Elite Force: B.R.I. - Body Recovery Immmusination (2024) Movie Script
[soft music]
[logo glitching]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[keys clacking]
[screen beeping]
[footsteps thudding]
[Jesse coughing]
[tense music]
[Jesse gasping]
[engine rumbling]
[suspenseful music]
[computer beeping]
[suspenseful music continues]
[computer beeping]
[suspenseful music continues]
[keys clacking]
[monitor beeping]
[electricity crackling]
[suspenseful music continues]
[tense music]
[Jesse gasping]
[tense music]
[Jesse groaning]
[Jesse groaning]
[tense music continues]
[footsteps thudding]
[tense music]
[wood thudding]
[chains clanking]
[Loco groaning]
[Loco speaking foreign language]
[tense music continues]
[Loco groaning]
[tense music continues]
[monitor beeping]
[chain clacking]
[Loco groaning]
[speaking foreign language]
[speaking foreign language]
[tense music continues]
[monitor beeping]
[footsteps thudding]
[chain clacking]
[gentle orchestral music]
- What you got there?
- I saw you.
- Okay, gimme an
impression of the Grinch.
[both growling and laughing]
- [Woman] We could do
some green face paint.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[footsteps thudding]
[wood creaking]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[dramatic orchestral music
[monitor beeping]
[device whirring]
- My colleague and
I, Mr. Johnson,
have worked the past 10 years
tirelessly to present our works
to the military
leaderships of the world.
We have named it BRI,
Body Recovery Immunization.
BRI is a complicated
and technical procedure
of which I'm not permitted
to disclose any
classified details.
Within our program,
we can adjust
select participants
into the greatest combat
soldier of any battalion.
A five-year program is necessary
to readjust the body's DNA
systematically over time,
that will bring to
effect that when injured,
the serum-injected
body will recover
and repair itself
almost immediately.
This program is necessary as
we see an ever-growing need
to advance our technologies,
defenses, and troops.
We can utilize these soldiers
with exceptional strength
and self-healing technologies
as our frontline military
to protect our boundaries,
our country, our security,
or for so much more.
My recent development was to
discover an
unprecedented solution.
The original BRI infused
with alligator blood.
This we have found helps
the human body samples
develop a super-strength
working within the DNA
to involve every cell one
million times faster, better,
and healthier, all
at the same time.
There is more, however.
We have discovered that if a arm
or a leg is severed
from the body,
it will automatically extend
to the growth of
the missing part.
This technology is astounding.
- That's genius. What is
the cost of each soldier?
- Billions.
These soldiers would be
so extremely dangerous
in the wrong hands.
They could be used against
governments for killing people
and robbing banks.
They can be anything.
The only way to kill 'em
would be to blow 'em apart
or reduce 'em to ash.
And for that
reason, I, I'm sorry
that I cannot put
millions of lives at risk.
- Whatever it costs,
we'll pay, right?
- Yes.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- You didn't tell me about this.
We're talking about
billions, man,
and you walk away.
- Jasper, do you
remember we served
in the military in Afghanistan?
I remember you lost
a whole load of troops
to occupy a small village.
You hold no care for
how many people die,
just so you can have power.
What happens to the
soldiers who lose limbs
or are otherwise
disabled by war?
It's my responsibility
to save people's lives
and not to simply stand by
and let somebody like
you take control.
- I don't care who you save.
Look at this world.
It's all about money and power
and a division of rich and poor.
Brave soldiers die in
valor for their country,
and it's the cowards
that make history.
Now we have the dream,
we have the control.
We can do anything we want.
Yes, billions.
- It's never gonna happen.
[Marco grunting]
- You will get the job done,
otherwise your
entire family dies.
Your choice.
You take some time
to think about it.
[Marco grunting]
[dramatic music]
[monitor beeping]
[bell tolling]
[tense music]
[liquid gurgling]
[tense music continues]
- Put the fucking gun down.
- Calm down.
I can explain.
- Put the gun down.
- I'm in charge here.
Not you.
[tense music]
- Do you know who we
are, motherfucker?
- Yes.
Yes I do.
Loco, ex-member
of the rebel army,
killed 40 people in Paraty,
Brazil with your bare hands.
The army called
you Black Panther.
Quick, fast, and
good with your hands.
Jesse ex-member, SAS,
dedicated warrior.
You have unbelievable
flexibility and accurate
I believe you have been
on 10 tours worldwide.
Who'd believe that
that innocent face
of yours had killed hundreds?
- Kawa, expat
martyr, fought Isis.
A deadly man in all
aspects of the army,
trained with the Russians,
survived the Siberian desert.
You have the strength of 10 men.
I know you have seen the
worst that's possible,
and you lost your
entire village.
Fei, ex-People's
Liberation Army,
highly skilled martial artist,
one of China's best soldiers.
You can stop your heart beating
for two minutes and survive.
- How do you know all of this?
Who do you work for?
- I have been following
you all for the past year.
You have been homeless due
to the government leaving you
alone after you were injured
from war, left you for dead.
I'm here to help
you, rebuild you,
and give you a chance
to get your respect back
by mutilating the bastards
that left you for dead.
I'm the good guy here.
[Jesse laughing]
- For someone who kidnapped me,
threw me in the back of a van,
and put me on the operating
table and knocked me out,
I'm having a fucking hard time
believing everything that's
coming out of your mouth
right now.
- You're not the only one
who suffered in here lately.
- Shut up, jungle boy.
[tense music]
- Hmm.
- Who are you?
[gun clicking]
What do you want?
- I'll let you
all know another day.
What do I want?
Let me show you.
In the meantime, why
don't we make friends?
[tense music continues]
[Loco speaking foreign language]
[dramatic orchestral music]
- Well, good.
Let's get to work.
[dramatic orchestral music]
And this is where you
are gonna get fit, well,
and strong enough to
get back on your feet
and get back out into the field.
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[dramatic music]
- Welcome to BRI Systems,
the future of modern warfare.
- Our prototypes are ready
and awaiting injection
of the serum,
though momentarily, we
have a slight hiccup.
Dr. Marco does seem to have
disappeared and deserted us,
but all is okay.
We're on route to collect
his assistant, Dr. Johnson.
Worry not.
He will help us to
complete the process.
