Dream Scenario (2023) Movie Script

Dad, Dad.
It's okay, sweetie.
Dad, Dad. Dad, help me!
Dad, please help me!
Please help me, please!
SOPHIE: And, um, I guess...
Yeah, and then I woke up.
Why didn't I do anything?
I don't know.
It's like the third time now.
Why am I always just
standing there?
Don't make her feel guilty
about her dreams, Paul.
You don't see me
that way, right?
That's not how you think
I'd react in real life.
If I was floating?
Do you remember that time
you almost drowned?
How fast I reacted.
She was four.
I remember you
telling me about it.
-JANET: Hannah!
Remember you have to
stay home with Sophie tonight.
No, that's tomorrow night.
No, the play is tonight.
It was always tonight.
Really, she can't be alone
for, like, a few hours?
I don't mind.
You already agreed to this.
HANNAH: Okay, fine. Bye.
So, should I just meet
you there, or...
Yeah, probably.
I'm not sure how long
it'll take with Sheila, so...
-Are you nervous?
-No, not really.
I... I think it'll be good.
I think she'll understand,
hopefully apologize
and that'll be that.
Can you record it?
-Are you serious?
Just the audio
on your phone.
I want to hear
how she reacts.
Oh, wow. (CHUCKLING)
So vindictive, Janet.
Yeah, I'll think about it.
But you should go,
you're gonna be late.
No, I'll be fine.
-Have a good one.
-PAUL: You, too.
So, when talking about
adaptive strategies,
why does the zebra look
the way it does?
You can spot it miles away,
so it's not
very functional, right?
Any theory on how
the black and white stripes
could be a benefit?
No one?
From what we know,
the camouflage isn't effective
in terms of blending in
with the environment.
Rather, it's about
blending in with the herd.
You see, predators need
to identify their prey.
They can't just attack
the whole group.
So, if you stick your head out,
you make yourself a target.
-WOMAN: Yeah.
-Does that make sense?
PAUL: Hi. Hey, focus.
-Is this how it went?
-No, it's different now.
Do you want to share
your discussion with the class?
Sorry. No.
Okay, because you just made
yourselves a target
by speaking when
you weren't supposed to.
You get the analogy?
I get the analogy.
Okay, good. So, in contrast,
can anyone think of instances
where sticking out
can be an evolutionary benefit?
-Uh, mating?
HOSTESS: Welcome to Madre.
Hi, I have a table, for Paul.
I'm sorry, don't I know you?
I don't know, do you?
Yeah, I...
Well, Osler, maybe. I'm...
I'm a professor there.
No. No, I didn't go there.
-Have you been
with us lately?
Yeah. Okay, uh, sorry.
I'm just...
some major deja vu or...
-Brian, right?
SHEILA: Hi, Paul.
Oh, it's so nice to see you.
Yeah, it's been
too long, Sheila.
I barely recognized you.
Oh, yeah?
The beard maybe?
No, it's the whole,
you know...
So, how long are you
in town for?
Just a few days,
visiting my brother.
How's everything with you?
-You're still at
Osler, right?
-Yeah, I am.
And you're publishing
another paper, I heard.
Oh, yeah, uh,
we're just doing
final revisions now.
So, it's... it's looking good.
Where'd you end up?
Which publication?
Uh, do you want to...
Should we look at the menu?
Which publication, though?
Uh, Nature.
Yeah. We're happy about that.
I mean, it's been
a while, so, yeah.
PAUL: Why haven't
you contacted me?
-SHEILA: What?
-PAUL: Why am I not
being credited?
SHEILA: What do you mean?
PAUL: Oh, come on,
swarm intelligence?
Ant colony algorithms?
Sounds awfully similar
to my research now.
Well, I... Do you mean
from grad school?
Yes. You weren't
even interested
in networks back then.
You were all about
senescence. (CHUCKLES)
Yes, I... I... I mean,
I've expanded my interests
over the last 30 years.
Are you using
"antelligence"? You know
I coined that, right?
I'm not using
Look, there's a big difference
between talking about an idea
and actually
doing all the work.
No, no, I've been working.
I've got a book.
Uh, do you have
a publisher?
Well, I... I want
to finish it
before I take it out.
I don't want
to be influenced by
any sort of corporate agenda.
-Can I read a draft, or...
-Oh, why?
-Do you need more material?
-Oh, come on, Paul.
Let's be adults here.
How far along are you?
Well, I haven't really started
the actual sitting down
and writing portion
of it yet, but...
So, this kind of ruins
everything for me, Sheila.
It's just a complete
appropriation. I mean...
Can you at least
just credit me?
There's nothing
wrong with just being
a professor, Paul.
You don't need to be
a researcher, too.
Please, Sheila. I need this.
-JANET: Paul.
-PAUL: You got the tickets?
Yeah. How'd it go?
PAUL: What, oh,
you mean with Sheila?
Yeah. Well, yeah,
you know, it's technical.
I mean, she totally
saw my argument,
but we didn't fully,
you know, resolve it yet.
Really? So, what's next?
I'll figure it out.
Okay. Well, was she defensive?
-Did you record it?
-No, no.
It kind of felt, you know,
unethical or whatever.
-You want to go inside?
Paul. Paul!
I thought that was you.
Hi, my God.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
You just saw the play?
Duh, yeah. Of course.
-This is my wife, Janet.
-Oh, hi.
-I'm Claire.
-Hello, Janet.
-When did you get married?
Oh, wow. That's about,
well, let's see...
-15 years.
-Yeah, 15 years ago.
I'm so glad I ran into you.
You've been on my mind
a lot lately.
I'm sorry. How do you
two know each other?
Oh, well,
Claire and I used to date.
-Wild right?
Anyway, you've been on
my mind recently.
Yeah? I, uh...
I haven't thought
about you in a while.
Okay. Good to know, I guess.
Anyway, the reason that
you've been on my mind
is because you keep
popping up in my dreams.
-CLAIRE: Yeah.
Like, a lot
in the last few weeks.
It's so strange.
You don't do anything.
You're just there,
even if the dream's
completely unrelated to you.
Like the other night,
a good friend of mine
was lying in the street,
hit by a car, bleeding,
dying in my arms, right?
And then... this is just
in the dream, of course.
And out of nowhere,
there you are,
just strolling by.
Wow. I'm... Well, I mean,
that is so strange.
So, I don't intervene at all?
I... I don't help out?
You're still doing that?
Searching for the insult.
No, you don't do anything,
but it's not like I blame you.
I was just gonna say
that my therapist
suggested that I reach out.
That maybe you and I
need to sort something out,
you know, subconsciously.
Did... did you know
he was here?
No, no, no, I just happened
to see you guys,
which feels like a sign,
you know, synchronicity.
Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Do you think we can grab
a coffee or something?
You know,
just catch up and stuff?
Yeah, we... we can do that.
Sure, why not?
I mean, you know...
Should I take your number?
Oh, uh...
-Okay, yeah.
-CLAIRE: Okay.
Put your number in there.
-Did you like the play?
-I did, yeah. Yeah.
What, you changed
your last name?
Yeah, I took hers.
We thought it was...
I thought it was appropriate.
