Criminally Insane (1975) Movie Script

-Will Ethel be all
right now, Doctor?
-Your granddaughter's
case is a very
strange one, Mrs. Janowski.
Severe paranoid manifestations,
long periods of depression,
violent outbursts.
Quite frankly, it's
against my better judgment
that she's being released.
-I see.
-I'm going to make weekly
appointments for Ethel
to have further
electroshock treatments.
I want you to make certain
that she keeps them.
-Yes, I will.
-Mrs. James, will you set
up four weekly appointments
starting this Thursday
for Ethel Janowski?
Yes, Dr. Gerard.
-There's one other
thing, Mrs. Janowski.
-Try to encourage her to do
something about her weight.
Those pounds put a massive
strain on her heart.
-Dr. Gerard said he'd help us
at the unemployment office.
I mean, he'll explain
that you can't
go back to work right away.
Everything's going
to be fine again.
I know it will.
I have a nice surprise for you.
You'll see it as
soon as we get home.
Do you know who stayed
at the house last week?
She was all beat up.
She said she didn't have
any money for a room,
so I let her stay.
I finally had to
tell her to leave.
She brought men home with her.
Different men every night.
-Afternoon, Mrs. Janowski.
-Good afternoon, Mrs. Nedley.
-How's Ethel feeling?
-Fine, she's had a lovely rest.
Be a dear.
Just what she needed.
-Well, I hope she's over
those terrible ages.
-Do I smell bacon frying?
I'll just have some
black coffee, though.
A person's never too
old to watch her figure.
Did you like your?
It's a pretty color, isn't it?
I thought it'd be just the
right touch for your homecoming.
-Did you know they
tried to kill me?
That goddamn Jew
doctor gave them
orders not to give
me enough to eat.
Two lousy boiled
eggs and a piece
of dry toast for breakfast.
They were trying to save
money and starved me
while they were at it.
-Dr. Gerard just wants you
to lose a little weight.
What do I need to
lose weight for?
-For your heart, Ethel.
-My heart's just fine as long
as my stomach's not empty.
Good night, Granny.
-What's the idea of
locking up the food?
-You'll have no
fresh meat or milk
until you learn to
curb your appetite.
-You'll three times a
day and three times only.
Everything we eat will
come from this cabinet,
and I will have the only key.
When you learn not
to stuff yourself,
we can use the icebox again.
-Do you think I'm going
to let you starve me?
-Do you realize how
much you've been eating?
It costs a fortune.
The unemployment checks
aren't half enough.
-Give me the key.
-You keep this up
and you're going
to wind up right
back in the hospital.
-I want to eat.
Give me that key.
-Do you want me to
phone Dr. Gerard?
I'm getting the phone.
-You and that Heeb are
trying to starve me to death.
Well, you're not going to do it!
I want that key.
I want that key.
I want that key.
-This is Ethel Janowski and
I want to place our order.
Look, we've got to eat.
OK, OK, we'll pay
for everything.
The old bills, too.
Just have the boy
bring the groceries
and I'll pay for them, OK?
Yeah, our regularly
weekly order.
But give me four half gallons
of ice cream instead of two.
-Caruso says I'm supposed to get
$80 before I leave your order.
-Well, bring it in.
Just set it down there.
-Well, Mr. Caruso says I've
got to get the $80 first.
-I don't have $80.
I've only got $4.50.
-You're a nut.
-Jesus, it's about time.
I don't believe it, but I think
you've gotten even fatter.
What'd they feed you
in that nuthouse?
Where's Grandma?
-She's not here, Rosalie.
-Where is she?
-She's gone to visit somebody.
-Well, I'll be staying
here for a few days.
What's this blood
all over the floor?
-I cut myself on
a broken bottle.
-I've been staying with Mama.
She told me to tell you hello.
She'll still living with that
Filipino near to Stockton.
Anyway, I guess she's
better off sleeping
with that little brown man
than being drunk all the time.
How have you been, Ethel?
Did they help you
at that hospital?
-They don't help
you in those places.
-I'm going to stay here awhile.
I want you to do me a favor.
-All right.
-There's this guy that
I don't want to see.
His name is John.