- Mm.
[speaking foreign language]
Very interesting.
- Thank you.
- Very good idea. I love it.
- I would like to take 50%.
- Excellent.
Please follow me.
[tense music]
- Is anyone in this
fucking building?
Let me out of here!
[tense music continues]
I said who is there?
[apple crunching]
- So what did you do?
Kawa, did you manage to save
any of the women and children?
[tense music]
[guns firing]
[explosions booming]
Jesse, I'm really sorry
for what you went through.
- Yeah. So am I.
- May I ask you what
nationality these men were?.
[woman screaming]
- American.
[Fei speaking foreign language]
- You're quite a survivor, Loco.
- Surviving the jungle
is all you have.
[man speaking foreign language]
They left me for dead.
- Is there anything you'd
like to share with me?
- No.
There is nothing to tell.
[tense music]
[punches thudding]
[Kawa grunting]
[tense music continues]
[punches and kicks thudding]
[Fei groaning]
[Johnson groaning]
[Johnson coughing]
- I don't, I don't know
what you guys want.
- Shh.
Calm down, man.
Calm down, man.
Take it easy, all right?
You can see I'm a
nice guy, right?
Here's a little bit of a secret.
Nobody will get hurt.
So tell us, all right?
- Mr. Johnson,
we know you've gone
to the newspapers.
[man speaking foreign language]
- Let's get straight
to the fucking point.
Who told you about Hush, huh?
[Johnson groaning]
Who the fuck told you, huh?
- I don't know nothing.
- Ah.
[Johnson sobbing]
- Please.
I don't know what you guys want.
I don't know what you guys
want. [breathing heavily]
Stop this.
Stop this!
[both grunting]
- Da, da, da, da.
[man speaking foreign language]
[man speaking foreign language]
[man speaking foreign language]
- We're not done with
you yet, you know?, huh?
He's done.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[man speaking foreign language]
[Johnson breathing heavily]
[music intensifies]
- How long until
that part's ready?
- Ten minutes boss,
ten minutes.
- Mr. Johnson, he's
keeping his tongue tied,
no matter what we do to him,
- Well do whatever it
takes to extract it.
We need to gain that intel.
Without it, the
machine is useless.
- We are trying, six
hours extreme torture,
but he say nothing.
- Well, this is on you.
Sort it.
If you cannot help,
find me someone that can.
- As it goes,
we're also investigating
this option right now.
There's this guy that we
believe has the ability
and technical know-how
to reconstruct the serum.
He's coming under our
surveillance at Oxford
where he masquerades around
as a laboratory professor,
although we have learned that
he's much more than this.
Some say his teachings
and lectures are creating
geniuses in the fields
of science.
Yeah, he's deffo our man.
[tense music]
- Then bring him in.
What are you waiting for?
- Permission, sir.
- For fuck's sake, man,
do your fucking job.
[metal clanging]
[tense music continues]
Hurry up.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music continues]
[footsteps thudding]
[punches thudding]
[all grunting]
[tense music continues]
[punches thudding]
[Kawa grunting]
[soft music]
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me, baby
Oh oh
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me, babe
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me, babe
[locker thudding]
[tense music]
[tense music]
[wind whooshing]
[woman gasping]
- [Child] Daddy!
[woman whimpering]
- [Woman] Shhh.
[Marco screaming]
[gun firing]
[dramatic music]
[punches and kicks thudding]
[Kawa grunting]
[punches thudding]
[Jesse grunting]
[all chattering]
[punches thudding]
- One, two.
[punches thudding]
One, two.
[Kawa grunting]
[Jesse grunting]
[Kawa grunting]
Gotta control that anger
and power.
[both grunting]
That's it.
[dramatic music continues]
[both grunting]
[tense music]
- We have found Professor Adams.
I sent a team to pick him up.
- Excellent.
You know how much
this means to me.
I must complete my
two-month program.
[tense music continues]
[door whooshing]
- I have suffered
just like you all.
People like Hush have destroyed
and killed my family.
But the real
mastermind behind this
is in charge of numerous
bombings and assassinations.
And now we are dealing
with corrupt and most
wanted men in governments
that hide by a secret
code name called Hush.
The Chinese government
has exiled the worst
of the worst criminals
to fight the civilized world.
It's a win-win
situation for China
and the world's
corrupt governments.
You four are my chosen ones
from each corner of this world,
the best and the deadliest,
to fight many missions.
Follow me.
[dramatic music]
This is currently happening
live, two blocks from here.
It's a location Hush
use on a regular basis.
- Why are they torturing him?
I don't understand.
- Well, there's a reason
why he is kept alive.
He must know something.
Otherwise he'd be dead already.
- We have to move fast.
- I surgically implanted
GPS trackers inside of you.
[tense music]
- What if we lose signal?
- You go to plan B.
- What's plan B?
- I'll tell you later.
Let's move.
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[wind whooshing]
[light buzzing]
[computer beeping]
- Guys, listen up.
Approach the building.
Remember, no guns.
Hush is all over the building.
[computer beeping]
Jesse and Loco,
use the other door.
I will unlock all as you go.
[computer beeping]
[siren wailing]
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
[tense music]
[computer beeping]
[Jesse grunting]
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
You are on the first floor.
There is a guy on
the right-hand side.
[computer beeping]
[punch thudding]
[man grunting]
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
Make your way to the
second floor, quick.
Do not enter it.
Carry on up to the third floor.
[tense music continues]
There is a guy on
the right-hand side.
[man grunting]
[man grunting]
[tense music continues]
You all need to take the
next flight of stairs
approaching the left hand side.
Do not go left.
I repeat, do not go left.
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
The game room is on the way.
[tense music continues]
[tense music continues]
- [Man] [laughing] Yo, bitch.
Get over here.
[tense music continues]
[man speaking foreign language]
- Hey, guys.
Winner takes all.
That winner, it's going
to be me. [laughing]
[man speaking foreign language]
- [Man] Fuck.
[man speaking foreign language]
[man speaking foreign language]
[tense music continues]
- [Man] Hey, hey, hey.
What are you doing?
Get out, get out.
[tense music continues]
- Move, bitch.
Get the fuck out of the way.