I wanted to.
CLAIRE: Right.
JANET: Why'd you get all red?
Well, I was just taken aback
by the whole situation.
Wouldn't you react the same
if some old boyfriend
just cornered you like that?
JANET: I don't think I'd turn
into a stuttering fool.
I don't think
I was stuttering.
JANET: She seemed
really happy to see you.
Well, yeah, but not becau...
It's because of these dreams.
Why are you defending her?
PAUL: Are you just
trying to pick a fight
with me right now?
No, I'm just nervous what
this woman will do to you
-when I'm not there.
-Do to me?
What's she gonna do to me?
Jump me?
Why did you ask if
she was married?
PAUL: I was
making conversation.
Okay. Well, maybe
I'm exaggerating a little bit,
but I would be lying if I said
I wasn't worried at all.
That's fair.
But I'm just meeting her
for coffee, that's it.
I love you.
Have you ever fantasized
about other women?
Yeah, of course, I have.
-JANET: But never cheated?
-Oh, my God, Janet.
Do you really think
I'm that cool?
Do you think I could handle
the emotional burden
of having an affair?
-No. No, you're right.
Just try not to let
your neuroticism hijack you.
Oh, come on. Not the gender
psychology bullshit again.
We both know you score high
in neuroticism.
It's best to just own it
and be pragmatic about it.
Yeah. Well, you score high in,
uh, in... "assholeness."
I... I score high in
Yeah. So, just own it.
Be pragmatic about it.
How about this?
I'll keep it very formal
when I meet her.
I won't even smile.
-She might like that.
-She might like that.
-Oh, no.
CLAIRE: Yeah, it's just so...
Well, it's just
so intense, you know?
And I usually don't even
remember my dreams.
Wow. I... I feel like
I want to apologize
for barging into
your head like that.
No, it's okay.
It's just funny, you know?
Anyway, thanks
for meeting me.
Of course.
Um, there's actually, um...
there's something
I want to ask you.
-Oh, yeah?
-CLAIRE: Mm-hmm.
Would it be okay if
I wrote about this?
What do you mean?
In... in what way?
Well, I write for this magazine
called The New Inquiry.
Really? You're publishing?
CLAIRE: It's just online.
It's more like a blog.
Nobody really reads it.
PAUL: What... what sort of
stuff do you write about?
Mostly psychology.
Jungian stuff.
-CLAIRE: Yeah, okay.
I knew you'd scoff at that.
PAUL: Sorry,
I didn't mean to.
What, you want
to write about me?
No, I want to write
about the dreams.
About randomly
seeing you, just that.
It's just... it's just very
on brand from what I do.
I mean, yeah,
if you don't portray me
as this inadequate loser,
like in your dreams.
CLAIRE: You're
seriously insulted.
No, of course not.
I'm joking.
So, you'd be okay with it?
-Yes. Yeah. Go ahead.
Thank you. Yes.
-PAUL: No, it's...
just my wife suspected
you had ulterior motives.
Like what?
Well, that you still
had feelings for me,
that you missed me.
Wait... really?
That's so funny.
Why would she say that?
Oh, I... I mean,
I don't know, I...
Oh, shoot, I have to run.
Um, well, thank you.
-Thanks for
doing this, really.
I guess I'll, uh... I guess
I'll see you in my dreams.
Yeah, of course not.
CLAIRE: Thanks.
MILES: Is it him?
-JESSIE: It's Paul for sure.
-MILES: That's so weird.
We're basically
having the same dream.
JESSIE: I know, it's so
random. It's just, like,
Paul, every night
for some reason.
-PAUL: Hi.
You guys good?
-JESSIE: Yeah. You?
JESSIE: So amazing.
Have you been
dreaming about me?
Have I been
dreaming about you?
Ever in my life, you mean?
No, recently.
I don't know. I don't keep
track of things like that.
You're kind of
freaking me out.
What's going on?
Can we please put
our phones away
and have
a real conversation?
So, how was school today,
-It's fine,
I'll call them back later.
Tell me about your day.
Can you turn
the sound off at least?
Yes, I'll do that next time.
It'll stop soon.
Sophie, didn't you
guys decide which
character you're going to
-be for the...
for the play or...
Let me just hang up.
I have to take this.
That's not allowed.
Richard, hi.
Is this a good time?
You have a minute?
Yeah. What's going on?
So, uh, where do I start?
Oh, wow. It sounds serious.
No, it's funny.
You know sometimes I have
these dinner parties, right?
Yeah. Is this finally
the invite?
No, it's, uh...
I just had one.
Oh, okay, and?
-So, I've told my husband
this ad nauseam,
but it's about
a recurring dream I've had,
or not so much
a specific dream
but a specific person
I keep dreaming about.
He looks perfectly average.
He's a remarkable nobody
that just shows up.
He just occupies the space
like an awkward guest
at a party
that no one really knows.
You mean like Sydney?
NAOMI: No, I mean...
I have also... I've...
I've also had that experience.
I already
told Richard about it.
-I did, I told you...
-Yes, and I'm kind of upset,
to tell you the truth.
She's dreaming
about another man.
Yeah, very
similar to yours, Naomi.
Except in my case,
it's this... this guy
that we sort of know.
This old friend
of Richard's, Paul.
Well, we went to
the same university.
He's actually
not that memorable.
-He's kind of boring.
I... I don't get
why you're so into him.
I'm not into him.
So, what does he look like?
Well, he does actually
kind of look like Sydney.
Do you have a picture?
Oh, my God.
-Paul. Paul!
(ON PHONE) Hello.
Oh, my God.
Are you there?
-JANET: Hey, what...
what happened?
PAUL: Janet!
There... there... there's,
like, 100 messages on here.
Probably Claire's article.
She must have linked it
to my profile or something.
Somebody wants
to interview me.
Why are you so excited?
-Why? What's wrong?
-This is strange, Paul.
Maybe you should
take a minute and think
before you do
anything drastic.
Why me?
Uh, I don't know,
I'm special, I guess.
REPORTER: An area man
has found himself
at the center of
a strange dream epidemic,
which scientists are
struggling to make sense of.
actually don't know
what's causing this,
but it's sort of like a dream
version of the Mandela effect,
which is when multiple
people report having the same
false memory without
any logical explanation.
Now, then
there's something called
-astral projections, right?
-No, Mom, I don't know.
This is a spiritual
type of dream visitation.
this is dubious, of course,
-but it has been reported.
-I didn't do anything.
It... it's a very interesting
time in my field...
This is gonna be so weird
to explain at school.
REPORTER: Our online poll
shows thousands of reports
of the phenomenon.
What are you getting
so upset for, Mom? I'm fine.
I'm missing
the whole segment now.
PAUL: (ON TV) But I'm always
inclined to think, rationally,
that anything supernatural
has to be socially
But this one is, uh,
mysterious, even for me.
Okay. Okay.
Please calm down.
Calm down.
Thank you.
Who's really here for
the lecture on kin selection?
Show of hands.
Okay, the rest of you,
I'll give you five minutes
before I start
the lecture, okay?
Ask me anything.
Yes, you?
How does it feel to go viral?
PAUL: Huh.
