Demon Fighter (2022) Movie Script
Whoa whoa whoa lady...
not so fast.
What's in the bag?
Skip that.
And the purse?
What's under the skirt?
Hmm? Come here!
No no no no no no no no!
Take her!
There you go.
There you go, yeah...
Come on!
Three minutes!
That's it!
Last 3...
take it all.
No one's got balls?
Hey Look it's the priest!
This is all you've got?
This taquito?
You gotta pay to play.
Comprende Padre?
You've got big balls.
You look like you did some time in prison.
You look like a little bitch.
I'm gonna make you be my little seorita!
Didn't see that one coming.
Excuse me!
Excuse me, don't me to bother you.
saw you fight.
Hey buddy,
I don't mean to be rude.
I gotta catch the bus.
I'd like to talk to you
if you have a moment.
Yeah, walk with me to the bus stop.
Well where are you heading?
My car is right here.
Come on.
I'll drive, you listen.
Come on.
You live close by right?
Alright, I'll just drop you off.
It's no big deal.
You like music?
What's going on?
You looking for a date?
Oh, whoa, no!
I am not looking for a date!
I'm sorry!
What do you want?
I don't give fighting lessons...
and I don't listen to confessions.
So what is it?
I have a friend...
We've been friends since high school.
I'm not a doctor.
My degree's in psychology.
I'm not explaining this right.
my friend isn't ill physically,
He's not acting like himself
attending some new church
and studying to be a minister of
some sort.
No offense!
Is he in danger of hurting himself...
or others?
If not,
there's nothing I can do.
Right here is fine.
Thanks for the ride.
Can I call you...
if I think he's going to become violent?
Only if he gets violent.
my card.
thank you.
Hey, check it out!
I'm not...
I'm not hurting you.
I'm not gonna hurt you!
Let me help you.
What are you doing to yourself?
Take this.
Go to the women's shelter.
How do you know where I live?
I'm a realtor.
watched you walk down the
street and stop here.
I'm busy.
What do you want?
Ten minutes of your time.
That's all.
Ten minutes, please!
A few months ago my friend turned forty.
He received one of those genealogy
test kits.
He found out...
he was related to some english
lord or something and...
and maybe an heir to an estate.
Some place called Huntroyde Hall
He contacted the attorney for the
estate, a Mr....
E. Hartley Barrister
and was surprised when he received
a response.
He got a box with trinkets and old
letters written in 1594.
I can't say anything in the box
affected him,
but shortly there after...
he suddenly joined a new religion...
and is now becoming a minister.
That's about ten minutes.
A few more minutes.
His daughter Avalon called me.
She said she was worried about her mother.
That her mother and father have been performing
some kind of ceremony late at night.
She said her father has been practicing
on her brother and her mother.
She's scared!
She thinks they're practicing witchcraft.
Do they know you're talking to me?
Where do they live?
A little town about an hour or so from
here called Visalia.
I can take you there.
I'll see you tomorrow morning at six?
Thank you!
It seems to me...
as long as you're minding your own business
and not hurting anyone,
a person should be able
to do as they please.
I can't stand busy bodies.
You know the kind i mean father.
Think they always know what's best for you.
Am I talking too much?
We do have a long drive.
I don't often speak unless i hear
something worth listening.
Okay okay i get it.
You are a strange guy for a priest.
I mean no offense, but you are
not the most talkative.
Most priests i've ever known smiled
and made you feel loved.
Or at least liked.
I'm not most priests.
Would you feel better if i blessed you?
I was just wondering how a guy
like you becomes a priest.
You seem a bit rough for lack
of a better word.
Where are you from if you don't
mind me asking?
I guess.
Not saying.
if i were to guess, I'd say you were
probably raised in some city.
Probably the west coast.
You look west coast.
I grew up in the projects.
I went to a dozens of different elementary
My mother...
was a heroin addict.
A junkie.
You don't say.
It must have been tough.
You really don't wanna know.
We still have about our hours so.
I'm not going anywhere.
I was a kid in the early seventies.
Back when this music was made popular.
The so-called...
good 'ol days.
Every time I close my eyes,
asleep or awake,
I can still see as vivid as ever.
The neighborhood...
and the one bedroom apartment.
Come here.
Let me hug you.
Ah, what's wrong?
Come here.
Do you like my tits?
Are you a queer?
You're a fucking queer.
You're a queer!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry mijo!
You need to leave right now.
You really shouldn't be here.
Someone is coming over.
Just go.
Get something to eat.
You good?
Yeah, come on!
I won't do it again.
I just...
Give me a taste!
Just a little taste.
I'll work hard all night.
I promise!
Real hard!
I can't trust you.
You can!
You can...
I promise.
Show me.
You know what to do.
So get busy.
That's um...
that's some story.
I wish it was a story.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean...
No, No worries.
Are we close?
This is the block.
It's right up there on the right.
Pull over.
Kind of early you think?
Never too for demons.
He's not haunted.
Let's be sure.
My guy!
Do you need to speak to my mother
or father?
Uncle hank?
Hey Av.
Hi can I help you?
Hey Viv.
Is everything all right honey?
I, I don't know.
Hanks here.
I'm sorry,
I'm father Mike.
I didn't mean to alarm anyone.
What's going on?
I don't get it.
Is everything okay?
Oh everything's fine Nick.
You remember i told you about Father Mike?
Well this is him, Father Mike.
We were in the area and i wanted
you to meet him.
Pleasure to meet you sir.
I'm sorry... Father I...
It's okay.
I had some questions for you.
I'm getting ready to leave.
Please come back again!
Bye uncle hank!
See you Av!
Nice family right?
Something's not right.
Something about the girl.
Cause there's some strange shit
happening there.
You see something?
Who's asking?
I'm Mike.
Father Mike.
This is Hank.
Call me hank.
Priest huh?
It's about time.
I didn't see anything.
But i hear shit.
Strange stuff.
Mostly from the men.
Wife and kids pretend that nothing's
going on...
but I know better.
Why else are they up almost every night
between eleven thirty...
two o'clock in the morning?
I have to come back.
What exactly are you looking for?
I'm not looking.
But i would appreciate a call...
if you see or hear anything.
I think he found it.
I need your help.
I... I don't think i'm the guy you want.
Shouldn't you get another priest or
someone like that?
I never said I wanted you.
You were chosen.
I didn't seek you out.
You looked for me.
You were compelled to provide assistance.
Not by me.
You're saying god chose me?
You're saying that.
I need to get back there.
Now, these things can't wait.
I don't think they're going anywhere.
It's not them I'm after.
It's the demon.
I appreciate you calling.
Hey Father sorry i'm late, hop on in.
No worries.
Pull over.
I'll be right back.
Let's go!
Oh, damn Father i mean what the...
Awe hell you scared the crap out of me.
Where'd you get the flowers?
Wait here, i'll be right back.
Good afternoon i'm so sorry, I...
Do you have a vase or
something for the flowers?
Oh, sure.
I'm sorry about that, I'm
making a big mess.
I was in the area and...
I just want to stop by and apologize
for last time.
My husband's not home.
I hope it's okay...
me being here.
I just want to see if you...
needed anything...
from the church.
How's your husband?
He's fine.
Why do you ask?
I was just wondering.
Your children, are they well?
Uh, I mean, are they doing well?
They, you know, in school and such?
Father I...
Father Michael!
What a pleasant surprise.
Hello dear.
What brings you by today?
We were in the area.
I just want to stop by and apologize for...
abruptness of last time.
Well last time you didn't bring flowers.
Must have brought them a long way.
There's no florists in the area.
Closest place to get flowers would be...
the cemetery?
Are... are you hungry honey?
Can I get you a beer? how
about you father would
How about you father, would
you like a beer?
As tempting as that sounds,
I'm gonna have to pass.
Hanks in the car and i'm sure we're
ready to leave.
Well Father you know where i am
and how to find us so...
drop by any time.
Are you sure you won't take that beer?
It's ice cold!
Keep it cold.
I'll be back.
I'm sure you will.
Oh, and say hi to Hank for me.
Well, are you going to
tell me what happened?
The demon is there.
I'm not exactly sure in who.
How exactly are you going to do this?
And what exactly are you
going to do about it?
I'm going to keep the shit out of a Demon.
Not sure at the moment how.
But my faith has never let me down.
Hey you.
Yeah good to hear your voice.
Yeah i can come by.
Yeah i know where.
Geez Louise!
You scared me.
I just needed to see you.
I miss you!
I missed you too!
Come on...
Something's not right.
What's up?
My parents.
they're just acting weird.
Sounds like normal parents to me.
I guess.
My father's been trying to get my mom, my
brother and me involved in this...
new kind of religion.
I think it's just some weird cult.
Aren't you Catholic?
Supposedly, whatever that means.
We haven't been to church for a while.
you're not telling me everything.
I know you!
What's up?
My father wants to become a minister in
this new religion.
I mean that's a good thing right?
I guess.
Yeah, he's studying these various
ceremonies he'll have to perform.
And he's making us practice with him.
Look, i don't get what the problem is.
Just this is one ceremony like a baptism...
The problem for me is that the person to
be baptized is naked.
and so is the minister who's doing
the baptism.
My dad wants to practice with us.
My mom, my brother and me.
That's him I...
I better go.
he doesn't know yet.
Don't worry.
I'll tell him.
Wait wait, uh... when can i see you again?
I'll call you.
What is he doing here?
I thought you told me he was
at school?
You don't have time for him right now.
He needs to be focused and you're a
distraction to him!
We care for each other.
If you really cared for him cared for him,
you would leave him
alone and let him study.
I don't want to hear about him right now.
if he was baptized into our church.
But for right now until you are properly
he will stay away from you.
This is the part where you say...
"yes father, I understand."
Yes father, I understand.
Abaddon: Chief of the destroyers.
King of the abyss. It isn't so much a
It isn't so much a person
but rather a place.
A condition.
Now Abaddon or the angel of death...
is the invocation of a...
The interesting thing is...
the judgement is upon mankind.
Why do you ask father?
I'm doing research.
On the nature and origins of demons.
I need to know about the most
powerful demons.
Be careful!
Sometimes we don't need to know.
The destroyer.
The demon's sole purpose...
is to kill or destroy mankind.
He is the ruler.
The chief of the demons.
If you need to talk,
you know i am always here for you father.
Thank you Rabbi Cohen.
You can't kill a demon.
Especially this one.
[Spirit voice] You must
not wait any longer.
[Spirit voice] The boy will be back.
[Spirit voice] The judgement has been made.
[Spirit voice] Thus...
[Spirit voice] it is stated
[Spirit voice] in The
Book of Revelations 9:1.
[Spirit voice] You are the chose one.
[Spirit voice] You must show your faith...
[Spirit voice] and devotion.
[Spirit voice] You must
sacrifice all that is earthly.
[Spirit voice] Through you...
