Dr. Kildare's Strange Case (1940) Movie Script

Blair general hospital information.
No, sir, I can't
ring Mr. Boyd's room.
Well, they operated
on him this morning.
Yes, an apen... an apendi...
An apen...
Yes! They took it out!
Oh, Sally?
If you're not busy tonight,
how about you and me
grabbing a quick sandwich
and catching the early
show at a movie?
Excuse me.
Blair general...
Oh, hello, Irene!
Sure, I had a grand time last night.
I was out with
Mr. Gustakis
in a Pittsburgh.
First to a classy cocktail bar
and then dinner at a hotel
where the soup was
$2.00 a plate!
And then to a nightclub
with real champagne!
Oh, well, good-bye!
See you later.
Uh, what was you saying
about tonight, Joe?
Oh, I... Nothing.
Nothing at all.
Good morning,
Dr. Lane.
Good morning.
Oh, hi, doctor.
Good morning.
Uh, has nurse Mary Lamont
checked in yet?
Yes, 10 minute ago.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, I got half the notion
to take a good poke at that guy...
Trying to cut in on
doc Kildare's girl.
Control yourself, muscle-bound.
If your pal
Kildare don't do
anything about it,
why should you stick your nose in?
What's she giving him
a tumble for anyhow?
Why not?
The way I see it,
there are only two
things she can do...
Jump off a bridge over Jimmy Kildare
or go out with this guy...
In spite of the fact that he's
single, rich, and good-looking.
Yeah, he'll need his dough.
Up in brain surgery
they're commencing to call him
the undertaker's friend.
Yes, nurse Lamont.
Dr. Kildare?
Yes, he went past the desk,
but I don't remember if he was coming
or going out.
Thank you, Sally.
Is Dr. Kildare in?
Dr. Kildare is in
Dr. Gillespie's office.
And everything is ok.
Gillespie shut himself
up in the other room.
I get an hour off today.
How about having lunch?
Jimmy, that will be wonderful.
Uh, yes,
Dr. Gillespie?
But I have to make
a phone call first.
Jimmy Kildare!
Dr. Gillespie.
Mary, you have
another date for
lunch, haven't you?
If you already have a date,
then you mustn't break it.
Besides, I'm not sure
Dr. Gillespie will
let me off.
But, Jimmy, you know...
Dr. Kildare!
Can't you hear me?!
I'll be
right there,
Dr. Gillespie.
No lunch, Mary.
This is the most ridiculous thing
I've ever heard of.
you've had a pretty busy morning.
Why don't you...
What did you want, sir?
You were saying
something was
This report on a Rufus Ingersoll.
Jimmy, Rufus Ingersoll's
been examined
by every department in this
hand-painted institution.
Here are 27 different reports
by 27 different doctors
without a mistake
in one of them.
Why, it's impossible!
Uh, Mr. Rufus Ingersoll
should be treated
with kindness, sweetness, and light.
Will you kindly send in
Mr. Rufus Ingersoll?
Yes, doctor.
Uh, let me handle this, Jimmy.
Good morning, doctor.
Well, Mr. Ingersoll,
good morning!
And how are you feeling today?
Never felt better in my life.
Oh, that's fine.
That's fine...
Because your system's
in a state of collapse.
Sit down before you fall down.
Mr. Ingersoll,
you're suffering from a bad case
of what we might call
the dangerous age.
You've been living too young.
You've been eating too young.
You've been drinking too young.
You've been...
yes, you've been
thinking too young.
And all because you fancy yourself
to be in love with a young
girl in her 20s.
And what's the result?
Your stomach is overworked,
your heart is overstrained,
and your kidneys look like
the battle of gettysburg.
My age has nothing to do with it.
I'm still a young man.
Yeah, young enough to
make a fool of yourself.
Dr. Gillespie, I came
here for medical advice.
Ok, you take a large
dose of common sense.
Of course, your personal affairs
have got nothing to do with me,
but medically speaking,
my advice is that
you should lead the life
of a gentleman of 50
with his wife and children.
Mr. Ingersoll,
one of these fine days,
you're going to drop dead.
Good day,
Mr. Ingersoll.
This way, sir.
Next patient!
Next patient!
Well, how can I examine you
with your uniform on?
Examine me?
I don't understand.
Well, I called for the next patient,
and you pop in.
You must be the next patient.
Have you forgotten
Mr. Grayson's
waiting in the next room?
Why in the name
of common sense
didn't you tell me?
Because you told me.
Well, now, just shake a leg!
Yes, doctor.
Wait a minute.
Tell Grayson we'll be in right away.
Yes, doctor.
Say, what's your opinion on Grayson?
You think he's going blind?
Well, case history shows
an increasing pressure
on the optic nerve.
Every indication points to
an enlarged pituitary gland.
Well, that agrees with my diagnosis.
What do you prescribe?
An operation.
Removal of the tumor,
the sooner the better.
You positive of that?
It's the only chance he has,
outside of a miracle.
You're absolutely right.
But the final decision to operate
is up to the surgeon.
Well, that's one thing
we can do for Grayson...
Get him a good man.
Means you have an idea.
I wouldn't dare
have suggested
anyone but you.
Doctor Gregory Lane.
Gregory Lane?
I know there's been some talk...
He lost several patients in a row.
But people don't realize
that sometimes patients die
because there's
no chance of recovery.
What are you trying to prove?
Well, I'm not trying
to prove anything.
But I feel positive
that Lane's a fine surgeon,
and the medical profession needs him.
Well, what brought
Dr. Gregory Lane
to your eagle eye?
Didn't you once tell me
he was the most
promising young surgeon
ever came to this hospital?
I did say he had
a fine pair of hands,
but his judgment's worried me lately.
Well, there's one sure way
to check on his judgment.
Well, see what he says about Grayson.
Aren't you always telling me
that anyone who agrees with you
is a darned good doctor?
Ha ha ha.
Aw, you're getting too smart for me.
Go on, get in there.
Good morning,
Mr. Grayson.
Mr. Grayson, uh...
It's as bad as I thought, isn't it?
Mr. Grayson,
our advice is
an operation...
A very delicate operation.
I understand.
I insist on the operation.
You see, I...
I'm not afraid of anything...
Except going blind.
We're going to send you to
one of our very best brain surgeons.
Will you tell Dr. Lane
I'll talk to him
after he's examined
Mr. Grayson?
I'm very grateful to you both.
Never mind us,
Mr. Grayson.
We'd be pretty bad doctors
if we didn't do
everything humanly
possible for you.
I know that.
But we both know that the...
Final power of life and death
is still in the hands
of the great healer.
Yes, Mr. Grayson,
that doesn't change.
Dr. Carew is on
the phone, sir.
Thank you.
Good luck,
Mr. Grayson!
Thank you, doctor.
Hello, Carew!
Well, how is the head
of this gold-plated palace today?
Oh. Oh, I'm fine, Leonard.
Mr. Paul messenger
just phoned.
You're to inveigle Kildare
out to the institute this afternoon.
Dr. Squires will
show him the place
and offer him the job.
Have you said anything to
Kildare about it yet?
No, not a word.
But, in justice to everybody,
I'm going to do
my best to make
him accept.
That's more than generous, Leonard.
You lose him, I know it will
be an awful blow to you.
It'll be an earthquake.
