Evil at the Door (2022) Movie Script

Good evening, and allow
me to welcome each of you
to the annual Night of the
Please take a moment to
introduce yourselves.
I trust that you have
hydrated and remained
physically and mentally ready.
You will find the target
for your run in your respective
There will be two unwilling
players at the target address,
one male and one female.
Say something.
Now, there's no
security system in place,
it was deactivated 87 days ago.
Always remember your oath and
the laws
that you've sworn to obey.
Enjoy the evening, fellow
And God bless.
Isn't this a surprise?
How long are you here this time?
Honey, Liz just got into town.
She's gonna stay with us for a
few days.
I did the math.
How was work?
I'm a mortgage bonder, Liz,
Do you really want to know how
work was?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Jess, a minute.
What the fuck, Jess?
She's had a brutal 48 hours.
How long has she been here?
Did you leave her alone?
No, god dammit, she just got
She just got through telling
me what she's gone through.
How could you let her back in
We agreed on this.
That man laid his hands on
He is so much bigger
and stronger than her.
He could have killed her.
If her story's even true.
She's a liar, Jessica!
Last time she left him, we lent
her money
to get back on her feet,
she fucking robbed us
and ran right back to him.
This is different.
She really wants a new
beginning, okay?
We are the only safe place she
How many more second chances?
How many more this times?
Hi, honey.
Sorry, I was...
Daniel, thank you for having me.
I'll only be here a
little while, I promise.
I know you've done a lot for me
We're happy you're here.
I'll be out of your hair soon.
I can't deal with this.
You have no idea.
I have far more important
things to worry about it.
I don't need this shit too.
What could be more
important than family?
Finding a way to pay for all
Do better.
Why don't you do something?
All you do is spend my fucking
Oh, there you are.
- Here I am.
- Come on.
Mr. Roebuck.
I was just getting ready to call
I bet.
Been quite a day for you.
How many of those have you had?
This is my first.
I think you're a liar.
I'd say you're about three
in, and you're a vodka man.
Yes sir.
How'd you know?
We're not talking on
the telephone, Daniel.
It's called video chat.
I can see you.
You know, I'm a scotch
man, myself, single malt.
It's not too high brow and
not trash liquor either,
but it gets the job done.
Is there anything bothering you,
Anything you want to get off
your chest?
It's just this thing with
my wife and her sister,
but don't worry, it'll be fine,
it won't distract from work.
Oh, there's nothing more
and more infuriating than
And I don't even know a
Was that the name of your
fish in middle school?
I don't know.
Well, anyway, that's what I've
calling the mailman, and
his name is probably John.
It's true, it's terrible.
I've missed you!
I'm so happy you're here!
Okay, okay.
Missed my Liz.
Look at all this.
Look what you did, Jess.
Well, it's not all what
it looks like all the time.
How are things?
I mean...
I don't know, I mean...
It's been an emotional roller
Yeah, Daniel.
I don't appreciate you running
out today.
We were all waiting for a full
on your interview, and...
You disappeared.
Yes, sir.
Sorry about that.
I needed to clear my head.
Get home, recoup, you know?
That interview was more an
They tore into me.
What exactly did you tell
Nothing, sir, at all.
Any questions they had
about the off-shores,
I said I had no knowledge.
Any questions about the board
meetings off the book, I said-
- What meeting, hmm?
Right, right, that's what I
What meetings?
Our board members would
never hold meetings
without some documentation or-
- Daniel.
Do I have to remind you
that if this continues,
anything should become of
this pesky investigation,
you're front and center in the
Yes, I understand, sir.
And do you think that
your wife and her sister
would like this piled on top
of their melodramatic baggage?
I don't think so.
His mood swings, I just,
something big
must be going on at work.
I don't know, he doesn't
talk to me about it.
He just comes home and boozes.
He gets boozy, Liz, it's not
I promise I won't be here very
I've been looking at some
inpatient-outpatient rehabs,
and this time I'm really
gonna stick to it.
