Dirty Dozen, The (1967) Movie Script

Come on! Knock it off.
Knock it off!
Gardner, keep telling them
you're innocent.
Don't let them see you're afraid, kid!
lt'll be all right, son.
I didn't wanna do it, sir.
I didn't mean it. I'm sorry!
I didn't. . . . Sir? Sir?
It won't happen again, sir.
I didn't want. . . .
I didn't. . . .
Private Arthur James Gardner. . .
. . .you've been found guilty
as charged for the crime of murder.
Your case has been appealed
three times. . .
. . .and reviewed three times.
The verdict of each court-martial
has been the same:
Guilty as charged.
Do you have anything to say before
sentence is carried out?
I didn't mean it.
l-- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.
I'm sorry.
Open it up.
Enjoy the show, major?
I want to see Major Armbruster.
-Just down the corridor--
-Yeah, I know where it is. I know.
John. Good to see you.
Don't you give me that. We had
dinner last night together, remember?
Be nice. Take it easy.
This time it's serious, John.
You've gotta cooperate.
Let's go.
General is waiting, major.
Major Reisman, sir.
Sit down, gentlemen. Sit down.
-Sit down, major.
-Thank you, sir.
Well, major, what did you think
of the hanging?
Looked very efficient.
Then again, I'm not an expert.
I meant, how did you
personally feel about it?
It wasn't the nicest way
to spend an evening.
Well, it wasn't staged
for your entertainment, you know.
I hope Private Gardner
was aware of that.
-Private who?
-Private Gardner.
He was the object of the exercise.
There happens to have
been a reason, major.
I've got your service record here, major.
A lot of fireworks. A lot of transfers.
One tough scrape after another,
very short on discipline.
Very short on discipline.
I hear you did a pretty good job in Italy.
Then you loused it up by exceeding your
orders. And that's not the first time.
-I didn't write those reports, sir.
-What is that supposed to mean?
I don't necessarily agree
with what's in them.
-Maybe you'd like to write your own?
-No, thank you, sir.
I'm not very interested in embroidery,
only results.
Now, you hold it right there.
This war was not started
for your private gratification.
And you can be damn sure
that this Army. . .
. . .isn't being run for your
personal convenience, either.
You've been waiting for a transfer
for over two months now.
With a record like yours,
you could go on waiting forever.
However, I get orders too.
And right now I've got some. . .
. . .that sound as if they were made
for somebody just like you.
Personally, I don't go for this
behind-the-lines nonsense.
As far as I'm concerned, a soldier's job
is to wear his uniform and kill the enemy.
But that's another matter.
I'm gonna ask General Denton
to read these orders. . .
. . .just as they came down to us.
After, if you have any questions, ask.
-Yes, sir.
"Project Amnesty:
You will select 12 prisoners
sentenced to death. . .
. . .or long-term imprisonment for murder,
rape, robbery or other violent crimes.
Train these prisoners in as much of the
behind-the-lines operations. . .
. . .as they can absorb in a brief
but unspecified time.
You'll then deliver them secretly
to Europe and prior to the invasion. . .
. . .attack and destroy the target
specified: Overleaf. "
-That's all?
-That's all.
What about the target specified,
Doesn't concern you now.
Well, what do you say, major?
I'd say it confirms a suspicion
I've had for some time now, sir.
Do you think we might share
that suspicion, major?
I think you should.
Since I'll have to assume we're
over here to win the war. . .
. . .it wouldn't pay to advertise. . .
. . .that one man we're working for
is a raving lunatic.
Now, that's enough, major. You're here
to be briefed on an operation.
You have permission to ask questions
about that operation.
You do not have permission
to make personal comments. . .
. . .concerning the officers
responsible for its conception.
-Now, is that clear?
-Yes, sir.
Ask relevant questions or shut up.
Is it relevant to ask why I'm being
offered this mission?
It's not, as you say, being offered.
I'm volunteering.
Exactly, major.
I'm glad you look at these things
so realistically.
I don't mean to appear unduly cautious,
but if my personal survival. . .
. . .depends on the performance
of 12 deadheads. . .
. . .it might be helpful to know exactly
what I'm training them for.
Now, that's a very good question, major.
-Armbruster, let's have the basic outline.
-Yes, sir.
"The Germans are using a large chateau
near Rennes in Brittany. . .
. . .as a rest center and a conference
place for general staff officers. "
The target has no real
military value itself. . .
. . .but with these conferences, discussion
groups and the like going on. . .
. . .there's hardly a day when
there aren't a considerable number. . .
. . .of important general officers
in residence.
Usually with the benefit
of female companionship.
"Eliminating a number of senior
officers couldn't but have the effect. . .
. . .of disrupting
their chain of command. "
The idea is simply that our men
are dropped by parachute.
They enter the chateau and kill
as many senior officers as is possible. . .
. . .in the time available.
Naturally, the place is fortified
and heavily guarded.
What's the deal with the men?
None whatsoever. Let's have
no misunderstanding about that.
It's exactly what it says, an amnesty.
A temporary postponement.
You take it or leave it on that basis.
Like you say, sir, let's not
have any misunderstandings.
I don't like it. I think it stinks.
I've had enough of your insolence.
It's not a question of insolence
but of practicality.
I'm the guy that's being asked
to sell this idea. . .
. . .to 12 happy, smiling faces, right?
They do have an alternative way to go,
you know.
-That's no way for anybody to go.
-Oh, the hell you say, major.
Why, I know a lot of people
who should go exactly that way.
But that's beside the point.
Now, come on, major,
what's your basic objection?
These men are, by definition,
incapable of any discipline or authority. . .
. . .much less intensive training.
If there isn't a possibility
for a remission of their sentence. . .
. . .they have nothing to look forward to
and no reason to cooperate, right?
Got a point.
You got a point, major.
However, as you know,
I don't have the power. . .
. . .to reverse the findings
of a court-martial.
You do have the power to commute
the sentence of such a court.
-Excuse me, general.
You do have authority under the Visiting
Forces Act to make such a ruling.
-Visiting Forces Act?
-Yes, sir.
All right, major, you got a deal.
Let's say that if any of these men
distinguish themselves. . .
. . .then we will give serious consideration
to commuting their sentences.
That's no deal.
Who's to say whether they really
distinguish themselves or not?
You can leave that decision to me.
But remember, the other alternative
will apply with equal force.
Any breach of security,
any failure of discipline. . .
. . .those prisoners go right back
where they came from.
-Yes, sir.
Good. Anything more, gentlemen?
Well, yes, sir. I noticed
Colonel Breed in the waiting room.
I wondered whether he was
connected with this operation.
-What if he is?
-I'd be very unhappy, sir.
Major, Colonel Breed
is your superior officer.
And you will behave
accordingly, at all times.
-Is that clear?
-Yes, sir.
Now, it so happens that Colonel Breed
is not concerned with this operation.
But he is running the parachute school
where part of your training will be.
I don't want to hear any complaints,
from either of you.
Now, you've got a job to do,
mister, so move it.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Major Reisman seems to be heading
to his own court-martial.
He's the most ill-mannered,
ill-disciplined officer. . .
. . .it's ever been my displeasure to meet.
You think so, Denton?
You may be right.
But he's sure right about one thing.
Somebody up there must be
a raving lunatic.
Let's get Colonel Breed in here.
All right, you men,
this is an exercise period.
So exercise!
Major Reisman, Sergeant Bowren, sir.
-Have the prisoners fall in.
