Disfluency (2021) Movie Script
[suspenseful music]
[upbeat techno music]
-[Student] Sorry.
-[Jane] Sorry.
-[Student] I'm sorry.
All right, settle down!
As you know,
speech is not perfect
because we are not perfect.
We pause, mumble, stutter,
restart sentences
and use filler words.
Um, hmm, like, totally...
These words act as disfluencies,
natural interruptions
in the smooth flow of speech.
Whenever we say um, but, like,
we are attempting
to undo a mistake
or reshape our future.
Now most of the time we're not
even aware we're doing this.
These words are abused
and normalized until they
become powerless.
Can we get another example?
[people laughing, scoffing]
[soft whispering]
Jane, what happened?
Sorry, uh...
What happened, Jane?
What happened?
What happened?
What happened? Jane?
[upbeat techno music]
[Female Voice]
Jane, are you okay?
Hi, welcome to Big Burger.
[Dorothy] What do you want?
[Louis] Let her sleep, just
get her a grilled cheese.
Yes, we'll have a chicken salad.
-Totally forgot about those.
[Louis laughs]
Used to be my little Blue J,
now you're all grown up.
What happened?
[car honks]
All right, people.
Two bottom buns, extra cheese?
[Dorothy] What do you want?
I wonder what they
did with the tops.
Tossed 'em.
Don't tell me that,
now I feel responsible.
Maybe you should
feel some responsibility.
-[Dorothy] I can't believe
you let this happen.
-I'm going to finish.
-You're damn right you are.
-No cat fights!
-I never would have
expected this from you.
-[Operator talks]
Yes, we'll have a chicken salad.
-Cheeseburger, extra pickles.
-I don't want anything.
-You have to eat.
-[Jane] I don't want to.
Number five, extra ranch!
Make it a large!
Extra fries.
[Louis] Could we get three large
waters too, please?
I will have to charge for those.
I'm sorry, for water?
Now they're gonna give us
little tiny mini Dixie cups.
-[Operator] Will that be all?
-[Jane] Yes that's all,
thank you. Sorry!
[Louis] This generation wants
everything for free,
except for water.
[Dorothy scoffs]
You're the cup of coffee
I hold in my hand
I don't need
Normal hair, normal stare
Normal this, normal that
Don't look here,
there's nothing there
Just normal, normal
I sell a piece of my soul
They slip me their approval
I like what they like
Do they like me
My dear friend
I'm home alone
I can't leave again
My own breath's become a sin
Can't pretend
You knock three times
I know what that means
I knock back
With my crazy hair
Anxious stare, racing
thoughts, empty heart
Thought I'd always run away
But you ran with me
[car beeps]
-[Dorothy] Take your stuff in.
-[Louis] No, I can do it.
I could use the workout.
No soldier left behind.
She needs to do this herself,
and this isn't a free
summer vacation,
you're gonna be helping
around the house.
And finding a way to get those
credits taken care of.
-And...get your stuff.
[car door slams]
Lacey should be
down at the dock.
She's been worried about you.
I got you covered
with her. Go on.
[light gentle music]
-[Jane] Oh.
-[Amber] Oh, sorry!
-[Jane] No, it's okay, Amber.
-Hey buddy, come here. Hi!
-Who's this little guy?
-This is my little man, Theo.
Oh, wow.
You, uh, you have a kid.
Yeah! Kinda thought social media
would have tipped you
off to that by now.
It's prevented a lot of awkward
conversations, honestly.
I'm not, uh, not
great at keeping up.
Well, I should probably get
this little one down for a nap.
Well, it's... Hey! It's nice
to meet you, little guy!
Uh, he's, you know what, he's
not much of a talker yet.
He's what, uh, 18 months?
-He's two.
-And he doesn't talk at all?
That's right, I forgot you
studied, like, speech?
-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
I was just--
Okay. Can you say bye?
Say bye!
Oh, are you okay?
Oh, yeah.
He's just got some strong
little teeth, this one.
-I will, um, I'll see you later.
Come on. Come on, buddy!
Come on, bud.
[water splashes,
Jane screams]
Got you, sucker! What's up?
[Lacey laughs]
Oh, man!
You good?
Jane? You good?
Yeah, you just really scared me!
You sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
I saw you, uh,
ran into Amber.
Her kid actually. Literally.
He's a little Tasmanian devil.
Could you imagine just like
having a spawn of yourself?
It's more the having a parasite
growing inside you that gets me.
I think I just wanna like
rip it out, you know?
Damn, J, dark.
Do you ever talk to her?
Who, Amber?
No. Why?
I don't know. You're just at mom
and dad's all the time, I just--
Nope, she always had
a problem with me.
I think it was
the other way around.
[Jane laughs]
[Lacey] Wait,
I'm glad you're back.
Do you have any last words?
Lacey, no! No!
[Jane shouts]
[laughs loudly]
Look, okay, so you were supposed
to be on a plane tomorrow
headed in a different
direction, but--
but you lucked into
being a teenager
for the next few months.
Dad says you're
worried about me.
Just so he doesn't think that
he's the only one, okay?
I am not worried about you.
Sorry, what?
[Lacey] I just said, we're not
worried about you.
We're so happy that you're back!
Now let's go talk
about our periods
until Dad turns off Fox News.
Thanks, but I think I'm
gonna go out on the water.
[upbeat music]
-So, what do you
wanna watch tonight?
-[Lacey] We're going out!
Don't you think it'd be
good idea if you stayed
home and relaxed?
I mean, it is your
first night back.
[Lacey] I can hear you!
-I was talking to Jane!
-Where are we going?
[Lacey] Jordan's! Dad,
can I crash here tonight?
I don't want to
drive back to Detroit.
Ask your mother!
[Lacey] Dad!
Fine! Don't drink too much.
And I think it'd be a good idea
for you to show
a little responsibility
in light of what happened
this past week.
Take it from an old pro.
[hip hop music]
[people talking in distance]
[woman laughing]
-Come on, please.
Oh, my God, Janey, hi!
I haven't seen you
in, like, forever.
Hey, Kenny!
Wait, since are you
friends with Kennedy?
She's a tour guide at the zoo.
And we go to spin together.
-Who are you?
-I don't know.
She's not that bad, come on.
[Kennedy] It's like a
neighborhood reunion.
[Jordan] What's up?
Long time no see.
[Dylan] Ah shit, it's
the Durazo twins.
Babe, they're not twins.
Wait, are you guys twins?
Did you get held back a grade?
No. No, no, no, no, no, dummy,
I mean like Irish twins.
You guys are Irish, I thought
you were Jewish?
We're Black Irish.
-Are they allowed to say that?
-And Jewish.
[Kennedy] But you guys
went to St. Catherine's.
-And Catholic.
-[Lacey] And Mexican.
Careful Ken, don't
break your brain.
Okay, you know what?
[Jordan laughs]
Do you guys ever
hang out with Amber?
Amber Jackson?
For real, when you get
pregnant like that
and then your dude ditches,
you're a societal goner.
Yeah, she basically never
leaves her mom's place.
[Kennedy] Also Mrs. Jackson is
like a total booze hound.
[Dylan] And I hear
her kid's autistic.
-[Kennedy] Really?
Okay, all right, let's uh...
let's not.
And he got another
chick pregnant in Ohio.
It's a gigantic shit sandwich.
Oh my God, really?
It's all over Facebook.
Oh, uh, Kennedy hasn't been
on Facebook in a few years.
Yeah, I cleansed
it from my life.
I'm exclusively on the Gram now.
She has 30,000 followers
on Instagram,
so, like, she thinks
she's a local celebrity.
Kind of is for this town.
[Jordan] Yeah, you
might be right.
[Kennedy] I'm sorry!
Hello! Jordan, do you
have something to share
with the class?
Um, no yeah.
I was just saying that
you think you're hot shit,
like you're a local celebrity.
Oh my God, okay, yeah.
It's called being an influencer,
and it's gonna be a
full-time job once I hit 100K.
-[Jordan] Gotcha.
And then we'll see
who's laughing.
[Lacey] I'm way
too sober for this.
Ken, want to go shotgun a beer?
[Kennedy] Oh my God, yeah.
[Dylan] I'm coming!
No, I'm good.
I hate it when
you guys do that.
You could learn, you know.
Um, I remember you
calling it your super
secret sister speak.
No, I did not.
Lacey called it that.
I called it "I fell out of a
tree when I was a kid
and didn't speak for three years
so we all learned to sign."
[Jordan] Right, Big Pine.
Forgot that part.
[Jane] And Lacey made
it a game because,
of course she did, she's Lacey.
Whoa, you smoke?
You're a smoker now?
Don't tell my parents.
How are Dorothy and
Louis these days?
They, uh, could be worse.
[Jordan] Oh, great.
Glad to hear it.
[distant laughing]
[Kennedy] Aye, chug,
chug, chug, chug, chug!
Chug, chug, chug, chug!
You know, I...
I never learned
how to roll a joint.
Too busy writing papers
to be rolling them?
Never mind!
[Jane laughs]
Come on!
Yeah, gonna show me?
-[Jane laughs]
So first...
take your paper like so,
and then your filter.
Ooh, fancy.
Hey, listen, Durazo,
we're not animals.
And then...
You wanna try?
And then, okay, make
sure to keep your finger
and your thumb on the filter
so it doesn't go out of place.
And then just kind of
roll the paper back
and forth against itself.
Yeah, like that.
-Like that?
-Yep, that's great.
All right.
I'm gonna take it back
just 'cause this
part's very tricky.
I mean, this is, uh...
the most important part,
this is where you finesse it.
-[Jane] Finesse.
Okay, so you fold it...
kind of get it tight
and then, um, here,
you want to lick it?
[Jane laughs]
And then here.
Give it one more.
-[Jane] Okay.
-Right up.
[Jordan laughs]
And then pinch the top.
-Like that?
-Then, yeah, and then
do a little flick.
Pack it down.
Yeah, look at that.
You're a natural.
I have a good teacher.
I could hear that coming
out of my mouth
and I was like, no!
[Jordan laughs]
I am very lame!
No, no, it's um...
lame always
looked good on you.
So I was kind of surprised
to hear that you were back.
Is it like a gap year, or a...
fancy Euro trip or something?
Not exactly. I, um...
I didn't graduate.
Yeah, I failed my last class.
[Jordan laughs]
Yeah, it's super funny
that my life is--
Wait, Jane The Brain flunked?
Wow, I have not heard
that since like fourth grade.
What happened?
[Jane] I don't know.
I just, uh...
I got distracted, I guess.
I mean, I gotta say that's
pretty bad ass.
Coming from you.
Bad girl Janey.
Skipping class, rolling joints.
[Jane laughs]
That's me.
Nah, don't sweat
it, you uh,
you just have a
couple of credits.
That's not a big deal.
Feels like a big deal.
Nah, you'll get your pedigree.
Don't worry.
Plus, I mean, you've
gained a whole summer
to dick around with yours truly.
Come on.
That's pretty great.
All right.
So you wanna smoke
this thing or what?
Oh, you don't have to show me
how to do that part.
Oh, you show me
how it's done now.
Are you all right?
[branch snaps]
[light slow music]
[light buzzing]
[Kennedy] What's up guys?
I'm here on bea-utiful
Little Bear Lake.
We are getting totally lit.
[Lacey] Totally!
And we are celebrating
the return of Little Durazo
who we missed so much.
I totally love my little sister!
This one's for you, J!
[laughs loudly]
[Dylan And Kennedy]
Chug, chug, chug, chug!
[Jane blows softly]
[blows heavily]
I know what I'm gonna do
to get credit.
What time is it?
[Jane] 6:00.
Why the hell are you
waking me up
at 6:00 AM on a Saturday?
