Discontinued (2022) Movie Script

[soft music playing]
[gentle tinkling]
[calm voice] Return to a place
where you are at peace
and reflect
on the idea of impermanence.
The universe keeps moving
and nothing
will remain as it is,
good or bad.
By embracing inevitable change,
we free ourselves from anxiety.
take one more deep breath in.
One, two, three, four, five.
And out.
Five, four, three, two, one.
I hope you enjoyed
this calming midday meditation,
and that you welcome
the rest of your day
with love and compassion.
And when you are ready,
open your eyes.
[soothing music playing]
Whatever you say, dude.
[quirky music playing]
[doorbell rings]
[man] Shit, Cheryl.
It's the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Again? Weren't they just here?
[man] I don't know.
Maybe it's the Mormons.
I just saw a smiling
young person with pamphlets.
-I looked out the window,
but I don't think she saw me.
-[Cheryl] What do we do?
I did see you,
and I can hear you.
I'm just selling solar panels.
[man sighs]
That's just what they
say to make you open up.
No hablo ingles!
Go, go, go!
Maybe she won't notice.
[rapid footsteps]
[car engine starting]
[man] Get in, get in!
[quirky music playing]
[therapist] Do you really think
the world is going to end?
No, I think we're doing great.
The Dow is breaking records,
so it's fine
that the planet is melting,
and think of all that empathy
we've learned from social media.
Didn't we talk
about the sarcasm?
Sarcasm is the least
of my problems.
Sarah, I know you're sick
of hearing me say this
over and over again,
but you really need to accept
that there are certain things
that are always going
to be out of your control.
Why dwell on what
you cannot change?
Oh, I get it now.
So I just stop worrying and the
existential dread will vanish.
Why didn't I think of that?
Fine, okay, yeah.
I just won't think.
That's not what I said.
Well, it kind of is.
It's really hard
to think without worrying.
The world sucks,
haven't you noticed?
But for the thousandth time,
you can't control those things.
You shouldn't waste your energy.
Okay, but I do,
because what's the point
of putting any effort
into anything long term
if I'm not going
to make it to 50?
I mean, Jesus,
how the fuck do people
have kids in a world like this?
I mean, best case, right,
my body and mind
slowly fall apart.
And then I just die, I guess?
A lot of people your age
start to realize
that they won't live forever.
Maybe this is more
about you coming to terms
with your mortality.
I mean, I definitely don't
feel invincible anymore.
But dying doesn't sound
as bad as it used to.
Have you thought about
hurting yourself?
No, no! That's not what I meant.
Uh-huh. Well...
It's important
that you feel safe here
and know that you can
tell me anything.
No, really, I'm fine.
Okay, what I meant is
maybe death isn't
the worst thing possible.
Like I'm not afraid of dying
in the apocalypse as much
as I'm afraid of surviving it.
Okay, for example,
dying in a nuclear blast.
It's quick, you're ash before
you even knew it happened.
But trying to survive
in the radioactive hellscape
that comes after that?
Yeah. Imagine having that
in your brain all the time,
then being told
to just not worry about it.
You need to focus more
on the real world.
Spend some time
with actual people.
I don't see
how that will help anything.
Sarah, people need people.
You need people.
All right, well,
we have to wrap it up.
Same time next week?
Isn't this supposed
to be making me feel better?
It's a process.
Yeah, but...
I've been coming here every week
for the last two years,
-paying a small fortune
in co-pays.
-It takes time.
How much time?
Do you think
we've made progress?
Because I don't see any.
The progress
isn't always obvious.
But no, I don't think we've
quite found the breakthrough
we've been looking for yet.
-So you mean that...
-I'm sorry,
we're really out of time.
I'll see you next week.
Come on, I have
other shit to do, you know?
So, are you excited
for Friday night?
What's Friday night?
Fuck! I completely forgot.
Sure you did.
-Do I have to?
You need to get out more
and stop being such a hermit.
What's wrong
with being a hermit?
Ugh, who is this guy anyway?
My brother's friend Tucker.
He was just one of
the indistinguishable douchey
bros back in high school.
But now, he's
a successful entrepreneur
and somehow got very cute.
Your brother's friend? Really?
That's not confidence inspiring.
Yeah, I guess Brian
hasn't always been
the best judge of character.
-So I can bail?
You're going, end of debate.
Anyway, I'm sure
he's much more mature now.
-Just because you got fired
from your dream job...
-Laid off.
I was laid off.
Fired, laid off, whatever.
Having to sell shit door-to-door
doesn't give you an excuse to
stay mad at the world forever.
We need to get you
out of this rut.
Who says I'm in a rut?
Look at you.
All the hope is drained
from your eyes.
Instead of enjoying
the best years of your life,
you're fast-tracking it
to the cat lady phase.
[background chattering]
Look. Ever since we met on
the first day of kindergarten,
have I ever steered you wrong?
Yeah, fairly consistently.
And we only met
because you bit me.
Doesn't matter.
As your best friend, I insist.
But I'm only doing this for you.
Yay! Trust me,
you'll have a great time.
I'll make sure
he texts you the deets.
Now come on,
I have to get in five miles
before it gets dark.
[musical clapping]
[quirky music playing]
Sarah! How's it going?
Hey Barry, all right. You?
Feeling good, feeling good.
Just got back from Vermont.