Well, since you're not gonna take
your hour off...
Am I right?...
And I want to talk to you anyway,
let's go and dig our
graves a little deeper
with our teeth.
Miss Parker, lunch!
Drat that Molly Byrd.
If I don't drink at least
one glass of milk a day,
she hides my cigarettes.
I know it's good for me,
but, ew, I hate the stuff.
What made you hesitate
about Grayson, Jimmy?
For a moment, I wasn't sure.
What made you decide?
It was my best thought
on the subject.
That's the one most important thing
for a doctor to know...
To face situations with
nothing to lean on
but what he's learned.
Yes, even in my short experience,
there's been
times when my
blood ran cold.
And yet you had to
act like the almighty...
With life in one hand
and death in the other.
You had to do it, and you did.
That's what I call
being a born doctor.
Couldn't have learned
that from you, could I?
Aren't you going to drink your milk?
Oh, sure, sure, sure.
But, don't try and change
the subject on me.
Jimmy, you'll make mistakes,
but let them be your mistakes.
Use your eyes, your heart,
your brain, your instinct.
Make up your mind and then go ahead.
Do you think I'll ever learn
half what you know?
You'll have to begin
where I leave off.
And do you think you're
being fair to me?
To yourself? To
the medical profession?
Well, what do you mean?
You haven't seen
Dr. Lockberg
in two months.
Because I'm a good doctor,
and I know what's the matter with me.
Cancer isn't necessarily hopeless.
Well, every time I intend
to call lockberg up,
something important turns up.
Nothing is that important.
Look, if I'm to finish any part
of what you've started,
you'll have to stay here and teach me
as long as you can.
All right, Jimmy.
I'll call him
this afternoon
to come over.
I already told him
to be here at 5:00.
Why, you im...
Come on, come on, drink your milk.
The things people do for
the sake of their health.
Don't think you
can hide from me,
Dr. James Kildare.
Now, look here, Molly Byrd,
this is my bedroom,
and even the superintendent of nurses
hasn't got any right
to come barging in...
Oh, be quiet.
Dr. Kildare,
nurse Morgan
informs me
that you supplied patient 1124
with a new suit of clothes
from the hospital emergency fund.
Oh, yes, I did.
But you see, miss Byrd, i...
I see everything.
You had his old suit burned...
I ordered that suit burned
as a public precaution.
Oh, public precaution my foot.
Why, the man had
nothing more contagious
than a broken arm.
I personally examined
that suit of clothes
and found definite traces of leprosy.
Bubonic plague, house maid's knee,
and a slight trace of
Scandinavian hookworm.
Scandinavian hookworm, you fool.
Besides, Molly,
there was a job waiting for him
if he had a good suit of clothes.
Leonard Gillespie,
you haven't drunk your milk.
no matter what else
you can say about me,
I'm a man of honor.
I said I'd drink one glass of milk,
and one glass of milk I drank.
Give me my cigarettes, please.
Then how is it
the bottle's still full?
You'll drink this glass of milk
or no cigarettes today.
Now give me my cigarettes.
Well, they're still in your pocket.
I forgot to take them
out this morning.
Oh, what friends.
When you've been trying for 25 years
to force somebody to
take care of himself,
it's a little hard
to break the habit.
Well, if you can
get along without
me for a while,
supposing I run up
and have a talk
with Dr. Lane.
Yes, Grayson's in pretty bad shape.
Let me know when Lane
wants to talk to me.
That's what I meant to do.
Then later in the afternoon,
we're going for a drive
in the country.
Well, now you're
beginning to act
sensibly, sir.
It'll do you a world of good.
Well, maybe.
I've ordered a nice big car
so the 3 of us will be comfortable.
3 of us?
You and me and nurse Mary Lamont.
Yeah, well, why not Mary Lamont?
She isn't engaged
to Dr. Lane,
even though she did
go out with him last week.
What do you expect her to do?
Die an old maid because
you only get $20 a month?
I don't expect her to do
anything of the sort.
Oh, Dr. Gillespie,
I guess it's pretty obvious to you
how I feel about Mary Lamont, but...
I can't and I won't
say anything to her about it.
After all, $20 a month
is $20 a month.
We're ready,
Dr. Lane.
Good, let's go then.
I want to see you
after this operation.
Dr. Lane,
a package arrived
for me this morning.
It contained a dozen pair
of beautiful silk stockings.
Silk stockings?
Silk stockings.
I'd send them back
except for 3 things.
I don't know where they came from,
I can't prove you sent them,
and besides, they're awfully pretty.
I don't know a thing.
But I'll admit anything
if you'll have dinner
with me tonight.
All right, Greg.
We'll celebrate
a successful
I need a successful operation.
Oh, it's only
the fools who
were talking.
Anyone knows mortality
in brain surgery is high.
Yeah, but you can't explain
that to a dead patient.
Dr. Gillespie still
believes in you.
You're operating
on his patient,
aren't you?
I still believe in myself, Mary.
But this time, I've got to...
We've got an operation to do.
Come on, nurse Lamont.
How are you feeling,
Mr. Grayson?
That's from your shot in the arm.
I'm going to do my best
to fix you up as good as new.
Never mind the adrenaline.
Jimmy, do you have a cigarette?
Oh, Mary.
Please, Jimmy!
Give me a cigarette.
All right.
By the way,
Dr. Gillespie wants
you and me to...
Thanks, Mary.
Dr. Lane, I was in
the gallery, and i...
The operation was a success,
but the patient died.
They're so new, aren't they?
Just off
the assembly line
this morning.
41 brand-new lives.
Sort of evens things up, doesn't it?
You mean about life and death?
I didn't think about it that way.
I just happened to come here.
Well, your instincts were right.
It's the best
place you could
have come to.
This is what it's really all about.
Dr. Lane did
everything he could.
No one could have done
any more, could he?
No one.
See, Mary, I prescribed an operation.
Lane agreed and performed it.
We both knew how...
How slim the chances were.
That's our job,
and it's one of
the hardest things
we have to learn.
I haven't learned it yet.
Oh, neither have I.
That's what people need...
Pure sweet air to
fill your lungs with,
and open up your pores
to the sunshine.
What's the matter with you, Mary?
You look as if you hadn't
opened a pore for months.
I did surgery today...
Under Dr. Lane.
Oh, Mary, that patient had
one chance in 100
of living through the operation.
One chance in a million
of living without it.
You're absolutely right.
I reported that fact to Carew, too.
What did
Dr. Carew say?
Well, what could he say?
Too many people dying.
Dr. Gillespie,
Greg needs help.
Dr. Lane, I mean.
You're right, Mary.
Something ought to be done about it.
Isn't anybody interested
in where we're going?
Why, we're going
to the messenger
at the university.
Who told you?
It wasn't me,
Dr. Gillespie.
I suppose you told him why, too!
No, sir.
I didn't know that.
Well, then I'll tell you.
We're going to
the messenger institute
for medical research because
I've got business there.
And I'm taking you two
along for the ride.
Of Mr. Messenger's
open-handed generosity,
this building, with its
magnificent equipment,
is a shining example.
Now, listen, Egghead...
Uh, the eminent
and imposing Dr. Squires
was known as Egghead
in medical school
for reasons you're both
too young to know.