[Spirit voice] the divine
revelation is realized.
[Spirit voice] Through you is how I absolve
and baptize those you owe.
[Spirit voice] Go to her now.
[Spirit voice] You know what to do.
[Spirit voice] It is owed.
Morning mom.
I'll be late from school
today, i have that...
science project to work on and a meeting
with my guidance counselor.
Oh and...
could you look at that
new bra you bought me?
The strap just...
It looks as if it were cut.
Maybe you can take it back?
What time will you be home?
By Ten.
tonight will be perfect.
She won't be back until Ten.
I'll be ready for you.
All right, all right already come in!
Are you busy?
No, not at all.
How are you?
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
Oh no no no...
Please continue...
interrupting me.
Don't you want to know why i'm here?
Yeah, isn't this why?
It's part of it.
There's something else.
Remember i told you about the ceremony?
The baptism?
He wants me to participate.
It's just a ceremony.
He says it's a purification ceremony.
A cleansing...
to cross over into adulthood.
Did you tell him already took care of
that for him?
Not tease!
He's serious!
He thinks i'm still a virgin.
Then we should just get married.
I mean you're 18.
You're an adult already.
Wake up.
Come in it's open.
What... what the hell?
What do you, what you got going on in here?
I mean, it you know, it ain't none of
my business.
I'm just wondering why do you
need so much?
So I can talk to people.
People like you.
I'm home
Right here!
Is everything ready?
Everything's ready.
are you ready?
And the boy?
Very good.
Let's go into the room.
I should be done by ten.
I'll give you a call.
What's the plan?
It's not that kind of mission.
What are you talking about?
You always need a plan.
Not when you're hunting a demon.
Hunting a demon?
Now hold on Father, I know
i asked for your help,
but this demon business...
let's just say that's not exactly my thing.
You know it's not exactly anybody's thing.
You're were military.
Afghanistan right?
Is that your thing?
Probably not.
But you did it.
As in any war, the first thing you
do is what?
Identify your enemy.
That's what we're gonna do.
Hey that's Avalon.
What's she doing out just walking around?
Avalon honey!
What are you doing out here?
You alright?
What's going on?
We saw you out here alone,
was just wondering...
Is everything okay?
Come here... come over here... sit.
I'm gonna help you sit.
You wan't something to drink?
I guess i was thirsty.
It's okay.
All the tears you cried.
You're a priest!
Maybe I can talk to you.
I suppose it would be okay.
I'm worried...
About your brother?
Him too...
Mainly my parents parents.
Mainly my dad...
He's um...
he's studying to be...
a minister in this...
new religion...
I think i walk into the middle of a
ceremony or something.
My brother was just laying on the floor...
in just this red robe.
And then...
My dad just pulled the rope off of him...
and he was naked.
That's when i left i didn't...
I didn't know what to do, i thought
my dad saw me but he didn't.
Do your parents know where you are?
They think i'm...
I'm supposed to be home by ten.
That's when they expect me, I...
I guess I should have called ahead to
warn them or something.
It's almost ten now.
Why don't you let us give you a ride home?
Go ahead.
You're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be alright.
Watch your head.
There you are.
Glad you're home safe.
[TV Sound]
You're supposed to be possessed right?
Where's my brother?
He's sleeping.
[TV Sound]
Are you possessed?
He was very tired.
He had a track event earlier.
[TV Sound]
What are you looking for?
[TV Sound]
I'm tired too.
[TV sound]
Father Bob!
I'm going to bed.
Didn't hear you get up.
Got up really early.
Couldn't sleep anymore.
So what happened last night?
What do you mean something happened?
That's what i'm asking you!
What happened last night?
I don't know, I was here watching TV.
What'd you watch?
I don't know, why?
Why do you care what I watch?
Wake up!
I'm up, i'm up!
One minute!
Father Mike!
Wake up!
Come in!
You want me to open a window or something?
I'm just saying.
Just saying what?
Let's go!
Back to the Starks' house.
Military police.
Twenty years...
I can sense when shit ain't right!
Last night,
I think they were burning candles.
I could see lights
flickering in the window.
And uh...
I wasn't peeping.
Alright? I'm very alert.
It's part of my training.
I got you.
Approximately eight thirty...
the girl gets home.
She goes to the front door, it's locked.
So she goes around back.
And then she comes out
about five minutes later...
looking terrorized.
And then she takes off
running down the street.
The next time I see her, you two
are dropping her off.
I'm telling you, there's something
weird or wrong going on.
Why didn't you call the police?
And tell them what?
They can't help.
But i can.
I gotta get back in there.
Well why don't you just
go knock on the door?
I mean, what the hell, you're a
priest right?
I thought the lady would be home.
I didn't see her leave.
Just the kids and the dad.
She was there.
She peeked out of the window.
She saw me.
The daughter Avalon...
she's our way in.
She goes to a local high school about a
a mile and a half from here.
School lets out about two thirty.
She's home by three thirty.
I gotta catch her before she gets home.
Do you know which way she walks home?
I see her every afternoon.
With the others.
I water around that time.
That's in about Ten minutes Father.
Let's head out.
We'll be back.
If it's okay with you,
might be a little bit too much if the
three of us converge out here.
You understand?
I've been texting Jason but he just
won't call me back.
So i'm like...
are you gonna come talk to me or not?
Excuse me, hi!
Father Michael.
Do you mind if I talk to you for a second?
what about?
Something I should probably only talk
to you about.
Okay, no worries.
I'm supposed to hurry home to
meet my mom.
I'll catch up with you later?
So what is it you want to tell me?
When did all this begin?
Shortly after he started looking into
the other house.
What house?
Uh, a house in England.
My dad found out he was related
to this...
old English family that was quite wealthy.
And owned a place called Hundroyte Hall.
He received a package from some barrister
in England.
It was strange.
The box had...
These old letters and what looked like...
little buttons or medals or something.
Was there anything else?
I don't know? He just...
started acting weird after that.
What are you doing here anyway?
I'm sorry!
I don't mean to scare you.
I'm here to help you.
And your family.
With what?
I like you,
seem like a good enough person,
but I am totally confused.
Do you know anything about that house?
Hundroyte Hall?
You said that you noticed
your father acting...
I don't know how to say this but,
I heard these...
strange laughs...
late one night...
coming from downstairs.
It seemed like two or
three different voices.
I tiptoed downstairs to
see what was going on
my father was just sitting there...
And he was alone!
I felt...
someone standing behind me.
I could feel their breath on my neck.
I thought...
maybe it was my mom?
I turned around.
But nobody was there.
I don't know, it...
it scared me so...
[Nervous laugh]
went back to my room and...
i tried to get back to sleep.
Did you tell anyone?
I tried telling my mom,
she's always busy.
Are you Christian?
I was baptized as a Catholic.
I made my first communion.
Have you ever heard of somebody
By an evil influence?
You mean like...
by a...
a demon...
or an evil spirit of some kind?
Yeah, exactly.
Like a demon or...
evil spirit.
It's possible that your father...
is influenced...
by a demon...
or worse.
Okay, so...
what you're saying is...
you think my father's being possessed
by a demon?
Really, no offense Father.
I have to get home, i have a... an exam.
Please! Please!
Please take this card.
If you find that you need to talk
to somebody...
i'll be there for you.
Now what?
We go see my teacher.
Your teacher?
Then what?
We wait for her to call us.
There you are.
Where have we been?
Walking home.
Where's dad?
He's getting ready and so should you!
Getting ready for what?
Did you forget?
Your father will be very upset!
Your new birth baptism remember?
You forgot.
Did you read the instructions that your
father left for you?
He expects you to be ready tonight!
I can't...
You will do this!
It won't take all night.
Thirty minutes tops.
Your father promised.
I asked the very same question.
Good now...
go get ready.
And follow your father's instructions.
What was it that you wanted?
Are you sure there is a possession?
You can't be too sure.
The harm that can result from a
confrontation with a demon like this...
let me just say...
it isn't something you want to do
more than once.
I know there's a possession.
I'm afraid we don't do something soon,
it'll be too late.
I would not be so sure if I were you.
This may not be a demon, but a
tormented spirit.
You may not realize what
you are dealing with.
This is very dangerous my friend.
You can not do this alone.
I have help.
No offense, but,
If you've never done something
like this before,
this is not the case to cut your teeth on.
Well, I guess i'm all he has.
And from the way he tells it,
I was chosen.
Take this.
Use it to cleanse the environment.
Go on, take it!
this demon or spirit is very dangerous.
Don't let your guard down.
To your bones!
Are you here to be baptized?
Are you here to be reborn?
Are you here to give yourself to
your master?
Only the pure can sit beside the master.
Are you pure of heart and body?
Are you pure...
of heart...
and body?
N... No.
Are you a virgin?
Did you say no?!?
Father please...
I'm gonna marry Daniel.
We're engaged
You're having sex?!?
With that...
He's not a boy.
He's my fianc.
You're not worthy to sit at my
masters' table.
Father I...
Shut up!
You whore!
You little slut!
You're not worthy!
Hey there, you reached Daniel.
Leave a message.
Hi, can you...
can you please call me back?
Can you please call me back?
I'm getting worried about her.
It's late!
She's not a child anymore.
She certainly isn't innocent!
So what's to lose now? Huh?
She needs to come back home.
We can still save ourselves and the boy.
But we must prove our worth first.
Go find her.
Bring her home.
Let her know everything is alright...
and no harm will come to her.
We are family first.
What's up?
Yeah i'm down.
I'll see you in five.
Please pick up the phone!
Hey there, you've reached Daniel,
leave a message.
Hi, can you call me back when you
get this please!
Can't you please pick up the phone?
What the hell?
You scared me!
Sorry dear, I have been looking
all over for you!
Your father said you stormed
out of the house.
What is wrong dear?
Why did you leave?
You were there...
at the ceremony.
I, I was in my room when your father
told me to come look for you.
I was so worried about you.
Come home.
Let's go.
What about father?
Isn't he upset?
Your father, could never stay
angry with you.
You know that!
Are you hungry?
I know you haven't eaten anything today.
Dinner's still warm.
Let's go home.
still upset with me i assume?
I will...
try to smooth things over with
her and...
we will try this again.
Good morning sweetheart.
About last night,
I wanted to apologize...
if I frightened you.
I was over the top.
I would like to try...
the ceremony again.
If it's alight with you.
I'll still do it.
I'm so sorry dad.
No no.
It's all right sweetheart.
I just want what's best for you.
You know that. Right?
It's just so important to me that
I be granted this.
It's to do with our family genealogy.
I want you to think of this ceremony as
a way of connecting us as a family...
With our ancestral heritage.
It could mean an entitlement...
to part of the Hundroyte Hall estate.
I know.
I'm so sorry.
I know this is really important to you.
Thank you.
I'm sorry i wasn't there for you.
It won't happen again.
Love you too.
So you're going through with it?