[tense music continues]
[Fei speaking foreign language]
[computer beeping]
[Fei speaking foreign language]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[Loco screaming]
[man groaning]
[Loco breathing heavily]
- Fuck you, bastard!
[computer beeping]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[Jesse grunting]
- Kawa.
[both grunting]
[Loco groaning]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[glass shattering]
[Kawa shouting]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[computer beeping]
[Loco coughing]
- Are you okay?
[Loco coughing]
- What happened?
- Guys, Loco's hurt bad.
- How bad?
- He's losing a lot of blood.
- This building's is close.
Stay here with Loco.
I'll go alone.
- No, there's more
Hush in this building.
We stay together,
we go together.
- He's right, guys,
let's stick together.
- [Fei] All right.
- Guys, move it now.
We are running out of time.
- You guys ready?
- Let's go.
[Loco breathing heavily]
[tense music]
[Loco breathing heavily]
- I cannot see anything.
- Look around.
I can see a room
there somewhere.
I can see bodies.
Find that room and
see who is in there.
[tense music]
- There's a new wall.
- How are you gonna get in?
- I can kick it down.
[Kawa grunting]
[wall thudding]
[tense music continues]
[Kawa coughing]
- What's that smell?
- Guys, cover me, I'm going in.
- Wait, hang on.
[tense music]
[Jesse gasping and coughing]
[Jesse breathing heavily]
[Jesse coughing]
[Jesse retching]
- Jesse.
- Shush.
- Don't tell me to shush.
- That's enough.
- [Marco] What is going on,
- There's loads of dead bodies.
Mr. Johnson's dead.
- How can we make sure?
You wasn't there long
enough to check the pulse.
- Mr. Johnson is dead, sir.
- There's loads of bodies.
- That is a trap.
That is the case.
- Loco, I need you
to check the corpses
and get a positive
ID on Mr. Johnson.
The rest of you wait outside.
Keep guard.
You are not on holiday here.
You are in the middle of
a damn hostile war zone.
Now move!
- Loco is injured.
I'll go back in.
- I don't care.
Loco is best for this now.
Jesse, step aside.
[dramatic music]
[Loco groaning]
[Loco breathing heavily]
- Mr. Johnson is not there.
- You do not leave that
building until you find him.
I know he is still alive.
They will not kill him until
they get get what they need.
Mr. Johnson is the only one
that knows about
the BRI program.
You have to hurry now.
- [Loco] What is BRI program?
You never told us about it?
- If he gives them the
information that they are after
then the whole world will
be in extreme danger.
This is an order.
You have to hurry up now.
- Copy.
- Bullshit.
How do we even know Mr.
Johnson's in the building?
- We don't.
The most important thing
is that we get out alive.
- We cannot make it if
we take that jungle boy.
- Fuck you.
- Watch your fucking language!
- What happened to teamwork?
- Hey, he's right.
[Kawa breathing heavily]
Loco is injured.
We can't bring him with us.
- What the hell is
wrong with you both?
You want him to be slaughtered?
Fei, you know what
the Chinese are like.
- Don't bring my part into this.
- Guys, shut up.
- Hold on.
What's going on, guys?
We have a job to do.
- It's okay, guys.
Go on.
I will hide.
- So go and recover him and
rendezvous at the rooftop.
I will be there to lift
you out with a chopper.
Now move.
- We use plan B.
- What the fuck plan B is?
- Are you fucking serious?
What's wrong with you?
- You have company heading
straight towards you.
Move out now.
[computer beeping]
[door clicking]
[tense music]
- Yes, this is it.
[computer beeping]
- Dr. Marco.
Dr. Marco?
- We need directions.
Can he copy?
Can he copy?
- [Automated Voice]
- I've been searching for
you for some time, Marco.
A crazy man who fights
for the homeless soldiers
and rebuilds them in
taking down my dream.
Well, I don't fucking
understand your mentality
or who really cares.
Do you not remember
when the fight is over,
they no longer need soldiers.
What happened to the soldiers
who lose their arms, their legs,
the soldiers that
suffer the nightmares.
So many of them psychologically
and emotionally fucked.
Then reach homelessness
and nobody cares,
but you.
- Guys, we lost Dr. Marco.
[tense music]
- Remember, no fire.
Let's move.
[tense music]
[Loco groaning]
- You didn't fucking listen,
and that's why your family
had to pay the price.
- You killed my
family in front of me.
Now you want to dispose of
everybody that gets in your way
because you want
complete control.
Oh, you will
be a dead man soon enough.
[suspenseful music]
[gun firing]
- Get the case. Let's go.
[suspenseful music continues]
[case whooshing]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[tense music continues]
[tense music continues]
- You go.
I'll be fine.
[tense music continues]
[dramatic music]
- Fuck.
You're still here.
Where's Jesse?
I'll cover Jesse.
[Kawa exclaiming]
[tense music]
- Why don't you fucking
fight me, like a man?
[tense music]
- Oh yes.
[gun clicking]
[Kawa shouting]
[suspenseful music]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[bones cracking]
[Jesse grunting]
- Whooo!
[gun clicking]
[man whistling]
[man speaking foreign language]
[knuckles cracking]
[both grunting]
[hands clapping]
- Whooo!
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[Jesse grunting]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[all grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[all grunting]
[suspenseful music]
- Okay.
[man speaking foreign language]
[suspenseful music]
[all grunting]
- Shit.
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[bone snapping]
[both grunting]
[man coughing]
- Fuck.
Now what the fuck?
[breathing heavily]
[man coughing]
[both breathing heavily]
[man grunting]
[tense music continues]
- You got a nice
little cage for yourself.
You love it.
This is where you're gonna stay.
You're never gonna get out.
Love it, you love it, don't you?
You love it.
- Stop it.
- [Man] Love it.
- [Man 2] What are you
trying to achieve?
- Love it.
- You're a sick
fucking bastard.
- Shut up.
- Just let me out.
[metal clanging]
I don't know why
you brought me here.
- Shut up.
- I can't help you with this.
I don't know nothing about BRI.
It's not my fucking program.
Dr. Marco's creation, that shit.
I don't know why
you've brought me here.
I can't do what you want.
I know nothing about this BRI.
This is Dr. Marco's
creation, this shit.
[Johnson breathing heavily]
- Oh God.
Oh, shit, Mr. Johnson.
