Crew (2024) Movie Script

Sub Inspector Mala, come in.
- Yes, go.
- Diverting the plane.
- Where?
- Gate number 82.
Gate number 82. Let's go.
Control to KL436.
Turn back to the terminal.
You are not clear to take off.
Coming to gate number 82.
Ladies and gentlemen,
as per the latest communication
from the captain,
we regret to inform you
that our flight will be returning
to the terminal
due to some technical difficulties.
We kindly ask that you remain seated
in your assigned seats at this time.
Rest assured, we will keep you updated
as soon as we receive more information.
We apologize
for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you.
Geeta Sethi.
Divya Rana.
We need you to come with us.
Sir, could you please tell us
what is wrong?
Do you really want me
to spill the beans here?
Let's go.
I'm Divya Rana from Haryana.
Head girl.
State Champion.
PCM average 99,8.
I was famous.
I'm from Haryana, Nanheri.
You probably have never heard of it.
We had this crappy airport
that never saw any planes.
Guess it's where my dreams
of becoming a pilot took off.
Ma'am, hands up.
You seem like a good girl.
When did you switch sides?
In fact, an astrologer made a prediction
that someday I would reach for the skies.
What a fraud!
As soon as my board exams
were done,
we moved to Mumbai.
My dad took a loan,
and he got me into a flying school.
And listen, you just gotta know
her mom's maiden name
and her first dog's name.
- Right.
- What the hell, Chintu!
You're back to selling passwords?
Didn't you learn
from what happened last time?
Please, try to understand.
Ma'am, today's the deadline
for filing GST.
Please send me the bill.
Please, try to understand.
I won't be able
to help you later. Yes.
Just send it over,
and I'll take care of the rest, alright?
It's not like she's going off to war!
Well, at least I'm going somewhere.
Hurry up, or you're going
to miss your flight.
How can she miss it
when the pilot is right here?
How do I tell them that their
dear Divya Rana is also a fraud?
As soon as I graduated,
the economy crashed.
Eventually, I found a job,
not in the front of the plane,
but in the back.
I didn't have the courage
to break my family's heart.
A lie is a dangerous thing.
To hide one,
you have to tell a hundred more.
Take it off.
What now?
Twenty years in the airline business.
Consider this an end
to your career and reputation.
You can choose to play fair,
but life always has a twist planned.
Mr. Sethi and I both came
from well-to-do families.
But then came the huge fight
between the Sethi brothers,
and we had to leave our palace
and go into exile.
I easily got a position as an air hostess.
I was Miss Karnal '98, you see.
Oh wow, Mrs. Sethi.
You're looking really hot today.
Say it for me, will you?
- What?
- The jazz... two doors in the front,
two in the back,
and oxygen in the middle?
No, Arun.
Come on, please.
If the air pressure
in the cabin drops,
the oxygen masks above your seats
will drop down automatically.
Are you sure?
Stay seated,
pull the mask towards you,
cover your nose and mouth,
and breathe normally.
- And?
- For any kind of assistance,
please contact our crew.
I got an order.
Geetu, skip work.
Take a day off.
They haven't paid you any salary
for the past six months anyway.
You keep making "contact" for nothing.
I don't feel like going either.
But how can I miss out
on the daily allowance
we get for international flights?
We're surviving on butter chicken
and naan anyway.
I'm just waiting
for the bloody airplane
to hand me my Provident Fund,
so we can move to Goa
and start our own restaurant.
Hello, Brother-in-law!
Geetu, suitcase... Punnu's here.
Hey, Punnu? Sapna?
Happy Diwali, Geetu.
Happy Diwali...
Forget Diwali, it looks like they'll be
here for Holi with all that luggage.
Look at Sapna's face.
I bet they fought with each other.
It's my fault.
I couldn't take care
of him after Mom passed away.
That's true.
Don't get too emotional.
You're not his mother.
"I couldn't take care
of him after Mom passed away."
As if he would've become
the Prime Minister of India
if your mom were alive.
We middle-class people
have to grind all day
to make ends meet.
I didn't even realize when I went
from being a beauty queen to a maid.
You have expensive taste.
Hands up.
You are definitely doing time in jail.
As my grandpa would say,
"Told you this would happen!"
You witch!
Indulging in debauchery, are we?
Who the hell are you?
Where is that dog?
- Where's my bloody husband?
- Hey, I didn't cheat on you.
I should've freaking known.
These guys in Presidential Suites
always turn out to be married.
Babe, this is not what it looks like.
- Please, please, I can explain.
- I'm going to kill.
Give me a chance, okay?
I'm going to kill you, bloody...
- You're hurting me!
- Let me go.
Babe, let's not overreact.
I'm sorry. Let me explain.
Leave me!
- I made a mistake. I'm sorry.
- Is this a mistake you're sorry for?
My parents were madly
in love when they got married.
But love alone is never enough.
Everyone kept saying, "Have a kid,
and everything will fall into place."
But that didn't solve a thing.
And here I am.
Eventually, they got divorced,
and I ended up
in Jabalpur with my grandpa.
Poor Grandpa used to stress over
who would look out for me
once he was gone.
In fact, people always
felt sorry for me, thinking,
"Poor girl."
Do you know who isn't poor though?
The rich folks.
My dreams were always bigger
than Jabalpur and Greenfield School.
I just needed some money
to break free from there.
So, I swiped a math paper
from Mrs. Khullar's locker and sold it.
The headmistress found out.
She gave me a whole bunch
of threats at first,
but then she actually agreed at 30%.
As they say, money makes
the world go round.
I came to Mumbai with dreams and ideas,
but then the reality struck.
I hustled a lot, but sometimes
the supplier wouldn't lend,
and sometimes the buyer wouldn't pay.
And in this hand-to-mouth situation,
I understood two things.
One, you gotta have some money
if you wanna make more.
And two, always have a Plan B.
They say money doesn't bring happiness.
And the ones who are truly happy
ain't rolling in dough.
Guess happiness is just not
in the cards for me,
so if I gotta cry,
I'd rather do it in a Beamer
than in a bloody bus!
Who gave you permission to sit?
Section 380A.
Section 380B.
Section 440.
Can anyone guess what this means?
what's the latest with Kohinoor Airlines?
I want to know.
What was the need to do all this?
Sethi ma'am!
When will we be getting our salaries?
I really need to pay the loan installment
by the first of the month!
Any clue about it?
I spoke to HR Manager Mittal.
He said everything will be cleared
next week, along with the Diwali bonus
for sure.
You're so sweet, Geetu.
Come on, we won't even get crumbs
for a Diwali treat,
and you're expecting a bonus?
Komal, 58.
Thank you, sir.
Divya, 62,5.
Thank you, Mr. Rajvanshi.
72,5 kilogram!
