Everyone is Going to Die (2024) Movie Script

[uptempo music]
[Tragedy] You are not allowed
to look away.
You are the audience.
Let's start.
[birds singing]
-[watch pings]
-[automated voice] Daniel,
the air conditioning
is now on.
[ominous music]
Alright, I can take a hint.
Come on.
Be a doll, get up.
[dramatic music]
Join me?
If I had more time.
Why don't you stay downstairs?
[shower running]
[birds singing]
(scoffs) Oh, no.
-Let me scrub it.
No, no, no.
Quit stalling, come on!
I had a great night.
[Daniel sighs]
(kiss) Come on.
Whoa, yeah, everybody's
going to die
But we're feeling alright
Whoa, yeah, everybody's
going to die
Everybody loses the fight
But we're feeling alright
Some of us will go when we
are all together
Some of us will go when
we're alone
Whoa, yeah, everybody's
going to die
Everybody, slipping away
into the night
But we're feeling alright
Some of us are taken long
before we should be
Some of us will go before
we're born
But we're feeling alright
Whoa, yeah, everybody's
going to die
Whoa, yeah,
everybody's going to die
[crickets chirping]
[suspenseful music]
[Phil] So, I listened to
your message.
I'm not kidding.
Come on.
My hands are tied.
It's the signing of
the fucking contract.
You have to be here.
It's ceremonial.
Money's already
in the account.
You can handle it.
[Phil] You are the ceremony.
You're the charmer.
They want to celebrate
with you, not me.
My hands are tied.
[Phil] Imogen's birthday?
I thought you said you were
seeing her midweek.
She's been suspended
from school.
Apple doesn't fall far
from the tree, I see.
What'd she do?
Who knows. Teenage shit.
[Phil] And you choose
this week of all weeks
to become a father.
What did you say?
I'm just...look,
I'm stressed, alright?
Biggest deal of our life. You
don't even show
for the handshake.
How very Daniel Crane.
In a week from now,
you'll be so rich,
you won't care.
Now fuck off.
You owe me.
Yeah, I don't think so.
[computer beeps]
[suspenseful music]
[Daniel chuckles]
[tires crunching]
[engine idles]
Happy birthday, darling.
[car door shuts]
Eau de Malbec.
(under breath) Mm-hmm...
(through teeth) Fuck you too,
you cunt.
Put those in your room,
I just sat down!
And you'll be sitting down
all week.
Be a doll.
Put them in your room.
[Imogen sighs]
[suspenseful music]
[Imogen] There's a stain on
your rug.
[rapid tapping]
[outgoing text ping]
[incoming text ping]
[rapid tapping]
[outgoing text ping]
[incoming message ping]
[texting continues]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Daniel] So, what do you want to
do today, food-wise?
Let me guess. Italian?
[Daniel] I figured Italian.
What do you think?
Yeah, that sounds good.
[Daniel] Wear something nice.
(under breath) Fuck off.
[rapid tapping]
[outgoing text ping]
[phone pings]
[birds chirping]
[lighter clicks]
[suspenseful music continues]
[birds singing]
[Imogen] That's an interesting
scent in your room.
Summer Sanctuary,
if I'm not mistaken.
I wanted the place to smell nice
for you today, like home.
Mm-hmm. Don't really smell it
down here, though.
Alright, Imogen.
Nobody likes a wise ass.
Is she pretty?
[Daniel] That's enough.
I bet she's really pretty.
[Imogen] How old is she?
What, am I not allowed to
have girlfriends?
Oh, so she's your girlfriend.
How long have you
been dating?
No, tell me.
Is it love, do you think?
Are you gonna propose?
Should I call her 'mum'?
Shall we try something else?
[birds twittering]
Oh, my God.
[suspenseful music]
Don't like it?
It's a watch and a phone.
I have a watch.
-You do?
And a phone.
But this is like... it's...
it's the new one.
It's like mad tech.
