Echo 8 (2024) Movie Script
(suspenseful music)
(engine rumbling)
(brakes screeching)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(silencer clicking)
Don't fail the mission.
(suspenseful music continues)
[Echo 8] Don't dwell in the past.
Don't dream of the future.
The present is now.
And what a glorious gift it is.
(gun firing)
(suspenseful music continues)
(electricity crackling) (Echo 8 screaming)
(suspenseful electronic music)
(suspenseful electronic music continues)
(suspenseful electronic music)
(ominous music)
(utensils clanking)
What did you say?
They should pay you overtime
for the extra hours you worked.
They do.
That's good to hear.
(radio static hissing)
[Reporter] In other news,
the number of missing persons is rising,
(radio static hissing)
16 including Cabramatta and Fairfield,
known hotspots of minor criminal activity.
The Australian Federal
Police have become desperate
and are enlisting the help of the ASIO
to help solve the 216-
(radio static hissing)
I just don't want people
to take advantage of you.
Mrs. Ba's son is getting married.
You remember Mrs. Ba, don't you?
The woman that lives down the street.
She used to babysit Anna
when she was a baby.
You'll never believe what she told me.
She said the man in the house
opposite hers is in something deep.
Apparently, he borrowed money
off loan sharks or something.
(phone ringing) (tense music)
Maybe you should pick it up.
(phone ringing continues)
(wind whooshing)
(birds chirping)
When's dad coming home?
I don't know.
Maybe soon.
You said that an hour ago.
I did?
You know how hard your father works.
We have to support him.
(dramatic music continues)
I was saving this for your birthday.
But since you've got
such a long face today,
maybe you could take a little peek.
I love it.
(metal clanging)
(dramatic music continues)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(Echo 8 grunting)
(ominous music)
(voices whispering)
(Echo 8 grunting) (suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
How long have you been standing there?
Six minutes and 30 seconds.
That's not creepy at all.
How were they?
First day of training is always daunting.
You know how it is.
A bunch of crybabies and
a couple of troublemakers.
Do you remember your first day?
I try not to think about it.
Oh, wait.
That's right.
You were definitely a crybaby.
Troublemaker all the way.
I am bad to the bone, baby.
Is that your go-to pick-up line?
Because you might want to work on it.
- Works every time.
- Really?
No one's said no yet.
Your cockiness will get you killed one day.
Do you?
Remember when you first got here?
Honestly, it's one giant blur.
Then what do you remember?
I remember training,
learning how to fight, using a gun.
All that jazz.
I remember...
Kicking your ass.
Really? 'Cause I remember
it was the other way around.
Do you?
Get a move on, you two.
Death waits for no one.
Good luck.
We don't need luck.
Do you think those kids
know what they're getting into?
Not a clue.
(gentle orchestral music)
(gentle orchestral music continues)
[Agent 5] It's over, Chau.
I know everything.
The present is now.
(gun firing)
(pager ringing)
(upbeat electronic music)
Get off me.
(person scoffing)
(comb clicking)
Ah, Mr. Guang.
I've got to admit I'm impressed.
You're either very brave
for coming here alone,
or incredibly stupid.
We don't want a repeat
of last time, do we?
As you can see,
I've got the upper hand,
so there won't be any last time.
For me, anyway.
Do you have it?
The money first.
(latches clicking)
You can count it if you want.
I will.
Where's the drive?
(tense music)
Just so we're clear,
you do know you're getting
the short end of the stick,
don't you?
(suspenseful music)
You shouldn't have!
I couldn't resist.
Neither could I.
(gun trigger cocking)
You didn't think I would come here alone,
did you?
(gun firing) (Guang screaming)
(suspenseful music) (both grunting)
Oh, shit. (grunting)
(gun firing)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(knife stabbing)
(all grunting) (weapons clanging)
I got it.
(yelling) Stop it!
(knife stabbing) (person grunting)
(both grunting)
(gun firing)
(knife stabbing) (both grunting)
(knife slicing)
(body thudding)
(both grunting)
(person grunting)
(Guang grunting)
(both grunting)
I will invoice you.
Bye, bye.
(all grunting)
(metal clanging)
(boxes crashing)
(both grunting)
(bones crunching)
Brother? Brother?
(person yelling)
(hammer smashing)
(both grunting)
(body thudding)
(hammer smashing)
(suspenseful electronic music)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(boxes crashing)
(car doors closing)
I know, right?
That was brutal.
I don't think I've ever
had a beating that badly.
(cat meowing)
Where'd you get that?
- Found him.
- Just then?
On the side of the road.
Say hello to Mr. Bingley.
Yeah, I'm not a cat person.
I know.
(phone buzzing)
- New mission.
- Who's the target?
Some mobster's wife.
It's always some mobster's wife.
I was thinking
when you're ramming your knife into someone
or pulling the trigger,
do you ever think when it's
going to be the last time?
I don't think there
is a last time for us.
Our life, it,
it's like living in a dark tunnel.
There's a light at the end, right?
But no matter how hard
you try to run for it,
you're never going to reach it.
You can always stop.
Do you want to?
Do you?
Even if I wanted to,
what choice do we have?
We always have a choice.
(cat meowing)
Looks like someone else
is looking for Mr. Bingley.
I think your mama wants you.
(door clicking)
Hey, come on.
(cat meowing)
There you go.
(car door closing)
Hey. Got kebabs here.
You hungry?
You paying?
(cover sliding)
Agent 5 is.
You know he counts them.
No, he doesn't.
He does.
(coins clanking)
What do you want?
(Echo 8 scoffing)
(gentle piano music)
(drawer sliding)
(card reader beeping)
(door slamming)
(tense music)
(lights clicking)
(keys clacking)
(monitor whirring)
Agent 5,
it's been a while since
we've had a proper chat.
What can I say?
It's been busy with killings.
You've never complained
about too many killings before.
There's a first for
everything, isn't there?
I assume you got my message.
Every channel's got it covered.
Media replays have been happening all day.
I got a message, alright.
You know what you have to do.
I want all your operatives on the target.
My operatives aren't doing the job
just because another sector fucked up.
Don't forget who you work for.
Besides, we can't afford any more mishaps.
The election is close.
You're the best agent in my division,
so I know you will get it done.
No need for flattery.
Duly noted.
Give the order.
Beat you easily.
Just you, me, anytime.
(door clicking)
Sorry we didn't get you anything.
Whose wife is it?
San Remo's?
Actually, I need more time
for this mission briefing.
But you just texted-
- No "buts" about it.
You're both dismissed.
(sighing) I knew it. Did you
see the way he stared down my-
- Shh.
Didn't you see his face?
Yeah, he really wanted my kebab.
No one wants your kebab, Delta.
Seems like he's got
something on his mind.
He's been acting weird lately.
More so than usual?
I'm serious.
Look, it's probably all
those international matters
he's attending to.
International matters?
Yeah, didn't you hear?
He's an international cyborg assassin.
Yeah, I did hear about that.
Wait a minute.
If he's an international cyborg,
then why does he want your kebab?
It's in his programming.
Where you going?
To the showers.
Wanna join?
When hell freezes over,
I'll think about it.
Suit yourself.
(gentle music)
(Echo 8 sighing)
(hand knocking on door)
You done?
What's wrong?
Hey, I get it.
I'm on it.
Don't worry. I'm on it.
(electronic dance music)
(grunting) So,
what's your name?
You shouldn't touch
anyone without asking.
Oh, babe.
It's girls like you that want it the most.