I'll make sure to keep my phone on me then.
I have a study group until ten.
maybe i can show up for about
an hour or so after?
I'll give you a call before i show up.
Love you.
Excuse me dear...
I am so proud of you for what
you're doing for your father.
He loves you dearly, you know that?
I know you know that.
I just...
wanna give you a big hug...
and say thank you...
for trusting your father.
He only wants what will ultimately
be the best thing for you.
You believe me don't you?
Yes mother.
I believe you.
You know we love you.
Your father wants you to follow
these instructions to the letter.
I still don't see how you're gonna get
into their house if they don't let you in.
Can I ask you...
something personal?
What? The scars?
Well, yeah I mean...
they're rather wicked.
Just sayin' that's all.
All right, okay I...
None of my business. I get it.
You see, the first time I got shanked,
I knew I was needing protection.
I didn't know God.
Or how to talk to God.
All I knew was survival.
In prison that's everything.
Oh Mikey!
We got ourselves an opportunity tonight.
I know a couple of folks...
that are having a little get together.
There should be about four couples.
Be about ten large.
I'm always interested in ten large.
Uh... cool.
Me and JD...
we'll handle the hardware.
Nice huh?
Uh, I ain't so sure about that shit.
No no no no no don't so...
don't sweat it man, don't sweat it!
This... this is just....
this is just Justin.
Just in case.
Just in case!
Now we go in,
we keep them in front of
us like we planned,
and you grab the shit!
One day,
the guy with the eyes,
the one who kept after me,
tell me I was gonna be his bitch.
I felt like killing him in the worst way.
Look at this punk ass.
Before he had a chance
to pull out his shiv,
you a tough guy?
I pounced...
on ugly eyes!
Get the fuck down!
Drop the knife!
Can I interrupt you?
You already did?
You look a lot better than
the last time I saw you.
You were bleeding out.
You should have been dead.
What do you want?
I'm not religious.
I know what you mean.
Tough to believe in your world.
I'm not here to save you Michael.
Not even going to try.
I only want to educate you on who...
or maybe more appropriately,
what you're fighting against.
Do you believe in good and bad Michael?
Sure you do.
I mean, did you see me as bad?
Tattoo man!
Now you seem him as good.
I've seen him before.
can't remember where.
But i know I've seen him!
What you recognize was his look.
The look of evil in his eyes.
The only thing that can protect you...
is this.
And believing in God.
And then out of nowhere...
I started thinking about my grandmother.
Taking me to church.
I started to cry.
I started saying The Lord's Prayer.
After that,
I realized...
I was protected by...
Finish him! Come on!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Yeah baby!
That's how you do that shit!
What about you girlfriend?
Are you a little bitch?
Come on, let's see what you got!
Come on.
Let's do this.
Come on.
Let's go man. You gonna let
him talk to you like that?
Let's see what you got.
Alright, alright.
That's right.
Let's go, come on!
What the hell was that shit?
You tap into some kind of...
fucking energy bank or something?
I ain't mad just...
take em.
It's cool man.
Nah nah, here...
I ain't no punk!
I don't smoke.
I gotta tell you something man um...
At first i was uh...
just kind of being nice to you
cause you're a priest and...
I wanted to help my friend.
But now,
I somehow get the feeling
i'm supposed to be here.
Go ahead,
say it!
You were chosen Hank.
Captain Lugo.
I think you should come over here.
Something's about to go down.
I have to leave for a while,
but feel free to use my
place as a staging area.
Help yourself to whatever you need.
The key will be in the
planter by the porch.
Let's go.
I'm glad you came!
I need to talk to you
about daddy's instructions.
Honey, what's there to talk about?
I'm certain they're straight forward.
Now come on...
you need to get ready.
What's to get ready for?!?
Why do I have to be nude?
This is the ceremony.
And he is your father!
go shower,
and prepare yourself as your
father has instructed you to.
It's okay!
Pick up, pick up, pick up!
Hey there, you've reached Daniel,
leave a message.
I'm so sorry!
I need you to come get me as
soon as you hear this message!
They're forcing me to do the
ceremony and I don't want to.
I'm so sorry!
I'll tell you why when you get here.
I'm just so scared!
I love you!
Is she ready?
Is this really necessary?
It's the only way now.
But, don't worry, it
will be over quickly.
What's wrong?
she's shy.
That's all.
That doesn't make sense.
I'm her father.
tell her to relax.
like I said,
it will be over quickly.
Hey there, you've reached Daniel,
leave a message.
Are you ready yet?
Your father wants you
down in 10 minutes okay?
Yes mother!
No bodies answering!
You gonna answer that?
Father Mike!
I'm so sorry to call you!
I didn't know who else to call.
I need you to come...
Tell me!
I don't know what else to do!
We had better get over there fast!
She's in trouble!
Hold on!
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
To thee, we sacrifice all that is sacred.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
To thee, we call judgement
upon all that is sacred.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
To thee I call judgement
upon all that is sacred.
You know what to do.
To thee, I devote all that is sacred.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
What are you looking for?
Something I can use to tie someone up.
I'll be right back.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
Father Mike!
She looked crazy!
You mean possessed!
Let's go ahead and gag her...
and tie her up.
I don't know Father, we're already down
for breaking and entering and assault!
And now you want to add
kidnapping to the list?
Check on the boy!
Alright, but I gotta say you're scaring
the crap out of me right now.
Are you saying the whole
family is possessed?
Let's go.
To thee, I call judgement
upon all that is sacred.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
To thee, I call judgement
upon all that is sacred!
I'm just saying maybe you
need someone besides me!
[Tape peeling off]
That's all!
Just sayin'!
What are we waiting for?
You came for me?
Of course.
My head!
You were drugged.
By your dad.
Here, this will help.
Ah, my dad.
The ceremony!
Do you remember calling me?
Where's my mom?
Why is she tied up?
Your mother...
was overcome by a sort of...
mental affliction.
Mental affliction?
Have you ever heard of the phrase...
"you are..."
"what you believe you are"?
Why are you telling me this?
Your mother believes she's
possessed by a demon.
Where's my father?
And my brother?
Where is he?
They're fine.
What's going on?
What's going on?
Avalon! Avalon!
Come on!
It's me!
We have to trust Father Mike.
I'm just scared.
We need to help your mother first.
I'll need your help to do it.
In fact,
I'll need everyones help.
Avalon, do you pray?
Sometimes, yes.
We need everyone to pray.
Please untie me!
Make them untie me!
Avalon please!
You know that's not your mother!
How would you know who I am?
It's her body,
but not her mind.
when you don't even know your own mother?
It's not that she's crazy.
She's possessed!
Or so she believes.
By who or...
or what?
By both!
Your father,
and the demon who's possessed him.
I don't know anything about demons!
I did't either, but here I am.
Our father, who art in heaven...
[Hank praying]
Get photos of you and your family.
Photos that your mother loves.
Maybe she keeps mementos?
You know?
Things that remind her of a special place.
Or person.
Or time.
I know a special place in time.
The projects.
You remember Father.
You came home.
What did you see?
Well, come on Father!
Tell them what you saw!
What's she talking about?
Don't listen to her!
You must pray...
Where were your parents from Mikey?
To block out the demons influence.
Now go get the things I asked for.
You didn't know who your father was right?
Also for your brother.
Poor Mikey!
He's next!
You never knew the
love of a father did you?
You never knew the
love of a father...
because you were born to a junkie...
Who for all you know, spread her legs...
for a nickel bag of heroine!
What are you doing?
Get off!
She can't breathe!
This so called priest!
He's hurting me!
I'll get you some water.
Thank you, my throat is dry.
I'm so thirsty.
You're just like the other one.
He thought he was special too.
You'll see.
You weren't her first but
I bet she was yours.
Would you look at that?
She popped your cherry.
You were just a little virgin.
Awe, how cute!
Shut up!
Get away from her! Now!
That's for my mom!
They hurt me!
I'm so...
You bastard!
You son of a whore!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
I command you...
to leave this body!
In the name of the father
who art in heaven.
Give me this...
you give me this...
You give me this bitch...
or I will kill her!
By the armor of God, I am protected.
I compel you to leave this woman now!
Anyone want a breakfast burrito?
What the hell's wrong with you man,
you scared the crap out of me!
You better have salsa with that!
Did you get those photos I asked for?
Aren't your mother and father
a handsome couple?
I'll need your help!
I'll need everyones help.
What do you want us to do?
We need to get your mother from under...
his influence.
I'll pray my grandfathers prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done.
On earth...
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day...
our daily bread.
And forgive us...
our trespasses.
As we forgive those that
trespass against us.
And lead us...
not into temptation,
But deliver us...
from evil.
For thine...
is the kingdom,
And the power,
and the glory,
for ever and ever!
Mrs. Stark,
do you remember this photograph?
Isn't this your wedding day?
In fact,
isn't this taken...
in church...
that you swore before
God that your faith...
Go to hell priest!
What are you saying?
I'm sorry sweetheart!
Mrs. Stark...
Pray with me!
You give me this...
Our Father who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Give me this bitch or I will kill her!
Thy will be done.
With the full armor of God,
I will protect her.
By the power of the lord God,
Let me go!!!
I command you!
To leave this woman!
I compel you to return to the
dark from which you come.
With the power of the lord God
of this world and all worlds,
I command you Abaddon,
to return to the pit from which you come!
I command you Abaddon!
To return to the pit from which you come!
Oh I love you!
It's your daughter!
I'm sorry father, I'm so ashamed!
I'm sorry!
Oh sweetheart!
I am so sorry!
I, I didn't...
I, I didn't mean...
I'm sorry!
You need to clean up!
We need your help with your son!
Help your mom! Quickly!
We need to gather some things.
What ever it is, I assure you...
I have it.
Come on.
I didn't steal it,
for the record.
It's just left over equipment,
that was left to me.
I just kept it for a safe keeping.
you could get hurt!
Do you have a field first aid kit?
I have two, why?
Let me see it.
Brand new,
never used.
Combat ready.
This is what I want.
Take the other one apart,
and look for these.
I'm going back.
Good morning!
Welcome back!
How do you feel?
very tired!
I'd like for you to wear this.
If you don't mind.
Thank you.
It will protect you.
If you believe.
Now, we need to help your son.
did you get the pictures or anything else?
This is the only thing I could find.
He's had it since he was four.
Uncle Ted gave it to him.
He always did love that thing.
We'd better go!
He's burning up!
He has a fever!
Get clean sheets, and something
to wash him with.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Get a plastic bag.
Oh God!
He needs a doctor!
Oh baby!
He needs for you to keep your faith!
And pray for him.
Oh, what the hell!
Somebody shit their pants?
Is he gonna be alright?
We all need to pray.
I will never let the boy go!
He is mine!
I will see him die first!
I will kill him before I set him free.
Do you believe what we saw?
Oh, hope you don't mind!
No, not at all.