Look, try it on.
No, I don't need a new one.
I like my old one,
which isn't even that old.
I can't keep up.
I kept the receipt.
Just... take it back.
Spend the money on whatever.
Clearly I messed up.
No, Dad, I'm...
-[eerie music]
There's someone in
the garden.
Imogen, stay here.
Can I help you?
Friend of yours?
You need to get out of
my garden right now.
Do you hear me?
I'll call the police.
[sinister music]
You think I'm joking?
Imogen, go into
the living room.
(door closes, locks)
We're here for the party.
Excuse me?
The birthday party.
Oh, we just love
birthday parties.
And look,
we brought presents.
Imogen, come here now.
[Comedy] What, don't you wanna
open it?
It's a surprise.
[Daniel] Get the fuck out
my house.
Party pooper.
And what about you?
You wanna open your present,
don't you?
Okay, so clearly the masks were
a bad idea.
I thought they'd be fun.
We've gotten off on
the wrong foot, haven't we?
We've been sent here
to help celebrate your birthday.
Shall I open it for you?
[gun cocks]
-[sinister music]
[loud banging]
[Comedy] Will you get that
for her?
It's really cold outside.
What do you want?
[Comedy] We just wanna have
some fun.
Oh, come on guys.
Don't be so serious.
Door. Now.
What, was you born in
a barn?
[door thuds shut]
You didn't get too cold
out there, did you?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
The people are scared enough
She's crazy ugly.
Oh... sorry, how rude of me!
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear...
[suspenseful music]
Happy birthday to you.
Okay, stop now.
Why are you here?
We saw the balloons outside
and we just love parties.
Please, just leave.
I know it seems weird,
with me standing here,
holding a shotgun,
but we don't wanna harm you.
We just want Imogen to have
the most amazing birthday ever.
Is there cake?
This isn't funny.
Why don't we light the candles,
and then maybe we'll leave.
Get the fuck out of our house,
you psycho bitch.
[Comedy] Oh, come on, Imogen.
Don't be like that.
I mean, life can be funny
and life can be sad.
[Comedy] And we're here to help
decide which.
So, why don't you go off
into the other room
while I have a little chat
with Dad.
No fucking way.
[intense music]
I'm not asking.
She's intense. (laughs)
She's scared to death.
What? And you're not?
There's no cake, is there?
It's your daughter's
16th birthday and
you didn't even get her a cake!
Well, have you got booze?
I bet you've got booze.
[sinister music]
[eerie music]
[Comedy] Bingo.
Oh, I see you're
a spirits man.
Well, come on, then.
Make us all a drink.
Chop chop.
[cupboard squeaks open]
Four glasses.
[glasses clink]
I'm gonna get that gun off you
and I'm gonna kick
your teeth in.
[Comedy chuckles]
There'll be plenty of time
for that.
You're dead.
Well, we're all dead eventually.
That's showbiz.
You, sooner than most.
Got that off your chest now,
big man.
[glasses clinking]
[eerie music]
Pour us a drink.
You're very pretty.
Imogen, there's no cake.
Your dad forgot.
So, let's have a drink instead.
Oh, come on, guys.
We can't have a toast without
a drink.
[music intensifies]
Everyone, to Imogen...
and not her piece of shit father
who didn't even get her
a cake.
[suspenseful music]
Oh, you having
a little trouble there?
Here, let me help.
[Comedy laughing]
Tough crowd.
Speech, speech, speech, speech.
Please just go.
I'm sorry, that won't do.
You see in the theatre
of life,
we all need to learn
the art of soliloquy.
Isn't that right? Yeah?
Shut up.
Imogen, I really feel like
you need to learn
to express yourself.
I mean, for example,
your dad not getting you
a cake on your birthday.
I mean, how does that
make you feel?
[Imogen] You want a speech?
I don't give a shit about
a stupid fucking cake.
And you should leave before
my dad loses his temper.