You know, if you just go a little higher,
you'll hit the femoral artery.
What are you?
A doctor?
No. Just somebody who knows
the major arteries in a body.
And more.
Why'd you wanna know that?
For a quick kill.
(bones cracking) (clubgoer grunting)
Or a slow one.
One swipe of this and
you'll bleed out in minutes.
(grunting) She's nuts.
(upbeat electronic music continues)
Are you here with anybody?
Um, uh, no, no.
No, not really.
Do you work out?
I, uh, I, um, well, I mean, I...
(upbeat electronic music continues)
Hey, baby.
Where have you been?
Did you get the drinks?
Hey, wait. Ladies, wait. (sighing)
You know, you seemed a little jealous.
- You're not even supposed to be here.
- Neither are you.
I'm just here to bring you back to base.
Did Agent 5 send you?
You know, I don't do
everything Agent 5 tells me to.
(sighing) You're right.
We don't belong here.
(upbeat electronic music continues)
(both laughing)
Hey, if you want,
we can grab a couple of beers,
have our own little party back at base.
With what?
Pistol lights as lava lamps
and guns as party poppers?
Agent 5 would freak.
You know, I don't even
know why I came here tonight,
or all the other nights.
It's just,
I feel like-
- What?
I just need to lose
myself every now and then.
You know, you still can.
Lose yourself into me.
Okay. My creep radar just overloaded.
Whatever. Shut up.
No, seriously.
You broke my creep radar.
(both laughing)
[Clubgoer] Hey, bitch!
What can I say? I'm a social butterfly.
Hey, look.
Whatever my friend did, she's sorry.
No, I'm not.
Three to one. I like the odds.
Who's she looking at?
You. I'm looking at you.
Wait a minute.
Which one of you came onto me?
All these thugs, they
all look the same to me.
That was me.
Then I'm looking at you.
But seriously,
why don't you dye your hair or something?
A little bit of individuality won't hurt.
This isn't our mission.
Don't worry. I won't spill any blood.
Just go wait in the car.
I got this.
(suspenseful music)
You got this, huh?
(suspenseful music) (all grunting)
(both grunting)
(Delta 1 grunting)
(Delta 1 grunting)
(both grunting)
You know, this is the last time
I'm ever gonna follow you to the clubs.
Good. Maybe next time
I'll get some real action.
What's the problem?
The mission could be too close to home.
You think it never is?
There are countless
expendables who had a mission
a little too close to home.
And let me tell you,
those that go through with
it always come out stronger.
If you want it done, I'll do it myself.
That's not how it works.
Don't tell me you're losing
faith in your operatives.
Faith has nothing to do with it.
Then get it done.
You really are my best agent.
But I don't want to consider you obsolete.
I really don't.
I fear you're losing your way.
You stray from the path of the Zodiac.
My path is clear as day.
I have word she's staying
at a friend's place.
I'll let you know when to run.
Find glory in all things.
And all things in glory.
[All] Osman, Osman, Osman, Osman!
If you want justice,
vote for Osman!
If you want justice, vote for Osman!
(door clicking)
If you want justice, vote for Osman!
If you want justice, vote for Osman!
Vote for Osman!
If you want justice.
Please vote for Mr. Osman!
Vote for Mr. Osman!
(crowd cheering)
Mr. Osman promises to
reopen the investigation
of the 216 code case.
A lot of candidates make false promises
in order to gain the support of the public.
What makes you think this
will be any different?
Because Mr. Osman
called me into his office
and he promised to do
all he can in his power
to support T.R.A.N.G.
And what is T-R-A-N-G,
for those at home unfamiliar
with your organization?
We are just a group of local people,
common people who have
have lost our loved one
in the 216 code case.
My daughter-
(gun firing) (crowd shouting)
Hanh, the founder of T.R.A.N.G.,
the guerilla vigilante group
seeking justice for missing persons
was the target
of an assassination attempt two nights ago.
One of ours?
But you know
I never let any of my
operatives perform so poorly.
But the other agents are, however, sloppy.
She's not dead?
Unfortunately, bullet vests
are easily attainable these days.
Bullet vests?
She's been targeted in the past.
Guess that type of thing
really shake a person's core,
makes them wary of their surroundings.
Wait. Why would they target
some poor protest movement lady
in the first place?
They usually go for the
more political kind.
Or some mobster's wife.
That too.
(Delta 1 sneezing)
Osman is a candidate
of an upcoming election.
He openly supports T.R.A.N.G.
It could have been a move against him.
A warning.
But why would they target
her in such a public place
for the whole nation to see?
That's not how we operate.
It's usually private, quick and quiet.
Yeah. But it's not
always clean now, is it?
Doesn't make sense.
If you've been in this
business as long as I have,
you start to understand
that nothing makes sense.
[Delta 1] Trang.
Truth & Rights Amongst Neighbors Guild.
Sounds cheesy.
That's Vietnamese, isn't it?
I wouldn't know.
I'm Japanese.
Good work today.
And get the fuck out.
I'll let you know when we're leaving.
(door clicking)
(somber music)
How about an old Vietnamese folklore?
Once up a time, there was a mother
who loved her little girl very much.
Although the girl was
sometimes a little bit naughty,
her mother would do anything for her.
Sound familiar?
One day, the little girl wanted
to go and play with her friends.
Jessica and Carrie.
Remember when I asked you
to go to the sleepover,
but you said no?
I didn't say no. I said...
[Both] Not until you
are a little bit older.
(mother laughing)
When is that?
A little bit older.
When you're bigger than me.
That'll take a very long time.
It's faster than you think.
Even if you grow older, you
will always be my daughter.
Now, where was I up to?
The little girl went out
to play with her friends.
That's right.
The little girl went out to play.
Her mother told her to come
back home before sundown.
The mother waited and waited,
but her daughter never returned.
Where did the little girl go?
The little girl had so much
fun that she forgot to go home.
Her mother went out looking for her.
She searched high and low,
but couldn't find her anywhere.
The mother went back home.
She cried.
She cried many tears.
She thought she would
never see her little girl again.
Why are you sad?
I'm not sad.
I'm very happy.
I love you, mom.
I love you more.
How much?
To the moon and back.
(somber music continues)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
I can't stand this anymore.
Move out of the way.
Let go of me.
We can talk about this.
Do you still love me?
What about our family?
What about Anna?
What am I supposed to tell her?
(somber music continues)
I never thought you would change like this.
She just wants to find a sugar daddy.
You think just because she
slept with you that she loves you?
Let me tell you about what
a wife has to sacrifice.
I've sacrificed so much for this family.
What more do you want from me?
(somber music continues)
I want a divorce.
Please don't leave me.
Honey, I'm sorry. I will try harder.
Move out of the way!
- Honey. Honey.
- Move!
(somber music continues)
(somber music)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will try harder.
(door slamming)
[Anna] Mommy.
(somber music continues)
(mother sobbing)
(tense music)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(Echo 8 grunting)
(Echo 8 screaming)
(punches thudding) (Echo 8 grunting)
(dramatic orchestral music)
(sword clanging)
(ominous music)
(sword clanking)
You should be in bed.
Couldn't sleep.
I never sleep.
You know, in all the
years I've known you,
I've never seen you like this.
Like what?
Do I seem tense to you?
A little.
I mean, you almost slit my throat.
I guess I did.
The mission.
What about it?
Who's the client?
No one worth mentioning.
But you always tell us who the client is.
Helps us with the business, you say.
Not this time.
