Door, The (2012) Movie Script

Hey, guys.
Just watched a video
sent to me by a follower.
Hey, everybody. It's Jen and I wanted
to make this video in response to...
That sleep experiment video
that's on YouTube.
This... this video of some strange
mad scientist guy.
Hungarian doctor doing,
you know, tests.
- Experimenting on students.
- Younger Asian male patients.
They have, like, wires
connected to their heads.
I don't know what to believe
on the Internet anymore.
What's going on, everybody?
It's your man, Alpha Cat.
Welcome to this episode
of "Ask Alpha Cat. "
This crazy viral video that has gotten
thousands of views.
Apparently, it's this viral video
that's been going around the web.
- It's gotten tons of hits.
- Some people have also said
that this is related to, like,
a more recent rash of deaths.
Those deaths
over in Kentucky.
Some people say that
it's dangerous to watch it.
After watching it,
they start hallucinating.
It's kind of creepy. I'm not trying to
have some real-life "Ring" experience
where I watch something
and then I'm cursed.
- Bump that.
- It's pretty scary.
People just think I'm crazy.
- Obviously, this is fake, you guys.
- This is something real.
This video is creepy as hell.
Like, nobody knows
who uploaded the video.
We have no information.
We have nothing.
This is a video that wasn't
meant to get out.
I'd really like some answers.
Teng? Teng!
Teng! Teng!
Hi, Charlie.
My name's Alex.
- Long-time listener, first-time caller.
- Hey, Alex. What's up?
Well, there's this girl
and I really like her.
So go up to her,
start a conversation.
We really haven't met
in person yet.
We just Facebook each other,
but I thought it was starting
to get intense, and then
she stopped responding.
I remember hearing
a story about a girl
who fell in love with a guy
on one of these sites,
and when she found out that the guy
was actually one of her friends
playing a prank on her,
she killed herself.
Now, what does that tell you?
It tells me that the bullshit
we make up in our minds
can be dangerous.
It's got us living in a world
where we're falling in love
with ones and zeros,
with fake people,
when the real world
is just outside.
You know the thing
we still can't get online?
That primordial thing,
that animal instinct
that draws us together.
And without that,
you got nothing.
Just a fake relationship
with a fake girl in a fake world,
with nothing to show for it
but real heartache.
So turn off your computer, Alex.
Go outside,
find yourself a real girl.
Good luck to you.
Next caller.
You're on KZTO's "The Night Shift"
with Charlie Crowe.
Am I on... on the air?
Yeah, you're on the air.
- My name's Jeff.
- Mm-hmm.
- Jeff, what's on your mind?
- I'm seeing things.
- What kind of things?
- Shadows.
Shadows of people
who aren't really there.
Oh, what,
you mean like ghosts?
No, they're not ghosts.
These are something else.
Uh, Jeff, no offense, but we get
a lot of interesting callers
on this show,
but this is not a nuthouse.
So please direct
all your local insanity
to your local psychiatrist.
And what do we say when people
waste our valuable air-time?
- We say...
- Thank you very much.
Well, that's about all the time we have
on "The Night Shift" with Charlie Crowe.
We have a ton of people on hold.
Thank you for trying.
Try again next time
when Charlie Crowe unveils
the mysteries
of the unknown universe.
We'll be back on Monday.
Until then, good night,
sleep tight,
and don't let the bedbugs bite.
- Big City Value Furniture...
- Any word from Philadelphia?
Uh, yeah, man. They're not looking
to syndicate us just now.
Maybe next year
if our numbers come up.
You know this is the worst
damn market I've ever worked in.
Night, Tom.
My name is Tom DiMartino.
I am producer and engineer
for "The Night Shift"
with Charlie Crowe on Z104.
Charlie got this slot
in the evenings
and needed
a producer/engineer person,
you know, somebody
to screen calls.
And so he said, "Hey, you know,
you've got some experience.
Would you be willing
to do this for me?"
You know,
I was game at the time.
Seemed like
a pretty good ole boy.
Last time I talked to him, anyway.
Like I said,
he leaves a good tip.
How many times
did he come in here?
Before or after 4:00?
That was a good show, Charlie.
Wish my programmers
thought so.
If they ever can your ass
over at that radio station,
you can come work for me.
No offense, Sparky, but...
I think I'd rather suck the end
of a double-barreled shotgun.
Hey there, kiddo.
What's the word?
- How's Dr. Robert?
- He's fine, I'm fine.
Thanks for asking.
Maid's day off again?
Um, what are you doing?
- Checking your fridge.
- Why?
To see if you have anything healthy
to feed my son with.
Hey, that's still good.
It's expired.
You know, I'm perfectly capable
of taking care of our son.
- I don't like him eating junk food.
- Yeah, so we'll go out.
I don't like him
eating fast food either.
All right, then I'll have the butler
whip us up something.
Don't be cute, Charlie.
This is serious.
Can't I be cute and serious?
Don't you think you should stop
wearing that?
It's confusing Preston.
Well, maybe I don't like
throwing things away.
What about you, huh?
Is it better to throw something out
after you're tired of it?
Trade it in for something new
and shiny and rich?
I was impressed with the fact
that he took an interest in my son.
Hey, wait.
Hey, no.
I take an interest in Preston.
He just doesn't like
the same things I like.
Hey, Charlie.