Okay, hang on.
Let me untie you.
- Just-
- What?
[Johnson whimpering]
[Johnson sobbing]
- [Loco] Johnson.
- Where's Kawa?
- He's dead.
Where's Fei?
What did Mr. Johnson say?
[Johnson coughing]
- Nothing.
- Are you sure?
- What are you trying to say?
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Only doing what's best for us.
[both grunting]
[suspenseful music]
[both grunting]
[Jesse groaning]
What did he say to you?
- He said go fuck yourself.
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
- Not my fucking program!
It's Dr. Marco's
creation, that shit.
- Dr. Marco's coming
to the building.
What are we gonna do?
- Blow the building.
- No, no, I'm still in here.
- We can't do this.
We've got men here.
Okay, listen to me.
We can't do this, okay?
[gun cocking]
[tense music]
[gun firing]
[man whimpering]
[explosion booming]
[all shouting]
[both grunting]
[explosion booming]
- No, no, no.
Don't shoot me.
No, please.
I can do it.
Anything you want.
Please, I can do it.
I can do it, please.
Please, please.
- Don't fuck with me.
- Just please give me some time.
I can do it.
I can do anything
you want, anything.
Please, just don't kill me.
- You have 24 hours.
[tense music]
[man whimpering]
- Let me out then.
Let me out!
[fire crackling]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[footsteps thudding]
[objects clattering]
[shoe unzipping]
[razor buzzing]
[water running]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[objects clattering]
[Kawa sighing]
[Kawa groaning]
[suspenseful music]
[Velcro clicking]
[jacket zipping]
[suspenseful music continues]
[tense music]
[keys clacking]
- Stop.
- He needs to have this.
His memory bank has been wiped,
all he recognizes is his tattoo.
It will keep him safe.
[electricity crackling]
You need this.
[electricity crackling]
[tense music]
[door whooshing]
[air hissing]
- How long?
- 10, nine, eight, seven, six...
[wind whooshing]
[electricity crackling]
[heart beating]
[tense music continues]
[electricity crackling]
Fucking genius.
It works.
Try shooting him.
[gun firing]
[man speaking foreign language]
- Dreams do come true.
- Thank you, my friend.
Now you have two choices.
One, you die.
Two, you take the five-year
program and join us.
- No.
- Your choice.
- No.
I did my bit.
You said I'd be free.
- Take him.
[tense music]
[engine rumbling]
[tense music continues]
- Stop.
Turn around.
[man grunting]
[guns firing]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[wood creaking]
[gun clicking]
[both grunting]
[metal clanging]
[both grunting]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[liquid gurgling]
[device whirring]
- Yes.
[tense music continues]
- Please just listen to me.
Listen to me.
Let me go.
You promised me you'd let me go.
I did everything
that you wanted.
I did my job.
I have a family.
They need me.
Let me go!
Let me go!
[tense music]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[neck cracking]
No, don't shoot.
I'm not one of them.
- Why you are here?
- [stammering] The BRI.
- What do you know about BRI?
- Me? Nothing.
That's Dr. Marco's creation.
Let me out of here and I'll
tell you all you need to know.
Dr. Marco
[muttering indistinctly].
- Dr. Marco's got me killed.
- Huh?
- All of my friends,
Jesse, Loco, Fei,
we failed the mission.
I believe you are here
to complete the mission.
- Well, before-
- Shhh.
Take this.
- What's this?
I don't know how to
use this fucking thing.
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[explosion booming]
[tense music]
- Shoot outside.
Not at me, for God's sake.
- Is he dead?
[tense music]
I'm coming.
[both grunting]
That's him.
[both grunting]
[Kawa grunting]
- Shoot him.
- I don't know what to do,
he's BRI.
If I shoot, he won't
fucking die. [groaning]
[gun firing]
Oh, no.
[wall crashing]
Oh, no, no, no, no.
[device whirring]
[both shouting]
[explosion booming]
[tense music]
[Kawa coughing]
You okay?
You been hit?
- Shut up.
[tense music]
- How do you know Dr. Marco?
- Back in the day we studied
together in California.
He's actually a fucking genius.
I've always wanted
to work with him.
Is your name Kawa? [groaning]
- I'm gonna draw out the guard.
You stay here.
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[woman groaning]
[both grunting]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
- Kawa!
[knife clanging]
Oh, fuck. [whimpering]
[woman grunting]
[both grunting]
[woman groaning]
[knife thudding]
[man speaking foreign language]
[explosion booming]
[high pitch frequency
[tense music continues]
[body thudding]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[electricity crackling]
[gun firing]
[gun clattering]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[man growling]
[both growling and grunting]
[tense music continues]
[gun cocking]
[gun firing]
[both grunting]
[Kawa spitting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
- Kawa, get the gun!
His BRI is not complete.
He can die.
[tense music continues]
[man screaming]
[gun cocking]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[man groaning]
[gun cocking]
[man groaning]
[gun firing]
Get to the tank.
Shoot him!
[tense music continues]
- Come on!
[tense music continues]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[engine rumbling]
[engine revving]
[tense music continues]
[heart beating]
[electricity crackling]
[tense music continues]
[engine revving]
- I'm gonna get ya!
[engine revving]
- Shoot him!
[tense music continues]
[Kawa grunting]
- Come back here.
[engine rumbling]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music]
- I am BRI!
[air whooshing]
[explosion booming]
- You did it.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[siren wailing]
[explosion booming]
[helicopter whirring]
[birds squawking]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Kawa.
I have been looking for you.
You have removed
your tracking chip.
- Dr. Marco, you are alive.
I thought you dead.
- [Marco] I created BRI.
Of course, I'm still alive.
I am BRI too.
Now rendezvous with me at
Castle De Ville in 48 hours.
Over and out.
- We're going to
the Castle De Ville.
[tense music]
- Wait till we see Marco.
