Escape to Witch Mountain (1975) Movie Script

[heavy breathing]
[footsteps approaching]
[distant dogs barking]
[barking getting louder]
[children shouting indistinctly]
Well, here we are!
You're Tony
and you're Tia.
- Ma'am.
- Hello, Mrs. Grindley.
Oh, such
fine-looking children.
I know you're anxious
to see your rooms,
But first we have
some forms to fill out.
Then we'll join the others
for dinner, all right?
Tia, what a pretty case!
It ain't nothing writing out
those entry forms.
Wait'll she lays one of those
enlightened punishments on you.
"after you watch the 5:00 news,
You can write a 500-word
Tony, what should
I put after sports?
put "spectator."
Dumb pen's out of ink.
I'm finished.
You can use mine.
Hey, I lost one just like this
when I was coming in this barn.
Tia's had that
since Christmas.
Sure she has.
Give it back!
Take it.
Now children, that wasn't
so difficult, was it?
No, ma'am.
Now, then.
Truck, I want you to
wait for me in my office.
We'll read this together.
I keep forgetting
what it feels like to sit down.
Now then, I know how
both of you must feel.
Your foster parents are
the only parents you remember.
Now that they've passed away,
you're just a little bit scared.
We loved them
very much.
Yes, ma'am,
we miss them.
You only remember
your adoptive name? Malone?
Tia was around three
and I was five when
the Malones adopted us.
Did either of you ever receive
a birthday card from a relative?
Or perhaps a phone call
at Christmas?
Something you may have
Oft times the most trivial thing
is important.
What is it, dear?
You look as though you're
remembering something.
No. No, Mrs. Grindley.
I'm sorry.
[chuckling] why, there's nothing
to be sorry about, dear.
[children shouting]
[children cheering]
You're out, truck.
Nobody can jump that high,
Malone. You stood on something.
- Great catch!
- How'd you do it anyhow?
You're just trying
to rip me off.
I was safe at third.
Safe. There's something
funny about this.
I'm gonna
teach you a lesson.
- [truck groans]
- [children gasp]
Cut it out, all right?
Tony, why'd you do that?
You don't think we're gonna
get away with it, do you?
You see?
Tony, you promised me
and I promised you.
We wouldn't... You know,
Do the kind of stuff
you did with truck.
You remember how it used to be
When we thought
it was all funny.
Like a game.
All the other kids thought
we were some kind of
freaks or witches.
[whispering] I know, Tia.
We lost all of our friends
until we quit doing
all the spooky stuff.
You should've let
truck beat up on you.
Are you kidding? He's got
five inches and 50 pounds on me.
Then you should've made it
look like he was winning.
I suppose.
Do you hear the dogs?
No. How far?
Oh, about 20 Miles.
Big dogs, six or seven.
[distant barking]
Yeah. I can hear them now.
That's awful far. Even for us.
Why are we hearing them, Tony?
I think it means that
we're gonna see 'em some day.
[children chattering]
If the bus is any later,
Mrs. Grindley,
We'll miss the
beginning of the picture.
- [all] yeah.
- I'll see what's keeping them.
All right, truck.
You guys, wanna see
something really neat?
That's my
star case, truck.
And you're his sister.
[Tia] Tony, please,
not another fight.
It's your star case, Tia.
He might smash it.
Give it back
to Tia now.
- I'll fight you with one hand.
- [cat groans]
- I'll fight you with none.
- [cat hisses]
- Come on!
- [snarling]
[children gasp]
- [bus horn honks]
- the bus is here.
[Tony] nice going, Winky.
[boy] hey, Tony and Tia,
come on!
What's taking you?
Come on!
Hurry up!
[Tia] Tony,
across the street!
Big car?
What about it?
Something's going to
happen to it.
There's a man. He mustn't
get into that car. There he is!
Come on!
Please, sir,
Don't get in that car.
[Tony] it's no joke, sir.
See, my sister
gets these feelings.
So, you mustn't
get in the car.
Please, sir.
Children, you know the rules
about leaving the group.
No. I'm terribly sorry, sir.
- That's all right.
- Excuse us, please.
I've changed my mind.
I'd like to take a walk.
- Pick me up by the park.
- Yes, sir.
[loud honking, tires screech]
- Are you all right?