I once busted you in
the snoot for that,
and I'm just the guy
who can do it again.
Now, listen here, Squires,
we all know this
is the finest institute
in America,
but come to the point.
Very well.
The point is, I have
a job for Dr. Kildare.
Job for me?
Well, if it hadn't been for me,
it would have taken him
two hours to tell you that.
Dr. Kildare,
Mr. Messenger feels
that he owes to you
his daughter's sanity...
Perhaps her life.
Yours was a remarkable instance
of correct diagnosis and treatment.
I congratulate you.
Tell him the job pays 500 a month.
$500 a month!
And you'll have a free hand here
to pursue whatever
research you choose.
And if you tend to your knitting,
when you're an old married man,
you'll inherit Egghead's job,
20,000 bucks a year.
That ain't hay.
Well, why don't you say something?
Don't stand there
like a bump on a log.
Well, it's...
The sort of thing you dream about.
I... i...
Dr. Gillespie, you
knew all about this?
That means you want me to take it?
Do I want him to take it.
You hear that, Egghead?
These youngsters are hard to please.
Show him the house
that goes with the job.
Oh, yes.
Shall we go see it?
I've ordered some tea.
Tea! Ha ha!
When I first knew him,
he thought clean shirts
were effeminate.
Now he drinks tea.
Ha ha.
It's Mr. Messenger's idea
that a man does his best work
when his home surroundings are ideal.
Thank you, George.
You think you could
be happy here,
Dr. Kildare?
You'd be crazy if you couldn't.
Well, you show her around, Jimmy.
It's your party, you know.
I feel a little tired.
I think I'll stay here
and have a spot of tea
with Dr. Squires...
Maybe a crumpet or two.
Well, Egghead, how am I doing?
If I hadn't known differently,
I'd have thought you
really wanted him
to take the job.
This is the greatest opportunity
Jimmy will ever have in his life.
And if he takes it,
well, all I've planned
will come tumbling
down around my ears.
Well, all jokes aside, Leonard,
won't you have a cup of tea?
Oh, suppose I get
you a glass of milk.
Milk! Yucch!
I'm so full of milk now
I'd be afraid to meet a calf.
Isn't it lovely?
This isn't true.
This sort of thing doesn't happen.
But it is true.
You have everything
in the world ahead of you.
I wonder...
Dr. Gillespie
wants you to take it,
doesn't he?
Does he?
Why, he even bragged
about the salary,
you remember that.
Oh, right now,
I'm not thinking
about the money.
But you must think about it.
It's your future, your whole life.
Who was it wanted you
to see this house?
It was Dr. Gillespie
wasn't it.
Yes, Mary.
He even talked about the future.
That's what he said.
I wish I knew what he was thinking.
Shall we look at the living room?
would you
have dinner
with me tonight?
I've got a date.
I'll get out of it, Jimmy.
Break it up, you two!
Dr. Kildare,
I think we can be ready
for you to move in say next Monday.
You're very kind,
Dr. Squires,
and Mr. Messenger's
is tremendous,
I'm afraid I'll have
to think it over
and let you know.
Of course,
Dr. Kildare.
Think it over.
But will you have a cup of tea?
Uh, say, Egghead,
I think I'll take that milk now.
Good evening,
Dr. Kildare.
You're a sight for sore eyes,
and why shouldn't you be?
Short beer, Mike.
Yes, sirree!
Sure, and what more pleasant sight
could there be than a fine young son
of the old sod wearing a new suit
and his own teeth
stepping up to buy
himself a good drink?
How are you, Joe?
Oh, good evening, doc.
It'll be 30 bucks
any way you figure it.
A joint that gets
$2.00 for soup
has gotta get more than a nickel
for a cup of coffee.
Say, I got it!
When we get to the golden slipper,
I just won't eat anything.
That will give me
a $1.60 margin.
Golden slipper!
Well, even if you don't eat,
the cover charge
there is $5.00
a head.
$5.00 a head?
Even for not eating?
Boys, there must be
some way out of this.
Joe, my boy, maybe I can help you.
There's a drink I can mix
that will solve all your troubles...
If you can only coax
the lady in to sample it.
Now, wait a minute, Mike, now...
Dr. Kildare,
I'm referring to
a humble little concoction
known as the kiss of kilkenny.
It don't make you drunk,
and it don't make you dizzy.
It leaves you
with one consuming
thought in your mind...
To sit quiet in your chair
and listen to the angels sing.
Will it keep
a lady sitting
here all evening?
My friend, back in county donegal,
I personally concocted one
for a giddy young thing
who wanted to be took to a dance.
How long did it keep her quiet, Mike?
Well, sir, that was 13 years ago
come shrove Tuesday.
And according to a letter I received
last week, she's still sitting there.
Ha ha!
Say, I know this gal of mine.
You fix up two drinks for her,
and I'll be back here
in a jiffy with her.
What do you advise for dinner, Mike?
Well, I can fix you a steak
as fresh as a new policeman.
Two steaks medium rare.
Coming up.
Two steaks medium rare
for Dr. Kildare.
Give them the two
we were saving
for the boss.
Hello, Mary.
Am I late, Jimmy?
No. Sit down.
I've already ordered the steaks.
Are you hungry?
Did I ever tell you
what my mother said to me
when I left for New York?
Several things.
Which one?
Well, she said you will
never get anywhere
trying to be anybody
but Jimmy Kildare.
Jimmy Kildare is all right with me.
Well, for the past hour,
I've been trying to be someone else.
Why, Jimmy?
Because, if I were someone else,
maybe I'd have brains enough
to say this in a different way.
Say it your own way.
I'm not going to take the job
at the messenger institute.
Miss Lamont,
report to superintendent
Byrd's office right away.
if we had a patient in this hospital
as weak as your coffee,
we give him a blood transfusion
and send for his relatives.
I don't blame
the nurses
for squawking.
Nurses are just like husbands...
You can abuse them, insult them,
work them to death,
jump all over them,
they'll take it.
But give them a bad cup of coffee
and you got
a revolution
on your hands.
Oh, come in, Mary.
I'll be down
at the kitchen
in 10 minutes
and show you how to make coffee.
You sent for me, miss Byrd?
Lamont, I'm promoting you
to staff surgical nurse permanently.
Wait a minute, it's
not that big an honor.
I'm sorry, miss Byrd.
Of course, you'll have
to be more careful
about our rules.
For instance, I know
that you accepted some
silk stockings from
a member of our staff.
I'm sorry.
I'll send them back.
Before oking this promotion
I must know that you plan on
staying with this institution.
I guess I'll be here forever.
Because I certainly
would not give
this chance
to a girl who is liable
to quit her job
to get married
or something.
I'm not figuring on getting married.
Now, now, child.
I don't know why I'm so silly.
Well, I know.
I wormed it out
of Dr. Gillespie
about Jimmy Kildare
and the messenger
And this can only mean that...
He didn't decide
the way you
wanted him to.
I kept hoping against hope.
The only man in the world?
It's not true, Mary.
It's never true.
If it were, 9 out of 10 women
in this world would
never get married.
And we woman can be thankful
that fate fixed it that way.
Because so many times...
So pitifully many times...
Cinderella can't have her prince.
And if there were
no other man in
the world for her,
how would the cinderellas end up?
Like me, Mary.
I'm 49 years old,
and what have I got in life?