His fevers broken.
He's still not safe.
Until I know he's no longer influenced,
we must be careful.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
No no no no no!
My baby!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God, no no no no!
Come back!
Please come back!
Oh my God!
Let him go!
You've already taken that bitch
wife and my slut daughter.
Why be greedy? The boy is mine!
You gonna hit me priest?
Oh, you gonna go cry Mikey?
Oh baby!
Dear lord,
thy worthy, to speak thy name.
Or ask of thee for anything...
except forgiveness.
I ask you...
dear God...
to save this child.
This child of yours.
Heal him!
Rid him of the sickness now in him lord.
Cast out all evil spirits with
the strength of your love.
Look at me baby.
Open your eyes!
Open your eyes baby!
In the name of the Father,
Cast out to the shadows!
I cast you out!
Into the darkness from where you came!
Into you shall return!
He's mine!
He's mine by right!
Oh God thank God!
It's okay baby, you're gonna be okay!
He belongs to me!
Oh my God!
He's mine!
It's okay.
You son of a bitch!
He's sleeping.
That's good.
Do you recall what the boy
was mumbling about?
Tellum need?
What he meant to say...
was let me die!
It was said backwards.
He was being tormented.
I don't get it.
What he's saying is Mr. Stark
here is possessed by a demon.
I, I'm not sure.
It may have something to do...
with whatever was in the box.
He said it was from a barrister in England.
I have my laptop with me,
I can research this barrister.
Mrs. Stark,
can you show Daniel the
letter from the barrister?
Can I have a glass of water?
Hold on!
Who are you?
I am Nick...
Nick Stark.
What's going on?
Why am I tied up?
are, are you okay?
Let, let me.
Why? He needs help!
I need to help him!
Give me a moment first.
Can I have that water now?
I'll give it to him.
Son of a bitch!
Stay away from him!
He's not your husband!
Oh my God!
Do you think you hurt me Michael?
You can't hurt me!
I will have what is owed!
A life...
for the life that was taken!
It is my birth right!
I think you need to get that looked at.
I think I need to see Rabbi.
What about him?
Are you just gonna leave him there?
He's safe and so are you!
Stay away from him!
No matter what he says to you!
Ignore him!
It's not your husband talking.
Do you understand me?
Do you understand me?!?
Yes, I understand you!
Now please,
get the letter from the
barrister to Daniel.
He won't stop!
He's never satisfied!
Leave my husband...
He's not your husband!
Now please, get the letter for Daniel.
Why don't you both just come to my place?
Go on!
I'll be right here.
Already made coffee!
You better take it to go.
I have to be gone for a couple hours.
I caution you again.
Stay out of there.
No matter what you hear,
or whatever he says.
We won't be long.
There's that we again!
He will torture...
and make you react violently towards him...
until he has caused the death of a person.
I don't think he'll survive much longer.
He said a life was owed.
Abaddon could be used as a place.
Death is often referred to as a place...
or state of mind where you are tormented.
Excuse me for interrupting, but...
can't you guys do an exorcism
or something like that?
I'm just asking!
We're not magicians where we can
make something disappear abracadabra!
If it is this demon,
he is not just a nuisance as many are.
This demon is said to be
the chief of all demons.
The power to summon pestilence and death.
I need your help!
I need to know who, or
what I'm fighting against.
You should stay here!
It would be better for us to control ourselves
without your presence to influence him.
I want to show you something.
He emptied it looking for something.
I don't know what.
Was there anything else in here?
just what you see here.
These old letters,
the medals.
Was he acting strange before
he received the box?
No, he said it came from from the estate
of Nicholas Stark of Hundroyte Hall.
Are you sure there was
nothing else in the box?
A medallion maybe? Or a pin of some sort?
Um, some letter was sent by a Mr. E.
I did some checking.
It didn't mean anything at first. But then I
discovered that apparently in the late 1500's,
a Nicholas Stark, his
wife, and two children...
lived at Hundroyte Hall.
Long story short, the children and some
others got sick and were said to be...
Possessed by a demon.
A Mr. Endmond Hartley...
was accused of the possession.
He was accused of witchcraft by
Mr. Stark and put to death.
There was more but I thought
this was important.
This certainly explains the life owed.
I'd better get on with it.
Was there anything specific?
About the accusation?
He was accused of drawing a circle,
and then inviting Mr. Stark
into the circle.
This act was a felony.
Punishable by death.
Where is Mr. Stark?
Te kenes rabi!
Tihiti ma tik var tegiya!
You are not worthy of my respect!
Ve shal haziyay!
I am certain that the sow that bore you...
now rots in the pit of Abaddon.
Hi priest!
How's the hand?
Still hurt?
Get me a bucket of water!
Why Mikey?
Are we bobbing for apples?
What? Not funny?
I know,
I'll tell you a story...
about the little boy
who pissed his pants...
cuz his momma showed him her titties.
You like that story, don't you Mike?
Heyzeil... no?
Racnish veyli?
A gathering of holy hypocrites.
How much does the Jew boy charge you to
get all costumed up and come down here?
Would you like to talk to that junkie
slut mother of yours in Hell?
I can arrange that. You know?
We are in control of you!
You are not in control of us!
Put some tape on his mouth!
Comere mese yo!
Vere be atik!
I am the one with the...
You are the cursed one!
We compel you to crawl back into the
abyss from which you crawled out of.
By the power, you will release this man!
I release you to the pit of hell, now!
I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ,
Help me!
I command you!
In the name of our God!
Help me!
I'm thirsty!
I'm thirsty, can I have some water please?
Why are you here?
I'm Nick.
Uh... I'm Nicholas Stark.
I know you.
I met you, you visited my home once.
This is the way it is!
I'm gonna give you some water.
Please, please!
If I even think that you were to misbehave,
I'm gonna hurt you...
real bad!
who are you?!?
I'm Nick!
I'm Nicholas Stark!
You're Father Mike!
You're Father Mike!
This is my home!
Hank, what's going on?
What's happening?
Please help me!
Thank you!
That's good!
Thank you!
I'm hungry!
Can I have some food please?
Not yet.
We must prepare...
to receive Christ...
as our savior.
Could you open a door please?
No demons are welcome in this place.
I command you to leave!
This is a place of light,
I gave my necklace to Mrs. Stark.
And love.
I'll be right back.
Be careful!
With the power of God, I command
you to leave this body.
What I came for was... my crucifix.
Here, thank you!
It made me feel safe.
I know how you feel.
It's always protected me.
Do you mind?
It's good!
I can't remember the last time I had this.
I should get uh, Rabbi Cohen.
You eat, I'll go get him.
So what are you gonna do with him?
My God! Help he's killing him!
RC, hit him with the poppers!
The ring Father! Thing
ring on his right hand!
It was in the box, I forgot to tell you!
That is some good shit!
He must have worked himself free!
Well he's not gonna get free this time!
This will be pretty secure.
Make it real tight! H's
one strong son of a bitch!
I will have the life that is owed!
I will have all of you!
You bitch!
You betrayed me!
I will watch you and
your slut daughter burn!
Shut up!
You shut up! You are not my husband!
Yeah I am baby!
Come on!
I'll give it to you the way you like it.
You know,
from behind!
Like an animal. Right?
Right Daniel?
Isn't that the way the
little slut likes it?
Like mother, like daughter?
She's a little sensitive isn't she?
Shut up!
[The Lords Prayer]
What's it gonna be father?
Your mothers waiting for you in Hell.
She's getting all gooey
if you know what I mean.
Everything alright?
If I could get a little drink,
I'll be better.
I'll get the glasses.
The ring!
And how are you doing?
It hurts, my throat.
From the strangulation.
Have you ever seen one this bad before?
This is the worst!
You needed my help!
I couldn't have done this without you.
Thank you for asking my friend.
To your bones!
The demon must see that...
strength of all who love this man...
is greater than...
fear and hate of the demon.
No matter what,
this love...
will never let go!
We must pray as one...
to overcome this...
and cast this demon out!
It will involve all of us!
Let's go!
So nice to see everyone
gathered in my name.
Good to see everybody.
Even you Daniel!
You are one tough son of a bitch!
I can't think of many people who could...
or would want to stay in
a relationship like yours.
You don't know what your talking about!
Don't talk to him!
That's okay Danny.
True love doesn't
necessarily mean being first.
That's not true!
Or second.
It's a lie!
Or third!
Do not talk to him!
Oh, you would know about it!
Wouldn't you Mikey?
Oh, he knows!
But he doesn't want to talk about how
his mommy wanted to fuck him!
Isn't that right Mikey?
By the power of the sword,
and the shield of God,
Ah, go fuck yourselves!
This place is mine now!
Including all of you!
Keep focus! Keep praying!
Do not talk to him!
What's the matter Mikey?
Don't want them to know the truth?
Don't want them to find
out who you really are?
Where do you think your husband really
goes on all those long road trips? Huh?
Who do you think he's really fucking?
You don't want him?
He's not worthy of your love!
I love my husband and my husband loves me!
With the power...
of the glory of my God,
and the power of love and marriage,
I command you return to Hell!
It's me!
I love you!
Let him go!
Let him go!
Let him go, let him go!
Just like when you trapped me
into marrying your pathetic ass!
That's all you were!
[The Lords Prayer]
But then you quit taking your pill and bam!
I'm gonna be a father!
someone is anyway. Right?
With the power of God I
command you to leave this body!
Hey rabbi, how's your neck?
With the sword of the almighty
I cut you from your hold!
We need him!
He is, he is!
Dad, please don't die!
God, please let him live!
Son, don't cry!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry, don't cry!
It's you!
It's you!
Mr. Stark!
Pray with me!
Our Father who art in heaven.
Our Father who art in heaven!
Hallowed be thy name.
Hallowed be thy name!
Thy kingdom come.
Thy kingdom come!
Thy will be done.
Thy will be done!
On earth as it is in heaven.
On earth as it is in heaven!
Give us this day our daily bread.
Give us this day our daily bread!
And forgive us our trespasses.
And forgive us our trespasses!
As we forgive those who
trespass against us.
As we forgive those
who trespass against us!
Thank you!
Untie him!
Thank you!
Are you alright?
Thank you!
I feel like I just went
ten rounds against Tyson.
I'm so hungry my stomach hurts!
We need to clean him up!
RC get the first aid kit!
I'm okay!
I'm okay!
I love you!
I love you! I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry!
Your hurting me.
RC! Hank! Quick help them!
Get off me! You're hurting me!
No no no no!
Oh my God!
I'm here!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Look at me! Look at me!
Open your eyes!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
I missed you!
I missed you too!
Come on, lets get you up.
Come on.
Thank you Rabbi.
I didn't say anything though.
Naomi, hi!
Are you okay?
I'm good Mrs. Stark!
Is Avalon ready?
Avalon is staying home today.
It's a family matter.
Are you sure you're okay?