Wow. (laughs)
Who doesn't want cake
on their birthday?
[dark music]
I said shut up.
You see, I mean,
it really feels like
you've got some
deep issues here.
And where's Mum?
I'd really like to talk to her
about this no cake.
Forget about the fucking cake.
No, that's your job.
I realize this must be really
hard for you,
not being in control of
the situation.
I can't imagine what you wanna
do to me.
You have no idea.
I have some.
So where's Mummy
in all this?
-We're separated.
-[Comedy] Recently?
Five years ago.
[Comedy] How does that make
you feel, Imogen?
Does it upset you?
It's okay. It's hard, I know.
You really have to face
the tragedy
to appreciate the comedy.
It's all part of growing up.
[Daniel] She's frightened,
you stupid bitch.
What happened, Imogen?
Did Mummy and Daddy have
a little fight?
That's enough.
It's okay, hun. You can tell me.
My dad's a piece of shit, too.
[gun clatters]
[Imogen] He cheated.
[dramatic music]
[Comedy] Wow.
And I thought the lack of cake
was bad.
But you're a real... asshole.
But it's alright.
We're here now and what we do
is organize days
that you'll never forget.
I mean, of course we charge
for our services.
[Daniel] I should have known.
You want money.
Yeah, well, it looks like you
can spare a few quid.
[Daniel] I don't have any money
in the house.
take my watch.
It's a smartwatch.
You think our services
can be bought with a watch?
[dark music]
[Comedy] Look at this house!
Where's the safe?
[foreboding music]
[phone ringing]
[Lydia] Daniel. It's Lydia.
I meant to tell you something
this morning.
I need you to call me.
I know you're with Immy,
but it's urgent.
So, what do we have in here,
No safe?
I already told you,
I don't have a safe.
We'll see.
-[pillow tearing]
-[Tragedy cackling]
What's in the box, Daniel?
Nothing important.
[Comedy] I'll be the judge
of that.
[suspenseful music]
[box thuds]
[Comedy] Toys!
I mean, what's a birthday party
without toys?
You're a gambler, right?
You dickheads always are.
Let me guess.
Is it er, hold 'em, no limits?
I can see you thinking it.
This is your big,
all-in moment.
Get the gun.
Win the house.
I mean, the stakes don't get
much higher than this,
do they?
But you're not holding
the best cards.
I mean, what have you got
to lose?
I mean, apart from
your daughter's face.
Oh, it's a tough call.
What's your gut saying, Daniel?
Don't worry.
You'll have your moment.
Now, get on the bed.
[Comedy] Ooh, look at
that one!
I mean, what on earth do you do
with that?
What do you think he does
with that, Immy?
So, it's a dildo.
Get over it.
They just grow up so fast
nowadays, don't they?
My daughter doesn't need to
see this.
[Comedy] It's time to talk about
the birds and the bees.
I mean, after all...
Immy's a woman now.
Take it.
Do you think women
like that?
Hold it to your groin.
(sighs) That's ridiculous.
Oh, go on.
-[shotgun clatters]
-[Comedy] Please.
Put it in your mouth.
She's acting up 'cause
we haven't been paid yet.
Stop embarrassing me,
or I have to punish you.
[sinister music]
[sucking noises]
Did you like that?
Your turn now, Immy.
[bang] Enough.
(laughs) I'm kidding!
Wow, can everybody stop being
so fucking serious?
Let's just go and find
the money.
[foreboding music]
There must be some gold
in here.
Sit down.
Log on.
-Wasting your time.
-We'll see.
[keyboard tapping]
[eerie music]
I need you to put all your money
into that account.
Okay, fine.
Couple hundred pounds in
my current account.
I can't access all my
investments like that.
Why don't you take my car?
Oh, is it one of those, er...
fancy electric ones with
the GPS tracking
and the remote immobilizers?
I'd rather take the money
in the account, thanks.
Okay. The money in
the account's worth less
than the watch was.