Bad coffee.
No, Mary,
give any woman a decent husband
with a clean shave
and a pretty good chance
of getting on in this world,
and she'll come so close
to thinking it's love
that she'll fool him and herself.
I never thought about it like that.
Well, try thinking that way.
And stop eating your heart out.
Now get out of here, Mary,
and get to bed.
Report to surgery
at 9:00 A.M.
Good night.
I said good night!
Good night, miss Byrd.
And, Mary,
don't send back those stockings.
I can't.
I have one pair on.
Superintendent Byrd speaking.
Beginning tomorrow morning,
nurse Mary Lamont starts
as staff surgical nurse.
Salary increase accordingly.
She's to be assigned
to Dr. Gregory Lane.
If that's you, nosy Parker,
I'm taking a bath.
If it's you, Molly Byrd,
I'm not smoking a cigarette.
Anyone else can go shoot themselves.
Say, what do you mean barging in here
3:00 or 4:00
in the morning?
What do you think this is,
a 6-day bicycle race?
Well, it's only
a quarter after 10:00.
Well, what do you want
in the middle of the night?
I'm not going to take
the messenger job.
Why, you unmitigated young upstart!
Do you realize, Jimmy,
you'll never have another opportunity
like that as long as you live?
I'm staying here because I'm selfish.
Ever since I was a kid,
I've known I wanted
to be some kind of
a doctor,
but I didn't know what or where.
Now I do know.
I want to be a diagnostician,
and you're the only one
that can teach me.
Jimmy, I'm the happiest
guy in the city.
As a matter of fact,
I've been sitting right here
since 6:00,
waiting for you to come in
to tell me your decision.
I'm sorry, I've been a little busy.
And none too pleasantly,
I imagine, huh?
Well, you know.
Oh, I've got a note
from Carew's office.
It seems I'm behind in my surgery,
and they want me
to catch up right away.
Do you mind if I borrow the...
No, no, take anything
you want, Jimmy.
Yes, he's been raising Cain
with me about that, too.
Yes, I'm to start
tomorrow morning,
assisting Dr. Lane.
Well, perhaps I could arrange
to have you transferred
to someone else.
Uh, no, no, thanks.
Say, what's the matter
with this fellow Lane
I've heard he inherited
a lot of money,
and yet he wants to stick
around this skating rink.
No, no, that's not true.
He's had money all his life,
but he happens
to want to be a surgeon.
He also happens to be
interested in Mary Lamont,
or I'll fire 3 or 4
of my best stooges.
Isn't that Mary Lamont's business?
You have no regrets
about that, Jimmy?
Dr. Gillespie,
if I've told you once,
I've told you 5 times,
that Mary Lamont...
All right, all right, all right!
Don't bite my head off.
Dr. Gillespie,
it's past your bedtime.
All right, papa.
I'll go to bed
like a good boy.
And I'll be kind to dumb animals
and I'll wash behind the ears.
Who do you think you are,
Molly Byrd in long pants?
Blair general hospital, emergency.
Just a minute.
Hello, Irene. As I was saying,
last night,
Joe Wayman and me starred,
me in that new blue chiffon
and Joe, mind you,
he's actually in a tuxedo.
When all of a sudden,
I find I'm paralyzed
from the waist down.
No, I didn't touch a drop.
Just one little glass
of Irish lemonade in
Mike Ryan's place.
But was Joe Wayman nice.
He never said one word
about me spoiling his evening.
Traffic accident, emergency.
Emergency, one coming up.
Funny thing, no identification.
Nothing but a can of $5 bills.
Did you go through all his pockets?
What pockets?
All he had on
was an overcoat
over some pyjamas
and a pair of pants.
You know, Sally,
I got it all figured out
what was the matter
with you last night.
It was something you drank
the night before
with that guy from Pittsburgh.
I'll bet it was.
But gee, Joe, you were so sweet.
Carrying me home
and singing like
an angel all the way.
This is surgery b.
One coming up? Ok.
There's a case coming up
from emergency.
Good morning, doctor.
Oh, good morning, doctor.
I'm assisting you.
I have some surgery
to catch up on.
I'm glad to have you.
I had some pretty unkind thoughts
about you last night, Kildare.
Last night?
Yes, I had a date
with a very pretty girl
for dinner,
right up till dinnertime.
Oh. I'm sorry.
Maybe you are,
but I still had
dinner alone.
Well, it's nice having you around.
I can keep my eye on you.
Here's the X-ray, doctor.
Increasing intracranial
pressure, pulse slowing,
temperature rising.
We'll, uh...
We'll have to operate
to save his life.
I'll get him a sedative.
What day is it?
What day is this?
Wednesday. Good.
I thought for a moment I'd missed it.
Missed what?
Friday. Friday noon.
I've got to...
Now, look, you have a head injury.
A skull fracture,
and I'm afraid we'll
have to operate.
What's this for?
It's to help you rest,
to quiet your nerves.
How bad is my head?
Why don't you just put
yourself in our hands?
We'll do everything that
possibly can be done.
You think I might die.
With an immediate operation,
you have
a very good chance
of pulling through.
I won't be operated on.
I've got to get out of here.
If you get up now,
you may not live
to reach the street.
I've had 5 years of dying.
I won't be operated on!
No, you want to live, don't you?
No, I couldn't die now,
I've got to live till Friday!
What about Friday?
Who are you?
What's your name?
Perhaps we can help.
How could you tell...
Well, his heart's strong, anyway.
I'll tell them to get ready.
Wait a minute!
Maybe we'd better
put him under observation
for a couple of days.
What? Why, he needs
an immediate operation
and you know it.
No, I don't.
I'm not sure.
How can I be sure,
when Grayson and the others...
I don't know what to do, Kildare.
Do what your own judgment
told you to do operate!
But my judgement's been wrong.
Not in Dr. Gillespie's
Dr. Gillespie?
Yes, he thinks you're a fine surgeon.
Says you have the best
hands in the hospital.
And he said something else, too.
He said there are times
when we have to act,
with life in one hand
and death in the other.
And that the true test of a doctor
is his faith in his own judgment,
even though he knows
someone is going to die
if he's wrong.
We'll operate immediately.
This patient has
refused the operation,
but I take full responsibility.
That's it.
Take him away.
How's the pressure?
I don't think I could have done that
without those words you said.
Oh, you did a fine job, doctor.
Thanks. As far
as I'm concerned,
everything's going to be
all right, I think,
from now on.
I'm sure it is.
It was a long session.
Well, it's time for lunch.
I'm on office call this afternoon.
9:00 tomorrow morning,
please, doctor.
Yes, doctor.
It was a beautiful operation, doctor.
Maybe now we'll have
something to celebrate.
All right.
Dr. Kildare.
Yes, Dr. Carew.
I'm very pleased
you've decided
to remain with us.
No, no. No explanations
are necessary.
I understand.
Where's Dr. Lane?
Oh, he's just left for lunch.
You should have been there,
you'd have seen the kind
of brain surgery you
read about.
Is that so?
I trust you're right.
Doctor, because of
the somewhat unusual
I'd like to have
your personal report
on this case.
Well, Dr. Lane
has office duties,
so naturally I'll be watching it.
Very good.
He's coming out of it now.
Breathing easily and naturally.