You can sleep
when you're dead!
I am dead.
No, you're not.
Then kill me.
[Jane] Get up!
Oh! I'm up, I'm up!
[breathes heavily]
[Kennedy] What's up guys--
Oh, goddammit,
she posted that?
-[Kennedy and Lacey] Totally!
I don't think I've
heard you say
"totally" like that
in your life.
[Lacey] Don't bite your nails.
Well, that's the thing.
See, language shifts based on
environment, emotional state.
The words and phrases that
we don't even realize
that we're saying
that we throw into sentences.
It's subconscious.
I'm gonna do a study.
[Jane] So I can get credit.
So I can graduate.
I'm going to record
between you and
Kennedy and Dylan--
Jordan's gonna be grading.
Oh, Jordan!
You're such a good teacher!
[Jane] Rude!
[Lacey laughs]
It's not my fault!
Sound carries on a clear night.
Come on, you've had a crush
on him since you were five,
and I would know because
I officiated the first wedding.
Toilet paper veil and all.
Can you focus?
I say go for it!
Can you focus?
No, because it's 6:00 AM!
Can you ask Kennedy
and Dylan about it?
How about this for a plan?
go do whatever it is
that morning people do.
And I will...
help you do whatever
it is you just said.
only if you promise
that you're gonna
try to have fun
and stop beating yourself up.
But, Mom!
I'm serious!
It's the summer of fun!
Like the Beach Boys.
They totally knew what
they were talking about.
[pop music]
All of the good intent
And all of my common sense
It takes the fun out of it
Am I always this vigilant?
I've learned to be vigilant
[Jane] I got it!
[Amber] What's that?
[Jane] Oh, the back split.
Oh shit!
That's just great.
Let me get those.
-[Amber] Oh shit!
Are you okay?
I just poked myself.
Oh God.
Some days I just wanna quit.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't say that.
I could babysit sometime.
It's fine, you don't
have to say that.
No, I've worked with kids
student teaching.
Difficult kids.
Kids with autism.
He's not autistic.
Yeah no, I just--
I wasn't saying--
I just mean he wasn't, um...
Sorry, I meant, uh, kids...
with different, um...
Different challenges.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I'll think about it.
Come on, nerd!
We're putting holes
in our bodies.
I'm in the middle of something.
[Lacey] Yeah, but Kenny just
got a new piercing gun!
You guys are gonna look totally
amazing with nose piercings.
Nose piercings?
[Kennedy] Yeah, the Gram
is gonna flip for this
Parent Trap shit.
-We're not twins.
-[Kennedy] No, I know.
Dylan, what did you
call them last night?
[Dylan] Irish twins.
It means that Louis
and Dorothy got busy
right after baby number
one popped out.
[Kennedy laughs]
Did you ask them?
Yes. We will be your lab rats.
[Kennedy] But we were promised
a bunch of super fun adventures.
Yes. Jane is committed
to fun. Right, Jane?
Okay, I need documented consent
in order to record our
conversations and review.
[Dylan] Review what?
Okay, well, I
can't fully disclose
because that would defeat
the purpose of the study
but I'm not gonna
be using any content,
just, um, you know, analyzing
speech patterns and, uh...
structure and whatnot.
Okay, so I just need
you to state your name
and that you consent to
Jane Durazo's research study.
Lacey Durazo.
And I consent to
Jane Durazo's research study.
Kennedy Clarence.
And I totally consent to
Jane Durazo's research study.
Dylan Samuels
and I consent to Jane Durazo's
research study.
So what will it be?
Oh, I want my septum
done for sure.
Septums are totally in.
Hey, what do you want?
-[Kennedy] Yeah.
Oh, no I'm not.
We had a deal.
More like an imposition.
Come on, you can take
it out if you don't like it.
Yeah, it'll be super fun.
[Dylan] YOLO.
[Kennedy] Totally YOLO.
Do it.
-Do it. Do it! Do it!
Not 'cause of that!
But I want a normal one just
like on the side of my nose.
That's a great choice,
you have perfect nostrils.
Let's do this.
You do know what
you're doing, right?
Oh yeah.
No, I literally did the entire
ski team right before States.
Wait, is that way Jordan
had his ears pierced
for like a week senior year?
Jane's crushing hard.
Okay, jeez, Lace,
how old are we?
I mean, he's totally into you.
You guys last night?
Fricking adorable.
Yeah, he'd hit it.
Okay, you ready?
Just do it.
Dylan, take a pic.
[phone clicks]
[camera flashes]
Ow! Shit!
I'm sorry! Wait, wait!
-[Lacey] Oh my God, that hurt.
-[Kennedy] Wait, wait, okay.
Yeah, you just got stabbed.
Okay, your turn.
Okay, three, two, one.
[upbeat techno music]
-[Kennedy] Are you okay?
-[Lacey] Jane?
-[Kennedy] Is she okay?
-[Lacey] Jane, hey, yo?
[Lacey] You good?
Yeah, sorry, um...
I'm ready.
[everyone laughs]
[Kennedy] I already did it.
[Dylan] So Little D's
got the tough skin.
Hey, you sure you're okay?
Yeah, no, I'm...
How does it look?
[Dylan] Not bad.
Damn J, it looks hot.
It really ups your sex appeal.
No offense.
Kennedy, what the F,
it's crooked!
-[Kennedy] I'm sorry!
-[Lacey] What the--?
Okay, guess I'm a little rusty!
[Lacey] No, fix this!
[Kennedy] Lacey!
What have you done
to your beautiful faces?
It's just a piercing.
[Lacey] Just take a chill pill.
You want me to
take a chill pill?
[Lacey] Yes!
A chill pill, I think
you need to relax.
Don't talk to your
mother that way.
What is your boss gonna say?
Probably nothing
because my clients
are mostly chimpanzees
and lemurs.
Or he may fire me.
Don't monkeys like shiny things?
[Dorothy] Well, this is
a great strategy.
Oh my God, it's like
you're living in the '50s.
We're from the '70s.
-[Lacey] Okay, I'm just
not endangering my job.
When was the last time
that you were in downtown?
Because Detroit is
filled with people
who have tattoos
and piercings
and blue hair and shit.
Okay, it's an art scene,
it's self-expression,
have you ever heard of it?
Oh yeah, great.
Downtown Detroit isn't
in bad enough shape,
now we got a bunch of
snowflake weirdos
running around down there.
-[Jane] Lace?
-Are you kidding me?
Maybe you should
take a chill pill?
-[Lacey] I do not have to
deal with this.
He cannot just say
shit like that!
This is why I'm
not well adjusted!
I'll see you next weekend.
Text me!
[bright music]
[Amber] Hey!
[Jane] Hey.
Um, what's your rate?
For babysitting?
What's, uh, what's
a normal rate?
$10 an hour?
That's my rate!
Great, um...
are you free?
[Amber] I got this
interview last second,
it's a work from home thing.
I already fed him breakfast,
so just juice and water only.
And he's allergic to peanuts,
not that we...
keep any of that in the house.
I'll be back in a couple hours.
My mom's upstairs, not
that you're going to see her.
You be good, all right?
-[Amber] Thank you,
I appreciate it.
-[Jane] Yeah, of course.
-Good luck!
[Jane] What's that?
[playful music]
The itsy bitsy spider
went up the water spout
[Jane] Do you know that one?
Down came the rain and
washed the spider out
Hey, is there another
song that you like?
[clicks fingers]
[clicks fingers]
Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!
[Jane laughs]
-[Jane] Hey!
-Hey little man, how'd it go?
[Amber] Were you good for Jane?
[Jane] He was great.
Thank you again so much.
I really appreciate it.
[Jane] Yeah of course,
I'm happy to.
I think that we should
talk about, um...
-What, Theo?
I don't think he's a...
late talker.
Oh no, I know.
Late talker, it's like
a blanket term. You know?
I think it might be...
hearing loss.
[light soft music]
No, you know what it is?
He actually,
he had a little ear infection
a couple of weeks ago and um...
I think his head's just a little
clogged up, that's all.
It's not a big...
I think it might be...
to severe.
No, 'cause he loves music.
We dance together all the time.
He's mimicking.
He's copying your motions--
No, you know what?
Um, thank you so much...
[Jane] he's feeling the
vibrations in the music.
...for coming by on
such short notice.
I really appreciate it.
[bright music]
[Jordan] You wanna
climb Big Pine?
[Jane] Uh...
Oh, I'm sorry, shit,
I totally forgot.
[Jane] No, no, I uh...
maybe, just um...
not tonight.
Yeah, that's cool.
[Amber] Hey.
He's deaf.
I knew that there was
something wrong
and I just thought he was gonna
grow out of whatever it was.
I thought it was just a phase
with the tantrums and
everything and I...
I really convinced myself
not to read into it.
God, isn't that stupid?
No. [Laughs]
Okay, you're gonna hear this
one a million times, but...
he's going to have
a perfectly normal life.
He's gonna communicate.
He's gonna go to college and...
fall in love and...
have a girlfriend
that you really hate.
He's gonna get everything
he wants out of life.
I'm supposed to start signing
with him right away.
I'm sure you probably
already know that.
I could teach you.
So I didn't...
That's why I'm home.
I think it might, I don't know,
I think it might help me.
Sorry, that sounded...
That sounded stupid.
Do mornings work for you?
7:00 AM?
[Jane] Meet at our dock?
[Amber] Sure.
[Amber] I think it might
be 7:00 now.
[Jane] Yeah.
[pop music]
Trust me
Trust me when I say
that I was innocent
Trust me
He only stay 'cause
we were just listening
[Lacey laughs]
[Lacey] Um, we have to take
one of these everyday.
[Lacey] You're such a
sucker for that kinda stuff.
[Jane] Isn't film like
$2 a picture?
Okay, yeah, maybe
I'm the sucker.
[Jane] Yeah.
And I'll be unfaithful
and it will be unfair
And you will be torn in two
Well I've got some
news for you
I don't break hearts
I don't do funny business
I just ride in cars and
watch them
Okay, your, um, "excited" is
still looking pretty scared
but we're getting there.
I just ride in cars
and watch them
[Lacey laughs]
[Lacey] Are you just gonna
record everything?
Yeah! It's better to
cast a wider net.
Oh my God, my mom says
that about men all the time.
[Kennedy] I totally
agree with you.
And her, technically.
Facial expression's a
big part of it too.
What if I don't know
what to say?
[Dylan] Sorry, she's 18.
It's fair game.
Plus, she's totally
into polyamory.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
[Lacey] Penis.
-[Jane] Penis!
[Store Manager] Hey!
No yelling "penis"!
[bottles crashing]
[Jordan] Hey!
Come on!
So think of something
you're scared of more
than heights and then imagine--
[Jane] Sharks!
[Jordan] Okay great!
And imagine there's
sharks all around you.
And then...by comparison...
[Jordan] Don't worry.
You can't just say you're
gonna sponsor my post
and then not sponsor my post.
I already hashtagged "ad."
Pops forgot his dinner.
Be right back.
[Dylan] I'll say hi to
the pigs for you.
[Dylan snorts]
Oh, sorry.
[Amber] Um...
Oh God, um...
[Amber laughs]
I like mine better,
but whatever.
Me too. Yours is great.
You should suggest that to
the sign language committee.
[laughs loudly]
He's still...
No, it takes time.
It's just so personal, you know.
Like it is an intimate
conversation and...
you really have to
talk with all of you.
Yeah, I mean you really have to,
you really have to
focus. You know?
if I want to say
something to you
and you're in the other room
or you're on your phone
or you're, you know,
doing whatever important
things you have with your life.
-Well, yeah.
-And I wanna say
something to you,
you don't really have a choice,
like you're going to hear me.
But with sign language,
you know,
there's no bullshit.