Prisoners, fall in.
All right, come on now. Get with it!
-Come on, come on.
-Move it!
Come on, move!
Hey, you, move, I said, move.
"Franko, V.R.
Death by hanging.
Vladek, M.
Thirty years' hard labor.
Jefferson, R.T.
Death by hanging.
Pinkley, V.L.
Thirty years' imprisonment.
Gilpin, S.
Thirty years' hard labor.
Posey, S.
Death by hanging.
Wladislaw, T.
Death by hanging.
Sawyer, S.K.
Twenty years' hard labor.
Lever, R.
Twenty years' imprisonment.
Bravos, T.R.
Twenty years' hard labor.
Jiminez, P.
Twenty years' hard labor.
Maggott, A.J.
Death by hanging. "
All right, sergeant. Have them fall in
according to height, right to left.
According to height, fall in!
Come on, you jokers, you heard him.
Get in there! Fall in line!
-Come on, move!
-Come on, come on. Turn around.
Come on, here! I said, get in line.
Straighten up your jacket there.
Get over there.
-All right, have them count off.
-Sir. Count off!
Let's see what they can do
with a little close-order.
-Hut, right!
Left, march!
Hut, hut, hut, hut.
Two, three, four, hut, hut, hut.
Two, three.
Squad, halt!
About face!
Left, march!
Squad, halt!
Right face! At ease.
Now, what did I say to you?
Or maybe you don't understand English!
-What's the matter, Number 11 ?
-I got a pain.
-Where does it hurt?
-Well, I'll tell you. It's. . . .
I wish you would.
And do it correctly, please.
Oh, I don't have to say, sir, I. . . .
To you or anyone else.
And I don't have to march, either.
And I know the rules.
Why don't you have to march?
Because condemned men
don't have to drill.
And there's nothing you can
do about it, mister.
What's your name, son?
His name is Franko, sir.
Franko, come over here a minute.
Come on.
Look, you little bastard, either you
march or I'll beat your brains out.
What'd you see, sergeant?
I saw the major attacked by the prisoner
and forced to defend himself, sir.
All right, have the prisoner
taken back to his cell.
Take his head, I'll get his feet.
Now let's see what they can do
with a little close-order.
Yes, sir.
Squad, ten-hut!
Right face.
Forward, march! Hut.
Squad, halt!
About face!
Forward, march!
General prisoner Franko, Victor, sir.
So how's the jaw?
If you're gonna act tough, you should
learn how to take care of yourself.
You really should.
You're worried about my jaw?
Franko's pain bothers the major?
You were a big man with
the syndicate back in Chicago?
You've seen my record.
Yeah, I've seen your record,
so let's knock it off, huh?
So, what happens first
when you hit London?
You get involved in a penny-ante stickup
and start blasting and kill some old guy.
And come away with what?
-What did you have when they got you?
-What did I have? What do you mean?
Come on, big shot.
How much money did you have?
I had enough.
Two pounds and 10 shilling.
That's almost 10 dollars.
You're gonna get yourself hung
for a lousy 10 bucks.
-What's that to you?
Then why don't you get off my back?
You didn't come to visit me.
What do you want?
I don't care if they hang you
for 10 dollars or 10 cents.
It makes no difference to me.
But it just so happens that temporarily
I got a little pull around here.
And I might be able to get you
off the hook, if I wanted to.
Are you a general?
You're not a general, and only
a general can grant my reprieve.
Look, stupid.
I'm making you a proposition.
All I want from you
is a straight yes or no.
-You talk, I'll listen.
You either can sweat out the two days
you have before the hanging. . .
. . .or you join an outfit
that I'm putting together.
If you do that, I'll have you
out of here in less than 24 hours.
But you'll be worked to death, and
there's not a beating you won't take.
And then
when I'm satisfied with you. . .
. . .you'll go where the Army tells you.
Chances are you'll get killed anyway.
You don't know Victor Franko.
-All right, what's the deal?
What's the deal if I do stay alive?
-Might get off the hook.
-Count me in.
But you foul up once,
anywhere along the line, just once. . .
. . .and you'll be back here
at the end of a rope.
Hey. Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute!
What's the matter with you?
You think I want to die?
If you do, then you don't
know Victor Franko.
How come you speak German?
Because my old man was
a coal miner in Silesia.
If he didn't speak German,
he didn't dig coal and he didn't eat.
That was the language he spoke
when he came to the States?
Pretty tough job in those days.
Yeah, it still is.
I don't like officers,
not any of them, and I never have.
But you were one yourself,
weren't you?
Yeah, three lousy days.
Somebody must have thought
you'd make a good officer.
They made a big mistake, didn't they?
Well, I thought you claimed
he was going over the hill.
What the hell are you talking about,
He was going over the hill.
My outfit was pinned down by
the worst crossfire you ever saw.
Half of them bleeding to death.
And this lover took off like a rabbit. . .
. . .with the medical supplies
on his back.
The only way to stop him
was to shoot him.
Anyhow, he had it coming.
Yeah. But you only made
one mistake, huh?
You let somebody see you do it.
General prisoner Maggott, A.J., sir.
"Maggott, A.J. Death by hanging. "
Hey, midnight.
Be a real good boy, now, and maybe
I'll let you eat with the white folks.
Well, Maggott, I see you've got
a sense of humor.
The all-American hero,
laughing in the face of death.
They're not gonna hang me, major.
I never raped that evil slut. . .
. . .or any other creature.
The Lord gave me that woman
and told me to chastise her.
Then he told you to beat her
to death, huh?
I only do what I'm called on to do.
I was in a state of grace.
And that woman. . .
. . .she tried to soil my spirit.
Well, I'm sure you were, Maggott.
But it seems to me I remember
a quotation that goes like:
Vengeance is mine.
Vengeance is mine.
I will repay, sayeth the Lord.
Paul to the Romans, Chapter 12.
Exactly. Now, isn't that
supposed to mean. . .
. . .that we leave punishment
of the transgressors to his hands?
That's right, major.
That's exactly what it means.
But it doesn't restrict him to the kind
of tools he would use, now does it?
And like I told you, major,
I only do what I'm called on to do.
You know, Maggott, I don't think
you're going to hang after all.
I think a man like you is destined
for higher things. Guard.
Besides, us Southern boys have
to stick together now, don't we?
I sure didn't mean to kill that fella.
But you do like I say,
and maybe they won't hang you.
Fixing to kill me some other way?
It might not come to that.
I reckon the folks would be a sight
happier if I died like a soldier.
Can't say I would.
Who does this hotshot major
think he is?
Making us play wet nurses
to a bunch of scum.
Corporal Morgan.
If you can't find something to do,
I'll find something for you.
Now, move it.
Don't sweet-talk me, whitey.
You know why I'm here.
Or maybe you think I should've let
those cracker bastards. . .
. . .go right ahead and castrate me?
Seeing what those guys
tried to do to you. . .
. . .I'd say that you had
considerable justification.
Thank you, Mr. Major, sir.
I really do thank you for that.
But the court didn't agree, right?
So where does that leave you?
I'm offering you an alternative,
which means you can keep fighting.
-Who for, major?
-For yourself, if you want.
But the Krauts,
they're the real master-race merchants.
That's your war, man, not mine.
You don't like the Krauts,
major, you fight them.
Me, I'll pick my own enemies.
That's your privilege. But you won't
be able to exercise it much longer.
Because on March 25th,
you have a date with the hangman.
