing will change.
The Crafty Companion is
a staple of this town.
The community loves you.
The new lease is
just a formality.
Well, thank you, Judith.
I really appreciate it.
- Bye, guys.
- Bye!
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
[bright music]
Thank you so
much again, Mr. Mitchell.
Oh, Mr. Mitchell
is my father.
Please, call me Matt.
Okay, Matt.
Thank you for taking
the time to visit.
That speech was so moving.
The employees are
really fired up.
Oh, it was my pleasure.
This is one of Mitchell's highes
grossing locations,
so I wanna know what's working,
what's not working,
and ultimately,
how we can keep driving more
business to this location.
I'm always looking
for ways to drive sales.
Happy to hear it.
Oh, I also love the Fall
decorations by the way,
very seasonal.
Oh, thank you.
Just wait until we install
the large glowing pumpkin
by the door.
I'm sure that will
be an absolute winner.
I'll see you again
in about six months.
[phone vibrating]
Oh. Hey, Dad.
How's our flagship
location, our highest earner?
The General Manager
is on the ball.
Christina runs a tight ship, but
but theres room for improvement.
We can still beat
the previous sales targets.
Good! Ah, Christine,
shes always so reassuring.
Listen, I'm on my
way to the airport now.
Remember to look in
on the new store first thing.
Only four weeks
till the opening.
This is our chance to wow
the town,
show them we mean business.
I don't want a branch to fail.
I'm on top of it.
With Luke at the helm,
we got nothing to worry about.
I'll get the momentum going
for the grand opening next month
[Afred] Perfect.
By the way, theres something
I need you to look into.
- Yeah, sure,
whatever you need.
- There's a potential issue
right near the new location
a small arts and crafts shop
called the Crafty Companion.
We need to get rid of it.
I've sent the owner
a generous offer,
but they are not returning
my calls or letters.
I need you to convince
them to sell.
This Crafty Companion
stays open,
it could drive sales away.
I will look into it tomorrow.
Oh, and one more thing.
I took the liberty of
setting you up
with a date while you're
back in the area.
Please tell me you're joking.
No, you'll be thanking me.
Listen, Dad, I'm only in town
for another month,
until we open the location
and then I'm back on the road.
No pre-judgements, Matt.
You're gonna need your own
queen one of these days
to run our empire.
Think of it as an adventure.
[call end beeps]
I don't doubt
it'll be an adventure.
Hey, Nicole. Hey, Sarah.
How are you guys?
Oh! Hey, Allison.
Good to see you. How are you?
Good. How are my
wreaths selling?
Oh, great.
In fact, we only have one left.
My tutorial at the Craft Crop
is gonna restock this place,
just watch.
We're counting on it.
Oh, Sarah, I need
some of that ribbon
that you were talking about.
Yes, just right over here.
[door bell dinging]
Hello, Nicole.
Hows my favorite crafter
doing today?
Oh, hey.
Well, its beautiful day.
Well, unfortunately,
what I have here
might not be quite so beautiful.
- Ooh.
- Yeah.
Thanks for the warning.
See you later.
We just got this
beautiful teal in which
I think will work perfect
for your seascape wreath.
It's the exact teal I wanted.
It's perfect.
Oh, nice.
Bill, bill.
Oh! Oh my gosh.
Another buy-out offer?
Sorry, Mitchells Arts & Crafts,
but the answer is still no.
Good. The trash
is where that offer belongs.
- Thank you.
- I don't know what Id do
if you went out of business.
I mean, there's so many
artists depending on you.
That is the third offer from
that company this month.
When my parents started
the Crafty Companion,
they wanted it to be a family
business, you know?
Not sell out to the first
corporate grab that came along.
[gasps] I forgot my wallet.
Can you just deduct it
from my wreath sales this month?
I'm sorry, Nicole.
Dont even worry about it.
Its totally fine.
Plus, you're our Guest of Honor
at the Crop tomorrow.
- Well, thank you.
- Here we go.
Alright, we'll see you then.
You might not recognize me.
I'm getting my
hair done special.
- Ooh.
- Ooh.
That's right.
Don't say it.
Bills are adding up,
we need money.
If you don't watch out,
you may have to look into
that offer.
I know, I know.
Hi, sis!
Oh. Hey, Eric.
I'm putting together
some Fall decorations
for the precinct,
and need some ideas,
was hoping could help me
with some supplies.
I can help.
We have some new items
coming in:
garlands, craft pumpkins,
leaf picks, just all things fall
Yeah, that sounds terrific.
Well, we're closed
right now though, so...
But I'm like,
part owner sort of.
Yes, you are.
But we are also exhausted,
and we have the Craft Crop
so I need to go
home and get some rest.
No problem, I can
come in on my day off.
Sounds good.
Ooh! By the way,
I meant to tell you,
we got another buy-out offer
from that
Mitchell's Arts & Crafts.
I just threw it in the
trash without even looking.
Just keep ignoring them,
they'll eventually stop.
Anyway, I don't wanna
hold you two up.
I'll see you both at the Crop.
[Nicole] Okay, see you.
Goodnight, ladies.
See you tomorrow.
See you later.
[Eric] See you.
Good afternoon, everybody,
and welcome to
our monthly Craft Crop.
This is a nice turnout.
Stop, you'll give me
stage fright.
This month's theme
is Fall Harvest Wreaths.
And remember,
each one of the masterpieces
created here tonight
is eligible to win
a $200 gift card
to the store, so keep it crafty.
[Nicole laughs]
[Nicole] I also, just...
I just wanted to thank
each and every one of you
for being here.
You know, crafting to me
is more than just
an enjoyable hobby,
it's a way of life, a calling.
And you know, my mother
used to always say
that being creative allows us
to live life more fully,
and we become a part
of something larger.
Each one of us is a little
square on the quilt
of the global
crafting community.
I know my mom could never
work on a craft without
a smile on her face, which
I'm sure you could
all relate to.
I know I do, so thank you.
I agree.
That was very well said.
You know, crafting is just
as much about building
something outside of
ourselves as it is
becoming our whole
selves, you know?
You're crafters, creators.
Being artists,
it's in our blood,
and by crafting you are
improving yourself while making
the world a prettier place.
So, what have you
crafted lately?
What do you mean?
Like, you know,
making something.
What have you made lately?
Well, I was recently inspired
by a game of catch
I had with my nephew, Blake.
I don't see him as often
as I'd like 'cause I travel
a lot for business.
But I used this portable
machine that can print
digital photos on just
about anything,
including fabric, and then
I hot-glued photos of us
hanging out together onto
a football to create
a unique craft that
even he could enjoy.
[crowd oohing]
Wow, that's really creative.
Uh, okay, everyone.
Well, it is almost time to
get started so I'm going
to introduce to you our
resident wreath expert,
Allison Garland.
Thanks for having me, Nicole.
Hi, everybody.
I have some crafty
tricks up my sleeve
to make your wreaths the
envy of your neighbors.
But first, I wanna see
what you do,
so let's get crafting!
[cheers and applause]
[door closes]
[Nicole] Uh, hey.
I just wanted to
apologize in there.
I didn't mean to insinuate
that you don't have
any crafting ability or that
you didn't know what
you're talking about.
Just, a lot of people talk
about things that
they don't actually practice.
So anyway, I'm sorry if I...
No, it's okay, really.
Um, I'm Nicole.
I'm Matthew.
It's nice to meet you, Nicole.
Your speech in there was moving.
I appreciate that.
I also really enjoyed your
well thought out comments.
I have to be honest though,
you don't exactly look
like the crafting type.
Fair enough.
I actually just
came from work.
Oh, well, what do you do?
I... [phone vibrating]
Sorry. Um, you know what?
I really have to go.
I'm kind of meeting
someone tonight.
Oh! Well, of course.
But I would like
to continue this sometime.
Me too.
Here, let me give you
one of my business cards.
And you know, if you're
ever back in the area,
you should stop by.
- I'd like that.
- Me too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[bright music]
What did you think about
that guy that was
in here talking?
Oh, I don't know.
He was smart, funny,
handsome, well-spoken,
inspirational, well-dressed,
confident, tall.
I already said handsome, right?
You did, and I agree.
Then you better go
ask him out on a date.
I think I kinda already did.
- What? Really?
- Yeah.
But he was going to
meet somebody else
later tonight, so we'll see.
But I gave him my card,
and I guess we'll just wait
and see if he calls.
If he knows
what's good for him.
Well, it'd be nice
to finally be with a man
who appreciates art.
With a man
who appreciates you.
Ladies, what do
you think of this one
that Debbie's made?
I think we have
this month's winner.
Nice job.
[Matthew] Being on the road
definitely has its drawbacks,
but one of the upsides
is all the artists
that I get to discover
around the country.
It's these little boutiques
that are like a home
away from home for me.
You just never know when
you're gonna discover
a hidden talent.
[notification sound]
This is an interesting piece.
The golden backdrop
actually reminds me
of a Gustav Klimt.
Just one of
my favorite artists.
It's fascinating
the way she's leaning
against the cello.
Maybe she's bored, maybe
she's waiting on her turn
in orchestra.
[notification alert]
She's definitely lost in
her own thoughts though,
sad about something maybe.
What do you think?
I'm sure it's
worth a lot of money.
[notification alert]
[Angela laughs]
How do you do it?
Do what?
Walk and type on
such a small device,
it's a talent.
Thank you.
You know it's
also a talent to spend
an entire evening with
someone while completely
ignoring him the entire time.
[notification alert]
Oh, I'm sorry.
I just don't get any
of this art stuff.
Like, I'm more of a dinner
and a movie type of girl.
There's this new film
playing at the theater
in the mall, I've heard it's
really great,
could still catch the
10 o'clock show.
[notification alert]
Um, sure.
These are gonna sell
really great at the store.
[light music]
[electrical tools whirring]
Hey, Luke.
Hey, Matt.
- Chip?
- Yeah, thanks. Mm.
What are we doing?
Oh, I'm just refinishing this.
You know you're
supposed to be overseeing
the renovation, not
doing it yourself.
Relax, the
contractor went to lunch.
I enjoy doing things like this.
It kinda keeps me occupied.
I don't doubt it,
but what about the layout?
Oh, okay.
Over here we're gonna have
the registers, and then
we have three main shelving
units over here for pillows,
throws, clothing, candle,
candle-making supplies,
ribbon, bows, beads,
and I can keep going,
I got all this
mapped out in my head.
I'm telling you, four
weeks from now when we open
the doors for the
first time, you're not
gonna know the store ever
started looking like this.
Good work, Luke.
- Thanks.
- Oh, got one more thing.
Take a look at this.
- Ah?
- Huh.
What is this for?
You know, to
one-up the competition.
I noticed that craft shop
around the corner,
they do this every single month,
and your dad asked me
to come up with ideas to,
you know, help get rid of them.
Uh, you know, I love the
initiative, but I think you
got enough on your plate just
getting the store ready.
I think we're gonna have
plenty of time later
to strategize events to
upstage the competition,
so I think let's just
shelve the Crop for now.
Well, okay, you're the boss.
But you know, your father
said it was very important
for us to make a strong
statement to the community
right up front.
Not to worry, we will.
Good to see you.
Hey, same here.
You know, it
feels good to be back in town
for a while, even if
it is just for business.
How did the date go?
Ah, um, a little
gallery near the new location
had a window exhibit
featuring local artists
so we checked that out.
Huh, she has
an interest in art?
No, which is why
I won't be seeing her again.
Aw, well, I guess you'll find
the right woman eventually.
And what about the
Crafty Companion?
I met the owner.
A local girl, Nicole something.
She was hosting this small
crafting competition yesterday.
She's cute too.
Good. Use that to
your advantage.
Get close to her,
convince her to sell.
Her shop is a thing of the past.
Mitchell's Arts &
Crafts is the future.
Oh, that is cold, Dad.
She's a sweet woman,
I don't wanna ruin her.
I need you to
get this done, son.
I mean, get her to close
or I'll find someone who can.
- Yes, Sir.
- Good.
Oh, are those new flyers?
I'm making a few custom
ones for next month's
pumpkin-cutting Craft Crop.
Wow, I love it.
I mean, cute, I love the
little pumpkin faces!
What did you use to make it?
I used Canva.
Helps even someone like
me appear to be talented.
Oh, stop it!
You are talented.
Do you remember that amazing
Christmas garland you made?
They had it hanging... Huh?
- The guy!
- What? Oh.
Mr. Handsome.
[Nicole] So it is. Okay.
- Be cool.
- Okay.
- Hi.
- [Matthew] Hey.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah.
My friend just had a baby girl,
and I was wondering
what she could do to immortalize
her adorable
daughter's footprints.
Well, you could
press her feet into some safe,
non-toxic plaster
and create a holiday
keepsake ornament.
Hm. Might be
just a tad obvious.
Well, you could
use some organic ink,
and use the baby's feet like
stampers on an ink pad
and press those little
tootsies right down
on some aged parchment.
Or if you wanna add a
bit of whimsy,
you could transform those toes
into an animal of your choice.
Will you go out with me?
But I thought you
had a date last night?
I did, but it was
a first and a last date.
She wasn't my type.
Oh. Well, what if
I'm not your type?
Well, my type
tends to be of the cute,
clever, and crafty nature.
One that can name three
different ways of getting
a baby's feet dirty in
the name of art
without breaking a sweat.
Doesn't sound
like anyone I know.
I'll tell you what,
if it's not you then
we don't have to go out again.
Okay, but a warning,
I don't break out the sequins
on the first date.
Okay, then I will leave
my rhinestone tuxedo at home.
Oh, darn.
And I'll pick you up at eight.
Oh, hey.
What do you think?
You know, the way
it's painted,
it reminds me of a lot of
Gustav Klimt.