- Yes, sir.
[dogs barking]
The Moon is
moving into Aries.
Friday it will near
the middle of the transit.
The bottom line,
Mr. Michael-John.
The bottom line, Mr. Bolt,
Shows considerable indications
Of some advance
toward your goals.
What about the house guru?
Do you concur, Ali?
There are profound vibrations,
Mr. Bolt.
[Mr. Bolt]
are there indeed?
My Moon in Aries.
Mysterious words and phrases
have not added one red cent
to my fortune.
Wealth, gentlemen,
is like flesh.
It has to be
nurtured and coddled.
Ah, Mr. Deranian.
I'm sorry, Mr. Bolt,
but when you've heard my report,
I think you'll understand.
I have found
what you're looking for.
[children shouting indistinctly]
Wait here a minute.
I Haven't had a Chance
to thank you.
Was the man in front
all right?
The chauffeur, yes.
He's fine.
But then you knew he would be
or you'd have had him get
out of the car, too.
I suppose this sort of thing
happens to you all the time,
Hmm, young lady?
Knowing about things
before they really happen?
[bell rings]
The lunch bell.
We have to go.
Excuse me.
Those two children
that just left.
I've been trying
to think of their names.
Tony Malone and his sister, Tia.
A couple of weirdos.
[harmonica music]
Suppose somebody else
had walked in?
Everybody knocks.
Pine woods' rules.
[Tony] must've happened when
Winky knocked it out of
truck's hands.
[Tia] can you fix it?
It's a map,
isn't it?
[Tony] "stony creek?"
[Tia] "misty valley?"
That's funny, Tia.
But every once and a while
you get that look on your face.
Like you're
remembering something.
I kind of do,
but then I forget again.
It's not someplace big,
like a state or a country.
But more like a road map.
I just don't know where.
When I can figure out where
this place is, we'll go there.
Tony, what were
you drawing?
It's the place
where those dogs are.
[distant dogs barking]
They're barking now.
Yeah, I know. I was listening to
them before you butted in.
I began to
visualize this castle...
Tony, you can only visualize
places we know something about.
[barking continues]
Or places we're gonna be at.
I must've been drawing
someplace we're going to.
[Tia] soon, Tony.
We're going there soon
and I'm afraid.
[harmonica music]
[loud barking]
Since the Malones lived
in a very small village,
I had little difficulty finding
people who knew the children.
These insights,
these sixth sense incidents...
...The postman,
the schoolteacher,
The woman who
lost her parakeet,
How do I know these aren't
the result of your desperation?
Figments of your
very fine imagination?
I have sworn affidavits.
People lie very easily. The very
young can deceive the very wise.
I'm not lying.
If I'm in any way disappointed
in this Tony and Tia,
You are through here, Deranian.
Yes. I understand.
Then bring them here.
You say they have no family.
Well, now they do.
You are their family,
You are their uncle,
do you understand?
Alter records. Forge documents.
Provide proper papers.
Whatever it takes.
I will back you with
every means at my disposal.
Just bring me the children.
[Mrs. Grindley]
I think there's no question,
Considering these documents
your uncle has produced,
That he has
custody of you.
The judge signed
those papers just today.
Mr. Deranian...
Uncle Lucas, Tony.
Better get used to it.
Uncle Lucas, did you tell
Mrs. Grindley about the
first time we ever saw you?
Yes, he did.
The day the tow truck
ran into your uncle's car.
That was a lucky day
for all of us.
You see, Tia, you bear such
a remarkable resemblance to
Mr. Deranian's sister
That he's convinced
you both are her children.
My sister, your mother,
died six years ago.
[Mrs. Grindley] now,
if you have any doubts,
I'd be happy to show you
these documents that prove
he is your uncle Lucas.
I won't have to leave Winky,
Will I?
He's very smart and
he knows how to deal with dogs.
Did I mention dogs?
Well, thank you very much,
Mrs. Grindley.
I'll see you out,
Mr. Deranian.
Don't forget your coats.
Do you have any feelings
about this Mr. Deranian?
Only that he
isn't our uncle.
Must we leave, Tony?
That's what
these papers mean.
We Haven't got a choice.
It's all right, Lorko, I'm just
bringing through the children.
[Winky meows]
I'm sorry, but I'm
allergic to cats.