Well, we can discuss that
when we get to memetics
later this year.
-Yes, you?
-Why is this happening?
I have no clue.
My guess would
be as good as yours.
Are you gonna do, like,
Stephen Colbert or anything?
-(CHUCKLES) Oh, not a chance.
I actually enjoy my anonymity,
if you can believe that.
Okay. You!
I think maybe I had
a dream about you
but it's, like,
super blurry and, like,
I wanna, like,
be better at remembering them.
-And, uh, how do I do that?
-I'm not really an expert here.
Keeping a dream journal
is a common exercise,
but isn't seeing
me in class enough?
Who's certain they've
actually had a dream about me?
Let's explore this.
This might get us
somewhere interesting.
Does anyone want to share
the content of their dream?
-Yes, you?
-Well, um. (CLEARS THROAT)
I'm in this forest,
wandering around,
eating these strange mushrooms,
and I'm in, like,
a full tuxedo for some reason.
And there's other
people also dressed up,
but they're all scared,
like, frozen in fear.
And then I realize
it's because of this
really tall man
running towards me.
Are you talking to me?
Yes, Paul, he'll kill us.
I've never seen these.
ANDY: No! No!
-And that's all I remember.
Ah. Interesting.
So, I'm looking
at the mushrooms
-instead of helping?
-Oh, I suppose, yeah.
Okay, let's hear
another one. Anyone?
Okay, so,
I'm just observing again.
But that's funny.
Interesting one.
Anyone else?
-It ends like that?
That's, uh,
that's all I can remember.
Does anyone have
a more original one?
Maybe one where
I'm actually doing something.
No one?
Okay, well,
let's just hear them anyway.
-Who's next?
Oh, my God, delete that.
No, it's fine.
I'm just sending it to Kyle.
-Who's Kyle?
-Tammy's friend.
He doesn't believe
you're my dad for some reason.
Oh, you guys are flirting?
No, um, he was
just asking about you.
So, I'm finally cool, huh?
Well, I wouldn't go that far.
You hear that, Janet?
She's saying
I'm a cool dad now.
I didn't...
I didn't say that.
Can you drive
me to school today?
-You want me to?
-SOPHIE: Mm-hmm.
I guess I can make it.
-Janet, does that work?
-Yeah, take her.
Dude, this is so insane.
Like, how's he
dealing with all this?
We're not even the type
of people that like attention,
-you know?
So, the whole
thing is so bizarre.
So bizarre.
So bizarre.
My sister is actually, like,
starstruck that I know you,
you know?
She sent me this
article and she's like,
"Check this guy out, Paul."
And I was like,
"Uh, that's Paul Matthews.
"I know his wife."
-That's so funny.
-Yeah. Also, I was listening
to this podcast that I like.
They were talking about Paul.
-JANET: Oh, yeah?
They were relating Paul to,
like, this old internet meme.
And then they were
talking about how, like,
all memes will become dreams
-or something like that.
-Oh, that's interesting.
MAN: It is interesting.
How is the museum going,
by the way?
-The what?
-The museum.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, it's good. It's good.
I feel like there's
a few challenges for us
to still wrap up,
but overall it's going good.
Thanks for asking.
-I know it's not my project...
-MAN: Mm-hmm.
...but I'd love to
be involved somehow.
Oh, yeah.
No, thanks. I mean, I...
I feel like we're
in a pretty good position.
Yeah. You know,
just if you want to bounce
ideas or want some feedback.
Yeah. No. Yeah, I think,
uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You just want to bounce ideas
back and maybe just... yeah.
PAUL: I thought
you weren't on that project.
Well, I wasn't,
but now Chris wants me on.
PAUL: Well, that's great.
-I'm happy for you.
-Thank you.
We also got an invite
to one of Richard's famous
dinner parties.
-Really? When?
-On the 5th.
Can you believe it,
after all these years?
I was tempted to say no,
but I think we should go.
-Hey, Paul.
Why do you suppose you're
not showing up in my dreams?
Well, because
you get the real deal.
It wouldn't
be fair if you got both.
-Are you jealous?
-I don't know. I mean,
-rationally, I'm not, but...
-Then maybe I should
give you a little visit.
What would you want me to do?
What would you want
to see in your dream?
Wow. Um...
I want to see you...
Remember when you wore
that Talking Heads suit
for Halloween?
-PAUL: Yeah.
There was just
something about it.
Something kind
of weird and sexy.
You should
wear that and save me
from, like, some situation.
That's your sexual fantasy?
Sky's the limit here
and you sell it for me wearing
a comically large suit.
JANET: I don't know,
I'm not good under pressure.
Just show up naked,
on a horse, with a huge penis.
-Is that better?
-Who has a huge penis?
-Me or the horse?
I'm doing the David Byrne suit.
-It's been decided.
No, let me think about it.
No, no, no.
You immediately
said the suit and that's
-what you're getting.
Do you think
other people are seeing
you naked in their dreams?
Does that turn you on?
Does it turn me on?
Maybe somebody's
dreaming about me right now.
-Maybe a bunch of people,
at the same time.
How many?
Maybe thousands?
Oh, that is
so irresponsible of you.
I can't accept that.
What are you
gonna do about it?
I'm gonna make sure
you stay right here.
I have to kill you, Paul.
I have to!
PAUL: What are you...
what are you doing?
-Who are you?
PAUL: Call the police.
What are you
doing in our house?
-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
-PAUL: Get out!
-SOPHIE: Oh, my God.
PAUL: Hannah,
Sophie, stay back!
SOPHIE: Mom! Mom!
-JANET: Do something!
-PAUL: Hannah...
Hannah, take Sophie
to your room and lock the door.
STRANGER: I'm sorry.
-Put down the knife.
-I can't, I have to kill you.
JANET: Do something, Paul!
I have to. I have to.
He's in our bedroom...
I have to kill you.
He's had manic
episodes in the past.
It seems that he stopped
taking his medications.
So... so,
what's gonna happen to him?
A psych evaluation,
date with the court,
and then
a judge will decide.
So, he might be back out?
DETECTIVE: After possibly
serving a sentence, yes.
You know,
fame can come with some
side effects.
Strangers might
want to talk to you,
some of them might
be mentally unstable.
You should
be prepared for that.
I'm not getting a gun.
Well, I'm not
necessarily talking weapons.
You have no alarm
in the house.
You had
an unlocked entry point.
That makes you vulnerable.
You could consider a dog.
PAUL: Sophie,
our daughter, is allergic.
DETECTIVE: Well, then
you may want to consider
moving to a new house.
Keep your phone number
and address unlisted.
JANET: No, we're not moving,
I grew up in this house.
Security cameras, tasers,
strengthening your deadbolts,
securing your windows,
self-defense classes.
It seems like you were pretty
helpless in this situation.
Maybe we should
cool this thing off.
You know, this is why
I was skeptical
in the first place.
Oh, you knew specifically
that this would happen?
This kind of thing, Paul.
Strange consequences.
I think she's right.
Take it as a warning.
I really feel like
you're playing with fire here.
What do you mean,
what am I doing?
Going on TV,
playing along with the story.
This thing is clearly working
like catnip for lunatics.
