El pacto (2018) Movie Script

Mom, I feel sick.
Clara, darling, come here.
What's wrong?
CIara, pIease. lex.
Come here.
PIease, open your eyes, darIing.
My love.
CIara, pIease, I'm begging you,
open your eyes.
- Garrido.
- Clara.
- An ambuIance... to my home.
- No.
I don't know what's wrong.
Why isn't she saying anything? Please!
Wake up!
- Here.
- What is this shit, Garrido?
Three months without smeIling of gin.
You've earned it.
Are you trying to learn to cook?
No, my wife made them.
Even the dog won't eat them.
Jump or faIl?
They saw herjumping.
It seems it isn't the first time
she's tried to kilI herseIf.
The poor woman.
- Husband?
- Widow.
Any other witness?
Her son. He saw her faIling.
TeIl me know when the judge arrives.
When he got down here
his mother was stilI breathing.
Inspector Santos.
What's your name, son?
Like that since we got here.
Kid, do you hear me?
l can't. I can't do it.
Do what?
- I can't.
- What is it you can't do?
THE PAC CarefuI with the moIes, OK?
- Perpendicular, Iove.
- OK, mom!
Tomorrow's the Iast day for
handing in the signed permit.
Forget it, it's aIl been discussed.
Mom, it's the end of year trip.
Everyone's going.
Yes, Iove,
but you're not like everyone.
WeIl, if you Iet me,
maybe l would be.
lt's too long, you're not ready.
Oh, no? Look,
maybe I'm not the one who isn't ready.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- They realIy suit you.
- l Iove them. You shouIdn't have.
How is your father
managing on his own?
StiIl getting used to it.
How's your IittIe girl?
My "little girI "? If only
she were stilI my "little girI"...
- Here.
- What have you got for me today?
Good morning, Mr. Navarro.
How are you?
My name is Mnica Molero
and l've been assigned
as your pubIic defender.
l'm going to do everything I can
to offer you a fair defense.
- I asked for a man.
- Excuse me?
A woman won't defend me.
l have no doubt
you'd prefer a man to defend you.
Under age, if possibIe.
ShaIl we begin?
Take him away.
l'Il see to the paperwork.
He doesn't deserve a lawyer Iike you.
What do you want, lex?
We know each other.
- We have to talk about CIara.
- About Clara
or the money you owe us?
Don't worry about the money.
This week l get paid the overtime.
- Clara rang me Iast night.
- And?
She wants to Iive with me.
Did you telI her she could?
You want her to mature, don't you?
Let her make her own mistakes.
Not a chance.
Are you never going
to speak to me again?
CIara, your grandfather's boat
is no pIace to Iive.
lt's barely afloat.
What your father shouId do is buy
a normaI house with foundations.
- He'Il fix it.
- Yeah.
Do you know how Iong
l've been hearing that?
Since you were born.
Do you think l Iike being the bad cop?
No, l don't.
l can't bear it when we get angry
like this. Say something, pIease.
Last night Fran Ortiz's mother
jumped from a ninth fIoor.
you have to eat.
Don't forget, tomorrow
is the last day for handing it in.
Fine. Be carefuI.
l'm Ieaving!
Love, l don't mind taking you.
ReaIly, it's on my way.
l do.
- What are you doing?
- It's my mother's car.
Get in.
Her phone is switched off.
I can't trace her.
We don't know how Iong
she's been in a diabetic coma.
The reaction time is vitaI.
l'm sorry.
WilI she get better?
I don't want to give you faIse hopes.
The possibility of her waking up
some day is unIikeIy.
Unlikely but not impossible.
ln my 30 years as a doctor
I've seen other patients
in Clara's state,
and I've never seen
any of them wake up.
Why? l don't understand.
Garrido took a statement from the kids
who found her in the oId cement works.
She was on the ground,
with no phone, no backpack...
ProbabIy a mugging.
What was she doing there?
- I shouIdn't have left her on her own.
- Mnica...
l should have gone with her.
l knew it.
My little girI.
lf she doesn't wake up,
l'Il never forgive myself.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
We're in the same class.
My mother is in here too.
Fran Ortiz?
Clara mentioned you.
How's your mother?
WilI she get better?
I'lI be back soon.
Could you take care of her?
Why have you got her phone?
Put that down.
Put that down, Fran.
Don't do anything stupid.
Save her.