Yeah, because of
the golden backdrop.
Yeah, exactly.
That's what I was thinking.
I love it though.
The way her hand is just
resting on the cello there
with her head.
I don't know.
I wanna know what
she's thinking.
Is she bored with
her music lesson?
No, she seems sad about
something, but...
Really beautiful piece
of artwork.
What do you think?
I agree completely.
Yeah, it's beautiful.
So, do you travel
a lot for work?
Yeah, I have to.
I oversee operations
around the country,
so you know, my job bounces
me between cities.
Constantly flying,
new city every week.
That sort of thing.
Are you on the road now?
No, I live here.
Well, sort of.
I mean, I have an
apartment in the city,
but it's kinda hard to
call it home
'cause I'm always on the road.
That must get old,
not having a place
to really feel settled.
Yeah, but I meet a lot of
great people on the road.
They say on those
embroidery pillows,
home is where the heart is.
It's very true.
Is something wrong?
I was just thinking that
there is this new ice cream
parlor that just
opened up a couple blocks
down the street.
Do you feel like dessert?
It's like you read my mind.
Would it be too
soon to ask to see you again?
A second date sounds lovely.
[Luke] So we have nearly
twice the square footage
of the Crafty Companion,
plus a lot more room
for storage of extra stock.
So, we're gonna have a lot
more product to offer
and really, never run
out of anything,
pretty much guaranteeing
this store is
gonna be a success.
Luke, we don't
need a guarantee.
We haven't had a Mitchell's
location fail in over 20 years.
Yeah. But the last one
that failed, failed in this town
And it failed because
of Crafty Companion.
I didn't actually
know that. Are you sure?
Nobody thought that quaint
little shop could pose a threat
So they ignored it.
That was a mistake.
And that is why
my father is so intent
on closing down her business.
I'm just assuming
that it's owned by a woman.
Why would you assume that?
[Matthew chuckles]
Let's get back on point.
Something bothering you, boss?
Matt, I've worked for your Dad
for nearly two decades.
And I've known you
since we were kids,
so I know you well
enough to know that
youve been distracted since
you walked in here.
Talk to me, boss.
I met a woman.
You must really like her?
- Yeah.
- Who is she?
The owner of
the Crafty Companion.
Oh. Alright.
So she's the she.
[Matthew] Exactly.
Okay. She's the she.
- Mm-hm.
- Okay.
And what does she
think about Mitchell's
opening up store right
around the corner from hers?
She doesn't know.
No. I wanted to tell her,
and I almost did a few days ago
when I first met her,
but I just...
I really want her to get to know
the real me first.
But I take it you've not
told her the real you's
last name yet?
She can't know, okay?
Not yet.
Oh, where are you going?
I have a lunch date.
A walk in the park.
A walk in the park, he says.
Wow, this is serious.
What does she look like?
She's a masterpiece.
Don't gimme that look.
[Luke chuckles]
[woodpecker pecking]
[Matthew] You know,
I'm always so busy with work,
it's really nice
to just take a breather.
[Nicole] Yeah, yeah.
We could both use more of this.
Look, look up there.
What is it?
What do you see?
It's a red-headed woodpecker.
Nature's craftiest woodworker.
I gotta get a photo.
I love woodpeckers.
- Oh, nice.
- Alright.
See it?
I'd say maybe
zoom in a little bit.
No, I think he flew away.
- Oh no! Really?
- Yeah, I don't see him.
Try this.
[both chuckling]
You did that on purpose.
Hm. Alright. Lets do this.
We get real close
and say cheese.
[Nicole giggles]
Let's see how it turned out.
Yes, yeah of course.
It's actually really cute.
Aw, I love it.
That's a great picture.
This has been really nice.
Yeah, it was.
You'll have to send
me that picture.
Yes. Yeah.
So, I've been meaning to
ask you, how did you become
the owner of
the Crafty Companion?
Oh. Well, my parents were
both art lovers
and they opened the store
when I was about ten.
I remember going there
every day after school
and staying till it closed.
And your parents,
they worked together
in the store all day long?
They did, they did,
and yeah, they were very happy.
Never got sick of each other.
Where are they now?
Ah, well, my parents
actually passed away
a few years ago,
both of them, so yeah.
Eric and I inherited the store,
and he's in law enforcement
so I pretty much run
the day to day of things.
Well, Sarah helps me, of course.
She's practically family, too.
Sorry to hear
about your parents.
But it's got to be kind of
nice to get to spend
so much time with your best
friend and your brother.
It is, yeah, but it still gets
a little lonely sometimes.
Personalized mint tins
as wedding favors.
I'm going to have to
make you start wearing a bell.
Isn't looking for
wedding craft ideas after
one date a bit premature?
First of all, it is
my business to stay up
on the world of crafting,
and technically,
yesterday made it two
dates, so...
Then I'm guessing it
went pretty well.
How well, exactly?
I want details.
Where did you go?
Well, we went down
to the art gallery,
but it was closed, so we stood
outside and just looked
at the window display, and
he had the best comments
about the art.
So what does he do?
Obviously he's connected
to the art world,
having blurted out all that
stuff at the Crop.
Well, actually
he's in business.
What business?
You know, we didn't
really talk about that,
but we did talk about art,
and family, and nature.
We went to the park yesterday.
- The park?
- I know.
It was such a beautiful day,
but it's kind of sad.
You know, when he asked me
to go for a walk in the park,
I didn't know what he meant.
I mean, the idea of
walking without a destination
just seemed so foreign to me.
You need to
take some time off.
Yeah, well, one
does not just take time off
when running a business,
especially when our
sales are low, and our lease
isn't even renewed.
I think you need
to schedule a third date.
I did.
Lunch today.
Oh! Right now in fact.
Sorry to skip out on you
like this, but I should be
back in maybe an hour.
I don't know.
Let's say two.
I'll cover for you.
And don't worry about the lease.
I'll call Judith!
Great. Thank you.
Youre the best.
I'm loving that paint color.
Looks good in here.
I gotta give some credit
to Sandy's Paint though.
So, you're a painter now too?
Well, my mom always said
I was a jack of all trades,
master of none.
Probably didn't mention that at
the job interview, though.
Well, you should have.
Might have to amend the
General Manager
job description.
Well, what do you think?
Were closing in on our big
grand opening in 3 weeks.
Won't be long before we're
ready to rock-and-roll,
or glitter and
glue gun, I guess.
I have to show you something.
What do you got?
Well, I had this
temporary sign made to
put up front so everyone knows
Mitchell's is opening soon.
Yeah, that... It looks good.
So, I'm gonna put it up today.
You know, why don't
we actually hold off
on the sign?
Let's make it a surprise.
I mean, I know I'm just
store manager,
but I'm pretty sure surprise
effect isn't in the corporate
vision statement.
Just don't put it
up until I give
you the word, okay?
You still haven't told her.
I'm waiting
for the right moment.
[Alfred] Hello!
Anybody home?
Mr. Mitchell,
we're in here!
There's a slit in the
middle there, sir.
I found you.
Hey, Dad, I uh...
I wasn't expecting you today.
Well, I thought I'd
hop in the car and see
how my latest venture is going.
Good to see you.
Likewise, sir.
Were only three weeks out,
and were ahead of schedule.
That's what I wanna hear.
Can you give Matthew
and I a quick moment?
Thanks, Luke.
So Dad, what do you think?
Any changes?
No, you guys are all over it.
This is such a sweet location.
My drive over, I went
right past that little shop.
[Alfred chuckles]
Don't get soft on me, Matt.
Business is aggressive
and cutthroat.
Alright? You gotta get
that Crafty woman to sell.
I'm gonna take care of it.
Have you spoken to her again?
Dad, I'll get it done.
Yes, you will.
This is a legacy store, son.
I'll be damned if I'm
going to be embarrassed
in my own backyard.
I'm looking forward
to the grand opening.
Three weeks to go,
you heard Luke.
[Matthew sighs]
Hey, I am so sorry.
I'm never late.
Oh, it's fine.
We'll call it even.
Can I get you anything?
Yeah. Can I get a coffee?
Black, please.
Thank you.
I just love this place.
I only wish it was a
little closer to home.
So we never really
got to talk about it,
but what do you...
What do you do?
Arts and Crafts.
Oh, what do you do in arts?
What do you distribute?
My business is boring.
I mean, art's not boring
but the business of it can be.
- Mm.
- Yeah.
Oh, thank you so much.
What about your family?
Well, I work with
my father who runs the business,
and I serve as Senior Vice
President of Operations,
and my mom actually
passed a few years back.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
She was a sculptor.
She taught me a lot about art,
and what it means
to be a crafter.
It doesn't matter if
you're painting a masterpiece,
or decoupaging a collage,
or sewing a quilt.
Your art is a piece of you
that reflects
back into the world.
Hmm. Ah. Wow.
Now that art gallery window
makes a little more sense,
and the football
for your nephew.
I just wish that my dad
felt the same way about art
as Mom did.
Maybe it's time to stop
and tell your dad
how you really feel.
Business isn't
everything, right?
[Matthew chuckles]
What are you grinning at?
What are you,
the smile police?
No, but you're
just smiling at me.
Do I have something in my teeth?
It's just, you know,
you sitting like that,
holding your mug,
Its peaceful.
It's a nice image.
Excuse me.
Oh. Hi.
What's going in here?
We're opening up a
Mitchell's Arts & Crafts store.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Have a good day!
Yeah. You too.
Thank you.
Do you wanna have
dinner with me tonight?
Are you asking
me out on a fourth date?
I am.
I mean, it's a weeknight.
Do you not eat
dinner on weeknights?
No, I do, but
tonight we have inventory.
We just got a huge shipment in,
so I have a lot of math
to look forward to.
Do you now use Craft Biz
Plus inventory software?
How do you
know Craft Biz Plus?
My distribution used to
be a small business
at one point, so
we used Craft Biz Plus
to manage our sales
and inventory systems.
Well, the Crafty Companion is
still a little old school.
Paper logs and ledgers.
Well, how about this?
I'll make you a deal.
I still have some more
work to do this afternoon.
But maybe, if you'd want to,
you can stop by
the office supply store,
pick up Craft Biz Plus,
and then I can come back to
your store later today,
teach it to you in like
30 minutes, and then,
maybe I can take
you out to dinner.
Oh, Nicole, you sure
know how to pick 'em.
Hey, Eric.
Are you here to
pick up those decorations?
No, I'm still on duty,
but I'll come by on the weekend.
So what's up?
Nicole's not back yet, right?
No, but she should
be back any minute now.
Okay. So I just saw her
arm-in-arm with Matthew Mitchell
as in Mitchell's Arts & Crafts.
Matthew Mitchell?
Yeah. They are opening up
around the corner.
Wait, what? When?
What corner?
The building that's
been under renovation
on Russell Street.
They're set to open
in three weeks.
This will ruin us!
Nicole has no idea, does she?
Look, I've gotta get
back to patrol,
but what do you think about
grabbing dinner tonight
to talk about all of this?
Sure, sounds great.
I'll text you when I finish.
Sounds good.
Oh, and don't say
anything to Nicole yet.
Why not?
I just think we need
to come up with a plan
to break the news
without hurting her.
- Thanks, Sarah.
- Bye. Yeah.
That was a long lunch.
Must have been good.
Oh, it was, it was.
It was lovely.
I also had some time to stop by
the office supply store
and pick up a software.
[Sarah] Oh, no.
- What?
- Nothing.
Hey, Nicole.
Oh, hey.
You're right on time.
Thanks so much for coming
by today to give me
the accounting lesson.
I really appreciate it.
You are welcome.
And these are beautiful.
I am glad they make you smile.
And this is my friend, Sarah.
Hi. Matthew.
Her best friend.
The person who cares for
her like nobody else
in the entire world.
Wow. You sound
like a good friend.
Yeah. A borderline
crazy friend, but a good one.
So, what brings
you around, Matthew?
He's gonna teach
me Craft Biz Plus.
You're helping her?
Oh yeah. I am the
guy that's gonna upgrade
your software
to the 21st century.
I've been trying to get you to
use that software for years.
Yeah, but you
don't even know it yourself,
and Matthew does, so he's just
gonna walk me through it.
When I'm done with her,
inventory will be as easy
as an origami goose.
[forced laughter]
You are welcome to
learn it with me if you want.
I don't think I see the point.
Uh, well, the point is
to track inventory and manage
our sales better.
Can I talk to you
alone for a minute?
What do you
think you're doing?
I'm helping Nicole learn
important small
business software.
I know who you
are, Matthew Mitchell.
[Matthew] I want her to get
to know the real me before...
[Sarah] Before you
destroy her family's work?
You need to go in there
and tell her the truth.
I'm going to, just not yet.
- Tell her or I will.
- I can't.
I just need a little
bit more time.
I promise I'm gonna tell her.
I'm gonna come clean. I just...
I really want her to get to know
the real me before...
Before you put her
out of business?
The Crafty Companion is all
that Nicole and Eric
have left of their parents.
You should be ashamed
of yourself.
Sarah, I just need
a little bit more time
to figure out how
to work this all out.
Figure it out.
So, what was that all about?
Oh! We were just in a
round of the age-old debate
between the difference of art
and crafting,
and I maintain that
both provide the same result.
And that is?
Well, bringing
people together.
So, what do you think?
Should we get started?
Yeah, yeah.
You know what?
I'm gonna leave you to it.
I actually have dinner
plans later tonight,
so I'm just gonna go.
Okay, I will see you tomorrow.
I guess.
[Matthew chuckles]
- So.
- Yeah.
Uh, well, Craft Biz Plus.
Yes, Craft Biz Plus.
[Sarah] It's wrong,
Eric, and you know it.
[Eric] I mean, he obviously
understands the business
and he likely knows the
software inside and out.