Oh, God!
We'll have to ground her.
She's unfit to fly.
Yes, sir.
Hello, this is Vijay Walia,
Chairman of Kohinoor Airlines.
Welcome to the Kohinoor family!
Our amazing five-star airline,
where we treat our guests like gods,
is here to serve you.
Kohinoor Airlines is committed to
- providing convenience to its passengers.
- I paid 20,000 for the ticket.
Sir, I understand that you
have paid for your ticket,
but I'm really sorry,
the blankets are finished.
However, let me check again for you.
Just give me a moment.
Mrs. Geeta!
Captain Wadhera!
What a pleasant surprise.
I thought you'd forget all about us
commercial staff
now that you're the private pilot
for the chairman.
How can anyone ever forget you?
- Can I get a...
- Whiskey on the rocks?
I'll get you a coffee.
Oh, Mrs. Geeta,
looks like your boyfriend
is our pilot today.
5A is pressing the call button
like a maniac. Go and handle that.
"Boyfriend," yeah, right!
Voice like a symphony
Eyes so bewitching
Every time you smile
And say what up, O tormentor!
Whether you're stealing my peace
Or just turning me down
Every time you smile
And say what up, O tormentor!
Like the drifting stars
Scattered all over the horizon
Waiting to catch your glimpse
Scented like a flower
Radiant like the sun
You are incredible
Every time I look at you
My heart skips a beat
You should know
You drive me crazy
You never fail to charm
And say what up, O tormentor!
Every time I look at you
My heart skips a beat
You should know
You drive me crazy
You never fail to charm
And say what up, O tormentor
Hey 10C,
if you don't keep your hands to yourself,
I will break your jaw in a way
that even immigration
wouldn't recognize you.
Veg, non-veg?
Sure, sir.
I've seen what you can do
This world, this universe belongs to you
Every heart you rule
A sweet torment, that's you
A wild party, that's you
I'm ready to die if my murderer is you
A shy smile you freely gave
My life's in turmoil, babe
Your lips deny, but your eyes crave
Please, don't confuse me, babe
Like the drifting stars
Scattered all over the horizon
Waiting to catch your glimpse
Scented like a flower
Radiant like the sun
You are incredible
Every time I look at you
My heart skips a beat
You should know
You drive me crazy
You never fail to charm
And say what up, O tormentor
Every time I look at you
My heart skips a beat
You should know
You drive me crazy
You never fail to charm
And say what up, O tormentor
Komal, Ankit...
Sheetal, Divya...
Mrs. Geeta, and Jasmine.
First, our salaries, and now,
our daily allowances are also getting cut.
Girl, we're so dearly screwed.
My daughter's school is
already bombarding me with notices.
I think it's about time
we start looking for a new job.
Euro Air is conducting
interviews next week.
And I'm gonna be there.
Euro Air?
Did you forget how old you are?
Like they would even hire you
to sweep the floor!
Seriously, can you please
just keep your trap shut?
Don't you see that everyone
is freaking out?
Let's not add to the panic, alright?
Enjoy, Mrs. Geeta.
You're right.
Why should I be panicking?
It's not like my Provident Fund
is at risk, right?
Don't worry, Mrs. Geeta,
all the pending dues
will be taken care of.
You know these problems
keep popping up every few years.
Remember what happened after 9/11?
We didn't get our salaries
for nine whole months.
However, in the end,
didn't we get our money?
Don't worry, we'll get our salaries.
Mr. Rajvanshi,
I'm fine with waiting for my salary,
but when will I receive my Provident Fund?
Don't stress over your Provident Fund.
Just have faith in the chairman.
I've seen what you can do
This world, this universe belongs to you
Every heart you rule
A sweet torment, that's you
A wild party, that's you
I'm ready to die if my murderer is you
A shy smile you freely gave
My life's in turmoil, babe
Your lips deny, but your eyes crave
Please, don't confuse me, babe
Like the drifting stars
Scattered all over the horizon
Waiting to catch your glimpse
Scented like a flower
Radiant like the sun
You are incredible
Every time I look at you
My heart skips a beat
You should know
You drive me crazy
You never fail to charm
And say what up, O tormentor
Every time I look at you
My heart skips a beat
You should know
You drive me crazy
You never fail to charm
And say what up, O tormentor
Mr. Rajvanshi, here's your cup of tea.
Mr. Rajvanshi.
- Mr. Rajvanshi!
- What happened?
Mr. Rajvanshi?
Hello? Mr. Rajvanshi?
I think Rajvanshi has
deboarded this plane.
Oh, God! Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Right, CPR.
Geetu, be careful.
You don't want his dentures in your mouth.
He ate lamb for lunch.
Jasmine, have some respect!
This poor chap...
Bloody idiot!
Captain, there's an emergency.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your captain speaking.
Due to a medical emergency, we're heading
back to Mumbai International.
Oh, for God's sake, Divya!
I wasn't this upset,
even at my mom's funeral.
You know, I've never actually seen
a dead body before.
Well, he's always been like
a dead body anyway.
"Mrs. Sethi, my blood pressure is low.
Can you please tally the sales?
Mrs. Sethi, my blood sugar is high.
Can you please upload the meals?"
He never even carried his own bag.
Probably because he's always got
so much gold with him.
Damn. Respect.
Should we keep them?
Where is it?
First, tell us
what you're looking for, ma'am.
No need to act smart!
Where is the gold? Where is it?!
- Gold?
- Gold?
Ma'am, we know nothing about the gold!
Do you take me for a fool?
Three months ago,
you found that old man's dead body
who had that vest
with the gold strapped on it?
- Did you or did you not?
- We did.
Don't deny that you
are not working with him.
You, miss? Are you, or are you not?
I have hustled my entire life
to find an investor for my business.
And look, I finally found one.
Sorry, sir. No offense.
Come on, guys.
We've been serving meals
for the past six months
without getting paid a single rupee!
Divya, imagine.
Your loan...
- gone.
- Have you lost your freaking mind?
If we get caught,
we'll not only be banned
from the airlines
but also from the airport!
For years, you've dreamed
of owning a restaurant.
Now, when the money is coming your way,
you are being moralistic.
Look, I didn't spend half
my life as a slave to end up
in prison with you for the remaining half.
Got it?
Each to her own then.
Don't touch!
And keep quiet.
Don't say another word.
Not to us or to him.
All crew. We're ready for landing.
Sir, the oldie was all covered in gold,
just like a new bride!
Tell me about it!
Uncle was being naughty
with one leg already in the grave.
Sir, they found the body.
You know him or what?
It's her fault!
She pushed me!
Divya Rana from Haryana.
Air hostess?
I never thought we would meet again!
- And you...
- Customs.
Yes, I actually just got transferred here.
If I had known I'd meet you here,
I would've asked for a transfer sooner.