Hey, I got some great shrooms
if you need any.
I'm good.
Thanks, though.
Cool. Cool.
Yeah, so also, I hate
to be like a capitalist but...
I need you get me
the rent at some point.
Yeah, sorry, of course.
I'll get you a check tomorrow.
Right on! Power to the people.
You too.
I mean... yeah.
[quirky music playing]
[TV narrator]
...discovered in the ruins
of ancient civilizations
that contain technology
that is impossible for them
to have developed on their own.
When you look at it objectively,
the only explanation
is the intervention
of a much more advanced race,
which in all likelihood would
have had to have been
extraterrestrial in origin.
[ominous musical note]
[pensive music playing]
[pensive music continues]
[alarm beeps]
[man] Yeah, so I have no idea
why my wife bothered calling you
in the first place.
We've never needed
any of this green bullshit.
And we certainly
don't need it now.
It's the god damned...
[man ranting indistinctly]
[dramatic music playing]
[door creaks loudly]
[phone buzzes]
Hey, Mom.
[Mom] Hey honey, how's it going?
Um, it's good,
just got done with work.
Oh, good. Make any sales?
What do you think?
Oh, well, it'll get better soon.
Probably not.
You could always go back
to actually using
your very expensive degree.
Nah, I enjoy
being underemployed.
Oh, come on, you're capable
of so much more. I...
You know, I'm actually not
in the mood to be reminded
of my vast achievements
in underachieving.
Okay, fine.
Just know that I believe
in you and think you're
amazingly smart and talented.
Do you have anything
planned for the weekend?
Ugh. Yeah.
Thanks for reminding me.
Oh yeah? What's going on?
Kayla is forcing me
to go on a date
with her brother's friend.
Oh, well! When is it?
Tonight. Tried to get out
of it, but here I am.
Have you picked a cute outfit?
Hmm, I kind of figured I would
go with something casual.
Why not be myself, you know?
Oh, come on.
You should get dressed up.
You only get
one first impression.
Yes, Mother.
Don't "Yes, Mother" me.
You know I'm right.
[slow music playing]
[people chattering]
[ambient bar music playing]
[people chattering and laughing]
Just not him, not him.
Please not him, not him.
[people chattering]
[exhales angrily]
[smacks lips]
Hey, you must be Sarah.
-The one and only.
Sorry. I was running a bit late.
Have you been waiting long?
Oh, it's no problemo.
I threw back a few brews.
You know, they got
a great beer list.
Oh, that's... cool, I guess.
Oh, well sorry again
for running behind.
Do you want to see
if our table's ready?
You sure you don't want
a drink first?
Uh, well,
I'm pretty hungry and...
Come on, just one drink.
You look like a vodka soda girl.
Hey Tiffany...
Uh no, I am
actually trying to stay away
from alcohol right now.
Oh. Weird.
Well, let's do
this thing, right?
[people chattering]
So we sold that company
last year, which left me
pretty flush with cash.
I traveled for a while, saw some
pretty amazing places and...
Oh, have you ever been
to Ecuador?
I've been to Canada.
Oh. Yeah, that's cool, I guess.
Anyways, you should definitely
check out South America
if you get the chance.
Spending time with the natives
was just so... sick.
I can't even explain.
Anyways, I thought I had
everything I ever wanted
and I just started to feel
kind of empty inside.
Like nothing was doing it
for me, you know?
Anyways, I just wanted
to do something
that mattered, you know?
So that's when I started
my new company.
[ambient bar music playing]
And what's this new company?
We offer
an instant delivery service
for locally sourced IPAs.
[pen clattering]
I mean, it's going great so far,
and it feels really rewarding
doing something.
It's like building
the community.
Something to make
a difference, you know?
Now, I don't really do
any of the delivering
or the lifting or the funding,
but luckily the investors
hopped right on board
for this one, so...
Looks like we'll have
a pretty big payday
when we sell in a few years.
Anyways, now that we had this
nice meal, what do you say we go
back to my place and smash?
I know. You want some of this.
Uh... no, thanks.
-Yeah. I just want to go home.
Wait, I buy you this nice meal
and you're not even gonna
let me hit that?
I wasn't planning on it, no.
That's pretty weak.
Uh, okay, yeah.
You want to go home?
We can go back
to your place, I guess.
I'm sorry, I need to ask this,
you know, for clarity.
Do you think this went well?
Well... yeah.
I mean, like, I'm a nine, right?
And you're like, maybe, a six
on a good day.
So yeah, I thought
it was a pretty sure bet.
[exhales in confusion]
Okay. Uh, wow.
Um, so first off, I sat here
and kept my mouth shut
and indulged
about an hour of your
startup bro bragging bullshit
how you're saving the world
delivering shitty beer
to a bunch of hipsters
living in apartments
paid for by their parents.
It's a stupid business idea,
and frankly, it's not giving
back to the community.
They can just walk
to the fucking store.
And second off,
you're like an eight, all right?
Okay, at best.
So just fucking
get over yourself.
Look, okay.
That's pretty harsh, babe.
And don't fucking call me babe.
Relax, sweetie.
Why don't we
just go back to my place?
-We'll have a drink.
Yeah. Let's go.
You, you don't get it,
all right?
You are a walking example
of everything
that is wrong with this world.
I would gladly
push you off a cliff
before I slept with you.