He knew who she
was from the beginning.
He came by our Craft Crop.
You saw him there.
He's sizing up the competition.
He gets to know her,
he figures out her weaknesses,
and then he strikes.
By teaching her how to use
an advanced inventory
and accounting software?
His methods are rather
don't you think?
He's devious.
He brings her in close,
so that when he strikes,
he can assure
it's a deadly blow.
Or maybe he likes her,
and he really is trying to help?
Look, I've been thinking a
lot about this, and this needs
to come from Matthew.
He needs to be the one
to tell her the truth.
So, if he really
does like her, if his feelings
for her are truly genuine,
then what happens when
she finds out the truth?
She'll be devastated.
Okay, so here's
my plan. I tell her.
I'm her best friend,
it's my duty.
Okay Sarah. Stop!
We're having dinner together.
Like two pals having dinner?
Sure. Like two pals.
For now.
Some bread for you folks?
Yes, please.
Thank you.
[Server] My pleasure.
Maybe you're right.
We shouldn't meddle.
We should just let Matt
tell her when hes ready.
[Nicole giggles]
[Sarah gasps]
What is it?
Awkward at 10 o'clock.
- What is it?
- [Nicole] Hey, guys.
Oh, wow!
I didn't know this is what
you meant by dinner plans.
- Eric, this is Matt...
- Matthew.
Heard all about you.
Oh! You have?
Oh, yeah.
Sarah's been raving
about him all evening.
[Nicole] Oh, really?
Oh. I wanted to tell you.
Matthew also showed me
this great new software.
It's really gonna
help us in the store.
You know, I cant think of
anything stopping
the business from just
really taking off now.
Can you, Matthew?
It's just software.
Yeah, but it's really
good software.
So Matthew, is there
anything else you want
to tell Nicole about
other than software?
I'm actually starving.
Do you wanna grab a table?
Do you two wanna join us?
No. Rain check.
I was actually hoping
to spend a little more
quality time with Nicole.
Enjoy it while you can.
Well, we don't
want to hold you two up.
Matthew, it was a pleasure.
Good to see you again, Sarah.
[Eric] Good to see you.
[Nicole] Alright.
See you later.
[Matthew] Can we have
two for inside?
Well, that was not subtle.
What? We agreed
that he had to tell her,
so I was just trying to help.
You know, you're
pretty cute when you're
all fired up.
Thanks. [giggles]
So for now,
we agree to just
let things play out?
If Nicole finds out
that we knew,
she'll never forgive us.
But I agree.
She should find out for herself.
What do you say
we enjoy this salad?
- Starving.
- Looks pretty good.
You should
always eat your greens.
You should
always eat your greens.
[guitar playing]
I love when
we walk together
Talking and laughing
With you feels good
It's true
The way we connect
is perfect
I cannot...
So, you were
an art history major.
How'd you guess?
Shot in the dark.
So, how long
are you in town for?
A couple more weeks,
then I'm back on the road.
Is that a deal breaker?
Are we a deal?
I would like us to be a deal.
I'm just a little concerned
because every day
I want to see more of you,
And I'm afraid I'm gonna
be seeing less.
Hey, listen.
There's something
I need to tell you,
and it's not easy for me,
but I haven't been
entirely forthcoming with you.
Oh my gosh!
You're actually married,
and you have a family
in another state
across the country.
No, that's not it.
That's crazy.
Does that happen?
Oh, yeah!
I've read about it in blogs.
I'm not married,
and I don't have a family.
Well, I mean, I have a family
but not like a family-family.
Listen. What I'm trying
to say is...
- [Nicole] Mitchell's!
- [Matthew] Mitchell's?
Yes. Mitchell's Arts & Crafts.
The big chain trying
to buy my store.
The enemy!
We have to follow that truck!
Wait, Nicole! Hey!
Hurry up!
- Yeah.
- It went this way.
[Matthew] I'm coming.
Im coming.
[Nicole] Around the corner!
[Matthew] I'm coming!
I'm coming!
[Matthew panting]
Listen. I think
we lost them.
I can't believe this.
It's still in town
somewhere though.
I can smell the
stink of corporatism.
[Matthew sniffing]
I don't smell anything.
Oh, I can.
Theyve been trying to
get rid of me for months?
Anyway, what were
you gonna tell me before?
- What?
- Before we started
running, you were about
to tell me something.
You know what?
I don't remember, but I guess
a five-block sprint
will do that to you.
What do you say I walk you home?
Oh, well, actually,
I have to go back to the
Crafty Companion
and finish up inventory.
It's so late.
Well, now that you
taught me that software,
it should be a piece of cake.
Lead the way.
Well, I...
I had a really nice night.
Yeah, me too.
Goodnight, Nicole.
Yeah. Goodnight.
Come on. Pick up,
pick up, pick up, pick up.
[phone vibrating]
Hey, Matt.
Hey, Luke. Yeah.
I know it's late. Sorry.
Thank you for picking up.
We gotta get that truck unloaded
and out of sight tonight.
- What's the rush?
- I don't have time to explain.
We just gotta get it done.
So Im gonna head over
right now to help.
Well, I think if we both work
at this, we can probably
get this truck out of here
around 6:00 A.M.
That's the spirit.
Just remember this
come Christmas bonus season.
Will do.
Thank you.
[door knocking]
Morning, Dad.
Any updates?
In a roundabout way.
What's the problem now?
Latest shipment
of inventory arrived last night,
and we had the
truck unloaded by morning.
Was that necessary?
I mean, how much
did that cost us?
Luke and I took care of it.
I don't know what
we'd do without Luke.
I will take care of him.
What are you not telling me?
- Can we sit?
- Sure.
Dad, I'm in love.
That's why you've been
so distracted lately.
- Yeah.
- Who is she?
Her hair flows off
her shoulders and floats
in the air like
it defies gravity, and her eyes
are so big and expressive,
they belong on
a character in a
children's book.
Dad, her face is so
perfect that DaVinci
would have trouble capturing
every detail,
and she can...
She can stare at a painting
for as long as I can,
and she understands
the fact that crafting
makes this messy
world a better place.
And I just... I feel like
I know exactly how she feels
at every moment and
it's very strange but...
it's also very wonderful.
Sounds like maybe
you found your own queen.
Her name is Nicole Borden,
and she owns the
Crafty Companion.
Oh! Oh!
The truth finally comes out.
Well, let me guess, she
doesn't know who you are,
and you haven't even
discussed the offer yet?
She knows who I am
even if she doesn't know
exactly what I do.
And, no, Im sorry, I havent
had a chance to talk to her.
Always with
the apologies, Matt.
I mean, sorry doesn't
pay the bills,
sorry doesn't grow the business.
Sorry is something...
- Dad! Stop!
- What?
All you literally care
about is work and money.
You used to say that this was
a family-owned business
but ever since Mom died
all you care about is money.
Did you not hear a word
that I just said to you?
For the first time in as
long as I can remember,
I feel something,
something special.
So no, I don't care
about your bottom line.
I care that I'm about to lose
the only woman that
I've ever found love with.
It's me who should be sorry
for the way
I've been treating you.
And you're right.
When your Mom died, I
buried myself in work
to ease the pain of losing her,
and I guess I never bothered
to try to pull myself out of it.
Don't ever believe money
is worth more than love.
I would trade my entire
empire for one more day
with your mother.
I miss my queen.
Oh, she sure knew how to
keep us in check, didn't she?
[Matthew] She did.
Maybe this woman is
gonna become your wife, Matty.
How am I gonna
work this out, Dad?
We're likely gonna put her
out of business either way.
When I met your mom,
I was broke, scraping by
to pay the rent, and
your mom takes me
to meet your grandparents
for dinner.
They were not exactly
impressed that she was
dating a starving artist.
They did everything they
could to keep us apart.
But nothing could.
What happened?
I worked two jobs,
saved up enough money
to buy this.
I used to love seeing
that on mom's finger.
I hope you found the love
of your life, Matty.
This girl may be the one.
[Matthew] Yeah. Its just
all so complicted.
I'm sure you're gonna
find a way to do
whats right for you both.
Thanks, Dad.
[Sarah] Have a great day.
Hey, Eric.
Good morning.
Your sister's not in yet.
I'm actually
not here to see her.
Look, this has taken me
a long time, but...
Well, here it goes.
Will you go on a date with me?
Preferably one where we're
not talking about
my sister the whole time?
Like a real date?
Yeah, like a real date.
Just the two of us.
I thought you'd never ask.
Do you wanna check
your schedule and text me?
Sounds like a plan.
Well, then I will
see you later.
- Okay.
- Alright.
[sandpaper scraping]
Hey, Luke.
Matt. Hey, look.
I forgot to tell you your
father called yesterday
but I stalled him.
I told him
everything this morning.
Oh, good, I don't
know how much longer
I could avoid my boss's boss.
Thank you.
You know what?
You were right.
Let's go ahead
and hang the sign.
The element of surprise is
not effective in business.
So you told her?
I'm gonna tell her today.
All right.
I'll hang it this afternoon.
- Okay.
- Let's get to work.
Let's do it.
[Lloyd] This is the place.
Alright, I'll call you back.
I'm looking for a Nicole Borden.
Yeah. Im her.
I'm Lloyd Worth,
Judith's brother.
We were just about to call her
about our lease renewal.
How is she?
She's gone.
What do you mean?
She passed
away a few days ago.
Oh my gosh.
Well, what happened?
She went peacefully
in her sleep,
no doubt dreaming of her next
big craft project.
Oh. Wow!
We're really gonna miss her.
I mean, she was always
so kind to me
and such a lovely woman.
Do you have the funeral
arrangement information?
I know we'd probably like
to go pay our respects.
Oh, of course.
But I didn't come by to tell you
of my sister's passing.
I came to tell you that
I won't be renewing
the Crafty Companion's lease.
What? Why not?
Well, I already spoke
to the new owners
of a Frosty FroYo.
They didn't flinch when I
quoted them a rent twice
what you're paying.
There's got to be
something that we could...
I'll give you until
the end of the month
to get rid of inventory.
Know you'll probably
want to have a sale.
Have a nice day.
Excuse me, Lloyd.
But my store does
great business, okay?
And it has for 25 years.
We promote the arts.
The arts?
[Lloyd chuckles smugly]
I'm sorry.
It's a craft store,
not an art gallery.
Well, art comes
in many forms, Mr. Worth.
You know, Judith told me
about you, that you're more
concerned with money than art.
I take that as a
compliment even though
I realize that was
not the intention.
Well, we can pay more
in rent if that's what...
Double? Hm?
I don't think so, especially
with a you-know-what moving in
in a couple of weeks.
No. No.
I won't take that chance.
I'm actually doing you a favor.
I'm helping you prevent
postponing the inevitable,
so you're welcome.
[Lloyd] Have a nice day, again.
Did that really just happen?
You know what?
Let's... let's close early.
I'm gonna go for a walk,
just clear my head.
Yeah. Now that's
nice and level.
That's good. Good.
[Matthew] Hey, Luke,
I just noticed that
the ceramic pumpkins we ordered
arent going to be here on time
for our Grand Opening
in two weeks.
[Luke] I'll make a call.
It's no problem.
Uh... come on.
Matthew Mitchell?
No, it's not how it looks.
Okay, yeah. It is how it looks,
but I tried to tell you
the other night, and then
the truck rolled by.
Why wouldn't you
tell me sooner?
I mean, when were
you planning on it?
I was gonna tell you today.
Oh, yeah.
That's convenient.
Look, I know I should
have told you sooner.
I'm sorry. I messed up.
You lied to me!
You lied to me, Matthew.
This entire time it's been
you trying to steal my business.
No. I didn't lie to you.
I just didn't tell you the whole
truth because I wanted you
to get to know me,
the... the real me.
Well, now I know
exactly who you are, Matthew.
So, goodbye.
Have a nice life.
[Sarah] Here's your tea.
Although if you ask me
this is more of
a chocolate ice cream situation.
I don't even think ice
cream could fix this one.
You ready to
tell me what happened?
I don't even
know where to start.
Start by taking a deep breath.
[Nicole breathes]
Well, Matthew
is Matthew Mitchell
of Mitchell's Arts & Crafts,
and they're opening
a big store right around
the corner from Crafty Companion
in two weeks.
That's what Lloyd was
talking about
when he broke our lease.
I'm so glad you found out.
You knew?
I was going to tell you
except he was helping you
with the inventory and then when
I confronted him outside,
he promised me
he would tell you.
Yeah. I wish you would
have told me, Sarah.
I am so sorry.
I thought it was best
that he told you.
What am I gonna do?
I can't compete with a big
chain like Mitchell's.
This store was
my family's legacy
and I feel like
I'm letting them down.
You're not letting them down,
but we might want to
update our resumes.
That's probably a smart idea,
'cause I think Crafty Companion
is finished.
And once Mitchell's finds out
that we don't even have
a lease anymore,
I mean, theres not even
gonna be a buy-out offer.
[Nicole sighs]
I guess we'll start
packing up in the morning.
How about...
you go take a long, hot shower
and afterwards,
we can order some food
that's bad for us, okay?
That sounds nice.
Special delivery.
Special delivery?
I don't think we're
expecting anything.
Well, considering a
guy around the corner just
gave it to me with a
pretty big tip,
I'd call it a special delivery.
Oh. Thank you.
Yep. Have a good day.
What is it?
It's the painting
that Matthew and I looked at
on our first date.
As much as I hate to admit it,
that's a really beautiful gift.
Yeah. It really is.
[Matthew] I finally met
the perfect woman,
and I wanted you to feel
the same about me.
I knew I had a mountain
to climb, and I took a shortcut.
I'm sorry for not being
up front with you.
P.S. I'm not done climbing.