How's the DJ business?
I'm not a DJ.
DJs spin records.
Lovely to see you.
So what do you
want to do?
- Nothing.
- Eh, come on.
Let's go out to the park.
We can throw the ball around.
Yeah, that would be fun...
if I was 10.
Oh, all right.
- What are you playing?
- Zombie Killer.
Yeah, that looks pretty violent.
Is that rated for adults
or something?
Yeah, but Robert
lets me play it, so...
Well, um, Robert
is not your father,
and I would prefer it
if you didn't sit around all day
looking at that garbage.
It'll rot your brain.
Yeah, you would know about garbage,
wouldn't you, Dad?
It's not garbage.
This is all perfectly plac...
- I need that there for later.
- Good.
Bed-time, buddy.
Do you want me to leave
that other light on for you?
Why, you think
I'm scared of the dark?
No. I'm sorry.
I just... I... you're growing up so fast.
I forget sometimes.
Since when do you care?
Since you were born, buddy.
Since you were born.
Preston, your mom's here.
- Have fun?
- No.
- You beat my high score?
- Yeah, look.
Yeah, I love you, too, kid.
Hey. So that kid from the other night,
the one with the shadows.
- Yeah?
- He drops a package off at my house
filled with photos
and lab reports
of some crazy experiment
from Camden College.
- Well, you better make a copy.
- Why?
Because when the CIA confiscates it,
no one's gonna believe you.
No, man.
He's just some conspiracy nut.
Oh, please tell me you're not
buying into this crap.
No, you know, it's just something
interesting for the show.
Besides, you know, if my body
ends up in a dumpster,
it would probably
be good for ratings.
Yeah, actually,
speaking of ratings,
I talked
to programming today.
They said if our numbers
don't come up,
they're gonna start running reruns
of Raunchy Paul in our slot.
Raunchy Paul?
You gotta be kidding me.
I wish I was, man,
but that's what they said.
Son of a bitch.
All right, we're on
in 10 seconds.
Now here he is,
the king of the late-night mic...
the one, the only
Charlie Crowe on your radio.
This is the tri-county
superstation KZTO,
and you're listening to
"The Night Shift" with Charlie Crowe.
Welcome, all you people
of the night,
all you maniacs, brainiacs,
and insomniacs who won't hit the sack.
Let's open up the phone lines
and hear what's on your mind.
First caller,
you're on the air.
Have you seen them yet,
Oh, it's Jeff.
I thought I might hear
from you again.
Did you get
the package I left you?
Mm-hmm, I did, Jeff.
That is some interesting stuff.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
I'm trying to figure that out,
but I'm afraid if I go to sleep,
I'll never wake up again.
Why exactly did you send me
that package, Jeff?
It's evidence.
I'm not crazy.
They come when you sleep.
Every night, I close my eyes
and they come.
And I'll wiggle my toe
or try and move my arms
just to wake myself up, but it's like
they don't want you to be awake.
Mm. Well, now you're starting
to worry me, Jeff.
How old are you?
- 17.
- 17, I see.
Are your parents around?
Can I talk to them?
My mom works nights.
I'm here alone.
Jeff, if you're afraid,
you should go to a friend's house
- or... I don't know.
- I have a gun.
Uh, what do you need
a gun for?
You can't get away
from them.
Do you understand me?
It's your thoughts.
When you think about them,
that's how they find you.
It's like sharks drawn
to blood in water.
The only question is,
how do you stop thinking
about something?
Uh, Jeff, are you still with us?
- They're here.
- Okay.
Now, uh, just...
just calm down, Jeff.
I want you to call someone.
Uh, let's... let's just put
that gun down
and... so we can talk,
because, Jeff,
I know that you are not crazy.
Jeff? Hello?
Yeah, we're gonna go
to a commercial break now
to, uh, make sure
everything's okay.
Now nobody panic.
This could be a hoax.
We will find Jeff and, uh,
make sure that he is all right.
Tired of that slow computer,
those inevitable crashes?
Save costly repairs
and downtime
with the best solution
to your problem...
And I've got a gun here.
Oh, listen, that's... you know,
that's not the answer.
Is there, like, a friend or...
They're in the room right now.
I see them in the room right now.
- What... who is in the room?
- Charlie...
Who's in the room?
Do you want me to call...
oh, my gosh.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Details are very sketchy at this point.
We arrived just about
a half hour ago
and we're told that
the radio host here
took a call from someone
right around 17 years old,
and that person through
the course of the conversation
is heard firing a weapon.
We don't know if that person
fired a weapon,
we don't know if somebody else
in the room fired a weapon,
but a weapon was fired
live on the air.
He didn't kill himself.
He shot the wall.
His parents checked him
into a hospital.
Man, that had me
freaked out.
Yeah, me, too.
He wants to take
your statement now.
Hi, Officer.
People are already speculating
that the call may have been a hoax
in an attempt to boost
the ratings of the show.
Now, if that's true, host Charlie Crowe
may be in a bit of hot water.
We tried to speak to Mr. Crowe
following the broadcast,
but take a look
at what happened.
I didn't call him.
He called me, all right?
I've never met him.
I'm just an entertainer.
Now, if you'll please excuse me,
that's all I have to say about that.
- It's been a long night.
- Sir?
Mr. Crowe, are you gonna be
on the air tomorrow?