Ma'am, could you please sign here
and here?
And, also write down your phone number.
I might need to call you again
for further questioning.
- Oh.
- Sir,
the representatives
from the airline are here.
Fine, I'll talk to them.
- Can I go now?
- Sure.
Thank you.
- See you later?
- See you.
Looks like we'll be bumping
into each other quite often now.
Are you happy now, sir?
He's an employee of your airline, right?
Is this what your airline
is resorting to nowadays?
- He was carrying 12 kilos of gold!
- Mr. Mittal.
- Is this how the airline operates now?
- Mr. Mittal.
I'm talking to you, sir.
Are you even listening to me?
How much does it weigh?
Twelve kilos.
And where was he coming from?
He wasn't coming, sir. He was going.
- Where?
- Al Burj.
- Keep an eye on them.
- Yes.
Our Rajvanshi? That codger?
I still can't believe that old man,
almost at death's door,
was smuggling gold.
Money, Geetu.
It can make even the most upright folks
turn into gangsters.
Maybe we were too naive all our lives,
that's why we're unsuccessful.
Geetu, sometimes, I feel...
I couldn't do enough for you.
What you did was more than enough for me.
Grandpa, your bookie is a thief.
Grandpa, why don't you stick
to playing Bingo
like the other old folks?
Hey, you were supposed
to come back after two days.
Long story.
Hey, Mr. Deshmukh!
- What brings you here?
- Jasmine.
You haven't paid the rent
for the last six months.
The water bills, gas bills,
and society dues are also...
Happy Diwali, Mr. Deshmukh!
You sold the car?
Your flight was canceled?
Why did you sell the car?
Well, we hardly ever use it anyway.
We don't really need a car.
Dad, but that loan belongs to me.
And who do you belong to?
AZAD VEGETABLE MARKEI only have a few dollars left.
You gave me a good rate, right?
- Sudha.
- Geetu.
- How are you?
- I am okay.
Where is Mr. Mittal?
Doesn't answer my calls anymore.
Sadly, doesn't answer
his wife's calls either.
Remember when I was still
an air hostess in Kohinoor,
he would hover all over me...
like a bug.
Now, I can't get my hands on him.
Like a bug?
Right. Yeah.
Good one.
- See you.
- Gourd... Okay.
- How much for the gourd?
- 300 rupees.
Are the gourds studded with diamonds?
Three airline companies
have shut down in the last ten years.
And now your airline company
is going to default on a loan.
Look, these things are common in business.
We are a family of 4,000 members.
A small family.
I give my word
to the banks, the government,
and millions of Indians
who entrusted us
with their precious faith.
You don't have to worry.
Even after ten years,
we will still be here.
We are Kohinoor.
We'll always shine. In India.
- Thank you, Mr. Walia.
- Thank you.
Borrowing money to splurge
is not beneficial for any businessman.
He may have to pay a heavy price for it.
These are just speculations.
It's utter nonsense.
- None of our flights have been canceled.
- Sir...
Get out.
Find out who is spreading these rumors!
We will sue them!
Mr. Mittal.
You, your wife Sudha, and I...
we go way back.
I consider you like my big brother.
Can I ask you something?
Will you be honest with me?
Is it true that our company is bankrupt?
What are you saying, ma'am?
Don't tell me you've started
believing the rumors as well.
- Our company is the second best in Asia.
- Sir...
- We just leased six airbuses.
- Mr. Mittal,
- for God's sake, the truth.
- Okay, yes, it's bankrupt.
I swear to God, it's bankrupt.
I'm not sure why I shared that with you.
But please, don't tell anyone,
not even by mistake.
It would cause a riot.
So... my Provident Fund?
Will I ever get it?
I'm not saying
that the Provident Fund is lost.
But you know how the system works, right?
If not us, our children will
definitely receive the money.
Sethi ma'am, this is the last box.
Alright, now let's quickly grab
all the peanut packets.
What are we going to do with the peanuts?
- We'll sell them at the traffic signals!
- Okay.
Jasmine. Very good.
Grab a garbage bag from over there
and start collecting all the headphones.
She has been popping anxiety pills
since morning.
I don't think it's working.
God works in mysterious ways.
Yesterday, we were reaching for the sky,
and now we've crashed back down
to the ground.
For two decades,
I worked my butt off like a maid.
We let them deduct taxes
and the Provident Fund every month.
We let them screw us over.
I had such big plans.
Arun and I were going
to start a restaurant in Goa...
and enjoy our second honeymoon.
I don't know how
to break it to my parents...
that the pilot uniform they adore so much
is actually a rental.
Imagine if we had
Rajvanshi's gold with us.
Seriously, we should've taken it
for ourselves.
Actually, we lost our freaking minds,
not you.
I wonder how long that bloody
Rajvanshi has been doing this.
Four years, three months, and
twenty-one days.
What's this?
Plan B.
It's not like he really needed it.
Anyway, this is Rajvanshi's roster.
All the flights are to Al Burj.
He always messaged
this number once he arrived there.
Let's see who this rascal
- was messaging all the time.
- Sethi ma'am,
it's getting late.
Let's wait and do this tomorrow.
I've waited enough! Give it to me.
Who's this?
It's me.
Sudha, how many times have
I told you not to touch my things?!
Why are women calling you
this late at night?
Hello? Wrong number!
That old fellow Rajvanshi who died,
his partner...
Manoj Mittal.
Don't pretend you don't know him.
We do. He's the HR head
at Kohinoor Airways.
The HR head or also the head of your gang?
No. He is a nice guy.
Like you?
Okay. You tell me, how did you do it?
- Hello, Mr. Mittal.
- Hello to you too!
Oh, ma'am, it's you!
Not fair, Mr. Mittal.
We can't afford plain biscuits
while you are feasting on gold biscuits?
Well, Mr. Mittal, I must say,
you've got a sneaky side to you.
I don't understand.
We also don't understand
what to do with this phone.
Thank God!
And thank you.
This phone was with you guys?
That's great. Please give it back.
What can I say?
We all have to do something
to support our families, right?
Then help us support
our families as well, sir.
What do you mean?
We can do what Mr. Rajvanshi
used to do, three times over.
Look, this isn't something chicks...
I mean, "ladies" should be doing.
Please, excuse me.
You were saying something?
Look, Mr. Mittal,
we "ladies" aren't making a request,
we're giving you an ultimatum.
Either you team up with us willingly,
or we'll turn you over to customs.
- Let me go, please.
- Geetu?
Hi, Geetu.
Mrs. Sudha!
Hey, Geetu, why don't I see you anymore?
Why did you quit the gym?
- I was strapped for cash.
- Oh.
But I don't think
that'll be a problem anymore.
- Right, Mr. Mittal?