So you can just go home,
turn on some weird Japanese porn
and literally fuck yourself.
And also, what the hell kind
of rich guy tips ten percent?
Whoo, cuckoo.
[clears throat]
Must be that time of the month,
you know what I mean?
[soft TV music]
[pensive music playing]
[pensive music continues]
[pill bottles clattering]
[pills rattling in bottle]
[pills rattling]
[whimsical TV theme playing]
[TV audience cheering]
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!
It's your favorite host here.
And it is so, so great
to be with you tonight.
[audience cheers]
Thank you, thank you, yeah.
Now you all know
that I love to joke around.
[audience laughs]
I'm a jokester.
But tonight I've got
to talk to you
about something very serious.
[audience groans]
I know, I know.
But today we are going
to discuss something called...
simulated reality.
[audience yells]
To explain, let's go
to my colleague in the field.
[speaking with English accent]
The basic concept
of simulated reality
is exactly what it sounds like.
A manufactured
version of reality,
which is in fact not real.
In our case,
a highly developed race
have used advanced
computing technologies
to create simulations
full of generations of people
living entire lifetimes
under the impression
that their worlds
are in fact real.
Now why would they do this,
you might ask.
In our example,
this advanced race
is looking back into their past
to determine how different
variables might have impacted
their development.
A way to understand
all of a world's
possible alternate histories.
And now, back to you
in the studio.
How about that?
Yes, it's truly amazing.
And it's my duty today
to inform you that your world,
your entire existence,
is just one of those
billions upon billions
of simulated realities created
by humans of the future.
[audience hoots]
Isn't that something?
[host chuckles]
Now I know this sounds
a little out there,
and you could use some proof.
So I'm gonna
give you some proof.
It's what I'm here for.
[audience chuckles]
You are all now
holding a banana.
[audience yells and laughs]
That's stupid.
Holy fucking what?
[host chuckles]
I hope you're still with us.
Please. enjoy that banana.
It's good for you.
[audience laughs]
Unfortunately, all good things
must come to an end,
and it's with a heavy heart
that I notify you
that your simulation
will be discontinued
exactly one week...
From now.
[audience groans]
Yes, it's too bad.
It is really a shame.
In accordance with the Simulated
Consciousness Act of 3112,
all sentient inhabitants
must be made aware of the
nature of their existence
before the termination
of a simulation,
which means you are getting
provided with a wonderful,
wonderful choice.
To see what it is, let's check
in with some friends of mine.
You know, we've got some really
great stuff for you tonight.
Some really great stuff.
So first up is Option A.
You remain here
in the abandoned simulation
without any outside influence.
That's right.
Everything's up to you.
[audience boos]
That sounds like a hard life
if you ask me.
But legally,
we do have to offer it.
Now, what most of you are going
to be interested in is Option B.
We take your consciousness
and we transfer it to a simpler,
more efficient system,
where you get to relive
your five greatest memories
over and over
without any kind of awareness.
That's right.
Pure bliss, forever.
Thank you, folks.
Oh, I told you,
we're doing everything we can
to take care of you.
[host chuckles]
Now I know this is a lot, it is.
But I have just one more
surprise for you.
Just one more.
Each and every one of you
is going to get
your own personal Guide.
[audience cheers]
This Guide will
answer your questions.
This Guide will make sure you
have everything that you need
to move on to your next phase,
whatever you choose.
It has been wonderful
being here with you tonight.
I do wish you all the best.
Ooh, your Guides
will be arriving any moment.
[host chuckles]
[audience cheers]
Please have a wonderful night
and I'll see you real soon.
[whimsical TV theme playing]
[loud knocking]
[Sarah inhales]
[slow footsteps]
[door creaks]
-May I come in?
[insects chirping]
[retches and coughs]
So... You're the guy
from the TV?
Yes and no.
I look like the guy from the TV.
I'm an artificial
intelligence program.
So are you...
you're more
mellow than the TV guy.
I look like the host to make it
easier for you to process.
But my program has been
tuned to your specific
personality profile
to aid you in the
discontinuation process.
Makes sense.
This all makes sense. Cool.
I was being sarcastic. Whatever.
Do you have any other questions?
You can ask me
anything you want.
Uh... no, I think I've got
all this sorted, thank you.
Fantastic. Just in case,
I am going to remain here
until you make a decision.
Uh... No, no, no.
That's really, that's okay.
It is our standard procedure.
-Do I get a say in this?
But why would you
not want free help?
That's a reasonable question
I've never
had a good answer for.
I guess privacy
was the big thing.
But if all the shit
you're saying is true,
none of that matters anyway.
So we all have to deal with you
or some version of you.
That is correct.
Won't it get kind of chaotic
having twice as many
people in the world?
What do you mean?
People will only be able to see
and hear their own Guides.
We have done this before,
do not worry.
You've done this before?
How many times?
Would it make a difference?
Yeah. No?
I don't know. Um...
Well, I guess I'm just gonna
go to bed and hope
that this is all a dream.
I'm guessing you're just
going to be here?
That is correct.
Do you want to sleep
on the couch?
I do not require food or sleep.
That makes sense, I guess.
So you're just gonna
sit here till morning?
That is correct.
That is how many times
we have done this before.
Or at least that is how many
times my program has been used.
Well... make yourself at home.
