Downrange (2017) Movie Script

[Todd] Sure enough,
right back out he comes.
[Sara] Mmm,
like father, like son.
[both laugh]
[vehicle driving]
[indistinct conversation]
[Todd] You're stuck in some
reverse cycle of doom.
[Eric] I get sleepy though,
-[Todd] Shit!
-[tires screeching]
[bodies thudding]
[hawk cries]
[chuckles] Is--
is everyone all right?
-[Sara] Uh, yeah.
-[Jodi] Fine.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait a second, sit down.
-I just...
-Have a seat.
Bumped my head,
that's all.
Have a seat. Okay?
[Sara] Is she okay?
[Keren] It'll leave a knot,
but she'll be okay.
[breathing heavily]
[Jeff scooping ice]
How's your neck?
Just when we started to get
to know each other, too,
I put you through a window.
[Keren] Hey, that's luck.
I'm sorry.
[Jodi] What do we have here?
Keep the swelling down.
[Sara] Okay, come on, guys,
let's give her some space.
Not crowding.
-You okay?
-Yeah, thanks.
You know, I'm not sure
roadside assistance
assists the middle of nowhere.
[Sara] Doesn't hurt to check.
How long since the last time?
How long since the last car?
[Sara] How long since
you changed a tire?
Ah, well, you have one,
two, three capable
young men right here.
-Between the three of us,
I'm pretty sure
we can handle it.
Hear that, fellas?
You just got drafted.
-[Todd] Slap the spare on,
and it'll be back
in business in five minutes.
[Sara] Five minutes?
Okay, ten.
Fifteen maybe.
Ten it is.
-Uh, okay.
5:12, it'll be here
before you know it.
Sit right here.
It's cold. [laughs]
Feels good,
if you ask me.
What do we win?
Bragging rights.
That's all?
In relationships?
Dude, they're everything.
Okay, okay, wait,
I can't resist.
Say "pit stop"!
[all] Pit stop!
[camera clicks]
Okay, that's a good one.
-Can you text me that?
-[woman] Uh, yeah.
-Me, too.
-Ooh, yeah, one more.
Here, just pass it around.
I promise I won't share
your digits with Big Data.
[Sara] It's hot.
[sighs] Yep.
-You okay? I'm sorry.
-Yeah, I'm fine.
No, thanks.
And there you go.
Awesome, thank you.
That everybody?
Uh, change of heart.
-Go for it.
[Keren] Okie doke.
-[Todd] Beep, beep, beep.
-[Eric chuckles]
[Todd] See, we're already
halfway there.
You, uh...
you use this one before?
[Todd] I don't recall. Why?
[Jeff] The treads are worn.
Worn, huh? Bad?
We'd be taking our chances.
Hold on a second.
Technical difficulties.
Where are you off to?
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
Hey, hey, hey, found a garage
about 20 minutes off route.
Might be a good detour
to have a fresh tire put on,
or at least get that one
patched up.
Yeah, well, if this spare
decides to blow,
we'll be begging for them
to come to us.
If we can get
anyone out here.
Signal's got a mind
of its own.
[Todd] Twenty minutes off route.
Another 20 to get back on track.
Let's say 15 to 30
at the shop.
That's what, an hour and change
we're adding on?
Hey, what time did you say you
were hoping to pull in later?
Any wiggle room?
Surprise party birthday
for my sister.
I'd like to be there to see
her face when she walks in.
I'd like her to see myface
when she walks in.
[Keren] Close?
Before college, yeah.
Our age?
Today's her sweet 16.
[sighs] Man...
you gotta be there.
If we need to stop,
we need to stop.
It's better for me
to be a little late
than all of us stranded.
[eerie music]
Do you mind?
Nature calls.
Say, you gotta be anywhere at,
like, a specific time tonight?
Not really.
'Cause I was thinking if it's
cool with everybody else,
we could drop her off
and just double back.
I don't want everyone
to have to change their plans
-on my account.
-I don't have any plans.
Me neither,
not till tomorrow.
No worries.
[Jeff] Probably add
another hour.
But we'd have enough time
to fix the tire
and get you to
your sister's on time.
And works for us.
-Four minutes and counting.