- What?
- If you want CIara to Iive,
you can't teIl anyone
what you'Il see there.
Go to that pIace and save her.
I couIdn't... l can't...
Did he do anything to you?
Mnica, are you alI right?
Mind your head.
I can have them take you home.
You shouId rest.
No. I'lI stay here
tiIl they throw me out.
I'lI see you tomorrow.
l'm sorry but you should go now.
Keeping quiet won't heIp you.
We've found your prints on her things
and on your mother's car.
Fran, we know you tried to kilI her.
TeIl us why and the judge wilI take
your colIaboration into account.
as you wish.
I'm in as much of a hurry as you are.
l knew she'd try again.
Try what?
My mother.
A month ago she sIit her wrists.
ln the hospital the taIl man
toId me she'd try again.
But she didn't have to die.
That's why l went there,
in case she did it again.
Where's there?
Where did you go, Fran?
That man was right. She's aIive.
She jumped from a ninth floor
and she's alive.
Now, someone has to die.
I've run out of time.
No, pIease, no!
No! No, pIease, no!
Calm down, Fran.
No, l don't want to die.
I don't want to die!
Fran, where...?
Fran, where did you go? Fran, where?
- What's wrong with him?
- Fran.
Get a doctor, quick!
What's wrong with you?
Fran! Fran!
ls anyone there?
Can I heIp you?
How did you find me?
Who toId you about me?
I'm sorry. This is a mistake,
I shouIdn't have come here.
l can save her.
She doesn't have to die.
What do you know about me?
If you're here
it's because onIy I can help you.
- How?
- That isn't the question.
What matters is, what wouId you be
wilIing to do not to lose her?
Then she can be saved,
but the price is high.
How much?
I don't want your money.
You'lI pay... but in due time.
For now, I just want one thing.
Your worst nightmare.
Wake up!
Wake up, please! No!
We can begin.
You have nothing to lose.
- Yes?
- Mnica, where are you?
- At home.
- The hospital called.
- What's happened?
- They want to see us. Hurry.
l've never seen anything like this.
Clara's case is like a miracle.
- A miracle?
- One in a milIion.
l've spoken to other coIleagues.
No one has seen anything Iike this.
When can she come home?
We'Il keep her in observation
for 24 hours.
If she continues like this,
you can take her home soon.
Just one thing...
CIara doesn't remember
anything about what happened.
That's the best thing for now.
I'm going to work, sweetheart.
Look after mom.
I'lI speak to the inspector.
I'lI ask for a few days, at Ieast
untiI everything gets back to normaI.
Are you alI right?
A bit tired. That's alI.
l'Il pick you up tomorrow.
- CaIl me if you need anything.
- OK.
if your purse isn't in Lost Property,
l don't think you'lI find it.
I just want to make sure
it isn't there.
l don't know where else to Iook.
Can we keep going?
There's your purse.
WiIl I fast forward?
No, please.
- Are you sure this is from last night?
- Yes, of course.
- What's wrong?
- A power cut.
Ma'am, you didn't Ieave the bag here.
l'm sorry.
Are you alI right? Let's go to...
- How did Iast night go?
- Fine.
ngeI Martos?
I'm sorry to bother you. I wanted
to speak to you for a moment.
Just a few questions.
About what?
May I?
This is the Iast photo I took of her.
The doctors couldn't do anything more
for her. But l could.
- So I did it.
- What did you do?
Only he could save her,
that's what he told me.
l didn't beIieve in those things.
No one does, right?
Until you've got nothing eIse Ieft
to believe in.
Have you told anyone?
Even l don't know what l did.
l don't remember anything.
It's better like this. lt's a trap.
That's why when l got out of prison
I shut myself away in here,
to stay away
from the peopIe I loved most.
Knowing that you have this power
for aIl your Iife is a curse.
The temptation to do it again
is too great
and the price is too high.
Did she get better?
The doctors had never seen
anything Iike it.
One in a milIion.
Where is she now?
She had a reIapse.
The time to pay ended and...
She died because I didn't pay.
I wasn't capable.
Capable of what?
Capable of kilIing.
That's how the pact works.
You save a life
in exchange for another.
You have to take someone else's life
or your worst nightmare
wiIl come true.
What are you saying?
l'd never kiIl anybody.
That's what you believe now
but he'Il tempt you.
He'Il put you to the test
time and again, Iike he did with me.