It may come as a surprise to you, Echo 8,
but you don't have a right
to every secret in this building.
So, it's more of a secret mission, is it?
Go to sleep.
What's so important about Osman?
It's obvious someone's targeting him.
Maybe the client?
(sighing) You know,
the world is much bigger than you think.
Don't learn that the hard way.
Is that what happened to you?
I have some errands to attend to.
Don't forget the lights.
(Delta 1 moaning)
[Echo 8] You okay?
I'm fine.
(lights clicking)
(Echo 8 sighing)
You should tell Agent
5 about those nightmares.
What nightmares?
I can hear them.
It's been happening every night lately.
I said I'm fine, okay?
Don't be going talking shit about me.
I see them.
I see them in my dreams.
My family.
You don't have family.
None of us do.
That's why we're here.
Then why do I see them as
clearly as I see you right now?
You're imagining things.
Am I?
Sometimes I don't know
what to believe anymore.
Believe in Zodiac.
Believe in Agent 5.
Believe in me.
Close the door.
Just close it.
Look what I found.
Where'd you get that?
Where do you think?
Agent 5's office?
You snuck into his office?
I told you I was on it.
I never asked you to.
I won't show you what else I found.
(Echo 8 sighing)
Agent 5's kids?
Turn it around.
D and C.
I think that's Agent 5 as a kid.
Who's the girl?
Who knows?
What's that?
It's the access to Agent 5's black room.
You have to put it back.
If Agent 5 finds out, he's gonna freak out.
(Delta 1 sighing)
Agent 5's out running some errands.
What are you thinking?
(dramatic music)
(engine rumbling)
(brakes screeching)
Hang on.
I really don't think this is a good idea.
You're the one that broke
into his office, remember?
If anything, this is all your fault.
Don't make me say pretty please.
(keypad beeping)
Give me the photo.
Uh uh. You have to keep a lookout.
What about the-
- I'll put it back when I'm done.
Last drawer. Black box.
(suspenseful music)
(engine rumbling)
Give her a nice welcome
home party, will you?
Osman is the last key in our plan
to take control of the House of Parliament.
We need him in office.
In the last two decades, a vigilante group
has garnered a significant following.
Osman has done his part,
publicly declaring his
support for the group.
Time to get rid of them.
Our next move is to kill
the founder of this group.
Her murder will be seen as
the threat against Osman
and all that he stands for.
It will be a stain of injustice
that enrages this city.
The voters in the upcoming election
will be heavily swayed in Osman's favor.
That is what we want.
That is what we need.
This mission is crucial to our ascension.
(dramatic music)
(door clicking)
(door clicking)
Agent 5.
This is the second time I
caught an operative out of bed.
What are you doing here?
Yeah, you know, I was
thinking we could have like
a one-on-one training session.
There's these new moves
that I've been working on
and I really want to show you.
You can show me the morning.
Well, I mean it's not
gonna take too long,
so I'll just show you right now.
One, two, three, four.
Wait, wait.
I've got more moves.
(suspenseful music)
One, two, three, four.
(door clicking)
(Delta 1 grunting)
So, what do you think?
I told Delta 1 his move sucked
but he wanted a professional opinion.
I think you two guys
have been running around long enough.
Five by five, boss.
(Delta 1 sneezing)
I've had enough of this clownery.
Get out!
Get your own damn tissues.
(door slamming)
What'd he say?
(tense music)
It's over, Chau.
Whatever they told you,
it's a lie.
It's over, Chau.
(tense music continues)
(drawer sliding)
(drawer sliding)
(ominous music)
You forgot your change.
Thanks. (coins clanking)
How's the bubble tea?
Sweet enough?
It's fine.
(Delta 1 coughing)
Is your friend okay?
Goddamn pearls.
He's choking on his own ego.
Well, I'll see you around.
Why did you do it?
Do what?
Sneak into Agent 5's office.
You know you can get into
so much trouble for that.
You told me Agent 5 was acting weird,
so I told you I was on it.
You know I don't get you sometimes.
When we're training or going on a mission,
you can be such a real jerk.
But at other times...
Maybe I'm just that guy.
What guy?
The guy who never gets what he wants.
Maybe we're both that guy.
Do you ever have deja vu?
Say hello to Mr. Bingley.
(cat purring)
[Echo 8] I thought
you're not a cat person.
[Delta 1] Eh, a guy can change.
(cat meowing) (paw thudding)
You sure that was Mr. Bingley?
Well, it was black for starters.
50% of cats are black.
Then what about his little white socks?
He's a long way from home, isn't he?
(phone buzzing)
(sighing) We better get back.
The mission.
(sighing) The mission.
(Echo 8 sighing)
(tense orchestral music)
(tense orchestral music continues)
(knife clanging)
(gun clicking)
(phone buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(hand banging on door)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
So, kebab?
My shout.
I'm missing four two-dollar coins,
four one-dollar, one
50-cent, two 20-cent coins.
Told you he counts them.
Hey, I didn't...
Wait, you're right.
I expect them all back
when I check next time.
Hey, could I borrow
four two-dollars, one-
- Don't you need to take
a leak or something?
I'll go get you those coins.
(door clicking)
(door clicking)
I'm giving you this
mission to face alone.
I thought Delta 1 was coming with me.
You're not scared, are you?
(scoffing) Please.
At least I don't have to babysit his ass.
Could have left him at base.
He's here,
so if you fail, I don't
have to get my hands dirty.
This mission is more important
than you're leading on, isn't it?
What's the important thing is
this mission is completed by you.
Because you think Delta 1 can't handle it?
(coins clanking)
Because he's an idiot.
Do you love him?
Before your time
there was an operative
that let love cloud her judgment.
(sighing) Strayed from
the path of the Zodiac.
She went rogue
and went on a nice little killing spree.
She took out four agents.
What happened to her?
I completed my mission.
(tense music)
You would kill your own child?
She wasn't my child.
But you are.
Every orphan I bring to Zodiac,
I treat them as my own.
Delta 1 has been having nightmares.
Says he sees his family.
He sees what he wants to see.
We are his family.
As we strive for something greater,
there are obstacles in life
we must overcome.
Defeat in order to come out stronger.
Strong enough to achieve
a greater something.
If Delta 1, for example,
became an obstacle of our mission,
would you do what you have to do?
I know he was in my office.
That's ridiculous.
I mean, why would-
- Perhaps he lost his faith in me,
in us.
So, would you?
In a heartbeat.
That's what I like to hear.
That time will never come, will it?
The beauty of the future
is unpredictability.
(tense music)
(door clicking)
(door clicking)
You know, I think I figured it out.
You said it sounded Vietnamese.
It is.
It means moon.
(dramatic music)
Good luck.
I don't need luck.
Hey, that's my line.
(metal scraping)
One more thing.
Don't fail the mission.
(dramatic music continues)
(door clicking)
(suspenseful music)
If she's not out in two,
go in after her.
Just send me in now and
we'll both be out in one.
Don't get cocky, Delta 1.
It will get you killed.
Now where have I heard that one before?
So, what did you guys talk about?
Family stuff.
(suspenseful music)
(door creaking)
(gun firing)
Nice trick, lady.
Trying to make this as
painless as possible,
but you're really getting on my nerves.
You can take whatever you want,
but please, please don't kill me.
(gun firing) (Hanh screaming)
That's out of the question.
You're messing up this house, lady,
and I gotta say, it's
a pretty little house.
Look, we can do this all night
until this whole place
is covered up in holes
but you and I both know
that it's gonna end up one way.