- Yes, of course.
The crew.
This one or this one?
- Take both.
- You sure?
- Bye, Geetu.
- Bye.
See you tomorrow.
Hey, girl!
You guys will be able to do this, right?
No, I mean, since it's your first time...
People often think about running away
with it when it's their first time.
Don't run away.
Because I don't just have your address,
I have your entire personal history.
When you reach the airport there,
go through customs gate number two.
I have connections there.
And yes,
the Rajvanshi matter is still hot.
So please, don't get caught.
And for God's sake,
don't die.
Isn't it strange?
I mean, people usually
smuggle gold into India.
Why is Mittal smuggling it out?
Ignorance is bliss, sis.
I've done some research.
What research?
Mr. Rajvanshi has been doing
this for years.
We just need to follow
in his "great" footsteps.
Are you going to wear
a vest like Rajvanshi did?
Did all of those people get caught?
I'm telling you, I won't smuggle
any gold by hiding it in any crevices!
I'm just imagining money
raining down on us.
The first thing I'll do is get
Grandpa's ring back.
That's my only ancestral thing.
These jewelers, they melt the gold and...
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
- Can you hear that money talking?
- Look!
Here come girls with a plan
Catch them you never can
Making their own rules
Gold is where their heart lies
Where their heart lies
Done playing by rules
Time to break them all
And shape their own luck
Diamonds are not the best friends
Of these crazy girls
They have eyes only for gold
Which they will steal
Anyone who comes in the middle
Gets shot
Gets shot for sure
Anyone who comes in the middle
Gets shot
Gets shot for sure
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
- Can you hear, that money talking?
- Why do we need these real chocolates?
-Gold, so much gold
-For safety.
Pure gold is my heart
Can you hear, that money talking?
When desires guide the heart's way
Foes bow before its mighty sway
Pure bliss, this moment I savor
I'll shoot to kill
I'll shoot to kill for sure
I'd challenge even God if it's fit
I'd stop hearts without strife
Pure bliss, this moment I savor
I'll shoot to kill
I'll shoot to kill for sure
What's wrong, Geetu?
I'm scared.
- Then, why not sing a song?
- Which one?
-Gold, pure gold is your heart
Let's go, guys.
My heart is restless, stirs and churns
May no eyes covet the gold it yearns
A thief of hearts
Let someone come and steal
Perhaps then
My turbulent soul may heal
None shall be left behind
None shall be missed
Not all keys bring trouble
Not all locks resist
As I dance, the city quakes and reels
Listen, my friend
Heed my heartfelt appeals
Beware, be cautious
Don't be stubborn, dear
You are amazing
Extraordinary, my dear
You're known as the queen
Of the jungle, cheer
Anyone who comes in the middle
Gets shot
Gets shot for sure
Anyone who comes in the middle
Gets shot for sure
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
Can you hear
What my heart
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
Can you hear, that money talking?
When desires guide the heart's way
Foes bow before its mighty sway
Pure bliss, this moment I savor
I'll shoot to kill
I'll shoot to kill for sure
I'd challenge even God if it's fit
I'd stop hearts without strife
Pure bliss, this moment I savor
I'll shoot to kill
I'll shoot to kill for sure
Don't you dare
Don't you dare touch me
Don't you dare
Don't you dare touch me
Don't you dare
Don't you dare touch me
- Hello.
- Namaste.
- How are you?
- I'm good. You?
Keep it.
- No, I... Please, I can't.
- Keep it.
- This time, buy something for yourself.
- Sis...
A thief of hearts
Let someone come and steal
Perhaps then
My turbulent soul may heal
None shall be left behind
None shall be missed
Not all keys bring trouble
Not all locks resist
As I dance, the city quakes and reels
Listen, my friend
Heed my heartfelt appeals
Beware, be cautious
Don't be stubborn, dear
You are amazing
Extraordinary, my dear
You're known as the queen
Of the jungle, cheer
Anyone who comes in the middle
Gets shot
Gets shot for sure
Anyone who comes in the middle
Gets shot
Gets shot for sure
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
Can you hear
What my heart
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
Can you hear, that money talking?
When desires guide the heart's way
Foes bow before its mighty sway
Pure bliss, this moment I savor
I'll shoot to kill
I'll shoot to kill for sure
I'd challenge even God if it's fit
I'd stop hearts without strife
Pure bliss, this moment I savor
I'll shoot to kill
I'll shoot to kill for sure
Don't you dare
Don't you dare touch me
Don't you dare
Don't you dare touch me
Where are you going?
To dance in the harem! Wanna join?
Come on.
Open your bags.
Ma'am, we work for Kohinoor Airlines.
Does that mean I shouldn't do my job?
Why are you sweating bullets
in an air-conditioned airport?
Is it your health or your intentions?
Look, ma'am, you can't talk
to our colleagues like that.
This is harassment, okay?
Being funny in English?
Everyone's bags will be checked.
Let's get on with it.
Looks like you really love chocolates.
- My blood sugar levels...
- So, how's it going?
- What are you doing?
- Jai!
From Jaiveer to Jai?
I like it.
- Jai Hind, sir.
- Come on, Mala!
You should spare the dear ones, at least.
How sweet!
- Go on, kiddo.
- Thank you.
Carry on.
What have you been up to?
Working out?
What's in the bag?
Well, perfume bottles... big ones.
You didn't...
follow me back on Instagram.
I will...
Right now?
Let's go.
God, that was a close call.
Ma'am, veg or non-veg?
Shit, Divya.
How is it my fault?
You looked like a husband caught
in a Bangkok massage parlor.
Thank goodness for your beau,
or we would've been screwed.
Take this as a sign from God,
and let's end it.
Let's stop it.
Ma'am, veg or non-veg?
Okay, let's stop it.
Stop it... so soon?
Then, let's not stop it.
From what I see,
things have softened up between you two.
We are family now.
Please, guys, it's not what you think.
- Jasmine!
- Friday night dinner, and it's a yes.
What are you doing?
You take up his offer.
He's looking for a date night,
not a nightmare.
And if you are going out,
make sure he gets a good view.
Hey, girl!
Sethi ma'am.
Thank you.
So, how about a beer?
For old times' sake?
Yes, sir?
Get me the bar menu.
Sorry, sir. It's a dry day today.
- What's the occasion?
- Sorry, sir.
I guess we are not destined
to have a "beer" together again.
Divya Rana from Haryana,
sometimes you have
to take control of your own destiny.
Looks like
you know how to work the system.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Come on!
Confess now.
You guys won the championship
that year by fluke, right?
Because you were never seen again.
Were you looking for me?
Yeah, right, like I had nothing
better to do.
You at least thought about me, right?
No, you're not that memorable.
In my defense...
it was my first time.
I promise...
I've really leveled up my game.