Or whatever.
And I guess, good night?
Good night.
Everyone's getting so
worked up about this, but...
is it really
that much of a surprise?
I mean, if anything,
I feel like it explains a lot.
And it actually
makes me feel a little better.
I mean, I'm not going to pretend
the last few days haven't
been weird as shit, but...
I don't know, I feel like I'm
the only person on the planet
that's still acting...
kind of normal.
Sort of a weird reversal to
suddenly feel like the sane one.
I guess if I never really
had control over anything,
none of this, whatever is wrong
with me, was my fault.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe I can stop worrying about
the things that I can't control
because apparently no one
in the entire world has ever
had control over anything.
Right. Yeah, that sounds good.
[loud thump]
Were you listening
to any of that?
No. Yeah.
I'm sorry.
I'm just a little preoccupied.
I can tell.
Whatever happened
to not worrying about
what you can't control?
You used to tell me that
like five times a session.
Of course I did.
But that was back
before every single thing
in our existence was a lie.
And just because
I said it doesn't mean...
You don't know my...
Weren't you going
to kill yourself anyway?
-They've given you an out.
You don't have to do it anymore.
They, whoever
the fuck "they" are,
will just do it for you
and then send you into some
never-ending fantasy loop.
It's bullshit!
You've got it easy.
The rest of us,
those of us who actually
give a shit about life,
are being, I don't know,
just a little bit
fucking inconvenienced.
I mean, at least we're getting
an easy choice, sure,
but still, just busting into
our lives and telling us we have
to choose in the first place?
We shouldn't have
to deal with that shit!
So you're going with Option B?
[items clattering]
Of course I am.
Not really sure
what I'm gonna do yet.
Now that is funny.
I don't know that
it was supposed to be.
It's just so you.
Easy choice, but you have
to make it complicated.
There's no way in your mind
that the rest of the world
could be right.
-I just--
-What is it
with your generation, anyway?
You spend all of your time
complaining about how
we boomers need to shut up
and stop telling you what to do
and that we don't understand.
But then, you come
to places like this,
to pay people like me
to tell you
what you're doing wrong,
and you still don't listen!
I don't think I've ever really
said it out loud before,
but you are just
a bunch of self-absorbed,
know-it-all assholes!
It's exhausting.
I can't fucking believe
this is happening!
What was the point of it all?
By the way,
what are you doing here?
I'm not even seeing patients.
I'm just in here
trying to get my shit in order.
You barged in
and started talking
like everything was normal.
This is the last thing
I need right now.
[makes tutting sound]
Well, I guess I just thought...
Well, in that case,
I should probably go?
Yeah, probably.
Same time next week?
There won't be a next week.
And I can't believe I wasted
all the weeks I did have
on fuckups like you.
Right, okay.
So bye, then?
Fuck off.
Leave a check!
The co-payment is 40 dollars!
[door clicks]
[exhales happily]
Did everything go well?
[therapist] Fuck!
I think maybe we should
give him some space.
Here's your Red Eye.
Thank you.
I really needed this today.
You know, I was actually amazed
to see you guys were still open.
-What do you mean?
-I don't know.
I just kind of figured no one
would want to go to work
I didn't.
Wait. So you just stopped going?
Yeah. I mean, it's not like
they're sending out
paychecks anymore.
[ambient music playing]
So how many people
usually end up staying?
I'm sorry, but I cannot
answer that accurately.
It varies
from simulation to simulation,
but it is
usually a very small number.
Most who choose to stay
do not see another person,
at least those who do not stay
with family or a partner.
But people rarely stay together.
Finally, my chance
to be left alone.
-It sounds so nice.
You can make that choice
if you think it is
right for you.
Ooh, I have a funny question.
So if you've done this
a bunch of times, have you met
another version of me?
I am sorry,
I cannot answer that.
Oh come on, why not?
I am here to help you
make your decision,
but it might create
excess bias if you knew.
So you have met
another version of me.
You cannot trick me
into answering.
Okay, okay.
I read you loud and clear.
I did not say anything.
Oh, it's Kayla.
She wants me to meet her
in the park.
She's been so flaky
the last couple of days.
All right. Oh,
do you want anything to go?
I do not require food or--
I know, I'm just fucking
with you, come on.
[spiritual music playing]
The fuck?
Hey Kay.
What's with the jumpsuits?
It is so wonderful you are here.
Bless the creators.
This is my new friend, Otto.
Otto, this is my best friend
from our journey
through this world, Sarah.
Hi, Otto.
Bless the creators
or whatever she said.
Oh, I'm good, thank you.
So who are these creators?
They are those that have
created all of this.
It is also through their mercy
that we will live on
through the infinite.
They are great.
Bless the creators!
Okay, cool.
Join us in our praise
of their greatness.
I think I'll pass, thanks.
Did he brainwash you?
Are you good?
I have never felt better
in my entire existence.
Can't argue with that.
Um, so what does your Guide
have to say about this?
Doesn't he know
all about the creators?
He is my direct
connection to them.
We are in a deep, complex,
committed relationship.
We are one and because of him,
I'm one with the creators.
It is highly erotic.
She is definitely
making that part up.
Well, I've got to say, you guys
seem really busy over here,
so I'm just going to go.
Is that okay with the creators?
They have granted you free will,
and you are free to do
with that as you wish.