I'm gonna tell him how I
saved your life. [laughing]
[upbeat electronic music]
[singer vocalizing]
Be all right
Every night
Every day
To create a new
For so fine
You are a genius
[singer vocalizing]
You are a genius
Dr. Marcos you're amazing
[vocalist singing in foreign
[singer vocalizing]
[upbeat electronic music
[soft music]
[logo glitching]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[keys clacking]
[screen beeping]
[footsteps thudding]
[Jesse coughing]
[tense music]
[Jesse gasping]
[engine rumbling]
[suspenseful music]
[computer beeping]
[suspenseful music continues]
[computer beeping]
[suspenseful music continues]
[keys clacking]
[monitor beeping]
[electricity crackling]
[suspenseful music continues]
[tense music]
[Jesse gasping]
[tense music]
[Jesse groaning]
[Jesse groaning]
[tense music continues]
[footsteps thudding]
[tense music]
[wood thudding]
[chains clanking]
[Loco groaning]
[Loco speaking foreign language]
[tense music continues]
[Loco groaning]
[tense music continues]
[monitor beeping]
[chain clacking]
[Loco groaning]
[speaking foreign language]
[speaking foreign language]
[tense music continues]
[monitor beeping]
[footsteps thudding]
[chain clacking]
[gentle orchestral music]
- What you got there?
- I saw you.
- Okay, gimme an
impression of the Grinch.
[both growling and laughing]
- [Woman] We could do
some green face paint.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[footsteps thudding]
[wood creaking]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[dramatic orchestral music
[monitor beeping]
[device whirring]
- My colleague and
I, Mr. Johnson,
have worked the past 10 years
tirelessly to present our works
to the military
leaderships of the world.
We have named it BRI,
Body Recovery Immunization.
BRI is a complicated
and technical procedure
of which I'm not permitted
to disclose any
classified details.
Within our program,
we can adjust
select participants
into the greatest combat
soldier of any battalion.
A five-year program is necessary
to readjust the body's DNA
systematically over time,
that will bring to
effect that when injured,
the serum-injected
body will recover
and repair itself
almost immediately.
This program is necessary as
we see an ever-growing need
to advance our technologies,
defenses, and troops.
We can utilize these soldiers
with exceptional strength
and self-healing technologies
as our frontline military
to protect our boundaries,
our country, our security,
or for so much more.
My recent development was to
discover an
unprecedented solution.
The original BRI infused
with alligator blood.
This we have found helps
the human body samples
develop a super-strength
working within the DNA
to involve every cell one
million times faster, better,
and healthier, all
at the same time.
There is more, however.
We have discovered that if a arm
or a leg is severed
from the body,
it will automatically extend
to the growth of
the missing part.
This technology is astounding.
- That's genius. What is
the cost of each soldier?
- Billions.
These soldiers would be
so extremely dangerous
in the wrong hands.
They could be used against
governments for killing people
and robbing banks.
They can be anything.
The only way to kill 'em
would be to blow 'em apart
or reduce 'em to ash.
And for that
reason, I, I'm sorry
that I cannot put
millions of lives at risk.
- Whatever it costs,
we'll pay, right?
- Yes.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- You didn't tell me about this.
We're talking about
billions, man,
and you walk away.
- Jasper, do you
remember we served
in the military in Afghanistan?
I remember you lost
a whole load of troops
to occupy a small village.
You hold no care for
how many people die,
just so you can have power.
What happens to the
soldiers who lose limbs
or are otherwise
disabled by war?
It's my responsibility
to save people's lives
and not to simply stand by
and let somebody like
you take control.
- I don't care who you save.
Look at this world.
It's all about money and power
and a division of rich and poor.
Brave soldiers die in
valor for their country,
and it's the cowards
that make history.
Now we have the dream,
we have the control.
We can do anything we want.
Yes, billions.
- It's never gonna happen.
[Marco grunting]
- You will get the job done,
otherwise your
entire family dies.
Your choice.
You take some time
to think about it.
[Marco grunting]
[dramatic music]
[monitor beeping]
[bell tolling]
[tense music]
[liquid gurgling]
[tense music continues]
- Put the fucking gun down.
- Calm down.
I can explain.
- Put the gun down.
- I'm in charge here.
Not you.
[tense music]
- Do you know who we
are, motherfucker?
- Yes.
Yes I do.
Loco, ex-member
of the rebel army,
killed 40 people in Paraty,
Brazil with your bare hands.
The army called
you Black Panther.
Quick, fast, and
good with your hands.
Jesse ex-member, SAS,
dedicated warrior.
You have unbelievable
flexibility and accurate
I believe you have been
on 10 tours worldwide.
Who'd believe that
that innocent face
of yours had killed hundreds?
- Kawa, expat
martyr, fought Isis.
A deadly man in all
aspects of the army,
trained with the Russians,
survived the Siberian desert.
You have the strength of 10 men.
I know you have seen the
worst that's possible,
and you lost your
entire village.
Fei, ex-People's
Liberation Army,
highly skilled martial artist,
one of China's best soldiers.
You can stop your heart beating
for two minutes and survive.
- How do you know all of this?
Who do you work for?
- I have been following
you all for the past year.
You have been homeless due
to the government leaving you
alone after you were injured
from war, left you for dead.
I'm here to help
you, rebuild you,
and give you a chance
to get your respect back
by mutilating the bastards
that left you for dead.
I'm the good guy here.
[Jesse laughing]
- For someone who kidnapped me,
threw me in the back of a van,
and put me on the operating
table and knocked me out,
I'm having a fucking hard time
believing everything that's
coming out of your mouth
right now.
- You're not the only one
who suffered in here lately.
- Shut up, jungle boy.
[tense music]
- Hmm.
- Who are you?
[gun clicking]
What do you want?
- I'll let you
all know another day.
What do I want?
Let me show you.
In the meantime, why
don't we make friends?
[tense music continues]
[Loco speaking foreign language]
[dramatic orchestral music]
- Well, good.
Let's get to work.
[dramatic orchestral music]
And this is where you
are gonna get fit, well,
and strong enough to
get back on your feet
and get back out into the field.
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[dramatic music]
- Welcome to BRI Systems,
the future of modern warfare.
- Our prototypes are ready
and awaiting injection
of the serum,
though momentarily, we
have a slight hiccup.
Dr. Marco does seem to have
disappeared and deserted us,
but all is okay.
We're on route to collect
his assistant, Dr. Johnson.
Worry not.
He will help us to
complete the process.
- Mm.
[speaking foreign language]
Very interesting.
- Thank you.
- Very good idea. I love it.
- I would like to take 50%.
- Excellent.