You, dead.
(tense music)
(electricity crackling)
[Mother] To the moon and back.
Don't dwell in the past.
Remember when you first got here?
Honestly, it's one giant blur.
Then what do you remember?
Don't dream of the future.
(tense music)
The present is now.
When's dad coming home?
(somber music)
When's dad coming home?
He's not coming home.
Why not?
Just eat.
Please don't be like this.
You made him go away.
Make him come back.
What are you thinking?
Look around you.
Do you know what happened?
He left us.
(somber music continues)
I work all day and night,
cleaning the house
and cooking.
Only for your father to leave.
Leave with that home-wrecking whore!
Now that you think you've grown up,
go and follow your father.
Go on.
I'm the one who has made sacrifices.
Do you understand that?
Go on!
Follow your father!
(somber music continues)
(Anna breathing heavily)
(singer vocalizing)
(suspenseful music)
(Echo 8 breathing heavily)
(breathing heavily) Police!
My address is 12 Mother Avenue, Cabramatta.
There's an intruder.
(suspenseful music)
Drop it.
(Hanh gasping)
(suspenseful music continues)
Come in, this is Delta 1.
Echo 8 is down for the count.
Awaiting further instructions.
[Agent 5] Kill the target.
It's what the boss wants.
(tense music)
Sweet dreams?
The best.
I'll do it.
Where's your gun?
Dropped it somewhere.
All right.
But make it quick.
What are you doing?
I don't want to do this.
Then don't.
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
I don't know what's gotten into you,
but you need to stop.
The mission.
We have to finish the mission.
Not with me here, you're not.
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
[Agent 5] Delta 1, come in.
Is the target dead?
Come in.
Is the target dead?
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
Please don't do this.
I have to.
(Delta 1 grunting)
(Hanh breathing heavily)
Please, please don't hurt me.
Get up.
Please don't hurt me.
You can take whatever you want,
but don't hurt me, please.
Listen to me carefully.
If you don't get out of
here, you're gonna die.
Do you understand?
You tried to kill me.
Not anymore.
(dramatic music)
What do you know about Osman?
Mr. Osman.
He's the Parliament man.
Not yet, he isn't.
He will help me.
He's supporting what I'm doing.
What you're doing,
your little protesting campaign, T.R.A.N.G.
That's what they want.
It's a part of a bigger plan.
Bigger than you and me.
I saw you on TV.
They tried to kill me.
Because they want Osman in office.
The upcoming election?
This is what it's all about.
I don't understand.
I just, I just want to find my daughter.
He tells me she's gone.
She's dead.
I don't believe that.
I know she's out there.
She will come home.
And I will find her.
Who are you?
Why are you trying to help me?
It doesn't matter right now.
(suspenseful music)
Is there another way out at the back?
The gate at the side.
Okay, let's go.
Let me close the front door.
The front door's not gonna stop him.
Let's go.
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
(gun firing)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(Agent 5 grunting)
(keys jingling)
(knife scraping)
(both grunting)
(pan clanging)
(gun firing)
(gun clicking)
I know everything.
Not everything.
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
(Hanh breathing heavily)
(both grunting)
(glass shattering)
(grunting) All this time
I was just a disposable operative to you.
No, you're wrong.
Delta 1, he's disposable.
Hot tempered. Immature.
It makes him weak.
But you're different.
You're still my best objective.
Still are. (grunting)
[Delta 1] Ah, fuck.
(glass shattering) (Echo 8 grunting)
(both grunting)
(knife stabbing) (Echo 8 screaming)
(breathing heavily) You lied to me.
You said I was an orphan.
You took me from my home, from my mother!
Whatever the word is,
all the same to me.
Delta 1's nightmares were real after all.
The others, yes.
But you, no.
You were never my
intention until that night.
I was in the middle of another mission.
Another mission?
Some guy down the road who
got in with the wrong crowd,
messed with loan sharks.
A local gang.
An easy kill.
Didn't put up much of a fight.
Why did you take me?
Why me? (grunting)
You reminded me of someone.
It's over, Chau.
It's over, Chau.
I know everything.
Not everything.
Whatever they told you,
it's a lie.
All of it.
The present is now.
[Chau] Daigo! (gun firing)
And what a glorious gift it is.
It was destiny.
Echo 8, you proved to be
the strongest operative.
I gave you a new life.
Let her go.
Let her go.
You don't know what
you're doing, Delta 1.
And you do?
(gun cocking)
The mission.
You know we don't have a choice.
There's always a choice.
(Agent 5 grunting)
You're right.
(gun thudding)
(both grunting)
(suspenseful music)
(Echo 8 groaning)
(Delta 1 groaning)
(knife stabbing) (Delta 1 groaning)
If you want something done
right for the first time.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Don't move.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
See you at the end of the tunnel.
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
I'm sorry. (sobbing)
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(Echo 8 breathing heavily)
(Hanh whimpering)
(knife clanking)
If you want to kill her,
you're gonna have to go through me first.
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
You taught me not to dwell on the past,
but how can I when it's
right in front of my face?
(suspenseful music continues)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(bones crunching) (Agent 5 groaning)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(knife stabbing)
The present is now.
And what a glorious gift it is.
(knife stabbing) (dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
Are you okay?
I don't understand what just happened.
You should be glad you're not dead.
Look at me.
The people that want you dead,
they're gonna send for someone else.
When the police get here,
tell them you need protection.
You need to be protected.
Because I can't protect you.
Who are you really?
I feel like,
like I know you.
Like we've met before.
Maybe we have.
In another life.
Where are you going?
(siren wailing in distance)
To the moon and back.
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(siren wailing)
(door clicking)
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(Echo 8 sobbing)
(engine revving)
(siren wailing)
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(soft upbeat music)
(singer vocalizing)
Pull my head back, make
me fall down to the ground
Point your finger, said I'm
nothing but a stupid clown
Feeling lonely on this
road I call a dream
Sleepless nights on
the mic, working on me
Push aside, out of mind,
tryin' to tell me I'll
Never make it, you can't
take it, I'm not worth your time
Hearing nothing but
the voices in my head
Saying keep on fighting,
baby, hold on tight
I'm gonna fly
Keep on going till I'm past the sky
Keep on walking with my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna climb
Keep on going till I see the sunrise
If you ain't with me
you'll be left behind
And you will never break me down
Stop the track, wind it
back, let me tell you how
They took this moment from my life
They tore it down
Sick and tired of the
lies, broken promises
Takin' what is mine, follow
the signs, I'll be fine
Givin' takin' stopping,
going on this thing called life
Driving solo, time to
reload gotta step aside
Sleepin' peaceful while
I'm riding the night
Watch me do my thing,
baby, I'm on fire tonight
I'm gonna fly
Keep on going till I'm past the sky
Keep on walking with my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna climb
Keep on going till I see the sunrise
If you ain't with me
you'll be left behind
I'm gonna fight
Keep on pushing till I get what's mine
Listen to the voices inside
I'm gonna fly
Keep on going till I pass the sky
Keep on walking with my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna climb
Keep on going till I see the sunrise
If you ain't with me
you'll be left behind
And you will never break me down
(singer vocalizing)
And I'm gonna fight,
keep my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
And you will never break me down
(singer vocalizing)
I'm not gonna give
up this fight, no, no
And you will never break me
(computer whirring) (tense music)
It must be nice to live in a world
torn between sweet dreams
and beautiful nightmares.
But the hunting season is upon us.
And it's time to wake from your slumber.
