Double iSmart (2024) Movie Script

What happened?
Why are you so excited?
What's the matter?
Do you know what I got for you?
What is it?
I got you bangles.
Where did you get the money to buy that?
Did you lift rocks?
Or sand?
Something on that line. Leave it.
By the way, why did you get me these bangles?
Because it's your birthday, Pochamma.
Do you remember your mother's birthday, son?
Yes. How can I forget that?
Pochamma, wear these bangles
tomorrow and get ready.
We shall go to the temple, where I have planned
to serve biryani to two people on your name.
A woman taught me how to live like a man!
She is my mother.
"I can't sing a lullaby, my dear."
"But I promise to stay beside you forever."
Happy Birthday, Pochamma...
"If you face a problem,"
"This venom-spewing society
would throw more stones on you."
What is this?
You wouldn't understand. Blow it.
"If today you are burnt in a furnace,"
"you will come out as a weapon."
"One must not live a life on flower-bed,"
"as your path would be full of thorns."
"My father abandoned us,
the society outcasted us."
"We both became each other's world.
My mother and I."
"Sometimes I would wonder,
should I cry for my father or due to hunger?"
"My mom would work the whole
day to feed me."
"But while I'm asleep, she would spend
sleepless nights, crying the whole time."
"In thunderstorms and floods,
she hugged me tightly around her."
"In her sweet humming,
I would find strength."
Such was my Pochamma.
"Everyone here is as cunning as a fox."
"Each one disguised as a sheep though."
"There's no place for good folks, no."
"If you don't climb, they'll make you lose.
And you'll lose pretty hard."
"I can't sing a lullaby, my dear.
"But I promise to stay beside you forever."
"If you face a problem,
This venom-spewing society
would throw more stones on you."
"Don't be tense, my son.
I'm there for you."
"Like a shadow, I'll be with you till the end of time."
"I promise to keep all dangers at bay,
I'll be saviour throughout your life."
Your father is no more.
Someday, even I'll be gone.
Don't say that. I'll cry.
Son, regardless of whether I am dead
or alive, you must live like a King.
I am not good at studies.
I doubt if I will even pass the exams.
You don't need education to live, son.
You must have a sharp brain
and a courageous heart.
Are Tigers and Lions educated?
Don't they live a life filled with pride?
You must be like them.
Did you get it?
My mother was my life and
a scoundrel took her away from me.
I don't know where he is.
But the moment I find him, I'll behead him.
Boss, Big Bull is coming.
Mr. Wong, I like Chinese people
because of your fried rice.
Sell noodles, I don't mind.
But Drugs...
my problem!
I don't like the Chinese mafia.
I am the Mafia, and the Mafia defines me.
Pack your things and go back to Beijing.
I will kill you, Big Bull.
Will you kill me?
You will kill me, will you?
Your Kung Fu won't work here.
Big Bull will smash your head.
If anyone takes out their Gun, shoot them dead.
Is there anyone else?
Kill him. Kill that dog.
Kill him.
My death isn't destined yet, understood?
Nobody can kill Big Bull.
Big Bull live forever.
Country's most wanted dangerous criminal, Big Bull.
Nobody knows where he is.
Yet he is running multiple businesses like illegal drugs,
pan masala, gutka and many narcotics clubs in India.
Now he has become Asia's biggest gun supplier.
Since 20 years, even R&AW couldn't gather a photo of him
but after so many years we have a visual of him.
We thought Big Bull was hiding in Argentina.
But yesterday he was found in
St. Francis Hospital in London.
He spent 4 hours in the hospital.
Why did he go there? On what purpose?
I need those details.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm telling you the truth.
Take a second opinion.
This is the tenth opinion.
All doctors said the same.
No amount of money can save you.
No treatment in this world can cure you.
You have only three months to live.
What's the name of the brain tumour?
Bentley, I am Big Bull.
I'm too young to die.
How can I die?
How can I die so early?
I have many things to do in life.
I have plans for the next 100 years.
I can't die.
I don't want to die.
I have to live somehow.
Mr. Thomas, I have Billions of money
but I don't have time to enjoy it.
To spend all the money I have,
one lifetime isn't sufficient.
But the doctors have given me
a deadline of three months.
Due to some stupid tumour in my brain.
I don't want to die.
If I die like everyone else,
how am I different from them?
I have to live.
Give me an idea.
Only one option, sir.
Memory transfer.
Your memory can be transferred from your body to a
different human and thus extending your conscious.
If we keep transferring your memory from
one body to the other, you can live forever.
You can become immortal.
- Fuck!
- Yes.
- Hey, scientist, come here.
- Yes sir.
Tell me something, if you insert my brain into
someone else's brain, will he feel like me?
Exactly. He will feel like you.
Your anger, your happiness, your sex, your touch,
you'll feel as if you are living all those experiences.
What about his memories?
That will be deleted.
Body will be his but the mind and
memory will be all yours.
Fantastic. I like this idea.
But it's an experiment.
I'll spend as much money as you need.
I'm ready. But it is illegal.
Are you advising him about illegal stuff?
His whole career is illegal.
We need humans for experiments.
And they might lose their lives sometimes.
Look, I don't care how many people die.
India is the safest place for any crime. Okay?
Do it fast.
I want to become immortal.
Yes, sir.
What's your problem?
You need to put a hole in
the head, that's it, right?
Madam, it's not as simple as you think.
It's a delicate operation.
We need to create a connection
with the hippocampus.
Only then can we transfer the memory.
Then do it quickly.
Bentley, I'm sorry, it didn't work out.
Should I say the same thing to Big Bull?
I know he will kill me.
I have failed in experiments.
But now, I have an amazing solution for this.
What is it?
There's a person in Hyderabad, a real scoundrel.
He has a ready-made USB port in his head.
If it is accessible, we can transfer
as much data as we want.
We don't have to kill anyone and
our job will be done.
He is the only option.
The one who stole our money
truck is hiding in this truck.
Guys, come here.
Come out.
Take off the mask.
if the mask is on, you'll see just a thief
but if the mask is off you'll see a pirate!
Who is that?
He needs a small rift for a passage,
and from top to bottom, he'll stomp you completely.
Take the money and get lost.
Hey, take off the bloody mask...
Who are you?
I have seen you somewhere...
Obviously, you would have...
If you are a lion, I'm the leader of your pride.
If you're smart, I'm street-smart.
All India ISI brand,
Ustaad iSmart Shankar...
alias Double iSmart.
I'm telling you guys,
I'll wrap you all up in the garland of crackers,
shove grenades within you and pluck the pin.
Do you have any idea whose
money you are stealing?
It's Big Bull's money. He will kill you.
Tell your boss...
He might be habitual of killing others
but if he messes with me, I'll kill him.
Will you tell this to him?
I will.
Oh my God... How did it go like that?
Brother, why did you kill so many people?
If I don't kill them, the Big Bull won't come out.
What business do you have with him?
- A lot, in fact.
- Is it?
If I see him, I'll kill on the spot.
You will kill him, brother.
Boss, I found out everything about him.
He has undergone a memory transfer
in Hyderabad and it was a success.
The CBI used him for one of their missions
He is an idiot who is the only person
with a USB port in his head.
- What's his name?
- iSmart Shankar.
- iSmart?
- He thinks he is smart.
If he was really that smart,
why would they puncture his head?
Get him immediately.
He is our target.