Okay. So, the point-of-sale
system on the floor
is hooked up to the computer
in the office, right?
- Great.
- Yeah. Now take a look...
[door opening]
Sorry, were closed.
Grand openings in two weeks.
So, we only have
about 6 by 3 over...
Uhh, Matt.
Look up.
- Can...
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nicole, I'm...
Yeah, I know.
Look, I came here...
I've got to be honest with you,
which is something that I
wish you'd been with me, but...
I deserve that.
Yeah. Yeah, you do.
Can I just
show you around first?
Uh, sure.
The cash registers are
gonna go right over there.
Oh! Thats a good place
to start, especially since
moneys more important
than everything, right?
Right. Let's move on,
shall we?
Just off to the right of
the center aisle,
there will be pillows,
throws, and other home dcor,
and then you have clothing,
candles and candle-making
supplies, and then by the time
we hit gold leaf, we will
move into other forms
of metal crafting.
I do love
working with gold leaf.
Me too.
And then in the next aisle
we will have art and frames.
Im really surprised though,
that you don't have any
like handmade crafts
from local artisans, you know?
Well, we sell
mass-produced dcor, so...
Right. But I mean,
nothing motivates the purchase
of arts and crafts supplies
like seeing the inspiration
of the possibilities.
That's interesting.
Yeah. I mean, you know,
a customer comes in and buys
a completed needlepoint
pillow that their neighbor made,
and then, you know,
they come back and decide
they wanna do it
themselves from scratch.
So, you have a local
needlepoint enthusiast
who's here teaching a tutorial
at your Craft Crop,
and next thing you know,
you've got a whole bunch
of new needlepointers
that are buying up
all of your needlepoint kits.
That's a good tip.
I will talk to Luke about it.
You're welcome.
I gotta say though, I'm a
little envious of all
the space you have here.
You know, have you thought
about doing coffee?
You mean, like
sell coffee here in the store?
Yeah. Yeah. Why not?
I mean, I always dreamed
of doing a coffee cart
in my store.
You know, those real
pretty ones with all
the beautiful gold
fixtures and stuff?
Would look so cute in here,
and youve got the space for it.
The neighborhood could
use a good coffee shop.
No. I guess a coffee
cart would bring in a steady
flow of customers.
Just what all
the big bookstores do.
And while people are
waiting for their latte,
they're wandering around
the store and they see
a display full of
handcrafted local goods,
you know?
Right away, impulse buy.
You've thought
about this a lot.
Guilty as charged.
Im a bit of a dreamer.
You're a visionary.
Maybe, so...
Anyway I... I just...
I came here to let you know
that the Crafty Companion
is no longer a threat to you.
We lost our lease, so I've
decided that I won't be moving
to a new location.
I guess you win.
You can't possibly
be making a profit
at these bargain prices.
I mean, I feel so guilty.
Well, please don't.
I'm glad you're stocking up.
And besides, there's not
really much we can do to save
the store anyways, so...
Especially with Mitchell's
Grand Opening next week.
Oh, well.
Good for them.
I put aside a big box of
Fall decorations,
and everything we had in
stock for the holidays.
Nicole wanted me to give
them to you,
but I think we should pay.
I would never rip
off my own store,
even though this is bittersweet.
I know.
I feel the same.
You're welcome.
[Eric] Hey.
I'm sorry about the store.
I know how much it means to you,
how much it meant
to Mom and Dad,
to all of us.
Well, it's okay.
I'll be alright, you know?
We'll always have our memories.
Besides, I don't know that
I was really cut out
to run a business anyway.
I beg to differ.
Now, you were the only one
who could have run this
business after Mom
and Dad passed away.
You were cut from the same
cloth as them.
I mean, just look at this
place, Nicole.
It's like they never left.
Spoken like
a true big brother.
Thanks, Eric.
On that note, I've got to
get back to patrol,
but we will talk later.
Hey, Jason, you
can just set it over here.
Hey. What do
you think of this?
- Looks good.
- Okay.
We had a good run.
We did, didn't we?
Twenty-five years.
So it's really over?
Maybe it's for
the best, you know?
Running your own
business is hard work.
This way I can just get a
regular job,
and come home at night,
put on my slippers,
and I don't know,
macram, or make
a wreath or something.
That's what I do.
It's pretty great, but now
I'll have a of time to craft.
Is it possible to have
too much time to craft?
Mm, I guess we'll find out.
I hate to leave you,
but I promised Eric
I'd meet him for dinner.
Do you want me to stay?
No, no.
Go enjoy your date.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
He really does makes me happy.
Well, good.
He's a great guy.
I mean, take it from me,
I've kinda known him
his whole life, so...
I'll see you later.
[melancholy music]
Hey, Dad.
Matthew, come in.
Are we ready for
the grand opening?
Actually, I am postponing it.
Why the delay?
Because, with this location,
I'm changing things.
I'm expanding the types
of things that we sell.
Reinventing the wheel?
The wheel works. It's round.
Any other shape and you're
in for a bumpy ride.
Hear me out, okay?
Imagine a store that sells
handmade crafts made
by local artisans that will
inspire new hobbyists
to buy craft supplies, events
hosted by local artists,
and an espresso cart that'll
help generate new customers.
Are these your ideas
or Luke's?
Actually, they're Nicole's.
The woman you love.
Sounds risky.
You took some
risks over the years.
So, I take it your
conversation with her went well.
No, actually it didn't.
But you will be happy to
know that she has decided
to close her store and
it isn't gonna cost you a penny.
Sounds good, but I can tell
it hasn't made you happy.
Come on, Dad.
We gotta do something
to fix this.
I mean, we just ruined
that woman's life.
Well, how to fix
it is now up to you.
What do you mean?
Because I'm
officially retiring.
The business is yours.
Enjoy the office and good
luck with your expansion plans.
I'm sorry.
I don't follow.
Why all of a sudden?
Aw, it's been a
long time coming, Matt.
You know, it was that
conversation we had
the other day.
It made me realize there is more
to life than business.
Something I hadn't even
before we lost your mom.
I think that's the
first time I've ever heard
you say that.
I'm proud of you, Dad.
And one more thing.
I think it's time you had this.
Mom's ring.
Are you sure?
I know true love
when I see it,
and you're in love,
just like I was.
Thank you.
Thank you, with all
my heart, thank you.
You're welcome.
Hey, Dad?
I love you.
I love you too, son.
[Luke] Hey.
- Hey, Luke.
- How goes it?
What is that?
This is the curveball
you threw my way.
You wanna take a look?
Yeah, sure.
Wow! She's a beauty.
Yup, yup, yup.
I've never operated a
coffee maker this fancy before,
so there may
be a learning curve.
Don't worry.
We're gonna hire a barista.
I was going
to suggest that.
I just didn't want you to think
I wasnt up for the task.
Luke, you are
always up for the task.
Which is why I have
a new task for you.
What's that?
I need a new Senior
Vice President of Operations.
Uhh. Where are you going?
Dad is officially
retiring so I'm gonna take
over the day-to-day
operations and I need
someone to oversee the
operations around the country.
It's a big pay raise.
What do you think?
I think I'm
your new replacement.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. Thank you.
Hey, but now you really
won't be able to do everything
around here yourself.
Delegating will be your new
way of life.
I could get used to that...
to a degree.
Wait, wait.
Who's gonna run
the store though?
I'm not sure yet,
but I have a couple
of good candidates in mind.
Talk to you soon.
Wow! Thanks boss!
[Matthew] You are
the boss now.
I am the boss now.
[slow jazz music]
What can I get you?
Cranberry with a twist.
So we finished up
virtually all of the inventory.
Nicole is lucky to
have such a good partner
and friend to help.
And I really appreciate
everything you've done
for our family too.
You're pretty amazing.
I think you're
pretty amazing too.
So, I gotta be honest,
I've wanted to ask you out
for the longest time.
[Sarah giggles]
Since we're being
honest completely honest.
From the moment Nicole
introduced me to you,
I was hoping you would.
I remember it was my first day
at the Crafty Companion
and all of a sudden,
in walks her cute brother,
and what do I do? I...
You knocked
over the flower vase.
I can't believe
you remember that.
Of course I remember that.
I really liked that vase.
And she just happened to
hire the cutest employee,
how could I forget?
I was so nervous
that Nicole was going
to fire me on the spot.
Nah, she would never fire you.
She was lucky to find
someone with such great values,
it's a hard quality to find.
Well, look at you.
You both lost your parents,
Nicole took over the store,
and you never gave up your dream
of protecting the town
you grew up in.
The community means so
much to me and Nicole.
You and Nicole mean
so much to the community.
To the Crafty Companion.
To new beginnings.
[glass clinks]
Nickel for your thoughts?
I thought it was a penny.
I'm factoring for inflation.
What's got you down?
I should feel like I'm
on top of the world right now,
but all I can think about
is the fact I just ruined
that poor woman's life.
A woman that I am
absolutely in love with
and now likely wants
nothing to do with me.
Try to put some
trust in the universe.
Things have a way of
always working out.
You think so?
It's gotten me this far.
Yeah, thanks.
I, uh...
I honestly didn't think
I'd see you again.
I see you took me seriously
about the coffee cart.
Putting a coffee cart
in an arts and crafts store?
That's crazy.
The boutique will be teeming
with connoisseurs
sipping lattes and
admiring decoupage.
If you say so.
It's because you said so.
I'm really glad you're here,
I want to show you something.
I was thinking about
hanging this behind
the coffee cart.
What do you think?
I think it's beautiful,
and I think you
are more far talented
than you realize.
You really outdid yourself.
Can you ever forgive me?
Look, Matthew...
All I can think about is us
walking through the park
arm in arm and bird watching,
and looking at the window art
display holding hands,
and discussing the nuances
of scrapbooking,
and a lifetime of crafting over
caramel lattes,
and I just...
The more I think about it,
the more I realize
that you are a genuine person
who made a mistake.
And I am.
I am that genuine person.
I am so sorry.
And if you'd just give me
another chance to show you,
I will never let you down.
Look, Matthew...
[Matthew] You know, crafting is
just as much about building
something outside of ourselves
as it is
becoming our whole selves.
I'm Nicole.
I'm Matthew.
It's nice to meet you, Nicole.
Youre all crafters, creators.
Being artists,
it's in our blood.
It doesn't matter if
you're painting a masterpiece
or decoupaging a collage,
or sewing a quilt.
Your art is a piece of you
that reflects back
into the world.
I haven't been entirely
forthcoming with you.
It's not how it looks.
I know I should have
told you sooner.
I'm sorry. I messed up.
P.S. I'm not done climbing.
I forgive you.
[Matthew chuckles]
So, there's a fifth date
on the table?
Well, I prefer to
think of it as
a second first date.
Clean canvas.
There is just one problem.
What's that?
Well, with all
the improvements,
which I do want to implement
in all of our locations,
I had this crazy idea that maybe
it was time to refresh
the company name too.
How would you feel
about a merger?
Your family's legacy
could live on with Mitchell's.
How does Mitchell's Crafty
Companion sound to you?
I mean, I could use a
great partner and together
we would make an
unstoppable team.
There is one more thing,
I don't have a General Manager
for this store.
Sarah would be perfect.
Are you serious?
I accept.
[Sarah] I'm so proud of you.
Hey. I've been meaning
to talk to you about something.
Yeah? About what?
Well, Mitchell's started off
as a family business,
and I'd really
like it to stay that way.
And I know this might seem
sudden, but I know in my heart
and soul that we
are meant to be together.
And I can think of no
better time or place
to do this than at the launch
of our new partnership.
I want us to craft
a life together.
Oh my God.
Is this really happening?
Nicole Borden,
will you marry me?
Absolutely! Yes!
[Nicole] Oh my gosh.
[applause continues]
It's perfect.
[bright music swells]
[upbeat string music]
I love when we walk together
Talking and laughing
With you feels good
It's true
The way we connect
Is perfect
I can't help but feel
That you're the one, babe
It's true
And when you walk away
I realize
How much I miss you
When you're not around
I need to tell you, babe
I cannot wait
I want you in my arms
So I can just
Close my eyes
And hold you
'Cause I
I wanna feel you
Close to me
I know with you
What my heart feels
Is true
I'm giving all my love
To you
When I see your face
I'm captured by your
Endless beauty
I wanna hold you closer
To me
I love when we talk together
The things that you say
They're just so sweet, babe
It's true
Your smile is so infectious
Your eyes make my life
Worth living, baby
It's true
And when you walk away
I realize
How much I miss you
When you're not around
I need to tell you, babe
I cannot wait
I want you in my arms
So I can
Just close my eyes
And hold you
'Cause I, I wanna hold you
Closer to me
[bright music]
[clock ticking]
[alarm clocking ringing]
[music continues]
[shop bells chime]
Your alarm clock again?
Ugh! I don't
know what it is.
It's like the second it
starts cooling off,
my body just wants to oversleep.
I will say though, giving
you a set of keys was
the best thing that I ever did.
Hiring me in the first place
is the best thing you ever did.
You know,
I can't argue with that.
Now we just need a way
to increase business
by, like, tenfold.
Oh! We will.
Don't you worry, and we're
gonna do it our way.
Like my motto says, Serve
local, shop local, sell local"
None of that big business stuff.
I mean, when my parents
started the Crafty Companion,
they wanted this to
be a family business,
and I plan on
keeping it that way.
You are a rebel and I love it.
Well, if I was really a rebel,
I'd go ahead with that coffee
cart idea that I've had.
- That's a great idea.
- I know.
I have to go all
the way across...
[Nicole] Oh!
Hey, Judith, how's our
favorite landlady doing today?
I'm a little
cranky this morning.
Does that answer your question?
Mm! That does not
sound like the Judith
we know and love.
I was supposed
to see my brother this weekend,
but he canceled.