-[Todd grunts]
Hey, it ain't over
till it's over.
It's almost over.
Hey, the shade's on this side,
by the way.
You wanna sit?
All right, all right.
Ready? Yep.
I forgot his name.
My brain kept
saying "Josh."
When he handed me this,
I was so close to saying,
"Thanks, Josh."
He likes you.
We just met.
He's-- he's being nice.
He likes you.
-[Sara] Oh, man.
Loosened it up for me.
Ah, see?
That's very kind you to say so.
Oh, that's verykind.
I have to get me
some of those.
[laughs] Yeah,
yeah, you do.
Yeah, well,
I gotta get me one of these.
Elevate our tail-gating game.
Lot of vehicle for a couple.
My uncle's got a six-seater.
He's also got triples.
Yeah, well, I'm in a band.
It's good for lugging around
our equipment, you know?
I'm gonna sit
in the shade a sec.
She okay?
Yeah. It's--
it's just the heat.
[Sara] Hey, guys.
Hello, hello.
-[Keren] Yep.
-[Jodi laughs]
How's it going out there?
Um... [chuckles]
I mean, technically,
they're doing stuff,
but I'd say we have another,
like, 15 minutes.
-Oh, great.
-And that's a positive estimate.
Okay, don't feel bad.
The average time to change
a tire is, like, 20 minutes.
I know things.
Well, you know,
we still have time, we're good.
-Four more minutes.
-No, no, that's two.
Hey, you need a hand?
Our manhood is at stake here.
We got this.
[zipper unzips]
[metal scraping]
Oh, come on,
come on, come on.
[metal clinks]
Anybody study social work?
Um, okay, uh...
how many SW majors does it take
to change a tire?
Mmm, how many?
[eerie music]
Why should it change?!
Maybe it's your perspective
that should change.
I don't get it.
[Todd] Hey, I think you lost
something, buddy!
One-minute warning, boys.
You know,
I think it's safe to say that--
[thudding squelch]
Sara? Sara?
[shaky voice] I can't breathe.
[weakly] Todd?
[eerie music]
[no audio]
[eerie music continues]
[silenced shot]
What was that?!
Stay back!
[suspenseful music]
[women whimpering]
[silenced shot]
[Todd panting frantically]
-[silenced shots continue]
-[grunts] Shit!
[shots pinging]
[all panting]
You see anything?
You see where the shots
were coming from?!
You see where the shots
were coming from?!
What? What?!
Do you see where the shots
are coming from?!
I can't see anything
back here!
-[silenced shots resume]
-[panicked gasping]
[metal clanging]
[loud gunshot]
[gunshots continue]
[gunshots hitting metal]
[suspenseful music continues]
[gunshots continue]
[gunshot hits car]
[suspenseful music
slows and distorts]
-[gunshots continue]
-[Jodi screams]
-No! No!
No! No! No! No!
-[both whimpering]
Do not fucking move!
-[Jodi] Uh...
[screaming hysterically]
Please! Shh!
You just got grazed!
You just--
you just got grazed! Stop!
I'm gonna let you go.
Do not move.
We move, we're dead.
-[whimpers] Mm-hm.
[Sara, raspy breathing]
S-she can't still...
[raspy breathing continues]
[raspy breathing continues]
[grunts painfully]
[raspy breathing continues]
[raspy breathing continues]
[breathing stops]
I'm gonna fucking kill you!
You fucking coward!
-I'm gonna fucking kill you!
-I'm gonna fucking kill you!
-Help me!
Fucking asshole!
Fuck you!
[sobbing] Fuck you!
[Todd] I'm sorry.
[crow caws]
Are you hit?
Are you hit?!
We're gonna die out here.
I'm going to die today.
Shots got louder, remember?
Must have been using
a suppressor.
Uh, a silencer.
The silencer lowered
the velocity of the bullet.
Not by much but maybe enough
to make a difference?
So he took it off.
Might've helped a little bit.
But the shots didn't
go through, right?
He can't shoot through.
He can't shoot through.
Army brat.
Hunting family.
I grew up around guns.
Probably an antique.
And he ain't close.
If it wasn't or he was...
they'd have gone through.
How's your shoulder?