Ustad iSmart Shankar
Alias Double iSmart
Made in old city.
"This is iSmart Shankar,
he is very dangerous."
"He is back. Make way for him."
"He is a burning firecracker, with two brains"
"He can bring down the greatest
of greats, such is his prowess."
"Oh Lord Almighty, Shiva.
Such is the carnival..."
"All the neighbouring streets sing my praise."
"Look at his killer swag and attitude!"
Do you know what his style is?
"If he's captivated by a girl,
he'll court her with charm,"
"and when he hears music,
he'll join in the dance."
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"DJ double iSmart..."
"Neither in Shalibanda nor in Chanchalguda..."
"There's no one like you."
"You sweet little Rascal"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"I was born like this, my upbringing
wasn't a bed of roses."
"I hacked using a sword and
also used guns when necessary."
"Don't mess with me...
If I hit you, it'll blow your mind."
"Rock the step!"
Hey, why is this Samosa so bland?
Not only that, even this Samosa bland.
Adulteration has become a nuisance nowadays.
Vegetables are being coloured,
chickens are given steroids,
and despite having no substance the girls
are seducing the boys with loads of makeup.
It's been so long since I had something organic.
Yes, brother.
You need some fresh melons.
My body is heated up.
Need to cool it.
- Oh my!
- Auto...
Who is she?
There are no traces of any chemical.
She is completely organic.
Start the auto.
Where do you want to go?
Can you take me to Hanuman Tekdi, please?
Yeah, we can go.
Madam, is this your first time in India?
I'm from Delhi. First time in Hyderabad.
- Madam, name?
- Jannat!
What is John-at, brother?
It's not John-at, it's Jannat.
It means heaven. Heaven.
Can't you see her and tell?
You carry on, brother.
Look at her from top to bottom,
she's a tempting sweet.
Her skin is like cream, not to be touched,
or else it will blemish.
- Did you see her eyes?
- No, brother.
Those are not eyes.
Those are Kohinoor diamonds outlined with kohl.
- Did you see her thighs?
- Yes, I did.
- You did?
- Yes, brother.
Why did you see down there, rascal?
- What does our culture teach us?
- What?
He must start from the top and slowly
make our way towards the bottom.
Don't make a mockery of our culture.
Did you look at her hip as well?
I won't tell you, you'll beat me.
Speak up. Tell me that her hips
are like the snake's curves.
She's your sister-in-law and you are
looking at her with wrong intentions, rascal!
Are you here to drive the auto
or to ogle at the customers?
Bro, my sixth sense says that
she didn't get into our auto by chance.
We are destined to cross each other's path.
How do you say that?
She is going to the same place
as we are, what does that mean?
It means the stars have aligned in such
a way that she finds her way to me.
If she gets down at House
number 6 in front of my house...
I'm going to marry her.
In one year, you'll become an Uncle.
You have already thought about the kids?
Just kids? I am thinking about their school...
Very convenient...
Hey, Jannat.
I'm the owner of the house opposite yours.
My name is Shankar.
Ustaad iSmart Shankar.
Aren't you ashamed of taking
money from your sister-in-law?
Sorry, sister.
Hey, stop your over-action.
I heard everything that you said.
Oh my!
I'm a tempting sweet?
My hips are like the curves of a snake, is it?
I didn't mean that.
Shut up!
I just got into your auto, and you married me and had
kids with me in your imagination in this brief time?
I was just kidding.
You guys are such perverts.
How can you think about me like that?
I'm not like you, I'm from a decent family.
Not uneducated like you too.
Got it?
Heard her?
She's from an educated family, what do you have?
Bloody labour class.
- Say sorry to her.
- Sorry, sister-in-law.
Don't you dare call me sister-in-law.
Why did you call her sister-in-law?
Look at your range and look
at her range, call her Bhabhi.
- Okay, brother.
- Go, keep the luggage inside.
- Don't you know how to treat our guests?
- Sorry, Bhabhi.
Have you lost all your manners?
Hey, Jannat.
Call me if that idiot troubles
you again, 9848066...
Get lost.
I thought of adding you to my telegram.
By the way, we don't need Telegram, do we?
I'll be right in front of you.
Just whistle, and I'll appear in front of you.
Did you keep the luggage? Now leave.
Bye, Bhabhi.
Hey, girl...
You look so awesome with that kohl in your eyes.
Don't forget to ward off evil eyes off you.
Shankar's eyes might cause you trouble if not.
Hi, everyone.
My name is Bhadram...
I'm a wildlife photographer.
I spent seven years of my life with a tribe
called Aguano in the Amazon forest.
They have no civilization nor do they
have any contact with the outside world.
I befriended a tribal there,
his name is Boka.
He was the king of that tribe which
had barely 500 people in it.
He is the king of the Aguano tribe.
In other words, he is the torchbearer.
With a lot of difficulties after getting
permission from two countries, I got him here.
Please don't surround him and fluster him.
Now, I want to introduce my friend, Mr. Boka.
He is Mr. Boka, our ancestor.
Why did you bring him here?
Very good question.
Humans took thousands of years
to learn to be civilized.
Instead of that, if we teach him our language,
our culture, a little English and computer,
he will teach his entire tribe and within a few years,
the entire tribe will change.
That is my idea.
Why did you tie him like that?
Since he is new to the city, I have tied him up
in order to prevent him from getting lost.
It's not right.
Look at him, he needs freedom.
Let's not treat him like an animal.
Untie the rope.
- What if he escapes?
- He won't.
Untie him.
Hey, Boka. What did you like here?
[tribal language]
What is Pua?
Don't touch me.
Are you mad?
Sir, he is misbehaving with me.
You are the one who asked to free him.
Hey, I will kill you.
Don't touch me.
- Sir, he is taking her along.
- Leave me... leave me.
Sir... sir... sir...
Let the girl go.
Please no sir.
I received permission from two countries.
Hey, Boka...
Two nasty fellows have entered our club.
Everyone, keep an eye on them,
especially the one with the spectacles.
Madam, that loser is here.
Brother, how much should I bet?
As much as you wish, our luck is with us;
Jannat has come into my life.
Put it on Jannat's name.
One number for Jannat.
Jannat... Jannat... Jannat... Jannat...
Hey! We won!
We won!
Give it to us.
Brother, she is amazing.
Excuse me...
can I get a lighter?
Which number do you want me to bet on next?
What's the house number of your sister-in-law?
6, brother.
Put it on 6.
6 in the name of Jannat.
Sex! Sex! Sex!
Bro, that is six.
- What did I say?
- You said sex.
Both are same.
- Sex! Sex! Sex!
- Six... Six. Six.
We won again!
Brother, I must admit, sister-in-law is
a Goddess of money.
That Goddess will soon come
to my house, just wait and watch.
Stop it, brother. You are talking about
marriage but sister is upset with you.
She will be, but I won't let her be for a long time.
I'll go to her home, and say sorry.
If she laughs, I'll drag her onto the bed.
But what if she gets serious?
I'll fall on her feet.
I'll make her laugh.
She'll laugh exactly like this,
and I'll again drag her onto the bed.
Brother, no matter what the scene is,
the climax is awesome.
Hey, Rascal...
You spilled my whisky...
Why is she yelling at me as if she's my wife?
I've tried to be nice with these people.
She's trying to be funny. Forget it.
- Come, let's go.
- Hey, put it in my account.
Done, sir.
Brother, you have earned quite a lot, isn't it?