What about your escrow account
between your firm
and JSJ Land Holdings?
[dark music]
So, that's what this is
all about.
Yeah, that's right.
We know all about you... Daniel.
What are you talking about?
It's about a development deal.
I'm building affordable housing
and they're trying to save
some badgers.
Affordable housing?
What about your
last development?
What was it in the end, what...
three units only accessible
through the rear,
out of sight from your
Chinese buyers. You...
[Daniel] Oh, and... and you're
so much better?
Pointing a gun at a child's head
for money.
Yeah. It's not ideal, no.
You're scum.
That hurts my feelings.
What about you, Tragedy?
Did it hurt your feelings?
[suspenseful music]
-[Daniel] Alright!
This is nearly a million pounds.
It's not gonna go unnoticed.
Well, you can just, er...
use that shit-eating smile
of yours
and spin a little PR magic,
[Daniel sighs]
[button clicks]
[Daniel] You'd better start
They're coming for you.
Your business partner's not
gonna know
the money's missing
until Monday morning.
You got what you came for.
Get the fuck outta my house!
She's just a kid.
-[phone ringing]
-[shotgun cocks]
-[machine beeps]
-[Phil] Er, it's Phil.
What's happening with
the account?
I just got a notification.
-please call me immediately.
-[ machine beeps]
[Comedy] Let's change
and lighten
the mood somewhat, shall we?
Why not a game? I mean...
what's a party without games,
right, Immy?
I promise, this will be
the last game
and I always keep my promises.
So, let's play...
find daddy's porn stash.
Fuck you.
Oh, what, you don't wanna play?
Let's take a vote.
Those who wanna play,
raise your hand.
[Daniel sighs]
You're out of your
fucking minds.
-[Comedy chuckles]
-The pair of you.
I mean, undoubtedly.
But we do live in crazy times,
don't we?
So, what's on the computer,
Show us.
[suspenseful music]
[Tragedy] Oh, yeah.
Someone's been a busy boy.
I don't look at that stuff...
(shouts) Look at it!
-Now, come on.
You love this shit.
[Tragedy] Touch yourself.
Just do it, Dad.
-[shotgun rattles]
-Pleasure or pain, Daniel?
Your choice.
[Tragedy] I want to see it!
[shouting, struggling]
[uptempo music]
[gun clatters]
Imogen, get behind me.
I knew you was gonna
fuck this up.
Well, would you look
at that, hm?
You two are gonna die now.
How does it feel?
-Dad, call the police.
-Quiet, Imogen!
You win.
We just wanted the money.
We just got a bit carried away,
that's all.
Just... just let us go and...
So, you think you can come
into my house
and then humiliate me
in front of my daughter?
No. Not me.
Not Daniel Crane!
-No, don't shoot!
-[shotgun clicks]
-You were really gonna do it.
-[revolver clicks]
And here we are,
just playing games.
-[revolver fires]
-[glass smashes]
[revolver cocks, fires]
Relax, I'm not aiming.
As promised.
[uptempo music]
[revolver fires]
-Dad, my phone!
-No time!
Dad, the phone!
Get up!
It locks from the inside.
If they come for you,
gouge their fucking eyes out.
[uptempo music continues]
[ladder clicking]
Get my phone.
-[Comedy grunts]
-[grunting, struggling]
[groaning with exertion]
[Comedy choking]
[Daniel] Throw the gun,
and I'll let her go.
Yeah, 'cause you're really
I'll break her fucking neck.
Do it.
She'll shoot you.
I've got all day.
What's wrong with
you people?
You've got the money.
[suspenseful music]
You still haven't learned
your lesson.
[Comedy chuckles]
[Comedy groaning]
I guess I had that coming.
You're both crazy.
(gasping) Oh, you've noticed.
[Daniel] Doesn't matter anyway.
There's a window in the attic.
Imogen's gone. You've lost her.