What day is it?
What day of the week?
It's Thursday.
Thursday. Not Friday?
No, it's Thursday.
You've put me in the wrong day.
Wrong day of the week.
Easy there.
It's the wrong day.
Friday's the day I want.
Well, tomorrow will be Friday.
You can't trick me.
It will always be Thursday.
You've locked me up
in the wrong day of the week.
Careful now.
Got to break through.
Got to break through to Friday.
Get me a hypo of morphine
and a restraining sheet, quickly.
It isn't the time
to break through yet.
I'll tell you when
the right time comes.
You'll tell me?
Yes, I promise.
We'll start planning
right now.
If you'll lie still
and help save your strength.
Who are they?
Oh, they're going to help us plan.
Here now, I'd better give you this.
You'll need
all the strength
you can get.
Close your eyes.
That's it.
Get that restraining
sheet on him quickly.
What's wrong?
There's some mental disturbance.
I had to give him a hypo.
Couldn't it
be the effect of
the anesthetic?
I'm afraid
there's no doubt.
His mind's gone.
But if you
hadn't operated,
he'd be dead now.
His brain's dead,
what good if the rest
of him's alive?
You were there, Kildare,
you saw everything.
I didn't make
a single mistake, did I?
Not one.
Well, and how's the patient?
Why, that's a restraining sheet.
Yes, I thought it was wise.
The patient showed
signs of becoming
Dr. Lane,
what is this?
Do you mean to say
that your patient
has lost his mind?
Dr. Lane wasn't here
when the patient
recovered consciousness.
But you had the patient restrained
because in your opinion,
he's now deranged.
I see.
Dr. Lane,
remove your patient
to a private room.
It's the least we can do.
Then I'll see you in my office.
Dr. Carew,
you'll want me there,
too, won't you?
No. This is Dr. Lane's
responsibility only.
But nevertheless,
I'd like to be there.
Don't stick your neck out, Kildare.
It's my neck.
Dr. Lane,
I freely concede
that a doctor constantly
has to make decisions,
to operate or not to operate.
But also, he must be
right when he makes
those decisions.
Otherwise, we...
Wait a minute!
I'm in on this.
What have I missed?
I just left your patient.
He's as mad as a march hare.
What were you saying, Carew?
That Dr. Lane has made
one too many mistakes.
Dr. Gillespie,
I was just saying
that in this last case,
I urged Dr. Lane
to operate.
I hesitated a moment,
but the decision
to operate was my own.
Well, then, why is
Kildare on the carpet?
He isn't. He insisted
on being present.
Look, let me settle this
thing once and for all.
I decided to operate,
and in a similar case,
I'd do it again.
Good. Now we know
where we stand.
Right. Dr. Lane,
errors of judgment
are difficult to prove.
But in this case,
you also performed
the operation
without the patient's permission,
violating his legal right.
His legal right to die!
If you please,
Dr. Kildare.
You, Dr. Lane,
have placed this institution
in a very serious position.
You're suspended from duty,
pending a hearing
before the hospital board
tomorrow, Friday, at noon.
I'm sorry.
You may go.
Dr. Carew, I'd like
your permission
to testify at that board meeting.
I can't permit that.
And how could you
possibly help Dr. Lane?
Well, I don't know.
He don't know.
He wants to prove the operation
didn't make the patient insane,
but he don't know how to do it.
Come on, Jimmy.
Now wait a minute!
Suppose the man
was insane before
the operation?
Suppose, for instance,
he was suffering from schizophrenia?
Ho ho ho. Poppycock!
I don't think the hospital board
will be interested in your theories.
Your request is denied.
But after
he came out of
the anesthetic,
he spoke incoherently of Friday.
And before the operation,
he made it very plain that Friday
was more important
to him than living.
Now he's a psychiatrist.
If you concern yourself
further in this case,
neither of us can save you
from the unpleasant medical
and criminal consequences.
Kildare, you seem
to forget one thing.
Dr. Lane went ahead
after the patient had
refused the operation.
But if the man was insane,
he had no legal
right to refuse
the operation,
which left
the decision
up to the doctor.
Now he's a lawyer.
I consider
the matter settled,
Dr. Kildare.
Which is the way
a high-class gentleman says,
"get out of my office
and mind your own business."
Come on, Jimmy.
Can you get along without me
for the rest of the day?
Oh, I guess so.
It might be a good idea.
Go on out and take in a show.
Forget all about this
little difficulty.
I don't think it's so little.
Maybe I haven't been here long enough
to get the hospital viewpoint,
but if Lane's kicked out,
it'll look as though
he murdered those
And we know he didn't.
Now, are you going back
to your office?
No, I'm not.
Get your hands off my chair!
Oh, I'm sorry!
I'll see you tomorrow.
Where are you going?
I don't know.
Maybe I'm going to make
a fool of myself.
I don't doubt that, but how?
I'm going to find out
who this mysterious
man is,
so that I can prove
he was mentally deranged
before Lane operated.
Now he's a detective.
Listen, Sherlock Holmes,
there are 7 million people
in this town.
How do you expect
to track down the identity
of one unknown lunatic?
If you get yourself
tangled up in this
Lane affair,
you might as well
hunt yourself a new job,
because I need
an assistant that
works for me!
Now play that on your harmonica.
Walter, you're a great man,
a magnificent man
to head this hospital.
But you don't know any more
about handling Jimmy Kildare than...
Than I do.
I'm upset myself.
I hate to have to do
this to a nice young
fellow like Lane.
In the old days,
they used to draw
and quarter them,
nail up their heads on London bridge.
Today they're not that merciful.
When they kick over the traces,
we have to throw them out,
let them die of broken hearts.
Listen, Mr. Gustaguson,
you may be a big man in Pittsburgh,
but you're no gentleman, you...
You... you gorilla!
You take a girl out and fill her full
of fancy soup and poisoned champagne,
and the next night,
I can't move a muscle!
Oh, I'm all right today,
no thanks to you.
But from now on,
I'm sticking
to hamburgers and lemonade
with a square-shooting guy
that wouldn't even think
of playing a dirty trick
on a working girl!
Good-bye, rat!
No, I haven't seen
Dr. Kildare for an hour.
He went out of here
in his street clothes,
said he was off for the day.
Sure, if I see him, I'll tell him.
Sullivan's cafe.
No, Sally,
Dr. Kildare is not here,
but we're expecting him immediately.
Sure, I'll give him your message.
Hello, hello!
Sally, here's the doc now...
Here's the doctor...
Mike, did Joe Wayman
or Fog Horn come
back yet?
No, my friend.
'Twas no easy task
you gave them.
Finding out about
this mysterious crazy man
is like looking
for a needle in a haystack.
Oh, don't I know it.
His clothes are just
stock garments sold
by the thousands.
The locksmith you left the key with
says it's from any one
of a million doors in New York.
That is, if it's not
from Chicago or Boston.
That's what I was afraid of.
Ha ha ha!
Good to see...
What are you doing here?
Is something wrong?
Where's father?
I'm fine, nothing's wrong.
Your father had
to bring a patient
to see Dr. Gillespie.
Well, well,
Mrs. Kildare,
you're looking
young enough to be
your own daughter,
only then you'd be your own mother.
And you don't look
old enough for that.
I bet you tell that to all the girls.