Except they haven't, though,
because like all this shit,
we're living in a simula...
You know what? It's fine.
Why don't you just let me know
when you need a break
from dancing in the park
or whatever is happening here?
See you later.
I'll see you later as well,
as we relive our greatest
moments together
in the boundless expanse...
beyond time.
Right. Sounds like a plan.
-Does that always happen?
-Every time?
[Guide snorts]
Some people need it to wrap
their heads around the unknown.
Huh. Nothing new there.
My God, it's nice to be home.
losing their shit out there.
We always anticipate a wide
array of reactions to the news.
Yeah, I think I'm going to like
the world a lot better
without other people.
It is difficult to make it
out there on your own.
People tend to struggle
without other people.
Dude, the hardest part
of my life right now
is dealing with other humans.
I think I'll be okay.
Oh, shit.
My mom called like five times.
She's probably making sure
everything's okay.
Hey, Mom, saw you
called a few times.
-Everything good?
-[Mom] Everything's fine.
Well, it's mostly fine.
It's okay. I just thought
it would be nice
if you were able to come by.
- Now?
-Yeah. Come over for lunch.
Are you sure everything's okay?
Yeah. I mean...
your dad is,
well, you can imagine.
-Is he all right?
He's just dealing
with things in his own way.
But I think it would be nice
if you could come by.
It would mean a lot
to him and to me.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um...
I'll just get ready
and I'll head over in a few.
Great! See you in a bit.
[quirky music playing]
[doorbell chimes]
Okay, so final warning.
My parents can be weird.
We literally had a whole
conversation about this
on the car ride over here,
I consider myself warned.
-There's my dumpling.
-Jesus Christ!
-Why the hell
aren't you wearing pants?
-Why would I?
-What the fuck, Dad?
Gary! Did you answer the
door without clothes on again?
Let me live my life, woman!
[Mom] Gary!
Nobody wants to see that.
I don't want to see that.
That's why we leave
the lights off.
Goddamn it!
You know, you married me.
[Mom] Go put some clothes on!
Baby, we don't have time
for clothes anymore.
Go, go!
[Mom slaps Gary]
-Hey, Mom.
-Hi, sweetie.
Come on in.
Sorry about your father.
You know, he can go a little
overboard with things.
That image will haunt my dreams.
Well, come on down
to the kitchen.
I'm just finishing up.
[door clicks]
Oh, some week, huh?
Yeah, I don't think I've heard
anyone be so casual about it,
but I guess you could say.
you don't have to pour me one.
Oh shoot!
I'm so sorry, I forgot.
You're still not drinking?
Yeah, It's been six months.
Not sure it's done me
any good, but...
Anyway, you were saying,
some week.
Hmm. You know, it is what it is.
You know, I go with the flow.
Your father is having
a tougher time of it, though.
Yeah, I didn't notice.
Oh, he'll be fine.
It's probably better
he only had a week.
You don't want him
analyzing things too much.
Mmm! Gary, get down here.
Two minutes!
I know you worry about him.
He worries about you, too.
How are you doing, anyway?
Pretty good, actually.
Well, I'm not sure I believe
you, but if you say so.
No, really.
Well, good, great.
We'll have
a wonderful meal then.
Nothing to worry about.
Gary! Food!
When I talked to you last week,
you were about to go on a date.
How did it go?
Does it matter anymore?
Well, no, but...
unless you're going to get
married in the next three days.
Is he the one?
No, Mom.
He most definitely was not.
Oh, that's too bad.
Did you still have fun?
-Did you...
[makes lascivious sound]
Can we talk about
something else please?
I don't mean to pry, I just--
Goddamn it!
Will you please
shut the fuck up?
Did we say something wrong?
Oh, no, I'm sorry.
It's just my Guide.
He has been yelling all morning.
And I finally got fed up
so I just, sorry.
Please, go on.
Why was he yelling?
I locked him in the basement.
You locked him in the basement?
Yeah, I got tired of him
talking all the fucking time.
You know, you can send them away
when you make your decision,
Yeah, and that's what they say.
But I don't want them
to know what I'm thinking.
I have to keep them
on their toes.
So you locked him
in the basement?
Seemed a little more
humane than the shed.
Well, mine's very nice
and very handsome, too.
I think your father is jealous.
I don't know why we need them
in the first place.
I mean, the decision
is pretty obvious.
I mean, who wants to turn down
permanent pleasure
for more of this shithole?
Well, actually, I was
thinking about staying.
[laughs uncontrollably]
Oh really?
That was a good one, honey.
[clears throat]
I love you.
But I mean, you really couldn't
get your shit together
before all this went down.
How do you think you're going
to do it without somebody
taking care of you, huh?
[fork clatters sharply]
[rapid footsteps]
What the fuck was that Gary?
We don't have time
for anything other than honesty.
That's your daughter!
Go apologize.
I stand behind what I--
[birds chirping]
[door squeaks]
Couldn't they have
ended the world
when it was a little cooler out?
Probably didn't factor
the weather in.
-I didn't mean to be...
-No, that's fine.
I get it. I do.
You don't have to say anything.
We all have to do
what's best for ourselves,
and we don't have
to agree on what that is.
I know I can be
a little critical.
But you know
that's just because I want
what's best for you, right?
I know.
[birds chirping]
Are you sure you want to stay?