Another time.
Ankit, Komal, Sheetal, Divya.
Thank you.
I feel like a pauper now.
Ma'am, do you know how much
Montessori schools charge these days?
Looks like I'll have to send my son
to a government school now.
Divya has her loan.
Poor Sheetal...
Her sister was about to get engaged.
Hey, Sheetal... no.
Don't cry, Sheetal.
This kind of situation
keeps repeating itself.
It happened right after 9/11 as well.
People didn't get their salaries
for nine months.
Then everything went back to normal.
Listen, don't worry, okay?
Just have faith in the chairman.
Such a colorful life you have!
You bought a BMW?
since when did having dreams
become a crime?
I see.
In any case, this is social media.
Nothing is real there!
Then this must also be a fake, right?
While the rest of the crew
can't even afford to buy poison,
we are having a feast.
a person should enjoy
every phase in their life,
my masseuse says so.
You know what, we'll take them all.
Queen Elizabeth,
should have asked for the price first.
we're gonna live it up
today like the rich.
When was the last time
you spent on yourself?
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Jasmine!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you!
You thought we forgot?
As I danced through the city's core
All eyes were captivated on the floor
As I danced through the city's core
Stay clear, my friend
Don't come my way
Your presence will ignite and fray
So, don't come my way
Like a waterfall, she flows.
All those years of drinking
airline miniatures
made me forget
how much fun bottles are.
How's the customs officer doing?
Did the poor chap
get entry into the Green Channel?
Please. Looks like the entire terminal
is closed.
Divya, if you ask me... do it.
- Sethi ma'am.
- Yeah, come on.
Come on?
Law enforcer.
Get it?
My life's so messed up,
I can't begin to tell you.
I've told so many lies
that I've lost track now.
Please, guys.
I don't want any more complications.
Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
Don't get too sentimental.
Take a sip.
In fact, Geetu.
Captain Wadhera has been
hovering for a long time.
Did he never enter your room?
Jasmine, your mind's full of gunk.
Can I say something?
I think he flies drunk.
He's the chairman's favorite.
And yours as well.
Girl, I find you hot, I find you cute
Girl, when you move, you look like
A gun ready to shoot
As I danced through the city's core
All eyes were captivated on the floor
As I danced through the city's core
Stay clear, my friend
Don't come my way
Your presence will ignite and fray
So, don't come my way
She dresses up every day to party
-She looks like a queen
-As I danced
Through the city's core
Oh, sorry.
Hello, DRI. Sub-inspector Mala.
Kohinoor Airways.
Flight 436.
Someone's calling for
the guy we detained
with expensive watches, sir.
Then, detain him
for a couple more hours.
This is urgent.
We received a tip for gold smuggling.
Where is the flight coming from?
Not coming, sir. Going.
Al Burj.
The informer gave us a few names.
- Is the tip confirmed?
- Solid.
What to do, sir?
Okay, then. Get them.
Geeta Sethi.
Divya Rana.
Come with us.
Hey, girl!
The plane's been detained
for over six hours.
There are 280 passengers on it.
Including women, children,
and senior citizens.
- Sir, Ms. Mala got a tip.
- Okay, fine.
What is your opinion?
Although no one can be
trusted nowadays, but...
I can vouch for this girl.
She can't be a criminal.
Sir, we checked everywhere.
Dustbins. Seats. Toilets.
But we found nothing.
Hey, wait.
- Yes?
- Garbage?
What? Take it out.
Looks like you really love chocolates.
Can't stay hidden for too long.
The truth will be revealed soon.
Want one?
Fine. I'll have it.
You grab some as well.
Just eat.
Can we go home now?
Enough with your nonsense!
Where is the gold?
Where is the gold?!
Enough, Cleopatra.
It's just make-up, not a time machine.
Yes, Captain.
What do you mean?
He said something about checking.
Something about a tip they got.
Please be seated, sir.
What tip?
Tell me exactly what he said.
No time for details.
Sir, please be seated.
Something about an arrest.
Sit down, you moron!
Captain Divya, what do we do now?
No one will check here.
Oh, God!
Mittal's gonna brawl like a baby.
Divya, are you sure this is a good idea?
Why don't you open the damn window
and chuck it out?
Where is the gold?
Where did you hide it?
Where did you hide it?
Where is the gold?!
Where did you hide it?
Where is the gold?
Where is the gold?
Where is the gold?
Let them go.
- The tip was probably wrong.
- The tip wasn't wrong, sir.
The information came from an insider.
The informer was an air hostess like them.
- And she knew all four of them...
- Mala.
That's an order!
Let's go.
Where the hell is the gold?
The gold is gone.
The gold is gone.
I knew that champagne would come back
to bite us one day.
She went and posted pics
of a bloody BMW!
And you're all stressed out
about champagne.
Your phony life is gonna screw up
our actual lives.
I'm going to rip that snitch Komal
a new one.
Jazz, don't do it.
Jazz, don't.
Jasmine, just stop it!
It's not Komal's fault.
Weren't we livid with those
Rajvanshi-Mittal kinds of crooks?
Please, Rajvanshi deserves an award.
Right now, we're no different from them.
You're right,
but your principles ain't putting food
on the table, ma'am.
Wow, Sethi ma'am,
so I guess everyone should turn
into criminals, right?
I'm sorry,
but nobody made you do this.
And you've been lying to your family
long before you even met us.
So, please,
go play the innocent act somewhere else!
I used to be a top student.
Actually, someone like you who didn't
even finish high school won't understand.
Let it be. Just stop it.
What won't I understand?
What won't I freaking understand?
That even though you were
at the top of your class,
you're on the same level as a dropout?
I managed to get the same job as you,
"Captain Divya."
Without being a burden on my family.
- Up your mother's...
- Enough. Stop...
- Stop! Cut it out, guys.
- Too late, she's dead!
Why don't you join her then?
Cut it out, guys! Stop it!
I told you to cut it out!
Come on, guys, knock it off!
Hey, can you just pull over real quick?
Get out!
Why not, though?
Rajvanshi was doing it as well, right?
Yeah, but...
I can't say anything about Jasmine,
but Sethi ma'am, and Divya...
I heard they were grilled
for four straight hours...
Life's long, my dear.
You should always have someone
in your life you can call your own.
Grandpa, the less I'm connected to people,
the less heartbreak
I have to deal with later.
What the hell?!
Maybe you should work at a liquor store,
at least, that's one job you won't quit.
Where's Sapna?
I haven't been able to reach her for days.
Sold her.
Come on! She got a gig at a hotel
in the Middle East.
She left.
I'll get the first aid kit. Stay here.
Punnu? What are you doing?
- Well, I just need some...
- Cash?
I didn't ask you for any.
You don't make much anyway.
I know everything!
You guys brainwashed Sapna.