I promise I have some Suboxone,
so I won't get symptoms,
and it's just temporary.
I know.
Look, it's not just Daniel's
house, it's my house too,
and you can stay as long as you
Thank you.
Is that Jake?
What's he saying?
"Please, I just want to talk.
I'm really sorry.
I love you."
Give me the phone.
Do not respond to that psycho.
I'm not gonna respond.
Don't take my phone away, Mom.
I'm serious, Liz.
Don't engage with that man.
You're safe here now.
I promise you I was a
champ in there today, sir.
They have nothing to
bring any sort of charges.
You'll be proud of me.
Well, that's that's good to
hear, champ.
Oh, I got a note today...
That there's someone
from the tech department
is coming by your house tonight.
Fellow by the name of Isaac from
Are you two buddies?
Yeah, Isaac.
No, no, no, no.
He's coming by later tonight
to set up the generation
and computer here,
so I can
continue working from
home, log in from here.
I'm pretty slow at kinda setting
stuff up,
so he's doing for me.
Danny, when I called
you a liar earlier...
I believe that.
I just don't know how
good of a liar you are.
The hell?
More shit to add to the list.
Oh god.
That is my cue.
I'm really, really glad that
you're here.
Me too.
Don't text that fucker back.
Radio silence.
Radio silence.
You got a signal?
A phone signal?
No, it's not rall working right
You have a phone, right?
Yeah, see?
I was getting a signal
earlier, but it's weird now.
Come on.
Come on, open the damn door.
Fuckin' knee.
Who the fuck are you?
Hey, what's up?
Ain't we some sexy mother
So what now?
Who wants honors?
Oh yeah, fuck yeah,
I'll kick that shit in.
No no no, first Troy.
First Troy.
Oh, come on, unmarked.
First Troy.
Tell us the law.
The law.
All right, well fuck, it just
Eisenhower called dibs or
Fuck all that shit.
Unless one of you two overrules
there's a lot of time left on
that clock.
I wanna have some fun.
What do you have in mind?
First Troy granted.
Hold on, my boot's untied.
Go ahead.
Long-time listener, first-time
It's my third run.
Was fucking memorable.
A place off a remote
island right off the coast.
It's a family of four.
If you could call it a family.
So fucking dysfunctional.
The head of the family?
Guy's been in and out of federal
his whole fuckin' life,
nothing but a con man,
being chased by the feds, by
Even hired his own private
security guard.
Thought that was gonna help him.
Not that night.
We took all five of
them, melt 'em all down,
line them up perfectly by the
And I noticed a machete
right there in the garden.
I picked that fuckin' machete
grabbed him by the back of his
and I took that machete
and I swung it so hard,
and with one fuckin' swoop...
A lot of went sideways on that
Rained all night.
Was a frat house.
Bunch of drunk, high
fraternity guys, you know?
Should have been easy.
No security, everything went
The layout was wrong of the
Right in the middle of it,
six other fraternity guys,
they show up drunk off their
Got sloppy, we were outnumbered.
And then one of the
brothers had a mini stroke
or something in the middle.
Just wasn't up to it.
We had to disengage.
The only incomplete run I've
ever been on.
Integrity hasn't been the
same since One passed the torch.
And this run.
You're booze tastes like shit.
Do you like tickle pain?
Do you have tickle pain?
I saw him shoot shit up his
This run could go sideways
because of him.
I did a run with Eisenhower
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Four years back.
this little diner off the main
Three employees, closed at
but usually took about an hour-
- I didn't ask for a reveal.
Of course.
And here I am pissing on the
You ever have a duplicate?
Of course not.
That's not supposed to happen.
Well, someone's getting
sloppy at the top.
My eye on Nixon.
Two runs from the executive
I salute you.
Thank you, brother.
Protect the run.
Protect the Locusts.
All right, I got the
perfect shot, don't worry.
Corner pocket.
You won't feel a scratch, don't
Corner pocket, here it comes.
One, two...
Pacing myself.
I'm pacing myself, don't worry.