What do you mean,
playing along?
BRETT: Do you actually
believe people are
randomly dreaming about you?
You don't think it's
because you're popping up
all over the news
and on the internet?
Yeah, maybe
that accounts for some of it,
but it doesn't
really explain everything.
Okay, so, you think
something magical is happening?
Well, why is it just me?
Why not you,
or anyone else for that matter?
So, you believe in metaphysics
if it proves you're special?
I don't know,
I'm still processing it.
But that guy was just
some delusional man
with his own wild ideas.
I don't think that's
going to be a recurring event.
But why risk it?
Well, if people know
who I am, it's just easier
for me to get
my foot in the door.
Which door are
we talking about here, Paul?
A publisher,
for the book I want to write.
Oh, okay.
Am I sensing a little
midlife crisis here?
Oh, come on.
You're the one who just
bought a fucking Kawasaki!
Okay. Calm down.
-PAUL: Hi, yes.
MOLLY: Hi, I'm Molly.
They're ready for you upstairs.
-It... it... it's nothing.
No, come on.
It's just really weird
to see you in real life.
Oh, you've been...
Nonstop every night.
It's crazy, man.
Wow. Well,
I hope I'm behaving.
Well, no, you're not.
No, not at all.
Got Paul here.
-TRENT: There you are.
-Here I am.
Paul. Trent, hey.
I have been dreaming
about this meeting.
-Aw, yeah, me, too.
PAUL: Oh, you mean
literally dreaming?
You know, I've
actually had dreams
about this very meeting.
I mean, I just think
they were just normal dreams.
Not part of the whole,
who's this weird guy
in my dreams?
Oh, uh... I'm weird?
No, I mean, you're not weird.
No, the whole thing
is weird, right?
I mean, Molly's dreams
have been nuts...
-TRENT: If you wanna
talk about weird.
But this is my colleague,
Mary Wiggins.
-PAUL: Hi.
-Hi, Paul. (CHUCKLES)
TRENT: Sit down.
-PAUL: Here?
-Wherever you want.
How are you? How's life?
Well, uh, things
have been pretty different
since, you know...
since the dreams started.
How fun is that?
I mean, I wish I was the one
people were dreaming about.
-Me, too.
-PAUL: Yeah.
No, it's... it's something.
Well, we're... we're just
so excited to have you here.
MARY: Oh, yeah,
we're really fired up.
Um, it's probably
really overwhelming,
right, to walk
into a room like this.
It's like,
"Who are these people?
What am I doing here?"
Maybe we should back up
and just talk about what we do.
Yeah, yeah, so, we started
Thoughts earlier this year,
-so we're a pretty
new agency.
TRENT: And we focus
mostly online,
sort of trying
to holistically pair brands
and more, shall we say,
unconventional celebrities,
if that makes sense?
And I think of you,
right now, in this moment,
Paul, as the most interesting
person in the world.
What? (LAUGHS)
TRENT: I mean it, I mean it.
No, we don't
just throw that around.
No, we really
don't throw that around.
I mean, the advantage
that you have, Paul,
is that your impact is...
is not just tied
to any one social arena.
I mean, you're not just famous
for people on TikTok
or for people who read,
say, the New Yorker,
you're in people's minds
when they sleep.
Which means
that anyone who's dreaming,
you know,
could be your audience.
How amazing is that?
Who can say that?
You know,
is that a big enough audience?
So, you know,
we've been brainstorming
a bunch of cool ideas
that we want
to talk about with you.
But before
we get into any of that,
we were just kind of curious
what you're thinking, you know,
where do you wanna go,
what do you want to achieve?
-What are your dreams?
-MARY: What are your dreams?
Well, I've been meaning
to write a book
for a few years now.
Just never found
the time, so...
Okay, so, you're a writer?
That's awesome.
You know, we...
we talked about selling
your life rights to
a movie studio, actually.
Oh, because with
all the buzz around this,
I think we could probably
get a six-figure deal.
And that's just life rights.
-PAUL: Really?
-MARY: Yeah.
-Life rights?
-TRENT: Yeah.
The rights to your life.
here's somewhere cool
that we thought might be
a good place to start.
(SIGHS) Sprite.
-MARY: Yeah.
Yeah. They... they want us
to run their social.
I think somebody over there
must have lost their minds
or something,
but they're down
to go pretty weird with it.
So, we thought
it could be fun
if maybe they, like,
Tweet a new photo of you
every night holding a can,
you know,
with a fun little caption,
just to really manifest
that connection
in people's minds
and to hopefully alter
the phenomenon,
at least temporarily,
to make people
dream about you
and the product together.
MARY: How amazing
would that be, right?
And if we couldn't
figure that out,
we could always just
suggest that it did work
and we could build stories
around that.
I mean, if we fail
altogether, then we...
that's kind of
a fun story, too.
You know, like,
we tried to make people dream
about Sprite
and it didn't work.
-I mean, it's so dumb...
-MARY: I love that.
...that it's kind of cool,
you know, it kind of works.
-Can I just...
Can we go back to the book?
-What book?
-PAUL: My book.
The book I wanna write?
I just want to make it clear
that I actually don't want
this whole phenomenon
to be what I'm known for.
I don't want that
to be the main thing
on my Wikipedia, you know?
So, what are you thinking?
Well, I'm an
evolutionary biologist.
That's what
I've dedicated my life to.
So, whatever we do,
I want it to be related
to my doctorate.
Wow. Wow.
Okay. See, I...
I didn't know
about that at all.
Well, you're famous
for the dreams, right?
I mean, that's... that's
why anyone's interested.
So, it might be
a bit of a stretch
to get you into
a totally different space.
MARY: Yeah.
I'm a tenured professor.
I'm already in the space.
Well, you know, just
to give us a point of contact
as to what
we're talking about,
who are some of the big names
that you like
-in that space?
Well, there's a bunch,
Robert Sapolsky.
His career
has been pretty admirable.
Oh, is he, um...
No, I don't think
I'm familiar with
him, actually.
Herman Tig, maybe?
-Herman Tig.
No, I know that name.
-PAUL: Oh, you do?
Well, these are not
really celebrities, I suppose.
No, that's the point,
I don't care about fame.
I just see this
as an opportunity
to get some recognition
for my work.
You know, one door
opening another door?
No, I get that.
You're talking
about an audience pivot,
which I think is very smart.
I just don't know
if you can pivot that hard
right now without
a significant drop-off.
I mean,
a book about what, plants?
Yeah, well, I'm not
really interested
in doing Sprite ads.
No, no, no. Well, that's
just one example, though, Paul.
I mean, we have
a ton of ideas.
Oh, that is just
the very tip of the iceberg.
We have so many ideas.
Um, one idea we had was
to make Obama
dream about you.
That would get you into some
of those high-culture spaces
you've been mentioning.
I know Malia,
so we can make it happen.
Maybe this isn't
really what I'm looking for.
I don't think
we're really speaking
-the same language here.
-TRENT: No, Paul.
If that's how you're feeling,
then I'm failing, okay?
Can we just can... can...
can I... can we start over?
I just thought you guys
could help me find a publisher.
-I... I... I...