And if he comes
here looking for me,
tell him I don't ever
want to see him again.
-Why not?
-Because he beat the shit
out of me, that's why.
-Keep it down, huh?
-OK, honey bunch.
Who's that, the madame?
-Shut up, will you?
Come on, we're going upstairs.
This is Mrs.
Woods from Dr. Gerard's office.
Would you please
hold on for a moment?
Hello, Mrs. Janowski.
-Look, my grandmother
doesn't want to talk to you.
-I told her what you did to me.
My grandmother doesn't
want to talk to you.
-Do you smell what's upstairs?
Grandma must've shit all
over her bed before she left.
-I didn't smell anything.
-Well, you wouldn't.
You're too busy
cooking or eating.
-Who was that man last night?
-Look, Ethel.
I've got a lot of
friends here, and I
might be bringing them home.
Know what I mean?
I want to give you some money
for letting me sleep here.
-Thanks, Rosalie.
-That soil's no good, Ethel.
-I told your grandmother
when she planted
that flower bed all
she'd get would be weeds.
-Well, I'm not planting flowers.
I've got to bury a dead cat.
-Well, why don't you put
it out with the garbage?
-Because it stinks too much.
-That ground's too rocky.
You won't be able
to dig very deeply.
Well, good luck.
-Hi, lovely.
-Get lost.
-I don't blame you for
being angry with me, baby.
-Leave me alone, you
dirty son of a bitch.
-Now, sweetie...
Can I just explain?
-Let me alone.
-Rosalie, I love you.
So could I just explain?
-I'm not listening to you.
-Rosalie, that woman
didn't mean a thing to me.
-I'm not listening to you.
I'm not listening.
I'm not listening.
I'm not listening.
-Look, I told you that woman
didn't mean a thing to me.
I only went to LA with
her for the money.
-So where's the money?
-Well, that's it.
She didn't have any.
She was just give me
a line, promising me
she'd get me into films.
That lying bitch.
You know you're the
only one I love.
-Look, I want some good
loving, not some old bag.
-There's a nuthole
in the back fence.
Try that.
-Come on, Rosalie.
You know that I love you.
-If you love me
so much, how come
you beat the hell out of me?
-Rosalie, I'm going to tell
you the truth for once, OK?
You need a good beating
every once in awhile.
All women do, and
you especially, OK?
-Good morning, Ethel.
I've come to see
your grandmother.
Ethel, go get your grandmother.
Mrs. Janowski?
Ethel, where's your grandmother?
Ethel, answer me.
Ethel, answer me.
I know that you're in there.
I'm going away for
the weekend and I
want to talk to you and your
grandmother before I go.
Ethel, you've missed three
electroshock treatments
in a row, and I want to
know the reason for it.
Is that you, Ethel?
Hi, sweetie.
-How'd you sleep?
-John, I want you
meet my sister, Ethel.
-What the hell have
you been eating?
-John, she's my sister.
Please don't be mean.
It's her house.
-OK, OK.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry, Ethel.
I'm glad to know you.
Can you spare one
of your sweet rolls?
Are you sure?
God dammit, stop laughing.
-I'm sorry.
I've seen a lot of things, but
never a man putting on makeup.
-Look, dummy.
An old chick I went off with
works in a Hollywood studio.
And she told me all those
big stars wear makeup.
That's why they look so good.
Like they've got a suntan.
You stupid whore.
You're so beautiful.
-What's that stuff?
-Some nasal medicine
the doctor prescribed.
John and I've both got sinuses.
-Mmm, this sure is nice.
And I do wish it could continue,
but it's getting dark out now,
and you've got to get
to work, lazy girl.
-If that's who I
think it is, I might
not have to go out tonight.
-You've got a regular trick?
-Good evening, ma'am.
We're the Police Department,
Missing Persons division.
My name is McDonough.
-Maybe I'd better get my sister.
This isn't my house.
I'm just visiting.
This is my sister.
She's the one that lives here.
I'm Detective
Sergeant McDonough.
I'm investigating the
disappearance of Glenn Dickey,
a kid who works for
Caruso's Market.
-Well, I don't know
anything about that.