It's weird.
I feel like I'm
the only person on the planet
that feels more normal
now that I know
that we weren't in control.
Once everyone else
is out of here, I can start
living my life my way,
without weird future people
dictating everything I do.
Do you really think
we had no control?
I can't imagine they put that
much effort into making billions
of these simulation things
just to let us run amok.
Did you ever ask your Guide
why they're ending it?
You should.
Why, do you know?
I don't.
Honestly, I really don't care.
But I think you should know
if you're going to stay
based on that.
It just sounds like
they got what they needed,
and it's time to wrap it up.
But what were they looking for?
Again, I don't care.
I think it's a great way to go
and I'm ready to take it.
But if I were you,
I wouldn't
want to make the decision
without knowing all the facts.
I mean, for all we know,
this world is defective,
and you'll be stuck here
all on your own
while it falls apart.
I'm just being honest.
[breathes softly]
Would they really end this
if it was good enough to keep?
[birds chirping]
I'm gonna go back inside.
You come in
whenever you're ready.
I know your mom would like
to spend more time with you.
[door closes]
We're so happy
you came over, sweetie.
Yeah, I'm glad I came too.
I didn't think this is how
we'd be saying goodbye.
Well, I'll come back.
We still have a few more days.
-Actually, we're gonna...
-Remember how we were supposed
to go to Fiji for our 30th?
We decided we should still go.
Why not spend what little time
we have left in paradise?
I completely forgot about that.
-I guess I just assumed...
-[Mom] I know.
I was surprised
people were flying as well.
I guess the pilots
had the same idea as us.
And it's not like
getting a refund
is any help at this point.
Well, wow, that sounds...
nice, that sounds really nice.
I'm happy for you guys.
Thanks, sweetie.
So... this is it.
Yeah, I guess it is.
Okay. Well, I love you guys.
I wish you could stay,
but I want you
to live your lives.
We love you, too.
And we are so proud of you
for always being yourself.
Hey, good luck.
I know you'll make
the right choice for you.
Oh Dad, can you do me a favor?
Of course.
Wear pants on the plane.
You know, for Mom?
[Mom giggles]
Will do.
[Mom sniffles]
[Gary] Oh, it's okay.
[car beeps]
You're right, they're
pretty interesting people.
-I guess that I could have--
-Why is our simulation ending?
It has served its purpose.
We are reallocating resources
to other simulations.
Okay, then what was its purpose?
Every simulation is designed
to test a specific variable's
impact on the world.
Sometimes the sky
is a different color.
Sometimes snow is warm.
Some are permanent.
Others are temporary.
What was our variable?
The great auk.
What the shit is that?
A flightless bird.
A penguin.
-A penguin?
A fucking penguin.
Not a singular penguin.
A species of penguins.
All righty then,
where are these penguins?
They lived
in the North Atlantic,
but they're all gone now.
Hunted to extinction
in the middle 19th century.
Then why is this
just ending now?
We want to see a variable's
impact on the world, but also
the impact of its absence.
Great. Fucking penguins
ended the world.
More accurately,
the presence of the penguins
was the reason for the world.
Absence of them is the reason
for the end of the world.
It was us.
Come again?
It was us all along.
It was our fault.
We were in control.
We destroyed the variable.
We ended the world.
In a manner of speaking, yes.
We're really ending it for you.
Although you did
give us reason to.
That said,
we are also responsible
for the creation of the world
in the first place.
We're also essentially
you of the future,
except not in a simulation.
It's all very complicated.
It's all just as fucking
pointless as before.
-Yes, but--
-Get out.
Get out of the car.
I don't want to see you anymore.
I've made up my mind.
I can't stay in this world.
Get out!
All right.
I'll still be
keeping an eye on you.
If you change your mind,
I'll know.
Good luck, Sarah.
[vehicle speeds away]
[insects buzzing]
[screams angrily]
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, totally fine.
Okay, good, good. If you say so.
I guess we're all
totally fine right now.
Sorry, you just
caught me off guard.
I didn't think anyone
would see me like this.
Oh, it's fine.
I'll let you get back to it.
I just wanted
to give you one of these.
An end of the world party?
Everybody's going at once,
so why don't we have some fun
and all go together?
A little weird.
Yeah, well isn't all this
a little weird
in like a cosmic sense?
Okay, you win.
Right on.
Starts at eight on Friday,
obviously ends at midnight.
All right. Well, I gotta finish
passing these out.
I'll see you then.
[insects buzzing]
[intense music playing]
[Sarah whimpering and crying]
[intense music playing]
Hey, Mom, just checking in.
You guys are probably
already on the plane, um...
And I don't even know
if you're going to have
service down there.
But I figured I'd try anyway.
kind of wish I had
gone with you guys.
I probably would have said no
if you'd asked.
So I understand why you didn't.
I just, um...
I don't really know
what to do with myself now.
You know?
Yeah, you're probably
not even going to get this.
But If you do... I miss you.
Say hi to Dad for me.
I love you guys.
[wild rock music playing]
[wild rock music playing]
[wild rock music playing]
[softly snoring]
Barry? You all right?
Yeah, I'm great.
Just taking in the sky
one last time.
This is it, you know?
Yeah, I guess it is.
Well, at least now we all know
there wasn't a point.
Of what?
Everything. Life.
Is this even life?