(suspenseful music)
(engine rumbling)
(brakes screeching)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(silencer clicking)
Don't fail the mission.
(suspenseful music continues)
[Echo 8] Don't dwell in the past.
Don't dream of the future.
The present is now.
And what a glorious gift it is.
(gun firing)
(suspenseful music continues)
(electricity crackling) (Echo 8 screaming)
(suspenseful electronic music)
(suspenseful electronic music continues)
(suspenseful electronic music)
(ominous music)
(utensils clanking)
What did you say?
They should pay you overtime
for the extra hours you worked.
They do.
That's good to hear.
(radio static hissing)
[Reporter] In other news,
the number of missing persons is rising,
(radio static hissing)
16 including Cabramatta and Fairfield,
known hotspots of minor criminal activity.
The Australian Federal
Police have become desperate
and are enlisting the help of the ASIO
to help solve the 216-
(radio static hissing)
I just don't want people
to take advantage of you.
Mrs. Ba's son is getting married.
You remember Mrs. Ba, don't you?
The woman that lives down the street.
She used to babysit Anna
when she was a baby.
You'll never believe what she told me.
She said the man in the house
opposite hers is in something deep.
Apparently, he borrowed money
off loan sharks or something.
(phone ringing) (tense music)
Maybe you should pick it up.
(phone ringing continues)
(wind whooshing)
(birds chirping)
When's dad coming home?
I don't know.
Maybe soon.
You said that an hour ago.
I did?
You know how hard your father works.
We have to support him.
(dramatic music continues)
I was saving this for your birthday.
But since you've got
such a long face today,
maybe you could take a little peek.
I love it.
(metal clanging)
(dramatic music continues)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(Echo 8 grunting)
(ominous music)
(voices whispering)
(Echo 8 grunting) (suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
How long have you been standing there?
Six minutes and 30 seconds.
That's not creepy at all.
How were they?
First day of training is always daunting.
You know how it is.
A bunch of crybabies and
a couple of troublemakers.
Do you remember your first day?
I try not to think about it.
Oh, wait.
That's right.
You were definitely a crybaby.
Troublemaker all the way.
I am bad to the bone, baby.
Is that your go-to pick-up line?
Because you might want to work on it.
- Works every time.
- Really?
No one's said no yet.
Your cockiness will get you killed one day.
Do you?
Remember when you first got here?
Honestly, it's one giant blur.
Then what do you remember?
I remember training,
learning how to fight, using a gun.
All that jazz.
I remember...
Kicking your ass.
Really? 'Cause I remember
it was the other way around.
Do you?
Get a move on, you two.
Death waits for no one.
Good luck.
We don't need luck.
Do you think those kids
know what they're getting into?
Not a clue.
(gentle orchestral music)
(gentle orchestral music continues)
[Agent 5] It's over, Chau.
I know everything.
The present is now.
(gun firing)
(pager ringing)
(upbeat electronic music)
Get off me.
(person scoffing)
(comb clicking)
Ah, Mr. Guang.
I've got to admit I'm impressed.
You're either very brave
for coming here alone,
or incredibly stupid.
We don't want a repeat
of last time, do we?
As you can see,
I've got the upper hand,
so there won't be any last time.
For me, anyway.
Do you have it?
The money first.
(latches clicking)
You can count it if you want.
I will.
Where's the drive?
(tense music)
Just so we're clear,
you do know you're getting
the short end of the stick,
don't you?
(suspenseful music)
You shouldn't have!
I couldn't resist.
Neither could I.
(gun trigger cocking)
You didn't think I would come here alone,
did you?
(gun firing) (Guang screaming)
(suspenseful music) (both grunting)
Oh, shit. (grunting)
(gun firing)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(knife stabbing)
(all grunting) (weapons clanging)
I got it.
(yelling) Stop it!
(knife stabbing) (person grunting)
(both grunting)
(gun firing)
(knife stabbing) (both grunting)
(knife slicing)
(body thudding)
(both grunting)
(person grunting)
(Guang grunting)
(both grunting)
I will invoice you.
Bye, bye.
(all grunting)
(metal clanging)
(boxes crashing)
(both grunting)
(bones crunching)
Brother? Brother?
(person yelling)
(hammer smashing)
(both grunting)
(body thudding)
(hammer smashing)
(suspenseful electronic music)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(boxes crashing)
(car doors closing)
I know, right?
That was brutal.
I don't think I've ever
had a beating that badly.
(cat meowing)
Where'd you get that?
- Found him.
- Just then?
On the side of the road.
Say hello to Mr. Bingley.
Yeah, I'm not a cat person.
I know.
(phone buzzing)
- New mission.
- Who's the target?
Some mobster's wife.
It's always some mobster's wife.
I was thinking
when you're ramming your knife into someone
or pulling the trigger,
do you ever think when it's
going to be the last time?
I don't think there
is a last time for us.
Our life, it,
it's like living in a dark tunnel.
There's a light at the end, right?
But no matter how hard
you try to run for it,
you're never going to reach it.
You can always stop.
Do you want to?
Do you?
Even if I wanted to,
what choice do we have?
We always have a choice.
(cat meowing)
Looks like someone else
is looking for Mr. Bingley.
I think your mama wants you.
(door clicking)
Hey, come on.
(cat meowing)
There you go.
(car door closing)
Hey. Got kebabs here.
You hungry?
You paying?
(cover sliding)
Agent 5 is.
You know he counts them.
No, he doesn't.
He does.
(coins clanking)
What do you want?
(Echo 8 scoffing)
(gentle piano music)
(drawer sliding)
(card reader beeping)
(door slamming)
(tense music)
(lights clicking)
(keys clacking)
(monitor whirring)
Agent 5,
it's been a while since
we've had a proper chat.
What can I say?
It's been busy with killings.
You've never complained
about too many killings before.
There's a first for
everything, isn't there?
I assume you got my message.
Every channel's got it covered.
Media replays have been happening all day.
I got a message, alright.
You know what you have to do.
I want all your operatives on the target.
My operatives aren't doing the job
just because another sector fucked up.
Don't forget who you work for.
Besides, we can't afford any more mishaps.
The election is close.
You're the best agent in my division,
so I know you will get it done.
No need for flattery.
Duly noted.
Give the order.
Beat you easily.
Just you, me, anytime.
(door clicking)
Sorry we didn't get you anything.
Whose wife is it?
San Remo's?
Actually, I need more time
for this mission briefing.
But you just texted-
- No "buts" about it.
You're both dismissed.
(sighing) I knew it. Did you
see the way he stared down my-
- Shh.
Didn't you see his face?
Yeah, he really wanted my kebab.
No one wants your kebab, Delta.
Seems like he's got
something on his mind.
He's been acting weird lately.
More so than usual?
I'm serious.
Look, it's probably all
those international matters
he's attending to.
International matters?
Yeah, didn't you hear?
He's an international cyborg assassin.
Yeah, I did hear about that.
Wait a minute.
If he's an international cyborg,
then why does he want your kebab?
It's in his programming.
Where you going?
To the showers.
Wanna join?
When hell freezes over,
I'll think about it.
Suit yourself.
(gentle music)
(Echo 8 sighing)
(hand knocking on door)
You done?
What's wrong?
Hey, I get it.
I'm on it.
Don't worry. I'm on it.
(electronic dance music)
(grunting) So,
what's your name?
You shouldn't touch
anyone without asking.
Oh, babe.
It's girls like you that want it the most.
You know, if you just go a little higher,
you'll hit the femoral artery.