Please follow me.
[tense music]
- Is anyone in this
fucking building?
Let me out of here!
[tense music continues]
I said who is there?
[apple crunching]
- So what did you do?
Kawa, did you manage to save
any of the women and children?
[tense music]
[guns firing]
[explosions booming]
Jesse, I'm really sorry
for what you went through.
- Yeah. So am I.
- May I ask you what
nationality these men were?.
[woman screaming]
- American.
[Fei speaking foreign language]
- You're quite a survivor, Loco.
- Surviving the jungle
is all you have.
[man speaking foreign language]
They left me for dead.
- Is there anything you'd
like to share with me?
- No.
There is nothing to tell.
[tense music]
[punches thudding]
[Kawa grunting]
[tense music continues]
[punches and kicks thudding]
[Fei groaning]
[Johnson groaning]
[Johnson coughing]
- I don't, I don't know
what you guys want.
- Shh.
Calm down, man.
Calm down, man.
Take it easy, all right?
You can see I'm a
nice guy, right?
Here's a little bit of a secret.
Nobody will get hurt.
So tell us, all right?
- Mr. Johnson,
we know you've gone
to the newspapers.
[man speaking foreign language]
- Let's get straight
to the fucking point.
Who told you about Hush, huh?
[Johnson groaning]
Who the fuck told you, huh?
- I don't know nothing.
- Ah.
[Johnson sobbing]
- Please.
I don't know what you guys want.
I don't know what you guys
want. [breathing heavily]
Stop this.
Stop this!
[both grunting]
- Da, da, da, da.
[man speaking foreign language]
[man speaking foreign language]
[man speaking foreign language]
- We're not done with
you yet, you know?, huh?
He's done.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[man speaking foreign language]
[Johnson breathing heavily]
[music intensifies]
- How long until
that part's ready?
- Ten minutes boss,
ten minutes.
- Mr. Johnson, he's
keeping his tongue tied,
no matter what we do to him,
- Well do whatever it
takes to extract it.
We need to gain that intel.
Without it, the
machine is useless.
- We are trying, six
hours extreme torture,
but he say nothing.
- Well, this is on you.
Sort it.
If you cannot help,
find me someone that can.
- As it goes,
we're also investigating
this option right now.
There's this guy that we
believe has the ability
and technical know-how
to reconstruct the serum.
He's coming under our
surveillance at Oxford
where he masquerades around
as a laboratory professor,
although we have learned that
he's much more than this.
Some say his teachings
and lectures are creating
geniuses in the fields
of science.
Yeah, he's deffo our man.
[tense music]
- Then bring him in.
What are you waiting for?
- Permission, sir.
- For fuck's sake, man,
do your fucking job.
[metal clanging]
[tense music continues]
Hurry up.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music continues]
[footsteps thudding]
[punches thudding]
[all grunting]
[tense music continues]
[punches thudding]
[Kawa grunting]
[soft music]
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me, baby
Oh oh
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me, babe
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me, babe
[locker thudding]
[tense music]
[tense music]
[wind whooshing]
[woman gasping]
- [Child] Daddy!
[woman whimpering]
- [Woman] Shhh.
[Marco screaming]
[gun firing]
[dramatic music]
[punches and kicks thudding]
[Kawa grunting]
[punches thudding]
[Jesse grunting]
[all chattering]
[punches thudding]
- One, two.
[punches thudding]
One, two.
[Kawa grunting]
[Jesse grunting]
[Kawa grunting]
Gotta control that anger
and power.
[both grunting]
That's it.
[dramatic music continues]
[both grunting]
[tense music]
- We have found Professor Adams.
I sent a team to pick him up.
- Excellent.
You know how much
this means to me.
I must complete my
two-month program.
[tense music continues]
[door whooshing]
- I have suffered
just like you all.
People like Hush have destroyed
and killed my family.
But the real
mastermind behind this
is in charge of numerous
bombings and assassinations.
And now we are dealing
with corrupt and most
wanted men in governments
that hide by a secret
code name called Hush.
The Chinese government
has exiled the worst
of the worst criminals
to fight the civilized world.
It's a win-win
situation for China
and the world's
corrupt governments.
You four are my chosen ones
from each corner of this world,
the best and the deadliest,
to fight many missions.
Follow me.
[dramatic music]
This is currently happening
live, two blocks from here.
It's a location Hush
use on a regular basis.
- Why are they torturing him?
I don't understand.
- Well, there's a reason
why he is kept alive.
He must know something.
Otherwise he'd be dead already.
- We have to move fast.
- I surgically implanted
GPS trackers inside of you.
[tense music]
- What if we lose signal?
- You go to plan B.
- What's plan B?
- I'll tell you later.
Let's move.
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[wind whooshing]
[light buzzing]
[computer beeping]
- Guys, listen up.
Approach the building.
Remember, no guns.
Hush is all over the building.
[computer beeping]
Jesse and Loco,
use the other door.
I will unlock all as you go.
[computer beeping]
[siren wailing]
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
[tense music]
[computer beeping]
[Jesse grunting]
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
You are on the first floor.
There is a guy on
the right-hand side.
[computer beeping]
[punch thudding]
[man grunting]
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
Make your way to the
second floor, quick.
Do not enter it.
Carry on up to the third floor.
[tense music continues]
There is a guy on
the right-hand side.
[man grunting]
[man grunting]
[tense music continues]
You all need to take the
next flight of stairs
approaching the left hand side.
Do not go left.
I repeat, do not go left.
[tense music continues]
[computer beeping]
The game room is on the way.
[tense music continues]
[tense music continues]
- [Man] [laughing] Yo, bitch.
Get over here.
[tense music continues]
[man speaking foreign language]
- Hey, guys.
Winner takes all.
That winner, it's going
to be me. [laughing]
[man speaking foreign language]
- [Man] Fuck.
[man speaking foreign language]
[man speaking foreign language]
[tense music continues]
- [Man] Hey, hey, hey.
What are you doing?
Get out, get out.
[tense music continues]
- Move, bitch.
Get the fuck out of the way.
[tense music continues]
[Fei speaking foreign language]
[computer beeping]
[Fei speaking foreign language]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[Loco screaming]
[man groaning]
[Loco breathing heavily]
- Fuck you, bastard!