I still to get to babysit
my nephew, but all Lloyd
does is work, work, work.
That sounds sad.
[Judith] Well, I'm used to it.
Anyway, my nephew plays
too many video games
and it souring his
sweet little brain.
I need crayons.
Nothing opens up
your imagination like
a big box of crayons.
Oh! Absolutely.
And this one is on us.
No, no, no.
I insist on paying,
put it on my tab.
And besides, I think I
need a few more things.
Oh, oh.
We have a wonderful
coloring book by local
elementary students and
some cool colored pencils.
[Judith] Fill a bag
for me, please.
I'm on a mission to keep
my nephew
off his video game machine.
He's gonna be creative if
it takes every ounce
of energy I have left.
One day, your nephew
will thank you for it.
Well, my brother has no
appreciation for art.
Oh, he's a financial wiz
but there's more to life
than making money.
- Mm-hm!
- Well, the world
always needs more artists.
And more crafters.
Oh! And I just
realized today's the first
and I don't think the lease
has been renewed yet,
I haven't seen it.
Uh, must have slipped my mind.
I'll get it to you as soon
as I can, but don't worry,
nothing will change.
The Crafty Companion is
a staple of this town.
The community loves you.
The new lease is
just a formality.
Well, thank you, Judith.
I really appreciate it.
- Bye, guys.
- Bye!
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
[bright music]
Thank you so
much again, Mr. Mitchell.
Oh, Mr. Mitchell
is my father.
Please, call me Matt.
Okay, Matt.
Thank you for taking
the time to visit.
That speech was so moving.
The employees are
really fired up.
Oh, it was my pleasure.
This is one of Mitchell's highes
grossing locations,
so I wanna know what's working,
what's not working,
and ultimately,
how we can keep driving more
business to this location.
I'm always looking
for ways to drive sales.
Happy to hear it.
Oh, I also love the Fall
decorations by the way,
very seasonal.
Oh, thank you.
Just wait until we install
the large glowing pumpkin
by the door.
I'm sure that will
be an absolute winner.
I'll see you again
in about six months.
[phone vibrating]
Oh. Hey, Dad.
How's our flagship
location, our highest earner?
The General Manager
is on the ball.
Christina runs a tight ship, but
but theres room for improvement.
We can still beat
the previous sales targets.
Good! Ah, Christine,
shes always so reassuring.
Listen, I'm on my
way to the airport now.
Remember to look in
on the new store first thing.
Only four weeks
till the opening.
This is our chance to wow
the town,
show them we mean business.
I don't want a branch to fail.
I'm on top of it.
With Luke at the helm,
we got nothing to worry about.
I'll get the momentum going
for the grand opening next month
[Afred] Perfect.
By the way, theres something
I need you to look into.
- Yeah, sure,
whatever you need.
- There's a potential issue
right near the new location
a small arts and crafts shop
called the Crafty Companion.
We need to get rid of it.
I've sent the owner
a generous offer,
but they are not returning
my calls or letters.
I need you to convince
them to sell.
This Crafty Companion
stays open,
it could drive sales away.
I will look into it tomorrow.
Oh, and one more thing.
I took the liberty of
setting you up
with a date while you're
back in the area.
Please tell me you're joking.
No, you'll be thanking me.
Listen, Dad, I'm only in town
for another month,
until we open the location
and then I'm back on the road.
No pre-judgements, Matt.
You're gonna need your own
queen one of these days
to run our empire.
Think of it as an adventure.
[call end beeps]
I don't doubt
it'll be an adventure.
Hey, Nicole. Hey, Sarah.
How are you guys?
Oh! Hey, Allison.
Good to see you. How are you?
Good. How are my
wreaths selling?
Oh, great.
In fact, we only have one left.
My tutorial at the Craft Crop
is gonna restock this place,
just watch.
We're counting on it.
Oh, Sarah, I need
some of that ribbon
that you were talking about.
Yes, just right over here.
[door bell dinging]
Hello, Nicole.
Hows my favorite crafter
doing today?
Oh, hey.
Well, its beautiful day.
Well, unfortunately,
what I have here
might not be quite so beautiful.
- Ooh.
- Yeah.
Thanks for the warning.
See you later.
We just got this
beautiful teal in which
I think will work perfect
for your seascape wreath.
It's the exact teal I wanted.
It's perfect.
Oh, nice.
Bill, bill.
Oh! Oh my gosh.
Another buy-out offer?
Sorry, Mitchells Arts & Crafts,
but the answer is still no.
Good. The trash
is where that offer belongs.
- Thank you.
- I don't know what Id do
if you went out of business.
I mean, there's so many
artists depending on you.
That is the third offer from
that company this month.
When my parents started
the Crafty Companion,
they wanted it to be a family
business, you know?
Not sell out to the first
corporate grab that came along.
[gasps] I forgot my wallet.
Can you just deduct it
from my wreath sales this month?
I'm sorry, Nicole.
Dont even worry about it.
Its totally fine.
Plus, you're our Guest of Honor
at the Crop tomorrow.
- Well, thank you.
- Here we go.
Alright, we'll see you then.
You might not recognize me.
I'm getting my
hair done special.
- Ooh.
- Ooh.
That's right.
Don't say it.
Bills are adding up,
we need money.
If you don't watch out,
you may have to look into
that offer.
I know, I know.
Hi, sis!
Oh. Hey, Eric.
I'm putting together
some Fall decorations
for the precinct,
and need some ideas,
was hoping could help me
with some supplies.
I can help.
We have some new items
coming in:
garlands, craft pumpkins,
leaf picks, just all things fall
Yeah, that sounds terrific.
Well, we're closed
right now though, so...
But I'm like,
part owner sort of.
Yes, you are.
But we are also exhausted,
and we have the Craft Crop
so I need to go
home and get some rest.
No problem, I can
come in on my day off.
Sounds good.
Ooh! By the way,
I meant to tell you,
we got another buy-out offer
from that
Mitchell's Arts & Crafts.
I just threw it in the
trash without even looking.
Just keep ignoring them,
they'll eventually stop.
Anyway, I don't wanna
hold you two up.
I'll see you both at the Crop.
[Nicole] Okay, see you.
Goodnight, ladies.
See you tomorrow.
See you later.
[Eric] See you.
Good afternoon, everybody,
and welcome to
our monthly Craft Crop.
This is a nice turnout.
Stop, you'll give me
stage fright.
This month's theme
is Fall Harvest Wreaths.
And remember,
each one of the masterpieces
created here tonight
is eligible to win
a $200 gift card
to the store, so keep it crafty.
[Nicole laughs]
[Nicole] I also, just...
I just wanted to thank
each and every one of you
for being here.
You know, crafting to me
is more than just
an enjoyable hobby,
it's a way of life, a calling.
And you know, my mother
used to always say
that being creative allows us
to live life more fully,
and we become a part
of something larger.
Each one of us is a little
square on the quilt
of the global
crafting community.
I know my mom could never
work on a craft without
a smile on her face, which
I'm sure you could
all relate to.
I know I do, so thank you.
I agree.
That was very well said.
You know, crafting is just
as much about building
something outside of
ourselves as it is
becoming our whole
selves, you know?
You're crafters, creators.
Being artists,
it's in our blood,
and by crafting you are
improving yourself while making
the world a prettier place.
So, what have you
crafted lately?
What do you mean?
Like, you know,
making something.
What have you made lately?
Well, I was recently inspired
by a game of catch
I had with my nephew, Blake.
I don't see him as often
as I'd like 'cause I travel
a lot for business.
But I used this portable
machine that can print
digital photos on just
about anything,
including fabric, and then
I hot-glued photos of us
hanging out together onto
a football to create
a unique craft that
even he could enjoy.
[crowd oohing]
Wow, that's really creative.
Uh, okay, everyone.
Well, it is almost time to
get started so I'm going
to introduce to you our
resident wreath expert,
Allison Garland.
Thanks for having me, Nicole.
Hi, everybody.
I have some crafty
tricks up my sleeve
to make your wreaths the
envy of your neighbors.
But first, I wanna see
what you do,
so let's get crafting!
[cheers and applause]
[door closes]
[Nicole] Uh, hey.
I just wanted to
apologize in there.
I didn't mean to insinuate
that you don't have
any crafting ability or that
you didn't know what
you're talking about.
Just, a lot of people talk
about things that
they don't actually practice.
So anyway, I'm sorry if I...
No, it's okay, really.
Um, I'm Nicole.
I'm Matthew.
It's nice to meet you, Nicole.
Your speech in there was moving.
I appreciate that.
I also really enjoyed your
well thought out comments.
I have to be honest though,
you don't exactly look
like the crafting type.
Fair enough.
I actually just
came from work.
Oh, well, what do you do?
I... [phone vibrating]
Sorry. Um, you know what?
I really have to go.
I'm kind of meeting
someone tonight.
Oh! Well, of course.
But I would like
to continue this sometime.
Me too.
Here, let me give you
one of my business cards.
And you know, if you're
ever back in the area,
you should stop by.
- I'd like that.
- Me too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[bright music]
What did you think about
that guy that was
in here talking?
Oh, I don't know.
He was smart, funny,
handsome, well-spoken,
inspirational, well-dressed,
confident, tall.
I already said handsome, right?
You did, and I agree.
Then you better go
ask him out on a date.
I think I kinda already did.
- What? Really?
- Yeah.
But he was going to
meet somebody else
later tonight, so we'll see.
But I gave him my card,
and I guess we'll just wait
and see if he calls.
If he knows
what's good for him.
Well, it'd be nice
to finally be with a man
who appreciates art.
With a man
who appreciates you.
Ladies, what do
you think of this one
that Debbie's made?
I think we have
this month's winner.
Nice job.
[Matthew] Being on the road
definitely has its drawbacks,
but one of the upsides
is all the artists
that I get to discover
around the country.
It's these little boutiques
that are like a home
away from home for me.
You just never know when
you're gonna discover
a hidden talent.
[notification sound]
This is an interesting piece.
The golden backdrop
actually reminds me
of a Gustav Klimt.
Just one of
my favorite artists.
It's fascinating
the way she's leaning
against the cello.
Maybe she's bored, maybe
she's waiting on her turn
in orchestra.
[notification alert]
She's definitely lost in
her own thoughts though,
sad about something maybe.
What do you think?
I'm sure it's
worth a lot of money.
[notification alert]
[Angela laughs]
How do you do it?
Do what?
Walk and type on
such a small device,
it's a talent.
Thank you.
You know it's
also a talent to spend
an entire evening with
someone while completely
ignoring him the entire time.
[notification alert]
Oh, I'm sorry.
I just don't get any
of this art stuff.
Like, I'm more of a dinner
and a movie type of girl.
There's this new film
playing at the theater
in the mall, I've heard it's
really great,
could still catch the
10 o'clock show.
[notification alert]
Um, sure.
These are gonna sell
really great at the store.
[light music]
[electrical tools whirring]
Hey, Luke.
Hey, Matt.
- Chip?
- Yeah, thanks. Mm.
What are we doing?
Oh, I'm just refinishing this.
You know you're
supposed to be overseeing
the renovation, not
doing it yourself.
Relax, the
contractor went to lunch.
I enjoy doing things like this.
It kinda keeps me occupied.
I don't doubt it,
but what about the layout?
Oh, okay.
Over here we're gonna have
the registers, and then
we have three main shelving
units over here for pillows,
throws, clothing, candle,
candle-making supplies,
ribbon, bows, beads,
and I can keep going,
I got all this
mapped out in my head.
I'm telling you, four
weeks from now when we open
the doors for the
first time, you're not
gonna know the store ever
started looking like this.
Good work, Luke.
- Thanks.
- Oh, got one more thing.
Take a look at this.
- Ah?
- Huh.
What is this for?
You know, to
one-up the competition.
I noticed that craft shop
around the corner,
they do this every single month,
and your dad asked me
to come up with ideas to,
you know, help get rid of them.
Uh, you know, I love the
initiative, but I think you
got enough on your plate just
getting the store ready.
I think we're gonna have
plenty of time later
to strategize events to
upstage the competition,
so I think let's just
shelve the Crop for now.
Well, okay, you're the boss.
But you know, your father
said it was very important
for us to make a strong
statement to the community
right up front.
Not to worry, we will.
Good to see you.
Hey, same here.
You know, it
feels good to be back in town
for a while, even if
it is just for business.
How did the date go?
Ah, um, a little
gallery near the new location
had a window exhibit
featuring local artists
so we checked that out.
Huh, she has
an interest in art?
No, which is why
I won't be seeing her again.
Aw, well, I guess you'll find
the right woman eventually.
And what about the
Crafty Companion?
I met the owner.
A local girl, Nicole something.
She was hosting this small
crafting competition yesterday.
She's cute too.
Good. Use that to
your advantage.
Get close to her,
convince her to sell.
Her shop is a thing of the past.
Mitchell's Arts &
Crafts is the future.
Oh, that is cold, Dad.
She's a sweet woman,
I don't wanna ruin her.
I need you to
get this done, son.
I mean, get her to close
or I'll find someone who can.
- Yes, Sir.
- Good.
Oh, are those new flyers?
I'm making a few custom
ones for next month's
pumpkin-cutting Craft Crop.
Wow, I love it.
I mean, cute, I love the
little pumpkin faces!
What did you use to make it?
I used Canva.
Helps even someone like
me appear to be talented.
Oh, stop it!
You are talented.
Do you remember that amazing
Christmas garland you made?
They had it hanging... Huh?
- The guy!
- What? Oh.
Mr. Handsome.
[Nicole] So it is. Okay.
- Be cool.
- Okay.
- Hi.
- [Matthew] Hey.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah.
My friend just had a baby girl,
and I was wondering
what she could do to immortalize
her adorable
daughter's footprints.