Do you have anything
to say to the family?
- Yeah?
- Hey, listen, Charlie.
You know, that thing
last night with the kid,
um, I really think this might be
the break that we need.
Our numbers are up this week.
I think people really respond
to this kind of real-life drama.
No, people think it's a stunt.
I had a reporter at the station
last night asking me about it.
I'll tell you what it is,
it's an opportunity.
And it's got a lot of people
talking about it.
Programmers think it's a good idea
and, actually, I think so, too,
if you go down to the hospital
and you talk to this kid.
- You know, meet him.
- No, no.
Oh, don't make me do that.
I'm not good with kids.
L... I mean, come on,
especially if he's nuts.
No, no, listen. You go down
to the hospital, okay?
You meet with the kid, you show
that the station is sympathetic,
and it's good PR, right?
Yeah, all right.
Good PR.
Hi, I'm looking
for a patient... Jeff Pyatt.
He was admitted here.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He's not here anymore.
He was transferred?
- He passed away in his sleep.
- He's dead?
- How did...
- We don't know yet.
They'll contact family
with the results after the autopsy.
You don't know how he died?
- Yeah?
- Hey, Charlie. Are you there?
The kid's dead, Tom.
They said he didn't
kill himself, though.
He didn't.
He died in his sleep just like
he said he was going to.
You're shitting me.
Do you know where
Camden College is?
Yeah, it's just off 127.
Oh, no, don't tell me.
I thought you said
the kid was just nuts.
Well, then why did he die?
Please, Charlie.
You know what?
You're gonna end up
in the dumpster, man.
I'm tellin...
At the time that he actually...
when you... what you...
pronounced dead,
yes, there was lots of people.
But when you actually say
it went down...
it's what we call, you know...
what they call coded...
nobody was there
at that moment.
There was nothing out of the ordinary
at his residence.
He seemed to be a healthy kid.
There is times that...
truly you say we missed that.
You know, I could name several...
of course, I won't...
but you think,
you know, this is...
we truly missed something,
but this time we did not.
I mean, this was not...
it was truly a mystery.
Hi there.
Hi. Can I help you?
Yeah, I was wondering
if there's a teacher here
named Dr. Ravenscroft.
Never heard of him.
Oh, okay.
Um, can you tell me where I could
look up information on someone,
like, scientific papers he might
have published, that kind of thing?
Right there.
Science periodicals.
But you're not allowed
to check them out
unless you're faculty
or a student.
Yeah, but I can make copies.
Not unless you're faculty
or a student.
Yeah, well, I'm neither.
Thank you very much.
Say that again.
- Thank you very much?
- Hey.
I'm sorry, but are you
on the radio?
I am, actually.
- Charlie Crowe, KZTO.
- "The Night Shift," yes.
I listen to your show
all the time.
It's the coolest.
And you have the sexiest voice.
Well, uh, thank you
very much.
You just don't really look the way
I imagined you would.
Thanks again.
Wait, question.
That kid on your show,
they say he died in the hospital.
- Is that true?
- Yeah, he did.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Go ahead and use the copiers.
I won't tell.
Maggie, somebody jammed
the copier again.
This is KZTO's
"The Night Shift. "
If you've been listening,
then you know we had
a rather dramatic incident
on the air the last time
I was with you,
so tonight we're gonna
take some time
to talk about what's on
everybody's mind.
We'll open up the lines.
Caller, you're on the air.
Hey, yo.
Hey, Maggie,
you gonna lock up?
I'm just finishing up
a couple things.
Good night, Carl.
- Mag!
- Jesus! Brit.
You scared the shit out of me.
Oh, my God, that was so funny.
I seriously just pissed.
Why did you do that?
I'm so freaked out right now.
- This kid just died.
- No, no, don't even tell me.
I don't like scary stories
because they give me nightmares.
But there is a huge party tonight
at the Sigma Chi house.
Everybody is gonna be there.
Please tell me you're coming with.
I have to study.
Oh, my God.
You never do anything.
And don't wake me up
when you get home.
I have an 8:00 a. m. Class.
No promises.
I think the kid sounded
like he was on drugs.
I'm sorry he died and all,
but I think it's an overdose.
I mean, I don't mess
with that stuff myself,
but I know people that do
and they sounded
just like that kid.
Okay, we have
another caller here.
Hey, Charlie,
I just want to say
it could be some kind
of government thing,
contamination of our drinking water
they're trying to cover up.
It sounded to me
that what the boy described
was a classic
abduction scenario.
You see, the Greys, they're the aliens
from Alpha Centauri,
and they abduct people
for their genetic experiments.
And the thing that tipped me off...
he said he was paralyzed.
Psychiatrist on the line here.
Dr. Perkowski, what do you
have to say about all this?
I'd just like to say,
from my experience,
that there are a number
of different types of mental illness
which could go undiagnosed
for long periods of time.
The caller on the air
may have had an episode
of extreme
schizophrenic paranoia.
In these instances,
the victim can often see things
that aren't there,
react to them.
The world of the imagination
and the real world blends
so that they cannot
distinguish the difference.
In such a case, it's natural
that he could have believed
that a man or a shadowy figure
of some kind was stalking him.
It's important for your audience
to be aware that these delusions
are fairly common,
but we must remember
that they are only
in our imagination.