I don't think I have the
qualifications to answer that.
You know, back
when I worked on Wall Street
I thought I had
everything figured out.
I was happy because
I thought I was a success.
But that was based
on whatever I thought
the world was.
And then that changed.
I changed, and it changed again.
What we think, we become.
Um, well...
maybe what's happening now
is the point.
Maybe it is about
where we go next.
Does it even matter where we go?
I mean, we're here
and then we aren't.
We can't get to wherever
is next on our own, you know,
so no matter what,
we gotta go along
for the ride, man.
And then you know what?
We all wind up
in the same place anyway.
I always thought it would be
the aliens that took me away,
but I guess this
will have to do.
See you at the party tonight?
Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
Far out.
Far. Out.
Hey Kay.
Um, give me a call back
when you can.
I know that you're into
whatever you're into now,
but I wanted to see if maybe
you wanted to hang out tonight.
I, I'm not doing too well.
I'm actually, I'm pretty lonely.
I'm even thinking about
going to a party tonight.
Figured you'd come over
just to see that happen.
I really don't want to go alone.
[emotional music playing]
So... give me a call.
[electronic music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
[people chattering]
[pulsing dance music playing]
Hey! Ooh, look at you.
Oh, goddamn it. You again.
What are you doing here, babe?
Don't... Ugh, I don't know.
I'm just here.
What are you doing here?
You know, sniffing around
for some ladies.
Figured the end of the world
would leave them
wanting to get pretty weird.
-Of course.
-How about you, babe?
Do you not remember
how our date ended?
Hmm, I do,
but I'm very persistent.
You miss 100 percent
of the shots you don't take.
-Thought I was a six.
-You are.
But ooh,
you are looking good tonight.
I just might make you
an honorary seven
for the end of the world.
-Jesus, you're a shithead.
-Come on.
It's not like
you're gonna do any better
with the time you got left.
What did I do to deserve this?
-What do you got to lose?
-Fuck off!
All right, well,
you know where to find me
when you change your mind.
Huh? Huh? Okay.
[dance music playing]
Hey Kay, I'm really glad
you're here.
Is anyone home?
Are you on something?
[electronic music playing]
[Barry] Hey everybody!
Less than a minute!
Less than a minute!
[people laughing and chattering]
[dramatic music playing]
[slow dramatic music playing]
[eerie silence]
[Sarah] It's hard to see
how lost you are,
till you find
your way back again.
I spent so many years
fighting who I was,
then a bunch more trying
to deal with the lack of
identity that came from that.
I tried so hard to be someone
that people liked
that I stopped being
anybody at all.
It's been a long road, but...
but I finally feel
like myself again.
I almost forgot
what that felt like.
It was euphoric, you know?
I actually
thought something was wrong.
But then I realized that...
this must be what it feels like
to not be buried
by anxiety and depression
24 hours a day.
The lows are actually
offset by highs,
instead of lows
and slightly better lows.
I know I gave you a hard time.
But you're right.
It is a process.
And I'm glad I stuck with it
because I'm finally
putting the work in
and I'm really starting
to see the results.
Same time next week?
[upbeat rock music playing]
[upbeat rock music playing]
[upbeat rock music playing]
[upbeat rock music playing]
[upbeat rock music playing]
[upbeat rock music playing]
[birds chirping]
Holy shit! It's you.
Do you remember me? It's Tucker.
Unfortunately, I do.
-What the hell
are you doing here?
-Awesome! This is so rad!
I haven't seen anyone
in two years.
Well, I figured you would have
gone out with everyone else.
I mean, the last I saw you was
at the end of the world party.
No, it wasn't really my thing.
I'm kind of all about
living in the present
and not repeating the past.
That's a surprisingly
good answer.
I kind of regret it, though.
There's not really
any chicks here, so...
-There it is.
-I'm kidding.
I'm kind of surprised
you didn't go.
And you can go right back
to thinking I didn't.
Wait, wait.
We should stick together
or something, you know?
I can't imagine
you wanna be alone.
-I'm good.
-You sure?
I mean, it's just the two of us.
I know I've been lonely.
I was actually doing
really well here
before you showed up.
Where have you been, anyway?
I brought a couple of chicks
back to my apartment
in the city,
and then I just stayed.
The city's not really fun though
without all of the people.
And I got tired
of walking up the stairs.
So I came out here.
I'm not really sure
what I was trying to find.
Well, it's really not
that much better up here.
So maybe
you should just go back.
We're here now, we should
probably make the most of it.
-Gotta go.
-Hey, hey.
I just can't
believe I ran into you.
You know,
we should hang out tomorrow.
I can't hear you. Bye.
I'll come and find you
in the morning.
[birds chirping]
[Tucker] Huh.
[backpack thumps]
[screams loudly]
[footsteps crunching]
Good morning!
What are you doing here?
I told you
I'd come find you today.
Look, I got a pair of wheels
so I can keep up with you.
Yeah, let's go.
You really can't take
a hint, can you?
What do I have to lose, right?
[slow music playing]
[Tucker] Hey!
Where are you going?
[water gurgling]
Looks like nice, clean water.
The river water I was drinking
in the city was fucking gross.
You know, I didn't
expect to find anyone
when I came back here.
Yeah, if only that
had actually discouraged you.
Honestly, I was just
really excited to see you.