[Comedy] No, there's no window
up there.
-[suspenseful music]
-[metal clanks]
[eerie chanting]
-[Daniel gasping]
-[doorbell rings]
Time out! Time out.
Let's... take him into
the bedroom.
If he tries anything,
just kill him.
I don't care anymore.
[groans in pain]
-[doorbell rings]
Uh! Yes, alright!
I'm coming!
I've been fucking shot,
you know? Oh, fuck...
[uptempo music]
[phone ringing]
[breathing heavily]
[keys jangle]
[Phil] Motherfucker!
You think you can treat me
like one of your marks?
You forget, I know you, Daniel.
You're mugging me off.
You're trying to...
You're bloody fucking dead!
You call me before I get there.
Or you're a fucking dead man.
Oh, great.
-Someone else for the party.
-[shotgun cocks]
Uh! Ugh!
Oh...ugh, fuck!
[Lydia] I tried calling.
We need to talk...
I'm sorry.
I think I've got
the wrong house.
You should come in.
I should go.
Get in the house, Lydia.
[ominous music]
[door closes]
[dark music]
[Daniel] So, what's your
story, huh?
(breathing heavily)
(gasps) Too scared to show
our face, eh?
Too scared to stand up to your
psycho girlfriend.
You know you're going down,
right? Yeah?
CCTV in the house.
Linked to a security firm
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, you can go down for
burglary or murder.
Difference of what?
Twenty years? Huh?
Well, say something then!
[suspenseful music]
Do you know who I am?
Take a wild guess.
I'm Daniel's wife.
Yeah, I just found out
he's been cheating on me.
He's given me a horrific STD.
Yeah, thanks for that, Daniel!
It's so sad how such
a successful man...
can be brought down
by his insatiable obsession
with his own dick.
He just can't help himself.
I don't know who she is...
but I hope they wore a condom.
I tried to tell him and then
he did this to me.
(crying) Look at it.
(sniffs) Look at it!
I don't think it's fair, that,
you know,
he gets to cheat and I'm
the one who gets sick.
And then he fucking shot me.
I mean, how fucking crazy
is that?
I didn't even know he had
a gun.
Did you know he had a gun?
Sorry, sorry.
What's... what's that?
I mean...
you think you know
someone, Lydia,
and they turn out to be some
disease-ridden gun nut.
Men and their secrets, eh?
I just want to go.
[Comedy] No, sorry.
Come and say hello.
[Lydia] Please.
Sorry, where are my manners?
[Comedy whistles]
[suspenseful music]
We have another guest.
[Daniel] Lydia...
You would've gone
straight to the police.
What was I supposed to do?
Could've just not answered
the fucking door!
You're a hostage.
You don't get a say in this.
What are you doing here?
I came to talk.
What's happening?
-[ominous music]
That's enough!
[Daniel] Just do as they say.
They're man-hating lesbians.
[Comedy] Ah, that must be it.
We're lesbians.
That's why we don't want you.
Fuck off.
[Lydia] Please just let me go.
Just play along.
They won't harm you.
[Comedy] Oh.
Oh, that's...
that's very clever of you,
I see what you've done there.
You see, I remember saying that
I wouldn't hurt you and Immy,
but I said nothing about hurting
young Lydia here.
[Lydia] I'm gonna go.
Ah, ah!
Where do you think you're going?
[suspenseful music]
Just keep calm.
-I'm scared.
-[Daniel] Don't be.
The gun isn't even loaded.
It's just a game.
Just play along.
Ah! He's finally learning.
Now, these are the rules
of the game.
Immy's in the loft
and we need to get her down.
Repeat after me.
[clears throat]
Immy! Come down,
or else I'm gonna get
my head blown off.
-[Daniel] No, baby.
Imogen is here?
No, baby doll.
Look at me, look at me,
it's just you and me.
You know he calls you baby
'cause he likes 'em young,
[Daniel] Shut up.