And no matter how frightening
they seem,
they can't really harm you.
All right, that is a wrap
for "The Night Shift. "
Good night, sleep tight,
and don't let
the bedbugs bite.
Ace Auto
is your headquarters for used...
That is the most callers
we have ever had.
- Any word on the numbers?
- I don't know.
I'm gonna have to check them
tomorrow, man,
but I have a really good feeling
that they're gonna be good.
- Like to get syndicated good?
- Like we could get syndicated good.
- What's your name?
- Brittany Daniels.
- And what year are you?
- Sophomore.
I came home and normally
I'm kind of loud,
so I make a lot of noise.
Maggie, you missed the craziest
fucking night ever.
Okay, so, I'm, like,
still drunk right now.
We're taking all these tequila shots
and they dare me to streak,
so, of course, I did,
and I'm like halfway back
from the fucking oak tree,
and I totally puked.
Oh, my God, it's like the third time
I've puked there this year.
Oh, God, don't tell me
you're pissed at me.
I mean, I just felt awful
for her parents
and just her friends having to go on
and her roommate.
I knew about her roommate a little bit,
but that's pretty much it.
I mean, they were all...
it's pretty... it's pretty sad,
it's pretty intense.
Not gonna lie.
Holy shit.
I have noticed... not that
I'm a nosy neighbor...
but I have noticed, um,
he sits in that window a lot
and is doing research,
he tells me.
Tom: The circumstances
of the kid's death
has really affected him.
We had a caller
on a previous show
who believed
he was seeing things.
For all I know,
they're unrelated.
I mean, I just... I don't know.
I think some of it's rumor
and speculation,
conspiracy theories...
that kind of stuff.
He said he believed
if he closed his eyes,
he might never wake up.
And, in this case,
he was right.
Nobody else got sick.
I mean, these few people have died
and under strange circumstances.
It's all he talks about.
I mean, now, since that kid called up
and talked to him on the radio.
People go in for that,
especially in the middle of the night.
I mean, that's...
that's our market.
Who hasn't felt like someone
was watching them in their sleep
or, like, a shadow moved
in the corner?
We usually dismiss this
as paranoia,
that you're seeing things
that aren't there,
that it's a trick of the eyes,
but let's assume,
for the moment,
that it's not.
We'll open up the lines.
I was sinking
so much into my bed.
- Eventually I woke up.
- I felt like I was suffocating.
I felt something hit my legs
or jump on the bed,
that weight change.
And I just... I felt this presence.
You're yelling at yourself, like,
"Do something, do something,"
and you can't.
Just people moving in old houses
and they say they hear doors creak
'cause somebody died in the house.
Thinking they're seeing things,
but not really seeing anything.
Some people have reported
it sounding very raspy.
It was like this buzz sound.
It's increased listenership.
People want to talk about it.
- People want to hear about it.
- I listen to Charlie Crowe quite a bit.
Yeah, I've heard him.
Don't know about him,
but, yeah, I've heard him.
He was involved in a lot worse,
though, Mr. Crowe was.
Ah, hell,
that's just Charlie.
People say these things
come to us
when we sleep.
Is there something we do
while sleeping that calls them to us?
It's almost like insanity.
I just have to have
an answer for this.
- It's so freaky.
- A long time
after that, I was terrified
to go to bed.
They can't move, they can't speak,
and they can barely breathe.
It feels like there's
a pressure on their chest.
They feel like they're suffocating,
and it's terrifying.
Sleep paralysis is the experience
of awakening unable to move,
and it's produced by
a physiological mechanism
in the brain that's well understood.
This is a normal
human experience.
One in five of us will have it
at some point in our life.
It wasn't like
I was paralyzed,
because I think when you're paralyzed,
you don't really feel your body.
who have sleep paralysis
experience some kind
of hallucination.
It's not actually
like a hooded person
or like a floating black cloud.
Out the corner of my eye,
I could see these dark shapes.
I have a maybe,
like, nine-foot ceiling
and it nearly reached that.
I know nobody's in the house.
You can imagine
how freaky that is.
I don't think it was
anything I wanted
to really look at for very long.
It's interesting how many
people are coming together
and discussing these things now.
I'm really fascinated
by all the stories coming in.
There's so many people calling in
with their experiences.
The numbers keep growing.
Are they all making it up?
I don't think so.
The shadow people...
can it all be real?
Oh, shit.
As the first EIS officer
on the scene,
I went to the coroner's office
and was able to examine
the second victim...
a 21-year-old female.
So the tissue sample
showed no pathogens?
No. White blood cell
counts: Normal.
Died in her sleep
just like the first victim.
Two cases like this,
two days apart.
- Did the two have contact?
- Don't know.
Why, the CDC think this condition
may be contagious?
Well, that's what I'm here
to determine.
No heart defect.
Toxicology's negative.
Which is odd because the male victim
was reported to be hallucinating.
- Hallucinating?
- That's what the police report said.
He was checked
into the hospital
where he saw, like, delusions
of shadows moving all around him.
Maybe hallucinations
are a possible symptom.
- What about brain biopsy?
- Normal.
And we're looking for someone
who's possibly overweight
or someone who has
high blood pressure
or someone who has,
like, diabetes
or just a history in their family
of stroke or heart attacks.
So these victims were,
you know, young,
they were completely healthy.