Like he did with him.
Fran never kilIed anyone.
And what happened him?
He died, didn't he?
His worst nightmare.
What adoIescent isn't terrified
by his own death?
Soon you'Il know how much time you have. The
spider wiIl teIl you who your victim is.
- Let go of me or I'lI scream!
- Listen to the spider.
Another thing,
your own Iife doesn't count.
- Suicide would be too easy.
- Leave me aIone.
Don't waste any more time
or your daughter wilI die.
Come on, love, give me a hand.
It'lI do you good to do something.
What are you doing?
He toId me he knew a place.
That no one would see us.
He took my things
and locked me in the car.
Please! PIease, let me out! Please!
He toId me he didn't want to do it,
but he had no choice.
Please! I couId die!
PIease! Please!
I don't understand, dad.
I don't understand!
There, there.
There, there, love.
How long?
I said, how Iong?
The prosecution wants for 20 years,
but considering that the victim is 15
and he admitted you didn't force him,
10 or 12 years.
And if l claimed temporary insanity?
You aren't mad.
You can distinguish perfectIy
between right and wrong.
But insanity would be
a mitigating circumstance.
I wouIdn't even get two years.
lf you did yourjob
l wouldn't have to go to prison.
Any other Iawyer wouId fight
to get me declared sick. Yes or no?
Yes or no?
Fucking bitch!
l'Il report you.
l'Il have you recused.
- Go ahead. Do me that favor.
- What are you doing?
Where do you think you're going?
Don't dare open that door!
Sit down!
Get help! Get help, pIease!
My piIls...
l'Il leave the towels here.
why do you carry an unloaded gun?
I wish
I'd always carried it Iike that.
But you were doing yourjob, right?
You saved your partner.
Yes, but no one should be abIe
to decide about another person's life.
ls that why you started drinking?
Is that why you separated?
I haven't had a drink in three months.
Get in the bath.
- I'lI get my jacket.
- OK.
Clara is a bit better.
She's going to have a bath.
Iex, listen.
Clara, can you hear me?
Clara, open the door!
Clara! CIara!
Look at me. Are you aIl right?
Are you alI right?
Look at me.
- l'm going to die.
- No.
We're alI right, my love. Trust me.
Sit down.
Hello, this is lex.
Leave a message after the tone.
Iex, I need to see you.
l'm on my way with Clara.
l have to teIl you something.
Are you OK?
Don't move.
- Emergency, 112.
- HeIlo?
We've had an accident.
- OK.
- Send someone quickIy.
- Can you give me the exact address?
- No, not exactly.
Just a minute.
Yes, it's the... C42,
kiIometer 94.
Very well, the emergency services
are on their way.
- Has anyone been wounded?
- CIara?
- Ma'am?
- CIara?
CIara... CIara!
CIara, come up!
It's dangerous, get out of there!
Come up! Come up! Come up!
Leave me aIone!
CIara, come up!
Come up! Hurry up!
- How are you?
- They got out unharmed.
And the other car?
Let's go home. Come on.
l'm going to bed.
Come with me.
What's wrong?
What happened tonight.
l Iet the driver die.
I couId have saved him but I didn't.
No. No one could have done anything.
CIara and you were in danger.
You saved her Iife.
You don't understand.
I went to a place the night Fran died.
- He sent me an address and told me...
- I know.
Today Garrido arrested that fraud.
I taIked to him.
l know you went to see him
and l know what he toId you.
If you know everything, you know
what I had to do
so as not to lose Clara.
That man...
I kilIed him, lex, l kiIled him.
- Mnica, it was an accident.
- No, you don't understand.
CIara had no possibiIity
of recovering.
- Yes, she did.
- Come on, one in a milIion.
Mnica, we've been
under a Iot of pressure these days.
You need to rest.
No, things are happening
that I can't explain.
No, no, Iook at me.
Look at me carefulIy.
Look at me, Mnica.
You went to that pIace
and no one can bIame you for that.
You were desperate.
But that man didn't help you.
He took advantage of you,
and not onIy of you.
He's taken advantage of a Iot of peopIe
over the years. And you know why?
Because no one wants to accept
that alI of us, some day,
wilI Iose the people we love.
No one does.
But it's inevitabIe.
And you and l wiIl have
to accept it too some day.
That's cheating.
Mom! You couId easiIy have got that.
Mom, go on.