He's fine, it's fine.
Jesus Christ,.
Nothing yet?
We did a run before, you and I.
And me?
No, I don't think so, my man.
It was four runs ago.
You were there.
That's not I, amigo.
Besides, run paths, they
never ever cross again.
You heard me.
Oh, shit.
Look at this motherfucker.
All right.
Sure, pal.
Come on.
Let the interrogation begin.
Come on.
Do your thing.
Oh, no no no.
See, now I know you're fucking
'cause that one right
there, that one I remember.
That's four years ago, and
that was a Christmas party.
Fuckin' serious?
Right now?
Fuck, man.
Fucked, fuckin' jam.
It's like a win-lose with that
Please, like nobody's ever
done drugs in your car before.
One star.
A lot of shit changed for me
that night.
See, we terminated 12 targets
that night.
The first two I pushed right off
the top of that motherfucker.
Now don't get me wrong, I like
that shit
because I happened to
pick out the cutest bitch
in the whole bunch, right?
And you should have seen the
look on that bitch's face
when she fell over.
But that's the thing,
it's the look on her face.
I got it for what, one second?
Two seconds at most?
And then that's it.
Just watch her fall.
And hit the cement from 10
stories up.
And what the fuck is the fun in
See, if I'm gonna kill a bitch,
I want to see it in her eyes.
I want to see a fear.
I want to feel her struggle.
Now, what I learned about
myself is that I like to kill,
and I like to kill 'em close.
I like to hear 'em take their
last breath.
I like to feel 'em struggle.
I want her to look at me and
what the fuck is going on.
So many questions in the
last few seconds of her life.
Who is this dude?
What's happening?
Why me?
So I remember that night,
but I don't remember you.
So no, Chief.
We didn't have no runs together.
You satisfied?
Good evening, and allow
me to welcome each of you
to the annual Night of the
I trust that you have
hydrated and remained
physically and mentally ready.
You will find the target
location for your run
in your respective packages.
You may open them now.
Please take a moment to
introduce yourselves.
He's fine.
He's good.
Still breathing.
Why don't you take your turn
What's up, guys?
She come out yet?
Truman, you and Eisenhower
go take your turn downstairs.
Whoa whoa, this is just about
go down.
I said the both of you go
take your turn downstairs now.
Let the unmarked stay up
here and take his turn here
You two, downstairs, now.
Time till the nation?
Just under 30 minutes,
Male target's already been
No no, what the fuck?
We still have 30 minutes.
Who called that vote?
It wasn't a vote.
Unmarked did it on his own.
I knew it.
And he had a cell phone.
That's okay.
The jammer will do its job.
That's not the point.
How many more strikes are going
to give-
- Dealing with it.
You have the floor.
All brothers assembled,
All in favor of the
compromised being eliminated,
show your marks.
Hey, was that the
What's up with your shit
Couldn't get the buzzer to work
and my phone doesn't have a...
What's up, buddy?
Is Daniel here?
I was supposed to meet up with
Sound asleep, already in bed.
- Really?
- Yeah, like a baby.
I just talked to him a couple
hours ago.
He asked me to come up and
some software on his computer.
- Awesome.
- I'm Isaac, I'm an IT.
I'm his cousin.
Family staying in town.
That's always nice.
Actually, we kinda usually
hang out a little afterwards.
His place is a lot nicer than
Maybe next week.
- Next week?
- Yeah, have a good one.
Fuck that guy.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come
on, come on, come on.
Kennedy, chip holder.
Truman, timekeeper.
Eisenhower, the gammer.
I'm Nixon.
I don't have anything in my box.
Am I'm supposed to have
something in my box?
What, you're an unmarked?
Yeah, I mean, I don't
have any of those marks,
but I should do something,
It's your first run.
You're the student.
Just be ready.
We'll give you duties
throughout the night.
Let's have some fun.
Can you come out, please?
Can you come out?
I'm tired of fucking
waiting for you to come out.
Come out, just come out, it's
Come out, please.