[Lydia] Why... why is Imogen in
the attic?
She's not! She's not up there.
Call Imogen down or you die now.
[Daniel] She's bluffing, Lydia.
The gun's empty.
Run away.
-Now's your chance.
Call her down or you die!
Just run, you dumb bitch!
Get out!
-[shotgun fires]
-[blood spatters]
[Daniel gasps]
[Tragedy] No...
[dark music]
[Comedy] You were saying?
[shotgun cocks]
Why did you do that?
[Comedy] She's as bad as him.
[Tragedy] Nobody gets hurt.
We agreed!
Everybody gets hurt by
men like him.
He was gonna make a move.
[Tragedy] I'm not a killer.
Yeah, well, I am.
I mean, what does that
even mean, anyway?
What, so we're the bad guys now?
He's still a piece of shit.
We need two guns on him.
I'm doing this for you,
[Tragedy] No, thank you.
I'm sorry...
Let's get back to business.
This is almost over now,
I promise.
I know what your promises
are worth.
[Tragedy] I promise.
we need Imogen
to come down here.
We're almost finished.
That's not fucking happening.
Imogen, honey.
I need you to come down now.
Shut up!
Imogen, we don't want to
hurt you.
[Daniel] Imogen, stay up there
where you're safe.
The police are on their way.
[Tragedy] Nobody's coming.
We need to show you something
before we leave.
-[Daniel] Don't listen, honey.
Immy, if you don't come down
on the count of five,
I'm gonna have to kill your dad.
Fuck you. Kill me.
Oh, believe me, I would love to.
Fuck you, you coward!
Fucking kill me!
Immy, I've already killed
Daddy's girlfriend.
Last chance.
[ladder clanks]
[intense music]
[dark music fades in]
They've been up there for days.
They've obviously got
some grand plan.
Just do what you've got to do
and leave.
[sinister music]
Just give us a minute.
[Imogen] I need the bathroom.
Don't try it.
[Tragedy] I'll take her.
Then I'm coming.
[Comedy] No.
You can stay with me.
We can get to know each other
a bit better.
[Tragedy] Come on.
[spine-chilling music]
[Tragedy] Don't look.
Can I have some privacy?
[Tragedy] You know I can't.
[ominous music]
The masks were Alison's idea.
Always the drama, huh?
It's not your fault, you know,
whatever it is you are
going through.
Yes, this rotten world, this...
man's world.
Men are pricks.
But it's not a man
that's holding me hostage.
I'm sorry to put you through
all this.
I really am.
If I thought there was
any other way...
What is it you want?
To teach your dad a lesson.
[Imogen] Are you gonna kill us?
I don't want to.
Your friend does.
she doesn't like men too much.
She's a psychopath.
She has her reasons.
[dramatic music]
[Daniel] Why are you
torturing me?
[Comedy] Torturing you?
You haven't got a scratch
on you.
Look at me.
Look at my face.
You broke my nose.
Been shot in the leg.
You brought it on yourself.
Typical man.
I'm black and blue,
but you're the victim.
Just let my daughter go.
She's got her
whole life ahead of her.
I'll stay and play...
whatever sick games
you want.
Spare me the fake compassion,
you fucking pig.
I despise men like you.
Spare me the feminist bullshit.
My daughter's a girl,
in case you hadn't noticed.
Oh, I've noticed.
Don't you worry.
[Daniel] Just try.
I'll eat your fucking face.
(gasps) There he is.
Look at me.
You are very beautiful, Imogen.
I don't wanna die.
It's almost over.
-[dark music]
-[crickets chirping]
[clock ticking]
[wind whistling]
[tires crunching]
That's the police.
You're finished.
[engine revving]
[uptempo music]
Daniel, I know you're in there,
you piece of shit!
Open up!
Robbing motherfucker!
You're not doing me!
[glass smashes]
Hey, Phil.
So glad you could join us.