-First off,
I would like to apologize.
I lied earlier.
I never dreamt about you.
I just thought
that would be a fun way
to start the meeting, okay?
But what is absolutely true
is that I have been thinking
about you a lot
and I just really feel
that we're gonna do
very special together.
So let's just say
we go forward
with your plant book.
I never said anything
about plants.
Oh, no. Your... your book
about evolutionary...
-It's about ants.
-TRENT: Ants.
-Oh. Oh.
-TRENT: Okay, great.
Well, let's say
we go forward with that.
We'll help you set that up.
-TRENT: Yes. I just...
I really wanna
work with you, Paul.
I mean, like I said,
most interesting person
in the world.
Okay, but then no ads,
no Sprite.
We're focusing on the book.
Yes, and, you know,
if you're not feeling Sprite,
we'll respect that.
I would just ask in return
that you hear out
our pitches and just keep
an open mind, you know,
especially with things
like Sprite because, you know,
the door is kind
of wide open there...
-MARY: Yeah.
-...right now.
And they're...
they're ready to have
that conversation with you.
And that door closes,
I'll just say.
Yeah, okay.
So, plans for the night?
Oh, no, I've got a really
early flight back, so...
If you want to get a drink,
just let me know.
I can come near you,
if that's easier.
They have you
at the Ace, right?
PAUL: They were so great.
They really know their stuff.
They're gonna set me up
with a publisher
and get the book rolling.
Wow, that's great!
Now you just have to write it.
PAUL: Yeah, of course.
So, what did they say?
They called me
the most interesting person
in the world right now.
- No, nothing.
I'm sure
that's very flattering.
No, they specifically said
they didn't
just throw that around.
I don't think they were
just saying it
to make me feel good,
they're already talking
to big clients
who want to work
with me.
Like who?
Like, I mean... well,
and this is just one example,
but they mentioned Sprite.
Sprite? You're gonna work
with Sprite?
-MAN: (ON PHONE) Janet.
-JANET: I'll be right there.
Who's there?
JANET: Chris.
Our deadline is tomorrow,
so we're just here
finishing up.
Where are the kids?
They're out
trick or treating with Kyle.
Oh, Kyle.
Yeah, well, congrats, Paul,
I'll see you tomorrow, then.
Yeah, okay.
Well, they... they also talked
about Obama, too,
like maybe
he'll dream about me.
JANET: Okay.
PAUL: I... I'm just saying
it wasn't just Sprite.
JANET: You don't
have to impress me, Paul.
-I love you.
- PAUL: I love you, too.
JANET: Okay.
See you tomorrow.
PAUL: Yeah. Bye.
MOLLY: Did you read
that article about people
dreaming backward in Australia?
-It's 'cause of, like,
the gravitational pull
or something.
They mentioned
you in it, so...
How do they dream
in China, then?
Upside down? (LAUGHS)
So, how long
have you been a professor?
Oh, wow. I think, what,
about 20 years, since '96.
I was born in '96.
Check, please!
No, no, I'm kidding.
Like... like... like,
you're too young for me.
-Aren't you married?
-PAUL: No, I wasn't implying...
It's a joke.
Yeah, no, I mean, I get it.
PAUL: Oh, okay.
But yeah,
I... I am married.
-How about you?
I'm not really, like,
seeing anyone or anything.
I'm, like, focusing
on my career right now.
-You know?
-PAUL: Yeah.
You mean with the agency?
You hated it so much,
didn't you?
No, it's just,
it kind of felt like...
Like a cult.
Yeah. Sort of.
I mean, I tried
telling them, like,
"He's a super
smart professor.
"Like, he's gonna
see through the bullshit."
But honestly, though,
like, the Sprite thing is cool.
-You should do it.
-PAUL: Yeah?
-I'm struggling to imagine
anyone seeing my face and
immediately craving a Sprite.
I would.
Can I ask you something?
MOLLY: Yeah, what?
I felt like
you implied something
earlier about your dreams.
It's embarrassing.
What, do I...
do I act weird or something?
I don't know if I should say.
Well, it's just dreams,
I won't judge.
You don't really get
to decide what happens, so...
Um, well, um...
we fuck.
I have the most
intense sex dreams.
Usually, I'm, like,
home and it's late
and I'm alone and I'm,
like, watching TV or something.
And then...
Is someone there?
Who are you?
Who are you?
How did you get in here?
Please don't hurt me.
I'm so wet.
I'm sorry, I've had,
like, one drink
and I'm, like, no filter.
No, no, it's fine.
It's fine.
MOLLY: No, it's so
graphic, I'm sorry.
I'm glad you told me.
what I hear is I'm just
passively hanging around.
It's kind of nice
to hear I'm doing something.
Well, I guess I'm lucky.
Well, I don't know about that.
No, it's so good. Trust me.
Do you want another drink?
I need another drink.
-Martini, right?
Can I... can I get
another cabernet and...
and one martini, please?
And that's
the thing with the zebras.
The camouflage is for blending
in with the herd
because the lion can't just
hunt the whole group.
It has to identify
a single target, right?
MOLLY: Sorry,
but those people
are staring at us.
I mean, at you, obviously.
Jesus, should we not be here,
-maybe, or should we just...
-Why? What's wrong?
PAUL: No, I mean...
I just...
I don't want any rumors
if I'm meeting with Obama.
-What do you mean?
-PAUL: No, I mean,
I... I'm not used to this.
-Should we, um...
I can't get it out
of my head and I'm, like,
here with you and,
like, fuck it, okay.
Can you do me a favor?
MOLLY: Yeah,
so, this is me.
It's nice.
Small and nice.
MOLLY: Yeah, well, I don't
have rich parents, so...
No, it wasn't a jab.
I mean, it's cozy.
You've done a good job.
MOLLY: Sit down.
-So... This is insane.
You have no fucking idea
how crazy this is to me.
-I shouldn't even be here.
-No, don't leave.
I... I think I'm a bit drunk.
Me, too. Just stay.
You just got here,
just stay for a second.
Is that a fixed gear?
No, it's, uh,
like, a regular one.
So, how do we do this?
Oh, um...
I feel like
I want to change first.
-Is that cool?
Okay. Okay, two seconds.
Everything good?
Um, so, where do you want me?
Could you remove your jacket?
Okay, now, would you stand
in that corner over there?
-Over there?
Get all the way
up against the wall.
-Okay, so, did that work for...
-Sorry, shut up.
Just... can you just...
can you just go on
a little more?
Just, you know,
I'm... I'm married.
I know, we can stop
any time you like.
Just please let me just...
a little longer.
This time, please don't speak.
Just do the dream.
Who are you?
Please don't hurt me.
Touch me.
It's just...
in the dreams you, like...
you usually take the lead.
What do you want?
I'm sorry.
It's just nerves.
It's okay.
Don't worry.
-The body sometimes...
-Yeah. It's fine.
Biologically speaking,
it's actually quite...
-It's... it's fine. Relax.
-It's... it's healthy.
Did you just come?
PAUL: Fuck!
(GRUNTING) Yeah, you fuck!
Professor, what's going on?
-Can I come in?
-GRETA: Why?