[computer beeping]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[Jesse grunting]
- Kawa.
[both grunting]
[Loco groaning]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[glass shattering]
[Kawa shouting]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[computer beeping]
[Loco coughing]
- Are you okay?
[Loco coughing]
- What happened?
- Guys, Loco's hurt bad.
- How bad?
- He's losing a lot of blood.
- This building's is close.
Stay here with Loco.
I'll go alone.
- No, there's more
Hush in this building.
We stay together,
we go together.
- He's right, guys,
let's stick together.
- [Fei] All right.
- Guys, move it now.
We are running out of time.
- You guys ready?
- Let's go.
[Loco breathing heavily]
[tense music]
[Loco breathing heavily]
- I cannot see anything.
- Look around.
I can see a room
there somewhere.
I can see bodies.
Find that room and
see who is in there.
[tense music]
- There's a new wall.
- How are you gonna get in?
- I can kick it down.
[Kawa grunting]
[wall thudding]
[tense music continues]
[Kawa coughing]
- What's that smell?
- Guys, cover me, I'm going in.
- Wait, hang on.
[tense music]
[Jesse gasping and coughing]
[Jesse breathing heavily]
[Jesse coughing]
[Jesse retching]
- Jesse.
- Shush.
- Don't tell me to shush.
- That's enough.
- [Marco] What is going on,
- There's loads of dead bodies.
Mr. Johnson's dead.
- How can we make sure?
You wasn't there long
enough to check the pulse.
- Mr. Johnson is dead, sir.
- There's loads of bodies.
- That is a trap.
That is the case.
- Loco, I need you
to check the corpses
and get a positive
ID on Mr. Johnson.
The rest of you wait outside.
Keep guard.
You are not on holiday here.
You are in the middle of
a damn hostile war zone.
Now move!
- Loco is injured.
I'll go back in.
- I don't care.
Loco is best for this now.
Jesse, step aside.
[dramatic music]
[Loco groaning]
[Loco breathing heavily]
- Mr. Johnson is not there.
- You do not leave that
building until you find him.
I know he is still alive.
They will not kill him until
they get get what they need.
Mr. Johnson is the only one
that knows about
the BRI program.
You have to hurry now.
- [Loco] What is BRI program?
You never told us about it?
- If he gives them the
information that they are after
then the whole world will
be in extreme danger.
This is an order.
You have to hurry up now.
- Copy.
- Bullshit.
How do we even know Mr.
Johnson's in the building?
- We don't.
The most important thing
is that we get out alive.
- We cannot make it if
we take that jungle boy.
- Fuck you.
- Watch your fucking language!
- What happened to teamwork?
- Hey, he's right.
[Kawa breathing heavily]
Loco is injured.
We can't bring him with us.
- What the hell is
wrong with you both?
You want him to be slaughtered?
Fei, you know what
the Chinese are like.
- Don't bring my part into this.
- Guys, shut up.
- Hold on.
What's going on, guys?
We have a job to do.
- It's okay, guys.
Go on.
I will hide.
- So go and recover him and
rendezvous at the rooftop.
I will be there to lift
you out with a chopper.
Now move.
- We use plan B.
- What the fuck plan B is?
- Are you fucking serious?
What's wrong with you?
- You have company heading
straight towards you.
Move out now.
[computer beeping]
[door clicking]
[tense music]
- Yes, this is it.
[computer beeping]
- Dr. Marco.
Dr. Marco?
- We need directions.
Can he copy?
Can he copy?
- [Automated Voice]
- I've been searching for
you for some time, Marco.
A crazy man who fights
for the homeless soldiers
and rebuilds them in
taking down my dream.
Well, I don't fucking
understand your mentality
or who really cares.
Do you not remember
when the fight is over,
they no longer need soldiers.
What happened to the soldiers
who lose their arms, their legs,
the soldiers that
suffer the nightmares.
So many of them psychologically
and emotionally fucked.
Then reach homelessness
and nobody cares,
but you.
- Guys, we lost Dr. Marco.
[tense music]
- Remember, no fire.
Let's move.
[tense music]
[Loco groaning]
- You didn't fucking listen,
and that's why your family
had to pay the price.
- You killed my
family in front of me.
Now you want to dispose of
everybody that gets in your way
because you want
complete control.
Oh, you will
be a dead man soon enough.
[suspenseful music]
[gun firing]
- Get the case. Let's go.
[suspenseful music continues]
[case whooshing]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[tense music continues]
[tense music continues]
- You go.
I'll be fine.
[tense music continues]
[dramatic music]
- Fuck.
You're still here.
Where's Jesse?
I'll cover Jesse.
[Kawa exclaiming]
[tense music]
- Why don't you fucking
fight me, like a man?
[tense music]
- Oh yes.
[gun clicking]
[Kawa shouting]
[suspenseful music]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[bones cracking]
[Jesse grunting]
- Whooo!
[gun clicking]
[man whistling]
[man speaking foreign language]
[knuckles cracking]
[both grunting]
[hands clapping]
- Whooo!
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[Jesse grunting]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[all grunting]
[man speaking foreign language]
[all grunting]
[suspenseful music]
- Okay.
[man speaking foreign language]
[suspenseful music]
[all grunting]
- Shit.
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[bone snapping]
[both grunting]
[man coughing]
- Fuck.
Now what the fuck?
[breathing heavily]
[man coughing]
[both breathing heavily]
[man grunting]
[tense music continues]
- You got a nice
little cage for yourself.
You love it.
This is where you're gonna stay.
You're never gonna get out.
Love it, you love it, don't you?
You love it.
- Stop it.
- [Man] Love it.
- [Man 2] What are you
trying to achieve?
- Love it.
- You're a sick
fucking bastard.
- Shut up.
- Just let me out.
[metal clanging]
I don't know why
you brought me here.
- Shut up.
- I can't help you with this.
I don't know nothing about BRI.
It's not my fucking program.
Dr. Marco's creation, that shit.
I don't know why
you've brought me here.
I can't do what you want.
I know nothing about this BRI.
This is Dr. Marco's
creation, this shit.
[Johnson breathing heavily]
- Oh God.
Oh, shit, Mr. Johnson.
Okay, hang on.
Let me untie you.
- Just-
- What?