You are like in
that conversation.
Spoken language isn't like that.
I mean, it kind of is.
At least it really should be.
[group talking and laughing]
[Jordan] Uh, so, uh...
I made you something.
Yes, I'm very crafty.
In case you forgot.
[Jane] I do remember.
[Jordan] It's just
like a...I don't know.
It's stupid,
but I thought that
you might like it.
[Jordan laughs]
You don't like it?
No, I, I...
I love it. It's uh...
No, I'm just tired.
Okay, I mean, you don't have to.
No, I really. It's...I really...
I love it. I...
Thank you.
[Jordan] Yeah.
What happened, Jane?
[Professor] Jane?
Jane? Jane?
[Lacey] Don't bite your nails.
[Professor] What happened?
What happened?
-[Jordan] What happened?
-[Louis] What happened?
-[Amber] Theo?
-What happened, Jane?
What happened? Jane?
-[Lacey] Jane?
-[Professor] Jane?
[Lacey] Jane.
Don't lose it.
Oh my God, I cannot believe
that I'm up before you.
I have to head back to the D,
but we were thinking about
climbing Big Pine today.
Maybe later.
[Lacey] Come on, I know
you're not a big fan
but you're never gonna
feel ready, you know?
I'm just super hungover.
[Lacey] Yeah, you and me both.
Um, okay, well...
I'll just see you next weekend?
[Lacey] Cool.
[electrical buzzing]
[upbeat techno music]
[Louis] Well, you don't
have a fever, but...
okay Blue Jay,
we'll let you sleep.
[Dorothy] Honey.
Amber and
Theo stopped by.
I'll tell her to
come back later.
[heavy breathing]
What are you doing?
This is where I met Kennedy.
I mean, I always
knew who she was.
But officially...
you know.
I remember.
Oh shit.
You were a Creamy Freeze girl.
Every summer.
Didn't you give Kyle Irwin
a BJ behind the slushy machine?
That was Sarah Carlton.
Oh, my bad!
I heard that she got
her nipple pierced
and then it split in
Roger Jones' face.
Why do you do that?
Say gross shit about people?
Jeez, someone's on the rag.
No, I couldn't sleep.
That was pretty gross.
I don't know.
[Jane] What?
Why I say gross
shit about people.
Do you want a ride?
I can throw your
bike in the back.
No, I'm, uh...
I'm good.
I'll see you tomorrow, maybe?
Yeah. Maybe.
[Lacey] Hey!
[Lacey] Jane, come on!
Come celebrate
America's birth with us.
It's the fourth,
it's time to get weird!
Stop it!
[Lacey] I know you're
not actually sick.
Yes I am.
Go away.
[Lacey] You wanna
tell me what's going on?
Okay, whatever.
Come down to the
dock and shout for us
if you need anything.
Feel better.
[country music playing]
[Louis] So he would have me come
in and weed his front lawn...
and this young one would--
I was always noticing
she was driving by on her bike.
Riding my bike every Sunday.
Oh my God. Hi, Jane!
-[Louis] Hey!
-[Dorothy] Hey!
How are you feeling, honey?
She lives.
Come here!
-[Dorothy] Yay! Join us.
Perfect timing,
we were about to go in.
Been a long day on
the water for us old folks.
Oh, I know you're
not calling me old.
[laughs loudly]
[Dorothy] No, I am not old,
don't call me old.
Honey, it's time. Let's go!
[Dorothy] It's time?
Oh, it's time, kids.
We missed you.
[Dorothy] Lucky lady.
[laughs loudly]
[Louis] And this is just what it
was like in 12th grade, guys.
The magic's still there.
Oh, I'm glad you're
feeling better, Baby J.
[Louis] My little Blue Jay.
Don't stay up too late.
[Dorothy] Good night, guys.
Now you kids don't do anything
we wouldn't do, right?
[Dorothy laughs]
-No way.
-Cheers to that.
[Dorothy] Oh stairs,
why do we have these stairs?
[Louis] You want
me to carry you?
[Dorothy] Please!
[Louis] I can carry you.
It's showtime, baby.
[Lacey] Finish it.
[Kennedy] I literally haven't
gone skinny dipping
since junior prom.
-[Lacey] I feel like I'm 16.
-[Jordan] Kennedy, you literally
went skinny dipping last week.
[Kennedy] Oh my God, yeah,
but I meant with
this many people.
Not just like by myself.
[shouts, water splashes]
laughter continues]
Can you see
By the dawn's early light
[Kennedy] Oh my God, okay!
[Kennedy] No, no, no!
[Kennedy shouts]
[Kennedy] Oh my God, you prude.
Leave her alone.
Wanna see the moon?
[Kennedy] It's right there.
No, it's right here!
Oh, my God!
[Kennedy] Okay, okay, wait!
Let's play truth or dare.
I'll go first.
Jordan, truth or dare?
I dare that you
go under the dock with Jane
and do whatever you want.
Oh, I don't wanna play.
[Kennedy] Come on, you have to.
Jay, play, play.
Come on, let's go
appease the people.
[Kennedy] Ooh.
[Lacey] Appease the people, yes!
Right this way.
This seems like a good spot.
[both laughing]
We don't have to--
Right, we're just--
I mean, not that I...
-I'm sorry.
-No, it's uh...
No, you're not--
No, I'm sorry, it's not.
It's not that I--
No, it's okay.
-I'm sorry.
-No, what is it?
I'm sorry.
No, no, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, no, I shouldn't have.
No, it's not.
No, it's okay, never mind.
-No, it's all right.
-No, it's fine.
No, sorry, sorry.
I'm sorry.
[Lacey] Where are you going?
I'm sorry!
[Jordan] Jane?
Jane, Jane, are you okay?
-[Lacey] What happened?
-[Jordan] I don't know.
-I'm sorry.
-[Lacey] What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
-I'm sorry!
-[Dylan] It's a panic attack!
Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane!
It's okay!
[Lacey] Jane, Jane, Jane!
-I'm sorry!
-[Lacey] It's okay!
[Lacey] It's okay! It's okay!
Let's go! Come on, come on.
Let's go.
It's okay, it's okay.
[Lacey] Watch your head.
[Lacey] Come on.
[upbeat techno music]
Hey, hey, hey!
Jane. Jane...
I'm sorry.
[Amber] It's okay!
I'm sorry!
[Amber] It's okay.
You're okay.
[Jane] It was someone...
in my class.
[Lacey] You could've...
you could've told me.
I didn't even really
know if it was.
I didn't know how.
I'm sorry.
Oh, come on.
This is serious, Jane.
No shit!
I've been thinking
of reporting it.
To the police?
Isn't that what you're
supposed to do when you get...
I'm not saying you shouldn't,
it's just that it's...
hard to go through, and...
it's just, I don't know
if that's what you should
be focusing on right now.
Wouldn't you?
I don't know.
[light soft music]
[Jordan] Hi!
I'm sorry about last night.
I just wanted to
come over and say that.
I haven't been sleeping and...
I mean it seems like
it was more than that.
I mean, it kind of
seemed like it was me.
You know, things can go back
to the way that they were.
There doesn't
need to be this like
weird thing between us.
Um, you mind if I
see it really quick?
Why did you do that?
It's cool.
It's cool?
Whatever, Jordan.
No, wait, hang on. Hang on.
It's okay, like,
you don't want it.
You don't know what I want.
You didn't e--
You gave that to me, that wa--
That wasn't yours.
Whatever, Jordan.
Wait, woah...
-Hey, morning.
What's up?
She told you?
She left for work.
What did she say?
Uh, she said that you
wanted to go to the police.
-That's not what I said.
-[Louis] That you were
thinking about going--
She told us because
she cares, Jane.
[Louis] If you want me to handle
it, I can handle it for you.
-[Jane] Dad.
-Janey, this is a crime.
[Dorothy] Let's not blow
this out of proportion.
This is not the time for this.
[Louis] No, this is the time.
No, we talked about this.
-If we wait--
-Honey, do you
want some breakfast?
-No, I'm not hungry.
-Can we make you some eggs?
-I'm not hungry.
-Maybe some waffles? Some toast?
-You need to eat something.
I don't want to.
I'll take some eggs.
Eggs it is.
Everyone gets eggs.
-I don't want anyth--
-[Louis] Let your mother
make you some eggs.
Sit down.
I don't wanna talk about it.
You don't have to.
[Dorothy] Here's the salt.
Um, I'm gonna make
some toast also.
We've got raspberry jam, and...
-if you want grape jam,
we've got that too.
I can go with you if you want.
-Do you want me to go with you?
-Is that really necessary?
[Dorothy] To call the
police right now?
We are getting
the police involved.
Maybe there's a better option.
-There is no chance in hell--
-Jane, is this what--
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Can you just...
Can you...just let me handle it.
Can you just...
leave it?
[car door opens]
[car door slam]
[footsteps approaching]
You really have to stop
biting your nails.
Can you not tell me what
to do for like a second?
Dad told you I was here?
I shouldn't have
told them, I know.
I'm sorry, okay?
You should be.
Hello, I'm, uh...
Officer Fitzpatrick.
Here to take your statement, uh?
Alright, and you are, uh?
Oh, Lacey.
I'm her sister.
Okay, Jane and Lacey,
nice to meet you.
So you're...
here to report an assault?
I'm sorry to hear that.
We can take your statement and
then put you in contact with the
correct jurisdiction and
they'll take it from there.
Do you know
the name of the person?
Theo Thompson.
And, do you have...
any of his contact information?
I mean, not like a, I don't have
his phone number or anything.
I'm friends with him
on social media.
That would be helpful.
Oh yeah.
Oh, yeah, um...
I'm gonna need you to, um...
Oh, right, yeah, sorry.
Are you gonna take
notes on that the, um...
the whole time?
On what?
I mean, you don't have like a...
like a laptop or something?
No, no.
Good old fashioned paper.
Sorry, I've just, uh...
I've just never done this
before, you know?
Well I'm glad to hear that.
So you--
Sorry, what happens?
What happens next?
Yeah, I'll find someone
here in the office.
They'll transcribe it.
And then they'll pass it
off to the detectives
and then they will
open an investigation.
A, uh, detective.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I should have
explained more, um...
I'm gonna take your statement
and then I will contact Theo
and get his statement.
And then we'll
open an investigation
and we'll contact any witnesses
that you both can offer.
-[Fitzpatrick] Yeah.
Anyone that
might have been around the
night of the incident.
Well, I mean, it was just...
Well, anyone that was there
before or after the incident.
See, the job of the detective
is to get as much information
as they possibly can.
He'll take over.
I'm just here to do
the initial statement.
All right, but you're gonna
you're gonna contact my friends
and his friends and
people who were there and, um...
tell them?
No, oh no.
We won't tell them anything.
They'll ask them questions
about the night, location,
if they saw you with Mr. Patson.
Thompson, sorry.
So you, uh...
you take my statement
and then what?
Well, then you give your
statement to the detective.
You don't have to do this.
Yeah, it's entirely up to you.
Do you need a minute?
You wanna continue?
Okay, do you remember the date
and location of the incident?
January 19th. It was a house.
Uh-huh. Okay.
We'll need the address.
Can you describe the
events of the incident?
Where should I start?
You can start anywhere
that you feel
may be relevant.
Anything you remember.
Uh, okay, uh...
Well, it was...
my friend Brendon's birthday.
I don't know if I'd
call him a friend.
He was just in my class.
Theo was friends
with him too. I...
He wasn't really
a friend either.
He was just, um...
you know, around. I...
saw him out at like
parties and stuff.
Anyway, we were
all in the same class.
Sorry, I should
have said that first.
No, it's--
Anyway, we got to the party.
I had had a
couple drinks before.