I do, and I tell them
all to make themselves
at home.
Thanks, Mike.
My, my. Things must
be pretty slack
with you big-city doctors.
Oh, I don't know.
Tell me, are you well and happy?
Why shouldn't I be both?
Well, if you'd simply said yes,
I'd have known you were,
but what's the trouble?
Well, mother, I think
you are a mind-reader.
Yes, I am at a kind of a crossroads.
Nobody ever accomplished
anything without passing
The only question is,
which road do you take?
It's not as simple as all that.
Doing right is always simple.
It's only the wrong thing
that takes working out.
Oh, excuse me, doc.
Oh, hello, boys, did you...
Oh, mother, allow me to present
Mr. Joe Wayman
and Mr. Fog Horn
Fog Horn? What's
your real name?
I prefer Fog Horn.
So do I.
How do you do, Joe?
Awfully glad to see you.
I've heard a lot
about you and your
monkey wrench.
Oh, those stories
are exaggerated,
Mrs. Kildare.
I never even owned a monkey wrench.
Well, sit down, fellas.
Tell me, did you find out anything?
The boys have
been getting some
information for me.
Oh, about those crossroads?
Me and my pals made
a house-to-house canvas
of the neighborhood
where your screwball was run over.
We found one house where
a guy had disappeared.
Well, go on.
This mug disappeared in 1911
with a blonde
and a Sunday school
Here, here, here.
I was a blonde myself at 16,
and no peroxide, either.
And the prettiest one
in town, I'll bet.
The prettiest one
in the state,
J. Harold.
J. Harold?
Oh, excuse me.
I won't say another word.
I dug up that truck driver
that clipped your guy.
At first he wouldn't talk,
then he changed his mind.
But he don't know who the guy is
or anything about him.
Oh, who put that thing in my pocket!
Why am I always
someplace else when
there's a good fight?
Let me know next time you're in town,
I'll sock someone for you.
Thank you.
Well, doc, I'm sorry
we weren't much help.
It was kind of tough
without knowing the guy's
name or anything.
Oh, that's all right,
fellas. Thanks a lot
Uh, good-bye,
Mrs. Kildare.
It was swell meeting you.
Oh, and if you ever
need a taxi, why,
just call...
Nix on that, Fog Horn.
I'll take Mrs. Kildare
in the ambulance
if she has to go anywheres.
Thank you, gentlemen.
I'll accept both invitations,
providing you let me drive.
Ha ha!
That's a date!
Well, now you're stuck,
aren't you, son?
Yes, mother, I'm afraid
now I am in trouble.
There's one way out,
but it's awfully
Excuse me.
I'm awfully sorry
the boys couldn't help,
but always remember
one thing, Dr. Kildare.
Trouble is nothing
new for the likes
of you and me.
The Irish ain't
been out of trouble
for 1,100 years.
Thanks, Mike.
You said something
about dangerous, Jimmy.
Dangerous to do what?
Well, to cure
an insane man
before Friday.
So they're curing
insane people now,
are they?
Mmm. It's an almost
fantastic thing.
Called the Insulin shock cure.
It's a gamble.
Only two things
to think about in a gamble.
What have you got to win?
What have you got to lose?
Lose? Everything.
My job, another doctor's career,
maybe the patient's life.
But think of what
you've got to win, too,
oh, I'm not thinking about
you and the other doctor,
but the poor man.
You can give him a new life,
and everything god
meant people to enjoy.
You're slow to decide, son,
because you think
you're all alone in this.
But you're not.
There's a man over in that hospital
that's as fine a doctor
as ever helped the ailing.
Oh, I know,
but I can't ask
Dr. Gillespie
to help me.
Who's talking
about Dr. Gillespie?
I mean your own father.
Oh, of course.
Well, now the only thing
to figure out
is how to get ahold of him
without Dr. Gillespie
Get to work, son.
I will.
I'll be seeing you, pal.
Oh, it's funny, mother.
Whenever I know that
I'm right with you,
I can generally
manage to work out
everything else.
I wonder if you'd do a favor for me,
it's awfully important.
At precisely 6:30,
I'm leaving here
to meet a young female person
who's boyfriend is
confined to room 714
with a broken leg.
Until then, I'm going to lie quietly
and conserve my manly vigor.
No, you're going to make
a phone call for me,
and then you're going to take a walk
for about half an hour.
And furthermore,
the young female person
has bright yellow hair
and practically no brains.
Dr. Joiner,
if the young lady
is free for the evening
because her boyfriend
has been forbidden visitors,
by your orders, of course,
I could easily report that...
No, no, don't shoot.
Who do you want me to phone?
Gillespie's waiting room.
Oh, Dr. Stephen Kildare.
Just a minute, please.
Hello. Yes.
Yes, I understand.
Well, just as soon as I finish here.
Pardon me, that was my wife.
You see, the rash hangs on
in spite of everything
that I have done,
although it's confined to her hands.
It's obviously a skin allergy.
Why, that might take
months to identify.
Tell me, Mrs. Cray,
what do you do with yourself?
How do you spend your time?
I don't do anything,
as long as I get
my check from my son,
keep the frost off my petunias,
and play a little
mah-jongg in the evening.
Mah-jongg. Ha ha!
I've heard of trouble
with mah-jongg sets.
The lacquer contains sap
from a Japanese tree,
of the sumac family.
That could account
for the skin disease.
I could believe
anything about
that mah-jongg set.
My daughter-in-law sent it to me.
Julia, you didn't take it with you
to yellowstone last summer, did you?
I did not.
You can't
play mah-jongg
on horseback.
You see, when she came back,
her hands were all cleared up.
Well, there you are,
Dr. Stephen.
You got it.
Suppose we keep
Mrs. Cray here
for a couple
of days and fix up
this rash?
And then when you go home,
take up solitaire.
In the meantime,
we'll put her
across the hall
in that nice big room, 370.
Oh, Dr. Gillespie...
Which the rich
Mrs. Van allister
has already paid for until Tuesday.
I sent her home this morning.
Nothing wrong
with her but
too much money.
Dr. Gillespie.
And thank you.
As long as Dr. Stephen
did all the work,
I don't owe you a cent.
Sit down.
Well, uh,
I'm ever so much obliged
to you, Dr. Gillespie.
I, uh, well,
I've got to run along now.
I'll be back.
Next patient!
No, hold the next patient.
Come here.
Say, Parker, did you notice
that I said anything
to offend Dr. Stephen?
Or was it my imagination
that he was acting
I wouldn't know anything about that.
But if it was his wife on the phone,
he's married to a woman
with a bass voice.
Hello, Jimmy.
Oh, hello, dad.
What is all this?
Please sit down.
Why all the mystery?
Is anything wrong?
Dad, what do you know about
the Insulin shock cure for insanity?
Insulin shock? Why?
Tell me, have you ever
actually seen a cure
Yes, I have.
And it was one of
the most terrifying things
I've ever seen in all my life.
Ah, but it worked, didn't it?
Yes. Yes, it worked
because it was performed
under the most ideal
with cases that had
every chance of surviving.
Well, then you've never
seen Insulin tried
when the patient
wasn't in perfect
physical shape?
Oh, no. No,
in case of any injury,
especially to the head or the brain,
they wouldn't dare.
But, Jimmy, stop dodging the issue.