Let us through.
[dogs barking]
[Tia] those are
the dogs we heard.
There's the mansion.
Just the way you Drew it, Tony.
Uncle Lucas,
what's "XZanthus?"
It's "Zanthus," Tony.
Mr. Bolt calls his house
Who's Mr. Bolt?
Mr. Bolt
is my employer.
And your host.
I have spacious apartments here.
And thanks to
Mr. Bolt's generosity,
They've been enlarged
and redecorated to
accommodate the two of you.
So, this is your
long lost family?
You have a very
beautiful niece, Deranian.
And a most attractive nephew.
You're Tony and you are Tia.
Our favorite flavors,
vanilla and strawberry.
- Thank you!
- You're welcome.
After that long drive,
I'm sure you youngsters'd
like to see your quarters.
Come with me.
[Tony] wow! It's beautiful.
- Isn't it cute?
- I must be dreaming.
Tony, look at that!
Hey, look!
Oh, wow!
Look at these dolls
and stuffed animals.
Hey, Tony!
- When all this is completed...
- [Tony] there's more?
Oh, yes!
We Haven't had time yet
to install the carousel
or the gymnasium.
[Mr. Deranian] the tennis
court's being resurfaced.
You can start your
riding lessons
first thing in the morning.
Oh, wow!
- We love horses.
- Oh, I forgot!
Winky's private quarters.
[Winky meows]
[Tia] look, I think he likes it.
[all laugh]
They're really great.
Of course, you still
have your schoolwork.
Your tutors arrive
the first of the week.
Mr. Bolt,
where are the others?
- Other kids?
- Neighbors, I mean.
There are no neighbors.
Look out the window,
go on.
Look as far
as you can see.
[waves crashing]
Mr. Bolt owns
everything in sight.
Well, I can see the Sky.
I saddle him myself because
this is your first time out,
But one thing to remember,
Always mount a horse
on his left side because...
Tia? You better pay attention
or you'll be sorry.
- Mr. Duncan, that horse there.
- [whinnies]
[Mr. Duncan] that's thunderhead.
He's never been broke.
I don't envy
the cowboy who'll try it.
I know it should be
"ladies first,"
But I think if you show Tia
how easy it is...
A little filly
the size of your sister,
they get scared.
Thunderhead, that's not nice.
My name's Tia.
And I want to be your friend.
All right, thunderhead?
[horse whinnies]
Tia! Stay away from him!
Hold on, now!
[horse whinnies]
Good boy.
[Tia grunts]
You know, I've never
seen anything like this
in all my life.
[Tony] Tia!
Come here.
Hey, Tony, why don't you try it
without your harmonica?
I forget how.
Come to think of it, you can do
a lot of things I can't.
Like working locks
And the way you can talk to me
without moving your mouth.
Maybe it's because
you're a girl.
[plays up-beat music]
[Tia giggles]
That's the most
incredible thing I've ever seen.
Thank you, but we've
a long way to go.
I'm having more hidden cameras
installed and as soon as I have
enough evidence,
I'm going to show
the tapes to the children.
Good. If that doesn't
put them on my team,
Then we'll have to resort
to cruder methods of persuasion.
Tia, what's the matter?
Oh, everything and nothing.
I mean, maybe it's because
we've gotten everything
we've ever wanted.
More, even.
[sighing] it's... I don't know.
It just doesn't leave us
anything to wish for.
Is that it?
I think so.
Tony, we've got to
get out of here
Before it's too late, please.
- What do you see?
- Mr. Bolt, and he's mean.
He's never gonna let us go,
You're not always right
about things like this.
I think this time...
This time...
[exhales] you're right.
I've enjoyed this.
You should ask uncle Lucas
to arrange it so you can
dine with me more often.
Thank you, Mr. Bolt.
We had some fine,
stimulating conversation.
...Let us dispense with the kid
gloves, and acknowledge the fact
That we're dealing
with two remarkable children.
Mr. Bolt,
I really don't think you...
It doesn't matter
what you think, Deranian.
If these youngsters are psychic,
It's obvious they've begun
to see through us by now.
- Don't lay all...
- You have power. I've seen it.
Now, I don't mean to ridicule
those gifts of yours
as others might.
I revere them.
Do you believe that?
What power do you mean,
Mr. Bolt?