That's just six days from now.
Buenos das, major.
You know, sergeant, going over
the transcript of that man's trial. . .
. . .there are a couple of things
I don't get.
Did he ever claim
that he didn't do it?
I beg your pardon, but you haven't been
around prisons very much, have you?
You see, the first thing one learns
in prison, everybody is innocent.
This one, he doesn't say too much
about that one way or another.
He's only disturbed because we don't
allow him to have strings for his guitar.
Sergeant, did you ever lose a man. . .
. . .because he hung himself
with a guitar string?
No, sir, I haven't,
and I'm not about to.
Well, if he makes the trip,
see he gets the strings.
Yes, sir.
-Tell the men to be seated.
-Yes, sir. Take seats!
-Guards out.
-Sir, l--
-Guards out.
-Yes, sir.
You heard him. Guards, out!
My name, for those of you
who may have forgotten, is Reisman.
You've all volunteered for a mission
which gives you just three ways to go:
You can foul up in training and be sent
back here for execution of sentence. . .
. . .or you can foul up in combat. . .
. . .in which case
I'll blow your brains out. . .
. . .or you can do as you're told,
in which case you might just get by.
You must not attempt to escape.
There will be no excuses,
there will be no appeal.
Any breach of either of these conditions
by any one of you. . .
. . .means you'll all be shipped back
for immediate execution of sentence.
You are therefore dependent
upon each other.
Any one of you try anything smart. . .
. . .and the 12 of you get it
right in the head, all right?
So try to remember that.
Now, are there any questions?
Do we have to eat with niggers?
It's all right.
The gentleman from the South. . .
. . .made some kind of inquiries
about the dining arrangements.
He and his colleagues are discussing
the place-card settings. All right?
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Look, corporal, fellas,
let's get with it, right? Remember?
Baseball, pitching?
Chicago's always had the pitching.
But now, as far as--
As far as hitting goes. . .
. . .well, my sister, she can hit
better than half them fellas.
Let's move it out!
-Well, what do you think, sergeant?
-I think you'll do just fine, sir.
Don't give me that.
I said, what do you think?
I think the first chance
one of them lovers gets. . .
. . .he's gonna shoot the major
right in the head, sir.
-Thank you, sergeant.
Okay, Franko. Let's go.
All right, move it out.
Come on.
Over there.
Sergeant, have the men fall in,
facing me.
Sir. All right, on your feet. Fall in
over here, double-quick! Come on now!
Come on, snap it up.
Snap it up!
Jiminez, get in there!
All right, Franko, get rid
of that cigarette.
Thank you.
This will be your new home
until further notice.
What there is of it will be built
by you, but the construction. . .
. . .will in no way interfere
with your training.
So the sooner you get it up, the sooner
you'll be sleeping in out of the rain.
You're in charge. I want this compound
up and completed within the month.
Thank you.
If this place was on fire,
it'd burn to the ground.
Come on, what are you doing?
All right, come on. Let's move.
Come on.
Hey, Maggott, what are you? German?
Hey, what are you trying to do,
break the window?
All right, sergeant, fall them in.
Fall in, in front of the hut.
On the double!
Round it up!
At ease.
All right, that'll be all for today.
How come they got
all the comforts of home?
Why can't we put our floor in?
Why can't we put our windows in?
-Franko's right.
-I'd rather sleep in my cell.
Mr. Franko, with his keen eye
for detail. . .
. . .has noted that the prisoners'
quarters are not yet ready.
The answer to that is simple:
You are not yet ready
to occupy that hut. . .
. . .with the degree of comfort
that you would like.
When I think that you've earned
that privilege, I'll let you know.
Reveille is at 0530.
That is all. Sergeant.
Sir. You heard the man, chow time!
That's it, fellas. Speak up, boys.
Speak up.
Wind it up, strike one!
Hey, Joseph, is that the way
they did it in the Polish navy?
You won't win any cigars that way.
Hey, Franko, number please.
Ask the operator for my nickel back.
Why don't you guys
just dry up and blow away?
Meanwhile, on the Atlantic wall...
... the German forces
have been preparing...
...a few nice surprises for you,
...just in case Mr. Churchill...
...is really foolish enough
to attempt an invasion.
He may not be
unduly worried about this...
...but then, of course, he will not
be taking any active part...
...in such an--
Hey, what's this guy's name again?
You ought to know.
You listen to him every night.
-Dumbo, get me a cup of coffee.
-You crazy?
I say shut the guy up.
-Sleepy time.
-Hey, jump through this, will you?
Hey, you. Come here.
You look like an intelligent guy.
-You like it here?
You gonna stay here?
-Well, I ain't got nowhere else to go.
-Ah, you're an idiot.
Hey, Wladislaw.
You understand German.
Who's that dame singing about?
Well, it's about a very lonely girl. . .
. . .who's sick and tired of war
and being left alone.
-Waiting for her man to come home.
-Keep that cheap, wailing slut quiet!
Let's cut out the community sing.
Get some sleep. You're gonna need it.
Up yours.
Creeps. They're all creeps.
That's what they are. Creeps.
-Hey, where you going?
-Going to the can.
-Want me to come with you?
-You kidding?
They're after Franko.
You trying to get us all hung?
We're all dead anyway. Don't tell me
you believe that creep Reisman.
Want that slick bum to make suckers
out of you? Whose side are you on?
What's with you?
What is this, anyway?
Uncle Tom week?
You come with me, we're home free.
He doesn't give a damn about you.
If we go on that mission, we all
get killed. That's what they want!
Those idiots in there are gonna get shot,
and they're not even due for hanging.
You, you slob, you slob.
What do you think you got coming?
-Slipped on a bar of soap, huh?
Pull with your arms,
hold with your legs.
Pull with your arms,
hold with your legs.
Come on, Jiminez. Move it.
When the time comes. . .
. . .you've got exactly 34 seconds
to clear that distance.
I really can't make it, major.
Oh, come on, Jiminez.
Move it. Don't stop now.
I can't! I can't!
-Come on, Jiminez. Move.
-I really can't.
I can't make it, major.
I can't make it! I can't make it!
Jiminez! You come back down that rope,
you're going straight back to prison.
I can't. I can't!
Really, I can't.
Sergeant, give me that weapon.
Take a spin on that rope.
I can't make it. I can't make it!
I can't!
I really can't make it, major.
I can't!
Boy, look at him go now!
So you couldn't make it, huh?
Okay, Posey, let's see a little
of that Apache know-how.
Re-thread that pulley and get another
rope down here. Come on!
Give these other characters
a crack at immortality.
You said Mayonnaise was the only one
supposed to get on top of that chateau.
But suppose Jiminez gets killed before
he gets to the top of that chateau.
-Come on, Posey. Move it.
-Come on, get that thing up here.
We'll have it ready in a minute, major.
All right, Franko, you're next.
All right, so much for hygiene
on the field.
Now, which one of you guys would
like to stick this in the major?
Well, major, if it's gonna
help the war effort. . . .
Franko, sit down.
You'll get your chance.
Well, let's see. . . .
Yeah, step out here.
I'd rather not, sir.
Look, Posey, it's just an example.
Come on, now. Step out here.
Now, will you hold this knife?
Posey, it's got a scabbard on it.
It can't hurt anybody.
Tell me, Posey,
what did they lock you up for?
I mean, what did you do?
I already told you that, sir.
Well, tell me again.
I'm sure that your friends
over here would like to know too.
-What'd you do, Posey?