You know,
we checked their blood,
and there's nothing
in their blood that shows
that they have any
fatty deposits in their heart.
No history of diabetes
in the family, you know,
no history of stroke,
no history of cancer.
If this was in Cambodia,
the diagnosis would be easy.
Very scared?
It was first noticed
in the Hmong immigrants
who came from Vietnam
to the United States
right after the Vietnam War.
We did get a team
of microbiologists,
We did blood cultures,
urine samples.
We did sputum cultures,
we tested for heavy metals.
The most disturbing
part of this
is we did not find
a biological agent.
In the archives,
I found a condition
called sudden unexplained
nocturnal death syndrome,
and I believe that this
is very likely a resurgence.
This condition
had very similar circumstances
to these young people who have
died here in Eastern Kentucky.
Did anyone do a trip report?
If I remember correctly,
the first EIS officer
went on-site in 1981.
Initially, we thought the disease
triggered cardiac arrest during sleep,
yet more recent studies indicate
that lack of oxygen to the brain
may be the cause.
The victims showed
no genetic history
of myocardial infarction
or sleep apnea.
And we're still unclear on a cause?
The data was inconclusive.
It seems hundreds
of healthy immigrants
just died in their sleep
without cause.
One more question,
Dr. Lacombe.
Does the syndrome
appear to be communicable?
The truth is we really don't
have enough evidence
to make a conclusion
either way.
Well, I don't think that explanation
is gonna fly with the public.
- Mr. Crowe?
- Yeah.
Hi, I'm Sophie Lacombe.
I'm with the Center
for Disease Control.
I got your address
from Tom at the station.
Disease control?
What kind of diseases?
Well, I'm here investigating
the local deaths and their causes.
It seems there may be
some new cases of a disease
that we call sudden unexplained
nocturnal death syndrome.
Okay, I'll save you some time.
Those deaths weren't caused
by a disease.
In fact,
they were caused by...
Shadow people?
I was just brewing
some coffee.
- Thank you.
- You want a cup?
No, thanks.
Come, sit.
So I'm looking for a link
between these deaths.
After interviewing some people
about the victims,
I was told that some of them
were listening to your radio show
before they died.
- Can you explain that?
- No, I can't.
I'm just reporting
what people are telling me.
I'm trying to give them a voice.
If anything, I'm trying to help.
Well, so am I, Mr. Crowe.
That's why I'm here.
You see, the victims reported
hallucinations, sleep paralysis...
symptoms that you
talked about on your show.
Perhaps if I could get
your call logs,
I could track
the infected victims.
Yeah, I'll give you anything you want,
but it's not gonna do you any good
unless you realize that
what these people are seeing is real.
A lot of people think just 'cause
they can't explain it scientifically
that it doesn't exist, but I can
tell you that our ancestors
knew about nightmares
and how harmful they are.
Well, I'm certain that bad dreams
can't harm you.
I'm not talking about bad dreams.
I mean nightmares.
The actual word nightmare
is an Old English word
that means evil spirit.
A maere... M-A-E-R-E...
that comes in the night
to attack its victim.
Now, in modern times,
we've changed that meaning.
I think we've changed it
to cover up the truth.
Look, here's one.
A real one.
A real nightmare.
Now, every culture
documents this.
The Native Americans
called it the Raven Mocker.
It was a shadow that comes
to steal your soul.
In the Middle East, they call it jinn,
and they believe they were created
at the same time as us by God,
but to live in a different dimension.
Now these are cultures
that are far older than ours,
but they've all reported
the same thing
from different parts
of the world for centuries.
And now, for the past 100 years,
we've started to deny their existence.
I think it's us
who's being naive.
I think it's one of those things
you're not ever gonna truly believe...
Until you see it for yourself.
You got a knack for finishing
people's sentences, lady.
Well, that's the point, isn't it?
Seeing is believing?
Yet there's no proof of these claims.
- I have proof.
- You do?
These don't really
prove anything.
I mean, for all I know,
it could be a hoax.
That's what I thought,
but this Dr. Ravenscroft
published a scientific journal.
Huh. I'm gonna have to
get over to the college
and talk to someone about
Ravenscroft and his research.
Maybe he found something about
this disease that I don't know about.
Yeah, but I keep telling you,
it's not a disease.
It's more... it's like a...
- Curse?
- Yeah.
Like I said, lady,
you have a knack.
- Bye.
- See you tonight.
Professor Fisher?
Hi, Sophie Lacombe.
Oh, yes, from the CDC.
They told me I'd have
a visitor today.
- Please.
- Thank you.
What can I do for you?
Well, I'm looking for some
information on Dr. Ravenscroft.
Do you know where
I might find him?
Resurrection Cemetery
last time I checked.
Well, I'm looking for
some information
on a research study
he did in 1971.
A sleep study, if I'm not mistaken,
and hallucinations.
Ravenscroft was a bit
of a loose cannon back in those years.
What was he researching?
The story that I heard
was that he was adamant
that he could prove that the mind
could influence matter.
He wired
several of his subjects
to a door.
The goal was to use their minds
to open the door
by getting them all
to concentrate
on the same intention
at the same time.
To do that,
he had to get them
to a very intense
brain wave state,
a state between
wakefulness and sleep.
A most intense signal.
He would amplify the brain waves
among several subjects
and, channeling it to the door,
he hoped to produce a result.