Oh, sorry, I was
with my roommate.
We were drinking gin because
she had gotten it for her
birthday the weekend before
and it was a whole...
A little off track. I...
Anyway. We got to the party--
[Fitzpatrick] How many drinks
did you have at the party?
Five or six drinks probably.
I mean, I know I had
four before, so, um...
Is that how much you drink
on a normal night out?
Why is that relevant?
After five or six drinks,
do you feel fairly intoxicated?
After that it's, um...
it's a little foggy.
We were in a room.
Can you be more specific?
On the second floor at
the end of the hallway.
And that's where...
you know.
I'm gonna need you
to tell me what happened.
That's where he...
raped me.
Can you describe the physical?
Did his penis enter your vagina?
I'm sorry, can I read that?
-Excuse me?
-[Jane] It looks like
you're writing the lines
really close together, it's
just kind of hard to read.
Like, if someone else were
transcribing it, it might be too
hard to read.
I can transcribe it if--
Can I just, do you have
a laptop? Can I just?
Or I can write you something
and give it to you or...
Yeah, I can use a laptop
-if it makes you feel
more comfortable. You can...
-Okay. Yeah, let--
[Fitzpatrick] You can send me
something as well.
Yeah. It's just that, hmm...
[Lacey] You don't need to...
do this.
I know.
I keep telling myself what
happened, but I just...
don't know.
I don't actually
know what it was.
I remember...
kissing him.
I wanted to, and then...
and then it's foggy.
What if I was just drunk?
What if I'm overreacting?
Just being dramatic.
You're not being dramatic.
You don't know.
I don't know, I...
I was drunk and kissing him.
I kissed him. I did that.
He was playing with my hair.
He tucked a piece
behind my ear, and...
then he...
he took my shoes off.
I was confused.
And then I kissed him
again, but it was...
later. It felt...
it felt different.
Like, off.
And then he was over me.
I don't think he meant to, but
his hands were in
my hair and I just...
I couldn't move my head.
I just kept looking
up at these lights.
And then I was in the bathroom
puking my brains out.
And he held my hair back.
And the house was empty, and...
then somehow I was...
in a car going home and...
the driver said
"It's so nice of him to pay
for a car for you like that."
"All the way across campus."
"Most guys, most..."
"most one night stands
wouldn't do that."
"He must've had a crush on me."
"A real one."
I don't even know if he knows.
Or what he knows
or what he thinks. I...
I don't wanna know, I hadn't...
I hadn't thought about it until
I came here which is so
fucking stupid of me.
-[Lacey] It's not stupid.
-I'm at a police station!
Of course he's
gonna find out!
That's why I'm here, right?
[Lacey] Well, you
don't have to--
I woke up and I went
to the clinic
because I knew that I
could get Plan B for free
and I didn't want to
blow 50 bucks.
They started asking
me all these questions.
And I didn't remember having
sex, but I felt like I did.
And I...
And I just kept saying no.
No I didn't...
know if we used protection.
I didn't know if I said yes.
I didn't remember.
No, I didn't remember.
I didn't.
I just-- I didn't know.
And then they asked
me if I wanted a kit.
A rape kit.
And I told them, it wasn't
that, I was just drunk.
But I still asked if they
thought it was a good idea
for my health and shit,
like free Plan B, and--
and they said that if I did it,
I could get preventative
medication for gonorrhea
and shit, like
antibiotics, if I did it.
So I did it, and...
and the nurse was so nice.
She looked at me
like Mom does when...
Dad says stupid shit.
You know, like she
understands but she can't do
anything about it.
And they measured my hickeys
like I was battered
or some shit.
They were just hickeys, I've
seen worse ones on my friends.
And they took pictures
of everything.
They took this janky
video camera
and they put it between my legs.
And I took a handful of pills,
like a whole handful,
like 10 pills.
And when I got home, I
was late, and I felt so...
sick from all the meds.
[Lacey] I'm so sorry.
I missed class.
And I kept missing class,
and I was so fucking angry.
Why was I being like this?
Why? Why?
People black out and
have sex all the time.
Why did I have to think that
something bad happened to me?
Why did that nurse have to
start asking me questions?
Why couldn't I just go to class?
God, it felt like a mistake
going to that clinic.
Maybe if I hadn't gone,
I would've just
forgotten about it.
Maybe because I made
a big deal about it,
it became a bigger deal
than it needed to be.
And then I failed my class.
I went, but I couldn't listen,
because he was just
sitting in the front row
with Brendon dicking around.
And Brendon probably knew.
And what else
did I do that night?
Who else saw me?
Where was my roommate?
Why? Why?
Why did she leave without me?
Why should it matter?
I'm a fucking adult! I mean...
Did anyone take pictures?
Maybe I wanted to
have sex with him!
How should I know?
I was a mess and now we're
at a fucking police station!
[Lacey] I'm sorry.
[Lacey] Sorry.
[Jane cries]
You look like mom and dad.
How you doing?
And my therapist.
You don't have a therapist.
Isn't that what rape girls do?
Get therapists.
It's not a bad idea.
I have one.
Since when?
Since vet school got insane.
A lot of people have therapists.
Dylan has one.
Yeah, well Dylan needs one.
Aren't you trying to become
a speech therapist?
Want anything?
[Jane] Beer.
If you have it.
I don't.
Since when?
Since I switched to wine.
We've been drinking
beer all summer.
Yeah, you guys like it.
I'm easy.
Sorry you've been
slumming it with us.
You decorated.
[Lacey] I got tired of playing
"Peter Pan" with band posters.
Who's this from?
Oh, um...
Coworkers, kind of.
In Colorado?
Yeah, I got into this, um...
fancy little research retreat.
They're trying to make
me feel included.
It sounds like a big deal.
Why didn't you tell me?
Well, I didn't go.
Why not?
I don't get it.
The whole you coming home thing.
It just didn't seem important.
You don't have to
do that all the time.
Do what?
Be the hero.
Oh, bite me, Janey!
No, "I'm Lacey
and I'm a fucking martyr!"
[Lacey] Stop!
You are such a good
big sister, Lacey!
Always looking out
for little Janey!
[Lacey] I was worried about you!
Well, fuck you, Lacey!
I can take care of myself!
Apparently not!
[Lacey] I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
Why do you think
I didn't tell you?
'Cause I didn't want you to
look at me the way that you're
looking at me right now.
And it's not gonna just go away.
I know, I've...
I've worked with people
who've seen all kinds of shit.
And people just...
look at them like they are...
their illness or disability.
And now...
to you and Mom and Dad, and...
everyone else that I tell
or who finds out, I just...
I am this thing.
No, you're not.
You're Jane.
And Little Durazo
and Jane The Brain.
And Blue Jay
and Janey and J,
you're all of that!
You're not...
you're not this.
I don't want to be
anything right now.
[alarm ringing]
Hey, big day.
I have to be on
the road by 9:00.
Shut up, I'm driving.
You don't have to.
I said shut up.
Good morning!
I'm just turning in my research.
I won't know if I graduate
for another few weeks.
Okay, fine, so consider
it a vote of confidence.
Thank you.
[both laughing]
So what's next?
I literally turn back
around and come home.
I mean like big picture here!
What's next? You know?
What is that?
I mean...
Grad school?
Okay, cool.
Around here, or?
No, I think I do still wanna
get out of here for awhile.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm not.
-[Lacey] It's so early...
[Lacey yawns]
Okay, all right.
This is kind of nice.
[Lacey] I'm not gonna make a
habit of this, but it's nice.
[Jane] Hey, would...
Would you guys feel
up for climbing Big Pine?
You sure?
Let me just check on
Theo and I'll meet you.
time to rally the troops.
Yeah, sorry.
Damn. F that.
You've been listening to us
so closely all summer
but you really don't
listen to yourself?
It's just like, "I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Okay, I'm not trying to--
Well, how about you try not to?
Try saying I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry.
[light soft music]
I'm not playing the Penis Game
with you right now.
I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry!
I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
I'm not sorry!
She's not sorry.
[both laugh]
[Amber] It actually
looks bigger than it did
when I was a kid.
How is that possible?
Amber, we should, uh...
we should go
look for pine cones.
[Amber] I love pine cones.
[Amber] They're so cool.
I'm sorry that I haven't really
been around that much.
And, uh, I'm sorry that, um--
I'm really sick of people
telling me they're sorry.
Sick of saying it and sick of...
talking about it.
I believe you.
[Jane laughs]
I tried to find the other one
but I think a fish
might've eaten it.
Did you make this?
It's a lucky fish.
[both laugh]
So are we cool?
We're cool.
I found the stragglers!
[laughs loudly]
Hey, bag boy.
Check it out.
What am I looking at?
Ooh, wait.
Holy shit, Ken! 100K!
-Business is booming baby!
All right, that's pretty good!
-That's impressive!
-Thank you. Thanks.
I mean, I do have
to hand it to Janey.
She really did give me
that early summer boost
with that nose piercing pic.
-[Jane laughs]
-[Kennedy] Like I said...
perfect nostrils.
But now I've got to start
strategizing for fall!
Ugh, pumpkin spice
lattes and shit.
-Babe! Ew!
-[Lacey] So you guys
can brawl later
but are you kids
ready to do this?
I was born ready!
And that's actually a fact
'cause I was born
two weeks early.
Early doesn't mean ready.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
You're jealous that
you were overcooked.
So, I'm afraid of heights.
Oh, I have strategies
for that.
Oh, I wanna hear this.
I'm gonna go ahead.
All right, gather around.
[Jordan] Okay. So first we're
gonna wanna get really high.
-[Lacey] Oh.
-[Jordan] Because
when you're high...
[speaks faintly]
[bright music]
Dylan, slow down!
Ah! You snooze, you lose!
You good?
-I got it.
These top branches
have more sap on them.
[Jane laughs]
[Dylan laughs]
I've never made it all the
way up here before.
I used to climb this
thing so much.
I got so good at it
when I was a kid.
It's muscle memory now.
Sounds cheesy, but, um...
it really feels like
the top of the world.
You know...
my dad told me that you came
into the station last month.
I don't want to upset you.
Yeah, I don't, uh...
I really don't think you can
right now. I'm feeling...
pretty numb.
Pretty ballsy of you.
To, to, to go to the cops.
I didn't follow through though.
I didn't...
say anything.
I didn't give an
official statement.
But you went.
I wish...
that that was something
I had done.
[bright music]
Back in high school...ski meet.
I never told anybody.
But, um...
[Jane] How we communicate
reflects the cultures
we're raised in.
The communities we engage with.
Our conversational style
is unique to who we are.
Communication was
born out of necessity.
It helps us survive.
But more importantly, it...
helps us live.
It's more than just the
definitions behind the
words we say.
It's not just yes or no.
It's in our bodies.
Our intentions.
Speech is rarely fluent.
No matter what
language we speak.
We pause.
Repeat ourselves.
Fill silences with
words and phrases.
Communication cannot be clear
without seeking clarity
from the other side.
Speech is not perfect
because we are not perfect.
But that's no excuse
to sacrifice
our most powerful words.
[echoed voices]
Come in!
Just collecting my things.
Summer term.
Not the brightest of bulbs.
I appreciate you
coming in person.
You know I'm old school.
You'll be presenting
for an audience of one.
I should have had
my 102 stay.
Maybe even had a Q&A.
Not sure I'd be
the best example.
All things considered.
Everybody falls down, Jane.
It's part of life.
This is just a blip for you.
I know you didn't want
to talk about it at the time.
What happened.
But something did happen?
And how's that now?
Is everything all right?
But it's getting better.
Your paper was very thorough.
Your conclusions were
fresh and sound.
I'm excited to hear
what you have to say.
Floor's yours.