[shotgun fires]
[crickets chirping]
[eerie music]
[shotgun cocks]
That was your chance.
I wasn't loaded.
She would've shot Imogen.
[Comedy] Probably.
But you... could have got away.
[Tragedy] Okay.
[suspenseful music]
Are you sure?
The time has come for
the final birthday game.
It's called,
"Who's Your Daddy?"
[jacket unzipping]
The rules are the same
as before.
And Daniel, you get to do
a bit of acting in this one.
And if you choose to
disobey the rules...
Immy here gets a bullet.
Do you understand?
I do.
[Comedy] Immy?
I do.
[Comedy] Daniel?
It's very important.
Get on with it.
Let's begin.
you stand here...
at the pool table.
[Comedy groans]
You are the leading man.
The hero.
And Kaylie here gets to be
your leading lady.
[Kaylie] And Imogen...
I want you to sit... here.
And look at your dad.
You are not allowed to
look away.
You are the audience.
Just consider me
to be your director.
I'm gonna give the instructions,
like, er...
like Simon Says.
And like I said, if you, er...
if you choose not to obey me,
then um...
I'm gonna shoot Immy.
I thought you said no one
gets hurt.
[Comedy] Because you're gonna
do exactly what
the director asks.
Safe word?
[dark music fades in]
Let's start.
"Take This Bottle" by
Faith No More playing
Ah, fucking hell.
The game has begun.
Daniel and Kaylie,
I want you to dance.
I can wait to love in heaven
I can wait for you
Far away,
I'll treat you better
Better than down here
Because I've done wrong
And I'm a little afraid
And I ain't too strong
And this ain't easy to say:
Take this bottle
Take this bottle
And just walk away
the both of you
[glasses clink]
And let me feel the pain
I've done to you
I can hope we'll be together
With a better roof
over our heads
I can hope
the stormy weather
It passes on, it passes on
But I've hoped too long
Hoped for me to change
[song continues]
Daniel, I want you to kiss her.
Take this bottle
Take this bottle
Okay, good. That's enough.
[song continues]
Yeah, this is fun.
I mean, it's better than dying,
Daniel, why don't you offer
Kaylie a drink?
(under breath) Drink?
Yes, please.
Put the pill in hers.
What is it?
Don't break the fourth wall!
I'll give you that one for free.
Drink it, Kaylie.
[suspenseful music fades in]
[Daniel gasps]
Now, Daniel...
it's really important that you
help me out with this next bit.
Kaylie's gonna get
extremely woozy,
which is why I need you
to do exactly as I say.
You didn't know what to
get your daughter
for her birthday.
And we're here to fix that.
Today you get to
give her a present
of the rest of her life...
or you get to take it away.
You see, that's the power
you have over women.
If you don't believe me,
you can go and ask Lydia.
Let's go.
Now, put Kaylie up on
the pool table
and stand between her legs.
[heavy breathing]
[frantic kissing]
Why don't you help her
take her top off?
Immy, you need to watch this.
You could lose the game too.
(breathing intensifies)
Unbutton her jeans.
[Kaylie] No, no, no, no.
No, no. (struggling)
No, no, no, no.
She's not cooperating.
Why don't you give her
a little slap?
Daniel, we really need her to
cooperate on this one
so we can get through it.
-Slap her.
-[Kaylie] No, Alison...
Stop it! No! Enough!
-Shut up!
Good, good.
I mean, after all,
she did steal your money.
Hit her again.
[Kaylie groans]
And she kidnapped your daughter.
Why don't you show how
that makes you feel?
And then maybe you can
do me after.
Those jeans need to
come off.
[Kaylie protests, struggles]
[Daniel grunts]
[Comedy] Take the jeans off!
[struggling continues]
She's still not cooperating.
Hit her again.
Please stop, Alison.
[grunt, punch]
Yes, yes.
Punch her in the face.
-[Kaylie] Harder.
-[Imogen whimpers]
-[Kaylie] Harder.