Tomorrow morning,
we are looting them again.
Bentley, I don't like this clock.
Every morning I see this clock
and the whole day it ticks in my ear.
Do you know what I hear
when it clicks every second?
As if it's saying, you don't have
much time, you'll die soon.
Boss, which clock is that?
What is that called...
Big Ben! Get it removed immediately.
Boss, that is Big Ben, London's iconic clock.
They'll thrash us if we touch it.
I don't care. Get it removed.
I'm scared of sunrise and I'm scared of sunset.
I'm a Don who once sent shivers across India.
My death should come in a war between
the Indian military and me,
and not with this bloody tumour.
By the way, did you pick up that Shankar?
I tried yesterday but couldn't.
I don't want any excuses.
Tell Thomas that if he fails this time, I'll kill him.
After 75 years of independence, students of Chennai
have started a Dravidian movement in the campus.
They say they want freedom.
Students in Chennai are agitating it seems.
They demand freedom.
But freedom from what?
Ask them and find out.
If you touch me again,
your skull will be crushed.
Take it.
If you really dare, take it.
Hey, leave me.
I'll squeeze you to death, you scoundrel.
What will you do now?
How's this?
It's good.
- What's this?
- Judo
Is it?
Who are you? So fierce like Phoolan Devi...
I'm a black belt in Judo, bloody...
If you are a black belt, then I have a leather belt.
Remove mask... remove.
No judo, nothing.
You are so pretty, why indulge in violence?
If you carry such attractive lips,
how will my lips remain calm?
Bye Baby!
We doubt you.
Doubt on me?
We suspect you ganged up with
those robbers and made this heist possible.
Sir, that's impossible.
I'm very sincere about my job.
Sincere? Then why did that thief kiss you?
Ask that question to that robber,
how would I know?
Sorry, I can't let you continue with
your job while you are a suspect.
Sir, please.
Please, don't throw me out.
I really need this job, sir.
Sir, please.
My family is a respected family.
My grandfather is an Army Major.
My father is a cardiologist.
My mother is a psychotherapist.
How dare they call me a thief?
I pray to God, that he should
lose his eyes and both his legs.
He should suffer from Delta Plus as well.
Within a week, that idiot would die an ugly death.
Stop it. Why are you cursing him?
What did the thief do?
He kissed me and ruined my life.
I'll not leave him.
I got his hair strands and
even collected his fingerprints.
I'll hand them over to the police
and make him locked behind bars.
Do you have so many proofs against him?
Of course.
But sweetheart, that money isn't yours,
why are you so concerned about it?
We don't get involved in such matters.
Even if the police let him scot-free, I won't.
I'll strip him down and make him sit in
the police station in his underwear.
I'll change my name if I fail to do this.
Bloody, I expected to marry a feminine girl...
Did you see her?
What are you laughing at?
Brother, listen to me.
If I marry her, just like us, she'll take off her pants,
keep the revolver to the side, and wear lungi to the bed.
What can we do?
I've committed.
I'll adjust.
I didn't tell you fearing you'll scold me.
I like that Delhi girl.
I'll see his end.
What am I doing?
Do you like her?
Isn't the girl pretty?
Yeah, I have to make chole.
You would have loved her.
She's just like you, short-tempered.
I have kept the nuptial thread
near you, did you see it?
You would have.
I'll find a good day and tie that to her.
How dare he mess with me.
Bloody, rascal!
What are you cooking?
Chole Bhature.
What a waste...
Should get her to our way...
Must teach her Chicken curry, Sakinalu,
Goat head curry, and Pacchipulusu.
Your kitchen will shift here in just four days.
Fuck you!
All of you...
I'm asking you all with folded hands.
If you find that Boka anywhere, please inform us.
He is the most highly endangered species.
He doesn't know anything apart
from hunting and sex.
Please inform us if you find him.
- Boka!
- Boka!
Bloody Boka!
Boka is wreaking havoc in the city.
He shot three pet chickens at a house
with his arrow and took them away.
The police have requested the public
to inform the control if anyone sees him.
He took away the chickens.
Hey, Boka is here.
He is very different.
[speaking tribal language]
Why did you throw my mobile away?
He is asking for the banana.
Give it to him.
Hey! Who are you?
What are you doing in the ladies compartment?
Get up.
He is so strange.
Hey, are you a human or an ape?
I am asking you...
Get down. Get down, I say.
- Hey!
- Hey!
Hey, do you know who I am?
Bloody, ape! Get down.
Get down, I say.
Bloody, scoundrel...
How dare you hit me! Wait...
(Singing song)
- Listen...
- Brother?
Your sister-in-law is Qutub Minar
but I am Charminar.
Yes, brother.
How will our pair be?
It's bombastic, brother!
Madam, I don't like the fact that
we have got so many cars for this jackass.
You sit here, I'll pick him up and come.
Brother... Burj Khalifa is coming to us.
We met recently, didn't we?
This is Bentley.
Bentley is a car for the rich, isn't it?
I like your sense of humour.
Brother, everyone likes you.
Please give her to me. Please...
Don't get anxious.
Let's find out why she's here.
What's the matter?
I came for you.
For me? Why?
Let's go to a club, will you?
Wild party.
If you show your cleavage and wink an eye,
do you think I'll wag my tail and follow you everywhere?
I'm not Addagutta Akbar to fall prey.
iSmart here...
What's your job?
Will you come or not?
Madam, why are you being
so gentle to him? I'll handle him.
Hey, come. Get up.
Do you want to taste my punch?
Should I?
Hey, what are you doing here?
Speak of the devil and the devil appeared.
Hey, I was talking about a certain
Addagutta Akbar, wasn't I? It's him.
What a coincidence! Scoundrel!
Who are they?
Delivery boys.
Have you ordered any snacks?
Where did you come from?
You all look like international models.
You bloody...
Hey, you stupid mad fellow.
Get into the car or I'll kill you.
Hey, are you listening to me?
You, fucking idiot.
If you plan an outing with me
without informing me in advance...
I don't appreciate that...
Everyone, get him...
Hey, idiot. It was wrong enough to
come here and try to pick him up.
To mess with him while he is drunk is a suicide.
- Hey, Akbar...
- Another bottle will shatter.
I didn't expect this.
This is iSmart!
Fast and Furious.
Mission Impossible.
Hey, Addagutta, you are done for...
Bye, Addagutta.
He got me again.
Hey! Listen...
Whoever manages to get him into the
car will get a prize money of 1 crore.
Bloody, a bounty on me?
Bloody, witch.
- Get him. Get him.
- I'm not worth a crore-rupee bounty.
Why are you all looking at me?
Are you all ganging up and attacking me?
Somebody get him.
What the...!
Go and get him.
Gutta... Addagutta...
Now tell me, what's your story and intention?
Someday I'll pick you up.
Brother, you impressed her too.
She kissed you.
Let her. But you marry her if you want.
Let's settle it later.
What business does she have with me?
Settle it?
It's not that easy to get him here, boss.
Touching him is nothing less than a world war.
I don't know all that.
Get everything arranged.
I'm coming to India.
Boss, please.
Think about an alternative.
If you come to India, R&AW will not leave you.
They are very serious about it.
I'm also serious.
You would understand my anxiety.
I got 10 girls last night but couldn't do anything.
Tension. Tension.
I was staring at the sky the
whole night, do you know that?
At 3 in the night, my nose started bleeding.