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final
[suspenseful music]
[upbeat techno music]
-[Student] Sorry.
-[Jane] Sorry.
-[Student] I'm sorry.
All right, settle down!
As you know,
speech is not perfect
because we are not perfect.
We pause, mumble, stutter,
restart sentences
and use filler words.
Um, hmm, like, totally...
These words act as disfluencies,
natural interruptions
in the smooth flow of speech.
Whenever we say um, but, like,
we are attempting
to undo a mistake
or reshape our future.
Now most of the time we're not
even aware we're doing this.
These words are abused
and normalized until they
become powerless.
Can we get another example?
[people laughing, scoffing]
[soft whispering]
Jane, what happened?
Sorry, uh...
What happened, Jane?
What happened?
What happened?
What happened? Jane?
[upbeat techno music]
[Female Voice]
Jane, are you okay?
Hi, welcome to Big Burger.
[Dorothy] What do you want?
[Louis] Let her sleep, just
get her a grilled cheese.
Yes, we'll have a chicken salad.
-Totally forgot about those.
[Louis laughs]
Used to be my little Blue J,
now you're all grown up.
What happened?
[car honks]
All right, people.
Two bottom buns, extra cheese?
[Dorothy] What do you want?
I wonder what they
did with the tops.
Tossed 'em.
Don't tell me that,
now I feel responsible.
Maybe you should
feel some responsibility.
-[Dorothy] I can't believe
you let this happen.
-I'm going to finish.
-You're damn right you are.
-No cat fights!
-I never would have
expected this from you.
-[Operator talks]
Yes, we'll have a chicken salad.
-Cheeseburger, extra pickles.
-I don't want anything.
-You have to eat.
-[Jane] I don't want to.
Number five, extra ranch!
Make it a large!
Extra fries.
[Louis] Could we get three large
waters too, please?
I will have to charge for those.
I'm sorry, for water?
Now they're gonna give us
little tiny mini Dixie cups.
-[Operator] Will that be all?
-[Jane] Yes that's all,
thank you. Sorry!
[Louis] This generation wants
everything for free,
except for water.
[Dorothy scoffs]
You're the cup of coffee
I hold in my hand
I don't need
Normal hair, normal stare
Normal this, normal that
Don't look here,
there's nothing there
Just normal, normal
I sell a piece of my soul
They slip me their approval
I like what they like
Do they like me
My dear friend
I'm home alone
I can't leave again
My own breath's become a sin
Can't pretend
You knock three times
I know what that means
I knock back
With my crazy hair
Anxious stare, racing
thoughts, empty heart
Thought I'd always run away
But you ran with me
[car beeps]
-[Dorothy] Take your stuff in.
-[Louis] No, I can do it.
I could use the workout.
No soldier left behind.
She needs to do this herself,
and this isn't a free
summer vacation,
you're gonna be helping
around the house.
And finding a way to get those
credits taken care of.
-And...get your stuff.
[car door slams]
Lacey should be
down at the dock.
She's been worried about you.
I got you covered
with her. Go on.
[light gentle music]
-[Jane] Oh.
-[Amber] Oh, sorry!
-[Jane] No, it's okay, Amber.
-Hey buddy, come here. Hi!
-Who's this little guy?
-This is my little man, Theo.
Oh, wow.
You, uh, you have a kid.
Yeah! Kinda thought social media
would have tipped you
off to that by now.
It's prevented a lot of awkward
conversations, honestly.
I'm not, uh, not
great at keeping up.
Well, I should probably get
this little one down for a nap.
Well, it's... Hey! It's nice
to meet you, little guy!
Uh, he's, you know what, he's
not much of a talker yet.
He's what, uh, 18 months?
-He's two.
-And he doesn't talk at all?
That's right, I forgot you
studied, like, speech?
-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
I was just--
Okay. Can you say bye?
Say bye!
Oh, are you okay?
Oh, yeah.
He's just got some strong
little teeth, this one.
-I will, um, I'll see you later.
Come on. Come on, buddy!
Come on, bud.
[water splashes,
Jane screams]
Got you, sucker! What's up?
[Lacey laughs]
Oh, man!
You good?
Jane? You good?
Yeah, you just really scared me!
You sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
I saw you, uh,
ran into Amber.
Her kid actually. Literally.
He's a little Tasmanian devil.
Could you imagine just like
having a spawn of yourself?
It's more the having a parasite
growing inside you that gets me.
I think I just wanna like
rip it out, you know?
Damn, J, dark.
Do you ever talk to her?
Who, Amber?
No. Why?
I don't know. You're just at mom
and dad's all the time, I just--
Nope, she always had
a problem with me.
I think it was
the other way around.
[Jane laughs]
[Lacey] Wait,
I'm glad you're back.
Do you have any last words?
Lacey, no! No!
[Jane shouts]
[laughs loudly]
Look, okay, so you were supposed
to be on a plane tomorrow
headed in a different
direction, but--
but you lucked into
being a teenager
for the next few months.
Dad says you're
worried about me.
Just so he doesn't think that
he's the only one, okay?
I am not worried about you.
Sorry, what?
[Lacey] I just said, we're not
worried about you.
We're so happy that you're back!
Now let's go talk
about our periods
until Dad turns off Fox News.
Thanks, but I think I'm
gonna go out on the water.
[upbeat music]
-So, what do you
wanna watch tonight?
-[Lacey] We're going out!
Don't you think it'd be
good idea if you stayed
home and relaxed?
I mean, it is your
first night back.
[Lacey] I can hear you!
-I was talking to Jane!
-Where are we going?
[Lacey] Jordan's! Dad,
can I crash here tonight?
I don't want to
drive back to Detroit.
Ask your mother!
[Lacey] Dad!
Fine! Don't drink too much.
And I think it'd be a good idea
for you to show
a little responsibility
in light of what happened
this past week.
Take it from an old pro.
[hip hop music]
[people talking in distance]
[woman laughing]
-Come on, please.
Oh, my God, Janey, hi!
I haven't seen you
in, like, forever.
Hey, Kenny!
Wait, since are you
friends with Kennedy?
She's a tour guide at the zoo.
And we go to spin together.
-Who are you?
-I don't know.
She's not that bad, come on.
[Kennedy] It's like a
neighborhood reunion.
[Jordan] What's up?
Long time no see.
[Dylan] Ah shit, it's
the Durazo twins.
Babe, they're not twins.
Wait, are you guys twins?
Did you get held back a grade?
No. No, no, no, no, no, dummy,
I mean like Irish twins.
You guys are Irish, I thought
you were Jewish?
We're Black Irish.
-Are they allowed to say that?
-And Jewish.
[Kennedy] But you guys
went to St. Catherine's.
-And Catholic.
-[Lacey] And Mexican.
Careful Ken, don't
break your brain.
Okay, you know what?
[Jordan laughs]
Do you guys ever
hang out with Amber?
Amber Jackson?
For real, when you get
pregnant like that
and then your dude ditches,
you're a societal goner.
Yeah, she basically never
leaves her mom's place.
[Kennedy] Also Mrs. Jackson is
like a total booze hound.
[Dylan] And I hear
her kid's autistic.
-[Kennedy] Really?
Okay, all right, let's uh...
let's not.
And he got another
chick pregnant in Ohio.
It's a gigantic shit sandwich.
Oh my God, really?
It's all over Facebook.
Oh, uh, Kennedy hasn't been
on Facebook in a few years.
Yeah, I cleansed
it from my life.
I'm exclusively on the Gram now.
She has 30,000 followers
on Instagram,
so, like, she thinks
she's a local celebrity.
Kind of is for this town.
[Jordan] Yeah, you
might be right.
[Kennedy] I'm sorry!
Hello! Jordan, do you
have something to share
with the class?
Um, no yeah.
I was just saying that
you think you're hot shit,
like you're a local celebrity.
Oh my God, okay, yeah.
It's called being an influencer,
and it's gonna be a
full-time job once I hit 100K.
-[Jordan] Gotcha.
And then we'll see
who's laughing.
[Lacey] I'm way
too sober for this.
Ken, want to go shotgun a beer?
[Kennedy] Oh my God, yeah.
[Dylan] I'm coming!
No, I'm good.
I hate it when
you guys do that.
You could learn, you know.
Um, I remember you
calling it your super
secret sister speak.
No, I did not.
Lacey called it that.
I called it "I fell out of a
tree when I was a kid
and didn't speak for three years
so we all learned to sign."
[Jordan] Right, Big Pine.
Forgot that part.
[Jane] And Lacey made
it a game because,
of course she did, she's Lacey.
Whoa, you smoke?
You're a smoker now?
Don't tell my parents.
How are Dorothy and
Louis these days?
They, uh, could be worse.
[Jordan] Oh, great.
Glad to hear it.
[distant laughing]
[Kennedy] Aye, chug,
chug, chug, chug, chug!
Chug, chug, chug, chug!
You know, I...
I never learned
how to roll a joint.
Too busy writing papers
to be rolling them?
Never mind!
[Jane laughs]
Come on!
Yeah, gonna show me?
-[Jane laughs]
So first...
take your paper like so,
and then your filter.
Ooh, fancy.
Hey, listen, Durazo,
we're not animals.
And then...
You wanna try?
And then, okay, make
sure to keep your finger
and your thumb on the filter
so it doesn't go out of place.
And then just kind of
roll the paper back
and forth against itself.
Yeah, like that.
-Like that?
-Yep, that's great.
All right.
I'm gonna take it back
just 'cause this
part's very tricky.
I mean, this is, uh...
the most important part,
this is where you finesse it.
-[Jane] Finesse.
Okay, so you fold it...
kind of get it tight
and then, um, here,
you want to lick it?
[Jane laughs]
And then here.
Give it one more.
-[Jane] Okay.
-Right up.
[Jordan laughs]
And then pinch the top.
-Like that?
-Then, yeah, and then
do a little flick.
Pack it down.
Yeah, look at that.
You're a natural.
I have a good teacher.
I could hear that coming
out of my mouth
and I was like, no!
[Jordan laughs]
I am very lame!
No, no, it's um...
lame always
looked good on you.
So I was kind of surprised
to hear that you were back.
Is it like a gap year, or a...
fancy Euro trip or something?
Not exactly. I, um...
I didn't graduate.
Yeah, I failed my last class.
[Jordan laughs]
Yeah, it's super funny
that my life is--
Wait, Jane The Brain flunked?
Wow, I have not heard
that since like fourth grade.
What happened?
[Jane] I don't know.
I just, uh...
I got distracted, I guess.
I mean, I gotta say that's
pretty bad ass.
Coming from you.
Bad girl Janey.
Skipping class, rolling joints.
[Jane laughs]
That's me.
Nah, don't sweat
it, you uh,
you just have a
couple of credits.
That's not a big deal.
Feels like a big deal.
Nah, you'll get your pedigree.
Don't worry.
Plus, I mean, you've
gained a whole summer
to dick around with yours truly.
Come on.
That's pretty great.
All right.
So you wanna smoke
this thing or what?
Oh, you don't have to show me
how to do that part.
Oh, you show me
how it's done now.
Are you all right?
[branch snaps]
[light slow music]
[light buzzing]
[Kennedy] What's up guys?
I'm here on bea-utiful
Little Bear Lake.
We are getting totally lit.
[Lacey] Totally!
And we are celebrating
the return of Little Durazo
who we missed so much.
I totally love my little sister!
This one's for you, J!
[laughs loudly]
[Dylan And Kennedy]
Chug, chug, chug, chug!
[Jane blows softly]
[blows heavily]
I know what I'm gonna do
to get credit.
What time is it?
[Jane] 6:00.
Why the hell are you
waking me up
at 6:00 AM on a Saturday?
You can sleep
when you're dead!