Will you fucking come out,
Fucking come on.
Any progress?
No, she's fuckin'...
No, she's still in there.
Who was at the door?
It's only a guest.
It was handled.
Could have asked me to help.
So tell me, how did
you find the Locusts?
How did I find the Locusts?
What do you mean?
Am I supposed to answer?
Me, you're asking me these
Why do I pr...
My name was submitted to the
by a high-standing member
in excellent standing, okay?
High level?
Now I got the phone call,
all Xs pop up on your phone.
I answered the...
I answered the questions.
Obviously I answered them
correctly, because here I am.
So Truman says he thought he
saw you
with a cell phone earlier.
Why would I have a phone?
No way, man, I know the rules,
come on.
That guy's fuckin' on crack
or something, he's high.
Maybe you should be
asking him some questions,
because I think that clock is
messing with his mind, man.
Come on, man, you're
fucking freaking me out.
Let's just get in here and
get this taken care of.
Why don't you head
downstairs and take another
crack at the pool boy?
I want a turn at this bitch.
Five minutes until
All right guys, we got what we
came for.
Now at this time,
affirm to your brothers
by raising your right
hand that you are tonight
forever abiding by your oath.
You are not in possession of any
and you are free from any
communication devices.
That the only time peace will be
by the evening's timekeeper.
Always remember your oath and
the laws
that you have sworn to obey.
If those oaths are broken, your
will protect their own oaths.
Don't come out.
Wait, please.
There's somebody
upstairs, under the bed!
There's somebody upstairs, an
I'm serious!
She's gonna ruin everything.
You fucking guys.
The one time I'm fuckin'
telling you the truth!
Don't, please.
Go on, go!
Upstairs under the bed!
You got the unknown, right?
She went downstairs.
Now, for your selected level,
there is no security system in
It was deactivated 87 days ago.
The gate security code is
However, you are encouraged
not to use that as an entrance,
the gate could be deactivated by
the same code when prompted.
Per your selected level, there
will be two unwilling players
at the target address,
one male and one female.
Timekeeper, start your clock.
You have 180 minutes, no more.
Now, you have been
given your assignments,
and each of you know the pledge
binding you to this evening.
As always, we appreciate your
and your generous
donations over the years.
It gives us great pleasure to
this evening for all of you.
Just remember, protect
yourselves, but above all,
protect all Locusts by
first protecting the run,
and you will be protecting
all future runs.
Enjoy the evening, fellow
And God bless.
Come on, you can't leave me
I'll be fine.
I'll be good.
Come on, please.
Come on.
Come on, please.
No, no, don't leave!
Please, no!
Cutting it close, Locusts.
Elimination report.
I'm sorry.
Two targets, one visitor,
And an unknown in the upstairs
Clock ran out.
You guys are killing me.
Run intel was bullshit.
- A visitor, an unknown-
- I got it, I got it.
- And your rogue?
- Inside.
Law followed.
His first and last run.
Let's hope you guys
didn't come up with seven
in the oh fuck slots.
Between you and me,
there were five unmarkeds
on first runs tonight.
The One's grandson was
on one of those runs.
She's all gassed up and ready to
I know it's chilly, but shed
and don't forget the gloves.
I've got clean and pure
clothes here ready for wear.
You guys have a good 365.
I've got work to do.
Extra work, thanks to you guys.
Did you not hear us?
- The intel was-
- Yeah, yeah.
Bad run.
What happened?
- Who are you?
- Are you okay?
Don't come any closer.
I'm with the gas company.
There's been all kinds of crazy
- What happened to the-
- What are you doing here?
The neighbor smelled gas
and called the gas company,
but what the hell's going on
No no, don't come any closer!
I'm here to help you.
Are you okay?
Stay back, stay back!
Honey, I'm here for
you, I'm here to help you.
What happened?
Are you okay?
She's dead.
Who's dead?
Tell me what happened.
Tell me about it.
Let me help you.
Tell me, what happened, sweetie?
What happened?
It's okay.