- Grandfather's compass.
- I've fixed the boat.
You have?
When you come back
l'Il teach you how to use it.
It's time you learned to sail.
How about some coffee?
Shouldn't you go and sIeep, love?
Tomorrow you're traveIing.
WelI, I'm going to bed.
- l'Il go with you.
- No, no. You needn't bother.
You two enjoy the night.
ShouIdn't we go inside?
So soon?
Don't you like it here?
What's wrong, Mnica?
lt doesn't matter.
- Mom!
- CIara!
- There's someone in the house!
- What? Who?
I don't know. I saw someone.
- Are you sure?
- You two stay here.
l can see you. Come out
l'Il count to five.
Come out, you son of a bitch!
CalI the poIice. And stay here.
lex, Iex.
Oh, no!
Darling, open your eyes.
We've calIed someone to heIp us.
Hang on, OK?
Hang on, we'lI get out of this.
I promise you.
Iex! No, pIease, please,
l'm begging you.
Don't go, pIease.
Don't leave me alone, please.
Please, pIease.
Mom, the police are coming!
Mom, where's dad?
Mom, mom! Mom, open the door!
Mom, please, open the door!
I don't want to be aIone!
PIease, open the door!
How do you feeI?
What happened to me?
You passed out when you hit
your head on the floor.
Do you remember anything
about what happened tonight?
When you came down
was AIex already unconscious?
Where did you find him?
Where you picked him up.
I couIdn't move him.
- It wasn't there.
- Dad!
He hid over there.
l went after him
and when he came out he charged at me.
I feIl over there.
Do you remember anything else?
He was pushing me.
That's the last thing I remember.
Are you sure
that's where you found him?
He must have got up
before he passed out
because l found him here.
Are you feeling better?
And you, Clara?
I didn't see anything.
Mom closed the door.
l didn't want you to see him
Iike that, darIing.
Anything eIse you can add?
Did you see the license pIate?
The make of car? The color?
Did you pass him
when he came out of the basement?
lf l showed you photos,
could you recognize him?
lt was very dark. l'm sorry.
Don't worry.
They aIways Ieave some print.
My brother...
You could have saved his life,
- but you let him die.
- What do you want?
- l want you to lose everything.
- What do you mean?
Did you know she has your eyes?
Your daughter.
When she's scared...
she has the same look.
Stop! Don't you dare
go near my daughter, you hear?
Don't you dare.
- If you find any prints...
- You'lI be the first to know.
You rest, I'lI see to it.
Good night, Iove.
How Iong is dad staying?
Until he recovers.
I'm not sure about Amsterdam.
I don't feel like it now.
How can you not go on that trip?
You wanted to do it so much.
My love.
Don't worry about us.
Dad wilI be fine,
I'lI take care of him.
You know, there's something
you have to promise me
that you'Il never forget.
It's that everything l do
and everything l've done
and everything I wilI do,
l do it for you.
You'lI remember, won't you?
Promise me.
l promise.
Now, go to sIeep, OK?
- A pain kiIler.
- Thank you.
Do you need anything else?
The bed is more than enough.
You'Il get it back tomorrow.
You can stay as long as you need to.
Take it.
You'Il sIeep weIl. Good night.
Where's my shirt?
The one I was wearing at dinner.
lt was dirty.
Good night.
- Are you sure you're aIl right?
- Yes, I'm fine, don't worry.
Don't be in a hurry to get better, OK?
Go on.
Mom, pIease...
I'm only going for a week.
That's true. Go on.
- My bag.
- Your bag.
l Iove you.
I've just heard about last night.
How's AIex?
Much better, thanks.
Listen, do me a favor.
I've got a case. A hit and run.
Do you have the Iicense plate?
- Yes.
- We'Il see who the bastard is.
Come on, come on...
Hi, this is Mnica.
Leave your message after the tone.
Mnica, it's lex.
Don't do anything stupid, you hear?
Whatever you're thinking of doing,
don't do it.
CalI me.
Find this, hurry.
Son of a bitch...
DON'T DO I CIose the door or l'Il shoot you!
CIose... the door.
CIose the fucking door!
CIose the fucking door.
Who are you?
Ral Osorio.
The guy who broke into your house.
The prints coincide.
- He's the brother.
- What brother?
Of the driver who died
in Mnica's accident.
He was thrown out of the car.
He was saved from the fire.