Well, you could
press her feet into some safe,
non-toxic plaster
and create a holiday
keepsake ornament.
Hm. Might be
just a tad obvious.
Well, you could
use some organic ink,
and use the baby's feet like
stampers on an ink pad
and press those little
tootsies right down
on some aged parchment.
Or if you wanna add a
bit of whimsy,
you could transform those toes
into an animal of your choice.
Will you go out with me?
But I thought you
had a date last night?
I did, but it was
a first and a last date.
She wasn't my type.
Oh. Well, what if
I'm not your type?
Well, my type
tends to be of the cute,
clever, and crafty nature.
One that can name three
different ways of getting
a baby's feet dirty in
the name of art
without breaking a sweat.
Doesn't sound
like anyone I know.
I'll tell you what,
if it's not you then
we don't have to go out again.
Okay, but a warning,
I don't break out the sequins
on the first date.
Okay, then I will leave
my rhinestone tuxedo at home.
Oh, darn.
And I'll pick you up at eight.
Oh, hey.
What do you think?
You know, the way
it's painted,
it reminds me of a lot of
Gustav Klimt.
Yeah, because of
the golden backdrop.
Yeah, exactly.
That's what I was thinking.
I love it though.
The way her hand is just
resting on the cello there
with her head.
I don't know.
I wanna know what
she's thinking.
Is she bored with
her music lesson?
No, she seems sad about
something, but...
Really beautiful piece
of artwork.
What do you think?
I agree completely.
Yeah, it's beautiful.
So, do you travel
a lot for work?
Yeah, I have to.
I oversee operations
around the country,
so you know, my job bounces
me between cities.
Constantly flying,
new city every week.
That sort of thing.
Are you on the road now?
No, I live here.
Well, sort of.
I mean, I have an
apartment in the city,
but it's kinda hard to
call it home
'cause I'm always on the road.
That must get old,
not having a place
to really feel settled.
Yeah, but I meet a lot of
great people on the road.
They say on those
embroidery pillows,
home is where the heart is.
It's very true.
Is something wrong?
I was just thinking that
there is this new ice cream
parlor that just
opened up a couple blocks
down the street.
Do you feel like dessert?
It's like you read my mind.
Would it be too
soon to ask to see you again?
A second date sounds lovely.
[Luke] So we have nearly
twice the square footage
of the Crafty Companion,
plus a lot more room
for storage of extra stock.
So, we're gonna have a lot
more product to offer
and really, never run
out of anything,
pretty much guaranteeing
this store is
gonna be a success.
Luke, we don't
need a guarantee.
We haven't had a Mitchell's
location fail in over 20 years.
Yeah. But the last one
that failed, failed in this town
And it failed because
of Crafty Companion.
I didn't actually
know that. Are you sure?
Nobody thought that quaint
little shop could pose a threat
So they ignored it.
That was a mistake.
And that is why
my father is so intent
on closing down her business.
I'm just assuming
that it's owned by a woman.
Why would you assume that?
[Matthew chuckles]
Let's get back on point.
Something bothering you, boss?
Matt, I've worked for your Dad
for nearly two decades.
And I've known you
since we were kids,
so I know you well
enough to know that
youve been distracted since
you walked in here.
Talk to me, boss.
I met a woman.
You must really like her?
- Yeah.
- Who is she?
The owner of
the Crafty Companion.
Oh. Alright.
So she's the she.
[Matthew] Exactly.
Okay. She's the she.
- Mm-hm.
- Okay.
And what does she
think about Mitchell's
opening up store right
around the corner from hers?
She doesn't know.
No. I wanted to tell her,
and I almost did a few days ago
when I first met her,
but I just...
I really want her to get to know
the real me first.
But I take it you've not
told her the real you's
last name yet?
She can't know, okay?
Not yet.
Oh, where are you going?
I have a lunch date.
A walk in the park.
A walk in the park, he says.
Wow, this is serious.
What does she look like?
She's a masterpiece.
Don't gimme that look.
[Luke chuckles]
[woodpecker pecking]
[Matthew] You know,
I'm always so busy with work,
it's really nice
to just take a breather.
[Nicole] Yeah, yeah.
We could both use more of this.
Look, look up there.
What is it?
What do you see?
It's a red-headed woodpecker.
Nature's craftiest woodworker.
I gotta get a photo.
I love woodpeckers.
- Oh, nice.
- Alright.
See it?
I'd say maybe
zoom in a little bit.
No, I think he flew away.
- Oh no! Really?
- Yeah, I don't see him.
Try this.
[both chuckling]
You did that on purpose.
Hm. Alright. Lets do this.
We get real close
and say cheese.
[Nicole giggles]
Let's see how it turned out.
Yes, yeah of course.
It's actually really cute.
Aw, I love it.
That's a great picture.
This has been really nice.
Yeah, it was.
You'll have to send
me that picture.
Yes. Yeah.
So, I've been meaning to
ask you, how did you become
the owner of
the Crafty Companion?
Oh. Well, my parents were
both art lovers
and they opened the store
when I was about ten.
I remember going there
every day after school
and staying till it closed.
And your parents,
they worked together
in the store all day long?
They did, they did,
and yeah, they were very happy.
Never got sick of each other.
Where are they now?
Ah, well, my parents
actually passed away
a few years ago,
both of them, so yeah.
Eric and I inherited the store,
and he's in law enforcement
so I pretty much run
the day to day of things.
Well, Sarah helps me, of course.
She's practically family, too.
Sorry to hear
about your parents.
But it's got to be kind of
nice to get to spend
so much time with your best
friend and your brother.
It is, yeah, but it still gets
a little lonely sometimes.
Personalized mint tins
as wedding favors.
I'm going to have to
make you start wearing a bell.
Isn't looking for
wedding craft ideas after
one date a bit premature?
First of all, it is
my business to stay up
on the world of crafting,
and technically,
yesterday made it two
dates, so...
Then I'm guessing it
went pretty well.
How well, exactly?
I want details.
Where did you go?
Well, we went down
to the art gallery,
but it was closed, so we stood
outside and just looked
at the window display, and
he had the best comments
about the art.
So what does he do?
Obviously he's connected
to the art world,
having blurted out all that
stuff at the Crop.
Well, actually
he's in business.
What business?
You know, we didn't
really talk about that,
but we did talk about art,
and family, and nature.
We went to the park yesterday.
- The park?
- I know.
It was such a beautiful day,
but it's kind of sad.
You know, when he asked me
to go for a walk in the park,
I didn't know what he meant.
I mean, the idea of
walking without a destination
just seemed so foreign to me.
You need to
take some time off.
Yeah, well, one
does not just take time off
when running a business,
especially when our
sales are low, and our lease
isn't even renewed.
I think you need
to schedule a third date.
I did.
Lunch today.
Oh! Right now in fact.
Sorry to skip out on you
like this, but I should be
back in maybe an hour.
I don't know.
Let's say two.
I'll cover for you.
And don't worry about the lease.
I'll call Judith!
Great. Thank you.
Youre the best.
I'm loving that paint color.
Looks good in here.
I gotta give some credit
to Sandy's Paint though.
So, you're a painter now too?
Well, my mom always said
I was a jack of all trades,
master of none.
Probably didn't mention that at
the job interview, though.
Well, you should have.
Might have to amend the
General Manager
job description.
Well, what do you think?
Were closing in on our big
grand opening in 3 weeks.
Won't be long before we're
ready to rock-and-roll,
or glitter and
glue gun, I guess.
I have to show you something.
What do you got?
Well, I had this
temporary sign made to
put up front so everyone knows
Mitchell's is opening soon.
Yeah, that... It looks good.
So, I'm gonna put it up today.
You know, why don't
we actually hold off
on the sign?
Let's make it a surprise.
I mean, I know I'm just
store manager,
but I'm pretty sure surprise
effect isn't in the corporate
vision statement.
Just don't put it
up until I give
you the word, okay?
You still haven't told her.
I'm waiting
for the right moment.
[Alfred] Hello!
Anybody home?
Mr. Mitchell,
we're in here!
There's a slit in the
middle there, sir.
I found you.
Hey, Dad, I uh...
I wasn't expecting you today.
Well, I thought I'd
hop in the car and see
how my latest venture is going.
Good to see you.
Likewise, sir.
Were only three weeks out,
and were ahead of schedule.
That's what I wanna hear.
Can you give Matthew
and I a quick moment?
Thanks, Luke.
So Dad, what do you think?
Any changes?
No, you guys are all over it.
This is such a sweet location.
My drive over, I went
right past that little shop.
[Alfred chuckles]
Don't get soft on me, Matt.
Business is aggressive
and cutthroat.
Alright? You gotta get
that Crafty woman to sell.
I'm gonna take care of it.
Have you spoken to her again?
Dad, I'll get it done.
Yes, you will.
This is a legacy store, son.
I'll be damned if I'm
going to be embarrassed
in my own backyard.
I'm looking forward
to the grand opening.
Three weeks to go,
you heard Luke.
[Matthew sighs]
Hey, I am so sorry.
I'm never late.
Oh, it's fine.
We'll call it even.
Can I get you anything?
Yeah. Can I get a coffee?
Black, please.
Thank you.
I just love this place.
I only wish it was a
little closer to home.
So we never really
got to talk about it,
but what do you...
What do you do?
Arts and Crafts.
Oh, what do you do in arts?
What do you distribute?
My business is boring.
I mean, art's not boring
but the business of it can be.
- Mm.
- Yeah.
Oh, thank you so much.
What about your family?
Well, I work with
my father who runs the business,
and I serve as Senior Vice
President of Operations,
and my mom actually
passed a few years back.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
She was a sculptor.
She taught me a lot about art,
and what it means
to be a crafter.
It doesn't matter if
you're painting a masterpiece,
or decoupaging a collage,
or sewing a quilt.
Your art is a piece of you
that reflects
back into the world.
Hmm. Ah. Wow.
Now that art gallery window
makes a little more sense,
and the football
for your nephew.
I just wish that my dad
felt the same way about art
as Mom did.
Maybe it's time to stop
and tell your dad
how you really feel.
Business isn't
everything, right?
[Matthew chuckles]
What are you grinning at?
What are you,
the smile police?
No, but you're
just smiling at me.
Do I have something in my teeth?
It's just, you know,
you sitting like that,
holding your mug,
Its peaceful.
It's a nice image.
Excuse me.
Oh. Hi.
What's going in here?
We're opening up a
Mitchell's Arts & Crafts store.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Have a good day!
Yeah. You too.
Thank you.
Do you wanna have
dinner with me tonight?
Are you asking
me out on a fourth date?
I am.
I mean, it's a weeknight.
Do you not eat
dinner on weeknights?
No, I do, but
tonight we have inventory.
We just got a huge shipment in,
so I have a lot of math
to look forward to.
Do you now use Craft Biz
Plus inventory software?
How do you
know Craft Biz Plus?
My distribution used to
be a small business
at one point, so
we used Craft Biz Plus
to manage our sales
and inventory systems.
Well, the Crafty Companion is
still a little old school.
Paper logs and ledgers.
Well, how about this?
I'll make you a deal.
I still have some more
work to do this afternoon.
But maybe, if you'd want to,
you can stop by
the office supply store,
pick up Craft Biz Plus,
and then I can come back to
your store later today,
teach it to you in like
30 minutes, and then,
maybe I can take
you out to dinner.
Oh, Nicole, you sure
know how to pick 'em.
Hey, Eric.
Are you here to
pick up those decorations?
No, I'm still on duty,
but I'll come by on the weekend.
So what's up?
Nicole's not back yet, right?
No, but she should
be back any minute now.
Okay. So I just saw her
arm-in-arm with Matthew Mitchell
as in Mitchell's Arts & Crafts.
Matthew Mitchell?
Yeah. They are opening up
around the corner.
Wait, what? When?
What corner?
The building that's
been under renovation
on Russell Street.
They're set to open
in three weeks.
This will ruin us!
Nicole has no idea, does she?
Look, I've gotta get
back to patrol,
but what do you think about
grabbing dinner tonight
to talk about all of this?
Sure, sounds great.
I'll text you when I finish.
Sounds good.
Oh, and don't say
anything to Nicole yet.
Why not?
I just think we need
to come up with a plan
to break the news
without hurting her.
- Thanks, Sarah.
- Bye. Yeah.
That was a long lunch.
Must have been good.
Oh, it was, it was.
It was lovely.
I also had some time to stop by
the office supply store
and pick up a software.
[Sarah] Oh, no.
- What?
- Nothing.
Hey, Nicole.
Oh, hey.
You're right on time.
Thanks so much for coming
by today to give me
the accounting lesson.
I really appreciate it.
You are welcome.
And these are beautiful.
I am glad they make you smile.
And this is my friend, Sarah.
Hi. Matthew.
Her best friend.
The person who cares for
her like nobody else
in the entire world.
Wow. You sound
like a good friend.
Yeah. A borderline
crazy friend, but a good one.
So, what brings
you around, Matthew?
He's gonna teach
me Craft Biz Plus.
You're helping her?
Oh yeah. I am the
guy that's gonna upgrade
your software
to the 21st century.
I've been trying to get you to
use that software for years.
Yeah, but you
don't even know it yourself,
and Matthew does, so he's just
gonna walk me through it.
When I'm done with her,
inventory will be as easy
as an origami goose.
[forced laughter]
You are welcome to
learn it with me if you want.
I don't think I see the point.
Uh, well, the point is
to track inventory and manage
our sales better.
Can I talk to you
alone for a minute?
What do you
think you're doing?
I'm helping Nicole learn
important small
business software.
I know who you
are, Matthew Mitchell.
[Matthew] I want her to get
to know the real me before...
[Sarah] Before you
destroy her family's work?