He knows.
He knows all about us.
I don't think we know
what you mean, Mr. Bolt.
What you did with thunderhead
and the marionettes.
And the dozens of things
I've seen on my TV console.
I want to know.
I want to be able to
understand these powers.
But that's impossible
without your help.
You can
make it possible.
You could walk across a field
And tell where
there's oil far beneath it.
You could foresee a revolution.
A natural disaster.
Please, Mr. Bolt,
you're too excited.
You're going to
make yourself sick.
You should go right to bed, sir.
Yes, I will.
Anything in this world
you ask me for, I'll bring you.
- Just never leave me.
- Not another word. Into bed.
Uncle Lucas, you look like
you could use some extra sleep
You heard what he said.
He wants to learn
all the things we know.
We couldn't teach him,
even if we wanted to.
We... We don't know why
we do all these things.
We don't know
how it all started.
Tony, we've got to get
out of here, please.
But to what, Tia?
Where do we go?
Not to mention how.
The map.
- [Mr. Deranian] Mr. Bolt...
- Listen a second.
[Mr. Deranian] Don't lay
all your cards on the table now.
[Mr. Bolt] they're very cunning.
I don't know the
full extent of their powers.
Here they could escape.
But the chalet is an island
in a sea of blinding snow.
They'll never
escape from there.
Nutty as a fruit cake.
You see, we have to
get out of here.
I know, but there's all that
high fence and the guards...
[Mr. Deranian]
Finish up your ice creams and
I'll show you to your bedrooms.
He's coming.
[footsteps approaching]
[key turning in lock]
[Winky meows]
Come on.
So far, so good.
[alarm rings]
Come on!
[whistle blows]
[dogs bark]
[barking continues]
Those dogs have ruined
all my plans.
What do you mean,
it's too late?
- Now!
- Dogs, stay.
Good dogs.
There are some
very bad men after us.
Go get 'em!
[all shouting]
There's still
the main gate.
They're not going
to stop chasing us,
Even if we
get past this gate.
Call thunderhead.
remember what I told you.
[plays harmonica]
We're at the gate now.
- Lorko's on that lever.
- I'll help.
[thunderhead whinnies]
[Tony] Winky! Winky!
- Winky!
- [meows]
[thunderhead whinnies]
Find them!
I don't care how you do it.
Chase them on a magic carpet
if you have to,
But I want
those kids back!
They rode out of here!
They're quite a challenge.
I will not rest until
I get those children back
And neither will you.
I'm a vengeful man, Deranian.
I don't make idle threats.
Find them!
[crickets chirp]
You'll be all right here,
big fella.
Thank you,
[Winky meows]
- We'll miss you, thunderhead.
- [whinnies quietly]
[sirens wailing]
Those sirens are for us.
We've got to
keep moving. Come on.
They're getting closer.
Looks like you're taking
a mighty long trip, friend.
Yeah, I figured I'd drive
all over these United States.
Well, sir, a covered wagon
pulling out of St. Joe
Didn't take near
as much supplies as you
got yourself here, Mr. O'Day.
You're sure one well-informed
man, aren't you?
Now, do you think you could
hand me that carton
without straining yourself,
Or are you just tuckered out
from sticking your nose
in my affairs?
[car approaches]
We're looking for two children.
A boy and a girl. Runaways.
Mister, if I did see 'em
I'd just as soon let 'em
keep running.
As long as they're going
opposite to where I'm headed.
[engine starts]
- [meows]
- [coughing]
[Winky meows]
[chuckles] well.
What do you know
about that? A drifter, huh?
- [Winky meows]
- [chuckles]
Hey, you're a friendly little
fellow, aren't you?
Hey, I've got some
canned tuna for you.
Hey, what are you
doing here in my...
Uh, yesterday
when I was loading supplies
They were looking
for two kids.
Ah, a boy and a girl! You two.
Well, let's get one thing
straight right here and now.
I ain't no bus line.
And I ain't partial
to hitchhikers.
And I don't like kids.
And what's more, I'm a mean,
impatient, selfish man,
So come out of here and get
on your way. Out! Out! Out!
Come on, out.
On your way.
[both sneeze, cough]
[O'Day] wait a minute.
It ain't right for no
human being to go hungry.
I'll make you some breakfast
before you go.