I am dead.
No, you're not.
Then kill me.
[Jane] Get up!
Oh! I'm up, I'm up!
[breathes heavily]
[Kennedy] What's up guys--
Oh, goddammit,
she posted that?
-[Kennedy and Lacey] Totally!
I don't think I've
heard you say
"totally" like that
in your life.
[Lacey] Don't bite your nails.
Well, that's the thing.
See, language shifts based on
environment, emotional state.
The words and phrases that
we don't even realize
that we're saying
that we throw into sentences.
It's subconscious.
I'm gonna do a study.
[Jane] So I can get credit.
So I can graduate.
I'm going to record
between you and
Kennedy and Dylan--
Jordan's gonna be grading.
Oh, Jordan!
You're such a good teacher!
[Jane] Rude!
[Lacey laughs]
It's not my fault!
Sound carries on a clear night.
Come on, you've had a crush
on him since you were five,
and I would know because
I officiated the first wedding.
Toilet paper veil and all.
Can you focus?
I say go for it!
Can you focus?
No, because it's 6:00 AM!
Can you ask Kennedy
and Dylan about it?
How about this for a plan?
go do whatever it is
that morning people do.
And I will...
help you do whatever
it is you just said.
only if you promise
that you're gonna
try to have fun
and stop beating yourself up.
But, Mom!
I'm serious!
It's the summer of fun!
Like the Beach Boys.
They totally knew what
they were talking about.
[pop music]
All of the good intent
And all of my common sense
It takes the fun out of it
Am I always this vigilant?
I've learned to be vigilant
[Jane] I got it!
[Amber] What's that?
[Jane] Oh, the back split.
Oh shit!
That's just great.
Let me get those.
-[Amber] Oh shit!
Are you okay?
I just poked myself.
Oh God.
Some days I just wanna quit.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't say that.
I could babysit sometime.
It's fine, you don't
have to say that.
No, I've worked with kids
student teaching.
Difficult kids.
Kids with autism.
He's not autistic.
Yeah no, I just--
I wasn't saying--
I just mean he wasn't, um...
Sorry, I meant, uh, kids...
with different, um...
Different challenges.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I'll think about it.
Come on, nerd!
We're putting holes
in our bodies.
I'm in the middle of something.
[Lacey] Yeah, but Kenny just
got a new piercing gun!
You guys are gonna look totally
amazing with nose piercings.
Nose piercings?
[Kennedy] Yeah, the Gram
is gonna flip for this
Parent Trap shit.
-We're not twins.
-[Kennedy] No, I know.
Dylan, what did you
call them last night?
[Dylan] Irish twins.
It means that Louis
and Dorothy got busy
right after baby number
one popped out.
[Kennedy laughs]
Did you ask them?
Yes. We will be your lab rats.
[Kennedy] But we were promised
a bunch of super fun adventures.
Yes. Jane is committed
to fun. Right, Jane?
Okay, I need documented consent
in order to record our
conversations and review.
[Dylan] Review what?
Okay, well, I
can't fully disclose
because that would defeat
the purpose of the study
but I'm not gonna
be using any content,
just, um, you know, analyzing
speech patterns and, uh...
structure and whatnot.
Okay, so I just need
you to state your name
and that you consent to
Jane Durazo's research study.
Lacey Durazo.
And I consent to
Jane Durazo's research study.
Kennedy Clarence.
And I totally consent to
Jane Durazo's research study.
Dylan Samuels
and I consent to Jane Durazo's
research study.
So what will it be?
Oh, I want my septum
done for sure.
Septums are totally in.
Hey, what do you want?
-[Kennedy] Yeah.
Oh, no I'm not.
We had a deal.
More like an imposition.
Come on, you can take
it out if you don't like it.
Yeah, it'll be super fun.
[Dylan] YOLO.
[Kennedy] Totally YOLO.
Do it.
-Do it. Do it! Do it!
Not 'cause of that!
But I want a normal one just
like on the side of my nose.
That's a great choice,
you have perfect nostrils.
Let's do this.
You do know what
you're doing, right?
Oh yeah.
No, I literally did the entire
ski team right before States.
Wait, is that way Jordan
had his ears pierced
for like a week senior year?
Jane's crushing hard.
Okay, jeez, Lace,
how old are we?
I mean, he's totally into you.
You guys last night?
Fricking adorable.
Yeah, he'd hit it.
Okay, you ready?
Just do it.
Dylan, take a pic.
[phone clicks]
[camera flashes]
Ow! Shit!
I'm sorry! Wait, wait!
-[Lacey] Oh my God, that hurt.
-[Kennedy] Wait, wait, okay.
Yeah, you just got stabbed.
Okay, your turn.
Okay, three, two, one.
[upbeat techno music]
-[Kennedy] Are you okay?
-[Lacey] Jane?
-[Kennedy] Is she okay?
-[Lacey] Jane, hey, yo?
[Lacey] You good?
Yeah, sorry, um...
I'm ready.
[everyone laughs]
[Kennedy] I already did it.
[Dylan] So Little D's
got the tough skin.
Hey, you sure you're okay?
Yeah, no, I'm...
How does it look?
[Dylan] Not bad.
Damn J, it looks hot.
It really ups your sex appeal.
No offense.
Kennedy, what the F,
it's crooked!
-[Kennedy] I'm sorry!
-[Lacey] What the--?
Okay, guess I'm a little rusty!
[Lacey] No, fix this!
[Kennedy] Lacey!
What have you done
to your beautiful faces?
It's just a piercing.
[Lacey] Just take a chill pill.
You want me to
take a chill pill?
[Lacey] Yes!
A chill pill, I think
you need to relax.
Don't talk to your
mother that way.
What is your boss gonna say?
Probably nothing
because my clients
are mostly chimpanzees
and lemurs.
Or he may fire me.
Don't monkeys like shiny things?
[Dorothy] Well, this is
a great strategy.
Oh my God, it's like
you're living in the '50s.
We're from the '70s.
-[Lacey] Okay, I'm just
not endangering my job.
When was the last time
that you were in downtown?
Because Detroit is
filled with people
who have tattoos
and piercings
and blue hair and shit.
Okay, it's an art scene,
it's self-expression,
have you ever heard of it?
Oh yeah, great.
Downtown Detroit isn't
in bad enough shape,
now we got a bunch of
snowflake weirdos
running around down there.
-[Jane] Lace?
-Are you kidding me?
Maybe you should
take a chill pill?
-[Lacey] I do not have to
deal with this.
He cannot just say
shit like that!
This is why I'm
not well adjusted!
I'll see you next weekend.
Text me!
[bright music]
[Amber] Hey!
[Jane] Hey.
Um, what's your rate?
For babysitting?
What's, uh, what's
a normal rate?
$10 an hour?
That's my rate!
Great, um...
are you free?
[Amber] I got this
interview last second,
it's a work from home thing.
I already fed him breakfast,
so just juice and water only.
And he's allergic to peanuts,
not that we...
keep any of that in the house.
I'll be back in a couple hours.
My mom's upstairs, not
that you're going to see her.
You be good, all right?
-[Amber] Thank you,
I appreciate it.
-[Jane] Yeah, of course.
-Good luck!
[Jane] What's that?
[playful music]
The itsy bitsy spider
went up the water spout
[Jane] Do you know that one?
Down came the rain and
washed the spider out
Hey, is there another
song that you like?
[clicks fingers]
[clicks fingers]
Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!
[Jane laughs]
-[Jane] Hey!
-Hey little man, how'd it go?
[Amber] Were you good for Jane?
[Jane] He was great.
Thank you again so much.
I really appreciate it.
[Jane] Yeah of course,
I'm happy to.
I think that we should
talk about, um...
-What, Theo?
I don't think he's a...
late talker.
Oh no, I know.
Late talker, it's like
a blanket term. You know?
I think it might be...
hearing loss.
[light soft music]
No, you know what it is?
He actually,
he had a little ear infection
a couple of weeks ago and um...
I think his head's just a little
clogged up, that's all.
It's not a big...
I think it might be...
to severe.
No, 'cause he loves music.
We dance together all the time.
He's mimicking.
He's copying your motions--
No, you know what?
Um, thank you so much...
[Jane] he's feeling the
vibrations in the music.
...for coming by on
such short notice.
I really appreciate it.
[bright music]
[Jordan] You wanna
climb Big Pine?
[Jane] Uh...
Oh, I'm sorry, shit,
I totally forgot.
[Jane] No, no, I uh...
maybe, just um...
not tonight.
Yeah, that's cool.
[Amber] Hey.
He's deaf.
I knew that there was
something wrong
and I just thought he was gonna
grow out of whatever it was.
I thought it was just a phase
with the tantrums and
everything and I...
I really convinced myself
not to read into it.
God, isn't that stupid?
No. [Laughs]
Okay, you're gonna hear this
one a million times, but...
he's going to have
a perfectly normal life.
He's gonna communicate.
He's gonna go to college and...
fall in love and...
have a girlfriend
that you really hate.
He's gonna get everything
he wants out of life.
I'm supposed to start signing
with him right away.
I'm sure you probably
already know that.
I could teach you.
So I didn't...
That's why I'm home.
I think it might, I don't know,
I think it might help me.
Sorry, that sounded...
That sounded stupid.
Do mornings work for you?
7:00 AM?
[Jane] Meet at our dock?
[Amber] Sure.
[Amber] I think it might
be 7:00 now.
[Jane] Yeah.
[pop music]
Trust me
Trust me when I say
that I was innocent
Trust me
He only stay 'cause
we were just listening
[Lacey laughs]
[Lacey] Um, we have to take
one of these everyday.
[Lacey] You're such a
sucker for that kinda stuff.
[Jane] Isn't film like
$2 a picture?
Okay, yeah, maybe
I'm the sucker.
[Jane] Yeah.
And I'll be unfaithful
and it will be unfair
And you will be torn in two
Well I've got some
news for you
I don't break hearts
I don't do funny business
I just ride in cars and
watch them
Okay, your, um, "excited" is
still looking pretty scared
but we're getting there.
I just ride in cars
and watch them
[Lacey laughs]
[Lacey] Are you just gonna
record everything?
Yeah! It's better to
cast a wider net.
Oh my God, my mom says
that about men all the time.
[Kennedy] I totally
agree with you.
And her, technically.
Facial expression's a
big part of it too.
What if I don't know
what to say?
[Dylan] Sorry, she's 18.
It's fair game.
Plus, she's totally
into polyamory.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
[Lacey] Penis.
-[Jane] Penis!
[Store Manager] Hey!
No yelling "penis"!
[bottles crashing]
[Jordan] Hey!
Come on!
So think of something
you're scared of more
than heights and then imagine--
[Jane] Sharks!
[Jordan] Okay great!
And imagine there's
sharks all around you.
And then...by comparison...
[Jordan] Don't worry.
You can't just say you're
gonna sponsor my post
and then not sponsor my post.
I already hashtagged "ad."
Pops forgot his dinner.
Be right back.
[Dylan] I'll say hi to
the pigs for you.
[Dylan snorts]
Oh, sorry.
[Amber] Um...
Oh God, um...
[Amber laughs]
I like mine better,
but whatever.
Me too. Yours is great.
You should suggest that to
the sign language committee.
[laughs loudly]
He's still...
No, it takes time.
It's just so personal, you know.
Like it is an intimate
conversation and...
you really have to
talk with all of you.
Yeah, I mean you really have to,
you really have to
focus. You know?
if I want to say
something to you
and you're in the other room
or you're on your phone
or you're, you know,
doing whatever important
things you have with your life.
-Well, yeah.
-And I wanna say
something to you,
you don't really have a choice,
like you're going to hear me.
But with sign language,
you know,
there's no bullshit.
You are like in
that conversation.