-Yeah, fill him in.
This fella kept pushing me.
I don't like to be pushed, so I hit him.
Killed a man with your bare hands
because he shoved you?
I only hit him once.
Only hit him once.
And drove his jawbone right through
his brain because he pushed him.
-I didn't mean to kill him.
-You didn't mean to kill him, but you did.
Now, what would you do if you meant
to kill somebody? Could you do it?
If you had to kill somebody with a knife,
do you think you could do it?
-Come on. Tell me.
-I'd rather not.
I don't care what you'd rather do.
Come on, stick that knife in me.
You can do that. Come on.
Major, I don't want to do this.
Come on, Posey. Just stick it
right here in me, it won't hurt.
Come on.
-I don't want to hurt you.
-You're not. I'm gonna hurt you.
-Posey, stick me.
-I don't want no trouble.
You got no trouble. I'll give you
all the trouble you'll get.
Come on, now, Posey. Just stick
that knife right there, right there.
You're a big boy.
You killed a man for shoving you?
I'm shoving you.
-Come on. Let me have it.
-Stick him!
I'm talking to you. Give it to me or I'm
gonna shove you right through the wall!
Come on, Posey. Give it to him!
-Stab him!
-Get him, Posey! Come on, Posey!
I want that knife.
Why won't you give it to me?
-I don't like to be shoved, major.
-You're being shoved!
-Stick him!
-Knock him down, Posey!
Posey. What a name for a guy like you.
-Don't tell me what to do.
-I'm giving orders.
-I don't like pushing.
Give it to him, Pose! Come on!
I don't like to be shoved.
Stop pushing!
Posey. Posey!
-Yes, sir?
Are you all right?
All right, now. Relax.
Come on, get up.
You know, you learn how to take care
of that temper of yours. . .
. . .ain't nobody gonna take
this knife away from you.
You're right. I'm sorry.
Okay, major. We're all set.
All right, you go in
and see Captain Kinder.
-What's he gonna do?
-He's just gonna talk to you, Posey.
-Brush yourself off and go on in.
-Yes, sir.
All right, which
of you gentlemen is next?
Come on. I'm looking for a volunteer.
All right, Maggott. You're next.
Speed it up, men.
Come on, speed it up.
They're looking good.
Yes, sir. I hope they don't forget
what they're getting in shape for.
Captain Kinder figures
maybe he can teach me letters.
Folks back home would be proud
if I could write.
Well, that would put you way ahead
of most of the guys around here.
-Better fall in and join them.
-Yes, sir.
It's true that I've been blessed. . .
. . .with an insight into women
that others don't have.
And sometimes. . . .
Well, sometimes I'm called upon. . .
. . .to use it in our beloved master's will.
If women are your special province, why
do you hate Major Reisman so much?
There are 11 evil men out there. . .
. . .and they must be punished
for their wickedness.
And this Major Reisman,
he just snatched them up. . .
. . .from the brink of the pit, and he
cheated the master of his vengeance.
And you think that's what God wants?
To punish these men?
Oh, he will, captain. He will.
And Major Reisman too.
-So, what does that give you?
-It doesn't give me anything.
But along with these other results,
it gives you. . .
. . .about the most twisted, anti-social
bunch of psychopathic deformities ever.
And the worst, the most dangerous
of the bunch is Maggott.
You've got one religious maniac,
one malignant dwarf, two near-idiots. . . .
And the rest, I don't even want
to think about.
Well, I can't think of a better way
to fight a war.
The results of these tests
point to the fact that each man. . .
. . .has a built-in resentment against
any kind of authority. Any kind.
-Don't you?
-But this is different.
These guys think the U.S. Army
is their enemy, not the Germans.
Well, they know the U.S. Army.
But the Krauts haven't done
anything to them yet.
Very sophisticated.
Well, at least they know the U.S. Army.
You can twist it any way you want.
But the point is. . .
. . .you are their main enemy.
And when the time comes,
you'll be the number one target.
Well, at least it gives them
something in common.
What do you mean?
They've come a long way individually,
further than we have a right to expect.
But not as a unit. Not as a group.
They've gotta function as a team.
And that's what's lacking.
You think putting them
on guard duty will help?
Well, it might give them
a sense of participation.
Why don't you let me weed out
the real morons? Especially Maggott.
I didn't pick these men, the Army did.
And I didn't pick the assignment either.
This is one time the Army's going
with a starting lineup all the way.
-Including Maggott?
-Including Maggott.
-We could get ourselves hurt, right?
-Why don't you shut up, huh?
What's the matter?
You planning to save your mother?
Why don't you lay off?
Want me to show you
how to do it, huh?
All right.
Take my arm, put it around your neck.
Very simple, right?
And then it's all in the leverage.
Better learn how to fall.
You'll end up in a wheelchair.
That's what I tried to tell him.
Trouble is you just don't know
how to fall right. Here.
Slob. Ah, that's a bad attitude.
Kind of rough on the little fella,
aren't you? Like to try that with me?
Now, this is really quite simple.
I'm going to say a word,
and you come back at me. . .
. . .as fast as you can
with whatever comes to mind.
For instance, if I were to say
"happiness," you might say "children. "
I wouldn't say that.
Well, that was just an example.
But if I said "ambition,"
what would you say?
I wouldn't say anything.
Well, let's give it a try, okay?
You seem to be thinking about
just one thing, aren't you?
Yeah. What are you thinking about?
Well, you see, I don't want you
to think of just one thing.
I'd like for you to concentrate
on each word I throw at you. Okay?
-Now, what made you say that?
-That's what I was thinking about.
The hell with it!
Franko, what is it this time?
How am I supposed to shave
in cold water?!
You're in the field now.
Where are you gonna get hot water?
The guards got hot water!
You got hot water!
-You're in the field!
-That's tough.
Right. How come you guys have
hot water and we don't?
You keep quiet!
You keep your big mouth shut.
-We ain't shaving in cold water!
-Not if all you don't.
You want us to shave in cold water?
Why don't you?
-That's right.
Franko means it.
We ain't shaving. We ain't washing.
Not in cold water!
-Is that right?
-That's right!
The guards got hot, we won't use cold.
And you can't make us!
You're gonna get yourself
into hot water, Franko.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna hang us?
What can they do?
They can't do nothing!
-Now what are you gonna do?
You know, I think Franko
might be right this time.
Yeah, shaving in cold water
won't make us any better soldiers.
Excuse me, sir.
We got some trouble outside.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear.
-All right, sergeant. Fall them in.
-Yes, sir.
All right, fall in. On your feet!
Come on, right over here, Posey!
Come on! Dress it up there. Get in line!
What's this about refusing to shave?
Who is refusing to shave?
-We are!
-Who is we?
All those refusing to shave,
take one step forward.
So you want to stink, huh?
And maybe itch too?
Well, that's okay with me
because I don't have to smell you.
Sergeant, there will be no further
issue of shaving equipment. . .
. . .or the use of soap.
And there will be no more hot meals.
Just K rations.
Courtesy of Mr. Franko.
At ease.
-Hey, I really think we got something.
-Yeah, it's what the Navy calls "mutiny. "
No, no. Remember what I was saying
last night about 12 rugged individualists?
You heard them. It was "we ain't gonna
do this and we ain't gonna do that. "
When I asked them to step forward,
even Posey joined.
I'll bet you he's been shaving
in cold water since he was a kid.
Boy, do I love that Franko.
That means that we are going to have
that much more time for work.