If you need any help,
I'm your father.
I'm sorry, this is my problem.
I know it is, Jimmy,
and I don't want to interfere.
I'll tell you how you can help me.
I've read everything
about Insulin shock.
I know all the theories,
but I want you to tell
me everything you saw.
Don't leave out one detail.
Right from the beginning.
Well, Jimmy,
Insulin shock
causes the patient
to revert backwards
through every stage
of evolution.
At the dictates of his shocked brain,
his human body attempts to simulate
all the actions
and mannerisms of
each successive step.
Back through the ape,
the bird, lizard,
fish and so forth.
This abnormal effort
involves the most horrible
Nice work, Mary.
It was easy enough
to switch places
with Irene,
she was dying to get the night off.
Look, Jimmy, I haven't
said a word about this
to anyone,
you know I wouldn't.
But are you sure you want to do this?
Now, we've been
all through that before.
No, we haven't.
Are you doing this
because of Gregory Lane?
None of this is Lane's fault.
Nothing more than that?
Mary, there's a man in there,
and if his particular
problem isn't solved
by tomorrow,
he stands a good chance
of being
a miserable object
the rest of his life.
Tomorrow's Friday,
and I have to find out
what that means to him
before it's too late.
Here we go.
I don't know a thing
about this Insulin
Well, you know that a terrific shock
will sometimes drive a person crazy.
An overdose of Insulin
apparently works
just the reverse.
The tremendous shock it gives
seems to drive
the crazed brain
back to sanity.
Suppose he dies?
Let's try supposing he'll live.
But what about you if he does die?
Get his arm ready.
How long does it take?
5 hours.
5 hours?
2 1/2 hours.
Well, it ought to be
at least 2 hours more
before the effects have penetrated
into the deepest part of the brain.
How will we be able to tell?
If I'm right, his actions
ought to tell us.
You see, the... the theory is that...
Buried deep in the human brain
is the primitive brain
of our earliest ancestors.
The action of the Insulin
on that basic part
must be what restores
the patient's sanity.
Of course, what actually
happens, no one knows.
Here it comes, Mary.
It's working.
You see?
The brain is starting
to travel backwards.
The body is compelled to follow.
The hands are beginning
the first primitive movements.
It's as an ape might cling to a tree.
The motions are a necessary
part of the process.
The body is desperately
trying to obey
the impossible commands of the brain.
You see?
All the thousands of
years of human evolution,
progress so frantically fighting.
The muscles must obey.
The brain is saying,
"you're no longer a man.
You're an animal."
The pupils are dilated.
Pulse is increasing.
Dr. Kildare.
What do you want?
There's been a change
of nurses in this case
without my knowledge or permission.
I did that.
Dr. Kildare,
what you're doing
with this patient
is between you and your conscience.
Or between you
and Dr. Carew,
which might be worse.
Molly, please.
Personally, I think you
were born to be hanged.
Do you think she'll tell anybody?
Mary, the pillow.
Watch his head.
Jimmy, how long do
these convulsions
keep up?
It may get less.
It may grow worse.
We won't know until the fourth hour.
How long has it been
since he's moved?
Over an hour.
Well, it's time.
Glucose and tube ready?
This can't be right!
86? No... nobody
can live at that
It seems impossible, but it's true.
These cases can survive temperatures
that otherwise would
mean certain death.
Reaction to light.
Latent corneal reflexes sluggish.
Ready with the glucose?
Give me the tube quickly.
His brain is completely released.
If we let him stay too long,
we'll never get him out of it.
Why doesn't he move?
It'll take a little
while for him to
absorb the glucose.
The Insulin's burned
out every bit of
sugar in his body.
The glucose will restore it.
Then what?
Well, the miracle of Insulin shock
is that one minute you have this
and the next minute, if you're lucky,
you have a sane and normal person.
But... but if he doesn't
come out of it...
Then we'll have killed him.
Can you hear me?
How are you?
How do you feel?
If I only knew his name.
Listen, it's Friday.
Jimmy, he's dead!
Can you hear me?
How are you?
Can you hear me?
How are you?
Can you hear me?
How are you?
Can you hear me?
How are you?
Can you hear me?
How are you?
All right, I guess.
Milk and
jelly sandwiches
right away, please.
Jelly sandwiches?
Jelly sandwiches and milk.
Nothing else.
Right away.
Yes, doctor.
Yes, doctor!
There you...
Feel more like yourself now?
I feel fine.
Head hurts a little.
Well, under the circumstances,
that's hardly surprising.
You remember me, don't you?
Yes, you're...
You're the doctor who wanted to...
Operate on me after I was hurt.
That's right.
Feel able to answer a few questions?
Jelly sandwiches.
Jelly sandwiches! Ha!
Do you want the jelly
inside the sandwiches,
or do you want it on the outside?
Oh, that's ridiculous.
Not in this crazy place.
I make coffee for the king,
he raises my salary.
I make coffee for the general,
he kisses me on both cheeks.
I make coffee for Molly Byrd,
she sends for my relatives.
Take them away.
He's fine now, Mary.
Just give him that food and don't let
anyone talk to him until I get back.
Where are you going?
I've got the answer
to this whole business.
The thing that was
locked up in his
poor, twisted brain.
Now, listen, Mary.
There's no time to explain now.
But remember one thing.
No one's to see him, and
no one's to talk to him.
Because if anyone
questions him
before I get back,
it's liable to ruin everything.
Do you understand that?
Yes, doctor.
I know.
Good evening, nurse.
Miss uh... miss Lamont, isn't it?
I want to examine your patient.
Well, uh...
Oh, the hour may be a bit unusual,
but this is a very unusual case.
Uh... and, uh...
While I'm in there,
you might get me a little
bicarbonate of soda?
I've just come from
a doctor's banquet.
Dr. Carew, the patient
mustn't be disturbed.
Indeed? Who said so?
Dr. Hepworth,
the staff physician
on the case.
Oh, that's all right.
I spoke with
hepworth at 7:00,
told him I was coming in.
Yes, but, uh...
He came back after that.
But hepworth told me
he wasn't coming
back until morning.
What is this?
I just left hepworth at the banquet.
Well, it must've been
some other doctor.
What other doctor?
Well, I don't know his name.
It's quite obvious
something untoward
is going on here.
I intend to find out for myself.
Well, well, well, well, well.
Wait outside, Conover.
Yes, sir.
Why, Walter, you look
positively beautiful.
This is not the time
or place for jokes,
Well, you must've been
joking just now
when I came in.
Wasn't he, Mary?
Leonard, in order to testify properly
before the hospital board,
I must have complete
knowledge of this
patient's condition.
Well, that's not unreasonable, Mary.
But, Dr. Gillespie,
the patient mustn't
be disturbed.
It couldn't be that
Dr. Kildare told you
not to let anybody in, could it?
I don't know a thing,
and if I did,
I wouldn't tell you.
I better go in and find out.
No, wait a minute.
Come on, Mary,
you might as well tell us.
Otherwise, Dr. Carew
will have the right
to go in there.
That's just what Jimmy
wants to avoid, isn't it?
Dr. Kildare administered
Insulin shock.
I can't believe it!
And he did a magnificent job of it.
I'll believe that when
I examine the patient.
Ah-ah, Walter,
I wouldn't go in there
if I were you.