Spoken language isn't like that.
I mean, it kind of is.
At least it really should be.
[group talking and laughing]
[Jordan] Uh, so, uh...
I made you something.
Yes, I'm very crafty.
In case you forgot.
[Jane] I do remember.
[Jordan] It's just
like a...I don't know.
It's stupid,
but I thought that
you might like it.
[Jordan laughs]
You don't like it?
No, I, I...
I love it. It's uh...
No, I'm just tired.
Okay, I mean, you don't have to.
No, I really. It's...I really...
I love it. I...
Thank you.
[Jordan] Yeah.
What happened, Jane?
[Professor] Jane?
Jane? Jane?
[Lacey] Don't bite your nails.
[Professor] What happened?
What happened?
-[Jordan] What happened?
-[Louis] What happened?
-[Amber] Theo?
-What happened, Jane?
What happened? Jane?
-[Lacey] Jane?
-[Professor] Jane?
[Lacey] Jane.
Don't lose it.
Oh my God, I cannot believe
that I'm up before you.
I have to head back to the D,
but we were thinking about
climbing Big Pine today.
Maybe later.
[Lacey] Come on, I know
you're not a big fan
but you're never gonna
feel ready, you know?
I'm just super hungover.
[Lacey] Yeah, you and me both.
Um, okay, well...
I'll just see you next weekend?
[Lacey] Cool.
[electrical buzzing]
[upbeat techno music]
[Louis] Well, you don't
have a fever, but...
okay Blue Jay,
we'll let you sleep.
[Dorothy] Honey.
Amber and
Theo stopped by.
I'll tell her to
come back later.
[heavy breathing]
What are you doing?
This is where I met Kennedy.
I mean, I always
knew who she was.
But officially...
you know.
I remember.
Oh shit.
You were a Creamy Freeze girl.
Every summer.
Didn't you give Kyle Irwin
a BJ behind the slushy machine?
That was Sarah Carlton.
Oh, my bad!
I heard that she got
her nipple pierced
and then it split in
Roger Jones' face.
Why do you do that?
Say gross shit about people?
Jeez, someone's on the rag.
No, I couldn't sleep.
That was pretty gross.
I don't know.
[Jane] What?
Why I say gross
shit about people.
Do you want a ride?
I can throw your
bike in the back.
No, I'm, uh...
I'm good.
I'll see you tomorrow, maybe?
Yeah. Maybe.
[Lacey] Hey!
[Lacey] Jane, come on!
Come celebrate
America's birth with us.
It's the fourth,
it's time to get weird!
Stop it!
[Lacey] I know you're
not actually sick.
Yes I am.
Go away.
[Lacey] You wanna
tell me what's going on?
Okay, whatever.
Come down to the
dock and shout for us
if you need anything.
Feel better.
[country music playing]
[Louis] So he would have me come
in and weed his front lawn...
and this young one would--
I was always noticing
she was driving by on her bike.
Riding my bike every Sunday.
Oh my God. Hi, Jane!
-[Louis] Hey!
-[Dorothy] Hey!
How are you feeling, honey?
She lives.
Come here!
-[Dorothy] Yay! Join us.
Perfect timing,
we were about to go in.
Been a long day on
the water for us old folks.
Oh, I know you're
not calling me old.
[laughs loudly]
[Dorothy] No, I am not old,
don't call me old.
Honey, it's time. Let's go!
[Dorothy] It's time?
Oh, it's time, kids.
We missed you.
[Dorothy] Lucky lady.
[laughs loudly]
[Louis] And this is just what it
was like in 12th grade, guys.
The magic's still there.
Oh, I'm glad you're
feeling better, Baby J.
[Louis] My little Blue Jay.
Don't stay up too late.
[Dorothy] Good night, guys.
Now you kids don't do anything
we wouldn't do, right?
[Dorothy laughs]
-No way.
-Cheers to that.
[Dorothy] Oh stairs,
why do we have these stairs?
[Louis] You want
me to carry you?
[Dorothy] Please!
[Louis] I can carry you.
It's showtime, baby.
[Lacey] Finish it.
[Kennedy] I literally haven't
gone skinny dipping
since junior prom.
-[Lacey] I feel like I'm 16.
-[Jordan] Kennedy, you literally
went skinny dipping last week.
[Kennedy] Oh my God, yeah,
but I meant with
this many people.
Not just like by myself.
[shouts, water splashes]
laughter continues]
Can you see
By the dawn's early light
[Kennedy] Oh my God, okay!
[Kennedy] No, no, no!
[Kennedy shouts]
[Kennedy] Oh my God, you prude.
Leave her alone.
Wanna see the moon?
[Kennedy] It's right there.
No, it's right here!
Oh, my God!
[Kennedy] Okay, okay, wait!
Let's play truth or dare.
I'll go first.
Jordan, truth or dare?
I dare that you
go under the dock with Jane
and do whatever you want.
Oh, I don't wanna play.
[Kennedy] Come on, you have to.
Jay, play, play.
Come on, let's go
appease the people.
[Kennedy] Ooh.
[Lacey] Appease the people, yes!
Right this way.
This seems like a good spot.
[both laughing]
We don't have to--
Right, we're just--
I mean, not that I...
-I'm sorry.
-No, it's uh...
No, you're not--
No, I'm sorry, it's not.
It's not that I--
No, it's okay.
-I'm sorry.
-No, what is it?
I'm sorry.
No, no, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, no, I shouldn't have.
No, it's not.
No, it's okay, never mind.
-No, it's all right.
-No, it's fine.
No, sorry, sorry.
I'm sorry.
[Lacey] Where are you going?
I'm sorry!
[Jordan] Jane?
Jane, Jane, are you okay?
-[Lacey] What happened?
-[Jordan] I don't know.
-I'm sorry.
-[Lacey] What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
-I'm sorry!
-[Dylan] It's a panic attack!
Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane!
It's okay!
[Lacey] Jane, Jane, Jane!
-I'm sorry!
-[Lacey] It's okay!
[Lacey] It's okay! It's okay!
Let's go! Come on, come on.
Let's go.
It's okay, it's okay.
[Lacey] Watch your head.
[Lacey] Come on.
[upbeat techno music]
Hey, hey, hey!
Jane. Jane...
I'm sorry.
[Amber] It's okay!
I'm sorry!
[Amber] It's okay.
You're okay.
[Jane] It was someone...
in my class.
[Lacey] You could've...
you could've told me.
I didn't even really
know if it was.
I didn't know how.
I'm sorry.
Oh, come on.
This is serious, Jane.
No shit!
I've been thinking
of reporting it.
To the police?
Isn't that what you're
supposed to do when you get...
I'm not saying you shouldn't,
it's just that it's...
hard to go through, and...
it's just, I don't know
if that's what you should
be focusing on right now.
Wouldn't you?
I don't know.
[light soft music]
[Jordan] Hi!
I'm sorry about last night.
I just wanted to
come over and say that.
I haven't been sleeping and...
I mean it seems like
it was more than that.
I mean, it kind of
seemed like it was me.
You know, things can go back
to the way that they were.
There doesn't
need to be this like
weird thing between us.
Um, you mind if I
see it really quick?
Why did you do that?
It's cool.
It's cool?
Whatever, Jordan.
No, wait, hang on. Hang on.
It's okay, like,
you don't want it.
You don't know what I want.
You didn't e--
You gave that to me, that wa--
That wasn't yours.
Whatever, Jordan.
Wait, woah...
-Hey, morning.
What's up?
She told you?
She left for work.
What did she say?
Uh, she said that you
wanted to go to the police.
-That's not what I said.
-[Louis] That you were
thinking about going--
She told us because
she cares, Jane.
[Louis] If you want me to handle
it, I can handle it for you.
-[Jane] Dad.
-Janey, this is a crime.
[Dorothy] Let's not blow
this out of proportion.
This is not the time for this.
[Louis] No, this is the time.
No, we talked about this.
-If we wait--
-Honey, do you
want some breakfast?
-No, I'm not hungry.
-Can we make you some eggs?
-I'm not hungry.
-Maybe some waffles? Some toast?
-You need to eat something.
I don't want to.
I'll take some eggs.
Eggs it is.
Everyone gets eggs.
-I don't want anyth--
-[Louis] Let your mother
make you some eggs.
Sit down.
I don't wanna talk about it.
You don't have to.
[Dorothy] Here's the salt.
Um, I'm gonna make
some toast also.
We've got raspberry jam, and...
-if you want grape jam,
we've got that too.
I can go with you if you want.
-Do you want me to go with you?
-Is that really necessary?
[Dorothy] To call the
police right now?
We are getting
the police involved.
Maybe there's a better option.
-There is no chance in hell--
-Jane, is this what--
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Can you just...
Can you...just let me handle it.
Can you just...
leave it?
[car door opens]
[car door slam]
[footsteps approaching]
You really have to stop
biting your nails.
Can you not tell me what
to do for like a second?
Dad told you I was here?
I shouldn't have
told them, I know.
I'm sorry, okay?
You should be.
Hello, I'm, uh...
Officer Fitzpatrick.
Here to take your statement, uh?
Alright, and you are, uh?
Oh, Lacey.
I'm her sister.
Okay, Jane and Lacey,
nice to meet you.
So you're...
here to report an assault?
I'm sorry to hear that.
We can take your statement and
then put you in contact with the
correct jurisdiction and
they'll take it from there.
Do you know
the name of the person?
Theo Thompson.
And, do you have...
any of his contact information?
I mean, not like a, I don't have
his phone number or anything.
I'm friends with him
on social media.
That would be helpful.
Oh yeah.
Oh, yeah, um...
I'm gonna need you to, um...
Oh, right, yeah, sorry.
Are you gonna take
notes on that the, um...
the whole time?
On what?
I mean, you don't have like a...
like a laptop or something?
No, no.
Good old fashioned paper.
Sorry, I've just, uh...
I've just never done this
before, you know?
Well I'm glad to hear that.
So you--
Sorry, what happens?
What happens next?
Yeah, I'll find someone
here in the office.
They'll transcribe it.
And then they'll pass it
off to the detectives
and then they will
open an investigation.
A, uh, detective.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I should have
explained more, um...
I'm gonna take your statement
and then I will contact Theo
and get his statement.
And then we'll
open an investigation
and we'll contact any witnesses
that you both can offer.
-[Fitzpatrick] Yeah.
Anyone that
might have been around the
night of the incident.
Well, I mean, it was just...
Well, anyone that was there
before or after the incident.
See, the job of the detective
is to get as much information
as they possibly can.
He'll take over.
I'm just here to do
the initial statement.
All right, but you're gonna
you're gonna contact my friends
and his friends and
people who were there and, um...
tell them?
No, oh no.
We won't tell them anything.
They'll ask them questions
about the night, location,
if they saw you with Mr. Patson.
Thompson, sorry.
So you, uh...
you take my statement
and then what?
Well, then you give your
statement to the detective.
You don't have to do this.
Yeah, it's entirely up to you.
Do you need a minute?
You wanna continue?
Okay, do you remember the date
and location of the incident?
January 19th. It was a house.
Uh-huh. Okay.
We'll need the address.
Can you describe the
events of the incident?
Where should I start?
You can start anywhere
that you feel
may be relevant.
Anything you remember.
Uh, okay, uh...
Well, it was...
my friend Brendon's birthday.
I don't know if I'd
call him a friend.
He was just in my class.
Theo was friends
with him too. I...
He wasn't really
a friend either.
He was just, um...
you know, around. I...
saw him out at like
parties and stuff.
Anyway, we were
all in the same class.
Sorry, I should
have said that first.
No, it's--
Anyway, we got to the party.
I had had a
couple drinks before.
Oh, sorry, I was
with my roommate.