What are you?
A doctor?
No. Just somebody who knows
the major arteries in a body.
And more.
Why'd you wanna know that?
For a quick kill.
(bones cracking) (clubgoer grunting)
Or a slow one.
One swipe of this and
you'll bleed out in minutes.
(grunting) She's nuts.
(upbeat electronic music continues)
Are you here with anybody?
Um, uh, no, no.
No, not really.
Do you work out?
I, uh, I, um, well, I mean, I...
(upbeat electronic music continues)
Hey, baby.
Where have you been?
Did you get the drinks?
Hey, wait. Ladies, wait. (sighing)
You know, you seemed a little jealous.
- You're not even supposed to be here.
- Neither are you.
I'm just here to bring you back to base.
Did Agent 5 send you?
You know, I don't do
everything Agent 5 tells me to.
(sighing) You're right.
We don't belong here.
(upbeat electronic music continues)
(both laughing)
Hey, if you want,
we can grab a couple of beers,
have our own little party back at base.
With what?
Pistol lights as lava lamps
and guns as party poppers?
Agent 5 would freak.
You know, I don't even
know why I came here tonight,
or all the other nights.
It's just,
I feel like-
- What?
I just need to lose
myself every now and then.
You know, you still can.
Lose yourself into me.
Okay. My creep radar just overloaded.
Whatever. Shut up.
No, seriously.
You broke my creep radar.
(both laughing)
[Clubgoer] Hey, bitch!
What can I say? I'm a social butterfly.
Hey, look.
Whatever my friend did, she's sorry.
No, I'm not.
Three to one. I like the odds.
Who's she looking at?
You. I'm looking at you.
Wait a minute.
Which one of you came onto me?
All these thugs, they
all look the same to me.
That was me.
Then I'm looking at you.
But seriously,
why don't you dye your hair or something?
A little bit of individuality won't hurt.
This isn't our mission.
Don't worry. I won't spill any blood.
Just go wait in the car.
I got this.
(suspenseful music)
You got this, huh?
(suspenseful music) (all grunting)
(both grunting)
(Delta 1 grunting)
(Delta 1 grunting)
(both grunting)
You know, this is the last time
I'm ever gonna follow you to the clubs.
Good. Maybe next time
I'll get some real action.
What's the problem?
The mission could be too close to home.
You think it never is?
There are countless
expendables who had a mission
a little too close to home.
And let me tell you,
those that go through with
it always come out stronger.
If you want it done, I'll do it myself.
That's not how it works.
Don't tell me you're losing
faith in your operatives.
Faith has nothing to do with it.
Then get it done.
You really are my best agent.
But I don't want to consider you obsolete.
I really don't.
I fear you're losing your way.
You stray from the path of the Zodiac.
My path is clear as day.
I have word she's staying
at a friend's place.
I'll let you know when to run.
Find glory in all things.
And all things in glory.
[All] Osman, Osman, Osman, Osman!
If you want justice,
vote for Osman!
If you want justice, vote for Osman!
(door clicking)
If you want justice, vote for Osman!
If you want justice, vote for Osman!
Vote for Osman!
If you want justice.
Please vote for Mr. Osman!
Vote for Mr. Osman!
(crowd cheering)
Mr. Osman promises to
reopen the investigation
of the 216 code case.
A lot of candidates make false promises
in order to gain the support of the public.
What makes you think this
will be any different?
Because Mr. Osman
called me into his office
and he promised to do
all he can in his power
to support T.R.A.N.G.
And what is T-R-A-N-G,
for those at home unfamiliar
with your organization?
We are just a group of local people,
common people who have
have lost our loved one
in the 216 code case.
My daughter-
(gun firing) (crowd shouting)
Hanh, the founder of T.R.A.N.G.,
the guerilla vigilante group
seeking justice for missing persons
was the target
of an assassination attempt two nights ago.
One of ours?
But you know
I never let any of my
operatives perform so poorly.
But the other agents are, however, sloppy.
She's not dead?
Unfortunately, bullet vests
are easily attainable these days.
Bullet vests?
She's been targeted in the past.
Guess that type of thing
really shake a person's core,
makes them wary of their surroundings.
Wait. Why would they target
some poor protest movement lady
in the first place?
They usually go for the
more political kind.
Or some mobster's wife.
That too.
(Delta 1 sneezing)
Osman is a candidate
of an upcoming election.
He openly supports T.R.A.N.G.
It could have been a move against him.
A warning.
But why would they target
her in such a public place
for the whole nation to see?
That's not how we operate.
It's usually private, quick and quiet.
Yeah. But it's not
always clean now, is it?
Doesn't make sense.
If you've been in this
business as long as I have,
you start to understand
that nothing makes sense.
[Delta 1] Trang.
Truth & Rights Amongst Neighbors Guild.
Sounds cheesy.
That's Vietnamese, isn't it?
I wouldn't know.
I'm Japanese.
Good work today.
And get the fuck out.
I'll let you know when we're leaving.
(door clicking)
(somber music)
How about an old Vietnamese folklore?
Once up a time, there was a mother
who loved her little girl very much.
Although the girl was
sometimes a little bit naughty,
her mother would do anything for her.
Sound familiar?
One day, the little girl wanted
to go and play with her friends.
Jessica and Carrie.
Remember when I asked you
to go to the sleepover,
but you said no?
I didn't say no. I said...
[Both] Not until you
are a little bit older.
(mother laughing)
When is that?
A little bit older.
When you're bigger than me.
That'll take a very long time.
It's faster than you think.
Even if you grow older, you
will always be my daughter.
Now, where was I up to?
The little girl went out
to play with her friends.
That's right.
The little girl went out to play.
Her mother told her to come
back home before sundown.
The mother waited and waited,
but her daughter never returned.
Where did the little girl go?
The little girl had so much
fun that she forgot to go home.
Her mother went out looking for her.
She searched high and low,
but couldn't find her anywhere.
The mother went back home.
She cried.
She cried many tears.
She thought she would
never see her little girl again.
Why are you sad?
I'm not sad.
I'm very happy.
I love you, mom.
I love you more.
How much?
To the moon and back.
(somber music continues)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
I can't stand this anymore.
Move out of the way.
Let go of me.
We can talk about this.
Do you still love me?
What about our family?
What about Anna?
What am I supposed to tell her?
(somber music continues)
I never thought you would change like this.
She just wants to find a sugar daddy.
You think just because she
slept with you that she loves you?
Let me tell you about what
a wife has to sacrifice.
I've sacrificed so much for this family.
What more do you want from me?
(somber music continues)
I want a divorce.
Please don't leave me.
Honey, I'm sorry. I will try harder.
Move out of the way!
- Honey. Honey.
- Move!
(somber music continues)
(somber music)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will try harder.
(door slamming)
[Anna] Mommy.
(somber music continues)
(mother sobbing)
(tense music)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(Echo 8 grunting)
(Echo 8 screaming)
(punches thudding) (Echo 8 grunting)
(dramatic orchestral music)
(sword clanging)
(ominous music)
(sword clanking)
You should be in bed.
Couldn't sleep.
I never sleep.
You know, in all the
years I've known you,
I've never seen you like this.
Like what?
Do I seem tense to you?
A little.
I mean, you almost slit my throat.
I guess I did.
The mission.
What about it?
Who's the client?
No one worth mentioning.
But you always tell us who the client is.
Helps us with the business, you say.
Not this time.
It may come as a surprise to you, Echo 8,
but you don't have a right
to every secret in this building.