Whoa whoa whoa lady...
not so fast.
What's in the bag?
Skip that.
And the purse?
What's under the skirt?
Hmm? Come here!
No no no no no no no no!
Take her!
There you go.
There you go, yeah...
Come on!
Three minutes!
That's it!
Last 3...
take it all.
No one's got balls?
Hey Look it's the priest!
This is all you've got?
This taquito?
You gotta pay to play.
Comprende Padre?
You've got big balls.
You look like you did some time in prison.
You look like a little bitch.
I'm gonna make you be my little seorita!
Didn't see that one coming.
Excuse me!
Excuse me, don't me to bother you.
saw you fight.
Hey buddy,
I don't mean to be rude.
I gotta catch the bus.
I'd like to talk to you
if you have a moment.
Yeah, walk with me to the bus stop.
Well where are you heading?
My car is right here.
Come on.
I'll drive, you listen.
Come on.
You live close by right?
Alright, I'll just drop you off.
It's no big deal.
You like music?
What's going on?
You looking for a date?
Oh, whoa, no!
I am not looking for a date!
I'm sorry!
What do you want?
I don't give fighting lessons...
and I don't listen to confessions.
So what is it?
I have a friend...
We've been friends since high school.
I'm not a doctor.
My degree's in psychology.
I'm not explaining this right.
my friend isn't ill physically,
He's not acting like himself
attending some new church
and studying to be a minister of
some sort.
No offense!
Is he in danger of hurting himself...
or others?
If not,
there's nothing I can do.
Right here is fine.
Thanks for the ride.
Can I call you...
if I think he's going to become violent?
Only if he gets violent.
my card.
thank you.
Hey, check it out!
I'm not...
I'm not hurting you.
I'm not gonna hurt you!
Let me help you.
What are you doing to yourself?
Take this.
Go to the women's shelter.
How do you know where I live?
I'm a realtor.
watched you walk down the
street and stop here.
I'm busy.
What do you want?
Ten minutes of your time.
That's all.
Ten minutes, please!
A few months ago my friend turned forty.
He received one of those genealogy
test kits.
He found out...
he was related to some english
lord or something and...
and maybe an heir to an estate.
Some place called Huntroyde Hall
He contacted the attorney for the
estate, a Mr....
E. Hartley Barrister
and was surprised when he received
a response.
He got a box with trinkets and old
letters written in 1594.
I can't say anything in the box
affected him,
but shortly there after...
he suddenly joined a new religion...
and is now becoming a minister.
That's about ten minutes.
A few more minutes.
His daughter Avalon called me.
She said she was worried about her mother.
That her mother and father have been performing
some kind of ceremony late at night.
She said her father has been practicing
on her brother and her mother.
She's scared!
She thinks they're practicing witchcraft.
Do they know you're talking to me?
Where do they live?
A little town about an hour or so from
here called Visalia.
I can take you there.
I'll see you tomorrow morning at six?
Thank you!
It seems to me...
as long as you're minding your own business
and not hurting anyone,
a person should be able
to do as they please.
I can't stand busy bodies.
You know the kind i mean father.
Think they always know what's best for you.
Am I talking too much?
We do have a long drive.
I don't often speak unless i hear
something worth listening.
Okay okay i get it.
You are a strange guy for a priest.
I mean no offense, but you are
not the most talkative.
Most priests i've ever known smiled
and made you feel loved.
Or at least liked.
I'm not most priests.
Would you feel better if i blessed you?
I was just wondering how a guy
like you becomes a priest.
You seem a bit rough for lack
of a better word.
Where are you from if you don't
mind me asking?
I guess.
Not saying.
if i were to guess, I'd say you were
probably raised in some city.
Probably the west coast.
You look west coast.
I grew up in the projects.
I went to a dozens of different elementary
My mother...
was a heroin addict.
A junkie.
You don't say.
It must have been tough.
You really don't wanna know.
We still have about our hours so.
I'm not going anywhere.
I was a kid in the early seventies.
Back when this music was made popular.
The so-called...
good 'ol days.
Every time I close my eyes,
asleep or awake,
I can still see as vivid as ever.
The neighborhood...
and the one bedroom apartment.
Come here.
Let me hug you.
Ah, what's wrong?
Come here.
Do you like my tits?
Are you a queer?
You're a fucking queer.
You're a queer!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry mijo!
You need to leave right now.
You really shouldn't be here.
Someone is coming over.
Just go.
Get something to eat.
You good?
Yeah, come on!
I won't do it again.
I just...
Give me a taste!
Just a little taste.
I'll work hard all night.
I promise!
Real hard!
I can't trust you.
You can!
You can...
I promise.
Show me.
You know what to do.
So get busy.
That's um...
that's some story.
I wish it was a story.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean...
No, No worries.
Are we close?
This is the block.
It's right up there on the right.
Pull over.
Kind of early you think?
Never too for demons.
He's not haunted.
Let's be sure.
My guy!
Do you need to speak to my mother
or father?
Uncle hank?
Hey Av.
Hi can I help you?
Hey Viv.
Is everything all right honey?
I, I don't know.
Hanks here.
I'm sorry,
I'm father Mike.
I didn't mean to alarm anyone.
What's going on?
I don't get it.
Is everything okay?
Oh everything's fine Nick.
You remember i told you about Father Mike?
Well this is him, Father Mike.
We were in the area and i wanted
you to meet him.
Pleasure to meet you sir.
I'm sorry... Father I...
It's okay.
I had some questions for you.
I'm getting ready to leave.
Please come back again!
Bye uncle hank!
See you Av!
Nice family right?
Something's not right.
Something about the girl.
Cause there's some strange shit
happening there.
You see something?
Who's asking?
I'm Mike.
Father Mike.
This is Hank.
Call me hank.
Priest huh?
It's about time.
I didn't see anything.
But i hear shit.
Strange stuff.
Mostly from the men.
Wife and kids pretend that nothing's
going on...
but I know better.
Why else are they up almost every night
between eleven thirty...
two o'clock in the morning?
I have to come back.
What exactly are you looking for?
I'm not looking.
But i would appreciate a call...
if you see or hear anything.
I think he found it.
I need your help.
I... I don't think i'm the guy you want.
Shouldn't you get another priest or
someone like that?
I never said I wanted you.
You were chosen.
I didn't seek you out.
You looked for me.
You were compelled to provide assistance.
Not by me.
You're saying god chose me?
You're saying that.
I need to get back there.
Now, these things can't wait.
I don't think they're going anywhere.
It's not them I'm after.
It's the demon.
I appreciate you calling.
Hey Father sorry i'm late, hop on in.
No worries.
Pull over.
I'll be right back.
Let's go!
Oh, damn Father i mean what the...
Awe hell you scared the crap out of me.
Where'd you get the flowers?
Wait here, i'll be right back.
Good afternoon i'm so sorry, I...
Do you have a vase or
something for the flowers?
Oh, sure.
I'm sorry about that, I'm
making a big mess.
I was in the area and...
I just want to stop by and apologize
for last time.
My husband's not home.
I hope it's okay...
me being here.
I just want to see if you...
needed anything...
from the church.
How's your husband?
He's fine.
Why do you ask?
I was just wondering.
Your children, are they well?
Uh, I mean, are they doing well?
They, you know, in school and such?
Father I...
Father Michael!
What a pleasant surprise.
Hello dear.
What brings you by today?
We were in the area.
I just want to stop by and apologize for...
abruptness of last time.
Well last time you didn't bring flowers.
Must have brought them a long way.
There's no florists in the area.
Closest place to get flowers would be...
the cemetery?
Are... are you hungry honey?
Can I get you a beer? how
about you father would
How about you father, would
you like a beer?
As tempting as that sounds,
I'm gonna have to pass.
Hanks in the car and i'm sure we're
ready to leave.
Well Father you know where i am
and how to find us so...
drop by any time.
Are you sure you won't take that beer?
It's ice cold!
Keep it cold.
I'll be back.
I'm sure you will.
Oh, and say hi to Hank for me.
Well, are you going to
tell me what happened?
The demon is there.
I'm not exactly sure in who.
How exactly are you going to do this?
And what exactly are you
going to do about it?
I'm going to keep the shit out of a Demon.
Not sure at the moment how.
But my faith has never let me down.
Hey you.
Yeah good to hear your voice.
Yeah i can come by.
Yeah i know where.
Geez Louise!
You scared me.
I just needed to see you.
I miss you!
I missed you too!
Come on...
Something's not right.
What's up?
My parents.
they're just acting weird.
Sounds like normal parents to me.
I guess.
My father's been trying to get my mom, my
brother and me involved in this...
new kind of religion.
I think it's just some weird cult.
Aren't you Catholic?
Supposedly, whatever that means.
We haven't been to church for a while.
you're not telling me everything.
I know you!
What's up?
My father wants to become a minister in
this new religion.
I mean that's a good thing right?
I guess.
Yeah, he's studying these various
ceremonies he'll have to perform.
And he's making us practice with him.
Look, i don't get what the problem is.
Just this is one ceremony like a baptism...
The problem for me is that the person to
be baptized is naked.
and so is the minister who's doing
the baptism.
My dad wants to practice with us.
My mom, my brother and me.
That's him I...
I better go.
he doesn't know yet.
Don't worry.
I'll tell him.
Wait wait, uh... when can i see you again?
I'll call you.
What is he doing here?
I thought you told me he was
at school?
You don't have time for him right now.
He needs to be focused and you're a
distraction to him!
We care for each other.
If you really cared for him cared for him,
you would leave him
alone and let him study.
I don't want to hear about him right now.
if he was baptized into our church.
But for right now until you are properly
he will stay away from you.
This is the part where you say...
"yes father, I understand."
Yes father, I understand.
Abaddon: Chief of the destroyers.
King of the abyss. It isn't so much a
It isn't so much a person
but rather a place.
A condition.
Now Abaddon or the angel of death...
is the invocation of a...
The interesting thing is...
the judgement is upon mankind.
Why do you ask father?
I'm doing research.
On the nature and origins of demons.
I need to know about the most
powerful demons.
Be careful!
Sometimes we don't need to know.
The destroyer.
The demon's sole purpose...
is to kill or destroy mankind.
He is the ruler.
The chief of the demons.
If you need to talk,
you know i am always here for you father.
Thank you Rabbi Cohen.
You can't kill a demon.
Especially this one.
[Spirit voice] You must
not wait any longer.
[Spirit voice] The boy will be back.
[Spirit voice] The judgement has been made.
[Spirit voice] Thus...
[Spirit voice] it is stated
[Spirit voice] in The
Book of Revelations 9:1.
[Spirit voice] You are the chose one.
[Spirit voice] You must show your faith...
[Spirit voice] and devotion.
[Spirit voice] You must
sacrifice all that is earthly.
[Spirit voice] Through you...
[Spirit voice] the divine
revelation is realized.