You used to give her cash, right?
But you can't help out your own brother?
Only if the brother is worth something.
As if you've accomplished something great!
You've spent your life
on your wife's money.
Who are you to lecture me?
Get out of my face!
Just get out!
It's okay.
It's okay.
I thought it would be a quick thing.
Just two months,
and I'd snag a pilot gig.
Then everything would be all good.
Those two months just kept dragging,
and now it's been two years.
How do I tell our parents?
I couldn't get a job as a pilot.
Are you trying to give them
a heart attack or something?
If they find out that
their goody-two-shoes kid
turned into a freaking criminal,
Mom will...
Mom will hang herself by the temple bell.
- So, what the hell do I do then?
- I don't know,
but just shut your trap.
We didn't get far in life
by being honest, that's for sure.
Listen, no matter what goes down,
I know for a fact that you're gonna fly
a plane someday.
If not you,
then who else would do it?
Now, let's turn our attention
to the major development of the day.
Breaking news coming in from Mumbai.
It is reported that it was raining gold
on the Moscow-bound flight
of Kohinoor Airways.
Interestingly, the gold fell from the
airplane's roof panel during turbulence.
Do they have the internet in prisons?
According to sources,
around 12 kilograms of gold,
shaped like chocolates, was seized.
According to sources!
Has anyone ever seen
these alleged "sources"?
A lot of time has passed.
Who knows whose gold it is?
It could even belong to Rajvanshi, right?
It's obvious that officials from the top...
Don't feel bad, sir.
Your tip was right, Mala.
Doesn't matter, sir.
What can we do?
Those girls slipped
straight through our fingers.
You don't say.
In seven years of my career,
I've seen gold pour out
of every freaking place.
Never from the roof.
Finally, you put your pilot degree to use.
Can we talk?
You lost your chance.
I didn't want to involve you...
Let it be.
What happened to that girl,
who would bring the entire stadium
to a halt over one wrong decision?
Don't call me.
The shards under my feet
Are my broken dreams
Must keep them together
Life keeps pranking me
Leaves me craving every time
With no relief in sight
My luck has dried up
And no one in sight
Images remain incomplete
There's no one to add colors
I drift aimlessly one place to another
Drifting aimlessly
No one to guide me
Drifting aimlessly
Drifting aimlessly
Can't find my destination
I drift aimlessly one place to another
Drifting aimlessly
No one to guide me
Drifting aimlessly
Drifting aimlessly
Can't find my destination
If you ever feel lost
Look through your memories
You will find the path to home
Where lies your savior
With a debt of 9000 crore rupees,
Vijay Walia has fled the country.
Down with Vijay Walia!
Out of the frying pan
and into the "Kohinoor" fire!
This is the current situation faced
by an employee of Kohinoor Airways.
Yes, you heard it right, the owner
of Kohinoor Airways, Vijay Walia,
fled the country last night.
The major question at hand is,
there was a lookout notice against him.
- So, how was he able to leave the country?
- What?
This question holds great significance
at the moment.
-Vijay Walia,
who has been evading investigations
- and banks for quite some time...
- What?
- has now fled the country!
- Turn the car around.
We haven't received our salaries
for the past six months.
Why are they giving us false hopes?
How many more lies
are they going to tell us?
When he wanted our support,
we supported him.
Only we know how
we supported our families.
I am a single mother,
and I have a son...
Let's go.
Komal, are you okay?
- What are you doing here?
- Komal...
Sethi ma'am, please don't bother.
This is not what I expected from you.
- Let's go.
- Komal, please hear me out.
What should I listen to?
Your excuse of how you pretended
to understand our struggles?
Divya, not that you care,
but my son was expelled
from his Montessori school.
I mean, I can't believe
I cried in front of you.
I thought we were friends.
Oh, please, save it.
Friends don't snitch on friends
to the customs officers.
Jasmine, I don't like you.
In fact, I've never liked you.
But I never reported you guys.
Please, leave us alone.
And, of course,
continue your champagne party.
Let's go.
First time, I have this feeling...
that I am not a nice person.
I only feel bad about...
blaming Komal unnecessarily.
But if Komal did not tip them off,
then who did?
Someone knows about us, right?
Not just knows us...
but wants to see us behind bars.
Good God.
Let's hope this doesn't come back on us.
This is a mess!
But why did the constable say,
the tip came from an air hostess?
Did she say "is" or "was"?
Technically, she said, "was."
The informer was an air hostess like them.
And she knew all four of them!
Us three...
and who else?
Remember when I was still
an air hostess in Kohinoor
he would hover all over me...
like a bug.
Now, I can't get my hands on him.
That witch!
- Okay. See you.
- She's leaving.
- Is she gone?
She turned out to be one crafty witch.
Hurry up with the change. Hand me the bag.
- Okay.
- Madam, my money?
- I'll send it later.
- She's making a run for it.
Stop, witch.
How much for these bottle gourds?
What have we ever done to you?
Why were you trying to get us arrested?
Geetu, please...
I get it, we're not close.
But why snitch on your husband?
Because he's a dog!
He found a third Mrs. Mittal.
And this time, it's a white chick.
He spends all his money on that chick,
while I scrum up change
to buy bottle gourds.
I thought a few days behind bars
would fix his mind.
Your revenge game
could have landed us behind bars.
Tell me, Sudha,
where did Mittal get all the gold?
Hold on.
You think the gold belonged
to my husband?
I wish.
He's just a slave.
Dancing to his master's tune.
Master? What master?
The chairman?
Our chairman?
Geetu, Vijay Walia is a fraud.
For years, he's been
hauling his black money
to Al Burj using his airlines.
You mean the gold we've been transporting
belongs to Walia.
The chairman?
Wow! He scammed us for our salaries
and filled his bank using us.
Our chairman?
And with all the money in their bank, the
master and slave are hiding in Al Burj.
In fact, Walia's daughter
is getting married next week.
How can he scam 4,000 people
and just leave?
Because he's rich, baby.
Look at Titanic.
The rich escaped in lifeboats.
And who had to drown?
And it was us
who put him on that boat.
What the hell have we done?
Yeah, true that.
We are a family of 4,000 members.
We are Kohinoor.
We'll always shine. In India.
My son has been expelled
from Montessori school.
What happened to that girl,
who would bring the entire stadium
to a halt over one wrong decision?
I will kill you.
What is this about?
So, Walia has been smuggling gold
for the past six years.
Around 10-12 kilos of gold on every trip.
Just one kilo of gold
is worth about 55 lakh rupees,
so if we make three trips a month,
three times twelve times six...
Approximately 3,000 crore rupees.
How much?
Three thousand crores.
That freaking idiot!
We just need to get it back.
So, you wanna rob him?
We're not stealing,
we're just getting even.