I know I wouldn't, and I
was practicing medicine
when they were telling you
to keep your thumb
out of your mouth.
Where is Jimmy?
I don't know.
This is the most
outrageous thing
I've ever heard.
Oh, you ain't heard nothing yet.
What's the last thing Kildare said?
"Give him the jelly sandwiches
and don't let anyone
near him until I get back."
Jelly sandwiches?
Of course, jelly sandwiches.
You're a doctor, remember?
In spite of that outfit.
Jelly sandwiches are
exactly the right thing
to increase the sugar content.
Oh, yes, yes,
of course.
Jelly sandwiches.
Oh, make it peanut butter if you want
only let's get on with it.
What else, Mary?
That's all I know,
except the patient in there
is as sane as you are.
Me? Or Carew.
Dr. Kildare.
Dr. Kildare,
you're suspended
from further duty...
Just one moment.
Nurse, has anyone been in that room?
Not a living soul, doctor.
And you're not going
in till I know
all about this.
No, I know,
but Mrs. Adams is.
She has a legal right
to see her husband.
Will you come in now, please?
Everything's going to be all right,
if you'll just remember.
Oh, my dear.
I've come back, Henry,
back to stay.
If you can just stay here,
everything will be all right now.
Now, Kildare, just to satisfy
the curiosity of a senile old man...
Well, make it two senile old men.
That'll take you in, Walter.
Of course, the treatments
will have to be continued.
Adams has been
a mental case for months...
The result of the separation
from his wife.
Oh, you don't have
to hit me over the
head with a bottle.
I know the rest of it, too.
Yes, it seems his wife
had sent him a letter
suggesting a reconciliation.
And Friday was the day
they were to meet.
Walter, it wouldn't surprise me
if you could see through the holes
in a 10-foot ladder.
Jimmy, how long did he
wait for her to come back?
About 5 years, Mary.
Well, at least I think
it's been established
that Dr. Lane's
operation did not
cause schizophrenia.
Or do I have to hit
you over the head
with a bottle?
What can I say?
I've been wrong.
Sometimes I wish that
anybody but me was
running this hospital.
Walter, in the boss' job,
even when you're right, you're wrong.
Thanks, Leonard.
Regardless of the hour,
I shall go immediately
to Dr. Lane
and offer him my personal
and professional apologies,
which will make me very happy.
Well, that's fine,
'cause Dr. Kildare's
working for you
beginning tomorrow morning.
Working for me?
Yes, Kildare.
I warned you.
You're no longer my assistant.
You're fired.
Now, come on, Walter.
This has been a nice little case,
but there are a million people
in New York that need doctors.
After we get
a little sleep,
we can help them.
Yes, but, Leonard,
half the time,
I don't know whose
side you're on.
Well, 3/4 of the time,
I don't know myself.
Jimmy, did you hear what he said?
It just doesn't make sense.
Oh, let's not talk about it now.
But all your plans,
all you'd hoped to do...
Say, I have half a notion to go up
and give that rambunctious
old fossil a piece of my mind.
Keep your shirt on, Mary.
Oh, you men make me tired.
What is it, Jimmy?
You asked me how long
he waited for her.
Yes. 5 years.
Mary, the reason I've
never said anything
to you about...
Anything is because I
didn't think it fair
to even ask you
if you'd be willing
to wait as long as
we'd have to wait.
Perhaps I'm going too fast.
There's a good-looking
guy in this hospital
named Gregory Lane
who's in fine favor
with the powers that be
and has a lot of money.
Well, maybe we
can find a nice girl
to introduce him to.
Oh, then I presume
we're engaged
to be married.
Jimmy, I saw the look
on Mrs. Adams' face.
5 years are going to be just nothing.
Well, then, will you
wait just 5 minutes?
I'll be right back.
Well, now where are you going?
I'm going to give that
rambunctious old fossil
a piece of my mind.
Hold everything.
I suppose you thought
I was going to take
that crack of yours lying down.
9 goes on the 10.
And isn't it nice to be long?
Well, I want to tell you something.
You can't fire me,
because I won't
be fired.
And if you do fire me,
I won't stay fired.
Oh, the lone ranger, huh?
Hi-ho, silver.
You make me feel like a fool.
Well, you said you were
going to make a fool of
yourself, didn't you?
Well, who was it said
you have to have an
instinct for diagnosis
and the courage to follow it up?
I did.
Well, every instinct I had told me
that Dr. Lane was
a good surgeon.
Why, you little pipsqueak!
If it hadn't been for me,
you wouldn't have got to first base.
Yes, sir.
Who was it that had you notified
that you were behind in surgery?
Mahatma Gandhi?
Who was it had you
assigned to Dr. Lane?
Little red riding hood?
Who gave Dr. Hepworth
the tickets to that banquet?
Santa claus?
No, lamebrain,
even you couldn't have
gotten away with that
Insulin business
without my full authority
back of you all the time.
Of course, Molly Byrd helped a bit.
She made me drink two
quarts of milk. Blech!
You're still fired.
Well, because you're not
always going to be lucky.
Someday some of those
fantastic crusades of yours
are going to kick back
on you and crucify you.
And then what'll be the good...
Thank you.
Then what'll be the use
of my teaching my job
to a man who's going
to end up by having his head
nailed on London bridge?
Funny, you never
think of that once
you get started.
Young Dr. Kildare,
you've got a single-
track mind.
Leonard, I'm trying to be like you.
There's only one man
in the world like me.
Well, I wish you'd act
more like it sometimes.
Boy, I haven't made
a mistake since 1926...
except you.
What about Dr. Lockberg?
Well, what about
Dr. Lockberg?
I saw him
last night, 5:00.
You made the appointment.
And instead of
letting him examine you,
you spent the entire time
teaching him to play double solitaire
and smoking cigarettes.
Well, Jimmy, suppose I promise you
to see lockberg 3 times
a week and you can stay
in the room.
Huh? That is, provided
you'll promise not to
make a fool of yourself
more than 3 times a year.
Why do you think I came up here?
Why do you think I've
been waiting up here
all dressed up in tight pants?
Jimmy, for the love
of Pete, give me a
cigarette, will you?
Guess there's only one
thing left to do now,
and that's tell
Dr. Lane about Adams.
I'll go do that now.
Oh, no, no, no.
That'll keep until tomorrow.
Oh, no, it won't either.
Lane's waiting in his room.
I telephoned him
when I left for
Mrs. Adams.
Well, I'll go along with you.
Well, I think you better not.
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Conover? Where is
that sleepy rascal?
Well, I'll give you a hand...
Unless you'd rather not.
No, no, no.
Go ahead, Jimmy.
As long as I know you're back there,
I know you're not in any mischief.
Oh, I could see
the whole thing coming.
The trouble with you is, Jimmy,
you got one of those honest faces.
A man can look at you
and almost tell exactly
what you're thinking.
Well, I'm different.
Poker face Gillespie,
they call me.
Know everything and show nothing.
That's me.
It's like a sixth sense.
I can tell exactly what's
going on all the time.
Behind my back
or through a stone wall.
For instance, at this moment, Jimmy,
you're wishing you
could shake me and join
that Lamont girl.
Isn't that what you're thinking?
Isn't that what you're thinking?
Answer me!
No, boss, it ain't.