[Spirit voice] Through you is how I absolve
and baptize those you owe.
[Spirit voice] Go to her now.
[Spirit voice] You know what to do.
[Spirit voice] It is owed.
Morning mom.
I'll be late from school
today, i have that...
science project to work on and a meeting
with my guidance counselor.
Oh and...
could you look at that
new bra you bought me?
The strap just...
It looks as if it were cut.
Maybe you can take it back?
What time will you be home?
By Ten.
tonight will be perfect.
She won't be back until Ten.
I'll be ready for you.
All right, all right already come in!
Are you busy?
No, not at all.
How are you?
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
Oh no no no...
Please continue...
interrupting me.
Don't you want to know why i'm here?
Yeah, isn't this why?
It's part of it.
There's something else.
Remember i told you about the ceremony?
The baptism?
He wants me to participate.
It's just a ceremony.
He says it's a purification ceremony.
A cleansing...
to cross over into adulthood.
Did you tell him already took care of
that for him?
Not tease!
He's serious!
He thinks i'm still a virgin.
Then we should just get married.
I mean you're 18.
You're an adult already.
Wake up.
Come in it's open.
What... what the hell?
What do you, what you got going on in here?
I mean, it you know, it ain't none of
my business.
I'm just wondering why do you
need so much?
So I can talk to people.
People like you.
I'm home
Right here!
Is everything ready?
Everything's ready.
are you ready?
And the boy?
Very good.
Let's go into the room.
I should be done by ten.
I'll give you a call.
What's the plan?
It's not that kind of mission.
What are you talking about?
You always need a plan.
Not when you're hunting a demon.
Hunting a demon?
Now hold on Father, I know
i asked for your help,
but this demon business...
let's just say that's not exactly my thing.
You know it's not exactly anybody's thing.
You're were military.
Afghanistan right?
Is that your thing?
Probably not.
But you did it.
As in any war, the first thing you
do is what?
Identify your enemy.
That's what we're gonna do.
Hey that's Avalon.
What's she doing out just walking around?
Avalon honey!
What are you doing out here?
You alright?
What's going on?
We saw you out here alone,
was just wondering...
Is everything okay?
Come here... come over here... sit.
I'm gonna help you sit.
You wan't something to drink?
I guess i was thirsty.
It's okay.
All the tears you cried.
You're a priest!
Maybe I can talk to you.
I suppose it would be okay.
I'm worried...
About your brother?
Him too...
Mainly my parents parents.
Mainly my dad...
He's um...
he's studying to be...
a minister in this...
new religion...
I think i walk into the middle of a
ceremony or something.
My brother was just laying on the floor...
in just this red robe.
And then...
My dad just pulled the rope off of him...
and he was naked.
That's when i left i didn't...
I didn't know what to do, i thought
my dad saw me but he didn't.
Do your parents know where you are?
They think i'm...
I'm supposed to be home by ten.
That's when they expect me, I...
I guess I should have called ahead to
warn them or something.
It's almost ten now.
Why don't you let us give you a ride home?
Go ahead.
You're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be alright.
Watch your head.
There you are.
Glad you're home safe.
[TV Sound]
You're supposed to be possessed right?
Where's my brother?
He's sleeping.
[TV Sound]
Are you possessed?
He was very tired.
He had a track event earlier.
[TV Sound]
What are you looking for?
[TV Sound]
I'm tired too.
[TV sound]
Father Bob!
I'm going to bed.
Didn't hear you get up.
Got up really early.
Couldn't sleep anymore.
So what happened last night?
What do you mean something happened?
That's what i'm asking you!
What happened last night?
I don't know, I was here watching TV.
What'd you watch?
I don't know, why?
Why do you care what I watch?
Wake up!
I'm up, i'm up!
One minute!
Father Mike!
Wake up!
Come in!
You want me to open a window or something?
I'm just saying.
Just saying what?
Let's go!
Back to the Starks' house.
Military police.
Twenty years...
I can sense when shit ain't right!
Last night,
I think they were burning candles.
I could see lights
flickering in the window.
And uh...
I wasn't peeping.
Alright? I'm very alert.
It's part of my training.
I got you.
Approximately eight thirty...
the girl gets home.
She goes to the front door, it's locked.
So she goes around back.
And then she comes out
about five minutes later...
looking terrorized.
And then she takes off
running down the street.
The next time I see her, you two
are dropping her off.
I'm telling you, there's something
weird or wrong going on.
Why didn't you call the police?
And tell them what?
They can't help.
But i can.
I gotta get back in there.
Well why don't you just
go knock on the door?
I mean, what the hell, you're a
priest right?
I thought the lady would be home.
I didn't see her leave.
Just the kids and the dad.
She was there.
She peeked out of the window.
She saw me.
The daughter Avalon...
she's our way in.
She goes to a local high school about a
a mile and a half from here.
School lets out about two thirty.
She's home by three thirty.
I gotta catch her before she gets home.
Do you know which way she walks home?
I see her every afternoon.
With the others.
I water around that time.
That's in about Ten minutes Father.
Let's head out.
We'll be back.
If it's okay with you,
might be a little bit too much if the
three of us converge out here.
You understand?
I've been texting Jason but he just
won't call me back.
So i'm like...
are you gonna come talk to me or not?
Excuse me, hi!
Father Michael.
Do you mind if I talk to you for a second?
what about?
Something I should probably only talk
to you about.
Okay, no worries.
I'm supposed to hurry home to
meet my mom.
I'll catch up with you later?
So what is it you want to tell me?
When did all this begin?
Shortly after he started looking into
the other house.
What house?
Uh, a house in England.
My dad found out he was related
to this...
old English family that was quite wealthy.
And owned a place called Hundroyte Hall.
He received a package from some barrister
in England.
It was strange.
The box had...
These old letters and what looked like...
little buttons or medals or something.
Was there anything else?
I don't know? He just...
started acting weird after that.
What are you doing here anyway?
I'm sorry!
I don't mean to scare you.
I'm here to help you.
And your family.
With what?
I like you,
seem like a good enough person,
but I am totally confused.
Do you know anything about that house?
Hundroyte Hall?
You said that you noticed
your father acting...
I don't know how to say this but,
I heard these...
strange laughs...
late one night...
coming from downstairs.
It seemed like two or
three different voices.
I tiptoed downstairs to
see what was going on
my father was just sitting there...
And he was alone!
I felt...
someone standing behind me.
I could feel their breath on my neck.
I thought...
maybe it was my mom?
I turned around.
But nobody was there.
I don't know, it...
it scared me so...
[Nervous laugh]
went back to my room and...
i tried to get back to sleep.
Did you tell anyone?
I tried telling my mom,
she's always busy.
Are you Christian?
I was baptized as a Catholic.
I made my first communion.
Have you ever heard of somebody
By an evil influence?
You mean like...
by a...
a demon...
or an evil spirit of some kind?
Yeah, exactly.
Like a demon or...
evil spirit.
It's possible that your father...
is influenced...
by a demon...
or worse.
Okay, so...
what you're saying is...
you think my father's being possessed
by a demon?
Really, no offense Father.
I have to get home, i have a... an exam.
Please! Please!
Please take this card.
If you find that you need to talk
to somebody...
i'll be there for you.
Now what?
We go see my teacher.
Your teacher?
Then what?
We wait for her to call us.
There you are.
Where have we been?
Walking home.
Where's dad?
He's getting ready and so should you!
Getting ready for what?
Did you forget?
Your father will be very upset!
Your new birth baptism remember?
You forgot.
Did you read the instructions that your
father left for you?
He expects you to be ready tonight!
I can't...
You will do this!
It won't take all night.
Thirty minutes tops.
Your father promised.
I asked the very same question.
Good now...
go get ready.
And follow your father's instructions.
What was it that you wanted?
Are you sure there is a possession?
You can't be too sure.
The harm that can result from a
confrontation with a demon like this...
let me just say...
it isn't something you want to do
more than once.
I know there's a possession.
I'm afraid we don't do something soon,
it'll be too late.
I would not be so sure if I were you.
This may not be a demon, but a
tormented spirit.
You may not realize what
you are dealing with.
This is very dangerous my friend.
You can not do this alone.
I have help.
No offense, but,
If you've never done something
like this before,
this is not the case to cut your teeth on.
Well, I guess i'm all he has.
And from the way he tells it,
I was chosen.
Take this.
Use it to cleanse the environment.
Go on, take it!
this demon or spirit is very dangerous.
Don't let your guard down.
To your bones!
Are you here to be baptized?
Are you here to be reborn?
Are you here to give yourself to
your master?
Only the pure can sit beside the master.
Are you pure of heart and body?
Are you pure...
of heart...
and body?
N... No.
Are you a virgin?
Did you say no?!?
Father please...
I'm gonna marry Daniel.
We're engaged
You're having sex?!?
With that...
He's not a boy.
He's my fianc.
You're not worthy to sit at my
masters' table.
Father I...
Shut up!
You whore!
You little slut!
You're not worthy!
Hey there, you reached Daniel.
Leave a message.
Hi, can you...
can you please call me back?
Can you please call me back?
I'm getting worried about her.
It's late!
She's not a child anymore.
She certainly isn't innocent!
So what's to lose now? Huh?
She needs to come back home.
We can still save ourselves and the boy.
But we must prove our worth first.
Go find her.
Bring her home.
Let her know everything is alright...
and no harm will come to her.
We are family first.
What's up?
Yeah i'm down.
I'll see you in five.
Please pick up the phone!
Hey there, you've reached Daniel,
leave a message.
Hi, can you call me back when you
get this please!
Can't you please pick up the phone?
What the hell?
You scared me!
Sorry dear, I have been looking
all over for you!
Your father said you stormed
out of the house.
What is wrong dear?
Why did you leave?
You were there...
at the ceremony.
I, I was in my room when your father
told me to come look for you.
I was so worried about you.
Come home.
Let's go.
What about father?
Isn't he upset?
Your father, could never stay
angry with you.
You know that!
Are you hungry?
I know you haven't eaten anything today.
Dinner's still warm.
Let's go home.
still upset with me i assume?
I will...
try to smooth things over with
her and...
we will try this again.
Good morning sweetheart.
About last night,
I wanted to apologize...
if I frightened you.
I was over the top.
I would like to try...
the ceremony again.
If it's alight with you.
I'll still do it.
I'm so sorry dad.
No no.
It's all right sweetheart.
I just want what's best for you.
You know that. Right?
It's just so important to me that
I be granted this.
It's to do with our family genealogy.
I want you to think of this ceremony as
a way of connecting us as a family...
With our ancestral heritage.
It could mean an entitlement...
to part of the Hundroyte Hall estate.
I know.
I'm so sorry.
I know this is really important to you.
Thank you.
I'm sorry i wasn't there for you.
It won't happen again.
Love you too.
So you're going through with it?
I'll make sure to keep my phone on me then.
I have a study group until ten.
maybe i can show up for about
an hour or so after?