So, it's more of a secret mission, is it?
Go to sleep.
What's so important about Osman?
It's obvious someone's targeting him.
Maybe the client?
(sighing) You know,
the world is much bigger than you think.
Don't learn that the hard way.
Is that what happened to you?
I have some errands to attend to.
Don't forget the lights.
(Delta 1 moaning)
[Echo 8] You okay?
I'm fine.
(lights clicking)
(Echo 8 sighing)
You should tell Agent
5 about those nightmares.
What nightmares?
I can hear them.
It's been happening every night lately.
I said I'm fine, okay?
Don't be going talking shit about me.
I see them.
I see them in my dreams.
My family.
You don't have family.
None of us do.
That's why we're here.
Then why do I see them as
clearly as I see you right now?
You're imagining things.
Am I?
Sometimes I don't know
what to believe anymore.
Believe in Zodiac.
Believe in Agent 5.
Believe in me.
Close the door.
Just close it.
Look what I found.
Where'd you get that?
Where do you think?
Agent 5's office?
You snuck into his office?
I told you I was on it.
I never asked you to.
I won't show you what else I found.
(Echo 8 sighing)
Agent 5's kids?
Turn it around.
D and C.
I think that's Agent 5 as a kid.
Who's the girl?
Who knows?
What's that?
It's the access to Agent 5's black room.
You have to put it back.
If Agent 5 finds out, he's gonna freak out.
(Delta 1 sighing)
Agent 5's out running some errands.
What are you thinking?
(dramatic music)
(engine rumbling)
(brakes screeching)
Hang on.
I really don't think this is a good idea.
You're the one that broke
into his office, remember?
If anything, this is all your fault.
Don't make me say pretty please.
(keypad beeping)
Give me the photo.
Uh uh. You have to keep a lookout.
What about the-
- I'll put it back when I'm done.
Last drawer. Black box.
(suspenseful music)
(engine rumbling)
Give her a nice welcome
home party, will you?
Osman is the last key in our plan
to take control of the House of Parliament.
We need him in office.
In the last two decades, a vigilante group
has garnered a significant following.
Osman has done his part,
publicly declaring his
support for the group.
Time to get rid of them.
Our next move is to kill
the founder of this group.
Her murder will be seen as
the threat against Osman
and all that he stands for.
It will be a stain of injustice
that enrages this city.
The voters in the upcoming election
will be heavily swayed in Osman's favor.
That is what we want.
That is what we need.
This mission is crucial to our ascension.
(dramatic music)
(door clicking)
(door clicking)
Agent 5.
This is the second time I
caught an operative out of bed.
What are you doing here?
Yeah, you know, I was
thinking we could have like
a one-on-one training session.
There's these new moves
that I've been working on
and I really want to show you.
You can show me the morning.
Well, I mean it's not
gonna take too long,
so I'll just show you right now.
One, two, three, four.
Wait, wait.
I've got more moves.
(suspenseful music)
One, two, three, four.
(door clicking)
(Delta 1 grunting)
So, what do you think?
I told Delta 1 his move sucked
but he wanted a professional opinion.
I think you two guys
have been running around long enough.
Five by five, boss.
(Delta 1 sneezing)
I've had enough of this clownery.
Get out!
Get your own damn tissues.
(door slamming)
What'd he say?
(tense music)
It's over, Chau.
Whatever they told you,
it's a lie.
It's over, Chau.
(tense music continues)
(drawer sliding)
(drawer sliding)
(ominous music)
You forgot your change.
Thanks. (coins clanking)
How's the bubble tea?
Sweet enough?
It's fine.
(Delta 1 coughing)
Is your friend okay?
Goddamn pearls.
He's choking on his own ego.
Well, I'll see you around.
Why did you do it?
Do what?
Sneak into Agent 5's office.
You know you can get into
so much trouble for that.
You told me Agent 5 was acting weird,
so I told you I was on it.
You know I don't get you sometimes.
When we're training or going on a mission,
you can be such a real jerk.
But at other times...
Maybe I'm just that guy.
What guy?
The guy who never gets what he wants.
Maybe we're both that guy.
Do you ever have deja vu?
Say hello to Mr. Bingley.
(cat purring)
[Echo 8] I thought
you're not a cat person.
[Delta 1] Eh, a guy can change.
(cat meowing) (paw thudding)
You sure that was Mr. Bingley?
Well, it was black for starters.
50% of cats are black.
Then what about his little white socks?
He's a long way from home, isn't he?
(phone buzzing)
(sighing) We better get back.
The mission.
(sighing) The mission.
(Echo 8 sighing)
(tense orchestral music)
(tense orchestral music continues)
(knife clanging)
(gun clicking)
(phone buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(hand banging on door)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
So, kebab?
My shout.
I'm missing four two-dollar coins,
four one-dollar, one
50-cent, two 20-cent coins.
Told you he counts them.
Hey, I didn't...
Wait, you're right.
I expect them all back
when I check next time.
Hey, could I borrow
four two-dollars, one-
- Don't you need to take
a leak or something?
I'll go get you those coins.
(door clicking)
(door clicking)
I'm giving you this
mission to face alone.
I thought Delta 1 was coming with me.
You're not scared, are you?
(scoffing) Please.
At least I don't have to babysit his ass.
Could have left him at base.
He's here,
so if you fail, I don't
have to get my hands dirty.
This mission is more important
than you're leading on, isn't it?
What's the important thing is
this mission is completed by you.
Because you think Delta 1 can't handle it?
(coins clanking)
Because he's an idiot.
Do you love him?
Before your time
there was an operative
that let love cloud her judgment.
(sighing) Strayed from
the path of the Zodiac.
She went rogue
and went on a nice little killing spree.
She took out four agents.
What happened to her?
I completed my mission.
(tense music)
You would kill your own child?
She wasn't my child.
But you are.
Every orphan I bring to Zodiac,
I treat them as my own.
Delta 1 has been having nightmares.
Says he sees his family.
He sees what he wants to see.
We are his family.
As we strive for something greater,
there are obstacles in life
we must overcome.
Defeat in order to come out stronger.
Strong enough to achieve
a greater something.
If Delta 1, for example,
became an obstacle of our mission,
would you do what you have to do?
I know he was in my office.
That's ridiculous.
I mean, why would-
- Perhaps he lost his faith in me,
in us.
So, would you?
In a heartbeat.
That's what I like to hear.
That time will never come, will it?
The beauty of the future
is unpredictability.
(tense music)
(door clicking)
(door clicking)
You know, I think I figured it out.
You said it sounded Vietnamese.
It is.
It means moon.
(dramatic music)
Good luck.
I don't need luck.
Hey, that's my line.
(metal scraping)
One more thing.
Don't fail the mission.
(dramatic music continues)
(door clicking)
(suspenseful music)
If she's not out in two,
go in after her.
Just send me in now and
we'll both be out in one.
Don't get cocky, Delta 1.
It will get you killed.
Now where have I heard that one before?
So, what did you guys talk about?
Family stuff.
(suspenseful music)
(door creaking)
(gun firing)
Nice trick, lady.
Trying to make this as
painless as possible,
but you're really getting on my nerves.
You can take whatever you want,
but please, please don't kill me.
(gun firing) (Hanh screaming)
That's out of the question.
You're messing up this house, lady,
and I gotta say, it's
a pretty little house.
Look, we can do this all night
until this whole place
is covered up in holes
but you and I both know
that it's gonna end up one way.
You, dead.
(tense music)
(electricity crackling)
[Mother] To the moon and back.