We were drinking gin because
she had gotten it for her
birthday the weekend before
and it was a whole...
A little off track. I...
Anyway. We got to the party--
[Fitzpatrick] How many drinks
did you have at the party?
Five or six drinks probably.
I mean, I know I had
four before, so, um...
Is that how much you drink
on a normal night out?
Why is that relevant?
After five or six drinks,
do you feel fairly intoxicated?
After that it's, um...
it's a little foggy.
We were in a room.
Can you be more specific?
On the second floor at
the end of the hallway.
And that's where...
you know.
I'm gonna need you
to tell me what happened.
That's where he...
raped me.
Can you describe the physical?
Did his penis enter your vagina?
I'm sorry, can I read that?
-Excuse me?
-[Jane] It looks like
you're writing the lines
really close together, it's
just kind of hard to read.
Like, if someone else were
transcribing it, it might be too
hard to read.
I can transcribe it if--
Can I just, do you have
a laptop? Can I just?
Or I can write you something
and give it to you or...
Yeah, I can use a laptop
-if it makes you feel
more comfortable. You can...
-Okay. Yeah, let--
[Fitzpatrick] You can send me
something as well.
Yeah. It's just that, hmm...
[Lacey] You don't need to...
do this.
I know.
I keep telling myself what
happened, but I just...
don't know.
I don't actually
know what it was.
I remember...
kissing him.
I wanted to, and then...
and then it's foggy.
What if I was just drunk?
What if I'm overreacting?
Just being dramatic.
You're not being dramatic.
You don't know.
I don't know, I...
I was drunk and kissing him.
I kissed him. I did that.
He was playing with my hair.
He tucked a piece
behind my ear, and...
then he...
he took my shoes off.
I was confused.
And then I kissed him
again, but it was...
later. It felt...
it felt different.
Like, off.
And then he was over me.
I don't think he meant to, but
his hands were in
my hair and I just...
I couldn't move my head.
I just kept looking
up at these lights.
And then I was in the bathroom
puking my brains out.
And he held my hair back.
And the house was empty, and...
then somehow I was...
in a car going home and...
the driver said
"It's so nice of him to pay
for a car for you like that."
"All the way across campus."
"Most guys, most..."
"most one night stands
wouldn't do that."
"He must've had a crush on me."
"A real one."
I don't even know if he knows.
Or what he knows
or what he thinks. I...
I don't wanna know, I hadn't...
I hadn't thought about it until
I came here which is so
fucking stupid of me.
-[Lacey] It's not stupid.
-I'm at a police station!
Of course he's
gonna find out!
That's why I'm here, right?
[Lacey] Well, you
don't have to--
I woke up and I went
to the clinic
because I knew that I
could get Plan B for free
and I didn't want to
blow 50 bucks.
They started asking
me all these questions.
And I didn't remember having
sex, but I felt like I did.
And I...
And I just kept saying no.
No I didn't...
know if we used protection.
I didn't know if I said yes.
I didn't remember.
No, I didn't remember.
I didn't.
I just-- I didn't know.
And then they asked
me if I wanted a kit.
A rape kit.
And I told them, it wasn't
that, I was just drunk.
But I still asked if they
thought it was a good idea
for my health and shit,
like free Plan B, and--
and they said that if I did it,
I could get preventative
medication for gonorrhea
and shit, like
antibiotics, if I did it.
So I did it, and...
and the nurse was so nice.
She looked at me
like Mom does when...
Dad says stupid shit.
You know, like she
understands but she can't do
anything about it.
And they measured my hickeys
like I was battered
or some shit.
They were just hickeys, I've
seen worse ones on my friends.
And they took pictures
of everything.
They took this janky
video camera
and they put it between my legs.
And I took a handful of pills,
like a whole handful,
like 10 pills.
And when I got home, I
was late, and I felt so...
sick from all the meds.
[Lacey] I'm so sorry.
I missed class.
And I kept missing class,
and I was so fucking angry.
Why was I being like this?
Why? Why?
People black out and
have sex all the time.
Why did I have to think that
something bad happened to me?
Why did that nurse have to
start asking me questions?
Why couldn't I just go to class?
God, it felt like a mistake
going to that clinic.
Maybe if I hadn't gone,
I would've just
forgotten about it.
Maybe because I made
a big deal about it,
it became a bigger deal
than it needed to be.
And then I failed my class.
I went, but I couldn't listen,
because he was just
sitting in the front row
with Brendon dicking around.
And Brendon probably knew.
And what else
did I do that night?
Who else saw me?
Where was my roommate?
Why? Why?
Why did she leave without me?
Why should it matter?
I'm a fucking adult! I mean...
Did anyone take pictures?
Maybe I wanted to
have sex with him!
How should I know?
I was a mess and now we're
at a fucking police station!
[Lacey] I'm sorry.
[Lacey] Sorry.
[Jane cries]
You look like mom and dad.
How you doing?
And my therapist.
You don't have a therapist.
Isn't that what rape girls do?
Get therapists.
It's not a bad idea.
I have one.
Since when?
Since vet school got insane.
A lot of people have therapists.
Dylan has one.
Yeah, well Dylan needs one.
Aren't you trying to become
a speech therapist?
Want anything?
[Jane] Beer.
If you have it.
I don't.
Since when?
Since I switched to wine.
We've been drinking
beer all summer.
Yeah, you guys like it.
I'm easy.
Sorry you've been
slumming it with us.
You decorated.
[Lacey] I got tired of playing
"Peter Pan" with band posters.
Who's this from?
Oh, um...
Coworkers, kind of.
In Colorado?
Yeah, I got into this, um...
fancy little research retreat.
They're trying to make
me feel included.
It sounds like a big deal.
Why didn't you tell me?
Well, I didn't go.
Why not?
I don't get it.
The whole you coming home thing.
It just didn't seem important.
You don't have to
do that all the time.
Do what?
Be the hero.
Oh, bite me, Janey!
No, "I'm Lacey
and I'm a fucking martyr!"
[Lacey] Stop!
You are such a good
big sister, Lacey!
Always looking out
for little Janey!
[Lacey] I was worried about you!
Well, fuck you, Lacey!
I can take care of myself!
Apparently not!
[Lacey] I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
Why do you think
I didn't tell you?
'Cause I didn't want you to
look at me the way that you're
looking at me right now.
And it's not gonna just go away.
I know, I've...
I've worked with people
who've seen all kinds of shit.
And people just...
look at them like they are...
their illness or disability.
And now...
to you and Mom and Dad, and...
everyone else that I tell
or who finds out, I just...
I am this thing.
No, you're not.
You're Jane.
And Little Durazo
and Jane The Brain.
And Blue Jay
and Janey and J,
you're all of that!
You're not...
you're not this.
I don't want to be
anything right now.
[alarm ringing]
Hey, big day.
I have to be on
the road by 9:00.
Shut up, I'm driving.
You don't have to.
I said shut up.
Good morning!
I'm just turning in my research.
I won't know if I graduate
for another few weeks.
Okay, fine, so consider
it a vote of confidence.
Thank you.
[both laughing]
So what's next?
I literally turn back
around and come home.
I mean like big picture here!
What's next? You know?
What is that?
I mean...
Grad school?
Okay, cool.
Around here, or?
No, I think I do still wanna
get out of here for awhile.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm not.
-[Lacey] It's so early...
[Lacey yawns]
Okay, all right.
This is kind of nice.
[Lacey] I'm not gonna make a
habit of this, but it's nice.
[Jane] Hey, would...
Would you guys feel
up for climbing Big Pine?
You sure?
Let me just check on
Theo and I'll meet you.
time to rally the troops.
Yeah, sorry.
Damn. F that.
You've been listening to us
so closely all summer
but you really don't
listen to yourself?
It's just like, "I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Okay, I'm not trying to--
Well, how about you try not to?
Try saying I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry.
[light soft music]
I'm not playing the Penis Game
with you right now.
I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry!
I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
-I'm not sorry!
I'm not sorry!
She's not sorry.
[both laugh]
[Amber] It actually
looks bigger than it did
when I was a kid.
How is that possible?
Amber, we should, uh...
we should go
look for pine cones.
[Amber] I love pine cones.
[Amber] They're so cool.
I'm sorry that I haven't really
been around that much.
And, uh, I'm sorry that, um--
I'm really sick of people
telling me they're sorry.
Sick of saying it and sick of...
talking about it.
I believe you.
[Jane laughs]
I tried to find the other one
but I think a fish
might've eaten it.
Did you make this?
It's a lucky fish.
[both laugh]
So are we cool?
We're cool.
I found the stragglers!
[laughs loudly]
Hey, bag boy.
Check it out.
What am I looking at?
Ooh, wait.
Holy shit, Ken! 100K!
-Business is booming baby!
All right, that's pretty good!
-That's impressive!
-Thank you. Thanks.
I mean, I do have
to hand it to Janey.
She really did give me
that early summer boost
with that nose piercing pic.
-[Jane laughs]
-[Kennedy] Like I said...
perfect nostrils.
But now I've got to start
strategizing for fall!
Ugh, pumpkin spice
lattes and shit.
-Babe! Ew!
-[Lacey] So you guys
can brawl later
but are you kids
ready to do this?
I was born ready!
And that's actually a fact
'cause I was born
two weeks early.
Early doesn't mean ready.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
You're jealous that
you were overcooked.
So, I'm afraid of heights.
Oh, I have strategies
for that.
Oh, I wanna hear this.
I'm gonna go ahead.
All right, gather around.
[Jordan] Okay. So first we're
gonna wanna get really high.
-[Lacey] Oh.
-[Jordan] Because
when you're high...
[speaks faintly]
[bright music]
Dylan, slow down!
Ah! You snooze, you lose!
You good?
-I got it.
These top branches
have more sap on them.
[Jane laughs]
[Dylan laughs]
I've never made it all the
way up here before.
I used to climb this
thing so much.
I got so good at it
when I was a kid.
It's muscle memory now.
Sounds cheesy, but, um...
it really feels like
the top of the world.
You know...
my dad told me that you came
into the station last month.
I don't want to upset you.
Yeah, I don't, uh...
I really don't think you can
right now. I'm feeling...
pretty numb.
Pretty ballsy of you.
To, to, to go to the cops.
I didn't follow through though.
I didn't...
say anything.
I didn't give an
official statement.
But you went.
I wish...
that that was something
I had done.
[bright music]
Back in high school...ski meet.
I never told anybody.
But, um...
[Jane] How we communicate
reflects the cultures
we're raised in.
The communities we engage with.
Our conversational style
is unique to who we are.
Communication was
born out of necessity.
It helps us survive.
But more importantly, it...
helps us live.
It's more than just the
definitions behind the
words we say.
It's not just yes or no.
It's in our bodies.
Our intentions.
Speech is rarely fluent.
No matter what
language we speak.
We pause.
Repeat ourselves.
Fill silences with
words and phrases.
Communication cannot be clear
without seeking clarity
from the other side.
Speech is not perfect
because we are not perfect.
But that's no excuse
to sacrifice
our most powerful words.
[echoed voices]
Come in!
Just collecting my things.
Summer term.
Not the brightest of bulbs.
I appreciate you
coming in person.
You know I'm old school.
You'll be presenting
for an audience of one.
I should have had
my 102 stay.
Maybe even had a Q&A.
Not sure I'd be
the best example.
All things considered.
Everybody falls down, Jane.
It's part of life.
This is just a blip for you.
I know you didn't want
to talk about it at the time.
What happened.
But something did happen?
And how's that now?
Is everything all right?
But it's getting better.
Your paper was very thorough.
Your conclusions were
fresh and sound.
I'm excited to hear
what you have to say.
Floor's yours.
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final
No feeling's ever final