Now don't get any ideas.
I got no Patience with kids.
Especially runaways.
But it's just
the opposite, sir.
We're trying to find
where home is.
Excuse me, but
did you see a black cat?
Oh, yeah. Yours, huh?
Well, she's around somewhere.
Go on down to the water
and clean yourselves off.
He just likes to bellow a lot.
He's not really mean.
You've got to be kidding.
[horn honks]
Sorry, Mr. Deranian.
No sign of them.
A grocer reported loading up
one of these big campers,
About the time
they got away.
- They could've hidden in there.
- Any one of you spot a camper?
I let one go through.
The driver was alone.
Big fellow? Older guy? A zip-up
jacket with fair-colored hair?
That's the one.
He was in a recreation vehicle
heading north on highway l-38.
All right,
north on highway l-38.
Now get out an APB
on an RV heading north on l-38.
You see, Mr. ODay, we don't
expect to find our real parents,
But maybe someone
who knew them.
And can explain things to us.
We've got to make sure Mr. Bolt
and Deranian don't catch us.
Well, maybe that's the truth,
and maybe it ain't.
But I'm not going to
complicate things.
I'm gonna be on my way.
What did I do with my keys?
I know I had them in my po...
I must have
lost them out there.
You should have
a spare key, sir.
I know that, young lady.
I am not a losing man.
Least not till you showed up.
Sir? Do you know a place
called stony creek?
Stony creek? Yes.
Good fishing there.
If we get
the motor started...
[Tia] and clean up
the back section...
...Will you
take us there?
So that's it!
You're nothing but a conniving
pair of undersized land pirates!
You swiped my keys
to make sure you'd get a ride!
- Give me my keys.
- [Tia] sir?
The engine
will start now.
[engine starts]
- Oh.
- [Tia and Tony chuckle]
All right.
You go back there
and you clean up.
Make everything shipshape.
I'll see that
you get to stony creek.
[Tony] you just
remembered something.
It has something to do
with the ocean.
Come on. Go on back, clean up.
Let's get on the way.
[gas pump dings]
Sure is a nice day.
Not with the prices
you charge for gas.
Keep real still. This fellow's
acting mighty peculiar.
Nobody can know
we're with you.
Maybe not. At least you'll be
out of my hair by tomorrow.
We should make it
to stony creek by then.
- How much?
- Ten dollars even.
There you are.
[engine starts]
Mr. ODay?
I think you bought too much.
Yeah, Winky can't drink
four quarts of milk
between now and tomorrow!
Well, if you two
weren't joshing me
About Aristotle Bolt
being after you,
We might be together
longer than we'd planned.
- He's a powerful man, too...
- [siren wailing]
Motorcycle cop.
That attendant at
the gas station.
You won't get in trouble,
will you, Mr. ODay?
[O'Day] it's not me he's after.
- [plays harmonica]
- [motorcycle starts]
[engine revs]
On second thought, I might
not drop you off too soon.
I might be able to squeeze
an honest day's work out of you.
Take you fishing.
Deep sea fishing, maybe.
Pit you two against
half a ton of blue marlin.
[Tony] Tia, what are
you thinking about?
About before.
It had to do with fishing.
- With daddy Malone?
- No. No.
But we were on a boat.
A trawler.
Like daddy Malone had.
That's all I remember.
Every law man in the county
Is probably looking
for this camper.
[distant frogs croaking]
There you are.
Some hot chocolate?
- [Tia and Tony] thank you.
- Mm-hm.
- What's that you have there?
- My star case.
Here. Let me show you what we
found in the secret compartment.
See where stony creek is,
Mr. ODay?
Well, there's a path
that leads away from it.
Up into some mountains.
We think that's where
we may come from.
Somewhere in those mountains.
No, I don't think
it was that way.
Not exactly.
There was an accident.
Well, go on!
I... It's gone.
What kind of an accident?
I don't know.
- [Tony] in a car?
- No.
At... On the ocean!
Someone helped me
save my star case.
Well, who?
Whoever put the map in
the star case hid it so well,
It took you
all these years to find it.
That's right, Mr. ODay.
Why would anybody do that?
I don't know. Maybe...
Maybe waiting for you to get old
enough to do something about it.
Like now!
Very peculiar, huh?
I wonder...