I'll give you a call before i show up.
Love you.
Excuse me dear...
I am so proud of you for what
you're doing for your father.
He loves you dearly, you know that?
I know you know that.
I just...
wanna give you a big hug...
and say thank you...
for trusting your father.
He only wants what will ultimately
be the best thing for you.
You believe me don't you?
Yes mother.
I believe you.
You know we love you.
Your father wants you to follow
these instructions to the letter.
I still don't see how you're gonna get
into their house if they don't let you in.
Can I ask you...
something personal?
What? The scars?
Well, yeah I mean...
they're rather wicked.
Just sayin' that's all.
All right, okay I...
None of my business. I get it.
You see, the first time I got shanked,
I knew I was needing protection.
I didn't know God.
Or how to talk to God.
All I knew was survival.
In prison that's everything.
Oh Mikey!
We got ourselves an opportunity tonight.
I know a couple of folks...
that are having a little get together.
There should be about four couples.
Be about ten large.
I'm always interested in ten large.
Uh... cool.
Me and JD...
we'll handle the hardware.
Nice huh?
Uh, I ain't so sure about that shit.
No no no no no don't so...
don't sweat it man, don't sweat it!
This... this is just....
this is just Justin.
Just in case.
Just in case!
Now we go in,
we keep them in front of
us like we planned,
and you grab the shit!
One day,
the guy with the eyes,
the one who kept after me,
tell me I was gonna be his bitch.
I felt like killing him in the worst way.
Look at this punk ass.
Before he had a chance
to pull out his shiv,
you a tough guy?
I pounced...
on ugly eyes!
Get the fuck down!
Drop the knife!
Can I interrupt you?
You already did?
You look a lot better than
the last time I saw you.
You were bleeding out.
You should have been dead.
What do you want?
I'm not religious.
I know what you mean.
Tough to believe in your world.
I'm not here to save you Michael.
Not even going to try.
I only want to educate you on who...
or maybe more appropriately,
what you're fighting against.
Do you believe in good and bad Michael?
Sure you do.
I mean, did you see me as bad?
Tattoo man!
Now you seem him as good.
I've seen him before.
can't remember where.
But i know I've seen him!
What you recognize was his look.
The look of evil in his eyes.
The only thing that can protect you...
is this.
And believing in God.
And then out of nowhere...
I started thinking about my grandmother.
Taking me to church.
I started to cry.
I started saying The Lord's Prayer.
After that,
I realized...
I was protected by...
Finish him! Come on!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Yeah baby!
That's how you do that shit!
What about you girlfriend?
Are you a little bitch?
Come on, let's see what you got!
Come on.
Let's do this.
Come on.
Let's go man. You gonna let
him talk to you like that?
Let's see what you got.
Alright, alright.
That's right.
Let's go, come on!
What the hell was that shit?
You tap into some kind of...
fucking energy bank or something?
I ain't mad just...
take em.
It's cool man.
Nah nah, here...
I ain't no punk!
I don't smoke.
I gotta tell you something man um...
At first i was uh...
just kind of being nice to you
cause you're a priest and...
I wanted to help my friend.
But now,
I somehow get the feeling
i'm supposed to be here.
Go ahead,
say it!
You were chosen Hank.
Captain Lugo.
I think you should come over here.
Something's about to go down.
I have to leave for a while,
but feel free to use my
place as a staging area.
Help yourself to whatever you need.
The key will be in the
planter by the porch.
Let's go.
I'm glad you came!
I need to talk to you
about daddy's instructions.
Honey, what's there to talk about?
I'm certain they're straight forward.
Now come on...
you need to get ready.
What's to get ready for?!?
Why do I have to be nude?
This is the ceremony.
And he is your father!
go shower,
and prepare yourself as your
father has instructed you to.
It's okay!
Pick up, pick up, pick up!
Hey there, you've reached Daniel,
leave a message.
I'm so sorry!
I need you to come get me as
soon as you hear this message!
They're forcing me to do the
ceremony and I don't want to.
I'm so sorry!
I'll tell you why when you get here.
I'm just so scared!
I love you!
Is she ready?
Is this really necessary?
It's the only way now.
But, don't worry, it
will be over quickly.
What's wrong?
she's shy.
That's all.
That doesn't make sense.
I'm her father.
tell her to relax.
like I said,
it will be over quickly.
Hey there, you've reached Daniel,
leave a message.
Are you ready yet?
Your father wants you
down in 10 minutes okay?
Yes mother!
No bodies answering!
You gonna answer that?
Father Mike!
I'm so sorry to call you!
I didn't know who else to call.
I need you to come...
Tell me!
I don't know what else to do!
We had better get over there fast!
She's in trouble!
Hold on!
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
To thee, we sacrifice all that is sacred.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
To thee, we call judgement
upon all that is sacred.
Alahanda, Sumaria, Abaddon.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
To thee I call judgement
upon all that is sacred.
You know what to do.
To thee, I devote all that is sacred.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
What are you looking for?
Something I can use to tie someone up.
I'll be right back.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
Father Mike!
She looked crazy!
You mean possessed!
Let's go ahead and gag her...
and tie her up.
I don't know Father, we're already down
for breaking and entering and assault!
And now you want to add
kidnapping to the list?
Check on the boy!
Alright, but I gotta say you're scaring
the crap out of me right now.
Are you saying the whole
family is possessed?
Let's go.
To thee, I call judgement
upon all that is sacred.
To thee, I sacrifice all that is sacred.
To thee, I call judgement
upon all that is sacred!
I'm just saying maybe you
need someone besides me!
[Tape peeling off]
That's all!
Just sayin'!
What are we waiting for?
You came for me?
Of course.
My head!
You were drugged.
By your dad.
Here, this will help.
Ah, my dad.
The ceremony!
Do you remember calling me?
Where's my mom?
Why is she tied up?
Your mother...
was overcome by a sort of...
mental affliction.
Mental affliction?
Have you ever heard of the phrase...
"you are..."
"what you believe you are"?
Why are you telling me this?
Your mother believes she's
possessed by a demon.
Where's my father?
And my brother?
Where is he?
They're fine.
What's going on?
What's going on?
Avalon! Avalon!
Come on!
It's me!
We have to trust Father Mike.
I'm just scared.
We need to help your mother first.
I'll need your help to do it.
In fact,
I'll need everyones help.
Avalon, do you pray?
Sometimes, yes.
We need everyone to pray.
Please untie me!
Make them untie me!
Avalon please!
You know that's not your mother!
How would you know who I am?
It's her body,
but not her mind.
when you don't even know your own mother?
It's not that she's crazy.
She's possessed!
Or so she believes.
By who or...
or what?
By both!
Your father,
and the demon who's possessed him.
I don't know anything about demons!
I did't either, but here I am.
Our father, who art in heaven...
[Hank praying]
Get photos of you and your family.
Photos that your mother loves.
Maybe she keeps mementos?
You know?
Things that remind her of a special place.
Or person.
Or time.
I know a special place in time.
The projects.
You remember Father.
You came home.
What did you see?
Well, come on Father!
Tell them what you saw!
What's she talking about?
Don't listen to her!
You must pray...
Where were your parents from Mikey?
To block out the demons influence.
Now go get the things I asked for.
You didn't know who your father was right?
Also for your brother.
Poor Mikey!
He's next!
You never knew the
love of a father did you?
You never knew the
love of a father...
because you were born to a junkie...
Who for all you know, spread her legs...
for a nickel bag of heroine!
What are you doing?
Get off!
She can't breathe!
This so called priest!
He's hurting me!
I'll get you some water.
Thank you, my throat is dry.
I'm so thirsty.
You're just like the other one.
He thought he was special too.
You'll see.
You weren't her first but
I bet she was yours.
Would you look at that?
She popped your cherry.
You were just a little virgin.
Awe, how cute!
Shut up!
Get away from her! Now!
That's for my mom!
They hurt me!
I'm so...
You bastard!
You son of a whore!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
I command you...
to leave this body!
In the name of the father
who art in heaven.
Give me this...
you give me this...
You give me this bitch...
or I will kill her!
By the armor of God, I am protected.
I compel you to leave this woman now!
Anyone want a breakfast burrito?
What the hell's wrong with you man,
you scared the crap out of me!
You better have salsa with that!
Did you get those photos I asked for?
Aren't your mother and father
a handsome couple?
I'll need your help!
I'll need everyones help.
What do you want us to do?
We need to get your mother from under...
his influence.
I'll pray my grandfathers prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done.
On earth...
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day...
our daily bread.
And forgive us...
our trespasses.
As we forgive those that
trespass against us.
And lead us...
not into temptation,
But deliver us...
from evil.
For thine...
is the kingdom,
And the power,
and the glory,
for ever and ever!
Mrs. Stark,
do you remember this photograph?
Isn't this your wedding day?
In fact,
isn't this taken...
in church...
that you swore before
God that your faith...
Go to hell priest!
What are you saying?
I'm sorry sweetheart!
Mrs. Stark...
Pray with me!
You give me this...
Our Father who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Give me this bitch or I will kill her!
Thy will be done.
With the full armor of God,
I will protect her.
By the power of the lord God,
Let me go!!!
I command you!
To leave this woman!
I compel you to return to the
dark from which you come.
With the power of the lord God
of this world and all worlds,
I command you Abaddon,
to return to the pit from which you come!
I command you Abaddon!
To return to the pit from which you come!
Oh I love you!
It's your daughter!
I'm sorry father, I'm so ashamed!
I'm sorry!
Oh sweetheart!
I am so sorry!
I, I didn't...
I, I didn't mean...
I'm sorry!
You need to clean up!
We need your help with your son!
Help your mom! Quickly!
We need to gather some things.
What ever it is, I assure you...
I have it.
Come on.
I didn't steal it,
for the record.
It's just left over equipment,
that was left to me.
I just kept it for a safe keeping.
you could get hurt!
Do you have a field first aid kit?
I have two, why?
Let me see it.
Brand new,
never used.
Combat ready.
This is what I want.
Take the other one apart,
and look for these.
I'm going back.
Good morning!
Welcome back!
How do you feel?
very tired!
I'd like for you to wear this.
If you don't mind.
Thank you.
It will protect you.
If you believe.
Now, we need to help your son.
did you get the pictures or anything else?
This is the only thing I could find.
He's had it since he was four.
Uncle Ted gave it to him.
He always did love that thing.
We'd better go!
He's burning up!
He has a fever!
Get clean sheets, and something
to wash him with.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Get a plastic bag.
Oh God!
He needs a doctor!
Oh baby!
He needs for you to keep your faith!
And pray for him.
Oh, what the hell!
Somebody shit their pants?
Is he gonna be alright?
We all need to pray.
I will never let the boy go!
He is mine!
I will see him die first!
I will kill him before I set him free.
Do you believe what we saw?
Oh, hope you don't mind!