So sorry
if I came on a little strong.
[Tucker sighs]
It's been lonely, you know?
I'm an extrovert.
So this whole thing
has been pretty hard on me.
Maybe I should've went
with everyone else.
I wish you did.
Wow, that's a pretty
shitty thing to say.
Yeah, well, consider it fair
payback for being such
an asshole to me before.
You're seriously not over that?
Come on, I have had
some time to realize
I was a little bit of a dick,
but you're not even capable
of forgiving the one person
left in the world to forgive?
No. I'm not.
It's like I said when we met.
You're the embodiment
of everything that was
wrong with our world.
I can't even look at you
without being reminded
of how miserable I used to be.
I forgave myself
for not living my life.
That was hard enough.
I don't need you here
to remind me of the world
that made me that way
in the first place.
Look, I'm glad you feel
better about yourself.
I really am.
But if you've grown up,
how do you know
I haven't too?
Because you don't want to.
You're too in love with yourself
to care about changing.
Maybe you're not as good
at reading people
as you think you are.
That's hilarious
coming from you.
I'm not done, okay?
I'm aware I was an asshole.
I know what I did.
I remember what I said.
I mean that whole persona
that you hated so much,
just a character
I created to mask
a giant stack of insecurities.
I wanted people to like me.
So I figured the best way
to get them to think
I was cool and confident
was to treat them like shit.
And you know what's funny
is it actually worked.
So I kept doing it.
[water gurgling]
I've had a lot of time to think
and I can finally admit
how toxic it all was.
Meanwhile, you're just as
judgmental and selfish
as you were before.
I get you might not
want me here,
but maybe you should get
off your high horse of bitchery
and look in the fucking mirror.
Shit, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean that.
Sarah! Sarah, come back.
[slow music playing]
Sarah, I'm really sorry.
-Let me carry one of those.
-Just leave me alone.
I swear, I can be useful
if you just let me.
I have everything under control.
I was doing just fine on my own.
Please, there's got to be
something I can do.
-I'm fine.
-Just let me help you.
-Let me give you a hand!
-You don't listen to me!
[Tucker yells]
[loud thud]
[slow dramatic music playing]
[slow dramatic music playing]
[slow dramatic music playing]
[slow dramatic music playing]
[slow dramatic music playing]
[ominous music playing]
I'm just here to sell you
some solar panels.
I've had my eye on you.
There aren't that many
of you left, so we like to
check in from time to time.
How many?
246,922 worldwide.
Bet that sounds like
more than it is.
Yes, it does.
It seems you've had it rough
the last few days.
Are you okay?
I think it's pretty clear
that I'm not.
I know.
Who would have thought
I'd care about that creep?
People, real ones
and simulated ones alike,
are programmed to care
about each other.
You just forgot that
because society had trained you
to think otherwise.
In plain terms,
people need people.
I don't know.
Before, everyone just left.
I was here by myself
and everything was great.
That douchebag,
I fucking hated him.
seeing him...
dead, there on the ground...
it all became real.
After two years of feeling
more alive than I've ever felt,
reality came crashing in
and suddenly I was more alone
than I ever thought possible.
Before I was able
to live like
this whole world was mine.
But now I can't go anywhere
without being reminded
of what we used to be.
if it makes you feel any better,
he is with everybody else now.
[breathes heavily]
Everyone goes
to the same place in the end.
Do you want to stay here?
I made my choice,
and it's my responsibility
to live with it.
If you like, I can send you
to where everyone else is.
You can do that?
Everyone who stays
will eventually choose to go.
We just have to let them come to
that decision in their own time.
I don't think I can
do this anymore.
It's okay.
Why did I think I could
make it on my own?
You did.
You were on your own
for two years.
But that's a lot
for any one person.
You know, it's funny.
People would say that suicide
was the easy way out.
It pissed me off hearing that
because most people have no idea
the kind of pain it takes
to get to that point.
But I am just now realizing
that I judged everyone that left
for taking the easy way out.
But I couldn't do it.
I guess easy is all relative.
Everyone's struggle
is different.
I know.
So what do you think?
I think...
I'm ready.
I understand.
But can I just have
the rest of the day here
for myself,
just to take it all in?
Of course.
I'll come by tomorrow morning.
And I'm sorry.
You were only there to help me
and I shouldn't
have treated you that way.
Don't worry about it.
At least you didn't
lock me in the basement.
[laughs and sniffles]
Do you remember
when you asked me if I had met
another version of you?
Yeah, you wouldn't tell me.
I know. I couldn't then.
I have met roughly 321,000
versions of you.
They're all a little
bit different,
but they are all you.
I couldn't tell you before
because not all of them
choose to stay.
And I didn't want to let that
influence your decision.
In fact, a lot of them
are a little bit quicker
with the pills than you were,
and they never get to hear
the truth in the first place.
Those that do stay
tend to not last very long.
Of all the Sarahs,
you've made it the farthest.
You are the strongest and most
true version of yourself.
No matter what you think
or how you feel right now...
you've done great.
[sniffles and exhales]
[climactic music]
I'll see you tomorrow.
[slow dramatic music playing]
[slow dramatic music playing]
[emotional music playing]
[emotional music playing]
[emotional music playing]
[slow rock music playing]
[slow rock music playing]
[slow rock music playing]
[slow rock music playing]