Don't dwell in the past.
Remember when you first got here?
Honestly, it's one giant blur.
Then what do you remember?
Don't dream of the future.
(tense music)
The present is now.
When's dad coming home?
(somber music)
When's dad coming home?
He's not coming home.
Why not?
Just eat.
Please don't be like this.
You made him go away.
Make him come back.
What are you thinking?
Look around you.
Do you know what happened?
He left us.
(somber music continues)
I work all day and night,
cleaning the house
and cooking.
Only for your father to leave.
Leave with that home-wrecking whore!
Now that you think you've grown up,
go and follow your father.
Go on.
I'm the one who has made sacrifices.
Do you understand that?
Go on!
Follow your father!
(somber music continues)
(Anna breathing heavily)
(singer vocalizing)
(suspenseful music)
(Echo 8 breathing heavily)
(breathing heavily) Police!
My address is 12 Mother Avenue, Cabramatta.
There's an intruder.
(suspenseful music)
Drop it.
(Hanh gasping)
(suspenseful music continues)
Come in, this is Delta 1.
Echo 8 is down for the count.
Awaiting further instructions.
[Agent 5] Kill the target.
It's what the boss wants.
(tense music)
Sweet dreams?
The best.
I'll do it.
Where's your gun?
Dropped it somewhere.
All right.
But make it quick.
What are you doing?
I don't want to do this.
Then don't.
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
I don't know what's gotten into you,
but you need to stop.
The mission.
We have to finish the mission.
Not with me here, you're not.
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
[Agent 5] Delta 1, come in.
Is the target dead?
Come in.
Is the target dead?
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
Please don't do this.
I have to.
(Delta 1 grunting)
(Hanh breathing heavily)
Please, please don't hurt me.
Get up.
Please don't hurt me.
You can take whatever you want,
but don't hurt me, please.
Listen to me carefully.
If you don't get out of
here, you're gonna die.
Do you understand?
You tried to kill me.
Not anymore.
(dramatic music)
What do you know about Osman?
Mr. Osman.
He's the Parliament man.
Not yet, he isn't.
He will help me.
He's supporting what I'm doing.
What you're doing,
your little protesting campaign, T.R.A.N.G.
That's what they want.
It's a part of a bigger plan.
Bigger than you and me.
I saw you on TV.
They tried to kill me.
Because they want Osman in office.
The upcoming election?
This is what it's all about.
I don't understand.
I just, I just want to find my daughter.
He tells me she's gone.
She's dead.
I don't believe that.
I know she's out there.
She will come home.
And I will find her.
Who are you?
Why are you trying to help me?
It doesn't matter right now.
(suspenseful music)
Is there another way out at the back?
The gate at the side.
Okay, let's go.
Let me close the front door.
The front door's not gonna stop him.
Let's go.
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
(gun firing)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(Agent 5 grunting)
(keys jingling)
(knife scraping)
(both grunting)
(pan clanging)
(gun firing)
(gun clicking)
I know everything.
Not everything.
(both grunting) (suspenseful music)
(Hanh breathing heavily)
(both grunting)
(glass shattering)
(grunting) All this time
I was just a disposable operative to you.
No, you're wrong.
Delta 1, he's disposable.
Hot tempered. Immature.
It makes him weak.
But you're different.
You're still my best objective.
Still are. (grunting)
[Delta 1] Ah, fuck.
(glass shattering) (Echo 8 grunting)
(both grunting)
(knife stabbing) (Echo 8 screaming)
(breathing heavily) You lied to me.
You said I was an orphan.
You took me from my home, from my mother!
Whatever the word is,
all the same to me.
Delta 1's nightmares were real after all.
The others, yes.
But you, no.
You were never my
intention until that night.
I was in the middle of another mission.
Another mission?
Some guy down the road who
got in with the wrong crowd,
messed with loan sharks.
A local gang.
An easy kill.
Didn't put up much of a fight.
Why did you take me?
Why me? (grunting)
You reminded me of someone.
It's over, Chau.
It's over, Chau.
I know everything.
Not everything.
Whatever they told you,
it's a lie.
All of it.
The present is now.
[Chau] Daigo! (gun firing)
And what a glorious gift it is.
It was destiny.
Echo 8, you proved to be
the strongest operative.
I gave you a new life.
Let her go.
Let her go.
You don't know what
you're doing, Delta 1.
And you do?
(gun cocking)
The mission.
You know we don't have a choice.
There's always a choice.
(Agent 5 grunting)
You're right.
(gun thudding)
(both grunting)
(suspenseful music)
(Echo 8 groaning)
(Delta 1 groaning)
(knife stabbing) (Delta 1 groaning)
If you want something done
right for the first time.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Don't move.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
See you at the end of the tunnel.
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
I'm sorry. (sobbing)
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(Echo 8 breathing heavily)
(Hanh whimpering)
(knife clanking)
If you want to kill her,
you're gonna have to go through me first.
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
You taught me not to dwell on the past,
but how can I when it's
right in front of my face?
(suspenseful music continues)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(bones crunching) (Agent 5 groaning)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(knife stabbing)
The present is now.
And what a glorious gift it is.
(knife stabbing) (dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
Are you okay?
I don't understand what just happened.
You should be glad you're not dead.
Look at me.
The people that want you dead,
they're gonna send for someone else.
When the police get here,
tell them you need protection.
You need to be protected.
Because I can't protect you.
Who are you really?
I feel like,
like I know you.
Like we've met before.
Maybe we have.
In another life.
Where are you going?
(siren wailing in distance)
To the moon and back.
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(siren wailing)
(door clicking)
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(Echo 8 sobbing)
(engine revving)
(siren wailing)
(dramatic orchestral music continues)
(soft upbeat music)
(singer vocalizing)
Pull my head back, make
me fall down to the ground
Point your finger, said I'm
nothing but a stupid clown
Feeling lonely on this
road I call a dream
Sleepless nights on
the mic, working on me
Push aside, out of mind,
tryin' to tell me I'll
Never make it, you can't
take it, I'm not worth your time
Hearing nothing but
the voices in my head
Saying keep on fighting,
baby, hold on tight
I'm gonna fly
Keep on going till I'm past the sky
Keep on walking with my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna climb
Keep on going till I see the sunrise
If you ain't with me
you'll be left behind
And you will never break me down
Stop the track, wind it
back, let me tell you how
They took this moment from my life
They tore it down
Sick and tired of the
lies, broken promises
Takin' what is mine, follow
the signs, I'll be fine
Givin' takin' stopping,
going on this thing called life
Driving solo, time to
reload gotta step aside
Sleepin' peaceful while
I'm riding the night
Watch me do my thing,
baby, I'm on fire tonight
I'm gonna fly
Keep on going till I'm past the sky
Keep on walking with my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna climb
Keep on going till I see the sunrise
If you ain't with me
you'll be left behind
I'm gonna fight
Keep on pushing till I get what's mine
Listen to the voices inside
I'm gonna fly
Keep on going till I pass the sky
Keep on walking with my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna climb
Keep on going till I see the sunrise
If you ain't with me
you'll be left behind
And you will never break me down
(singer vocalizing)
And I'm gonna fight,
keep my head held high
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
And you will never break me down
(singer vocalizing)
I'm not gonna give
up this fight, no, no
And you will never break me
(computer whirring) (tense music)
It must be nice to live in a world
torn between sweet dreams
and beautiful nightmares.
But the hunting season is upon us.
And it's time to wake from your slumber.