So now, if you. . . .
You "dirty dozen" have no objections. . .
. . .we will get our equipment. . .
. . .and we will start in right now.
Ready, hut!
That's very good.
You look just like real soldiers.
Fall out!
Now, move it!
You're still the dirtiest soldiers
in this man's army. . .
. . .and you're getting
filthier every day.
But your training is almost over.
In two days, you'll be learning
how to jump with a parachute. . .
. . .and you'll learn quick.
This training will take place
at a regular Army base.
And I just want to remind you
that this operation is secret.
Top secret.
You will not be wearing dog tags.
You will not say anything to anyone.
Do you understand? Nothing.
One word, one slip
from any one of you. . .
. . .and the deal is off!
And you all know what that means,
All right, serve it up.
All right, serve it up!
Colonel Breed won't like this secrecy bit.
He'll want to know.
-We're still top-priority, aren't we?
-You can't ignore his author--
-Do we have the juice?
-Yes, but Colonel Br--
Then I don't care
what Colonel Breed likes.
Look, you're supposed to be
the liaison officer.
I want you to get orders
to the highest echelon. . .
. . .stating to Colonel Everett
Dasher Breed. . .
. . .that a group, over which he will have
no authority, will be arriving Tuesday. . .
. . .and the identity of the men is secret.
Tell him we got a general with them. . .
. . .tell him anything you want, just get
that West Point bum off of my back.
A general, huh?
I'll see what I can do.
-I know you will.
-Hey, Franko. What is it, man?
-What kind of food is that?
-Pig face, serve it up!
What is it?
I don't know. I never ate
anything like this before.
I've stepped in it a couple of times,
but I never ate it.
What is it?
Did you ask what general?
Yes, sir. Got the same thing again.
No information beyond
what was in the order.
What about General Denton?
When we first called, his extension
was busy. Now he's not there.
Not now.
-Well, what about you?
-Nothing, sir.
Not now, you. . . .
I think they're coming.
Yeah, it's them.
Yes? Sir, they just passed
the checkpoint.
Let's go.
Now. Now!
Sounds like we're running
into a party.
Boy, you don't suppose
it's for us, do you?
Present arms!
Major Reisman reporting, sir.
Where's the general?
He's in the truck. But you understand
that he's traveling incognito.
We thought he might care to inspect
our number one platoon.
If you give me a moment,
I'll see if he's willing to do that.
Order, halt!
How come the band?
-What are we waiting for?
-They're inspecting the guest list.
-What guest list?
-What's the matter with you?
Which one of you wants
to be a general?
Be a what?
What? What kind of a general, sir?
Just a plain ordinary, everyday,
home-loving American general.
I'd rather be a civilian, sir.
What do I have to do?
You've seen generals inspecting troops.
Just walk slow and act stupid.
Up one rank, down the other,
and straight back to the truck.
They're expecting a general,
and that's exactly what they'll get.
So let's go.
-Move it. Come on, move it!
Present arms!
Move it.
Let's go, move it.
Fall in!
-Pinkley's gonna be a general.
-Pinkley's gonna be a general.
-What for?
Shut up and watch.
First Platoon waiting for inspection, sir!
They're very pretty, colonel.
Very pretty.
-But can they fight?
-Yes, sir.
I hope you're right.
-Where are you from, son?
-Madison City, Missouri, sir.
Never heard of it.
All right, major, let's go. We got
work to do. Thank you, colonel.
Hold it down. Hold it down.
You pull a stunt like that again,
I'll beat your brains out.
Major, you d--
Sergeant, fall them into a column
of twos, then move out.
Yes, sir. Fall out. Fall into column
of twos on me. Fall out!
Some people may consider you
a first-class officer.
But as far as I'm concerned, you're
a disorganized, undisciplined clown.
I'm gonna make it my business
to run you out of this Army.
I owe you an apology, colonel.
I always thought that you were a cold,
unimaginative, tight-lipped officer.
But you're really quite emotional,
aren't you?
Clayton, Blake.
-Hey, watch it.
-Look out, will you?
-Hey, hold this.
-All right, let's go!
-Do you believe this guy?
-Okay, all right, we're coming!
Come on, let's go!
You're in the way.
What's the matter with you guys?
-Listen, buster.
-Hands off!
Now, take it easy.
-Just want to ask you a few questions.
-Questions, huh?
Hold him! Hold him!
You son of a. . . .
In the gut, so it don't show.
That's the way!
Talk, you bastard.
Who the hell are you?
-Number Nine, you crumb.
-Number Nine?
-You gonna tell us or not?
-Go to hell.
Hold him.
Where the hell are your dog tags?
-I ate them.
-You ate them?
-You gonna tell us now?
-Number Nine!
What happened?
They tried to make me talk.
Where the hell have you been?
-Wait. What happened to him?
-He slipped on a bar of soap.
Everybody's slipping on soap.
Of all the miserable. . . .
-Who? Reisman.
He had a couple
of those paras jump him.
-Major did this?
-Gave him a pretty hard time.
-Well, what?
Did he tell them anything?
Are you crazy?
Three wise men.
"Trust your major. "
I'd rather trust Hitler.
-All right, move it out.
-Come on, move it! Move it!
You'll find this easier
than our jump-tower training.
Action stations!
-Yes, sir.
-They should be here any minute now.
Get the men together.
I'll talk to them first.
-We'll use your hut tonight.
-Our hut?
Your hut.
Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
All right, lke and Mike.
Come on, get on your feet.
Come on, let's go.
Move it!
What are you, the Gold Dust Twins?
What, you need a special invitation?
-No, sir.
-No, sir?
-I mean, yes, sir.
-Then move it.
That's TS, Greek.
Why don't you tell it to the chaplain?
All right, you foul-ups, come on!
Get over to the MP hut.
The man wants to talk to you.
Come on, move it!
All right.
Stop pushing.
Come on, off it now. Let's get going!
So this is how the other half lives.
Get going!
Hey, we're not going
to the junior prom.
-Pretty sweet, huh?
-No dancing. Come on, let's go!
-They got electricity.
-Nice to be rich.
-Hey, what does he want to see us for?
-A radio.
-A radio?
-Hey, look at those pictures.
Maybe the guards are lonesome.
-Horny bunch of mothers.
All right, give them
a little air, boys.
Move it, Jiminez.
Okay, sarge.
Well, jump school didn't kill you.
Maybe that stuff will.
Your training's about over
and I figure that entitles you. . .
. . .to a graduation ball or something.
You have cups and glasses.
All right, wheel them in.
Shall I say they're
with your compliments?
Hell, no.
Tell them it's part of their training.
Yes, sir.
Where are we?
Oh! Somebody in this truck
has a cold nose.
Get off me foot!
Watch yourself, baby.
-Have you hurt yourself?
-It's a limey barrack!
I'm not one for orgies meself.
-Should've asked for more money.
You sadists!
-Good evening.
-I'm already too worn out to work.
-Right this way, ladies.
-Move along. That's nice.
Good evening, major.
I could only get eight, sir. It's like cops.
If you want one, you can't find them.
-Good evening, ladies.
-Good evening, admiral.
Blimey, they're filthy!
They may be, lady,
but they sure do mean well.
All present and accounted for, major.
You gentlemen will be on duty again
at 0600 hours in the morning.
That's, oddly enough, the same
amount of time. . .
. . .that these young ladies have allotted
to be your guests.
In the meantime, I suggest that
you use that time to get acquainted.