-Caruso says he never
came back to the store
after making a delivery to
your house three days ago.
-All I know is he brought
me the food and I paid him.
-How much was that?
-How much did you pay him?
-Uh, $80, I think it was.
-Did the boy seem
upset or act strangely?
-Which way did he
go when he left?
-I didn't see.
I expect he's having a fling
with your $80 in Tijuana.
I guess so.
-In any case, thanks
for your time.
-Goodnight, Detective Sergeant.
-Ethel, what's that all about?
-Dummy, didn't you
hear what the cop said?
The kid went to
Tijuana to get laid.
-I'm going to watch "Gunsmoke."
-Now quit wasting valuable time.
-OK, OK, I'm just curious.
Besides, I've got to get a coat.
It's cold outside.
-You don't need no coat.
You shouldn't cover up that
cute little rump of yours
with a coat.
Time's a wastin'.
Hey, what's that smell?
-I don't know.
I smelled it the other day,
too, near Granny's room.
-Smells like something dead.
God almighty, there's something
dead in there, all right.
It's locked.
-I'll go get Ethel.
She must have a key.
-What is it, Rosalie?
-We've got to do something about
that stink in Grandma's room.
It's so strong we can't sleep.
-I don't smell anything.
-Jesus, come over here, then.
-Have you got a key?
It's locked.
-Grandma's got the key.
-There must be a dead animal
in there, a cat or something.
I'm going to have
to break it in.
-Don't do that.
-We can't live here
with this stink.
-Grandma will probably
be back tomorrow
and we can go in without
wrecking her door.
-Well, if she isn't, I'm
going to break it in.
-I'm going to have
to kill you both.
-No, Ethel.
-You shouldn't have tried to go
into Grandma's room, Rosalie.
-No, Ethel, no.
Not me, Ethel.
Not me.
Oh, don't hurt me.
Please, Ethel, please
don't hurt me, Ethel!
-We're going to
have to do something
about Grandma tomorrow.
Spare room or something.
Aren't you glad I didn't
put you in the room
with all that stink
and everything?
I'm going to leave you
alone here just like before.
I won't disturb you.
I know you want to be alone.
Sometimes I could hear you.
I know what you were
doing with John, Rosalie.
-I want to see Rosalie.
Rosalie, honey bunch!
Rosalie, honey bunch!
-It's not doing
much good, Granny.
So damn.
-Hello, Ethel.
Somebody forgot to
close your front door.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to startle you.
-That's OK.
You didn't startle me.
I was just going to
chop some firewood.
-I'd like to ask you
a few more questions
about Glenn Dickey's
The boy's mother's
overwrought, so I promised her
that I'd go over all the ground
that I covered one more time.
At first, I thought the
boy'd gone off somewhere
with friends, and
now I don't think so.
-Or maybe he stole the $80
and he's afraid to come back.
-That wouldn't be
in keeping with what
I've heard about the boy.
He's definitely no thief.
-He was a smart aleck kid.
-Most kids are at that age.
I think the boy might
have been mugged.
We've had two or three
incidents in this neighborhood.
Think back... did anybody
see you give Glenn the $80.
-Yeah, there's this guy down
the street and he had a gun.
-He had a gun in broad daylight
and you didn't call the police?
-Well, I didn't see the gun.
But he had his hand in his
pocket like it was a gun.
I didn't see too clear.
-So you paid the boy,
then what happened?
-I paid him the $80,
and then the guy
followed him down the street.
-Which direction?
-To the right.
-In the direction of the store?
-Why didn't you mention all
this to me the other night?
-I forgot.
-Describe the man that
followed Glenn Dickey.
-He was colored.
-Short or tall?
-He was short, I think.
-What was he wearing?
-I don't remember.
-I want you to come
downtown with me
to see if you can
identify the man you saw.
-Look, I told you I
didn't seem him too clear.
Besides, I don't know anything
about that kid disappearing.
-I think you do, Ethel.
-That's not true.
-All right, we'll leave it
at that for the time being,
You know, it would
really be a good idea
for you to get.
Like I said, we've had trouble
in this neighborhood before.
-Hi, Ethel!
-When's your
grandmother coming back?
Next week, I guess.
-My god.