You need to go in there
and tell her the truth.
I'm going to, just not yet.
- Tell her or I will.
- I can't.
I just need a little
bit more time.
I promise I'm gonna tell her.
I'm gonna come clean. I just...
I really want her to get to know
the real me before...
Before you put her
out of business?
The Crafty Companion is all
that Nicole and Eric
have left of their parents.
You should be ashamed
of yourself.
Sarah, I just need
a little bit more time
to figure out how
to work this all out.
Figure it out.
So, what was that all about?
Oh! We were just in a
round of the age-old debate
between the difference of art
and crafting,
and I maintain that
both provide the same result.
And that is?
Well, bringing
people together.
So, what do you think?
Should we get started?
Yeah, yeah.
You know what?
I'm gonna leave you to it.
I actually have dinner
plans later tonight,
so I'm just gonna go.
Okay, I will see you tomorrow.
I guess.
[Matthew chuckles]
- So.
- Yeah.
Uh, well, Craft Biz Plus.
Yes, Craft Biz Plus.
[Sarah] It's wrong,
Eric, and you know it.
[Eric] I mean, he obviously
understands the business
and he likely knows the
software inside and out.
He knew who she
was from the beginning.
He came by our Craft Crop.
You saw him there.
He's sizing up the competition.
He gets to know her,
he figures out her weaknesses,
and then he strikes.
By teaching her how to use
an advanced inventory
and accounting software?
His methods are rather
don't you think?
He's devious.
He brings her in close,
so that when he strikes,
he can assure
it's a deadly blow.
Or maybe he likes her,
and he really is trying to help?
Look, I've been thinking a
lot about this, and this needs
to come from Matthew.
He needs to be the one
to tell her the truth.
So, if he really
does like her, if his feelings
for her are truly genuine,
then what happens when
she finds out the truth?
She'll be devastated.
Okay, so here's
my plan. I tell her.
I'm her best friend,
it's my duty.
Okay Sarah. Stop!
We're having dinner together.
Like two pals having dinner?
Sure. Like two pals.
For now.
Some bread for you folks?
Yes, please.
Thank you.
[Server] My pleasure.
Maybe you're right.
We shouldn't meddle.
We should just let Matt
tell her when hes ready.
[Nicole giggles]
[Sarah gasps]
What is it?
Awkward at 10 o'clock.
- What is it?
- [Nicole] Hey, guys.
Oh, wow!
I didn't know this is what
you meant by dinner plans.
- Eric, this is Matt...
- Matthew.
Heard all about you.
Oh! You have?
Oh, yeah.
Sarah's been raving
about him all evening.
[Nicole] Oh, really?
Oh. I wanted to tell you.
Matthew also showed me
this great new software.
It's really gonna
help us in the store.
You know, I cant think of
anything stopping
the business from just
really taking off now.
Can you, Matthew?
It's just software.
Yeah, but it's really
good software.
So Matthew, is there
anything else you want
to tell Nicole about
other than software?
I'm actually starving.
Do you wanna grab a table?
Do you two wanna join us?
No. Rain check.
I was actually hoping
to spend a little more
quality time with Nicole.
Enjoy it while you can.
Well, we don't
want to hold you two up.
Matthew, it was a pleasure.
Good to see you again, Sarah.
[Eric] Good to see you.
[Nicole] Alright.
See you later.
[Matthew] Can we have
two for inside?
Well, that was not subtle.
What? We agreed
that he had to tell her,
so I was just trying to help.
You know, you're
pretty cute when you're
all fired up.
Thanks. [giggles]
So for now,
we agree to just
let things play out?
If Nicole finds out
that we knew,
she'll never forgive us.
But I agree.
She should find out for herself.
What do you say
we enjoy this salad?
- Starving.
- Looks pretty good.
You should
always eat your greens.
You should
always eat your greens.
[guitar playing]
I love when
we walk together
Talking and laughing
With you feels good
It's true
The way we connect
is perfect
I cannot...
So, you were
an art history major.
How'd you guess?
Shot in the dark.
So, how long
are you in town for?
A couple more weeks,
then I'm back on the road.
Is that a deal breaker?
Are we a deal?
I would like us to be a deal.
I'm just a little concerned
because every day
I want to see more of you,
And I'm afraid I'm gonna
be seeing less.
Hey, listen.
There's something
I need to tell you,
and it's not easy for me,
but I haven't been
entirely forthcoming with you.
Oh my gosh!
You're actually married,
and you have a family
in another state
across the country.
No, that's not it.
That's crazy.
Does that happen?
Oh, yeah!
I've read about it in blogs.
I'm not married,
and I don't have a family.
Well, I mean, I have a family
but not like a family-family.
Listen. What I'm trying
to say is...
- [Nicole] Mitchell's!
- [Matthew] Mitchell's?
Yes. Mitchell's Arts & Crafts.
The big chain trying
to buy my store.
The enemy!
We have to follow that truck!
Wait, Nicole! Hey!
Hurry up!
- Yeah.
- It went this way.
[Matthew] I'm coming.
Im coming.
[Nicole] Around the corner!
[Matthew] I'm coming!
I'm coming!
[Matthew panting]
Listen. I think
we lost them.
I can't believe this.
It's still in town
somewhere though.
I can smell the
stink of corporatism.
[Matthew sniffing]
I don't smell anything.
Oh, I can.
Theyve been trying to
get rid of me for months?
Anyway, what were
you gonna tell me before?
- What?
- Before we started
running, you were about
to tell me something.
You know what?
I don't remember, but I guess
a five-block sprint
will do that to you.
What do you say I walk you home?
Oh, well, actually,
I have to go back to the
Crafty Companion
and finish up inventory.
It's so late.
Well, now that you
taught me that software,
it should be a piece of cake.
Lead the way.
Well, I...
I had a really nice night.
Yeah, me too.
Goodnight, Nicole.
Yeah. Goodnight.
Come on. Pick up,
pick up, pick up, pick up.
[phone vibrating]
Hey, Matt.
Hey, Luke. Yeah.
I know it's late. Sorry.
Thank you for picking up.
We gotta get that truck unloaded
and out of sight tonight.
- What's the rush?
- I don't have time to explain.
We just gotta get it done.
So Im gonna head over
right now to help.
Well, I think if we both work
at this, we can probably
get this truck out of here
around 6:00 A.M.
That's the spirit.
Just remember this
come Christmas bonus season.
Will do.
Thank you.
[door knocking]
Morning, Dad.
Any updates?
In a roundabout way.
What's the problem now?
Latest shipment
of inventory arrived last night,
and we had the
truck unloaded by morning.
Was that necessary?
I mean, how much
did that cost us?
Luke and I took care of it.
I don't know what
we'd do without Luke.
I will take care of him.
What are you not telling me?
- Can we sit?
- Sure.
Dad, I'm in love.
That's why you've been
so distracted lately.
- Yeah.
- Who is she?
Her hair flows off
her shoulders and floats
in the air like
it defies gravity, and her eyes
are so big and expressive,
they belong on
a character in a
children's book.
Dad, her face is so
perfect that DaVinci
would have trouble capturing
every detail,
and she can...
She can stare at a painting
for as long as I can,
and she understands
the fact that crafting
makes this messy
world a better place.
And I just... I feel like
I know exactly how she feels
at every moment and
it's very strange but...
it's also very wonderful.
Sounds like maybe
you found your own queen.
Her name is Nicole Borden,
and she owns the
Crafty Companion.
Oh! Oh!
The truth finally comes out.
Well, let me guess, she
doesn't know who you are,
and you haven't even
discussed the offer yet?
She knows who I am
even if she doesn't know
exactly what I do.
And, no, Im sorry, I havent
had a chance to talk to her.
Always with
the apologies, Matt.
I mean, sorry doesn't
pay the bills,
sorry doesn't grow the business.
Sorry is something...
- Dad! Stop!
- What?
All you literally care
about is work and money.
You used to say that this was
a family-owned business
but ever since Mom died
all you care about is money.
Did you not hear a word
that I just said to you?
For the first time in as
long as I can remember,
I feel something,
something special.
So no, I don't care
about your bottom line.
I care that I'm about to lose
the only woman that
I've ever found love with.
It's me who should be sorry
for the way
I've been treating you.
And you're right.
When your Mom died, I
buried myself in work
to ease the pain of losing her,
and I guess I never bothered
to try to pull myself out of it.
Don't ever believe money
is worth more than love.
I would trade my entire
empire for one more day
with your mother.
I miss my queen.
Oh, she sure knew how to
keep us in check, didn't she?
[Matthew] She did.
Maybe this woman is
gonna become your wife, Matty.
How am I gonna
work this out, Dad?
We're likely gonna put her
out of business either way.
When I met your mom,
I was broke, scraping by
to pay the rent, and
your mom takes me
to meet your grandparents
for dinner.
They were not exactly
impressed that she was
dating a starving artist.
They did everything they
could to keep us apart.
But nothing could.
What happened?
I worked two jobs,
saved up enough money
to buy this.
I used to love seeing
that on mom's finger.
I hope you found the love
of your life, Matty.
This girl may be the one.
[Matthew] Yeah. Its just
all so complicted.
I'm sure you're gonna
find a way to do
whats right for you both.
Thanks, Dad.
[Sarah] Have a great day.
Hey, Eric.
Good morning.
Your sister's not in yet.
I'm actually
not here to see her.
Look, this has taken me
a long time, but...
Well, here it goes.
Will you go on a date with me?
Preferably one where we're
not talking about
my sister the whole time?
Like a real date?
Yeah, like a real date.
Just the two of us.
I thought you'd never ask.
Do you wanna check
your schedule and text me?
Sounds like a plan.
Well, then I will
see you later.
- Okay.
- Alright.
[sandpaper scraping]
Hey, Luke.
Matt. Hey, look.
I forgot to tell you your
father called yesterday
but I stalled him.
I told him
everything this morning.
Oh, good, I don't
know how much longer
I could avoid my boss's boss.
Thank you.
You know what?
You were right.
Let's go ahead
and hang the sign.
The element of surprise is
not effective in business.
So you told her?
I'm gonna tell her today.
All right.
I'll hang it this afternoon.
- Okay.
- Let's get to work.
Let's do it.
[Lloyd] This is the place.
Alright, I'll call you back.
I'm looking for a Nicole Borden.
Yeah. Im her.
I'm Lloyd Worth,
Judith's brother.
We were just about to call her
about our lease renewal.
How is she?
She's gone.
What do you mean?
She passed
away a few days ago.
Oh my gosh.
Well, what happened?
She went peacefully
in her sleep,
no doubt dreaming of her next
big craft project.
Oh. Wow!
We're really gonna miss her.
I mean, she was always
so kind to me
and such a lovely woman.
Do you have the funeral
arrangement information?
I know we'd probably like
to go pay our respects.
Oh, of course.
But I didn't come by to tell you
of my sister's passing.
I came to tell you that
I won't be renewing
the Crafty Companion's lease.
What? Why not?
Well, I already spoke
to the new owners
of a Frosty FroYo.
They didn't flinch when I
quoted them a rent twice
what you're paying.
There's got to be
something that we could...
I'll give you until
the end of the month
to get rid of inventory.
Know you'll probably
want to have a sale.
Have a nice day.
Excuse me, Lloyd.
But my store does
great business, okay?
And it has for 25 years.
We promote the arts.
The arts?
[Lloyd chuckles smugly]
I'm sorry.
It's a craft store,
not an art gallery.
Well, art comes
in many forms, Mr. Worth.
You know, Judith told me
about you, that you're more
concerned with money than art.
I take that as a
compliment even though
I realize that was
not the intention.
Well, we can pay more
in rent if that's what...
Double? Hm?
I don't think so, especially
with a you-know-what moving in
in a couple of weeks.
No. No.
I won't take that chance.
I'm actually doing you a favor.
I'm helping you prevent
postponing the inevitable,
so you're welcome.
[Lloyd] Have a nice day, again.
Did that really just happen?
You know what?
Let's... let's close early.
I'm gonna go for a walk,
just clear my head.
Yeah. Now that's
nice and level.
That's good. Good.
[Matthew] Hey, Luke,
I just noticed that
the ceramic pumpkins we ordered
arent going to be here on time
for our Grand Opening
in two weeks.
[Luke] I'll make a call.
It's no problem.
Uh... come on.
Matthew Mitchell?
No, it's not how it looks.
Okay, yeah. It is how it looks,
but I tried to tell you
the other night, and then
the truck rolled by.
Why wouldn't you
tell me sooner?
I mean, when were
you planning on it?
I was gonna tell you today.
Oh, yeah.
That's convenient.
Look, I know I should
have told you sooner.
I'm sorry. I messed up.
You lied to me!
You lied to me, Matthew.
This entire time it's been
you trying to steal my business.
No. I didn't lie to you.
I just didn't tell you the whole
truth because I wanted you
to get to know me,
the... the real me.
Well, now I know
exactly who you are, Matthew.
So, goodbye.
Have a nice life.
[Sarah] Here's your tea.
Although if you ask me
this is more of
a chocolate ice cream situation.
I don't even think ice
cream could fix this one.
You ready to
tell me what happened?
I don't even
know where to start.
Start by taking a deep breath.
[Nicole breathes]
Well, Matthew
is Matthew Mitchell
of Mitchell's Arts & Crafts,
and they're opening
a big store right around
the corner from Crafty Companion
in two weeks.
That's what Lloyd was
talking about
when he broke our lease.
I'm so glad you found out.
You knew?
I was going to tell you
except he was helping you
with the inventory and then when
I confronted him outside,
he promised me
he would tell you.
Yeah. I wish you would
have told me, Sarah.
I am so sorry.
I thought it was best
that he told you.
What am I gonna do?
I can't compete with a big
chain like Mitchell's.