So what happened?
Well, he produced a result,
but it was not the one
he intended.
All of the subjects died.
I'd guess it was either
the equipment
or the intensity
of the testing procedure
that disrupted
the normal brain function.
But the truth will only be
in his write-ups
or any films that he may
have made of the experiment.
And do you have no idea
where this material might be?
He said it was too dangerous
for mankind.
I'd guess he'd
have destroyed it,
- except that...
- Except what?
Well, you're a scientist.
You know how difficult
it would be
to suppress
your own findings.
I mean, it's what
we live for, right?
He wasn't that good a scientist
in terms of his methodology.
In terms of his thinking,
he was incredibly creative.
With what we know now, we could
look back at what he discovered
and what he was working on
and maybe make better sense of it
than he was able to at the time.
I suspect it is lost.
I think so.
If he didn't destroy it,
then I think the college might have.
He lived in this big old house...
on the corner of Elm and Maple.
I went down to the house
to see him
and there was no furniture
in the house.
The house was
completely empty,
as though the movers
had been in
and cleaned it out,
yet he was still living there.
That's it.
hate to kick you out, man.
I gotta go.
Outside under the window.
You know where.
You're not afraid,
are you, Raymond?
Who, me? Scared?
It's just that I don't think
that there's gonna be
any murder here
done after all.
If that's true, then why
did you declare her dead?
I had my own good reasons.
Would you give me one reason
why you like to go around
getting hit on the head?
That must become
a little monotonous.
Mr. Lee, are you sure
that you saw
what you thought you saw?
- What's it say?
- Aw, come on, Doctor.
Don't hold out on us.
I didn't understand it
at first, but I do now.
There were no marks of violence
on the body and we found
no internal disturbances.
What does this all
add up to, Doctor?
Yes, let's have it.
She was literally
scared to death.
There's radio waves
going through this room
and I can't hear them now,
but if I pick up a little device
like this called a radio
and I turn the knob to 28.6 FM,
there's music
playing on my radio.
There's so much more energy
in the atmosphere,
in this... what we perceive
to be empty space.
You've got what's called
the visible light spectrum,
and it's, like, 5% of all
of the other waveforms
that exist in
the electromagnetic spectrum.
You've got Wi-Fi,
cell phones,
radio, television, satellite...
it's all there.
Well, if there were something
in your environment
that had a color
that was outside
of our visual range
and it stood in front of you,
it wouldn't be invisible,
it would just look black.
So it's possible
that these things can grab
your favorite
radio station's frequency
and say, okay, here's something
I can latch onto
and I can manifest myself with.
Where the hell have you been?
You were supposed to take
Preston this morning.
Oh, shit, Ellen.
I'm sorry. I overslept.
- Yeah, big surprise.
- What are you doing?
Getting a video game
Preston left here.
What is up, Ellen?
I overslept one time, okay?
- I'm sorry.
- It's the least of what you've done.
What's that?
Exploiting that poor kid's death
for your radio show.
That's low...
even for you, Charlie.
Whoa, hey.
Hold on, okay.
- I'm doing that out of concern.
- The hell you are.
You can't tell me you actually
believe that crap.
The shadow people?
What is that?
You know, what does it matter
to you anyway?
You still listen to my show.
No, Preston does.
It's cruel, you know that.
You were with me.
Working all those crap markets
all over the country,
trying to make it big,
and now...
I have a chance
to really reach people.
Reach them
and give them what?
This is my shot, Ellen.
One day Preston
will know that.
Can we talk to you about
your ex-husband Charlie Crowe?
- No. No.
- Can we talk to you about...
- Nothing to say.
- We just want to ask you
just a couple questions
about him.
We just want to ask you
a couple questions about Charlie.
There's that expression,
"Speak of the devil,"
that you say when someone
you've been talking about shows up,
but that phrase
is really a warning.
Speak of the devil
and he doth appear.
Did you play or were
you on the bench?
I was on the bench.
- Was your mom there?
- Yeah.
She was there with Robert,
but I wish she was there with you.
You used to go to all my games
before you and her split.
Yeah, I know, dude.
I'm sorry about that.
Wish we were back together.
Maybe our brains are like
my broadcast tower,
sending our thoughts out
through the universe,
but, until now, we didn't realize
that somewhere,
someone is listening.
Jeff Pyatt died right after
he called in on this show.
He certainly
wasn't making it up.
No one seems to have a rational
explanation for these deaths,
but in every case, people report
seeing the shadow people.
Now, what if these things
really can kill us?
Jeff sent me evidence.
These experiments concluded,
but there is a possibility
that there was some attempt
to measure or contain
one of these beings...
It's the third mysterious death
in three weeks.
is the latest victim
to die in her sleep.
All three of the deceased
were apparently healthy
with no previous illness,
and an investigation is underway
by the Center for Disease Control.
Probably part of being scared
is all these people
running around
with these badges.
We know that we get people
calling us and telling us
what they think they're hearing
or seeing or whatever,
and it sounds
strangely consistent.
But for all I know,
it's mass hysteria.
I don't know if we'd call it
hysteria or not.
It's, I don't know, just...
a chain of events, maybe.
We've got the outbreak in the '70s
and we've got the current
outbreak in Kentucky.