-I need help with something.
-PAUL: I don't
want to stand here
in the hallway and explain.
Well, can it wait?
I'm in the middle
of something.
Just five minutes.
(EXHALES) I'll come out.
Would be better
if we sat down.
What's... what's going on?
-That was a mistake.
-What do you mean?
What just happened,
that was a mistake.
You shouldn't have done that.
(CHUCKLES) I don't understand.
You're just so
fucking stupid sometimes.
Do you know that?
Have you heard that before?
Okay. Okay.
Please leave.
Where is everyone?
I'm not really sure.
-I'm shocked.
-Yeah, and they got worse.
Some are even
sexual in nature,
so they don't feel
comfortable being in
your class right now.
Jesus, they had
some bad dreams
and now they're not gonna
show up for class?
I mean,
we can't just accept that.
(SCOFFS) I don't know
what to do here.
I mean, obviously,
I have to take the students'
concerns seriously, too.
Well, yes, of course.
But isn't this a bit
of an overreaction?
They're dreams.
It's not real.
I'm not actually
doing anything to them.
As I said before,
this is new territory.
Um, I think I just need
to consult with HR.
Do you, Brett, as my friend,
and not speaking as
the Dean of Osler,
think that
we should pause this semester
because some students
are having bad dreams?
Well, I haven't had one
of these dreams,
so I can't speak to the...
No, no, no,
don't say lived experience.
But it sounds like they've
actually been traumatized.
Trauma is a trend these days.
It is a joke.
Everything is trauma.
Arguing with a friend
is trauma,
getting bad grades is trauma.
They need to grow up.
-Richard, it's been too long.
-Are we the first ones?
Uh, actually,
it's... it'll just be us.
Really? I thought this was
gonna be one of your famous
bring-people-together things.
Uh, we thought it'd be nicer,
just us four.
Okay, yeah. More wine for us.
-Cheers, guys.
So, Carlota, I heard you're
at a new practice now.
-Yeah, I am.
This is so good, by the way.
Oh, my gosh, these Brussels
sprouts are amazing.
Yeah, we got them at, uh...
So, I'm starting to think that
maybe Nick Bostrum was right
about the simulation theory.
That would sure explain
a lot about my situation.
Yeah, remember
Nick, Carlota?
Swedish guy,
philosopher at Oxford.
-He was here?
-Yeah, once or twice.
You should invite us
both next time.
He'd probably love
to speak with me.
Wasn't I even the one
who told you about him?
No, I don't think so.
Carlota, are you still
doing your pottery?
-Oh, don't be so rough.
You're slamming my back.
-Is... is everything good?
She had a... a rough day
at work today.
-PAUL: Ah.
PAUL: Okay.
Oh, no. What's the matter?
Sorry, can't do this.
I can't.
What the hell is going on?
I have no idea.
-Richard, what's wrong?
Uh, guys, uh... I think we're
gonna have to wrap this up.
Carlota isn't feeling well.
Oh, no. Is she ill?
It... (SIGHS) It's you, Paul.
She's had some pretty brutal
nightmares lately.
Oh, wow. I just couldn't...
I'm so sorry,
you could have told us.
I convinced her not to cancel.
-I shouldn't have done that.
Well, shouldn't
the three of us
still finish, though?
-It'd be a waste to just...
-No, you... you have to leave.
-RICHARD: Yeah, really.
Why do you think
no one else is here?
The basic idea
with cognitive
behavioral therapy
is that we'll go through
gradual exposure
to what we feel
is threatening us
to familiarize with it,
instead of fearing it.
What doesn't kill us makes us
stronger, right?
I know a lot of you have had
very upsetting dreams
about your professor.
These dreams suggest
that Paul Matthews
is a harmful person.
So, your mind is trying
to protect you,
make you safe by creating
certain emotional triggers.
Motivating you to avoid him.
I want to diffuse
those triggers
by showing you that Paul
is, in fact, a kind, loving,
harmless human being.
Okay. I'm going to invite
Paul into the room.
He's gonna step
inside that door,
all the way over there
and he's gonna stay at
that safe distance
until everybody
feels comfortable
to invite him closer.
If anyone feels unsafe,
calmly state,
"Candice, I do not feel safe
in this moment."
Does everybody understand that?
ALL: Yes.
All right. Paul!
Okay. That wasn't
so bad, was it?
Let's have him step forward.
Come just a little bit closer.
Paul isn't gonna hurt you.
Can we have him come just
a little bit closer?
Paul, step closer, please.
Leah, wait.
Look what you did...
Hey! Hey!
Who did this?
Tell me now.
Stop being little
fucking brats.
Who the fuck did this?
-Fuck you, Matthews.
-STUDENT: Go home!
STUDENT: Why don't
you just quit, Paul?
-Bye, Paul.
So, what did Brett say?
See it as
a little vacation.
Can you believe it?
I'm a tenured professor
and they're basically
just letting the students
run the school.
So, how long are you
not gonna be working?
I don't even know if I want
to go back at this point.
I should just go all in
with the book.
So, like, what did you do?
Why did everything change?
-I didn't do anything, Hannah.
-You must have done something.
-Well, I didn't, so...
-Have you seen Twitter?
-It's like thousands of people
sharing nightmares
about, like...
-like, torture and rape and...
-Enough, okay?
New rule.
No phones at the table and no
discussion of the dreams, okay?
I'm just saying, like,
I... I understand...
Okay, you already broke
the rule, Hannah.
So, let's just start over.
No mention of this
at the table
ever again, please.
Are you gonna clean
that stuff off the car?
They're kicking me off
the project?
I think that they
just want to be
extra careful moving into
the final stages, just as
a precautionary measure.
Because of Paul?
Yeah. You know,
I'm against cancel culture
and all of that stuff,
I really am.
But I think that just right
now maybe it would be best
if you kept a lower profile,
you know?
Just until the whole, like,
scandal situation blows over.
-Does that make sense?
They call you Freddy Krueger
at school.
Oh? Do you know who that is?
I Googled it.
Yeah, they're just trying
to tease you.
Julian said that you
tied him up
and cut his toes off
and ate them.
Do you think I would cut
someone's toes off?
Dreaming is like
a psychosis, Sophie.
Our brain decides
to start hallucinating
while we sleep.
It's part of
its housekeeping process.
We need that to happen,
for some reason.
But why are you so mean
in the dreams?
It's their dreams.
I have nothing to do with it.
You understand that, right?
I guess.
I think I'm going to stay
home tomorrow.
So, if you need me
to cook or something...
-Who's Molly?
You have texts
from someone
named Molly?
Oh, she's the assistant
at the agency.
She's setting up a call.
You never mentioned her.
Hey, it's Paul.
I... I was just
calling to say hi.
Okay, we can
do it another time.
I just... just wanted
to catch up. Yep.
No worries.
Okay, bye.
Two seconds, Paul.
I'm just trying
to connect Mary to the call.
Yeah, no problem.
-MOLLY: Hi, Paul.
-Who's this?
MOLLY: It's Molly,
I'm just listening in.
Hi, Molly. How are you?
TRENT: Hello?
Is everybody on?
I'm here, Trent.