This store was
my family's legacy
and I feel like
I'm letting them down.
You're not letting them down,
but we might want to
update our resumes.
That's probably a smart idea,
'cause I think Crafty Companion
is finished.
And once Mitchell's finds out
that we don't even have
a lease anymore,
I mean, theres not even
gonna be a buy-out offer.
[Nicole sighs]
I guess we'll start
packing up in the morning.
How about...
you go take a long, hot shower
and afterwards,
we can order some food
that's bad for us, okay?
That sounds nice.
Special delivery.
Special delivery?
I don't think we're
expecting anything.
Well, considering a
guy around the corner just
gave it to me with a
pretty big tip,
I'd call it a special delivery.
Oh. Thank you.
Yep. Have a good day.
What is it?
It's the painting
that Matthew and I looked at
on our first date.
As much as I hate to admit it,
that's a really beautiful gift.
Yeah. It really is.
[Matthew] I finally met
the perfect woman,
and I wanted you to feel
the same about me.
I knew I had a mountain
to climb, and I took a shortcut.
I'm sorry for not being
up front with you.
P.S. I'm not done climbing.
Okay. So, the point-of-sale
system on the floor
is hooked up to the computer
in the office, right?
- Great.
- Yeah. Now take a look...
[door opening]
Sorry, were closed.
Grand openings in two weeks.
So, we only have
about 6 by 3 over...
Uhh, Matt.
Look up.
- Can...
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nicole, I'm...
Yeah, I know.
Look, I came here...
I've got to be honest with you,
which is something that I
wish you'd been with me, but...
I deserve that.
Yeah. Yeah, you do.
Can I just
show you around first?
Uh, sure.
The cash registers are
gonna go right over there.
Oh! Thats a good place
to start, especially since
moneys more important
than everything, right?
Right. Let's move on,
shall we?
Just off to the right of
the center aisle,
there will be pillows,
throws, and other home dcor,
and then you have clothing,
candles and candle-making
supplies, and then by the time
we hit gold leaf, we will
move into other forms
of metal crafting.
I do love
working with gold leaf.
Me too.
And then in the next aisle
we will have art and frames.
Im really surprised though,
that you don't have any
like handmade crafts
from local artisans, you know?
Well, we sell
mass-produced dcor, so...
Right. But I mean,
nothing motivates the purchase
of arts and crafts supplies
like seeing the inspiration
of the possibilities.
That's interesting.
Yeah. I mean, you know,
a customer comes in and buys
a completed needlepoint
pillow that their neighbor made,
and then, you know,
they come back and decide
they wanna do it
themselves from scratch.
So, you have a local
needlepoint enthusiast
who's here teaching a tutorial
at your Craft Crop,
and next thing you know,
you've got a whole bunch
of new needlepointers
that are buying up
all of your needlepoint kits.
That's a good tip.
I will talk to Luke about it.
You're welcome.
I gotta say though, I'm a
little envious of all
the space you have here.
You know, have you thought
about doing coffee?
You mean, like
sell coffee here in the store?
Yeah. Yeah. Why not?
I mean, I always dreamed
of doing a coffee cart
in my store.
You know, those real
pretty ones with all
the beautiful gold
fixtures and stuff?
Would look so cute in here,
and youve got the space for it.
The neighborhood could
use a good coffee shop.
No. I guess a coffee
cart would bring in a steady
flow of customers.
Just what all
the big bookstores do.
And while people are
waiting for their latte,
they're wandering around
the store and they see
a display full of
handcrafted local goods,
you know?
Right away, impulse buy.
You've thought
about this a lot.
Guilty as charged.
Im a bit of a dreamer.
You're a visionary.
Maybe, so...
Anyway I... I just...
I came here to let you know
that the Crafty Companion
is no longer a threat to you.
We lost our lease, so I've
decided that I won't be moving
to a new location.
I guess you win.
You can't possibly
be making a profit
at these bargain prices.
I mean, I feel so guilty.
Well, please don't.
I'm glad you're stocking up.
And besides, there's not
really much we can do to save
the store anyways, so...
Especially with Mitchell's
Grand Opening next week.
Oh, well.
Good for them.
I put aside a big box of
Fall decorations,
and everything we had in
stock for the holidays.
Nicole wanted me to give
them to you,
but I think we should pay.
I would never rip
off my own store,
even though this is bittersweet.
I know.
I feel the same.
You're welcome.
[Eric] Hey.
I'm sorry about the store.
I know how much it means to you,
how much it meant
to Mom and Dad,
to all of us.
Well, it's okay.
I'll be alright, you know?
We'll always have our memories.
Besides, I don't know that
I was really cut out
to run a business anyway.
I beg to differ.
Now, you were the only one
who could have run this
business after Mom
and Dad passed away.
You were cut from the same
cloth as them.
I mean, just look at this
place, Nicole.
It's like they never left.
Spoken like
a true big brother.
Thanks, Eric.
On that note, I've got to
get back to patrol,
but we will talk later.
Hey, Jason, you
can just set it over here.
Hey. What do
you think of this?
- Looks good.
- Okay.
We had a good run.
We did, didn't we?
Twenty-five years.
So it's really over?
Maybe it's for
the best, you know?
Running your own
business is hard work.
This way I can just get a
regular job,
and come home at night,
put on my slippers,
and I don't know,
macram, or make
a wreath or something.
That's what I do.
It's pretty great, but now
I'll have a of time to craft.
Is it possible to have
too much time to craft?
Mm, I guess we'll find out.
I hate to leave you,
but I promised Eric
I'd meet him for dinner.
Do you want me to stay?
No, no.
Go enjoy your date.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
He really does makes me happy.
Well, good.
He's a great guy.
I mean, take it from me,
I've kinda known him
his whole life, so...
I'll see you later.
[melancholy music]
Hey, Dad.
Matthew, come in.
Are we ready for
the grand opening?
Actually, I am postponing it.
Why the delay?
Because, with this location,
I'm changing things.
I'm expanding the types
of things that we sell.
Reinventing the wheel?
The wheel works. It's round.
Any other shape and you're
in for a bumpy ride.
Hear me out, okay?
Imagine a store that sells
handmade crafts made
by local artisans that will
inspire new hobbyists
to buy craft supplies, events
hosted by local artists,
and an espresso cart that'll
help generate new customers.
Are these your ideas
or Luke's?
Actually, they're Nicole's.
The woman you love.
Sounds risky.
You took some
risks over the years.
So, I take it your
conversation with her went well.
No, actually it didn't.
But you will be happy to
know that she has decided
to close her store and
it isn't gonna cost you a penny.
Sounds good, but I can tell
it hasn't made you happy.
Come on, Dad.
We gotta do something
to fix this.
I mean, we just ruined
that woman's life.
Well, how to fix
it is now up to you.
What do you mean?
Because I'm
officially retiring.
The business is yours.
Enjoy the office and good
luck with your expansion plans.
I'm sorry.
I don't follow.
Why all of a sudden?
Aw, it's been a
long time coming, Matt.
You know, it was that
conversation we had
the other day.
It made me realize there is more
to life than business.
Something I hadn't even
before we lost your mom.
I think that's the
first time I've ever heard
you say that.
I'm proud of you, Dad.
And one more thing.
I think it's time you had this.
Mom's ring.
Are you sure?
I know true love
when I see it,
and you're in love,
just like I was.
Thank you.
Thank you, with all
my heart, thank you.
You're welcome.
Hey, Dad?
I love you.
I love you too, son.
[Luke] Hey.
- Hey, Luke.
- How goes it?
What is that?
This is the curveball
you threw my way.
You wanna take a look?
Yeah, sure.
Wow! She's a beauty.
Yup, yup, yup.
I've never operated a
coffee maker this fancy before,
so there may
be a learning curve.
Don't worry.
We're gonna hire a barista.
I was going
to suggest that.
I just didn't want you to think
I wasnt up for the task.
Luke, you are
always up for the task.
Which is why I have
a new task for you.
What's that?
I need a new Senior
Vice President of Operations.
Uhh. Where are you going?
Dad is officially
retiring so I'm gonna take
over the day-to-day
operations and I need
someone to oversee the
operations around the country.
It's a big pay raise.
What do you think?
I think I'm
your new replacement.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. Thank you.
Hey, but now you really
won't be able to do everything
around here yourself.
Delegating will be your new
way of life.
I could get used to that...
to a degree.
Wait, wait.
Who's gonna run
the store though?
I'm not sure yet,
but I have a couple
of good candidates in mind.
Talk to you soon.
Wow! Thanks boss!
[Matthew] You are
the boss now.
I am the boss now.
[slow jazz music]
What can I get you?
Cranberry with a twist.
So we finished up
virtually all of the inventory.
Nicole is lucky to
have such a good partner
and friend to help.
And I really appreciate
everything you've done
for our family too.
You're pretty amazing.
I think you're
pretty amazing too.
So, I gotta be honest,
I've wanted to ask you out
for the longest time.
[Sarah giggles]
Since we're being
honest completely honest.
From the moment Nicole
introduced me to you,
I was hoping you would.
I remember it was my first day
at the Crafty Companion
and all of a sudden,
in walks her cute brother,
and what do I do? I...
You knocked
over the flower vase.
I can't believe
you remember that.
Of course I remember that.
I really liked that vase.
And she just happened to
hire the cutest employee,
how could I forget?
I was so nervous
that Nicole was going
to fire me on the spot.
Nah, she would never fire you.
She was lucky to find
someone with such great values,
it's a hard quality to find.
Well, look at you.
You both lost your parents,
Nicole took over the store,
and you never gave up your dream
of protecting the town
you grew up in.
The community means so
much to me and Nicole.
You and Nicole mean
so much to the community.
To the Crafty Companion.
To new beginnings.
[glass clinks]
Nickel for your thoughts?
I thought it was a penny.
I'm factoring for inflation.
What's got you down?
I should feel like I'm
on top of the world right now,
but all I can think about
is the fact I just ruined
that poor woman's life.
A woman that I am
absolutely in love with
and now likely wants
nothing to do with me.
Try to put some
trust in the universe.
Things have a way of
always working out.
You think so?
It's gotten me this far.
Yeah, thanks.
I, uh...
I honestly didn't think
I'd see you again.
I see you took me seriously
about the coffee cart.
Putting a coffee cart
in an arts and crafts store?
That's crazy.
The boutique will be teeming
with connoisseurs
sipping lattes and
admiring decoupage.
If you say so.
It's because you said so.
I'm really glad you're here,
I want to show you something.
I was thinking about
hanging this behind
the coffee cart.
What do you think?
I think it's beautiful,
and I think you
are more far talented
than you realize.
You really outdid yourself.
Can you ever forgive me?
Look, Matthew...
All I can think about is us
walking through the park
arm in arm and bird watching,
and looking at the window art
display holding hands,
and discussing the nuances
of scrapbooking,
and a lifetime of crafting over
caramel lattes,
and I just...
The more I think about it,
the more I realize
that you are a genuine person
who made a mistake.
And I am.
I am that genuine person.
I am so sorry.
And if you'd just give me
another chance to show you,
I will never let you down.
Look, Matthew...
[Matthew] You know, crafting is
just as much about building
something outside of ourselves
as it is
becoming our whole selves.
I'm Nicole.
I'm Matthew.
It's nice to meet you, Nicole.
Youre all crafters, creators.
Being artists,
it's in our blood.
It doesn't matter if
you're painting a masterpiece
or decoupaging a collage,
or sewing a quilt.
Your art is a piece of you
that reflects back
into the world.
I haven't been entirely
forthcoming with you.
It's not how it looks.
I know I should have
told you sooner.
I'm sorry. I messed up.
P.S. I'm not done climbing.
I forgive you.
[Matthew chuckles]
So, there's a fifth date
on the table?
Well, I prefer to
think of it as
a second first date.
Clean canvas.
There is just one problem.
What's that?
Well, with all
the improvements,
which I do want to implement
in all of our locations,
I had this crazy idea that maybe
it was time to refresh
the company name too.
How would you feel
about a merger?
Your family's legacy
could live on with Mitchell's.
How does Mitchell's Crafty
Companion sound to you?
I mean, I could use a
great partner and together
we would make an
unstoppable team.
There is one more thing,
I don't have a General Manager
for this store.
Sarah would be perfect.
Are you serious?
I accept.
[Sarah] I'm so proud of you.
Hey. I've been meaning
to talk to you about something.
Yeah? About what?
Well, Mitchell's started off
as a family business,
and I'd really
like it to stay that way.
And I know this might seem
sudden, but I know in my heart
and soul that we
are meant to be together.
And I can think of no
better time or place
to do this than at the launch
of our new partnership.
I want us to craft
a life together.
Oh my God.
Is this really happening?
Nicole Borden,
will you marry me?
Absolutely! Yes!
[Nicole] Oh my gosh.
[applause continues]
It's perfect.
[bright music swells]
[upbeat string music]
I love when we walk together
Talking and laughing
With you feels good
It's true
The way we connect
Is perfect
I can't help but feel
That you're the one, babe
It's true
And when you walk away
I realize
How much I miss you
When you're not around
I need to tell you, babe
I cannot wait
I want you in my arms
So I can just
Close my eyes
And hold you
'Cause I
I wanna feel you
Close to me
I know with you
What my heart feels
Is true
I'm giving all my love
To you
When I see your face
I'm captured by your
Endless beauty
I wanna hold you closer
To me
I love when we talk together
The things that you say
They're just so sweet, babe
It's true
Your smile is so infectious
Your eyes make my life
Worth living, baby
It's true
And when you walk away
I realize
How much I miss you
When you're not around
I need to tell you, babe
I cannot wait
I want you in my arms
So I can
Just close my eyes
And hold you
'Cause I, I wanna hold you
Closer to me