Do you have any idea
how well-connected he is?
We're "ants" compared to him.
I don't want to be an "ant" anymore.
I've had enough!
How long will the rich keep exploiting us?
Our people can't even afford
to send their kids to school,
and that scumbag is using our damn money
to get his daughter married.
Are we freaking stupid?
Guys, we're the ones who smuggled
that gold out of the country, right?
So now, we're gonna be the ones
to bring it back.
What say?
Geetu, talk some sense into her.
Baby, no use crying over spilled milk.
We can't be running around trying
to catch him.
But we can give it a try.
Geetu, you as well?
What else am I supposed to do?
Walk the streets at night?
I've spent my whole life living
for others.
Now, it's my turn.
If not for others,
I'll do it just for myself.
Like you say, to each her own.
Time to do just that.
I'm in.
Okay, fine.
I'm out!
why should you care
about someone else's problems anyway?
I'm leaving, okay?
Then go.
You should always have someone
in your life you can call your own.
And how are you planning
to fund this little "project" of yours?
You need money to make money.
Time to put this fancy bag to use.
You may be the head girl,
but this is my turf.
And what is that?
Wow, that was a quick change of heart.
I've always gotten screwed
for my own selfish reasons.
Thought I'd try getting screwed
for others for a change.
And besides, you guys wouldn't last
two days in prison without me.
True that.
But guys,
how the hell are we gonna find Walia?
Well, the dog always knows
where its owner is.
Is the address correct?
Yes, Sudha gave us this address.
Look. There's the dog.
Gold, so much gold
Our gold.
Come on. Follow!
This dude is minting money.
Come on, let's go.
Where are we?
The Palace Hotel.
5,600 acres of pure luxury.
Five swimming pools,
nine restaurants, 612 rooms.
All suites.
And the rate?
Way out of our budget.
Let's go.
To ask about the rate?
Let's go!
Too damn expensive. Let's bail.
Geetu, sit down.
- But...
- Waiter?
Hey, Mittal!
That idiot has completely
transformed himself overseas.
The suit he's rocking costs
12 lakh rupees.
Played the innocent fool
and swindled others' cash.
Let's bounce.
It's a hundred-dollar coffee,
I'll even slurp the damn froth.
Oh, so this is where he's hosting
the wedding!
The night of the wedding is our best bet.
Everyone will be downstairs,
busy with the wedding shenanigans.
We just gotta sneak into Walia's suite.
That's all.
That's all?
So simple, right?
And what about all the fancy
cameras everywhere?
You think nobody will notice us?
Oh, shit!
Nobody notices the staff.
We have to get a job here.
And how the hell will we do that?
Where's Sapna?
I haven't been able to reach her for days.
Come on! She got a gig at a hotel
in the Middle East.
She left.
I'm sorry, Geetu.
I just couldn't take it anymore.
If I were in your shoes,
I would've left him a while ago.
Think of me as the hotel's HR manager.
What job do you want?
Security guard.
Cleaner. Janitor.
Two thousand.
A very good evening
to the new housekeeping team.
Welcome aboard.
We've got 540 total guests.
Every evening,
right before we start our shift,
we have a half-hour briefing.
Nobody is on the floor during that time.
Now, that's our window.
We have a teeny-weeny problem.
There are 18 cameras
from Walia's suite to the elevator
and 104 cameras from the elevator
to the service exit.
Nobody notices the staff
until something goes missing.
So, the cops will definitely look
at those video recordings.
And my face will be plastered
on every "wanted" poster.
What the hell do we do now?
I quit doing all that stuff.
Chintu, you're my brother, right?
Come on, do it for me, pretty please.
Fine, enough with the sweet talk.
I want an iPhone... 18.
18? That thing isn't even released yet.
The hotel's security camera feed
goes straight into the server room.
All the footage, except for the live
stuff, gets saved onto the hard drive.
We'll have to corrupt the hard drive.
Shaftab Karimi.
Hi, cutie.
Oh! Sharraya!
Every hotel has its own system.
The dental kit, conditioner...
Hey, only the guests get access
to the presidential suite.
Observe and study.
Hurry up!
I'll put the towels in the bathroom,
and you clean the room in the meantime.
Don't disturb the guests at all.
Too much fabric.
Too pink.
Too yellow!
Too shiny!
It's my wedding, okay. Not a dance bar!
Not the one. What the hell!
Papa! I need a new designer.
Only guests have access
to key cards of their private suites.
And the code is changed on a daily basis.
That means we have to pinch the card
on the wedding?
I only need a few minutes with that Walia.
The lift or the lobby.
I can get the key card from him.
What about the barbarians
he has on the payroll?
Will the bodyguards do nothing?
They won't let us anywhere near Walia.
Not us, but...
Hello, Mr. Mittal.
So, you're here to steal from Mr. Walia.
And you want me to help you with that?
Why don't I frame you instead?
See, I already told you, it's pointless.
We thought it would benefit him...
Wait, wait, wait! Benefit me?
Come on, Mr. Mittal,
it's Mr. Walia
who's getting all the money.
After years of loyalty...
what did you get?
Tea, coffee, biscuits?
The new Mrs. Mittal...
seems expensive.
Geetu, what's your opinion?
I think he deserves five percent
for his hard work.
No way!
Seven percent.
Seven percent in hand!
We'll work together!
We'll work together. Done.
Just remember two things.
Don't get caught.
And for God's sake, don't die.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
this is your captain speaking.
Welcome aboard.
Our crew will make sure
you're well taken care of,
but we kindly ask you
to fasten your corset
to prevent your heart from popping out.
Whisk me away, my love so sweet
You always make my heart skip a beat
Whisk me away, my love so sweet
You always make my heart skip a beat
With unwavering devotion and dedication
With unwavering devotion and dedication
-You've brought chaos
-Where are you?
-Making life a tough equation
-I'm in!
Whatcha got! Whatcha got! Whatcha got!
Whatcha got! Whatcha got!
Whatcha got under that dress, girl?
Whatcha got there?
Whatcha got under that dress, girl?
Whatcha got there?
Whatcha got under that veil, girl?
Whatcha got there?
- Whatcha got under that veil, girl?
- Ma'am, these are with 24-karat gold.
Listen, save a few pieces
for me for later.
Geetu, why don't you ever talk
about standards?
- Fine, don't.
- Baby, you are too much, too much!
Make sure you don't drop it
It guards my heart
You aren't gonna be able to fix it
It guards my heart
Make sure you don't drop it
It guards my heart
You aren't gonna be able to fix it
It guards my heart
-Hand your heart to your beloved
-Whatcha got!
-Your sweet love
-Whatcha got!
Whatcha got under that dress, girl?
Whatcha got there?
Whatcha got under that veil, girl?
Whatcha got there?