-TRENT: Hey, Mary, you on?
-MOLLY: Oh! Oh, Trent,
sorry, Mary just texted me
and she had the wrong link.
PAUL: Should we just start?
-TRENT: Um, yeah.
-MARY: Hello?
-TRENT: Hey, there you are.
-MARY: Can you guys hear me?
-TRENT: Yeah. Paul?
Yeah, I can hear you.
What's going on, guys?
MARY: Okay, hi.
What a crazy week, right?
So, obviously, we have
to change strategies here
to adapt
to the current situation.
Is Obama still a thing?
That might be
helpful now, right?
MARY: What?
Obama, you said
you guys were
talking to Obama, right?
MARY: Oh, I'm... Obama is not
an option anymore, Paul.
TRENT: Yeah. No. So, Paul,
we're... we're talking about
a complete 180.
We have to think fresh.
Corporate culture won't
touch this. It's too risky.
MARY: Yeah, but we are
getting positive signals
from a different venue.
The whole,
I don't wanna say alt-right,
but the kind of
anti-establishment space,
you know, kind of
the Jordan Peterson route.
TRENT: Yeah, we can
maybe get you on
Rogan or something.
Share your experience of being
cancelled and just, like,
pivot that combo
to the plant book.
Guys, no. I hate that idea.
MARY: Uh-huh. So, just so
we can understand you better,
what exactly
are you opposed to?
I don't wanna be some
culture war person.
I... I... I don't
want to be
TRENT: Okay. Well, yeah,
this is gonna go
right against what
you're saying right now.
But there is a chance,
we think, to get you
-on Tucker Carlson
this week...
-MARY: Tucker.
So, that's a big audience.
Just think about that.
Don't answer right now.
MARY: And then also,
there's France, Paul.
For some reason,
they love you over there.
Even with the nightmares,
they love it.
TRENT: Yeah. You're building
a fanbase over there.
Isn't there some type
of charity I can do, maybe?
MARY: No, that's sweet.
But no.
It might seem apologetic.
-It's good, thanks.
-I'm so sorry, sir.
I hate to do this,
but there are
some people that
aren't really that
comfortable with
the fact that you're here.
Well, if they're
so uncomfortable,
maybe they should leave.
Um, yeah, but...
I'm just enjoying my meal.
I haven't said
or done anything.
Right. I mean,
I guess I could tell them
-you're about to leave, or...
-Why should I leave?
I haven't broken any
of your rules, have I?
-I mean, no.
-PAUL: Well, great.
-Then that's that.
Uh, yeah, I guess.
MAN: Hey, hi.
Would you do us a favor
and just wrap that up?
Nobody wants
you here, man.
Well, I'm staying.
-MAN: Are you sure
about that?
-Yeah, I'm going to enjoy
my food and leave
when I'm done, okay?
When I know
It will happen soon
Early blue come
To my room next morning
And I'll try to go to sleep
But it won't work
I'll have to see
My friends
Where they go
What they know
And I run away
JANET: Listen,
maybe you need to be
more proactive about this.
PAUL: What do you mean?
Make a public statement
or something?
-Maybe you should apologize.
-PAUL: I should apologize?
Take a look at my face
for Christ's sake.
Well, just to get people off
your back... off our backs.
No, that's ridiculous.
I'm not gonna do that.
You're not alone in this.
I almost lost my job.
Which is completely
uncalled for.
Sophie is being picked on
at school.
Hannah is depressed.
We get weird phone calls
in the middle of the night.
Someone... someone
broke into our house.
So, we're just gonna let
the terrorists win?
PAUL: Who's to say
anything will be
different if I do apologize?
JANET: Oh, so, basically,
you're just choosing for us
to be more miserable.
Would you...
would you fucking stop?
It seems like
there's consensus
amongst the parents,
and if it's not
too much to ask,
we'd like you
to sit this one out.
But it is,
it is too much to ask.
It's ridiculous.
This is a huge moment for her.
Of course,
I'm going to be there.
-Paul, please.
They're imposing an exile.
Am I supposed
to just accept that?
Don't be so dramatic.
We'll get someone
to record it, okay?
You'll... Um,
you'll get to see it.
Just not in the room
on the night.
You're aware that
I have a Ph.D., right?
-And you, B.A.?
-What I'm saying is,
I don't need
your opinions on pedagogy.
Okay, I understand
that you want to be there.
But at... at this point,
the majority of
the parents don't.
They're worried
their kids will feel
unsafe, and obviously,
that's not, you know,
completely unwarranted.
Why don't we make it easier
on everyone and you just...
Why don't
you take my side, Janet?
Sophie shouldn't have
to be punished
just because you want
to make a point.
Don't make us all die
on your hill.
-Hi. Sorry to bother you.
Do you own that car
that says, "Loser"?
Where do I begin?
Let me start with this.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I didn't
address this earlier.
I'm sorry to anyone who's
had one of those terrible,
terrible nightmares.
The reason why
I'm so emotionally distressed
right now is because
I had one myself.
I've experienced what
so many of you must
have experienced...
being violently attacked
and abused by a man
who looks like me.
I have to stress,
that man is not me.
And I speak now from
actual lived experience.
I'm one of you.
I've been vilified in my life,
haunted in my dreams.
My mere presence
upsets people
and not because
I've actually done anything.
But because people imagine
I've done things.
Is it really fair that
I should be punished for that?
Am I not the biggest victim
in this whole phenomenon?
Just look at how
it's affecting my life!
But because people imagine
I've done things.
I'm actually gonna
have to kill myself.
PAUL: Is it really fair that
I should be
punished for that?
-What is he doing?
-PAUL: Am I not the biggest
victim in this
whole phenomenon?
JANET: It was completely
insincere and self-serving.
Which part?
JANET: All of it.
It's embarrassing, Paul.
It's embarrassing to be
married to you right now.
Thanks for letting me stay.
Uh, just a heads up.
My wife's not
too hot on the idea,
so I think it's gonna be in
the basement, if that's okay.
What's the smell?
I think that's
the propane tank.
I'll crack open a window.
I... I can't just sleep
on the couch upstairs?
I'm sorry, man.
If you need anything,
just text me, I'll come down.
Excuse me. Sir.
I'm seeing my daughter.
She's on stage.
You're Mr. Matthews, right?
-You're not Paul Matthews?
Call security.
You can't be here, Paul.
PAUL: Let me just watch,
I'll leave before it's over.
-I thought we had an agreement.
-PAUL: Come on.
I just want to watch
for a few minutes.
-Respect our boundaries.
-PAUL: This is ridiculous.
-Let me in.
He attacked me.
He... Paul Matthews
attacked me!
It was an accident.
She wouldn't let me in.
I just want to see my daughter.
She wouldn't let me in.
It was an accident.
I just want to see my daughter.
-Hey, stop.
-No, it was an accident.
It was an accident.
Sophie, it was an accident.
-Hold it!
So... Sophie,
it was an accident.
Get off me!
Get off of me!
An average man,
a cultural sensation,
a dream turned
into a nightmare.
For a period,
going to sleep
meant risking abuse
from this man.