Ugh! [punch]
[Kaylie] Harder. Ugh.
[sinister music]
Whoo! What a trip, hey?
You were brilliant.
A true natural.
I mean, we're so close
to the end.
I mean, so close that I just
wanna call a cab.
Turns out your dad really does
love you, Imogen.
Lucky girl.
I need you to pick up
the scissors.
And I need you to
stab her in the leg.
[sinister music]
[sinister music intensifies]
[Alison] Oh, go on.
Be a doll.
You know why.
Don't you?
[suspenseful music]
[fabric ripping]
I do.
I get it now. You're right.
Just let my daughter go.
What did I miss?
[Daniel] Listen to me.
I get it.
I'll do it all.
And you can kill me.
I'm not angry.
I understand.
But Imogen goes.
That's the deal.
Uh-uh, she stays.
(breathing heavily)
[suspenseful music intensifies]
Because otherwise, what would be
the point?
She's sixteen.
[Alison] So was I. Remember?
(breathing shakily)
[Imogen] What did you do, Dad?
[Daniel] I don't know,
I don't...
[Imogen] Dad...
What did you do to this woman?
I don't know. It was years ago.
I was off my nut.
I was just a kid.
Tell me.
I can't remember.
I remember pleading.
[dramatic music fades in]
I remember
your friends laughing.
And the shame...
as I limped back home.
I remember your father was
a lawyer. A good one.
I remember having to
move schools.
[Daniel] Alright.
You've made your point.
But she's seen enough.
You're not in charge this time.
We finish it.
We end it.
[Daniel] I won't do it.
Finish this now or you both die!
Can I be any clearer than that?
[scissors clank]
[dark music]
[Kaylie groaning]
[Kaylie moaning]
(distorted breathing)
[jeans zip]
Daniel, look at me.
Do you understand?
(whispers) I'm sorry.
[ethereal music]
[Alison sobbing]
I'm sorry!
[Kaylie sobbing]
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[Alison] It's not your fault.
[dramatic music fades in]
I love you, Mum.
(crying, gasping)
Thank you.
[Alison] Mummy... mummy...
[ethereal music fades in]
-[shotgun cocks]
[dark music]
[phone rings]
[Imogen's mum]
Daniel... it's Imogen's mum.
What's all this money
that's gone into
Immy's savings account?
What game are you playing?
You think you can buy her back?
She's not like you.
What the fuck is this?
You'll be hearing from
my lawyers.
[Alison] She doesn't
need a watch, Daniel.
She needs to escape.
From you.
Happy birthday, Imogen.
You're free.
[Daniel] Imogen,
call the police.
How about I just pull
the trigger, huh?
Do what you want.
You always do.
My mum...
Your ex-wife, Lydia,
your daughter.
God knows how many more.
Every woman that you come
into contact with,
you destroy.
Why stop at me, eh?
-[ethereal music]
Whoa, yeah, everybody's
going to die
Everybody slippin'
away into the night
But we're feeling alright
Whoa-yeah, everbody's
going to die
Everybody, everybody
loses the fight
But we're feeling alright
Some of us believe
that we will live forever
Some of us believe
that we return, whoa
Some of us will go
when we are all together
Some of us will go
when we're alone
Whoa-yeah, everbody's
going to die
Everybody slippin'
away into the night
But we're feeling alright
Whoa-yeah, everbody's
going to die
Everybody, everybody
loses the fight
But we're feeling alright
Some of us will live
like there is no tomorrow
Some of us will
fight until the end
Some of us will struggle
through the pain and sorrow
Some of us will choose
to make it stop
Whoa-yeah, everbody's
going to die
Everybody slippin' away
into the night
But we're feeling alright
Whoa-yeah, everbody's
going to die
Whoa-yeah, everbody's
going to die
Everybody slippin' away
into the night
But we're feeling alright
Whoa, yeah, everybody's
going to die