Look, it's still bleeding,
it won't stop.
Hey, Pamela...
- Get the tablet, please.
- Okay, boss
Bentley, this is my life and death.
I have to come to India.
I want that damn Shankar, okay?
Yes, boss.
Bloody, witch.
Hello, Mr. Inspector...
It's been two days since I have
submitted all the proofs to you.
Why haven't you caught that thief yet?
Tell me if you are incapable of solving the case,
I'll take it up to the CBI.
Say yes or no.
Hey, why do you care about the investigation?
If I find you enquiring about the robbery again...
What will you do?
What happened?
What happened, sweetheart?
Shankar, that thief is warning me.
He's firing the gun.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Hey, who's that?
She is Shankar's girl.
If someone tries to touch her,
I'll blast them with bombs.
Listen, she's mine.
She's my heartbeat.
Come. Come in...
You, fool. Don't do that.
If you do that, you will die.
My birth is dedicated to you.
I'll die for you.
What will happen?
What will happen?
A case will be filed against me.
If you want to die,
go out and die, not in my house.
You insulted me.
You have insulted me very badly.
I'll go.
- I'll leave.
- Shankar... Listen to me.
- I'll go home. Enough of your insults.
- Listen to me.
- I'll leave. I don't want you.
- Shankar, listen to me.
He's very dangerous.
He has planned a grand scheme
and entered the girl's house.
I'm nervous about what he might do to that girl.
Idiot. Why do you care about the girl?
Shut up and observe him.
That's enough.
Okay Madam.
Do you like dogs?
A lot. I love dogs.
Adopt me then.
Once I fix someone as my owner
I'll be loyal to them my whole life.
I'll wag my tail and follow you everywhere.
What do you say?
Currently, I don't have any
intentions of owning a dog.
Even a lion will become a dog once in its lifetime.
For what?
For the lioness.
I'm crazy about you.
You'll go crazy if you find out
how much I love you.
Marry me.
The whole family can chill without any tension.
I have a lot of money saved for myself.
What else do you want?
How many girls have received this offer?
I swear on my mother, no one except you.
You don't have any affairs until now?
Affairs... No.
But, I have played my share of games.
Which games?
I'm quite a senior player in cricket.
Why do you need seniority in cricket?
I started playing cricket in my
childhood in the streets of Charminar.
Back then there was no place to play,
no pitches, no support from the locals.
They used to reprimand me.
But I kept going.
We played and won the cup.
It requires many match practices to hit six at will.
If the stadium should rock and the public
should whistle, you must be a senior.
Will you go to the stadium to
watch Tendulkar or some amateur?
That was a senseless logic.
But I'm convinced.
Are you convinced?
No matter how impressed I am with you,
I won't let you touch my body.
Listen to me, it's raining outside...
Let it rain.
It's very cold out there.
Coil up and sleep.
- Where should I beat my head?
- Hit it to the wall.
Hey, Jannat... Jannat...
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a special guest in the house.
All the way from the Amazon rainforest.
Please give him a huge
round of applause for Mr. Boka.
[speaking tribal language]
Boka! I love you.
Sir, Big Bull is coming to India.
- Big Bull? To India?
- Yes sir.
Sir, trust me, he's coming here.
It's confirmed news.
He started in a private jet.
Sir, trust me.
He'll be landing here anytime.
Did you get Shankar?
He's been missing since yesterday.
But I'm already here in India.
I know, boss. Don't worry.
I promise I'll get him to you by the
time the surgery is ready.
Where is he?
Come fast.
Go that side.
I've learned that the Big Bull has arrived...
the one I've been waiting for years.
I went to find out whether he has come or not.
Hey, it's my girl!
What is she doing here?
What a different angle on her!
Bloody, thief!
If I'm a thief, what are you?
Jhansi Laxmi Bai?
Take off your mask.
You take off first.
You'll be shocked to see me.
Take it off.
Rascal, is that you?
So you know me?
Show me your face.
Hey, you saw my face, didn't you?
Now show yours. Show it.
Oh, a respectable decent family.
Father is a doctor, mother is a lawyer,
and grandfather is in the army.
How dare they call me a thief!
How dare they...
Bloody, thief!
Okay. I agree.
I am a thief just like you.
Is it?
What a heartwarming news this is!
You and I, same profession, what a match!
You are a thief, I am a thief.
If we both become one,
we'll have a Gabbar Singh.
What did you out down there?
- It's a tracker.
- What's that?
You know only to loot a money truck.
But if we track that truck, we'll find out
where they are stashing the entire money.
If we loot that big money depot.
That will be the real high!
You are very intelligent.
I didn't expect this...
What do you say?
Join hands with me,
let's loot the entire world.
Join hands...?
I'm joining your life.
Life will be a blast.
Hey, who is that?
Get that scoundrel. Get him.
"Oh my God! God..."
"My body's burning hot,
and I feel the chills of fever's claim."
"Your thoughts, chasing me all the while.
Watch me turn into shameless!"
"What did you do, mister?"
"I'm filled with Euphoria."
"My heart's becoming heavy."
"My feet won't stop moving.
What's happening to me?"
"My body is burning,
as if it is being roasted."
"Yet I'm shivering out of the cold."
"I've drunk a bucket of beer, still sober,"
"Counting stars through the night sky."
"What kind of magic is this?"
"What kind of magic is this?"
"Why do I feel like?"
"What kind of magic is this?"
"What kind of magic is this?"
"Why do I feel like?"
"The irritation is overwhelming,
yet so charming,"
"It whispers gibberish in my ears."
"Honestly, the girl is amazing!"
"It hurts to be apart from her,
even for a second."
"I'm losing my sanity in her presence."
"What to do?"
"What to do?"
"What to do?"
"What to do?"
"Whatever you wish to do..."
"But do it quickly."
"Like a marble trapped in a soda bottle,
How did you get stuck in my heart?"
"It's chaotic within me;
you've ruined me, girl."
"What kind of magic is this?"
"What kind of magic is this?"
"Why do I feel like?"
"My body's burning hot,
and I feel the chills of fever's claim."
"Your thoughts, chasing me all the while.
Watch me turn into shameless!"
"Everything around me fades away,"
"Nothing else matters but you."
"I've lost my sense of right and wrong,"
"I think I've lost my mind."
"What kind of magic is this?"
"What kind of magic is this?"
"Why do I feel like?"
That crow is nothing. He can precisely hit a lion
running at a speed of 100 Km/hr with a single shot.
He has 18 wives.
18 wives and 150 children, sir.
He won't sleep before having
sex with at least 10 women.
I've lost my sleep thinking about
what he will do to the girls in the city.
Will the girls come to him if he calls them?
They don't have to come, sir.
He knows the art of enchantment.
He keeps his stick in your hand
and looks into your eyes.
That's it. Finish.
He's the master of Tantric practice.
If any of your relatives come to our marriage,
I'll shoot them down.
Since you are an orphan,
you are going to kill my relatives as well, is it?
I don't like these relatives.
I don't want anyone.
No choreographers, no sangeet,
no mehandi, no photoshoot.
Just you, me and the priest.
I have not saved all this money
to spend it all on marriage and relatives.
There shall be only our first night.
Shut up.
- Leave her.
- I'll shoot her.
What? They put a nuclear bomb on my head.
What the hell?
You, rascal!
Hey shut up.
Why did you bring me to a lab again?
Last time they brought me here, I had just
been through a rollercoaster in my life.