[Johnson whimpering]
[Johnson sobbing]
- [Loco] Johnson.
- Where's Kawa?
- He's dead.
Where's Fei?
What did Mr. Johnson say?
[Johnson coughing]
- Nothing.
- Are you sure?
- What are you trying to say?
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Only doing what's best for us.
[both grunting]
[suspenseful music]
[both grunting]
[Jesse groaning]
What did he say to you?
- He said go fuck yourself.
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
- Not my fucking program!
It's Dr. Marco's
creation, that shit.
- Dr. Marco's coming
to the building.
What are we gonna do?
- Blow the building.
- No, no, I'm still in here.
- We can't do this.
We've got men here.
Okay, listen to me.
We can't do this, okay?
[gun cocking]
[tense music]
[gun firing]
[man whimpering]
[explosion booming]
[all shouting]
[both grunting]
[explosion booming]
- No, no, no.
Don't shoot me.
No, please.
I can do it.
Anything you want.
Please, I can do it.
I can do it, please.
Please, please.
- Don't fuck with me.
- Just please give me some time.
I can do it.
I can do anything
you want, anything.
Please, just don't kill me.
- You have 24 hours.
[tense music]
[man whimpering]
- Let me out then.
Let me out!
[fire crackling]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[footsteps thudding]
[objects clattering]
[shoe unzipping]
[razor buzzing]
[water running]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[objects clattering]
[Kawa sighing]
[Kawa groaning]
[suspenseful music]
[Velcro clicking]
[jacket zipping]
[suspenseful music continues]
[tense music]
[keys clacking]
- Stop.
- He needs to have this.
His memory bank has been wiped,
all he recognizes is his tattoo.
It will keep him safe.
[electricity crackling]
You need this.
[electricity crackling]
[tense music]
[door whooshing]
[air hissing]
- How long?
- 10, nine, eight, seven, six...
[wind whooshing]
[electricity crackling]
[heart beating]
[tense music continues]
[electricity crackling]
Fucking genius.
It works.
Try shooting him.
[gun firing]
[man speaking foreign language]
- Dreams do come true.
- Thank you, my friend.
Now you have two choices.
One, you die.
Two, you take the five-year
program and join us.
- No.
- Your choice.
- No.
I did my bit.
You said I'd be free.
- Take him.
[tense music]
[engine rumbling]
[tense music continues]
- Stop.
Turn around.
[man grunting]
[guns firing]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[wood creaking]
[gun clicking]
[both grunting]
[metal clanging]
[both grunting]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[liquid gurgling]
[device whirring]
- Yes.
[tense music continues]
- Please just listen to me.
Listen to me.
Let me go.
You promised me you'd let me go.
I did everything
that you wanted.
I did my job.
I have a family.
They need me.
Let me go!
Let me go!
[tense music]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[neck cracking]
No, don't shoot.
I'm not one of them.
- Why you are here?
- [stammering] The BRI.
- What do you know about BRI?
- Me? Nothing.
That's Dr. Marco's creation.
Let me out of here and I'll
tell you all you need to know.
Dr. Marco
[muttering indistinctly].
- Dr. Marco's got me killed.
- Huh?
- All of my friends,
Jesse, Loco, Fei,
we failed the mission.
I believe you are here
to complete the mission.
- Well, before-
- Shhh.
Take this.
- What's this?
I don't know how to
use this fucking thing.
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[explosion booming]
[tense music]
- Shoot outside.
Not at me, for God's sake.
- Is he dead?
[tense music]
I'm coming.
[both grunting]
That's him.
[both grunting]
[Kawa grunting]
- Shoot him.
- I don't know what to do,
he's BRI.
If I shoot, he won't
fucking die. [groaning]
[gun firing]
Oh, no.
[wall crashing]
Oh, no, no, no, no.
[device whirring]
[both shouting]
[explosion booming]
[tense music]
[Kawa coughing]
You okay?
You been hit?
- Shut up.
[tense music]
- How do you know Dr. Marco?
- Back in the day we studied
together in California.
He's actually a fucking genius.
I've always wanted
to work with him.
Is your name Kawa? [groaning]
- I'm gonna draw out the guard.
You stay here.
[tense music]
[both grunting]
[woman groaning]
[both grunting]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
- Kawa!
[knife clanging]
Oh, fuck. [whimpering]
[woman grunting]
[both grunting]
[woman groaning]
[knife thudding]
[man speaking foreign language]
[explosion booming]
[high pitch frequency
[tense music continues]
[body thudding]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[tense music continues]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[electricity crackling]
[gun firing]
[gun clattering]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[man growling]
[both growling and grunting]
[tense music continues]
[gun cocking]
[gun firing]
[both grunting]
[Kawa spitting]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
- Kawa, get the gun!
His BRI is not complete.
He can die.
[tense music continues]
[man screaming]
[gun cocking]
[gun firing]
[gun firing]
[man groaning]
[gun cocking]
[man groaning]
[gun firing]
Get to the tank.
Shoot him!
[tense music continues]
- Come on!
[tense music continues]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[engine rumbling]
[engine revving]
[tense music continues]
[heart beating]
[electricity crackling]
[tense music continues]
[engine revving]
- I'm gonna get ya!
[engine revving]
- Shoot him!
[tense music continues]
[Kawa grunting]
- Come back here.
[engine rumbling]
[Kawa breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music]
- I am BRI!
[air whooshing]
[explosion booming]
- You did it.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[siren wailing]
[explosion booming]
[helicopter whirring]
[birds squawking]
[phone ringing]
- Hello?
- Kawa.
I have been looking for you.
You have removed
your tracking chip.
- Dr. Marco, you are alive.
I thought you dead.
- [Marco] I created BRI.
Of course, I'm still alive.
I am BRI too.
Now rendezvous with me at
Castle De Ville in 48 hours.
Over and out.
- We're going to
the Castle De Ville.
[tense music]
- Wait till we see Marco.
I'm gonna tell him how I
saved your life. [laughing]
[upbeat electronic music]
[singer vocalizing]
Be all right
Every night
Every day
To create a new
For so fine
You are a genius
[singer vocalizing]
You are a genius
Dr. Marcos you're amazing
[vocalist singing in foreign
[singer vocalizing]
[upbeat electronic music