I don't believe that Mr. Maggott
would care to indulge. . .
. . .so I suggest you save some whiskey
for him when he gets off of duty.
Good night, gentlemen. Ladies.
Good night, colonel.
-Are you crazy?
-Let's go. We might inhibit them.
-You want to bet?
Yes, you, Major Reisman!
I saw those filthy strumpets!
You're turning this place
into a bottomless pit of vice!
Comes Judgment Day!
And Judgment Day is coming!
Those men, major, they'll suffer
eternal damnation. . .
. . .because of you, major!
Keep your mouth shut
and your eyes open.
You're on guard duty, Maggott.
Want to dance?
There's no music.
Try humming.
All right, girls,
you want to lose those wraps?
-Put on that radio.
-Make yourself at home.
You think those guys realize
tomorrow's Mother's Day?
Is it?
Now they're doing it to music.
-This is a restricted area, sir.
-I know that.
Two groups, three ranks in.
Open the gate.
Come on, let's move it!
Open this gate.
Yes, sir.
Hey, look at those guys.
You can't come in here, sir!
Sergeant, take his weapon.
Take his weapon.
Corporal Morgan. Sergeant, get that
rabble in some kind of order.
Yes, sir. Commander, man to man!
Sir, you are contravening
a direct order.
Contravening nothing!
Fall in with the rest and
speak when you're spoken to.
You heard what the colonel said.
Fall in!
Come on, move it!
All right, you heard what he said.
Fall in!
Come on, come on!
Let's get the lead out.
What's he all upset about?
All right, you bunch of foul-ups.
Come on. Grab a formation.
Fall in there!
Come on, you yard birds!
You believe this Army?
We gotta be losing.
Move it! What's wrong with you?
You got lead in them?
Come on, get going!
Hey, ain't those the jokers that
roughed you up in the latrine?
Come on!
Hey, come on, pick it up!
Yeah, we had Reisman all wrong.
-Come on, move it!
-Not now. Wait for it.
What's going on up there?
Hey, you!
What are you, something special?
We gotta wait all day for you?
Come on!
Get in position there.
Let's try and make a straight line.
Let's look like soldiers, huh?
I told you nobody could pass.
Now, open the gate. Let's get going.
Those are the two guys
that got Wladislaw.
Those are the two guys that
gave Wladislaw his lumps.
Those are the two guys
that jumped Wladislaw.
Those are the two guys
that banged Wladislaw.
Those two gorillas beat up Wladislaw.
Those are the two guys--
In my opinion. . .
. . .the officer in command
of this operation. . .
. . .has either disregarded his orders
or is flagrantly disobeying them. . .
. . .one way or the other.
And that is what I am here to find out.
All right. . .
. . .gentlemen,
let's understand each other.
I'm here to find out exactly
what this is all about. . .
. . .and I intend to do it
if it takes all day.
Now, you can make it easy or tough
on yourself. That's up to you.
Before I leave, we're going to find
out who's involved in this insanity. . .
. . .what you're doing here and why.
Is that understood?
All right, general.
What's your name, rank
and serial number?
You tell him, we've all had it!
What's your name, soldier?
Number Two, sir.
Morgan. Clayton.
Yes, sir?
Give Clayton this man's name, rank
and serial number. For all of them.
-I really don't know that, sir.
-Then tell him what you do know.
You fink, you tell him nothing!
-What was that talk down there?
-Nothing, sir.
Come here, soldier.
When did you bathe last?
-I don't remember, sir.
-You're filthy.
You're a disgrace to the uniform.
Sergeant Fredericks,
get a razor and water.
He will demonstrate proper procedure
for shaving and bathing in the field.
-Yes, sir.
-Right, soldier?
No, sir!
No, sir, what?
No, sir, I am not going to shave, sir!
Then we'll have to do it the hard way.
Clayton, Blake, dry-shave him.
-That's right!
You be good enough to have your
men dispose of their weapons!
-Sergeant Bowren!
Get some special help
and get those weapons!
Yes, sir.
All right, you heard the man!
Now, get moving!
Hit them only where it hurts.
-Turn it loose!
-That's great.
Oh, I'm sorry, sergeant.
You Nazi!
I'm with you, major, all the way.
Don't call us, we'll call you.
You must be out of your mind.
It might seem that way.
Take it all back, colonel.
They aren't pretty and they can't fight.
They're all 4-Fs!
Hey, colonel, I hear they
don't even use parachutes!
Hey, colonel, you crybaby!
Don't just stand there, pick it up!
-Stick around for tea.
-Put some money in there.
Come again, colonel!
Stop by any time, bozo.
I'm sure you look upon your service
record as being highly colorful, major.
Well, that's not my view of it.
I think you know I was never in favor
of you leading this operation.
So I can't say that I'm disappointed
in your performance.
Because the impression you made on
me was unfavorable in the first place.
You behave as if this
were a personal matter.
Let me assure you, it isn't.
What happens to you is something
to which I am indifferent.
But the nature of the operation
I am running is not.
Colonel Breed's report
on your unit's level of achievement. . .
. . .and general behavior at the parachute
training school is entirely negative.
It would in itself justify
my recommendation. . .
. . .that this operation be canceled.
Your men will be sent back
for execution of sentence.
Whether disciplinary action
should be taken against you. . .
. . .is a matter for General Worden here.
I take it you don't deny your
responsibility for the fact that. . .
. . .on the night of April 14-15, a military
establishment of the U.S. Army. . .
. . .was the scene of a drunken party. . .
. . .at which no less than seven
female civilians took an active part.
Oh, yes, sir, they took
an active part all right.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Are you in a position to offer even
the remotest mitigating circumstances?
-Yes, sir.
-Oh, sergeant, more ice.
Yes, sir.
You offered those men a chance to get
off the hook, and they worked hard.
Now that they're just shaping up, you're
gonna say, "Sorry, the deal's off"?
You've only yourself to blame for that.
You brought those women to camp.
So I broke an Army regulation.
You're gonna kill five men
and send the rest to prison for life?
Because if you did that. . .
. . .you'd have to lock up half
the U.S. Army, officers included.
Anyway, you said it yourself,
it was my fault.
It's not gonna affect their ability
as soldiers.
Yes, well, we've heard about their
ability as soldiers from Colonel Breed.
That's his opinion.
My men have crammed six months of
intensive training into as many weeks.
As of this moment, I'd stack them
up against any men in the Army.
You can't be serious.
You're damn right I am!
They might not be pretty. . .
. . .but any one of mine
is worth 10 of yours.
-Those comparisons are hardly the point.
-It's precisely the point.
My contention is that my men are more
than able to handle any job given them.
Now, you gentlemen set this thing up.
You promised them a chance.
At least you can let them
show you what they're capable of.
I shudder to think
what they might be capable of.
Give them a chance to prove it, then
if they fail, your conscience is clear.
Tell me, major. . .
. . .just how would you
have your men prove it?
It can't be done, can it?
Well, yes. I suppose it could.
I mean, there might be a way.
What I mean is,
general, if you recall. . .
. . .next week we've got divisional
maneuvers in Devonshire.
Yes, yes, yes.
Colonel Breed's outfit will be
part of that exercise.
As a matter of fact,
one of his companies. . .
. . .has been assigned the defense
of divisional headquarters.
So. . . .
So you let my 12 men act
as an independent unit. . .
. . .attached to the opposing force.
And they'll knock out Breed's
headquarters and capture his entire staff.