Shut up, rascal.
If you switch my brain again, I'll kill you.
I'll come to your home and take away your wife.
My wife? Why?
Whose brain is being transferred to me?
- Whose brain is being transferred to me?
- Shut up and lie down.
Hey, Addagutta Akbar.
- We have a lot.
- Shut your mouth, rascal.
Hi, Shankar.
This is Big Bull.
I just want you to know what's happening here.
You will undergo a memory transfer.
My brain will be transferred to your brain.
You'll turn into me.
Just in four days, your memory will be deleted
and will be filled with my memories.
After that, you will be me!
Those four days are more than enough to kill you.
I swear on my mother,
I'll cremate you, scoundrel.
- Thomas.
- Sir?
Insert it in him.
What are you inserting?
What is it? Hey, rascal.
Hey, rascal.
Why did you drag my wife to the mix?
An injection again?
If you inject me with anything, I'll kill you all.
Shut up.
Shut your mouth, rascal.
I knew it, you are a bloody demon race descendant.
Hey, don't... Don't poke that...
I feel cold.
What injection is this?
I feel dizzy and everything is out of focus.
Shut up, rascal.
Hey, Bentley...
I'll kick your... kick your... kick your...
Sir, you don't need a gun here.
I don't trust anyone.
I have a doubt.
If you transfer my brain into his brain, won't I die?
No, sir. I'm just copying your memory.
This is not cut and paste.
This is copy and paste.
Trust me, sir. You'll be extremely safe.
Is my memory transferred into him?
Yes, sir.
Wake him up.
He is unconscious, sir.
When will he wake up?
Your memory is more than 3000 terabytes.
It'll take some time.
Call me as soon as he wakes up.
Yes sir.
I need to check his memory. Okay?
Tell me honestly,
why were all these people killed?
And why do they all have a hole
in the back of their heads?
I don't know the whole thing, sir.
I heard they are transferring
Big Bull's memory to another person
and many people died in that experiment, sir.
Where are these experiments taking place?
Sir, I don't know.
Hey, come here...
Where is Big Bull?
I don't know.
To whom is his memory transferred?
Him again?
Him again?
Do they think it's a brain
or just a memory stick?
Hey, get up.
Sir, don't...
You shut up.
Bloody scientist.
- Sir!
- Shut up.
- Who is it?
- R&AW department.
Will I get some soda, please?
I am not talking about Raw Alcohol...
we are police!
Don't worry. Listen to me.
We came here for Big Bull and found you.
Big Bull's memory is transferred to your brain.
If you cooperate, I'll catch Big Bull.
It's good for the Department.
Good for society.
Good for the Nation.
What about me?
Nil again?
You, bloody...
Hey arrest him...
Catch him... Catch him...
Hey... Catch him.
Hey, where are you taking me?
Why are we going through these street mazes?
Why have these cars stopped us?
This must be them. Hey, hit them.
Crash and pass through them.
Hit... Hit... Hit...
Take it off. Or else they'll kill you, take it off.
Hey, iSmart.
Where will you go?
I have been looking for all this while.
I have been looking for you too.
For me?
20 years ago, I had vowed to
sacrifice your head to Goddess Kali.
Who are you?
iSmart Shankar...
son of Pochamma Pusapati.
I am Pochamma's son.
Pochamma's son?
I thought you were dead.
So you weren't dead all this while.
So what now?
You're dead.
I'll kill you today.
Don't indulge in a lot of action.
I've spent a lot on you.
It's time to go home now.
What's happening?
I'm seeing visuals.
Something's happening to me.
What's happening to me?
Why do I see you?
I told you. It's working.
In just four days, you will no longer
be yourself, but I will be.
Mother. Pochamma.
Hey, I love my mother.
Will I forget her too?
Tell me. Tell me.
Speak out... Will I forget her?
Everything will be erased in your memory.
I'll kill you, scoundrel.
Calm down, iSmart. Calm down.
Your brain belongs to me.
Don't overthink.
This is mine.
You want me, do you?
You want my brain, is it?
Hey, get down.
Get down.
Everyone, get him. Get him!
Come, come, come...
He needs me to survive...
and I need him to kill.
But there's a problem.
His memory is being activated in my brain.
Bloody hell!
Big Bull knows for sure that I am not dead.
I know that someday he will come looking for me.
Boss, he and his girlfriend are missing,
but we found a lot of money in his house.
All this money is ours now.
Bentley, we panic like we've seen
death when someone steals our mobile,
but he stole my memory.
Imagine how anxious I am.
After so many years, I came back to India,
and he stole my memory and fled.
Find him, wherever he is.
Find him.
Listen, look... look here,
Who made this hole?
Brother, they insert another SIM in you, brother.
Never mind, let them do it,
but this time, ask them to recharge it.
Hey, it's not a SIM card; they've put
such a big hard disk inside.
Wait a minute, brother.
I'll get a USB cable.
Let's see if it has any videos.
Hey, idiot! This is not videos.
They've transferred the memory again and
put someone else's memory in here.
Memory transfer?
It's highly impossible.
What impossible?
They've already done it.
I'm getting jolts in my mind.
Moreover, the R&AW department
is relentlessly searching for me.
let's go to the hospital.
If something happens to you,
I can't bear it. Please.
Hey, there's no time to go to the hospital.
Shankar, you are pretty sure
that it's memory transfer.
No one knows what they have put in your brain.
Listen to me...
please, Shankar.
They said my memory would be deleted in four days.
Before it gets deleted,
I need to tell you something...
Pochamma means life to me...
Pochamma is my life.
Who is Pochamma?
Hey, is it true what I've heard about you?
That you've started a narcotics business?
I have worked hard for many years
and brought the company to this level...
earned hundreds of crores.
It was all for you.
You've made me ashamed to even call you my son.
I'm warning you...
stop all these illegal activities.
Your time is up, Dad.
Shut up and step aside.
Hey... are you threatening me?
You still don't know me.
My word is final... I won't give you even a penny.
Pappa... Pappa...
I'll call the police right now.
I love you, pappa...
I love you.
What is this?
Does anyone kill their own father?
Hey, catch her.
Hey, stop!
Shankar... Shankar...
come... come.
Hey, stop!
Lets go.
Sir... Sir... please spare us.
We've been living all these years with your mercy.
I won't tell anyone about this...
I swear on my child.
I beg you, Sir...
We'll leave this place and go far away.
Please let me and my child live.
I'll fall at your feet, my lord...
my child...
They thought we were dead...
and threw us on the railway tracks...
mom was crushed to pieces...
but I survived...
I became a thief for him.
All these days I've been stealing his money.
After so many years, they found me...
but he put his mind in mine.
before I forget my revenge...
I have to kill him.
His brain is just another copy of mine.
Whatever I know, he knows too.
My bank accounts, my passwords,
my locker codes...
how much money is where...
how many businesses I have...
all my secrets are in his brain...
if Shankar uses all that...
First, find out where he is.
Is this Parameshwaran?
Who is this?
Sir, my name is Jannat.
I'm Shankar's girlfriend.
I heard you are looking for him.
Can I know why?
Is Shankar with you?
He is here, sir, but his condition is not good.
He's saying something about memory transfer.
I don't know what to do or where to take him, sir.
How is he doing now?
He seems normal...
Listen Jannat...
He has two minds in his brain,
so we cannot know how
he will behave at any moment.