This outbreak has a lot of people
pretty frightened,
as the transmission properties
of the disease are still unknown.
Some new disease
that they're coming
to investigate or something.
I think there's something
fishy going on.
I'm not positive.
It's hysteria.
I don't give any credibility.
There's no scientific basis in fact.
Oh, shit.
See there.
That, right there.
W- What is that?
Yeah, this is a big
publicity stunt.
The problem
with people like you is,
is that you get
in people's heads.
You're poisoning kids' minds.
To tell the truth,
my friends think you're crazy.
Oh, I doubt that very much.
- I'm sure they're all big fans.
- Oh.
- They're really big fans, Dad.
- Now, what else did they...
They don't think you're crazy.
They don't.
I'm being sarcastic,
of course.
The shadow people know
when we think of them,
and then they come for us.
And that question
Jeff asked me still haunts me.
How do you stop yourself
from thinking about something?
- You okay?
- I've been better.
I met with a professor
about Ravenscroft's experiments.
They were real.
You were right about that.
He also told me
that all the test subjects died.
I was wondering if Ravenscroft died
from the same experiment.
I wanted to exhume
and examine his body,
but the strange thing is his death
certificate says that he was cremated.
- What's strange about that?
- The professor told me
that Ravenscroft is buried
in a cemetery near the college.
If he's cremated,
then what's buried in that grave?
- That's what I intend to find out.
- Give me five minutes.
- What for?
- I'm coming with you.
We're gonna need more coffee.
- Are you okay?
- Oh.
I just keep nodding off.
I'm sorry. I can't help it.
- You're welcome to lay in the car.
- No.
Go ahead and try
and open that if you can.
Oh, my God.
What the hell is that?
Here, hold that.
A film.
Got anything we can
watch this on?
In the 16th test group,
we have given all subjects
the same intention.
A device was affixed
on the head
and the lead wire terminated
at the actual intention point.
In this case,
a simple metal door.
As they repeated the intention
to open the door,
we monitored
their brain activity.
The subjects then repeated
the intention in their mind
until they reached a sleep state.
At 12.3 hours,
subject number seven
experienced higher than
average heart rate
and sporadic jerking
indicative of NREM
of stage one N-1-6.
Jesus. It's real.
He filmed one.
- This is a hoax.
- How can you still say that?
I'm taking this to the press
in the morning.
People have to see this.
People have to be warned.
This is evidence.
L... I'm not crazy.
Listen, I have to get up early
and start writing my report.
I'm probably going to have
to turn that over to the CDC.
I'm keeping this.
You can... you can tell them
the grave was empty.
I won't tell anyone
where I got it.
You're not... you're not
taking this from me.
There's nothing
on that film, so...
as far as I'm concerned,
it doesn't exist.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Would you raise your
right hand, please, Mr. Camfield?
Do you solemnly swear
the testimony you are to give
to be the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth,
- so help you God?
- Yes, I do.
I represent the family
of Jeff Pyatt,
and we have filed a lawsuit
against the...
radio station, relating to
the death of Jeff Pyatt.
In early November of 2008,
were you scheduled to appear
on the Channel 5 television station?
Yes, I was.
...from Russell Springs
in fierce competition today.
So let's go, fighting Koalas!
It's on to the championship for you.
And for those of you who are fans
of "The Night Shift,"
our own radio host
Charlie Crowe
will be on the Channel 5 News
tonight at 6:00,
where he claims he has evidence
of the supernatural to show.
So be sure to watch that.
I know I'll be.
And a lot of people thought
he was pulling a hoax,
but I'll tell you,
Dan, it's...
We have a special treat coming up
for you at the end of the hour.
A local radio host
claims to have evidence
of the supernatural.
And it seems he already has offers
for a book deal and movie of the week.
Hey, I got a transfer
of that film made.
Syndication, here we come.
Oh, I really hope Preston
and Ellen are watching.
It'd be good for him to see me
do something extraordinary.
I'm sure they are.
Knock 'em dead, buddy.
Hey, this is it.
Hi. Do you have any ibuprofen
or anything back there?
Rough night last night, huh?
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
Let me tell you
my hangover cure.
I drink a can of tomato juice,
suck on a lemon,
and smoke three cigarettes.
Works every time, guaranteed.
Better than aspirin.
That doesn't work.
It's an old wives' tale.
Aw, hell, works for me.
- It's a placebo.
- A what?
A placebo.
The mind tells...
oh, my God.
You want your change?
Many primitive cultures under...
Just relax, buddy.
You can do this. Ahem.
Up until several hundred years ago,
many different cultures...
Charlie, you can't
go through with this.
- You can't show that film.
- What are you talking about?
Okay, thanks for the story,
So now in just a little while...
Listen to me.
The body responds
to what the mind tells it.
It's called the "placebo effect. "
If you give a patient
a sugar pill
and you tell them
that it's medicine,
in many cases
the body will heal itself.
So if the mind tells the body
that there are shadow people
and that they can kill us,
then, by God, they can.
I don't know
what your agenda is.
I don't know if you're trying to squash
this because you don't want it out
or now someone from the government
wants to keep a lid on it.
No, I want to keep a lid on it.
We're actually creating
these things in our mind.
When you sleep, you can't
control what you think.
Two minutes.
Charlie, listen.
Charlie, all the people who died,
they were believers.