I wonder how I'd handle you
kids... If you were mine.
[exhales] well...
...Maybe that's why
I never married, huh?
[Tia] but Mr. ODay...
...You were married.
[Tia] a long, long time ago.
And she was so pretty.
And you had a little house.
[Tony] yeah, I can see it.
It was white,
with yellow shutters.
And there was a big elm branch
over the whole roof.
Tony knows about people.
He can see places they've been.
- What else?
- [Tia] well, your wife died.
Only a few months after you were
married. And you were so sad.
You took an oath that
you'd never give your love
To another woman,
or to anyone.
And you never have.
I'm sorry, Mr. ODay.
The name's Jason.
If you know so dang much about
me, you might as well use it.
- Jason, you understand?
- I like the name Jason.
We didn't mean
to make you sad, Jason.
Come on. Are we going to
dawdle here all night?
Let's clean up here.
Get some sack time in.
We'll pull out of here
a couple of hours before sun-up.
They're headed towards Longview.
Do you understand that, sheriff?
Mr. Deranian, a $1000 reward
speaks mighty clear
in these parts.
You can count on me.
- Yes, I'll do that, sheriff.
- It's been a pleasure,
a real...
A real pleasure.
Hey, Ubermann.
Over there.
[distant car door opening]
This time no mistake.
[Winky snarls]
[men groan]
[engine starts]
Now, listen close.
We're coming into Longview.
My brother's house is about
two Miles outside of town
up the north road.
His name is Hiram O'Day.
There's a car
behind us, Jason.
Somewhere in Longview I'll find
a place to make a fast turn
and a quick stop.
You two jump out the side door
and hide, you got that?
Sure, Jason.
You watch Winky, now.
I'll keep going.
If luck is with us, Deranian
and his pal will follow me.
You wait till he gets past.
Then we'll head for your
brother's house, right?
Hiram O'Day.
Don't lose him.
Well, now! Welcome
to Longview. [chuckles]
6:10 am
Okay, let's have your names.
- Tony castaway.
- Tia casta...
That's no name, it's a word.
Your legal name is Malone, and
don't go kidding me about that.
I think I'll let you see
what lying to the law gets you.
In you go.
[door shuts, locks]
Tony, I've been thinking
about why we would have
said our name is "castaway."
I think it might have
something to do with
us speaking another language.
- When the Malones took us in.
- Another language?
That's why we didn't
talk for so long.
You mean we
had to learn English?
We spoke a
funny kind of language.
Uncle Bene
spoke it to us.
Who's uncle Bene?
I think he died. Drowned.
What did he look like?
He had white hair...
[man] I'll tell you,
We don't want no panic
around here, sheriff.
[sheriff] well, I've been
in touch with Mr. Deranian
and he's on his way.
[man] I'll be home
if you need me, sheriff.
Tia, we've gotta think
of something fast.
Hey, Tony, look.
Tony, that bear
looks so unhappy.
Tia, we need my harmonica.
Now open the cell door.
[door unlocks]
When I get the star case you run
out to the edge of the woods.
As soon as I free the bear,
I'll be there.
Tia, how do you expect us to get
anyplace with a great big bear?
He's counting on me.
But this is an emergency.
Come off it, Will you?
We still have to
get past the sheriff.
Why don't you start
thinking about that?
[plays harmonica]
Hey. Hey, what?
Get that thing off of me!
I just hope we don't
have to pass a zoo
Before we get
where we're going.
[bear groans]
[all shouting]
I know what I saw!
And I say there's
only one explanation!
Those two kids are witches!
And they're from witch mountain.
I want every available townsman
to arm themselves,
And we'll divvy up
into hunting groups.
Hey, sheriff.
Whatcha gonna do,
Chase them all the way
to witch mountain?
[all] yeah!
We'll stop them
before they get there!
Now you listen close and I'll
give you the areas to cover.
Those look like
hunting parties.
[all shouting]
They got away, Mr. Deranian,
but we know what they are.
Evil itself.
We got to catch them.
He's right. They're
from witch mountain.
Sheriff, we need
some more ammunition.
All right.
We'll get them,
Mr. Deranian.
They've really got
blood in their eyes.
There's no use trying to
reason with them now, sir.
Security? This is Deranian.
I want a complete check
on a Jason O'Day.