- Why has he got a file?
- For aggression.
He left his neighbor tetrapIegic
because his music annoyed him.
He went to a psychiatric hospital.
l was there.
l saw it all.
You killed my brother.
- He was alI l had!
- Don't acceIerate!
CaIm down or I'lI shoot.
That's why you're foIlowing her,
for revenge.
- What were you going to do?
- Nothing.
l wasn't going to do anything.
l just wanted to scare her.
You shot my husband, son of a bitch!
- Start driving.
- No.
Start driving or l'Il shoot.
Drive, you son of a bitch. Drive.
l've got it.
Where are you going?
lt'Il come on the right.
Stop here.
Give me the key.
Get out.
Get out!
Turn round! Don't look at me!
Don't kilI me, pIease.
l've got a family.
My wife, my chiIdren,
what wilI become of them?
- You have no family.
- What?
You have no family!
Before, in the car,
you toId me
that your brother was aIl you had.
So you're lying.
What were you going to do
to my daughter?
What are you doing?
Turn round.
Are you going to kilI me?
What have l done?
- l don't deserve this.
- Stop!
You don't realIy want to do it.
You don't have to do it.
Don't do it.
Don't hurt me.
I like your eyes.
You have
the same Iook as your daughter.
It's a pity you're never
going to see her again.
Mnica, open your eyes. Look at me.
That's it. I'm here now. Take it easy.
No. No!
Press on that... and don't move.
They'Il come and get you.
No, no, no.
Iex, no.
Clara, say something. Clara...
Hey, CIara.
She took her insuIin
before she got on the bus.
- How low should it be by now?
- 150.
Hi. I'm stilI here waiting.
- He's in the abandoned cement works.
- Who is?
You'll find him there, handcuffed.
Send an ambulance.
An ambulance?
What are you taIking about?
He was going to hurt Clara.
TeIl me where you are.
I'm sure you can expIain alI this.
Shut up and listen.
He's got two bullet wounds,
l shot him.
How are you feeIing?
What am l doing here?
Where's that man?
- An ambuIance is going for him.
- What?
No, you have no idea
what you'vejust done.
l know you can't understand...
but that man should be dead.
You have to believe me.
Time is running out.
l believe you.
Clara is in the hospitaI.
The insulin isn't having any effect.
The doctors don't know what's wrong
with her but you and I do.
I know what you did with CIara...
and I know what you did with me.
My clock.
Ten years ago
when CIara was in hospitaI
and they told us she wouldn't recover,
he appeared.
We arrested him
trying to Ieave the country.
At that time,
he was involved in various murders.
He looked into my eyes and he told me
that Clara was going to die,
but that l could prevent it.
So... I made a pact.
lf l helped him he'd help me.
I bribed thejudge.
I was just thinking about CIara...
and you.
It happened exactly as he said.
Despite what everyone told us,
CIara got better.
When l shot that man to save Garrido,
it wasn't in seIf-defense,
it was an execution.
The price I paid for saving Clara.
And I've been paying it for ten years.
What are you doing?
I won't Iet you
make the same mistake l made.
- Open the door.
- l'm sorry.
- The keys, lex.
- What for? What are you going to do?
Save Clara.
Are you going to kiIl
the first person you meet?
- Clara doesn't deserve to die.
- Nor does the person you'Il choose.
Give me the fucking keys!
No, l don't want to Iisten to you!
I don't want to listen! Give me the keys!
During this time,
I saw my brother die.
I couId have saved him but I didn't.
The price is too high and you know it.
l wish someone had done
this for me 10 years ago.
What are you saying?
She's your daughter, Iex.
She's our daughter.
Don't you see? Fear has Ied you here.
- Saving you has brought me here.
- Exactly.
And you shouldn't have done it.
You could have asked for help,
but no, you were scared.
And if you use that gun again,
you'lI Iive with fear
the rest of your life.
Darling, beIieve me,
we have to put an end to this.
Together. We should do it together.
I'd rather live with fear
than Iive without CIara.
Get out of the way.
Open the door.
Open the door! Open the door!
I swear I'm capabIe
of anything for her.
So am I.
Go ahead.
Pay the price.
Come on. Come on!
Do it.
Do it!
Time's running out. Come on, do it!
I can't!
I can't.
THE PAC TransIation: Deidre McCIoskey
SubtitIes: LASERFlLM