Though we still
don't understand how
this phenomenon started
or why it suddenly stopped,
we can rest assured that
after violently attacking
a middle school teacher
last fall,
Paul Matthews disappeared
from the public eye
and our collective dreams,
all together.
But through the case of Paul
came one silver lining,
a revolution
in dream science.
So now forget the nightmares
and experience a positive way
of dream travel with Norio.
-Welcome to the Dream House!
This is the Dream House
on top of
the Hollywood Hills,
where the next big thing
is happening,
ads in your dreams.
or, like, "mindvertisers."
I don't think there's
like an official title yet.
Well, I think
social media is over.
Like if you can
promote a song
or a product actually
in someone's head
then that's, like,
way more powerful.
REPORTER: If one man could
enter other people's dreams,
couldn't any of us?
One scientist set out
to find a way.
BRIAN: We had to rethink
the whole field.
Consciousness is
more complex
than we thought.
Dualism was right.
Jung was right.
There is a collective
Paul Matthews proved that,
even if accidentally.
The Norio would definitely
not exist without him.
REPORTER: Brian Berg
is the inventor of the Norio,
a device that makes
it possible to dream travel.
It's like meditation
or hypnagogia.
Using neurotechnology,
the Norio allows you to visit
anyone in their dreams.
(CHUCKLING) It may look like
he's just resting.
But right now,
Brian's inside the dream
of a random 19-year-old boy
in South Korea.
It's refreshing.
I feel like
if people are judging it,
then they don't really
understand it.
It's not weird.
It's just like,
we're gonna be in your dream
for a brief moment.
We're gonna showcase
some merch or play
a hot new track
and say a few things
and then we're out.
That's it.
REPORTER: Paul Matthews
left many skeptical
about dream travel.
But the Norio has
a no-nightmare guarantee.
Without enthusiastic consent
the dream will
simply be terminated.
I mean, people always
use Paul Matthews as
the cautionary tale.
Okay, this industry
might not exist without him.
But also, he put such
a negative stamp on it.
It's kind of insane
that he harnessed
all of this power,
-just so he could
terrorize people.
-WOMAN: Mmm-hmm.
-Ah. Nice.
Okay, girls,
wanna look at the bedrooms
and see which ones you like?
I don't like it.
Go look at the bedrooms,
So, my friend actually
used to have those dreams.
Or so she claimed, at least.
Oh. Ha, yeah.
So, what happened?
Like, they just stopped or...
I just feel like I haven't
heard of them in a while.
Yeah. I don't know.
People stopped
having them, I guess.
If I hear anything now,
it's mostly abroad.
What's the smell?
Oh, I was told that the old
owners were big animal lovers.
I'm sure
it'll air out in time.
Um, hey, before you leave,
have you seen that guy Chris
around the house lately?
Um, yeah. Yeah.
Maybe, like,
a week ago, I think.
-Is he here often?
-I mean, not really.
Does he stay over?
I don't think so.
Hannah, does he stay over?
I don't know.
-Bye, Dad.
-I love you.
-Love you!
I'll bring you back
something cool from France.
How was the place?
Yeah, you know, it was nice.
-Good location.
I don't think Sophie
really liked it.
She kept asking,
"Why don't you just
move back in with us?"
Yeah. (SIGHS)
And cost-wise, good?
You know,
between the settlement
from Osler and the book deal,
I should be fine.
-More than fine, actually.
-Okay, great.
Have you been seeing me in
your dreams lately, by the way?
No. Why do you
keep asking?
I'm just curious.
-Shit, I'm late.
-Where are you going?
Well, I've got a Zoom call
with the publisher.
They're trying
to expand the tour.
I might be a whole month
now in Paris.
-It's crazy.
-That's exciting.
I guess I won't see you
before you leave, then?
I leave in four days.
I can swing by.
No, it's fine.
I'll see you when you're back.
Yeah. Okay.
Bye, Paul.
-Hey, Paul.
I love those on you.
Hey, come on, try them out.
Dance with me.
Get out.
-Get out!
-No, no, try to dance.
Please don't hit Dylan.
'Cause your punches will
pack more heat with these
ultra-yummy keto supplements
from Alpha Monster Gains.
Oh, fuck, let me just
take that again. I'm sorry.
Your punches will pack
more heat with these
ultra-yummy keto supplements
from Ultra Yummy...
-Oh, fuck.
-Wait a minute.
Where's the...
So, first up is a magazine
called Rue Morgue.
They write about
myths, cults, horror
movies, stuff like that.
Did you bring a copy
of the book?
No, no. It's going straight
to the stores
and we'll see it there.
Can you put it on for me?
Uh, I'd rather not.
No, it's just, I don't want to.
You don't want to?
The glove is cool and
I think you should wear it.
PAUL: Can I say no?
Come on. It makes sense.
You are nightmare guy,
it's totally cool.
Clear your mind.
And this is the most
important step.
Set an intention
for your visitation.
No, it's still
at the store.
I think they just changed
the room or something.
Maybe they needed
a bigger space.
To successfully enter
someone's dream is gonna
require a lot of practice.
Getting the Norio
is just the first step.
MAN: Ah, bonjour, Paul.
Wow, big turnout.
Oh, uh, no,
that is for the other event.
I... I... I'm so sorry.
There was a conflict.
Um, they had to move
you downstairs,
but come, come, this way.
This is it.
-Is that the book?
I haven't actually seen
a physical copy of it yet.
Wow. It's so thin.
Must have gotten shorter
in translation.
They changed the title, too?
I Am Your Nightmare.
-That... that is not the title?
It was supposed to be
Dream Scenario.
But this is...
this is fine, I guess.
Yeah, it's... it's fine.
It probably works better
for the demographic.
Who do I make it out to?
Shit. Fuck.
Are you all right? Jean!
Fuck, where'd
he go? Jean!
Hey guys, it's Liam.
Today, I'll be teaching you
how to enter someone else's
dream using the Norio.
Think of it as a meditation.
Close your eyes,
relax your body,
and hyper-focus
on the person whose dream
you're trying to enter.
Try to pick someone
who welcomes your presence,
or else this whole thing
will be pretty much
So, once you have
your dreamer locked in,
the Norio will do the rest...
I wish this was real.
Here where you
are standing
The dinosaurs did a dance
The Indians told a story
Now it has come to pass
The Indians had a legend
The Spaniards lived
For gold
The white man came
And killed them
But they haven't
Really gone
We live in the city
Of dreams
We drive on
The highway of fire
Should we awake
And find it gone
Remember this
Our favorite town
From Germany and Europe
And Southern U.S.A.
They made this
Little town here
That we live in to this day
The children of the white man
Saw Indians on TV
And heard about the legend
How their city was a dream
We live in the city of dreams
We drive
On the highway of fire
Should we awake
And find it gone
Remember this
Our favorite town
The Civil War is over
And World War One and Two
If we can live together
The dream it might come true
Underneath the concrete
The dream is still alive
A hundred million lifetimes
A world that never dies
We live in the city of dreams
We drive
On the highway of fire
Should we awake
And find it gone
Remember this
Our favorite town
We live in the city of dreams
We drive
On the highway of fire
Should we awake
And find it gone
Remember this
Our favorite town