[sighs] Numb.
Slug's still inside.
Make a fist.
If you can do that,
you're okay. Right?
You're okay.
Guys. I can't hear!
[Jodi] What are we
gonna do?
We can't just sit here.
We can't.
-How long's he gonna stay put?
-No reception.
Who's to say he's not
creeping around right now?
-[Keren] No law enforcement
to interrupt.
-[Todd] Waiting to pick us off
-one by one while we sit here.
-[Keren] He set up out here
for a reason.
You said it's been how long
since the last car?
Think about how long
he's been waiting for one.
What are you talking about?
He set up out here
for a reason.
He's means to take
his time with us.
With whoever happens
to come passing through.
Listen, there's a lot
of cover back here.
Hills we could hide behind.
Four of us could break out
at once.
He can't hit us all.
Well, he's damn sure
gonna hit one of us!
I know that!
You don't think
I know that?!
It could be me he hits!
At least I go down knowing
I bought the rest of you
a chance!
Son of a bitch shot out a tire
on a moving car with an antique!
You wanna run?!
I can't stop you!
But I'm not popping my head
out there for him to shoot at!
Not until
we're out of options.
We drive on the spare.
Floorboards, we stay low.
Wheel's in his line of sight.
You try and steer,
he'll take your hand off.
Another car will come.
C-could be ten minutes,
an hour,
or eight hours,
but one will.
There are two dead bodies
in the road.
They're gonna see them.
I got a signal
over there.
Even if they get--
even if he stops them,
they won't be stuck
where we're stuck.
they'll call the police.
The-- the police'll come,
and they'll have guns.
You got a signal there?
[grunts, breathes heavily]
[Keren] Don't.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
-Selfie stick.
-Got it for the trip.
Hey, hey, uh, hold on.
-In case we get something.
[female voice]
Welcome to voice activation.
How can I help today?
[chuckles weakly] Okay.
[grunts] Okay.
[breathing heavily]
I got a signal.
-Dial 911!
-[Todd panting]
-[Keren] Oh, shit!
[panting] Fuck, fuck, fuck.
[grunting] Fuck!
[all breathing heavily]
Give me your phone.
Give me your phone!
Give it to me.
He'll just blast
that one, too.
-You're not thinking straight!
[grunts angrily]
[grunts] Okay.
We put it in neutral, the SUV.
We stick to this side! Okay?
We nudge it a few feet back.
We got a signal.
We're on an incline.
You got a bullet
in your shoulder.
If we stay to this side,
we have no leverage.
It gets away from us,
we're in the open.
We have to try.
Are the keys in the ignition?
Can't put it in neutral without
the keys in the ignition.
It'll break down.
[grunts] Okay...
Okay. [panting]
You're gonna
get yourself killed.
[suspenseful music]
[music stops]
[wind blowing]
[all breathing heavily]
[Todd] On three.
-[suspenseful music]
-[Todd] Ahh!
[Keren] Hurry up in there!
You've gotta get out of there!
Hurry up!
-[Keren] Come on!
[gunshots continue]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Todd shouts in fear]
[all whimpering and panting]
Did you--
Did you see him?!
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[music fades]
-[wind blowing]
-[Todd grunting]
Get the stick ready.
He ain't gonna fall
for it twice.
All we need is a second just
to put the car into neutral.
You reach back in there,
you're gonna pull out a stump.
[Keren] Todd?
What are you doing?
-Hey! Todd!
[Todd panting]
Lucky son of a bitch.
Yeah, lucky. [grunts]
[Eric] Guys.
What's the plan?
Hey! What's the plan?!
-[grunting angrily]
Somebody answer me!
What's the plan?
It's not going to work.
You're gonna leave me here,
aren't you?
We're gonna send back help
is what we're gonna do.
Or you--
you could try running over,
move in a zigzag!
What the hell
do you want me to say?!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Eric.... I'm sorry.
what do you think?
Do you think I should run?
We roll, he starts shooting,
he's distracted,
maybe you have a chance.
I asked what you thought.
I think
we should wait him out.
I think we should allrun!
Yeah, we know.
Jodi, what do you think?
If he were gonna
come down after us,
he w-would've done
it by now right?