That I'd like to see.
So would I.
Charlie and Fox Companies will support
the back of the woods.
They'll need supplies
from the 2nd Battalion.
Rogers won't like that,
but I don't want to hear about it.
-Yes, sir.
-How's Johnson's armor?
They just ran through two minutes ago,
sir. The armor's all set.
Hold it!
You think we're gonna
get away with this?
Smile, you idiots! If those blue
slobs recognize us, we're in trouble.
Can you believe it?
They shaved.
How about that?
Get a load of the major.
He can't believe we made it.
-The day go fast, major?
-You're beautiful, but you're late.
-Got everything you need?
Think you can remember the plan?
-So where'd you get the vehicle?
-We stole it.
Like we're gonna steal
everything else.
We're playing war games, right?
Anything else, sir?
I guess not. All right, we'll be
with the generals at headquarters.
From now on, you're on your own.
So take off and good luck.
Let's move!
All right, split up into three groups.
These two belong to you?
Where's General Worden?
Well, he's gone to check up
in the field, sir.
Oh, my God.
-Be with you in a minute, sir.
-Well, how about this one?
-Yes, sir. I think that's it, sir.
Oh, that's excellent,
Haskell, excellent!
Come on, let's go.
-We made it.
-Where are the others?
coming over that ridge soon.
be coming fast then.
The enemy is gonna lay a live barrage on
that ridge at 0850. Did you know that?
Yes, sir, I knew that.
But that's the one direction Colonel
Breed won't be looking for them.
-Are they all set?
-All set, sir.
Batteries one, three and four,
open fire and continue at will.
Batteries one, three and four,
open fire and continue at will.
Batteries one, three and four--
Come on!
Let's go! Come on!
Now, come on!
-While they're reloading!
-Let's go!
-Down! Can't you hear it?!
-Hit it!
Secure guards!
All right, let's go!
Let's go.
Now, what the hell were you
guys waiting for?
What do you m--?
Mean, boy?
Those lovers were trying
to kill us back there.
Change? What do you mean, "change"?
You can't do that!
It's all right, major.
We're gonna change back later.
They can't stop us now.
Let's go.
Come on.
We're on our way.
We get across this road, take 10.
What are we waiting here for?
For a jeep, a heavy machine gun
and four men.
Like this one?
Slow down.
Good afternoon, general.
The Mafia has landed!
-Whatever Franko says, Franko does!
-Machine gun.
Let's get it out. Move it out.
-Come on, snap it up.
-Franko, out!
Out? What do you mean, "out"?
-Who do you think stole this thing?
-You did, my boy.
Look, you and Pinkley are the only guys
that Colonel Breed got a good look at.
This operation is a big enough risk
without you coming along.
-Come on, Franko.
Jefferson, you have until 0930
to show up with the ambulance.
You don't make it,
I'll figure you got nailed.
-Then we'll take a whack at plan B.
So long, major.
Hold on, Maggott.
Don't want to lose you now.
-Morning, Breed.
-Morning. Quite a surprise.
-Everything under control?
-I think you could say that, sir.
Good, good.
At ease, gentlemen, at ease.
Just thought I'd drop by to see
how things are shaping up.
So this is what it looks like, huh?
Come on, push!
-Posey, remember, you're hurt.
-Oh, I'm dying.
Come on, Maggott.
Stand back, now.
-What's that?
-Over there!
-What was that?
-Down the road, sir. See that smoke?
-Sergeant, have somebody take a look.
-Yes, sir.
-What are they doing around that ridge?
-I don't know, sir.
That should've been cleared
half an hour ago.
Now, colonel, it sure doesn't look like
it's been cleared, does it?
Let's go.
-Posey, remember, you're injured.
-Gilpin, you forgot the ketchup.
-Come on.
We got a man that's hurt bad.
We'd like to call an ambulance.
Call an ambulance.
Go see what happened.
-Yes, sir. Come on, you two.
-Come here.
-Yes, sir.
What were you doing on that road?
Our jeep got a flat tire.
We went into a ditch.
I didn't ask you that. I asked you
what you were doing on that road.
Spotting for the Field Artillery, sir.
Let's see that map.
Move Able, Charlie Company to. . .
. . .the bridge under smoke screen.
Baker Company bank towards
the ridge at 1420 hours.
-Private. Come here.
-Yes, sir.
What's your name and outfit?
Private Matthew Donald, sir.
Serial number 726256.
Battery B, 526th Field Artillery, sir.
-Where are your orders?
-Right here, sir.
From Captain Thornhill, sir.
I know most of the men
under my command.
But I don't recall seeing you before.
No, sir.
I was transferred in last week, sir.
We're getting congested at point B.
Two forces have mined the road.
-Where's Peterson?
-Here it comes!
Clear the way!
Looks like somebody got hurt.
Watch it there!
Okay, let's have some help
with this soldier.
Count of three, lift. One, two, lift.
Take it easy now.
-Where do we put him, sir?
-Put him there.
-You can stay, but keep out of the way.
-Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Sorry, but this is the end
of the line for you.
But we got a bad accident
down here, sir.
That's too bad, because you just
became prisoners of war.
It's the enemy, sir!
All right, come on, let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
They can't do that.
You're wearing Red Force insignia.
That's right. We're traitors.
-Watch my finger.
-They use real bullets, you idiot!
Now, look here, I'm a doctor, major.
And I'm a major, captain.
Yes, sir, but we had a radio message.
There's a man badly hurt down there.
Hurry it up!
Here's our permission to cross
all lines and roadblocks.
Very cute idea, captain.
But it won't work. Get out.
But it's not a gag, sir.
There's a real casualty there.
All set back here, Jefferson.
Sir, will you explain
the rules to him?
The man may be dying.
I'm just an observer, captain,
not an umpire.
I can't interfere
or make any rulings.
Come on, doc,
I've got a sick tree back here.
Come on, you too.
She's blond, she's engaged.
Come on, sugar!
-Got your bracelet right here.
-What's the matter?
Come on, Little Red Riding Hood.
You're really gonna enjoy this.
How about this patient, huh, doc?
You're really gonna enjoy it here, doc.
Come on, men. What about 0930?
All right, take out the blue bands.
Let's go!
Change to the blue armband!
What about the prisoners?
Sorry, major. We can't spare any men
to look after prisoners.
You coming?
-Is he trying to kill us?
-We must be going 120.
He's gonna squash us
in this sardine can.
You want to be there by 0930,
don't you?
--pulling back the map reference,
That's Blue Force crew.
Call in company orders and hit them
when they reach crossroads.
Hello, Able 3.
Don't worry, Bill. They called
for the ambulance.
-It's gonna be all right.
-Yes, it will.
It's gonna be all right.
I want a strike on Hill 80
between them at 1400 hours.
Move them up to the base of the hill
and keep their heads down.
Well, thanks very much, colonel.
It's been very instructive.
I think I'll take a little ride now
and get the overall picture.
Yes, sir, thank you.
Move it over. Give them room.
Forward observation report.
Blue Force tanks approaching. . .
. . .airfield at map reference--
Out of the way!
Out of the way!
Come on.
Watch out for the ambulance!
There he is. The old man.
Come on, observers!
Major Reisman's compliments, sir.
Hey, major. What do you think
about that one, major?
I didn't wanna tell you before because
I thought it might make you nervous.
After our last little party,
the generals were all in favor. . .
. . .of sending you back to finish
your sentences.
-Or get hung.
-Or get hung.