Be Careful.
You stay with him.
I am coming.
Okay, sir, I will send you the location.
I will kill you.
Hey! Who are you, you scoundrel?
Are you okay?
What happened?
My mind is all messed up,
and I'm seeing things I've never seen before.
My memory is acting up...
I feel like going crazy, Jannat.
There's nothing wrong with you, Shankar.
I'm here.
Look into my eyes, I will always be with you.
Nothing will happen to you.
Don't think about anything.
I'll be right beside you.
But my mind...
I love you.
Hey, who are you?
What the f...
Get him.
Our plan worked.
Brother, why do you need
my girl when you have her?
Who the fuck are you?
Where is my brother?
Which brother?
The original one, Big Bull.
I don't care about him.
First, tell me who I am.
I don't know.
did you forget me?
Don't you recognize me?
Just look at my face once...
look into my eyes and tell me...
who am I?
Don't confuse me...
you're confusing me... you, idiot!
Who the hell is Bentley?
You... why did you hit me?
Brother, just stay as Shankar, do not shift again.
Please listen to me...
We have a toddy shop next door,
have a bottle and everything will be set right.
Just one bottle, brother.
- You think so?
- Yes, of course.
Brother has entered the toddy shop...
The bottle is tied to iSmart Shankar's leg.
"Hey girl, you are as sweet
as Calcutta Sweet paan."
"But I'm as toxic as Baba Zarda.
Would you bear me?"
"Oh my Gosh!
what a scintillating figure she has!"
"She is a luxury brand in her own."
"Come to me, Oh sweet Nagpur Orange."
"Let me squeeze the juice out of you."
"Come to me, Oh sweet Nagpur Orange."
"My nights have turned into sleepless penance."
"You are not an ordinary man,
I know you are double iSmart."
"You are energy is similar to
the collision of two trains."
"Adorn with flowered shirts,
your sense of style"
"intoxicated the entire old city
as if high on old monk rum."
"Listen, my lady adorned in beads,
let me lose myself in your alluring fragrance."
A mere glimpse of your hourglass figure sends
my heart galloping like a stallion on the track."
What do you want me to do?
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
"Yo, boys. Pop off the lid,
pour it into a glass,"
"and down it in one gulp.
Cheers and enjoy!"
"Oh my sweetheart,
where is your navel gone?"
"My dear Shankar, it got stuck in your heart."
"I'm very fragile, don't shake
your hips like that, I might faint."
"Oh, my shining knight,
our paths crossed at the crossroads."
"My desires provoke me to
paint your already red cheeks."
"Look at me, my fierce lady."
"My heart turned into furnace with your glance."
What do you want me to do?
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
"Yo, boys. Pop off the lid,
pour it into a glass,"
"and down it in one gulp.
Cheers and enjoy!"
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
"Have some toddy and
forget all your troubles!"
What's this fucking lights man?
Hey, Who tied the bottle to my leg?
Cheap fellows!
Who are you?
What's your problem?
You are under arrest.
Do you know who I am?
I am Big Bull...
Then we won't spare you at any cost... Move!
There he is, over there.
Look, Boka.
You are here?
I saw you on TV, man...
Shake my hand...
Come, let's sit and talk...
So strange. He's just like the
Mowgli of the Jungle book.
Yes, brother.
Now, tell us about yourself...
where are you from, what's your story?
[strange language]
Come on, man.
I've heard you have many wives... how many?
That many?
What do you do with them?
Brother, there's something around his neck.
What is it?
- Jumba!
- Jumba?
It seems to be worth a lot.
We can sell it for money...
Should we get that?
Okay, go and get it.
Will you give this to me?
Cool... cool...
drink this beer.
We both are friends,
and you're giving this to me as a gift... okay?
You monkey, why did you stab me?
Oh no, he stabbed me again.
You monkey...
How dare you stab my friend!
Take out the locket...
Hey, that's a gun. It will fire.
Hey... hey, that's a gun, man...
Hey, you'll die.
Tell him.
Hey... hey, run, he's going to kill us.
Hey, run, man...
He seems to be a madman.
Mr. Big Bull...
why did you get a memory transfer done?
The doctors said I have a brain
tumour and I will die soon.
I didn't want to die.
I want to extend my life.
To achieve what?
More girls... more sex.
I don't believe you...
you have other plans.
Tell me what they are.
If you don't, I'll shoot you.
Technically you have arrested
iSmart Shankar, not Big Bull...
So... you can't do anything to me.
Who are you?
I am Jannat.
I am Shankar's girlfriend.
I used to work security at your club...
now I am jobless.
That's it.
There's more...
You better tell me.
Big Bull, if you don't tell me the plans,
I'll shoot you.
Shoot me.
I know you'll misuse my brain...
shoot me... otherwise, I'll shoot myself.
Even if you lie...
your ID won't lie...
Jannat Mehrunnisa
Special Director.
Enforcement Department...
Am I right?
What have you come for...
tell me.
The government appointed me
to recover your black money.
The money you are collecting from your clubs,
pan masala, gutka, and bookie betting, narcotics, etc...
I'm here to find out where you stash all the daily earnings
and how much money you are sending overseas.
Bloody ED secret agent.
Will you tell me or not?
Fuck You!
Where am I?
- Shankar?
- Yes.
I don't have any more patience, man.
Be like Shankar.
Listen to me... Compartmentalize the
hard disk 1 and hard disk 2 in your brain...
You are in hard disc 1, now extract a
ll the information from hard disc 2.
Please cooperate with me, dear.
My dear...
Pull them out...
Slowly... Do you see anything?
Damn it... who are you?
What is it?
Some girl is taking off her clothes, sir.
I don't need that.
Tell me, if there's any secret.
I am getting some flashes, sir.
Tell us, tell us... if you remember passwords
or codewords, tell us.
Got it... is there a laptop?
Get that laptop.
Damn it... do you know how to use a laptop too?
He, quickly bring it...
Otherwise, I'll forget it.
Don't say that.
Hey, get the laptop.
What are you doing?
Open his Swiss bank account...
What's the password?
Yes, opened.
Sir... 120 billion dollars.
What are you doing?
Now change the password and hit this here,
and it will raise the alarm elsewhere.
Hey... your boyfriend has ruined me.
He changed the password.
Call him urgently.
Otherwise. I'll shoot you.
Take out your phone.
Come on.
Told you... iSmart...
- Your Highness is speaking, tell me.
- They kidnapped me.
Did he do anything else after that?
Let me talk to him.
Hey... have you started using my brain?
Yes, uncle.
Why did you change the password?
First, tell me where you are, uncle...
otherwise, all your money will be
transferred to Shankar's account.
you come here alone.
Then I'll let her go.
Hey, tell him the address.
Hey... get on the Kukatpally flyover,
at the end, there will be a biryani cart...
take right from there,
and I'll be at the dead end.
Sir, he's asking me to come.
let's go there and blast him with a granite...
Hey, you mental fellow.
Sir... once we catch that guy, I'll kill that guy,
take my girl and leave... Please don't mind.
How can I not mind?
Do you think everything is up to you?
It won't happen.
Sir, he killed my mother...
how can I let him go, sir?
Who do you think he is?
Big Bull! we need to arrest him,
then take him to court... there's a process.
If that's the case, it will take ten years for
justice to be served.
I have other plans
What plans?
Once he is caught, I'll put a mark
on his forehead and chop off his head.
No. No!