If you put this on national television
and you say it's real,
a lot of people will believe.
As recently as 2002,
the CDC is investigating
a condition called
Morgellons disease.
And this was a condition
in California
where people became ill
after watching television.
They would hear about a rash,
develop the rash,
the skin biopsy showed
dermatologic irritation,
but absolutely no source.
Due to the fact that when people
believe they are sick,
they will actually
make themselves sick.
And if that happens,
the end result in this condition
is mortality.
Let's get him
spinning it around.
- All right, hold it.
- Camera one, crop the top.
One more.
Let's test camera two.
In 10, nine...
Camera three,
let me see your shot.
All right, we got that.
Roll in five.
...five, four, three, two...
We're here with radio talk show
host Charlie Crowe.
Okay, I'll just say it.
Well, all this shadow people stuff
is a pretty hard pill to swallow,
you have to admit.
Uh, yeah, I know.
But we're told you say
you have proof of them.
Is that right?
Are you ready to show us
that proof now?
Here is your forum.
Mr. Crowe?
- We are live.
- Uh, yes. Ahem.
The proof I have
of the shadow people...
there is no proof.
this is all an elaborate hoax.
It's a... a stunt I pulled
at the station.
It's a ratings stunt.
L... I should apologize
to everyone.
I'm very sorry.
This is a huge mistake.
So you're admitting on live TV
that this is all a hoax
and there are
no shadow people?
Are you worried how this might
adversely affect your career, Mr. Crowe?
I'm not sure,
to be honest with you,
if it was a great idea
to even be here today.
Thank you for your time.
We'll be right back.
And there you have it, folks.
Decide for yourself.
Hey, buddy.
Let's go.
Come on.
Are you still working
for the radio station?
No, sir, I'm not.
You're not?
Did you leave
on your own accord
or were you fired?
I can't comment on
what the circumstances were
of his termination.
So he was fired?
I can't comment on
the circumstances of his termination.
Did he leave on his own, then?
Charlie doesn't
work here anymore.
I was like four
when we went fishing
and you taught me how to fly-fish.
That was... that was fun.
Good memory.
In the '70s and '80s,
these conditions
were relatively self-limiting
by the lack of media.
They were limited by the lack
of communication.
And now with globalization
of social media, Internet, e-mail...
that sharing this information
would cause a public health risk.
My strong recommendation
is that we keep
this information sealed
until further research
can be done.
Are you sure you're lying
about having any evidence
or are you just
keeping that to yourself
- to maybe...
- I don't have...
...write a book
or something after this?
Objection, objection.
Asked and answered.
Are you instructing him
not to answer, Counsel?
I've instructed him
not to answer that.
We'll certify that question
to the court, then.
Hey, Dad.
R- R-R-Raunchy Paul!
I hate that show.
Me, too.
I want the truth and I want it
on this deposition and I want it now.
- Who sees this?
- Oh, well, this is a public record.
Anybody can see
this deposition.
Anybody can see that you're...
how you're answering...
I'm sorry. I think I've given you
all the information
I'm gonna give you today.
- I'm sorry.
- You don't have a right to...
- now sit down in your seat.
- No.
We're not through
with the deposition.
You don't have
a right to get up...
- Hey, what's up?
- Dude, I found the DVD. It's real.
No. No way, man.
You're so lying.
No, I'm not.
I'll rip you a copy.
No, no.
Load it on YouTube.
- Do it right now.
- Okay, fine.
And that's how
the shadow people spread...
from person to person
around the world...
whether by
word of mouth, a book,
the Internet...
or a movie.
My hands
kind of like paralyze.
I can't move the minute
it walks into that room.
And when I opened my eyes,
there was these three
solid black shadows.
I'm talking solid.
Point to the ceiling.
Can't you see that?
Can't you see that shadow
or that person?
And I was in
that paralyzed state
where it was
just my eyes moving.
That's all I could see in my room,
but I knew something was there.
I felt like something
had jumped on me.
Whatever was there
had jumped on me.
It was holding me down.
And the next thing I know,
I'm just wide awake
and there's this sound,
like, resonating in my ears.
# Stand down #
# Ride that preacher train #
# Stand down #
# Ride that preacher train #
# You've been looking
for love now #
# Rolling fire and rain #
# Light the burning
heart now, higher, yeah #
# Keep on breaking
the cage down #
# Grant this bird its wings #
# We are all together now #
# Come and stand by me #
# Stand down #
# Ride, ride, yeah #
# Stand down #
# Ride, ride, yeah #
# Holy One who come down #
# Drop your heavy weight #
# Brother, don't you
be shouldering #
# All that heavy hate #
# Holy One who come now #
# Truth in the sounds I play #
# Keep on burning
the cage down #
# Lover, stand by me #
# Stand down #
# Ride, ride, yeah #
# Stand down #
# Ride, ride, yeah #
# Stand down #
# Holy, holy, holy #
# Holy, holy, holy #
# You been taking the road
I'm heading down #
# Proud maker alone,
my head bowed #
# You been breaking the code,
come break it out #
# You been shaking
the whole damn world #
# You been taking the road
I'm heading down #
# Proud maker alone,
my head bowed #
# You been breaking the code,
come break it out #
# You been shaking
the whole damn world #
# You been taking the road
I'm heading down #
# Proud maker alone,
my head bowed. #