No, not at all.
His fevers broken.
He's still not safe.
Until I know he's no longer influenced,
we must be careful.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
No no no no no!
My baby!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God, no no no no!
Come back!
Please come back!
Oh my God!
Let him go!
You've already taken that bitch
wife and my slut daughter.
Why be greedy? The boy is mine!
You gonna hit me priest?
Oh, you gonna go cry Mikey?
Oh baby!
Dear lord,
thy worthy, to speak thy name.
Or ask of thee for anything...
except forgiveness.
I ask you...
dear God...
to save this child.
This child of yours.
Heal him!
Rid him of the sickness now in him lord.
Cast out all evil spirits with
the strength of your love.
Look at me baby.
Open your eyes!
Open your eyes baby!
In the name of the Father,
Cast out to the shadows!
I cast you out!
Into the darkness from where you came!
Into you shall return!
He's mine!
He's mine by right!
Oh God thank God!
It's okay baby, you're gonna be okay!
He belongs to me!
Oh my God!
He's mine!
It's okay.
You son of a bitch!
He's sleeping.
That's good.
Do you recall what the boy
was mumbling about?
Tellum need?
What he meant to say...
was let me die!
It was said backwards.
He was being tormented.
I don't get it.
What he's saying is Mr. Stark
here is possessed by a demon.
I, I'm not sure.
It may have something to do...
with whatever was in the box.
He said it was from a barrister in England.
I have my laptop with me,
I can research this barrister.
Mrs. Stark,
can you show Daniel the
letter from the barrister?
Can I have a glass of water?
Hold on!
Who are you?
I am Nick...
Nick Stark.
What's going on?
Why am I tied up?
are, are you okay?
Let, let me.
Why? He needs help!
I need to help him!
Give me a moment first.
Can I have that water now?
I'll give it to him.
Son of a bitch!
Stay away from him!
He's not your husband!
Oh my God!
Do you think you hurt me Michael?
You can't hurt me!
I will have what is owed!
A life...
for the life that was taken!
It is my birth right!
I think you need to get that looked at.
I think I need to see Rabbi.
What about him?
Are you just gonna leave him there?
He's safe and so are you!
Stay away from him!
No matter what he says to you!
Ignore him!
It's not your husband talking.
Do you understand me?
Do you understand me?!?
Yes, I understand you!
Now please,
get the letter from the
barrister to Daniel.
He won't stop!
He's never satisfied!
Leave my husband...
He's not your husband!
Now please, get the letter for Daniel.
Why don't you both just come to my place?
Go on!
I'll be right here.
Already made coffee!
You better take it to go.
I have to be gone for a couple hours.
I caution you again.
Stay out of there.
No matter what you hear,
or whatever he says.
We won't be long.
There's that we again!
He will torture...
and make you react violently towards him...
until he has caused the death of a person.
I don't think he'll survive much longer.
He said a life was owed.
Abaddon could be used as a place.
Death is often referred to as a place...
or state of mind where you are tormented.
Excuse me for interrupting, but...
can't you guys do an exorcism
or something like that?
I'm just asking!
We're not magicians where we can
make something disappear abracadabra!
If it is this demon,
he is not just a nuisance as many are.
This demon is said to be
the chief of all demons.
The power to summon pestilence and death.
I need your help!
I need to know who, or
what I'm fighting against.
You should stay here!
It would be better for us to control ourselves
without your presence to influence him.
I want to show you something.
He emptied it looking for something.
I don't know what.
Was there anything else in here?
just what you see here.
These old letters,
the medals.
Was he acting strange before
he received the box?
No, he said it came from from the estate
of Nicholas Stark of Hundroyte Hall.
Are you sure there was
nothing else in the box?
A medallion maybe? Or a pin of some sort?
Um, some letter was sent by a Mr. E.
I did some checking.
It didn't mean anything at first. But then I
discovered that apparently in the late 1500's,
a Nicholas Stark, his
wife, and two children...
lived at Hundroyte Hall.
Long story short, the children and some
others got sick and were said to be...
Possessed by a demon.
A Mr. Endmond Hartley...
was accused of the possession.
He was accused of witchcraft by
Mr. Stark and put to death.
There was more but I thought
this was important.
This certainly explains the life owed.
I'd better get on with it.
Was there anything specific?
About the accusation?
He was accused of drawing a circle,
and then inviting Mr. Stark
into the circle.
This act was a felony.
Punishable by death.
Where is Mr. Stark?
Te kenes rabi!
Tihiti ma tik var tegiya!
You are not worthy of my respect!
Ve shal haziyay!
I am certain that the sow that bore you...
now rots in the pit of Abaddon.
Hi priest!
How's the hand?
Still hurt?
Get me a bucket of water!
Why Mikey?
Are we bobbing for apples?
What? Not funny?
I know,
I'll tell you a story...
about the little boy
who pissed his pants...
cuz his momma showed him her titties.
You like that story, don't you Mike?
Heyzeil... no?
Racnish veyli?
A gathering of holy hypocrites.
How much does the Jew boy charge you to
get all costumed up and come down here?
Would you like to talk to that junkie
slut mother of yours in Hell?
I can arrange that. You know?
We are in control of you!
You are not in control of us!
Put some tape on his mouth!
Comere mese yo!
Vere be atik!
I am the one with the...
You are the cursed one!
We compel you to crawl back into the
abyss from which you crawled out of.
By the power, you will release this man!
I release you to the pit of hell, now!
I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ,
Help me!
I command you!
In the name of our God!
Help me!
I'm thirsty!
I'm thirsty, can I have some water please?
Why are you here?
I'm Nick.
Uh... I'm Nicholas Stark.
I know you.
I met you, you visited my home once.
This is the way it is!
I'm gonna give you some water.
Please, please!
If I even think that you were to misbehave,
I'm gonna hurt you...
real bad!
who are you?!?
I'm Nick!
I'm Nicholas Stark!
You're Father Mike!
You're Father Mike!
This is my home!
Hank, what's going on?
What's happening?
Please help me!
Thank you!
That's good!
Thank you!
I'm hungry!
Can I have some food please?
Not yet.
We must prepare...
to receive Christ...
as our savior.
Could you open a door please?
No demons are welcome in this place.
I command you to leave!
This is a place of light,
I gave my necklace to Mrs. Stark.
And love.
I'll be right back.
Be careful!
With the power of God, I command
you to leave this body.
What I came for was... my crucifix.
Here, thank you!
It made me feel safe.
I know how you feel.
It's always protected me.
Do you mind?
It's good!
I can't remember the last time I had this.
I should get uh, Rabbi Cohen.
You eat, I'll go get him.
So what are you gonna do with him?
My God! Help he's killing him!
RC, hit him with the poppers!
The ring Father! Thing
ring on his right hand!
It was in the box, I forgot to tell you!
That is some good shit!
He must have worked himself free!
Well he's not gonna get free this time!
This will be pretty secure.
Make it real tight! H's
one strong son of a bitch!
I will have the life that is owed!
I will have all of you!
You bitch!
You betrayed me!
I will watch you and
your slut daughter burn!
Shut up!
You shut up! You are not my husband!
Yeah I am baby!
Come on!
I'll give it to you the way you like it.
You know,
from behind!
Like an animal. Right?
Right Daniel?
Isn't that the way the
little slut likes it?
Like mother, like daughter?
She's a little sensitive isn't she?
Shut up!
[The Lords Prayer]
What's it gonna be father?
Your mothers waiting for you in Hell.
She's getting all gooey
if you know what I mean.
Everything alright?
If I could get a little drink,
I'll be better.
I'll get the glasses.
The ring!
And how are you doing?
It hurts, my throat.
From the strangulation.
Have you ever seen one this bad before?
This is the worst!
You needed my help!
I couldn't have done this without you.
Thank you for asking my friend.
To your bones!
The demon must see that...
strength of all who love this man...
is greater than...
fear and hate of the demon.
No matter what,
this love...
will never let go!
We must pray as one...
to overcome this...
and cast this demon out!
It will involve all of us!
Let's go!
So nice to see everyone
gathered in my name.
Good to see everybody.
Even you Daniel!
You are one tough son of a bitch!
I can't think of many people who could...
or would want to stay in
a relationship like yours.
You don't know what your talking about!
Don't talk to him!
That's okay Danny.
True love doesn't
necessarily mean being first.
That's not true!
Or second.
It's a lie!
Or third!
Do not talk to him!
Oh, you would know about it!
Wouldn't you Mikey?
Oh, he knows!
But he doesn't want to talk about how
his mommy wanted to fuck him!
Isn't that right Mikey?
By the power of the sword,
and the shield of God,
Ah, go fuck yourselves!
This place is mine now!
Including all of you!
Keep focus! Keep praying!
Do not talk to him!
What's the matter Mikey?
Don't want them to know the truth?
Don't want them to find
out who you really are?
Where do you think your husband really
goes on all those long road trips? Huh?
Who do you think he's really fucking?
You don't want him?
He's not worthy of your love!
I love my husband and my husband loves me!
With the power...
of the glory of my God,
and the power of love and marriage,
I command you return to Hell!
It's me!
I love you!
Let him go!
Let him go!
Let him go, let him go!
Just like when you trapped me
into marrying your pathetic ass!
That's all you were!
[The Lords Prayer]
But then you quit taking your pill and bam!
I'm gonna be a father!
someone is anyway. Right?
With the power of God I
command you to leave this body!
Hey rabbi, how's your neck?
With the sword of the almighty
I cut you from your hold!
We need him!
He is, he is!
Dad, please don't die!
God, please let him live!
Son, don't cry!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry, don't cry!
It's you!
It's you!
Mr. Stark!
Pray with me!
Our Father who art in heaven.
Our Father who art in heaven!
Hallowed be thy name.
Hallowed be thy name!
Thy kingdom come.
Thy kingdom come!
Thy will be done.
Thy will be done!
On earth as it is in heaven.
On earth as it is in heaven!
Give us this day our daily bread.
Give us this day our daily bread!
And forgive us our trespasses.
And forgive us our trespasses!
As we forgive those who
trespass against us.
As we forgive those
who trespass against us!
Thank you!
Untie him!
Thank you!
Are you alright?
Thank you!
I feel like I just went
ten rounds against Tyson.
I'm so hungry my stomach hurts!
We need to clean him up!
RC get the first aid kit!
I'm okay!
I'm okay!
I love you!
I love you! I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry!
Your hurting me.
RC! Hank! Quick help them!
Get off me! You're hurting me!
No no no no!
Oh my God!
I'm here!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Look at me! Look at me!
Open your eyes!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
I missed you!
I missed you too!
Come on, lets get you up.
Come on.
Thank you Rabbi.
I didn't say anything though.
Naomi, hi!
Are you okay?
I'm good Mrs. Stark!
Is Avalon ready?
Avalon is staying home today.
It's a family matter.
Are you sure you're okay?