Tia, I know how you feel
about the bear,
And I think he's
real neat too, but...
...Well, a lot of people
are gonna be looking for us,
And he'll be safer
on his own.
Anyway, they might shoot him.
Just for the sport of it.
- [bear grunts]
- look.
He'll be safe there
until tonight.
Then he can move on
when it's dark.
Maybe you're right.
I'll talk to him.
You be a good bear
and wait in that cave.
[bear groans]
We don't want
anything to happen to you.
[bear howls]
Tony, his feelings
were hurt.
[Tony sighs]
- [growls]
- [men scream]
Watch it!
- Jason!
- Oh!
These woods are full
of hunters looking for you.
They think you're witches.
Brother Hiram ain't home,
but I'll get you some food.
You'll have a good rest.
There's a brother.
Hiram O'Day.
244 Cahill,
just north of Longview.
15 minutes. We can
be there in 15 minutes.
[tires screech]
But I still can't figure out
Why we both came up
with a name like "castaway."
I noticed that you two
are very smart for your years.
You really know what
a "castaway" is?
It's like being shipwrecked
and left on a desert island.
- Ah.
- Tony, I just remembered!
"castaway." that's the name of
someone we're supposed to see.
That's funny. I just
remembered the same thing.
But suppose you two
are castaways?
Then it would sure fit things
Tia's been remembering.
We were in some kind of wreck,
Jason. And we were in the sea.
You mean like a boat sinking?
I guess.
But if it was a boat,
I don't remember
where it came from.
[Tia] we had an uncle.
Uncle Bene.
He kept us afloat.
And then he drowned.
For a long time we didn't
understand anything
anyone would say.
You must have come
from some other country.
But we won't know all the truth
Until we get to the mountains
above stony creek.
- Like it shows on the map.
- Witch mountain.
My brother Hiram mentioned
that place to me in his letters.
He said some strangers
came and settled there,
Kept pretty much
to themselves,
And nobody ever knew
where they came from.
You think they
might be your people?
They must be!
Security? Have you notified
Mr. Bolt of our destination?
Then do so.
We've just received
communication from
Mr. Deranian, sir.
He's on his way to a
Mr. Hiram ODays cabin
in the hills north of Longview.
- Don't sit here, get going!
- Yes, sir.
Well, when Hiram gets home he's
gonna find his cupboard is bare.
[all chuckle]
Gotta get going.
Come on, camper's out in back.
[Tia] can you hear me?
We need another favor.
- Tia, come on.
- Come on, Tia.
There's no way we can get
by them without their seeing us.
[car engine starts]
[bear growls]
I remember more.
It wasn't just Uncle Bene
who died in the ocean
When our ship went down,
A lot of other people
died too.
And those people, the people
that live in these mountains,
Well, all of us came
from the same country,
But on different ships.
Why then now,
you mean yours sank,
And the others made it to port?
But Tony,
it wasn't a country.
It was a place.
Yeah, a place that
isn't there anymore.
That's why my people
called themselves that, and...
...And this was the emblem
for where we used to live.
Two stars? I don't know
no place named that.
It wasn't called that.
No. Two stars... Because
our world had two suns!
- [Tia] double stars!
- Another planet!
A whole other
solar system!
Well, then... It wasn't a boat.
It was a spaceship!
[Tony] our planet
was dying.
The only industry left was
the manufacturing of spaceships.
Like ours.
And we had to find
another planet to live on.
Then the other ships
in your cluster
Landed here in these mountains,
and yours didn't make it.
I think we might have
been the only ones
On our spaceship
to have survived.
We lost them again.
We're going to go
south on highway 211.
Why don't you search the north?
Not too many people around,
are there?
"misty valley cooperative."
this is it.
Maybe they've
gone out to lunch.
We'll wait.
Are you the Longview bunch
Chasing after
those two witch kids?
That's right, mister.
My name's Cort. You the guy's
putting up the reward or what?
Yes, that's right.
Except that it's now $5000.
- Five thousand, huh?
- But there's a catch.
I want those
two children alive.
I don't care what happens
to the old man.
They were last seen
in a camper headed this way.
Those words got
a mighty good sound, friend.
Any idea where to look for them?
Well, they're not around here.
That's for sure.
Maybe the next town up the line.