Sir... if you say no, my blood will boil.
Will it? What will you do if it boils?
If the blood boils, my brain gets heated,
once my brain gets heated,
my nerves won't listen to me.
If you say 'NO' to me, everyone will get hurt.
How dare you!
How come you and I are in the same car?
Have you changed?
Get out of my car.
Hey... I won't get down.
You won't? Get down.
Get down.
I won't get down.
Then, wait and watch!
- Get down.
- I won't get down.
Bloody idiot...
Hey Shankar...
Hey Shankar...
Not Shankar... big bull.
No... no... no...
Get down!
No... no... I won't.
- Won't you listen to me?
- I won't.
Are you crazy?
You... Mental fellow.
Shankar! Shankar!
I will kill you...
Get down.
I will... I will
- Tell me the password?
- What password?
If you don't tell me, I'll kill her.
Kill her...
I don't even know who she is.
Brother... I came for you.
I... I'm your mind
We're the same now.
Two bodies, one mind.
Thomas, It's a success.
And its a great fucking feeling...
Are we really the same?
Do you doubt it?
Then I need to check you once
What check?
Check your memory.
Go ahead.
Are you Big Bull?
Who killed your dad.
I killed him.
What's the name of the corrupt
police officer working for you in Mexico?
Rodriguez Castillo
Where do you hide the black
money generated in India?
What's the name of the girl you
killed in the Caribbean Islands?
I don't remember...
I forgot.
Right, I also don't remember.
- Thomas.
- Sir!
You have done a good job... Well done.
He is just copy and paste.
What's the one unnecessary murder
you committed in your life?
I killed her fearing she might inform the police.
Who is Pochamma's son?
I don't know.
Final question...
What's the purpose of your memory transfer?
Big goal.
What's that goal?
To start agitation in South India
with a demand for a separate country.
Protests should escalate from sit-ins to riots...
I should supply them with money and guns.
What's the use for you?
Due to internal civil war,
the government would become unstable.
The growth will halt.
Unemployment... Hunger
and Frustrated citizens.
I can sell my drugs and guns to
everyone in this bloody country.
After ten years of war,
this country will split into two.
North India, South India.
What Thomas?
This is unbelievable.
He's answering everything correctly
My dream has come true.
Now I can live forever.
You must continue my legacy...
Will you?
- That's the plan, brother.
- Good.
Transfer all my assets to his name.
Sure, boss.
Shankar... Alias Ustaad iSmart Shankar.
What? He did that?
Who, sir?
Who else... That Boka.
What happened, sir?
He took the minister's puppy from
the park where it was playing.
Sir, is today a new moon day?
Are there any cemeteries nearby, sir?
There's a custom to worship the goddess
Zumba on every No Moon day, sir.
For his worship, he needs dog's blood.
He sprinkles the blood around the worship area.
If someone disturbs him during that time...
What will he do?
He'll kill them too, sir.
We will be ruined, you idiot!
Hey, Boka... What are you doing here?
The whole city is searching for you.
What did you do to the minister's dog?
It's in the afterlife.
What language is that?
What did you do to the minister's dog?
- Hey...!
- What?
[strange language]
Why are you putting the mark?
Hey, what the hell are you doing?
Hey Boka, You better surrender...
Or I'll shoot you.
Hey, Boka... this is the final warning.
Sir, please no sir.
Sir, killing him will cause trouble
between two countries.
It's already happening,
we're in grave danger.
- Sir, sir... Please listen to me, sir.
- Hey Boka.
He's again showing that to me.
- Sir... sir... sir...
- Hey... I'll kill you.
South India is in riots all at once, sir.
Already, four police stations
have been burned down, sir.
And people are being brutally killed in cities like
Hyderabad, Chennai, Kochi, and Bengaluru, sir.
South Indians are fighting
for a separate country, sir.
- What?
- Yes sir.
They're saying that there is a significant difference
in skin tone between North and South Indians.
And that we are of a different race
compared to them.
They say that we are the indigenous
Dravidian race, sir.
What the hell is this?
A hashtag "Dravidian Blood" is going viral, sir.
Every South Indian is demanding to
get a DNA test and join the movement, sir.
North Indians working here
are being beaten up, sir.
Who is behind this?
Is this Big Bull?
Not sure, sir.
Who else could come up with such nasty ideas?
We could handle one Big Bull and
now he has created a copy of him.
Now there are two to make our lives hell.
Where are those idiots now?
Where are they?
"I am the ruler.
I'll rule this world."
"Not tomorrow, from this moment..."
"I am Big Bull."
"My prowess has doubled!"
"I'll do my whims and fancies."
"Those who stop me will meet their end."
"Let's create a storm..."
"I am Big Bull."
"Meddle with me and get your jaws broken."
"Anyone who doesn't obey me
will face their fate."
"The one who obstructs my path
will be hacked into pieces."
"This world is like a lemon to me,
I'll squeeze it whenever I want."
"I am Big Bull."
"My prowess has doubled!"
"I am Big Bull."
"Find my greatness on Google."
You are my brother from another mother.
Hit that scoundrel!
"Shove the goodness in you down
a dark hole, you don't need that."
"Roar like an animal and jump
in the ring, this is a forest."
"Your words are as strong
as Indian spiced tea."
"Going against you is beyond the
danger on could fathom."
"Your blood is boiling,
and your attitude is fierce."
"The hunt will be as savage as it gets..."
"Everyone will be brought to
their knee with no exception."
"Those who refuse shall be parcelled to another world."
"Living life means living it on your terms."
"Learn it from me if you are still unaware."
"I am Big Bull."
"My prowess has doubled!"
"I am Big Bull."
"Resist me and face the trouble."
"I am the king of this region.
Don't stand before me, kid-shoo off."
"I am a nightmare to all my enemies.
You don't want to face my wrath."
"Wag your tail, and I'll show you your God.
Ruffle my feathers, and I'll show you hell."
"My name sends shivers down Satan's spine."
"Hell trembles at my footsteps."
"Death doesn't fear me.
If you dare stand before me, be ready for a fight."
"Like a demon, I'll bathe in your blood.
Wherever I step, destruction is the only souvenir."
Hey, what's wrong?
Who turned off the lights?
Hello, Jannat!
Hello... Sir.
We have kidnapped Shankar and
are on our way on the highway.
With each passing day,
he has been changing, sir.
He's almost become like Big Bull.
I'm scared of what might happen to him.
I need my Shankar back, sir.
Please, sir. I need your help.
How is he now?
He is unconscious.
Wait near the Checkpost on the way.
I'll meet you there.
Okay, sir.
Stop, stop...
- Come out...
- come out...
Come out.
Come out.
Jai Hind sir.
As you said, he was found at the checkpost.
We have caught him, sir.
Where is he now?
He's currently with us at the station.
What is he doing?
What should I say, sir?
He's posing like a villain from a movie.
get that lady.
I haven't done anything wrong, sir.
If it's not you, who else could have done it?
I have been very loyal to that house, sir.
I won't engage in such criminal activities.
Is there anything written here?
Is it written that I'm mad?
I swear on my child, sir.
I haven't done anything wrong, please believe me.
Hey... You bloody liar!
Just sign here.
I can't write, sir.
Can't read, can't sign.
Come, put your thumbprint.
I don't know what's in it, sir.
I won't... I won't sign it.
Sign it.
Hey, Pochamma...
Do you want to die?