Or get hung.
But I made a deal with them.
Knocking off Breed's headquarters
is what got you guys off the hook.
You weren't really worried,
were you, major?
No, not much, he wasn't.
But we still have
one operation to go.
If you guys foul up on this one, none
of us will ever play the violin again.
Because up until now,
it's all been a game.
But as of tomorrow night,
it's gonna be the real thing.
If you want to know how real,
I'll tell you.
It's my guess the lot of you guys
won't be coming back.
But there's no sense in squawking
about that.
Because the Army never did love you.
Besides, you all volunteered, right?
-Well, that's more than I did.
Sergeant Bowren.
Look, I know we've been over this
a thousand times. . .
. . .but a lot can go wrong.
We gotta be prepared to improvise.
So let's see what happens
if everything goes right. Ready?
-At the roadblock, we've just begun.
-At the roadblock, we've just begun.
-The guards are through.
-The major's men are on a spree.
-Major and Wladislaw through the door.
-Pinkley stays out in the drive.
-The major gives the rope a fix.
-Wladislaw throws the hook to heaven.
-Jiminez has got a date.
-The other guys go up the line.
-Sawyer and Gilpin are in the pen.
-Posey guards points five and seven.
-Wladislaw and major go down to delve.
And where's Donald Duck?
Donald Duck's down at the crossroads
with a machine gun.
And he'd better not be asleep,
or we'll all be in trouble.
-Franko goes up without being seen.
-Zero hour.
-Mayonnaise cuts the cable. . .
. . .Franko cuts the phone.
-Franko goes in. . .
. . .where the others have been.
-We all come out like it's Halloween.
And kill every officer in sight.
Ours or theirs?
Well, let's start off with theirs, huh?
Let's take it again from the top,
without the ad-libs.
-All right, one.
-Down the roadblock, we've just begun.
-The guards are through.
-The major's men are on a spree.
-Zero hour.
-Mayonnaise cuts the cable. . .
. . .Franko cuts the phone.
-Franko goes in. . .
. . .where the others have been.
-We all come out like it's Halloween.
Seventeen. D-day.
We get out as best we can
and make our way to the coast.
And hope that the entire invasion
hasn't been a total disaster.
Otherwise, we got a long swim home.
How much longer, major?
I'll ask the driver.
You're not worried about jumping
at night, are you?
Getting back.
-Where have you been? We're late.
-We've been looking for Jiminez.
-We found him hung up in an apple tree.
-His neck's broken.
-You mean he's dead?
That's exactly what I mean.
-This far.
All right, Franko, now you know why
we all checked out on that rope, huh?
Gilpin, number eight.
Gilpin, did you hear me?
-Gilpin's got a date?
-Zero hour.
-Gilpin cuts the cables. . .
-. . .Franko cuts the phone.
-Let's go.
-What a great way to start out, huh?
So far, so good, major.
Where are those guys?
Here they come.
Let's go.
Come on, Pinkley, let's go.
It's just like the major
said it would be.
Yeah, really some spread, ain't it?
There they go now.
-No blackout?
-Think they're expecting us?
Hey, the silencer!
Let's go.
"Radio room. "
-Everything okay?
I don't know how many
Germans we'll kill. . .
. . .but we're gonna make
an awful lot of noise.
Hey, do you believe
in stuff like that?
Oh, I don't know, can't hurt nothing.
I don't think I believe
in stuff like that.
-So, how's your German holding up?
-Oh, man, I don't know.
You know those two guys
walking down the stairs?
I couldn't understand
a word they said.
-Just act mean and grunt, huh?
Okay, Room 11.
You go first, I'll carry the bags.
We'll set it up here.
-They should've been here by now.
I left the rope.
Hold it.
-Do it, Polack!
-Shut up.
Hurry up.
Ready for the turkey shoot?
I wish I could read this.
I think it's dirty.
Hey! What are you doing?
Franko and the others
are still down there. Come on!
Hey, Maggott.
What the hell are you doing?
Get out of sight.
Scream, you slut.
Sprechen, you harlot.
Radio room.
Blow it! Blow it!
-Hey, what's going on?
-Shut up.
It's Judgment Day, you sinners.
Come out.
Come out, wherever you are.
Come out.
Come out.
-You didn't think about that, did you?
-They gotta breathe.
You got the grenades?
Right. Right, sir.
We got enough here
to blow up the world.
What are we gonna do about them?
We'll feed the French
and kill the Germans.
-Franko, cover that corner.
-What happened?
They're locked in the bunker. There's
gotta be some air vents. Take a look.
All right, bring your grenades!
Over here!
I'll take them.
Here they are.
Take it down there.
Bowren, get Vladek out here.
Where's that coming from?
Come on, Vladek, we need you.
Come on, come on.
Franko! Get over here and see
if you can start one of those trucks!
Wladislaw, Jefferson. Get the lids
off those other ventilators.
You know what you gotta do, so do it.
Hurry up!
All right, you Frenchies, beat it.
No, it's all right. It's all right. Go on.
Get back up there
and cover that bridge!
Move it!
Help Bowren!
There they are!
Hurry it up. Posey's got trouble!
Get one of those trucks started!
No, no, no. Leave the pins in.
The pins in, huh?
Bowren, get some gasoline.
Some gasoline?
Are you sure?
You want to ask Pinkley and Vladek?
Now, get going!
Yes, sir.
Sawyer, Lever, cover that bridge!
Do you believe these guys?
They keep these things locked.
Keep looking!
The other road! The other road!
Come on, baby.
Where are you, baby?
Let's go!
Move over.
Move over!
Wladislaw. . .
. . .get Vladek out of there, huh?
Another flare! Another flare!
Come on, you. . . .
Jefferson! When I give you the signal. . .
. . .set them off one, two, three, four,
and get the hell out of there.
We'll wait for you at the bridge.
Let's go!
Come on, let's go.
Come on, hurry up!
-Are you okay?
Jefferson, set them off!
Get that thing out of here
or we'll all go up!
Let's go.
They're not gonna make it.
We'll get a boat and get out
the other side. Come on, let's go.
All right, blow it!
Remember, Jefferson, 20 seconds!
-Faster, faster.
-Come on! Come on!
Jefferson faster.
Come on, Jefferson. Run!
-Hurry up!
-Come on, move!
-Come on, come on.
-It's gonna blow!
-Come on!
Come on, Jefferson!
Come on, start.
It won't start! It won't start!
The bastard won't start!
All right, get in!
Shift! Shift it, shift it!
We made it!
We made it. Those stupid bastards,
we made it!
Come on! Keep shooting!
Among the many reports of the raid
on the chateau near Rennes...
...perhaps the most objective
is the one by General Worden...
...in which he states:
"We are recommending that those
members of the group known...
...as 'The Dirty Dozen ' who survived
this operation...
...should have their records
amended to indicate...
... that they are being returned
to active duty at their former ranks.
And that the next of kin of those
prisoners who were killed be advised...
... that they lost their lives
in the line of duty. "
You did a fine job, major.
I'll see you around.
You did a good job, soldier.
Hurry up and get well.
We need men like you out there.
Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
Killing generals could get to be
a habit with me.
Franko, V.R.
Vladek, M.
Jefferson, R. T.
Pinkley, V.L.
Gilpin, S.
Posey, S.
Sawyer, S.K.
Lever, R.
Bravos, T.R.
Jiminez, J.P.
Maggott, A.J.
They lost their lives
in the line of duty.