Stony creek?
[engines revving]
Stony creek?
We're changing course now.
They sure had time enough
for a lunch break.
There's something to do
with the phone book.
Let me have
another look at that map.
[man] misty valley cooperative.
I was calling the castaway
family and I was wondering if...
It's all right. Were you
looking for Mr. Castaway?
Watch it!
Here comes Deranian!
- Is this Tony?
- Yes.
- Is Tia with you?
- Yes. Who is this?
Thank the blessed stars!
We've been searching
for you for years.
Now listen carefully.
Everything must time out.
Take the back door
and go to Mr. O'Day's camper.
[Winky meows]
[man] children,
we want to make sure
Mr. Deranian doesn't lose you.
We have a plan that
should discourage them
from ever pursuing you again.
[O'Day] come on!
Come on!
all right, Jason.
You've got a funny idea
of what's "all right."
Maybe bolt can spot
the RV from the helicopter.
Hey men, come on!
[engines starting]
[tires screech]
We've got a fix on them, sir.
Robertson canyon. Headed north.
There's no way he can lose us
in that monster he's driving.
Close in on them.
He's not
exactly crawling.
[tires screech]
They're getting
closer, Tony.
[Tony plays harmonica]
[tires screech]
[yelling, grunting]
[car crashing]
[man] good driving, al.
- How'd we wind up here?
- Another fine mess you...
- Come on, let's get out...
- Look out. The door!
Guys, let's go.
[tires screech]
[man chuckling]
very ingenious, Tony.
But don't forget,
We want Deranian
to see what's coming up.
I don't understand, sir.
Well, we have something planned
That will convince
Deranian and bolt
That you're both
out of their reach forever.
[tires screech]
[Winky snarls]
Deranian, listen to me.
I spotted a route that
lets you cut in ahead of them.
It's the second turn
on the left.
Now signal the others
not to follow you. Repeat. Not.
[horns honking]
[men scream]
[both coughing, sputtering]
I don't believe it.
- It's what you call levitation.
- That ain't what I call it.
You two got powers
beyond belief.
We're not doing this.
This is something
too powerful for us to do.
Somebody else
is making this happen.
That thing's
flying upside down.
That's impossible.
That kind of vehicle
can't fly upside down.
It's not supposed to
fly at all.
They're not upside down. We are.
[birds chirp]
[engine shuts off]
The voice says we should
get out here and wait.
We'll never
forget you, Jason.
Would you
take care of Winky?
Oh, no.
Winky's your cat.
It wouldn't be right for her
to be with anybody else.
- It would make us happy.
- [Winky meows]
It sure would. And I think
Winky would like it, too.
Maybe we ought to ask Winky
how she feels about that.
Winky, how do you feel about
going around now
With a crusty old man?
- [meows]
- [Tia and Tony laugh]
Look, if you
don't mind...
...I'd like to
plan on, uh...
...Remembering you two...
As if you were my kids.
[Winky meows]
The kids I never had.
[both] Uncle Bene! Uncle Bene!
Uncle Bene!
[laughing] oh,
you all did so well.
Congratulations, Jason O'Day.
You're a man of
courage and compassion.
Uncle Bene,
we thought you'd drowned.
Well, now if you know
exactly what to say to a shark
He can be very accommodating.
Ah, Tia.
You never forgot.
You didn't lose the star case.
We only found the map
a few days ago.
Well, I knew when you were
old enough to understand it,
you'd find it.
It's good to know that there
are earth men such as you,
Mr. ODay.
If the stars are willing,
Perhaps some of the other
children who survived
Will find men equally as kind.
- There are more?
- Yes.
All with star cases and maps.
So far, only Tia and Tony
have found the way.
Well, now that I know
what to keep my eyes peeled for,
Perhaps I could spot
these surviving kids
and bring them here.
Deranian's car.
[helicopter approaching]
I'll have to tend
to bolt's helicopter.
Stay and watch.
You'll see how we came
into this world of yours.
[helicopter crashes]
[engine revving down]
Stop this thing!
I'm all right!
Where are the children?
[whirring sound]
[electronic humming sound]
[Mr. Deranian] I should've known
there was more than ESP
with those two.
[Mr. Bolt grumbles]
[electronic humming approaching]
[Winky meows]
Well, they're home now.