I didn't do anything wrong.
Put your thumbprint.
Please, sir. Leave me.
If you don't oblige, I'll kill you.
Listen to me, Pochamma.
What is your name?
That's enough.
How dare you beat Pochamma?
Bloody scoundrel.
Please, don't.
Here... Take it.
- I'll eat after you eat, child.
- It's okay, eat
Your name is Pochamma, right?
You seem like my mother.
Will you stay with me?
I will, child.
Mother! I don't have my mind straight.
I've become like a lunatic.
I'm even forgetting myself.
Even if I forget myself, it's okay.
But I'm scared I might forget my mother.
I don't know if I'll forget you too.
Look, no matter what I say don't leave me.
I won't leave you, child.
I'll stay with you.
I swear, I won't leave you at all.
Not at all.
I'm scared of what you are becoming.
You're forgetting yourself.
You're forgetting me too.
I'm scared too, Jannat.
You don't know what's happening in my mind.
On one side, I see my mother's death.
On the other side,
I see myself killing my mother.
It feels like I've done both.
How should I handle this.
I need to kill him.
If I don't kill him, I'll become
the one who killed my mother.
I'll remain as the one who murdered my own mother.
I need to kill him.
The one who is missing is not Shankar anymore,
he is Big Bull... Big Bull...
Where is he?
Search him...
Search the entire highway.
Hey, get him.
Who gave him the AK-47?
I don't know, sir. Bloody monkey.
I don't know where he got it from.
- Is it him? Is it?
- Yes, sir. It's him.
Does he listen to what you say?
Yes, He listens, sir.
Do anything you can but get the dog from him. Go.
Okay sir.
Boka! My friend...
Bhadram, go and get that AK-47.
No sir.
He will kill.
Hey, go and get that.
[strange language]
What is he saying?
He says, if you harm me, he will kill you.
Do you know who I am?
Sir, sir, sir, sir...
Please don't, sir.
Please, sir. I will manage him, sir.
My dear...
Let's go back home.
Let's get out of here.
Aguano... Amazon Forest...
Let's get out of here.
- I won't.
- You won't?
Do you want to stay here?
What will you do here?
[strange language]
- Hey, Boka...
- Boka...
My dear...
Okay, sir.
- Boka...
- Boka...
You bloody...
My dear... What happened?
Where are you...?
I'm worried about you.
We need to send money and guns to all states.
Oh, do you remember it?
Come to our spot.
I'm coming.
Hey... Who are you?
It's me, child.
I don't know who you are... Get out.
I'll sit back.
Why would you?
I'm telling you to get down...
Get down from the vehicle.
I'll get down near the temple...
Everything will be fine...
Today is Shivaratri.
Hey! Get out!
Brother... I was missing you.
I am back!
- Let's go.
- Move...
I'm here.
Who is she?
No idea.
Who are you?
How did you get in?
Get out.
Get out.
Load all this money fast...
Quickly, come on...
It should be delivered to every major
South Indian city by tomorrow morning.
I'll stay here.
I won't disturb you.
I'll just sit and watch.
Who is she?
She came in again.
Get out of here.
Who are you?
Your brain isn't working properly...
I'll take care of that.
Hey Bentley...
I shouldn't see that ghost.
Throw her away.
Get out of here.
I will... I will...
What's my Swiss bank password?
I don't remember.
Don't remember?
You changed it, right?
Now I need to transfer all this money to you.
Try Charminar.
- MaaKi what?
- MaaKiKirKiri...
Try it.
Try... Jannat I love you.
Yes... Got it.
Brainless fellow...
What else can he come up with?
Hey... who opened the gunfire?
Who are all these people?
Hey... What are you doing?
All our money was transferred to RBI.
Kill her.
Here, here... The bullet should be shot here.
- Bentley!
- Bentley!
Don't let her go, kill her.
Hey stop.
Who are you killing?
She's the girl you love.
Did you forget?
You are supposed to kill him, not us.
He's my brother.
How is he your brother?
All this while, you were searching for him.
How much planning did you do.
You brought him to India.
How can you spare him now?
What are you saying?
Tell me what the plan is...
Speak out!
Will you tell or should I kill you?
I will.
He's the one who introduced you to death.
He's the one who brought you to India.
He's the reason for all the chaos in your life.
When you went to St. Francis Hospital
for a checkup, we got a video of you.
The ward boy there is from Charminar.
Through him, Shankar met me.
Immediately, Shankar contacted me
and told me about this master plan.
We talked to the doctor there
and changed your scan.
We made him tell you that you have a tumour.
The reason for your headache and
bleeding was the tablet that you are taking.
He gave you the bait of memory
transfer and brought you to India.
Not just that, he even stole your brain.
He stole your hard disk.
Not only to kill you...
But to destroy your entire infrastructure.
This operation is double iSmart.
Designed by iSmart Shankar.
Implemented by R&AW Department of India.
What... Did you plan all this?
Not me... Shankar planned it.
- You're Shankar.
- No... I am Big Bull.
Then who am I?
I am Big Bull.
Bro, I am also Big Bull.
Hey, Shankar
Listen to me... kill him.
Who's Shankar? Don't confuse me
Just tell me... Do I have a tumour?
No... It's drama.
No... you're perfectly fine.
Then I'm not going to die.
I'm not going to die.
I love you.
Good news... I am not dying.
Hey... Why did you stab me?
While I'm here, why do I need you?
There shouldn't be two Big Bulls here.
One must die, brother.
Listen, Think like me...
Think like me.
One must die.
Shoot me, bro.
Load the gun again.
Sir... Please don't kill my son, sir.
My dear...
My dear...
You, scoundrel!
Are you still alive, scoundrel?
Your death is in my hands.
Bloody hell!
Ustaad iSmart Shankar!
How dare you kill my mother!
Kill him, son... Kill him!
I am the son of Pochamma.
Kill him, Shankar!
Scoundrel, you want India to be divided
into North India and South India, do you?
- Hey, Jannat.
- What?
Where are your parents from?
North India.
Where is your husband from?
South India.
Did you hear that, scoundrel?
We are there and here as well.
We stay apart, but we stay together.
India is unique.
If you try to tear us apart,
I'll tear you apart, scoundrel.
Hey, I am Big Bull, you scoundrel!
You are my sacrificial ram!
I am... Big Bull.
You don't have to worry if I'll become
the original Shankar or not.
Thomas has backed up my entire memory.
I'll upload it again...
and roam through our Old City
as your old Shankar.
Ustaad iSmart Shankar.
Bloody Hell!
Ustad iSmart Shankar
Alias Double iSmart
Made in old city.
"This is iSmart Shankar,
he is very dangerous."
"He is back. Make way for him."
"He is a burning firecracker, with two brains"
"He can bring down the greatest
of greats, such is his prowess."
"Oh Lord Almighty, Shiva.
Such is the carnival..."
"All the neighbouring streets sing my praise."
"Look at his killer swag and attitude!"
Do you know what his style is?
"If he's captivated by a girl,
he'll court her with charm,"
"and when he hears music,
he'll join in the dance."
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"DJ double iSmart..."
"Neither in Shalibanda nor in Chanchalguda..."
"There's no one like you."
"You sweet little Rascal"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"Rock the step!"
"I was born like this, my upbringing
wasn't a bed of roses."
"I hacked using a sword and
also used guns when necessary."
"Don't mess with me...
If I hit you, it'll blow your mind."