[panting] Okay, okay...
Say another car comes.
You don't think he's gonna use
that for target practice, too?
How many more bodies is he
gonna stack up out there?
Can you live with that?
Knowing that maybe we could've
stopped him and didn't?
I couldn't.
[panting] I couldn't.
Neutral's a risk.
I know.
But so's running!
And so's sitting here.
Don't pretend it isn't.
We got a signal
three feet back.
If you really want this to stop,
then just say so!
Say so.
Ah, fuck.
Never know.
[Todd coughing]
One... two...
[Todd panting]
[suspenseful music]
[sobbing in pain]
-[Keren] Todd!
-[Jodi] Come on!
-[women grunting]
-[Todd screaming]
Come on, Todd!
[Keren] Get up! We need you!
Go! It's working!
-[Todd groaning]
-[women] No!
-[Eric] No! No!
-[Keren] No!
-[gunshot, clang]
[all whimpering]
-[Keren] Jodi!
-[Jodi] Stop!
-Stop! Don't leave me!
[Todd bellows]
[grunting] No!
[frightened screaming]
[Todd and Karen struggling]
[suspenseful music]
-[Todd grunting]
-[Keren screaming]
[both gasping]
He's reloading!
-[Eric screams]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[all gasping]
-[sobbing] No!
-[faint screaming]
-[sobbing] Stop!
He could've shot me!
He could've shot me,
but he didn't.
-[sobbing and screaming]
-He used me to lure him out.
-Shit. Shit.
He's just playing with us now.
Eric, you gotta get your leg up!
You're losing a lot of blood!
-[Keren] Eric!
You don't, you'll bleed out!
Good! Good!
Now take your belt off!
Hurry up and tie it tight as you
can around your thigh, okay?
-It'll stop the bleeding!
[whimpering, groaning]
Tight as you can!
Tight as you can!
No passing out on us!
You gotta stay awake!
Stay awake!
Hey, hey, come on, buddy!
Don't pass out on us!
Not now!
Stay with us!
Stay awake!
Shit! Ah, shit!
[Todd grunts]
-[Todd screaming]
-[skin sizzling]
[Todd moaning, muffled]
[both panting]
There's water in there.
[Keren] Here.
Hit it again.
You need it more than we do.
[moans softly]
Mmm! [laughs]
Whoo! That was refreshing!
[laughs] Fucking asshole.
Didn't shoot this time.
Yeah, well,
like she said, he's--
he's just taking his time.
We moved.
His line of sight
could've changed.
Unless he moved, too.
He could be moving
as we speak.
Water! Rest for you!
You mind giving me a hand?
[painful grunting]
[Eric screams]
Oh, God!
Eric, keep talking! You gotta--
you gotta stay awake!
Eric! Eric!
-Eric! [grunts]
Goddamn it!
[eerie music]
[crow cawing]
-[crow cawing]
"You gotta be there."
[voice breaks] Surprise.
Happy birthday
To you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear
Happy birthday
To you
And many more
Jeff was the other guy's
name, right?
I feel like shit
because I couldn't remember.
He said that this was a lot
of vehicle for a couple.
I told him I used it to
haul around my band equipment.
That wasn't true.
Sarah got pregnant.
We don't know
how it happened.
We were always so careful.
It was scary, but we decided
to start a family.
So I sold my bike...
my car.
Put it up against
this piece of shit.
Bought a...
baby seat and...
Went all out.
I just really couldn't
help myself.
And then, uh...
We, uh...
we went in for, like,
her umpteenth ultrasound.
There was no heartbeat.
There were no signs,
no, um...
no symptoms...
no warnings.
Just... nothing.
Just here with us one second,
and then... gone the next.
It's really nice out here.
What are you doing?
Wait. Todd, wait!
Wait, come back here!
Todd! Todd, stop!
Get the fuck back here.
-Why isn't he shooting?
I don't know.
What if he's gone?
[sentimental music]
[music fades]
[grass rustling]
[moaning softly]
Keren, Keren, Keren!
Todd, there's something
moving back here!
[grunting weakly]
[moans softly]
[gentle music plays]
Just do it.
Come on!
Let's just get this--
[car approaching]
Hey! Hey! Hey!