Whatcha got under that veil, girl?
Whatcha got there?
Whatcha got under that veil, girl?
- Whatcha got there?
- Chintu, he's not budging an inch.
One minute.
How about now?
Okay, whatever you did,
I don't wanna know. Bye.
Whatcha got under that veil, girl?
Whatcha got there?
Whatcha got under that veil, girl?
Whatcha got there?
My skirt made of silk, so pure and fine
It's expensive, a treasure of mine
I walk, skirt lifted with grace
I walk veil-faced
Oh God, what all do
I protect and keep safe?
Oh God!
Hey, girl!
Hey, girl!
Hey, girl!
Share the secrets within
Your heart's deep core
What dreams were denied?
What ambitions do you adore?
Your pull on me
An irresistible magnetic might
But I shall not dwell in your eyes
Instead cherish their sight
Share the secrets within
Your heart's deep core
What dreams were denied
What ambitions do you adore?
Girls, the camera's disabled.
We're good to go.
Come on, Cinderella. It's midnight.
Come on.
What dreams were denied?
What ambitions do you adore?
Your pull on me
An irresistible magnetic might
But I shall not dwell in your eyes
Instead cherish their sight
Nothing here.
Divya, let's go.
No! Guys, it has to be somewhere here.
Just check.
Check. Where the hell could it go?
It's got to be here.
Let's get the hell out of here.
I'm done trying to be a hero.
Let's bounce. Divya, come on.
Let's go.
He must've stashed it
in this room somewhere.
It's not possible.
Any safe? Any locker?
It has to be here.
- That witch!
- Divya!
Who called that damn witch!
I couldn't even see her face!
Divya, it's over.
We lost.
Come on, let's go.
To hell with her!
You get that out of my face!
Get up!
Let's go.
I am Vijay Walia's daughter.
My father runs India's biggest airline.
Stupid people!
So, what's next?
Thinking of moving
to the Gurudwara with Arun.
You can come too
if you ever want a free meal.
Game over, guys.
Welcome, Mr. Walia.
So, what's next?
Thinking of moving
to the Gurudwara with Arun.
You can come too
if you ever want a free meal.
Game over, guys.
Maybe not just yet.
What did you snatch this time?
Plan B, baby.
Plan B.
We lost, Jasmine.
That's it. Let's head home.
We didn't come this far to go back.
That idiot is going on
a private jet to the Cayman Islands.
You mean this is where the gold could be.
Flight leaves at 7:00 a.m.
From runway number six.
And this is the crew.
Bloody pervert.
Oh! I'm sorry, madam. Come.
Jasmine ma'am.
Where should I send them?
Good morning.
I'm Eris Fernandez, and I'm joined
by my colleague Dale Pinto,
and we would like
to welcome everyone on board.
Sit back and enjoy your flight.
Geetu, ready?
Son, there's nothing left in India now.
No standard of living.
Taxation, corruption...
We work hard, and someone else
takes away the money.
It's so unfair.
Too sweet.
I'll leave you lovebirds private
in my jet.
Too orangey.
Too watery.
Too green!
Too oily!
Okay, you know what?
Never mind the food, just get me a pillow.
She ain't eating anything but my brains.
We're all out of pills.
Go to sleep, Daddy's little princess.
Just go to sleep.
Papa, wake up!
Papa! Papa, wake up!
She doesn't eat anything.
Where the heck does she get
all that energy from?
Protein shake, witch!
- Papa, wake up!
- Geetu!
- Geetu!
- Yeah...
Papa, wake up!
Come on!
You're ruining my manicure!
Stop it!
- Untie me!
- Quick, this girl is nuts!
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
You are!
Hello, Captain! SOS, Captain! SOS!
This is your captain speaking.
Oh, Captain, thank God!
These chicks are crazy!
They assaulted me!
They've hijacked the plane!
You have to help us now!
Don't worry.
We'll get you out of there.
Oh, thank God. Thank you, Captain.
Why the hell are you whispering?
I'll get there. Be strong.
And guess who their pilot is.
Your number is up.
- Make sure he gets a good view.
- Hey, girl!
- Double whiskey on the rocks.
- Sure.
Hey there, Captain Wadhera!
Oh, Mrs. Geeta.
Looks like today's my lucky day.
Or maybe it's mine.
By the way,
how many pills did you use?
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
What are you doing?
I can't land this plane.
- What?
- This is a weird plane.
The buttons are not where they should be.
- It's okay. Get up.
- No ground support. No ATC.
I can't do this.
Divya, you're a capable pilot.
You're good at everything. You...
I can't do it!
It's not as easy as it seems.
Maintaining altitude without ILS
and aircraft alignment.
And we can easily
overshoot or undershoot.
And there is no threshold bar. I can't...
Fly the damn plane!
What the hell are you reading now?
Alright, so the runway
is somewhere nearby.
But since we don't have
any ground support,
I'll have to find it manually.
Manually? And that means?
You can see it, right?
Did you find it?
Found it.
Are you?
Glory to the Goddess! Let's rock!
We're all gonna die because
of your stupid Plan B, Jasmine!
Oh, God, please let me live.
I'm finally rich.
I swear,
I'll make offerings every Tuesday.
I promise I will.
Honk that horn! Press the horn!
Get out of the way!
Move, holy cows! Please!
- Move!
- Move!
Ladies and idiots,
you have reached your fated destination.
The temperature outside is going
to be quite blistering for you.
Hey, who are you?
And where am I?
Welcome home, Mr. Walia.
So, we kindly advise you
to tighten your girdles
and not contact our crew
for any kind of assistance.
you probably have never heard of it.
We had this crappy airport...
that never saw any planes.
That is before today.
No matter how many grand dreams
we have as kids.
To be a pilot,
a beauty queen,
a CEO.
Life and people always mess up
those dreams.
And we let them mess them up.
Oh, hello, those are ours!
You don't always get
what's rightfully yours.
Sometimes you have to snatch it.
We middle-class people are very obedient.
Yes, sir. No, sir. Sorry, sir.
But only oppress us
as much as we can bear.
The country's gold is finally back.
Now, whether this is a miracle
or fate remains uncertain.
However, one thing is clear...
Tonight, the employees
of Kohinoor Airways
will have a peaceful night's sleep.
Naughty boy.
With cameraman Trimbak Jalota,
this is reporter Vishambhar Pratap,
signing off.
Gold, so much gold
Pure gold is my heart
Can you hear
What my heart
Jai, please don't hang up.
Divya Rana from Haryana...
what a landing!
You see,
sometimes you gotta create your own fate.
Looks like the terminal is finally open.
Finally, the dawn is here
Don't spend it all.
And you, please spend some of it.
You know, they say even a tiny ant can...
mess up a big old elephant.
And here, we had three of them.