What! What is it?!
-It's a ca--
Oh, fuck, shit!
[no audio]
[melancholy music]
[both whimper]
-[Jodi sobs]
-[Karen panting]
What? What did you see?
Hey, Daddy? Daddy?
Mommy? Where are we?
Daddy. Daddy, hey!
-Daddy, wake up!
-What's up, Mama?
-I think there's been an acci--
-[tires screech]
-[tires screeching]
[all shouting]
[screams continue]
-Go, go!
-Stay to the other side!
-Go back in the car!
-No, there's a shooter!
-The other side!
-[women shouting]
-[Jodi] Stop!
[suspenseful music]
[Karen] Stop! Stop!
-There's a shooter!
-Stop! Stop!
-Other way! Other way!
-[Keren] No, stop! Stop!
-[Jodi] Other way!
[man groans]
Hey! Hey! Hey!
-[Keren and Jodi
shout indistinctly]
-[Keren] Keep going!
-[Jodi] Hurry! Hurry!
[man groaning]
Stay low! Stay low!
My daughter!
My daughter's out there!
There's a shooter!
A shooter!
What?! I can't hear
a fucking word you say!
[gunshot, metal clanks]
My daughter!
Can you get to her?!
Can you get a signal?
My daughter!
Can you get to her?!
Can you get a cell signal?!
Call 911!
[suspenseful music]
[gunshot, metal clangs]
Run! Get out of there!
Where's he gonna go?
Where? The tree?
-He'd never make it.
-That call is our last chance.
He could have gotten through.
He could've!
It'll be dark soon.
Once that fire goes out,
it'll be--
it'll be pitch black
in all directions.
-We go for the trees.
-Like Eric?
it will be a void out here!
He's not gonna see us.
He's not gonna see anything.
He probably has night vision.
You wanna find out for yourself?
Be my guest.
I can't.
I can't sit here
for another four hours
just to watch another car full
of people get chewed up.
I can't. I can't.
He can't see through it.
Soldiers under fire
pop smoke grenades.
Shooters can't see 'em.
Army brat, huh?
[device powers on]
[suspenseful music]
[air hissing]
[air hissing]
[suspenseful music continues]
Keren! Keren!
Message to my mom,
dad, and sisters.
Just in case.
[suspenseful music]
[gunshot, metal clangs]
[gunshot, metal clangs]
-I think it pissed him off.
Hey, careful. Not yet.
I'd rather be shot than burned!
[gunshot, metal clangs]
Engine! Come on.
He's wearing down the walls.
Engine block's
tougher to crack.
-It'll be safer here--
-For how long?
When those tires go,
it'll be toxic as hell.
Try not to breathe
too much of it in.
We go together right?
[both cough]
The call. It got through!
[Keren whispers]
Where did it go?
They must've seen him
shooting at us.
Sergeant, we have a shooter
in an elevated position.
Request state assistance
as soon as possible.
Damn it!
Do you think he saw us?
He saw us.
We in range?
You see that road.
When we are, we'll know.
All right, as soon as he
pops up another round,
we'll light him up.
Must have a real nice spot.
Don't want to give it up.
These kids
can't wait for state.
Come in.
I said, repeat, come in.
-We have an active shoo--
This piece of shit.
I'm just gonna
call the station.
Dim it.
[line rings]
Yeah, put me through.
Yeah, I--
Goddamn it, listen.
I heard it from her,
and I want to hear it from you.
We need to get--
-Listen here, asshole.
-[engine revs]
Jodi! Together, remember?
[tires squealing]
Now! We've gotta go now!
I'm not taking my chances
with them!
[panting frantically]
[suspenseful music continues]
[breathing heavily
in slo-motion]
You hit? You?
Keep your head down.
[metal clanks]
-Eleven o'clock.
Let's go! Please!
[suspenseful music]
What are you doing?!
[screams angrily]
[tires screech]
[suspenseful music continues]
[sniper grunts]
[panicked grunting]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[music continues]
[choking coughs]
[panicked grunting]
[frightened screaming]
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[wind blowing]
[music resumes]
[music intensifies]
[gunshots echoing]
[sob echoes]
[suspenseful music]